#fisrt case
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crisicsgames · 8 months ago
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roxannepolice · 4 months ago
Just a meta vent for all the bad takes I've seen about the Master, and especially Saxon Master (and still trying to get my ass to work on my thesis, but! it looks like I'm getting another article published so yey, ranting about the raccoon works!!!)
So yeah, this is me, ranting about why I think the reintroduction of the Master into NuWho was absolutely brilliant in s3 and what hot takes I've seen about the way it's been done on da Internet. I'm putting this under a cut, because, weeell, comparing Masters and Doctors, and even companions(!) turns into a kind of beauty paegant that has little to do with how well the author's thought got translated into the final product, AND I GET IT! People have favourites! That's fine! Yes, there's a level at which I just think Tennant and Simm look cute together*! But for full disclosure, they weren't my fisrt thoschei - I watched ALL the stuff I could from classic Who online and decided they're married when Threegado had to actively stop each other from shaking hands in The Sea Devils. Which is why it hurts me all the more when mah twinks get framed as they betrayal of the dynamic.
*But let's be honest, the aesthetical aspect is very much part of the course. Jon Pertwee and Roger Delgado might not exactly look the same, but the outfits do ooze that same 70s two ends of the queer spectrum feel, and this carried over to Anthony Ainley's harem and Paul McGann and Eric Roberts. Picking two white twinks with different shades of brown hair and eyes and rectangular vs. round faces was a conscious choice, as was picking a witchy looking woman in a victorian outfit to match a wizardy looking man in old time-y outfit, both with striking blue yes, as was juxtaposing a light blonde white woman in light outfit with a brown dark haired man in a dark outfit (why. Chibs WHY not go with Whittaker's beautiful natural hair colour unless to underline just how much the reyesque champion of light your Doctor is and cause confusion as to how regeneration works). But anyway.
I think the primary issue I take with complaints about Simm's Master is the idea that he was somehow a hard break from classic who Masters. And yes, RTD definitely went a much more unhinged manic energy way than the more controlled Original and Tremas regenerations, he admits it himself (all of this is very much influenced by me watching DW confidential). And yes, that's absolutely the case! But that's the natural result of making the Doctor, both the Eccleston and Tennant faces, much more unhinged and manic than in the classic era. Whether you frame it watsonianly as the result of the Time War, or doylistly as the result of the way television changed as a medium with the development of home cinema systems and general social shift after the end of cold war (that's me, btw, hello, McLuhan's ghost keeps possessing me), it's up to you, but the point is, if you want to maintain the two sides of the same coin energy, you have to match your earlier choices. So, no, in my opinion this wasn't a hard break from classicWho Masters, but rather cutting through all the aesthetic overgrowth to the essense of the character. Digging down to the core of the character, so to speak. Yes, Saxon Master acts in a misogyinistc manner, which wasn't there before. But that's the natural result of involving the Doctor in explicitly romantic relationships! The flip side of explicit heterosexual attraction is the othering of the "opposite" for lack of the better word sex and when your focus is in domination YOU ARE GOING TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF WHATEVER POWER IMBALANCES THE SOCIETY PROVIDES YOU WITH!! And that extends to your aesthetics going more in the direction of a noir unhinged gangster villain than a queer coded Bond villain (srsly those of you who don't get where Simm!Master's quirks come from NEED to watch White Heat with James Cagney). Like, srsly, 90% of complaints about the way the Master has changed from classic Who to Saxon is the way politics have changed from cold war "my empire is better than yours but end of the day we're going to be courteous so we don't blow each other up" to post-politics "vote for me, I'm sexy and can make you sexy too" framework of the latest fin de siecle.
But this kind of cuts down to what it the essence and what is incidental. Politeness of classic Who can be traced back to noblesse oblige that was in place in 70s and 80s. But end of of the day, it was just an epiphenomenon of the main axis of power: class. In the merry world of identity politics, it's going to be gender and race. It's all about power relations, though.
Which sort of, very abstractly, relates to the handling of mental illness in NuWho Masters. Now, the yell of "you're insane!" as a general "dude, you're not making any sense :/" has been there in classic Who alright, but this has definitely become more pronounced in NuWho, starting from Saxon possibly because the idea politics involve some element of savoir vivrve has become dismissed as political in its own right rather than giving basic directions in unknown situations but hushhhh. I think the general framing of the Master as "just" needing to "hear the music" (yeah, I hate this line, is it a metaphor Steven? if so, of what?) or generally reconciling with the Doctor, because that's "what the Master really wants is to be loved" is very much rooted in the sort of... Frommian psychoanalysis of society. I would actually argue Fromm is very much present in spirit throughout all of the more refelctive aspects of Doctor Who, the Doctor themself is very much a Frommian hero, classic and new alike, which is great! Seriously, so many of Fromm's reflections cut so deep to the core of many social issues, and I think Escape from freedom has become particularly up-to-date recently, unfortunately. And I think this relates to the general trend in moral philosphy to go from ethical judgement to psyhcological understanding, which is absolutely great as far as realy life is concerned! Yes, if you actually want to prevent violent crimes instead of just reestabslishing social sense of justice through punishment, understanding where the idea to hurt somebody comes from is the way to go! Except... I don't think it's the best way to go when it comes to fiction. Like, fiction is all about putting people in situations. The situation kind of comes before the personality, if you get my drift. There can be aesthetical choices depending on whether you've made your character more decisive or indecisive, but end of the day, you chose to put the character in a situation where they find out their father has been murdered. This, I think, is the bedrock distinction between character relatability and resonance. Can we all relate to Hamlet? Not neccessarily, perhaps you relate to Laertes more. But can we all put ourselves in the situation where we find out something horrible and are called to act upon it? Yes.
Have I drifted off? Maybe.
But my point is, I would say the way in which RTD handled Simm!Master's "insanity" has less to do with any psychological diagnosis that the vague "insanity" of Ophelia, King Lear or Goethe's Gretchen. It's not something that can be "healed", it's the fundamental shine on you crazy diamond mephistophelian elan vital that in real world psychological therapy is redirected in ways that are constructive both for the individual and their surroundings. But in fiction? It's not to be healed. It's the essential driving force, The jester, who’s most lightly weighted. Man’s energies all too soon seek the level, He quickly desires unbroken slumber, So I gave him you to join the number, To move, and work, and play the devil.
Go home, Roxanne, you're drunk, go cry to another fic of the psyche mourning eros.
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lar-arts · 2 months ago
You said you have more info on Xelqua and Watchers
More info
You see me? See these tears in my eyes? thank you for asking
Okay. In case you might need a refreshment, this is what my Xelqua looks like
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Watchers dont really have forms, not ones that can be seen by players at least (they live in the space between servers, where no player is ever able to see them) so they are just,,, these things.
Xelqua in particular has this kinda star/sun shaped "head", because I'm a sucker for sun/star symbolism when it comes to Grian, but also because it's his distinctive (not all watchers have forms that distinguish them from the rest, but G does)
(What happens when he burns out? Will he go supernova and become a black hole, destroy everything around him?
Doesn't he do that already?)
