#first of all youre not even fat idk whos convinced you that you are
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fragglez · 15 days ago
my mom said she couldn't find the bread we usually get so she just bought those puffed rice cakes like hello ??? just get a different kind of bread then are you trying to starve me
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javierpena-inatacvest · 1 year ago
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Summary: After going off of birth control, your periods have been a little more intense than you're used to. What starts out as a stressful morning between you and your husband, very quickly turns into a night that bodes very well for the both of you.
Paring: Husband Frankie Morales x Wife f!reader (no use of y/n)
Word Count: 5.4K on the dot (idk how we got here)
Warnings: SMUT (18+) PERIOD SEX, unprotected p in v sex (do better, but also they want a baby so), vaginal fingering, oral (f receiving, again, you're on your period but our pussy eating king Fransisco Morales is an unstoppable force of nature), creampie, praise kink, big fat nasty breeding kink (it's who I am now, I won't apologize for it), Frankie's got a NASTY mouth, Frankie is the best husband, reader is on her period/has period symptoms, talks about family planning/not being on birth control, use of nicknames (hermosa, quierda, cariño), reader has no physical descriptions besides that she can wear Frankie's clothes
A/N: Well... This was gonna be a drabble... and then it was just gonna be fluff.... and then it was gonna be just some implied smut... and now, we're here??? Idk, don't ask me 🥴 self indulgent bc I just finished my period (and my periods have been whack since stopping bc) and what better way to heal myself than imagining what Frankie would be like taking care of you 🥺 also pls be nice to me this is my first time writing Frankie and I'm v nervous EEK I hope you enjoy!!! sorry Javi bby, I still love u
You wished you had a better word to describe your mood for today, but truth be told, bitchy was by far the most accurate. 
You and Frankie were hoping to start trying for your first baby soon, and had recently gone off your birth control after your doctor had told you it may take a few months for your body to regulate itself before you had a better chance at getting pregnant. Your doctor had also  warned you about many of the symptoms and side effects that stopping the pill could have, one of those being becoming more aware of your emotions and mood swings throughout your cycle. That, you were prepared for. 
What you were not prepared for, was to feel like an absolute psychopath in the days leading up to your period. 
 Your cycle had  been wonky the past few months as your body began to sort itself out- you had a feeling your period was probably about to start soon, but hadn’t thought much about it, considering your terrible and grouchy mood had overshadowed it. You had tried your best to pull yourself together the past few days, chalking up your grumpiness to long hours at work, or just being in a weird funk, but today, you woke up with a fire in your gut, ready to fight, and poor Frankie was about to be your punching bag. 
Sweet Frankie had been nothing short of a saint when it came to just about anything, but dealing with your newly heightened emotions right before your period really should have earned him some sort of Presidential Medal of Bravery, considering that your newly discovered highs and lows while PMS-ing were just as frightening as any time he had spent during his time in the military. 
Unfortunately for your husband, despite his best efforts, he had been on your nerves all morning. Not because he was really doing anything wrong, but because the little things that you were normally so good about letting go, or the patience you frequently had seemed to have flown out the window, and you were convinced that if Frankie even breathed the wrong way, you were going to absolutely lose it. 
So when unsuspecting Frankie decided to ask you a simple request about after work plans, there was very little he could have done to prepare for your response. 
“Morning, Hermosa.” Frankie cooed, emerging into the kitchen, his hand rustling through his untamed, sleepy brown curls as he let out a yawn and a stretch, the slight softness of his stomach peeking out between his t-shirt and pajama pants as he raised his arms above his head before settling behind you. He wrapped himself around your waist, pressing a gentle kiss into your shoulder as you finished putting the last of your lunch in your bag for work, trying to force yourself to focus on his sweet good morning, rather than the empty bowl of cereal in the sink that had greeted you first thing when you woke up, already starting you off on the wrong foot in your already irritable mood. 
“Morning, babe.” You grinned, forcing yourself to forgo the annoyance hidden behind your smile as you pecked a quick kiss on Frankie’s lips before gathering the rest of your things for the day scattered across the kitchen table. “Sorry, I didn’t have time to make you breakfast this morning because I was running late, but there’s extra scrambled eggs on the stove if you want them. I’m really sorry, Frankie, I gotta head out, have a good day, I’ll see you later okay?” You sighed, slinging your work bag over your shoulder, your hands full of your coffee mug, water bottle and keys, your cluttered grip and running behind schedule only adding to your frustration. 
“All good, Querida, no worries. Hey, actually baby, before you leave,” He paused, setting down the coffee mug he was just about ready to take a sip of, as if a little lightbulb had just gone off in his brain, “do you mind picking up stuff to make that really good buffalo chicken dip for Benny’s tonight? I told ‘em we’d bring like, an appetizer or something, if that’s okay.” 
For Frankie’s sake, you couldn’t have been more thankful that you had your back turned to him, because if looks could kill, Frankie Morales would have been a dead man. 
Every rational part of your brain knew that even though his request perhaps wasn’t the best timing, stopping by the store and making dip to bring to Benny’s for game night really wasn’t that much time or effort out of your day. But today, it seemed like every part of your brain but the rational one seemed to be functioning properly, and the raging, irrational part might as well have heard that Frankie wanted you to prepare and cook a Thanksgiving meal for 74 after you got home from work. 
You took a deep breath, your grip tightening around the items in your hand, praying with every bone in your body that someway or another, you had misheard your husband. 
“Tonight? As in, like, today, after I get home from work?” You questioned, trying to do your best to keep your tone from sounding too condescending. 
“Yeah, we don’t have to be there until 7, I just don’t think I’m gonna have time to since I probably won’t be outta work until 6:30.” He shrugged nonchalantly, taking another swig of his coffee 
Oh yeah, you’d heard him right.  
You let out a deep sigh, even more over dramatic than you had intended it to be, arms crossed over your chest and stark frown spread across your face as you turned towards Frankie. 
“Oh, perfect! That’s a great thing for me to find out about at 7:45 A.M. the day of, Frank!” Your voice oozed with ferocious sarcasm, now slamming your things back down onto the table to run your hands over your face. “No, that’s great, because there’s nothing I wanted to do more than to come home and make buffalo chicken dip instead of all the other shit I needed to do today before we left! Amazing! Thank you!” 
At this point, you were almost positive that if your eyes rolled any further, they’d be in the back of your skull, letting out another angry huff as you shook your head at Frankie, who was looking absolutely petrified as he leaned back against the counter, eyes darting to the floor to avoid yours, running his hand over the wispy curls at the nape of his neck. Frankie began to stammer, trying to defend himself from your wrath. 
“Hermosa, I’m- I’m sorry? I know it’s last minute, but you normally make it every time we go over there, I just- I figured it’d be easy for you to do? You can get something else, or I can try to stop by the store really quick on the way home, I just might-” 
“Nope, you want buffalo chicken dip, apparently I’m making buffalo chicken dip!” You groaned, collecting everything back into your hands, swearing under your breath as you tried to balance everything in your grip. “Jesus, okay, I need to go to work, just- I don’t even know. I gotta go, Frankie.” 
“Querida, I-” Frankie pleaded, beginning to trail behind you as you made your way to the front door. 
“Frankie, whatever, it’s fine! I’ll make the stupid dip! I have to go to work, I’ll see you later.” You could feel the muscles in your jaw beginning to clench as you gritted your teeth, trying with everything in you to keep from exploding as you headed out of the house. Without even a kiss goodbye, you left Frankie in the doorway, watching you throw your things in the car and slam the door behind you as you drove down the driveway. 
But as soon as you were on the road and your house was out of view, you could instantly feel the tears beginning to well in your eyes, slowly streaming down your cheeks as you began to sob, wondering why you had ruined the morning over as stupid as an appetizer, and even worse, that you had been a complete asshole to your husband about it. 
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You couldn’t have been more thankful that work had been quiet today- no meetings on the schedule, and no one coming to bother you, leaving you plenty of peace and quiet to continue sulking and brooding in your unpleasant mood. 
Right around lunch time, you found yourself eating alone in your office, wishing your lunch was about ten times saltier and chocolatier than it was, crying to yourself as you watched a video of a dog meeting its new human sibling for the first time.
Just as you were beginning to pack up the rest of your lunch and start back up with your work, you felt a terrible twinge in your lower stomach that had you just about keeled over in pain, followed by that all too familiar feeling in your underwear. 
Frantically scrambling, you reached into your bag to pull out a tampon, hurriedly shuffling to the nearest bathroom, only to reveal the murder scene equivalent as you pulled down your pants. 
Your period had come.  
In that moment, as much as you were dreading the pain and misery that was the next few days to come, you couldn’t also help but feel a slight sense of relief, realizing that you were in fact, not actually a crazy person for the way you were feeling, you were just PMS-ing out of your mind. You couldn’t also help but feel absolutely awful for your unjustified freak out at your husband this morning, your heart sinking with guilt as you made your way back to your desk, immediately grabbing your phone to text Frankie. 
“Hey… I’m so sorry about this morning. What you were asking me to do wasn’t a big deal at all and I totally freaked out on you. My period just started, I think that’s why I’ve been such a bitch this morning. I’m sorry, Frankie, I love you.💕 ” 
It was almost instantly after you hit send that the reply bubble popped up in your message, your heart pounding anxiously waiting for your husband’s reply. 
“It’s okay, I kind of had a feeling 😉 babe, you weren’t being a bitch- I should have talked to you about it sooner. Shitty timing on my part. I’m sorry. I love you too, Querida.” 
Before you could even respond, another message popped up below his first. 
“Don’t worry about going to the store or making anything tonight. I already texted Benny and told him we couldn’t come. We can spend the night in, just the two of us. I can pick up takeout on the way home if you want and we can pick a movie to watch.” 
You could feel your frustrated facade beginning to melt away as your lips shifted from a pursed frown to a small smirk reading Frankie’s text, your thumbs quickly tapping across the screen of your phone to reply. 
“Thank you. You’re the best.” 
“Of course. Hopefully none of your co-workers ask you to make buffalo chicken dip before you leave 😘” 
“Oh shut up, meanie.” 
“Just kidding. Have a good rest of your day, love you. 💙
“Love you too. 🤍” 
Although the rest of your day was nowhere near enjoyable, given the fact you felt like you were getting punched repeatedly in the uterus and your personality resembled that of Oscar the Grouch, you knew that your night in with Frankie was your light at the end of the tunnel, and only needed to make it a few more hours before there was at least some sweet relief finally headed your way. 
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Despite the constant stabbing pain in your lower stomach and back, your drive home from work had you in much better spirits than your drive there, now not only having an explanation as to why you had felt like such a mess, but also knowing the rest of your night was going to be dedicated to nothing but cuddling up in your comfiest clothes and snuggling up next to Frankie on the couch. 
As you pulled down your street, you were surprised to see Frankie’s truck already parked in the driveway, wondering what he was doing at home almost an hour earlier than he had mentioned he would be this morning. Gathering all of your things out of the back of your car, you quietly entered your home, confusion scrunching in your brow as you called out for your husband. 
“Frankie? Babe, are you home?” 
Before you could even kick off your shoes or hang up your coat, Frankie had already appeared at the front door to greet you, boyish grin spread across his face as he grabbed your things out of your hand, carefully placing them on your entryway table before engulfing you in a bear hug, his broad arms wrapping around your body and pulling you closer into his chest. 
You could feel all the muscles in your body instantly relax as your face rested against the soft cotton of his t-shirt, soaking in the familiar woody and savory scent of him, letting yourself be consumed by every ounce of his embrace. 
“Hi Hermosa.” Frankie cooed, pressing a soft kiss against your temple, running his hands up and down your back as you looked up at his sweet brown eyes shining down at you. 
“What are you doing home so early? I mean, not that I’m mad about it at all, I just thought you said that you had to work until 6:30 and-” 
“Told my boss I had to head out early for a family emergency.” Frankie smirked, laughing at you playfully rolling your eyes from his so-called excuse. 
