#foods to increase blood platelets
yuvaapofficial · 2 years
Want to know the best food to increase platelets? Check out this list of ten natural foods that have been proven to boost your platelet count. Discover the benefits of each food and start incorporating them into your diet today!
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drkarunakumar · 8 months
Foods That Boost Absorption for Maximum Health Benefits
Great news! You can naturally supercharge your iron absorption with some clever choices in your diet. By incorporating specific foods, you can enhance your body's ability to absorb iron, ensuring you get the most out of every meal.
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● Choose Iron-Rich Foods: Start by introducing iron-rich foods into your daily meals. Think red meat, poultry, and fish for heme iron, and lentils, beans, and leafy greens for non-heme iron. These choices lay a strong foundation for maintaining healthy iron levels.
● Pair with Vitamin C: Boost your iron absorption by adding vitamin C-rich foods to your diet. Squeeze fresh lemon over your leafy greens or enjoy a juicy orange with your beans. These foods not only provide iron but also enhance its absorption with the power of vitamin C.
● Cook with Cast Iron: Consider using cast iron cookware for your meals. Cooking with cast iron can naturally infuse your food with small amounts of iron, adding to your daily intake without any extra effort.
● Avoid Inhibitors: Be mindful of substances that can inhibit iron absorption. Calcium and tannins, found in dairy and certain teas, can hinder iron absorption. Try to minimize their presence during meals rich in iron for optimal absorption.
● Iron Supplements: In cases of iron deficiency, supplements like iron pills or injections can help. Iron pills are convenient and easy to incorporate into your routine, while iron injections provide a quicker boost, albeit through a more invasive method.
With these tips, you can ensure that your body is making the most of the iron you consume, promoting overall health and well-being. And to learn about side effects of iron injections and tablets read this blog: https://www.drkarunhematology.com/blog/foods-to-increase-iron-absorption-in-your-body/
Dr KK Hematology Clinic
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fluffer5 · 2 years
Humans and our insane biology
My 2nd entry to humans are space orcs.
So, I've always seen in movies that the intergalactic version of healing is via cryopads or filling an entire space tube with some sort of liquid and just chucking the entire person inside to heal for an indefinite amount of time depending on the severity of their injury.
Now, humans don't have the luxury of that. I can sorta theorized that the medical stuff the aliens use would include the use of nanites or galactic medicinal herbs that would speed up the healing process, bumping up a supposedly 10 years of physical rehabilitation and recovery to a few months at most and to those who get the quality herbs, then a few weeks.
Seeing as Earth would be seen as a deathworld, a term I've been seeing for planets that hold life forms but is seen as a hostile planet to other other galactic race, they would be baffled by the slowness of our healing process.
They might think, "Their planet is harsh so their healing process must be very fast". And they're half correct with that assumption. Even the most ill of humans can fight back on a lot of health issues even with minimal medical support.
Infection? Increased white blood cells and even developing a fever to kill this micro invaders via increased body temperature. The body not getting oxygen? Body falls into tachypnea or breathing too fast to get more oxygen. Any feelings of danger? Adrenaline pumps out to give you an extra boost of energy for fight or flight purposes. Injury leading to a cut somewhere on our skin? Have the platelet go over there and cover the cut and have the white blood cells round up the bacteria that could've entered. Hungry with no food? Let me use this fat tissue as energy.
Alien: You mean you heal slowly or very fast depending on your injury?! What if your body can't heal itself or what if you're too weak to do the healing?! *panicking from the stress since humans are technically considered as Eternal Younglings given that they're the fastest to die from their short lifespan*
Human: That's when we go to the hospital. Our version of your healing technology.
Alien: Oh, thank the stars. So how long do you stay in your cryopad if you have a deep injury?
Human: Depends on how deep. If it's just a small cut or a small bruise then we don't go to the hospital. But if the injury is super deep or an organ is not functioning well or we're bleeding from the inside, then we have doctors who put us to sleep with this chemical called anesthesia and they operate on the cut and fix the messed up organs.
Alien: *concerned alien noises* Doctors are like healers, yes? How do they exactly 'fix' you?
Human: So, they inject us with this anesthesia, wait for us to fall asleep, then cut their way through our muscle, fats, and tissues before seeing the organs, maybe cutting up a bit of it to send to the labs or fixing it up. I don't really know the exact details since I'm just your plain worker.
Alien: Child, 'healers' who cut up patients are called as kiarvetj, killers! *exasperated, panicky actions* How... how often did you say that you Terrans go to this hospital again?
Human: Oh, I'm not sure for the rest of my kind but for those who are healthy enough like me who can function and not collapse or vomit blood or get in an accident, then pretty much never. Besides, even if I want to know if I'm sick of something, the price to have myself be medically checked is too much. So I just make do with herbs and stuff.
Alien: I think I'm going to have a word with the UIC (Unified Intergalactic Council) about this... AGAIN!
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justkidneying · 20 days
ANOTHER regen question!
Let's see if I phrase this one right it's been rolling in my brain a bit
Assumptions are the character heals a slower than Wolverine and they've just suffered some serious blood loss. Like they lost ~3L of it and the wound has now closed up and the body's working to create as much blood as possible.
Given how bone marrow is where blood comes from, what sorts of things might they have to deal with in the recovery period? Like, as the body is taxing the marrow like that (and/or whatever else it has to)?
I'm going to assume this is a ~200lb man, just to give some leeway. So a big guy like this would have maybe 6 liters of blood in him (most humans range from 4-6 L). If he loses ~3 L, I would say he would probably just die. If blood loss is >40%, that's a Class IV hemorrhage, which presents with absent peripheral pulses, hypotension (low blood pressure), and no peepee output. This person will go into hemorrhagic shock. Since they lack the oxygen-carrying hemoglobin that is found in blood, they will not be able to supply oxygen to their tissues. This stops the usually metabolic processes and switches the body to anaerobic metabolism, which makes lactic acid and very little ATP (energy). Lactic acid leads to acidosis. Acidosis leads to cell death, coma, and plain ole death. He will die.
But wait! He's got regenetative powers to save him, right? No. If his powers aren't magical, then he will still die. Because regeneration is based on being able to replicate cells very quickly, he would need to do it fast enough to beat the cells that are dying. Unfortunately, he doesn't have enough ATP to do normal cell stuff and make a bunch more. Replication of cells requires a lot of ATP (energy). So he will still die.
Now, let me answer the second question, and we will go back to when he is still alive. Let's change it so he only lost ~30% of his blood volume (1.8L). He's still not doing good (he has Class III hemorrhage) but he can live. This will present with pallor, coolness in the limbs, altered mental status, narrowing blood pressure (the top and bottom numbers are getting close together), increased respiratory rate, and increased heart rate. The body is trying to keep blood flow to the vital organs. Let's say he survives and now he's home and trying to recover.
