#fleece pet toy
tinkerandbone · 2 years
Starting tomorrow all items in my Etsy store are 20% off!
I've added 2 of these fleece dragon cat toy sets to my etsy store!
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fabulousmrfrog · 8 months
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khaire-traveler · 5 months
☀️ Subtle Medea Worship 🐍
Be kind to children; play with them if offered
Show appreciation to your loved ones; cook them a meal, bake them something, spend time with them, etc.
Play with your pets; spend time with them
Get a candle that reminds you of her (no altar needed)
Wear jewelry that reminds you of her
Keep a picture of her in your wallet
Stand up for yourself
Assert your boundaries; learn what your boundaries are; not all boundaries need to be spoken
Have a stuffed animal snake or sheep
Have imagery of dragons, snakes, the golden fleece, magic, or the sun around
Think of outside the box solutions to problems
Try to plan ahead; plan important things out; be prepared for mishaps; have a solid exit strategy
Take a walk/hike on a sunny day; bask in the sunlight
Ground yourself regularly; do so in nature in the sunlight if able
Prioritize your well-being; do not sacrifice yourself for others; take care of yourself first
Practice self-forgiveness; don't hold your past mistakes against yourself
Read the Greek Magical Papyri; research the history of witchcraft, especially in ancient Greece
Practice discreet witchcraft; maybe focus more on kitchen witchcraft to be subtle
Grow your own herbs; start a garden
Make a list of your personal strengths and points of pride; celebrate these things about yourself
Practice having a more nuanced view of both yourself and others; the world is morally grey; this is not a suggestion to keep or forgive shitty people for shitty things
Dance to music that makes you feel empowered, badass, or magical
If you have a partner, do something nice for them; take them on a date, spend time with them, engage with their interests, etc.
Drink herbal tea; engage with something relaxing as you do so
Keep a charm on your person; good luck, protection, positive attraction, etc.
Keep an evil eye charm for protection; place it in your space, wear a bracelet, hang one in your car, etc.
Support organizations that help single mothers, children, or domestic abuse survivors
Help out any new mothers in your life if you can
Donate children and baby supplies to homeless shelters; donate kids' toys and clothes
Feed neighborhood birds (with seed only please)
Do something you're passionate about
Engage in relaxing activities, especially after a long day
Take a warm bath or shower, especially with herbs; doing this as a cleansing activity after a long/bad day is also great
Keep your space clean; take care of your immediate environment
Make your space your own; maybe decorate with sun-shaped fairy lights or fake vines
Take care of yourself physically and emotionally
Lave a glass of water mixed with some sugar and honey on your windowsill during the day; you can also leave a water mixed with salt/ocean water instead
Try to practice meditation if you can; practice mindfulness
Practice non-obvious divination methods; cartomancy, bibliomancy, shufflomancy, carromancy, aeromancy, etc.
Go cloud-watching or star-gazing
Learn what your limits are; remind yourself that rest is productive
Say no to helping someone if you're not feeling well enough to do so; you're not a bad person for looking out for yourself
Wear clothes that make you feel confident; try giving yourself compliments
This is my list of discreet ways to worship Medea! I'll likely add more later. For now, I hope you find what I have helpful. Take care, y'all! 🧡
Link to Subtle Worship Master list
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kivaember · 4 months
that idea i had for branch raven finding 621 post-FoR and forcibly kidnapping adopting him... a teaser below the cut...
The medium freighter ship, Tapio, was an old, beaten-up interstellar craft that had gone through at least three different Christenings since it had fallen into Branch’s control. When Chartreuse had liberated it from its original owner (some two-bit grey market smuggler who had bitten off more than he could chew), it had been named The Golden Fleece. Raven had let her rename it to Cheese Board, which lasted for only a few months before King changed it to the far more mundane Star Skimmer.
Chartreuse couldn’t really remember when they had changed it from Star Skimmer to Tapio, but it hadn’t been long after they made plans to run the PCA blockade over Rubicon-3. Even grey-market ships like these were aggressively tracked and logged whenever it so much as paused to take a fart in some piece of shit asteroid port, so scrubbing the identity was essential prep for big operations that would land you in some UEG gulag on Pluto.
