#first solution pest control
sweeneydino · 8 months
*BIG INHALE* Hi! I’ve been rotating the Spikeangelo au in my brain for a while, and things might get incomprehensible real quick. Not all questions, some just comments... 90% of this is just musing as the train of thought jumps rails and causes massive casualties; no need to answer all if you chose to answer any.
1. The fact that Master Splinter lets Titan live with them BEFORE he knows that he’s a version of Mikey, even after the attempted murder… man will look at a mutated turtle, ask, “Is anyone going to adopt that?” and not wait for an answer.
2. In Turtle Temper, Splinter says, “Spike, chew on your leaf if you are in the mood for a story”. Ronin has a choice here: pest Raph by eating, or troll Splinter by not. What choice would he make?
3. It seems like during the Slash and Destroy episode, Titan already had his outfit. If so… where did he get the clothes? The little turtles don’t really wear anything (and their clothes would be much smaller), so unless Splinter has a secret goth wardrobe, the only thing I can think of is that Raph is Very Optimistic about how tall he’s going to get, and has stockpiled clothes accordingly.
4. A while back you mentioned Titan “chewing [Shredder] out” after Shredder kills Splinter during the Triceraton invasion. The image you drew made it look like a tirade, but the first thing that came to mind for me was… more along the lines of using Shredder as a dog toy.
5. You said that after Slash and Destroy, Titan hides for a while out of shame. When does he rejoin the others? Before the invasion, *during* the invasion, after? Does he join the farmhouse arc, or does he do as canon Slash does and defend NYC while the rest of the turtles are gone?
Ah... there's a very long part six that's just about the ghosts... I don't think I'll be bothering you with that today.
When I see these types of asks, I can never control the squeal that comes out of my mouth. I love detailed analyses about my aus
I also love completing things, so let's do them all!
1) Yep! Idk whats with the Splinters, but if it's turtle-shaped and needs a home, well say no more!
When Spike turned to Titan, Splinter already sensed something off with him, something more familiar than a family pet, but he would never figure out why until their lair is attacked by the kraang at the start of the invasion.
It's hard not to realize that your son's former pet knows moves (and shows a strange amount of wisdom) that you're 90% sure you never taught or shown to any of your sons.
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I think he's still upset about the pizza. Or Raph's anger.
3)Dumpster diving?
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I'll be honest, I forgot to write it down... So we will stick to this simple solution for now🗿
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Okay, well... Shredder ALMOST became a dog toy. Let's just say that (this will totally not be a future comic)
5) He reunites with them after the newtralizer arc! After a little convincing ofc
When the invasion begins, he's with Splinter and Leatherhead, having defended their home and now searching for the turtles. They find Shredder after they exit the sewer, and Titan isn't too pleased to see the old bastard, attacking him in a rage once he hears about Leo's possible "demise."
Unfortunately, when he gains the upper hand, Titan is the one caught off guard and knocked into the machine, crushed by the pipes.
Before Shredder could really begin his usual evil monologue, he becomes distracted with Leatherhead, allowing Splinter to check on Titan and help him out of the pile of metal. Despite the likelihood of having a huge bruise on his ribs, he'd be fine. Even better if he could get rid of all their issues right there in front of him.
The one wrestling an alligator. And somehow winning.
And when he sees that devil in that all too familiar armor toss leatherhead into the pit, he's all too ready to kill him.
Yet he can't. Because He's not the only one wanting to prevent the past from happening again.
Splinter sends him away to find his sons, Titan's brothers - well, sorta - and even if he wants to bring Oroku Saki, the worse pain imaginable, he's more concerned if they are okay.
Okay, well, if the rest of them are okay
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He'd find them, with him.
And uh. I think Leo's perfectly fine.
So when they decided to leave for April's farmhouse, he stayed in the city to search for Splinter and the other Mutanimals after leaving Leo with the others.
Maybe he sees himself as a burden.
Then the rest you make up on the way 👍 /j
This was very fun! Maybe I should just write paragraphs or smol little chapters with much more detail and flow🤔
Nah, I'll just draw.
Can't wait for the looooooooooonnngggg part six :D
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satzy · 3 months
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In the lush paddy fields of Indonesia, where the lifeblood of rice demands vast quantities of water, farmers have ingeniously turned this necessity into a thriving ecosystem. They didn't just cultivate rice; they cultivated fish too.
Imagine this: fish darting through the fields, not as accidental visitors but as deliberate residents. Farmers introduced them in large numbers, releasing them into the water where rice plants sway in the breeze. It wasn't just a symbiotic relationship; it was a game-changer.
#Rice Fish Culture emerged as a brilliant solution. Here's how it worked: first, the fish became natural pest controllers, gobbling up insects, algae, and pests that would otherwise ravage the rice crop. As they fed, they inadvertently pruned the plants, promoting healthier growth.
But that's not all. Their waste, rich in nutrients, became a natural fertilizer, enriching the soil without the need for synthetic additives. And as the fish thrived, so did the farmers, who could harvest them for food or profit.
The result? Land productivity soared by a staggering 20%, surpassing conventional limits. Fields teemed not just with rice but also with bountiful fish stocks, a testament to human ingenuity blending with nature's cycles.
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glassrowboat · 7 months
Our Adventure. Venti.
Summary: A child of Mondstadt has recently been gifted a vision. A gift from the gods. Yet all she views it as is a decorative charm that invokes ire and fear in her very own heart, a babble she can't even control. The solution? The best bard in Teyvat, obviously!
Word count: 2400+
Authors note: Basically, I've been toiling away in my head what would happen if a vision user was struggling to use their newfound gift and I wrote this :)
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The wind had a habit of carrying many things along it's ever flowing breeze, from leaves to the sweetest of songs, from love confessions to the dandelion seeds that truly marked Mondstadt as a land full of endless wishes and freedom. Tonight, however, there was a cry, a wail that even a banshee herself would be incapable of making as it rang in the young bard's ears. This was how the archon had come to know so many secrets that lay in the land he called home, and this was how he ended up below a closed window with pebbles in his hand.
A small thud could be heard on the sill, bouncing off the wood as Venti tried his best to not get hit with the smooth stone hurtling back down to the ground. When no answer came from that still weeping woman another pebble was tossed.
What plagued her was already known by many, far too many if anything. Gossip spread fast in these stone walls. Drunkards would talk about how they came across a random patch of grass just outside the city's gates dried out beyond compression. The local carpenter would talk about how he had to chop down a tree that suddenly became too unstable to be allowed to stand any longer, only to find out behind the untouched bark the inside was lacking any moisture that was so characteristic of fresh wood. The most notable of all however was the knights who said they had to escort a young woman home, too weak to walk as she knelt down right inside a ring of brown blades too stiff to wave in the wind like the fields of green typically would.
(Y/n), a child of Mondstadt recently gifted with a hydro vision.