The reason Xelqua is known as the guide and the light amongst watchers and those who know of them is because when he is actively watching a server, he manifests as the brightest star in the sky. During the day he just blends with the sun, but at night he can be seen by normal players. He tends to act like Polaris does here, as a guide to those who wander and need direction. Thus, the guide.
(I like to think that when he gets to hc6 there is a point, and this may be months into the season, when he is either alone or with another hermit looking at the stars. And there is this moment when he sees himself from the perspective of a player for the fisrt time, he sees that light in the sky that is shining just a bit brighter than the rest, and is hit with- something. Like looking into a mirror for the first time, he recognizes himself as a watcher and as a player that is looking straight at him. If he had a mouth, he'd smile.)
The eyes (and this goes for every watcher) get more abstract the farther away they are from the main "body". Again, no one can see this, but it means that their sight is more limited the further away from them it is, and not as noticeable by players who know what to look for.
When Xelqua decides that being a watcher is neat and all, but it has been a long while and he'd like to be able to play again, it very much works as if he was playing minecraft, just better. He can feel things as a player does, needs to sleep and eat and drink water, but nothing really affects him, you know? We make our characters in mc eat and rest because otherwise it will die and be forced to respawn, but there is nothing at stake for us, we can step away anytime and come back the same. The same goes for Grian.
I could go forever I think about the implications of all this but this is the lore I have firmly written down! (for now) (if anyone wants to ask me about something more specific I'll be glad to answer) Thank you so much for asking i am kissing you on the mouth
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kajaono · 1 year ago
BBC Sherlock taking John and Sherlock’s relationship for granted creates a rift in the narrative
I have already pointed out in previous post how disappointed I was that John and Sherlock relationship never developed, in a way it should and would have been justified by the narrative
In this point I want to look at how their relationship started and how this was already created the first problems. This review contains multiple spoilers for other Sherlock Holmes shows.
When John and Sherock meet for the fisrt time in ASIP they immediatley start working together.
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No hesitation. They both went full in, from minute one onwards. This is a nice way of showing how well John and Sherlock work together, and that they think alike. But on the other hand it feels like Mofftiss took the relationship for granted and said: "These are John and Sherlock. Of course they work perfectly which each other. We do not have to talk about that."
But imo that was TOO fast. There is no conflict. They never have time to discuss where they stand in this relationship. And because Mofftiss pretend, that they work perfectly together, from minute one onwards - even though they just met - it is hard to further develop their relationship from here on. Because it is already perfect. You would need something really big to happen for them to redefine their roles in this relationship. We kind of had that in season 4, but we knew how messy that went. And there was never a TALK after that. Thats also a main problem in this show. John and Sherlock never really talk. It is John who often sits down and talks and Sherlock is not listening. Of course the relationship is developing, but the show never uses its whole potential.
So what would have been a better way of handling their first meeting? A first meeting that allows them to naturelly grow into the relationship... and further develop their relationship?
Yeah I am gonna drag Elementary into this again. BBC Sherlock and Elementray share a really similar set up. They meet each other for the first time, and immeditaly move in and start solving cases together. But Elemenetary gives John and Sherlock time to grow into the relastionship.
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This moment defines the Joanlock relationship imo. It shows that Joan is ready to confront Sherlock and call out his bullshit, that Sherlock listens and is effected by what Joan thinks and says, that Sherlock still has a lot of work to do. AND - most importantly - that a Johnlock relationship takes effort and is nothing that you can take for granted.
And this show was on air for 7 seasons, with 22 episodes each. Nevertheless the relationship was developing the whole time. In future seasons they are recalling their first meeting, honoring how much they have grown.
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Resulting in:
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gif by: @marlahey
This is something we never got in BBC Sherlock. We never saw them honoring the growth they made, recalling their first meeting, and having a satisifying conculsion, aka: "I love you" (in what way doesn't matter btw. The Joanlock moment wasn't romantic either).
Of course you could agrue now: "But Elementary did had the time for stuff like that, BBC Sherlock only had 4 seasons, with 3 episodes each."
So let us look at The Irregulars next:
This show starts as a usual crime detective show... with a supernatural twist. But slowly you learn that the core point of the show is the relationship between Sherlock Holmes and John Watson.
The show is set years after Holmes and Watsons first meeting. Actually when we first meet John his relationship with Sherlock is over already, broken and ruined. Later we - the viewer - get multiple flashback scene, showing us how they first met, how their relationship developed, and why they are not talking with each other anymore, resulting in this glorious moment:
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But the show doesn't stop there, it even goes further and shows us how John and Sherlock slowly get closer to each other again. Sitting in the dark, discussing their relationship, the mistakes they made and most important: apologizing.
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Still angry at Netflix for cancelling the show.
Of Course we also have other approaches. RDJ Sherlock.
Like BBC Sherlock it leans much more into Crime aspect of the story. But the story still centers around Holmes and Watsons relationship. When we first meet them they have been together long, probably for years. They are already settled in their relationship. They both know their roles in this relationship and they both feel comfortable with it. They behave like an old married couple. And when they fight, it is never serious. The first real problems erupt when Watson decides to marry. And thats the whole core problem of the first movie: Watson moving out of 221B to marry a woman and how Holmes deals with that. He develops from more or less boycotting the marriage to accepting it and gifting Mary and Watson a ring.
The second movie is him trying to accept that his love of his life best friend is married now and trying to solve cases on his own, without Watson. Eventually sacrificing his own life to safe Watson AND Mary. So even though the movies are crime movies, the Johnlock relationship is still the heart of the story.
If the movies wouldn't focus on the Johnlock relationship, the story would be a different one.
Many Johnlock moments in the movies are non-verbal, so excuse the extensive use of gifs here. But there is so much happening on a non-verbal level!
For example the wedding, which is a huge Johnlock moment. John being super nervous before his wedding and you see that Holmes is not happy either, but he still nods, letting Watson know that it is okay and that Watson is making the right decision.
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But nevertheless he has to look away when Mary and Watson kiss. The message is clear here. He isn't happy, he is sad because he is loosing the most important person in his life.
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Then we have moments like this, (see below) where - during a moment of danger - they cling to each other, making sure the other one is safe. Not being afraid of physical contact. This is something I was also missing in BBC sherlock btw. Physical they always made sure to stay away from each other. When they hugged it was like... a big thing. Which - set in modern times - felt a little bit off. Because in contrast to Miss Sherlock (see below) Holmes was never shown to be actively against physical contact. I wish the production team would have allowed more friendly touches. I mean... ACD Johnlock walks around arm-in-arm and John gets nervous everytime Holmes comes close, because "poeple might talk." Nah...
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I think A game of shadows, peaked when Watson and Holmes danced. Because it shows that they have a deep connection. They came from a place where they acted like an old married couple, then being all nervous because of the Watson/Marry wedding, having to re-identify their relationship towards each other, to this finale dance, where - symbolically- they are a couple again. Everything came full circle. It is like: No matter what happens around Watson and Holmes, they will always find their way back to each other. They will always be the center of the story. It will always be them against the rest of the world, no matter what. No excuses.
