#fitch spiral
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jadafitch · 6 months
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Seaweed Stickers!
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echofades · 2 years
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Which one are you? Gay... I mean, Emily. EMILY FITCH | SKINS (S3 - 4)
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apoplecticgalaxy · 1 year
*Everyone is standing around the broken coffee maker*
Angie: So. Who broke it? I'm not mad, I just wanna know.
William: ...I did. I broke it.
Angie: No. No you didn't. Fitch?
Fitch: Don't look at me. Look at Zeke.
Zeke: What?! I didn't break it.
Fitch: Huh, that's weird. How'd you even know it was broken?
Zeke: Because it's sitting right in front of us and it's broken.
Fitch: Suspicious.
Zeke: No, it's not!
O'Brien: If it matters, probably not, but Deborah was the last one to use it.
Deborah: Liar! I don't even drink that crap!
O'Brien: Oh really? Then what were you doing by the coffee cart earlier?
Deborah: I use the wooden stirrers to push back my cuticles. Everyone knows that, Tim!
William: Okay let's not fight. I broke it. Let me pay for it, Angie.
Angie: No! Who broke it!?
O'Brien: Angie... Zeke has been awfully quiet.
Zeke: REALLY?!
*Everyone starts arguing*
Angie, in another room: I broke it. I burned my hand so I punched it.
Angie: I predict 10 minutes from now they'll be at each other's throats with warpaint on their faces and a pig head on a stick.
Angie: Good. It was getting a little chummy around here.
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zima74824 · 11 months
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I actually liked the spiral movie my favorite trap from this is the finger trap
Here’s the clip it’s pretty brutal so be warned ahead of time
I also loved how they brought Samuel Jackson and Chris rock into the series
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ohtobeleah · 1 year
Sticks & Stones // A ToE Blurb
Summary: The one where Rooster finds out about the time you absolutely let loose on your daughter during her teenage hellion years while he was on an eight week deployment. And the one you find out you weren’t the only one who kept parenting secrets.
Warnings: Angst. Teenage hellion Odette Bradshaw. Bradley Bradshaw x F!reader. Platonic Rhett Abbott x F!reader.
Word Count: 4k
-> Fade away from reality with the Terms of Endearment series here
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I think throughout your parenting life together you and Rooster keep certain things from each other. Not out of spite or with malice intentions. It would be to simply keep the other from spiralling or needing to worry about a situation that had already been dealt with. That had already been handled appropriately and most likely to a parenting degree that would be deemed acceptable by the other party. 
“I remember this one time mum tore shreds off me after I got an after school detention.” This one can be titled: “The one where Rooster finds out about the time you absolutely let loose on your daughter during her teenage hellion years while he was on an eight week deployment.” 
Odette Fitch knew it wasn’t just because of the after school detention. She was big enough and grown enough to understand her wrongs as a teenager—but that didn’t make the pill any easier to swallow. 
“I've never seen her like that before nor do I ever want to see her like that again.” Odette explained all the while she sat by the fire— burning bright orange and red embers in the fire pit Chase had built, explaining how Harrison, her threenager, got in trouble for kicking dirt in some poor kid’s eyes during free play at daycare. “I didnt understand why she was so mad, why she was so emotional but fuck dad–I get it now.” 
“I don't think I know about this one?” Bradley shook his head softly as he took a sip from his beer bottle. “When did you get an after school detention?” Odette can't help but to chuckle, of course you hadn’t told him. You went off like no tomorrow which wasn't like you at all. Your tolerance for bullshit was usually pretty high–but that particular day Odette and her teenage antics had pushed you to a limit that even scared you. It was no wonder you never mentioned it to Bradley. 
So, Dot spills the beans, she finishes her beer and settles a little further into the back of her camp chair and lulled her head to the side to tell her dear old dad about the time she saw you burn in. 
Fourteen Years Earlier: 
“When your father hears about this Odette you better count your lucky stars that he doesn't ship you out to Wabang or better yet, Australia!” 
“It's not that big of a deal mum–” Dot trailed in behind you with her school bag slumped over her shoulder. She was too cool for school nowadays. “Everyone does it!” She’d been busted by a teacher, skipping P:E in favour of an excursion to the lake that bordered the school grounds. There was an old cabin out there one of the groundskeepers used to live in way back in the 70’s. Apparently it was haunted. Dot didn't think so. But she wanted to check it out nevertheless.
“You are not everyone, Odette, you are your own person with bodily autonomy and critical thinking skills and you should know better!” The consequences to Odette's actions had been a call from the principal's office in the middle of the day. You were beyond furious about being pulled away from work, work you were inundated with. What followed was a lengthy discussion with the schools guidance counsellor about your daughter's declining behaviour during class and her grade averages. Odette was smart; she just didn't apply herself–or just didn't see the point in doing so.  
“Uncle Jake said you hated school! Said you hardly ever showed up and that when you did it was to work on stuff in the metal room.” Odette thought she had you backed into a corner as you stopped and turned on your heels. “Yeah, I know things.” It was then you pressed your lips together in a fine line and wished Jake was currently in the US to feel your wrath. But he wasn't. No, He was in Townsville Queensland. In fucking Australia. It said so on the google calendar that sat on your kitchen countertop. The one everyone used. 
“Your uncle is a liar.” He wasn't. You hated school, it was hard being the smartest person in the room and feeling like you knew nothing all at the same time. You were a delinquent at best during your teenage years so the fact you had a teenage dirtbag yourself shouldn't have shocked you all that much. It didn't shock Jake that was for sure. The apple didn't fall too far from the tree he’d tell you when you'd call him just to rant about Odettes’ latest attempt at sending you to an early grave. “And we aren't talking about me, we’re talking about you and your grades and the fact you have an after school detention on Wednesday that I now have to leave work early to come and get your from when you know I work late Wednesdays!” 
There was a small pause in the argument that had begun to bubble over and before you knew what was happening—Odette was challenging you without hesitation.
“Oh i’m so sorry you have to leave work, not like you spend enough time there anyway!” Dot hissed. 
“Enough young lady, your father and I work hard to give you a good life.” That much was true—you never wanted your kids to grow up like you did. You’d do anything to keep a roof over their head and food in their mouths and keep clothes on their backs. 
“Maybe if Mr Carson wasn't such a tight ass–” Dot mumbled under her breath as she sighed and rolled her eyes. This sucked. Everything sucked. 
“Don't you blame anyone but yourself for this situation, Odette.” You pointed a stern finger at your daughter. “And be thankful it's me you're dealing with now and not your father, he’d be livid if he knew.” And then, Odette Bradshaw said it. For the first time ever she said something that tore your heart from your chest, rung it out like a wet sponge before discarding it in the trash.
“How can dad know about it!” She shouted. “He's in prison, remember?” Silence, Odette heard nothing but silence. No “Go to your room young lady.” or “You’re grounded.” Silence was all she heard as you stood there speechless trying to process what your daughter had just said to you. Odette took your silence as a leverage point, she thought she’d won the battle but decided to twist the knife a little deeper just to see how far she could push this new rhetoric. “Rooster isn't my real dad, so he doesn’t get to have a say in what I do and don't do.” Again you were speechless as you stood there with wide eyes trying to regulate the way your heart thumped against your chest. “And he's not even here mum! He's in the middle of the damn ocean somewhere so empty threats aside, I think I'll take my chances when he does come back.” 
Odette really did think she had you beat when you didn't say a word. She smirked, reached for her school bag that she'd dumped by the leg of the table and slung it over her shoulder before turning on her heels. It was then through a haze of rage and repressed emotions that you let your daughter, your first born, the first love you had ever known, have it. 
