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prosciuttoswife · 1 year ago
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"She asked for no pickles you insolent fool!"
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justbloompeicza · 10 months ago
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Dark hair version
#art #focart #artist #traditionalart #animeart #originalcharacterart #unicorn #alicorn
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lamolinastreetart · 1 year ago
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Art by Spanish Bastián Prendes (@bastianriak) for FocArt Festival 2019 in Avilés, Spain #bastianprendes #lamolinastreetart | photo by me.
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jillpmottphotography · 5 years ago
Cutting cameras... it’s possible. You just need a friend with a chop saw. Don’t worry this camera will have a longer life in this form than it would dying in someone’s basement. . . . . mask #focmasks #moafc #camera #cuttingcameras #eventfundraiser #thisisliving #Photography #focart #thisisliving #Photography #education #JillPMottPhotography #Photography #fortcollins #camera #lenses #art #vintagecameras #assemblage #steampunk #photographersart #pentax #immortalize (at Fort Collins, Colorado) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5F4JP2ATgB/?igshid=1rwjp6b4qu1sy
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444names · 3 years ago
old weapon names + the entry for silence (doctor who) on wikipedia + car parts
Abally Afallsron Affale Affay Afterresta Albeets Alber Allacrier Allahan Allan Allashe Allymorght Ambecadaive Amberht Amboard Ammer Aseettopear Aserd Asheeprep Ashri Aspeuggen Astart Astelymord Astics Astoyche Astrin Astron Audiall Auxhance Aveamof Awaggeos Awaytons Bacre Baliers Ballsword Bally Barta Bastaham Batche Battere Beepts Beesitai Beingsword Biallocatah Biledger Bileve Blupossbows Bolboakram Bollook Bootone Boutle Bowiers Bowillorts Bowing Brestaffay Brets Brican Brolf Brossingen Buffat Buffay Bughing Bughtelafar Buisheve Bulge Buthord Buting Calber Calencepts Carmill Catelah Charbast Cheep Chford Chfork Chfort Chile Citaffaymo Clahar Clains Cluce Comply Conisten Corder Corealcher Corely Creat Creled Crellont Crepts Crics Crockwagger Croitrigics Cullone Curram Curvebow Dagen Daggerocal Daguarmer Daguichan Daguistan Dance Dancorgo Danspetans Dascrear Dence Dentive Deran Derstan Dettorgolve Diatti Dicrogrecut Dictistra Diferspen Docto Ealphamme Edmoffatto Edvauske Esher Eveal Evendrove Eventiang Evist Exisabow Expre Expret Expretave Exprole Exusion Exuske Faloonst Farscon Fat's Fater Faticated Faymo Faytheetus Fiaceprole Fiacto Fiananden Ficut Ficuth Fiell Firets Flacroneen Fladagges Flaff Flahan Flaiver Flana Flandaseet Fluce Flucep Focart Foche Fortar Fortive Fridese Frier Frighip Frivena Frodge Frold Fusioni Geossbow Glack Glameris Glammereni Goletle Goley Gollwhinife Grevillam Guarme Guichessive Guichri Halow Hambolexus Hamen Hammentis Hangkniferd Hardelchip Harpo Havalmen Haymorghous Hillo Hinsper Holds Holksworge Holvent Hough Houllsword Houtile Humaddy Humme Huriesta Hurve Hysicaut Hysilisana Hyundet Hyuntionted Imill Imoniferd Ingers Ingspo Ingsword Inife Ininflareat Intive Inueni Inues' Inueshum Jeestafal Katelon Katted Kiana Kinst Kitanoiter Kiten Ladile Laffalme Lainflain Laing Lainsen Lainter Lamong Lanads Lanaudius Lancar Lannoit Lastang Lescrove Linta Logranonta Lowien Luchan Luchis Ludged Luencom Luestion Lupongsword Luporn Maday Malloneep Mandelaspen Mardence Marhter Marts Mclub Mictontive Militard Minimpley Mitchfox Mobill Moffatchang Mofficall Moneen Monter Morran Mousini Munce Munter Muntle Muser Musita Nieross Noita Oadagge Oadocar Oadodgesil Ologrest Opyore Ortsword Ortsworyfox Orysielchar Pailly Painget Pargh Parhast Peaglam Pearest Peationg Petur Peugged Piesta Piestoper Pikend Pions Pitherep Pitramme Porear Possive Preancer Presat's Pretand Preveat's Proctiong Procult Promply Pronmance Prows Psyce Psycer Psychang Qualoc Rabroen Racreve Radsto Raingstang Raiveam Randill Rasitaftern Rasta Raterinuen Reagger Reata Recur Releturn Relexecult Rence Repts Reslang Reslen Resmarabore Restahance Retron Rette Rocaten Rokswors Rovena Rovnya Royce Sandrins Sanya Scadets Schar Scher Scherds