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But acually, the adaptation most close to BBC Sherlock is Miss Sherlock. I mean... it was basically a female japanese copy of BBC Sherlock.
But still... it improved a lot of things. When Sherlock and Wato (Watson) first meet they really can not stand each other. This Sherlock is also rude, but it is really clear that she is on the autism spectrum. She gets overhelmed by too much light and by loud noises. She is really against phyisal contact.
And the most beautiful thing about this adaptation: It knows that in the end Watson will always be Sherlocks weakness. It will not say: "Don't try to drown in the well. Good luck. I am off hugging my sister." (season 4 shade). In Miss Sherlock the finale conflict is: Watson being manipulated to work against Sherlock. Showing, that in the end, it all boils down to their relationship again. And this adaptation wrote a scene that is just.. chef kiss!
When Wato is around, Sherlock is all grumpy towards her. But during the finale Wato is kidnapped. And the show gives us a short look into one of Sherlocks most private moments. The moment she realizes that Wato is kidnapped. A moment where Sherlock is completly alone. And we see a honest and extremly vunerable moment. This one:
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Sherlock screaming Watos name in agony. Knowing that she NEEDS Wato. And then she goes and risks everything to save Wato. EVERYTHING!
Her reputation and her life. She is even ready to be killed by Wato.
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So what am I trying to say? That BBC Johnlock has no relationship development? That there isn't any trust between them? Nope, course not.
We see John and Sherlock growing into the relationship, we see Sherlock getting softer because of John, we see John healing because of Sherlock and on the other hand we see Sherlock opening up, telling Watson whats really on his mind. Trying to be a better human, being more social. But imo that should have been the plot of idk... the first season, maybe the second one. Because thats just the beginning. A Johnlock relationship is so mch deeper, holds so much more story potential. Yeah, John and Sherlock belong to ecah other and are good for each other. We know that! Is Sherlock ready to confess his (plantonic) love for Watson by the end of the show? Is Watson so jealous of Sherlocks love interest that he opens a rift in the universe? Is Sherlock having a break down, screaming out Watsons name in agony? I don't want to see John being replaced by a balloon in season 4 (!) and it is played for a joke. Their relationship should be so so so much deeper at that point. For me BBC Sherlock felt like, they stop mid-relationship-development. It feels like Mofftiss said: "John and Sherlock work well with each other and are best friend. What else is there to say?" SO! MUCH! MORE!
They had all this potential, and went nowhere with it. And i don't necessarily mean romantically btw. Eveen Hilson drove into the sunset together eventually...
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cleaningupbottleswithu · 10 months ago
i was listing to “so high school” today and couldn’t stop thinking about this one line…
“You knew what you wanted and boy, you got her”
the entire song is written in the fisrt person perspective (“i know aristotle”, “i’m sinking” etc), so why would she suddenly change it to the third person? why didn’t she sing “you got me”
i think the “she” is not referring to actual her (real Taylor) but her media image - how media see her as the perfect straight american sweetheart. as this song is obliviously about bearding and a satire on the pr relationship she and travis are it makes perfect sense because there’s nothing between travis and real Taylor. he doesn’t have real Taylor (narrator), he only has some “her” which media shows.
furthermore, “he knew what he wanted”: why was he sure he was going to get it? it doesn’t matter, he (=his pr team) just wanted the media Taylor, the image which can be altered to play whatever role (in this case the american sweetheart) needed.
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child0feden · 5 months ago
Which fisrt word do u think the kids from your dad! stories would say? I imagine the twins saying something super weird as the first word lol
oh my goshhh, this is such a cute question! argh, i love getting questions related to the dad au works so much, they are just so adorable and i love them all… now i am thinking of making a little mini post about what their names are and their appearances in my head too but i don’t know if you guys would want that… if you do, let me know! i might just make it anyways hehe
dad! øystein was absolutely trying to make both of your twin girls say “ coca-cola ” for their first words as a joke… then one of them, your girl who is already a major daddys girl, actually does came out and said it for her first word… well, she tried her absolute best to say it though it came out more like “ co-ah coo-luh ” but that was more than close enough for øystein and he could not stop laughing for days about how absolutely perfect it was! all whilst you were just beyond shocked that he actually managed to make one of your twins say a damn sugary drink brand that they could not even drink yet for their first word instead of “ mama ” or “ dada ” i mean seriously?! you carried her and her sister for so long in your stomach, put up with so much pain and mood swings for her and she says that as her first word?! he makes her say that for her first word?! but you certainly could not stay baffled and upset for long at all before joining him in his laughter and realising just how humorous the whole situation is… he tells everyone about it wether they ask about her first word or not, it becomes a staple story for him to tell at every event and it is never forgotten, even when she reaches her much older years and he is beyond proud when she turns out to love coca-cola as much as he does, just as he knew she would! she would have to love coca-cola with it being her literal first word and all… but luckily for you, your other twin girl who is a major mamas girl ends up just saying “ mama ” for her first word! øystein pretends to be just so disappointed in her, tutting whilst you get excited and pepper her rosy red cheeks with soft kisses, holding your other girl in his arms whilst shaking his head towards her and telling her she should have stuck to the “ coca-cola pact ” whatever that is… but he is not actually disappointed, obviously not! he is quick to take her from you arms when your shower of love and praise towards her is over, quick to hold both her and her sister against his chest whilst planing a kiss to her head and telling her how good that was as her small hands grasp at his long dyed black hair…
dad! bård has an extremely quiet baby with you… she barely ever even cried all that much when she was a newborn and even when she did cry, she was really quick to quiet down within just seconds of being lifted into your or her fathers arms… so yeah, your daughter with bård would have a case of a baby not saying their first word for a whileee… like, a pretty long while! she just does not say a word! she barely even makes a peep… she is quiet as a church mouse, only letting out quiet squeaks and hums but never even attempting to say an actual word no matter how much you and bård tried to goad her on, no matter how much you and bård tried to tempt her and guide her to say something easy… bård was definitely pretty nervous and afraid that there was something wrong with her after she still was not saying her first word months after she should have! he was scared that maybe she was sick or somehow in pain and she wanted to speak but could not manage it… he was just so beyond worried! you and her doctor had to reassure him many times that she was perfectly fine! telling him that some babies just take longer than others and she certainly is not in any pain! when the first word finally came out of her mouth, it wasn’t just one word, oh no… it was beyond random and out of the blue, completely unprompted as bård held her on his hip whilst showing her his drums and talking to her about how he will teach her to play when she is older and then, then just as he turns around and goes to leave his small practice room… in a quiet and upset babble out of her mouth comes “ papa, i want! ” all whilst she made grabby hands towards his drums! to say he fell into a state of silent shock would be an understatement! he went deadly quiet for at least a minute, wide eyes staring down at her as she repeated the phrase for a second time, more demanding and still obviously upset at the thought of leaving the drums behind, tiny fingers pointing at his drums once more before he managed to break out of his shock, a proud smile came across his face as he lifted her higher up on his hip before excitedly calling out to you, leaning his face down to pepper kisses on her chubby cheeks and laughing to himself in between mumbling praises to her, telling her how proud of her he is and if she wanted to see his drums, she should have asked sooner, he would never deny her access to anything of his! all of the lingering worry he had about something being wrong, fear that maybe he was doing something wrong and he was to blame for her lack of words was completely washed away with her sudden small sentence, she became a shy little babble box around the two of you after that day…
