halfdent · 1 month
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❝   𝙸  𝚆𝙾𝙽'𝚃  𝚂𝙲𝚁𝙴𝙰𝙼 .  ❞  Hands  claw  at  the  arm  viced  onto  them  .  The  shape  drawn  out  into  the  darkness  .  A  bat  . 
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Eyebrows  knit  together  ,  tightness  in  his  chest  ,  struggling  to  breathe  . 
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❝  Maybe  it's  what  I  need  .  𝙰𝙽 𝙴𝙽𝙳  .  It's  endless  otherwise  .  All  of  this  .  ❞ 
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playedbetter · 28 days
022, a gazebo while it's raining. / for tara or rose wilson.
Meme / Always Accepting!
There was something to be said at least for how consistent Gotham City is, even flung through time and awaiting the Titans coming to get her back, Ravager has not had too bad a time trying to navigate the streets and stay out of trouble. Though, she didn't avoid the attention of the new Batman indefinitely.
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"I swear up and down I'm not here to cause you any trouble," Her legs dangle from where she sits on the half wall dividing the gazebo and the pouring sky. Unfortunately Gotham's gloomy weather patterns had also held. "Hell I'd love to clean some up while I'm here, you looking for any help, Bats?"
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woodcries · 1 month
@fksleep sent: "I like you. You're scary though. " for Tatsuo Yamashiro
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she couldn't argue with that-- while gotham had it's fair share of frightening figures, most of them didn't wield the sword containing their late husband's soul. go figure. still, she couldn't muster up a smile or chuckle, only an unamused raise of her eyebrows beneath her mask.
' should i dress like a bat to be more approachable? '
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staringrole · 1 month
| @fksleep what’s it like over there?
“ a lot brighter. ” it's a joke. mostly. it was true metropolis was a lot lighter than neo gotham, a shining beacon casting shadows from across the bay. “ why do you ask ? thinking about making the move ? ” manicured nails press an earring through a pierced ear. “ hate to burst your 'the grass is greener on the other side' bubble, mister mcginnis, but there are a lot of crazies in metropolis, too. ” she would know. she was one of them.
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“ but if you're ever in the mood for a visit. ” she turns in her chair [CARMEN in bold, white letters written across the back] to look to him. “ you can always stay with me. ” she punctuates her point with a wink.
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wishmcker · 1 month
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❛ i’ll get over it. i just need to be dramatic first. ❜ from @fksleep various things spoken in an adventuring party part 2 || accepting!
Artemis' clear shock is evident behind her mask, though her surprise is hidden behind an expression of harshness quickly enough. It is not often they have what appear to be boom tubes appear in Gotham City, and she only knows a few people allied with her who would create them. But none so openly.
She had been avoiding a particular looking thug in hopes of slipping away quietly, but there would be no chance of that now with such a loud bang and a tunnel of light emitting a stranger behind her. She had blinked at the words, but refocused herself and slowly draws her sword from behind her back. Her ears prick and she can hear the heavy steps of the thug against stone.
She leaps out and her hand whips outwards and she clanks the person on the side of their head with the dull side of her blade, watching as they crumble to a heap. Her gaze immediately switches back to the unknown stranger who had appeared, eyes glinting.
❝ Boom tube not your normal way of travel? ❞ she asks, an edge to her voice. She steps forward, back into the darkness of the alley so she's not seen in the openness of the street. She has not re-sheathed her sword, for if there was ever one thing Crusher Crock ever taught his daughters, it was to never leave themselves defenceless, especially to the unknown.
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the27percent · 1 month
2 and #3…?
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Atieno can't help but be .. a bit pleased. Is it a tad indulgent to enjoy such a sight? Perhaps, they are opting to roll with it for now.
"Well, that's certainly a way to make an impression...it's appreciated but truly you making yourself a bit known is good enough for an acquaintanceship at least." A bit formal, but hey - making introductions can be an interesting experience now and then.
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jewelstole · 1 month
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fksleep asked: ❛ you're the last person i wanted to see, actually. ❜ &. 𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐬 (𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬?) 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬.
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" hey .. you're starting to hurt my feelings. should i walk out and enter all over again ? maybe you'll have a change of heart. "
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svpe · 1 month
" You ever just want to ring the old geezer by his neck and drag him out of the cave? " unprompted.
"I agree that Bruce needs to leave his cave more often, but less so when it comes to the dragging part." He knows what Terry means, though. Sometimes, it feels like nothing short of physically overwhelming Bruce will unstick his arse from the Batcave chair. "Do you have any ideas that don't involve violence? Because I would be happy to assist if that's the case." / @fksleep
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babydxhl · 1 month
"i've never heard that name."
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city of the beasts sentence starters | still accepting.
