#flint fossil
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Like the pic before last evening yesterday, found this flat top piece of an brown echinodem fossil top, with flat cut grey open underside. Without many other stones here.
Then on the route back the half piece end of an new aulaxinia sulficera sponge with this wave pattern, was on the back walk from the stone road.
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prasemvanguardgerman · 3 months
On the fossil search now.
Already have flint with mussel imprint, other round imprint
An little precious new echinoid cone shaped sea urchin and an handful of wallstones.
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smellofwater · 8 months
Beachcombing - A Fairy Loaf
I found this lovely flint fossil echinoid on the beach between Marske and Redcar. The fossil is smooth to the touch and heavy in the hand, beautiful dense flint with an unmistakable five pointed star on its upper surface, it’s a first for me. Fossil echinoids are not uncommon finds in areas with chalk bedrock but this is the first example that I have found on our beaches. Fossil echinoids have…
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truetotradition · 1 year
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Arrowheads and blades in various cherts. By Chumash Artist Steven Saffold.
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jolteongirltja · 21 days
Ohioan Hatsune Miku!
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Notes under the readmore:
I hate living here sometimes but despite popular belief there’s some nice parts about it.
I based the outfit off of a mix of fashions from Columbus, aviators, and other girls on my college campus.
I had fun picking the little details on the jacket.
Gold ammonite: One thing Ohio has a lot of is Pyritized fossils. Ammonites aren't really found in Ohio (Brachiopods are), but they are the most recognizable and have fossils that date back to the mid-devonian period, which is the same era where layers of shales and dolostones that have a lot of pyrite date back to.
Shooting Star: Aside from the obvious "Neil Armstrong is from Ohio", Ohio has one of only 11 NASA bases. Plus the Airforce Museum house the Apollo 15 command module!
Cardinal: State bird.
Biplane: Wright Brothers
The pins represent some things too:
Jam jar: Smucker’s Museum! I went there as a kid and it was pretty cool.
Neon Arrow: The American Sign Museum
Pencil Sharpener: Pencil Sharpener Museum
Loveland Frogman: Loveland Frogman
Rock on purple background: Ohio Flint
Electric Guitar: Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
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delightingintragedy · 8 months
Various Uses for Fossils in Magic from Wisht Waters by Gemma Gary
"Sea fossils, as well a guarding against drowning, had other protective uses. The fossils of sea urchins, or Echinoids, were employed for a variety of protections. Upon these fossils, one might find a star-like pattern, very reminiscent of the 'daisy-wheels', which one might find inscribed into the timbers and masonry of ancient buildings, most likely for apotropaic purposes. Their folk names include shepherd's crowns, thunder stones and fairy loaves. They protected against thunder, evil spirits and witches, prevented milk turning sour, and in common with other fossil amulets, they sweated in the presence of poison. As 'fairy loaves' they might be used to ward off supernatural interference from the baking process, and to ensure an abundance of bread."
pg. 104
"Belemnite fossils, from an extinct squid-like creature, were known as thunderbolts, and were thus kept as charms to protect against lightning. Once believed to be the tongues of ancient serpents, fossilised shark teeth were one of the fossil amulets against poison"
pg. 104
"Rings of stone, formed from the fossilised stems of the sea-lily were known as St Cuthbert's Beads, as were worn as amulets against evil influences."
pg. 105
"The 'Devil's Toenail' fossils were carried as charms against rheumatic pain, and they were powdered to be used in the treatment of soreness of the back in horses."
pg. 107
"Various accoutrements of the sea witch's divinatory work may be seen in the Museum of Witchcraft. Here we find that belemnites were employed by a Newlyn sea witch named Nancy. She would read the fall of her 'sea stones' to make predictions for fishermen. Perhaps their traditional association with lightning gave belemnites the virtue to make predictions regarding storms and changes in the weather?"
