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elders quest AU (Softpaw, Otterpaw, Birdscreech and Seedfall are OCS)
#wc#warrior cats#greysky#graysky#mistpool#rapidsplash#rapidkit#troutkit#troutsplash#floatkit#floatshimmer#birchfeather#firbark#bloompetal#whisperbreeze#robinpaw#starlingpaw#beetleshine#ridgeglow#duskshine#beesting#leafcurl#grassfur#branchleap#stripeheart
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Sooo, the preview for Changing Skies: The Elder's Quest released... And with it so many new characters/character names!!! SO MANY. I counted and there's 21 new warriors and 18 new cats. So here are the new warriors! I speedran this after the preview was posted. There are six missing, and will be in a separate post bc I ran out of tags 😔 These designs are pretty much the exact same as the kits, with very minor changes, if at all.
Starting in Thunderclan there is Wafflepelt, Bristleclaw, Stemtail, and Graywhisker. Then in Shadowclan, Birchfeather, Bloompetal, Streamripple, Firbark, and Whisperbreeze. Bloompetal's personality in the excerpt is eveything I dreamed it would be. Then in Skyclan, Beesting (AHSHBDHB), Beetleshine, Ridgeglow, and Duskshine. And then Windclan (Part 1) is Stripeheart and Brookripple. Did we ever get a conformation on who the father is of them?
#warriors#warrior cats#canon#wc designs#redesigns#thunderclan#windclan#shadowclan#riverclan#skyclan#wafflepelt#bristleclaw#stemtail#greywhisker#graywhisker#birchfeather#bloompetal#streamripple#whisperbreeze#firbark#beetleshine#beesting#ridgeglow#duskshine#stripeheart#brookripple
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[Kit Vers]
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Brookripple of WindClan
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daily whistlebreeze until si becomes PoV day 1510
Stripeheart and Brookripple!
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Stripeheart is a gray tabby tom
trying to be more creative with my poses
#Stripeheart#Stripeheart wc#warrior cats#wc designs#windclan#warrior cat designs#warrior cats fanart#waca#waca design#changing skies
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this new family tree reveal might have been one of the stupidest I've ever seen. Tawnypelt is doing absolutely fuckall about reacting to having another set of grandkids (though from what I've gathered Poolkit and siblings didn't do much either, so at least it's consistent), Flipclaw and Myrtlebloom make their children literally the same amount of inbred as Moonpaw and we already had a whole discourse about That, they refuse to address Floatshimmer's age and instead just make her and Graysky have a Happy Little Family (despite how she's too young and the odd implications that it gives to Gray sadly enough), and WindClan is becoming a mess.
All of the young cats in that Clan are related. Appleshine and Woodsong are Breezeheather kits, but Whistlebreeze, Flutterfoot, Songleap, Grassfur, Branchleap, Learcurl, Stripeheart and Brookripple are all Sedgewhisker's grandchildren and now you're telling me Sedge had Two More Kittens?
And now Apple and Flutter had kittens together. There is no way WindClan isn't becoming the next target of first cousin pairings (I'm calling Grass with either Stripe or Brook, no matter how much I despise that idea) because all of their young cats are descended of one cat now.
They could've saved themselves so much trouble by making Fluff and Silky kittypets, or at least the kids of Slightfoot or someone else that ISN'T related to Gorsetail, but noooooooooooo.
We complain a lot that ShadowClan has become SnowbirdClan, but WindClan is basically becoming GorsetailClan at this rate and they don't have any unrelated mollies anymore. The HeatherBreeze kids are tied up in this mess too now and the only other one they had left to ThunderClan to nearly be cheated on. The only hope they have left is to get sole cats from outside to join not Tawnypelt please, but they're probably too irrelevant for them to actually have something interesting like that going on
I feel like the modern timeline series needs to end after changing skies before these cats inbreed themselves to death. I know inbreeding is inevitable in these kinds of populations but still maybe the Erins could, oh I don’t know, stop putting first cousins together and actually utilise clan swapping and the outsiders joining the clans. Is that too much to ask?
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reading the...... Preview....... My notes....... Heheheheh
We got a timeskip. By a little.. I see Bristleclaw (aka formerly Bristlepaw) as a warrior let's see about the siblings + if the wretched nightsun spawn are born. Also if Graypaw's not named Grayspots I'm slamming my keyboard (I'm on the phone)