dad! pelle has a daughter who absolutely loves nature and the woodland! i mean, thanks to the two of you anyways… you guys would take her on little walks through the nearby forest as soon as she was old enough to leave the house safely and was not extremely vulnerable to germs! you bundle her up in a fluffy little brown bear onesie with mittens and a thick jacket! pelle holds her on his hip or against his chest, cradling her small body with an obvious protectiveness as he is overly careful with his steps on the small dirt path, walking slowly next to you as the two of you talked quietly about your daughter, his hand softly stroking her back and his eyes watching hers as they dart around the forest, her big doe eyes curious about her surroundings as she constantly looks from side to side… it is only when you and pelle hear her let out and excited squeal and notice her begin to get a little rowdy in his arms that you both stop walking, his brows furrowing as he sees her small hand outstretched towards something, his eyes following the direction of her pointing before they land on a deer in the distance, quiet and minding its own business as it feeds on some berries and leaves, unaware or unbothered by your presence as the two of you smile at your daughters excitement and obvious admiration of the animal… it is only when he quietly mumbles down to her about what the animal is, telling her the full name and what they like to eat, that she says her first word which is “ deer ” though it kind of sounds more like “ duuh ” and he quickly looks up at you in shock after she says it, meeting your similarly wide eyes as a big smile crawls across his face, an open mouthed genuine proud smile as he bounces her slightly and presses a kiss to her head, quietly telling her that yeah, it is a deer… repeating the name just a little slower for her to follow his pronunciation as she attempts to mirror his word once more, her smile only getting bigger as his does when he kisses her head once more and praises her, moving her a little to let you come over and pepper some of your own kisses to her chubby cheeks and offer some praise of your own as he looks down at the two of you, wondering how he got so lucky… why he was the receiver of such beauty and love… this first word of hers absolutely leads to more in life for him and her! pelle loves crafting her things centred around deer! wether it be an art piece, a small sculpture carved from deer antler or even making her a little custom deer plushie… it really opens the window to his creative soul and he adores seeing his little girl smile when he gifts her something new! when it comes to his son, i think his first word would be a simple “ dada ” after much encouragement from you whilst pelle watched and shook his head with a small smile! when he actually does come out and say it, his smile drops a tiny bit before immediately growing back as he feels a strong warmth envelop his heart, a slight tightening in his throat as the world around him becomes muffled, your coos and quiet laughter becoming cushioned in his ears as he realises just how special he is to his son and just how special his son is to him… when he realises his son loves him just as much as he does, when he realises his son only sees him as his father and not some scary person… i think this is what would make pelle open his hear a whole lot to your son, it is his breaking point as he realises both of his children see him as is their father, it’s all they will ever see him as… and he could not be any more grateful for that…
dad! vegard has a baby girl who just absolutely adoresss her father! she is a total daddys girl and it is probably because he was the one always fulfilling her cravings for cookies when she was still in your womb… but the thing with him is he is just so bashful and loving towards you! so whilst he loves the fact that she is a daddy’s girl and is certainly not ignorant to the fact, he actually tries to get her to say “ mama ” for her first word! he thinks you deserve it more than him, thinks she should recognise you as her mama for her first word instead of him as her papa! but you think the opposite… you adore seeing how much she loves him and obviously slightly prefers him to you, so it just turns into a lighthearted battle between the two of you constantly trying to make her say the opposite thing! but alas, she does say “ papa ” for her first word and you let out the loudest cheer when she does! immediately proclaiming yourself the winner of this contest all whilst cooing and praising her, vegard watching with a smile, shaking his head before taking her into his arms and pressing a soft kiss to her frizzy black hair, asking her softly about the deal they had, about how she promised she would say “ mama ” first! obviously this is all lost to her baby brain as she just babbles and continually repeats “ papa ” up at him in exchange for more kisses and coos…
arghhh i just know they would all be so beyond proud of their babies first word! the praise and pride in their baby would be insane for weeks following the first word coming out of their mouth! thank you very much for the fluffy little ask, anon <3
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kimmryokoo · 3 months ago
MasterList - kim ryoko
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hi! my name is kim ryoko and I'm portuguese. I'm multi-fandom, so feel fre to request me anything. requests always opened.
my ao3
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Logan Howlet
💣 - smut | 🎀 - fluff | 🎭 - agnst | ⭐️ - author's fav
Why would you love an animal like me? - 🎭🎀⭐️
summary: logan has a nightmare about all the people he has killed in the past and starts to think you deserve to be with someone better than him. luckly, you are there to tell him otherwise.
word count: 1.1k
Smal hands - 💣
summary: logan feels like he has to protect you when he saw how smaller you where compared to him. so he decides to mark you so every guy with bad thoughts can know you're taken.
word count: 1.4k
Late Night - 💣🎀
summary: logan was supposed to go to a mission that would only last 3 days. unfortunately, it took longer then expected. your birthday went by quicly and you were already sleeping when logan returned. you both really missed each other and you let a kiss turn into something bigger...
word count: 3k
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Bruce Wayne
💣 - smut | 🎀 - fluff | 🎭 - agnst | ⭐️ - author's fav
The filming - 💣
summary: after your fisrt date with bruce, he leaves you at you place and goes on to become his night time persona - the batman. while on patrol, he goes through your street and ends up seeing you touch yourself. after he arrives at the cave, bruce rewathced the filmimg he had of the night and jerks off to you.
word count: 1.8k
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Steve Rogers
💣 - smut | 🎀 - fluff | 🎭 - agnst | ⭐️ - author's fav
So High School - 🎀
summary: you and your friend natasha romanoff decide to go to the party tony stark is hosting. well, she decides for the both of you. you don't want to go, nervous in case you embarrass yourself in front of your crush, but end up going notherless. steve ends up talking to you and asking you out.
word count: 2.2k
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💣 - smut | 🎀 - fluff | 🎭 - agnst | ⭐️ - author's fav
coming soon...
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Lee Know
💣 - smut | 🎀 - fluff | 🎭 - agnst | ⭐️ - author's fav
coming soon...
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purpleshadow-star · 2 years ago
So, in preparation of the movie coming out next month, I reread Red, White & Royal Blue. I just finished it, and then I rewatched the trailer for the movie, and tbh, I have some concerns.
The thing I love so much about the book is the emotion. Alex and Henry are complex people with deep emotions. Confident on the outside, but struggling and nervous and anxious on the inside. Sure, the trailer looks fun, but I'm really hoping the more vulnerable sides of Alex and especially Henry are going to be shown in the movie.