Blood has a lot of things in it, but the important bits are plasma (the liquid bit which makes up ~55% of blood), red blood cells (they carry oxygen), platelets (for clotting) and white blood cells (part of the immune system).
The most important one here are the RBCs. 90% of plasma is water, and you won't die right away without the other ones. The body measures RBCs through the kidney. If the kidney sees that you don't have enough of them, then it sends a hormone (EPO) to the spongey inner bone where blood is made. EPO causes more stem cells to turn into RBCs (instead of WBCs or platelets). To make these, you need iron. The iron stores of the body will be used, and you will take up more iron from your food.
Overall, I'd say the guy will feel like shit, and he should probably take a break for about 3 months while he replinishes his blood supply. He should eat foods high in iron, maybe take an iron supplement. But he'll be anemic while he recovers and be low on those other blood cells. Honestly, his regen powers aren't that useful here. They were useful in fixing whatever caused the blood loss, keeping him from losing a ton of cells to blood supply issues, and that's about it. If he doesn't have an advanced factor, then he can't really be helped with making more RBCs.
I hope I answered your question, and thank you very much for asking it!
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medixocentre1 · 3 months
Unlocking The Potential Of Lenvatinib A Comprehensive Guide Understanding Lenvatinib Price
In the field of cancer treatment, where targeted medicines are changing the landscape of care, Lenvatinib 10 mg stands out as a promising medication for patients suffering from certain types of cancer; however, the lenvatinib price fluctuatesoccasionally. This article will provide a thorough examination of Lenvatinib 10 mg, providing light on its applications, mechanism of action, dosage, ability, side effects, and revolutionary effect on cancer treatment.
Introduction to Lenvatinib 10 mg
Lenvatinib is a tyrosine kinase inhibitor with demonstrated success in the treatment of a variety of malignancies, including thyroid cancer and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). The 10 mg dosage of Lenvatinib is a specific method geared to meet the healing needs of patients undergoing targeted treatment.
Mechanism of Action
Lenvatinib works by inhibiting a few receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs), as well as vascular endothelial growth problem receptors (VEGFRs), fibroblast increase detail receptors (FGFRs), and platelet-derived boom element receptors (PDGFRs). Lenvatinib exerts anti-cancer effects by focusing on the major signaling pathways involved in tumor angiogenesis, development, and metastasis, which are ultimately necessary for tumor regression and advanced impacted character outcomes.
Uses of Lenvatinib 10 mg
Thyroid Cancer
Lenvatinib 10 mg is approved for the treatment of differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC) that is resistant to radioactive iodine therapy. It has demonstrated efficacy in slowing disease progression and improving improvement-free survival in patients with advanced or metastatic DTC. You can purchase it by obtaining information on lenvatinib prices from medical clinics or online.
Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC)
For patients with advanced HCC who are not candidates for surgical resection or network ablation, Lenvatinib 10 mg provides a valuable therapy option. It has demonstrated superiority over sorafenib, an excellent tyrosine kinase inhibitor, in terms of overall survival and progression-free survival in patients with unresectable HCC.
Dosages and Administration
Lenvatinib 10 mg is typically delivered orally once per day, with or without food. The dosage can be changed based on the affected person’s characteristics, such as frame weight, renal function, and tolerability. Healthcare personnel regularly monitor patients getting Lenvatinib medication, including regular examinations of tumor reactions and adverse effects to optimize treatment outcomes.
Potential Side Effects
While Lenvatinib 10 mg is generally well tolerated, it may produce adverse outcomes in certain patients. Common side effects of Lenvatinib medication include elevated blood pressure, lethargy, diarrhea, decreased appetite, nausea, and proteinuria. Patients are advised to immediately report any new or worsening symptoms to their healthcare providers for proper management.
Wrapping Up
Finally, Lenvatinib 10 mg represents a significant development in the treatment of thyroid cancer and hepatocellular carcinoma, providing improved outcomes and increased survival for patients with advanced or metastatic disease. Its concentrated mechanism of action, combined with its broad range of medical warning signals, emphasizes its importance in modern oncology. Patients are recommended to consult with their healthcare providers to learn more about the lenvatinib price, for personalized guidance, and for adapted control strategies when using Lenvatinib 10 mg. People can begin their treatment path with confidence and hope for a better future by understanding the intricacies of most cancers and investigating available therapy alternatives. Source:-
Unlocking The Potential Of Lenvatinib A Comprehensive Guide Understanding Lenvatinib Price
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theretirementstory · 3 months
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23/06/2024. Sharing memories from 2022 when a visit to Paris meant seeing the sights, even if from a distance. Not like to visits to Paris now which entail seeing the inside of a hospital building!
I arrived in Paris on Monday supposedly for three days, but I suppose by now you know how it goes, anything that can go wrong will go wrong! It’s all about my blood count, namely the platelets which even with meds, daily transfusions etc will not rise above an 8. A healthy person has a low platelet count if it falls below 150 so you see the problem. Treatment is due tomorrow so I only hope that that will trigger a positive response.
I was a bit grumpy when they said I had to stay in hospital, I hadn’t brought much in the food line with me, can you believe the doctor, yes THE DOCTOR went shopping for crisps and Mars Bars for me! My white blood cell count increased and I was allowed to go to the cafeteria to take a coffee, on my own! It was good to be allowed out of my room, I did some crosswords and then came back. It was short lived though as the count fell the following day 🤔.
My “boy scouting skills” let me down this time as I only brought two books with me and am now having to limit the number of chapters I read a day 😩. Plus my electoral papers are 3.5 hours away so I doubt I will be able to cast my vote. What a flaming “to do”.
It’s the Euros football competition and my two teams, England and France are making hard work of it. Am I surprised? Not really, too many matches may be tiring out these footballers who are placed on pedestals only to be “kicked off” when they fail to achieve all that they have been bolstered up to do.
The Tour de France starts on the 29 June, another opportunity for “athlete bashing” when our hopefuls fail to achieve.
It’s the Spanish Grand Prix this weekend and another sport where more and more dates are added all to make someone a lot of money. This used to be the sport I followed in the days of Damon Hill, Mika Hakkinen etc etc. It was a time when the drivers actually drove the cars, I haven’t watched it for 7 years now but feel like it’s not the same. Ok I know things have to change but surely for the better. (This is my opinion only).
Just in case you had forgotten we have had the longest day and summer has officially arrived (somewhere).
Last night “The Photographer” and “The Jetsetter” went to the Coop Live in Manchester to see “The Killers” and “Travis”. Still waiting to hear how it went.
“The Photographer” started his new job this week, it looks as if it was a good week. He was invited to the “Summer Bash” in London this coming Friday, sounds like fun. As well as starting the new job, it’s a new place to live and he wants to make friends so managed to find a group where he could have a game of football, to fill in one evening. All positive stuff.
