#foaming ay the mouth
teemhaunts · 2 years
my mood rn frfr
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m4gp13 · 2 years
Ethan, down on one knee: Will you do me the honour of becoming my mother-in-law?
Hecate, subtly burning the adoption papers behind her back: Sure, Not a problem.
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nebulousbrainsoup · 2 years
i'm gonna hit flight risk so hard when finals are over that's my reward for survival
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fictionallyinparadise · 11 months
Not to be gay on main but...........f/o body hair goobd
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Come Get 'Im!
Pedro Pascal x Actress!Reader
Summary: "It's day 130, and this man with a mustache still can't get a fucking hint and keeps inviting himself to have lunch with me."
Word Count: 2k+
Warnings: Fem!reader, crude language, crack fic, low key social media au format, annoying rat!pedro, mentions/depictions of online hate, use of y/n T_T, fluff, typos, etc.
A/N: HOY @sloanexx ito na. I hope this makes you spiral HAHAHAHAH Also tagging: @pinksirensong @aralezinspace
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Shaky cam and out of breath has entered the chat.
It's a tiktok video of you recording yourself while in the middle of a jog.
"I swear," you pant, as the audio captures wind, "to fucking Obama, Trump, and Biden, America-- AMERICA!" you bark, "if one of you thirsty ass idiots come crying to me again for even breathing, BREATHING--" you scream and huff as you catch your breath. You jog a few paces forward. You look over your shoulder, back to your camera, "--around that idiot you like so bad, I'm going to explode."
The camera pans to your nostrils and double chin, "if you want your pathetic, middle aged man so bad, come and fucking get him!"
You harshly pull your phone back and show the man on a hoverboard trailing behind you. His brown hair is blowing with the wind. He raises a hand and waves. He grins at the camera, beaming as he says, "HI TIKTOK!"
"COLLECT," you point the camera back to you, "THIS RAGGEDY BAG OF BONES RIGHT NOW!"
"But I love you!"
Welcome to: A day in the life of someone who is contractually obligated to be close to Pedro Pascal. Featuring you! The actress, who Pedro has been smitten with the entire time since filming and promoting your movie, and has thus since elicited the wrath of (some of) the Pascal girlies! Yay!
So, tell us, what is it like to be with the one and only Pedro Pascal! It is everything, all the fangirls dream of? Well, let's take a look at some footage!
It's a behind the scenes video. There is no audio available.
You and Pedro are standing far off from the perspective of the camera on an elevated set, in front of a blue screen. Pedro jokingly leans in, pushing his hands to you but not making contact. He's been teasing that he'd push you. He repeats this multiple times before eventually, you get tired and tell him off. He laughs with an open mouth and his tongue out. You turn over you shoulder, motioning something vaguely to someone off cam.
When you turn back to Pedro, he pretends to push you again, but this time, it backfires. He yelps and slips, crashing into a foam of cushions beneath you. Instantly, you turn and point to him, laughing out loud exaggeratedly, pointing at him from above. You then jump down to his side and then tackle him, pretending as though you were on WWE. You end with coiling his arm behind him, sticking your tongue out to the camera.
Wow! How educational!
Here's you and him doing an interview!
"I really enjoy that the film is not scared to dive into that-" you start, gesturing your hands as you passionately pour your thoughts on the theme of the film.
Pedro, who had been listening to you intently, turns to you and randomly pokes your cheek.
You ignore this, used to his behavior, as you continue, "I think it's really important that we, as a society, openly talk about this dilemma and critically reassess it."
Pedro pokes your cheek again, only this time, you turn to him, and he faces front and acts as if he did not just do that.
You turn back to the interviewer. He makes another attempt at poking you face, only this time, you turn and bite at his finger. You very nearly manage to get him.
He pulls his finger back and gasps, clutching both his hands to his chest, "ay, dios mio."
You snarl at him before going back as you were. You break into a chuckle when you hear him slipping into laughter. He says "that was actually scary."
"You deserve it."
Here's you and Pedro talking to a child that is a fan of both your separate work! (His being The Mandalorian, yours being A Mermaid Tale)
You coo as the little girl runs up to you and hugs your legs. You lower yourself, so to embrace the child in your arms. You coo as the small child wraps her arms around you. Pedro, from behind you, grins as he takes a photo of your interaction.
When she pulls away from you, you gasp at her pigtails, complementing them.
She smiles, "it's like- like your hair in the movie!"
You grin, "such a smart girl! It totally is, but honestly, yours is so much better!"
The girl smiles at you and you smile back at her. She then looks up to the man that was standing behind you, pointing at him before turning back to you, "he's - ss friends with baby yoda!" she breaks her words the way small children do.
Pedro, adoring the attention and the recognition from the child, jumps from behind you to dramatically exclaim and clutch his chest, "I'M FRIENDS WITH YODA!"
The girl looks up at the man, stepping back, then turning to her mom for guidance. Her mom, by the way, was recording the whole interaction. She breaks into a laugh at her daughter's nervousness, "it's ok baby."
You and Pedro follow suit in laughter, though you turn and swat at him, "you scared the poor child."
"I'm so sorry, my love," Pedro says, placing a hand on his chest, "I was just so excited about baby yoda!" he explains, ending with a goofy face.
The girl turns back to him, finally breaking into a smile.
"YES! I'm cool again!" Pedro says just as you stand and he bends down to raise his knuckles to the child for a fist bump.
She apprehensively bumps knuckles with him. Pedro gasps and coos, "right on!" He then raises his hands, "what about a hug?"
The girl bends her knees, gaining momentum, then she jumps into Pedro's arms, sealing him into a tight hug.
Everyone AWWS.
Everyone, that is, except... the haters.
Pull up the receipts.(For various reasons, some text has been censored or removed.)
@w0nderw0madn: omF******g if i have to see that b**** ass [redacted] [y/n] f****** grope my pedro again im going to kill her and [redacted multiple texts...]
@ilovechesed: i have no idea who [y/n] thinks she is but it's so f****** pathetic of her to throw herself onto pedro pascal when he's clearly not even interested in him
[redacted]'s video: Hot take. You guys are only thirsting after [Y/N] because she's hot by association of Pedro Pascal
[Y/N] Receives Faces Wave Of Internet Trolls After Her New Film's Recent Debut
But internet trolls are promptly handled by people with actual brain cells.
@w0nderw0madn: omF******g if i have to see that b**** ass [redacted] [y/n] f****** grope my pedro again im going to kill her and [redacted multiple texts...]
@ilovechesed: i have no idea who [y/n] thinks she is but it's so f****** pathetic of her to throw herself onto pedro pascal when he's clearly not even interested in him
@loverofdilfsd replied to ilovechesed: ? you mean this pedro pascal [image attached] [image description: A picture of Pedro Pascal looking at [Y/N] with a soft smile as while she answers a question during a red carpet premiere]
@ynbabymyluv replied to ilovechesed: you mean this pedro pascal? [image attached] [image description: A picture of Pedro Pascal grinning widely as he embraces [Y/N] mid pout]
@100ass replied to ynbabymyluv: nah here's the video of that and im salty too [video attached] [video description: Pedro Pascal asks for a bit of [Y/N]'s food but she releases it before he grabs on to the plate.]
[redacted]'s video: Hot take. You guys are only thirsting after [Y/N] because she's hot by association of Pedro Pascal
user842048525972 commented: ass take
i-think-imprettycool commented: 💀YALL MF DO ANYTHING FOR CLOUT
swiftandshore commented: Or you dont have taste
[Y/N] Receives Faces Wave Of Internet Trolls After Her New Film's Recent Debut
And fans are coming to her aid. 💅 As they should.
Of course we can't end this without showing some of the love people have extended for their new internet fixation.
In coming receipts.
[y/n] and pedro being NSFW for 10 minutes straight
>>Most played [6:43]: [video description: [Y/N] and Pedro Pascal's make out scene]
"If you go out without me - " he growls, grabbing her by the wrist, ripping her back into his chest. He then grabs her by her hair, forcing her face him. "You'll what? Huh?!" she hisses, craning her neck up as she grabs his shirt, pulling him down to her. She grunts, "what? You'll leave me in the fucking desert like what you did last time!" "WHAT'S IT GOING TO TAKE FOR YOU TO BELIEVE THAT WASN'T MY CHOICE!" "SHOW ME YOUR STATUS REPORT FILE!" He scoffs, "you and your fucking reports." "Show me your status report file," she words sternly. "You want a status report?!" he fumes. "YES! SHOW ME-" Her words are cut off when her mouth is covered with his. He releases her hair to clutch her cheeks and pushes her against the wall. She releases his shirt to dig her fingers into his sides. He moans. She laughs, "wimp."
89igotaletter commented: I LOVE IT WHEN [Y/N] AND PEDRO.
broalhasd commented: everyday i wake up and thank God that for this holy collab.
@830marbel: if it ever gets tiring being so hot @yn_real_ig, pls allow me to cool you with my tears
@yn_real_ig replied to 830marbel: i appreciate it but i still have 2 trays of pedro's tears. i put them in my juice 🧊🧊
@evrything284: i dont know if i want to be @yn_realig or pedro pascal in this [image attached] [image description: A picture of [Y/N] and Pedro Pascal together on the red carpet premiere for their film]
@yn_real_ig replied to evrything284: be true to you. be yourself. be our 3rd
@pedfroizaac: btw @yn_real_ig our boyfriend [image attached] [image description: Bugs Bunny communist meme]
@yn_real_ig replied to pedfroizaac: this is america [image attached] [image description: A bald eagle in front of the American flag]
Final thoughts from both players.
Here is fan favorite interview of you both.
You pull a piece of paper from a jar and read its contents, "what's your favorite thing about the other-- murder," you say, throwing the paper off to the side.
Pedro, who was sitting by your right makes a nervous sound, jaw dropping. He then promptly smirks and nods, "exactly."
You turn to the camera and nod, "murder."
"I'm into that."
"I am murder," Pedro agrees, raising his hands as he shrugs.
"Murder," you repeat one last time before turning to Pedro, "and his mustache."
"Oh," Pedro smiles, rubbing his 'stache as he leans back, "thank you. I grew it myself."
"I don't appreciate beard burn though," you wave your hands to your face.
"That's not what she said last night," Pedro takes his turn to look at the camera as he gives a stupid look.
You snap at him, "what did I say last night?"
Pedro ignores you and crosses his arms, "my favorite thing about you would be-"
"No wait, what did I say last night?"
Pedro looks at you.
"Tell them what I said last night."
Pedro purses his lips into a tight smile, "what?"
You challenge, "tell them what I told you last night."
His ears begin to burn. He shifts on his chair as his jaw slacks, "ha?"
"You want me to say what I told you last night?"
He begins to break a sweat, "I-I-" he laughs, "I have no idea what you're talking about."
You raise your brows at him.
Pedro clears his throat and rubs his lap, "I love how compassionate and kind she is."
You snort, leaning back in your chair, "okay."
To this day, people who stumble on that interview still comment: WHAT THE FUCK DID SHE TELL HIM LAST NIGHT?????
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i-cant-sing · 1 year
The most recent angst of the platonic yandere batfam has me foaming at the mouth. Delicious content: 5 stars
It is interesting to think how y/n could respond to the forced interaction from the family—taking note that the bat family is basically love bombing them due to their guilt of emotional neglect. Would the reader comply in order to find an opportunity to escape (very generic mentality, but that’s showbiz), or would y/n decide to try and repel the family by saying ‘fuck it’ and proceeding to go full blown jackass on them by aiming for their weak points (cue movie nights with films that call out family-based trauma).
