#first time it was looking up Kovu i wanna say. second time was looking up Haku in Spirited Away
isaacathom · 10 months
i have an ongoing beef with the voice actor jason marsden because on two separate occasions, while looking up who voiced a character, i will find out its him, go 'what else has he done?' and get subsequently jumpscared by the presence of Craig Fucking Boone
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gamerwoo · 4 years
Seventeen headcanon: Joshua as Nani and David’s son
from this svt as disney characters’ kids hc i did
a/n: i think there’s a second lilo & stitch or something like that but this isn’t based off of any of that since i haven’t seen it. but i think experiment 002 is in the series sooooo i guess it is kinda based off the series too
warnings: josh x female reader, hybrids, a small mention of death in the very beginning, mentions of bullying
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So at first, Nani wanted Josh to be raised not knowing anything about aliens or experiments
It’s her first kid and she wanted him to be,,,,,”normal” for lack of a better word
But of course, that was very difficult, and Joshua ended up knowing about aliens around the time he was 2 or 3
David’s honestly impressed they even got that far tbh
“That’s all still a part of him,” David explained. “The aliens and the weird stuff, that’s just how his family is. We can’t keep him away from it.”
He even got his own experiment as a “pet” when he was about 5 or 6
Mrs. Hasagawa had passed away, and the experiments that she thought were ‘cats’ needed a home
Josh picked out experiment 002 aka Doubledip
He was a cute and essentially harmless (other than the fact that Joshua grew up basically sharing every single food he ate with Doubledip like ice cream and lollipops and stuff)
Josh nicknamed him DD and Double D, and they’ve been together ever since
As a kid, Joshua was super close with Lilo, Stitch, Jumba, and Pleakley
He absolutely adored all of them and always wanted to go hang out with them despite Nani being lowkey upset about it
“It’s fine, they’ll keep him safe,” David would always remind her. “They’re ohana after all.”
However, there reached a point where Joshua got bullied kind of like Lilo did
His norm wasn’t necessarily the norm for everyone else
No one else believed in aliens or experiments
No one else had the same thoughts and ideas that Joshua did
No one else was interested in the same things Joshua was
He knew he had to say DD was his dog, but he didn’t think that he would have to be a completely different person just to fit in
But that’s what he did
Instead of focusing on aliens and experiments, he focused on surfing
Thankfully, he was raised learning how to surf, but now that was his #1 interest
He stopped visiting his aunt and Stitch as often
The only real connection to his ‘weird’ side was DD because how could he just give up his childhood best friend?
Well, other than Seokmin
Seokmin was always the only person who ever knew what Joshua was truly like, and he even tried to stop Josh from changing himself to fit in
“I can literally grow a tail!” Seokmin pointed out. “I talk to a dolphin on a daily basis! I’m the king of weird, and I’m still a prince!”
“Yeah, but that’s normal in your kingdom,” Joshua pouted as he sat out in the ocean on his surfboard, talking with Seokmin. “Here, it’s not. Normal isn’t experiments and aliens and spaceships.”
So despite his best efforts, Joshua just became as average as possible, which he would have to see when they hung out on the beach and went for walks together
But in the ocean, Josh could say and do whatever he wanted without being judged
Like feeding Pudge the fish’s offspring
So since becoming less weird since he was a kid, Joshua got more friends, including the girl who worked at the froyo place he often hung out with Seokmin at
And pretty much everyone calls him Shua
Her name was Mali and she feared the ocean despite living a five minute walk away
He usually spends most of his time there so that’s how they met
He’s basically just a regular
And it’s at that froyo shop that Joshua’s life starts to change
“So y’know Seungcheol?” Seokmin asks
“Not really,” Joshua shrugs. “I just know you talk about him and he’s a prince of some other kingdom.”
“Right, well he’s having a birthday party this weekend, and I can bring a plus one. Since I don’t have a princess or anything to bring, I wanted to bring you.”
“Really? Why not like, one of those girls lined up to date you or whatever? What are they called?”
Joshua obviously isn’t royalty so he doesn’t know much about these things
But it’s fine because Seokmin doesn’t know anything about experiments or surfing either
“I don’t want to bring a date, I want to bring my best friend!”
“I thought your best friend was Kipper.”
“I can’t bring a dolphin on land, barnacle head.”
Cue Josh flinging his damp towel at Seokmin’s head and going, “Not cool, bro.”
And Mali sighing behind the counter about how, “We really need a sign that requires you to wear a shirt in here.”
So skip to Seungcheol’s party
Admittedly, Joshua is pretty nervous
He keeps trying on different clothes but all he really owns are shorts, t-shirts, tank tops, flip flops/sandals, and sneakers
He’s a surfer dude okay, he doesn’t really need to dress up for anything
“DD, does this look okay?”
DD simply ignores him and continues to lick the bowl of candy Josh keeps for him
David and Nani have to help him find something decent to wear
Although David insists he should wear something super fancy since Seungcheol is royalty
“So...is he a lion then, or...?” he keeps asking
And then Joshua has to explain for the hundredth time that he’s kind of a lion-human hybrid thanks to magic stuff and yadda yadda yadda 
Tbh, Josh doesn’t even get it
Seokmin finally picks him up, and they go to Seungcheol’s kingdom for the party
With David still asking questions even after they leave because he doesn’t understand this magic concept
And yet he understands aliens
Sort of
Josh is used to acting normal to fit in, but now he’s trying to act Extra Normal TM
But god he’s so curious because he’s never really been outside of Hawaii so he can’t help but just look around in wonder at all the sights and the people
And then Seokmin asked, “Do you wanna meet Seungcheol?”
“Like...the prince?” Joshua stammered
“You do remember that I’m a prince too, right?”