They’d probably have to change it again, now that their business was concluded on Rubicon. It was Raven’s turn, and knowing them, they’d think of something either utterly boring, or thoroughly deranged. They called their pet cat Emergency Rations of all things, after all.
(To date, she still wasn’t sure if Raven was being tongue-in-cheek about that…)
Speaking of that cat, though…
Chartreuse grumbled as she shovelled soiled cat litter into its bin. The freighter was built with a crew of at least ten in mind, so Raven had dedicated an entire room to the little beast: cat trees, little platforms for Emergency Rations to parkour off of, toys that functioned as trip hazards for the unwary, and this monstrosity of a litter box that was huge and a massive pain to clean out.
Emergency Rations, as imperious as a queen overlooking her lowly subjects, stared down at her from one of its demonic cat trees. It was an ugly creature, in Chartreuse’s opinion: thin, scraggly fur with bald patches, one missing ear and crooked whiskers, with a broken meow that sounded like the strangled croak of a frog. Probably why Raven adopted it; they had a soft spot a mile wide for broken, ugly things.
“How do you shit so much?” Chartreuse sealed the bin shut and pushed it aside. “I swear you do it just to fuck with me.”
Emergency Rations just blinked its ugly goblin eyes at her.
Chartreuse finished up her daily task of tending to the beast’s comfort and slouched out of the ship’s cattery. After a brief detour to the ablutions to wash her hands, she went to the central mess hall that now functioned as a sort of communal area for Branch. The depressing steel benches and tables had been shoved against the walls and replaced with a battered sofa they’d rescued from a dump, and an old-world TV set with a video player and everything.
Chartreuse had no idea where Raven magicked up these relics, or why they had a taste for such useless antiques.
“The beast’s been dealt with,” Chartreuse declared when she walked into the living area.
King acknowledged her with a raised hand, not looking away from the TV screen. He was sprawled out on the sofa, so Chartreuse sat on the armchair. It was technically Raven’s armchair, but they weren’t here right now - too busy committing terrible life choices and all that.
“Is Raven still not back?” she asked. “We sure that rabid dog didn’t eat him?”
“Haven’t heard a thing since they left.” King picked up the remote and paused whatever was playing on the TV. He had a deep frown on his face, his expression troubled even if it didn’t show in his voice. “Their operator would’ve told us if things had gone sour, though.”
Chartreuse grunted.
It’d been only two days since the Second Fires had swept through the Rubicon system, an event they had only survived because they’d been in the process of leaving said system. They’d been mere moments away from engaging the C-Wave Drive to slip into subspace, only to perform an emergency leap to the nearest stellar body when a surge of volatile energy came exploding out of Rubicon-3. Thank god for that small planetoid they’d managed to shelter behind…
But instead of getting immediately out of dodge the second things settled down, Raven had all but commandeered the ship and started gunning back towards Rubicon-3 like a man possessed. When it came out that Raven was hunting down his successor… well, words were exchanged and Chartreuse may’ve thrown a chair at them, but Raven got their way, as always, and now they were here, twiddling their thumbs and waiting for Raven to come back with a potential rabid dog in tow.
“We might have to figure out a naming system if they do find him,” King said idly. “Raven Senior and Raven Junior, maybe?”
“Who’d be the senior and who’d be the junior?” Chartreuse drawled. “That Gen Four is probably a grizzled old man. Our Raven isn’t even thirty.”
“Guess they’d be junior then.” Somehow, King maintained a straight face as he said this. “We could always call the Gen Four after his designation. C4-621, if I remember rightly?”
“That’s…” Chartreuse wrinkled her nose. “So corporate.”
“Hound, then?” King shrugged. “It’s up to Raven, I guess. It’s their name they gave away.”
A name that the rabid dog had technically earned in the same way their Raven had. As sour as Chartreuse was about the whole thing, she grudgingly accepted and respected the dog’s hustle and fire. He’d trounced all three of them in a straight fight, and it was done purely through skill. The things he’d done with that laser dagger were obscene…
But Raven had always been Raven to her. She still called them that, hell, they all did, but if their successor was found and brought into the fold, then they’d have to bow their heads to proper tradition and accept the dog as Raven, and Raven as… Nightfall.
Ugh. She still hated that name. Nightfall. It was a name an edgy teenager would pick for their social media account.
