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cle-news · 5 months ago
Bonnes Nouvelles !
Première Partie. Amphiegologie et Diaperithérapie, Harmoniathérapie,  風水 )
Seconde Partie. Société )
Titre 1. Paix, Monde, WWW et Flagrante Malveillance )
Titre 2. Capacité nouvelle de Gouvernance "Plus que parfaite" )
~< (o) >
Première Partie. Amphiegologie et Diaperithérapie, Harmoniathérapie,  風水
Diapérithérapie : "Guérison Par l'Environnement"
Harmoniathérapie : Méthode de soins basée sur le concept d'harmonisation d'un environnement
風水 : ( fēng shuǐ ) Art Millénaire fondé sur les principes de la philosophie taoïste ( 道教 )
Amphiegologie : Science se rapportant à l'étude des effets des environnements des individus sur ces mêmes individus. Notamment sur leur santé physique et psychique.
Ces nouvelles capacités émergent de relativement récentes avancées scientifiques
Les dernières analyses trop longues à détailler - , en matière d'annonce et de communication, et de patience, - Ces analyses primaires concluent que :
1er Elément. La Diapérithérapie -* constituant une entité malléable. Et disposant d'un potentiel non-malléable *- et ses environnements potentiels (L'entité environnementale Société et autres entités diverses) sont capables de s'harmoniser, en s'inter-adaptant, tout en autorisant une prise en charge "suffisante" pour tout type de profil de patient concerné )
2ème Elément. La Diapérithérapie est techniquement capable, même en situation d'auto-suffisance, d'être pleinement efficiente vis-à-vis de ses objectifs élémentaires. Ainsi que de s'auto-harmoniser avec toutes les composantes environnementales non-malléables envisageables et connues par la discipline )
3ème Elément. Ceci est une présentation, plusieurs ouvrages d'Introduction à la Diapérithérapie peuvent coexister )
Choisissons d'ignorer une connaissance découvrable ???
4ème Elément. Amphiégologie, paramètre Distance Temporelle, paramètres Distance Géographique et Distance Temporelle d'une capacité d'influence bidirectionnelle entre une entité X et un élément ou une entité environnemental(e) Y, entité WWW, interconnexion permanente et notion de membre citoyen du WWW, inclusion du tout : Monde dans la poche du citoyen WWW, opinion publique WWW, variable taille d'un pseudo-juré aux membres inter-influents et son influence, métaphore de la WWW implicite indivisible Tv chanel entity etc.
5ème Elément. L'état instantané de définition d'un concept même faux dispose-t-il d'une existence non-malléable à dénomination malléable du simple fait qu'il est un concept ? Chaque état instantané des concepts de Diapérithérapie et WWW, par exemple, disposeraient ainsi d'une existence non-malléable à dénomination malléable. Peuvent être redécouverts et définis dans chacun de leur état instantané possible. Ne peuvent pas ne plus exister mais simplement être ignorés. Leur définition, dans un contexte C à un instant T pourraient toujours être partiellement ou totalement incorrect. Notion de maitrise d'un concept et caractère stabilisant de cette maitrise. Notion d'intérêt stratégique de maitrise des concepts. Notion d'harmonisation environnementale d'un concept etc.
6ème Elément. On pourrait par évolution distinguer Diapérithérapie ("Guérison par l'environnement") et Harmoniathérapie ("Guérison harmonie" Méthode de soin basée sur le concept d'harmonisation d'un l'environnement) comme deux méthodes thérapeutiques pratiquées par un Thérapeute Amphiégologue
1er Elément. La Diapérithérapie -* constituant une entité malléable. disposant d'un potentiel non-malléable *- et ses environnements potentiels (L'entité environnementale Société et autres entités diverses) sont capables de s'harmoniser, en s'inter-adaptant, tout en autorisant une prise en charge "suffisante" pour tout type de profil de patient concerné
En y allouant les moyens suffisant - principalement temporels et financiers - La Diapérithérapie semble en mesure d'apporter une réponse suffisante à tous types de profils de patients concernés. Quel-que-soit leur condition sociale sans présenter de nuisance à l'équilibre sociétal notamment. Plus largement, sans présenter de nuisance à son propre environnement.
Un Diapérithérapeute pourra également apporter des suggestions diverses à un patient, ayant pour objectif de l'amener à disposer d'un environnement plus agréable encore qu'un environnement simplement stable, non-toxique.
- En Diapérithérapie, suivant l'Introduction de O.Mrs1, en cour de rédaction - Un environnement peut passer différents paliers d'adéquation. Les paliers définis en introduction étant : "stable optimal" ; et "stable, non-toxique". Et être dans ce cas "*non-pathogène", terme substituable par "non toxique". Ou être "*pathologène", terme substituable par "toxique". -
- En Diapérithérapie, suivant l'Introduction de O.Mrs1, en cour de rédaction - Instable, *pathogène et toxique ont le même sens lorsqu'ils se rapportent à un environnement - Stable et non-toxique ont également le même sens lorsqu'ils se rapportent à un palier d'adéquation d'un environnement. Ces derniers doivent - devraient... - toujours êtres employés ensembles, en les citant par exemple ainsi : "la stabilité, non-toxicité, de". Le terme "environnement *non-pathologène" conserve une clarté différente et n'est généralement pas employé en Diapérithérapie, suivant la méthodologie de O.Mrs1. On précise plutôt le palier d'adéquation dans ce cas - La notion de toxicité peut être employée pour qualifier un environnement dans son ensemble ou un élément d'un environnement. On parle alors d'environnement toxique, également qualifiable d'environnement *pathogène et d'élément toxique, *pathogène, individuellement. Eléments toxiques individuellement qui, en termes pratiques, constituent plus que des facteurs de risques puisque leurs effets négatifs peuvent, partiellement ou totalement, persister indépendamment de tout autre facteur. -
- Puisque ceci est une communication. Je ne détaillerai pas complétement ici la notion d'élément physiologique d'un environnement, ni celle d'éléments *malléables et *non-malléables . Pour exemple, un élément peut être un élément environnemental** déséquilibrant physiologique surprogrammé malléable constant hors de porté. Suivant le schéma : *non-malléable, harmonieux ou déséquilibrant, physiologique ou non-physiologique, *malléable ou *non-malléable, constant ou inconstant (dit aigüe et dans ce cas récurent ou non récurent) -
- Un élément *non-malléable, d'un environnement, serait alors systématiquement physiologique et présenterait la particularité de ne pas pouvoir être façonné. Un élément *non-malléable toxique, nécessitant, par sa nature, des mesures de protection ou d'évitement. - Un élément malléable impossible à modifier faute de moyens et non du fait d'une nature non-malléable est dit (malléable) hors de porté -
**Le terme "externe" est volontairement substitué par le terme "environnemental" en Diapérithérapie - Discipline dédiée dite "Guérison Par l'Environnement" - suivant la méthodologie de O.Mrs1.
2ème Elément. La Diapérithérapie est techniquement capable, même en situation d'auto-suffisance, d'être pleinement efficiente vis-à-vis de ses objectifs élémentaires. Ainsi que de s'auto-harmoniser avec toutes les composantes environnementales non-malléables envisageables et connues par la discipline
Elle ne nécessite pas impérativement la modification de son environnement actuel pour pouvoir exercer correctement et peut se maintenir dans multiples modèles sociétaux, par une capacité de détachement, d'auto-harmonisation et d'auto-suffisance. D'un point de vue sociétal, l'Amphiegologie pourrait toutefois démontrer clairement l'intérêt de diverses mesures de prévention positives.