“Yeah, but-- DD!”
Joshua suddenly spotted his experiment trying to eat the cupcakes
He didn’t even know DD went with him, but he assumes the little experiment hopped into his backpack before he left
“So much for acting normal...” Seokmin mumbled under his breath before running over to help Josh with his little problem
Now, 002 wouldn’t be an issue, but his name is Doubledip
Essentially, all he’s going to do is lick all of the food before putting it back
If you couldn’t tell, that’s disgusting
So DD is loose at the party of a royal, and it would be all Joshua’s fault that the food is ruined
So the urgency to collect DD and get him back into Joshua’s backpack is very, very valid
Well, and the fact that Joshua wants to come across as normal as possible
Thankfully, DD only licked 5 cupcakes and 3 mini hot dogs wrapped in croissants before Joshua managed to stuff him back into his backpack and handed him a bowl of pretzels to keep him occupied
And it was as Joshua was zipping his backpack up that he accidentally bumped into you
You lived in Seungcheol’s kingdom, but you were one of the people who actually quite liked him
Since Seungcheol is Kovu’s son and Kovu was considered bad before, there’s some controversy over him but that’s another story for another time
You wanted a drink and he accidentally backed up into you
You spilled your drink a little but at least it didn’t get on your clothes
You both spun around and began apologizing even though you didn’t really do anything so you weren’t sure why you were apologizing
“I-I can get you a new drink!” he stammered
“It’s really fine,” you assured him with a polite smile.
But you’d never really seen either of them around, and you figured you should mingle a little since you were here, right?
“You guys aren’t from around here, are you?” you asked.
The one behind him stepped forward and smiled brightly, “Nope! I’m Prince Seokmin, the son of King Eric and Queen Ariel.”
“Oh! It’s an honor to meet you!” you bowed to him before looking expectantly at the one who’d bumped into you.
“That’s just Shua,” Seokmin shrugged. “He’s from Hawaii.”
But y’know what, just Shua from Hawaii was kinda cute
And he thought the same
Plus, you just seemed normal and that’s what he wanted
You were just wearing some jeans, a nice shirt, a cardigan, and a beanie
Compared to all the royalty and important people here, you were like a breath of fresh air
“Hey, Seokmin!” a new voice called
And Prince Seungcheol strolled over and grinned at the other prince he called his friend
“Oh, I see you’ve brought a friend -- and you met _____!”
Seokmin introduced the two and then the four of you continued to make some small talk
You were just thankful that Seungcheol didn’t say or do anything to blow your cover
He eventually walked away to greet other guests, leaving the three of you alone again
But you continued to talk
Seokmin kinda took the hint that he was a bit of a third wheel at this point and left to find someone else to talk to
He’s a prince and he knows other princes so it’s fine
He mumbled something about wishing someone named Wonwoo was there but you didn’t pay any attention to it
You talked about where he was from, what he did for fun, what his family was like and stuff
He may have slightly bullshitted and/or left out some things but it’s fine
You also talked about you and what you did and your family
You may have also slightly bullshitted and/or left things out but again, it’s fine
Eventually, Joshua asked if you wanted to dance since you’d been standing at the snack table just talking this whole time
And since Seokmin was a great wingman and took the bag with DD in it, he was safe to do whatever
So you agreed and the two of you danced and talked all night
And you were so worried when the party was over that you wouldn’t see him again
But he asked if there was any way he could see you again and your heart fluttered
And you said you were sure you could make that happen
You had to figure out what surfing was, anyway
But after that was all over and you went home and the butterflies had died down just enough for you to think about something other than your growing crush on Joshua from Hawaii
You remembered that you weren’t exactly who or what he thought you were
And now you had to keep that hidden from him
And you weren’t sure how long you could do that
And when Joshua was on the way home with Seokmin, who was happily talking all about how he got to see Hansol again and he finally got to meet Hyunggu and everything
DD popped out of the backpack with his bowl of now salt-less pretzels
And Joshua remembered that you didn’t know what he was really like
Or his family
And now he’d have to keep that a secret from you, too
So fast forward to the next weekend, and you were planning to visit him
Joshua was doing his absolute best to like, hide everything
Make sure Lilo, Stitch, and any of the others won’t be around
Make sure his cousin won’t be hanging around
Make sure DD is at Lilo’s
Meanwhile, you had to make sure you looked normal before you left
Which was basically just wearing normal bottoms and wearing a hat
So when you arrived in Hawaii, Joshua was there to eagerly greet you
Though he didn’t really seem it on the outside
He’s the stereotypical surfer dude so he’s just very chill overall
He basically had the whole weekend planned out
Most of it consisted of teaching you how to surf
“I actually hate the water,” you admitted as he walked with you down the beach toward the water
He chuckled, “Well, then you’ll hate surfing. It’s in the water”
So instead of surfing, he compromised and made sand castles with you on the beach
He said something about wanting to show you the joys of fresh coconut milk so you offered to climb up and get one
“Nah, it’s cool,” he chuckled. “It’s high up anyway.”
“I’m a great climber!” you reassured him
And then you climbed up a tree and got him a coconut
But then he had to open it himself which was a whole struggle by itself
And then he brought you to his favorite place to go after surfing: the froyo shop
“Make a new friend, Shua?” Mali smirked
“Be nice. This is _____, she’s from Seungcheol’s kingdom. You know him, right?”
“Kovu and Kiara’s kid, right?”