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ohbo-ohno · 11 months
gods the cage Brainrot is REAL tonight. I need to be cozy in a pet crate so BAD it’s unreal (ironic bc I’m suuuuper allergic to dogs lmao)
But it got me thinking specifically for dlmliyh: what things do Simon and Johnny allow Reader to have when she’s in the cage?? Maybe a smaller fleece throw blanket to snuggle up in on colder nights; or a few toys (pet and otherwise) to keep her occupied; maybe even some pillows or stuffed toys so her pretty head doesn’t have to be on the hard ground???
Idk I find small spaces like pet cages really comforting and relaxing irl and I’ve been MEANING to make, like, my dream pet nook and it’s honestly SO homophobic that I’m too fucking poor to afford a proper crate >:(((( if I’m good for Simon and Johnny maybe they’ll make me a custom cage just for me with blankets and fairy lights 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
i actually don't think dlmliyh reader has her own cage! johnny has a cage, and sometimes when she's been bad she gets shoved in there. so no fairy lights unfortunately, because johnny wouldn't have them
he does have a few pillows and blankets, and a few more always get tucked in with you when you have to spend the night in there - unless it's for a very bad punishment, in which the entire thing is emptied out and you're left in there alone
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nitrozem · 5 months
OC Deep Dive Questionnaire
Thanks for the tag @natolesims ! I love doing these.
Think I'll do my werewolf boi, Ajay this time (I did Miguel for the last one)
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1. What uncommon/common fear do they have?
The dude acts fearless but he has one fear and it's stink bugs. Why? Well werewolf pups like practicing their hunting on small insects and stuff that cross their path and young Ajay decided to pounce on a stink bug and had a very bad time lol
bonus pic of smol pup Ajay
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2. Do they have any pet peeves?
He doesn't like it when people move his stuff around. He's not organized but it works for him cause he has his weird disorganized places he keeps his things.
3. What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom?
his werewolf toy, this crystal light shaped like a moon that Sid made for him, something random he may have dug up during a rampage and forgot about (usually shoes, rocks and trash)
4. What do they notice first in a person?
Their smell, werewolf super smell and all. He can figure out if a person is an occult by the smell.
5. On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance?
A 10, he's been in so many werewolf brawls, and running through the forest, it takes a lot to actually get him to be very bothered by pain and he heals quickly. He wears his scars like badges of honor lol
6. Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure?
Fight fight fight! He likes fighting and hates to appear like a wimp.
7. Do they come from a big family/are they a family person?
No, he was an only child, had a mom and dad and that's it. He has a big family now though. (4 children, his husband, and his father who is still kicking) I would say he is a family person, he loves all his kids and is protective over them and his husband.
bonus family photo :)
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and grandpa (ajay's father, Ravi) cause we love him and his terrible dad jokes
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8. What animal represents them best?
Well...a wolf
9. What is a smell that they dislike?
Vampires have a necrotic undead smell he hates like most werewolves. He also hates coming across somewhere that was "marked" by another werewolf and gets territorial.
10. Have they broken any bones?
11. How would a stranger likely describe them?
Depends. If he's dressed nicely and calm, people see he's sure of himself or confident. When he's high fury/wearing his torn or rocker clothes, he still has that confident vibe but in a more intimidating way.
12. Are they a night owl or a morning bird?
Night Owl because werewolves are nocturnal, he'll be up in the morning anyway because he doesn't sleep much.
13. What is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love?
He hates all artificial fruit candy, as for a flavor he loves, a steak, seasoned right (and very very rare)
14. Do they have any hobbies?
Yes, he likes to knit and paint mostly. He likes to read and likes tor forage/hunt for crystals or mushrooms that Sid might need
15. Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprises?
I'd say he's pretty stoked
16. Do they like to wear jewelry?
Yeah, his moon necklace his mother gave him and other bracelets Sid makes him
17. Do they have neat or messy handwriting?
It's actually very neat!
18. What are two emotions they feel the most?
Energetic and confident
19. Do they have a favorite fabric?
really soft fleece, he'll fall asleep real quick in a pile of fleece sweaters lol
20. What kind of accent do they have?
subtle indian accent (mother had an indian accent, father has a southern usa accent so it's a mix of that)
The closest voice claim I have for him is Dr. Carrington from Fallout 4 I like imagining that he sounds very eloquent and chill (well at least until his fury gets high enough, then he's just loud, rough sounding and growly)
If you just want to talk about yours OC's just do this and say I tagged you or w/e, use all excuses to talk about your OC's and stories 👍🏼
(that and I'm not very active on here atm due to not wanting to play sims, social media detox and attempts at better habits in life.)