"He's the don's second cousin. Not removed, though I guess Falcone thinks he should'a been."
Mary took a quick, darting draw on her cigarette and then turned her face away to exhale the thin line of smoke, half nicotine and half warm breath in the cold air. She could feel the weather prickling at her tear ducts.
"He owns—" She paused to gesture with the glowing tip. One warehouse, two, three. "—All those. Took them over two weeks ago, fresh off the boat." A dark little laugh. The towering buildings were lit up, even this late at night, hives of activity along the waterfront; Mary could hear the sound of machinery and men over the lapping blackwater against the concrete.
"If I tell you any more, what's in it for me?"
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playedbetter · 1 month
✿tara markov
Meme / Accepting!
send me a ✿ and i’ll fill out the template below. bold for things i could definitely see or want, italics for things i could see or am unsure of and striked out for things i don’t want or cannot see.
FRIENDSHIP. childhood friends / work buddies or coworkers / family friends / friends with benefits / smoking buddies / adventure buddies / fake friends / recently friends / party buddies / friendship of need / dying friendship / circumstantial friendship / partners in crime / old friendship / [ your muse ] is the good influence / [ your muse ] is the bad influence / [ my muse ] is the good influence / [ my muse ] is the bad influence / opposites attract / ride or die / frenemies / roommates or flatmates / penpals / exes to friends / enemies to friends / other
ROMANCE. childhood sweethearts / [ your muse is mines ] childhood crush / [ my muse is yours ] childhood crush / exes / exes to lovers / forbidden lovers / highschool sweethearts / secret relationship / opposites attract / long distance / unrequited [ from your muses side ] / unrequited [ from my muses side ] / unrequited [ from both sides ] / friends to lovers / enemies to lovers / spurious relationship / power couple / newly entered / soulmates [ metaphorical ] / soulmates [ literal ] / awkward / turning toxic / toxic love / cheating [ on your muse ] / cheating [ with your muse ] / other
FAMILIAL. siblings [ half ] / siblings [ step ] / [ my muse ] is an older sibling figure to your younger sibling figure / [ my muse ] is a younger sibling figure to your older sibling figure muse / [ my muse ] is a parental figure to yours / [ my muse ] is a child figure to your muse / guardian figure / legal guardian / adoptive child / foster child / [ your muse ] is taken under mines wing / [ my muse ] is taken under yours wing / other
ANTAGONISTIC. dangerous to each other / dangerous to others / unpredictable / rivals / petty / developing into sexual or romantic tension / based off family matters / based of off circumstance / based of professional matters / based off misunderstanding or lies / conflict of ideology / betrayal / hero - villain dynamic / enemies / fight club / friends turned enemies / lovers turned enemies / exes turned enemies / other
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msmvrel · 1 month
❝ no way, it's your birthday? schwaay. happy born day! whaddaya want, while the night's still young? ❞
“  thanks  !  ”  she  replies  before  thinking,  it's  funny  how  she  had  a  lot  of  stuff  in  mind  before  her  birthday  but  now  that  it's  here  …  she  doesn't  know  what  she  wants.  it  takes  her  a  second  before  speaking  again.  “  hm  …  i  don't  know.  nothing's  really  coming  to  mind.  ”  she  pauses  again  before  gasping.  “  ooh  !  i  know,  some  more  jewelry,  i'm  overdue  for  some  more  bracelets  and  rings.  and  …  a  cake.  ” 
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pv55y · 1 month
“You’re not a monster.”
          A PAUSE LINGERS IN THE AIR, SILENCE LOUDER THAN ANY OTHER SOUND IN THE ROOM;     SHE PROCESSES HIS WORDS, TASTING THEM LIKE A BITTER SHOT, TILTING HER HEAD JUST EVER SO. A parody of a smile threatening to break the grim line of her mouth, lips the color of a wilting / dead rose; rotting     [ THE SMILE NEVER QUITE REACHES THE EYES, ]     skepticism & something else beneath, if one were to squint; but the cynicism outweighs everything else,     ❛❛     NOT A MONSTER, YOU SAY? THAT’S AWFULLY CUTE,     ❜❜     saccharine / sickly voice oozing like hot honey as she takes just one step closer; gaze piercing, A CHALLENGE REALLY…
          ❛❛     YOU’RE A SWEET KID; YOU REMIND ME OF SOMEONE; I’m getting grossed out just thinking about it, actually. I’VE BEEN CALLED A LOT OF THINGS IN MY TIME; HARLOT, FREAK, THIEF - THEY TEND TO STICK WITH YOU FOR A WHILE,     ❜❜     like thorns jabbed into the side, skin healing over & form scars, permanent reminders.     ❛❛     But… I appreciate the sentiment; there’s certainly a part of me that wants to believe that maybe-     ❜❜     but no, it’s too much.