The very same person who was on the other side of that window was struck with knock after knock as she glared at it with pure contempt, nose still running even as she picked up a random shoe. A heel with its pointed end should do some decent damage, right? So she held it tightly in her grasp, that is until the window randomly opened as if Peter Pan himself was trying to sneak into her darkened room. No candle lit to truly brighten up the scene of a red shoe hitting a green figure square in the face.
“No, no, that's some vampire shit I ain't about. Go find some other woman to prey on I- I ate garlic bread for dinner ya know?” Even with your vision blurred by tears you quickly grabbed the other shoe, getting ready to throw this one too.
Vampires can't enter without permission, right?
Well nevermind to that idea as the green figure landed on the floor having successfully passed through what was supposed to be a barrier of protection. All the while he was beaming at you with a smile that would make anyone want to punch him, even with his hands up in the air.
“That's not allowed….”
“Hello to you too.” Ah, you recognize that voice. The little pest that would run around the cobblestone streets all the while humming a tune that would be running on replay in anyone's head for hours after. “Can you put the other shoe down? My face already hurts from the first one.”
“I think you deserved it, you oversized fly.” Letting go of the shoe you let it fall to the ground as you got back up from what was an admittedly cowering position on the floor.
“Come now, what happened to you calling me a grand poet the likes no one has seen in this modern age? Am I not the next-” and you ended up throwing the shoe at him in the end- “Hey!”
You just shrugged, hands raising in the air in what could only be described as a whatcha gonna do about it motion.
Venti looked down at the shoe for a moment as it fell to the ground before kicking it back over to you, giving you free ammunition. “You could throw that shoe at me again or you- I was joking about the shoe! Please, spare me.”
“Flies usually get swatted.”
“Okay….different approach then.” Sighing to himself Venti walked over to, hand ruffling with something in his pockets before pulling out a handkerchief. The white square of cloth held out to you as it swayed in the wind coming from that still open window. “A fair maiden such as yourself shouldn't be crying, so I offer you this: let the best bard in Teyvat whisk you away on an adventure for the ages. We can make our grand escape right away!”
That's a great way to have missing person posters plastered up right next to the ones of the travelers sibling, and how well have those worked so far? Therefore your answer was an obvious “fuck that.”
“Please, with a cherry on top? And sprinkles too.”
Grabbing the handkerchief, and half tempted to throw it right back at him, you brushed it against your eyes. The fabric is surprisingly soft for something a bard who can barely afford a drink would be carrying, yet the lack of an abrasive texture appreciated nonetheless. “Why are you even here?”
“Well,” with a giggle Venti held his hand up, like he was in a play about to recite a sonnet in the middle of a stage with hundreds of eyes on him and him alone. If it was any other situation it could be an amusing sight, but he's still trespassing. “Let's say the wind guided me to you.”
It was hard to pinpoint why it felt so off-putting the way he said that, wistful in a way, but you didn't really get the chance to think on it more as Venti opened his mouth again. “What bard can stand hearing a fair maiden cry and not try and cheer her up with a song or two? Certainly not this one.”
“The wind?”
“Yup. Or maybe even Barbatos himself.”
“Have you ever gone to a doctor to see if you're clinically insane? Or have you just been hanging around Barbara and her musings of the church doctrine too much?”
With that Venti leaned over, a hand held up right next to his mouth so he could whisper, “the results came out inconclusive.”
Wait. What?
“Now come on! We have to get going before the sun fully sets and we have no light to help us see.” After all, who would want to be running around tripping over the loose cobblestones in the streets? “Walking through the dark is only romantic on beaches and sneaking around back alley ways to meet your lover, you know.”
So, he is insane.
Yet here you are taking out the hand he was holding out to you, letting that bard whisk you away on this promised adventure as he drags you out the window. (Trying your best to pretend you didn't notice him grabbing the vision you had tossed on the bed as he did). So while you didn't trip over the loose stones, at least not this time, you did fumble over roots as Venti pulled you under windrise. Leaves occasionally fall down from the tall tree, flowing back and forth as the wind catches the thin object before it finally settles down amongst the grass you two were trampling over as he pulled you to sit down.
Your knees hitting the dirt right before the stream winding along the plains to the coast, water softly rushing past you both as the sound hits your ears almost like a melody. Though a certain drunkard would be aghast to hear you say you prefer this over the strumming of his lyre he'd be plucking at any other time, even if it was just as a joke. Though admittedly it was odd not to see the ducks wading around, having gotten so used to seeing them so often from past visits trying to steal your lunch when you weren't looking.
Pesky little things they were, just like this brat.
“So, what's with the field trip?”
“I can't just pull you along for a midnight trip to my favorite spot?” The answer was clearly an obvious no. Not without a reason of course. “I give, I give, just don't have to glare at me like that. I've heard around town that you had a little incident.”
Oh great, so the rumor mill was doing its thing. What a goody. Just the thought of that scene again, of the hydro vision being cradled between your hands as the grass beneath you withered away to the point a patch of dead, dried out flora has your nose wrinkling. Not wanting to go over the image that played in your head like a highlight reel. A movie dedicated to your own inability.
“Is this the part you impart on me some sage advice?”
“I can.” With the wave of his hand, or more like a flutter of the earth's breath itself as a breeze swayed past you both, catching his braids and making them dance, Venti summoned his lyre. A certain blue glow reflecting off the wood from the gem sitting between you both. “Or we can sit here while I play a tune. It's up to you, (y/n).”
“I'd pick the latter in an instant.”
“But it won't get me anywhere.”
Somehow even just the gold encased vision (or maybe the casing was a part of the vision, you didn't really know much about how that all worked) had a certain aura about it that felt daunting. Just an item. Just something as useless as an accessory if it wasn't being used by its owner. It was like instinct to avoid it, just like when you were a child and you had to learn the hard way not to touch that pan that had just been pulled off the still burning hot stove. For the two instances to be so comparable was like a funny, passing thought, but to you it certainly wasn't.
How can one laugh at their own misery without doing so just to mask their pain?
“Venti, what was it like when you first got your vision?” It felt like a natural question to ask, but he didn't really give you much of a real response to that besides strumming that lyre. A tune playing between you that you had heard at the tavern a good handful of times before.
“Let's just say I have always been a natural.”
“So you're useless to me.”
“Sounds like it, doesn't it?” Reaching over Venti picked up a windwheel aster only a little bit away, close enough he didn't have to shift at all to simply pluck it from the ground. “Though I wouldn't call the company of a friend useless.”
You couldn't help but huff at his statement, annoyed by the fact he had a point. “Fine. Sorry.”
He nodded in turn, not bothering to say anything about your mood today. Not when you both knew why you suddenly turned into such a grouch. “I can still explain how it feels for me.”