“The Reconnect Navigator” was out on an organised Ghost Hunt last night. It wasn’t “The Trainee Solicitors” thing so no idea what he was doing, probably lost in a book! It’s been another busy time for him this week going between Uni and work. Another two weeks of this course and it will be over and he can settle back into his job.
I am pleased that my family are doing so well, it’s good to be able to do things independently as it gives you more to talk about with your partner. Well I guess that’s how it works 😉.
So many friends, French, English and American have been in touch with me, trying to find out how I am. It’s great to have all these people rooting for me.
Anie seems to have been having a good holiday, she was in the Loire the other day, presumably heading home.
Friday night, all over France, was the fête de la musique. The centre of Bar-sur-Aube was taken over with musical activities, jazz, rock, choirs, duo’s or single singers. It looked to be buzzing! That’s what I like about France always some sort of fete to get you out and about.
Not sure if either of these songs were sung but here are my picks for this week.
The first is by No Doubt, it’s “Don’t Speak” from 1996.
The second is by The Verve, it’s Bitter Sweet Symphony from 1997.
Such choices for me this Sunday morning: a crossword perhaps, or a snooze or maybe I can read my 15 chapters of the book, decisions, decisions!
Whatever you are doing today, I hope the sun shines on you.
Have a good week until next week.
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ptseti · 2 years
Blood pressure: 120 / 80
Pulse: 70 - 100
Temperature: 36.8 - 37
Respiration: 12-16
Hemoglobin: Males (13.50-18) Females ( 11.50 - 16 )
Cholesterol: 130 - 200
Potassium: 3.50 - 5
Sodium: 135 - 145
Triglycerides: 220
The amount of blood in the body: Pcv 30-40%
Sugar: for Children (70-130) Adults: 70 - 115
Iron: 8-15 mg
White blood cells: 4000 - 11000
Platelets: 150,000 - 400,000
Red blood cells: 4.50 - 6 million..
Calcium: 8.6 - 10.3 mg/dL
Vitamin D3: 20 - 50 ng/ml (nanograms per milliliter)
Vitamin B12: 200 - 900 pg/ml Tips for those who have reached Over: the 40years the 50 the 60 First tip: Always drink water even if you don't feel thirsty or need it… the biggest health problems and most of them are from the lack of water in the body. 2 litres Minimum per day (24 hours)
Second tip: Play sports even when you are at the top of your preoccupation…the body must be moved, even if only by walking…or swimming…or any kind of sports. 🚶 Walking is Good for a Start… 👌
Third Tip: Reduce food…
Leave excessive food cravings… because it never brings good. Don't deprive yourself, but reduce the quantities. Use more Of Protein, Carbohydrates based Foods.
Fourth tip As much as possible, do not use the Car unless absolutely necessary… Try to reach on your Feet for what you want ( grocery, visiting someone…) or any goal. Climb Stairs, than use Elevator, Escalator
Fifth tip let go of ANGER… let go of Anger… let go of anger… Let go of Worry…. try to overlook things…
Do not involve yourself in situations of Disturbance… they all diminish health and take away the splendor of the soul. Choose a babysitter you feel comfortable with. Talk to People who are Positive and Listen 👂
Sixth tip As it is said..leave your Money in the Sun.. and sit in the Shade.. don't limit yourself and those around you… money was made to live By it, not to live For it.
Seventh tip Don't make yourself feel Sorry for anyone, nor on something you could not Achieve, Nor anything that you could not Own. Ignore it, Forget it;
Eighth tip Humility.. then humility.. for Money, Prestige, Power and Influence… they are all things that are corrupted by Arrogance and arrogance.. Humility is what brings people Closer to you with Love. ☺
Ninth tip If your hair turns Grey, this does not mean the End of Life. It is proof that a Better life has Begun. 🙋 Be Optimistic, live with Remembrance, Travel, Enjoy yourself. Make Memories!
It may help someone when you share it
However busy you are, observe all these to remain healthy: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Drink less milk in your tea. Instead, add lemon or lime juice.In the day time, drink more water; but night time, drink less.
In the day don't drink more than 2 cups of coffee, Advisable To Stop Completely too.Eat less oily foods.
Best sleeping times are between 10pm to 6am.In the evening, eat little or nothing after 5 or 6pm. ~~~~~ Don't take medicines with cold water but with warm, and take your medicines half an hour before going to bed. Never take medicines and lie down immediately.
As you aged further , stop drinking chilled water but drink only water at room temperature Try to sleep for at least 8 hours per day.
Having a nap for an hour and a half between noon and 3pm, to relieve stress and keep younger and not age easily.Once your mobile phone battery is left with only one bar, don't make calls anymore, because the dangerous radiation and waves are one many times higher than a fully charged battery.
Use your left ear to answer calls, right ear will directly hurt your brain. 😳 Better still to use earphones to answer calls.Two things to check as often as you can: (1) Your blood pressure (2) Your blood sugar.
Six things to reduce to the minimum on your foods: (1) Salt (2) Sugar (3) Preserved meat and foods (4) Red meat especially roasted (5) Dairy products (6) Starchy productsFour things to increase in your foods: (1) Greens/vegetables (2) Beans (3) Fruits (4) Nuts
Three things you need to forget: (1) Your age 😮 (2) Your past 🤔 (3) Your worries/grievances 👍🏽Four things you must have, no matter how weak or how strong you are: (1) Friends who truly love you (2) Caring family (3) Positive thoughts (4) A warm home.
Seven things you need to do to stay healthy: (1) Singing (2) Dancing (3) Fasting (4) Smiling/laughing (5) Trek/exercise (6) Have sex often with your love (7) Reduce your weight. Six things you don't have to do: (1) Don't wait till you are hungry to eat (2) Don't wait till you are thirsty to drink (3) Don't wait till you are sleepy to sleep (4) Don't wait till you feel tired to rest (5) Don't wait till you get sick to go for medical check-ups otherwise you will only regret later in life (6) Don’t wait till you have problem before you pray to your God.
One thing you must do after reading these health tips:
(1) Forward this to your loved ones and friends, and as you do so, may God bless U.
While go about your normal business please let's remember to always check our body to know how fit you are. Health is wealth.
120/80 -- Normal 130/85 --Normal (Control) 140/90 -- High
150/95 -- V.High
PULSE --------
72 per minute (standard) 60 --- 80 p.m. (Normal)
40 -- 180 p.m.(abnormal)
TEMPERATURE -----------------
98.4 F (Normal) 99.0 F Above (Fever)
Please help your Relatives, Friends by sharing this information….