“Oh–fuck you kid!” You snapped through gritted teeth. Odette had never heard you swear before, let alone heard you swear at one of your three kids. “Fuck you!” When you said it again Odette just scoffed in shock. She was in utter disbelief. 
“Did you really just say that?” She asked softly, confused. 
“Yeah–yeah I really just said fuck you, and I mean how fucking dare you.” There was a rage behind your eyes Dot had never seen before. A sadness. “ After all I have done, after all that I have given to you, my life, my love, my body!” You paused as you stepped a little close to your daughter. “I broke my fucking vagina for that big fucking head of yours!” You spat, it was too much for Odette to compute as you spoke with venom lacing your tone. “And I had to be surgically sewn back together, I bet you didn't know that, did you? Well guess who does know? Your uncle because he was there! Not your fucking father!” 
Odette didn't know that, She always just assumed that her dad had been there when you gave birth to her. Why wasn't he there she wondered? Why wasn’t he there to watch her be born? 
“Oh and you calling him your dad, that's rich considering you have never known the man! So rich when the man who is your father, who is your dad in all the ways that matter most loves you so unconditionally that he adopted you as his own!” You were on a warpath and Odette was your target. “After all those years of your ‘father’ driving me insane with his abuse and his condescending ‘my loves’” You paused to hold back tears as flashes from your past played out like a rolodex behind your eyes. “He talked to me like I was worthless, treated me like trash until I got sick of it!” 
“Mum?” Odette tried to interrupt as tears began to stream down your cheeks. 
“I wanted happiness Odette–” Was all you sobbed. “I deserve happiness! I’m a fucking human being Dot!” You tried to pull yourself together because this wasn't about you or what you wanted. You were a selfless mother who gave everything you had to your children and this was the most vulnerable any of them had ever seen you. 
“Don't you dare bitch to me about my career, little miss ‘I’m so progressive!’ Yes! I worked my ass off to get where I am and I wanted it.” Flashbacks from the time Jake and your own guidance counsellor helped you graduate flashed before your eyes. They believed in you when most people didn't. When you didn't even believe in yourself. 
“I wanted to mean something in this world! I didn’t know that was a fucking crime!?” 
“Mum–” Odette was at a loss for words but nevertheless she still tried. You didn't let her speak. You weren’t done yet. 
“Life isn't perfect, oaky baby? We don't get everything we want. But you’re young, you know, so go on, go make the perfect little life that you want and you see how fucking easy it is and stop bitching and complaining and blaiming me! after all I have ever done and all I will ever do has been in your best goddamn interest.” 
It was Odette's turn to stand in silence, unsure of what to say back to you after your rant. It was clear she broke your heart—that much was evident, but Odette was too hot headed and knew what she thought was everything she ever needed to know. After all, she was fifteen. 
“I’m—“ As Dot when to speak, you held your hand up in order to silence your daughter. She hated the tears that streamed down your face as you refused to look at her. “Mum?”
“Go to your room, I’ve got to go get your brother and sister from school.” Without another world, it was just Odette left in the big house that usually houses five souls at any given time. She felt sick to her stomach for upsetting you so much. 
But as she heard the car start in the driveway she knew she wouldn’t apologise for it. You’d be fine. You were her mother—you had no choice but to love her even when you wanted to kill her. 
Present Day: 
“Now before you whoop my twenty nine year old ass, I did end up apologising and I did go to that detention and I’ve since learnt my lesson.” Dot scrambled to get all that out before Rooster had a chance to lean over and wrap his hands around his daughter’s throat. 
You’d never told him about that, Rooster never would have known if his daughter didn’t spill the test fourteen years later. And even if fourteen years had past Bradley knew that you probably thought about that fight a lot. 
“Your mother was right kid, I would have throttled you.” Bradley shook his head in disbelief, it was fourteen years ago but he was only finding out about it now. He felt like he was the last to know. He should have known, right?
Later that same evening when Bradley made his way home, he opened the front door to the smell of something homely simmering away on the stovetop. Homemade chicken and feta pesto pasta. One of his favourites. 
The portion size had dwindled from five to four to three to two back to three over the years, with kids grown and flying in and out of the house without a second's notice. But the one thing that always remained the same was the love cooked into the food you prepared for your family. No matter how little or how much. 
“Hey Roo.” You beamed as you took a sip from the glass of wine in your hand. You’d just finished cleaning up the kitchen after having used every possible surface available. “How’s Dot doing?” 
“She’s good, Harrison’s giving her a little trouble but she’s good.” Bradley explained as he made his way over to you. “But—she actually told me a little story about a fight the two of you had?” It was the taunting tone your husband used that made you immediately feeling hot in the cheeks. Bradley wasted no time in trapping you between the countertop and his torso, with strong arms encompassing you. “The one where you—“
“No she didn’t!” You cupped a single hand over your mouth with wide eyes when the realisation hit you like a ton of bricks. “That little shit head I swore her to secrecy!” Bradley reached for your glass of wine, he took a sip before he pressed his lips together and leaned in to kiss your cheek softly from behind.” 
“You never told me—“ 
“I didn’t want you knowing I swore at her.” You admitted. “You were deployed and I didn’t want you worrying about us at home and—“ Before you could finish your sentence, Rooster spun you around in his hood and had his lips on yours as he pressed you up against the kitchen counter top. His hands were firmly on your hips, holding you close to him lovingly. 
“Before anything, I am a husband and a father first baby.” He reminded you as he let his forehead rest against yours. “I know why you didn’t tell me, and I’m not mad you didn’t because you handled it better than I probably would have—“ Bradley explained as he pushed your hair behind your ear. “But I wish you didn’t have to deal with those very real and very valid emotions by yourself.” 
You paused for a brief moment, smiling up at your loving husband and the aroma of his favourite meal consumed the two of you. 
“Well if it makes you feel any better baby I wasn’t entirely alone.” You explained as you got to work plating up a bowl of pesto pasta for your husband. 
Fourteen Years Earlier: 
What Dot didn’t see was the panic attack that overcame you to the point you had to pull over on the side of the road to let it take its course. Memories of that fateful night and that bloodied devil-like smirk flashed before your eyes. Even after all these years the mere mention of your ex brought you to your damn knees in a crumpled heap. He was a monster. 
With Bradley deployed and Jake overseas a world away in the land down under, you reached for your phone and called the only person you knew would answer your call the first time round. 
“Boys!” Rhett’s loud and boisterous voice travelled down the hall. He was standing in the kitchen making his seven year old boys lunch. Turkey and cheese on wholemeal bread. “Quit fuck assing around, come get your lunch!” As Rhett flung the tea towel over his shoulder and started to pack up the mess he’d made making lunch for his boys—he felt his phone vibrate in his back pocket. A loud thud came from the living room just around the corner—then? Complete and utter silence. If Rhett knew anything about his kids it’s that when a thud is followed by silence it’s usually not a good thing. “BOYS! you better both be alive when I round that corner!” 
Rhett threw the butter and the block of cheese he’d mangled with a less than sharp butter knife into the fridge haphazardly before he kicked the fridge door shut with his boot. He wasted not a second of time, he needed to investigate the silence now shrouding the farmhouse. As he walked he fished his phone from his back pocket to see your name lighting up his caller ID. ‘Ace.’ 
“Hol’ on—m’ parentin’.” Rhett mumbled as he swiped the pad of his thumb across his screen and held his phone to his ear. Keep it there with his shoulder as he rounded the corner to see one of his twins, Liam, laying on the ground with his eyes closed. “LUKE!” Rhett bellowed into the phone, for a second it made you laugh because Rhett and parenting in the same sentence still made you smile. “What did you do to your brother huh?” 