“As long as you promise not to say something cheesy like I become the wind itself.” That would surely make anyone in your position a little peeved. A prodigy sitting before you who has the ability to so naturally have control of something that threatens to turn on you. The claws of a wild animal that one can never say for sure will come to you for help or to attack.
“I can try!” Holding the flower out, those same orange petals that had become second place in the walls of Mondstadt began to spin. Turning round and round as you were left to stare at the little demonstration. “Like freedom itself has graced me. I can feel wind under my fingertips just as easily as I do strings or this flower for an example.”
“(Y/n), you may not currently know exactly what melody you are trying to share with the world yet, and that's fine! We all have to start somewhere.” Giggles came out between his words, easing the tension you couldn't help but feel at being so blatantly called out. “But just like always, a tune will still play, or in this case the sound of rushing water will be the music you grace me with. Either way, I can't wait to see what you can come up with.”
“My, how sweet, I almost want to wretch.”
“Hey, I was being serious for once!”
That's why this entire interaction feels so wrong.
Still, you glanced back down at the blue gem, watching how it glows so the grass it lays on is tinted with its color. Would it do the same to your garments once you get brave enough to hang it from your clothes like you've seen Amber doing? It was still a burner after all, but even a burner will cool. It just takes time.
“I wasn't expecting to see this side of you today.”
“Like what you see, my lady? Next, all we have to do is throw you in the water and see what happens.”
“I swear to fucking god-” No, you are not down for being thrown around by his wind currents. Just having to ride down one as you left your apartment to get here was enough for one day.
“Easy! Easy! We won't go back to throwing shoes at me, right?” He asked, hands in the air. Already surrendering just in case. The flower hanging in the air between you both. His doing, obviously.
“You're infuriating sometimes.” With a huff you snatched the flower from the air, pulling it close so you could look at it properly. It still had life left in it, still had water coursing through that green stem.
Your eyes were so focused on the petals you didn't even notice the smile Venti was giving you, soft in nature as he watched you stare down at the gift with a pout. You didn't need to know that he was just happy to see you free from tears again, to no longer have you be locked up in your own room from fear of something new. As for Venti? He didn't need to know you couldn't help but think maybe Barbatos did send him to you.
No, not all.
So just like any silent night at windrise, or as silent as can be with you two mouthing off at each other, the leaves rustled as branches swayed back and forth, and a tune, for the wind had a habit of carrying the sweetest of songs.
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chicuahtliteotl · 6 months
Notes as an indigenous farmer for other farmers, gardeners, looking to seek to perform land remediation, restorative agroforestry, etc.
First, look up historical weather and current weather zoning, climate change is real, the area may no longer be suitable for specific plants anymore.
Consider invasive plants, animals, worms(yes like bees there are invasive worms) , etc
Assess potential soil and water pollution sources then create a remediation plan depending on time and feasibility.
Work with the land, not against it, this is pretty simple, if you plan to create rain collecting channels for your small garden, then it's to slope where the land slopes for you.
Composting is great but you also need to understand microbial/fungal symbiosis and creating microbiomes that allow for effective compost break down.
You can buy cheap microbial solutions that are epa or environmental sound, back reference any microbial cultures with academic papers, if unsure how to do the research then it is fine with a variety as this simulates closely to nature.
Look into outdoor mushroom farming, this is pretty common in my community in our Chināmitl /mīlpan system, it's not as hard as most resources online will tell you, especially if you're sticking with native to your area mushrooms.
Avoid commercial strains for cultures especially if they're non native as this can lead to potential invasives.
Yes fungus /mushrooms can be invasive, please never put golden oyster outside.
You can also buy microremediating solutions for soil/water contamination.
Many universities offer resources to help find soil or water testing companies for accessible to no costs even, this is useful if you want to assess variety of conditions.
Additionally microbe /fungal based solutions are most used in our community as it helps reduced overall pests and diseases to our plants.
If you have tons of untreated wood ash (burn untreated wood, get wood ash) this is useful for variety of things, as this ties into controlled burning, true slash and burn, etc. Essentially nutrients are allowed to disperse back in the ground, be aware of heavy metal and other contamination considerations as always.
Indigenous seed banks do exist for non indigenous people, also look into seed conservation projects and seed banks that look to preserve seed lineages. While heirloom is nifty, it does only go so far back around an early colonial era.
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autumnmobile12 · 4 months
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Food for thought: The SPR team is pretty eclectic as far as supernatural solutions go. They've got religious figures, people with psychic abilities, researchers. Any ghost they come across, they're pretty much set.
But forget supernatural causes for the hauntings a moment and go back to the first case where it was just a creaky building sinking into the earth. That can't be the only time that ever happened, so now I'm imagining the whole team has an interesting medley of random certifications and educational backgrounds just to make up for the various natural explanations they encounter.
Old pipework leaking water into the ground could also cause a building to sink. Maybe the soil the house was built on is just terrible at draining moisture. There could be a lot of reasons a house is sinking.
I'm imagining someone on Naru's payroll is a certified building inspector. (That takes roughly two semesters.)
Scratching noises and knocking sounds? Could be small animals or other pests, so someone also has a pest control certification? (Three months course.)
They have a lot of electrical equipment that could be a potential hazard. Somebody on the team could be a fire safety officer.
With the advent of the internet ('cause Ghost Hunt takes place in the 90s?) becoming more popular, someone on the team is now the IT person.
All of them probably have CPR and BLS training. Ayako probably just decided to become a certified trainer just to cut out the middle man. Right in the middle of an investigation, she just pulls out the dummy and workbooks and says, "All right, Mai and John get over here. Both of you are due to renew your CPR training."
Yasu probably went to law school just so he could be the company's attorney when the situation arose. (Also, great fallback plan. He would be the most aggravating lawyer ever.)
Just saying, if Mai or Yasu are moving on from the ghost hunting scene, they don't even need to put paranormal researcher on their resume.
"Miss, can you tell us why you have so many unrelated certifications on your CV?"
"...I had an...interesting career in my teens and twenties."
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serpercival · 1 month
The Fox!Trap AU - A Comprehensive Table of Contents
Right okay this series is a complete and total mess thanks to the fact that 1) there are bits written by a couple of different authors and 2) some stories take place between bits of Mating Habits. So here's a full, chronological table of contents for this thing that I'll be linking in the notes of each of the individual pieces and adding to when people inevitably write more that fits into this main canon.
As a note - Mating Habits is best read as a whole, but if you want to jump around and do the flashback sequence first and then come back to the rest of it, I'm not exactly going to stop you. This is chronological but not necessarily best order of reading.
Mating Habits of the American Red Fox - Chapter 29 (A Flashback)
A Beginner's Guide to Emergency Veterinary Medicine (archive locked) (co-written with @trappper-johnathan!)