3ème Elément. Ceci est une présentation, plusieurs ouvrages d'Introduction à la Diapérithérapie peuvent coexister
Les états instantanés successifs des connaissances et bonnes pratiques s'appliquant à La Diapérithérapie pourront alors être définis après création d'un ordre de chercheurs, praticiens et d'une spécialité médicale dédiée officialisée.
En attendant, il est donc conseillé de préciser ", suivant la méthodologie de <Nom de l'auteur de l'Introduction prise en référence>" lorsque l'on parle de Diapérithérapie.
Seconde Partie. Société
Titre 1. Paix, Monde, WWW et Flagrante Malveillance
" (...) Une Justice mal-accessible aux "plus faibles" ne couvre pas 99% des victimes les plus potentielles. Elle devient alors inefficiente ou contreproductive, vis-à-vis de son propre concept et de son propre déterminisme (...) "
Les dernières analyses tendent à montrer que nous sommes en capacité de prendre en charge quasiment tous types d'actes de malveillance envers des personnes physiques à condition de s'en donner les moyens. Par la logique du Flagrant Crime incluant la récolte systématique des éléments de preuve et la prise de contacte systématique des victimes. Et donc d'amener un climat de paix sur une Planète Terre présentant un WWW . Si vous savez lire et analyser c'est une particulièrement bonne nouvelle. Ces nouvelles capacités émergeant de relativement récentes avancées technologiques.
Résumé de la démonstration : Démonstration d'efficacité théorique se basant principalement sur la notion de mécanisme équivalant au rapport entre émergence de la Médecine Légale d'une part et diminution du nombre de meurtres d'autre part. Ouverture vers la notion de développement de méthodes de malveillance alternatives incluant harcèlement, trafic d'influence etc. Ouverture vers la notion d'épidémie de malveillance. Ouverture vers la notion de lien avec l'impunité. Ouverture vers la notion d'acceptabilité et d'adéquation des sanctions. Ouverture vers les apports possibles de l'Amphiégologie en matière de démonstration de l'impacte des environnements individuels sur l'agressivité, la malveillance et l'irritabilité. Ouverture vers l'étude de l'impact, sur la survenance d'actes de malveillance, résultant de l'apport d'un maximum d'éléments, claires et facilement intelligibles, garantissant, convainquant et démontrant la capacité factuelle de stabilité d'une entité Etatique, incluant un système Juridique efficient, dans un climat de paix.
Titre 2. Capacité nouvelle de Gouvernance "Plus que parfaite"
La doctrine gouvernementale Eco-Equilibriste était bonne, "meilleur que" et stable il y a 8 ans, elle est désormais "plus que parfaite". Mais n'a pas encore était observée factuellement. Sa structure organisationnelle est parfaitement compatible avec un système Juridique comportant une Justice efficiente, incluant les détails rappelés dans le Titre 1 de la présente partie. Ces nouvelles capacités émergeant de relativement récentes avancées technologiques et scientifiques.
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thinkingimages · 8 months ago
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Anonymous photographer Untitled (Flagrants délits / Egregious crimes) c. 1955 Silver gelatin print 5.5 x 5.5cm © Private collection
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renegade-skywalker · 1 year ago
*insert that 'i've looked at this for five hours now' meme here*
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estelleoakland · 11 months ago
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Another Peepy Adventure (aka Mistakepy goes to Maryland)
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ocombatenterondonia · 7 months ago
PF prende uma pessoa em flagrante por crime de nota falsa em Rondônia
  Os policiais encontraram notas falsas de R$ 50 que totalizavam a quantia total de R$ 1 mil. A Polícia Federal, na manhã desta quarta-feira, (10/7), prendeu em flagrante uma mulher ao sair da agência dos Correios com encomenda contendo cédulas falsas. Equipe da PF foi até o local, após receber a informação de que um objeto postal poderia ter notas falsas. Em seguida, ao sair da agência, a…
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27moremoons · 1 month ago
Israeli officials have obstructed a UN investigation into alleged sexual crimes committed by Hamas fighters during the 7 October 2023 Al-Aqsa Flood operation, fearing this would open the door to a probe into the rampant allegations of sexual violence against Palestinians inside Israeli torture camps.
According to a report by Israeli daily Haaretz, Tel Aviv rejected a request from Pramila Patten, the UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Conflict, to investigate the allegations against Hamas after she established that a necessary condition would be access to Israeli detention centers to probe claims against Israeli soldiers.
"The clear concern is that Israel will be the one to be added to the blacklist of entities and countries that engage in sexual violence in conflicts, while the terrorist organization Hamas will actually remain off the list," Mia Schocken, director of the international department of the Israeli Women's Lobby told Haaretz.
Thursday's report comes mere days after Israeli prosecutor Moran Gaz confirmed during an interview with Yediot Ahronoth that no allegations of rape or sexual assault by Hamas on 7 October have been filed.
“In the end, we don’t have any complainants. What was presented in the media compared to what will eventually come together will be entirely different,” she said, adding that her office “approached women’s rights organizations and asked for cooperation. They told us that no one had approached them,” she stressed.
Multiple media outlets have debunked claims of “Hamas rape” on 7 October 2023. [...] since the start of the Israeli genocide in Gaza, human rights organizations have documented dozens of accounts of the rampant sexual violence inflicted on Palestinians inside Israeli detention centers.
In August, Israeli NGO B’Tselem published a report titled “Welcome to Hell,” containing testimonies from 55 Palestinians detailing incidents of torture, rape, violence, humiliation, starvation, and denial of adequate medical treatment. This report came days after the military police arrested eight Israeli prison guards on suspicion of raping a male Palestinian prisoner at the notorious Sde Teiman camp.
A doctor at the army detention facility at Sde Teiman, Professor Yoel Donchin, said that after seeing the Palestinian detainee who was gang raped, he “couldn’t believe an Israeli prison guard could do such a thing.”
Following the guards' arrest, Israeli settlers, far-right activists, and Knesset members started riots, breaking into Sde Teiman and the nearby Beit Leid army base in “defense” of the soldiers. Even after the rioters breached the entrances, no one was arrested or even identified by Israeli police.
[...] Channel 14 hosted one of the Sde Teiman guards accused of raping Palestinians on one of its programs. The soldier stated, “The military police treated us really nice... You see the support … With a hand on their heart, like, telling you ‘thank you’!”
Last July, the UN human rights office issued a report saying Palestinians detained in Israeli detention centers since 7 October face waterboarding, sleep deprivation, electric shocks, dog attacks, and other brutal acts of torture. 
“The testimonies gathered by my office and other entities indicate a range of appalling acts, such as waterboarding and the release of dogs on detainees, amongst other acts, in flagrant violation of international human rights law and international humanitarian law,” UN Human Rights Chief, Volker Türk, said in a statement.
Sde Teiman itself has been referred to as Israel’s Guantanamo. Dozens of prisoners at the facility have been killed, the New York Times reported last year.