pg. 108
[...] There have been many ways to bless, consecrate and 'sain' water, thus rendering it more potent and useful within various rites and magical operations. This might be achieved by steeping or immersing charmed items within the water, or else allowing water to flow or be poured over such an item. These may include charm-stones, fossils, flints, or the metals gold and silver.
pgs. 115-116
"Ammonite fossils were also employed as charm stones to cure cattle in 17th century Scotland. They were known as 'cramp stones' because cattle afflicted with cramp would be treated by being bathed in water in which a 'cramp stone' had been steeped for a number of hours."
pg. 122
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blueiscoool · 4 months
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Mammoth Bones Found During Wine Cellar Renovation in Austria
A set of mammoth bones have been discovered in a wine cellar in Austria during renovation works.
The remains, which could represent at least three individual animals, are thought to be between 30,000 and 40,000 years old.
A local winegrower, Andreas Pernerstorfer, made the finds in his wine cellar, which is located in Gobelsburg, in the district of Krems, west of Vienna.
After spotting the bones, Pernerstorfer, reported the finds to the Austrian Federal Monuments Office, which then referred the winegrower to the Archaeological Institute of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (OeAW).
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A statement issued by the OeAW described the discovery as the most significant of its kind in the country for more than 100 years.
Archaeologists have uncovered several layers of mammoth bones in the wine cellar, as well as stone artifacts and charcoal. These latter finds helped to shed light on the age of the mammoth bones.
"Such a dense bone layer of mammoths is rare. It's the first time we've been able to investigate something like this in Austria using modern methods," Hannah Parow-Souchon with the OeAW, who is leading the excavation at the wine cellar site, said in a press release.
Around 150 years ago, a similar discovery was made in Gobelsburg. Then, researchers uncovered a thick layer of bones, alongside flint artifacts, decorative fossils and charcoal, in an adjacent cellar in Gobelsburg.
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The latest discovery from Gobelsburg could help shed light on how prehistoric humans hunted mammoths.
"We know that humans hunted mammoths, but we still know very little about how they did it," Parow-Souchon said.
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Archaeologists suggest that the location where the mammoth bones were found in Pernerstorfer's cellar could be the place where the animals died. It is possible that people chased the creatures into this spot and set some kind of trap for them.
Researchers are currently examining the mammoth remains in an attempt to uncover new insights. The remains will subsequently be transferred to the Natural History Museum Vienna, where the bones will be restored.
By Aristos Georgiou.
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Today we will talk about Petrified Wood!
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One of the most common fossils, petrified wood is is tree or tree-like wood that has either been fossilized through replacement or permineralization. Usually, the organic material is replicated by silica (quartz or it's microcrystalline forms opal or chalcedony).
Petrified wood forms when woody plants are buried in saturated sediments with dissolved minerals in solution. The lack of oxygen slows decay and allows fossilization to occur.
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Below are petrified wood and cycad specimens I have collected over the years from various localities I have worked at. All come from Late Jurassic sites.
The first is from the Salt Wash Member of the Morrison Formation in northwestern Colorado. It has been replaced by silica, most likely the microcrystalline quartz form, chalcedony.
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The second is from the same location and has definitely been replaced by chalcedony. In this case, it looks to be the "flint" variety.
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The third photo contains pieces of of wood from the Late Jurassic Swift Formation in northwest central Montana (It's a huge state. I need to be that weirdly specific). These are partially petrified and partially coalified. They still retain some of the original organic material which leaves a black residue on the fingers.
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The fourth photograph are pieces that came from the Brushy Basin Member of the Morrison Formation in the San Rafael Swell of Utah. These have been permineralized by quartz.
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Finally, the last two show cycads, a type of woody plant that was a prominent part of the Mesozoic woodlands and prairies. These specimens came from the same Salt Wash site as the first two tree specimens. These have also been replaced by chalcedony.