Mating Habits - Chapters 1-5
Unconventional Pest Control Solutions
[holy ghost by @mainenorth! This was a gift which is so so so sweet. Not written by any of the original au creators but I'm screaming about the fact that someone else wrote for this]
Mating Habits - Chapters 6-end of Part Five (in progress - currently published through Part Four, Act Two)
Full Throttle (by @trappper-johnathan!) (archive locked)
Mating Habits - Part Six (upcoming!)
Professional Courtesy
Bonus: The Art of Fur Trapping, written well before we'd landed on one particular variation of the verse and therefore isn't canon to anything else here, but I still had a good time writing it :3
If you're looking for a recommended reading order, I'd say your best bet is:
Emergency Veterinary Medicine
Unconventional Pest Control Solutions
[holy ghost]
Full Throttle
Currently published Mating Habits material (Parts One-Four 2/3)(when this is published all the way through Part Five, I'll definitely be recommending reading through that, then cutting to Full Throttle, then back to Part Six of Mating Habits, but that's still a bit in the future.)
Professional Courtesy
A couple more things:
This series absolutely could not be possible without the incredible talents of both @trappper-johnathan and @remyfire. None of these fics would have happened without their participation in building the lore and the original outline of Mating Habits. An extra special thanks to @mxmorel, who joined the crew late but has been nothing but lovely and encouraging and has been an incredible help in keeping the steam going. Please keep all three of them in mind in regards to this verse—I'm the one who has a lot of time and energy for writing on my hands, but none of this would have any structural integrity without their overwhelming help.
Finally, you, the reader, are more than welcome to write in the verse if you want! Write in the Mating Habits verse, do your own thing, use the worldbuilding and do something completely different with it (I know there's a cathawk wip out there), all of that is more than welcome. Let me know about it and add it to the Ao3 collection and I'll add it to this list!
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justkpopjokes · 4 months
“Giant Bees!” || Lee Know
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Ft. Lee Know + florist!Felix cameo (not ship) AU: giant beekeeper Word Count: 698 A/N: Indirectly requested by my bestie jaesea on May 28th of 2020 LMAO it literally took me 3 years smh (also @/hagun-suna I started writing a baker!minho for you YEARS ago and I decided to combine it with this one! idk if you’ll even see this HAHA I doubt you’ll read it but just wanted to say I thought of you!)
if you’d like to reblog just my fanart you can see it on my art blog ^^
If you know my fics, you’ll know that each AU comes with a twist…this one is giant bees
That’s not a figure of speech lmao the twist is that there are giant bees
Like I need you to understand that Minho takes care of LITERAL GINORMOUS BEES
It’s a bit of a challenge considering the bees are larger than his head 
Averaging 1 foot (~0.3 metres) long, Apis magna is the world’s largest species of bee!
(For context, a normal honeybee is 0.5 in or 1.2 cm long, which is 0.04 ft or 0.012 m)
Entomologists would be hesitant to even call it a bee anymore if it wasn’t for the blatant bee-haviour ahahahahah get it bee behaviour and appearance of a bee
(The drawing I made for the header is just a cuter depiction lol
I imagine they’d look more realistic, but you can also imagine lil blobs for this fic)
Minho took up beekeeping after discovering that the giant bees visiting his garden acted like his cats
His cats were actually scared of them at first LMAO but these giant bees don’t sting because they have lost their usual natural predators
In fact, they don’t seem to have any natural predators and don’t reproduce as often as normal bees, so they’re rare to find
Kind of more like something out of a fairy tale than an actual insect
But, somehow, Minho finds one such giant bee in his garden one morning feeding on the few colourful flowers he has planted there
He’s spooked at first, but his cats start playfully swatting at the bee and the bee seems to be having fun with them
So Minho brings out a jar of honey from his kitchen to feed the big bee
The bee drinks some of the honey and then flies off on its way
The next day, he wakes up finding 3 in his backyard
It understandably FREAKS HIM TF OUT and he doesn’t really know what to do??? Who does he even call???? Pest control seems a bit much?????
His cats seem to be playing with them again, though, so maybe this isn’t a huge problem (figuratively, of course)
So he calls his friend Felix who happens to be a florist
Minho: “FELIX I found a giant bee in my backyard yesterday AND THEY MULTIPLIED WHAT DO I DO??”
Felix: “Woah woah okay calm down, I’ll come over with some sunflowers”
Felix stops by and helps Minho plant some sunflowers in his backyard
Apis Magna love sunflowers because there are certain species of flowers that evolved to also be larger, which makes it easier for the bees to drink nectar from and pollinate
The obvious solution in Minho’s eyes is that Felix takes the bees, but beekeeping with giant bees isn’t like normal beekeeping
You can’t really choose where to keep the bees, they just fly out on their route to where they want
And if they trust you, they’ll let you harvest honey from their hive!
So, essentially, Minho got chosen to be their beekeeper LOL
He gave them honey one (1) time and they sort of imprinted on him
Bees were rlly like “we like this one can we keep him?”
(haha they beekeep but like the other way around,,,)
So Felix advises Minho to try and follow the bees
Once they trust him enough, they’ll lead him to their hive
Minho isn’t really focused on getting honey, but one day, all 3 of his cats run off
And so he follows them out…
…and finds the beehive!
A few bees seem to greet him, which he recognizes as the original bees in his garden!
They’re sort of fuzzy, so he gets an itch when they start to rub against his face
Anyway, he’s just there to collect his cats…but now that he knows where the hive is, might as well collect some!
So he collects some delicious honey (and his cats), pets some bees, and then heads home
From then on the bees visit Minho’s garden and he asks Felix for more flowers in exchange for their honey!
And they lived habeely ever after the end :D
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The Animorphs are planning a trip to the Yeerk pool! In Animorphs # 17, The Underground, they must dig a long tunnel in mole morph. Let's help them plan out their trip with math! Their tunnel is dug in shifts and at a downward angle. On their return trip, they must dig out a turn around point and then ascend to the surface. I will share my solutions in a week or so if anyone is interested on trying out a solution of their own.