You noticed that Mali joked around with Joshua a lot, but it was very lighthearted
You liked her
He had to work that night but he invited you because he worked as a fire torch performer (dude fuck if i know the correct term) at a restaurant
Which also meant you got to meet his parents, David and Nani
“So you’re the girl he’s been talking about so much,” David grinned as he went to shake your hand
And then Nani gently whacked him in the shoulder and reminded him, “You weren’t supposed to mention that,” in a hushed tone
Which you heard
David only shrugged and gestured to you, “Well she’s blushing, isn’t she?”
Overall, you thought his parents were great
Though, they did seem a little strange
Then again, who were you to judge?
David would start to say something only for Nani to quickly cut him off
You decided to not think much of it
You did have to admit, watching Josh twirl fire around without burning anything or himself was impressive
Why did he have to seem so perfect?
Afterwards, he joined you guys for dinner
Nobody let the alien thing slip, so overall, he thought it went pretty good
He was really sad to see you go but you promised you’d come back again soon
And you did
The two of you actually saw each other a lot
And feelings on both sides only continued to grow
He did finally have to introduce you to Lilo and Stitch and DD, though
He knew he couldn’t keep them hidden forever, and besides, everyone still fell for the dog thing when it came to the two experiments
Well, Doubledip was originally supposed to be a ‘cat’ but whatever
And Josh just made Lilo swear to not talk about aliens or mention anything weird
“I really like this girl,” he explained to her, “so don’t mess it up”
“You know, I’m fantastic with girls!” Pleakley chimed in
Joshua quickly shook his head, “You and Jumba aren’t invited”
So eventually, you had met all of Joshua’s family
Well, he called it ohana and explained what it meant, and you thought it was really cute
He was happy to find that you did buy the dog story, and you really liked DD and you got along with Stitch
Tbh he was most worried about Stitch
DD gets along with pretty much anyone, but Stitch isn’t so easy
Things were going super well, so he was ready to ask you to actually be his girlfriend
He brought you on a nice picnic on the beach where the two of you first hung out
And he had everything laid out and the two of you were starting to eat, and he was going to ask
But then he heard his name being shouted from down the beach
Lilo was out and about with her daughter and Stitch
And Stitch was very excited to see you
He bolted down the beach toward you and jumped on you, knocking you back onto the blanket
And also knocking your hat off your head
Out popped your fuzzy white round ears
Stitch pulled back and looked at you, head cocked to one side
Joshua just froze and stared at you
Because you weren’t technically human
You were from Seungcheol’s kingdom, so you were an animal that used magic to stay human
That magic turned you into a human/animal hybrid, just like Seungcheol
But instead of being a lion, you were a lemur
It was why you wore hats to hide your ears and jeans and skirts to hide your tail
It was why you didn’t like water
It was why you could climb trees so well
You weren’t normal
And now Joshua knew that
“I-I gotta go,” you quickly stuttered out, grabbing your hat and scrambling to get up
You shook your head, jamming your hat back on your head to conceal your ears, “Save it, I already know what it is.”
“B-but you’re-- What are you...?”
“I’m a lemur, alright?” you huffed, tears pricking your eyes because you knew Joshua was not going to want anything to do with you
Even though you were a human and could stay human, you couldn’t get rid what you really were
It was weird, and people didn’t like weird
“You don’t have to say anything about it,” you continued as you tried your best to keep from crying, “because I already know you’re going to say I’m weird and you won’t want anything to do with me. So I’ll go and I won’t bother you again. And...I’m sorry for not telling you.”
And then you ran up the beach, not looking back once
Joshua sighed and dropped his head, closing his eyes as he rubbed over his face with his hands
Stitch just looked up at him and said, “Oops...”
Heartbroken, Joshua walked back home alone
Nani and David knew what he was planning, so they were so excited for him to get home
But seeing him with a frown as he threw the half-empty picnic basket on the counter before going to his bedroom without a word, they knew something was wrong
“I’ll take this one,” David told her before going to Joshua’s room
David knocked softly before entering to find his son face down on his bed
“Do you wanna talk about it?”
“No,” he mumbled into his pillow
“Did...she say no?”
“I didn’t even get to ask, dad,” he sighed, lifting his head to look at David
“Did something come up?”
“Stitch tackled her and knocked her hat off and she...”
How was Joshua supposed to explain this?
He could deal with aliens and experiments, but human animals were something he hadn’t dealt with before
Would his dad even believe him?
“What? She got a weird haircut or something?” David chuckled
“She had fuzzy animal ears,” Joshua finally told him straight-out. “She’s an animal that’s human by magic.”
“Ah, right. That stuff you explained before. Y’know, Nani had to tell me how that worked like, seven times before I really got it.”
Joshua just let out a groan and dropped his head back in his pillow again
David sighed and sat on the edge of the bed, “Who are you to judge? You keep an experiment as a pet -- and worse, it licks everything you eat.”
Joshua pushed himself to sit up and sat beside his dad, “That’s not it, dad. I still like her, it’s just--”
“I thought you wanted a ‘normal’ girl, though?”
He just shrugged, “I like her. But she ran away before I could tell her. Besides, I’m way weirder...”
“Then if you like her for being a little different, why can’t you be okay with yourself being different?”
“A little?”
“Do you think being an animal is only a little different?”
And it’s that talk that caused Joshua to go after you
He packed up the photo of his ohana that he kept on his nightstand
And he packed DD
And he left for Seungcheol’s kingdom
You were obviously just as upset, if not more, back home
The silver lining was that you could wear your usual pants which had a hole cut in them for your tail to comfortably stick out
You wanted to spend the next day just sulking
But you ended up being called to Seungcheol, claiming there was someone who needed to talk to you
Joshua got Seokmin to bring him to Seungcheol’s because he realized he had no idea how he’d find you
And walking into Seungcheol’s throne room, Joshua was the last person you expected to see
“Sh-Shua? But...w-what are you--”
“I like you,” he blurted before you could finish what you were saying. “I like you with your ears and your tail because you’re still you. But before you say anything, just... These are things you should know about me, too.”