“Last time I checked, your wife being a grump because she’s bleeding out of her cooch doesn’t classify as a family emergency, Fransisco.” You teased, giving him a little shove, making the two of you giggle in tandem. 
“Eh, close enough. I’m really sorry about this morning, querida. I was a dick for not talking to you about plans beforehand and just assuming you could go do it. It wasn’t fair of me.” 
“It’s okay, Frankie. What you were asking for wasn’t a big deal and I made it one because I’ve been a psycho all day. I’m sorry, too.” 
“Well,” Frankie paused, pressing another kiss onto your cheek, the width of his palm gently cradling your jaw as you stared up at him and his sympathetic smile, “number one, you are not a psycho. I can’t imagine how uncomfortable you must feel right now, so even if you were, I wouldn’t blame you one bit. Number two,” he paused again, shifting his kiss from your cheek to your lips, his thumb delicately swiping across your skin, “you’re my wife and I love you more than anything, and if I can take a little time off to help make you feel better, it’s the least I can do. So, why don’t you go change into something comfortable, and when you get back down here, I will have pizza and ice cream, whatever movie you wanna watch, and a back rub ready for you, okay?”   
“Okay. Thank you, Frankie. God, you’re the best.” You grinned, pressing up on your tiptoes to let your mouth meet Frankie’s, the plush pout of his bottom lip swiping across yours, lingering just long enough to let the butterflies in your stomach begin to swirl, heat creeping through your cheeks in the tenderness of the moment.
“Of course, cariño. Te amo. Now go get changed.” With one last peck on his lips, you wiggled out of Frankie’s grasp to make your way up the stairs, grinning to see that your husband had already set out your favorite of his oversized sweatshirts and sweatpants, neatly folded on the bed for you to grab, quickly shuffling out of your uncomfortable work attire and exchanging it for Frankie’s clothes, your smile growing even wider at the feeling of perpetually being wrapped up in the essence of him. 
As you made your way back downstairs to meet Frankie, you found your heart skipping a beat again to see that the better part of the living room had been turned into a cozy sanctuary- lights dim and candles lit, both parts of your couch squished together, filled with every pillow and blanket you owned, and Frankie sitting in the middle, giant box of pizza, tub of ice cream and your handsome husband waiting for you. 
As if your emotions hadn’t already taken you on a wild roller coaster of a ride today, the adorable sight in front of you had you on the verge of tears again, wiping the wetness pooling in your eyes with the back of Frankie’s sweatshirt sleeve drooping off your arm before crawling into the blanket fort he had constructed for the two of you. 
“Frankie… You didn’t have to do this.” You sniffled, curling up next to Frankie as he draped a blanket over your lap and his arm over your shoulder, passing you a plate with 2 large pieces of pizza. 
“It’s the least I could do. I put on Hercules for us to watch, but if you wanna-” 
Before you could let him finish the rest of his sentence, you were running your hand across the scratchy stubble of his cheek, pulling his face closer to yours as you planted a kiss on his lips, feeling your smiles melt into one another's as your mouths met. “That sounds perfect. God, how’d I get so lucky?” 
“I could say the same thing, mi amor. You ready to start the movie?” 
“Only if you also pass me that tub of Ben and Jerry’s to go with my pizza.” 
“I think I can make that happen.” 
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About half way through the movie, pizza and tub of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream, your and Frankie’s bodies were tangled together in a sea of limbs and blankets, contently snuggled up with one another as Frankie’s fingers traced lazy circles on your back and shoulder as you laid against his chest. 
“You doin’ okay, querida? Need anything?” He cooed, his soft voice dancing in your ear. As if it weren’t enough that you had already been through the extreme highs and lows of almost every feeling under the sun today, the one you hadn’t been until this very moment was insatiably horny. While the mood swings you had mentally prepared yourself for with your new period symptoms, the constant other kind of ache between your legs you had not, and feeling the low rasp of Frankie’s words tickling your neck had been just enough to flip the switch to make you desperately needy. 
Letting your leg slide over Frankie’s lap, you pushed yourself up to straddle his hips, running your hands through the dark curls of his thick, brown hair, and down his broad chest, your fists bunching the worn fabric of his shirt in your hands as your mouths became a mess of tangled tongues and teeth. 
“I need- fuck- I need you, Frankie, please.” You pleaded between muffled moans, his tongue swiping in the parted space where your lips melted together as one, instinctively beginning to grind your hips into his, feeling the bulge in his sweatpants starting to grow beneath you. 
“Fuck- You sure, baby?” Frankie rasped, reactively bucking up into you, making you whine as his hands dug into your hips, guiding you as you swirled over the tented fabric of his bottom half rubbing against your covered core. 
“Please. Please, Frankie.” You were all but whimpering at this point, nodding frantically in approval as Frankie used the grasp on your hips to guide you onto your back, making you cock your head in confusion as Frankie scampered to the other side of the couch, back turned to you as he reached over the ledge, pulling out a thick, black towel with a smug grin on his face. “Did you seriously have a towel ready incase I wanted to have sex?” You snorted, shaking your head at Frankie, now crawling back to you, caging your body under his with an electric kiss as he shimmied the towel underneath you. 
“Maybe.” Frankie smirked, breaking from your kiss to let his lips trail down your body, his hands toying with the edge of his sweatshirt covering your body as he pushed it up your stomach and chest, helping you to shimmy it over your head, leaving your top half exposed. He gently palmed at your breasts, taking each pebbled nipple in his mouth, sucking and flicking at the buds with his tongue before letting his kisses travel down the soft skin of your stomach and waistband of your sweatpants. The clothes on your bottom half soon joined your sweatshirt in a crumpled pile as Frankie nestled himself between your legs, gently nudging your hips to let your thighs part, revealing your pussy, slick and shiny for him with your juices. 
Even though Frankie would eat you out for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and a late night snack, you couldn’t help but feel guilty that he still found himself between your legs during your time of the month, considering any other man probably would have scoffed at just the thought of going down on you on your period. 
But, then again, Frankie Morales wasn’t just any other man. 
“Frankie, baby, you know you don’t- Oh fuck!” You gasped, cut off in surprise as Frankie’s tongue licked a long, broad strip across your cunt, making you shudder in pleasure as his head perked up, revealing the devilish grin spread between his cheeks watching your chest already heave in heavy, shaky breaths. 
“Oh I know I don’t have to, sweet girl. But I want to. Relax, baby, lemme take care of you.” 
Before you could agree, protest, or anything in between, Frankie was back between your legs, arms wrapped around your thighs as they draped over his broad shoulders, digging his fingertips into the plush softness of your skin, dragging his tongue through your folds with the exact grace and precision that he knew made you fall apart in seconds. 
With flat, firm presses of his mouth latched against your clit, you could already feel your bottom half writhing under him, the perfect pressure of his tongue dancing around your sensitive bundle of nerves making you moan in pleasure. As your head dipped back, falling into the couch pillow behind you, your hand shot down, fingers burying themselves in the wild curls of Frankie’s hair, tugging at the thick ends for any sort of release as he worked relentlessly at your aching cunt. 
“Fuck, Frankie, oh fuck- Fuck, baby, you feel so good.” You whined, your praise only intensifying the way your husband drank every ounce of you up, two thick fingers now gently pressing inside your heat, curled deliciously as they rocked in and out of your entrance, nudging against your g-spot. 
Frankie had spent enough time worshiping the altar that was your pussy to know exactly how to make you crumble beneath him, leaving you chanting his name like a prayer as his lips latched around your clit, ferociously sucking as his fingers prodded at the soft, spongy spot that made your cunt begin to clench and heat in your belly pool. 
“That’s it, Hermosa. I know you’re close, baby girl. Let me feel you, mi amor. I’ve got you.” Frankie groaned, his words humming deep in his chest, placing chaste kisses on the inside of your thighs before drinking you up like a man starved, adding a third finger into your heat, the added fullness and stretch, combined with Frankie’s relentless pace, enough to have the tingle that had been building at the base of your spine now washing through every inch of your body. Your orgasm began to crash through you, your pussy fluttering as pleasure radiated in your veins, making you cry out Frankie’s name over and over. 
Frankie worked persistently through your high, only pulling back after making sure that you had cum again, sitting back on his haunches as he admired the blissed out and ragged mess you had become, your pussy slick and swollen as your chest rose and fell in wrecked inhales and exhales, trying to compose yourself from the Frankie and fucked you senseless with just his tongue. 
Wiping the slick and juices glistening in his mustache with the back of his hand, Frankie tugged the sweatshirt covering his own body over his head, followed by his pants and boxers, freeing his painfully hard cock as it slapped against his stomach, his tip red and leaking with precum as his broad body loomed over yours, sucking and nipping at your pulse point as you whimpered his name. 
“Frankie, holy fuck.” 
“Such a good girl for me, querida. You still want me to fuck you, baby?” He mewled, the metallic and tangy taste of you still lingering on his tongue as he kissed you, laughing to himself at the way you found yourself frantically nodding your head to tell him yes before your words could. 
“Jesus Christ, yes. Fuck, please Frankie, I need to feel you.” 
Reaching down to stroke himself, he lined his cock up with your entrance, easily sliding into your heat and brushing his tip against your cervix, taking a moment to let you adjust to his fullness. The whine you let out as Frankie filled every inch of you was nothing short of ragged, digging your nails into the skin of his broad back as he ever so slowly began to thrust in and out of you, dragging his length against the slick of your cunt. 
“Oh fuck me- Fuck, you hear how wet you are for me, sweet girl? This what you needed, baby? To fill up that pretty little pussy of yours?” Frankie groaned, letting his forehead rest against yours, his sweaty curls now starting to stick to his skin as he pounded into you, rutting his hips at a faster and faster pace. 
“It’s all for you, Frankie- Oh shit- only for you.” You moaned, your fingers wrapping around the width of his biceps, flexing deliciously as he hovered over you, sucking you in to a long, deep kiss, fucking into you over and over. 
Even with the years between you and the ring on your finger, the possessive part of Frankie’s brain would never get over how the primal and all consuming feeling of knowing you were his, forever, your words shooting straight to his dick as a low groan rumbled in his chest, silently cursing to himself through gritted teeth, watching you fall apart below him. 
Readjusting himself, Frankie sat back on his heels, hooking his arm under one of your legs to drape it over his shoulder, the new angle stretching you out in a way that had you seeing stars as Frankie rammed into your g-spot and began thumbing at your clit, still swollen and sensitive from your first orgasm. You could already feel the heat beginning to bloom in your belly once again, your leg beginning to tremble hoisted over Frankie’s shoulder as he dug into the meat of your thigh with a bruising intensity. 
Just like he would never get over the fact of knowing you were his, Frankie would never get over watching you begin to crumble under his touch, taking the time to memorize every twitch and twinge your body made as you came closer and closer to your end, always savoring in the moaning mess you’d become as you fell apart around him. 
“Fuck, Frankie, Fuck, oh my god- I’m close, baby.” You were all but rambling at this point, your brain barley stringing together coherent sentences as you felt your cunt beginning to clench around his cock, the lewd noises of your moans, wetness and skin slapping together as your hips met filling the room at a borderline pornagraphic rate. 
“Meirda, I’m not gonna last much longer, hermosa. Fuck, where do you want me, baby?” Frankie growled through gritted teeth, his eyes locking on yours and telling him everything he needed to know without you saying a word. 
“Inside. Fuck, please Frankie, I want you to cum inside me.” 
Your confirmation was all it took to flip the switch in Frankie that sent him absolutely feral, the thought of being able to actually knock you up now that you weren’t on birth control anymore, giving you a baby, proving another way to the world to mark you as his? The thought alone was enough to have him bracing every bone in his body to keep him from cuming right then and there. 