Not to mention the potential Jason brings into the mix by having chaotic evil Vine energy while trying to get y/n out of there.👀
I mean, ideally, the reader should comply and let the batfam, as you put it, "love bomb" them to ease their guilt. Let them lower their (literal and metaphorical) walls downs, lower their guard, earn their trust and find the small window of opportunity to escape.
But realistically speaking, since the reader is actually hurt a lot by them, she's really going with "AYE FUCK YOU AND YOUR FAMILY AND YOUR MAMA AND DAD AND EVERYONE OF U BITCHES! BURN IN HELL!" vibe, i don't think she will be a very compliant hostage. She will make everything and I mean EVERYTHING difficult. Dick is trying to walk her down the stairs to eat dinner? She pushes him down (i mean he landed on his feet perfectly, but it still hurt his feelings). Tim serves her food? She throws her plate against the wall before getting herself something to eat. Bruce gives her a book to read? She throws it in the fireplace. Damian wants her to accompany him while he trains/plays with Titus? You best believe she is locking her door and puts her headphones on to block out his gremlin shrieking.
One could say that she was turning into a mini Jason- but only the menace parts of him.
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Good Fences (Fluffuary #28) - Finale
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FEB28: Reader Request - John Needs a Shave
Concept idea from my besites, @ofdivinity01 and @glitterypirateduck! Hope y'all like it!
John’s hand was cleaned and bandaged, but he had hurt it pretty badly. He had been cleaning a huge fish outside on the patio, one that he had caught himself from the river behind your house, and the knife caught and slipped, jamming into his palm. It was healing fine, but he was struggling with his grip.
“Bloody hell!” He shouted from the bathroom, and you heard a metallic clatter follow with it. 
You hurried to check on him, rushing to his side,
“John? Are you alright?”
“Yeah, love,” he sighed out of frustration, “It’s just this hand. Can’t grab my shaver properly. Tired of this messy face, and I’m sure you are, too.”
He smiled down at you, half-shaven and half-wild. You shook your head,
“It’s okay, babe. But, we can’t have you walking around half-finished. Can I help?”
“Ever used a straight razor?”
“No,” you sighed, “But, I can go slowly.”
“Aye,” he nodded, “Alright.” 
“Here,” you said, staring up at his great height, “Why don’t you come have a seat in the kitchen.”
You set him up by the sink, filling up a bowl with water to wash the razor, and squirting some shaving cream into your palm. He was sitting in the chair, and you hovered over him, smearing the soft foam onto his skin, making sure to leave his chops and sideburns untouched. 
“Chin’s the hard part, so just do little strokes,” he instructed, “And, hey,” he grabbed your arm, “Thank you for this.”
You kissed his forehead, 
“No problem, John. I’ve got you.”
You set to work, shaving off his chin bit by bit. The razor made quiet little scraping noises, and you tried to cut as close as you could to the skin without nicking him. It was hard to get the right angle. 
“Sorry,” you said, “Do you mind if I sit in your lap. It’s hard for me to –”
“Tha’s fine, love,” John uncrossed his leg and patted his thigh. 
You straddled him, trying to ignore the fire that rose in your belly. You focused back on your work, moving down to his neck. With each little swipe and swish of your blade, you noticed that he was breathing a little harder. You stopped, looking up at him,
“Are you alright? Do you need a break?”
There was a low rumble in his chest that was almost a moan, and then he answered darkly, 
He put both of his hands on your hips in a very familiar fashion, and you shifted your weight. As you did, you felt him, hard as a lead pipe beneath you. 
“Ahh…” You smiled, “I see. Be patient, mister. Almost done.”
He grunted in response, choosing to remain silent. 
You didn’t spare him any mercy while he was under your body. You shifted back and forth, teasing his rigid cock, shaving even slower, taking longer than you needed to. And by the time you were done, cleaning up the stray foam, your husband was a panting, growling mess. 
The last wipe of the dry cloth brought his face down to yours, his mouth only inches from your lips, and you could taste his warm breath. 
You kissed him languidly, not giving him any room to be ravenous with you, and you smiled coyly, 
“All done, babe. How does it feel?”
He scooped you up, leaving the chair in the kitchen, and lay you on the couch, shucking your pajama pants off of your body and spreading your legs apart with his rough hands. He chuckled, 
“Why don’t you tell me?”
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That's all, folks! Here lies the end of our smutless, fluffy adventure. Thanks so much to everyone for all of their support. I would've stopped weeks ago if it wasn't for y'all. Looking back, I think this exercise really helped me improve, and it got me out of my rut.
If you had a good time, please consider donating to my coffee fund. This derpy cat needs caffeine, and your hard-earned dollars are very much appreciated.
Reblogs, comments, and kudos (AO3) also bring me so much joy, so thank you for interacting with me and my work. More Price is on the way!
Y'all are the best ✌️🩷
P.S. Do these two deserve a smutty follow-up tomorrow? I think they do. 😈 It is a leap year, after all.
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dairsmuids · 5 months
A Deadly Performance
A Haytham Kenway x Reader smut fic (named for the mission it's set after, because I'm lazy at coming up with titles)
Dedicated to @anli-rambles my beloved, because I love you endlessly, and my life is better for having you in it. (shut up I can be as sappy as I want this is my fic <3) Thank you for being the first person to read this, because your praise actually hyped me up enough to want to post it lol
Tagging: @bloodfathers @sangheilihoes @ladysaturnsdust @amefuyuu @wyyvernn @memoriesofafallen @heiress-prime
Haytham's cape billows behind him as he strolls out of the opera house doors, seemingly unbothered by the cacophony taking place behind him. He walks with his usual air of cold confidence, greeting you with just the briefest hint of a side smile as Holden opens the carriage door to let him in.
"And how was the opera?"
"Rather dull, truth be told," comes Haytham's deliberately-flat response. You can't help but giggle into your palm at that — you know full well, of course, why he'd come here and what he'd done — but Haytham is far too busy inspecting the amulet in his hand to react to, or even notice, your amusement. He seems utterly bewildered by the fruits of his labour as he twirls the unusual item between his fingers.
"Shall we be off, then?" asks Holden.
"Aye, to Fleet and Bride."
"By your command."
As the carriage begins to move off, the hollow sound of the horses' hooves ringing out against the ground, you lean into Haytham's side, to which the Templar finally acknowledges you properly with a soft kiss to the side of your head.
"Missed you," you murmur, "Holden's been beguiling me with tales all evening in your absence."
Haytham just hums a noncommittal response, clearly still distracted by the amulet in his hand. You reach for it curiously, but he moves it away with a playful air as he finally makes eye contact with you.
"So, this is what Master Birch has been foaming at the mouth about," you say, leaning in to take a closer look.
Haytham gives a subtle raise of his eyebrows as his steel-blue eyes find the amulet once more. "His utterly inane preoccupation with this... this... prattle evades any level of understanding I've had of him over the years," he says, and you can tell by the tinge of frustration in his voice that there's something going on there, something deeper than he's letting on, but you don't press the matter. Even if you did, you knew Haytham likely wouldn't wish to speak about it.
Wanting to be a place of solace for his very obvious disgruntlement you reach over to plant a kiss against Haytham's cheek, your lips lingering upon his skin for a moment or two, before placing your hand gently upon his knee, stroking your thumb idly against the clothed skin. Haytham doesn't respond at first, his entire focus still on the amulet, but then you glide your hand all the way up his thigh, squeezing gently as your fingertips brush his crotch, and his body language stiffens up ever so slightly.
"What are you doing, my dear?" he asks, gazing at you now, with an arch of one single perfectly-groomed brow. There's the tiniest hint of a smirk flickering upon his lips.
You flash him a grin. "You just seem a little... tense, is all. I thought perhaps I could help with that."
"Is that so?"
"It is so," you tell him, and you lean in to press your lips against his, his hand trailing up the back of your neck as the two of you begin to kiss in long, slow, perfectly in-sync strokes.
You give his thigh another light squeeze as you pull away from the kiss, tracing your fingertips up and down, glancing downward to notice the way there's now a very obvious bulge at the front of his breeches, "May I be allowed to… help you with that, sir?"
At first you wonder if perhaps Haytham is against the idea of you doing something so wanton to him in a semi-public setting, but his hooded gaze and the way he suddenly leans in for another quick peck on the lips tells you all you need to know. "You may," he replies, and then his warm lips are against the shell of your ear, his voice a harsh growl as he speaks again: "Discreetly, or there'll be trouble."
And so you do as he commands. Haytham's eyes drift closed as your hand slips upwards and into his breeches. A small, restrained groan falls from his parted lips, his fist tightening around the amulet in his palm.
"You're utterly insatiable, you know," comes the Templar's voice, low and raspy, as he opens his eyes to regard you again, his intense gaze fixed upon the side of your face. You swipe your thumb over the head of his cock and he immediately responds, sucking air through his teeth. "Didn't you get enough of me this morning?"
Your thoughts drift back to earlier in the day — Haytham had given you a wake up call in the form of his teeth at your neck and a hand between your legs, before proceeding to take you in bed, on the chair next to the bed, and against the windowsill. A good morning indeed.
"I can never get enough of you, love," you say with a smile, and then you lean in closer, dropping your voice. "Besides, I figured you were deserving of a reward for the job you did this evening. This is a much better reward than any kind Master Birch would give you, hm?"
Haytham breathes out a chuckle at that, though his gaze is clouding over as he does so — clearly too distracted by your touch to fully engage in a conversation. "I should certainly hope Reginald never offers me this kind of reward; I may have to pledge my allegiances elsewhere."
Your chest jolts slightly with the ghost of a laugh as you grasp at the waistband of Haytham's breeches, pulling them down just enough to expose his now fully erect cock to the open air of the carriage, immediately reaching to wrap your hand around him, stroking up and down with just the right amount of speed and pressure. This isn't the first time you've done this to Haytham: you know just how he likes to be touched.
Haytham drops his head back slightly as his chest heaves with heavy breaths, his eyelids fluttering shut, and he reaches for the red cravat around his neck to loosen it slightly.
"You're going to be the death of me, you naughty little thing," he moans, his voice a quiet rumble that barely pierces the air around the two of you.
You hum happily at that, revelling in the velvety warmth of his cock in your palm as his hips thrust upwards, one of his hands scrambling to grasp at the back of the carriage seat while the other still tightly grips onto the amulet. It's clear he's trying his best to control himself, but as you continue to move your hand roughly against him, you can tell that restraint is quickly becoming the furthest thing from his mind.
Haytham presses his hand to his eyes, pushing upwards into his hairline and grabbing lightly, as though he needs to hold on to something, anything. A few rogue strands of dark hair fall loose from his usually-perfect ponytail, framing his slightly reddened face.
"You're a menace," he chokes out as you swipe your thumb over the head of his cock again, the action making a filthy slick sound as you smear his precum up and down the entire length.
Restraint appears to be an entirely forgotten concept to Haytham now as your continued touch sends him hurtling toward the edge, his hips fucking furiously upwards into your hand like nothing else matters in life. He looks a dishevelled, desperate mess, a million miles away from his usual buttoned-up self, and you love that you're the only one who can coax this side out of him.
Haytham's entire body begins to tense up, his thigh muscles tightening until all at once you feel his entire body shudder, a long, guttural moan escaping from between his parted lips. His stormy eyes roll back into his skull as he lets himself fall into climax, his release coating your palm, the abundance of it dripping down your wrist and onto the warm skin of his exposed stomach.
Without missing a beat he reaches his hand into the chest area of his jacket, pulling a handkerchief from the breast pocket of his red waistcoat and offering it to you, which you accept with a soft laugh as you use it to clean up the sticky mess on your hand. “Ever the perfect gentleman,” you say teasingly.