He opened his bag, and out popped DD
“Double D isn’t my dog. He’s an alien experiment from outer space, and the only thing he knows how to do is double dip foods, and lick things before putting them back. He’s stupid, and I love him”
Then he pulled out a framed picture and handed it to you
You looked it over and saw it was Joshua, Nani, David, Lilo, Lilo’s two kids, Stitch, DD, and some...things you didn’t recognize
“That’s my whole ohana. It’s not just the people I let you meet.”
He told you all about the aliens included in the photo, and you listened, glancing between the picture and him
And when he was done, you just stared at him because honestly, you didn’t suspect him to be anything but normal
But for some reason, maybe because he could relate to you, you liked him even more
Neither of you were considered ‘normal’ so didn’t that make you an even better match?
“I just...wanted you to know that before you decided to never speak to me again,” Joshua concluded
You weren’t sure what to say even though you knew exactly what you wanted to say
You just didn’t really know how to say it
“This is the part you tell him you still like him, too,” Seungcheol whispered in your ear
While Seokmin was Joshua’s wingman, apparently Seungcheol became yours
“I like you, too,” you told him with a sheepish smile, feeling your cheeks heat up
Joshua’s grin matched the brightness of the sun
“So...you wanna go out sometime?” Joshua asked
To which Seokmin whispered, “You’ve already done that before. Just ask her to be your girlfriend, kelp-for-brains”
So he does
And you accept
The next time you visit, you properly meet his ohana
Jumba and Pleakley definitely take a little getting used to but you do think they’re pretty amusing with the way they bicker
“They’re like an old married couple!”
“Don’t say that in front of Jumba, though”
You visit him all the time
So often that sometimes you just spend weeks there at a time
You eventually work your way up to being able to sit on Joshua’s board while he surfs
He makes sure to only go on baby waves so that way you don’t fall over or get wet
You befriend Mali at the froyo shop, and despite roasting Joshua sometimes, she always says how cute the two of you are
And the two of you live happily ever after
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razorblade180 · 4 years
Rosebud part 14
Some days go by fast. Other days go by incredibly slow. For Ruby, it was the ladder. Deep in the woods of Anima she sat on the porch of Ren and Nora’s orphanage with kids around the age of ten circled around her in amazement as she told them stories of her adventures. Each one more amazing than the last until the Sun was setting on the crisp winter day. Funny, she’d never particularly loved the cold but lately it was so inviting. Most likely because she was in comfy sweatpants and being pregnant made her body feel like she was a furnace. The phrase bun in the oven never felt more real. Soon it would be over though. In fact, it would be considered a day over cooked right now.
Ruby:Ok, story time is officially over.
Little girl:But I wanna hear more about the food fight!
Little boy:Yeah! Also how do you ride a locker. I wanna try!
Ruby:Hehehe, now, now, I gotta save stories for later. Plus I bet Ren is almost done with dinner. Don’t wanna miss that now do we?
They all slumped down with puppy eyes. Ruby wasn’t naive. She’s seen this tactic; she might as well be the inventor of it. Yet it was working on her!
Ruby:Tell you what, wanna hear the song I sing to my baby? It’s practically one of the few I can actually sing well.
Ruby:*clears throat* Dream of anything. I'll make it all come true. Everything you need is all I'll have for you. I'm forever, Always by your si-
The front door opened and Yang came walking out with baby Kovu in her arms. The little guy has gotten pretty big in just about a year. He was wearing a black onesie and enjoying being swayed.
Yang:Ren says dinner is ready for you little ankle biters. You have five minutes to get to the table if you want dessert.
Terror spread on the children’s faces before they ran inside.
Yang:Wash your hands!
Ruby:Look at that. You have one kid and now you know how to master them all.
Yang:I think you’re forgetting who helped raise you. If anything, you’re my first child Ruby. It’s actually very comforting seeing it like that.
Ruby:It’s also emotional and I’d appreciate it if you didn’t make me cry. I’ll need all the energy I can muster when this little procrastinator decides to be born.
Yang:Like mother like daughter.
Ruby:Ah! I don’t remember giving you this bedside manner when you were blown up like a balloon. Kovu, your mom is being mean to your aunt.
Kovu does nothing but giggle and wiggles his ears.
Ruby:Fine, take her side.
Yang:He knows better than to upset his food supply. Soon you’ll be on straight solids mister and I can be free.
Kovu looks at Yang for a moment in silence. She’s a bit stunned that he might’ve understood that. Then Kovu starts tugging on her tank top and Yang’s eyes squint at him while Ruby chuckles.
Yang:I don’t think he likes that idea.
Ruby:He’s a simple boy. Boobs are his life.
Yang:Don’t lewd my son or I’ll make fun of….whatever gender your kid is. Why can’t you be a normal person and know ahead of time.
Ruby:I like the surprise. Nora knows but that’s because her and the nurse here have done basically everything. I’m surprised she hasn’t told Jaune.
Yang:He still on patrol with the others? He should really be right by your side.
Ruby:I wish he was but we agreed keeping these woods safe is top priority. Can’t afford to get careless; not this time.
Ruby rubbed her stomach slowly as she remembered a time very similar to this. Hard to believe it’s been three years. Even so, the ache still felt somewhat fresh. Yang reached out and rubbed her shoulder. A comforting smile eased Ruby’s worries and she returned the smile genuinely.
Yang:Now is the time to look forward. Wouldn’t want your anxiety to harm the baby. Aren’t you the one usually preaching about hope?
Ruby:Yeah, the curse of being a good leader strikes again. All my advice coming right back at ya.