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midnight-glasses · 1 year
| If the Tsukinami brothers were your beloved pet cats?
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Don't ask me why I did it.
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— Carla Tsukinami:
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Carla is an observant and silent pet, preferring to observe the environment from a strategic vantage point while maintaining an air of sophistication in his appearance.
When it comes to food, Carla has developed a taste for premium-quality cat food. He particularly enjoys a grain-free, high-protein blend with a delicate hint of salmon, his refined palate appreciates the rich flavors and textures.
He demands attention on his own terms and enjoys keeping everyone in suspense about his true intentions, even his owners.
Carla exhibits a fascination with intricate feather wands. As the feather flutters and dances through the air, his eyes fixate on the graceful movement, and he becomes fully engrossed in an enchanting game of chase.
He have a favorite hideout in the house, a luxurious cat tower positioned by a sunny window. He spend hours lounging there, observing the world outside with an air of mystery. The tower is his sanctuary, where he can enjoy solitude and plan his next moves.
When it's time for relaxation, Carla has a peculiar affinity for basking in the warm glow of sunlight. He seeks out the sunniest spots in the house, whether it's a windowsill or a strategically positioned cat tree. Bathed in golden rays, he luxuriates in the gentle warmth, his eyes half-closed in contentment, as if he's embracing the radiance of his ancestral origins.
One distinct quirk of Carla during playtime is his fondness for controlled stalking. He has a keen eye for observing his surroundings and stealthily tracking his toys or fellow feline companions from a distance. With calculated precision, he waits for the perfect moment to strike, launching himself into a graceful pounce that reflects his ancient “predator ancestry”.
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He has a peculiar preference for toys that challenge his intellect and agility. Among his favorite toys is a small puzzle box with hidden compartments and treat dispensers. He enjoys the thrill of figuring out the mechanisms and unlocking the hidden treasures inside, displaying his astute problem-solving skills.
Carla rarely purrs, but when he does, it produces a deep and thunderous sound that resonates loudly. Whenever he is content, relaxed, or allows himself to show his emotions, his purring fills the room, sometimes startling his feline companions and his humans.
Carla takes great pride in his appearance and has a meticulous grooming routine. He spends a significant amount of time grooming his sleek fur, ensuring every strand is perfectly in place. His meticulousness extends to his feline companions as well; he is often seen gently grooming their fur to maintain its pristine appearance.
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— Shin Tsukinami:
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Shin is a fiery and energetic ginger cat with bright yellow eyes.
He is always full of energy, constantly on the move and ready to pounce on anything that catches his interest.
Shin is the troublemaker of the duo, always getting into fights with Carla or causing chaos around the house. However, beneath his unruly nature, he has a gentle side.
He often seeks affection and attention from his humans, even if it's done in a somewhat rough manner: he enjoys giving “love bites” as a sign of affection.
Shin is an expert at finding small hideouts and secret spots throughout the house. Whether it's a cozy cardboard box tucked away in a corner or a high perch on the bookshelf, he always discovers a new place to explore. His erratic spirit leads him to unexpected places, and his humans often find him in the most peculiar locations.
When it's time to unwind, Shin seeks out cozy hideaways and snug spaces. He enjoys curling up in a soft, fleece-lined cat bed or burrowing into a pile of warm blankets. His contented purrs resonate gently as he drifts into a peaceful slumber.
Shin also has a curious fascination with shiny objects. Whether it's a candy wrapper or a reflection bouncing off a mirrored surface, his eyes fixate on the gleaming allure. He playfully bats at the glimmers, enchanted by their elusive nature, as if he's on a quest to capture the essence of light itself.
He has a obsession with interactive toys that mimic the movements of small prey. His favorite toy is a battery-powered mouse that scampers and darts unpredictably across the floor. His eyes light up with excitement as he chases after it.