Haytham chuckles as he draws in a deep breath, his demeanour now seeming much more relaxed as he begins to straighten himself up, tucking his softening cock back into the confines of his breeches.
“Let me fix this,” you murmur as you reach for his loosened cravat, untying it before redoing it into a perfectly even bow. His gaze upon you is heated and intense, as though pouncing upon you like a wild animal would be preferable, and as you meet his eyes you can't help the blush that spreads across your cheeks.
“For what it's worth, my darling,” Haytham growls lowly, his warm breath tickling your ear as he leans in close, “I fully intend to repay the favour later.”
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elexaria · 8 months
thinking abt writing drabbles for a royal! au with king mactavish <3 he’s a great king to his people, comes across as a right miserable bastard when the three english kings pay him a visit — king simon of mercia, king john of northumberland and king kyleric of wessex. the english, och.
it’s a proposition for the kingdoms to all unite under the growing threat of invasions from ancient colonies. king mactavish laughs at the idea, his fingers stroking his thick beard with a grin. “aye, let ‘em try!” he roars, his royal consort erupting with laughter. the three english kings side eye one another, and king simon has to stop himself from reminding john and kyleric that, well, he told them mactavish wouldn’t want to unionise.
(i need you all to know that neil ellice rn is the inspo. big hairy man…. im foaming at the mouth)
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gunilslaugh · 1 year
Hi! Could I request an ot6 reaction where their s/o is crying because they're overwhelmed with how much they love them? (Praying that made sense)
I really love all your works and it's a good day when you upload ~
Hello! (It made sense)
All members •< ^ ~ ^ >•
Summary: Xdinary Heroes reaction to you crying because you’re overwhelmed by your love for them.
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photo not mine credits to owner.
Today was yours and Gunil’s anniversary. The two of you went out to dinner to celebrate and had just returned home. 
“Can we exchange gifts now?” Gunil asked excitedly, making you smile. You nodded your head. 
“Me first,” you said. You went to grab your gift for him. You returned with a box in your hand. “Open it,” you told him. Gunil takes the box from your hands, unties the ribbon on it and opens the lid. It reveals a pair of drumsticks you got him with both of your initials carved at the ends of them surrounded in a heart. 
“I love it, thank you.” Gunil pulled you in for a hug. “I can’t wait to use them.” Gunil pulls away to drum the air with the sticks. He sets them back in the box. “My turn.” He pulls out a small square box. He hands you the box and you open it to reveal a beautiful bracelet full of charms of things that you like. “I picked out the charms myself,” he said proudly. 
“I really love it. Help me put it on,” you say, taking out the bracelet. As Gunil attaches it to your wrist you feel your eyes fill with tears. Gunil looks at you to see your now glossed over eyes. 
“Aye, what’s wrong?” He cups your face. 
“I just really love you,” you chuckled, a single tear flowing from your eye. Gunil wipes the tear away from your eye with his thumb. 
“I really love you too,” he smiles, leaning in to give you a kiss. Some tears prick his own eyes at this precious moment.
It was one of those nights where you and Jungsu found yourselves aimlessly strolling around. Talking about everything and anything or even nothing at all, letting a comfortable silence sit between the two of you. Your hands are locked together, swaying in tune with your footsteps. The two of you round a corner, heading back in the direction of your apartment, not wanting to stay out too late. When you rounded the corner it felt like all of your emotions for Jungsu hit you. It was sudden and you don’t know why it happened, but you felt how much you truly, deeply loved Jungsu. Your eyes stung with tears and your footsteps halted for a moment, making Jungsu check on you.
“You alright?” he questioned. Concern washes over his face as he notices the tears welling up in your eyes. 
“Yeah,” you sniffled, wiping away your tears. “I just realized how much I love you,” you told him. Jungsu softly smiles.
 “You’re crying because you love me?” You nodded, letting out a half chuckle. Jungus thinks that it’s the sweetest thing. “I love you too.” He wraps her arms around you in a hug. Your head rests on his chest. “Like truly truly love you.” he lays his head on top of yours. The two of you stay embraced for a few moments, basking in your love for one another. It’s a simple moment, but you feel like it’s one you’ll never forget. After you pull away you continue on your walk back home. Holding each other’s hands a little tighter than before. 
Jiseok was staying over at your place tonight. The two of you were watching a show together cuddled up on the couch. Both of your eyes began to feel heavy and blinks were becoming longer. Jiseok took note of this and suggested that you two call it a night. You turned off the t.v. and groggily stood up from the couch. Jiseok giggled at how tired you looked and guided you to the bathroom so you could brush your teeth. You stood at the sink half asleep brushing your teeth. You looked up at the mirror and locked eyes with Jiseok. He made a funny face with the toothbrush in his mouth foam spilling out from the sides. It caused you to laugh. That laughter somehow turned into you feeling every ounce of love that you had for Jiseok and it overwhelmed you a bit. Laughter soon became sniffled. 
“I don’t think the face I made was that funny,” Jiseok stated. You shook your head. 
“It wasn’t, but I don’t know I suddenly felt how much I love you,” you explained. 
“You love me so much it makes you cry?” Jiseok questioned a bit confused.
“Apparently.” Jiseok affectionately cases your face with his hands.
“When did you become so emotional?” he says playfully moving your head from side to side. You push his hands away to spit out the toothpaste from your mouth into the sink and splashed your face with water. In bed Jiseok holds you close to his chest. “I love you too y/n. Like so much I don’t know how to describe it,” he reveals. 
Today was not shaping up to be a good day for you. Your computer crashed while you were working on something important and none of your work got saved. Meaning that you had to start all over. It was very stressful. You called Seungmin to vent about it. He was very caring and empathetic about it. Not too long after you ended the call with him Seunmgin showed up at your home. 
“What are you doing here?” you asked surprised. 
“I came to help you with your work and cheer you up since I know you're really stressed. A bought your favorite dessert too.” He held up a bag. Seungmin’s kind actions really touched your heart. He didn’t have to do any of it, but he did.
“You didn’t have too.” You step aside letting him in.
“I wanted to because I love you,” he says sincerely. Hearing his words stirred up some of your emotions. Maybe it’s because you were already stressed. You couldn’t help the tears that pricked your eyes.
“Thank you,” you hugged him tightly. Seungmin hugs you back. 
“Are you crying?” He pulls away when he thinks he feels something wet on his shirt. 
“Sorry,” you apologize, wiping your tears. “I really really love you.” 
“I really really love you too.” Seungmin kisses your forehead and pulls you back in for a hug. He feels some tears prick his own eyes. He didn’t think it was possible to love someone as much as he loves you.
Hyeongjun and you are trying out a new baking recipe together. The ingredients are sprawled out all over the counter. The two of you are huddled over his phone as you read the recipe. 
“Ok, I’ll work on the filling and you work on the batter,” you said. Hyeongjun nodded in agreement. The two of you got to work on your tasks. It didn’t take too long for you to get the filling done. You put it into the fridge so that it could chill. You began to tidy up. Hyeongjun put the batter into the oven and now you two had to play the waiting game. You guys finished tidying up together and now sat in front of the oven to watch your dessert bake. You looked over at Hyeongjun as he stared at the rising batter. Something just clicked inside of you. You knew you loved Hyeongjun, but now it was like you truly felt just how much you loved and cared about him. Your emotions built up inside of you until some tears leaked from your eyes. Heyongjun notices your tears in the reflection of the oven.
“What’s wrong? Did something get in your eye?” He turned to check on you. You shook your head. 
“I love you,” you tell him. Hyeongjun smiles. 
“I know. I love you too, but why are you crying?” he asked, not fully understanding. 
“Because I love you so much.” Hyeongjun never thought someone would cry because they love him so much. Your words bring tears to his own eyes.
“I love you so much too,” he sniffled. Your sweet moment is ruined by the timer going off, but it makes you both break out into a fit of giggles.
The two of you laid on the floor of your bedroom. You guys were supposed to be putting a puzzle together. However the pieces ended up being forgotten as Jooyeon started to tell you a funny story that happened today with his members at practice. Jooyeon talked adamantly. His eyes were bright and his hand gestures were grand. He was fully immersed in telling the story. Watching and listening to him speak like this somehow made you feel like you were falling in love with him all over again and you were able to feel just how deeply you fell. 
“This is a funny story. Why are you crying?” Jooyeon leaned over the forgotten puzzle to wipe your tears away. You didn’t even realize that you were crying until he said that. 
“It’s probably gonna sound silly, but I just suddenly felt how deeply I’m in love with you,” you chuckled lightly. 
“You love me so deeply that it makes you cry. You must hold a lot of love for me then,” he says cheekily. 
“I do,” you stated sincerely. The sincerity of your words pluck at Jooyeon’s heartstrings. He crawls over the puzzle to be at your side. 
“I love you a lot too,” he squeezes you tightly in a hug as if he’s trying to show you how much he loves you. “But please stop crying that scared me.” He placed a hand on your head. 
“Sorry,” you giggled as your teary face was replaced with your smiling face.
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inqorporeal · 2 years
There was something odd about the bookshop. Well, specifically its owner, but the shop was weird, too.
"I dunno, I just get the oddest feeling every time I go in," Mona said through a mouthful of croissant. "Like it's just a piece of set dressing. Like on stage, you know?"
"The books are there to be seen and occasionally looked through, but not actually claimed," Stuart agreed.
Nicola folded her arms on the slightly sticky coffee-shop table. "You know what I think--"
"Not your MI-6 theory, again," Mona groaned.
"Look, all I'm saying is that the owner knows a disturbing amount about history and especially contemporary warfare and politics. He totally helped me with that one paper I had to do last year, and I swear he didn't look anything up, but somehow just pulled books off the shelf that had exactly what I needed. And--"
"Aw, here we go," Stu muttered, amd poured another cup of tea for himself feom the shared pot.
"Shut it," Nicola growled. "He somehow had a newspaper from the start of World War I, in absolutely pristine condition, that had an article about the death of--"
"He's a history nerd, so what?" Stu said. "He inherited the place from his Da, who was also a complete nerd. My Ma swears they're the spitting image of each other, it's a whole schtick they have goong on. Welcome to London, we have weirdos, if you look to your left you can see a skyscraper that looks like a cock and we call it the Gherkin."
"I'm telling you, he's like some sort of secret agent," Nicola insisted. "There's that one skinny guy all in black who's always around, never takes off his shades even indoors. And remember last month, Old George swore up and down the shop burnt to the ground and then reappeared as good as new?"
"Old George is ancient and forgets you're not his little sister's best friend from church," Mona said. She drained off her ridiculous coffee drink and wiped foam from her upper lip. "The building probably burnt down when he was a kid and he's getting confused because back then they tried to rebuild things as they used to be rather than ploughing them up."
"Besides, even the best secret agency can't just rebuild an entire building stone by stone overnight. He's definitely suffering something." Stu held up a hand in the face of Nicola's poisonous glare. "Okay, okay, Old George's faulty memory aside, what makes you think the proprietor works for bleedin' MI-6?"
"I was in not too long before that, working on that nightmare essay, remember?" She waited until the other two nodded, although Mona now had her mobile out and was rexting someone. "These two creepy guys in absolutely pristine suits came in and loudly asked after pornography. Just like that, really kind of stilted, and loud. You know the place as well as I do, there's no porn there."
"I dunno, some of the classics are pretty spicy," Stu joked.
"That's different. He doesn't exactly stock Playboys you know? And the owner got real uncomfortable-looking, like he didn't want to be anywhere near them, and then took them into the back room."