Yang:Gotta bring it up all the good ones so you’ll remember it for your little one.
Ruby:My little one had to come out first! I’m tired of being pregnant Yang.
Yang:Yeah I went through something a little similar. Due date was coming soon and this little guy stopped being as active. I started eating ice so the cold stirred him up. Ghira even tried spooking me into labor. Oh! Let’s try that. Kovu, scare your cousin.
Ruby:You’re so ridiculous sometimes.
Yang crouches down to Ruby’s belly and holds Kovu to it. His tiny hand reaches out and starts tapping it.
The two sisters laugh at his attempt.
Ruby:Sorry Kovu. Good atte-
Ruby:Yang...go get the nurse and Nora.
Yang:*eyes widened* Really!?
Out in the woods, Jaune makes his rounds around his designated area like the others. The only thing distracting him from the cold was the thought of his wife. This was all for her safety and peace of mind and for that reason alone, he’d put up with anything.
Jaune reached for his scroll and brought it up. He checked on his friends' aura levels. Still high; little to no fighting has happened then. That’s all he could ask for.
Jaune:Everyone okay?
Qrow:All clear.
Raven:Not so much as a beowulf on my side.
Tai:Really? I’ve killed like five.
Raven:Stop worrying about everything and they might stop seeking you out.
Tai:Mmmm nope. I need the exercise anyways.
Jaune:You need any help?
Tai:I’m just fine. Don’t worry about me for one second.
Qrow:Says the worry wart. Besides, I think you have something coming your way kid. Can you see the sky?
Jaune jumps on a branch to see above the treeline. What he saw was plumes of black smoke and the sight of birds fleeing the scene. ”Someone’s killing grimm? In my area?” He said, confused. ”Who could be out here besides-”
His heart sank to his stomach and he gripped his tight. Without a moment of hesitation, Jaune darted towards the scene. “I’m checking it out now. Everyone be ready for the worst.”
“Roger!” They all said with conviction in their voice.
It didn’t take Jaune long to get where he was headed. Each step he took brought growls and the familiar sound of metal striking bone armor. ‘It’s not them, it can’t be them. We took every precaution.’ He kept telling himself as he slowed down and crouched into the shrubs. ‘Relax Jaune, don’t get impatient. Observe and go from there.’
He took a deep breath and parted the plants in front of him. There was a forest clearing. Dozens of Ursa laid fading away while a massive one stood on its hind legs and roared. Below him was a figure in a cloak. Jaune could only see his back but it was easy to see how worn out the person was.
The cloak was all covered in dirt and their shoulders rose and fell with an intensity that could only mean deep breathing. Still it looked like they remained calm. Their stance low and poised as their hands ready their cane to the side. Wait, Jaune recognized that cane.
The Ursa slammed its weight to the ground and a shockwave blew cloak back along with the person. Jaune popped up from his hiding spot. “Ozpin?” The figure turned around. Yep, it was him.
“Hello Mr. Arc. How-“ another roar interrupted the headmaster and the Ursa charged. Ozpin was caught off guard.
“Look out!” Jaune screamed as he cloaked himself in aura and rushed over there almost as fast as Ruby. He slammed his shield right into the Ursa’s head; making it stumble back. He kept up the momentum by spinning forward and chopping the head off in one swipe.
Ozpin:Nice form. Oh how far you’ve come.
Jaune:Oz, what are you doing out here?
Ozpin:I thought that was obvious. Killing grimm like the rest of you. She’s almost due, right?
Jaune:H...How did you know we were here in the first place? This was supposed to be tight lipped.
Ozpin:It is. The only one who was supposed to know I was here was Mrs. Rose herself but as you can see, things got a bit messy.
Ozpin took a knee and held his head down with his cane supporting him. If it wasn’t for the eye and white hair, He’d looked exactly like how Oscar did after training.
Jaune:How long have you been out here?
Ozpin:Not too long. About a month.
Jaune:A month!?
Ozpin:Yeah. That Ursa Major was number 257 by the way. All the office work is making me rusty.
Jaune:You know if the other’s saw you here then they might have some choice words with you right? I appreciate you being there for Ruby but your agreement-
Ozpin:I’m well aware. It’s why I’ve been trying to remain inconspicuous. This isn’t me trying to build good karma and I have no intention on asking anybody for anything. If anything this should be my way of thanking you all for your years of service and making sure you can continue living life the way you want. It’s the least I can offer. Besides some advice.
Jaune:I think I’m a little old to be your student.
Ozpin:Hardly. Humanity might as well be kids compared to my age. You’re never too old to learn regardless; you’ve all taught me many things for example. I’m grateful for that.
Jaune:....Fine, lay it on me professor.
He sat down in front of his old professor to humor him. Oz couldn’t help but smirk as he stood up like he was about to give a lecture.
Ozpin:This part of Anima is known for slow moving grimm that are spaced well enough apart that the success rate of a traveler running away is pretty high in comparison to other places. I imagine that is one of the reasons why the orphanage was built here.
Jaune:That’s right.
Ozpin:Not a bad idea. When I arrived, I killed thirty grimm at most in my first week. Next week they were more agitated and mobile. Makes sense; Mrs. Rose was here and so were you. Childbirth is an anxiety filled event that happens by nature. However, the grimm kept showing up by the dozens and I got very busy as you can see. Which means...
Jaune:More people showed up? I knew that. Practically everyone is here by now.
Ozpin:Yes but you have to think a bit bigger than that. More people showing up isn’t the problem. It’s everyone who showed up is on edge and attracting the grimm; you all are causing the dangers that you’re trying to prevent. No doubt you could handle them together but if it wasn’t for me then at least half of you would be needlessly exhausted. That would be a real problem if a grimm of frightening destruction showed up, or a rogue maiden out for blood.
