#fnaf x hazbin hotel
quinycat · 2 months
Hazbin hotel x FNAF Fanfic (Also with a bit of helluva boss 🤭)
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This is my first Hazbin fanfic and it was originally posted on ao3,, so maybe Tumblr will enjoy it as well
If you haven't watched the entirety of Hazbin yet maybe don't read this and go finish it
Note: This is set before Sir Pentious died, and has everyone living in the hotel at the time.
It's a quiet day in hell. Well, as quiet as hell can get.
On top of a hill was a hotel, one you've probably heard of. It's called the hazbin hotel.
Charlie, one of the main hosts and the one who actually made the hotel and had the idea for it, was looking for things to do as an activity for the day. She starts looking through the internet to find things to do.
"Oooh, what's this? A new restaurant opened? Maybe I can teach manners there! Or.. something."
She clicked on a website that had the information for a restaurant that opened. It had 4 cute animatronics as mascots. At least, charlie thought they were cute.
When she pitched the idea to the others, they weren't sure about it.
"Man, um.. I'ma be honest this shit looks creepy as hell."
Husk said while scratching his neck. Charlie laughed.
"No it doesn't!! You're telling me this isn't ADORABLE?!?!"
Sir Pentious smiled.
"I think it looks delightful!"
Niffty smiled as well.
"Ooooo, they look like bad boys!"
Alastor was also smiling, like always. Charlie assumed he was happy about this too, even though that's his default look.
Charlie's eyes got wide.
"See! Come on, were going. Let's go."
Vaggie shook her head, in a playful way towards charlie. She hoped this was going to be worth it. I mean, it just seemed like a cheap pizza place with cheap animatronics meant for children. But whatever would make charlie happy made vaggie happy too.
Everyone hopped in the limo they ordered (because they're fancy) and they started going to the place. Upon exiting the car, they saw a giant billboard with the name 'Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria" plastered on the front.
Sir Pentious and Angel Dust's mouths dropped.
"Ya know, maybe this won't be so bad. It's a pizzeria, how bad could it be?"
Angel said. Then he looked down to see a bunch of screaming hellborn children, and he wasn't sure if they were screaming out of joy or fear.
"Ehh on second thought- do we have to eat here? There's a bar nearby that sells pizza--"
Vaggie cut him off.
"NO! We are going here and we're going to enjoy it." She grabbed angel by the shoulder and pulled him towards the pizzeria a bit. "Come on everyone! Let's go."
Husk sighed and walked next to Angel.
They all entered, and the first thing they see is the animatronics. In order: A blueish purple bunny, a brown bear with a top hat, and a yellow chicken with a bib that says "Let's Eat!"
Angel tilted his head.
"Wasn't there supposed to be 4?"
Charlie pointed to a pedestal on the left side of the stage where a pirate fox stood.
Niffty rubbed her hands together.
"Bad boy.. HAHAHA"
Everyone looked at her.
Charlie sighed.
"OOOK, let's get a seat."
They all got a party sized table. They were the only group of just adults, so they felt pretty awkward.
"Two cheese pizzas, please."
Vaggie ordered when the waiter came by. The waiter was a hellborn imp with long hair. He replied,
"Okay! Might take a while.. Our pizza maker is having some issues at the moment. It'll be fixed shortly I'm sure. In the meantime, you can check out the arcade or the animatronics."
Everyone nodded. Angel and husk got up first, and split off from the group. Others started leaving the table at that moment.
When Angel and Husk were walking around, a hellborn kid bumped into Angel Dust's leg. Instinctively, he held husk's hand to keep him up and balanced. When Angel looked down, he saw an adorable little imp child.
"Aww, hello!"
After saying that the child grinned very, very wide, showing off giant sharp teeth.
Husk's nose scrunched.
They continued on towards the animatronics. Once they were at the front, right in front of the animatronics, they saw how detailed they were.
"They're even creepier in person!"
Husk exclaimed, then he suddenly realized he was still holding Angel's hand. He didn't mind it though.
"Yeah. Ugh, this place is boring.. Hey, what's over this way?"
