#fable ( conversation )
sherbertquake56 · 4 months
How do you think Icurus sits? Like, how is their posture?
consider: at any possible opportunity…
bird perch
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the-sunshine-dims · 7 months
I bet Icarus is ganna think about the conversation they had with Rae a lot when they find out about Enderian's death, about how Enderian was trying to be a mom to Rae, was trying to be better, about how Rae almost had what Icarus had even if it was tainted,
About how their dad took even that chance from Rae, even if they hated Enderian, and probably would never stop, she was still something, for Rae.
about how once again they hurt Rae, about how they couldnt stop, becuase it couldn't be Fable's fault, how could it be? it was always Icarus's
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oatberrytea · 1 year
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mmm, I've said I think Violet would be the first told when Icarus gets back, and I'm personally of the belief Isla would be last - but I'd like to think that Ari would be right up there with Violet as one of the first. Sure they weren't close - but man they went through so so much together and *understand* each other and. I think she'd probably be the second or third told - second to only violet, and third to Violet and. possibly momboo? second feels more likely - I think they'd save close close family for closer to last.
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hey-its-salem13 · 9 months
The random conversations I have
*me and @cosmicthestar having a silly argument over me watching fable angst, specifically user comm unreachable*
Me: NO
Cosmic: I WILL
Cosmic: WHAT?!
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velaraffricate · 3 months
AGH the pain of wanting to translate stuff into your conlang but having no text to translate
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st-whalefall · 2 months
Ok actually-
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Let’s get into it. Lost Fable Primetime is back on
What does Ozma take away from his experience being resurrected-murdered-resurrected again-murdered again by the Brothers Grimm?
Because this is a huge foundation of my read on Ozma as a character
What he comes away from that experience knowing is Fear
Fear of the gods of light and darkness, fear of their total control of life and death and fear of their indifference for the existential horror of being ragdolled between them in a godly squabble.
Fear of being in their hands. Again.
Fear of helplessness and inevitability, which he projects onto the Brothers Grimm.
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This is only further cemented by what the gods do in reaction to human rebellion. Which is the total obliteration of the species.
Now, here is where I think a few folks are likely to disagree with me, but I think the lost fable doesn’t just put things into perspective for Oz by making him relive the whole terrible thing.
But actually, Ozma sees a few key events for the first time with his own eyes. Events that he’d only been told before and had to speculate on previously. (Events still skewed by his own perception of them)
Case in point, the events that played out after his first death, and then the subsequent aforementioned holy reconstitutions-incinerations.
The rise and fallout of Salem’s rebellion.
Oz is aware of the sequence of events, but the parts he was there for (resurrected-murdered-resurrected again-murdered again) he was understandably disoriented, afraid, and confused.
“Where am I? What is This?! WHERE AM I!?”
(It must have been like coming up for air after being under water, gasping for breath, opening your eyes for a second, and someone grabbing your hair and pushing you back under. Drowning.)
(That’s what the god of darkness and the god of light did to Ozma when they had their little feud over life and death after Salem’s prayer. Playing with Ozma’s soul like a tennis ball hit back and forth.)
Ozma wasn’t there for everything after that.
I don’t think Ozma doubted what Salem told him about the actions of the gods (he fully fucking believed her when she told him that they killed all the people of the world; the why is what’s murky for him) but seeing it?
Seeing the moonfall…
Is it any wonder that he runs from it all and locks himself away inside Oscar’s head after?
My man does not think they’re gonna make it. Ozma believes that the return of the gods is inevitable and the only way the people of Remnant survive is complete and total obedience to the gods and their fickle whims.
And Ozma knows that’s impossible.
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d1sc0-1nfern0 · 7 months
Me: You took the cat? The cat that was clearly an attempt at love-bombing you?
Mei: Yeah, it was shitty, but look at him! He's a lil guy! And hey, free cat.