Jaune felt his heart stop for a moment. Oz was right. He’d been so caught in his head that instead of being proactive like he thought he was being, he was actually just reacting to his own fears. The only reason the plan was working was because everyone was more than skillful to handle most problems.
Oz walked over to Jaune and got him on his feet. He put away his cane and rested his hand on Jaune’s shoulder.
Ozpin:Strength and diligence are very important but not the most important right now. You all have that in spades. I bet there’s a million things on everyone’s minds right now. All valid fears no doubt. Give them a chance to get it all off their chest. A leader protects the mind along with the body. Just you do as a husband, and just like you’ll do as a father. *smiles*
Jaune:You think that highly of me huh?
Ozpin:Well you are the one who has done the most growing. Then again, that’s only natural seeing how you were….let’s say a late bloomer.
Jaune:That was almost a complete compliment.
Ozpin:Hehe, my fault. You know, I never had a son but looking at former students like you and Ren really makes me feel like…
Oz’s words trailed off and he stopped speaking. Instead he stood right in front of Jaune and examined him thoroughly. Hair, clothes, frame. He’d really grown from his first day. Jaune looked a little embarrassed and confused as Ozpin nodded and smiled with what seemed to be pride. Then, he walked off. Jaune said thank you and got only a wave goodbye. Class was dismissed.
Jaune almost wanted to call out to him but stopped; his scroll ringing nonstop like an alarm. Everyone was messaging him. Yang most of all. ‘How have I not noticed this?’ He thought answering Yang’s call.
Jaune:Hey what’s-
Yang:Yes right now! I know we had this system in place but I think you should be-
Yang:I think you should be here for the birth!!!
Jaune:I’m on my way! We all are.
Yang:What about-
Jaune:I’d Cinder wants to show up then that’s her death wish. We’ll handle her together.
He hung up before Yang could even respond. The girl sighed to calm herself before looking over at her sister. Ruby was sweating bullets on a hospital bed they have gotten earlier. The nurse was going back and forth with clean attire for the baby and making sure Ruby’s vitals were okay. She’d been healthy all through the pregnancy but better safe than sorry. Natural births could get tricky sometimes.
Nora had the honor of actually being the person delivering the baby. She’d done it more than anyone around and it was showing. Her face displayed laser focus on the task at hand and she was dressed in proper hospital attire except for her hair which was pulled back into a bun. Truly she was the rock Ruby needed right now.
Nora:You’re doing great Ruby! Keep it up!
Ruby:Agh, you...you’d think this would be easier the second time. Hehehe….
Yang:*grabs her hand* Jaune’s on his way. All of them are by the sound of it.
Ruby:That’s good...wouldn’t mind some more happy faces in here.
Nora:Then let's make them really happy by making them to the party. How about they see you with a beautiful baby in your arms? Ready?
Ruby:*tightens grip* To get back to a life of combat skirts? You bet.
Nora:*smiles* One...Two...THREE!
‘Almost there. I can’t believe this is actually happening.’ Jaune thought as he sprinted through the forest. Jumping over tree roots and gaining speed along the way. The man didn’t miss a step.
The sounds of his boots going across the floor began to get drowned out by other footsteps. With each passing moment a friend came into his peripheral that joined him in the journey back to Ruby. Weiss was the first, followed by Blake, and then Tai.
Blake:You nervous?
Jaune:Hell yeah, but it’ll all work out. I have you guys. I don’t know how far I would’ve made it otherwise.
Weiss:Think nothing of it. This has always been a group effort.
Jaune:Not Just with this. I mean everything. School, adventures, regular life problems, you’ve helped so much in so many ways. I couldn’t ask for better friends and family.
Tai:That goes both ways you know? We’re thankful for you just as much as you are for us.
Weiss:We love you, you dunce. I can’t imagine anything we wouldn’t do for you or Ruby honestly.
Blake:And we know it’s mutual. Now and forever, we’ll watch each other’s backs.
Jaune:Thanks guys. *smiles*
Tai:Hey, where’s Qrow and Raven?
On que a bird flies right past them and gains some distance. “That’s totally cheating” Weiss pouts as she can feel the heels of her shoes getting a bit worn. The bird flies around a tree and transforms back into Raven. “Need some help you slow pokes?” She grabs her sword and opens a portal. The group smiles and happily jumps through it. They come out the other side in front of the orphanage with Qrow leaning against the door waiting.
Qrow:Good thing I looked so you all could just leap. What if I was inside the house when Raven made that portal?
Tai:Sounds about on brand really. The kids would’ve had a good laugh.
Jaune:Never mind all that. Is Ru-
A cry from inside was heard loud and strong. Jaune’s eyes widened. It could’ve any kid. From the small kids to Kovu, but somehow, he knew it wasn’t. The cry, it belonged to someone new.
Jaune said nothing and walked towards the door. Everyone fell in line behind him with cheerful smiles on their face. They gave him space. It was his moment more than theirs after all. Ren stood with a child in his arms when he noticed them coming in. He gave his best friend and leader a smile then pointed upstairs. Jaune nodded then went right towards them; the crying getting louder as he got closer until it reached its peak with him right outside a wooden door. His heart felt like it was about to fly out of his chest. Jaune grabbed the door knob but felt too anxious to turn it. A fire in his chest that didn’t frighten him, but made this moment surreal. Then, a voice cut through it all.
