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🇺🇸~And now travelling to... London!! THE LAST TOUCH will premiere on the big screen of the Hens & Chickens Theatre in the heart of LONDON today!’ Award-winning dystopian short movie THE LAST TOUCH garnered TWO NOMINATIONS, for Best Sound and Best Score at UVFF (Unrestricted View Film Festival)! The U.K film festival, that was first available online in April/May 2021, is now taking place in person and will be screened on Monday June 28th at 5pm with a selection of short movies. More info @UViewFF Festivals Calendar: Link in bio or type ▶ 🇫🇷~ Ma navette se pose aujourd’hui sur... Londres!! THE LAST TOUCH fait sa première sur grand écran au cinéma Hens & Chickens au cœur de LONDRES ! Mon court métrage dystopique multi-primé, THE LAST TOUCH, a reçu deux nominations, pour le meilleur son et la meilleure musique à l'UVFF (Unrestricted View Film Festival) ! Ce festival du film anglais, qui fut d’abord disponible en ligne en avril/mai 2021, se déroule désormais en personne ! THE LAST TOUCH est projeté ce lundi 28 juin à 17h avec une sélection de courts métrages. Plus d'informations @UViewFF Calendrier des festivals : Lien dans la bio ou tapez ▶ #thelasttouch #shortmovie #dystopian #sciencefiction #melissamars #mozartloperarock #madeinmarsstudios #femalefilmmaker #womeninfilm #womanwriter #filmfestival #festivalseason #indiefilmmaking #indiefilmmaker #indiefilmmakers #scifi #scififilm #awardwinning #femalefilmmakers #moviepremieres #awardseason #gratefulthankfulblessed #uktravel #londonpremiere #inperson #moviepremiere (at London, United Kingdom)
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🇺🇸~Keeping balanced in this Beautiful and soothing sunset in the Empire State… No filter! 🇫🇷~Pour finir la semaine en beauté... et “équilibrée” ;)... un coucher de soleil sans filtres! #newyork #upstatenewyork #selfcaretime #mindfulnesspractice #gratitudepractice #newyork #ilovenewyork #ilovenyc❤️ #iloveny #ilovenewyorkstate #newyorkstate #empirestate #nature #lakelife #orangesunset #postcard #nyphoto #silhouettechallenge #silhouettes #melissamars #nofilter📷 #nofiltersneeded #lifeisbeautiful #gratefulthankfulblessed *reposted as I prefer this frame *Je reposte car je préfère ce cadrage 😜 (at New York State)
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No filter!! 🇺🇸~Keeping balanced in this Beautiful and soothing sunset in the Empire State… 🇫🇷~Pour finir la semaine en beauté, sans filtres!... et “équilibrée” ;)... un coucher de soleil flamboyant... #newyork #upstatenewyork #selfcaretime #mindfulnesspractice #gratitudepractice #newyork #ilovenewyork #ilovenyc❤️ #iloveny #ilovenewyorkstate #newyorkstate #empirestate #nature #lakelife #orangesunset #postcard #nyphoto #silhouettechallenge #silhouettes #melissamars #nofilter📷 #nofiltersneeded #lifeisbeautiful #gratefulthankfulblessed (at New York State)
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🇺🇸~Guess who’s travelling to Greece?! THE LAST TOUCH (haha)... for its premiere on the big screen in the city of Alexandroupolis, at AXD Short Film Festival taking place in person. I’m very honored to be in “touch” with the country that originated dramaturgy, mythology, legends and characters that have been inspiring me since my childhood (Antigone, Electra...); the fundamental roots to our language (I did study in middle and high school!!) and the etymology of my name Melissa :)... To My “first” Touch with Greece with THE LAST TOUCH, playing tonight!! 🙏🏽🤗 Festivals Calendar: Link in bio or type ▶ 🇫🇷~ Qui va voyager en Grèce? THE LAST TOUCH haha!