Scierre Scitar Scongknins Scordi Scroniff Scyth Seere Selymortile Senime Senin Seurners Sheen Sheihal Sheingknins Sheschall Sheveni Shier Shold Sholdence Sholl Shord Shortion Shous Shouthem Siblayetti Siletarht Silexis Sione Sisis Siveall Sovessis Speanche Specard Specat Spent Speross Spetlana Spetrogre Spossile Staten Stiatent Stingsword Swordst Telche Tence Thakrana Thall Theet Theing These Thest Thook Thooto Thout Thrivere Throadi Throgranche Throlet Tiligichall Tonan Toyce Trabow Traing Trasta Troake Trodri Tromer Troutiong Trovnya Troyce Ulged Ulger Uncer Unch's Undcatist Usiere Vascon Vasely Vastiche Vaulfbeesta Veaxecret Verni Vesot Volbow Voldelchfox Voldsmor Volexprolde Volonter Wager Wardick Wartswords Weiningsto Weint Weintisat's Weiraxe Weireat Weladife Wellafter Welly Whielo Whier Whillarana Whippsyche Whout Winia Zweirear Zwelow
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prosciuttoswife · 1 year ago
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they're in lob your honor
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prosciuttoswife · 1 year ago
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"Thank you so much for your questions! Twas' a delight seeing the interesting picks! Let's do this again someday!"
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jillpmottphotography · 6 years ago
This year I wanted to try and bring out a 3-D aspect to my mask. Working with a 2D surface like paper can make this a bit challenging. It turned out to be one of the most fun challenges I worked on. This is one of the reasons why it is so important to see the mask in person. As I started to narrow down my images for my mask I also begin to play with ideas of paper sculpture. This opened a world of possibilities for me. When experimenting I have found that make mini canvas helps me to formalize my ideas— they also make great presents! Any birthday’s coming up? Looking for some mini art? . . . . . #mask #focmasks #moafc #africaninspired #fabric #texture #africanprint #focart #thisisliving #Photography #Travel #Africa, #Zimbabwe, #education, #SoulSights #JillPMottPhotography, #Photography #education #fortcollins #art #papersculpture #minicanvas (at Fort Collins, Colorado) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwXgt-znINd/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=13szvpzwmflnc
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jillpmottphotography · 6 years ago
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This was the start of my inspiration. …. which lead me somewhere completely different. Come see what the final version of this year’s mask look like. “Queen Bee”. I will tell you this— my color scheme changed dramatically. The annual Mask Exhibition and Silent Auction will open tonight as part of First Friday in FTC and will run until May 3, 2019 at the Museum of Art Fort Collins. This year’s masks are incredible! 💪🏼 #mask #focmasks #moafc #africaninspired #fabric #texture #photography #africanprint #focart #Travel #Africa #Zimbabwe #education, #SoulSights #education #fortcollinscolorado (at Fort Collins, Colorado) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bv4u07wALWH/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=gsz1pv19hwxi
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jillpmottphotography · 5 years ago
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Metal, light, and ceramic- adhesives a sticky situation. The following videos will show you some of techniques I explored while making my mask. This series of posts will give you perspective into my mask making process for the 2020 Mask Fundraising event for the Museum of Art Fort Collins. I submitted my mask in December 2019 after working on it for months, exploring options and playing with different techniques. This is my third year as a mask artist and this mask was definitely my most challenging.This year’s mask was a real community effort as I could not have completed it without my peeps. Masks are auctioned off every year to raise money for the museum This year the mask auction will online and open May 6th. Which is when I will reveal my finished mask. In the meantime please enjoy my series of posts. For more information about the masks check out the museum