#flirty domestic husband lockwood is great
alexiethymia · 2 years
I WAS ONLY ABLE TO FIND OUT NOW THAT MY FAVORITE GHOST HUNTER FOUND FAMILY BOOK SERIES JUST GOT ADAPTED?? It was utter perfection. It felt like I was reading the books. The utter domesticity. George was adorable. Locklyle was perfect. The casual hand holding and forehead touches and cradling of faces. It manages to be heartbreaking at times how much they have such married couple energy not because of how they bicker but because the world they’re in has aged them prematurely and it’s like they’ve already had their silver years and golden years together. Him just casually buttering her toast for her?? Tenderly treating her wound?? He was outright looking at her lips in that scene! We always knew he was do-or-die for Lucy but seeing this series outside of Lucy’s POV makes it adorably apparent how besotted with her he is, and that struggle of wanting to let her in clashing with his suicidal tendencies was portrayed with so much angst. Netflix may have its problems, but it has also brought my favorite YA novels wonderful adaptations. I already got Six of Crows and Lockwood & Co., so here’s to hoping for A Darker Shade of Magic too. To add, as long as I’m wishing, I’m hoping The Raven Cycle gets one too.
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