Shin has a particular fondness for treats with a crunchy texture. He relishes in the sound and sensation of each bite, his tail swishing back and forth with delight. His humans often find him pawing at his food bowl, trying to coax out the last few pieces of kibble, never wanting the tasty experience to end.
He has a wide repertoire of vocalizations, using meows and chirps to communicate his desires and emotions. He has a unique way of expressing himself through his vocalizations, whether it's a demanding meow for attention or a contented purr when receiving affection. His expressive meows make it easier for his humans to understand his needs and desires, unlike his older brother, Carla.
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All my written content is original, however, I do not claim ownership of the characters depicted. ©2023-Present.
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bloggedanon · 1 year
Alright, listen up, folks.
My hours have been reduced to nothing for months now on account of disabilities I'm trying to get treated for, I got a med bill I wasn't expectin' in the mail, and now I'm woefully far from bein' able to pay for my upcoming psychiatrist appointment, which I have to pay for by the 24th of this month. This one is really important because there's a strong probablility this one will be the one to prescribe me some meds that just might enable me to be able to acually take care of myself (read: actually function at all) for the first time in my life. I'm prolly gonna need like $300 to cover the appointment. I ain't askin' y'all to help me for free, however.
I can sew together little pillow monster things. They have zipper mouths and button eyes. They're hand-sewn, from a pet-free home.
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This is my oldest (and smallest) example. about 7" wide and tall. The ones I'm proposing to sell will be about 9" wide and tall.
Here are the buttons and (9) zippers I have available for this endeavor. (Sorry about the lighting.) Note the loops on the zipper pulls for easier zipping.
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Uhh, those are soda can pull tabs in the corner. Ignore that, I'm procrastinating on working on a project.
In terms of fabric, I have fleece and flannel of various colors. 'S all preshrunk in a washer and dryer, but I don't have a good way to showcase or store fabric other than shoving it all into one plastic bag. That aside, here's the flannel I have:
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(Dark blue, light blue, teal, white, space [small amount], and scales [purple, blue, and green scales, small amount])
And here's the fleece:
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(Purple, red, orange, and black [small amount])
Note how I have more of some colors in one material or another than in others. This means certain body surface colors may not be possible due to material limitations. I have a whole bunch of thread colors, and just an overall abundance of thread tho 👍
These are custom made to order, and the production is paid in advance. You can do custom colors (body, front vs back color, the color of the inside of the mouth, whether or not you want it to have a tongue, number / color of eyes) and you can POTENTIALLY do other customizations. (Want it to have a ridge on its back like a cartoon dinosaur? Want me to give it horns? Want me to try to figure out how tassles work? Want it to have floppy, doofy, cow-lookin' ears? [I recommend fleece for these kinds of additions, trust me on this one.]) Shape alterations mmmmaayyyyy be possible, but that's pretty dubious. Bear in mind that any customizations / additions will likely drive priduction time wayyy up, and there are things I might not be able to do.
Shipping will be paid seperately, and at the time of shipping. I can't really afford to cover shipping, but also I have no earthly idea how to calculate shipping. I have a tiny scale at home now that I can use to weigh the finished product, but that's about it. These are gonna have to be personally taken to the post office, which means a lot of walking. I dunno, we'll figure it out.
This is all being said and shown in the interest of maximum transparency with this stuff. You will recieve update images with progress on your little monster dude, and you're gonna have to give feedback on the button placements and angles before I sew 'em on so that way I know I've got the look you want on it.
Payments are done over Paypal.
Base price: $35 USD + shipping
Comm slots open: 9
Customizations and additions will add to the price, but the extent to which it happens is (sort of) negotiable. Most customizations are going to be (sort of) experimental on my end, and hand sewing takes forever, especially when you have "everything magically is really hard and takes too long" disease.
If I hit my goal, I'll stop accepting donations. If all 9 commission slots are taken, I will update this post with a good ol'-fashioned pinned reblog and close commissions AND donations. Note that I can only work on one pillow monster at a time, and that it's on a first-come-first-serve basis. If I'm working on one and you want to commission one, I'll let you know and ask if you wanna wait for it. You'll get a number (1-9) to signify whose order I need to do next.
In the meantime, I need to go pop out and sell some blood plasma, probably. 🤡
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Would a Mareep be a good pet?
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Although caring for a mareep would take special care and consideration, they would make great pets for discerning pet owners!