The trailer also makes it seem like Henry doesn't like Alex either, at the beginning? Like, at the beginning of the book, the fact that Henry never really started out their interactions with antagonism like Alex did stuck out to me so much. Henry himself even says it! We know that Henry liked Alex the whole time, and it's shown through the fact that he always tried to be civil while Alex was the one who started their conversations with snark and sarcasm. That's why Alex enjoyed the moments when Henry would let a bit of fight come out. That's why it was such a noticeable thing to Alex when Henry snarked back at him during his first visit to England post-wedding.
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In the trailer, it makes it seem like in the beginning, Henry doesn't like Alex just as much as Alex doesn't like Henry, if not more so. Movie Henry seems so openly antagonistic towards Alex, especially in the cake scene, and tbh it just feels wrong to me. The failure to portray Henry's feelings for Alex and his reluctance to participate in Alex's antagonism like the book does (especially considering we were seeing Henry through Alex's pov) makes me worry about whether or not Henry's more complex emotions will be shown in the movie at all, and Alex's too for that matter.
Also, I noticed that in the scene where Alex and Henry talk in the kitchen at the palace during Alex's fisrt visit to England post-wedding, it seems like they took out what was important about that scene and replaced it with surface level antagonism and snark to really sell the whole 'rivals to lovers' thing or something. It's like they're trying to convince us that Henry sees Alex just as much of a rival as Alex sees Henry, when that's just not the case. In the book, that's the scene where Alex really starts to see Henry for the first time, even if just for a moment. Not the put together Prince of England, but the sleep rumpled, pajama-clad insomniac who just wants some ice cream.
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In the move trailer, it shows Henry wearing a dress shirt and tie, and his tone is snarky when talking to Alex, when in the book, Henry is genuine and unsure of himself. This is another time when we see that Henry has never really tried to be antagonistic towards Alex out of nowhere. In the trailer, it seems like Henry is going to be acting in the opposite way.
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I'm not saying the movie has to be a word for word exact portrayal of the book because I don't believe that. A good adaptation will inevitably have to change things, but it only works if the changes make the story better, or at least if they make sense. Right now, I can't see the benefit of changing Henry's character so much. The Henry that I saw in the trailer, at least at the beginning of it, honestly doesn't feel like Henry at all to me.
The last third or so of the trailer, especially the clip of (who I'm assuming is) Bea asking Henry if he loves Alex, gives me hope that they'll get into the more emotional sides of these characters, but tbh I'm still kind of worried.
(Also, side-note, I hate the fact that June's character was cut entirely. She was there for Alex when he needed her, and her character gave us more insight into the complexities of the first family. She showed us that kids of divorce can see things differently when it comes to their parents, and as a child of divorce myself who has had differences of opinion with my sibling, I loved seeing that in the book with June and Alex. And, of course, there was her whole dynamic with Nora. I hate that she won't be in the movie at all. I hope they don't also cut the fact that Nora is queer.)
I don't know, I was skeptical of the movie at first after just seeing the teasers (though, tbh, I'm always skeptical of book to movie adaptations at first. Maybe it's the Percy Jackson fan in me), but after the trailer came out, I had more hope. Now, after rereading the book and having all the details fresh in my mind, I'm worried again. I know that trailers are made of clips that often times make more sense in context, so I hope the movie itself gives us more than the trailer implies. It makes sense that they'd want to mostly show the happier, more fun sides of things in the trailer so people will want to watch the movie.
I get that they might just be trying to go for a fun, not super deep, silly, comedic movie kind of vibe, but tbh, as fun and silly as rwrb is, it's also so much more than that. Some of my favorite parts of the book are the more serious parts. The parts where we see Alex and Henry's anxiety and insecurities. I really hope the movie shows at least some of these moments.
I'm definitely still going to watch the movie once it comes out, but I'm kind of concerned about how the story, and especially the characterization of the characters, is going to be portrayed. Hopefully, I'll end up being concerned about nothing. The last third of the trailer suggests that this will be the case, and I really hope it is!
I think the movie can still be enjoyable even if it doesn't show us the deeper and more nuanced sides of these characters, but can you blame me for hoping to see the reason why I fell in love with the book in the first place, the deep emotions of these characters, portrayed on screen?
(Tbh, I kinda lost track of my thoughts here. I think I'm concerned about Henry's drastic change in character more than anything else. It's easy to believe that there are more emotional scenes in the movie that we haven't seen hints of yet because obviously they can't show everything in the trailer. Henry's characterization, on the other hand... we've been shown two different clips of him that explicitly imply that he will be much different than the Henry we see in the book, at least in the beginning. Again, context is everything, so maybe it'll make more sense in the movie, but I can't imagine what context could be given to make those clips of Henry character accurate. And tbh, imo, there's no excuse for replacing soft, pajama-clad Henry in the kitchen scene with a dressed, snarky version of him)
(Also, the election isn't mentioned at all in the trailer? Tbh I think the book could have integrated the political parts a bit better than it did, but I still enjoyed it, especially at the end with election night. I guess if they set the movie in current day, an election won't make much sense, but the election and the stress and responsibilities that come with it add so much to Alex's character, and I honestly hope it's still included in the movie)
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bellybiologist · 5 months ago
Hey Verzi! Do you have any fat draw showing from fisrt The character fit and later fat? And in The case if you have it, can you post on this ask please?
I have PLENTY of sequences and Before-and-After pieces that fit this, but i will not just repost all of them xDDD Please check out my drive. you're bound to find some, especially in a lot of my old patreon and commission work since a lot of them are sequences.
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beesflowers · 9 months ago
𝒫𝓇𝒾𝒹𝑒 𝓂𝑜𝓃𝓉𝒽 - 𝒮𝒽𝒾𝓃
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Characters: Shin Hinomori, Mizuki Akiyama
Type: platonic, oc edit
note: I want to make a little pride month special for all of my OCs but we're gonna see how this goes- I have ideas, just need motivation and time :'>
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Shin had 2 sisters, so he knew his way around painting nails, doing simple hairstyles, jawlery, clothes and even carried few pads and painkillers with him, just in case! What more... girls from his class always approached him first whenver one had cramps... which didn't go unnoticed to everyone around.
Sometimes boys approached him and he had to explain he's like that because of his siblings. But he didn't really mind! He learned to ignore it and just live his life!
So when someone approached him on corridor, he payed it no mind.
"Hey Shin! I don't want to be mean but... are you sure you're you know... a boy?"
"Hm? Yeah, last time I checked I was. Why do you ask? Is it because of my black nails? Or is this because of eyeliner this time?"
"No! I didn't even noticed you have eyeliner to be honest... I mean... it's just weird to me that you have female health supplies more often than actual girls..."
Boy with black-red hair couldn't help but chuckle. It was nice encounter for once~ Seeing how the person in front of him tried to be actually nice was surprising yet he took it gladly.
From the other end of corridor, Mizuki was walking for their fisrt, tho 3rd for their classmates lesson.
"Oh! Hey Shinny~!"
They called out and waved, but it seems like the boy they were trying to talk to was a bit too busy with the conversation...
"I mean... if you even are trans, I will still call you he/him if that's what you're worried about! Or she/her... however you really prefer it..."
"Hahaha! Thank you for checking in such a polite way but..."
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"I'm not trans. But if by some miracle, I were to wake up with another gender... I wouldn't really complain!"