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Note: On pages 94 & 95, it turns out the Animorphs frequently encounter rocks they must go around and at about 25ft deep they luckily find a cave and can stop digging. For simplicity we will pretend they can just dig in a straight line to their destination.
a) Given their 2 hour time limit in mole morph, and assuming an average walk speed, w, what is the maximum length tunnel they can dig while being able to safely return to surface?
b) On page 93, Ax, Tobias, and Marco discuss how long it will take them to complete the tunnel. They estimate that the Yerk pool is 50 feet below ground and that for every 6 feet of tunnel, they dig 1 foot down. Assuming they can maintain this ratio, how much tunnel will they need? Hint: Sin(θ) = 1/6
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c) Given the length of tunnel required to reach the Yerk pool, what is the minimum walk speed required for the Animorphs to be able to safely walk down the tunnel and come back in time to demorph?
d) Rachel is the first person to start digging. She gets off to a rocky start but for simplicity, let's assume she begins to dig the tunnel immediately and continues until it’s time to return to the surface. They decide to take one hour shifts (page 91). If Rachel digs at a rate of r feet per second and must walk back up the length of the tunnel in 1 hour, how much tunnel length can she create? Solve symbolically (don't put in numbers just yet).
e) According to various pest control companies online, moles can dig at a maximum rate of about 15 inches per hour. Using this rate, and the walk speed estimated in a), how long is the tunnel from d)? (Plug in numbers now :) )
f) Hardest (but most fun???) The Animorphs take shifts digging. They must descend to the bottom of the tunnel, dig for some time, dig a turn around point, and finally ascend back to the surface. If they must return to the surface in 1 hour, what is the length shift N can dig? Note that each shift spends less time digging due to the extra tunnel length they must traverse.
e) If nothing had gone wrong >_> and the Animorphs were able to dig in a straight line, how many dig shifts would it have taken for them to dig 50 ft deep?
I don’t expect anyone to attempt a solution but I’ve been thinking about this all week. This is the only way I can put my mind at ease.
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ms-hells-bells · 2 years
Those moids celebrating the death of cats to own women and libtards but im prtty sure the same moids would lose their minds if ppl were hunting dogs and posting pics of it
which is ironic considering it has been found that dogs contribute far more to native species deaths than initially though; they eat eggs and destroy nests and catch small animals. and that's even WITH the amount of lead wearing and fencing (in fact, fencing is a largely american and some other western nations thing. a lot of people, particularly in rural areas, let their dogs free roam. an estimated 75% of global dog owners do NOT fence their dogs). at least, that's the case in nz and aus, with our unique amounts of birds and lizards. south america is especially vulnerable to wild dogs as well. in some cases, dogs kill MORE native species than cats, despite the number of feral cats far outweighing the amount of feral dogs.
people don't want to hear the REAL first step to this all, which is to completely ban animal breeding (or at least cat and dog breeding). ferals get captured, desexed, and adopted out if they are young or sociable enough, and the ones that aren't get released sterilised. and we keep doing this. there's no such thing as an instant or quick solution to the feral cat and dog problem, not even the many mass exterminations entire governments have done have worked. the closest is in nz has multiple islands and fenced native sanctuaries that are pest free, but not only did it cost many millions and years of effort for even just a couple square acres of pest free land, they are having to constantly keep it up 24/7 to make sure those areas STAY pest free, and some occasionally still get in even with all that. not to mention that it would cause havoc on the already havocked ecosystem, as the second you remove a mass amount of cats and dogs, you'd have a rodent explosion, which would b far more dangerous than a bunch of feral cats or dogs, due to disease risks (i love rats and mice, but the wild ones are toxic little things).
tldr; moid response of 'every problem can be solved with violence'
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sheepnebula · 3 months
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A Book Review for Down from the Mountain by Bryce Andrews
When I got done with this book, I checked goodreads for what people were saying about it, and things seemed pretty divided. On one end there were four star reviews saying the book was a beautifully written stories about humans and nature, and on the other end there were one star reviews saying this was sold as the life story of a bear but was actually a boring book about a man building a fence. Personally I agree with both reviews, this is a beautiful book about a man building a fence and how that fence impacted the life and death of a bear named Millie.
(Spoilers) I read this right after listening to Fuzz by Mary Roach which is a book about animals, often bears, interacting with the law, so I was very much steeped in bear high jinx. Part of that book details how bears in a vacation town for billionaires will break into homes to steal food with the interesting wrinkle that the bears had grown a preference for certain brands and would not touch others. I was reminded of this fussiness when reading that the bears in Schock’s field would first pick out the sweet corn before bothering with the feed corn. This is a delightful glimpse into the minds of these animals and I think is the heart of what makes an animal charismatic and sympathetic. I feel like some people have a hard time believing that animals have any interior thought process at all or perhaps prefer to think of them that way so they’re easier to kill or eat, but the more you observe an animal, the more you can see the cogs turn behind their eyes. I think Bryce Andrews does a great job depicting those mental gears in the heads of the grizzly bears in Schock’s corn. I don’t think I’ll be able to forget Millie and her cubs for quite some time.
That brings us to the corn and the fence. I think one reason why I wasn’t bored by the fence building like other readers is that the care and professionalism that went into that solution felt very Star Trek to me. It would be easy to imagine an angry farmer complaining and fighting this environmentalist over these horrible bear pests ruining his livelihood, but instead Schock had a very measured attitude towards the bears and allowed Andrews to try a new type of solution to fix his problem. None of the drama came from butting heads between over the top personalities, it instead came from the central problems of humans trying to live in bear’s habitat, and that problem brings more than enough drama. The research that went into the short fence design and the financing to get it built were surprisingly fascinating, but much of the book is dedicated to Andrews actually building the fence which was hard and insightful work. Getting the work done over the course of the summer led to a surprising amount of tension as the growing corn paralleled the growing threat of the bears, but come harvest time, when Millie is killed, the corn is cut down because as relentless as the bears are ultimately humans have control over what happens to the corn and the bears.
In the end the tragedy is simple math. Human habitation and agriculture offers an insane amount of calories that no bear could reasonably be expected to resist. Sprawling land use by a ton of small farms creates an invisible minefield for an animal that is too clever not to take the bait. It’s impossible to expect an animal that desperate for food to scrape and scrounge for bugs when fields of unprotected corn selectively bred to provide more calories than any normal plant is sitting right down the mountain in abundance. Millie is ultimately boxed in and mortally wounded by forces she could never be expected to understand. As a reader I fully felt Andrews obsession with her and her cubs.
This makes the ending of the book slightly awkward. If I were to take one lesson from this book it would be, do not start a farm in grizzly bear habitat, yet that is what Andrews proudly sets out to do in the end. I joke here, but I do think it illustrates a tension running through this book between a romanticization of rural life surrounded by nature including bears with the real risk and destruction that kind of life can present to these animals. Every new person living out there weather it’s a generational farmer like Schock, a new organic farmer flaunting bear safety rules, or a very bear conscious farmer like Andrews represents more land area going to people instead of bears and another point of contact and potential conflict. Still, following the bear rules makes a huge difference, and if any human is going to be living out there I’m glad there’s someone with a deep appreciation for these animals and a desire to coexist with them. Also, it doesn’t hurt to get a good bear book out of it once in a while.
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kat-n-dog · 2 years
Tried to do research first but had trouble finding much relevant info from good sources.
My parents were talking about getting an outdoor cat to help with rodent control in their outbuildings. I talked to them a bit about the harm that free-roaming cats can do, and mentioned I've heard that a working terrier could be a better solution. However, it's not something I know much about. They're interested in that option so I said I'd try to find more info for them.
Does anyone have/know where I can find info on that? I can provide more specifics on their situation if needed.