Wafflepelt. I forgot Wafflepaw was a thing sdjjjgds imagine getting ur cat to win a contest to star in canon warrior cat and its got the -pelt suffix. Cheated and spat on
Stemtail and Graywhisker.... I guess Graywhisker's fineeeeee but come on he has spots. He's got spots.......
Nightsun babies are here. Named Goldenkit (golden tabby tom) and Shinekit (black molly). Hi kids I'm so sorry your dad is literally Nightheart
Oh wait Myrtlebloom also got a litter?????? Is this where Shyfrost's gonna come from.. Kits are Oakkit (pale brown tabby molly with white spots), Sunkit (orange tabby tom, is it after Sunbeam??) and Hazelkit (tortie molly with white spots). No Shyfrost in sight. Keep on looking
ThunderClan baby boom
This will affect the family tree.
Anyway checking out all the other adult names of the ASC kits lol. ShadowClan first
Oh they got: Birchfeather (Dovewing and Tigerstar kit which means I automatically like him), Bloompetal, Firbark, Whisperbreeze, Streamripple. I actually like those?? Firbark and Streamripple especially. Good job Tigerstar let me kiss you directly on thr lips
Who the hell are Redpaw and Sprucepaw huh... New spawn.... Also oh no I see Lightleap gave birth god forbid a single even a little prominent female character not get pregnant. The Curse has finally affected my girl. It was inevitable. I should have prepared
Lightleap spawn is Quickkit (ginger tabby tom), Beehckit (pale brown tom, haha typo the writers made a typo everyone point and laugh), and Poolkit (white molly). The cat genetics nerd inside me in crying and writhing in pain rn
SkyClan section. Fuck you Tree I hate Tree stupid stupid cat
Beetleshine for Beetlepaw... Good name good name but I already named an OC that earlier so I am not impressed. I was first. Beepaw is uhhh where thebhell is Beepaw. Oh they're Beesting. Actual good names I am satisfied with your work. Moving on
Duskshine and Ridgeglow also good however come on you already used -shine in the same generation come onnnn.......
Ok Who's pregnant. Was anyone pregnant
Needleclaw was.... Her kids are Robinkit (reddish-brown molly) and Starlingkit (black and white tom) Woohoo Starling prefix win. Also by any chance is the father Kitescratch. Just wondering
FINALLY. Sparrow and Cherry retired
WindClan timeeeee
Leafcurl yay. Nice girl nice name 9/10. Her less cooler siblings got Grassfur and Branchleap. Clearly there's a superior sister
Silkypaw and Fluffpaw??? Huhhhhh?? Who are they..... Also thanks for getting creative for once your efforts have been recognized by the great Yomi
Kicking my feet going hehehe at warrior cat website book preview. This is where I was supposed to be all this time. I found my calling
Stripeheart and Brookripple are also here. I revoke my praise of the authors getting creative come onnnnn you literally JUST named Streamripple I. I'm gonna make them kiss. Bond over being literal clones
Guys this is big. This is huge. Breezepelt is a grandpa now. I am going to shed tears
Appleshine's kits (Breeze grandkids) are: Rustlekit (white tom with a brown tail) and Stretchkit (brown tabby molly with white face markings). Giving the authors their creativity praise back. Do not dissapoint me again
Still not over with how Owlnose is a deputy now for some reason. Didn't his entire small character arc a few books back center wholly around with how he should not be a leader. They literally only picked him because they killed off literally every other RiverClan character with a personality and he was the only fuckijg option because he's the only cat who got actually developed even if it makes no sense I. I'm. I hope he spontaneously combusts
Also I will prevent myself from going off on Podlight getting off scot free for his atrocities while. I will prevent myself I do not deserve this headache
Anywayyyy Splash siblings are adults now named Troutshine (WHAT'S WITH THE SHINES), Rapidsplash and Floatshimmer (who's also with kits now? you sure you aint too young..)
wait a moment. I just realized something about the timeline. Wait was Sunbeam already- yeah she was pregnant in like. Wait hold on does this make sense. If it doesn't then the timeline is broken if it does I'm just rightfully worried,
Anyway guess Hollowspring and Sparrowtail joined RiverClan? I thiiiiink it was mentioned in Star. Or not.
Amyway Floatshimmer kids are Heronkit (silver molly) and Eelkit (black tom)
Phew... That's the allegiances section. Holy fuck. That's a lot of cats. Kitten season
On to the actual chapters now lmao