Mona's head came up. "No ody goes in the back room except--"
"And the skinny bloke, aye. And when they came out, they were thanking him for 'the pornography'." Nicola pulled out the scare quotes this time. "Nobody ever buys anything from A.Z. Fell's. It's a fucking library without the legal permits. I think they were foreign agents--"
"You can't expect us to believe that Mr Fell is a secret agent," Stu insisted.
Nicola rolled her eyes. "No, I think he's the middle-man between the creepers and that skinny bloke. They can't be seen near someone like that, right? So Tall and Skinny--"
"Is way too obvious to be a spy," Mona said, shaking her head.
"But that's the brilliance of it! If he's an obvious eccentric, nobody thinks he's a spook!"
Nicola was on a roll now, and Mona and Stu exchanged a look.
"He's like a foreign agent, yeah? And 'pornography'--" scare quotes again-- "is just one of those code phrases they use, right?"
Someone stopped by their table, casting a long shadow against the light streaming through the dusty front window. "if you ask me," the stranger said, "it sounds like you watch too many spy films." He smiled thinly and the lenses of his round dark glasses seemed to flash for a moment.
"Right?" Mona said. "How many times did you see the last Bond film?"
"That has nothing to do with it--"
"What's more likely," the stranger continued, sipping at a monstrosity of a drink that could only tangentially be called 'coffee', "is that the gentlemen in question were local mob shaking our poor bookseller down. You should avoid them."
"See?" Stu agreed. "That makes a lot more sense. A Z. fell has a reputation to maintain. They were definitely threatening him."
Nicola grumped for a moment, slouching in her chair. "Alright, you have a point. He didn't act like they were friends."
"Exactly." The stranger smiled and left his empty, sugar-smeared mug in the middle of their table and left.
Mona opened her mouth to protest when someone else huffed a little sigh. Mr Fell himself picked up the mug, muttering, "Honestly, darling," under his breath, and returned it to the dish drop.
Nicola stared at her plate. "Wait. Who ordered danishes? Do they even sell danishes here?"
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pen-inks · 3 months
Pen inks shows you all their poems⁉️
Open hands he bestow
The king, yet humble, with his crown
How eyes so holy, wry and frown
Is that the harp? Is it now?
Aye- listen to he who cry
The blood of the morose
Fills the sky
None shall come to thee if not for lie
Busy hand at the harp
And none shall heed to thee; If not what is last—
And tremble do my shudder dry—
The hands, down, thrown
If he, dear dove, dare not fly.
If not the cross,
Whom is the stallion of dawn,
If not what is past?
If not Mortes, death upon me, the last?
And shall useless choir sing low,
The blood of the harp, our lungs; Hark!
Ah! And the image of he
Does the wings of salvation
Feather upon me?
And thou shall not pluck a single from the plume
Aye, cry Hark!
Doom, Ires, whom?
Brutal and barrage
Crawl, rage, bawl!
Spines of the sun stab us gone
Blood of harp; note long.
Ah, I rest here.
And his voice to me
“Come back, come back!”
And my harp, heed at last,
“No,” I say, “The ripping of mast.”
The eyes they grimace
The lip, it foam.
The words they rave
Fist, curl;
Hand of stone.
And into my bosum;
Into my heart,
Into the harp, where busy hand start
Where holy feathers; they fall and fly
And sinner I, sinner I die.
He perch on throne thine wrath
He relinquish in memory hath
And would thou tremble at that
He say
“Thou shall shutter at the glass”
Tyrant restraint of thy mind
Estne in my judicious eye
Caedes! Alas! Removed my heart, did he see
Beat, bruising, moral flee
O’ woe of thee!
And upon the dreary throne
Rex de la pallid, horrid light shone!
I do not do as he so!
He who marionette the throne;
tremble the trees
And glass shutter and shriek
“Thou will not come” he so believed—
Ah, and wondrous plague!
Oblique arrival, goth and vague
Of wine in pax would drift away
And in the inferno of the past
Luctus! Shutter glass!
In crimson blood dare he lay
In stone, and blade of heart
Shriek they:
“He shatter Glass! He shudder free!”
He lay there as wrath of me
And yet, behind those glazed eyes
Glare and less
And mind portrait me as best
A horrid brutus!
And Mortes say up at me
“Sallow morose, sin of thee!—
Lie here the body, forgiveness plea”
Whom is the impetus of ires!
But the likeness of me!
I’ve always been fond of your embrace
Your crystal eyes, how they rest in your face
Your mouth so soft with its distinct taste
It makes me wonder if you feel the same
Every night I fantasize,
With the moon in its sigh
You approaching me at my door
“Hello friend” and not more
But we look and we share
Something we want there
Something we know in our hearts.
Very much.
And maybe to be entertained, my heart is beating in vain
and I wish you would pull me apart
so that this hideous beating was to stop
and even if they never know
a phallic symbol is always thrown,
We love so closely,
I feel at home
And even with our depart
How I want you to pluck me apart
like the feathers on my tongue
What is my lungs but a sack of filth? May your holding grasp choke them until my blood runs cold
until my eyes roll back
until you are told
But how can you stop, if I am dead?
You mustn’t, no shouldnt,
There’s all this blood to be shed.
My wings are twisted and crooked,
and God laughs in my pain.
My bones they poke out
the ivory in the gaze
I am nothing but wine and meat
A sinner unsaved
Feast upon me!
I consent to your game!
Maggot like do!
I cry and sob, but it’s none to you.
They slither, my insides, like mulberry snakes
and your teeth, so white, will be colored the same
I wrestle and choke and bleed and cry
I beg for you to let me die
But to make my whines cease,
You break my jaw, expose my teeth
With all this sickness and blood and gore
Out jumps my heart, beating and sore
The hideous beating.
It’s all in my jaw
So cold and broken,
and to never be thaw
A face of winter
White and blank
I turn plum,
My mouth agape
But in the end, with all this agony,
the price of your love
it kills me
You grab my face
“I love you most”
And to your lips
So sweet
So raw
I simply…
And that is all.
And when I am dead
as you suckle my lung
all fall out, the feathers on my tongue
Mist was in the air
I looked up above
It tickled on my face
Feather of the dove
I asked it to rain
But with a refuse to pour
“You ask me so rudely! Frozen to your core!”
I ask it again, I once more implore
“Please do rain”
“I refuse to pour!”
“Snow, you must!”
“Mist I be!”
I looked out, and abounded
Oh forgetful me!
Ghosted was the memory, right under my toes
And once I had realized
I was unknown
I needed the rain
I pleaded once more
And with a lethargic sigh,
It started to pour
Right onto my head
Right into my mind
Wash away the dust, the dirt, the grime
Listen to me, listen as I speak
I reveal such a secret, one I shall not keep
I was simply asking
Begging, implore
Heartache, throbbing,
Coughing so sore
And for only a while
Did the rain dare to pour
And when I was washed
And the sun washed on shore,
I sheepishly smiled,
And begged no more
The Wolf of Massachusetts
There was a certain wind
That laid so high
A scent so faint
Like the tear in my eye
I tell you this tale
With much discrete
I tell you so softly
Heed me as I speak
I lived up North
A healthy man
A wealth to be respected
known among the land
And I walked upright
On my Jersey boots
On tether a dog
With an acute snoot
And as I make my way with the rifle
I pinprick the sound
It was ever so trifle
So faint
So dainty
I tensed my loose
And thereupon my track
Was The Brute of Massachute
I am a keen man
And I knew the land so well
I could decipher a noise
With no prevail
And I crept so sneakily
I caressed the ground
I did so quietly
As not to rustle abound
The pelt was of cloud
Like storm above
A transgression of lambs
With a tail that hung
Between his haunches
I could see
An animal painted crimson
Torn by he
As the hunter I am, as I was before
To return to town, my snoot implored
But to refuse such pelage
No, I’d never wanted more
But no! I was foolish!
The beast was the shrewd!
He snapped suddenly
For what could I do?
The monster growled
The largest in Massachute
I stepped back meekly
Who could save me, oh who?
And with each step,
I tell you as he do,
He grew more robust
He grew and grew!
Horns of the ram!
Bust of the hen!
I thought I was to never hunt again!
It growled like a cat!
It hissed too!
So helpless was I,
For what could I do?
I fired a shot, I fired two
But it was futile
Who could help me, who?
Fruitless, per se
While whimper from I
My snoot, a bay
And I, so clearly
Remember the day
The Brute of Massachusetts
Came to my dismay
The horns like lamb
Ivory in day
But the shade of brute
Choked the sun away
My snoot it dashed
And I was at last,
Met with no companion on my side
No where to seek refuge and hide
And I remember last
Among the blurry past
The creature’s crimson eyes
The kind no fauna has ever hast
Now if you fancy me
Don’t fancy me mad!
The scarlet is bore into my skull
You may look when you’re mourning and sad
I claim so big! It is in my mind
The hunger that lay so darkly upon those eyes
It had the teeth of daggers
It had the fangs of knives
It had a heart of frozen time!
The saliva… it dripped so slow
It hung in glass
And hung in a row
And came upon me!
The wretched brute!
And pounced upon me, The Creature of Massachute!
But I, a hunter as before
A hunter until death
A hunter till sore
I knew that if I was to go
Then glory it may be!
The creature’s wit was no match for me
Logic? I could
But instinct?
Not I.
But in such time, I was as vigilant as flies
And stared up the beast, into its’ very eye
And with a swing of the rifle and an audible wack
Fell down the Massachute
To aid him no pack
And up he arose
And vaulted on me!
His teeth gnashed!
I clambered
I cried!
But so stubborn, the hunter I
Slipping out of the grasp,
And with my Jersey boot,
I kicked down the beast
The brute of Massachute
And I stomped it down
And grabbed my rifle too!
And with a BOOM!
You fancy me crazy
You fancy me mad!
But around my neck
Horns of ram
Lay so subordinately
Around my pipe
In the fire, it gleams,
The intrinsic stripes
No goat I’ve ever seen
Has the pelt I claimed as a lad
And I conclude the story I have
I tell you my truth, with arrogance and glad
That the Wolf of Massachusetts was slaughtered at last.
Upon the window
I look on the candle
And the fire that dances upon it
the riches of past
I dis-lawfully grasp
So very egotistic
A creative mind
inside I
I think of that before me
I peer at the flame
And make a game
Of fantastic phony
If the flame were a woman
so slim in her frame
a dancer of fire
A dancer of fame
and upon her dress there lick different shapes
As she convulses in grotesque ways
in her stomach, it is dense
Brighter and bolder than the rest
She shed not a tear to flow away
No,but I am not that way
I ask her a question
"The weight on my heart?"
She replies with only a strut and a hop
And upon her sea of rays,
she gracefully grande plie
And I look at the time on my watch
one of the many who line up on my haunch
"And for what must I sore?"
The ballet turns phoenix
abolishing the core
Feathers abound and astray
But no reply for the things I dismay
I ask her again
answer I implore
"The weight on my heart?"
But she says no more
My face grows hot
I red when fall is to stay
I beg her to give it away
But she dances gracefully
And I cry painfully
"The weight on my heart?"