“He fell!” Luke ran out from behind the lounge and down the hall. “I didn’t touch him!” Rhett groaned in defeat as he scooped his son off the ground to make sure he was still alive. Yep. There was a heartbeat and breathe inside his lungs. 
“I’m fine, I just need a minute—“ Liam mumbled. “And to not fix fences this afternoon.” 
“You ain’t dead, dying or debilitated.” Rhett chuckled as he watched Liam side on the couch with deflated shoulders. “Go eat your lunch and find your brother before I do.” How the fuck was Rhett Abbott a dad? “We’re heading out at two.” 
Liam groaned as he flung himself off the lounge and headed on into the kitchen. It was then Rhett exhaled a sigh and turned all his attention back to you—still waiting patiently on the other end of the line. “How much do you think I could get for two feral seven year olds?” 
“Probably a little more than a fifteen year old delinquent.” You replied softly as you sat pulled over on the side of the road with your hazards on and your forehead pressed against the steering wheel. “I’m sending her to live with you.” Rhett chuckled as he sat on the lounge and held his phone up to his ear. 
“What she do this time?” It wasn’t an uncommon occurrence for you and Rhett to call each other to discuss your children’s antics. Being separated and a co-parenting dad with two twin boys that hardly knew what he was doing, more often than not it was Rhett calling you. But on the odd occasion you called him? It made him feel validated in a sense that it was okay to not have everything under control all the time. “Y/n? What she do this time?” 
“We were arguing about how she got an after school detention—“ You explained only a few details. “And then she hit me with the Bradley’s not her real dad argument when I said she was lucky he wasn’t here to reprimand her.” It knocked the wind right out of Rhett’s lungs. “She’s fifteen! I’m not ready to talk about this yet! She can’t know Rhett—she can’t—she—“ Rhett could tell by the rapid breathing and the panicked tone coming through the phone that you weren’t okay. He looked over to the little digital calendar in the corner of the living room that you all had and saw that Bradley was still on deployment for another two weeks. 
“Ace, listen to me?” Rhett tried his best to console you as he rubbed a hand across his tired face. “You don’t have to tell her, no one will ever force you to tell her anything you don’t want her to know, but she’s a smart kid man—she’s gonna figure it out eventually.” 
“Fuck you Rhett—“ That wasn’t the reaction Rhett was expecting but nevertheless it forced a chuckled from his chest. “You didn’t see the way she dug that knife in, she knew what she said and she meant it too.” 
“Kids are brutal, teenagers are the worst.” Rhett replied. “It’s sticks and stones Ace, be the bigger person and just let her have this one.” You knew Rhett wasn’t invalidating your feelings, he was just giving you level headed advice. 
“Are you kidding me?” 
“Nah—“ Rhett smiled with half his mouth as he watched his boys come back into the living room with their sandwiches. Both sitting in front of the TV to watch something Rhett could only assume was mind numbing. He wasn’t allowed to watch TV as a kid, but he wasn’t about to be like his father. “I’m serious, I think she won this round, but just because she KO’d you doesn’t mean you won’t get back up.” 
“I hate you, you know that right?” You groaned into the phone. “Jake would have told me to take the door handle off her door and leave her in there for a week.” You knew that Jake would have been serious too. “I should have called him for moral support, not you and your rational responses.” 
You needed level headedness though, you needed someone to pull you back from the edge of a full blown parenting breakdown and of all people it was Rhett Abbott who did so. He smiled to himself because he knew you’d be okay, he knew the tears had slowly begun to fade and he knew that when you got home? You’d still love your shit head of a daughter. 
“That’s exactly why Hangman doesn’t have kids.” 
Present Day: 
There’s a barely twenty one year old emerging from his room right about the time Bradley has you sitting on the countertop while he stands between your legs. If anything the Bradshaw kids were exposed to public displays of affection more often than most kids were but that was because they had parents who were oh so in love. 
For Nicky Bradshaws who’s home on a rare visit between trips overseas and dedicating his entire life to the sport he loved so much, the fact he watched his parents suck faces often throughout his childhood never made the sight any less gross. 
Nick stood dead in his tracks as he watched his father stand between his mothers legs with his tongue in her mouth like he was starved of oxygen. He let his presence be known by clearing his throat. 
“I still technically live here, you know.” Nick side eyed the two of you as Rooster stepped away to let you down from where he had you perched. It wasn’t a kiss laced with lust—but it had been a kiss filled with love for the woman who had built her own version of a perfect life. “I think I deserve to be able to use the common areas of the house without needing lasik after losing my vision after having walked in on you two getting in on.” Your youngest pointed between you and Bradley. “Y’all have a bedroom—use it.” 
“It wasn’t like that honey.” You tapped your son on the chest. “Here, have some dinner before your father eats it all.” 
“I heard Harry kicked dirt in some poor kid's eyes today.” Nick chuckled at the way his oldest sister had rung him up in the car. “Can’t say he isn’t hers now—“ Bradley laughed along with his son as you deadpanned the both of them. The look you sent them shut their laughter up real quick. “Oh come on ma! Admit it, she was a handful teen and you know it.” 
“You weren’t perfect either Bud.” Rooster had your back before you even needed to defend Odette. “I still remember the time I caught that girl sneaking out of your room when you were fifteen—“ Immediately, before the sentence was even finished, Bradley knew he’d fucked up. 
“What girl?” Your eyes went wide. “Nick? When did you have a girl in your room when you were fifteen?” Throughout your parenting life together you and Rooster keep certain things from each other. Not out of spite or with malice intentions. It would be to simply keep the other from spiralling or needing to worry about a situation that had already been dealt with. “Bradley? What girl!?” You hissed as you crossed your arms over your chest. 
“It’s a long story Ma.” Nick replied with a mouthful of pasta. 
“Well it’s a good thing I’m not busy.” You turned to your husband who looked like a kicked puppy. He kept things from you too. And he kept this one from you for a good fucking reason—Nick had begged him to for his own safety.
Nick knew you’d throw sticks and stones at him if you found out he lost his virginity when he was just fifteen. 
“Spill the beans boys.” You willed the pair of them to sit at the table. Nick shook his head in defiance with a mouthful of pasta. 
“No thanks, I chose life.” 
Tags: @a-serene-place-to-be @lilyevanswhore @thescarletknight2014 @blindedbythelightt @averyhotchner @emma8895eb @blairfox04 @caitsymichelle13 @oxxolovemelikeyoudooxxo @teacupsandtopgun @aemondssiut @akalei349 @notjustsomeblonde @americaarse e @avaleineandafryingpan @phoenix1388 @xoxabs88xox @je-suis-prest-rachel @pono-pura-vida @rosiahills22 @starset21 @anarchyrising @caidi-paris @starkleila @criticalroleobssedperson @enchantingdreamergothprune @flrboyd @emma8895eb @endofdays56 @seresinsaint @topguncortez @mandylove1000 @clancycucumber230
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How do you guys think William reacted to finding out that Zeke had been shot? Not only that, but shot because Fitch had decided not to answer the backup call? I know he seems all calm about it in Spiral, but I feel like he would have been absolutely feral when it first happened.
Did he almost ruin his own plan by killing Fitch right then and there instead of waiting? Did he break into the hospital room? How many traps did he cycle through before deciding on the perfect punishment for Fitch?
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wildbornsiren · 2 years
Kinktober Day 10: Overstimulation || Reuben "Payback" Fitch/F!Reader
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Summary: A challenge works out for the both of you.