"The Clans were unstable in my time, and if you ask me, they’re just as bad now.” Skystar. Skystar back in your times the Clans weren't unstable they were a tragic disaster that brutally murdered every single woman that came in contact with it. Also shut up get this man away from Leafpool
Why is Skystar here even. Get him out
Also. The writing here is so goofy can we get to Moonpaw already
Oh wait another journey?? Actually this is fine I hate the Lake territories. Change location NOW
Chapter 1
Why's Tawnypelt such a hater. What did Bloompetal do to you she's literally just frolicking she's just a girl
Why is she. Genuinely So mean to everyone.
Which don't get me wrong is not inherently Bad if this was any other media I love mean mean women however this is warriors. I don't remember the last time a wc character was genuinely just kind and nice to people, every single cat is just written interacting in such a mean-spirited way and them just being casually cruel to each other is supposed to be charming somehow, like everyone's an asshole already we don't need more. And also Tawnypelt is a Female Warriors Character™ which means that if this keeps up she'll definitely get disproportionately "punished" for it in some way later and. I'm just praying that Moonpaw is a ray of goddamn sunshine when we get to her please I can't do this anymore
Is. Is the entire chapter gonna be her being unreasonable and snapping at everyone younger. Is. Is
I actually genuinely do not understand her problem. Like I get she's sad I get it but. Was she deliberately written as making problems out of nowhere, or did the writers shart once again.
(don't mind me I'm just paranoid... I've been hurt by warrior cats before...)
Hehe Poolkit- oh wait that was it. That was the chapter. I mean its fine actually
Chapter 2:
Leafstar time. I don't like her but I will now mindwipe all my opinions I've had on her character to have somewhat of a good time now. Maybe she gets better!!
Praying they are gonna be normal about Leafstar's vision loss. Please warrior cats
I was correct lmao Kitescratch was the father
Mystery Sickness
Mystery Sickness epidemic plot!!! I got no idea what the hell these symptoms are supposed to be but. Ok❤️yay
There is people being loud at my house
Can be Mystery Sickness pleaseeeeeeeee spread to ThunderClan too. Can we have ThunderClan population culling this arc pleaseeeee
Anyway get out my way grandma it's MOONPAW TIME
Chapter 3
Oh god another medcat apprentice that doesn't want to be a medcat. Can we stop.
Also idk about how they just took a look at Moonpaw (who's also a child) looking different (aka. having chimerism) and went "we're now gonna force you into a lifetime of celibacy" it's just. So weird to me I hope Moonpaw kills everyone especially her parents
Moonkit. Moonkit I'm speaking directly to you now you have to start killing
Oh fuck she's got that voice inside her head. Please writers I am praying for you to be normal. If this is her vengeful dead fetus sibling she absorbed in the womb that people have been theorizing I am also going to kill everyone. If this is also an Evil Plural plot I will get your spirits too
Oh no. Oh fuck. Chat I think it's. Oh no. Chat I think they're. Doing just that.
Oh fuck. Oh no. *sighs painfully* *cocks gun*
Thanks Jayfeather and everyone else in that den for being normal about Moonpaw and clearing up the fact that it's just her parents that are being Really Weird
I like. Moonpaw. I'm also taking her and her voice away from the warrior cat writers she is mine now get away from her
Yep that finally confirms it she's being deliberately written as plural
Unnamed Moonpaw Voice you're so silly. If you're evil later for some reason I will take your side
Unnamed Moonpaw Voice got a reflection-
Oh fucj is that. They're really. Is that really the spirit of her dead fetus sibling she absorbed in womb oh god oh fuck
VERDICT: I am officially taking Moonpaw away from the writers that's it. She is mine now get away from her what are you doing why am I actually somewhat affected by this
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#warrior cats#cs the elder's quest#changing skyes#changing skies#wc cs#the elder's quest#warrior names#vote poll#warrior cats poll#wc poll#cs#changing skies the elder's quest
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Oh, also:
My guesses-
Myrtlebloom- Wafflepelt or Molewhisker
Appleshine- Flutterfoot
Floatshimmer- will never be confirmed in canon or Greysky
Redpaw and Sprucepaw- FringeSpire kits
Silkypaw and Mistpaw- another litter from Featherpelt maybe?? Brindlewing and Leaftail's? Maybe Brookripple/Stripeheart and Leafcurl's?
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Allegiances Review, obviously spoilers under the cut.

