#floatkit wc
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lemnnshark · 2 months ago
"Floatshimmer is a tawny she-cat."
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Alternate versions because she was recently described as black
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t4twnyclaw · 2 months ago
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elders quest AU (Softpaw, Otterpaw, Birdscreech and Seedfall are OCS)
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rosemist50 · 7 months ago
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Okay look, I know I usually put the old version of the design first, so it's like reading it from then to now, but that means when I get a notification on the post, the old art is what shows up in the thumbnail, and it kinda throws me off, sooo I'm changing it. New art first.
Anyways first up is Tawnypelt!! She is one of the most redesigned cats, I have such a hard time getting a design I like for her. Sorta same story as in the previous post; I like her old design, but not enough for her as a protagonist, if that makes any sense? If she stayed as a side character then I think I'd be fine with the old design the way it was, but now that's she's a protagonist I wanted to change it. Then is the one and only Moonpaw!! :3 Her body design has stayed pretty much the same throughout design testing. Next is fixing up the new kits to follow the Super Edition's allegiances preview thing. I put Leafkit on the new one even though her design didn't change so that I wouldn't need to pull up two separate images in any drawings. Branchkit and her are now twinsies! And Grasskit is described as auburn?? Gave that a shot, most of her body design is taken from Branchkit's old one, I thought it was a better blend of their parents than Grasskit's old one. Then is Rapidkit, Floatkit, and Troutkit. Rapidkit and Floatkit pretty much swapped most of their design elements, and Troutkit got some spots and color changes. And thennn Russetfur!!! Wow! I did NOT like her old design, so here's a much better one.
Tawnypelt design extras under the cut
Y'all,, okay, so Tawnypelt's design gave me so much trouble omg.... You can see I started tweaking it in May, three months ago. All of these were Tawnypelt design concepts that I didn't like for one reason or another. I knew I wanted some yellow in there for her mother but that was kinda it. I know split face is popular with her, but with Moonpaw being split faced already I didn't want to make Tawnypelt also one. Too much white in the face was the problem with the first two, then not enough, then I took a break and came back at it with a full page of just throwing stuff at the wall (and a scrapped Branchkit idea hehe). I sorta wanted her to also have some brown, but I couldn't get it to look right so I scrapped it, then I tried a sort of lykoi style, which I thought looked cool but ultimately decided against, then got to the last two where I was trying alternating black and brown, and I liked how the first one on the end looked on paper, but when I put it in digitally there wasn't enough black so I ended up going for all black instead. And here we are now 😁 I very much hope that I like this design enough to keep it around for a while.
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wokeleftistmob · 11 months ago
My predictions for the protagonists of Changing Skies, the ninth arc in the Warriors series
WindClan: Leafkit
Daughter of Featherpelt and Oatclaw, her littermates are Branchkit and Grasskit, and her older siblings are Whistlepaw, Flutterfoot, and Songleap. They focused a lot on Leafkit in Wind, so I think she will likely be a POV character, especially since Whistlepaw is her older sister. The story team also said that Whistlepaw will become more prominent in the series, so having her younger sister as a protagonist will definitely serve that purpose. Adding onto this, WindClan has never had a POV character in the main series, so this is long overdue.
ThunderClan: Stempaw or Graypaw
They are Spotfur and Stemleaf's kits and perfect protagonist material. Related to Firestar? Check. Parents were plot relevant? Check. ThunderClan? Check. They are also being given a lot of attention right now. I do not think Bristlepaw will be a protagonist, due to Bristlefrost having the name of Bristlepaw one arc earlier. (Leafkit will not have this same issue as The New Prophecy was six arcs earlier.)
These are the only candidates who have really received attention, but there are several others to consider.
RiverClan: Floatkit, Rapidkit, or Troutkit
They are the kits of Havenpelt and Sneezecloud, and younger siblings to Splashtail and Fognose. They will have to deal with their older brother's legacy once he is gone. They could also provide a window on how RiverClan is doing after this current arc.
SkyClan: Ridgekit or Duskkit
They are the kits of Blossomheart (sister of Hawkwing) and Harrybrook (son of Leafstar). Duskkit is most likely named after Duskpaw, Blossomheart's dead brother.
ShadowClan: Birchpaw
He is the son of Tigerstar and Dovewing, and younger brother to Shadowsight, Pouncestep, and Lightleap. He appeared in Sky when his brother Rowankit died. I think this is the least likely option out of all of them, as I do not see much of what Birchpaw could bring as a protagonist, besides being the son of Tigerstar and Dovewing. That is unless, some sort of huge change happens within ShadowClan; then Birchpaw could provide a view into ShadowClan.
Other possible apprentice/kit options just for the heck of it (not including anyone who will receive their warrior name/medicine cat name very soon):
SkyClan: Beepaw or Beetlepaw, kits of Nectarsong and Dewspring (who are first cousins, of course)
WindClan: Grasskit or Branchkit, littermates of Leafkit; younger siblings to Whistlepaw, Songleap, and Flutterfoot; and kits of Featherpelt and Oatclaw.