Most of what I found was barn hunt info, or stuff from pest control providers who take their dogs with them on jobs (most of the latter was just info for their customers on how the dogs work). My parents would want a dog that would live as an outdoor working dog to keep the mouse population down. Looking for info on how to raise & train such a dog, and how to care for it as an adult/what they would need to have pup live safely and comfortably as an outdoor dog.
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theofficersacademy · 5 months
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The Alliance is vast and carries with it a bounty of talent and resources of all kinds, as varied as the people that make it up. Although tradition is what makes a history, it is the innovation and cunning of its people that create a brand new future, and time spent in Fódlan's eastern territories shows the fire of Leicester on prominent display.
No matter what may come their way, Leicester's ambition does not falter. They refuse to be seen as idle or lesser than the Empire and the Kingdom, and this showboating is not just a celebration of everything the Alliance has to offer but also a warning for the other nations: watch out.
Fódlan will change. It is just a matter of who will be able to keep up and who shall be forced to be left behind...
Additions to the Mission Board
Golden Deer Mission Board
Though House Gloucester has outmatched House Ordelia the past few years, suddenly, the latter has taken back its crown as the Alliance's leading agricultural haven, boasting production numbers never before seen by any territory in the entire continent! You arrive just in time to see such a grand harvest with every street in the region offering up the finest produce and culinary delights this season. It's a heaven for any foodie, truly, but the new farming techniques used to encourage this growth are nothing to sneeze at either! Take a step through these fertile farmlands and see the return of House Ordelia's finest, and, hey, why not take a sip of their famous luxury spirits while you're here too? [Grants Lance +1]  
While traveling through Edmund territory, your party discovers a funeral is being held for a local said to have been granted two lives. Well-liked by his neighbors, he was originally a man fighting underneath House Goneril before he was mortally wounded. Washed up along the sea in Edmund, he was saved by a mysterious woman after being given a vial of red liquid, but before he could thank her, his savior had disappeared. He supposedly spent his second life trying to track her down, but he never revealed whether or not he did. By pure coincidence, you overhear plans to ransack his home to try and find a hint to the woman and her life-giving vial. Shall you follow them to try and gain a chance to extend a person's life beyond what's natural? Or do you seek to protect a dead man's secrets? Or shall you leave behind this sorry tale, allowing fate to do what it shall, opposite of what that woman had done for the man with two lives?  
The thing that sets the Leicester Alliance apart from the other two big powers of Fódlan is its system as a confederacy. Whenever an issue arises, the five most prominent house heads, otherwise known as the Five Great Lords, come to meet in a roundtable conference. For this month, they are opening their discussion to be spectated and assisted by the visiting students of the Golden Deer house to prove the strength of their wits and their political system in comparison to that of others. Here is the real battleground of the Alliance where the strength of many perspectives come together to clash and concede until the best possible solution to any problem arises! Do you have what it takes to keep up?  
Non-Mission Task Board
Nobody can seem to agree behind the why - is it pest control? a social experiment? renovations? - but the reality of the matter is: you've got a new roommate for the month, and you've little choice in the matter. Will you get along with your new pal, or are you going to be at odds the whole time?  
A new pastime has cropped up within Garreg Mach as the days turn more peaceful: expeditions! Every day, more and more people invite an ally to a private outing, first taking a journey via horseback to a more scenic location like the plains, forest, mountains, or a waterfront. From there they dismount and have a little teatime for two. With the Ethereal Ball just around the corner, plenty use these expeditions to get in another person's good graces before the big night, but regardless of your motivation, it just might be a great way to increase your bond with someone you've had your eye on lately! [Grants Riding +1]
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sablegear0 · 1 year
Sable vs the Carpenter Bees (Part 1?)
(Tentatively labeling as "part 1" because I expect I will post updates eventually)
So, yesterday I had my first encounter with carpenter bees. For those unfamiliar; they're the size of a bumblebee and look similar, but rather than living in underground nests, they tend to burrow into dead wood to lay their eggs. Note that this can and often does include any unfinished lumber or exposed wooden parts of a house. They're also very territorial. It's worth mentioning that only the males get territorial, and only in late summer, and that male carpenter bees cannot sting. However, they do make every attempt to get up in the business of any perceived intruder to chase them off, other bees included.
And also myself included, obviously.
It has been a long time since I've been chased by bees or wasps. Not since I was a child have I feared my stripèd flying neighbours. But yesterday was something different.
I think the main problem was I was mowing the lawn. See, our property is fairly small so I only have a reel mower, one of those old-fashioned push-mowers that isn't powered at all. It works great for me because I don't mind the workout and it's way quieter than its gas- or electric-powered peers. But it does tend to stir up the bugs, I think partly because it's so quiet. It just makes a metallic rasping noise as it spins, which is enough noise (and motion) to startle bugs but not enough to drive them away. The first carpenter bee buzzed me as I was finishing up with the mower and starting to put it away. I ducked inside my shed and that seemed to put me out of range.
The next came to harass me when I tried to harvest some of my garden veggies. I haven't posted any garden updates this year but things are looking relatively lush, and I'm pretty pleased with it. So I go to clip some peas down and who should reappear but a carpenter bee. Now, when I'm outside doing just about anything, I wear a newsie cap, sunglasses, and my big ol' headphones. This means that the only exposed skin on my head is my cheeks, nose, jaw, and neck.
And that bumbly bastard went straight for the side of my neck like a freaking vampire.
He tried to get in behind my headphones (or into the loop of my bun?) for some reason, and Monkey Brain did NOT like that one bit. I actually freaked out, dodged/ran away, swatted at the damn thing, and ran back inside. We did this twice, as I made a second attempt shortly after. There was also a fair deal of shouting and verbal threats issued. As if it could understand me. But it did make me feel better to state aloud that I wasn't above killing the bugger if need be. I did lay a solid smack on one with my hat, which grounded but did not kill it (as it flew off shortly after).
But of course, Looney Tunes style, this meant war.
Except I had no intention of killing the little bastards. See, while they were being bastards, they didn't know any better. They're just defending what they see as their territory from the big noisy animal that chops up the plants they like. I don't begrudge them, and I do still want them around as pollinators. But not being able to get to my own garden is unacceptable. So I got to thinking, what could I do to keep myself safe without killing them?
Some quick googling suggested that if I was able to find their nest holes (BIG if), dabbing some citrus or almond oil near the hole for a few days would persuade them to abandon the nest. They also apparently do not like noise (duh), so constant music or wind-chimes were suggested as a pest control measure. I honestly was a little surprised by the wind chimes thing but it gives a lot more context beyond aesthetics as to why people might have them. Who'd'a thunk.
So I have my information for longer-term solutions but nothing that would work today because I really wanted to get out there and harvest those peas. I ponder a trip to the nearby dollar store to pick wind chimes and perhaps a bug net, intending to catch and detain the little bastards while I work, then release them after I was done.
