Admiral Halley
726 posts
Admiral Halley Kiraviem, commanding officer of the EMV Luxor, head of the Science Team.
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halleyatfacetroid · 7 years ago
*Halley stands at the helm of the Luxor, merely looking at a zoomed-in image of the screen before him showing the metallic core of Tourian surrounded by pink growths, stretching out toward massive spikes that surround the structure. Ezekiel stands beside him, staring along with him in silence. Finally, Limaçon breaks the silence in the semi crowded room.*
Limaçon: Haven’t we been here before?
*Halley and Ezekiel look over at him.*
Halley: Hm? Limaçon: Phaaze being corrupted by stuff? Doesn’t this seem familiar? Halley: Yeah, but... this is different. This isn’t just another strain of phazon, and this is all Mother Brain’s doing. Which means Dark Samus gave her permission to do this. Limaçon: So that alliance really is becoming official. Halley: No, that’s the thing. Mother Brain is eating her planet, and she’s okay with it. I’m... I’m watching Dark Samus relinquish power to Mother, and I have to say, I’ve been waiting for this for years. Ezekiel: ... What? You hesitated to place yourself under Mother Brain’s command. Halley: No no, that came out wrong. It’s just... Dark Samus could be her own downfall. Her obsession with Mother Brain might just lead her to forfeit all her power. And I don’t like Mother, but I’m much happier to work under her than to work under Svychx. Mother Brain is at least rational and focused, but Dark Samus is like a... crazy, self-obsessed pretend god. Limaçon: You’re really starting to like Mother Brain, aren’t you?
*Halley merely mutters in response*
Halley: ... Shut it.
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halleyatfacetroid · 8 years ago
I’d have to ask Ezekiel where he got his, because I have no idea how he came across it. But he loves that gun, and he makes a lot of his own shells, he showed me some of them. I was already going to authorize further research on his system. ... Dare I ask why you’d be looking into this?
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halleyatfacetroid · 8 years ago
Oh, yeah. That was Ezekiel’s creation. He has this practically ancient shotgun, and uses different kinds of shells with it. He files it all under an experimental weaponry license, but I’ve been interested in that ingstorm one too, ever since he used it to subdue Dark Samus. He said it was a genetically modified version that was contained and couldn’t spread, but the fact that he didn’t even tell me about it was sort of frightening. Although, to be fair... He is pretty frightening. He served under Cathxra, after all. ... Rambling again. I do that a lot.
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halleyatfacetroid · 8 years ago
*Halley takes the call an his personal communicator and steps out of the bridge as he answers.*
Your authorizations shouldn’t have changed since the shift. Now I think it’s just another level of oversight. Speaking of which, I think that whole thing is just Svychx trying to get back at me by forcing me to help her and Mother Brain. I’m just glad I have a Vice Admiral who understands this crap, because I sure don’t. I’m a scientist, first and foremost. ... Sorry, what was it you needed?
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halleyatfacetroid · 8 years ago
Halley: Uhh... I want to know what that money's for first.
*He closes the channel, then looks over toward Ezekiel.*
Ezekiel: It is just as the secretary reports. Frequent, moderately sized transactions from Pendragon. I cannot discern a purpose yet.
Limaçon: You're really complaining about money?
Halley: It doesn't feel right.
*Ezekiel nods slightly toward the Admiral*
Ezekiel: I believe you're wise to make that judgement. I'll keep searching.
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halleyatfacetroid · 8 years ago
Halley: I'll send some of my crew for that. But why the credits? I don't remember sending them anything...
*Ezekiel begins doing a series of hand motions, making a quiet metallic sound as the rings on his glove brush against each other, causing his visor to search through logs*
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halleyatfacetroid · 8 years ago
Halley: Sure, fine, whatever.
Ezekiel: You authorize a major shipment of controlled materials with no information about its purpose?
Halley: Well, it's not like I'm dumb enough to try and screw up Mother Brain's plans. I don't even know why Dark Samus gave me control over Tourian's research. That's basically giving me the power to screw with both her AND Mother Brain. I don't know, maybe it's a revenge thing. Basically force me to help her under threat of treason.
Ezekiel: Is that distressing?
Halley: I only care about the research now. Everything else is pointless.
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halleyatfacetroid · 8 years ago
*Ezekiel walks onto the bridge of the Luxor, holding a datapad with Dark Samus's log on it.*
Ezekiel: I presume you read the proclamation?
Halley: Don't call it that, that makes it sound like holy writ.