"(Bro's about to make a discovery ♪)"
Mizuki thought to themselves silently as they eavesdropped on their conversation. The boy claiming to not have any thought of being trans turning around and walking away.
"Oh, hey Mizuki. Fancy seeing you here. Is there some big event happening I don't know about?"
"It just happened actually~ I think I got new theories about someone!"
"Really? Care to share?"
"I think you'll know sooner or later~"
Shin simply shrugged at the pink haired person's mysteriousness. He was curious who it could be... not knowing they meant him all along!
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soulfullionbunny · 11 days ago
Guide how to not kill myself when she finally gets herself a man
Late last year, i was finally giving up on her. She rejected me even after i tried to mend everything and clearly i have lose way before i hope for. So I cant be selamanya begging for her to come back. Hidup kena diteruskan whether im with her or not.
Of course that would be exactly the things i would have said if i have never actually love her. Unfortunately, I did and I do. I still have hopes and jujur aku cakap, aku tak boleh bayangkan hidup tanpa dia. My life goals i crafted have been centered around her all these time. After all these time, even after all the changes i made in my life goals, it was made to fit her in if she ever wants to return.
But of course, the opposite of hope is fear. I know there are barely any hope for me, but barely doesnt mean 0. and if there are not 0 hope, it means there fear exist inside. One of the fear yang lama menghantui aku adalah, dia memilih lelaki lain dikala aku masih memegang sehalus harapan. jadi mari aku ulaskan cara aku berikhtiar agar apabila harapan aku hangus di hadapan takdir, jiwa jantung aku kekal utuh tidak luluh. Hopefully of course because i know it is the end of me if she ever choose other man. I have been imagining it past months and honestly aku x boleh sia. my heart tighten and i cant breath, and those are the reason why i know i need to plan it first.
Fisrt, be realistic and rational. Ini adalah sesuatu yang aku banggakan. I have always been a person who intlectualized my emotions. So in this case i will use this as my weapon. i will rationalized it. first, mula dengan kembali ke dunia nyata. She is not my fiance or my girlfriend anymore. So she is not obligated to be with me again or be "loyal" to me. So if she get a new man, dia x salah. She dont owe me anything. Every dream and promises dah invalid. So aku kena percaya dia tak betray aku. like legit shes not so stop holding on...
second, is to remember what I have promised. Aku janji whatever the outcome she chose, dia akan gembira. Her happiness is my happiness. If she chooses me, then I will make her happy. If she chooses other man, then that man will make her happy. Then my role is untuk terima dan bergembira dengan pilihan dia. She is smart as she is pretty, she can and will choose her man properly. Of course 2nd option wont be good for me tapi x pe, her happiness is my happiness. i wont be as happy but if she is happy, i will live with that alone. If she choose a new man over me, than that man mestilah seseorang yang boleh sembuhkan luka yang telah aku buat. i am hoping that guy could be me, but kalau dia memilih yang lain, aku mesti terima pilihan dia. She left a bad part of her life, then aku mesti terima she will repalce it with someone good.
third is to believe in her. Macam mana aku boleh percayakan dia 100% all these time, jadi percaya lagi yang itu adalah pilihan yang terbaik untuk dia. Percaya yang I have been in her mind. Percaya yang setiap pilhan sudah dia fikir masak-masak. I love her first tapi another will love her better, and she knows it. Percaya dia buat pilihan yang tepat. I am not a god untuk aku merentan yang di buat pilihan yang salah. Yang hanya akulah lelaki yang mampu membahagiakan dia. I have cut her when she was in my hand, i have no right to say who is the best for her. That is exactly why she called me a manipulator. i am not.
forth is to percaya dengan takdir tuhan, commonly known as redha. Redha ini susah. Untuk menerima sesuatu dengan hati yang lapang x mudah. Aku tau x mudah tapi religiously speaking, i have to do it. Sebab kalau aku x terima, aku x jamin aku boleh kekal waras. I lose and aku kena terima fakta itu. Bukan jodoh aku no matter how hard i wish and doa for it. Aku kena terima takdir tuhan dan berharap the pain wont hurt me too much. Terima yang kesalahan aku cukup besar untuk dia terima aku kembali.
andd thast a wrap. honestly ada bnyk lagi but of course most of it VERY bad. honestly aku holding myself back to not come to her house and beg (again). hopefully, if she ever choose other man, i am not alone when i found out. cheers.
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whitepolaris · 6 months ago
Umatilla Chemical Depot
Travelers driving along I-84 in eastern Oregon barely seem to notice the squat lumps sticking out of the flat ground as they pass between tiny Boardman and Stanfield. If they turn north on I-8, they might notice that what had looked like lumps in the ground from a distance are really gigantic concrete bunkers. There are 1,001 of them surrounded by a vast chain-link fence. This is the Umatilla Chemical Depot, and it would be safer to just drive away.
In World War I, the Germans used chemical weapons like mustard gas on the battlefield. In World War II, the Allies worried they used them again. Allie produced chemical weapons but vowed to use them only if the Germans did fisrt.
Before World War II began, the U.S. government was preparing for chemical warfare. In 1941, they established the Umatilla Army Depot as a storage facility for war supplies, ranging from blankets to bullets. Over the years after the war, they constructed the giant concrete bunkers, half buried in the ground and covered with turf. In 1962, they began storing chemical munitions at Umatilla. Eventually, 12 percent of the United States chemical arsenal was stored at the depot.
This included more than fifteen thousand artillery shells filled with the nerve agent, sarin, as well as containers of the nerve agent VX. These poison were invented by chemists trying to develop insecticides. The results were too dangerous for public use-both substances kill by stopping the body's central nervous system from sending impulses to control the body's muscles. People suffering from nerve agent poisoning die because they cannot control their own breathing. Both sarin and VX can be used as either a gas or a liquid absorbed through the skin. It would take between two and twenty milligrams (the difference between a very small and a small drop) of either chemical to kill the average man.
In addition to the nerve agents, the government also stored several ton-sized containers of the mustard gas HD at Umatilla. HD does not kill in itself; it is a blister agent. A small drop of liquid HD on the skin will a blister about the size of a silver dollar. When used as a gas, it can blistering in the lungs or blindness. HD can last for decades, and artillery shells and gas containers are still found on World War I battlefields.
In the early 1990s, the army decided to close the facility, and by 1994, everything but the chemical weapons had been sent elsewhere. At the same time, across the world, many nations were debating destroying all of the world's supply of chemical weapons. The United States and 187 other countries signed the Chemical Weapons Convention, agreeing to destroy their aging stockpiles. At Umatilla and several other locations, the government built destruction facilities that used incinerators and filtration systems to burn up the chemicals, turning them into (relatively) harmless byproducts.
Umatilla finally began destroying the chemicals in 2004. In the interim years, workers had to double- and triple-check their safety procedures, in case of a chemical leak. The surrounding communities planned evacuations in case winds brought clouds of poison gas, and environmentalists sued for adequate plans for waste disposal. Eventually they formalized plans, the lawsuits were settled, and the army began destroying the chemicals stockpiles at Umatilla.