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existennialmemes · 9 days ago
So exactly how long are House Democrats going to watch as trump illegally abuses executive power in flagrant disregard of the Constitution before they introduce articles of impeachment?
I know it'll get shot down in the Republican controlled senate, but it's still literally their job to respond to these "high crimes & misdemeanors."
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dantonpantoja · 2 years ago
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O acusado preso em flagrante TEM DIREITO A UM ADVOGADO para acompanhar sua audiência de custódia. Mas o que é isso? Quando acontece? Preciso de advogado? A audiência de custódia ocorrerá: - quando o acusado for preso em flagrante delito. - Em até 24 horas após realizada a prisão. O que se discute? - Legalidade da prisão; - Necessidade de se manter a prisão durante o curso do processo criminal; Caberá ao advogado: - apresentar provas de que o acusado não oferece riscos ao processo (tal como comprovar residência fixa, trabalho lícito, existência de filhos e dependentes etc.) Contratar um advogado criminalista ainda na fase de audiência de custódia poderá fazer toda diferença, podendo representar sua liberdade condicional durante o curso do processo. Você sabia sobre, #direitopenal #crime #liberdadeprovisoria #liberdadecondicional #prisão #flagrante #prisãoemflagrante #delito #criminalista #abracrimsp #audienciadecustodia #audiências https://www.instagram.com/p/CpSavYyO50o/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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violottie · 9 months ago
"At least 12 killed, including a mother with a baby strapped to her back, in twin bomb blasts that hit two camps for displaced people in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo on Friday 2nd May." from African Stream, 04/May/2024:
caption continued under video
This brave brother allegedly took the baby away from his dead mother's corpse; effectively, saving the baby's life, according to local reports.
The United Nations condemned the attack that targeted the camps in Lac Vert and Mugunga, near the city of Goma, the capital of North Kivu province, the UN said in a statement.
The attacks, in which at least 20 people were injured, were a "flagrant violation of human rights and international humanitarian law and may constitute a war crime”, it said.
Many of the victims were sleeping in their tents when the area was attacked.
The United States has accused the military in neighbouring Rwanda and the M23 rebel group of being behind the attacks. Yet the U.S. remains a staunch ally of Rwanda despite its many violations of human rights in DRC and its support for M23.
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fairuzfan · 8 months ago
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I wouldn't have won The International Women's Media Foundation (@IWMF)'s Courage in Journalism Award 2024 this June if I hadn’t been on the ground reporting events and exposing Israeli flagrant violations under perilous conditions, all while being systematically attacked by supporters of the perpetrators.
Winning a prize for “courage” means being subjected to attacks and choosing to continue your work regardless. However, I regret to say that the very organization that recognized these perilous conditions and awarded me the prize succumbed to pressure and chose to act contrary to courage; they rescinded the award in a decision that would put my life at risk.
In fact, I’m very glad that both my winning the award and its withdrawal have starkly demonstrated the systematic physical and moral attacks Palestinian journalists endure throughout their careers. These threats and character assassinations aim only to silence us and perpetuate the longstanding bias in global media. I have never worked to receive awards, nor have I ever submitted an application to nominate myself. I didn't choose journalism as a profession; I became a journalist after recognizing the extent to which the world overlooks Palestinians’ suffering and opts to conform to Israeli pressures.
Every year, Palestinian journalists are recognized with international awards for their brave reporting under the Israeli occupation and relentless attacks. These accolades honor their courage and dedication to uncovering the truth.
However, each announcement of an award to a Palestinian journalist is systematically followed by extensive smearing campaigns and intense pressure on the awarding organizations from supporters of the Israeli occupation and the Zionist lobby. While some organizations uphold their principles and maintain their decision to honor these journalists, others, regrettably, cave to the pressure and withdraw the prizes.
Instead of recognizing the threats they face and contributing to their protection, a decision to withdraw a prize from a Palestinian journalist in Gaza—where over 150 journalists have been killed by the ongoing Israeli genocide—can further endanger them and increase their risk of targeting.
I have no regrets about any posts or reasons that led to the rescinding of this award, and I will not stop expressing my views. Before being a journalist, I am a Palestinian living under military occupation, a strangling blockade, and genocide in Gaza.
My grandparents were expelled from Jerusalem upon the creation of the state of Israel, and I have been expelled from my home in Gaza during this genocide.
If winning a prize entails enduring and witnessing war crimes while remaining silent, I am not honored to receive any prizes. I will always be objective in my reporting, but I can never be neutral; I will always point out the perpetrators and stand in solidarity with the victims. This is what journalism is truly about.
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odinsblog · 1 year ago
Let us be very clear: Hamas breached international law on the 7th of October. Hamas targeted innocent civilians in the most callous and inhumane manner, and their actions have been rightly condemned by right thinking people across the world.
But we should also be very clear, Israel has breached international law, not just every day since October the 7th, but virtually every single day for decades.
Israel occupies Palestinian land, against international law.
Israel blockades Palestinian territory, against international law.
Israel builds and expands illegal settlements, against international law.
Israel enforces an apartheid system that restricts the movements of Palestinians and denies their fundamental rights, against international law.
And Israel regularly and systematically attacks and kills Palestinian civilians, against international law.
So the question that must be answered by all of us in political life is this: How does the world respond to flagrant abuses of international law when it comes to the horrendous war crimes of Hamas? The response was very clear and very consistent. World leaders queued up to say Israel has the right to defend itself. One after another repeated their words the great and the good, including our government.
“Israel has the right to defend itself.”
Repeated in statement after statement, tweet after tweet, despite the full knowledge that those words have become contaminated. The words, “Israel has the right to defend itself” means in practice that Israel takes that right as license to bombard civilians, to bomb schools, hospitals and other civilian infrastructure. And it has now been taken as license to enforce the displacement of 1 million people from one end of an open air prison to another. To deny food, energy, medical supplies to a besieged civilian population, to actually deny them water, to ensure that children, the sick, the disabled, the elderly will literally die of thirst.
“Israel has the right to defend itself” has now become cover for, “Israel has the right to commit genocide.”
Right in front of our eyes. How come we never hear the words, “Palestine has the right to defend itself”?
Not when a humanitarian flotilla bringing essential supplies to Gaza is met with a military assault and the murder by Israel of nine unarmed activists.
Not when Palestinians march in peaceful protests against illegal blockade and are met again with a military assault and the murder of 300 of them.
Not after the countless bombings of Gaza by Israeli forces.
Not even when Israel targeted and murdered four little Palestinian boys playing football on a beach.
And not when Palestinians were dragged from their homes and forced to watch as those homes were destroyed to allow for new illegal Israeli settlements on lands that are clearly defined in international law as part of Palestine.
And not after the countless offensive attacks by Israel against the people of Gaza or the West Bank, have we or any heard anybody in this house or any Western leader uttered the words, “Palestine has the right to defend itself.”
And why not?
And by the way, I'm not asking you to say those words. And in fact, it's just as well you don't. Because we all know that the people of Palestine can't defend themselves, not against one of the most powerful military forces in the world that is backed up by even more powerful military forces.
The truth is that the people of Palestine, just like the innocent people of Israel, don't need the international community to tell them that their leaders have the right to inflict more bombings, more pain, more suffering. They need the international community to say, “Stop.” To release the hostages, to say stop the bombings, the siege, the slaughter. They need the international community to tell Israel to stop the blockade, stop the apartheid, stop the annexations, to stop the genocide.