I ask once more
no reply for I
I am no more
I snuff out the candle with a lick of my finger
And the remaining wax falls so slowly
as if to linger
to remind me that of my murder upon her
Was my own guilt of the reminder
A bunch of words
Spewed on a page
Are not so wise at long
You say a thing
About love and gain
And you leave it out to thaw
You break it every other word
For a
can just
Call yourself an artist
Yet you do this all day
If you call yourself a poet
And follow that simple law
It's just a phrase
For the gaze
And not a poem at all
Balls balls wiener balls
And upon the sultry crimson
That lay before I
He came to me to speak
Softly, his whispers rising high
"Dear, I fear
You are not near
The one I do seek
And if you wish
To accomplish this
Then you take order from me"
And for the stumble tumble wry
And upon the whimpering quake
The hand of he
Struck upon me
My heart pulled to ache
"Think of heaven and sky above, think of what's at stake
Think of glittering glamorous groves
And fluffy Angel cake
Think of what I want for me
And what I deserve
And if you were smart
The striking of art
You'd have the nerve"
And dear me my lie crystal skies
Across the darken cove
Would I stagger
As he went madder
I fell below
A blade of good man and mind
A blade of wonderful sheek
The price to pay
A horrid game
A slash upon my cheek
Blood trickle down my face,
Among the softened scars
Like tiger flesh
Or a random guess
Among the looking stars
Hand grip around my pipe
Busy as if rope
And pull and choke
My will broke
And gasp for the floor
Starry glittering freedom
Handsome wonderful things
I want to see
Beyond the sea
Beyond the rushing lake
Pry my hands
wry my face
Wrinkled, pitiful, cry
But he say, address my name
With a voice not mumble nor meek
"Fine the seek I dare shall find
Find it with your eye
And then we will see
Another week
The true man who should die"
"My dear friend left me
On Tuesday cold and drew
With a bottle of water
And a dollar for stew
A flute in his baggage
His voice not ravish
But rather silk and skin
With butter flat
And a tip of hat
Off his trip began
And off my dear friend go,
Luck in his gait
To distant lands
Beyond man
Beyond the glittering lake
Discreetly intangible,
Choke dear me on light
Would it be unfashionable
To reach the night
Ah, and what wonders does glee provide me
If not certainty
If not insanity?
Would it be that I would dare clamber upon
The hearty seed
And shoot into the sky?
Across the bridge
Graze the ridge
With my sugarcane eye
And there my imaginary mind go
beyond the quivering snake,
And beyond the venom of wolves howling
And stinging of fate
No, it seems, beyond the bend
Beyond the mulberry grove
Where blood and shatter and nothing of matter send
Things I know
Beyond my dearest mindset
God foresaken me
And watch my friend and dear holy men
Curse at the sky for me
So I stare at a page
And sleep in my cage
And know that I am free
I act like my quick feathered life
Has much before me"
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roecomplex · 1 year
pets u
*foaming at the mouth like a rabid creatureee* gjdfghjrhghejghr iehih hihihih ihi hi hiayya yay ay yayayayayay ay ay yayayayayayay >w< >w< >w< >w< >w<
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auspicioustidings · 11 months
I'm foaming at the mouth for the D&D 141 eith reader DM. Like I cannot get it out of my head! If you get a chance could you do more of it? Like I'll wait however long I need to, but damn it is the perfect mash-up of things/people I like! If not, no big deal! 😘
I am also foaming at the mouth, I have a collection of TTRPGs that is sitting right next to my desk that taunts me. I've starting writing a one-shot for some reader x tf141 D&D chaos, but here is a little soft open!
“So I’m naw going tae go through the portal?” “Ok so you do know from your arcana check that if you were to try go through this portal while it’s red, that a few things may happen to you and none of them are good.” “Aye, but how not good we talking?” “Dragged through hell before being spat back out, let’s hope someone in the party has a diamond and revivify ready not good.” “Copy. I’ll naw go through it then sweetheart.” “Don’t be a pussy Johnny.” “I go through the portal!” “...why are you all like this?”
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bunny584 · 5 months
Tumblr media
(I’m sick in the head)
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k-nayee · 1 year
Hybe High public school au
wc: 8.3k Heavily inspired by Blackmilkbangtan's post
Dreamer M.List
ˏ⸉ˋ‿̩͙‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˏ⸉ˋ‿̩͙‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˏ⸉ˋ‿̩͙‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙.·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .‿̩̥̩‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˊ⸊ˎ‿̩̥̩‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˊ⸊ˎ‿̩̥̩‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˊ⸊ˎ
You take a peek at the clock only to let out a pained groan.
5:40 A.M.
'Why the hell is this woman waking me up so early?'
Letting out a yawn, you snuggle back into the bed, too tired to even move.
"____!" The sound of someone coming up the stairs echoes around your room until the door bursts open.
Despite wanting to ignore her and go back to sleep, you knew it would only end with an immediate ass-whooping if you did.
So like the good daughter you were, you obediently sat up and faced your mother.
Her eyebrows raise at your groggy answer, arms crossed with a spatula in hand. "Oh, so you don't hear me now?"
"Yes ma'am I heard you. But school don't start until 7:15."
"Okay and? What this gotta do with me? I don't care what time school starts. You still gotta get out this house before I leave for work."
With those final words, she turns and walks out the room.
Waiting until her footsteps go distant, you fall back to the bed with a groan and close your eyes.
'I'll get up in a few more minutes.'
"And you better get your ass up! Let this be the last time I have come up there to come get you."
You sit up with a glare. "Or not..."
════════════════*.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.*═════════════════
The sound of the radio fills your head as you reach the bottom of the stairs.
Walking into the kitchen, you smile at the sight of your mom placing a plate of scrambled eggs in front of your little brother.
She gives your appearance a look before letting out a hum of approval. "Seems like you took heed of my words."
You lightly scoff at her playful words and kiss her on the cheek. "Yeah, either that or I'd end up six feet under. Hey Bubba!"
"Bubba!" [Brother Name] begins to bounce in his highchair at the call of his nickname, "Bubba! Bubba!"
"Yes it is Bubba! Yes it is!" Swiftly picking him up from the seat, you laugh when he squeals.
"Aight enough of that, let my baby eat his food. And we don't have a lot of time left so come eat." She shakes her head at the interaction with a giant smile.
"Yes ma'am," placing him back in his seat, you grab a plate only to freeze at the sudden ring of your phone.
____, Slow but Faithful Hoe🤷🏾: Aye can you pick me up for school in the morning? 9:42 PM ADORAble💝: No problem but you better hurry up or imma leave your ass 9:46 PM ____, Slow but Faithful Hoe🤷🏾: 🙄 Whateva. Night 9:47 PM ADORAble💝: See you in the mornin' 9:47 PM ADORAble💝: Hey I'm outside 6:20 AM
"____ get off that damn phone and come eat!"
"Sorry Ma, but I can't." You send her an apologetic smile as you pick up your backpack from the floor.
"And why the hell not?"
"Because my ride's outside waiting for me." Quickly grabbing a piece of toast, you stuff it in your mouth and walk towards the door. "See ya later! Love yo-ack!"
Your words are cut off by the yank of your collar, forcing you back into the kitchen.
Turning around, you're faced with your glaring mother as she forces a foam plate into your hands.
"Uh-uh. This ain't no movie-type shit where you get only one thing and bust out of here. Girl if you don't make a plate and eat it on the way there. I didn't raise you to be wasting food like that. And I sure as hell didn't slave over this hot ass stove just for nobody to eat it."
Head bowed in defeat, you pile up your plate with food.
"And put enough on there for your friend. I know they probably didn't eat since they came to pick up your wasteful ass."
"Yes ma'am," putting twice as much on there, you cover it with a bag before giving both her and [Brother Name] a kiss on the cheek.
"See y'all later, love you."
Halfway out the door, you stop at the sound of your mom's voice.
"And don't be having no damn attitude just because I'm trying to make sure you eating right either!"
"Ma ain't nobody having an attitude!"
"Who you raising your voice at?!"
You rub your forehead in exhaustion. "I only did it cause I'm almost outsid- nevermind. I'm heading out right now."
"Oh, so you mumbling under your breath now?!"
"I-bye Ma!"
Walking out of the house with a groan, you let out a sigh of relief at the sight of a familiar red car.
"Hey Adora!"
"Don't Hey Adora me! I been waiting outside for damn near twenty minutes." Your friend/neighbor sends you a glare as you slide into the passenger side.
You raise an eyebrow at her words. "Oh really? So I guess you don't want breakfast then. Tch, and to think my momma made me make you a plate."
"Breakfast?" Adora perks up with a smile before making grabby hands at the sight of food, "gimme gimme hoe! I'm starving."
"Nah-uh. You can eat once we make it to school."
"Now that shit's unfair! You know your mama's food is good as hell."
"I know. That's why I'd be damn if we crash cause your dumbass tryna fight over the last piece of bacon with me."
Smacking her lips in defeat, Adora rolls her eyes and started up the car. "Whatever...but I am getting that last piece tho."
"Bitch just shut up and drive!"
════════════════*.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.*═════════════════
"So ____, you heard what happened with Kim Taehyung?"
You stop eating your pancakes with a sigh before turning towards the gossiping girl. "What happened?"
Adora quickly swallows the food in her mouth with wide eyes as she leans forward. "Aight, so it was brought to my attention that he got Suri pregnant."
Choking on your food in shock, you look at her. "Suri? You talking about that ugly bitch from second-floor Economics class?"
She nods her head. "Yeah! But you know it's all low-key and all since-"
"Kim Taehyung don't fuck ugly bitches, period." You roll your eyes at the phrase that's been around ever since his Freshmen year.
"Aw shit...there they go."
Following Adora's gaze out the car window, you catch sight of the black limousine pulling up to the school.
Usually, there'd be crowds of students gathering around the vehicle to see who's inside, but now, everyone knew.
Bangtan Sonyeondan, other known as the Bangtan Boys of Hybe High. They are considered the It group, everyone loved them...
'Dammit, them sons of bitches are here today?'
...well everyone except you.
Being the only one in the school who didn't fall for their good looks or charms, it seemed to make them gravitate towards you the most.
Some would say it was a blessing, but you said it was a curse.
"Hey ____, don't you have classes with all of them?"
Banging your head against the dashboard at her question, you prepare yourself for the day's encounters. "Yeah..."
Already dreading the next six periods of the day, you walk into the classroom with a sigh.
Your eyes skim over the class only to stop at the person in a black hoodie that you knew all too well:
Min Yoongi.
He was the only person in Bangtan that you never actually spoken to.
Instead of being the focus of attention, he took the role of that one quiet dude who sits in the back of the class.
No one- I mean no one has ever come close to holding a normal non-school-related conversation with him other than his small circle of friends.
In the school, Yoongi's considered the living, breathing form of intimidation: cat-like eyes staring at you as if anticipating your next move, face void of all emotion.
It's hard to even sit in a five-foot radius of him, but truth be told...the kigga was fine to not even try.
You'd hear of the countless attempts of girls trying to confess their love only to chicken out the moment his dark gaze landed on them.
Dude didn't even know people found him attractive until this one bold chick came up and told him so.
You will never forget the day he flushed pink as a look of confusion fell over his face.
"Alright class," you're forced from your thoughts at the voice of Ms. Johnson [English Arts teacher], "today I'm going to finally assign partners for this quarter's project."
As the whispers of who's going to be with who fills the class, you bow your head in prayer.
'Lord, I've been a good person right? Right. I do all...most of my work on time, I listen to my parents, and I even volunteer at the food shelter from time to time. Now I know you won't do me dirty with this project. All I ask is to not be assigned to no slow as- pardon, a person with a deficiency in common knowledge and book work. Oh, and please, please not Min Y-'
"Min Yoongi? You will be with ____ [Last Name]. Everyone's all partnered up? Good! Now please get to your assigned person."
Slowly turning around with pursed lips, you find him already staring at you in boredom.
His head nudges toward the empty seat next to him and you high-tail your ass over in avoidance of making him mad.