Angel pointed to an unlabeled door that was cracked open. Since he was unbearably bored, he pulled husk over to the door and entered.
While angel and husk were off holding hands and going into the mysterious room in the back (they're such boyfriends I swear)
Charlie and Vaggie walked over to the arcade. Charlie wanted to see the animatronics, but Vaggie pulled her away because she swore they were possessed. She was content going to the arcade anyways. Anything that made her girlfriend happy made her happy!
Sir pentious wasn't sure what to do, so he just tagged along with Charlie and Vaggie.
"Ooh, this place is delightful!"
When they played the games he always lost. But he was okay with that.
While they played games niffty was sweeping the floor and picking up all the messes, and once she got bored she snuck into pirate's cove. It seemed foxy was her favorite animatronic. She didn't really care for the others. She claimed foxy was the "ultimate bad boy."
The others just laughed awkwardly. Foxy's not even real!
Alastor just stood in the corner of the room, and when kids came up to him, probably thinking he was an animatronic, he just smiled even wider to scare them away. He thought this was pretty fun.
And he was used to menacingly standing in corners, especially since this is what he does every night instead of sleeping.
Eventually after what seemed like forever, their pizza was ready. Charlie, vaggie, and sir pentious went to gather everyone.
It took them forever to find niffty hiding behind foxy.
"Where's angel and husk?"
Charlie asked. Vaggie replied,
"No clue, couldn't find them anywhere."
Sir pentious looked around.
"We've checked every room.. Wait, what about over there?"
He pointed over to a door that leads to the back. Nobody besides staff was allowed back there so Charlie shook her head.
"Why would they be in there?"
Alastor shrugged. Vaggie had the suspicion they were doing something weird, especially since angel and husk have been getting close. She sighed.
"Well, who wants to check if they're in there. Cause it won't be me."
"I'll go."
Charlie raised her hand. No matter what they could find in there what if they were in trouble?! Nobody knows what goes on in the back of kids pizzerias.
So, she opened the door and went inside.
(A few moments before the door opens)
"Uh.. husk?"
"What the fuck is that."
Angel pointed to a green blob in the corner. Their eyes weren't fully adjusted to the dark room yet, so that made it hard to see.
Husk squinted his eyes. He had no clue what it was. Then it moved. Not a huge movement, but it shook.
Angel frantically looked for a light switch. It was probably just their imagination. Finally, he found one and switched it on.
"Is that a green bunny? A stuffed animal, right? Or.."
Angel moved closer to husk. Husk looked at him.
"It's bleeding. It must be alive!"
He started to walk towards it.
Angel grabbed his hand as quickly as he could.
"Wait! What if it's a trap?"
Husk reluctantly sighed. Then he decided to speak to the mysterious rabbit.
"Hello? Can you hear me?"
The rabbit's arm twitched. Husk took that as a sign it could hear him.
"Can you move? Or speak?"
Angel shook his head.
"Husk, we should go this shit is scary."
"No, it's hurt. He needs help. Stay with me angel."
Angel smiled, and looked into husk's eyes. He guessed husk was right. Besides, charlie would be devastated if they let someone in pain just stay in a dark room in the back of a pizzeria.
They looked up to see the rabbit moving it's arms up to its head. They stood in silence watching it, as it.. took its head off? Husk's breathing hot heavier.
"It's a suit."
Angel smiled.
"Yeah, I think I noticed when he took his head off."
Husk shook his head and said nothing, still focused on the man in the suit. Husk grabbed angels hand and walked over to him. They noticed that inside the suit was an imp, specifically an arch imp.
Angel couldn't recognize him. But they were in a different ring than the hotel, so he probably have never seen this imp before.
"Who are you."
He cleared his throat, then spoke for the first time since they've been here.
"The names striker. Never heard of me?"
Angel and husk didn't reply. Angel looked down next to Striker, and he saw a gun. A gun made by Camilla Carmine, one of the overlords.
"How the fuck did you get that?"
He pointed at it.
"And why is it in this kids pizzeria? Why are you in that suit what the fuck is happening!"
"Calm down, angel"
Striker put his hand on the gun.
