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steviehamlington · 1 year ago
The Declaration By Gemma Malley
Finished Reading October 2023
Favourite Quote: page 58 ‘make it think you love it before abusing its trust so completely that it could never trust another human being again’
Anna is a surplus, an illegal child in a dystopian future in which living forever is made possible with medication and surgery. She lives in Grange Hall, a prison/training camp where illegal children are held and trained to be slaves for the wealthy legals who have been living on decades past what they should have.
Anna is trying her best to become a ‘valuable asset’, someone worthy of a life outside the walls of the surplus halls, someone who can pay back the debt her parents made her owe to mother nature.
When a new surplus arrives, a child the same age as Anna, he comes telling stories of Anna’s parents and of life outside the grey walls she had known all her life. Peter, the new surplus, is doing everything in his power to try help Anna realise she has a chance in the real world, with her parents, a chance where she can get out from under the evil claws of Mrs Pincent, the house matron.
Review: Gemma Malley is a brilliant writer who has created a powerful young adult science fiction novel that can be enjoyed by teenagers and adults alike. This was one of the first books I read that I loved, back when I was around eleven years of age, and returning to it as an adult not only reminded me of how truly gripping the storyline is and the world that has been created, but also how well written this story is. I will return to it again and I cannot wait to read the other two stories in this series. I can’t wait to see what is next in store for Anna and Peter.
I can definitely say that to anyone who loves YA Dystopian novels, this is one for you.
#bookreview #book #review #thedeclaration #gemmamalley #gemmamalleybook #5star #5starbook #5starbookreview #reading #reader #bookworm #booklover #bookstagram #nostalgia #firstreview #declaration #annacovey #honest #opinion #bookrecommendations #bookrecommendation
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klnofziger · 4 years ago
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My FIRST #Amazon Review of Virago! Whoever you are, THANK YOU! This made my day! #virago #debutnovel #newrelease #firstreview #romanbritain #historicalfiction (at United States) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTSQN8orSa1/?utm_medium=tumblr
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lets-review-music · 5 years ago
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#1 Kaiser Chiefs - Employment Thought my first review should be in line with the first album I ever brought; Employment. This naturally makes me slightly biased, but with indie dance floor anthems such as I Predict A Riot, Oh My God and Everyday I Love You Less and Less it's easy to see how this band have become a mainstay in the indie music arena over the last 15 years. The album encompasses the vibe of British music royalty like The Jam and Blur whilst being undeniably, unapologetically different. Ricky Wilson's energetic vocals, aligned with the fast paced melodies and quirky lyrics such as 'Pn-n-n-neumothorax is a word that is long but I'm just tryin' to put some punk back into punctured lung' leaves you with an album full of tantalishingly catchy songs that you just can't help but sing along to. And although the album is more well known for the aforementioned hits, any thought that The Kaiser Chiefs were one trick pony's are extinguished with beautifully composed album tracks like Team Mate and You Can Have It All. All in all this album introduced the UK fully to the Kaiser Chiefs and after 45 minutes and 12 tracks of infectious rip-roaring melodies and vocals it was clear they weren't going away any time soon! Extra info... Year of release - 2005 Official Chart Peak Position - 2 Released in 2005, it initially reached number 3 before reaching its peak position of 2 in 2006, only being beaten to number one by the Whatever People Say I Am That's What I'm Not by Arctic Monkeys #kaiserchiefs #employment #albumreview #musicreview #firstreview #britishmusic #newtothegame #number2wednesdays https://www.instagram.com/p/B-LFXfCHpez/?igshid=ht0kjr94dktl
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melissamarsofficial · 5 years ago