“Fuck me. You want me to fill you up, querida? Fuck me full of you? Fuck a baby into you? That's what you want, huh?” Frankie moaned, grunting with each thrust of his hips, his rhythm becoming more frantic and shaky as he felt your pussy begin to flutter around him, pressing the pads of his fingers against your clit, swirling them in frantic circles to make sure you came before he did. 
“Fuck, yes. I need you too, holy fuck- wanna make you a daddy, Fransisco.” 
You could feel the tightly wound knot in your core starting to snap, your legs trembling and breath shaking as Frankie fucked into you, finding yourself on the verge of collapse- but not before Frankie’s filthy mouth got the last word in. 
“Jesus, fuck- Fuck, hermosa. That’s what you want, pretty girl? I swear, I’m gonna fuck myself so deep into you it’ll fucking take. Get you fucking pregnant tonight.” 
That was all it took to have you orgasm come crashing through you, every inch of your body radiating with pleasure as you came, crying out Frankie’s name as you gushed around him, your eyes practically rolling to the back of your head, your mind going blank and numb, the only thing grounding you were the incoherent ramblings of your husband as he followed suit behind you. 
“Fuck, that’s it, baby. Fuck, I’m gonna cum too, fuck, fuck-ahhhhhh.” With one final thrust, Frankie could feel himself spilling against your walls, coating you with his spend as his cock pulsed, making sure he milked himself of every last drop deep inside your cunt before even thinking about pulling out. Moving your leg, Frankie slumped into you, splaying himself across your body as your chests rose and fell in sync, laying in silence as you let your breathing steady, coming back down to Earth from your high. 
With a shallow grunt, Frankie carefully pulled his softening cock out of your heat, leaning back to admire the mess he had made between your legs, his cum dripping down the inside of your thighs and pussy glistening with the mixture of your arousal. You let out a soft hiss at the loss of Frankie’s fullness inside you, only to quickly be replaced by a gasp as he buried his two fingers back into your cunt.  
“Gotta make sure every last drop stays in there, hermosa. Gonna keep you full of me all night, baby.” He mewled, carefully gathering his spend and pushing it deep inside you, making you whimper as he slowly pulsed his fingers back and forth, pulling away his hand to lean back into your body, engulfing you with an electric kiss. 
“Holy fuck, fuck me. Jesus, Frankie.” You laughed to yourself, your head dipping back on the pillow as you buried your face in your hands, at a loss for words at how euphoric you now felt in your post colital bliss. 
“Wow, again, already? Gotta give me a few after that querida.” He smirked, making you roll your eyes at his joke as you playfully swatted at him, making him lean in to pepper your body with kisses, leaving you squealing and squirming in delight. 
“You are absolutely ridiculous, Fransisco Morales. If you keep fucking me like that, then yeah, absolutley.” 
“If I keep fucking you like this, I have a very hopeful feeling that next month, we’ll have something else to care about besides period cramps.”
“I swear to god, if one of my cravings ends up being buffalo chicken dip once I’m pregnant, I’m gonna be pissed.”
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evieelyzabethh · 3 months ago
I love so much how you write ekko and I was thinking a scenario about the parallel universe thing (ep 7)
What if ekko and reader were dating and met thanks to the firelights but then the whole thing with the hexcore happened and got teletrasported in the other universe finding out that he was dating powder instead and he never got to meet reader and maybe he see her in the street of piltover looking different and all
Idk just thinking about how he will react
Ekko knows something is off immediately. Things just feel differently in his chest. Maybe it's being pushed into a parallel universe, but he's convinced that if you were with him, it wouldn't feel so different. It feels like the same soul, but a different body. His hair is different, his clothes are different, who he's with is different. As soon as he looks over and sees that blue hair, he's on guard, even more so when he realizes the change in relationship. He's dating...Powder?
Honestly, that's how he knows he's not where he should be, because he's not with you. And he does feel a bit bad not allowing himself to appreciate what's around him more, but Ekko is very aware with give and take. The Firelights don't exist here, his community never existed, his friends, Scar, everything he poured years of his life into aren't here, but they aren't here because they weren't needed. The people of Zaun can breathe. Vi is dead, but this is the first time since they were children that he's seen Powder. Even better, the first time he's seen her, and she hasn't looked gaunt. Hextech seems to be foreign here, and shimmer doesn't even exist. It's nice, he can admit that, but it's not home.
To him, it's almost like some utopic, drug induced hallucination. His head feels heavy (definitely an after effect of messing with the Arcane), his tongue is dry, his heart is pounding in his chest as he looks around him, convinced that Powder can hear it trying to beat out of his ribcage. Despite it looking pretty, it feels like a bad trip. He stumbles out, leaving Powder to chase after him until he disappears into the now unfamiliar streets. His feet fly in front of him, only barely managing to catch him and propel him further, too dazed to notice the concerned onlookers debating on if they should offer him help.
It's strange being known. No longer known within his found family for what he's created for them, but rather who he's become with his previously dead one. Claggor grew out of his baby fat, Silco and Vander grew closer than before, Mylo grew a god-awful mustache. He's an inventor here. It's almost haunting, the idea that he could've been using his talents for lighthearted fun. The idea that there exists a place that is not in dire need of saving. The fact that there even exists a place where those he's mourned and been changed by, live happily. For a second, he wonders if this is what Jinx felt like, constantly seeing faces despite knowing they weren't there.
He's hyperventilating, back pressed against a harsh brick wall, overstimulated by the way his jacket now seems to constrict him tight and tighter, feeling like a needle is going back through the already pierced flesh of his ear. He could be convinced there are millions of tiny rocks in his shoes as the more he shakes the harder they prick into the soles of his feet. He feels like his very soul is being pricked and prodded at. He feels like he's going insane
But he feels you before he sees you. His breathing slows, the hole in his chest seems to close, his lungs seem to fall back into a rhythm. He breathes you in before he reaches for the hand you have reached out to him. You look different here, like someone who he would never meet in this body, but of course his wandering soul found his way to you. You looked warmer, you fill out your clothes more, you might be a bit taller. Its wonderous what clean air and constant access to food can do for a person.
"Are you okay?" He leaps into your arms, nearly throwing you back and certainly catching you by surprise. Unsure of what to do, you hold the unfamiliar boy, stroking his back awkwardly until he slips from under your arms. He looks familiar but in a surreal way. You can't say for sure if you've seen him physically, but he very well could be the mystery man you see in your dreams sometimes, though much firmer.
"I am now." and you really don't know how to react other than to just smile and nod your head. As he watches you disappear into the crowd, the ground beneath him finally feels solid. If anything, he's more determined than he was before to find his way back home. This place is almost saccharine, too sweet, too bright, too much. It's not his world for a reason; his world wouldn't be complete without you in it.
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orchideous-nox · 6 months ago
what are some problematic opinions you have??
I really don't think any of my opinions are problematic? Idk, I guess I'll let the people be the judge of that. I want to preface that these are how I feel personally and I would never try to enforce my opinions on others. Ship who you want to ship, love who you want to love. If you disagree with any of my opinions then that's fine but please don't try and convince me to "see your reasoning", these are opinions I'm pretty set on.
I don't particularly multiship, not because I have no sense of fun but because I genuinely can't understand how people ship Barty with Sirius or Narcissa with Lily or Evan with James etc. It makes so sense and no amount of reasoning will ever convince me that anybody other than Evan can stand Barty to a degree that they want to fuck him. He's so annoying and I mean that with all the love in the world as an Evan kin. I think Sirius needs Remus to mellow him out. Lily and Narcissa is just a no from me. Period.
I think sometimes the fandom forgets that relationships can be platonic. Friends exist, not every character needs to fuck all of their best friends because they understand each other so deeply. Yes, they have great chemistry...as friends. Platonically. Do you want to fuck your best friend? .......actually you're on tumblr and a marauders fan so who knows
People are so desperate in this fandom for others to talk about the girls more but then when people do post about them there is like no interaction. From experience, the boys get more hits, more kudos, more notes etc. I write about Rosekiller expecting not much attention, I'm not in it to get popular otherwise I would stick to Jegulus and Wolfstar rather than my precious murder husbands. But whenever I post about the girls the comments are dryyyyy and it's not fun. I love getting comments and replies so I can interact with others and talk about headcanons. It feels like as soon as I post about the girls people forget that they were encouraging more of that content in the first place.
Fanon and canon are blurring and not in a fun way. There are certain headcanons that people take from fanon or even from specific popular fics and start stretching canon to fit the fanon and then get angry when people don't stick to it. Saying a character is canonically a certain way because of implications in the canon can be really harmful.
I don't particularly care for OCs in fics. I read these stories for the characters I like and if an OC has like a massive chunk of a chapter on their own or even whole chapters or whole fics I will likely skip or even DNF because that's just not what I'm here for. Like I don't care.
If a character isn't attractive in this fandom, people don't care. Just because someone doesn't have rippling abs and perfect skin, it doesn't mean you can write them off as being bad. People can be hot and fat, ugly and fat, ugly and skinny, ugly and a good or interesting person!!! As a plus size person, I have spent my whole life looking at media portrayals saying that I am not worth attention until I am skinny, only then can I be attractive, and this fandom can be just as guilty sometimes (I'm looking at you people who make Snape hot to justify liking him, and making Peter have no personality besides being fat).
People are way to eager to interact with content they don't like to tell them they don't like it. Look up what an algorithm is, hun, I'm begging you. (this isn't controversial unless you are one of those people who does that)
Okay, hopefully I've not lost anyone along the way. Like I said, don't try and convince me I'm "wrong" in the comments, these are opinions and cannot be factually incorrect < 3
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isa-ah · 10 months ago
gamers help me world build. the general genres are horror, speculative biology & shouldn't have gone there.
the generalized idea is a fantasy world that's not rlly all that different from ours, but magic and different creatures are an accepted and mundane part of life. the cast is a pentuplet of 3 researches / 1 adventurer / 1 body guard that are tasked with exploring a newly opened passage in the belly of a cave that seems to have tapped into a wholly new network with some very pronounced... oddities.
this network has been sealed off for milennia and has fostered an ecosystem entirely unique to itself. I'm rlly going for deep sea evolution vibes; half the critters are blind and go by hearing, vibrations or scent, the rest use some manner of bioluminescence to communicate in the dark. some fat lazy reptiles that stick to the walls and barely move or react, some semi aquatic, at least one carnivore w plenty of detritivores...
the plants have evolved over time their own brand of bioluminescence to attract the lower rungs of the food chain to themselves and so when they first arrive it's like breathtakingly beautiful and alien. just really bizarre and pretty and they're setting up camp right at the mouth of this juncture so they can make trips in without setting up entirely within the network.
the horror elements coming in with a specific type of fungus that strikes up like a cyan match underfoot and lets out clouds of glowing spores. they don't think too much of it but over the weeks to come they're going to be changed by it in really grotesque ways, I think. (and perhaps see this happen at a much faster scale to small critters with morbid realization).
glowing veins and bones and rotting, eventual blindness as the fungus grows over the wet surface of your eyes, yeah, but maybe it has almost rabies like effects where they become extremely photosensitive and claustrophilic, finding further, more narrow passages to cram into to better spread the fungus.