Heart Attacks- Drinking Warm Water:
This is a very good article. Not only about the warm water after your meal, but about Heart Attack's. The Chinese and Japanese drink hot tea with their meals, not cold water, maybe it is time we adopt their drinking habit while eating. For those who like to drink cold water, this article is applicable to you. It is very Harmful to have Cold Drink/Water during a meal. Because, the cold water will solidify the oily stuff that you have just consumed. It will slow down the digestion. Once this 'sludge' reacts with the acid, it will break down and be absorbed by the intestine faster than the solid food. It will line the intestine. Very soon, this will turn into fats and lead to cancer. It is best to drink hot soup or warm water after a meal.
French fries and Burgers are the biggest enemy of heart health. A coke after that gives more power to this demon. Avoid them for your Heart's & Health.
Drink one glass of warm water just when you are about to go to bed to avoid clotting of the blood at night to avoid heart attacks or strokes.
A cardiologist says if everyone who reads this message sends it to 10 people, you can be sure that we'll save at least one life. …
Good Morning!!
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drvladimirpastouk · 1 year
What Happens If You Don't Fix Tongue-Tie?
The baby's tongue connects to the floor of the mouth during fetal development. As your baby grows, they separate from the tongue, and only a thin band of tissue (the lingual frenulum) remains attached to the floor of the mouth. Tongue tie is a condition that can affect your child's eating, feeding, and growth. It can also affect their speech and social development.
If you don't fix the tongue tie, it can adversely affect your child's oral and overall health. Inadequate oral hygiene leads to tooth decay, gum disease, and bad breath.
In some cases, poor dental hygiene may also cause various other diseases and conditions. Maintaining a healthy mouth throughout your lifetime is essential by brushing, flossing, and visiting your dentist regularly for preventative checkups.
In addition, plaque can enter the bloodstream and clog your arteries, increasing your risk of heart disease and strokes. Bacteria can also attach to platelets and form blood clots.
Your tongue needs entire movement to make different sounds when you speak and for swallowing and sweeping bits of food out of your mouth. Your baby's lingual frenulum (the band of tissue that connects the underside of the tongue to the floor of the mouth) might be too short or tight in babies with tongue-tie, which makes it hard for their tongue to move freely.
If your midwife, health visitor, or breastfeeding counselor suspects your baby might have a tongue tie, they will refer you to a practitioner. These people will formally assess your baby's tongue based on their function and appearance (e.g., the Hazelbaker Assessment Tool for Lingual Frenulum Function).
Tongue-tie can be tricky to diagnose, so you must talk to your midwife or health visitor as soon as possible and get them to refer you to a tongue-tie specialist. They may also be able to recommend some simple treatments for your baby.
A tongue tie binds the tongue's tip to the mouth's floor, which limits its movement. This can cause issues with eating, speech, and breathing problems.
Children can develop a cleft palate when a tongue tie is not treated. A cleft palate occurs when the two plates that form the hard and soft palate of the mouth are not joined.
If a child has a cleft palate, getting it repaired as soon as possible is essential. The procedure can help prevent the development of a cleft lip and can also correct problems with speech production.
Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus-1 (HSV-1). They are common and can cause pain, swelling, fever, blisters, and inflammation.
Your doctor may prescribe medicines to speed the healing process if you have a cold sore. These include topical creams or pills you take by mouth, such as acyclovir, famciclovir, and valacyclovir.
You can also try home remedies, including ice packs on the sores or aloe vera gel. These work to minimize symptoms and keep the skin from getting too dry.
Until your sores heal, avoid kissing and intimate contact such as oral sex and sharing cups, razors, dishes, towels, cutlery, straws, and lip balm. This helps prevent the spread of cold sores to others. It's essential for young children.
Many children and adults experience a loss of self-confidence as a result of speech and eating issues caused by tongue-tie. If left untreated, the problem can become a significant source of emotional and behavioral issues. Surgical treatment can be used if tongue-tie is not responding to non-surgical treatments. Here are some ways to test if your child has a tongue tie: Take your finger and swipe it underneath your tongue. You should not feel a flap of skin beneath the tip.
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creativeera · 3 days
A Comprehensive Guide for Understanding Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate
Dark chocolate is one of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet. It contains substantial amounts of important minerals like copper, magnesium, manganese and zinc. It is also loaded with polyphenol antioxidants, especially flavonoids like catechins and proanthocyanidins. These substances can have various health benefits, from improving heart health to boosting brain function. It is very high in antioxidants compared to other foods. In fact, it is one of the highest dietary sources of antioxidants known to man. The polyphenol content of it is even higher than in red wine or green tea. What's more, darker chocolate contains more polyphenols than lighter or milk chocolate. Eating it regularly has been associated with lower blood pressure and a reduced risk of heart disease in several observational studies. Dark Chocolate is related to its high antioxidants levels. Some key way benefits heart health include reducing oxidative stress, lowering "bad" LDL cholesterol levels, improving blood vessel function, lowering inflammation and reducing platelet aggregation. When consumed in moderation by healthy individuals, appears to offer protection against cardiovascular disease and can be considered a healthy part of an overall heart-healthy diet. It Boosts Brain Function and Mood The antioxidants in it make it great for brain health as well. Several studies link flavanols (a type of antioxidant found abundantly in it) to improved cognitive performance, including enhanced verbal fluency, visual-spatial ability, working memory and attention. They seem to increase blood flow to the brain and protect neurons from damage. Eating a small amount of it daily may help keep your brain more youthful as you age. It can also boost mood by increasing endorphin and serotonin levels. This brain chemical combination can offer feelings of pleasure and well-being for several hours after eating it. Dark Chocolate Promotes Weight Loss In contrast to popular belief, enjoying some may actually be beneficial for weight control. The complex blend of antioxidants, stimulants and other compounds in good-quality dark chocolate can boost metabolism and curb appetite. Studies show it can significantly reduce levels of the hunger hormone ghrelin while increasing levels of hormone PYY, which signals fullness to your brain. This makes you feel more satisfied and prevents overeating. The stimulants in it like theobromine are also thought to burn extra fat and calories after consumption. Taking advantage of these effects in moderation as part of a balanced diet and lifestyle may aid long-term weight loss. It Lowers Diabetes Risk The flavanols in it have impressive benefits for regulating blood sugar levels and insulin sensitivity. Several cell and animal studies link cocoa consumption to enhanced insulin signaling, blood glucose disposal and protection of pancreatic beta cells from oxidative stress. Meanwhile, clinical studies show eating a modest amount of high-flavanol dark chocolate daily lowers the risk of developing diabetes by up to a third. The mechanisms aren't fully understood, but it seems capable of improving whole-body insulin sensitivity and inhibiting the onset of type 2 diabetes when incorporated sensibly.
Get more insights on Dark Chocolate
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Priya Pandey is a dynamic and passionate editor with over three years of expertise in content editing and proofreading. Holding a bachelor's degree in biotechnology, Priya has a knack for making the content engaging. Her diverse portfolio includes editing documents across different industries, including food and beverages, information and technology, healthcare, chemical and materials, etc. Priya's meticulous attention to detail and commitment to excellence make her an invaluable asset in the world of content creation and refinement.