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Sinnoh Gym Leader Headcanons Pt 1:
- has a, dare i say, “rocky” relationship with his father. originally his father wanted riley to take over orebourgh’s gym, but since he rejected it roark was his second choice. he’s still kind of bitter over it and likes to rebel. (i.e “my dad told me not to do this” *does the thing directly after*)
- every fossil that the other miners find is double-checked by roark because he knows his shit.
- when he was in orebourgh trainer’s school he would be that kid moaning in the back of his class bc he thinks that’s peak comedy. also because he knows it’ll piss his dad off.
- gardenia can interact with fantina’s ghosts without crying, and that’s it. one time, she tried to interact with cynthia’s spiritomb. it took the elite four and cynthia thirty minutes to calm the girl down.
- yes she loves plants but she’s also a piercer hear me out she can definitely do piercings she’d be that girl that gives other girls piercings in the school bathroom.
- is eterna’s local weed dealer. not as good as morty’s shit, but volkner tells her she’s getting there. cynthia definitely knows but looks the other way.
- maylene had her first kiss with aaron at age seven, as they were childhood friends. they both exclaimed “ew!” as soon as their lips touched.
- her mom left her when she was twelve bc of her dad’s gambling problem. her dad was never home which left her in the care of her grandmother. she’s angry over this. so, so angry. but cynthia tells her one day that she herself was raised by her grandmother, too – and look at her now: sinnoh’s champion. this inspires maylene to train harder.
- it was rumored in veilstone that maylene’s hands were made of pure steel which is why she could punch so hard. one time as if to prove this rumor, flint asked her to punch him in the stomach as hard as she could. the league had to shut down for the day as flint recovered in the hospital. it was awkward to explain to the doctors and nurses as to what happened. no, flint did not want to press charges but he’s terribly embarrassed. aaron tried to warn him, so he figures he deserved this outcome.
Crasher Wake:
- wake did wrestling shows that were in the style of a drama (think, WWE) and would come up with the most outrageous storylines.
- was the kid that beat up bullies at his trainer’s school bc “two against one isn’t fair” and, “pick on someone your own size.”
- frequently challenges byron and fantina to a drinking contest after gym hours, and he almost always loses. but when he wins, he’ll throw his hands up, and then promptly pass out.
- when she was ten, she marched up to her parents and told her that she wanted to be called “fantina” from now on. her parents welcomed their daughter with open arms.
- is Kalosian, which according to the sinnoh league members would explain why she can hold her liquor so well. she usually comes out on top in those drinking contests between wake and byron.
- is the most widely known coordinator around the world. you could go to an island with no electricity and the children and elders knew the name “fantina dumont.” if you were fortunate enough to go to one of her shows, you would see paramedics on standby because when she sent out her Drifblim a few people would pass out in awe, not fright.
- before he married his wife: byron shot his friend in the ass with a BB gun by accident, went to hoenn with his buddies and they got kicked out from every single bar by staging fights so they wouldn’t have to pay for drinks, and swam from johto to kanto after he and his friends flipped a police car and were being chased. he drops random stories like this at league meetings and everyone stares in bewilderment – including his own son because what the hell dad wdym you dropped acid with the champion of Unova once???
- occasionally stars as a guest in one of wake’s wrestling shows. they play lovers having a quarrel before wake tackles the shit out of him.
- during canalave’s yearly pride parade he is the one giving dad hugs because “even when i was a kid, men have always had men… y’know, i had a buddy once, back in the mines… and he was a little off to the side, but he was damn good with a pickaxe. had a beer with his husband once.”
- snowpoint city in the sinnoh region is known as the “home of the yodelers.” on top of being the gym leader, candice is the best damn yodeler that snowpoint has ever seen.
- she also had a reputation as a little girl for throwing snowballs at visitors from another region before declaring sinnoh was the best.
- if you want gossip, candice will spill all the details. she knows everything about everyone. no one is more up to speed about who’s-sleeping-with-who, who-cheated-on-who, and how Stacy Cambridge from her trainer school definitely got a nose job and yes, it’s definitely noticeable. no one really asks for her gossip, but she blabs it at the league meetings anyway.