"H-hEllo" You wince at the crack in your voice as he pulls out some paper with a nod.
"Is everything good here? Need any more instructions?" You look up to find Ms. Johnson standing in front of the desk.
Yoongi pointedly looks at you causing your body to stiffen. "Nah we good Ms. Johnson. Thanks anyway."
"Aye yo Ms. Johnson! What was we supposed to do in the last part?"
Giving you one last smile, she turns and bends down to help another student.
"Goddamn! Ms. Johnson thicker than a bowl of oatmeal."
Eyes wide, you slowly turn towards Yoongi as he continues to look at her ass with an intense gaze before bursting with laughter.
"What?" He begins to laugh alongside you with a gummy smile.
"R-really dude?!" You wheeze out, arms wrapped around your stomach as tears filled your eyes, "S-she's damn near 40. Probably your momma's age."
"Shit, that don't mean nothing. With an ass like it's twenty, I'll gladly go for it."
Laughter grew louder than before, it was to a point where you didn't notice how the class went quiet and focused on the two of you.
"Ms. [Last Name], Mr. Min," you immediately stop laughing at the strict voice of Ms. Johnson and innocently look at her.
"Yes ma'am?"
"You want to tell me why you're causing such a disturbance in my class?"
Making eye contact with Yoongi, you bite your lip to keep from laughing more. "N-no ma'am. There's no reason."
"Uh-hm," she studies you for a few more seconds before finally dismissing it, "don't do it again or I'm putting you out...the both of you."
"Yes ma'am."
As she walks off, you share quiet laughs with Yoongi, ignoring the heavy gazes of nosey students around.
"You know ____, you kinda cool."
You scoff at his words. "You don't need to tell me that, I already know boo."
It was his turn to scoff. "Yeah, yeah."
Going back to the paper to start the project, a small grin adorned Yoongi's face the entire time.
Surprisingly, instead of doing the work, the rest of the class period was filled with both of you silently roasting other people.
Yeah, you're definitely gonna be sitting back there for the rest of the year.
'Maybe he's not as bad as I thought...'
"So...you just sat there and hanged out with him the whole time?" Adora raises her eyebrows as you walk down the hall to second period.
You shrug your shoulders. "Pretty much."
"I can't believe you bonded over Ms. Johnson's ass." She shakes her head in disbelief.
"I mean hey, have you seen it? Sis got a whole chariot back there."
Mumbling a you kinda right tho, she continues to walk forward as you stop at your classroom door.
"See you at lunch okay?"
You catch sight of Adora throwing a peace sign before disappearing into the sea of students.
"Good morning Ms. [Last Name]." You send a smile to Mr. Coleman [U.S and World History teacher] as he greets your fellow classmates.
"Morning Mr. Coleman! How have you been so far?"
The corner of his eyes crinkles up at the sincere question. "As great as always! Now, I want you all to get out your textbooks and open up to pages 2-"
His words are cut off by the sudden slam of the door, causing the class to slightly jump in surprise.
You turn towards the culprit only to let out a low groan of annoyance.
'Please, for the love of all things holy and pure...anyone but him.'
"Mr. Kim," Mr. Coleman's smile tightens into a grimace as the said student walks into the room with a cup of Starbucks in hand.
"Yeah? The fuck you calling my name for? Tell me whatchu want, I don't have all day."
Everyone holds their breath at Jin's words, body tense with worry as he saunters over to the desk next to you.
You look at your teacher only to find him rubbing his temples with deep breaths of air.
"Mr. Kim, please refrain from using such vulgar language in my class. Now what we were doing before you came in here was turning to pages 262-270 in the tex-"
Jin cuts him off with a squeaky laughter, hand slapping the desk as if he was told the funniest joke all of existence.
His eyes widen in shock once seeing no ounce of humor across the older man's face. "Oh, you serious? You must be out of your goddamn mind if you think Imma actually do this bullshit work."
"As you should know, I am nearly forty years your senior. So what you are saying to me is very disrespectful Mr. Kim."
"You right Mr. Coleman, you are nearly three times my age. But the question is: the fuck you gon do? Beat my ass? TUH, I think not."
The room goes quiet, the only sound being heard was of Jin sipping on his latte with raised brows.
Had someone from another school came and witnessed this, you're sure they would've had a heart attack.
But everyone here already knew what was happening and patiently waited until class started once more.
There was one golden rule that circulated throughout Hybe High: whatever Kim Seokjin does and says goes, no matter how wrong it is.
Being the son of two powerful people, it came with some very useful perks.
And one of them consisted of teachers being unable to kick him out in fear of being fired.
Another reason why he was untouchable was because of his looks.
Jin was fine as fuck, and he knew it.
There was never a day of him not wearing Gucci down to the socks like Big Poppa was his motto.
Saying homeboy was richer than Richie Rich wasn't an exaggeration.
Minutes passed before Mr. Coleman turns to the board and write down today's assignment.
"Okay class, I want all of this completed by the ring of the bell. Turn it in at my desk before you leave out."
Sitting down in his chair, he goes to his agenda to plan out future work as if he didn't just get his ass wrongfully handed to him.
"You so fucking wrong for that."
Jin frowns at the disapproving glare on your face. "The hell I do?"
"You really gonna ask me that?" You shake your head in disbelief and open the book to start on the work, "Bruh I swear...you rich people need to learn respect. Let you meet my momma and act that way. You'll be a brand new person messing with her."
Thankfully, it goes silent between you two which gives you enough time to finish everything.
Laying down on the desk for a nap, you peek through your arms when someone pokes your shoulder.
Jin sends you a bright smile. "Can you help me with my work?"
"The fuck? You damn near smarter than me. The hell you need my help for?!"
"I know but," His plump lips form into a pout, eyelashes fluttering as he gazes at you, "I don't like doing this boring ass work. So can yo-"
"No." You turn away from him and lay back down.
"But ____!"
"Don't call me! It ain't my fault you ain't doing your damn work. What this gotta do with me? Jack-squat."
"I'll buy you lunch."
Slowly turning back with narrowed eyes, you observe his face for any deceit. "Anything I want? And I don't want that cheap ass lunch-food either."
"Aight, say no more fam."
Scooting your desk closer to his, you open the book once more. "So the first thing you gotta do is..."
"Yeah, I want a triple hamburger with extra cheese and a medium vanilla milkshake."
"Oh! Tell him I want extra french fries. Wait, and make sure it's an extra-large." You giddily bounce on your feet as Jin walks down the hall.
He rolls his eyes at your excitement before turning back to the phone. "And make sure to add extra-large fries...yes that's all. I want it all here before 12:30. Bye"
Hanging up the phone with a sigh, Jin looks down at you with an eye roll. "Tch...you better be lucky I like you enough to go through all this trouble."
"Don't forget that I helped you with your classwork you ungrateful ass child."
"Pssh whatever, just get to class."
You turn and realize that he had walked you all the way to your third period.
"W-how the hell did you know what my next class is?"
"I'm Kim Seokjin, I know everything," He sends you a wink, walking down the hall along with the other students.
"Stop doing shit like that dude! That ain't cool, and we sure as hell ain't no couple."
Walking into class with a huff, you slow down when seeing your teacher collecting his things.
"Um...Mr. Clark? Where are you going? Aren't you supposed to be in front of the class?"
He looks at you with a shrug. "It seems that he already knows today's lesson. So I figured why not just say fuck it and let him teach."
"Good morning third period!" Just as Mr. Clark sprints out of the room, you turn to find exactly who your teacher was talking about:
Kim Namjoon.
He's one of the most-in fact the smartest person you've ever met during your time in high school.
Being in the top ten of Most Handsome of Hybe High along with a deadly set of dimples, Namjoon was for sure a long-time crush of yours.
You would think he'd be the most sought-after person, but frankly, he's not.
With the tendency of playing the role of the smartass teacher's pet, many would find him more on the he fine but don't wanna hit it side of the spectrum.
"Mane dude get outta here! Don't nobody wanna hear your shit today!" A voice calls out causing Namjoon's eyes to narrow.
"Oh? And please do tell me why not." He crosses his arms with a fake smile, "because I would gladly be happy to fix the lesson if it causes you unsatisfactory."
"Nah bruh you hearing me wrong. It's not the lesson, it's you. I don't know why you think we forgot about what yo ashy ass did. Just because these thirsty ass hoes say it's okay doesn't mean we do."
You look at the glaring faces of all the black dudes in the class in confusion.
"What the hell happened?"
Their gazes shift towards you before softening. "I forgot you came here in 10th grade and don't know. Why don't you tell her, homeboy."
Namjoon begins to fidget, a nervous smile appears as he pulls on the collar of his shirt. "C-can we not bring this up?"
"Well since he ain't telling, Imma go ahead and say it," the dude closest to you leans back with a sigh, dark eyes still on shifty male, "back in freshman year ya dude here thought he was black and got a perm."
"P-perm?" You sputter out in shock, wide eyes looking around to see that they were serious.
"Oh, it didn't stop there. Should've seen him at the time! Sagging, grills, jersey shirts; all of that mimicry shit. Football team had to beat his ass when he said Nigga."
"Really Namjoon?!"
"H-hey! In my defense, I was uneducated as fuck and learned most of my English from Living Single and Fresh Prince of Bel-Air."
"Yeah, but really Joon? You really went that far?"
Namjoon's face grows red from shame, his hands covering the skin to hide it from the class's view.
"Come on! I get it: what I did was wrong and I rightfully deserved that beat down. But it's been years since it happened. Can't we just let bygones be bygones now?"
"Oh we been forgave you, it's just funny to see you grow all shy 'n shit."
He visibly relaxes at the laughter and smiles filling the room. "So...we good now?"
"Yeah, we good."
"Okay guys! Homework's due tomorrow, I want it turned in the moment you stepped through that door." The voice of Mr. Clark fills the room as the bell rings.
Things already packed and ready for the next class, you wait at the door for Namjoon to finish talking to the teacher.
His dimples appear after seeing it was you. "Hey ____! You still down for me to tutor you for math after school right?"
"Ah, sorry I can't. I have to look after Bubba while my mom's at work."
"Oh," your eyes widen in realization, head lowering to avoid his curious gaze, "that's...my little brother's nickname."
You shiver at the way his deep chuckles fill your ears.
"Bubba...that's cute."
"Ha. Y-yeah, I try."
It becomes a comfortable silence between you two during the walk down the hall.
"So ____, I was wondering if you and Adora would like to hang out with u-"
You look behind you to the source of interruption with dread. 'Oh hell no.'
"Hey," Namjoon tilts his head as the figure gets closer to where you were, "is that-"
"Well that seems like my cue to leave. See ya later Joon!" Speeding down the hallway without hearing a reply, you dip out of his sight.
After minutes of staying camouflaged amongst the hormonal bodies, you finally make it to your fourth-period class.
"Hello Ms. Pain- um...who are you?" You stop your greeting once taking a look at the front desk.
Instead of your beloved Calculus teacher Ms. Paine, there in her place was a small old man.
"My...name is...Mr. Abdul. And...today I...will...be your...teacher." He wheezes out through his oxygen mask before pointing to the class, "please...have seat. And...write name...for attendance..."
Quickly writing your name down on the piece of paper, you sit down and pull out your phone.