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🇺🇸~What a surprise it was to read my first review in TÉLÉRAMA, the established French cultural and TV Magazine. It was in 2002. For my first recurring role in the France 2 TV mini series GARONNE. That was on paper at a time where internet was still this growing animal... no Facebook, let alone twitter or insta lol... Anyways, I didn’t know about it. I was recording my first album, and the head of my music label, Polydor, came to the studio to hear where the songs were at, « oh by the way, I read about you in Télérama ... good things»... What? Me? How? You’re sure? That’s impossible! I had been in a few local newspapers for other movies, but I had never been the subject of a direct review in a national well-regarded magazine🤩🤩🤩 Of course I stopped everything and ran to the kiosque to purchase it... Télérama in my hands... tears in my eyes... It’s about time to make a post about it, isn’t it :) #flashbackfriday . . 🇫🇷~Première (et jolie) critique dans TÉLÉRAMA. C’était en 2002. Pour ma participation à la mini série GARONNE. Une époque où internet était en train de grandir encore. Facebook, insta, Twitter n’existaient même pas encore... Bref... je n’en avais aucune idée. J’étais en studio, en finitions de mon premier album. Le boss de Polydor vient nous rendre visite, écouter où ça en est... « ah, d’ailleurs tu as une mention dans Télérama...» Moi? Vraiment? Non! Impossible! J’avais été dans des journaux locaux pour d’autres projets, mais une bonne critique sur moi dans un magazine national... euh excusez-moi! On arrête tout. J’ai une urgence. De ce pas, je cours au kiosque à journaux du coin, et hop Télérama en main, et larmes aux yeux 👀... Il était temps d’en faire un poste.. . . . . #telerama #tvmagazine #review #firstreview #melissa #melissamars #actor #frenchactress #nyactor #lifeofanactor #memory #souvenirs #garonne #miniseries #francetv #flashback #lifeisfullofsurprises https://www.instagram.com/p/CAyHR3HhKGb/?igshid=pna3vmdth1v9
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itstandsforthesun · 6 years ago
A little life review//spoilers
Two disclaimers before I start this. First, I have never written a review before from either fear or pure laziness, so take me easy on this one (also English is only my second language). Second, this is my opinion, if you loved this book then cheers to you. At the end of the day you got a new favorite book and all I got is the sweet taste of indecision.
With that being said, let’s start. I didn’t hate this book, I didn’t love it even though I enjoyed a big part of it. Do I feel like it has the potential of becoming a new classic? Absolutely not. But let’s start with the beginning, the writing style. I don’t usually pay too much attention to this unless it is extremely good, but this time there were a couple of aspects that were nagging at me. It seemed really try-hard. Try-hard to sound deep, try-hard to sound poetic, try-hard to sound pretentious (that The Secret History good pretentious). The descriptions were at times way too long and unnecessary just like the phrases themselves. A sentence could go on for 5 lines and by the time you got to the end you were filled with so much information that you didn’t even know what was important to the scene at hand and what not.
I’m not saying that the writing style was complete rubbish, it had its charm at times and there were also a lot of quotes that I enjoyed throughout the book, some beautiful descriptions, but even those were spoiled from time to time with sentences that were just too long.
Now that we got the writing style out of the way, let’s move on to the plot. In this book’s case, there’s not much of it. Not that it bothered me, it reminded me of The Goldfinch, a book I loved. The main difference between this book and The Goldfinch though is that the length is not justified. A Little Life could have easily lost at least 200 pages and it would not have made a difference.  The plot got repetitive and to be honest quite tiring. I remember the joy with which I started this book, so curious to find out more about our mysterious Jude and then I remember my only thought approaching the end: “Is this over yet?”
The book was simply too long in my opinion and it had little to nothing on which I could get hooked. I was curious for the end, but not that curious. I knew there was going to be death, it was expected, but I will admit that I was not expecting the actual death count.
And speaking about death, let’s get to the characters, shall we? A Little Life was advertised as a novel about friendship that followed the lives of 4 ex-college roommates through the years. And while that’s true to some extent, more often than not we seem to be concentrating on only one of these 4, Jude St. Francis. And don’t get me wrong, I do get it. Jude is the one with the most baggage, with the most interesting life and back-story, but if that’s the case, at least tell us from the beginning that this is a story about Jude! Don’t advertise JB, Malcom and Willem as main characters when they are not really, not when you know who you really want to write about.