I've considered a lot of other horror angles to go with it too, like beginning to hallucinate pretty potently and becoming aggressively distrusting of their companions. maybe the body guard even kills one of the party and they scatter after that. a final girl moment where one of the researches has managed to stay safe but in her final escape attempt she hits a patch and realizes if she goes aboveground she'll only be spreading this beyond the passage, & so with the last vestiges of her autonomy she tries to seal it back in...
the types of plants, fruit, flowers, critters, etc... those are what I really want to dig into tho. the stuff they'd be researching and learning about. I haven't had a whole lot of ideas on what to use yet but anyone who does have thoughts send it to my inbox. 👀
restrictions are primarily nothing too big, and nothing that burrows. I think burrowers would have been discovered significantly sooner? so let's stay contained to preexisting tunnels. definitely got plenty of groundwater, springs trickling down the walls and pooling in flooded passageways etc. otherwise I don't have a lot of ideas yet!
also open to discussing the party. I think the final girl will be a magical researcher who's that clumsy kind of determined. the adventurer being any kind of smaller race (do I even want to use traditional fantasy races? idk!) and the body guard being the largest amongst them and by far the physically strongest.
thematically the horrors of spelunking at all, hypothermia being a constantly offset issue leading to paradoxical undressing as the fungus overrides basic control, stripping the last of your dignity and humanity, how prolonged darkness convinces you you can see (even after, say, fungal nodes have overtaken your eyes), no shortage of auditory hallucinations bc the white noise of trickling water is all you'd ever hear, the body guard becoming a very great threat after killing the adventurer, having become extremely hostile in response to the fungus.. u get the picture.
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nijigasakilove · 2 months ago
Sakamoto might be the first fat dude with aura? Love a good badass former hitman tries to leave the life only to be forced back in story. All the complaints from fans online had me thinking this was gonna be ass and it turned out great. Yea the animation ain’t JJK or Solo leveling, but it was solid. I like Shin and Sakamoto and the fight choreography was great too. Nice little introduction into this world, characters and the sort of thing we can expect. Even though Sakamoto wants to protect these mundane everyday vibes, I don’t think his past will let him.
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For those that don’t know, the first two eps dropped together. Netflix shitty release schedule once again doing its best to kill the hype for a show. Second episode of Sakamoto days is available on Netflix JP with English subs, but you have to VPN it.
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Definitely made sense dropping both of these together. They set up who I assume are two of the important supporting characters and let us see Sakamoto in action against some of the various players in this world. Seems like there’s a lot of assassins in this universe almost John Wick like lol.
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Also got to see some of Sakamoto’s backstory with his wife. I couldn’t help but laugh my ass off at her throwing herself off the damn railing tho 😭 like yea I guess that’s one way to convince your bf to stop being an assassin.
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Son Hee and Bacho talked all that shit about killing ol girl and then as soon as a real demon showed up they started begging for their lives lmaoo
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Animation was noticeably weaker. Almost looks like it was in slow mo at times so I do understand some of the complaints from fans, but idk. I’m so used to watching your average run of the mill fantasy seasonal that it doesn’t faze me that much. I guess it boils down to Sakamoto’s manga being wayyy bigger than the average seasonal isekai LN adaptation, so it should have substantially better quality. I can respect the argument. But again, it’s solid for me.
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tokyo-1842 · 4 months ago
Hiii!! I'm not sure if you ever watched Demon Slayer but could you write a oneshot with a fem! reader who acts like Inosuke? Like they're very chaotic and feral, has no filter and personal space is nonexistent in her world,, Also could you pair her with Usopp? Since she loves to fight and isn't reall afraid of anything, Usopp will often cling to her during fights or when they arrive on a new island. And reader has a huge ego so she takes this as him recognizing her grand prowess 🤭
Usopp x F!Reader
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Usopp x F!Reader who acts like inosuke!, can be seen as platonic or not🙏, flufff, thas allll)
- When everyone first met you Usopp admired your bravery
- But LOWKEY you scared him.
- He avoided you at first because one small thing could tick you off
- Like the food could taste good and you would just lose your shit and he’d be so horrified😭
- Your his number one human shield
- Deploys you into battle like some soilder
- Sometimes gets made fun of by Sanji for having a girl protect him
- Asks u to train him when he gets comfortable enough
- Scary forest? You’re coming with him! Infiltration of a marine base? You’re coming with!
- Had a nightmare about you once
- Does your hair since it gets messy from your random out burst
- Cleans ur swords with you :) after he convinces u not to bite him😭
- (uses you as fish bait💀)
- Is intimidated bc of how u don’t understand personal space at first
- but then he gets used to it😭
- Has to cover your mouth when lying bc you’ll just blurt out the truth
- Gets you a scratching post so you stop ripping up furniture
“Of course I know where we are going! I the great captain Usopp would never miss lead my crew!” The sniper boasted. “Robin said to go to left of the ship, I see a town over there.” You said, squatting on a tree branch on top of Usopp. “These Woods also have some wild animals, WOULDNT it be dangerous to stay?” You asked with sass. “Im the bravest of all! I face every danger head on!” He said posing with pride.(flexing his non existent muscles💀)
You threw a rock behind Usopp while his guard was down and it made a snap sound.
“MONSTERRR!!!” The sniper yelled and jump at heights you weren’t even sure humans could reach. He then landed on you. “PROTECT ME Y/N!”
“So much for brave”
The branch snapped and you both fell to the floor.
“eheh..I was just…testing you…” He muttered.
“Usopp, Y/N! What do you think of this dress!” Nami shouted from across the deck. Usopp whispered in your ear : “It makes her look like seaweed…” then backs up and yells “It’s a nice shade of green!” “What do you think Y/N!” You pause. “It makes you look fa-“ Usopp covered your mouth. “WHAT WAS THAT!?” The navigator yelled. “NOTHING!” The sniper replied quickly.
“YOU SAID THE DRESS MAKES ME LOOK FAT!?” You then bite Usopp’s hand. “YOUCH” “USOPP ALSO SAID IT MAKES YOU LOOK LIKE SEAWEED!” “I’ll give you a five second head start…” Nami said.
“I’ll give you 3.” Sanji said from behind you two. “Expect for you Y/N-SWAN!~~”
“PROTECT MEEEEEEEEEEEE!” The sniper clung onto you as were his last hope.
should I call annon’s that or no😭
some gifs :)
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sukunafuka · 4 months ago
Suka give us a list of ur nastiest kinks and fantasies, vanilla be damned
i fear there are too many to list properly but i’ll try🫶🏻 all of my fics are literally just my kinks hidden behind writing lmaoo but there is a lot of stuff i haven’t delved into yet. in spite of potentially leaving some out on accident, i’ll give you a few off the top of my head:
a huge one for me will always be somno (take one look at my fics😔)
dad’s best friend (at least 20 yrs older than you) who knows it’s morally wrong to want his friend’s daughter who’s in her 20s and has to be convinced over YEARS to even touch her makes me DROOL(daddy issues lol) this can be classified as age gap right?
exhibitionism will always make me kick my feet, something about the humiliation and the control aspect of it. (ie: guy shoving his hand into your pants sitting beside you at dinner and keeping a straight face as he rubs at your clit) 🤤 being fucked on a train around a bunch of people who have no idea has always excited me too
i (usually) won’t read a fic that has cheating in it because it just doesn’t rly do it for me but the idea of dating an older man and his son is around your age and he can’t help but wanna fuck you, is so jealous of his dad, talks to his friends about what they think your pussy looks like/ just stupid locker room talk is so hot for what???? (my megumi and toji fic is literally one of my favorite things i’ve written) idk what this is classified as in the kink world- maybe cuckolding??
virgin!!!!! i don’t think it’s overdone at all, you just have to be able to write it creatively and make it stand out from the usual virgin fics (not easy to do). at risk of sounding like a middle aged dude who fucks virgins as sport (toji? lol) i really love the idea of feeling something good for the first time with someone you love and the potential embarrassing moments that can occur during the act. showing a virgin how new things can feel too is so sweet and alluring (choso fic about this has been in my head since i started tumblr lol just haven’t finished that fic) also love the implication that they don’t want to have sexual relations with someone unless they are in love since they’re in their 20s and still a virgin<3 so sweet
i’m a certified monster fucker😔 BIG FAT DICK and SMOLL HUMAN. lol. love the idea of monster looking at his dick and then at you and being like ‘… i don’t think this’ll work’ LOLOL he doesn’t wanna hurt you🥹also love the fact that they’re not conditioned by our stupid society. like your insecurities don’t even matter with him because he’s literally a monster who accepts and loves you without question, not even a thought in his mind, whereas human men have subconscious and conscious standards for women because of media/what they’re told. body hair, tightness, body image, etc.
controversial but i love stepcest, the idea of knowing it has to be a secret and it’s ‘wrong’ but the yearning for one another is so intense that you can’t resist?? like damn they want eachother that badly. the potential funny moments that can be weaved into a fic about this is so entertaining too. being secretive in general and sneaking around has always been hot as well. something about a step brother who you laugh with, who protects you from bullies, who gets annoyed with you, who you hated when you first met but warmed up to, who you hangout in his room even when he says to get out because you’re annoying, who you give dirty looks to the girls he brings around, who you sometimes sleep in his room because you had a nightmare and he begrudgingly lets you but puts pillows between you with annoyance because you ‘kick in your sleep.’ idk, it’s the way you can be yourself with them, and they love you all the same. (i have issues)
professor/student yes pls. (only college student and professor). again, it’s secretive. makes you feel like reader is just special and he can’t resist. the power dynamic 🫦the yearning, the slowburn, the idea of him teaching you something and being happy when you understand it or get a good grade. them being proud of you and patting you on the head platonically but you’re suddenly throbbing in your panties. slowly convincing him that it’s okay and that no one will know. hottt
bully is too good.(hello sukuna!) he’s so mean and even pushes you physically sometimes against walls or to the floor, spills things all over you, humiliates you in front of everyone, calls you names, makes sure you know that he’s in charge. but he never lets anyone else bully you, you’re his and he protects you like you’re his pet. eventually he realizes that he likes you and he’ll never admit it verbally but he starts to do nice things hidden behind mean words. real enemies to lovers. ultimate slow burn. think it can be really intense if done right. so dominant!!
a few more without explanations: slapping during sex, spitting, choking, overstimulation, mask play, predator/prey, hybrid, etc.
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toxycodone · 8 months ago
i understand its all joaks and its lighthearted out of love for this character but it is a little sad to see things like laios being a minimum wage worker and having no friends being described as him being a loser when theyre extremely common autistic experiences 💔 because to be honest i think youre really cool and a great writer and i would like to interact more but it makes me go, is that what you would think of me? my life situation’s not too different from that. anyways i hope you have a nice day <3
no not at all I genuinely like being mean to Laios so take everything I say about him with the world's biggest effing grain of salt because I am just. mean to him in particular lol. i like to kick him when he's down. (evil and mean but to blonde men in particular)
but like. i am not cool at all. like...........ill put it under the cut but yeah.
real shit under the cut bc this ask is making me think! im gonna be real w u nonnie
tl:dr if u dont wanna see whats under the cut:
this ask kinda makes me think bc. i think im really mean to laios too bc he reminds me of myself beforehand (zero self confidence and suicidal idealization) sigh and I really hate being reminded of that. so. again. im really biased when it comes to him specifically and that doesn't apply to you or any of my followers.
and for what its worth i am sorry for making you feel that way.
but also. i gotta say I can 100% relate to him and you. this time last year I was working at Starbucks ( i could only tolerate 4 hour shifts bc i would get overstimulated and my coworkers lowkey hated me.) and had like. 1 friend from high school and the years before that I spent turbo online being constantly pushed out of friend groups bc i could NEVER get anything right socially. I swear the first 23 years of my life I never lived. i went thru hs and college as a fucking. like. creature I felt like i couldnt connect w anyone because I was too tormented by adhd + autism and i was INSANELY depressed and coping w lack of control by having an eating disorder and being doped the fuck up on stimulants. (MY PCP gave me 56 mg of concerta and 5mg booster of adderall i was fucking tweaking on the daily </3)
but like. i started going to therapy and a psychiatrist who made me quit cold turkey for my own good and we started treating my depression and debilitating anxiety (i was convinced a stranger was living in my house in secret but also that everyone in public who saw me was revolted by me and genuinely wanted me to kill myself jkdhsfskdjh i told you i was tweaking)
anyways. i was a druggie with no goal in life and living in my own head and now like. i can look at myself in the mirror and not think "hey. this fat ugly piece of shit should genuinely die" and now people in real life LIKE me. I have friends. multiple friend groups, actually. WITH NOT JUST ND PEOPLE. LIKE, A LOT OF THEM ARE NEUROTYPICAL. And i am very open about being autistic with them and i dont have to mask.