"I was paid a lot of money to be here. No clue why, but I do what I'm told. They gave me this suit to protect my identity, although it has this fucking death trap inside."
He pointed to where there were sharp metal objects piercing into his skin from the suit.
"Hey, give me a little help here. I have other bounty's to hunt and people to kill."
He had a grin that angel didn't like. But if they could get him as far away from this pizzeria as possible that would be great. But.. should he do this? Well, not helping would be mean, and he did want to be redeemed someday.
"Okay, we'll help"
Husk was surprised by this decision, but he trusted angel. He trusted angel dust with his life. And whatever happens they will get through it together.
"Okay, I trust your decision angel."
"Thanks, husky."
They started taking out the metal, and eventually he was completely out of the suit. Angel kept on eye on the gun that was still on the floor in case he tried anything.
"Okay, we helped you now just get out and we won't mess with you."
Striker smiled. While angel was focused on the gun, he ran towards them and pinned them both against the wall by their throats.
They could barely breathe, and they struggled to pull his hands off.
"You may not know me, but I certainly know you two. Killing and bringing back a pornstar and former overlord will surely get me a lot of money."
They still couldn't move off of the wall.
"I'm sorry your life has to end this way, thanks for saving me, by the way."
Husk looked at angel. This was how they were gonna die. He was gonna make them pass out and then shoot them when they were sleeping.
He didn't even get to say he loves angel.. They still had so much more time. He could feel everything going black.
Then they saw a flash of light and a clicking sound.
"Husk! Angel Dust!! Are you guys in-"
Charlie opened the door to see an imp pinning them to the wall.
Charlie looked back at Vaggie with a concerned expression, and she knew something was wrong. She got up from her seat and ran over.
Surprisingly, during all of this none of the staff had noticed anything going on towards the back. I guess it was just a storage room that they didn't use that much and they were mainly inside of the kitchen.
Anyways, when she got there and saw angel and husk against the wall, she completely panicked.
She grabbed a spear off of her back, and pointed it at striker.
She ordered. Striker knew Vaggie had an angelic spear, so he immediately dropped them. Charlie gasped at how winded they looked. She was about to run over to them but Vaggie stopped her.
Striker stared at Vaggie's spear.
"Are these your friends, coming to save you? Angel dust, husk, I thought you'd be stronger to fight for yourself, not let this girl save you."
Striker was still looking at Vaggie's spear while saying this.
"Eh, maybe bringing back a former exorcist angel would give me more money than the two of you anyways."
Suddenly, he swiftly reached to grab the gun on the floor.
"What the- fuck?!"
It wasn't there. He turned around to see angel dust pointing it at Striker. Striker just laughed.
"I guess you're stronger than I thought."
Striker shook his head.
"I guess I have to do this the old fashioned way."
He ducked down and aimed for Vaggie's legs. She dodged out of the way, striking with her spear, but missed.
She looked back towards the door to see if Charlie was okay, but she was gone.
Suddenly, while she was distracted, Vaggie got kicked in the stomach by Striker.
"Ow! Shit!"
She kept hold of her spear despite this. Then, the door opened again. Alastor walked in, with Charlie behind him.
Striker stopped fighting to look at him. Vaggie pinned his neck to the wall with the handle of her spear.
Alastor smiled even wider than he already was.
"Striker, you're still doing this job? I suppose it must pay well enough. Now, are you going to keep hurting my friends, or are you going to leave?"
When he said that last sentence, Alastor grew a little bigger, and the radio effect on his voice got stronger.
Striker knew Alastor was way more powerful than him, since he was an imp and Alastor was an overlord. So, he obeyed.
"Fine, I'll leave."
He had a mean glare in his eyes while looking at Alastor, as if he wanted to claw his eyes out in that moment.
"I needed to bandage some of my wounds anyways. Can't say I won't be back, though."
Alastor laughed.
"Oh, striker. Don't you have enough money already? Go do your job and stop going on silly side quests to hurt my friends. Go on, now."
Vaggie released the spear, and Striker stormed out of the pizzeria.
Alastor sighed.