Also WHY aren't they in Age Order anymore you are killing me Erin Hunter I am bleeding out

All that hype... For Wafflepelt? Really? You couldn't think of maybe any other suffix?
Stemtail is... Painfully meh. It's okay. I much prefer Stemsnap. ;)
Graywhisker is cute, actually. Though, I'm scrapping the Gray parts, and making him Spottedflame.
Surprised Hollytuft and Honeyfur managed to dodge the Babymaker Draft, and VERY happy that Twigbranch has also still managed to dodge it!
Though... I do actually wish with got Shellfur x Fernstripe babies, again all that hype for nothing.

Jesus Christ let Daisy retire already she's ANCIENT
Oh Sunbeam I'm so sorry they did this to you, you should be back home with your wife
My fear is they're gonna pass Moon off to Golden or Sun, especially Sun as they're blatant first cousins and it'd be another example of writers not caring. I had a feeling she'd be an only child.
... why Myrtlebloom??? She's even younger? Also what a BITCH with that name. Lol. Hi Sunbeam, here's my superior baby, Sunkit. He's Orange.
Glad to see a Hazel back in the game. I guess. 0 thoughts on Oakkit.


... where's Lightleap. (Hi Redpaw)

Where. Is. Lightleap. Sprucepaw sounds adorable.
Birchfeather is a cute name! As is Bloompetal! Firbark sucks not gonna lie, and Whisperbreeze next to Whistlebreeze is soo not gonna cause a typo in the near future, no no we know these writers can keep track of who is talking from one end of the page to the next. Streamripple is nice.

No... no... NOOOOOOO
1. I did Poolkit first, she's with my Moonpaw as her twin. ;p
2. Ah yes. The cat that did not want an apprentice settled with the cat constantly trying to prove herself by doing dangerous, stupid (Affectionate) shit and had her pop out 3 babies.
3. I see someone was drunk when they signed the birth certificate, sorry Beehckit.

Beetleshine, BEESTING (fucking LOVE IT), Duskshine (also love it) and Ridgeglow. Genuinely, aside from Beetle's being meh, I love these names. Leafstar you suck but you're a great namer.
Wait... Wasn't Beepaw a boy? Too late, she's trans.

Needleclaw?! The fuck? I mean... Good for her, but with WHO? please tell me it's not Kite....
I love these names, and I'll be giving them to Turtlecrawl. God I hope we get another Robinwing
Damn... Cherry and Boris, I'm so not ready to say goodbye. All of New!Skyclan's founders are almost gone. I remember them as little brats, but yeah, Cherrytail and Sparrowpelt are great-great-grandparents. Mind you it's to the same cats but that's on the writers not caring

Living for the Curl suffix, though her name in WCR is Saplingbrook. Shame on Harestar though, making a "she-kit" a warrior.
Grassfur, pretty colour, what a wasted name. I made her Crownlight, and made her a trans molly. (Crown as in the top of a tree)
Branchleap is boring. Don't know why. He's very Skyclan coded though, haha. His name in WCR is Branchbelly!
Very happy for Songleap! Silkypaw sounds adorable! And Fluffypaw! Who are their parents?!
Wait are we finally getting random non attached cats again? Please? Pretty please?

Brookripple and Stripeheart are... Alright. They're not bad! I prefer Brookripple, though it doesn't roll off the tongue easily. Neither do, actually... Their WCR names are Brookwing and Stripefire.
Ah, fuck man... Nightcloud is old now... God I hope Crowfeather bites it this arc.
No comment on Appleshine tbh good for her.