Mareep are small and aren't said to be too picky about space. They're friendly too, and the pokédex itself describes them as cute (Ultra Moon)! But, of course, being electric-type pokémon, we must analyze how much of a shock risk mareep represent.
A mareep's wool coat has a natural ability to build up static electricity, just by rubbing against itself (Ruby/Sapphire). It's said that coming into contact with a mareep causes a painful static shock (Ultra Moon), though it isn't described in the pokédex as particularly dangerous. Thankfully, there is always an indication of how charged-up a mareep is: their lightbulb-like tail glows brighter the more charged up their wool is (Ruby Sapphire). If you are to adopt a mareep, it would be important to look for ways to help them discharge their natural static build-up regularly through safe play, perhaps encouraging them to rub up against a favored toy.
If you want to use your mareep's wool to create clothing or other products, like you might with a real world sheep, you're in luck: mareep fleece is often utilized for this purpose, though in order to use it you must put it through a special process that neutralizes its static-charging nature (Ultra Sun). Mareeps' wool is always growing, and does so especially quickly in the colder season (Black 2/White 2). In the summer, don't be alarmed to see your mareep suddenly shedding all their wool: this is a natural process to allow them to remain cool, and it will grow back within a week (Silver).
That being said, the data about mareep outside the pokédex paint a riskier picture. Thanks to their Static ability, we know that contact with a mareep can occasionally cause a little more than a static shock, insiting complete paralysis. Mareep are capable of performing many electric-type moves with similar attributes, which can present risks to anyone (but perhaps especially to people with specific health conditions, like heart problems). However, with careful training and appropriate alternative outlets for play, these risks can likely be managed.
Mareep, like many electric-type pokémon, require careful care and may not be the best pet for someone who isn't experienced with caring for the type. But, with the correct expectations and preparations, can be excellent (and adorable) pets!
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daddymothxxx · 8 days
He couldn't visit for long. It would bring a lot of unwanted attention and he also had a schedule to keep. But he did come by the hospital with a couple of tote bags and a queef tucked under arm when he approached whatever security was around at Opal's behest.
He passed off the totes to them and fly-chihuahua before he'd get off to it all. Snoot was a good therapy dog and would be good for the two imps' morale.
One of the two totes was dog care items. Food, leash, water, a couple toys that looked well loved by the hell critter that Val could find, and a pet bed he also found.
Other tote was some care items. Bottled water. A fleece throw blanket he figured was big enough to keep Gritt wrapped up warm. Tooth brush, hair brush, deodorant, hygiene stuff. He couldn't remember what level of reading Gritt was at, but he'd tucked one of his own goofy, short, romance books in there. Charger for electronics. And a pill bottle with no label and a tapped folded note on it;
Synthetic powder smoke pills. Vel made them for pain without the addiction effect. Only thing that worked when I got shanked with angelic steel. Don't worry about telling me nothing until he's better. -Queenie <3
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steamedtangerine · 8 months
sad news for me...
My family just got over a black out that lasted close to 55 hours. This was when a huge snowstorm made it's way into Michigan. At the start of it, one of our family members and one of my close friends came into the kitchen and crumpled to the floor panting.
Saturday morning, he crawled up into the couch and would not come out, and I could hear panting coming from him. I had to cut into the underside to get him, and in the pet carrier he was drooling. I ran him over to an emergency vet clinic. After a talk, they said his diet was fine, but all indicators point to the fact that he had congenital heart failure (something that occurs with cats that have Siamese traits). To keep him in an oxygen chamber for three days and get the fluid out of his lungs would cost over 3K and that he may live only under two years time while being put on daily heart meds.
Anyone who knows of my past situation, knows that my family went through an emergency move around March of the previous year. Much of our life is hanging by a thread, and we have two cars that are dying. After much back and forth on the phone, we had to make a very hard decision. I even called the person who gave him to me, and she understood and thanked me for giving him such a nice home for over six years.
Because of the poor weather conditions (I was racing against down traffic lights and an "honor system" on the way to the vet), my brother getting over a cold, AND that his junked up car could not get up the icy driveway to accommodate my elderly mother. They could not make it over to say goodbye, and I was all alone in this.