- smokes a pack of cigarettes a day. one time to be cheeky at a league meeting he lights one up, therefore cynthia threw him out – which was what he wanted so thank you cynthia.
- has been on so many fucking antidepressants and anti-anxiety meds throughout his life that he’s basically an expert on them. a lot of the younger gym leaders and elites (i.e gardenia, aaron, candice, roark, and maylene) are depressed and/or anxious and lets them know his own experiences with meds.
- when he was a kid, though he wasn’t a sunyshore hoodlum, he did learn how to use a pocket knife. not that he ever needed it since he had a pikachu to thunderbolt the motherfuckers if he wanted to.
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thatshowthingstarted · 11 months
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Jebel Irhoud !
Jebel Irhoud or Adrar n Ighoud, is an archeological site located just north of the locality known as Tlet Ighoud, approximately 50 km (30 mi) south-east of the city of Safi in Morocco.
It is noted for the hominin fossils that have been found there since the discovery of the site in 1960.
Originally thought to be Neanderthals, the specimens have since been assigned to Homo Sapiens and, as reported in 2017, have been dated to roughly 300,000 years ago (286±32 ka for the Irhoud 3 mandible, 315±34 ka based on other fossils and the flint artefacts found nearby).
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filmorgue · 4 months
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As the girls enter the building, they were struck by a weird surge of power. This place is radiating with magic which could probably go without saying.
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F: Noice, where should we start?
D: I'll like see those archives, point me towards the books
R: I rather just mingle round to be honest
F: Shouldn't we tour the place first
D: Eh, there's plenty of time for that later
R: Yeah, but if that's what you want to do. I won't stop you
D: We can always meet back here when we're done
F: Umm o-okay
D/R: Sweet byeeee!
They smiled and wave back before parting ways. Flint just stood there confused and a little overwhelmed.
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F: Geez, made new friends and they already abandon me. Nice
?: I hope I'm not interrupting something, Ms. Lockwood?
Shocked, she let out a gasp before spinning around to confront the mysterious man. The sharpness of his features gave away his true nature - he was a vampire. Despite his alluring eyes, there was an intimidating aura about him.
F: Y-you know my name?
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L: As your headmaster, it'll be very unprofessional if I didn't. Don't you think?
F: Headmaster? Wait, you're Luis Van Hellstring?
He gives a slight bow
L: At your service and Mr. Hellstring would suffice. It's also been brought to my attention; you are late. Cutting it close already I see
Flint blushes away and scratched the back of her neck. Clearing her throat before speaking.
F: I-I'm sorry sir. It won't happen again I swear
L: *chuckles* That's quite alright Ms. Lockwood. As long as you're here now, I see no point of punishing you. I don't partially hold grudges anyways
F: Good to hear, I guess
L: So are you ready to complete orientation. Seems like the others rather keep to themselves. But no matter, I hope you don't mind sparing an old fossil a couple minutes of your time
F: Not at all, please after you sir.
L: Thank you
As he effortlessly glided past her, a mischievous smirk played on his lips. In that fleeting moment, she couldn't help but envy his ability. Lost in her thoughts, she realized that their first destination seemed to be the cafeteria.
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L: At the cafeteria, many students enjoy lounging around. Our talented culinary team is here to cater to all tastes. You're welcome to hang out even after hours, just remember to clean up after yourself and avoid starting any fires (I know easier said than done). Let's show some gratitude to our hardworking staff
F: Exciting! Very noisy though
L: It can be a bit crowded. Right this way. We'll start from the lower level
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Van Hellstring escorts Flint through the crowd of people, leading her down the corridor towards the Observatory. The corridor opens up into a spacious room, resembling an arena at its center. The lighting casts a slightly subdued glow, creating a captivating atmosphere.