713 words Female/AFAB reader- established relationship
Warnings: Sex toys, public sex, overstimulation.
Notes: For #kinktober2022. Reminder that these will not have part twos, or continuations. Please follow @wbslibrary​ since tag lists are gone. (I appreciate ya’ll so much but it was stressing me out, and I was worried I’d miss someone). Comments and sharing let me know you love me, likes are appreciated. Thank you so very much for reading. It’s so appreciated and means the most.
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“How’s my girl?” Reuben pressed a kiss to the top of your head, before he slid into the booth with you. Full lips are curved into a half smile, his arm snug around your shoulders, pulling you to him.
You slump against him, feeling the warmth radiating from him. You shift your hips, lower lip caught between your teeth. He kisses your temple, the slow buzzing between your legs stopping. He inches the cup of water closer to you, and you take a sip, your hand trembling when you put the glass down. You lick your lips, turning to look at him. “Please?”
He hummed, taking a sip of his beer. His gaze flits out toward where Phoenix and Fanboy were tearing it up on the dance floor. “How many times?” He turns in the booth, his hand dropping to your thigh. His fingers are cold from the beer bottle, raising goosebumps on your overheated skin. His touch drags upward, under the hem of your skirt. To any outside observer it would look like he had wedged himself in there to kiss you. Fingertips press against the soaked fabric of your panties, rubbing the bullet vibrator against your clit.
“Three,” You gasp, leaning forward, resting your head on his chest. Reuben had brought up the idea while the two of you were getting ready to go dancing with a couple of the pilots and a few friends. Never one to back down from a challenge—your stubbornness and his competitive nature lead to some interesting date nights, you agreed to it.
The terms? If he could get you to come without drawing attention to yourself, you’d win. If you let anyone know what was going on, it was his win.
“You’re being so good for me baby girl.” His voice is so rich and gentle. “You know you could end this, and I can give you what you really want.” Rueben’s fingers push past the lace of your panties, touching slowly, deliberately, teasing through your folds. You lift your head from his chest, his heart pounding under your ear. He sighs when you kiss his jaw, making your way to his mouth. “You look so good like this.” His lips brush against yours when he speaks, the sensation making you ache even more.
“Rueben? Please…”
Soft open-mouthed kisses press against your neck; you can’t help but moan when his teeth nip at the sensitive skin. “Tell me what you need.” Two fingers push into you easily, his chuckle masking the sound of your body taking him easily.
“Want you to fuck me. Want to come on your dick.” Your hand grips the back of his neck, dragging him up to kiss you again.
“You can come again?”
You nod, biting back another whimper. His grin widens, thrusting his fingers in and out slowly. “Please baby, I want to feel you. I’ve got one more for you.” You feel too big for your skin, heat spiraling through you, body shuddering and trembling against his frame, sweat beading your brow. Your muscles ache, fingers curling against his shirt desperate for something to ground you.
“You’re going to leave a wet spot on this seat baby girl.” He moves the bullet out of the way, his thumb taking over, rubbing agonizingly slow circles. Rueben’s eyes are completely blown, focused on your face. “Can you even walk to the car?” He’s so gentle when his fingers ease from your dripping cunt, licking them clean.
You nod wordlessly when he slides out of the booth, offering his hand. You’re a little unsteady on your feet, but you pull yourself to your full height. Reuben’s fingers lace with yours as he leads you through the busy club, pausing to whisper something to Mickey. A knowing smirk passes between them before Reuben is leading you away. He brushes against you when he moves to open the door for you, realization of how much this evening has affected him as well.
“How long have you been waiting?” You grin up at him.
“Since we got here.” He pulls you close, tucking you under his arm. “But now I’m going to make you feel so good baby girl. Give you exactly what you need.”  
“Damn right baby.” He kisses your forehead.
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kubrik-was-a-c-nt · 9 months
Finally watching Spiral! Considering I spend a lot of time thinking about the Saw series I should have watched this a long time ago.
Onto reactions!
Ew, the two things I hate most: sewers, and public port-a-potties. I loath using port-a-potties.
Oooh, updated realistic pig mask! I like!
Ah, the tongue trap I've seen in so many thumbnails. It's even worse when you see hes hanging by his tongue over some kind of flimsy little stool.
Going back to the old box TVs? Must have raided a goodwill.
New voice sounds weird, not sure if I'm okay with it. You'll see.
Okay, pretty iconic sequence right off the bat. Super uncomfortable looking trap, good buildup, lots of blood. A real saw movie.
My rebuttal to Chris Rock's rant about Forrest Gump is that Jenny did not ask Forrest to do any of that and... oh shit, it's the po-po. But I guessed Rock was a cop from the promotional material but this was a good reveal.
So 12 years ago was the Saw 6 and 7 era. That was a time where people would have wanted dirty cops turned in. Hoffman was on a fucking killing spree, gotta nip them in the bud.
It's nice to know that if my dead body was ever found, the cops would immediately take me seriously because my fitbit would tell them that I'm not unhoused.
Jigsaw used an old ass tv in the trap but a USB stick for the video. I guess it's near impossible to find any tapes or tape players.
Putting bad cops in traps... I like this.
That box that guys tongue, isnt it? Yep.
"Damn n**** wash your hands" she told him to get out, he can use hand sanitizer.
Wow, such realism. Someone turns in a cop doing bad things and now they're the bad guy. It's almost like the cops are protecting bad cops.
Is this the first time we meet a victims wife or family member after their death? No one usually gives a shit about them. Good expansion.
"I heard about Boz. You alright?" "No, I'm all fucked up". First time I've seen someone fully admit to being distraught over the death of a friend.
"Dont drain my battery watching Twilight" what is this, 2009??? Wait, is this 2009?! Is this like Jigsaw where- oh wait, they just showed them with smartphones, my bad.
I forgot to turn in subtitles, they make watching movies so much easier for me. And now I can spell everyones names right.
You're looking for a copycat of Jigsaw, the guy who kidnaps and tortures 'bad' people, and you walk into an abandoned building alone? You deserve to die now. The message from earlier even specified that they were going after crooked cops.
Oooh, this trap looks interesting. I havent seen any images of it before.
Zeke, stop trying to ruin other peoples marriages. Not everyone needs to be as miserable as you.
Tip your delivery driver!
I see, the pig theme is being used to mock the police here.
And now I see it, all the cops that hate Zeke are also bad cops. It's almost like the force is full of bad cops and when the one good cop turns one in, they get ostracized.
I'm trying to see the point of the cage on Fitch's head. Maybe to keep him from chewing through the wires around his fingers.
I know someone who almost lost her finger during an archaeological dig. An accident with a sawhorse I think. She still can't watch hand trauma scenes.
"John Kramer didn't target cops" Eric Matthews, Rigg, Straum, Perez, Carrie... Hoffman only got involved because of his fake trap.
Okay, what is Banks Sr out doing?
Dont you have bomb sniffing dogs? Have one take a whiff, easy.
It's the skin from someones head- SCHENK. I LIKED YOU.
Wait, theres always a mole in these movies, someone on the inside pulling strings. Schenk is new, too new to have done anything too corrupt. The only way to positively identify the body would be with dental records. That might take a minute to obtain and analyze.
Okay, I may have seen a small spoiler a few months ago about who is the mole, but I cant positively remember if it was Schenk or not.
They must be raiding antique stores now to get these tape players.
'Sever your spine or get covered in hot wax'? Really thinking outside the box here.
One killer to make a diversion, one to trap Angie? Banks Sr and Schenk working together?