Ezekiel: She does meet the criteria for being considered a god.
Halley: Whatever. I'm at least glad I'm not being hunted by Mother Brain anymore.
*Ezekiel holds his hands behind him, looking toward Limaçon.*
Limaçon: Tourian requests Zebetite. Also they're calling you.
Halley: Fine.
*He looks toward his wrist-mounted communicator*
Halley: This is Admiral Halley...
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halleyatfacetroid · 8 years ago
*Halley is visibly startled when he hears Dark Samus's voice, and rapidly turns to face her with panic in his eyes. Limaçon moves a hand to his gun, but doesn't draw it* Halley: Yes? I mean, we're still just learning about it, so... *He looks back out the main window, then toward Svychx again.* Halley: Why is Tourian here?
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halleyatfacetroid · 8 years ago
*Halley is about to speak, but merely pauses as he listens to the background noise of flesh being ripped apart*
Halley: Uhh... no, I think... Phaaze is... uhh... ... Fine. Yeah. Thank you.
*Halley closes the channel, looking over at his glass of geemer wine, taking it in hand as he looks over at Limaçon*
Halley: Do you... know how this stuff is made? Limaçon: No, but I’ve heard it’s best not to know.
*Halley merely emits a sound of disgust as he puts the glass back down*
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halleyatfacetroid · 8 years ago
*Halley sits on the bridge of the Luxor, staring out at the glowing horizon of Phaaze as he reclines in his chair, sipping geemer wine occasionally. He is only one of three occupants, and as such, the room is quiet and calm, at least until Limaçon speaks*
Limaçon: Uhh... Halley?
*He looks up toward the other Pirate, who merely points out the window toward the sight of a Leviathan heading back toward Phaaze, with a gargantuan metal orb in its grasp. Halley freezes for a moment, then sits upright, moving toward his control panel to set down his glass and focus the ship’s main screen on the anomaly*
Halley: Well, that didn’t help my confusion at all. Honestly I’m more confused as to why a Leviathan is headed toward Phaaze.
Limaçon: Silver Phazon?
Halley: Hell if I know.
*After a moment he sends a message to Tourian command*
Halley: There is an unauthorized craft heading toward Phaaze with an unknown object... even though the craft is a Leviathan... should the Luxor allow this craft to land?
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halleyatfacetroid · 9 years ago
*Celum looks up at the Chairman, then back toward Cynthia* There are... other people that care, you know. I... mmnh. I just want to... help. So I can live again...
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halleyatfacetroid · 9 years ago
*Celum looks back toward the Chairman with eyes filled with life, suddenly. Even the obscured face behind his gray visor shows something akin to curiosity... or hope*
You.. know Admiral Halley? I-I mean.. sure, you probably do, you’re the leader of the Federation and he’s an Admiral but... ... Well I’ve never really heard of him killing anyone. But also I’m one of his two children. He sent me back in time...
*He looks away, the dejected part of his personality taking hold once more*
I wish I could go back, but I can’t. I switched over to this timeline, and.. everything’s different and I just...
*He slams his fist against the door in anger, then, promptly realizing what he just did, freezes somewhat as he looks toward it*
... I just make everything worse, don’t I.
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halleyatfacetroid · 9 years ago
*Following the recognizable sound of a spacetime distortion, Celum turns on his arm panel, folding a piece out to form a larger but thin, transparent screen. A radar seems to show up, and a colored blob shows up beside him. He taps it, and data scrolls up beside it in the pirate language*
Location is nearby... Time is... a couple years ago. Two or three.
What’s significant about then?
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halleyatfacetroid · 9 years ago
*Despite being nervous and fidgety, Celum stays by the Chairman’s side, considering he’s one of the only people who knows about his time adventures in some form or another*
This? P-probably about as much as you do. All I know is Cynthia’s been time traveling to stop... something with Reivia. But yes, I’m from the future. A... different future. ... *He lets out a quiet, dismal sigh*
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halleyatfacetroid · 9 years ago
*Celum takes a step back toward the door when Ceil starts listening in as well*
You... believe me? That... I... Travel through time?
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halleyatfacetroid · 9 years ago
*Celum, thoroughly startled by the Chairman, takes a few steps back*
I... ah... Please, I’m just... Trying... to help...
*He looks away in dismay that shows even through his black visor*
C...cynthia. To...
*He takes a deep breath, clearly nervous*
I want to help Cynthia help Reivia. Ah- Administrator Mara.
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