____, Slow but Faithful Hoe🤷🏾: Bitch...Ms. Paine gone for today! 10:25 AM ADORAble💝: Foreal? Did she leave any work out for us to do? 10:27 AM ____, Slow but Faithful Hoe🤷🏾: Don't know, but there's this small sick-ass old dude for our substitute tho. I feel bad for him 10:28 AM ADORAble💝: Damn. What's his name 10:28 AM ____, Slow but Faithful Hoe🤷🏾: Mr. Abdul 10:29 AM ADORAble💝: Oh shit! You remember that prank I told you about the Soccer team pulling on that foreigner teacher I had a while back? 10:35 AM ____, Slow but Faithful Hoe🤷🏾: You talking about the one who was duct-taped to his chair? 10:37 AM No...that's him?! 10:37 AM ADORAble💝: Yup. 10:37 AM ____, Slow but Faithful Hoe🤷🏾: They going to hell for that one. 10:38 AM
"____~" you freeze once a familiar musky cologne fills your senses, head dropping to the desk with a thud.
'Calm down. Your reactions to his bullshit will only egg him on more.'
Turning around with a sigh, you give the fakest smile you could muster up. "Hello Taehyung."
"Hey bae, you been missin' me?"
"Hmm, let me think about that...hell no." With a glare, you pick up your things and move to the back of the class.
"Why you gotta treat me that way?" Taehyung gets up from his seat and begins to follow after you, "now you kn-"
"Oh Taehyung~"
Both of your attention shifts over to a group of girls seductively waving at him.
"See? They want you. Now stop..." Your sentence trails off once you turn to find him already gone and over there with them. "...bothering me."
Kim Taehyung.
Out of all of the dudes in school, he was the most desired one on all grade levels.
It really wasn't a surprise upon finding out that he fucked almost all of the girls here.
Like, the kigga got a serious body count under his name.
Hell, if it wasn't because of their young age, he would've probably already wormed his way through the Freshmen. [We stan a man who has boundaries here😤]
Somehow, you were able to brush past his panty-dropping charms and treated him as any other regular classmate.
Wrong fucking choice.
Ever since the day of you dismissing his advances, he's been dead set on making you his.
Now to be honest, with his low-key lightskin fuck boy tendencies flaring up more often, there were some close calls of where you almost fell for it.
And it seemed that today was gonna be one of them...
"So ____," he drawls out your name with his deep voice, hands pressed on the desk as he leans close to you, "about earlier."
You scoff at his words. "Boy if you don't get out my face with that buffoonery. Ain't nobody but yo hos got time for that."
"Oh so you jealous? I don't know why tho. Cuz when it comes down to it: they just for fun while you the real thing."
Taehyung looks at you through lidded eyes, hand coming up to lift your chin as he leans even closer.
'Don't fall for it...snap out of it!'
"Tae...if you don't back the fuck up."
He pulls back from you with raised hands, a smirk still resting on his face. "Aight Imma back up. Damn ____, why you gotta be so hard to get?"
You look at him as he sits down and observes the outfit he's wearing today with a hum.
How he makes a white t-shirt, grey sweatpants, and some white sneakers look like some Calvin Klein-type shit, you may never know.
'Hold up...' Your eyebrows furrow when noticing his pants more closely, '...is that-'
You choke on air, head looking straight ahead so he won't catch you in the act of peeking.
'Goddamn! Why the fuck he wearing grey sweats KNOWING his dick big? No wonder why all these girls chasing after him.'
"Aye ____"
The hair on your arms raises when Taehyung's breath fans the bottom of your neck.
"How 'bout you stop staring and finally hop on it like you should've been doin'. I know you want to."
"Oh God!" You let out a mortifying cry, head falling to your arms to hide your embarrassed face.
"____...____," he lightly grabs your neck, forcing you to meet his dark gaze, "we both know that's what you gonna be screaming out in a few minutes if you keep on-ah!"
His laughter fills the class when you begin to hit him in anger.
"Stop. Fucking. Playing. With. Me!"
"Aight I'll stop! Damn you hit hard as fuck." Taehyung sends you a boxy smile, the once fuck boy aura disappearing without a trace.
Taking a quick look at the board, you almost break down at the big bold letters of Turn in before the end of Class, worth a test grade decorating it.
With a quick glance at the wall clock, your eyes nearly bulge out. '11:05?! When? Where? How?'
"Shit shit shit!" You begin to panic, there's no way you could finish in the remaining ten minutes.
"Here," A paper is placed on top of the desk causing you to look over at a relaxed Taehyung.
Picking it up, the shock is evident on your face when seeing that it was the work...only this one was completed.
A lost look appears on his face as you stare at him in disbelief. "What?"
"The fuck you mean what? How the hell were you able to do all this?"
"Oh that? Yoongi goes to this class before us, so he sent me the directions ten minutes before we moved." He shrugs as if it wasn't that hard to do.
"You did all of this in just ten minutes?"
"Well yeah. Can't you?"
"Hell no! Shit like this takes me damn near the whole period." You look at Taehyung in awe, your perspective on him now changed, "and to think I thought you was dumb."
"Nah, I gotta act that way for the girls. You see how dry Namjoon be with his intellectual headass personality."
"Mmm, true true."
After ten minutes of speedily copying his work, you let out a sigh of victory of finishing just as the bell rings.
"Thanks Tae~" With your work in the bin, you send him a bright smile before walking out.
"Aye, now gonna give me a chance right?"
"Lemme see...that's still a hell no for me! Thanks for trying tho."
Taehyung smacks his lips with a shake of his head. "Damn bae you play too much, just let me fuck with you. I'll drop all my hoes no cap!"
"Bye Taehyung!"
You ignore his whines of protest when Jin appears with a bag of Dixie Queen. Quickly running up to him, you take it and whip out your phone with a smile.
"Adora you gotta meet me in the cafeteria girl. Look at all this free food I got hoe!"
"Aw shit...I think I ate too much." You let out a groan of discomfort, rubbing your bloating stomach as you walk from the cafeteria.
"See that's what your fatass get! I told you not to be eating all that food." Adora shakes her head at your whining.
"I know...but it was so good tho!"
She snorts at your words before turning you towards your designated class.
"Now go inside and digest all that food you selfishly ate by yourself. I'll see you in seventh-period."
"You really upset about that?! I worked hard for that food and you know it!" You call after her as she walks to her class, "Plus, how you gonna be mad when you didn't even ask? I don't read minds!"
Knowing how useless it was to continue to yell after her, you walk into the classroom with a sigh.
You look over to find an energetic male bouncing in his seat as he waves you over.
"Goddammit Hoseok! Calm down," Mr. Boyce's [your Biology teacher] voice booms out in annoyance causing the younger male to smile.
"Sorry teach! Will happen again though!"
Jung Hoseok.
There were only three words in the entire world to describe this dude: Loud. Ass. Clown
You don't know if his mother dropped him as a baby or accidentally took too much weed when she was pregnant with him.
But one thing for sure, the nigga is so out of pocket and he says the wildest shit. Ever.
"Hey Mr. Boyce," the fragile voice of Jimin brings your attention to the front of the room, "Ms. Johnson wanted to give you this week's schedule."
"Okay, you can just sit it on my desk."
Walking across the room, the soft-spoken boy quickly does what he's told before leaving.
"Damn Jimin! Whatchu doing out here with all that ass on a Monday? Double cheeked up in the afternoon, the sun still out and all."
The room goes quiet at Hoseok's words, everyone turning to focus on what he's talking about.
"U-um...bye!" Jimin speeds out in embarrassment once noticing the number of eyes beginning to zone in on his ass.
To make it worse, the poor boy's last class was Dance of the Arts and he had yet to change out the snug tights he was wearing.
"All. That. Ass. Hm-hm hmm," Hoseok shakes his head as his gaze follows after Jimin's trailing chariot.
Was it mentioned that everybody thought he was low-key gay? No?
Yeah, that too.
"Okaaaay? Anyways, since I don't have anything planned for today we just gonna watch a video."
Cheers filled the room when Mr. Boyce turns on the projector with some educational video on pause.
With all of the drapes covering the windows, the last thing to be done was to turn off the lights.
Mr. Boyce quickly turns on the lights at the sudden scream. "What happened?!"
"Bitch if you don't get your big-headed ass off me!" Heads turn toward you glaring at Hoseok as he buried his head in your chest.
"Hoseok, what's wrong?"
You push him off with a huff as he looks up to your teacher with a sheepish smile. "I just scream whenever the lights are turned off. That's all."
"Okay...okay!" Rubbing his forehead in exhaustion, Mr. Boyce throws his hands up in defeat, "no video. Just write a few notes from this short slideshow and it'll be the pass for this week's test. You fine with that?"
With reluctant mutters of agreement, the synchronized sound of notebooks opening echoes in your head.
There were moments where the whole class-even the teacher- would hold their breath and wait for some crazy shit to be shouted out.
But surprisingly, Hoseok was quiet throughout the whole thi-
"Aye! Where y'all get that pic of Jimin and Namjoon from?"
You look up to see a picture showing the difference between a circumcised and an uncircumcised dick.
"You know what? Y'all can have a free day for the remainder of the period."
Turning in what you've written, you turn at the sudden poke of your cheek. "What do you want?"
Hoseok smiles at your bored look, not once fazed by the Yoongi like personality.
"I was wondering how your weekend's been. That's all~"
You perk up at his words with a smile of your own, remembering why you love hanging out with him in the first place. "Okay so on Friday..."
Minutes passed of you venting out to Hoseok as he willingly listened. It was one of the most efficient ways for you to get rid of your stress.
"And then she gon tell me Oh so you mumbling under your breath now, can you believe it?! Goddamn! She be going off on the simplest things. Oh and don't get me started on this one time where I-"
You suddenly cut off your words with pursed lips causing Hoseok to lean closer.
"Oh shit! What happened?"
Letting out a nervous giggle, you quickly shake your head. "N-nothing too serious. It's not something to be worried about."
"Now I wanna know since you acting like that. What? Did you get caught fucking Taehyung? You pregnant? Don't worry, he'll own up to it since you ain't ugly like Suri. He probably happy that he got you cuffed. Always talking 'bout she better get as much dick as she can, cause the very moment I'm in ____ it's gonna be the last time she ever gonna get some from another nig-"
"Okay damn, I'll tell you!" You cut off the rambling male before leaning in close, "So what had happened was..."
Shrinking into your seat from the heavyweight of the gazes around, you send a withering glare to the still gossiping Hoseok.
"Goddamn bitch! This the exact reason why I don't tell your ass shit!"
"____ I said I'm sorry! You know I can't control how loud I speak sometimes. ____!"
You continue to ignore the whining male as he trails after you to your sixth period- other known as the free period of the day.
Walking into the class, you immediately go to the back and sit in an empty seat.
"____ please talk to m-oh hey Jungkook!"
You look over to find the said male focused on the device in his lap.
"Is that Mortal Kombat?"
Swiftly looking up at you, he gives a stiff nod before returning to his game.
Jeon Jungkook.
The up-most purified symbol of a game-ass virgin who lives in his parents' basement for independence.
From his wide doe eyes to the raven-colored locks on his head, Jungkook could probably pass Taehyung's count if he wanted to.
But there was just one slight problem...
The boy is weird as fuck.
It's 2020 and yet he still plays with his 2011 old ass 3Ds, all day every day.
If not that, he'd probably be cooped up in his room to play Overwatch or some shit.
Growing up with PlayStations and Xbox-360s in your family, it didn't bother you, so it was easy to befriend the introverted gamer.
Finish Her
Letting out a satisfied sigh, Jungkook places the game down with a stretch.
"Oh yeah!" You look over to see him pulling out a small red tupperwear before handing it to you.
"What's this?" Your mouth waters at the sweet smell once you open the top, eyes taking in the food's colorful designs in awe.