I’ll express my opinion on each of these characters individually now and I’m going to be starting with Malcom since he is the most neglected out of the 4. I get very angry when I think about Malcom and his “character development” throughout this book or the lack of it. We get this dude’s POV once in a 720 pages book! And he is called a main character! A main fucking character! And what’s even worse, when we see him, the only time we really see him, he is filled with indecision, about his future, about his job, about his sexuality, about living with his parents. You want to tell me that these things are not interesting enough to follow, to see how a character gets out of his own head and decides for himself what his own life is going to be? After his short POV in the beginning of the book (which also seemed a little like a cheap anticipation of Jude’s part of the story, like starting with these 3 not so important characters to get them out of the way) we never really find out how he solved all of his problems. We get mentions of him getting a new job, one that he is actually proud of, finding a girlfriend who also becomes his wife later on and moving out of his parent’s house. But we never get his thought process, what made him take attitude in the first place, how he figured out his sexuality. Malcom’s whole character comes off as lazy writing. The author didn’t seem to care enough about Malcom to give him a proper story. Why make him a main character then? Malcom in my opinion had a lot of potential as a character, his constant indecision, still present in the story even without his POV, would have offered great literary material, a great conversation starter on the indecisiveness of people. But no, Malcom had to be resumed to an episodical character who was more often mentioned than present only to feed into the book’s theme of friendship. We could also consider Malcom as an instrument in establishing the theme of loss also present in this book. Malcom was killed off along with Willem and Sophie (a character who spoke a total of 0 words in the entire book) for a purpose unknown to me. Let’s say Willem and Sophie died and Malcom lived, wouldn’t that have offered him an opportunity to be seen by us, really seen, again? The death of the two could have been followed by Malcom’s point of view along side Jude’s. The author could have used it as an introspection into Malcom’s life and all it represented up to this moment. His character could have been redeemed and we would have also gotten an emotional roller coaster that would have brought us to tears. This would have saved the character of Malcom for me and it would also have brought him justice. In the end, Malcom was just a wasted opportunity for me.
The next “main character” that I’m going to bring up is JB. In no way as neglected as Malcom, but also not getting as much screen time as Willem or Jude, JB is a pretty interesting character. Selfish, self-centered, “always politically correct” and susceptible to bad habits, JB seems to be anything but a hero. That’s what makes him fascinating to watch, he goes from incidents like making fun of Jude’s walk to painting his friends in magnificent lively colors. We get to explore both his admiration for his own person and his hatred. JB is a complex character, not necessary my favorite personality wise, but definitely my favorite building and development wise.
Moving on to Willem, the character that gets screen time because he is the love of our main character’s life. Maybe that was slightly exaggerated, but we’ve all been thinking it. Willem is a very likeable character, in the beginning he was actually my favorite, I’m not sure what happened along the way. It was probably the fact that the story was dragged out so much that I lost interest in most things. I thought Willem was a very kind soul who truly loved helping people and more importantly his friends. I prayed until the very last moment that the relationship with Jude would not happen though. On one hand it was because it was too predictable, I would have loved to see a pure friend love story since we don’t get much of those if any. Second of all, back to the point of friendship, this was advertised as a story about 4 friends, not about 2 friends who fall in love with each other and then 2 others who are only half relevant. I wanted to be surprised by a story in which nobody fell in love with their best friend, where the kind friend always took special care of his best friend because that’s who he was, not because subconsciously he always wanted to kiss him and hold his hand. I still liked Willem as a character, maybe he wasn’t as layered as I would have wanted him to be and maybe he was frustrating at times (who takes 30 years to talk to their BELOVED BEST FRIEND about their self-harm?), but he was a well-rounded character in the end. With that being said, I think his death was a magnificent writing decision. It was a brutal, come out of nowhere death and it spiced the plot up. Unlike Sophie’s and Malcom’s deaths, Willem’s was completely justified in my opinion. It gave Jude a new challenge, it broke the repetitive pattern and stirred our curiosity about what was going to happen next. Even though I do not agree with the actual ending of the book I still believe that the events leading up to it were a good choice.
And now to the character we’ve all been waiting for, Jude. Listen, as everyone else I was really exited about Jude, I was counting the pages left until his POV, he intrigued me. There were lots of aspects that I liked about his character. His mental illness (yes, Andy, he was in fact mentally ill) was decently portrayed, I could relate to his mental process concerning self-harm and he definitely struck a cord with me. With that being said, his story could have been shorter and it could have left more space for other characters (*cough* Malcom *cough*). Jude’s story contained a repetitive pattern that had been dragged out for far too long ending in a predictable conclusion. Let’s start with the beginning, the back-story, the thing that we all wanted to find out about. I’m going to critic it’s credibility in just a second, but first I just want to say that the author’s attempt at building suspense completely flopped on me. The way she tried to spread the back-story all throughout the book did not keep me on my toes, it only annoyed and bored me, I couldn’t wait to get it out of the way once and for all.