… pour sa première sur grand écran dans la ville d'Alexandroupolis, lors de l’AXD Festival du court métrage qui se déroule en personne du 24 au 27 juin. Je suis honorée de ce premier contact au cœur des terres qui portent les racines de nos plus grands dramaturges, de la mythology, des légendes et personnages qui ont été une inspiration pour moi depuis ma plus tendre enfance (Antigone, Electre...); de notre language (un grec ancien que j’ai courageusement :p étudié au collège et lycée); et de mon nom ;)... (Melissa / Racine étymologique = abeille< miel) Une “première” touche... avec THE LAST TOUCH, projeté ce soir en sélection officielle! Calendrier des festivals : Lien dans la bio ou tapez ▶ #thelasttouch #shortmovie #dystopian #sciencefiction #melissamars #mozartloperarock #madeinmarsstudios #femalefilmmaker #womeninfilm #womanwriter #filmfestival #festivalseason #indiefilmmaking #indiefilmmaker #indiefilmmakers #scifi #scififilm #awardwinning #femalefilmmakers #moviepremieres #awardseason #gratefulthankfulblessed #greecetravel #alexandroupolis #inperson #moviepremiere (at Alexandroúpoli, Greece)
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🇺🇸~Very proud to be featured on 3 pages of the WLondonFF Filmmakers Magazine! This is my very first magazine publication as a filmmaker! Wouhou!!!! You can check it out: Link in bio or type ▶
PAGES 12-13-14! 🇫🇷~Trop contente d’avoir atterri sur 3 pages du magazine WLondonFF Filmmakers Magazine consacrées à mon film THE LAST TOUCH, qui a remporté une sélection OR au World London Film Festival! C'est ma toute première publication dans un magazine en tant que cinéaste! Wouhou!!!! Vous pouvez le “feuilleter”: Lien dans la bio ou tapez ▶
PAGES 12-13-14! #thelasttouch #shortmovie #dystopian #sciencefiction #melissamars #mozartloperarock #madeinmarsstudios #femalefilmmaker #womeninfilm #womanwriter #filmfestival #festivalseason #indiefilmmaking #indiefilmmaker #indiefilmmakers #scifi #scififilm #awardwinning #femalefilmmakers #moviepremieres #awardseason #gratefulthankfulblessed #filmmagazine #magazinefeature #featuredartist
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🇺🇸~June is #pridemonth As a fan of Tim Burton myself, this year I’d like to feature the talented French illustrator @the.dan.illustration and his inspiring artworks, whether for the LGBTQ+ community, or his dark characters and much more... Check him out on his profile. And let’s all celebrate Love. Feel safe whoever you love. 🇫🇷~ Juin, on célèbre l’amour sous toutes ses formes. En tant que fan de Tim Burton moi-même, j'aimerais cette année mettre en avant le talentueux illustrateur français @the.dan.illustration. Ses œuvres inspirantes, que ce soit en faveur de la communauté LGBTQ+ ou ses autres personnages sombres, c’est un artiste à découvrir et dévorer des yeux. Consultez son profil. Et célébrons tous l'Amour. . . . #pride🌈 #pride #lgbt #lgbtq #feelsafe #strongertogether #juneispridemonth🌈 Support #lgbtq🌈 #illustrations #dessin #art #gaypride #lgbtcommunity #lgbtsupporter #timburton #timburtonstyle #featuredartist #justlove #justafan 👏🏼❤️
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🇺🇸~The Last Touch, that garnered a gold selection at the World London Film festival, is FEATURED on 3 pages of the WLondonFF Filmmakers Magazine! This is my very first magazine publication as a filmmaker! Wouhou!!!! You can check it out: Link in bio or type ▶
PAGES 12-13-14! 🇫🇷~3 pages dans le magazine WLondonFF Filmmakers Magazine consacrées à mon film THE LAST TOUCH, qui a remporté une sélection OR au World London Film Festival! C'est ma toute première publication dans un magazine en tant que cinéaste! Wouhou!!!! Vous pouvez le “feuilleter”: Lien dans la bio ou tapez: ▶
PAGES 12-13-14! #thelasttouch #shortmovie #dystopian #sciencefiction #melissamars #mozartloperarock #madeinmarsstudios #femalefilmmaker #womeninfilm #womanwriter #filmfestival #festivalseason #indiefilmmaking #indiefilmmaker #indiefilmmakers #scifi #scififilm #awardwinning #femalefilmmakers #moviepremieres #awardseason #gratefulthankfulblessed #filmmagazine #magazinefeature #featuredartist