And they need countries Tánaiste to lead the way. And Ireland should be one of those countries that leads the way.
We know colonialism.
We know oppression.
We know conflict.
But we also know conflict resolution.
We know peace building.
We know nation building.
And because of what we know, what our history has taught us, our call tonight must be clear, immediate, full and unequivocal ceasefire fires and a decisive international intervention that leads to negotiations and to a lasting and just peace settlement and to, at long last, to a free, sovereign and independent Palestine.🇵🇸
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pseudowho · 1 year ago
In Flagrante Delicto
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Higuruma Hiromi will fight your help and guidance every step of the way...until one night, he catches himself needing you desperately.
An AU where Higuruma is forced into the employ of Jujutsu High after his role in The Culling Games.
Warnings: 18+, sex pollen!, angst, smut and fluff, Hiromi being willing to argue with anyone about anything, with a little bit of sex pollen needy Hiromi
Higuruma Hiromi was undoubtedly the most difficult mission you had ever been given.
Tasked with walking Hiromi through 'the systems' of the Jujutsu world, you, a sorcerer who had been introduced to this world more conventionally, had absolutely nothing in your armory to counter the veritable force of nature that this man was.
You argued, constantly. He forced you to acknowledge the hideous insufficiencies and injustices in the system you worked for, at the most inconvenient of times.
Your patience was a finely tuned machine. You had perfected your ability to debate and discuss the ethics and morality of Jujutsu sorcerer activity, both legal and illegal, over a number of years.
But Higuruma Hiromi had driven you to drink. One evening, sat at home, deeper into a bottle of wine than you had anticipated, you received two messages in quick succession; one, from Yaga ("Mission with Higuruma tomorrow. Details to be sent over by Ijichi") and the other, from Higuruma ("I look forward to continuing our discussion tomorrow"), and you groaned, sinking the rest of your wine, and hoping it was enough to get you through the chaos of Higuruma's mind.
"So," you started, approaching the subway with Higuruma, "lots of late-night civilian disappearances on this one line," you pointed to your map, "and two Second-Grade sorcerers have already disappeared in separate incidents. What does this tell you?"
Higuruma was silent, musing as he tapped his gavel lightly against his hip. Reaching his conclusion, he turned to you with a wry smile: "That your higher-ups knew, by the first Second-Grade's death, that a Second-Grade wasn't strong enough, but sent another Second-Grade anyway."
You sighed, deep and weary, "While that's probably true, we don't know they're dead--"
"Well they're not playing Scrabble, are they--"
"--and that's not the answer I'm looking for--"
"Well, I'm not here to be charitable, or unrealistic."
"Oh, are you here to be insufferable?"
Higuruma half-laughed, "Preferably. God forbid I should be sufferable--"
You swiped his gavel from his hand, and tapped him sharply on the forehead, "Higuruma. Please. I'm begging you," you clasped your hands for dramatic effect as he assessed you, a sardonic half-smile in his hooded eyes, "the quicker you play the game, the quicker you and I can go our separate ways and you can just go out and do this by yourself."
Higuruma's lip curled up in bitter distaste. He wiggled one finger into the knot of his tie, loosening it with an irritated twist of his neck. "I'll reiterate," he said, considered and flat, "that my joining the Jujutsu sorcerer's established hierarchy is a Hobson's Choice."
"If I want to go about making some positive changes to this cesspit," he spat, "I have to prove myself trustworthy in their eyes, and atone for my crimes by playing their game." Higuruma approached you, his chin tilted down as he looked through you, with sombre eyes.
"And the sad thing is," he said softly, now inches from you as you burned under his scrutiny, "you've been playing their game for so many years, you've convinced yourself that the rules are fair."
You swallowed, meeting his gaze; your agreement with him passed as an unspoken pact, but you were, as of yet, unable to betray your established part in this system with words. Higuruma nodded, slowly, understanding.
"So I'll inconvenience you as little as possible," he reassured, "and try to be a good boy today." You closed your eyes, breathing in through your nose, and out through your mouth, counting to ten. Opening your eyes, you caught up to Higuruma, who was already halfway down the empty subway steps.
"Please don't go ahead without me," you pressed, "I know you're not completely inexperienced, but fighting Curses is much more nuanced than fighting Curse-users."
"But they're brainless, right? By all means they're probably easier." You tilted your hand from side to side.
"They fight on instinct. We can be guilty of overthinking something that's primal for them. I'd never assume I can out-think evolution."
Higuruma hummed, satisfied with your answer. You were relieved to have averted another argument. Reaching the bottom of the steps together, your shadows were short in the low eerie glow of the empty subway system.
"So the victims got on a train, but never got off it," Higuruma confirmed with you.
"But it hasn't been the same train every time, so it seems to--"
"--pick a host. Right. And you've asked the station master to keep to the same train schedule tonight?"
"Mhm. No people around though."
"So, we could always just get on trains until we're attacked."
"That is completely reckless, and I won't--"
Higuruma breezed away down the corridor, his slim suited figure sloping away so lackadaisically that you felt annoyance bubble up in your throat.
"You don't have to come," he called back, relaxed and confident, "I've got this covered." You ran after him, grabbing his upper arm. He stopped, annoyed and impatient.
"Just...trust me," Higuruma urged, "try something new. You may be pleasantly surprised." He gripped your hand, firmly breaking your grip as he stared you down.
"How can I trust you? I barely know you."
"Then why are you worried about me?" He taunted, heated and scathing, "Not really what you lot do, is it? Worry about each other?"
"Well I worry about you," you snapped, "I worry about you every day and every night since they tasked me with taking care of you." You swallowed, embarrassed by your outburst. Higuruma hesitated briefly, looking...touched? He spun round, his back to you now, tapping his gavel in irritation against his thigh.
"That settles it then," he said, convicted and grabbing you by the hand, "you've got to come with me. It would be cruel not to let you worry. Come along."
You were pulled through the dim corridors of the subway system by Higuruma Hiromi, protesting the whole way.
"-- so stupid, you could have died--"
"-- but I didn't, and I'm fine, so stop worr--"
You slapped the wounded shoulder you were currently patching up for Higuruma, and he made a noise of protest as you scolded him, "Stop telling me to stop worrying," you cried, pressing gauze to his cuts, "because I've worked in this shitty system for years, so I know that if we don't worry about each other, nobody else will worry about us, and you have no regard for your own wellbeing--"
Higuruma's head snapped up, smiling, "So you agree," he pressed, excited by the new development, "that the higher-ups have no intention to safeguard any of you--"
"--I never disagreed with you, Higuruma. You just...missed the point. As usual."
Higuruma turned, unable to look you in the eye as you continued dabbing the back of his shoulder. His eyes beseeched you to continue, dark and quizzical.
You continued, your voice tight and upset, "Whether or not we fight back against the higher-ups, makes no difference. Almost every sorcerer in this wreck would go where they were sent anyway, because at least we have a chance of defending ourselves against the monsters out here."
You sighed, taping bandages down, Higuruma's bleeding now settled, "So that's what I decided to do. I expend my energy protecting the non-sorcerers because they're the weakest link in the equation. They can't defend themselves. It's the right thing to do. I'll fight the big fight on my days off."