(LinkedIn- https://www.linkedin.com/in/priya-pandey-8417a8173/)
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sarabherbs · 4 days
How to Increase Platelet Count in Dengue Fever: PAPGOAT as a Natural Remedy
Dengue fever, a mosquito-borne viral infection, has become a major public health concern in tropical and subtropical regions worldwide. One of the most dangerous aspects of dengue is its impact on platelet levels. Platelets, the tiny blood cells responsible for clotting, can drop to dangerously low levels in severe cases of dengue, leading to complications such as internal bleeding. This condition, known as dengue hemorrhagic fever, can be life-threatening if not treated properly.
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While there is no specific antiviral treatment for dengue, managing symptoms and increasing platelet count are key aspects of recovery. In recent years, natural remedies have gained attention for their potential to support platelet production, with one such product being PAPGOAT, a natural remedy designed specifically to enhance platelet counts in dengue patients. This article explores various strategies to increase platelet count in dengue fever, with a focus on natural remedies like PAPGOAT.
Understanding Dengue Fever and Platelet Decline
Dengue fever is caused by the dengue virus, which is transmitted by the Aedes mosquito. The infection typically manifests as flu-like symptoms, including high fever, severe headache, joint and muscle pain, skin rashes, and vomiting. As the infection progresses, the body’s immune response can lead to a decrease in platelet production.
Platelets, also called thrombocytes, play an essential role in blood clotting and wound healing. In a healthy individual, normal platelet levels range from 150,000 to 450,000 platelets per microliter of blood. However, in dengue patients, platelet counts can drop drastically to below 100,000, increasing the risk of severe bleeding and other complications.
Why Is Platelet Count Important?
A low platelet count, or thrombocytopenia, weakens the body’s ability to form clots, making even minor injuries potentially life-threatening. In dengue hemorrhagic fever, the combination of low platelets and increased capillary permeability can lead to bleeding gums, nosebleeds, internal bleeding, and, in severe cases, organ failure.
Restoring platelet count is, therefore, critical for managing dengue fever. Conventional treatment options include platelet transfusions and medications to stabilize the patient, but natural remedies are increasingly being explored to support recovery and promote platelet production.
Natural Ways to Increase Platelet Count During Dengue
Several natural remedies have been studied for their potential to increase platelet counts in dengue patients. These remedies are often used in combination with medical treatments to provide holistic care.
1. Papaya Leaf Extract (PAPGOAT)
Papaya leaf extract has emerged as one of the most promising natural treatments for increasing platelet count in dengue patients. Research indicates that compounds in papaya leaves, such as carpaine and flavonoids, may stimulate platelet production and prevent their destruction. Papaya leaf extract is available in various forms, including juice, capsules, and powders.
PAPGOAT, a specialized formulation, harnesses the benefits of papaya leaf extract to boost platelet production naturally. It contains concentrated papaya leaf extract in a convenient and effective dosage form, making it easier for patients to incorporate into their treatment regimen. Several studies suggest that papaya leaf extract can significantly increase platelet counts within a few days of administration, making it a valuable addition to dengue fever treatment plans.
2. Goat Milk
Goat milk is another traditional remedy often recommended for increasing platelet counts. Goat milk is rich in essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that support immune function and may aid in platelet production. It is also easily digestible, making it an ideal food for those recovering from illnesses like dengue.
Incorporating goat milk into the diet, either on its own or as part of a balanced nutrition plan, can help dengue patients maintain their strength and support recovery.
3. Giloy (Tinospora Cordifolia)
Giloy, also known as Guduchi, is a powerful herb in Ayurveda that has been traditionally used to boost immunity and treat various infections, including dengue. Giloy is believed to enhance platelet production by stimulating bone marrow function and protecting blood cells from viral damage.
Giloy extract can be consumed as a juice, capsule, or decoction. When used alongside other treatments, giloy may help accelerate recovery and increase platelet levels.
4. Pomegranate Juice
Pomegranate juice is a rich source of vitamins and antioxidants, particularly vitamin C, which is essential for immune health. The juice also contains iron, which helps in boosting red blood cells and may indirectly support platelet production. Regular consumption of pomegranate juice can help increase energy levels and promote better overall health in dengue patients.
5. Wheatgrass Juice
Wheatgrass juice is packed with essential vitamins, chlorophyll, and amino acids that can help increase red blood cells and platelet count. Some studies suggest that wheatgrass may help stimulate the bone marrow to produce more blood cells, thus aiding in platelet recovery.
Drinking fresh wheatgrass juice daily during dengue infection can help combat fatigue and improve overall blood health.
Lifestyle Changes to Support Platelet Recovery
In addition to natural remedies, certain lifestyle changes can further promote platelet recovery during dengue fever.
1. Hydration
Staying hydrated is crucial during dengue fever, especially since dehydration can exacerbate symptoms such as fever, vomiting, and weakness. Drinking plenty of fluids such as water, herbal teas, and electrolyte-rich beverages can support overall health and may prevent further complications.
2. Rest
Rest is essential for recovery from any viral infection, including dengue. Since the body needs time to heal, ensuring adequate sleep and reducing physical exertion can help support platelet production and overall immune function.
3. Balanced Nutrition
A well-balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and protein is essential for maintaining strength during dengue fever. Nutrients such as vitamin C, iron, and folate are especially important for promoting healthy blood cell production. Incorporating foods like citrus fruits, spinach, legumes, and lean meats into your diet can help improve platelet counts.
4. Avoiding Harmful Substances
Certain substances, including alcohol and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen and aspirin, can worsen platelet depletion. It is essential to avoid these substances during dengue recovery to protect platelet levels and prevent complications.
PAPGOAT: A Natural Solution for Increasing Platelet Count
PAPGOAT is a carefully formulated natural remedy that harnesses the power of papaya leaf extract to increase platelet count safely and effectively. Designed specifically for dengue patients, PAPGOAT provides a potent dose of papaya leaf extract, which has been scientifically shown to stimulate platelet production. Its easy-to-consume form makes it an ideal supplement for those recovering from dengue fever.
For those looking to enhance their recovery and protect their health naturally, PAPGOAT from SarabHerbs® provides an innovative, research-backed solution that can make a real difference in fighting dengue fever.
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petfurri · 6 days
Is Your Dog's Skin Condition Untreated? Azathioprine May Be the Solution
Skin conditions in dogs can be frustrating for both pets and their owners. Conditions such as allergies, autoimmune disorders, and infections can lead to discomfort, itching, and inflammation. If your dog is suffering from a persistent skin issue that isn’t responding to conventional treatments, Azathioprine might offer a solution. This article will explore how Azathioprine can help manage skin conditions in dogs and improve their overall quality of life.
