#fishing rig
The Double-Threat is a versatile baitfish rig that allows you to rig both live and cut bait at the same time, making it a great option for fishing.
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crustyshrimp · 2 months
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death on the oil rig.
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inafieldofdaisies · 26 days
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Dredge (2023) | Scenery appreciation (vol. 5-?)
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sorelymisinken · 27 days
Dredge might as be called Dread sometimes
So anyway...
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yungjiho · 1 month
I'm very passionate about Dredge and lemme tell you, since I just 100%'ed Ender Lilies, I'm downloading the Iron Rig DLC and am so excited to come back to the creepy fishy woooorld!
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ms-scarletwings · 10 months
Every Dredge Aberration (2024), Part 4
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When whispers and fleeting tastes weren’t enough, the flotsam took up their metal and their lies, and they lanced the darkest primordial core.
From it spilled our past’s phantoms to rise- no longer in eons’ slumber, glimpsing the light once more. ₊˚.༄
Plated Osteostracan ༄.°
Encyclopedia #123
Aberrant form of Osteostracan
A shell of bone, pierced by spurs of something stronger. A horned mitre shielding eyeless sockets.
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Comment: The true osteostracans (the powers below only know how much I have struggled to spell that word right with every use) would, among many of the ooze’s surprises, already have been a discovery defying of all reason. Here from the drill’s disturbance is an individual not only of a kind thought to have vanished from our world some hundreds of millions of years ago, but changed and reshapen anew where evolution did not touch its brethren. On a sidenote, a mitre is the actual name of the headwear iconically worn by the upper clergy of the Catholic hierarchy, most famously associated with the pope. Could this creature’s helm also be a symbol of importance? Regarding the mystery of the shell’s makeup, I personally speculate it to be a form of enamel. It would certainly be stronger than mere bone, and suit some of the Deep’s penchant for the sardonic: a jawless fish, gilded in teeth.
How to catch: Though they rose from the darkest, inky depths below the Marrows, the osteostraci prefer to gather in the shallows beneath pollutants’ gleam. The unique “habitat” they spawn from however, requires the aid of specialized equipment to harvest these fish.
Axial Matron ༄.°
Encyclopedia #124
Aberrant form of tullimonstrum
Mouths within mouths. Chambers within chambers. The matron's grip is terminal.
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Comment: In a spectacular twist, the bastardization of the living fossil has actually… produced a creature much less monstrous, if only in appearance. The retraction of stalk eyes and the repurposed proboscis-like organ of the corrupted specimen has brought its visage closer to that of a fish than the enigmatic, impossible to class Tully Monster.
How to catch: This will be the last I repeat of what I already gestured to before. Learn quickly the recurrent pattern of the sludge’s offerings, no regular rod or reel will be able to drag ANY of these ancient wretches out of their favored home- of course being the newly spotted oil slicks released by the seabed’s running wound. A lucid mind, armed with steady hand and advanced tools, is best to send to those unsightly lesions. Take your pick of the Marrow’s coastal scabs, and then you may try your luck with old Tully.
Anvilfish ༄.°
Encyclopedia #125
Aberrant form of paddlefish
A head hammered flat against the alluvium of the world. Every shaper needs a surface.
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Comment: Definition of alluvium: a deposit of clay, silt, sand, and gravel left by flowing streams in a river valley or delta, typically producing fertile soil. Behold here as well the rarity of a rarity. There isn’t much to this victim’s purpose easily concluded. What I have noticed, though, is that this fish and the next proceeding entry compliment each other and the nature of the Iron Rig itself- an extraction and transformation of the deep’s bed, bringing out the evolution of our tools.
How to catch: With infused reel aboard, feel around for the Marrow’s costal waters, where and while the oil still flows.
Ivory Impaler ༄.°
Encyclopedia #126
Aberrant form of swordfish
Strips of flensed flesh course around a spike of impossible metal. Underneath roped tendons, it bears a name unremembered.
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Comment: Spear-fisherman beware… the quarry that finally stands (really swims) on an even playing field. The savage beauty of this one appeals to me greatly, the grisly paleness of its flesh, rended asunder. The permanent grin beneath so evil a gaze. A predator that no longer lunges for the meal, simply for the satiation of even more bloodletting.
How to catch: Strangely, though neither returned fossils nor commonly seen in the Marrows before, the seismic anomaly has brought in the first sightings of swordfish gathering in the region, specifically in the same stained waters as other new findings. To begin catching them, one will need oceanic suitable fishing equipment also fitted with improved modifications.
Cerebral Crab
Encyclopedia #127
Aberrant form of common crab
A turquoise mass swells from within this small crab. The growth pulses, quickening in the light of the sun.