Higuruma was quiet, allowing himself to be chastised. He rolled the gavel between his hands. He suddenly felt so exposed, shirtless in front of you, feeling every touch of your soft hands as they assessed his ribs, and he gulped, unusually unable to find the words to say.
"Do you, uh...do you want to grab a drink? After we're done here," he offered weakly, eager to spend time with you outside of these roles you were forced to play.
"No," you emphasised as he rubbed his nose, "you'd probably tell me my drink order was wrong." Higuruma sunk his face into his hands, laughing.
"I'm not that bad--"
"You are dreadful. I love the...the passion you have, but I'm just...I'm tired. I'd rather go home." Higuruma nodded, thoroughly shot-down, respecting your refusal.
Sloping home that night, insisting he'd prefer to walk over being dropped home by Nitta, Higuruma considered he may have been fighting the wrong person for weeks now. Torn between 'playing the game' to get out from under your feet as soon as possible, and resisting becoming part of another broken, unjust system, Higuruma found himself erring unusually on the side which benefitted you over anyone else.
In the midst of battle, you found yourself separated from Higuruma, cold dread seeping into your belly as you realised there was nobody else here to save him from himself. Distracted, you took a major hit, thrown by some sordid thrashing beast down an old brick staircase.
You had largely protected your body in swathes of your own Cursed-energy, but still had the breath forced out of your lungs as you had hit the wall below. The Curse, enormous and puce-coloured, roared down the stairs after you.
Trying to stand on a dice roll, your numbers came up short and you stumbled, heart lurching into your mouth.
You and Higuruma had been assigned to clear out a growing populace of curses in an abandoned block of flats. Trying to talk to him, to plan tactics and methodology, Higuruma had seemed quietly indifferent towards you on the journey there. Refusing to engage with you on any serious level, he seemed almost bored of you, staring impassively out of the window throughout.
You tried not to be hurt, reminding yourself you were here to assess whether or not Higuruma was safe to act independently as a sorcerer. After his series of murders in the Culling Games and before, he was offered two choices: work for Jujutsu High, or refuse and face being hunted down and executed. But, he was an adult, and his safety was ultimately not your jurisdiction if he refused to take your advice.
And yet...the thought of his death by any means filled you with a sickly dread.
Because in reality, Higuruma represented the idealism, the ethical standards that working within a broken system had steadily stamped out of you. Your anger towards him was a projection of your own shame at having fallen into line when you wanted nothing more than to rebel, to protect the weak, including your own colleagues, despite the resistance.
Even worse, Higuruma saw this, and his disappointment in you only deepened your shame. You were meant to be 'helping him' to adapt to your world, and you felt sick to your stomach as you tried to contaminate this man. You felt sicker still as you felt yourself creep closer and closer to his way of thinking, wondering if you fit in this world anymore.
You couldn't tell him how deeply you admired him for being everything you had fallen so far from.
After efforts to interact had fallen flat, you sat beside each other in stony silence. Still, you felt, despite his feigned indifference, anger poured off him, not cold, but white hot.
"What have I...what have I done?" you asked, afraid of the answer.
Higuruma looked at you, eyes still glowing like little coals in his impassive face; "What have you done?" he retaliated. You sighed, a short breath out of your nose.
"...you're not ready to be sent out alone yet. You're reckless and you've got by on luck so far, but--"
"--so you saw fit to carry on this babysitting charade by telling the higher-ups that I'm a danger to myself and others around me." Higuruma scowled at you, not trying to conceal his fury anymore. You blushed, feeling the shame twist in your throat.
"...you...assume you're going to come out on top in every fight, so you don't assess the danger before you jump in, and it's just a matter of time before-- before you--" You reached out to take his hand, desperate to communicate your fear for him in a way he would understand. Higuruma moved to pull his hand away and you held on harder.
"I just...couldn't stand to see you die some pointless death," you urged, "I need-- we need men like you." Higuruma appeared unmoved, silently allowing you to squeeze his hand. Eventually, his long fingers slowly closed around yours.
"I don't think anyone's cared about me this much in years," he replied, as lightly as if he were talking about the weather.
Brickwork and rubble clouded your vision as the floor rumbled beneath your feet, the Curse blown sideways, shunted by a comedically large gavel. You felt a taut-muscled arm loop around your waist, yanking you to stand-- "get up, come on-- NOW!" -- and you half-ran, half-staggered through a devastated corridor. Your heart sank as you spotted the staircases downward completely collapsed, leaving you both stranded on the fifth floor.
Higuruma appeared, dusty and spitting, wiping residue out of his eyes and slamming his hand to a button on the wall. In a wild flurry, the Curse turned the corner, screeching and hissing, and with a *ping* the lift doors opened. Not looking back at you, Higuruma shoved you into the open lift, slamming his hand on the button again for the doors to close.
"No-- Higuruma! Hiromi!" You skidded across the lift on grazed knees, wedging your arm between the doors with a yell as they closed around it. The lift didn't move down, and you heard Higuruma's incoherent shout of rage at you as you forced the doors open, reaching out for him and dragging him in by the back of his collar, and hammering the 'close doors' button repeatedly as the Curse, still dazed and staggered, made its headlong rush towards you.
As you fell into the lift with Higuruma, you felt a hand press behind your head, its fine bones crunching as it cushioned your head's strike against the wall. You sat, slumped, Higuruma's body over yours in a protective cage, as the doors slid closed, denting inwards as the Curse hit them with a metallic thud, and a roar.
Silence. Higuruma, silent and seething, reached behind him to press another button. The lift started a smooth descent downwards.
"I had it," he spat, lips curled upwards, nose wrinkled in animated fury, "and you stopped me-- for what? Why?"
You gulped, coughing brick dust out of your lungs as you croaked, "You were lunch. You were that close to being killed--"
"--do you really think I'm that inept--"
"--you're not inept, just inexperienced--"
"I'm not a fucking child!" Higuruma's voice rang, deep and final, around the lift. The lift pinged as you reached the bottom floor. You sighed again, pushing him away from you as you stood, moving towards the doors.
"We'll regroup and consider our plan of--" A wiry arm blocked your path, holding down the 'close doors' button.
"We are not finished," Higuruma pressed, enunciating every syllable with gritted teeth. You rested your hand on his forearm, gentle and weary.
"I am. I'm finished." Higuruma stared at you incredulously, hackles still raised. You continued, "I can't coddle you anymore. You're a smart man, you're happy you know what you're doing. So I'm finished. I won't keep fighting you for your own life, Hiromi."
Hiromi deflated slowly, unable to fight without an opponent. His lip still curled, he refused to move his arm from blocking the door, looking away from you as his fury simmered low.
"I'll clear you with the higher ups. Do what you want to finish up here. I'm done." Still, Hiromi didn't let you go, silent as your hand stayed tenderly on his forearm. A few heartbeats passed between you.
"The thing is, Hiromi...you've already lost the fight when you think the result is the most important thing. Being willing to put yourself forward to defend people, going through that fight for them...that's the really noble thing. Any idiot can win a fight. It takes guts to stand up and decide to fight in the first place."
Reaching past Hiromi to press the 'open doors' button, the lift flooded with daylight, muted by the external veil. Hiromi's arm dropped, beaten. As you moved to step past him, his fingers gently tangled in yours, your hands ghosting together between your bodies.
