#following make up tutorial
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keep it up!
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thereaderinsertlady · 20 days
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Based off of @camprell-art 's reblog :3
WAAAH THIS TOOK FOREVER MY HAND IS FALLIN OFF AHRGRGG anyways, in remembrance of @cottoncanderino spending like an hr or 2 on a lil twitter icon only to cover up the background with a (ahem) rather big-chested character, here are closeups of the icons in the pic
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clown-owo · 11 months
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Guardian of the Eastern Gate and the One Entrusted with a Flaming Sword by God: Principality Aziraphale
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solarpunkani · 7 months
okay homies maybe I am experiencing Hubris(tm) but I don't care
I am going to do a solid granny square tonight or so help me god
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faunandfloraas · 5 months
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Seungmin of the day
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napping-sapphic · 7 months
Relationship where we get all dressed up and put on our fanciest clothes together just because
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snorpdawg · 1 year
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The beach episode of a cartoon that doesn’t even exist
(Unfiltered under readmore)
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Twenty-Five Twenty-One Episode 5
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makedamnsvre · 1 month
watching all of the internet kill itself . they werent lying abt enshittification
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n7punk · 7 months
i really want to know what it was about beauty youtube that invented a whole other breed of human because like there are a LOT of beauty gurus and i can't name a single normal one without a list of controversies longer than my arm. i know there's a lot of egomaniacs on youtube and i haven't kept up with the beauty side for a while but i was IN it for several years and at this point it seems like the most normal one left is the OG michelle phan and she's in a quantum physics healing magic cult!!
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swordmaid · 11 months
just found out there’s a regency themed ball in my area on october HRK
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fishareglorious · 1 year
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Yae in her kitsune form and Sara as a crow is something I always gravitate to drawing because you really don’t have to look at their in-game outfits and suffer
Without the grass:
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phoenixiancrystallist · 3 months
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Month 4, day 13
Did a lot today! Also did nothing else today lol. I have legit been at this for somewhere in the neighborhood of 6 to 8 hours. I don't remember when I started but I do remember checking the clock at around 5pm after I'd been at it for awhile, and it is now past 10:30pm. So... yeah. I had fun :D
This is the result of parts 2 and 3 of the tutorial series I'm following (I should probably link those more often). Also I made more trees from part 1 just because I could (and also I wanted the practice, but mostly because I could). I... may have been having too much fun modeling things. The second part of the tutorial was for the non-tree plants, and I did way more than the tutorial called for.
I have six trees, 11 grasses, 4 flowers, and 7 ferns (or whatever those plants are supposed to be). The tutorials only called for three trees, five grasses, four flowers, and six ferns. At least I got the number of flowers right? But, uh, I gave the flowers more colors than I was supposed to and set it up so the bundles of flowers are all different colors instead of all the same. So still did more than I should have :P
The third part of the tutorial series was setting up the environment and getting it ready to spread plants all over it. So we made the ground, the hills in the background, and the sky. The sky I'm most excited about making, because I plan to abuse my sky-making privileges when I go to make the swords finally >:D Actually pretty much everything I learned in these tutorials I'll be using in one way or another for the swords, but being able to make my own sky means I can get ~*fancy*~ with the environments I put the swords in :D
Cinta my beloved your sword is gonna be dope as fuck
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618foxes · 5 months
this might not be a common opinion but I legitimately fucking love emails. As someone who's really bad at navigating social spaces emails are an absolute blessing, there's a designated structure and vocabulary for it, there are templates available online for almost any type of email. It makes social interaction so much easier when the interaction fprmat comes with clear cut and well defined rules that you can google idk
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bunn-iiii · 4 months
I hate how binding isn't ever really safe even with proper binders.
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berryblu-soda · 1 year
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For today's edition of avoiding homework until the deadline is hours away, look at these lil crochet leaves I made for my shoes, they're like little lemons now ^^<3
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