Then my Brother-In-Law comes downstairs and I chat with him about the situation and what I'm thinking of doing. And here's where things get interesting. He's in the Reserves, so he mentions he has some bug-netting in his kit. He goes and grabs a mosquito-net head cover for me to borrow. It's meant to fit over an army helmet so it fits nicely over my cap, and would probably go over my headphones too if I wanted. My head and neck suitably armoured, I head back outside.
By this point it's been maybe 20 mins since I was last outside. And the bees are nowhere to be found. Not even seen at a distance, just gone. Go figure. Realistically all I probably needed to do was leave and wait for them to calm down. Still, I like to think the netting helped, as behind the green mesh I was no longer skin-coloured (except for my arms but those were not a target) so I was less perceptible as a threat. Whatever the case, I was able to harvest my veggies in peace.
Later that day, the lads (my partner, BIL, and a couple friends) were hanging out on the patio and I half-expected to hear they had been harassed as well. But they were smoking, and I can only assume bees of any type don't particularly care for smoke, so they weren't bothered either.
Anyway, there's no moral to the story other than maybe I should wait a bit after mowing to do any other gardening, to let the bugs calm back down. I might go hunt down a nice set of wind chimes and the bug netting helmet is remaining by the back door. At least until I can find the carpenter bastards' nests in the... hoo boy, the huge amount of unfinished wood in my back yard, and stink them out with essential oils.
More updates (and garden updates) probably to follow.
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ranchracoon · 6 months
Ch. 19 One Last Time
You couldn't move faster out of the castle, Alcina offered a carriage to take you to the edge of Donna's property but you vetoed it. The news from Mother Miranda ignited a fire inside you and gave you a surge of adrenaline that you used to propel yourself from the castle grounds. People in the village scurried to move out of your way, some of them recognizing you and giving you glances of worry but you paid them no mind. In the distance you saw the altar, which meant you were so close to the gate but life wasn't kind to you for long. The gate opened as you approached, making you skid to halt and panic set it for a brief moment. Panic turned to contempt when you recognized the pasty, scrawny, pathetic excuse for a human come into view.
"Salvatore." You nearly spat.
Mother Miranda warned you, maybe you could beg on your knees for forgiveness, but what could she really do? Throw you out of the village to be exposed to the elements? You would live as a hermit with Donna, because you knew she would rescue you. She always recused you. Before he could speak you approached him, fist clenched, you wanted nothing more than to put him in the dirt where he belonged. You swung your first toward his head, it would have hit him in the nose but he dodged at the last moment, before you could rewind he grabbed your hand with his own. He smirked at you, flashing his yellowing teeth as he tightened his grip enough to make you flinch.
"Nice try sweetie, but I've done this-"
He was cut off by another fist flying through the air and hitting him square in the jaw, the impact enough to send him stumbling to the ground. He sat up rubbing the spot, groaning loudly as the few villagers around gasped and made 'ooh' sounds. You looked over to see Cassandra shaking her hand then bringing it up to her lips to kiss her knuckles.
"Wow, that felt good." She giggled.
"What are you doing here? I thought you were in trouble with your mother."
"I am but Mother thought you might run into a certain pest and didn't want you to make any rash decisions."
"And this was the solution?" You motioned toward Salvatore.
"She didn't say I couldn't do anything." She said dramatically while emphasizing the 'I'.
Salvatore spat near your feet and growled, "you'll regret this! Wait until Mother Miranda hears about this."
"You know, I think you deserve another punch because obviously you can still speak." Cassandra threatened.
She turned toward Salvatore, from where you stood it was kind of humorous to see how Cassandra towered over him. She had a good six or seven inches on him easily, and judging from how hard the hit sounded, outmatched him in strength. She looked over her shoulder at you and winked as you smiled in return and went through the gate. On your way to the manor you paused at the sound of other footsteps, you were near Claudia's grave which didn't give you many options as far as hiding. You took a dive into the brush behind a tree, squatting down and peeking through the bushes to see Mother Miranda come into view through the fog.
She paused in front of Claudia's grave, kneeling down in front of the name plate as she ran a hand over it to brush away some fallen leaves. You couldn't hear what she said but could see her mouth moving, probably saying a prayer. Mother Miranda stood up from the grave and turned around to leave the way you came, once you were certain that she was out of range you darted for the path to the manor.
The manor stood in all of its doom and gloom, shrouded in mist from the waterfall but to you it was beautiful. You were finally home again. You slowed down and worked on catching your breath rather than controlling your descending thoughts. You guessed that the manor would be called your home now, obviously you weren't returning back to the states or leaving in general. Did you really want to leave? It seemed like that would be the best course, if you left all of this behind you could start fresh.
Before this you were always cautious, sheltered, didn't go out of your comfort zone, and never dreamed of shaking the boat. Since being here you've punched someone, yelled at someone superior to you, got involved in a murder, and currently are head over heels for a woman far out of your league. Maybe being here is a bad influence on you. You looked up at the manor one more time, thinking about Donna and how she looked at you, how she trusted you, and how much you longed to be in her arms again. Alcina was right, this may be the last night you have together and you couldn't waste it.
You stopped at the large metal gate, when you pushed it open it announced your arrival by creaking loudly. You stepped through the gate as the door opened to Angie, she looked you over with not a hint of of surprise at seeing you once again.
"Hi Angie. Miss me?" You asked with fake enthusiasm.
"As much as a cat misses a flea." She remarked.
"Oh come on, you like me."
"I-" She grumbled and waddled toward the stairs, "it has been quiet with you gone. Lord-Donna has gone back to her old habits: bedroom, workshop, repeat."
She whipped around suddenly, making you jump back to avoid being hit by the broom she held in her hand.
"You go down there and tell her that if her workshop is still a mess, I will personally drag her by the ear and make her clean until that floor shines." Angie threatened.
"Will do."
"You too! Scampering around with the lords has made you lazier than ever." She scorned.
You gasped and tried to protest but she held her broom threateningly and you decided that you would not win in a fight against Angie. She turned back around and started her slow ascend up the stairs, while you scurried off downstairs. The first spot to check was the workshop, which unfortunately was still destroyed, but that was a future problem. That meant Donna was in her bedroom. You approached her bedroom door, seeing an untouched tray of mystery food in front of it, you gently scooted it with your food and knocked on the door. No answer. You knocked again and heard some shuffling around but still no answer after waiting for a moment. You huffed and tried the door discreetly to find it locked.
"Donna?" You called quietly.
There was a shift in noise, you heard some clattering and some words that you couldn't make out followed by some more shuffling around before silence. The door swung open to expose Donna who stood there in a button down shirt, some type of slacks, and black socks. Even when she was lounging she still looked so good. You bit your lip softly and chuckled nervously, losing the nerve you once had at seeing her without her mask again. She looked so beautiful in the lamp light, the light perfectly highlighted her jaw and the shadows didn't help.