"Can I...can I buy you a drink? To thank you." You swallowed, throat thick with conflicting emotion. You hesitated, then nodded. Hiromi smiled down at you, something unreadably tender in his eyes.
He leaned slowly down, and pressed a soft-lipped kiss to your forehead; "thank you."
You didn't get to go out for that drink. After giving the higher-ups your approval for Higuruma to be released, he was thrown headlong into mission after mission.
You sent him occasional texts, and he messaged back, usually dry witty commentaries on the jobs he'd been given. You found yourself missing him, feeling little golden bubbles of joy when your phone pinged, his name on the screen.
It had been a week since your disastrous argument in the lift. You still felt guilty for having abandoned him, still not feeling he was ready, but knowing he had to find his own footing at this point.
Late one evening, you dried your hair with a towel, padding around your apartment in just your underwear as you got ready for bed. You jumped and squeaked with alarm as someone hammered on your door. Grabbing an oversized t-shirt from a pile of laundry, you pulled it on over your head. Approaching the door, cautious, you were alarmed to feel--
Hiromi leaned against your doorframe, his head on his forearm, and he looked at you with feverish eyes, panting, apparently in pain. His dishevelled suit, and a blossoming bruise beneath his right eye placed him as a man fresh from a mission.
Without hesitation, you gripped Hiromi by the hand and pulled him into your apartment, closing and locking the door. Immediately your hands grasped his cheeks, looking deeply into his eyes, a look of such sweet concern on your face that he gulped, overwhelmed, desperate.
"What happened? Why are you here? You should get to Shoko--"
"I don't want Shoko," he spat, chest heaving as he turned away again, pressing his forehead to his fist against the door, "I want...I want you." You blushed, pleased he had come to you for help, but your medical knowledge was limited.
"What happened?" You asked again, hands cautiously ghosting over his abdomen, checking for injuries.
Hiromi groaned, low and slow, as he burned from the inside out. Your touch shot through him like a thousand arrows. His fingers seared his skin as he fumbled, trying to undo his own tie, and you took pity, reaching round him, your small hands cool against his neck as you removed his tie for him. You felt him tremble against you.
As his collar opened, you spotted a narrow, inch-long dart in his neck, like a cactus prickle. Curious, you plucked it out and dropped it onto the sideboard near the door. Is he poisoned? You questioned yourself in a panic, and you grasped him by the cheeks again, looking deeply into his eyes, terrified you'd watch the life ebb out of him, unable to do anything.
"What do you...what are you feeling?" You took him by the hand, guiding him to your sofa and forcing him to sit as you stood in front of him. His sloped eyes were narrow, taking in your barely-covered legs, the barely-concealed nubs of your nipples beneath the t-shirt fabric. Hiromi reached out with a shaking hand, grazing his fingers up your calf and your breath hitched.
"...Hiromi?" His hooded eyes flicked up to yours as his fingers stayed on your calf. Oh, you looked so uncertain, so concerned for him, and it was...delicious.
"It hurts," Hiromi croaked, "I need-- I-- I need--" His throat was tight, and you took him in, how desperate he looked, how needy, and the realisation clicked into place.
"You need...me?" Hiromi shuddered, recalling how he'd walked directly into an obvious trap while hunting down this godforsaken Curse, not taking in his surroundings, stubborn and certain in his ability to prevail--
"I'm sorry," he whimpered, cock throbbing, trapped against his thigh, his whole body burning from the inside out, "I was wrong."
"Oh, so you do know how to flirt," you teased and he huffed out a laugh, groaning again, in agony, and he begged, shameless, his head leant forward to press against your tummy as his hands crept up, eager to grasp your hips and pull you straight to his mouth.
"Please...please--" he whined, and you shivered feeling his hot breath on your belly through the fabric of your t-shirt, tangling your hands into his hair. Hiromi trembled, letting out a sandy growl against your clothes.
"Don't stop me, please," he urged, "I can't...I can't stop myself." He flipped your t-shirt up and you gasped, his strong hands sinking into the plush of your hips, holding you to his mouth, his tongue tasting you as he swiped open-mouthed kisses just above your underwear.
You felt sweet pleasure throb between your legs, all good sense thrown out of the window as you felt how deeply you had missed Hiromi, how ridiculously grateful you felt to be needed by him in this way, and you breathed to him, "You know I'd always help you."
Hiromi moaned his appreciation, his mouth now slipping down to the front of your underwear, and his tongue traced the shape of your pussy, groaning at the taste of you on the tip of his tongue. Your knees buckled, weak with the feeling of his mouth against you.
His lean arms hooked around the back of your knees, lifting them over his shoulders as he leaned you back against him. You cried out, when leaning forwards to grasp the back of the sofa, your clothed pussy pressed firmly against Hiromi's face.
You blushed as he breathed you in, his hips bucking instinctively upwards, aching to be inside you, cum heavy in his balls and desperate for release. His teeth grazed your pussy through your underwear, and he nuzzled into you, trying to part your folds with his nose through the fabric. Impatient, and feeling your hand sink into his hair again, he used two fingers to swipe your underwear aside, sinking his tongue instantly between your folds.
You whined so beautifully above him, and he undid his trousers, pulling his cock out of his trousers, gripping it tightly as he rubbed his nose and tongue urgently between your soft lips. Hiromi began to stroke himself furiously, squeezing hard at the tip, pre-cum dripping down his fist, shivering at the pleasure.
You allowed Hiromi to use you, your keening voice rising as he latched onto your clit, sinking two fingers into your pussy with no warning, thrusting them roughly into you. You bucked your hips against his face as he whimpered his approval. You blushed as you heard the frantic plaps of Hiromi pleasuring himself, your brain foggy with bliss.
Hiromi's fingers bullied into you, desperate to study you, imagining how deliciously his cock would stretch those plush walls. The constant pressure of his fingers against your cervix and his desperately nuzzling tongue and nose between your folds had you reeling, humping his face as you trembled and shook, Hiromi encouraging it as you approached your orgasm.
Your pleasure peaked, sharp and sweet, and Hiromi held you tightly to his face, still determined to taste you, drawing your orgasm out until you quivered, overstimulated, feeling your heart pulse between your legs. As Hiromi shook from his own orgasm, but not at all relieved and panting, cum dribbling down the front of his shirt, he dropped you into his lap.
You gripped the front of his shirt, his cum sticky against your belly. His hand tangled into your hair as he crushed his lips to yours with bruising force, forcing you to taste him. Nipping your bottom lip between his teeth, he whispered, begging again.
"Inside you...please, please..." You nodded again, and Hiromi threw your shirt off over your head, leaning back to drink you in; panting, trembling, straddling his lap, what the fuck was he playing at by fighting with you for so long--
Your hands worked nimbly at the buttons of his shirt, unbuttoning and pressing it down his arms and you leaned forwards, almost as hungry as him as you took his nipple into your mouth. Hiromi hissed with delight, kicking off his trousers, shoes and socks and rocking your hips against him.
Hiromi grasped your hands, pressing one to his cheek, and one to his chest, forcing you to lean forwards as you shamelessly cast your eyes up and down his lean body, his muscles twitching with the electricity of your core on his aching cock. His teeth scraped against the thin skin on the inside of your wrist, your shivers like a sedative to him.