and they still like me! and invite me places! and genuinely want to hang out with me! and they think im smart and get uncomfortable when I say im stupid or too autistic to like. be able to be in public.
it still feels like a dream and in my mind im like "they actually are gonna drop you and make fun of you for thinking they were ever your friends" or like "theyre just doing this bc of the stupid buddy system shit or they think you're a pet this is highschool all over again"
but even tho im haunted by this. its....I can say with confidence its not true.
anyways. i know people say this shit all the time but I will say you are very capable of love and not a loser or anything like that. the thing you're missing out on is the right people. i didnt believe this for most of my life and tried to get myself killed because of it but im glad I didn't because it is genuinely true.
i have spent the last <1 year of my life genuinely being alive. and i wouldn't trade it for anything. idk if thats a sign for anyone yeah. take it
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akaakeis · 5 months ago
hello hello sav <3 how are you doing?
im attempting a yap ask but i dont know how much time i have on my hands so if i need to go i'll just press send and you'll have an awkward cutoff. also, it will probably be mildly ominous lolol
anyways !
i got my period for the first time since like ,, july ? i think ? which is insane the stress has been crazy
also like.. wdym september is almost over WDYM. october, november, december then ??? new year ????? ur birthday ?????????
speaking of which i've been brainstorming ideas for an (online, not money costing) present and it's like. "write something. okay, what. okay, got it. wait no that's cringe nvm." even though it's probably not cringe 😒😒
a pinterest board sounds sillyfunny hmm
okay next topic pretend you didn't read the last part because i am HORRIBLE at hiding surprises like it just makes me so happy when other people are happy and like arghhh #girlproblems
i dreamt up a new smau yesterday and ill dm u about it tmr <- hasn't finished the first one yet, hasnt even STARTED it
OH OH OH I MISS YOU SM theres nothing more to that bit i kept thinking i have to add it in somewhere and also kept forgetting but like yes. um. imy baby ily 🫶
anyways SCHOOL right. today i caught my super awesome studious top grades role model student bunking class with the school's head girl. that was crazy. and i was going to bunk english (bc the teacher SUX see next para.) but i was so surprised at seeing her sneak off school bag n all during break that i accidentally bumped into said english teacher and she smiled and said hru LIKEEE KMS NO.
i spent a good 15 minutes hiding in the bathroom from her tho. okay so lemme describe our uniforms for u. so first we have like an erm. top thingy. google "female kurta" and you'll see like this thing w/ slits at the sides etc etc. it's usually shorter than the ones shown bc. uniform. and then we also have like loose fitting pants, and uhh. imagine a doctor's white coat thingy over all that which buttons up. and then a headscarf. ANYWAYS THIS IS RELEVANT BC. theres a girl in our class, the youngest & she's 15 in october. BUT wtv uh her apron (coat thingy is called that) buttons are loose and they keep opening. so obviously the teacher had to help.
"boys rn think many things they will stare at u and then in the future u will not get married" — mrs j 2024 😻 LIKE GIRL WHAT. and then she fatshamed a girl WHO ISN'T EVEN FAT BTW SHE'S LIKE. HEALTHY. AND HEALTHIER THAN MOST OF US SHE'S PHYSICALLY ACTIVE WORKS OUT AND EATS FRUITS AND STUFF um oops gtg i think.. and oh also she like ,, has hormone stuff but wtf woman. u dont even know proper english anyways gtg TELL ME AB UR HOMECOMING (?) and school is so stressful rn dont get stressed ily sav! <3
um so im gonna bawl my eyes out i was in the middle of typing out my reply AND IT DELETED ITSELF!! this is a cruel, cruel joke! ANYWAY HI LINA!! im doing good, hope you're doing well!!!!! <3
I MISSED YOUR YAP ASKS SM so happy to be receiving this 🙂‍↕️ have an amazing day at school!!
SINCE JULY??? i hate my period but i think i would lose it if i didnt have my period for a month cause i would convince myself i have conceived jesus in my uterus and am going to be a teen mother... SO ITS GOOD YOU GOT IT BUT I HOPE YOU FEEL BETTER PERIODS SUCK SO BAD 💔
god it's so weird that september is ending... SPEAKING OF WHICH I HAVE AN ARTICLE DUE TO MY MAGAZINE ON OCT 1 I FORGOT today im locking in so hard on my school work and job... im also starting babysitting the side hustles are going crazy rn...but the thing is time is passing so funkily?? idk but it feels so slow during the day but before yk it you've been in the cycle for a rly long time and its the end of the month!!! i rmbr asking my friends this week if it still felt like it was the beginning of the month for them and they were like "no...?" LIKE OKAY THEN just slap me in the face and call me a freak at that point goodness 😞 but timeline 4 me we have october + halloween, november + thanksgiving, december + christmas, january + new year + BDAY!!!!, february + valentines day, THEN march + your bday <333 
im gonna act like i didnt see that one! im 45% blind in my right eye and fully blind in my left... matter of fact i cant see much of nothing 🫡
NEW SMAU WEEEEEEE im so excited to hear about it!!!!! ga(c)r is heavily staring at u from the corner of the room BUT SHE CAN WAIT
BRO I MISS YOU SO BADDD ilysm imysm chronically online era come back to us this summer PLEASE 
YES SCHOOL‼️ HELLO NOT THE ACADEMIC WEAPON I WOULD BE SO RATTLED IF I WITNESSED THAT? your teacher freaks me out i think id cry if i bumped into them LIKE I WOULD GENUINELY TWEAK!! especially the smile i can only imagine it looking creepy tbh
15 minutes in the bathroom u are so valid lina 😞 ALSO FEMALE KURTAS ARE SO CUTE THEY LOOK SO COMFY?? YOUR WHOLE UNIFORM SOUNDS SO COMFORTABLE 💔 i remember when i went to priv school i had to wear fitted polos and skorts CAUSE THEY WOULDNT LET GIRLS WEAR PANTS UNLESS IT WAS WINTER THAT WAS RIDICULOUS anyway back on topic that girl is pretty young for your class 🧍‍♀️ what r the age cutoffs like there?? cause usually the youngest ppl in my grade are both late august/early september idk
"boys rn think many things they will stare at u and then in the future u will not get married" GIRLL SHUT UP 😭 whos gonna tell her! FATSHAMED??? there is no way.... THATS ACTUALLY INSANE I BET THAT GIRL IS MORE ACTIVE THAN HER SHE NEEDS TO SHUT UP ⁉️ just messed up to do that in general like keep it to yourself ffs 😞 "u dont even know proper english" CLOCKED HER SO HARD i fear u are correct 
so like around 2:30 a bunch of my friends met up at one girl's house and we all got dressed and did makeup together!! my friend kaila did my makeup and i also did my friend jaslene's makeup THEN i had to book it and get to a hair appointment i had at a salon to get my hair done for the dance 💔 
after i finished getting my hair done i met with my friends at a restaurant and we all had dinner!! we took some photos outside while we were there and while we were taking photos my foot WAS DEMOLISHED by jaslene's boot heel thing anyway my foot was stepped on and it hurt cause i had open toe heels it was so bad hhhh BUT IM FINE NOW I THINK ‼️‼️
after dinner we all drove to the dance in one car and we were vibing out to baby + hot to go during the drive I COOKED UP THE RAP IN BABY SO HARD im famous amongst my friend group for the rap i always get the mic for that part 🫡 
when we got to the dance it was 7:00 and we just had a bunch of fun until 10:00 😭 hugged literally everyone that i knew i love seeing people at dances cause they always look so gorgeous!!!! lots of jumping around in the crowd and scream-shouting lyrics to songs that played... tons of fun 🙂‍↕️ my voice is practically gone now and my feet hurt since i was jumping around in heels the entire night BUT WE ARE SO CHILL it was really enjoyable!!
i agree school is super stressful rn... ill try not to!! you too <3 take care + have an amazing day at school!! ily lina <3 xx
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gladiolidiaries · 2 years ago
Okay so…looking at moon’s blog the consensus is that drellama is a thing based on 50% delusion but also combined with the tweets dream made around that time and her insta captions.
Then you, hata and nal are so convinced shes a friend and nothing is going on and hes just there for drusic. So like im just confused on why youre SO sure that nothing is going on. Bc im gonna be completely honest im a dnfolo and even though i think something is going on with dnf im side eyeing this situation and idk what to think. The only thing against it for me is that she lives in LA and he hates LA but who knows? She could move to florida and shes also an e girl which is his type. Idk…
Hes a grown ass man he can do what he wants (not to say he is 100% involved with her) but my dnfer heart is just like meh. Also my delusions are making me think that knf snap was posted pointedly for the intricate rituals.
Ok first off i think it's completely stupid to link Dream's main "George and I are not gay" tweet to this girl. Even if he was legit talking to her, why would he need to tweet (ON MAIN) that he isn't gay like 😭 she would know that he's into her if they were e-flirting and things were mutual. The tweet was a big fat joke.
I can obviously not know for sure if something is going on, I'm basing my opinion with what we know. Which is :
She is a small content creator and is acquainted with Sylvee, Hannah and Sapnap (also with some NRG dudes, she was just at some NRG event on March 4th a day before he followed her)
Dream was most likely invited to that party by Scotty, we have no proof that she actually came with him. It's possible she was there with someone else but saw Dream and ended up mostly speaking to him so she also came to Scotty's place. That's very normal.
Dream is in LA to work on his music.
Tbh at the end of the day it all comes down to your own perspective of Dream. I personally have a hard time imagining him as a hook up type of guy. Maybe he is! But from what we have know of that evening, I don't think it happened. I really think she met him at the party and they stuck together because she's friends with some of his friends and she's a content creator/small streamer.
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may-bonne · 5 months ago
Assignment anon. I'm shy 👉👈 lol. Looking forward to 2nd fic!
-A nervous duck going for a handful of cheerios is the perfect way to describe that kiss lol. I also like the uncomfortable shifting and loud awkward sniff when he meets Johnnie in the diner a second time. The way he leans down super far to sip his coffee too
-The "NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!" is so funny. Imagining myself as the person who heard that coming through the walls and complained
-I know Frank is supposed to be tough or whatever but I wish we could've gotten a few tears while destroying the room. Not actual crying but just wet shiny eyes from the anger and distress. I mean he did suddenly wake up with tits he didn't ask for and his dick gone
-I think another good part of the accent is when he calls Johnnie and goes "Ya wanna meet for a CAWFEE?" There was serious emphasis there
-Frank is 100% not the type of guy to wear a real binder (idk maybe somebody could convince him to wear the kind that look like undershirts) but why does he have to do the sloppiest binding job known to man with that tape. Why not use ace bandages at LEAST
-He slipped into acting like he was willing to show creep assistant his rack too easily. I really needed him to seem more awkward. You know he's a shitty actor
-There should have been more scenes of people not recognizing him or generally being all ummm...