ThunderClan: Bristlepaw, daughter of Stemleaf and Spotfur, and sister to Graypaw and Stempaw; or Wafflepaw
Of course, they could always choose to focus on a young warrior, like how they did with Sunbeam this arc, but these are just my speculations.
Edit: I can't believe I nearly forgot about Stripekit and Brookkit in WindClan, whose mother is Larkwing; and Cinnamontail and Slatefur's kits in ShadowClan: Firkit, Bloomkit, Streamkit, and Whisperkit.
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trelinha9 · 4 months ago
Warrior Wiki says Rapidkit, Troutkit and Floatkit are 3 moons old, so, with the 8 month time skip, they would be 11 moons old, witch biologically is enough for Floatshimmer to have kits, but she would have to be made a warrior earlier AND be pregnant while being a aprentice, soo, not looking good here.
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luvwormywarriorsdesigns · 4 months ago
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crow-quet · 4 months ago
i CANNOT believe they had sunbeam have kits and didnt make moonpaw one of them. literally perfect name for a nightsun baby.
also i am so anti baythrift its not even funny GET AWAY FROM EACH OTHER YOURE COUSINS. how did the erins MISS THAT
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jayfrost-designs · 7 months ago
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Up next for the new HavenSneeze babies (and Splashtail's new little siblings), it's Floatkit!
Floatkit has no physical description given other than her pattern, so I came up with my own for her. I made her more lithe and sleek-furred like her mom and sister, I think it'll look really pretty with her pattern when she's grown.
For her pattern, Floatkit is described as a tawny she-cat. I played around with her colors a lot to find a shade that seemed tawny (god that color is the bane of my existence, I can never find a solid definition of it XD). Since it kinda counts as a shade of ginger (though it looks more brown here, oops) I made her a tabby, a ticked tabby like her brother, with similar markings. Since she has no canon eye color, I gave her green eyes.
Overall, I'm really really happy with how she turned out.
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letyachan · 4 months ago
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Daughter of Havenpelt and Sneezecloud
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pinestripe37 · 7 months ago
Names for the current kits and apprentices!
Frostlight Mistmorning Grayshine (All the triplets and their best friend Whis have a matching light theme) Rapidbrook Floatcloud (Fognose's little sister and apprentice!) Troutsplash (The name just works but it's also sad.. he has to wrestle with not just looking like his brother but being intentionally or coincidentally named after him. But Trout is a different cat than Splash and he and his clan will come to accept this.)
Whistledawn (I love her kindness. She gets a special name and also to match with her riverclan friends' special names.) Leafdrizzle Grassberry Branchfrost (I love Whistlepaw's adorable baby siblings and I really like these names for them.) Stripereed Brookstarling
Wafflesong Waspflight (I know he left but that's not the end of his story, at least not in the ideas I have planned) Bristlesedge Stemstripe Graypuddle
Birchflight Firbristle Streamripple Whisperpool Bloomshadow (I love Cinnamon's kits, Stream has a bubbly personality and Whisper is a thoughtful kitten who wants to be medicine cat and they're all a really nice family.)
Beetlespot Beestripe Ridgeflicker Duskflow
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lemnnshark · 1 year ago
"Floatkit is a tawny she-kit."
"Rapidkit is a gray-and-white she-kit."
"Troutkit is a brown-and-white spotted tom."
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Old designs below
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rosemist50 · 1 year ago
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Haiii, couple more redos and also new kits from Wind! First is Ashfur, literally the only thing I changed in his main design is the fur length on his head, everything else is exactly the same. I've been drawing him with this kinda longer fur style for a while, I've just made it official. Also went ahead and made a version for him in TBC, the way I do Starclan and Dark Forest cats meant that he probably had special features, I just didn't want to figure out what those were until now. Technically all Starclan cats should have a white glow and all Dark Forest cats a red, but I usually don't put it in for simplicity's sake. Next is Flametail, again the only thing that really changed was I made him fluffier. And ever so slightly changed his colors. The main reason why I wanted to do him was because everyone else in the original got an update, so I felt he should get one too.
Veeeerrrrryyyy light spoilers for Wind under the cut:
Wind gave us new kits!! I'll probably need to draw them again once they get full names but oh well. First are Rapidkit, Floatkit, and Troutkit of Riverclan. They are Haven and Sneeze's new litter, making them Splash and Fog's siblings (MEGA INTERESTING 👀👀👀). Rapidkit has a mullet like their big brother Splash :)) Then are Grasskit, Branchkit, and Leafkit of Windclan. They are Feather and Oat's new litter, making them Flutter, Song, and Whistle's siblings. Only Leafkit has a canon description and gender of all six so far, so we'll see how accurate my predictions are.
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letyachan · 8 months ago
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Family of Splashtail
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