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Comment: Would it be to awry of me to say that there's something almost... cute about the look of this scuttler? I find it difficult to not think there would be strange beauty in the sight of the island sands at night, pulsing and peppered with a gathering of these crabs' light, like jewels beneath the foam. I can at least be sure that their hue is enamoring once smeared across the hull of my boat. This is one of two mutants you must bring to the painter in Little Marrow to unlock the sharp mint pigments to customize with.
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How to catch: As the name would suggest, this animal can only be harvested with patience and the use of a crab pot. Aim for a depth below 25 meters, such as close to, or even within the Greater Marrow harbor.
Malignant Pincer
Encyclopedia #128
Aberrant form of fiddler crab
Teal tumours secrete a slimy substance over cracks and joints. Its massive claw shudders as it fights for control.
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Comment: Now THIS victim's predicament actually lends some fascinating implications about what ails the previous. These pustules look so alike to the same as the common crab's infection in both shape and color that I will go on a limb and decide that the same entity finds a host in either species. The "cerebral" part of the former's name indicates that this mass is in fact a brain of its own, with its own imperatives and will that overrides the poor vessel's. Because the infection has decided to root within the fiddler crab's claw, rather than its head, the animal's original brain has remained intact, despite everything. The body survives to stage a losing battle between nature and another's unknowable plan.
How to catch: They generally share roaming space with the common crabs of The Marrows, albeit preferring slightly shallower water, under a mere 10 meters to be exact. Due to their size, the basic crab pot can only hold one of them at a time, so, barring a speedrun to acquire the maw of the Deep, check the traps frequently if you are looking to snag one of these in the early game. I never found error in placing the pots right next to the Marrow docks for convenience. Bring one of these to the painter along with the cerebral crab to unlock the sharp mint paint for your ship.
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Inverted Husk༄.°
Encyclopedia #129
Aberrant form of sea cucumber
Flesh, prolapsed and shed to the seafloor. A moult discarded, ready to envelop another.
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Comment: Most horrid thing among the Iron Rig additions I have examined so far. Finally, the long missed taste again of utter revulsion and bewilderment that this grand sea had inspired in me from the beginning. With new novelties will come even more unsettling revelations.
How to catch: Unlike the other slick-swimming things we have encountered, this aberration requires no fancy or new tools at all to find. Any crab pot will do, placed directly into the tar-blackness at a depth between 25 meters and the surface. Depths from 10-25 meters are advised to prevent the space-demanding fiddler crab from turning up in the traps instead.
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raccoon-in-a-hoodie · 1 month
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selfindulgentraptor · 11 months
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Arc-En-Posciel the parrot fish just got a full blown rig (made by me!!)
It took a LOT of patience, but the rig is surprisingly stable! Here's some test stuff just for fun
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(and the horrifying node view)
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Posciel is my interpretation of April Fools' Easter Bunny if you will. You can check it out along with my other OCs on my ToyHouse!
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how do we feel abt dredge again tonight . 9pm est ish
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tsarjozinzbazin · 11 months
Dude help me
WHAT KIND OF PETNAMES WOULD DWARVES USE? What would they call eachother??? Idk what these goobers would call eachother so I am at a loss
idk how to explain this but they're the types to use the strangest things as pet names??
like Driller would call someone "My beautiful corrosive sludge pump" in an endearing way and it'd be entirely normal somehow
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sundownsquad · 2 years
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Sending you hugs, wishes, and ottabura kisses.
Happy Valentine's Day! 💘
The play on words are: "I think you ought to (oughtta) be my Valentine" "You're out of (outta) this world, Valentine" "Sending you a whole lot of (lotta) love"
Resources used: Font | Heart Brush | Star Brush
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inafieldofdaisies · 27 days
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Dredge (2023) | Scenery appreciation (vol. 4-?)
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eternalergo · 3 months
Got addicted to Dredge btw, If you even care
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o-sachi · 18 days
Stlil drnuk? 🥰
[🐟]: Sadly, no. Hung over? Yes, very. MY HEAD IS KILLING ME.
Do I regret it? Not really. Would I do it again? Yes, for sure.
Now, time to lock in, do some readings, and study 😔
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cosmicgesture · 3 months
I need a Sonic the Hedgehog nerd to befriend me and tell me what order to play/watch the games in and also let me go insane with them. Cringe is dead. It's time. I'm ready for my sonic era.
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mod2amaryllis · 10 months
finally, after months of taunting me, I've taken down the uninhabitable top tank from my betta rack
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and it reminded me why doing fish stuff in the winter sucks ass: no freaking hose
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