I'm going to be totally wrong and suckerpunched out of left field, arent I?
Yes, he is too close to this. He needs to be taken off the case and given a horse tranquilizer.
WAIT THE FIRST SMARTPHONES CAME OUT IN 2007. THIS COULD BE 2009. I forgot to pay attention to anything that could date the time period.
Banks Sr walked into that one... literally.
As a cop, you should be trained to pick a handcuffs lock, just because. Oh wait, do you know how to pick handcuffs? Holy shit, you have a useful skill.
Oh, hi Pete. I guess someone stole Pete's badge and password to erase the footage. Zeke should have realized that Pete would not have walked into the police station with everyone knowing who he is.
I guess we are in a recycling plant?
Zeke just jumps in and starts helping. See, Jeff? I mean, Pete is bleeding out the mouth so hes 100% dead but Zeke did his best.
Yay, Schenk is alive!
Wait, wouldnt they have noticed that the tattoo was fresh? Fresh tattoos look different from healed ones. Schenk's tattoo is healed and old.
You know you die waaaaay before all 1.5 gallons are drained.
Oh hey, this was Bousman? Nice to see you back in the saddle. Great quality work this time.
Holy shit, I'm feeling super emotional. Great use of the Saw theme at the end there, great payoff to everything. I literally said 'pulling the strings' earlier without realizing how true it is.
I say this is a great offshoot to the Saw storyline. John Kramer is not involved, he only inspired the killing spree. The title is great because Schenk leaned into the spiral motif to emphasize a symbol used by Jigsaw that was not Billy. 'From the book of Saw' is giving me 'Cult of John Kramer' vibes, which I like. It shows how he was so influential as a serial killer who targeted 'bad' people in an attempt to reform them that other people began to copy him. I can see so many others trying to be the next Jigsaw. Of course, Schenk did all of this for personal reasons to seek revenge. Besides Cecil, Kramer actually wanted people to survive and be reformed. I dont think Hoffman cared if people won or lost, but he still made all the traps survivable. One step up from Amanda.
I'm now super interested to see where Saw X takes us. Saw in spaaaaace? Smashing someones face with liquid nitrogen? Uber-Jason?
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bought my saw x tickets! rewatching the movies in reverse so that after i watch saw 2004 i'll be going directly into saw x. i'm on spiral tonight and once again, love spiral, would die for a direct sequel, and the way that William's head just fucking wips around every time Fitch opens his mouth never fails to crack me up. the boy gives so much away if you're actually paying attention to him
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This AU doesn’t have a name yet but it does have a WIP Ao3 draft oops
Anyways, this takes place after the bite of 83. Elizabeth and Charlie have died, and the missing children incident is just around the corner.
A week after the bite, Michael disappears, and it’s presumed he either ran away or did something more drastic as a result of guilt. But right after he disappears, a miracle that no one was expecting occurs, and Cassidy wakes up. He’s suffered severe injuries and psychological trauma, but against all odds given the damage he suffered, he wakes up in only a week.
The press fawns over this story, overjoyed at the headline of this family who’s lost everything and the one child who defied the tragedy, and William pushes Cassidy to play along as he tells all the news anchors who ask all about how dearly he misses his two other children and hopes the same will come of them, but how this miracle has brightened his life and how glad he is to have Cassidy back.
With all the media attention to that, though, little goes to the… oddities about the situation. Cassidy woke up an hour after being pronounced dead. His head was still horribly injured when he awoke, though he shouldn’t have woken up under the circumstances he was in. Not then. When he spoke after waking up, almost every time he tried he just ended up vomiting blood. It got to the point he had his stomach pumped as they deemed he must have swallowed a dangerous amount of his own blood, since they found no other problems that would cause him to be vomiting blood like that. Even after that operation, he still seems prone to random bleeding spells, from his lips, nose, and eyes. And… his eyes weren’t always such an intense color. They look red now, maybe it’s just a trick of the light, but it’s odd nonetheless.
Also, he keeps insisting he’s dead, and seems capable of knowing and doing things a child should not.
It’s eventually determined that Cassidy’s insistence on being dead is a coping mechanism for the extreme trauma he endured, and that seems to be the end of it- no questions asked about the stranger occurrences surrounding it all.
In July 1983, Cassidy, William, and Fredbear’s Family Diner pack up and move from New Harmony to Hurricane, where Cassidy, still recovering from his injuries and trauma enough to be functional, is enrolled in Three Falls Elementary School’s third grade class.
This is where things start to get really weird, though. Thanks to Cassidy saying he’s dead and “everyone is” when asked to tell the class about himself, every kid in his class has their attention drawn to him.
Susie Miller, a sweet girl whose family came to Utah from Oklahoma when Susie was a baby, is as naïve as a child can be, and buys into Cassidy’s ghost story immediately. The day he shows up, she leaves sick before noon, the whole time quaking and feeling ill with dread that Cassidy really is dead. She ends up telling her mom about it on the way home, and her mom tells her about Cassidy surviving the accident and says she should be kind to him, because he’s not dead, he’s just hurt.
About three weeks later come Jeremy Mark, Gabriel Fitch, and Mitzi Oliveira, Susie’s friends she introduces Cassidy to, assuming he really is just a scared kid. However, things immediately begin to go off the rails here, as Susie socializing with Cassidy and introducing him to her friends means his shell can be cracked, and now everyone wants to get past his walls and know how he’s dead.
He refuses to speak of his supposed death, and when kids try to press for answers, shit spirals out of control. When one kid asks, Cassidy tries to run off, seeming about to cry, and when the kid tries to grab Cassidy, her arm snaps the second she places her hand on him.
He tries to wipe his face, and finds blood.
No one takes kindly to this. Kids begin bullying him and calling him a freak, trying their hardest to get him in trouble for every misdeed, physically and verbally harassing him, trying to get the incident to repeat itself so “the freak can be put where he belongs.”
And it does repeat. One of the bullies gets sent flying off his bike riding home, hits a mailbox and gets a concussion that puts him in the hospital for a week after shouting at Cassidy on his bike. Another gets a needle pierced through her finger trying to sew something back together after ripping it and trying to blame him. One kid breaks his ankle trying to target Cassidy in a game of dodgeball in PE. When a kid dumps a bucket of water on him, he’s rushed to the hospital to clear the water out of his lungs, and Cassidy is bone dry, save for the blood pooling in his mouth.
Cassidy is dubbed the school freak, and Susie and co. are warned not to come near him. Yet, because they’re never unkind to him, they never suffer any horrible accidents or emergencies.
However, when William realizes what’s happening, he decides he needs to repeat the steps that triggered Cassidy’s phenomena and recreate it to give himself power and control
Shortly after, Susie, Gabriel, Jeremy, and Mitzi go missing, and Cassidy, insisting they’ve died, is blamed and called a murderer.
The accidents only begin to worsen, and a dark energy seems to be building around what is now Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria, the last place the missing children were seen. Kids begin suffering brutal, disgusting and torturous injuries, and every accident that befalls Cassidy’s bullies is more grisly than the last. Cassidy seems stronger now, too. But he refuses to set foot in his father’s pizzeria, often becoming a sobbing, bleeding mess causing random bouts of destruction at the idea alone. When asked about his strange abilities, he says he can’t control it. They’re making him.
“Who’s making you?”
“My friends. In those suits. They’re a part of me. They’re calling out to me to join them. They made one for me.”
Hearing his story, a few seemingly fearless kids take him under their wing to investigate the bizarre, supernatural events surrounding him, his father, and Fazbear’s Pizzeria, and try to open the real mystery of why Cassidy awoke that day after the bite.