His eyes burned into yours, hot and pleading in the dark. His body was a furnace against yours, desperately craving a cure for the agony he was in. You lifted one leg off him, intending to stand to remove your underwear, but stopped as Hiromi all but sobbed against your wrist at the sudden loss of pressure on his cock, throbbing and sticky with cum against the neat, black hair on his belly. His fine-boned hands pressed you hard against him, before methodically tearing the sides of your underwear, flinging the scrap of fabric to the side.
When you grasped his aching cock, Hiromi was almost blinded by the anticipation, his hands flinging out sideways to grip the fabric of the sofa, and he panted, whimpering and pleading as you rubbed the angry red head of his cock between your folds, gathering wetness.
When you sank slowly down onto him, crying out as your walls fluttered around him like wet velvet, Hiromi came again with  a shout, faint with bliss and temporary relief, feeling his own seed drip out of you and onto his thighs. He growled in frustration when, after his cock had stopped twitching inside you, he felt the need to cum again build up within his belly, overwhelming him with an almost violent urge to pursue it.
"...Hiromi? Do you...is this...?" You rode him slowly as he twisted in pleasure and anguish beneath you. Reaching up to grasp your breasts like stress-balls, Hiromi shook his head desperately at you, feeling pathetic and helpless. He was corseted by his intense need to not hurt you. You leaned into him, whispering reassurance and soft nothings in his ear.
Hiromi couldn't take it anymore. Standing up, holding himself inside you and locking your ankles behind his hips, he flipped you over, crushing your thighs to your chest. Grasping the back of the sofa, Hiromi snapped his hips against yours with determined precision, his shoulders tight and mouth slack as with every thrust he felt the urge to push harder, deeper, to empty himself inside you again and again, until you were putty in his hands, until he had cleansed himself of this unscratchable itch.
You clawed for purchase on anything as you were pounded into the sofa, drunk on the sensation of being so full, your insides feeling thrillingly bruised, the tenderness building, slow and intense. Reaching up, you plaited your fingers in Hiromi's at the top of the sofa, and he leaned down, nipping and kissing your knuckles in grateful affection.
The air was filled with the wet slaps of your joint bodies, and Hiromi's constant soft whimpers as you came again, this orgasm burning through your body as you hiccuped, tears streaming into your hair.
"Please please please...please, please," Hiromi begged as his next orgasm surged ruinously through him, dropping him to his knees on the edge of the sofa. Hiromi felt his senses return to him with each pulse of cum that left his body, relieved...for now.
Weak, exhausted, Hiromi flopped onto you, wrapping your arms and legs around him in a full-body embrace, suddenly feeling so touch-starved. Hiromi almost wept his thanks into your hair, and you stroked his hair in soft circles with your nails, all reassurance and acceptance.
By the time you had made it to your bedroom and slipped, sticky and spent, between the soft covers, Hiromi's eyes had returned to you, hungry and burning, his fingers stroking through your folds, fascinated by the drips of his seed still leaking out of you. He had flipped you over and pinned you prone to the mattress, sinking into you and moaning your praises as you had clenched, trembling with overstimulation, sucking his cock into your aching body.
Throughout the night, his relief had waned, with longer and longer gaps between him seeking out the warm acceptance of your body. You would wake to his body flush against yours, Hiromi lifting your leg over his hip as he sunk into you, mewling and panting in the night.
Finally, you had woken with sunlight streaming through the windows, Hiromi draped around you, looking soft and exhausted as he slept; Hiromi woke to the smell of coffee and you, very much ready to be cared for...and, occasionally, argued with.
Ugh, yes. Debate me, lawyer daddy.
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literaryvein-reblogs · 6 months ago
Hello! May I request a lot of latin forensic terms?
The most popular I am aware lf it's "post-mortem"!
Abet - to assist, encourage, instigate, or support with criminal intent in attempting or carrying out a crime—often used in the phrase, "aid and abet"
Actus reus - the wrongful act that makes up the physical action of a crime
Amicus curiae - one (such as a professional person or organization) that is not a party to a particular litigation but that is permitted by the court to advise it in respect to some matter of law that directly affects the case in question
Compos mentis - of sound mind, memory, and understanding
Corpus delicti - the substantial and fundamental fact necessary to prove the commission of a crime; also: the material substance (such as the body of the victim of a murder) upon which a crime has been committed
Functus officio - of no further official authority or legal effect—used especially of an officer who is no longer in office or of an instrument that has fulfilled its purpose
Habeas corpus - any of several common-law writs issued to bring a party before a court or judge; the right of a citizen to obtain a writ of habeas corpus as a protection against illegal imprisonment
Habeas corpus ad subjiciendum - a writ for inquiring into the lawfulness of the restraint of a person who is imprisoned or detained in another's custody
In flagrante delicto - in the very act of committing a misdeed; red-handed; in the midst of sexual activity
In esse - in actual existence
In loco parentis - in the place of a parent
Indicia - distinctive marks; indications
Mens rea - a culpable mental state, especially: one involving intent or knowledge and forming an element of a criminal offense
Modus operandi - a method of procedure, especially: a distinct pattern or method of operation that indicates or suggests the work of a single criminal in more than one crime
Obiter dictum - an incidental and collateral opinion that is uttered by a judge but is not binding; an incidental remark or observation
Onus probandi - burden of proof; the duty of proving a disputed assertion or charge
Prima facie - at first view; on the first appearance; legally sufficient to establish a fact or a case unless disproved
Pro se - on one's own behalf; without an attorney
Res judicata - a matter finally decided on its merits by a court having competent jurisdiction and not subject to litigation again between the same parties
Ultra vires - beyond the scope or in excess of legal power or authority
Hope this helps. Do tag me, or send me a link to your writing if it does. I would love to read your work!
More: Latin Phrases ⚜ Word Lists
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vorthosjay · 11 months ago
Hi Jay. Not wanting to sound mean, but I really think it must be commented and that there's no softer way of doing that: the company's statement of Thunder Junction being an inhabitated plane prior to MoM is not a honest way of capitalizing on a sellable trope without touching its uncomfortable issues. It's even disrespectful. They have done it in a less flagrant way with Kaladesh and both Ixalan iterations, but now they've gotten too far with Thunder Junction. Colonialism is too big an issue to simply being put under the carpet as it never existed and we could just enjoy the sunny part of the history. I really hope Hasbro as a company acknowledges this and changes its way of dealing with the theme. Thanks for letting me pointing this.
Look, you caught me on a bad day, so I'm going to be as polite as possible but let's start with the foundation that this is not a complaint to direct at me. I have no control over any of this. Mark Rosewater exists and takes feedback on Tumblr.
But, let's talk about it, because I've seen some folks take this to extremes.
First off, I've seen a lot of well meaning folks speaking up on behalf of hypothetical indigenous americans, but I'd love to get takes from folks this actually impacts. I'd love for Wizards to post something about their work with cultural consultants, for sure. But the only actual thing I've seen so far is a great story from Magic's first indigenous american author. And when you're speaking on someone else's behalf, you tend to miss things. Like, Kaladesh is not the great representation of south asian culture that you might think when you jumped to it, and it's okay if you didn't know that, but it sort of proves the point that it's very difficult to actually protest on someone else's behalf. And I just haven't heard from anyone who has also mentioned they speak from authority or are impacted by this. That doesn't mean you're wrong, necessarily.