Vaggie went over to Charlie to see if she was hurt. Although Charlie stayed out of the fight and only got Alastor. Charlie was more worried about Vaggie. She was definitely going to have some bruises after this.
Husk and angel hugged each other very tightly, and angel kissed husk on the cheek.
When they left the room, they discovered that Sir Pentious and Niffty had ate all the pizza.
Angel laughed.
"I kind of lost my appetite anyways."
He touched his neck. He completely regretted helping him out.. He was just trying to do something good.
As if husk read he mind he touched Angel's shoulder.
"None of this was your fault it's okay I understand.. Let's not go into a mysterious back room again, though."
They paid for the pizzas, and went back to the hotel.
The end :D
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I hope this reached the Hazbin and fnaf fans lmao
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lbcreations-blog · 9 months
Charlie with a child reader that died like the Crying Child
(The crying child is from fnaf for people who are unaware)
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When you walked through the hotel doors, Charlie was shocked to see a child that is about 8 years old. Especially since all kids under 13 go to heaven, so what did you do?
Charlie decided not to ask. Instead, she asked you where your parents were. But being shy, you said nothing. All you asked was if you could stay at the hotel.
So she let's you stay, giving you a room near hers and vaggies since you are just a child. She did try to make you do activities, but most of the time, you just watched quietly or played with a gold looking teddy bear, which she soon learned was named Fred bear.
When you met Alastor, you had tears coming out of your eyes when you saw him. Of course, when you started crying, you ran to your room, not wanting to see something so scary.
Charlie came to comfort you, and in that moment, you opened up and told her about how your father made you experience the hucilation form of the nightmares, and that Alastor reminded you of them, so you got scared.
Charlie ended up comforting you by telling you that you are safe with them. But then you told her that you still have the nightmares. In which she said that she could stay in your room to make sure that nothing hurts you.
After getting to know Charlie more over a few months, you finally opened up to her and told her how you died. In which she was pretty shocked to hear that your brother killed you.
So she ended up comforting you by telling you she won't let your brother near you when he enters hell and that she will protect you.
When you finally told Charlie why you're in hell at age 8, she was disturbed to hear what you did to those innocent security guards. But she forgave you for your past actions, and she told you that she is going to help you.
That's it
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sunsetstarfire · 6 months
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Source by Julie_draculaura on Instagram
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citruslullabies · 7 months
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My name is Flaire, I'm a writer on tumblr
If you want to follow my main Tumblr for humor, it's @flaireingsparks
And to ask me questions, go to @askcitruslullabies
Fandoms I'll write for
Hazbin Hotel
Poppy Playtime
Healing the Sun - Dogday x reader Our Warm Bed - Dogday x reader Second Chances - Dogday x reader You Saved Me, So I'll Save You - Dogday x reader A Flowery Scent - Dogday x reader Professionalism - Dogday x reader Weedy Paradise - Catnap x reader It's Raining Cats and Dogs - Dogday x smiling critter!reader Orange and Purple Go Well Together - Catnap x Fox!reader Ears Ringing - Dogday x reader Your Saving Grace - Dogday x reader
Passive Aggression - Dogday x reader
Hiding from you only to hide with you - Catnap x introverted!fox!reader
Sheep Herding Dog - Dogday x lamb!mascot!reader
Cat Fight - Catnap x reader
Tear-Stained Blankie - Dogday x grieving parent!reader
Caramel Apples, Who Doesn't Love Em? - Dogday x witch!smiling critter!reader x catnap
Get Me Out of This Thing - Dogday x reader
Im Sorry - Dogday x reader
New Beginnings - Dogday x reader
You're Not a Monster - Dogday x redeemed villain!smiling critter!reader x Catnap
Leg For a Leg - Dogday x reader
Cuddle Time - Dogday x sick!reader
Five Nights at Freddy's
Soul Eater
Count the Stars - Soul x Blackstar
Annoying You - Maka x Blackstar
Should've Known Better - Spirit Albarn x reader
Glitter and Guts - Spirit Albarn x Franken Stein
Bitchy Witchy - Marie x Blair
Girl to Girl - Tsubaki x Maka
Tokyo Ghoul
Investigations - Tokyo Kirishima x investigator!reader I Can't Lose You - Tokyo Kirishima x human!reader
Big Puppy - Dogday x reader
I Did it For You - catnap x fox! smiling critter!reader
Spiderman: into the spiderverse
Arachnophobia - Miguel O'Hara x reader
No NSFW requests (as in smut, gore is fine)
No incest
No pedophilia
No spamming
I. Do. Not. Write. For. OCS. Not unless it's a gift for a friend
Please come enjoy your time with me, and send plenty of requests 🍵
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tomboy24-7 · 2 days
Yes, I have a type. Yes, they’re fictional. Yes, they’re usually crazy. Yes, they have killed/still kill. So what?