Understanding Skin Conditions in Dogs
Dogs can experience a variety of skin conditions, including:
Allergic Dermatitis: Often caused by environmental allergens, food sensitivities, or flea bites, this condition leads to itching, redness, and inflammation.
Autoimmune Skin Diseases: Conditions like pemphigus and lupus can cause the immune system to attack the skin, resulting in painful lesions and infections.
Infections: Bacterial or fungal infections can also lead to skin issues, causing discomfort and requiring specific treatments.
Seborrhea: This condition causes flaky, greasy skin and can be related to other underlying issues.
Symptoms of skin conditions may include:
Excessive scratching or biting
Red, inflamed skin
Hair loss
Lesions or sores
Foul odor from the skin
If your dog is exhibiting these symptoms, it’s important to consult your veterinarian for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.
Traditional Treatments for Skin Conditions
Common treatments for skin conditions in dogs include:
Antihistamines: These can help relieve mild allergic reactions but may not be sufficient for more severe cases.
Corticosteroids: Often prescribed for inflammation and itching, steroids can effectively manage symptoms. However, long-term use can lead to significant side effects, such as weight gain, increased thirst, and susceptibility to infections.
Topical Treatments: Creams and shampoos may be used to soothe the skin and reduce inflammation but often provide only temporary relief.
Immunotherapy: Allergy shots can help desensitize dogs to specific allergens, but this approach can take time and may not work for every dog.
While these treatments can be effective, they may not provide sufficient relief for dogs with severe or chronic skin conditions.
How Azathioprine Works
Azathioprine is an immunosuppressive medication that inhibits the activity of immune cells. By suppressing the immune response, Azathioprine can help reduce inflammation and alleviate the symptoms associated with autoimmune skin conditions. It is particularly beneficial for conditions where the immune system is overactive and attacking the skin.
Benefits of Using Azathioprine for Skin Conditions
Effective Symptom Control: Azathioprine has been shown to be effective in managing the symptoms of autoimmune skin diseases, leading to improved skin health and reduced discomfort.
Reduced Need for Steroids: By utilizing Azathioprine, pet owners may be able to minimize or eliminate the use of corticosteroids, reducing the risk of long-term side effects.
Long-Term Management: Azathioprine can be used as a long-term treatment option for chronic skin conditions, allowing for consistent management of symptoms.
Improved Quality of Life: By effectively managing skin conditions, Azathioprine can help your dog feel more comfortable and active, enhancing their overall well-being.
Potential Side Effects
While Azathioprine is generally safe, it is essential to be aware of potential side effects:
Bone Marrow Suppression: Azathioprine can decrease the production of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets, increasing the risk of anemia and infections.
Gastrointestinal Distress: Some dogs may experience nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea, particularly during the initial stages of treatment.
Increased Susceptibility to Infections: Due to its immunosuppressive nature, dogs on Azathioprine may be more prone to infections.
Liver Toxicity: In rare cases, Azathioprine can cause liver damage, necessitating regular monitoring of liver enzyme levels during treatment.
Pancreatitis: There is a potential risk of pancreatitis, which can result in severe abdominal pain and vomiting.
Monitoring and Follow-Up
If your veterinarian prescribes Azathioprine for your dog’s skin condition, regular monitoring is crucial:
Blood Tests: Routine blood tests will help monitor your dog’s blood cell counts and liver function, allowing for early detection of any potential issues.
Veterinary Check-Ups: Regular visits will help assess the effectiveness of the medication and determine whether any adjustments are needed.
Observing for Side Effects: Be vigilant for any signs of side effects, such as lethargy, vomiting, or unusual bleeding, and report these to your veterinarian immediately.
If your dog is suffering from a persistent skin condition that hasn’t responded to traditional treatments, Azathioprine may provide the relief they need. By effectively controlling the immune response and reducing inflammation, Azathioprine can help your dog regain their comfort and quality of life.
Consult your veterinarian to discuss whether Azathioprine is a suitable treatment option for your dog’s specific skin condition. With the right care and monitoring, you can help your furry friend lead a happier, healthier life, free from the discomfort of skin issues. Understanding your dog’s health needs empowers you to make informed decisions that positively impact their well-being.
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Exploring Non-Surgical Solutions for New Orleans Tendonitis Relief
For those suffering from tendonitis in New Orleans, non-surgical treatments offer effective relief without the need for invasive procedures. Options such as physical therapy, corticosteroid injections, and regenerative therapies like platelet-rich plasma (PRP) can help reduce inflammation and pain while promoting healing. Exploring these non-surgical solutions can provide long-term relief and restore mobility, allowing patients to avoid surgery and recover more naturally.
Understanding New Orleans Tendonitis: Causes and Symptoms
Before exploring non-surgical solutions, it's essential to understand what causes New Orleans tendonitis and its symptoms. Tendonitis is inflammation or irritation of a tendon, often due to overuse, repetitive movements, or injury. Common symptoms include pain, swelling, and restricted movement in affected areas, such as the elbow, shoulder, or knee. Early identification of New Orleans tendonitis can help in choosing the right non-surgical treatment.
Physical Therapy for New Orleans Tendonitis Relief
One of the most effective non-surgical solutions for New Orleans tendonitis is physical therapy. A licensed physical therapist can design a program tailored to your condition, focusing on exercises that improve flexibility, strength, and mobility. This targeted approach not only helps alleviate pain but also reduces the risk of future tendonitis flare-ups by strengthening muscles around the tendon.
The Role of Rest and Activity Modification in New Orleans Tendonitis Recovery
Rest and activity modification are key components in managing New Orleans tendonitis without surgery. Reducing the strain on the affected tendon allows it to heal naturally over time. Patients are advised to limit or avoid activities that trigger pain while gradually reintroducing movement through low-impact exercises. Balancing rest with guided physical activity is crucial for tendon recovery.
Anti-inflammatory Medications and Injections for New Orleans Tendonitis
For many patients, over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications like ibuprofen can provide temporary relief from New Orleans tendonitis pain. In more severe cases, doctors may recommend corticosteroid injections, which reduce inflammation and pain. These injections offer immediate relief but are typically used alongside other treatments, as repeated use can weaken tendons over time.
Cold and Heat Therapy for Managing New Orleans Tendonitis Pain
Cold and heat therapy are simple yet effective ways to manage New Orleans tendonitis pain without surgery. Applying ice packs to the inflamed tendon reduces swelling and numbs the area, while heat packs increase blood flow, promoting healing. Alternating between the two can provide consistent pain relief and encourage faster recovery.
The Benefits of Shockwave Therapy for New Orleans Tendonitis
Extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT) is a newer non-surgical option for treating New Orleans tendonitis. This therapy involves applying acoustic waves to the affected tendon, stimulating blood flow and promoting tissue regeneration. It is especially beneficial for chronic tendonitis that has not responded to traditional treatments like physical therapy or medication.