Her eyes were shadowed, the pure white one like a beacon in the night while the other pulled you into the ocean of darkness. She reached down and pulled you into the bedroom, locking the door behind you before she engulfed you in a tight hug, her nose burying into your neck.
"I miss the way you smell." A kiss on your neck.
"The way you touch." Another kiss on your jaw.
"The way to taste." A kiss behind your ear.
"The way you say my name." She whispered in your ear.
Goosebumps covered your skin as your hands traveled up her back to her shoulders, pulling her in tightly. You whimpered a little as her fingers dug into the small of your back, pressing you impossibly closer to her. She continued to plant kisses against your skin, you tilted your head and managed to see a book on her bed. Upon narrowing your eyes you saw it was the same book she gifted you, Mountain Flowers and How to Care for Them.
"Doing some light reading?" You questioned teasingly.
Donna stopped kissing you and shot her head up, you frowned when she released you and stretched over to grab the book. She tossed it into one of the nightstands, closing the drawer and standing in front of it. You giggled a little at how she toyed with her fingers nervously, not looking in your direction.
"I...we started all that work in the greenhouse so..I didn't want that to go to waste."
You smiled at her sweetly, taking her hands in yours and pressing kisses to her knuckles, "that's very sweet of you."
The two of you stood in an awkward silence, you sigh and rub your thumbs against her soft skin. She leaned forward and rested her head against your shoulder, you inhaled her scent deeply while you let go of her hands in order to wrap yours around her neck. You opened your eyes and lowered your head so that your forehead was on her chest, holding in a giggle at seeing her toes wiggle.
"Donna...we need to talk."
"Not tonight."
She sighed, a low rumbling resembling a growl came from her throat, "it's about Miranda isn't it?" She asked, hinting on annoyance.
Donna sat down on the bed, sighing again as she planted her hands firmly on each side of her on the bed. She shook her head a little, you pushed her legs apart and held her head against your abdomen, stroking your fingers through her hair after untying it from its bun.
"I heard her speaking with Angie. She thinks that I had something to do with the maid showing up dead and asked Angie where I was. Angie of course was an open book on where I was." Donna said.
"Did Mother Miranda say anything else?"
"That she'll consider Angie's testimony and that she'll call us tomorrow about her decision."
"So, tonight might be our last night together." You mumble.
You could feel Donna smirk against you as she wrapped her arms around your torso and pulled you down onto her lap. She kissed underneath your jaw and down your neck, her hands slipping underneath your shirt.
"Mhm, which is why I'm going to worship you as if it is." She growled.
Continue Reading
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cmipooja · 1 year
Global Decarbonization Service Market Is Estimated To Witness High Growth Owing To Growing Environmental Concerns
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The Global Decarbonization Service Market is estimated to be valued at US$69.73 billion in 2023 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 12.3% over the forecast period 2023 to 2030, as highlighted in a new report published by Coherent Market Insights. This market involves the provision of decarbonization services that help reduce carbon emissions and promote sustainable energy practices. With increasing concerns over climate change and the need to transition towards clean energy sources, organizations and governments around the world are seeking decarbonization solutions. These services offer various advantages, such as reduced environmental impact, improved energy efficiency, and compliance with regulatory standards. Market key trends: Technological advancements driving decarbonization efforts One key trend in the global Decarbonization Service Market is the increasing focus on technological advancements to drive decarbonization efforts. Advancements in renewable energy technologies, energy storage systems, and carbon capture technologies are enabling organizations to adopt more sustainable practices. For example, the implementation of smart grids and advanced metering infrastructure allows for better monitoring and management of energy consumption, leading to optimized energy usage and reduced carbon emissions. Similarly, the development of carbon capture and storage technology enables the capture and sequestration of CO2 emissions from industrial processes, reducing their impact on the environment. PEST Analysis: - Political: Governments worldwide are implementing policies and regulations to encourage decarbonization. This includes carbon pricing mechanisms, renewable energy targets, and incentives for clean energy adoption. - Economic: The economic benefits of decarbonization, such as cost savings from improved energy efficiency and the creation of green jobs, are driving market growth. Additionally, the declining costs of renewable energy technologies make them more affordable and attractive alternatives to fossil fuels. - Social: Increasing public awareness and concern about climate change are driving demand for decarbonization services. Consumers and organizations are actively seeking sustainable solutions to reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to a greener future. - Technological: Technological advancements, as mentioned earlier, are playing a crucial role in accelerating decarbonization efforts. The development of innovative solutions and the integration of renewable energy sources into existing infrastructure are enabling a more sustainable energy transition. Key Takeaways: 1: The Global Decarbonization Service Market Size is expected to witness high growth, exhibiting a CAGR of 12.3% over the forecast period. This growth is driven by increasing environmental concerns and the need for sustainable energy practices. For example, the rising global temperatures and extreme weather events are motivating governments and organizations to adopt decarbonization services. 2: In terms of regional analysis, North America is expected to be the fastest-growing and dominating region in the Decarbonization Service Market. This can be attributed to government initiatives promoting clean energy adoption, favorable regulatory frameworks, and high awareness among consumers about the importance of decarbonization. 3: Key players operating in the global Decarbonization Service Market include Schneider Electric, ENGIE, Siemens, AECOM, EDF Group, Johnson Controls, DNV, Honeywell, Carbon Clean Solutions, Green Charge Networks (ENGIE Impact), ERM (Environmental Resources Management), First Solar, Tesla, CarbonCure Technologies, and Ørsted. These companies are actively providing decarbonization services and developing innovative solutions to address the increasing demand for sustainable energy practices.
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ssaalexblake · 8 months
I adore my vegetable garden, for the most part I enjoy growing food and I put a Lot of work and time Into it. I also have to put a lot of money into it, sometimes for little to no returns. Bugs me when I see posts float around saying how easy it is to just grow your own food Instead of buying it if somebody mentions that produce is expensive. You need money, space, equipment, favourable weather. More space. Time. To grow food And you still will have to go to a store and buy vegetables! And if you have no way to preserve what you grow you will likely waste a lot too. Like... It's not some magic solution. It's hard work, time consuming, and often expensive, especially the first year buying compost and pots and pest control , tools and seeds etc etc🤷
I would recommend it, but it's not Necessarily gonna save you money and I cringe at the false advertising some people do. I very carefully do not work out if it saves money bc I suspect it doesn't and I don't want to know tbh.
This post aka I just had to go out a buy some seed packets and it cost me over £30 and I diligently save as many seeds from what I grew the year before as possible 🙃 it's a good job I like it as much as I do.
Tldr it's great to grow your own food, and I recommend it even/especially if you just pick one thing and do that! but unless you have a military operation around it you will likely not save much if any money, or grow enough for even just yourself 🤷
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