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🇺🇸~Look what landed on my planet! Ready to fly in my new ROCKET!! I am so happy and honored to receive this original trophy from Miami International Science Fiction Film Festival 2021! (@miamiscifi) for Best Socially Distant Production Runner Up for THE LAST TOUCH! Warm thanks to the festival, Troy and his team. And I share this award with everyone involved in the creation of THE LAST TOUCH: my amazing D.P Yaniv Glaser, my co-star James Kacey, my voice-star Monica Blaze Leavitt, my composer Steve Sholtes, as well as Olivier Schultheis, Anthony Abeson, Eric R Mizrahi, Don Riemer, and all the friends who helped me complete the film. THE LAST TOUCH is currently in the festival circuit. Festivals are going back in person. It will premiere this week in Greece, in the city of Alexandroupolis!!! And next week in the U.K, in London! If you’re around these areas and want to catch it on the big screen, please check out the festivals calendar: Link in bio or type ▶ 🇫🇷~Regardez ce qui a atterri sur ma planète ! Prête à m’envoler dans ma nouvelle fusée !! Je suis tellement heureuse et honorée de recevoir ce trophée original de Miami International Science Fiction Film Festival 2021 pour le second prix de la meilleure production “distance sociale” pour mon court-métrage THE LAST TOUCH! Un grand merci au festival, Troy et son équipe et toutes les personnes impliquées dans la création du film. THE LAST TOUCH voyage dans le circuit des festivals qui recommencent progressivement à être en personne. Il sera présenté cette semaine pour une PREMIERE en Grèce, dans la ville d'Alexandroupolis !!! Et la semaine prochaine au Royaume-Uni, à Londres ! Calendrier des festivals : Lien dans la bio ou tapez ▶ #thelasttouch #shortmovie #dystopian #sciencefiction #melissamars #mozartloperarock #madeinmarsstudios #femalefilmmaker #womeninfilm #womanwriter #filmfestival #festivalseason #indiefilmmaking #indiefilmmaker #indiefilmmakers #scifi #scififilm #awardwinning #femalefilmmakers #moviepremieres #trophyawards #trophy #rocket #awardseason #gratefulthankfulblessed
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Happy Father’s Day to all the unloved-by-their-father Daughters, Sons and LGBTQ+… Father’s Day can be an empowering day. Today is father’s day. Again. Haha. Every year, it happens again! Kind of hard to forget it given all the emails and ads on internet about it. I was gonna skip it since last year I had written my “peace” (on my blog). (...) But it’s one thing to wish a happy father’s day to the fathers and their beloved daughters, sons… Today, I want to wish a Happy Day to all the others and especially to everyone whose relationship with their father is “broken”. Let’s make today a happy day. An EMPOWERING one... (…) Rather than looking at it from the point of view of UNLOVE… What about looking at it from the opposite way: LOVE. Can anyone explain love? When I think of love stories, the idea of being, COMPATIBLE, a FIT, or MATCH, or SOULMATES come with it. Love stories. Some work. Some don’t. We don’t mourn all our lives the first love who broke our heart, do we? It just didn’t work out. And I made a song out of it. Papa m’aime pas (Daddy doesn’t love me). Which leads me to my last thought of the day. I’m actually grateful that he didn’t love me. No, I’m not sick. I’m an artist. Big difference lol! Or maybe not haha!… [READ THE FULL POST ON MY BLOG => Link in my bio or type:] Daughters, Sons and LGBTQ+…. Whoever you are, whatever your age… Have a Happy F***** Day, my friends. ******I leave it up to you to choose what you’re gonna make of the F***** word. It could be the F-cursing word or the F-word that defines the essence of today ;) #getyourpowerback #blog #newblogpost #newpost #melissamars #lifeofanartist #writersofinstagram #lifeofawriter #fathersdayweekend #fetedesperes #fêtedespères #bonnefetepapa #bonnefete #fathersday #happyfathersday #blogpostalert #selfempowerment #innerpeace💫 #spreadthelove💜