-What year is supposed to be if they're using flip phones and pay phones? It doesn't feel y2k
-I cannot blame the curly haired doc for seeming like he hated his life when he had to listen to Doc Jane ramble
that's okay anon i'm grateful for you anyway <3
since yesterday i've had 1000 more thoughts about this movie. i had to save this as a draft and switch to computer 'cause my thumbs started aching
the breast grope/fingering/darth vader NOOOO sequence is honestly the best part of the whole thing. egregious she didn't get an oscar nom but the academy snubbed girlfight too so what can you expect, really
the accent is consistently rough but there's not a single pronunciation as ridiculous as the way katarin bloodrayne says "my FAHthuh" so i'll let it go. i just commented this somewhere else but i think a director thinking mrod is a good choice for convincing accent work is a strong indicator that some other questionable choices will be made
the tape made me wince. that skin is already stretched THIN. he's gonna rip his nipples off. also i think it's kind of funny that because they were working with mrod's real breasts it looks like the doctor really exercised restraint. yeah maybe it was more conducive to her experiment to give him something realistic but if i were her i'd be giving frank fat fucking tits just for the hell of it
yes there was WILD vacillation between him being supremely awkward with johnnie and then seeming very chill about being a chick in literally every other situation. i'm glad this movie exists just because i think it proves that maybe portraying convincing sexual chemistry is just not mrod's strong suit no matter who she's playing against and it's not just a guy thing. except when she rested her forehead against johnnie's. that was cute
related: i would love to know what the fuck frank said to johnnie the first time they met considering he seemed to think "i want to take off your clothes" was a compelling offer
also related: i guess that first scene with johnnie was supposed to establish frank as some kind of suave womanizer but i CANNOT imagine he was that great at sex before. when johnnie tells him that she prefers being eaten out or whatever to just having that thing rammed into her it's going to knock his fucking socks off. i'm going to write that into the next fic actually
no idea when it comes to the year. it doesn't look like 2016. i thought maybe they were using flip phones for crime reasons but in my head it's maybe like 2009
anyway: to me the core problem with the plot is that it's not clear what the point even is of the whole revenge spree!! i understand killing honest john and jin tao but what the fuck did earl and joe and vladimir and the nicaraguans whose names i can't remember have to do with anything? they had no part in actually getting frank to the doctor. and frank can't have been that opposed to dogfighting or pimping or whatever because he was working for those guys! killing them just to get back at honest john barely makes any sense either because it's not like we saw them all having a family dinner or something. when frank finally confronted him, john didn't seem cut up at all! if the plan was to cripple him financially or intimidate him i don't think it achieved shit because she straight-up killed him like a week later and also i can't imagine that the result of just murdering the top brass was that all the girls and dogs got to go free. i'm not saying she can't just be acting irrationally but that's not how a movie is supposed to work. we're supposed to have some reason to care
(as a side note i feel like that syndicate should have consolidated its operations. i'm imagining one of those problems where you have a prostitute, a machine gun, and a pitbull on one side of a river and you can only fit two of them in your boat or whatever. and what the fuck even was that "dry goods store." why were we suddenly in a spaghetti western?? i guess i find it vaguely plausible that they have those in san francisco but in that case it couldn't just operate as a front. he would actually have to be selling organic granola and shit)
okay i know you didn't ask, but here's how i would fix all of that. first, at the start, frank should ONLY be trying to kill honest john and the doctor. second, i think johnnie actually should be an ex-prostitute! i'm not saying it would be the greatest most realistic portrayal of sex trafficking, but i think it would make a lot of narrative sense. she can still be a nurse; frank just has to find out that in the past, she was pimped out by one of the guys under earl. then we would get to see frank realize that he's not honest john's only victim AND he would have an actual reason to start with earl! and then once he kills earl he can think critically and come to the conclusion that every arm of this gang is hurting people and THEN he can decide to pick off the leaders one-by-one. obviously he would understand that in the abstract because he's not a moron, but if johnnie's the first person he's ever really cared about (which is what i think they're trying to imply with the ward-of-the-state thing), it would make it tangible for him. right now i think the dog is kind of clumsily serving that function, but by the time frank gets the dog he's already killed four people. also for ~parallels~ he could "rescue" johnnie from earl (symbolically, through love and sexual healing or whatever), a gun from the nicaraguans, and pancho from vladimir. then he could use that gun to commit all subsequent murders, get his revenge as originally planned on honest john and the doctor, ride off into the sunset with johnnie and the dog, and in that way build a new life from the results of all this killing. then it would feel like it was all building to something. i'm not a scriptwriter or anything but i think that would be a much better movie
(also being a sex trafficking victim would help explain why johnnie needed money so desperately. san francisco is expensive but i'm not convinced that nurses living in studio apartments must resort to crime)
and i would just cut joe entirely. i don't know why the fuck joe is even there. i would also shorten the doctor's monologues by at least a hundred percent and replace that lost time with scenes of frank and johnnie in bed together
christ that was a lot. anyway send me any thoughts you have about this dumb movie anytime <3 <3
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credulouscanidae · 1 year ago
i think. it's because i got denied an appointment to start hrt again despite giving all the history + diagnosis. nhs isnt going to help me. i had a massive breakdown about that. i was told i need to send the docs, sent them off couple weeks before christmas, sent a follow up email as i didnt get a reply back early jan, then called up asking for an update, only to be told that they apparently sent a letter to my old gp about denying me an appt. and then got all indignant when i asked for a copy of the letter -about me-. couldnt even acknowledge my 3 emails i had sent them over the month. nah, all my medical future gets decided without my input or autonomy. such is the case with the nhs i hear. that was....the week before? idk time is getting lost on me.
then within the same week i get indirectly told that i didnt get the job i was really riding on getting, at the place i volunteer. i was hyped up about volunteers having a higher chance by the workers there. radio silence for months. get told by one of the workers at break "oh btw im sorry you didnt get the job". despite...despite asking for a follow up about my outcome, and being assured that i would get a yes or no answer, because "they follow up with everyone who has an interview whether you got the job or not".
me from a year ago wouldve been disappointed, but probably couldve picked up from that and be reassured. the me now? cant bounce back. clearly im not worth having these opportunities. im not worth having a job at the place ive been at for9 months, and instead they hire 2 completely new people to the organisation. i wasnt even runner up.
i miss my old self. i am a fat disgusting estrogen-ridden husk of my former self.
i miss working. it fucked me up in a lot of ways, but it kept me fit, busy, occupied, and productive.
i miss connection and talking to people. god, i miss it every day. and the only solution to it is to challenge myself. but it's so fucking easy to give up and resign to the fact that no one cares or id be a bother or i deserve to be alone. how the fuck are you meant to be convinced to even instigate convo when thats all that goes through your head?
while im not making any effort to end my life, im sure as hell also not doing anything to preserve it. i feel like im going to snap some point soon. i feel more and more unhinged every time i have a breakdown, like i am so rotted from the inside that i can barely hold myself together anymore. my foundations are collapsing. i had a breakdown mid last week and i still feel hungover. my body itches and jitters all over.
cant even do my dog grooming properly. im not confident nor experienced enough, but im too scared to take abreak from it because i know that's just the mental illness talking and i should just suck it up and pull through. i could if i tried.
but the problem is i cant find a reason to try.
i feel like a sim. like a simulation just going through the ropes, making the body movements that constitute a behaviour. but im not actually doing them. i barely comprehended that i made dinner last night, it kinda...spawned. bangers and mash it was. first cooked meal in a long time. beats whatever frozen thing i shove into the oven.
i get up, have breakfast, pass the time and just eat whenever i feel hungry, and before i know it, it's time to sleep. every day blurs into one.
i know this all sounds melodramatic but it's how i feel. i hate myself for only being able to express my misery through dumb tumblr posts hidden under readmores. thats not the way to get help. i want help, and i know i need it. but that requires me to believe that i am worth saving.
but i am not worth saving.
if this is what life has to be then i dont know.
i just. wish i could feel like things will be okay one day. that there is an end to this.
im going to bed.
it's been a. weird past 7 days or so.
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here2bbtstrash · 2 years ago
bts doing no nut november - explicit
been a minute since we did a headcanons post huh!!!! and this felt ~seasonally appropriate~ 🤭 i actually discussed this a million years ago w my hyungline chat and the lovely @goodsoop - thanks for always feeding my insane bts brainrot, love y'all 😩 (and i'm really just considering this as no fap/not discussing or thinking abt partnered sex here, just fyi~)
knj: loses on day 1. this virgo has his masturbation routine down, so engrained as a part of his daily life, that on november first he doesn't even realize what day it is. he just busts a fat nut to one of his very favorite porn videos (downloaded to his computer ofc) without thinking twice about it, and it's only as he's cleaning up the mess that he's like.... fuuuuuuck.... i knew i was forgetting something 🤦‍♂️
ksj: doesn't do it out of protest OR reluctantly agrees but then quits on day 1. y'all simply are not gonna tell this man what to do! he comes when he wants to come dammit! his dongsaengs might be able to convince him to "say" he'll do it, but the minute he actually wants to jerk off, the competition is over lmao. there's not even any good reason why he should hold it in - besides, isn't that bad for you??? unhealthy??? this game is stupid and he doesn't wanna play 😤
myg: has no trouble not coming for 30 days, could probably win on accident. i feel the agust d hoes coming to fight me about this one but i'm sorry 🤷‍♀️ imo yoongs is a low libido guy!!! and you can't change my mind!!!!! make your own post lol! imo he'd rather save it for when he's with a partner, and besides, he's obviously too busy working or sleeping or watching cat videos. plus it's just so much effort and he hates having to deal with the mess after. he's fine with it, homie probably ends up in no-nut january without even really meaning to 🥱
jhs: wins, but it's a struggle. we all know he's got that serious business 'dance teacher hobi' scary amount of self control.... but eventually his ~urges~ do get pretty strong and hard (lol) to ignore. i can see hoseok being one to try and keep himself busy to keep the horny thoughts away 🤣 his big-ass closet is getting reorganized, new choreo is getting learned for no reason, and if you see him spam a ton of selfies on instagram, it's cause he's trying to distract himself 🤪
pjm: tries and absolutely loses. mini is sooooo physical and touchy i just don't see this one working out for him. in the beginning of the month i think he feels like it's pretty easy and he wants to do good and get praised by the other members, but midway through november he gets pretty desperate. he tells himself it's not really masturbating if he just humps against the bed and doesn't finish, but then one thing leads to another and it just.... feels too good to stop 🫠
kth: does it wrong and wins. we all know taehyung lives on his own mf planet so i absolutely believe this man is gonna EDGE himself for 30 days in a row. literally bring himself right to the brink of orgasm, then hop in a cold-ass shower and carry on with his life. it's fun for him 🤭 and when the members tell him he's doing it wrong, he says he's doing the advanced version 😏 and i just.... god bless whoever is on the receiving end of that load on december first lmfaoooooo 💦
jjk: OF COURSE HE FUCKING WINS. jk is the one who makes everyone participate, no fucking question, and he is in it to WIN IT bc of course he is. i know he's a jerkoff pro tho so he has to suddenly deal with having.... EVEN MORE excess energy than usual 🤣 we're talking multiple workout sessions a day, every day, just to burn it all off (namjoon goes with him even tho he's already lost 🥲). maybe even a tattoo session to help get his mind off things idk 👀 and when it's finally december first he's jerking off til his dick is RAW lmfao 💀
what do you think? any you agree/disagree with? 👀 lemme know~
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heeracha · 3 years ago
## the disgusting scarf — l. heeseung
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synopsis: lee heeseung, the bane of your existence, would always get you into trouble and you, of course, took revenge by getting him into trouble as well. when heeseung randomly gives you a puppy, sunghoon claims that maybe it's his way of proposing and maybe you can finally go around wearing heeseung's scarf. but you claim that you would rather go to azkaban than wear his disgusting scarf.
pairing: gryffindor!heeseung x fem!slytherin!reader
idols mentioned: all of enha, yeji (itzy), beomgyu (txt), seungmin, hyunjin and jisung (skz)
content/genre: hogwarts au, enemies to lovers, secret relationship, fluff <3 tsundere!reader
warning(s): swearing, bickering (lots of it), heeseung getting injured, falling off the broom, mentions of azkaban, tell me if i miss something !! unproofread
word count: 3.8k (oops)
note: this is very impulsive, i've been rewatching harry potter lately bcs idk,, i miss my childhood lmAO anyway !! i havent read the book in so long, so i must have forgotten some details, so if i got a detail wrong im sorry !!