In September 2007, they announced that they had safely destroyed 1,014 tons of sarin nerve agent. This was about 25 percent of the total chemical stockpile at Umatilla. Late in December 2008, they announced that they had destroyed the last of the VX nerve agent. The last of the mustard/blister agent will be destroyed by 2012.
Hunkered in the Bunkers
I remember being in the army in the 1980s. I was stationed at Fort Lewis, Washington, but every now and then, we would pick up and go on field problems somewhere else. It seemed for a while like every month they took us to the Umatilla Depot, where we played war around all of those giant bunkers. It was miserable: either wet and cold, or windy, dry, and cold. Some of us hunkered down against the bunkers to stay out of the wind, and sometimes a couple of the more curious guys tried to get into one of the bunkers. Years later I found out what was inside of some of those bunkers. I guess we were lucky we did not get in. -Dale
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ngmn2002 · 2 years ago
At times I somehow consider the possibility he may be talking about Nene? her being the one to befriend him right after he said on the same roof... I'm not sure if it's only there to say "she is a sweet caring girl" or also "*wink* she is that friend"..... imagine if she was this friend all along...they shared some moments in his past... and there is surely more to come.. maybe this is one of them.. like a hidden memory left in the back of his head like the other ones?
His deal with Nene is kinda confusing to me… he meets her.. forgets about her.. then meets her again… ???
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This thing is supposedly their first meeting... what is left in his memory about it is...
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This thing? and it feels like it's not the specific memory itself that he recalls .. more like... the 'feeling' of it. so who came up with the magical charm fisrt?
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So far from what we know, this is what he have next... he went all like "who are you?" These are the things we have so far... I think it's safer to distinguish between Amane & Hanako while talking about this... because of this thingy...
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Let's pay attention to it so we can stay on the safe side. Assuming a loss of memories happens in the progseess or something like that... since we have this clock thingy & he doesn't remember much about it from his past... I can go for 3 things regarding that case really... first: it's been more than 50 years it's normal to forget stuff about the past. second: it's due to what he talked about regarding how much of you remains in your supernatural form. third: it's due to the clock keepers turning back time so he forgot some aspects about it. I could also add a little 4th one... assuming Tsukasa might have a hand in that thing? Uh... that being said... I can really answer to any memory loss or whatever on Hanako's side with 1- it's what he explained to Nene. 2- some supernatural power might be included. 3- too much time had passed since that thing happened, it's natural to forget stuff.
So, as Amane... he met her when he was like.. 8... then met her again 5 years later... he didn't remember meeting her before.
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That's all you noticed... This boy... just thinking this thing could of been at least a key to remind him of that "onee-san" he met with similar fat legs before... it seems that totally slipped his mind. I don't really look much into the 'outfit change'. I can meet someone 5 years after meeting them originally and I will still remember their facial expressions, especially when they look exactly the same as the first time I met them.oh.. there could be that he was still little back then and little kids forget stuff easily... hmm... such a nice "onee-san" won't be that easy to forget to our little boy I assume? we have the warm feeling he had when she wished him luck stuck within him even as Hanako after all. imagine if it's the same case and he got a 'feeling' about these legs and said feeling comes from the memory of meeting "nice onee-san with similar legs" in the festival that's hidden in the back of his mind.
So... this thing happened a few days before his talk with Tsuchigomori... and a few days later he met his end I assume... ? maybe this was the last time he met her??? maybe not???
Anyway, so as Amane 'from what we have so far'... he doesn't really have a good memory 'on regard of remembering people' I have to say.
Hanako on the other hand, it could be 'time' or 'that thing he said' the reason behind forgetting meeting Nene before as Amane. I don't think he showed any clear sigh of remembering her from his past so far.
All that talk brings me to this little guy...
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he is so cute >&lt; he has such a sharp memory... He met Nene for the first time in the red house when he was 4... then met her again like... 8 years later... and he is like:
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Well, hello there! if that is not you, Nene-chan! How is it going? a sharp contrast with someone… Tsu was even much younger when he first met her…
Talking about present Tsukasa…
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Yup, that's Nene-chan over here aright.
Kind of brings me to last chapter really... uh... so... this thing...
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...he wondered about back in No.6's case... While I assume he knows that No.6 is the one to destroy Sumire... thinking of a little thought on having thigs the other way around for a sec... "Oh! Nene-chan managed to do it! She really destroyed a yorishiro in a human form (like me)! She did a really nice work! Wow! That's cool! She deserves a reward!"
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No! Not this one!
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This one! uh... I really love how Tsukasa just sounds gentle and childish with the whole thing... all you can comment on it is something like... cute... little kitty! or something like that... while the one with Hanako... he looks gentel as well but... I won't lie he was trying to look cool & hot and all. Despite Tsukasa's kiss being a lips one & Hanako's one being a cheek one... Tsukasa's feels like the "simple" one between them...he is a simple little boy, isn't he? adorable!
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Nene-chan is really a good assistant who deserves to be rewarded! After I gave her a reward... 'like you did before' let me have her for a sec Amane! This thing is fun to consider for a moment! Ok... back on track... Tsuaksa's sharp memeory!
It's not just the case of Nene-chan he has a sharp memory with, though...We have all the red house stuff, kou and mit stuff, even the thing Hanako doesn't recall at the moment, that being the clock deal... buttt... maybe we should emphasize here on the fact that this little guy is "special" so... maybe it's a bit unfair to compare his sharp memory to Amane's/Hanako's or anyone really. I'm not ignoring the fact that this boy does have a sharp memory normally, but being 'special' sharpens it even more it seems!
Sooo... where were we? Uh... I was talking about the thing with Nene & Amane meeting in the past and all... so yeah... having how Amane's/Hanako's memory recalling system works, I wouldn't be surprised if he shared lots of memories together with Nene in his past, but said memories are just sleeping in the back of his mind.
So maybe... maybeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee... and that's a big one... there is a possibility Nene might be that firend he was referring to. You can call your little brother your friend, but... let's have this thing in mind for a sec.
I'm more of a fan of the "Tsukasa being that friend" thing, naturally. Sooo... I'm just gonna chill and wait for what's to come.
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Cool... he is talking about Tsukasa and himself, right? That's interesting... can't wait to see some aspects of their backstory showing the 2 of them chilling on the roof!
Years later:
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....... That big clock...
Well, guess I will just have to wait longer.
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camecita · 2 years ago
This is mostly self indulgent... cause I. REALLY. NEED. IT.
I miss so much eating some actual meat instead of some ass punny sausage.
Genres: Fluff (i guess), mostly comfort, modern au kind of.
Characters: Childe, Pantalone, Diluc & Ayato. (Yas just my fave rich boys)
Summary: Due the bad payment of your job and the increasing bills reader has suffer some issues about getting their stuff for the fridge. (Yeah thats me) To the point to even lose some weight.
Disclaimers: i dont own any of the art here(the fisrt banner)
TW: my native lenguage isnt english so there might be some misspelling, characters may be ooc, established relationships, more tba.
Notice me if i need to add some TW i dont know much about them.