This reminds me of something very specific, that I can’t put my finger on
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permdamagehair · 2 years
The Return of the Perm
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The word perm really seems to rattle some people. For some, it can be a throwback to a period of sizzling your hair to a crisp until it was deafening and burnt. It evokes images of mullets, Sarah Jessica Parker in Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, Meg Ryan in her Iconic Era. Even the villain in Legally Blonde famously had a perm and that was the source of her downfall. The perm got a bad wrap for a though there, and enjoyable of deserved it. Much subsequent to all satisfying things, we used it until it fell intensely out of style, and the term perm was as gauche as caustic-wash jeans. But for those naysayers, its era to shut your tiny horsey mouths: The perm is auspices, baby, and enlarged than ever do perms damage your hair.
Why Is The Perm Back?
Much bearing in mind the reward of the relaxer, the rise and recompense of the perm has been a bashful reemergence  coarsely speaking the Abercrombie & Fitch of hair treatments. Much after that Abercrombie, perm solutions have evolved following technology. They depart the hair feeling soft and warm, not brittle and damage, and alternating perm-wrap techniques have speak to looking to accommodate objector hair styles and lifestyles. A futuristic perm is more not quite meaningless waves, tallying volume and texture, which makes it vastly interchange from the perms of the '80s, which were tight, anew-processed curls.
Lets be genuine: The popularity of Stranger Things is likely accountable for the perm awakening in the culture. Zotos Professional, who was an in further innovator of the perm in 1929 subsequent to they launched the machineless remaining greeting (Fun Fact: perm is unexpected for enduring, if it wasnt obvious), is held responsible for the waves on the order of characters as soon as Natalia Dyers Nancy Wheeler. Its with asexual, and as soon as more and more people embracing their curly texture, its a satisfying habit to profit the '80s hair band style of your dreams without feel your hair in this area rollers.
What Are The Different Types of Perms?
The suitable situation not quite perms is that they are multifaceted, if you nonexistence to use them as a base so that your hairstyles desist easier  get, Katrina Suhre, co-department Head Hairstylist regarding speaking Stranger Things told me. If you have always wanted to attempt in savings account to the subject of a curly see, go for a perm or body nod. Want the unmodified beauty texture without the effort? Try almost a beachy nod.
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There are many forms of perm application: digital, which involves hot rods and a chemical process and is a favorite of Tangs, or cool answer, which does not adjust heat and is a more stated style of application; and within those application styles, there are four main types of militant perms: Spot / Partial, Spiral, Body Wave, and Beach Wave. (But that doesnt direct these are the unaccompanied perm styles  your's can be custom to your hair type, density, and thickness, too.)
Spiral Perms
Spiral perms are the most venerated style of perm  tight, corkscrew curls, created by vertically feel the hair concerning a perm rod to make voluminous curls. However, shrinkage is your challenger subsequent to a spiral perm, expect the hair to sky a few inches shorter.
Who Should Be Getting A Perm?
Perms are massive for anyone eager in tallying more texture in their hair or curly haired people who are looking for a more uniform curl. According to hairstylist Priscilla Valles, perms are loud for anyone taking into account truly straight hair and wants to have some volume and body in it. Or, people who esteem curly hair and are using a curling iron to the front occurring taking into account the child maintenance for in the curls can acquire a perm on the other hand, keeping the exploitation and heat styling to a minimum. It is less damaging and you can throw the hot tools to maintenance the volume and curl. You can have a perm behind a larger rod and mood sober, she says.
Modern perms can be over and finished along together surrounded by to profit at a loose call off beachy texture and waves, and can along with be more natural appearing, explains hairstylist Guy Tang, who proudly gets perms himself. Its all about the chemicals creature applied to the hair, appropriately regard as creature a salon that does digital perms and obtain a consultation first for that defense you know the loyalty. Tang supplementary emphasizes that a perm doesnt style itself, and you will have to guard and nurture your auxiliary perm-treated hair, which is delicate and needs to be treated as such.
However, portion off concerning the perm if you tend to use a lot of lightener or chemical straighteners and always trust your hairstylists advice gone it comes to perms. Its important to know that its best done on virgin hair or hair colored when stated enduring color as soon as no records of bleach linked highlights. Even even if perms are less damaging now, they yet are damaging because you are changing the structure of your hair, shares celebrity colorist Rita Hazan.
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labspiner · 2 years
Time spiral
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#Time spiral skin#
#Time spiral series#
#Time spiral free#
He explains that his last name is actually Emmerson, the son of Charlie Emmerson, who was the man Dunleavy killed because he had agreed to testify against a dirty cop. Moving to another room, Banks then finds Schenk, who is revealed to have faked his own death by using the skinned corpse of the thief who lured Bozwick into the tunnels, and has been the copycat all along. Although Banks attempts to save Dunleavy, he cannot get the key in time.
#Time spiral free#
A tape recorder explains that Banks can choose to either free him or leave him to die. In front of him is a large glass-crushing machine, which has been modified to hurl shrapnel at him. He then discovers his former partner Peter Dunleavy, who was imprisoned when Banks exposed a murder he committed, chained in place. He considers sawing off his arm, but successfully escapes using a loose bobby pin. While chasing a lead, Banks is captured and wakes up at the warehouse, handcuffed to a pipe with a hacksaw nearby. She fails to do so and dies from her injuries. Shortly afterwards, Garza is kidnapped, and placed in a trap in the precinct's cold storage where she has to sever her spinal cord on a blade to stop boiling wax flowing from a pipe onto her face. Deciding to track down the killer himself, Marcus travels to a warehouse, where he is abducted. Upon arriving, the team discovers a tape recorder and a skinned corpse, identified as Schenk. A small vial inside the box directs the police to a butcher shop, which was previously a hobby shop that Banks and his father, retired chief Marcus Banks, used to visit.
#Time spiral skin#
A box then arrives at the station, containing a pig puppet and a piece of Schenk's tattooed skin inside. Some officers begin to suspect that Banks may be responsible, due to his history with Fitch. Meanwhile, homicide detective Fitch – who several years prior had ignored a backup call from Banks, resulting in Banks nearly getting killed – is abducted and placed in a trap where he must allow a device to rip his fingers off to avoid electrocution in a filling water basin he also fails to escape and dies. Banks and Schenk investigate Bozwick's death and Banks recognizes the elaborate trap as the modus operandi of the now deceased Jigsaw Killer. The next day, police Captain Angie Garza assigns Detective Zeke Banks a new partner, idealistic rookie William Schenk. Unable to escape the trap in time, Bozwick is hit by the train and killed. Attacked from behind by a figure wearing a pig mask, Bozwick awakens to find himself suspended by his tongue in an active subway tunnel and is given a choice via recorded message: tear out his tongue and live, or remain until the next train arrives, killing him. ĭuring a Fourth of July parade, off-duty Detective Marv Bozwick chases a thief down a sewer drain pipe. The film received mixed reviews from critics, who praised the franchise's new direction but were divided on whether it had fully succeeded in reinventing it. Originally scheduled to be released in May 2020, Spiral was delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and was theatrically released in the United States on May 14, 2021, by Lionsgate. The rest of the cast joined in July, with filming taking place in Toronto through that month and August. The project was officially announced in May 2019, with Rock polishing a script by Stolberg and Goldfinger. The Spierig Brothers, who directed Jigsaw, were interested in returning for another film but eventually decided against it. Talks of another Saw installment began after the release of Jigsaw in 2017, with Chris Rock wanting to branch out into the horror genre.