He seemed so lively in the oxygen chamber when I said my goodbyes, and he could tell I was crying. We had such a good Christmas together, and he loved sleeping under the tree (as usual). We had just gone for a walk last Thursday night. I was just wishing it was some misdiagnosis, but they assured me that once out of the chamber, he will collapse gain and get blood clots in his legs and suffer miserably.
His name was Tobey, and I am terribly broken-up at his passing.
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He was so abiding, and he got along with other animals (we suspect he was friends with a possum hanging around our old house). Although he was a tad clumsy, he had such a musical voice. He could play with anything (we weren't sure if he would adapt to us when we first got him, but as soon as he got out of the carrier, he went right for a toy we had)-and the laser pointer was his favorite. He loved fleece, and he would get a tad depressed around the winter time (but would perk up in the summer). Everytime I ate an apple, he would come up and softly paw my shoulder to give him a tiny gnawed off sliver for him to chew. He would do this five times, and he would be satisfied. Sometimes we would sit together in front of the heat register.
I am going to miss him deeply.
This is not how I want my year to start off. It feels like someone turned off the lights on us, and when they came back on, someone was missing.
It's gonna a be a bit before I post again.
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kedreeva · 2 years
i hope this isn't weird or overly personal, but how do you make money for the animals and have the time to care for them? is it like an unrelated job or something to do with peafowl or rodents? sorry if i sound like a judgemental relative at thanksgiving, i promise i'm just genuinely curious
It's okay! Up until I quit my job at the start of October, I was working as an animal husbandry technician taking care of research animals (mostly mice) at a university! I also have a partner, and he makes about 2x what I was making. My car was given to me by my parents in college, and is paid off now, which means I just pay insurance, registration, and any repairs on him (since he's almost old enough to vote). My mom used some of her inheritance from her father's death to pay off my student loans (which were a lot but not a LOT), and instead of a wedding ring, my partner paid off my house for me. Which means right now, we just don't have a lot of bills, and I'm able to take 2023 off work and write and chill with my animals.
But honestly, it doesn't take that much to take care of the animals I have (they're not as intense as you're probably thinking). My equipment was largely donated or scrapped from friends/family/craigslist (aside from the pen building material for the peas). I make/grow some stuff myself free (like all the rodent bedding/hides from garbage cardboard, some of the fresh foods for the birds grow wild at my house) or acquire it cheaply (fleece sheets for making hammocks for the rats, small amounts of aquatic plants I can grow and split out into more, dollar store grain products for the roaches, feather toys from my birds for the cat, the roaches are self-replicating bird treats). A lot of the animals actually make enough to pay for themselves; the mice I sell as pets/healthy feeders locally, the peafowl hatch chicks, one of my peahens paints with me, the guppies/snails reproduce very fast and people come get them as pets/feeders.
The biggest time sink is cleaning mouse bins weekly. Everything else is stuff that can be done in less than 30 minutes a day, with larger, infrequent cleaning events (scraping/sanitizing pens 2x a year, aquarium filters monthly, etc). And bins + events are weekend activities, when we have the most time.
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flock-talk · 1 year
I think my birds might like that forager! Where did you get it?
Which one?
One of these ones?
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Top is the Buggin’ out puzzle feeder by Pet Stages which can be found in most chain pet stores (it’s a cat/dog puzzle feeder so most chain pet stores will have similar designs in the dog food bowl or toy aisles)
Bottom is a snuffle mat, I ordered mine from Ashley’s pampered pup on Etsy (really liked the size of the fleece that simulated grass foraging) but you can also find these in a lot of pet stores in different shapes and designs- I do find the fleece bits are longer in those so they fall and flap around differently!
If it was a different forager let me know!
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floaroma-sanctuary · 1 year
Adoption Spotlight!
Our Thunder Thursday this week is a little special. We have not one but two amazing little Pokémon ready for their new home! Nugget and Goldie the Joltiks!
Goldie and Nugget came to us through, in the loosest of terms, an owner surrender. They were released onto Sanctuary property, mated, and had a very large clutch of baby Joltiks together. Their babies are all now being cared for by some of my friends and colleagues, and Nugget and Goldie remained in my care while Goldie recovered from the massive amount of egg-laying and baby-caring she did. She is now feeling much better, and they are ready to find a new home!