of Art Fort Collins Facebook page and stay tuned here to find out more about the exciting Watch Party that will take you into the studios of some of the mask artists-including me. Check out some of my other short videos of my mask making process on Youtube at youtube.com/jillpmottphotography Please subscribe for the latest videos. . . . . #mask #focmasks #moafc #eventfundraiser #thisisliving #Photography #focart #thisisliving #Photography #education #JillPMottPhotography #Photography #fortcollins #camera #lenses #art #slidemounts #slides #vintagecameras #assemblage #steampunk #photographersart #Masks2020 #Masksartist #MoAFC #onlineauction #Artist2Artist #FineArt#FortCollins #NorthernColorado (at Fort Collins, Colorado) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_nhgmZDgxD/?igshid=9u5z54zx88e7
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jillpmottphotography · 5 years ago
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Back to the eyes—- if figuring out a way to attach heavy metal lenses to a ceramic mask wasn’t enough, I had to make it more layered and complicated. I love the vintage ads from camera companies featuring female photographers from the turn of the century. Ironically a large majority of the early advertisements are illustrations rather than photographs. Women are gracefully drawn with box cameras. They all look very glamours to me with long dresses and big hats. Over the years I have created a collection of these images and used them in various projects including creating polyurethane necklaces and earrings. I adore these mini works of art and wanted to find an option to incorporate my collection of images. “through the lens” seemed like the most first option. And what would a photograph be without light. Mini fairy lights are my secret weapon to many of my projects and I knew including lights would add another dimension to the mask. . . . . #jillpmottphotography #coloradophotographer #thisislivingfortcollins #lifestylephotographer #fortcollinsphotographer #nocophotographer #everydayColorado #mask #focmasks #moafc #eventfundraiser #thisisliving #Photography #focart #thisisliving #Photography #education #fortcollins #camera #lenses #art #vintageads #koda #ansco #vintagecameras #assemblage #steampunk #photographersart (at Fort Collins, Colorado) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_QzC4Jjumw/?igshid=14sfv4qpw83x4
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jillpmottphotography · 5 years ago
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Isn’t she a beauty? It was clear from the beginning that this camera would be the center piece of the mask. An old Kodak with so much character and history. Another layer to to the mask. . . . #everydayColorado #mask #focmasks #moafc #eventfundraiser #thisisliving #Photography #focart #thisisliving #Photography #education #fortcollins #camera #lenses #art #kodak #vintagecameras #assemblage #steampunk #photographersart #jillpmottphotography #coloradophotographer #thisislivingfortcollins #lifestylephotographer #fortcollinsphotographer #nocophotographer (at Fort Collins, Colorado) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_N4j2YDDSf/?igshid=1sz5s2t494hwx
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jillpmottphotography · 5 years ago
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Power tools, destruction and big ideas! I had a lot of big ideas with this mask and it quickly became clear that I would need advice from those in my community with any kinds of Engineering, shop, production, construction power tool experience. 1-destruction of the cameras and accessories for parts. My original idea was to cover the mask in camera parts Taking apart cameras and getting enough tiny pieces to cover a mask turned out to not be fun or efficient Camera deconstruction-collecting parts for my mask. I also had to hire some additional muscle to help me try and pry open cameras. I had a rough idea that it was possible to drill through ceramic— but of course the fear is always cracking or breaking the mask. Slicing through the camera with a big a… saw was pretty exciting, although sacrilegious. What I love about making masks every year is that I can experiment with different art forms and materials. Although