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L: The observatory, commonly referred to as "The Pit," serves as a tranquil setting where students return to hone their magical abilities, particularly witches and sorcerers. Occasionally, students engage in friendly duels with their peers, and the observatory also hosts tournaments and challenges for all to partake in and compete for prizes
F: Wow, that sounds fun but..what if someone gets really hurt?
L: We, as staff members, prioritize the safety of our students. I can confidently guarantee that we always have highly skilled paramedics available and responsible observers present at every event. We encourage our students to act responsibly and avoid endangering themselves or their peers. Any reckless behavior will lead to immediate dismissal.
Flint sensed the tension in the room and in Hellsting's voice. She pondered if there was a specific moment he was referring to, but she decided not to inquire. With a nod of her head, she trailed behind him as they made their way back upstairs towards their next stop.
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L: Welcome to the enchanting archives, or rather, one of the numerous libraries we possess. It is meticulously designed to house an extensive collection of books and passages on magic, encompassing the history, present, and even the future of various species. The entire structure is a haven for book lovers, with shelves upon shelves filled with captivating literature. However, we do take extra precautions to safeguard the more 'sensitive' books. Trust me, it's for everyone's safety, although I must admit, the secrets they hold are truly fascinating.
F: Umm, alright (not ominous at all)
Chapter 5 "Tour"
Rhiannon @sadraccoon061 , The Starnes Twins @invisiblequeen, Xen @xstardustbatsx (tagging everyone so ppl can get custom to the cast again. Sorry it's been awhile)
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Fossil hunting visit 2
I got a lot of few new fossils for todays post. Found another location with lot of stones & rubble. With the ok from the owner of his pile/ surrounding field area to search.
It was an fun time to search for rocks this time. Mostly broken upper and top fragments of flint urchins, nice finds to compare with others.
These are quiet big chunks of echinoid.
Two of them, after washing in my hand are mostly intact ones.
It‘s a shame all years thats pieces like this got lost and destroyed from the shipping for fundamental use or industrial constructions or street underground.
Oh there is no blood, it is the wet red marking of the inner flint layer.
20.03.2024 post reupload
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prasemvanguardgerman · 3 months
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Some pictures taken from the last months since April. Rock dish served on the evening.
Already seen here, but i have other fossils like ammonites or the fish plate fossil not presented here.
And others for an other moment like the Fossil Fridays without new recently finds myself.
Now 3 medium cups & bowls with echinodea sea urchins and some aulaxinia sponges full, good easy to pick and showing them & cpmpare and storage place in an nice display, with the sponges and minerals on two saucers with the fossil and shell theme. ☕️🐚
Oh also an tea / coffee set of them with two mugs, found recently.
The bigger ones with ammonites are in the glas vitrine, with the Digital Monsters Precious G.E.M figures from Megahouse now in display.
They are a lot more with the others now.
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eclipian · 2 months
Can i have the medusa virus 
The Medusa Virus Headmate
pt: the medusa virus headmate
reminder beings will almost definitely not turn out exactly as described, and these can be edited and changed as needed.
apart of the analog horror keywords
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divider credit + picrew credit
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“ Their taking out all our senses “
Name: Medusa , Athena , Aphrodite , Petra , Fossil , Amber , Juliet , Margaret , Flint , Peer , Peep , Numb
Age: 21
Pronouns: She/Her , Sh👁️/H👁️r , He/Him , H👁️/H👁️m , No/Nos , Blind/Blinds , Loss/Lost , Num/Numb , Stone/Stones , Marb/Marbel , Eye/Eyes , Vic/Victim , Dead/Deads , Dead/Death , X/Xs, RiP/RiPs , 👁️/👁️s , ❌/❌s , ‼️/‼️s , 🪨/🪨s
Gender: Boygirl , Hard Femme , Hehemme , Boyfemme , Tyflosianintesi , Abacinandusgender , Stonic , Musqua , Rockpilic
Attraction: Aroace , Queer Platonic
Other ID: Alderpetra , Dissomedusavirus , Dissoblind , Dissonoeat , Dissonodrink , Dissonobreath
Species: Human
Role: Paranoia Holder , Shock Absorber , Persecutor-Protector
Aesthetics: Analog Horror, Digital Horror
pt: name , age , pronouns , gender , attraction , other ids , species , role , aesthetics
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tagging: @bahtive
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togglesbloggle · 1 month
I was tagged by @wellmetmat in @perdvivly's ask meme that's going around- thanks for the interest! A few questions, they shall be answered. I won't tag anyone else for now, but anyone who sees this should absolutely respond if they're so inclined.