“Don’t worry, I got you. Nothing will ever harm you…”
Without anymore thinking, he walked in. From that moment on, the winter night felt incredibly warm. There she was. His closest friend. His wife. Holding their newborn child in her arms with such grace and gentleness that it took his breath away. Despite what Ruby would probably think, Jaune doesn’t think he’s ever seen her look this angelic. She hasn’t even noticed him yet. Her attention focused on soothing the baby with the same song she used all pregnancy; the same song for Dustin.
“I’m close by, I’ll stay here. Through all things I will be nea- Hmm?” Ruby finally felt the presence of multiple eyes and looked up. It was a pleasant surprise to see so many loved ones staring in awe from the door while. Then there was Jaune. Speechless in front of her bed with tears in his eyes. Ruby had already been crying for several minutes and smiled back at him. Though she hadn’t realized just how happy he was; why they were all thrilled. It wasn’t just the baby. It was Ruby herself. Jaune was looking at deep pools of silver that shined like the moon’s reflection on a still lake. For the first time in a long time, Ruby finally looked like herself again.
Ruby:Hey there stranger. Looks like you were right this time around. Come say hello to your daughter Carmine.
Jaune’s smile grew even bigger. He’d forgotten all about that silly wager from long ago. Slowly he walked to Ruby’s side and she held the little one up so he could see the new addition to their lives. What he saw was beautiful. Carmine had come out with already a full head of blonde hair that grew darker and red at the tips. Her cheeks were all rosy; he’d assume from crying but he hoped that maybe she had a natural blush.
Regardless, what really captured him was when she opened her eyes. Purity couldn’t describe them. They were eyes that stole his heart in an instant. Maybe it was because he was already so emotional. Or maybe, it was because it was because they were just as captivating as Ruby’s. An intense silver that showed him anything possible.
Jaune:Hey Carmine Arc Rose. Welcome, to the best family ever.
Part 13
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Hello. I'm Dasha from ao3. As you say, you opened reguests, so i ask a Lion King (first and second cartoons) for Lotor's movies might. Thank you.
Movie Time With TSL Lotor: The Lion King I (1994) and II (1998)Edition
“And this,” Lotor was saying, leaning his elbows against thepillow in his lap, “is another Disney movie, yes?”
Pidge sat on the floor beside the couch, flanked by both Hunkand Lance. “Yep.” The image of the movie’s cover flashed onto the main screen,revealing an image of a hand-drawn lion and the title The Lion King.
Lotor’s white brow quirked. “Strange,” he murmured. “Are youcertain we did not already watch this? What was that children’s programming youintroduced me to earlier…” He snapped his fingers a few times to jog hismemory. “The White Lion, with Kimba.”
“A separate cartoon, but uh, yeah. Lions, man.” Hunk laughednervously. “They’re everywhere.”
Lotor hummed. “I am beginning to think so as well.” Heleaned his cheek in his hand curiously, narrowing his eyes. “Regardless, knowingthat this is Disney, I can assume with a particular level of certainty that theprotagonist is a young one whose parent or parents are in a tragedy of sorts. Thestory will undoubtably pull my heartstrings in some way, regale me with song,and then round back to a message of hope or self-discovery. Does that aboutcover it?”
The three young paladins paused and looked at each other.Lance scratched his chin and said, “Yeah, that’s about right. Way to spoil it,dude.”
The prince shrugged in a light humor. “I enjoy sensiblepatterns.”
But as the movie began, an inspiring call of song rosethroughout the hall. Lotor’s brows raised in interest of the sound, which wasdifferent from the other music he had so far heard from the planet Earth.
Pidge then turned to Lance and whispered, “Ten bucks saysAllura’s gonna fly through that door any second.”
Lotor’s ear flicked, caught between listening to the wondrousmusic and the paladins’ whispering.
Lance whispered back, “I’m so not taking that bet. She’sprobably already in the hall. I give her like, five seconds.”
“I give her three.”
Just then, Allura slammed open the door, eyes wide in a franticexcitement. “Lions!” she called. “Oh, this is The Lion King, how dare you all watch something about lions withoutme. Honestly, the nerve. You know I love lions.”
All four sets of eyes stared up at her—with Lotor’s beingthe widest.
Allura swept in, her regal dress and perfectly set curlsflaring behind her. And then she, with an upmost lack of regality, flopped ontothe couch opposite Lotor. She dared to stretch her slippered feet out, to theprince’s surprise. He stared down in shock, face flushing, as he realized thatshe had propped her feet right into his lap as if such things were perfectly ordinary.
“I…was sittinghere, princess,” he strangled out lightly.
The tips of her slippers wiggled in excitement, the goldthreads catching the light upon the pillow. “And now I am too. I cannot say noto The Lion King.”
Lotor swallowed hard as he gazed upon her excited face.
Hunk broke his maddening race to think of something to say.
“You’ve seen this, like, four times,” Hunk called to Allura.“So we kinda figured maybe you’d be bored or something.”
The princess gasped, raising a hand to her chest. “Never.This movie is precious. And it has talking lions.  I could not ask for more.”
Lotor hesitantly leaned his arms over Allura’s calves insearch of a comfortable position. He had seen the paladins flop over oneanother often—with Pidge falling asleep on top of Lance, Hunk leaning his headagainst Keith’s shoulder, and even Shiro dog-piling on top of them all once in thename of claiming the couch. Such actions were, Lotor believed, signs of deepcamaraderie.
He wondered if Allura’s candid movements were a sign ofincreased trust. He felt a rising sun in his chest at the thought, and theglimmer of stars bursting in his lungs when she did not move away but wiggled abit in all her finery to get comfortable for the rest of the movie.
He could feel her warmth through the fabric of theirclothes.
“If you all must know,” she declared airily, “Nala is my favoritecharacter.”
Lance deadpanned, voice light, “Would have never guessed.”
“Oh, hush, you. Your favorite characters are the laughinghyenas.”