"O-oh," Jungkook rubs the back of his neck as he avoids your questioning gaze, "it's just that I missed lunch and never got a chance to give you this. It's called-"
"Mochi!" Hoseok bounces in his seat and looks at you with puppy dog eyes.
Rolling your eyes, you pop a treat into his mouth causing his face to brighten in happiness.
"So when are you gonna start opening up your social circle?" You study Jungkook's lean frame for a moment before reaching over to also feed him.
He looks over at you with a raised brow, head laid down to allow you to continue giving him bites of the treat. "Whatchu mean? I already have you, the guys, and games. What more do I need?"
"I mean other people. Human people. Guys and girls your age man! You don't see the number of girls flocking towards you these days?"
Hoseok scoffs at your words. "Who doesn't? Not only is he the youngest of the group, but the motherfucker is also the strongest? Plenty of coochies tryna be served on a silver platter to him."
It was Jungkook's turn to scoff. "I don't know what y'all talking about. I'm not even that strong."
"Dude, you bench-pressed a nigga and threw him on the ground for messing up your Mario Cart Go score." You deadpanned at him with a blank face, "And you got the nerve to say you not that strong?"
"Yeah, and since most of the dudes saw they now think he's scary as fuck while it just made girls want him even more. Cause you know, they like the strong ones who can pick 'em up and throw them against the wall."
"Well they can want me all they want," Jungkook rolls his eyes at Hoseok's words before picking up the 3Ds once more, "cause I ain't fucking with them when they leave-outs looking the way they do. Should be ashamed of those messed up ass things they called edges too."
As he goes back to playing the games, you turn to Hoseok with a sigh.
"He's forever gonna be a weirdo is he?"
"Yeah. Not to mention how he uses the restroom too. Cause whew chile."
"Use the restroom?"
He sits up at your question and frantically nods. "Yeah! Did I mention he pulls his pants all the way down to pee?"
'All the way down?' Your head tilts in thought as you observe Jungkook with a pout, 'he ain't worrying about the piss on the ground? A true one.'
"His dick big too-"
"This why people think you gay."
"Adora!" You call out your friend's name just before she goes inside.
Waiting until you reach her, you both enter the class and go sit near the windows.
"Goddamn Adora! So much shit happened in one day, I just can't!" You lean against her for support as she pats your back in comfort.
"There there, just hang in there a little longer. 'Cause the moment class ends, you can go home and watch a Spongebob marathon with Bubba. Don't that sound nice?"
"Yeah...it does."
"Ah! Did you get the papers I requested for today's assignment like I asked?" You turn towards Ms. Kim [History of Dance teacher] as she faces the doorway.
"Yes ma'am. I was able to print out a good amount before the printer machine stopped working." A soft voice that you knew all too well reached your ears.
"That's good enough! I guess we'll just have to get in groups of three until there's more made. Would you mind passing it out while I go see if there's any in my car Jimin?"
"Yes ma'am."
The moment Ms. Kim is out of the way, your eyes are immediately glued to one thing and one thing only: ass.
Specifically Park Jimin's ass.
It was no joke when Hoseok spoke of it during fifth period, cause when people say the dude's got ass...he got it.
No matter what he wears, it always ended up looking good because the JiBooty [your personal nickname for him] never fails at doing so.
So many girls envied him, and so many guys declared going gay if it meant being able to get a night with him [and DAT ass].
Like seriously, homeboy booty jiggles when he walks. Just like now as he goes through the aisles to pass out paper.
"____ if you don't stop looking at his ass and focus!"
You turn towards Adora with a pout. "You telling me all that cake ain't making you want to follow and spank it?"
"Spank what?"
Flinching at the sudden sound of Jimin's voice, you look up to find him staring at you with raised brows.
"She talking about how she wanna spank yo ass 'n shit."
You look at her in betrayal. "Bitch..."
"Then stop staring at his ass and do your work!"
He continues to look at your bantering before interrupting it by laughing.
You turn and nearly coo at the way his eyes form into crescents, a light blush filling his round cheeks in a reddish hue. [Sadly...not the ass cheeks]
Jimin sits down with a sigh and places the assigned paper in the middle. "I was gonna ask if I can work with y'all unless you only my ass to be on the team?"
'Hell yes! That's all I need, you and Adora can leave. I'll find a job to support the both of us...maybe even buy a little puppy.'
"No! Of course not," you scoff at his words and send him a smile, "we'd gladly let you join our group."
"Okay! So what are we doing now?"
"Write an informative essay based on the notes we had taken yesterday of the origins of Ballet," Adora flatly explains as she brings out a sheet of notes.
"Oh..." Jimin trails off his sentence, a lost look adorning his face at the girl's words.
Pulling out a duplicate of your notes, you slide it over to him causing a smile to appear.
"Thanks ____~"
Adora's mouth drops open once she sees Jimin take out his wallet and hand you a five-dollar bill.
"You know you don't have to keep on paying me every day just for some notes right? I usually just go to the machine and copy it." Despite saying those words, you still took the money and put it in your pocket.
"Oh I know, but I like doing it anyway."
"Well ain't this some bullshit!"
Both of you turn towards the girl as she shakes her head in disbelief.
"What? What? You seriously asking me that? You out here doing his notes for some measly five dollars while you see a bitch back here struggling?"
You look at your hands with a pout. "I mean...he still gives me money even when I don't do it."
"That don't mean shit!" Adora shifts her attention to Jimin as he rolls his eyes, "and you!"
"Tch, what I do now?"
She scoffs. "You need to stop dragging behind! How the hell are you one of the top leading dancers in this school but failing in dance history?"
"Because Adora, that shit's boring as fuck! Don't nobody wanna waste their time listening and reading about the past. I sure as hell don't."
"You will when you're unable to graduate and struggling to find a stable job."
"Pssh, I doubt it."
"Oh really?"
"Yes really. I fail? Oh well. If you hadn't noticed all the designer shit I've been wearing, my parents got money boo. And to add to the facts, I'm the heir to Park's Incorporated after my father steps down. Plus with this ass and flexibility, I can easily be working that pole at night. Set. For. Life."
You shift at the tension between the two people, sweat grazing your forehead from their heated glares. "C-can we please just work on the essay now?"
"I swear... it's always gotta be about money," Adora ignores you and gives Jimin a once over, "I'll admit about the stripper one, but that's all you got babes. Cause we both know that if it wasn't for your dad, you'll be homeless by now."
Jimin sits up in his chair with a dark look causing your skin to crawl.
Most of the time he's all sweet 'n cute, but when you piss him off...he can turn into a scary-ass bitch.
"You talking about mines, but didn't yo daddy sell weed to support you? Oh okay. Come for me when you ain't no longer wearing those triple generation hand-me-downs from World War I."
"T-that was only one fucking time! How the fuck do you know that?!" Her voice rises in pitch as a blush fills her cheeks.
"He told me himself. I knew from the start he didn't know a single thing about hustling the moment he started gushing about you when I said I attended here for school. Surprised he didn't get arrested from that shit."
"Guys!" Hands slammed against the table in anger, you finally grab their attention, "despite loving drama as the next person, now is not the time to be coming for each other."
"Did I ask for an explanation? No! So do that shit after school!"
Jimin kisses his teeth with a sigh which caused your gaze to shift to him. "You!"
"Wha- the fuck I do?!"
"For saying that triple generation hand-me-downs from World War I shit. Now I'll admit it was funny, but then again them my motherfucking clothes she borrowed from me!"
"Well how was I supposed to know that! It ain't my fault you pulling it off while she looking the way she looking..."
"...okay Imma let you off because of the compliment. But I outta still smack the shit out of you for dissing my style tho."
He sinks into his chair with a pout, too afraid to glare directly at you so he does so at the floor.
"Now I don't know why the fuck you laughing!" Hearing Adora's laughter you turn towards her with an even harder glare.
She stops and looks at her lap. "Bu-"
"I ain't hearing shit from you! Stop starting stuff you can't finish, cause we both know that Jimin can easily flame your ass a new one. The bitch is a fucking Libra! Probably know all the messed up shit this whole town did over the years."
"Oh I do. Got eyes and ears all over the place."
You clap at his words in agreement while she looks at him with a sneer.
"Didn't you just hear me?! Stop terrorizing him! He even went after the damn Mayor and forced him to make October 13th the official Jimin Day and that no one else can have the same birthday as him. If that was possible, what makes you think you safe?"
"The fuck?" Adora looks at you in disbelief. "What the hell happened to the babies born on that day?"
"They either had to get it changed or be kicked out."
"...please say you lying."
"Nah, she's serious. Cause Park Jimin ain't sharing his birthday with none of these hoes. Period." Jimin leans back, dark eyes greedily taking in the way your friend pales in fear.
"Alright!" You turn towards the door in time to see Ms. Kim walking into the class, "it seems that there are not any more papers. So instead of turning in the ones you've done for a project, it'll be just extra credit."
The bell goes off just as she finished those words.
Collecting your things, you shake your head at the way he continues to taunt Adora before flicking his forehead.
"Shit! Why'd you do that?"
"Stop staring at her with that menacing ass smirk! You even making me feel scared from it."
Jimin's whole demeanor flips at your words. Jumping up from his desk, he coddles you in his arms.
"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to frighten you ____. Can you please forgive me?" He looks down at you with big bright eyes, lips forced into an adorable pout.
"Uh-hm, I'll see. But first, apologize to Adora. Poor thing almost looks like she about to hide away."
Jimin turns toward the flabbergasted girl and gives her a bow. "I'm sorry if I frightened you! Please forgive me."
"O-oh um..." seeing your encouraging nod, her lost expression melts into a nervous smile, "...it's alright. No need for that. All is forgiven."
You snort at the gleam of hope shining in his eyes as he looks your way.
"Yeah, I forgive you. But look at how maturely you handled the situation though! I'm so proud of you Jiminie~"
If this dude had a tail right now, you're sure it would be wagging like crazy.
Reaching up to give him an affectionate pat on the head, you also place a small peck on his soft cheek.
"____?!" By the way Jimin lets out a big gasp as he holds his face, you instantly regret your actions.
"Now Jimin," you hold your hands up with a grimace, "before you start freaking out. That was just a friendly kiss, so please don't go all out about this. I don't have time to deal with-"
"EEK! I HAVE TO TELL THE GUYS ABOUT THIS!" With a girlish squeal, he sprints out of the room.
You stare at the now empty spot, body shaking once realizing what the dancer is about to do. "...shit!"
"Wha-the hell?!" Adora yells out in shock when you yank her out the classroom.
"Keys bitch! Give me the fucking keys!" Your heart races in fear, eyes quickly zoning in on the red car once you step out of the school.
"What's wrong?! Why are we running?!" Despite asking she puts her trust in you and hands over the keys.
"By my calculations, there's a good five minutes remaining. That's enough time to get in and zoom off. We just have to leave before-"
'Shitshitshit! I'm supposed to have five minutes!'
"Is...is that Taehyung?"
Refusing to look back, you tug on Adora's arm harder as you finally make it to the car. "Yes...and by the number of footsteps behind us, his after-school groupie is most likely following him."
"Tae what about us?!"
"Taehyung I love you!"
"Where are you going?"
"Taehyung I'm pregnant!
"Suri, how many times do I have to tell you? I don't fuck ugly bitches. Perio- ____ wait for me!"
You finally relax once you zoom off school campus, the crowd of people in the parking lot growing smaller as you drive away.
"Goddamn! You telling me you have to go through this shit every day?" Adora leans back with a sigh of disbelief.
Giving her a tired look, you purse your lips knowing there'll be hell to face tomorrow. "...yeah."
'Only at fucking Hybe High...'
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