1. What virtue do you most often see in other people that you feel comparatively deficient in?
Easy one for me: diligence. Consistency, commitment, patient sustained focus on moderate challenges. Being there not on day 1 but on day 1000.
It's a skill I greatly admire in others, and I'm often drawn to those who can practice it successfully and consistently. The virtue of diligence has a way of making the world around oneself a dramatically better place, so being attracted to such people really works out well for me in the long run. Good parenting is perhaps one of the ur-examples here; the stakes of consistency get about as high as they reasonably can, and the rewards are just as clear. I've heard parents say that it's a time of very long days and very short years, and I often strive to give my days and my years the same quality- with not as much success as I'd like.
2. Show us an object in your daily life that you have an emotional attachment to - tell us a little bit about it if you want! (a favourite mug perhaps? socks with a cute pattern? dealers choice)
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I actually live more-or-less surrounded by little curios that meet this description, so I had a lot to choose from. It's a lifestyle, or at least a method of interior decorating, that makes me really happy. I grabbed these three more or less at random. From left to right:
Every geologist has a collection of boring-looking rocks with cool science attached; this is the star of my collection. It's a microbialite, meaning roughly that it's a 'fossil' of an ancient microbial mat. This one is from the Buck Reef Chert in South Africa, basically a piece of flint. It's 3.42 billion years old, from the Paleoarchean. It's nearly seven times older than multicellular life, and even predates oxygenic photosynthesis (which is the pattern where plants or green algae uptake CO2 and release oxygen); the organisms that created this fossil breathed iron instead. So it's the sort of organism that was common in the shallower waters of Earth's oceans back in the most primordial ecosystems we have a record of. A relic from an alien world, older than a full third of the stars in the Milky Way galaxy. I find it very beautiful to be biologically related to it, and to be part of the same uninterrupted organic chemical reaction.
In the middle is my orchestrator badge for a university class which conducts an elaborate simulation of the papal election of 1492 and its aftermath, run by a professor in the history department- this is last year's. You may recognize 1492 in the Italian peninsula as 'interesting times'. It's taken for class credit, but the heart of it is a LARP that plays out over the course of about two and a half weeks, with full costuming and set-dressing. Every student is assigned a particular period character; most are voting cardinals, some are monarchs ruling over France or Spain and trying to get a favorable pope for themselves, a few are invented minor roles like vote counters that wouldn't have been recorded by history (so that clever cardinals can bribe them, among other things; we have rules for how much the vote-takers can cheat). After suitable prep, we let them loose, and watch the poor bastards chase incentive gradients far enough to burn Europe to the ground. I myself pretend to be a mere orchestrator for the first three days of the simulation, and act mostly as a custodian for the monarchs, but then I dramatically reveal myself to actually be Sultan Bayezid II, of the Ottoman Empire, and then proceed to menace Europe with my impossible wealth, vast armies, and advanced technologies. It is, without fail, a delight.
