sushis4kalyo · 2 years
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Vieux nail art de Noël ❄️
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eggnergy · 5 months
Recette du cookie sans farine
Voici une délicieuse recette de cookies bio sans farine : Photo by Laura James on Pexels.com Ingrédients : – 200 g de beurre ramolli – 200 g de sucre de coco – 2 œufs ou 30 g de poudre d’oeuf entier bio – 1 cuillère à café d’extrait de vanille ou 1 g de vanille bio en poudre – 1/2 cuillère à café de levure chimique – 1/2 cuillère à café de sel marin – 300 g de flocons d’avoine – 100 g…
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kaouyana · 6 months
<strong>Giboulée de printemps <a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/59807308@N08/">par valérie kuki</a></strong>
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lepetitdragonvert · 5 months
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Text and illustration by Ida Bohatta-Morpurgo
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pitite-xena · 18 days
Mots de Flocon #15
" Maman je t'aime tellement fort que je m'evanouis"
C'est trop mignon. Je prends d'autant plus que hier c'était comme très souvent "je veux plus te voir je veux être que chez papa" .
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destinymanticor · 9 months
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Hewooo @miqotepotatoe I'm your secret Santa
Iris is quite a cute character!
Have a nice winter holiday!
+ some sketches
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It’s clear what I chose, but these another variants
1 - I was just trying out how to draw Iris in my own style 2 - Something about school, a hot day and cold drinks 3 - Just skating on ice 4 - Jojo poses and ice skates 5 - Using the elements in perspective 6 - Anger (I just thought about phlegmatic people - it’s better not to anger them) / True potential
I'm not confident in my skill to draw trans people
I started drawing Iris as I start to draw “male” figures, then I tried to make them more “fem”
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elmaxlys · 3 months
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Chapter title: A needle in a haystack
Téléphone (2016) - page 2
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fidjiefidjie · 2 years
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"Si éclairants soient les grands textes, ils donnent moins de lumière que les premiers flocons de neige." 🌨 ❄️
Christian Bobin
Gif de Kokooma (Kyutae Lee)
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barbiemonamie · 9 months
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noragamitina · 1 year
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Le meilleur fanart de tous les temps!
Yukine est trop mimi à 1000%
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eggnergy · 10 months
Trois recettes de barres de céréales
Voici trois recettes de barres de céréales Recette 1 : Barres de céréales aux amandes et aux fruits secs Ingrédients : 200 g de flocons d’avoine 100 g d’amandes concassées 100 g de fruits secs mélangés (raisins secs, bleuets, abricots secs, etc.) 100 g de miel 50 g de beurre 1 cuillère à café de cannelle (facultatif) Instructions : Préchauffez le four à 180°C. Dans une casserole,…
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guacala · 1 year
Hello can you do Bella x blind fem!reader pls (a one shot) ? Thanks! :)
hi, i'm so so sorry, but i don't feel like i know enough about living with this disability to do it justice...
i'm so so so sorry again and AHH i feel so bad for doing this 😭
but thanks for requesting anyway, and i adore your pfp 🩷🩷
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🧑🏻‍🏫 BON À SAVOIR ℹ️
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➡️ Saviez-vous que la forme des flocons de neige sont loin d’être aléatoires ? Ils sont en fonctions de la température de l’air et de leur masse en fonction des précipitations et leur intensité.
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miqotepotatoe · 2 years
Ninjago 10th Generation Hyjinks: The Green Ninja Prophecy
-ninja are looking through old scrolls in the back of the monastery because they're bored-
Meg: Why're all these scrolls so hard to read?
Theo: Because you're illiterate Meg.
Meg: Shut up, sailor boy! At least the pictures are pretty.
-Meg then picks up a very old looking scroll that has pictures of five ninja, a green one surrounded by red, blue, black and white. There's writting underneath the picture, not that the illterate could read it-
Meg: Oi Milo, you're smart! Can you read this for me!?
-the small boy dressed in an orange gi takes a look at the scroll in Meg's hands-
Milo: This text looks ancient. I could translate it but I'll need everyone's help.
Meg: In that case I'll go look at more scrolls with pictures while you guys go translate
-The five young ninja get to work trying to translate the ancient scroll, while Meg looks over a scroll with an image of a giant sea serpent fighting of a fish person-
Theo: 'Ey Meg, get over here! We finally got a decent enough translation of that fancy scroll you found!
-Meg gathers at the table the rest of her team is at, all staring at the scroll-
Meg: Anyone gonna read it out?
Milo: Oh right! It looks like a prophecyof some sort, saying that "one ninja will rise above the others to become the Green Ninja, the ninja destined to defeat the Dark Lord," or something close to that.
-the six ninja looks at each other, grimicing their teeth-
Meg: I sure as hell hope it ain't me...
Iris: Yeah, I don't want the fate of the world resting on my shoulders...
Theo: I might need to change my gi colour...
Milo: I'm perfectly happy being the Earth Ninja thank you...
Layla: As cool as this "Green Ninja" thing sounds, I don't think I'd wanna face some "Dark Lord" all by myself...
Taiyo: What if instead of it meaning one of us, it means all of us coming together as one, uniting our powers together to defeat this great evil.
Iris: You do make a good point Taiyo, but who knows if this prophecy has even happened or not!
Layla: If it's already happened, panic averted. If not, I hope it isn't in our lifetimes.
Meg: And if it is in our lifetimes?
Layla: Then I hope blondie is right and this prophecy is about all of us coming together instead of one of us.
Milo: You think Master would be mad at us for discovering this secret ancient prophecy?
Iris: Let's not tell him, just in case. But if this prophecy is real and hasn't happened yet, we need to be in tip top shape.
Meg: So...training?
Theo: Hell yeah! Let's spar to see who's the strongest!
Milo: Or head out into the wild to practice use of our elemental powers!
Layla: Or race around the training course!
Taiyo: First let's clean up the mess, don't want Master to come in here and see the mess we made. Or the fact we found this prophecy scroll.
-outside the scroll room, Lloyd chuckled to himself, having heard everything his students said. While the Green Ninja prophecy may be a thing of the past, it can still used to inspire others to rise to greatness. Ninjago may be at peace now, but who knows when evil will decide to emerge from the shadows. And when it does, he knows his students will come together as one to defeat it. After all, who said that there could only be one Green Ninja-
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lolottes · 1 year
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pitite-xena · 7 months
Mots de Flocon #13
"Je garde mon miroir pour connaître mon émotion.
- Et c'est quoi là ton émotion alors?
- J'ai de l'émotion d'amour pour toi et pour ma soeur "
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Il est méga relou mais quand même il est méga chou aussi ce petit Flocon.
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