The Importance of Proper Nutrition and Supplements in Healing New Orleans Tendonitis
While often overlooked, proper nutrition plays a crucial role in the recovery from New Orleans tendonitis. A balanced diet rich in anti-inflammatory foods—such as fruits, vegetables, and omega-3 fatty acids—can help reduce inflammation in the body. Additionally, supplements like collagen, glucosamine, and vitamin C can aid in tendon repair and overall joint health.
For individuals suffering from New Orleans tendonitis, non-surgical solutions provide a range of effective options for pain relief and recovery. From physical therapy and rest to shockwave therapy and proper nutrition, these approaches offer ways to manage tendonitis without the need for invasive procedures. By addressing the condition early and choosing the right treatment plan, patients can experience long-term relief and improved tendon health.
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drkarunakumar · 10 months
Top Foods to Boost Blood Production Naturally
Discover the key to vibrant health by exploring the top essential foods that naturally increase blood production in the body. Blood, a lifeline for every cell, requires proper nourishment to function optimally. Anemia, often linked to a lack of red blood cells or hemoglobin, can lead to fatigue and weakened immunity. Learn how incorporating specific foods into your diet can fortify your blood and promote overall well-being.
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1. Leafy Green Vegetables:
Explore the iron-rich world of leafy greens like spinach and kale. These vegetables not only boost hemoglobin production but also provide a dose of vitamin C, enhancing iron absorption. Uncover the synergy between these nutrients for improved blood health.
2. Red Meat and Moderation:
Delve into the benefits of red meat, a powerhouse of heme iron and vitamin B12 crucial for red blood cell production. Uncover how moderation and balance with other protein sources can contribute to a healthy blood profile.
3. Beans and Legumes:
For vegetarians and vegans, beans and legumes offer plant-based iron. Discover how pairing these foods with vitamin C sources enhances iron absorption, and explore their additional benefits in supporting red blood cell production.
4. Fortified Cereals:
Uncover the convenience of fortified cereals as a practical way to increase iron intake. Learn how to choose healthier options for a well-rounded breakfast that supports blood health.
(Visit https://www.drkarunhematology.com/food-to-increase-blood-in-the-body.html
to continue reading and explore the remaining essential foods that boost blood production. From poultry and seafood to nuts, seeds, and the powerful properties of beetroots and citrus fruits, each food group plays a unique role in enhancing your blood's vitality.)
Maintaining optimal blood levels is vital for overall health. By embracing a balanced diet rich in these essential foods, staying hydrated, and avoiding processed foods, you can unlock the secret to robust blood health. However, for personalized advice and diagnosis, consult with a healthcare professional. Begin your journey to vitality by exploring the complete guide on our website. Your path to a healthier, more vibrant life starts here.
Dr KK Hematology Clinic
No 3-9-242, 81, Siva Arun Colony, West Marredpally, Secunderabad, Telangana 500026
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DrKKCompleteHematologyCare
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6icFvbjZt24SuRXoS-uwqw/featured
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-k-karuna-kumar-4b20b8192/
Contact us: https://www.drkarunhematology.com/contact.html#
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medicineforcare · 30 days
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6-MP 50mg Tablet is used to treat blood cancer. It works by reducing the red blood cells produced by the body. Thus, it prevents the cancer cells from developing and growing rapidly. 6-MP 50mg Tablet
can be consumed one hour before or two hours after a meal, either with or without food. Your doctor will determine the appropriate dosage and how frequently you should take it. This may vary over time and will depend on the ailment you are receiving treatment for. It is important that you follow your doctor's instructions exactly. If taken improperly or in excess, it might have extremely harmful negative effects. The medication may take a few weeks or months to start working for you, but don't stop taking it until your doctor instructs you to. 
This medication's most typical adverse effects include nausea, vomiting, rash, diarrhea, and appetite loss. This medication may lower your blood's cell count, which includes both white and red blood cells, making you more vulnerable to infections. It is necessary to have routine blood tests to monitor your blood cells, liver, heart, and blood uric acid levels. If this medication makes you feel lightheaded, you should not drive or engage in any other activity that could divert your attention.
If you have liver, kidney, or heart illness, or if you are taking medication for an infection, let your doctor know before taking it. Inform your doctor of all the medications you take because this medication may interact with or be affected by many other medications. It is not advised to use this medication when pregnant or nursing. In order to prevent pregnancy throughout therapy, both men and women should utilize effective contraception.
Benefits of 6-MP Tablet
In blood cancer
Blood cancer, also called leukemia, is a cancer of the blood-forming tissues that reduces the body's ability to fight infections. 6-MP 50mg Tablet kills or stops the growth of cancer cells and also prevents the multiplication of cancer cells. It is an effective medicine but you should discuss with your doctor about the benefits and side effects of this medicine. Let your doctor know if you are bothered by any of the side effects.
Side effects of 6-MP Tablet
Most side effects of this medicine do not require medical attention and usually resolve on their own if you take the medicine regularly. If side effects persist or symptoms worsen, consult your doctor
Common side effects of 6-MP
feeling nauseous
Decrease in white blood cells
ulcers in the intestines
Anemia (decreased number of red blood cells)
increased bilirubin in the blood
Decreased blood platelets
increased transaminase levels in the blood
loss of appetite
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torontobeautyclinic · 1 month
Understanding Post-Menopause Hair Loss: Causes and Treatments
Loss of hair is something that might make you sad, particularly during or after menopause. Post menopause hair loss is a usual procedure but it can impact your self-esteem and confidence. The following are some reasons for it:
Hormonal Changes:
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Transition to menopause brings on substantial hormonal changes within the body of a woman. When she is experiencing or has undergone this phase, the reduction in estrogen and progesterone (hormones vital for hair growth) causes her hair to become thin. It disturbs the cycle of growing hairs, as well as increases loss of them.
Other Reasons-
A diet lacking essential nutrients like iron, zinc, and vitamins
Chronic stress
Certain medications can cause hair loss
Thyroid disorders, autoimmune diseases, and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) can contribute to hair loss.
Hair Care Tips for Women Experiencing Post-Menopause Hair Loss:
Understand the Issue- Understand why hair changes. As we talked about earlier, it's a usual thing because of hormones changing with age and might not cause physical discomfort but can make one feel emotionally upset.
Feed Your Hair- Keep up with a healthy and balanced diet that has protein, foods full of iron such as spinach and lentils, plus vitamins like biotin and zinc. For more specific advice about what to eat, see a nutritionist. Drink enough water.
Soft Hair Care- Stay away from rough chemicals, too much heat styling and tight hairstyles. Only utilize shampoos and conditioners that are free from sulfates. Comb your hair softly.
Scalp Care - Softly massage your scalp to better the blood flow. Ensure that your scalp is clean and without dandruff.