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A man walking with quite the right style for the post apocalypse sort of atmosphere looming on Manhattan streets... from when I went back for my vaccine, it was the first time in more than a year... For a Sunday afternoon, it did look like a sci-fi / apocalypse film set... Fascinating. Glad I could capture it. #streetphotography #photography #photo #melssphotography #newyork #nyc #blackandwhite #bw #nycstreetshots #nycstreetphotography #emptystreet #emptystreets #postapocalypse #movieset (at New York, New York)
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When I went back to Manhattan for my vaccine, it was the first time in more than a year... I did feel shocked to see how empty the streets were. Not all were as deserted as this area. But on a Sunday afternoon, it looked like a sci-fi / apocalypse film set... Fascinating. Glad I could capture it. #streetphotography #photography #photo #melssphotography #newyork #nyc #blackandwhite #bw #nycstreetshots #nycstreetphotography #emptystreet #emptystreets (at The Edge, New York)
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Me... longing for more sun... From rainy & cold-in-may NY with love. MM. . . #melissamars #blackandwhiteselfie #selfphoto #nyactor #frenchactor #middleeasternwomen #writerslife #womeninfilmandtv #thegirlwithahat
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🇺🇸~ The Last Touch is an Official Selection of the 14th Annual Philadelphia Independent Film Festival (PIFF) @philaindie! Catch it while you can: it’s currently playing online, until May 15th! Link in bio or type: ▶ What they say about The Last Touch... « Powerful. Disturbing... » ~ ESO network « Hauntingly beautiful soundtrack. » ~ Dan’s Movie Report « A 5-minute short film that sends chills down your spine » ~ Renegades « Black Mirror » meets Orwell’s « 1984 »... 🇫🇷~ The Last Touch est une sélection officielle du 14e Festival annuel du film indépendant de Philadelphie (PIFF)! Il joue actuellement en ligne, jusqu'au 15 mai! Lien dans la bio ou tapez: ▶ Ce qu'ils disent de The Last Touch... « Puissant. Dérangeant ... » ~ Réseau ESO « Bande-son d'une beauté envoûtante. »~ Dan Movie’s Report « 5 minutes de court-métrage qui font froid dans le dos » ~ Renegades «Black Mirror» rencontre «1984» d'Orwell ... #thelasttouch #shortmovie #dystopian #sciencefiction #melissamars #femalefilmmaker #womeninfilm #womanwriter #filmfestival #officialselection #festivalseason #nomination #indiefilmmaking #scifi #scififilm #awardwinning #getyourpass #filmfestival #virtualfestival #femalefilmmakers #piff #philadelphiafilmfestival
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« Powerful. Disturbing... » « If we are not already on a path to this, this film heeds as a bit of a warning. » 🇺🇸~ Check out my interview on ESO podcast - Episode 570! I took a trip to THE EARTH STATION ONE @eso_network, the station for all things geek, as a guest of the last segment “The Creative Outlet”; for about 10 minutes, with host Dan Klink we discuss about The Last Touch. Check it out, it starts at 1:34:47. ESO network, episode 570 is available on Apple Podcast, Stitcher Radio, Google Play, Spotify, Pandora, Amazon Music, or wherever fine podcasts are found. ▶️Link in bio or type: 👉🏼 Special thanks to Dan Klink, Troy Bernier and @miamiscifi 🙏🏽 🇫🇷~ « Puissant. Dérangeant ... » «Ce film est comme un avertissement. » J'ai fait un voyage sur la station ESO-Terre-1 « THE EARTH STATION ONE », la station pour tout ce qui est geek, invitée du dernier segment «The Creative Outlet»; pendant environ 10 minutes, avec l'animateur Dan Klink, nous discutons de mon film The Last Touch. Vous pouvez l’écouter sur le lien ci-dessous (ou dans la bio, ou bien partout où l’on trouve les bons podcasts.). Ça commence à 1:34:47. ▶ Remerciements particuliers à Dan Klink, Troy Bernier et @miamiscifi 🙏🏽 #thelasttouch #shortmovie #dystopian #sciencefiction #melissamars #femalefilmmaker #womeninfilm #womanwriter #festivalseason #indiefilmmaking #scifi #scififilm #awardwinning #interviews #podcastinterview #eso #esonetwork #geeklife #geekpodcast #marsonearth