But here's the thing. Thunder Junction isn't history. It takes cues from the American West, sure, but it's a fake world. And sometimes it's okay for a fake world to ignore the bad things that happens in real life and create something more aspirational. Magic does this all the time. Magic doesn't have homophobia, but that isn't really realistic or representative of the real world, is it?
No one, and I mean literally no one, came to me and said that people of color needed to be ostracized and not allowed to work alongside the white people in the demon mob families of New Capenna. That racism was real, it was systemic, and it was violent. But did it need to be tackled in a fantasy crime drama based on america in the 20s? Should it have been? I don't think anyone would have enjoyed it as much. Sometimes it's just fun to play gangster.
Similarly, the colonization and manifest destiny that was the reality of the American West was tragic, but does that need to be our only depiction of indigenous peoples - being colonized? If they were erased completely from the narrative, that would be awful, but can't they just have fun being cool thunder slingers? The Atiin were developed with a consultant, and if you want answers ask Wizards to talk about it.
There's a reason the Oltec were depicted as being sealed off from the Immortal Sun drama that had happened on the surface. To have an aspirational mesoamerican culture that wasn't affected by the Dusk Legion and Azor and all that.
To put it in another perspective, does every period piece featuring black americans need to feature systemic racism to be respectful? Is Bridgerton disrespectful (I mean probably but not for that reason)?
The reason I've framed a lot of this as questions is because I don't necessarily think I know the right answer, especially not for a fantasy card game. I've worked with tribal governments in my emergency management career and spent a week on the Navajo Nation, and talked a lot about perspective on things, and I would not presume to know what the right answer to all of this is.
Edit: to be clear, Could it have been handled better? Probably. I will never deny that. But also it’s a complicated and fraught topic and I’d love to hear from the people wizards contracted who actually know what they’re talking about.
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bumblee-stumblee · 6 months ago
Children cannot be "Sex Workers". Children cannot consent.
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Border Report
Underage sex workers rescued from bogus health spa
by: Julian Resendiz
Posted: Aug 2, 2024 / 07:47 AM CDT
EL PASO, Texas (Border Report) – Police in the Mexican coastal resort of Puerto Vallarta have arrested two women and taken custody of 14 suspected victims of human trafficking.
The arrests went down this week following a months-long investigation on a health spa in the Diaz Ordaz neighborhood of Puerto Vallarta, where young adult and underage females allegedly provided sexual services to customers, according to the Mexican Attorney General’s Office.
Mexican officials identified one of the detainees only as Ruth N. and said the other female in custody is under 18. Ruth N. faces human trafficking charges.
A video released by the AG’s Office shows several young women wearing shorts or minidresses being escorted out of the spa while police officers with rifles stand by.
The AG’s Office said police raided the unnamed spa after obtaining information that minors were being sexually exploited there. A statement says Ruth N. was arrested in “flagrant” commission of a crime – supervising the sex workers.
Puerto Vallarta municipal officials earlier this year met with representatives of 65 hotels, bars and other visitor-oriented business to discourage sex tourism and prevent the sexual exploitation of minors.
Visit the BorderReport.com homepage for the latest exclusive stories and breaking news about issues along the U.S.-Mexico border
A child protection advocate in February told city officials Puerto Vallarta is second in Mexico when it comes to sex crimes involving minors. A second advocate a month later told local news media child sex exploitation is a major problem in the city and that 15 hotels are now taking part in a program to prevent guests from bringing in minors who aren’t legally related to them.
"Underaged sex worker"
Do you mean child victims of human trafficking? Children that were trafficked, coerced and raped?
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mariacallous · 5 months ago
Driven by hardline prosecutors and tough-on-crime governors, the number of executions jumped 64 percent in 2022 and increased again in 2023 to a total of 24, the highest in five years.
Perhaps the most crucial player in the death penalty’s resurrection, though, is the U.S. Supreme Court, whose historic role of maintaining guardrails has given way to removing roadblocks. Under the conservative supermajority put in place by President Donald Trump, the justices are far more likely to propel an execution forward than intercede to stop it, including in cases where guilt is in doubt or where the means of carrying it out could result in a grotesque spectacle of pain and suffering.
In 1976, the Supreme Court famously declared that “death is different,” and demanded an extra level of scrutiny because a mistake is irreversible. Historically, in particularly troubling instances involving state misconduct or abysmal defense lawyering, the Court sometimes intervened at the eleventh hour — from 2013 to 2023, it stayed an execution just 11 times and vacated stays of execution 18 times, according to Bloomberg Law.
Since the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and her replacement with Amy Coney Barrett in 2020, the Court has stopped an execution only twice and reversed a lower court to permit an execution nine times. In 2023, 26 condemned prisoners asked the Court to hear their cases; 25 were rejected. The message is clear: Prosecutors eager to seek and swiftly impose death sentences can reliably do so without judicial interference.
In Bucklew v. Precythe, a majority of the court opined that the Eighth Amendment’s prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment “does not guarantee a prisoner a painless death — something that, of course, isn’t guaranteed to many people, including most victims of capital crimes.” In the court’s reasoning, the excruciating pain the defendant might suffer during execution paled in comparison with the terror and mayhem he inflicted during his crimes.
In that same opinion, the Court indicated an impatience with pausing executions while it considered whether to hear the underlying claims from appellate attorneys. Justice Neil Gorsuch warned his colleagues to be skeptical when reading eleventh hour death row appeals: “Last minute stays should be the extreme exception, not the norm.”
It has been. Consider the 13 federal prisoners who were sent to the death chamber in the final months of Trump’s presidency. In a series of terse orders, issued without briefing, argument or public airing of the legal issues, the court blessed the rushed, furious pace. Using this opaque process, which legal scholars call the “shadow docket,” the justices erased lower-court injunctions against executions in seven cases and turned away last-minute requests for stays in the other six. During the 16 years in which Barack Obama and George W. Bush occupied the White House, the Court had invoked the shadow docket to rule for the government a total of four times and “never in a death penalty case,” according to Stephen Vladeck, a professor at the University of Texas School of Law. In Trump’s single term in office, the number jumped to 28, including non-capital cases.
More recently, the Court has rejected cases that advocates say are riddled with error or rest on shaky evidence.
Death penalty cases are notoriously rife with racism, questions of innocence, mental health of the accused and whether they received competent legal counsel. Sometimes the facts are too dire for courts to ignore, and even some pro-death penalty politicians are unwilling to take actions in flagrant violation of established norms. The total number of executions over the past decade is still a fraction of its peak in the 1990s.
And yet, the death penalty machine continues to crank on. These days, the battles over who lives and who dies are increasingly local — waged courtroom by courtroom because the Supreme Court has largely abdicated its decades long role as the final arbiter.
“It is becoming more and more clear that the Court is reluctant to interfere in state court cases even to enforce its own precedent,” said Robin Maher, the executive director of the Death Penalty Information Center. “They are saying, ‘This is not our problem to deal with.’”
An ‘Execute-Them-At-Any-Cost Mentality’: The Supreme Court’s New, Bloodthirsty Era
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