Nothing will change my mind that they all give baby girl vibes
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scekrex · 7 months
𝕽𝖚𝖑𝖊𝖘 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙
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ꜰᴀɴᴅᴏᴍꜱ ɪ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ ꜰᴏʀ:
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ɪ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ ꜱꜰᴡ & ɴꜱꜰᴡ.
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bingusbongu · 8 months
Me when i read any x readers with a character im FEASTING over with the most amazing writing ever and it makes me feral
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Guys please tag me in fics
I need it more than i need breathing
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silkythewriter · 2 years
“i love you you may as well take my heart it's already full of you!”pt.1
Summary: they were obsessed In absolute love with you, every step,every breath, every inch of skin on your body, they were absolutely memorized by you, you were the most beautiful person they’ve ever laid eyes on. Soon They’ll show you how much they worship love you
Small warning: Yandere’s, toxic relationships, gore, stalking, ect
Small note:I’ve been feeling creatively drained a bit so I’m working on a self project before moving on and working on requests! :>. I hope y’all don’t mind!
Fandom:Any and all
Daily song suggestion:
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They watched silently from afar as they watched your skin lightly glow under the sun, god you were perfect you were an Angel compared to them they didn’t even deserve to be so close to you right now, but they couldn’t help themselves they just had to. They sighed contently as they watched you and your elegance, perfection was the only way they could describe you but at last all good things must come to an end as your friend walked up and started talking to you. Their hands balled into a fist and their eyes furrowed as a frown formed on their face “damnit” they muttered to themselves as your friend blocked their view of you, they would have killed them right there and then but they knew better then to do that after all they wouldn’t want pigs blood on a precious thing like you. Just imagining it made them gag in disgust, they quietly shook off the reaction before backing up into the covers of the shadows and quietly walking over to a new better view. They smiled softly as they heard you giggle, even if they hated that they weren’t the one making you giggle still, they would take what they could at this desperate time they’ve been in, all they wanted was you in their arms and only In their arms the urge to run up to you and tackle you to the ground and never let you go was hard to contain but still they had to mange until their plan came into motion. Just a few more day and they finally might have a chance to be near you and breath your all so lovely scent and to hear that voice they love all so too much.