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As Professor Snape talked in front of the classroom about the potion that the class is going to brew, Heeseung’s cauldron suddenly falls to the ground, making a loud noise. Heeseung’s jaw drops as he watches it roll around, when he suddenly hears his teacher speak. “Mr. Lee, are you just going to watch your cauldron roll around until it stops or are you going to pick it up?” 
“Sorry, sir.” Heeseung mumbles as he bends down to grab his cauldron.
“Five points will be taken from Gryffindor.” Snape announces and Heeseung immediately stands straight, eyes widening as he puts his cauldron back on its place.
“Sir, I didn’t do it on purpose.” Heeseung defends. “I wasn’t even touching it.”
“And that’s for not being too careful, Mr. Lee.” Snape says as Heeseung frowns. His eyes go around the classroom, landing on you. You were looking at him, watching the scene unfold. When nothing is said anymore, you turn your head to your book as you read the lesson. “Who knows what else you could have broken?” Snape adds and you look at your teacher as he scowls at Heeseung. 
Snape turns around to go back to his discussion and then, you smirk. You turn your head to Heeseung, raising your eyebrows as you properly put your wand back in your robe. Heeseung shakes his head, rolling his eyes as he scowls through the entire class, cheek resting on his palm.
It had always been like that with the two of you. Ever since your first year, you always hated Heeseung and he felt the exact same towards you. Then in your second year, Heeseung accidentally dodge a bludger and sent it straight to one of the teachers’ office. While you didn’t know what was going on, you had a bat on hand as well when Heeseung let go of his. Then suddenly, the professor went to you and started scolding you while you were still confused. You were given a month’s detention and ten points out of you, but of course, you wanted to have revenge. So you pulled a prank on one of the teachers and framed Heeseung on it, causing him to get the same punishment. Ever since then, you two would always have each other getting in trouble.
“Jay, come on.” Heeseung turns to his friend who shakes his head as they get out of the classroom. “Please, I’ll do anything you want. I’ll give you 24 hours to let you do anything you want.”
Jay huffs. “Seriously, Heeseung, this thing with you and Y/L/N is getting silly. It was silly from the very start, but we’re 6th years now!” Jay says as they walk towards their common room. “Even sillier because you act like you hate her when you look at her as if she made the stars and moon.”
Heeseung immediately jabs his elbow on Jay’s side, causing the poor boy to groan. “Great way to convince me!” Jay says, shaking his head as they get to the common room. Heeseung says the password as the Fat Lady opens the door for them.
“Please, Jay?” Heeseung says and Jay sighs. “Last one and I’ll stop.”
“And if your plan goes to shit? What the hell are you going to do with me?” Jay asks.
“Who said I’ll do it? We’re going to get Jake.” Heeseung says with a grin to which Jay groans.
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With Jake sighing as he follows Heeseung out of the great hall, he speaks up. “I swear to Merlin, Heeseung. If we get into detention because of this, I’m hexing your ass.” 
Heeseung laughs, shaking his head. Jake is a Ravenclaw, but somehow Jake is always with the two Gryffindors. As Heeseung turns to the left, out of the great hall, he is met by you with Sunghoon right beside you. Perfect timing. You stop, preventing yourself from running against the tall guy. 
“Hey, I was looking for you.” Heeseung says and you only look at him.
“The hell do you want?” You said and Heeseung holds his hands out, holding a small puppy. “The hell am I going to do with that?”
“Maybe it’s a new way of proposing?” Sunghoon suggests and you turn your head to him, questioning his response. “And then, I don’t know, you two would finally get together and you would go around wearing his house scarf.” Sunghoon teases, giggling to himself as he nudges you gently.
Jake was laughing lightly, holding his hand up to which Sunghoon claps with his. “Disgusting. I rather go to Azkaban than wear scarves from the other houses.” You dramatically say, looking at Heeseung. “Especially yours.” You say, pointing at him and he rolls his eyes.
“Come on, it’s my peace offering.” Heeseung says, holding the cute dog.
“No, I have a cat and I don’t have anything to take care of a dog.” You say, moving away from him, but Heeseung blocks your way. “Get out of my way, Lee.” You say and Heeseung shakes his head. “Stop it!”
“No!” Heeseung says. “I am giving you a gift and you’re not accepting it. This is very offensive.”
“It would be more offensive if I punched your face. Get out of the way.” You say and he only shakes his head. You groan. “Would you leave me alone if I take it?”
“Yes.” Heeseung says, nodding and you grab the puppy out of his hands, carrying it gently as its two paws rests on your shoulder, the puppy’s head snuggling on your shoulder.
“He’s cute.” Sunghoon says, petting it and the puppy barks, biting Sunghoon’s finger. You smirk, looking at Sunghoon who pouts, massaging his finger.
“You deserve it.” You say as Jake and Heeseung chuckle. You move away from Heeseung who doesn’t stop you this time.
“No thank you? Seriously?” Heeseung says and you roll your eyes. “Professor, Y/L/N turned Jay into a dog.” He says as soon as he sees his teacher along the entrance of the great hall. You turn around with wide eyes.
“What?!” McGonagall says, looking at you.
“WHAT?!” You shout, looking at Heeseung who’s just pointing at you.
“Ms. Y/L/N, I know you two have some sort of rivalry with each other, but you did not have to turn Mr. Park into an animal.” McGonagall scolds.
“Professor, no. I didn’t—”
“Ten points from Slytherin and detention tonight.” McGonagall says. “Put Mr. Park down.”
In defeat, you put the “dog” down on the ground and McGonagall flicks her wand, the dog growing as Jay. McGonagall lightly glares at you as she walks past to enter the great hall. You hit Sunghoon’s arm, turning to him.
“Why didn’t you defend me?” You say as Sunghoon rubs the spot you hit.
“I thought you didn’t want me to stop whatever this… thing you and Heeseung are doing!” Sunghoon defends. “And seriously, man, did you have to bite me?” He says, turning to Jay who just shrugs, smiling.
“I didn’t tell you to not help me get his ass in trouble!” You say and Sunghoon laughs sheepishly. You turn to Heeseung. “You are so going to regret this.” You say, walking away with Sunghoon following you as he says bye to the three boys.
“24 hours, Lee.” Jay reminds.
“Not tomorrow.” Heeseung says and Jay raises an eyebrow. “Any day but tomorrow.”
Jay sighs, glaring at Heeseung. He just knows he will never get the 24 hour deal.
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“Hey,” you hear, causing you to turn around. Heeseung smiles, but still, you had a scowl on your face. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know you’d get detention.”
“McGonagall thought I turned Park into a fucking dog, Lee. What did you expect? For her to give me some reward? Give me a hundred points?” You say and Heeseung chuckles. “I had you deducted five points and you got to deduct ten points from me and had me detention.”
“I’m sorry.” Heeseung says and you shake your head, shooing him away with your foot as you hug yourself. “Are you cold?”
“No, I’m Y/N.” You say and Heeseung laughs. He comes closer, pulling you into a hug and you softly sigh, wrapping your own arms around his waist as you snuggle against him.
“I thought you’re mad at me?” Heeseung asks and you softly pinch his side to which he lightly jumps at. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” He says, kissing your forehead. “Where’s your scarf?”
“I forgot to bring it.” You say and Heeseung pulls away as he removes his red and gold striped scarf, putting it over your neck. “You don’t have to, Seungie.” You say, shaking your head and he stops his actions, raising an eyebrow. 
“Right, you'd rather go to Azkaban than wear my disgusting scarf.” Heeseung says and you close your eyes, breathing deeply which causes him to laugh loudly. He fixes the scarf around your neck. When he’s done, he grabs the front, pulling you to him as his lips catch your cold lips. You kiss back, Heeseung smiling against your lips.
Yeah, you two have been dating since last year. When your plan semi-failed, causing you and Heeseung to have detention together, you two went to the Forbidden Forest with one other kid. You two were partners, it led to Heeseung holding your hand with you trying to yank your hand off, but he pulls it to him, saying, “Listen here, Y/L/N. I’ve had feelings for you for the longest time and I’ve been dropping hints that I do. It’s time for you to tell me you like me back because I know you like me, too, okay?”
You being you, answered, “How sure are you? What if you’re wrong?”
“I just… know.”
“You know I hate admitting when someone’s right, you know that?” You asked to which he nodded. “I’ll make an exception just this one time.” You say as you pull him to kiss you. Then it began with you two sneaking around, but never did you stop getting each other in trouble.
He pulls away after a few beats, grabbing your hand. “Come on, let’s go to the Three Broomsticks. While our friends and mostly everyone are still in Honeydukes.” Heeseung says as you two walk through the snow.
“Ugh, you’re really going to make me walk around Hogsmeade with your disgusting scarf.” You say, holding his hand tightly as he gently pulls you with him.
“You say it’s disgusting as if you didn’t almost hex me when you saw Yeji wear it.” Heeseung says.
“If I wear Beomgyu’s would you be happy?”
“Whose girlfriend are you?” Heeseung says.
“Whose boyfriend are you?” You question back. Heeseung only chuckles, pulling you closer to him as you pass by a big tree. 
Where Sunghoon was hiding. He goes around the tree, making sure neither of you see him. He watches the two of you walk away as you jokingly pinch his side to which Heeseung jumped on again. Heeseung yanks his hand away from you and you hug him from behind as he walks further away with you waddling behind him.
For a second, Sunghoon thought you two were going to fight until Heeseung hugged you. He thought he just mistook you from someone else, turns out it was you. The girl who said that Lee Heeseung is the bane of your existence. Turns out, he’s the love of your life. He couldn’t even believe his own ears when you called Heeseung ‘Seungie’.
So, when you two were out of sight, Sunghoon runs to Honeydukes as he calls Jake and Jay… and everyone in there.
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“Good luck on the match, Y/L/N.” Heeseung says as he passes by where you and Sunghoon are sitting. “Hope you miss the hoops.”
“Hope I hit your face with the quaffle.” You answer.
“Hope you fall off.” He says.
“Hope you get hit by a bludger.” You say.
“Hope you—”
“OH MY GOD. SHUT UP!” You two get cut off when the head boy, Seungmin shouts.
“But she—”
“But he—”
“I DON’T CARE!” Seungmin says, glaring at the two of you. “BOTH OF YOU. SHUT IT.”
You look at Heeseung who looks at you as well. He winks and you raise your middle finger to him as he walks away. You drink your juice before your captain calls you for the team has to go prepare. When you stand up to go with your captain, Jake sits beside Sunghoon.
“I really don’t see it.” Jake says. “I mean, it could be seen they like each other, but them dating without anyone knocking some sense into them? Impossible.”
“I’m telling you!” Sunghoon said. “Y/N even called him ‘Seungie’.”
Jake shrugs.
“Seungie! Not Lee, little shit, not fucker, not any of that, but Seungie!” Sunghoon says and Jake sighs, shrugging again.
“I did see them together in Hogsmeade.” Sunoo, a Slytherin who was a year below the two joins. “Just last Saturday. Y/N’s wearing Lee Heeseung’s scarf. And honestly, they’re very obvious, you know? And like, last week, I saw them sneaking at night. Lee Heeseung even walked her back to the common room.”
Jake and Sunghoon turned to the younger boy who just shrugged at them. “How did you know they sneaked—”
Sunghoon rolls his eyes at Jake. “That they snuck out?” He continues.
“Jungwon, Riki and I snuck out that time, too.” Sunoo says, raising his eyebrows as he stands and walks away from the two. Jake and Sunghoon only look at each other, but Sunghoon is smiling smugly.
45 minutes have passed since the game started, Han Jisung from Hufflepuff announces the scores as Heeseung makes a goal. The match is just mainly you and Heeseung chasing each other around with the quaffle. How come Sunghoon never noticed this? It was entertaining to everyone how the two sworn enemies are chasing around, but what Sunghoon noticed since he started paying close attention was that you and Heeseung were never harsh with each other. 