          She’s been around long enough to know that things aren’t that simple     [ & FOR HER, THEY WON’T EVER BE; THAT TRAIN DEPARTED LONG AGO, ]     ❛❛     EVENTUALLY, you’ll learn that too…     ❜❜     A rare moment of clarity, becoming lucid in this nightmare; Selena steps back, gives the boy space. Her posture remains guarded, perhaps even hostile, BUT SHE’S NOT CHALLENGING HIM ANYMORE,     ❛❛     TELL ME:     ARE ALL YOU BATMEN THIS SAPPY OR AM I JUST GETTING THE SPECIAL TREATMENT TONIGHT ?     ❜❜
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staringrole · 1 month
do i ship our characters together?: yes | no | not yet but maybe soon
would i like to ship with you?: yes | maybe, i'm willing to try |no
type of relationship i could see: childhood or high school sweethearts | exes | engaged | married | long-term relationship | crushes | unrequited love | fling | long distance | online relationship | just dating | new relationship | toxic lovers | friends with benefits
tropes i'd enjoy writing for them: friends to lovers | enemies to lovers | exes to lovers | fake relationship / dating | forbidden love | grumpy and sunshine | star-crossed lovers | surprise pregnancy | second chance | soulmates | amnesia / mistaken identity | forced proximity | secret relationship | slow burn relationship
would i rather plot first or jump right in and see where it goes?: develop their relationship first | jump right in | something in between ( what specifically? )
what now?: let's plot something | send me shippy memes | i'll send you shippy memes | write me a random starter | i'll write you a random starter
anything else i want you to know about me / my character / my shipping habits: you show carmen the slightest bit of kindness and she will cling onto you
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dreamrcven · 1 month
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@fksleep asked: [ needs ] sender asks receiver what they need
Non-verbal Angst || Accepting !!
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It isn't often the Raven finds herself in such bad shape, normally very equipped for combat situations, but this was one of the very unfortunate scenarios where she was on the other end of a beating.
Luckily; she wasn't taken out with a bullet, she was able enough to make sure she wasn't the one who got flatlined. Upon being asked what she needed, she takes an inhale & holds it as she stands herself up, Masuyo would've been worse for wear if she had cybernetics, & she's thankful for that.
❝ Nothing. ❞
For a fee; Gideon could fix her up, surely. If not, then she'll just go to the hospital, she could afford it. Besides, if she was going to make a name for herself as the Raven; then she couldn't look weak.
❝ - I can walk it off. ❞
Miles would take care of her when she got home, she knew that.
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escapedartgeek · 1 month
"I can't say the words out loud, I don't use bad language."
Zora tilted their head a bit in interest. They could be prone to a bit of bad language themself but it was clear that in this situation they had to be a bit more cautious.
"Sounds like there must have been some rather foul language if you can't repeat them. The things that people are capable of saying and doing to each other is really.. astounding I guess.
Any particular reason they were using that kind of language."
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pinkbolts · 25 days
"i can finally breathe again."
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there's  something  to  be  said  about  the  earth's  sun  when  it  sets.     so  much  poetry  written  about  the  moon  and  all  her  melodramatic  glory  &  heartache,   when  just  as  much  she  could  spared  for  her  lover...   stella.   starfire  never  understood  terra's  tales  about  how  humanity  once  thought  the  star  revolved  around  it...   how  could  such  a  beauty  be  tied  to  one  planet:   especially  one  that  takes  her  for  granted   ?     even  here,   ontop  a  building,   basking  in  the  himalayan  pink  &  clementine  afterglow  of  a  taxing  day    ...    she  knew  better.    oh  no,     princess  had  lost  herself  in  though  again..   she  almost  forgot  where  she  was!     bat  was  ever-so-patiently  standing  at  titaness'  side,   engaging  in...     conversation   (   ?   )   she  couldn't  remember,   he'd  have  to  forgive  her.     "   yes,   sorry   ...    !     "   smile  reflected  was  just  as  apologetic.     mind  scrapped  up  the  dust  her  train  of  thought  left  &  it  appeared..     the  pair  actually  were  pondering  the  same  thing.   thank  x  'hal..   hands  reflexively  goes  to  touch  complain  kori'  had  almost  neglected,   digits  affectionately  grip  just  to  make  sure  he  knew  she  was  still  listening.   somewhat.    &  lightly  strawberry  -  scented  alto  agreed,   "   yeah.   i  love  the  city,   i  do,   but...     "   sentence  wasn't  entirely  finished,   but  they  knew  where  she  was  going.   nothing  beats  clear-skies  &  dimming  sunlight. / answered.  
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