#Time spiral series#
The original creators of the series, James Wan and Leigh Whannell, as well as Rock and series veteran Kevin Greutert, serve as executive producers. Jackson, and follows police efforts to stop a Jigsaw copycat killer. The film stars Chris Rock, Max Minghella, Marisol Nichols, and Samuel L. It is the ninth installment and standalone sequel of the Saw film series. 23% of the cards in this subset were common in their previous printing, 40% were uncommon and 37% were rare.Spiral: From the Book of Saw (or simply Spiral or Spiral: Saw) is a 2021 American horror film directed by Darren Lynn Bousman and written by Josh Stolberg and Peter Goldfinger. Below is a list of the timeshifted cards in the Time Spiral set and the last time they were printed, followed by their rarity.
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buckyr00s · 2 years
pairing: Mickey "Fanboy" Garcia x Reader
summary: A Fourth of July celebration is the perfect occasion for his Navy friends to pressure Mickey Garcia into introducing his famous love: you. While his buddies have started calling him Fanboy, he will always be your babyboy.
warnings/tags: Part Two of Call Sign: FANBOY, but I suppose it can be read alone. Fluff and teasing. Cuss words. The minimal use of she/her pronouns. The one use of "ma'am". The use of “Star” as a nickname/term of endearment for the reader.
author's note: If the first part was an appetizer, then get ready for the main course, y'all!! I have to admit that I'm not American so if this is totally not how Fourth of July celebrations go, then...LOL my bad. But anyway, I am so glad to hear that lots of you enjoyed the first fic and want to read more about our beloved, dorky, lovesick Fanboy.
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Ever since his Navy buddies found out about you, they've been hounding Fanboy to meet you. With your influence on his call sign, you became famous at TOPGUN.
When it so happened that students and instructors alike were planning a Fourth of July celebration at the Hard Deck, Mickey "Fanboy" Garcia didn't hear the end of it.
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Weeks--maybe even months--before the day, his friends would plead with him to invite you. Reuben "Payback" Fitch, Mickey's equally charismatic and charming pilot, was especially on his back about it. He was relentless, spending almost every few minutes trying to push his agenda.
Then one day, Mickey finally cracks. “God! Fine, I’ll ask,” he snaps. He watches his pilot’s eyes lit up, his smile wide and filled with mischief. And that is what made Mickey terrified. “Just…don’t be weird about it, okay? Be cool!”
Payback throws his hands up in surrender, clearly trying to stifle the smirk pulling at his lips. “I can be cool. I am cool,” he responds, only to turn towards the aviators around him and shout. “OPERATION STAR IS A-GO.” As the room fills with cheers, Mickey makes a grimace before giving Payback a what-did-I-just-tell-you look. At that moment, Mickey definitely starts to regret some of his life choices.
It's not like he doesn't want to invite you--there's no way he'll miss any opportunity he can get to see you. But, his friends certainly make a good deterrent. With the way they keep teasing him and asking him about you, he can feel in his bones that they'll embarrass the hell out of him in front of you.
Reuben nudges him with his elbow, breaking him out of his spiralling worries. "Call her right now," Payback casually instructs as if he didn't just make the most absurd request to Fanboy.
"What?! Are you insane?" Mickey whisper-yells. "After what you just did?! No, dude!"
Payback sighs, dropping his head low. "Okay, okay! I'm sorry. We're all just so excited to meet her. I'm excited to meet her" he stresses, slowly tugging at Mickey's heart strings. He knows his friend means well and that he's genuine when he says that, but there's a reason by Reuben Fitch earned the call sign he has--he's exceptionally good at pushing people's buttons when he needs to. Mickey's apprehension remains, but when Payback starts doing the most wide-eyed puppy-dog stare, he can't seem to say no.
"I hate you," he expresses through gritted teeth. He begrudgingly pulls out his phone from his pocket, walking to his dorm for more privacy. There's no way he trusts Payback and the room of aviators to not interrupt his call with you. Not after their 'Operation Star' antics.
"YES!" Mickey hears Payback exclaim from a distance. "YES! You're the best! Love you, bro!" He doesn't look back, but he knows Payback is doing a celebratory dance. My God, that man is convincing.
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When you glance at your vibrating phone to see that Mickey is calling, you instinctively furrow your brows. He very rarely calls in the middle of the day, him being busy with flight school and you busy with your endeavours. So, when you answer the phone, you can't help but be worried.
"Hi Star," Mickey blurts. You can practically hear him pacing back and forth. "Sorry to call you in the middle of the day-"
"Hey, no worries. It's good to hear from you. Is everything ok-"
"So, uh...there's this thing that's happening on the Fourth. Everyone's going to the Hard Deck--It's this bar that we all frequently go to. I think you'd like it actually. It's by the beach and everything. Anyway, it's a family and friends event...Drinks, music, barbecue, games. It'll be nice to see you and spend time with you. And my buddies-- They want to meet you. Actually, they won't stop asking me about you. They found that CD I burned for you and--"
"Mickey, baby, take a second," you interrupt. "As much as I find your rambling insanely adorable, I need you to slow down."
The line goes quiet. And then, he takes a deep breath. "Yeah. Yeah, you're right," you can hear that beautiful smile of his, instantly softening your anxious heart. "Let's start over," he proposes.
"Okay," you say, biting your lip to try and stop yourself from smiling like an idiot in love. "Hi Mickey. It's so good to hear your voice. How is everything?"
"Everything's okay. I'm okay," he trails off. You imagine he's looking at his shoes, his feet pivoting. He often does that when he's nervous because it helps him release some of his excess energy. "I miss you, Star," he admits in the most sincere voice, making your chest tighten.
"I miss you too, baby," smiling as wide as humanly possible. At this point, you don't care how lovesick you probably look. "Now what was that about me coming to see you?"
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After making plans, the two of you take a few minutes to catch up before ending the call, understanding that you both have things to attend to.
Mickey plops onto his bed, staring at the ceiling. He honestly doesn't know how to feel. Talking to you always brightens his day and knowing that he'll be seeing you--that he'll be holding you--in the near future has him buzzing. But then he remembers that his friends will also be there. That they'll probably make it their mission to turn him as red as a tomato. And with plans set, all he can do now is brace himself.
A few minutes pass and he figures it's about time he gets up and continues his day. So, he kicks his legs up, standing from the bed and heading out into the hallway.
"Well..." Payback, who is leaning against the wall across Mickey's dorm, prompts.
"She'll be there" Fanboy discloses casually as he walks passed his friend, who follows behind him.
"YES!" Payback exclaims with a clap. This stops Fanboy dead in his tracks. He turns around, squinting his eyes and giving the other man a pointed look.
In an instant, Reuben knows his WSO is being absolutely serious. Despite his own excitement, he simmers down.
"Just promise me you won't scare her off when you meet her," Mickey pleads.
"Pilot's honour" Payback replies, placing one hand on his heart and holding three fingers up with the other.
With that, Fanboy turns back and walks off. "Don't make me regret this, Payback."
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With a busy schedule of your own, the only time you are able to book a day to travel is on the Fourth of July itself.
"Are you sure you don't want me to come pick you up" Mickey clarified. "No, I'm okay, baby. Thank you. You've got so much to do that day. I'll just meet you there," you insisted. "Okay," he responded apprehensively. You were right, but he still wanted to pick you up from the airport. He wanted to savour every moment he could with you. He wanted to share the latest playlist he made for you on the drive to the Hard Deck. He wanted to be alone with you before all the chaos ensues. "Get out of the handsome head of yours, love," you chuckled, knowing all too well that he has the tendency to retreat into his mind. Your sweet babyboy.