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fablefocus · 2 years
Apologies if this was asked but is there a timeline of events for fable 3? We know it's 50 years after the spire but when would Logan and the hero have been born? I've wondered this since I finished it
Hello, Anon from the Old Kingdom, I wonder if you still follow fablefocus to this day and if so, years in the future from this message, I hope you are well.
There is nothing but a very approximate timeline of events I'm afraid, and even there sometimes the numbers don't match. I can tell you a couple of things we know for sure as canon about Logan:
•He was seen as a serious, just and benevolent ruler for most of his time as king.
•He lost his mind after travelling to Aurora 4/5 years prior to Fable 3's story and learning about the Crawler, gaining his reputation as a tyrant.
And one thing we know for sure about Sparrow:
•They were in their late 20s/early 30s when they left the Spire and, if alive during Fable 3, would have been in their ~80s.
The rest is, sadly, all speculation.
We could take the "most" in "most of his rule" as literal, meaning Logan could have reigned a good 10/11 years total. We know a person of any age can become monarch, but a monarch must be at least 18 to carry out duties, and thus assume Logan is currently at least 30 years old, meaning Sparrow could have been ~50 when he was born?
That's not great, but that's all we got.
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so i asked the lu bots about trypanophobia-
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it's interesting to see who's scared, who's brave, and who completely misreads the conversation (looking at you, sky and motivational!legend)
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Always am delighted seeing someone read SB94 but then I remember how dark and gross it is and I always wonder how much I... should say. Because right when you think it can't get worse it does.
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entityforged · 1 year
for @fooleds
it feels uncharacteristically cruel for insoo to text fable about a potential date with someone else, but the mere idea of it makes their heart sink. it's not until the other texts come flooding in that they're pulled from their masochistic imagination and realize who he was talking about, and they—
well, they have to lie on the floor about it for a few minutes before they can respond.
[ sms -> 🫠 ]: .........that was about me? [ sms -> 🫠 ]: you wanna ask me on a date?
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the-sunshine-dims · 5 months
mmm; not to feed into the kaleidoscope thoughts but - M being the first one to get Quixis to actually talk to Rae (or just, someone in general, but probably Fen or Rae) in person. the first person person and not just God. it's a thought I hold very gently. (Malitae becomes a wingman but for friends and conversations real??)
my thoughts,, their so kaleidoscope
the way M would know just how to reassure Q, both hiding for so long, M not showing what they look like either, and so xe would understand so well, and they would know just how to back them up, in reference to the wack- and everything if need be, but their just there, there for Quixis.
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I always laugh my ass off when people are like "your moles are where your lovers in passed lives kissed you" which is sometimes followed up by "so where's yours?"
Well, I can't show you some of them because I'll get charged for public indecency but other than that, I have the Big Dipper made out of freckles on my left shoulder.
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okay yes I'm making *another* ship of Theseus Icarus post, but. I wanna point a very specific detail out - because maybe it answers the question of if Icarus is still really Icarus even after everything quixis has changed and made *not them.*
Because. You can change the ship - different colors (the wood never exactly the same as before), different name, slightly different shape - but people who knew what the ship was before might, at quick glance, mistake it for what it was before - for something it is not but that it mirrors still even now.
And, despite everything that Quixis has changed - has man *not them*, has made someone else, and has broken and shattered - and despite how little Icarus still looks like the child they were and the parent they mirror, people have still mistaken them for Fable. Despite looking nothing like him anymore - and, I do suppose by proxy, not like themself - people still mistake them for the person they mirror, even now.
You can change and replace and shatter and break all their pieces, but at their core they still mirror the same person they did as a child - despite fable and Icarus being nothing alike, in a way, they'd end up mirroring themself.
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mantisgodsdomain · 1 year
Writing Scarlet is fun because in almost any situation where he has to interact with people over an extended period of time, his social skills will actively start to decay as he gets out of the area of "things he's practiced in and can bluff through in his sleep" and into the area of "having to deal with people who he has talked to more than once who can do things like spot inconsistencies and develop ideas and impressions about him".
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