“Well I’ll be heading off now!” You said to your friend as you gave them a small wave before stepping back and walking off “Bye Y/n!!” They said as they waved behind you, you smiled as you waved back and turned your head to where you were walking to. “I should probably Oder food today.. its way to late to cook now..” you sighed running your fingers through your hair as you thought about the day you had. All day the feeling of eyes watching you was apparent.. yet you could never figure out why.. that uneasy feeling in your stomach didn’t help either it’s like your gut was telling you to run but you didn’t…god you were going to regret that one day when you look back on this moment
A hand found its way to your shoulder as a small tap was made, you jumped slightly from the sudden touch, your skin was covered with goosebumps as a pit formed in your stomach and a ball of saliva formed in your throat which you swallowed nervously as you turned around “hey there! Didn’t mean to scare ya” they chuckled as their eyes scanned over your body “oh no! That’s quite alright, uhm do I know you?” You asked as you tilted your head to the side in confusion, god you were just sickeningly adorable I mean who couldn’t love a face like yours?? “No, you don’t but hopefully you will soon!” They answered happily.. almost to happily something was definitely odd about their character but you quickly shook off the feeling as not to be rude. “Oh?” You said questioningly as you continued walking and watched them quickly walk next to you “I’ve seen you around often!, we live in the same apartment building” they said with a small smile “oh! I’m so sorry.. i must have not noticed you around, it’s been busy these past months” you chuckled nervously as you looked off to the side not sure of what else to say. “That’s alright, I’ve just thought if I see you so often why not get to know you” they said shrugging their shoulders “understandable I guess…” you whispered under your breathe “hm?” They said looking towards you “ah!, nothing, nothing, just talking to myself” you said as you desperately tried thinking of a way to get out of this interaction
You knew it was stupid but the pit in your stomach only grew every second they were around you, you honestly didn’t know why but the uncomfortableness was almost unbearable at this point. Your eyes widen at an idea as a soft smile spread across your face “hey look it was nice talking to you but I gotta go get groceries, thank you so much for the talk though!” You said, if going to the near by dirty grocery store meant getting them off your back you’ll gladly go, fuck take out you’ll just buy a heat up dinner. “Oh well I guess I’m in luck I was heading there too!” They chirped as they smiled to you “oh…. Okay then” you said giving a small fake smile. The feeling of unease just grew and grew the more you walked as your mouth formed a line and your body tensed, maybe you were just being paranoid! Yea..yea! That can explain everything, I mean after all those horror movies you watched yesterday probably had something to do with it
“So what do you do for a living!” They asked eyeing you, they already knew, they already knew everything about you actually but having a chance to talk to you was to hard to give up. “Oh I’m a I/J” you smiled as you kept eyeing the store that you were nearing, maybe you could just sneak off while they weren’t watching and just blend into the crowd of people. “Really? How nice” they said getting even closer to you then needed, you didn’t even notice due to being lost in thought about the plan you’ve created. Finally after an awkward silence you guys stopped at the entrance of the bustling small building, many locals went here even spite of how dirty and old it was, it looked as if it was about to collapse in on itself in any minute hell it still had the old rusty sign from when it was first opened “you first” they said as they walked up and opened the door for you “thank you” you said almost above a whisper
Their un dying smile just grew more, oh this day is gonna be so fun….
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trialserrors · 7 months
FNAF X hazbin hotel when???/j
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the old hotel manager’s a bit of a sentimental gal
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kazuha-pista-badam · 5 months
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GUYS PLEASE HELP /tala_Abo_daqqa
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also really sorry for 'polluting' other tags but please, help save a life ❤️
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bunnypeew · 7 months
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Hello, I'm Hunter and welcome to my page!!! this is the masterlist I'm making since this is slowly turning into a character x reader blog, I'm honestly not complaining I love it so here is the link to the characters and other stuff!!
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Alastor - hazbin hotel
I’m here with you dearest - Alastor x Gn!Reader
Sway with me - Alastor x gn!reader
Venom - Alastor x gn!reader
Wicked little thing - Alastor x Gn!reader NSFW
Sharing is caring - Lucifer x fem!reader x Alastor NSFW
Lucifer - hazbin hotel
The king of hell sweetheart- Lucifer x Gn!reader
Angel with a shotgun - Lucifer x Fem!reader
Sundress - Lucifer x fem!reader NSFW
Sharing is caring - Lucifer x fem!reader x Alastor NSFW
Husk - hazbin hotel
Lucky charm - Overlord!Husk x Gn!reader
Baristas - Husk x Gn!reader
Adam - hazbin hotel
Angelic feeling - Adam x fem!reader NSFW
Vox - hazbin hotel
Delusions - Vox x Gn!reader
Cooper - Fallout
my sweetheart- Cooper x Fem!reader
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if you do an ask be sure to follow these rules
I write SFW and NSFW with gn and female/male pronouns but please be considerate and don't be weird about it
Please be polite when requesting.
no pedophilia, homo/transphobia or romanticization of abuse, there may be some heavy content sometimes but not too far
I only do Hazbin Hotel for now and I'm not sure if I'll stray from that but the only ones that I'll maybe do are sun and Moon from fnaf security breach cuz I just love them so much
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that's all I've got for today thank you for reading :3c
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lbcreations-blog · 11 months
Request rules
hazbin hotel
The hazbin hotel charecter masterlists
2?! Now that's what I like
Big on the outside, small on the inside
No one should hurt someone like this
Holy mother of many
Size makes a difference
I can't lose you, I love you
To pure for damention
A nightmare of sadness
Low-key cool kid
Drawings for love
The its rain its pouring, the old man is snoring
Faputa reader
For your brother you love so much
Oh so pure you lovely daughter of god
What should I do?