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🇺🇸~ Good news!!! The Last Touch garnered a nomination at @uviewff (Unrestricted View Film Festival) screening TODAY online***. It is an Official Selection of the 14th Annual Philadelphia Independent Film Festival @philaindie that will take place online May 10-15, on Roku Channel. And it received its tenth official selection at the Cinema Sisters International Film Festival @csiffilm , showcasing the work of female filmmakers! It will be in person in Wilmington (NC) from June 11 - 13. *** Don’t miss The Last Touch, it is available worldwide online TODAY, in the block “Shorts 5”. Book your virtual ticket* - link in bio or type: *Use code UVFF2150 for a 50% discount. 🇫🇷~3 bonnes nouvelles et puis s’en va 😜 Mon court-métrage The Last Touch a reçu une nomination au festival anglais Unrestricted View (UVFF), la projection est en ligne AUJOURD’HUI*** Et aussi, une selection officielle au 14eme festival annuel du film indépendant de Philadelphia (PIFF), ce sera en ligne du 10 au 15 Mai. Et aussi... Une dixième sélection officielle au Festival Cinema Sisters International (CSIFF), dédié au cinéastes Femmes! Ce sera en personne à Wilmington (NC) du 11 au 13 Juin. *** Si vous voulez voir The Last Touch, c’est AUJOURD’HUI, en ligne, mondialement accessible dans le bloc de courts-métrages “Shorts 5”. Vous pouvez acheter un billet virtuel pour la journée avec 50% de reduction en utilisant le code UVFF2150 sur le site: ————- #thelasttouch #shortmovie #dystopian #sciencefiction #melissamars #femalefilmmaker #womeninfilm #womanwriter #filmfestival #officialselection #festivalseason #nomination #unitedkingdom #indiefilmmaking #scifi #scififilm #awardwinning #discount #getyourpass #unrestricted #femalefilmmakers
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“I really liked how you managed to create the whole thing about the lack of intimacy but yet you’ve made a very intimate film about it.” ~James Wren, UVFF Festival Director 🇺🇸~Check out my 10-minute interview with U.K’s Unrestricted View Film Festival @uviewff director, James Wren. We chat about my award-winning film, The Last Touch, and hint at future projects in the works. Watch the full interview: Link in bio or type ▶ Don’t miss the screening of The Last Touch available worldwide online this coming Friday, in the block “Shorts 5”. Book your virtual ticket* - link in bio or type: *Use code UVFF2150 for a 50% discount. 🇫🇷~Mon interview avec le directeur du festival anglais, Unrestricted View Film Festival, est disponible en ligne. On y parle de The Last Touch, mon court-métrage ainsi que de futures projets. J’ai beaucoup aimé les points qu’il a commentés sur mon court. Ça dure une dizaine de minutes, c’est en anglais et le lien est dans la bio, ou simplement tapez: Si vous voulez voir The Last Touch, c’est ce vendredi, en ligne, mondialement accessible dans le bloc de courts-métrages “Shorts 5”. Vous pouvez acheter un billet virtuel pour la journée avec 50% de reduction en utilisant le code UVFF2150 sur le site: ————— #thelasttouch #shortmovie #dystopian #sciencefiction #melissamars #femalefilmmaker #womeninfilm #womanwriter #filmfestival #officialselection #festivalseason #nomination #unitedkingdom #indiefilmmaking #scifi #scififilm #awardwinning #discount #getyourpass #unrestricted
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My primitive art. A happy face for a special day. Made with what Mother Earth had available and with my heart :) #lifeisbeautiful #primitiveart #handmadeart #happyfaces😊 #beachart #beachartwork #rockart #improvisation #upstatenewyork #melissamars (at New York, New York)
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