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He is so clingy, so he noticed asap.
"Have you lost some weight?" The way his arms encircled you was feeling different from the previous months, you just evaded that question, it was so embarrassing telling him that you cant even afford a real meal per day. And he notices that too, but doesn't press the matter much.
But is when he is resting in your lap and feels how your thighs are thinner.
No!! anything but his precious thighs.
"Babe... are you feeling Okey?" He composed himself, his stern look was telling you how concerned he was.
It took you various seconds swimming in his deep blue eyes to broke in front of him and taking out all your strugglings.
"Its just... its been so hard to get some food in the fridge, sorry, thats why I've been keeping you away from my home too" yeah so embarrassing.
"Babe, you dont need to be sorry 'bout that" his hand is caressing your cheek.
"You know you can count on me for anything" the way he's treating you is with so much respect, he noticed how hard was for you to admit about your financial situation. Even when he jokes around a lot and tease you about almost everything he doesn't cross the line in this situation.
"Do you want some take out?" He's determinated to get back his favourites thighs again.
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He is a very observant person, so he notice the moment when your clothes is loosing up around your body.
"Darling, have you been doing work out?" If thats the case, well damn he wants to see your toned body now. But when your response is ambiguous his reaction is tending to suspicious.
He is very observant, he notices to how your eating has been diminishing (cause your stomach is getting more and more little, yeah cause that happens when you go on a diet)
Now that makes him worry. He confronts you directly but at his cunning and meticulous way.
Struggling with your words you explain your financial situation.
Oh he understands so well, he has been through some similar issues.
His eyes and smile are so tender, his hands on your shoulders are warm and caring.
"Its Okey darling, thats nothing you must be ashamed of"
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Diluc can be dense in so much regarding relationships, it took him a lot to realize his feelings for you and yours for him.
But nothing can escape his eyes, those little things about you, and mostly everything that has something to do with your well being. He can notices, he must notices when something is wrong.
"Dove have you been eating well?" His eyes held so much worry, like a lost puppy or something. And keeping secrets aways from him was practically impossible (in fact its impossible with any other of the men in this list).
With head low you explain how difficult has been to keep up with the bills and buying the essentials for the fridge. And like it if the most common thing in the world he just said.
"You know? I can help you with that" he didn't say it with means to offend you, you know he can be a little bold with his statements.
"I know Lulú, but i dont want to drag you down with my problems"
"You'll never drag me down, I'd be more than pleased to help you out with anything my dove" his soft lips form a little and gorgeous smile, a rarest one. Just let him spoil you.
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This man is so hot likes to spoil his little partner, so when you refuse to go for another round of sweets or junk food he just go like.
What, why are you refusing my affection?? Why are you refusing the food?!?!
"Dear whats wrong?" He's about to drill the answers out without you noticing.
Ashamed of yourself you just spill the beans.
He IS really concerned, how could he didn't notice before?!
"Dear we've been through many issues by now, you can always count on me with this kind of issues" yes because for him any of the other guys, money wasn't a problem.
"What about living together?" His idea was helping you by making the rent and the other services more affordable for you and he also wants you 24/7.
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renetess-b · 2 years ago
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The chad canon Aiden who would push you and your friends off a cliff without a second thought vs the virgin swap au Aiden who’s working to better himself after ep 3 and goes to stupid therapy smh🙄 /j
It’s a scene that takes place right after the interrogation when the player can choose the culprit and in this case Jesse chose not to accuse anyone yet. 
I’ve had this scene in my head for a year now and quickly sketched out the fisrt few pages quite a while ago but never got the time to line them. Only these pannels already had some lineart on them so I wanted to quickly finish them and post it. Initially I was waiting until I get the full comic done so I could post everything at once but at this rate I’m not sure I’ll ever finish the whole comic, so I at least wanted to put out these finished pannels so they aren’t pointlessly collecting dust in my folder
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moonllita · 2 years ago
Few tips if you wanna start commission as an artist
Hi, I'm making this article to maybe help some new artists that want to open their commissions and have some questions or need some tips! That can apply to new artist or even more experienced one. I have more than 10 years of experience in commissions, but I do not assume I know everything, feel free to comment your tips! I will update this article if needed.
Take note english is not my main language I'm sorry about the mistakes!
Let's start!
Make it easy for clients to contact you
It's better to be in multiple platform to be able to reach the most possible people you can. Make it easy for potential client to reach you, that can be on social media, email etc. At the same time, you have to take extra time to keep it up with all those platforms so I mostly keep myself with only 3-4, that's plenty enough. Also you need to know that depending of what do you draw some social media can be better than an other one.
Send the payment before starting
You always should ask at least one payment before starting anything. That can be half/half or full payment, feel free to settup the best for you and your client. Never draw anything for free, including free sketches etc.
Send previews of your work before the final
It's important for client to have a follow of the work you are making for them. It's can be a sketch or any wips, it's mostly to be sure you are in the good direction and not to start everything again at the end. This is also why I recommend to get your fisrt payment before sending previews. It's also help to keep a confiance with clients and make they feel sure about what a are your making. Always contact them if they have any issues, like delay or any complications. Just be honest at the end!
Write your conditions
A tip that I don't see a lot of artists doing, take a few time to write all your conditions in a picture with your commissions, google drive or other and send it to the client before they commission you. It can be conditions like about refund, nfts, AI art utilisation and commercial conditions etc. This is more to protect you at the end, even if the client doesn't read it you can use it to defend yourself if something bad happen. Just think about the worst and a way to protect you in any case possible.
Make your portfolio (your arts) visible and easy to access
The first thing you need it's to show to people what you can do, so make it easy for they to have access to your work. That can be with a commission post that you plug on the top or your social media, that can be a artist portfolio etc. Just take an extra care that your work is easy access for people and also represent what you want to sell to people.
Plug yourself
It's rare that if you are a new artist, people won't reach you for commissions most of the time. You have to go and see the opportunities youself. That can be as simple than just sharing your arts and plug your commissions in the post. You can also check some group, or communities when they look for an artist and plug yourself directly.
How to settup your price
They have no best way to settup your price, but if I can help I have maybe few tips you can take. The best thing is to think about time versus money, how much you are ok to draw for someone else? Take note this is your free time that you use for someone else. It's also important to know your speed. I love to set my price at 20$/h but it's maybe not possible to you. It's also depend of the demand, if you have a larger followers base your commission will fill faster because you have more client and your commission will be always full, better to rise the price to slow down the demand. Also you can compare yourself a bit to other artist in the same art style or range, but it's important to know that most people set their price pretty low in the art community. Feel free to go with what you feel, if you are not motivated to draw maybe its a problem that your price is too low! It also depend if you want to do it fulltime or it's only on part time and you are not stressed to have commission or not.
It's not a obligation but you can make special discounts on your commission to make people more welling to commission you. That can be special day discount (Black Friday exemple) but also if you like to draw certain things (like 10% discount on certain characters on franchises). It can make you have more commissions that you like to draw , it's a win-win!
Hope this help some artists here, I made commissions for years now and I feel I didn't see everything yet. Thank you for reading!
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