Goldie and Nugget are a mated pair, and they MUST stay together. It is a requirement for them to remain together for their continued good health! If you are concerned about Goldie having another large clutch, it is highly unlikely that she will have any more of that size, if any at all.
They are both the snuggliest little lovebugs, and they are very happy to ride around with you or simply explore their area. They love finding hidey-holes together and nesting. Usually around outlets and power cords, so you'd have to either keep an eye on them or give them something safe for them and for your power bill.
They would do best as pet Pokémon or contest Pokémon, as they have shown very adverse reactions to battling. They do get along with all sorts of people and Pokémon, so we are not worried at all about their socialization! They love to play and are very adventurous!
Goldie loves this fleece blanket we've been using to help line their bed, and Nugget loves this pompom toy that he keeps hidden in their bed. Both of these items will be adopted with them, along with a static-reducing brush. Goldie loves her grooming sessions, and Nugget tolerates them as long as Goldie is with him.
If these adorable little critters have spun their webs in your heart, message us anytime or stop on in to Floaroma Sanctuary Monday-Friday, 8 am to 7 pm, or Saturday, noon to 5 pm.
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parakeetlover3 · 10 months
Galaxy and fleece?
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Galaxy: Rocks, fallen leaves in the fall (especially those that are like, partially decomposed so only the veins are left and it looks like cool lace! I have some pics of some I’ve collected) and how colorful they make everything, and just like, a lot of small but cool stuff in nature
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And how lucky I am to just…exist, y’know? There’s cool stuff everywhere! Something something that one quote that’s goes something like, life’s full of miracles but we’re so used to them we call them ordinary things
Fleece: Ye! I have two budgies, Kiwi and Snowcone, they’re my babies
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(They have more perches+toys, just not in frame)
There are also a bunch of koi fish and goldfish in my household, but they’re technically my dad’s pets lol
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random0lover · 9 months
Perfume, fleece & pigment <3
Ask game
I am super sorry for responding to this so late, at first I though tumblr ate the ask cause for some reason it’s been doing th at lately but it was in my drafts so here we go! Sorry this is so long but I wanted to share some pics of my dogs! @homicidal-slvt
Perfume- favorite scent?
So I love the smell of coffee but my favorite candle is Better Homes & Garden Warm Leather & Amber. I’m not sure why but I absolutely love the way it smells and every time I go to Walmart I stop to smell it!
Fleece- have any pets?
I’ve talked about this a little before but I have four dogs! (A lot I know lol they drive me crazy but I love them dearly) 3 German Shepherd mixes (1 girl 2 boys) and a beagle chihuahua mix (a boy)
This is Diamond (or Sweet Sweet), she’s the mom of our other two german shepherds and her favorite things are laying out in the sun and crying for attention all the time 😂
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Then this is Titan, yes his name matches how big of a dog he is. Sometimes I call him a “tank of a dog” or a “behemoth of a dog” but he loves playing and he can talk to you. For example he can tell you he’s really hungry, tell you he loves you, that he’s thirsty, and he has recently started asking us to not leave when we’re about to leave for work 😅
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Then there’s Chewie (technically my dog but he loves my dad a lot for some reason 🙄 he’s a ball of energy and likes to bite my arm like it’s a chew toy if he gets to excited 💀 oh and his favorite snack are Qtips and loaves of bread 😭 the amount of time I’ve had to dig around in his mouth for a Qtips is ridiculous *sigh*
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(he loves to sleep too)
The there’s the small little demon dog Boogie (technically his name is Max but we hardly call him that) and he loves to try and act like he’s the biggest dog lol him and Chewie have a love hate relationship cause one minute they’re laying with each other then the next it’s like their arguing over who gets to lay with me 😂
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Oh and he loves to claw the shit out of you 💀
Pigment- what color is your hair naturally? if you could dye it any color which one would you choose?
So I have naturally brown hair, it’s pretty dark but I do have red tones in it when I’m in the sun which I adore! Fun fact about me, I’ve never dyed my hair. I’ve wanted to and at one point I was actually going to get some like bronze or some type of red highlights but this was when I was like 12 so I don’t really remember but I have always loved the idea of doing some sort of dark purple! Most likely not all of my hair but like the lower half of it like a temporary dye or something? Tbh I haven’t put to much thought into it but yeah 🫠
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