I did’t use many pieces from the camera in my mask; these little guys just found their perfect home. Please check out some of my behind the scenes videos on my Youtube channel at jillpmottphotography https://www.youtube.com/jillpmottphotography Please subscribe! . . . . . #mask #focmasks #moafc #eventfundraiser #thisisliving #focart #2020mask #thisisliving #Photography #education #JillPMottPhotography #fortcollins #camera #lenses #art #artisttalk #pentex #powertools #fixcameras #vintagecameras #assemblage #steampunk #photographersart (at Museum of Art Fort Collins) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_LGVQXDC4G/?igshid=tl2k9u8ieixf
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jillpmottphotography · 5 years ago
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The symbolism between lenses and eyes is classic and a clear choice as an element in my 2020 Mask. My biggest challenge right at the start; was how am I going to attach these to a ceramic mask. Oh and make sure it won’t fall off the wall and kill someone. The lenses have always remained the dominate element in my mask; I built and experimented around the eyes. Follow the process here! .. . . . . #mask #focmasks #moafc #museumofartfortcollins #fortcollins #artmuseum #supportlocal #masksmatter #fortcollinsartists #fortcollinsart #masksbenefit #eventfundraiser #thisisliving #Photography #focart #thisisliving #Photography #education #Photography = #camera #lenses #art#vintagecameras #jillpmottphotography #coloradophotographer #thisislivingfortcollins #lifestylephotographer #fortcollinsphotographer #nocophotographer #everydayColorado (at Fort Collins, Colorado) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_Gb9pRjqam/?igshid=99b0uyb5ndug
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jillpmottphotography · 5 years ago
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Wow! I really did not expect to get so many donations. I am thrilled. Thank you so much all! This is Turing into a community project. I always want my old cameras to go to a good home even if they aren’t useable. Cameras hold a place of importance in our lives. The ideas are flowing for my mask, however, I am facing some real engineering feats in terms of assemble. Challenges I am facing: The weight of the mask is already quite heavy. (2lbs at least guessing) Cameras/Lenses are heavy How to attach- glues, adhesives, wire Mask is made of ceramic-(lightweight) I welcome thoughts and ideas! . . . . . . #mask #focmasks #moafc #eventfundraiser #thisisliving #Photography #focart #thisisliving #Photography #education #JillPMottPhotography #Photography #fortcollins #camera #lenses #art #vintagecameras #assemblage #steampunk #photographersart #jillpmottphotography #coloradophotographer #thisislivingfortcollins #lifestylephotographer #fortcollinsphotographer #nocophotographer #everydayColorado #thisisliving (at Fort Collins, Colorado) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4iPxPUjeyK/?igshid=1811szv9wbk6b
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jillpmottphotography · 5 years ago
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I think I have finally figured out what I am going to do for my Mask for the Museum of Art at Fort Collins Exhibition. It has been a challenge to come up with an idea. Of course, I don’t know how the final mask will come out but I am finally ready for the adventure. I need your help. I am looking for old cameras, lenses, and any photography accessories. Cameras do NOT need to work. I welcome donations of: Old cameras-vintage, digital, film working or broken- the quality of cameras is not important. Disposable cameras- working or just the shells Old film canisters Photography straps I am happy to pick up any donations. Donations needed by Saturday, November 16, 2019. The sooner the better. Thank you for helping me create my vision for this year’s mask. Museum of Art Fort Collins https://moafc.org/masks-benefit/ #mask #focmasks #moafc #focart #thisisliving #Photography #education #JillPMottPhotography #Photography #fortcollins #camera #lenses (at Fort Collins, Colorado) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4bI871DEGO/?igshid=1t8hvg755tsyu
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