Now, let’s say the monastery made sense, even Brother Luke made sense, but everything that followed was total bullshit. Is this boy just a magnet for abuse? Do abusers just sense him from 5 miles away or what? I’m not trying to seem insensible, but for real now! And how come every single person he meets is both a pedophile and interested in guys? I refuse to believe that every single counselor at that home and every truck driver is gay. What’s the actual probability of that being the case? I mean does nobody like vagina or what? The back-story is clearly exaggerated, but I guess that it does make Jude’s learning to trust people again more remarkable. I did enjoy the relationships he built for himself after everything that happened to him (except the one with Caleb of course) and I admired the courage it took him to trust Andy with his body, Harold with his fear of belonging to someone and Willem with his love and life. But in the end it was all for nothing, Jude still kills himself, all his progress is flashed down the toilet and you are left wandering what was it all for. I’m not saying all endings should be happy endings, damn, I love me a good sad ending, but making Jude’s suicide in the end come out as ok and acceptable just doesn’t send a good message, that he had nothing left to live for when he still got his goddamn parents who loved him more than anything else. Suicide should never be portrayed as something ok to do, something justifiable. Yes, Willem’s death was heart breaking for Jude, even more than that, it wrecked him all over again, but I really thought that this death would be used as an opportunity for Jude to get better, to show that you can get through anything. I get that life isn’t like that, I get that in real life suicide would probably be the actual thing a person would choose most of the time (hell, I don’t know what I would do if faced with this situation), I am not judging Jude, I am not condemning him, I’m just saying that there could have been a better ending. The least that could have been done was to still try to give it a positive note, Harold to remark that even though he understands why Jude did it and that he still loves him, there were alternatives, there was still a chance for him to be at peace with the world without dying.
All and all, I enjoyed A Little Life most of the times and I do not regret reading it even though it made me very angry at times. It is still a book I recommend, but I recommend reading it with a critical eye. 
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ufuomaee · 4 years ago
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#FirstReview of #TheNaiveWifeRachelsDiary!!! Need I say more...? Go get your copy and kindly share your #reviews with me! #BooksByUfuomaee #TheNaiveWife #RachelsDiary #ReleaseDay https://www.instagram.com/p/CGJ9E5llxFE/?igshid=1xlingi3amfv2
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Netflix's 'The Ranch' Review
I have to start by saying, I loved The Ranch. It is a hilarious, dramatic, heart-wrenching story, with a range of wonderful characters.
I have always been drawn to anything with the kind of feel that this show gives off.
The show focuses on the 'Bennett' family, a quick-witted, chop-busting family that take no crap.. Not even from eachother.
The humor that the show thrives on is rather adult, with a lot of swearing, yet somehow the jokes and japes in the show feel very authentic. If you didn't know you were watching a Netflix Original series, you would believe The Bennetts are a real Colorado family of Ranchers.
You can almost feel involved in the business of the show, like an extra family member, or a patron in Maggie's bar, and it will always draw you back every time (four times in my case).
There are ups, downs and all arounds when it comes to this show, one minute you can be laughing your head off, and the next you could be clenching your heart, it is the perfect mixture of satirical humor, saddening outcomes and a very real corellation with actual life.
If you watch it once, you will certainly want to watch it again, and maybe even one more time. Currently whilst writing this there are Four Parts to this show (Two seasons consisting of 20 episodes each, 10 episodes apiece making up each part.. I know.. Confusing..) and to my knowledge there is a fifth part scheduled for some time in 2018. It is the perfect show to sit down with your partner and watch a couple of episodes at a time, or take a day or two and binge to completion.
Definitely a 10/10 rating from me, although this is the kind of Dramatic SitCom I have wanted to see for years now.
I highly suggest watching 'The Ranch' if you have not seen it, and if you have.. Go back and watch it one more time.. Why not?
I hope this short review is enough to get even one person to watch the show, it's awesome!
Thanks for reading,
Catch you later, random readers.