Oh fuck here we go.
1. Why is Mosspelt still alive? She should have been protag, why are we away from Riverclan again? She's the oldest cat now, make her the Elder's Quest girl.
2. FLABBERGASTED there aren't more Queen's. As much as I want MinnowMouse, I think Riverclan needs youth. It's so dependent on its rapidly dwindling cast, they NEED new cats.
3. Troutshine is cute but getting sick of the Shine names now. Sorry buddy. Your name in WCR is Torrentclaw! Rapidsplash is going to get you sued by Pokémon when they choose to make a divergent kelpie!Rapidash, so to avoid that mess I named them (yes, Them) Rapidstorm.
Erin Hunter, how much time has actually passed?
How long was Sunbeam pregnant? Why are her irrelevant babies only now becoming apprentices, but the cat who was a newborn infant in Star now a mother? Did Sunbeam miscarry? Why is she not tawny anymore?
Why. Is. Floatshimmer (great name) a mother? Why not Brackenpelt? Or Nightsky?or Minnowtail? Or, oops, you're out of cats because while every other clan has a draft, only 1 of you seems to be allowed to bare children.
Glad to see an Eel and a Heron, but why the fuck is their mother HER?
She was 3 moons old as of Star, plus the 1.5 month on average for cat pregnancy, plus 6 moons for Sunbeam and Isn'tOrange's babies to grow up...
Floatshimmer should be...
10.5 months old. That is how much time has passed, give or take a few weeks.
Anyways I'm naming her Floatfang and I've decided she's very much going childless.
Oh my god what the fuck have they done
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you are sooo good at coming up with good personalities for names so could you do Peregrineflight, Needledawn, Stripeheart, Snowdrop, Nettlepelt, and Firfang?
Thank you!
Peregrineflight - A confident and adventurous cat. Peregrineflight always has an air of confidence, even if the odds seem against them, some cats find it annoying while others find it admirable and even charming. Peregrineflight longs to explore beyond the borders of their clan, and they are not subtle about it, taking every opportunity they can to suggest leading a patrol out of the territory, they just want to see all they can before StarClan comes for them. On occasion Pergrineflight has been known to sneak out the territory at night to explore, always using early morning hunting as an excuse, even if they don’t bring back any prey, almost everyone in the clan knows they do it but Peregrineflight thinks that no one suspects a thing, 15/10
Needledawn - A bold and intelligent cat. Needledawn is always thinking towards the future and planning for it, always having several theories about what the future might hold, and isn’t afraid to interfere in order to try and send things into, what they believe to be, the best direction. Needledawn is easy to provoke and will always rise to a challenge, they will try and outwit their opponent before fighting them, but will never shy away from a fight where one is needed, 15/10
Stripeheart - An energetic and friendly cat. Stripeheart is always eager to get going and to move onto their next task, some cats might call them crazy, but Stripeheart loves to work, they would find life extremely tedious and boring without being faced with these day to day challenges. Stripeheart is very social and will often tell stories and tell jokes while on patrol to help lighten the mood, and they will always happily watch kits, they are embarrassed to admit that they find kit games fun, and so will try and play with them when they can, 13/10
Snowdrop - An introverted and thoughtful cat. Snowdrop tends to keep to themselves as they find social interactions a little daunting and awkward, but they are by no means unfriendly, they will make an effort to try and uphold a conversation with a cat if they are spoken to, and will on occasion try to initiate conversation, but they get embarrassed easily when doing this. Snowdrop likes to go out into the territory alone and think, often making up stories in their heads about what other animals do, or they sometimes even make up their own animals, they find this a lot of fun and it helps keep them occupied, one day they hope to have the courage to tell someone all the stories they have in their head, 14/10
Nettlepelt - A proud and serious cat. Nettlepelt isn’t afraid to voice her opinion, she will always be upfront and honest, and will never sugarcoat anything, they believe honesty is the best way to deal with anything, however they are slightly hypocritical in that, they will always take some offence if someone is honest with them and they do not agree with their opinion, but they will keep their mouth shut. Nettlepelt will always try to work as efficiently as possible, so they probably will not engage in conversation unless it is a conversation about what they are doing, 13/10
Firfang- A skilful and extroverted cat. Firfang is a highly skilled fighter, and it isn’t uncommon to hear them boasting about some of their best fights and retelling their story, these stories often captivate kits and apprentices, but the warriors know these stories like the back of their paw by now, this doesn’t stop Firfang from telling them though. Firfang loves being around other cats, and although they will never admit it, being alone makes them feel very insecure, so they will always try their best to be a part of a group while outside of camp, 14/10
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My original art
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