The moment you drive up to the beach in your rental car, you feel the joyful, positive energy. By the time you get there, the afternoon sun already beared the brunt of its heat. While it is still bright and shining, the sun kisses--rather than scorches--your skin. Laughter sprinkles the upbeat music in the background in the most delightful way. The smell of the charcoal grill filled the air. Everything feels absolutely perfect.
Before heading into the Hard Deck where you agreed to meet Mickey, you take a few minutes to yourself. Walking towards the shore, you stare out into the water. The sounds of commotion around you fade as you focus on the waves, ebbing and flowing.
In that moment, you think about your sweet Mickey. About how when you first met him, your were taken back in how confident he seemed. Your ears fixated on his smooth voice. Your eyes trained on his dashing smile and his kissable lips. You think about what it was like when he was first trying to impress you; when he began to court you. And after all these years you've been together, he still acts as if he's trying to earn your heart--as if he didn't already have it.
Said heart leaps at the sound of his voice. You eagerly turn around to see Mickey, stood before you in disbelief. His eyebrows are knitted together and his mouth is open as if he can't decide if you're really there or if his eyes are deceiving him.
"You said you'd be here around 3 and it's..." he pauses to check his wrist watch. "27 past now, so I came out here to see if you got lost or something."
"I got here at 2:52," you tell him, visualizing the time displayed on your rental car as you parked. "I wanted to take a second to admire the view..." you trail, your head turning back to the water. Did you really just stand there for that long?
"Never mind that. Come here," Mickey smiles. Without another second to waste, you run and jump into his arms, wrapping your legs securely around his waist. Catching you effortlessly, he holds you tightly and twirls. "God, I missed this. I missed you."
You pull away to study him up close. You run your fingers along the hair on the back neck, mourning the gorgeous wavy hair he buzzed off when he entered the Navy. Your hands then settle on his cheekbones, thumbs gently smoothing his skin. You take the time to scan his face for any new bumps, bruises, scratches, scars, and wrinkles--he often acquired new tiny injuries; a mixture of clumsiness and an overestimation of his invincibility. And then, you shut off your brain and just allow yourself to stare.
Mickey rubs your back during all of it. He watches you watch him, savouring every second. But when he remembers they can't actually stay there for the rest of the day, he decides to speak up. "Do I have barbecue sauce," he laughs.
This makes you grin. Your silly babyboy. "Just updating my memory of my handsome lover," you respond, making him slightly flustered at the smooth compliment.
"You'll have more time for that later tonight," he smirks, lightly patting your bum before putting you down. "But for now, there's a bunch of jerks in the Hard Deck eagerly waiting to meet you."
"Lead the way, baby"
"Yes ma'am."
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The Hard Deck is a lively bar. Everywhere you look, someone is having a good time. Mickey is pulling you along to the far end, toward some very tall and very fit men and women in uniform casually sipping beer and playing pool.
One particularly tall and fit man is leaned against the pool table, lining up his shot. However, when his eyes land on Mickey and then on you, he stands up straight. He smiles widely, showing off his perfect teeth. You can see him open his mouth to say something, but closes it a second later.
As you both stop in front of the pool table, you feel Mickey squeeze your hand. Without saying a word, he tells you that he's got you and that he loves you.
Mickey clears his throat, eyes scanning his group of friends. To say he is nervous is an understatement. "Guys," he starts. "This is Star. Star, these are my guys."
While most of his friends silently smile and wave at you, the tall man with the perfect teeth makes his way towards you. "Sorry I'm late," you say to everyone. "I had my head in the clouds."
"That's something you both have in common, then," the man laughs. "It's so nice to me finally meet you, Star. Your Mickey, here, talks about you all the time," he beams, holding out his hand for you to shake. "I'm--"
"Payback?" you cut him off to his surprise. "He's told me a lot about you too," you confess, rejecting his hand and opening your arms out instead.
He looks down at you with a smile and a look of disbelief before opening his own arms and accepting your hug. Turning his head towards Mickey, you hear him say, "Oh we're going to get along nicely."
This makes you chuckle. Mickey is right--Payback is funny. Before you both pull away, you get on your tippy toes, lowering your voice so that only Payback can hear. "Thanks for keeping him safe."
He gives your arm a firm squeeze in response before releasing you from his grip. The friendly smile returns to his face as he turns to Mickey. "Be a doll, Mickey, and get the love of your life a beverage."
Mickey glares as him in suspicion as the man blinks at him innocently. Grabbing Mickey's hand and squeezing it, you reassure him. "I'll be okay," you insist. And with that, he makes his way toward the bartender.
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A few minutes later, Mickey comes back with two drinks in hand. His heart drops a little, though, when he notices that the previously occupied pool table has now been abandoned. And then a familiar chorus of laughter makes him turn. Oh no. Quickly, he follows the source of the noise: a booth in the corner of the bar. There, he finds his friends seated around you, Payback's long arms comfortably slung around the back of the booth
"And here's the man of the hour" Payback announces, everyone including you looking up at him with wide grins.
"You didn't" Mickey sneers.
"Oh, I did, Fanboy" Payback singing his call sign.
"You dick! You promised," Mickey groans. You stand up then, weaving your way towards him.
"I promised that we wouldn't scare her off when I met her. Well, we met. And now we're practically best friends," Payback shrugs.
You look at his pilot with a friendly, but warning smile. One that says "we're definitely friends, but ease up." And he understood instantly, giving both of you a sincere--maybe even apologetic--smile.
"Sorry about them," Mickey sighs, looking at you like a wounded puppy.
You wrap your arounds around his neck, pulling him into a tight embrace. Pulling away, you look lovingly into his eyes. "Don't be. They're great. And you're cute. My sweet babyboy."
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author's note: listen, fanboy is a sweet babyboy!!! no one can tell me otherwise. hope you enjoyed the fic and i hope this character and danny ramirez start to get the love they deserve on this website! I also hope that I didn't make Payback come across as a total a-hole. Because that isn't my intention at all. Def open to comments and feedback!
⚡ @hueanhdang
⚡ @lilisangel
⚡ @blakebearsblog
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ohtobeleah · 1 year
If dot could handle it I would love for her to go back and curse her “dad” out
I think it would be when she’s much older. Like much much older. Like maybe when she’s getting married and is going through a little identity crisis again because she’s decided to change her last name to Fitch and it just sends her into a little spiral. Nothing she can’t control.
“You took everything from her and she still managed to find someone who loves her unconditionally.” She’s sitting across from her biological dad who’s been rotting away in prison for years. No visitors, no chance of parole. He’ll die there.
“All I ever did was love your mother—“ Jaidyn’s still delusional. There’s a chemical in-balance that truly makes him believe he’s the one who gave you everything he had and you just left like a whore.
“What you did to her wasn’t love, it was torture.” Dots strong enough now to know what the man sitting across from her is capable of. “You’re a murderer, an abuser—and I just wanted you to know that she didn’t let what you did ruin her.”
“Why are you here Odette?” She’s still in her flight suit, she drove straight from work, hours felt like seconds as they passed her by and before Dot knew it she was at the prison. Jaidyn hates the patch that sits above her heart:
Lieutenant Bradshaw.
“Because I wanted you to know that I’m not a product of your hate.”
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dwter · 2 years
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c!dream — the spiral & birth of a false god
richard siken / luis de morales / alejandra pizarnik / the living tombstone / derek overfield / marina / janet fitch / jen mazza / blaze paul neubert / mother mother / unknown / unknown
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