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conservationchic-blog · 5 years ago
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Friends! I have my first review and it's a 5 star! Over the moon and such a wonderful first customer! #savethebees🐝 #savethebees #🐝 #etsyhandmadejewelry #etsyhandmade #etsygifts #etsyuk #etsyshop #firstreview #5star #silverjewelry #honeycomb #bumblebee #honeybee #uniquejewellery #uniquedesign #uniqueearrings #smallbusiness #handmadewithlove #earringsoftheday #earringstyle #earringshandmade #earringslover #earringshop #handcraftedearrings #earringsoftheday https://www.instagram.com/p/B1wCVtHlrfO/?igshid=1mzr7ygbeslz1
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pinpinaxdraws · 6 years ago
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The first serious review of our comic anthology, including my short story - straight ahead on IGN Poland! My story has been described as "offering graphics diverse enough to await continuation with interest." 🙊 . I'm totally mind blown! 😄🤯🤗😅 Motivation boost: +1000% Happiness level: overwhelming. I guess I can now officially add "comic artist" to my bio 🤭🙈🐣 . Enjoy the sneak peek. English version & the full story (in episodes) is planned for Webtoon later this year. . #omg #firstreview #pinpinax_ocs #loishgroup #comicartistsoninstagram #comicartist #comicart #instaillustration #illustration #illustratorsofinstagram #artoftheday #instaart #instaartist #illustrationartists #artistsoninstagram #artistsofinstagram #instagramartist #instagramart #literarydetectives #pinpinax (w: Poland) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxtep7CCCRE/?igshid=xgjpe67d7ge0
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maryensenada · 4 years ago
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Ya están las primeras reseñas de la prensa y los críticos acerca de los dos primeros episodios de #Loki Fuente: https://collider.com/loki-show-reviews-reactions/ Traducción: google chrome translator. #Loki #FirstReviews #LokiSeries #9DeJunio #June9th #DisneyPlus #ColliderMagazine (en Ensenada, Buenos Aires) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPyjxPTl_8W/?utm_medium=tumblr
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goodgollymissmeli · 5 years ago
My first book review of the year!! Let me know what you think!!
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گوشی موبایل نوبیا ۸ با نمایش تصویر متحرک در پشت گوشی 📱📱😲😲 Nubia X, punya layar bolak balik depan belakang. Busyet bro, apaan lagi ini? . . . ⁦➡️⁩Follow @majaletech.ir⁦ ⬅️⁩ . . . #nubia #nubiax #android #smartphone #review #firstreview https://www.instagram.com/p/BsAq2MnAU3-/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1s2fnnzet8h55
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reviewsbydharma11 · 6 years ago
So I've noticed this one is something that is rare, but I loved this book. I think the twist was amazing and that it all was great. I love Sci-fi and strongly dislike the typical "oh lets throw in romance for the sake of romance", Andi and the relationships she has had were all understandable and needed.
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theweepycactus · 7 years ago
CSB She Reads Truth Bible
CSB She Reads Truth Bible
Publisher: Holman Bible Publishers; Box Lea edition (April 15, 2017) Imitation Leather: 2226 pages ISBN-10: 1433613824 ISBN-13: 978-1433613821 Product Dimensions: 6.1 x 1.1 x 8 inches I’ve received Bibles as gifts over the years, but all were in the NIV translation + an Action Bible. I wanted to get another Bible of a different translation, but wasn’t sure which one I wanted to try: ESV or CSB or…
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sarcastic-skeptic · 7 years ago
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Morning guys! Been doing some research for the blog. Since it's been a long weekend, I decided to try and get some of this book read and reviewed! I love Uncle Rick soooo much, and I have read this before (but not recently!), so this will be my first official review 👏👏👏 #firstreview #rickriordan #unclerick #saturdayvibes #thelosthero#camphalfblood #campjupiter
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kenvapes-blog · 7 years ago
Here’s little sneak peak from our first video on youtube Reviewing indonesian cotton from @srirejeki.id . . For full video review please check our youtube channel . Link on bio #kenvapesfamily #firstreview #kapassrirejeki #indonesianproduct #vape4lyfe #instavapes #balikpapanvape #vapeshopbpn (at Balikpapan)
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