“Hey, those hyenas are legit,alright?”
Lotor’s lips twitched, knowing at a certain point that thepaladins were growing careless in their discussions of spoilers.
As the movie progressed, Lotor’s merry smile turned to a suspended,thoughtful expression. The character of Simba was such a curious thing. Like him.But not like him.
The relationship he had with his father was something thatLotor almost felt envious of.
“You are more thanwhat you have become,” said the cosmic Mufasa. “You must take your place in the circle of life.”
Simba returned helplessly, “How can I go back? I’m not who I used to be.”
“Remember who you are.You are my son, and the one true king.”
Lotor felt chills down his body in an odd way, and for a time,he completely disengaged from the movie at the statement.
You are my son, andthe one true king.
He looked down at his emaciated hands. Despite eating enoughfor three people, he was still struggling to regain who he had once been. Helooked up.
“Going back means I’llhave to face my past,” Simba was saying to Rafiki on the screen.
“You can either runfrom it, or learn from it.” And then the baboon took a swipe at Simba withhis staff, and the young lion avoided the strike.
Lotor’s eyes widened in surprise, his previous thoughts fading to the back of his mind. “Ah, I know this tactic.How familiar and strange to see it here. Friends, this is the Galran way of the palen-bol.Learning from pain so that you may avoid it.“
Hunk’s eyes slid to his.  “Ah, yeah, I’ve heard about palen-bol.Interesting stuff.” He laughed nervously.
The prince raised his chin in a quiet delight, to seehimself—somehow, a merrier version of his own people—in the movie.
As it turned out, one movie about lions merged into two, the story continuing with Simba ruling over Pride Rock. Lotor was leaningforward now, brows furrowed in increased interest. So far, he had never seen asequel to a movie. He had not known that humans continued their stories onoccasion.
Now that Simba had ascended and claimed the throne of hisfather, what else was there to his story?
And then, after a short time, Lotor’s furrowed brows relaxed. “Ah, I see wherethe plot is going. This is a romance, with a forbidden element per Scar beingoutcast in the first movie.”
Lance waved his hand. “Romeo and Juliet style, with a lil’lion razzle dazzle thrown in for fun.”
Pidge cut in then. “Except they don’t die in the end.”
Hunk waved his hand and deadpanned, “I mean, nobody’s that heartless with a kid’s show, right? You can totally tell this is going somewhere good.” 
Lotor leaned forward, lightly squishing against Allura’slegs as he grabbed for one of the rolls Hunk had so kindly grabbed from thekitchen. The princess herself had fallen asleep at some point toward the end ofthe first movie—her acts of diplomacy across the Coaltion often exhausted her—andshe grumped lightly at his movements.
Lotor stilled for a moment before hooking his claws into aroll, carefully leaning back. “At least,” he murmured, “a benefit of spoilersis knowing what I’m getting into. I can feel the themes of prejudice in thisstory. I should hate for it to end poorly.”
It was around then that Keith walked in, somewhat dead-eyedfrom a nap. He took one look at the movie screen and groaned. “Seriously, guys?This movie again?”
Lance raised his nose. “It’s a totally valid movie, Keef.”
“It’s so cliché,” the older boy moaned. “Just a dumbromance.” He turned to Lotor and added, “Seriously, if you ever wanna watchreal movies again, just—”  
Lotor lightly set his roll aside and leaned down to clap hishands over Pidge’s ears. “—Best not to speak such criticism before the children,”he called merrily. “They are impressionable.” Pidge squawked. The movements wokeup a bleary-eyed Princess Allura, who found herself staring at the side-profileof a Lotor who was smiling without reservation, his lips wide.  
The princess blinked several times at the image.
Her heart skipped, the sleep wearing away from her as sherealized that Lotor had her feet quite pinned between his lap and his chest.
Lotor seemed to sense her waking state. “Apologies, princess,”he murmured to her, still holding his hands strong to Pidge’s ears while Keithcomplained about the movie. “I believe we are all engaging in…play of somekind.”
Allura rubbed her eyes and giggled a bit. “It sounds likeit.” Her sleep-rough voice softened. “It is such a merry sound, though.”
And on the screen, one Kiara and Kovu stared at each otherin close proximity, awkwardly brushing off their increasing attraction.
Lotor turned to her, a quizzical arch in his brow despitehis merriment. “You would speak so highly of our chaos?”
“Always,” she said softly. And then she teasingly poked her slipperedtoe against his side.  
The prince’s eyes widened as a noise escaped him. For a second,he grew very still. Then he slipped his hands away from Pidge’s ears to graspfor Allura’s foot. “Princess,” he said, voice strained. “You should know I amticklish.”
“I’m not sure you should admit to that around here,” shesaid merrily, still a bit sleepy in her eyes with a lazy smile stretching herfull lips.
He could not help himself.
Without warning, he ran his finger up the flat of her foot.
She squealed, eyes widening as she jerked her feet closer toher, her skirts slipping up her calves. “Oh, what a dirty trick!”
“On the contrary,” he said lightly. “Now I know you areticklish as well.”
Allura forced herself to sit up, her face flushing brightlyas she hid her feet well beneath the long length of her skirts, giving him adirty glare. “Well. At least I know we are evenly matched.”
A glimmer of a smile danced in his eyes. “For all ourdifferences, princess, I fear I must agree with you.”
And back on the floor, Hunk whispered to Pidge and Lance,jerking his thumb up, “You guys getting Kiara and Kovu vibes from these two orwhat.”
“Oh, man. Totally.”
“Not even a question.” Pidge rubbed her ear where Lotor hadlightly muffled her hearing with his hands. “But I worry about what that makesus.”
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