Heeseung hits your arm with so much force, but when it’s close to your arm already, it becomes a soft pat. You would elbow Heeseung’s side, but Sunghoon realizes that you only touch Heeseung’s elbow with yours softly.
Sunghoon comes to the conclusion that you two are whipped.
Almost an hour later, the Golden Snitch finally decides to make an appearance and the two seekers chase it right away. Jay throws the quaffle to Heeseung, but you manage to get in between and catch it. Heeseung chases you right away as you dodge everything going your way, seeing Heeseung advancing beside you.
“Fuck!” You hear your boyfriend say and you turn your head quickly to see if he is okay, but you stop when you see him falling, almost meeting the ground. You feel the quaffle being grabbed from you, but you don’t care as you turn your broom around to chase Heeseung.
“Heeseung!” You call and he lands on his back with a thud. “Shit!” You curse as you get down as fast as you can. When you’re almost on the ground, you jump off your broom as you run to your boyfriend who’s unconscious. You get on your knees beside him as you cup his cheek, other hand on his shoulder shaking him. “Seungie, wake up. I’m kicking your ass, if you don’t wake up, I swear on Merlin’s beard.”
You don't care if everyone finds out now. You don’t care that the audience’s eyes are on you now as you try to wake up your boyfriend. You don’t care that even the game has stopped as everyone watches you. You don’t care even if the teachers and staff are watching.
“What the fuck?” Jisung accidentally says through the microphone of the announcer and he feels McGonagall hit him on the head.
As Madam Pomfrey and some students snap out of the trance, they run to you and Heeseung, putting him on the stretcher, taking him to the hospital wing. You follow and everyone takes a minute to process everything.
The two sworn enemies… are actually together all along? That’s something else.
The sound of whistle snaps the players up in the air out of their trance. “Resume the game!” Madam Hooch orders.
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“Y/N, calm down.”
“No! You hit my fucking boyfriend with a fucking bludger. What if you hit him on the head? How the fuck would you replace his head?”
“I didn’t mean to, I’m really sorry—”
“Oh, come on! I know your hands were itching to fucking hit anyone from their team because they were on the lead.” You say as Heeseung slowly opens his eyes, seeing you sitting by the edge of his bed, your head turned to your captain. His good arm on your lap.
“Who the hell are you? Y/L/N Y/N can’t take to lose and you—”
You were quick to stand, about to grab Hyunjin, but Heeseung was quicker to hold your hand. You turn around, looking at him. “Hey, how do you feel?” You ask, sitting back as you hold his hand in yours.
“Throat feels dry.” Heeseung croaks and you stand up, helping him sit up. You grab the pitcher, putting water in the cup. You give the cup to Heeseung and he drinks it right away as you brush your fingers through his hair. You put it away when he’s done and he smiles at you. 
“Oh my God.” Sunghoon says and you turn to him, seeing him that he’s looking at you with a judging look on his face. “You’re so… whipped, Y/N.”
“Okay, if you think you’re already forgiven about telling everyone about our relationship—” You say, standing up as you’re ready to fight Sunghoon who’s already taking steps backwards. “You are so wrong, Park. You are going to—”
“Hey, calm down.” Heeseung says, arm around you with his hand on your hip as he rests his cheek on your shoulder, lightly laughing. “I’ll talk to you later, I wanna be alone with Y/N.” He tells Jay and Jake who nod, finding the scene funny as well. The two were the first ones to leave, Sunghoon smiling at Heeseung who nodded before Sunghoon left. Then Hyunjin, your captain, was about to leave.
About to.
“Hyunjin?” You call and he turns around, looking at you. You raise an eyebrow, nodding towards Heeseung while you glare at him.
“What if I don’t—”
Hyunjin cuts himself off when he sees you tilting your head, clearing his throat, chuckling nervously as he walks closer. “I’m just kidding, you.” He nervously says, knuckles softly bumping against your chin. When he gets no reaction from you, he sighs, turning to Heeseung. “I’m sorry about the bludger. I was dodging it off, I didn’t know it would hit you.”
“It’s okay, hyung.” Heeseung says.
“No, it’s not—”
You cut yourself off when you feel Heeseung squeezing your side. You glare at Hyunjin and he smiles at you. Hyunjin exits the hospital wing and you turn to your boyfriend. “You’re scaring everyone off.” Heeseung says, chuckling. “That’s your captain and he’s scared of you.”
“And?” You said and Heeseung rolled his eyes, smiling at you. “How do you feel?”
“I’m good.” Heeseung says, nodding as his hand goes up to your collar, fixing it as he notices you’re on your uniform, minus the robe. “How long was I out?”
“Three days.” You answer as you take his hand, playing with his fingers. “It’s so boring. No one got me in trouble, I got no one in trouble.” You say, looking up at him. “Don’t do that again, okay? I knew the bludger was going to hit me.”
“Then why did you make Hyunjin hyung apologize?” Heeseung asks.
“Because he needs to aim upwards, I don’t know why he aimed it sideway.” You answer and Heeseung chuckles, shaking his head. “But seriously, don’t do that again.”
“If I didn’t do it, you’re the one who’d be out for three days.” Heeseung says and you shrug.
“I could use a rest away from you.” You tease and he smiles, shaking his head. You sigh, putting your arm around him as you pull him in a hug. He wraps his arm around your waist, pressing a kiss on your shoulder. “Everyone knows now, we don’t have to sneak.” You say, pulling away and he hums.
“How?” He asks.
You hum. “Uh,” you trail off, deciding to leave out the part that the match stopped because of you going to him when he fell. “Sunghoon saw us last week and told everyone.”
Heeseung laughs, nodding and you look at him through your lashes. “I really worried you, didn’t I?” He asks and you shake your head, looking away as you tighten your hold on his hand. Heeseung knows you’re lying.  “Look, I’m okay! Frankly, I think the bludger should’ve hit me harder.”
You look at him, raising your eyebrow. “I’m okay, really.” He says and you nod.
“I know.” You say, sighing.
“You know what would cheer me up, though?” He says and you hum. “Seeing my girlfriend smile. She rarely does it, but when she does, my heart just melts because I know it’s real.”
You shake your head, placing your hand on his head. “Go back to sleep.” You say and he laughs, grabbing your hand, pulling it down to his lips to kiss your palm. “Seriously, Heeseung, I haven’t washed my hands for over an hour.”
“But I can see you like it, your cheeks are growing red.” He says and you sigh, shaking your head. “Come on, baby, smile for me.” He says and you sigh, pressing your lips against him as you close your eyes. “Okay, this works, too.” He says against your lips as he closes his eyes, causing you to laugh which makes him smile.
“Okay, lovebirds. Cut it out, now.” Madam Pomfrey says, coming into the hospital wing and you pull away, causing Heeseung to pout. You look at him, shrugging. “As much as it interests me—and the whole school—how you two got together, Mr. Lee needs his rest and I need to mend his bones. He’ll be out of here before dinner, dear, don’t worry.”
You nod. “Thank you, ma’am.” You say and she nods, smiling. You press one last kiss on Heeseung’s lips and then another one on his forehead. You stand up as you grab something from the side and put it on Heeseung’s lap, walking away as Madam Pomfrey starts to pour the bone mending medicine into the cup. Heeseung looks down to see his red and gold striped scarf neatly folded. Heeseung watches your back as you turn to him, smiling at him which causes him to smile as well.
Like Madam Pomfrey said, Heeseung was out before dinner, going to you as he teased you how you went to him right away when he fell off his broom while putting his scarf around you as he pressed a kiss on your cheek.
Yup, Sunghoon outed you. But you honestly don’t care.
Let the whole world be chaotic, you don’t care. All you care about is Heeseung.
(You’d still kick Sunghoon’s ass, though).
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— july 26, 2022. heeracha.
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onsunnyside · 3 years ago
Idk if this idea has been mentioned already im a little behind on reading all the amazing asks and thots
So what if CL Steve decides to plan a date for legacy but of course this is Steve so there’s a twist.. so he uses the movie theatre on campus or wherever and convinces her they are watching some movie that legacy has been dying to see. So she goes to the theatre with Stevie… but when she gets there no one else is in the screening room
So she sits down with steve and the opening credits start rolling and the first thing it reads is:
“An Independent Film, Produced by Arcadia
Starring, up-and-coming major Legacy and the one and only Steve Rogers”
Stevies always wanted to see her on the big screen
OH MY GOODNESS ?? BESTIE THIS IS ABSOLUTELY PERFECT ! dark thots/spoilers/long drabble below:
this will be in the fic, I don't know when it will be set down the line, but:
It's at the campus theatre with the projection screen down and everything. He's been breaking you down everyday, and today as you watch the footage play, you blow up at him. Some crying and screaming, all of which Steve just shushes you softly between those familiar threats.
When you try to run away, he sweeps you into his arms, pressing you into the seats and forcing you to watch the scene: you're riding his face, filthily grinding onto his eager mouth. He drinks down your slick as it drips out of you.
With him pulling you onto his lap, the bulge tells you exactly how the movie was effecting him. You feel ashamed with your weakest moments plastered on the screen, your loud whines and Steve's muffled praises echoing off the walls.
He starts moving you against his clothed cock, one hand gripping your neck and the other wrapped around your waist, pinning you into his massive frame. "See that, baby? See how much you want me?"
You shut your eyes, trying to turn away but he forces your head forward. He scents you powerfully, your body falling slack as his fingers dip into your pants and underwear, slipping between your soaked folds.
Yet again, it felt like your body was against you—but at this point, you know the rest of you wants him too.
"You know, there are plenty of people who would pay good money to see this." His deep voice flows to your ears, his lips dragging along your jaw to your gland, he sucks hard and traces his fingers through your wetness, spreading it to your clit. "They'd fucking kill to watch a pretty omega like you get ruined by me. Look at you."
Your eyes flutter open because you actually want to see the sick movie. And you're crossed between horrified and awe: you're lying on the bed with your head hanging off the edge, Steve is spanking your poor pussy, ignoring your quivering thighs as he thrusts into your open mouth, his fat cock stretching your lips and making your jaw sore, saliva dripping from the corners of your mouth. Every lewd noise fills the room, wet gagging, choking, crying, it's all the soundtrack to Steve's dirty talk, "—that's it, filthy slut. Just a cockwhore in heat, huh? You want my knot—want me to fill your little cunt?"
On-screen you nods, or tries to with Steve's length stilled deep in your throat. He trails his wet hand up your body, pinching your nipples before caressing your neck, "I can see myself inside you, sweet girl. Doing so good for me—you're gonna be covered in me by the time we're done. And you're never going to want to leave."
"See? You love what I can do to you." He presses one thick finger into your cunt, pumping it in and out, "Making you into my perfect little omega, you didn't even see the camera, huh?"
You sniffle, shaking your head as he yanks up your shirt, massaging your breasts.
"But you're thankful I filmed it, huh? Our first heat together, you let me have you any way, even woke me up with a blowjob, do you remember that?"
"Y-Yes..." You do, and you don't know how to feel.
Steve slips another finger into you, skillfully scissoring his digits. "Yeah, then you rode my cock until you squirted all over me. Do you remember what happened next?"
You dig your nails into his forearm, slowly starting to grind against his hand. "Was on my hands and knees... y-you were behind me."
He groans. "Good girl, bet that's the last thing you remember, huh?"
You shakily nod, your lips quivering as he stretches you open.
"You were a fucking mess after that. Crying for me whenever I moved away—but I took care of you, didn't I? Daddy helped you through your heat, giving you everything you needed. I even cleaned you up after each time." Steve grunts as you start riding his hand, mimicking the screen that displayed you bouncing on his cock, drool dripping from your swollen lips as he groped your ass. "Good news is I've already got a sequel planned since my rut is in a few weeks."
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