Consider Professional Help:
Don’t hesitate to consult with a dermatologist if the hair loss is severe. They can diagnose underlying issues and recommend treatments like PRP therapy, etc.
Many women are experiencing this hair loss stage. By considering the right approach, you can manage your hair loss and maintain a confident appearance.
PRP Treatment For Post Menopause Hair Loss:
PRP or Platelet Rich Plasma hair restoration procedure is considered a great breakthrough in hair growth therapy.
Is PRP Effective for Post-Menopausal Hair Loss?
In PRP treatment, it draws the patient’s blood and spins it in a centrifuge to separate the plasma from the red and white cells. Platelets (tiny cells in our blood), essential for wound healing, contain growth factors that stimulate tissue regeneration. When injected into the scalp, PRP can potentially rejuvenate hair follicles and promote hair growth. It decreases the hair fall and causes thickening of fine miniaturized hair.
According to initial studies, PRP ensures the best results for hair loss. There are a large number of successful cases out there such as film stars, actors, spokespersons, and businessmen, who have achieved very effective results. However, consult with a qualified healthcare provider to determine if PRP is suitable for you.
In a nutshell, PRP treatment can be an ideal solution for your hair loss Post Menopause. Look for a professional provider that can understand your hair loss issues and cater to your needs efficiently.
Looking for the best treatment for your Post menopause hair loss?Toronto Beauty Clinic is your right stop. Our experts specialize in treating hair loss issues by using effective methods. Learn more at www.torontobeautyclinic.ca
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sa7abnews · 1 month
Heart attack risk could rise with artificial sweetener consumption, study finds
New Post has been published on https://sa7ab.info/2024/08/16/heart-attack-risk-could-rise-with-artificial-sweetener-consumption-study-finds/
Heart attack risk could rise with artificial sweetener consumption, study finds
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A common artificial sweetener has been linked to an increased risk of heart attacks and strokes, according to a new study from Cleveland Clinic.Erythritol, a sugar alcohol that is used to sweeten many low-sugar, reduced-calorie drinks and foods — particularly in low-carb or “keto” diets — was found to cause a spike in blood platelets and blood clot formation, researchers say.The findings were published in the journal Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology.ASPARTAME COULD CAUSE MEMORY AND LEARNING DEFICITS IN FUTURE GENERATIONS, A NEW STUDY SUGGESTSThe team’s previous study, which appeared in Nature Medicine, found that heart patients with high levels of erythritol in their system had double the risk of experiencing a major cardiac event within three years.”In this study, we directly compared drinking a sweetened drink with either 30 grams of glucose, which is sugar, or 30 grams of erythritol,” senior author Stanley Hazen, M.D., PhD, co-section head of preventive cardiology at Cleveland Clinic, said in a video provided to Fox News Digital.The small study consisted of 20 healthy volunteers, averaging 30 years of age, whose blood was drawn after an overnight fast.The participants drank water mixed with either 30 grams of erythritol (comparable to the dose in an artificially sweetened soda or baked good) or 30 grams of glucose.REGULAR SUGAR VS. ARTIFICIAL SWEETENER: IS ONE WORSE FOR YOU THAN ANOTHER? EXPERTS CHIME INAfter 30 minutes, another blood draw assessed the participants’ plasma levels of erythritol as well as platelet function.Those who consumed the artificial sweetener were found to have more than 1,000 times the erythritol level of those who consumed sugar.”There is every reason to believe that after drinking the erythritol, there is a heightened risk of clotting, or thrombosis” — which could heighten the chances of heart attack or stroke, Hazen said.That effect was not seen with the patients who drank glucose.”Based on the current data, it looks like it’s safer to drink a glucose-sweetened drink rather than an erythritol-sweetened drink,” Hazen said.”I recommend my patients avoid the artificial sweeteners and sugar substitutes, to try to eat whole foods, to stay away from processed foods and to shop the produce section.”For those who do want to sweeten a food or drink, Hazen would recommend — based on the data — using honey or fruit instead of artificial sweetener.This same effect has been observed with other sugar alcohols, the doctor noted.Erythritol is classified by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Food Safety Authority as GRAS (“generally recognized as safe”).SUGAR SUBSTITUTES NOT ADVISED FOR WEIGHT LOSS OR DISEASE PREVENTION, SAYS WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATIONOther than the “bare minimum,” there is no mandate in place for this to be tested for safety, Hazen said.”I would like to see regulatory bodies reevaluate the safety of the use of sugar alcohols.”Further clinical studies are needed to measure the long-term cardiovascular safety of erythritol, according to the researchers.Dr. Bradley Serwer, a cardiologist and chief medical officer at VitalSolution, a Cincinnati, Ohio-based company that offers cardiovascular and anesthesiology services to hospitals, was not involved in the study but said that it raises “significant concerns.””Many artificial sweeteners have been studied and historically have been sold as healthy alternatives to sugar, but they have often been found to have significant side effects,” he told Fox News Digital. POPULAR ARTIFICIAL SWEETENER, ERYTHRITOL, COULD RAISE RISK OF HEART ATTACK AND STROKE: STUDY”There have been other studies showing that erythritol increases platelet activity, which leads to abnormal blood clot formation.”Several other sugar substitutes, such as xylitol, have also been linked to adverse health consequences, according to Serwer.”In addition to increasing the risk of cardiovascular events, these artificial sugars often trick the body into producing more insulin,” he noted. “Insulin increases sweet cravings, so people crave more sugar after eating artificial sweeteners, thus causing a negative impact that can lead to metabolic syndrome.”In his cardiology practice, Serwer said his patients often seek healthier alternatives to high-calorie, sugary foods.”It is important to inform them that it may be better to avoid these sugar alcohols altogether,” the cardiologist said.He said he hoped “this data will cause the FDA to reevaluate the safety of erythritol.”The Calorie Control Council (CCC), an international association that represents the low- and reduced-calorie food and beverage industry, advised consumers to interpret Cleveland Clinic’s study with “extreme caution.”CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP FOR OUR HEALTH NEWSLETTER”The limited number of participants were given an excessive amount of erythritol, nearly double to triple the maximum amount approved in any single beverage in the United States based on a standard 8-16 oz serving,” Carla Saunders, president of the Washington, D.C.-based CCC, said in a statement sent to Fox News Digital.Erythritol levels were only measured once after consumption, she pointed out. “The pilot lacked control over lifestyle factors that may affect the outcome, which could introduce confounding variables and impact the reliability of the findings,” Saunders added. For more Health articles, visit www.foxnews/health”Further, as erythritol levels were only measured at baseline and 30 minutes after consumption, there is no way to demonstrate any lasting effect of excessive consumption on any health outcome,” she also said. “For 30 years, science has shown that erythritol is a proven safe and effective choice for sugar and calorie reduction.”Fox News Digital contacted Cleveland Clinic for comment on the CCC’s position.
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