The ocean is so nice pt2
What do you mean you're not married?
Don't fuck with the devils best friend
Welcome to heaven
Take me for a ferry ride
Fun size
Kiss Kiss
The ocean is so nice
Valentines headcanons
A comfort like no other
Some hazbin characters with Belphegor's wife
Emily x an immortal soulmate reader
A Stag and his Fawn
Charlie with a child reader that died like the Crying child
𝑚𝑖𝑡𝑠𝑙𝑒𝑡𝑜𝑒 𝐴𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑟 𝑥 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟
Morningstar Family with a reader that is very smart
Angel dust with a Squirrel reader
a gamble for two
𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒍𝒔 𝒔𝒑𝒂𝒓 𝒅𝒂𝒚
ᗰOᐯIᗴՏ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑕᑌᗪᗪᒪᗴՏ
helluva boss
Pretty small for rock and roll
Chubby reader
what an asshole
A hurt for love
𝒔𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒑 𝒓𝒂𝒛𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒆𝒆𝒕𝒉
hehe ���ʷᵏʷᵃʳᵈ
the addams family
welcome home
watching you
(Im not writing for it any more)
the amazing digital circus
mob psycho 100
Tokyo revengers
Scott pilgrim takes off
Avatar the last Airbender
A menace to society
The legand of korra
Tokyo revengers
Kobra Kia
Carmen Sandiego
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the-s1lly-corner · 7 months
Masterlist of Masterlists
Here you can find a collection of all the Masterlists made on the blog! Note that some lists are a blend of multiple fandoms, as the first cluster of Masterlists were written long after I'd written hundreds of posts!
If any links are busted please let me know! NOTE! When requesting for something from any of the prompt alphabets, please specify which one youre talking about! There is a romantic, platonic, and angst alphabet! Any unmarked alphabet posts made prior to 6/19/2024 are likely the main fluff alphabet (non platonic)! Moving forward alphabet posts will be labeled accordingly! EDIT: as of 9/15/24, all fandoms will now get their own masterlists! old masterlists that have multiple fandoms will remain untouched
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Masterlist of Anons Vol 1
The Amazing Digital Masterlist Vol 1
The Amazing Digital Masterlist vol 2
The Amazing Digital Masterlist vol 3
The Amazing Digital Masterlist vol 4
The Amazing Digital Masterlist vol 5
Creepypasta Masterlist vol 1
Creepypasta Masterlist vol 2
Creepypasta Masterlist vol 3
Creepypasta Masterlist vol 4
Creepypasta Masterlist vol 5
Hazbin Hotel Masterlist
Hazbin Hotel Masterlist vol 2
Helluva Masterlist
FNAF SB and MTL masterlist
Overwatch, ATSV, TOH, and Fran Bow masterlist
Slasher Masterlist
Fran Bow and ATSV and KND Masterlist
Cult of the lamb Masterlist
FNAF SB Masterlist Vol. 1
Fran Bow and Little Misfortune Masterlist
KND Masterlist
Fluff Alphabet
Platonic fluff alphabet
Trope list prompts 1-15
Trope list prompts 16-30
Trope list prompts 31-45
Angst Alphabet
Fall Prompts
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eveningshowhost · 7 months
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I am once again making a Mandela Catalog crossover! I think Hazbin is perfect for this one with its uncanny bloodthirsty angels. I think in TMC cannon (biblical) Adam has been replaced with an alternate. So Hazbin's Adam can too :) Lucifer was terrified.
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themostdelusionalgirl · 5 months
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guys i lost count of how many fandoms im in😊
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