The right is a watch given to me as a birthday gift some years ago by my dear sister, one of the marvelous transparent ones where you can see finely made gears and springs all working. It's effective for being taken seriously in Europe; combined with brown leather shoes and a thoughtful choice of shirt, it's enough to elevate you above the 'slobby American tourist' first impressions. The watch's finest hour was when I wore it to the front row of the Penn and Teller production of Shakespeare's Tempest. The show was full of stage magic to supplement the play itself, because of course it was, and this watch was irresistible to them during the audience-participation bits. Ariel the wind spirit made a great show of stealing it off my wrist, and of disappearing it and so on multiple times.
3. If you could choose, what level of fame would you want? How many people would you want to recognise you?
There's a level of demifame that I think is just right: enough respect within a widely-spread subculture to earn a comfortable income from fans, and relative anonymity outside it. Jo Walton is at about that sweet spot, for a concrete example. In practice, I think this translates to a few tens of thousands of people around the world that would recognize you, but the key is that they're not randomly selected: they're the people that you share that subculture with, so there's a baseline of mutual regard and shared values even when you're greeted out of nowhere by a stranger in a strange city.
4. Where do you feel language is least adequate to capture, communicate, or express your experience?
What a mean question to ask by text! Ha.
There's a set of experiences you can reach, which I happened to find both through scientific literacy and mindfulness meditation, involving the conditionality and contingencies of personal identity. You may have felt it a little bit when I was talking about my favorite rock, just now; you might not have. I have a powerful and sustained sense of myself as an expression of natural processes, or perhaps of the role of consciousness in illuminating the full depth of that process. It's quite comforting, I suppose, though even that's not a particularly apt description really. I think I called it being 'deep okay' a while back, though I don't recall where; I don’t think I came up with that label myself though. It was here!
5. If you had to come up with a question with the following criteria:
a) it should disuade knee-jerk reaction answers (i.e. it shouldn't be something people are likely to have spent a lot of time considering before)
b) it shouldn't be too specialised (the audience should be general, don't ask about people's top 3 byzantine spice merchants opperating between 754AD-816AD)
c) it shouldn't be needlessly emotionally charged or divisive
d) it should be a question you expect people to have lots of varied opinions about
What would your question be?
What are the kinds of magic you most wish for, or the laws of reality that you most wish could be overcome? What would this allow you to become?
Actually I lied I'm tagging @ritterum @femmenietzsche @eka-mark if they haven't been already.
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bracketsoffear · 8 months
sorry ive got more
"Death's Design" Statement of William Bludsworth, regarding the nature of accidents. (Final Desination; End)
"Emergency Surgery" Statement of Lucas [no surname given], regarding a road accident and the 911 call that followed. (Southbound; Flesh)
"Fairytales" Statement of an anonymous source, only identifying themselves as "Princess", regarding a love story. (Slay the Princess; Extinction)
"Roots" Statement of Ben Shaw, regarding the thing pretending to be his neighbor. (Wretched; Stranger, Buried)
"Third Moon" Statement of Justin Smith, regarding the cult he and his brother grew up in. (The Endless; End, Spiral)
"Snake Bite" Statement of Angus Flint, regarding an unusual fossil he excavated while on scholarship. (Lair of the White Worm; Flesh, Web)
"Job Opportunity" Statement of Anonymous, regarding becoming your own boss and how you can do it too. (Brian David Gilbert’s “Earn 20k EVERY MONTH by Being Your Own Boss." Youtube Video; Stranger)
"Family Game Night" Statement of Grace [no surname given], regarding her wedding night. (Ready or Not; Hunt)
"Bunny Doll" Statement of Aya Dravis, regarding her late father's career. (Mad Father; Flesh, Stranger, End)
"Choose Your Own Adventure" Statement of Stefan Bulter, regarding his troubles programing a video game. (Black Mirror: Bandersnatch; Web, Spiral)
"House Fire" Statement of Cobb Avery, regarding crawling out of his grave. (The World Ender/LH lore; Desolation)
"Of a Different Maker" Statement of Father Mark Amidon, regarding the thing living underneath a church in Devon. (The Borderlands; Buried, Vast)
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