#first ever kaishin art
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coshinova · 1 month ago
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late valentines 💌
reference from Pinterest
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omo321 · 2 months ago
I got Soh @arsquare's Kaishin bundle I won in a lottery last month 🤠
(on the second try that is, he was kind enough to send another copy bc the post office declined to give the first one to me bc I the parcel didn't specify my legal name :// whatever)
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Whatever paper was used for the postcard, I love it (shiny in a nice subtle way) also Kaito is so cute here, I only now realized
I wonder if there's any practical sense to having business cards nowadays? anyways it's very pretty and now I DO wish more people had them. I'd be collecting....
I don't have any immediate use for the memo pad so I'm keeping it sealed but looks very good!
the art on the bookmark is amazing as I already have known, it is also more flexible than I thought, and the transparent effect is very nice! when i think about it, I probably prefer paper bookmarks, but it physically pains me whenever they get permanent creases, so plastic is safer that way... (also tassels give me a bit of an anxiety ever since since I used one I got as a gift from Urumqi students as a keychain and it fell apart lol...)
postcard and the book got a bit bent, nothing too serious but enough for me to side-eye our post service (for that, and stealing two of my zines now :/)
Soh was kind enough to add a drawing of fem Tsurumi for me too! (I went a bit insane for her for a month or two, here :DD) incredible <33
the quality of printing in the comic itself is really good, slightly glossy somehow? I haven't read manga in a while but I remember the paper being more plain/rough
can't even imagine the amount of effort that went into this comic, the kaishin santa origin story and three-month production period is wild. mad respect. I have so much respect for sequential artists in general.
I dont remember 1st edition well enough to spot differences but the art looks amazing… what's the word… crisp! crisp.
assorted story notes:
I remember reading it the first edition like "kaito in teitan? where's aoko :/" @ "AOKO!! :DD". she's merged with Ran here technically but it did feel like she played a role and wasn't only "Kaito's version of Ran", which I appreciated. ALSO I LOVE HOW SHE'S DRAWN SPECIFICALLY
progression of shinichi's faces after time reset is so funny :DD
SHIN BEING GHOSTED BY RAN AFTER CONFESSING… then choosing to be honest with her despite it…. Fire...
when I read the 1st edition, I found it not particularly shippy (I didn't know Soh doesn't ship it as that point, put it made sense in retrospect). Re-reading it, I see the romantic notes more clearly, but the sense of distance between them is also more obvious. that's kind of related to why the ship is loved, isn't it? It's easier for these two to be honest with each other who they barely know, rather than their lifetime friends, as far as canon goes. lol Aoko wasn't able to fix Kaito before and she won't fix him now...
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nuniaxo · 8 months ago
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My Art Piece for the Story written by @dragonsorceress22 ! for the KaiShin Big Banf organized by @kaishinbigbang
I had so much fun and my dear partner's story is so good, I hope you guys will like it, too!
"At the wrong time and place, Kaito witnessed how Conan aged to his normal age, to his normal body, Shinichi Kudo. Unfortunately, Shinichi isn't able to move a lot while in Pain and their situation is not optimal for sitting around... since they are in Black Org Danger territory. So Kaito, having a talent for escaping, will not leave Shinichi behind like that. It's Piggyback time. "
Potential Ratings and Warnings:
Teen And Up Audiences
With Black Org involved it could become somewhat Graphic
Use of Drugs APTX 4869/New form of Antidote 
Antidode that results in Pain like Muscle Pain (Shinichi isn't doing good but will he ever admit it)
This was my first Big Bang but surely not my last one :p
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and kaishin as well, if it suits thee.
For the ask meme here
1. Why don't you ship it?
I debated for a while which set of questions to go with - after all, KaiShin was one of the first ships I ever got into, and I've loved it for years and years. However, I realised a while ago that they just didn't have the emotional resonance they once held for me anymore.
I think mostly it's that I grew up. The struggles of teens that once compelled me when I was one myself just seem so limited in contrast to the things I have to deal with as an adult. Now, granted, Kaito's moonlighting as a phantom thief and the whole of Shinichi's issues is rather exemplary, but I'm just not invested in high school settings anymore.
2. What would have made you like it?
I think for me to continue being invested in the ship, I would have needed to see them grow in a different direction. What held my interest was the rivalry, the cat and mouse - but nowadays, they're pretty much just friends. Which is nice, don't get me wrong; but not enough chemistry for me to think about them in a shipping context.
3. Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
This was one of the ships that really drew me into fandom as a whole, and for that, I'll always be grateful. There's a lot of cute art, and good fic, and every once in a while I'll still reblog it because it used to be dear to me.
As for the ship itself, I've always been fond of how despite being on opposite sides, Kaito and Shinichi aren't enemies, they're rivals. They like to play with each other, a welcome reprieve from their stressful double lives (another point where they could confide in each other, with time), but when push comes to shove, they know they can rely on each other.
They both need allies desperately, and they need allies that understand their position. Kaito and Shinichi can be that, for each other.
I just prefer them as friends, rather than in a ship, these days.
Thank you, kind stranger, for allowing me to reminisce about this ship that I once held so dear.
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solarianvoidthearoace · 2 years ago
Okay, listen– Listen! Seeing videos like this I can’t dislike Ran, she’s a strong and powerful female character. She’s badass and she’s iconic and an inspiration for little girls. (Not kidding.)
She can fight, she powers through, she can knock down guys like houses of cards. She is a certified badass woman and inspiring both due to her femininity combined with her martial arts proficiency. Because she is feminine and still wipes the floor with your average criminal.
She is whiny at times, pining for “her” Shinichi but that’s fine, I can handle a whiny main girl and strong lead woman character if they are one and the same.
I am not much of a fan of her pining and her getting whiny/ crying for Shinichi every chance she gets. Still, I respect her as a strong female character.
However, towards the end of the video… those are the scenes why I – personally – consider ShinRan to be toxic and borderline abusive.
I had originally posted this in a reblog on my KID movie poll but finding this video gave me an incentive to make it its own post.
Aside from this video, one example is the after-credit of movie 3 with Ran straight-up threatening to physically abuse Shinichi. Like, folks, that’s my main reason I dislike her.
Ran started out as a strong female character, which is awesome, but over the years she descended to 1) “Save us, Shinichi!~” and 2) physically abusive
I get that she’s whiny at times and while I generally dislike whiny characters (see Martin from TMA), I can handle that
I can handle the Main Girl(tm) being whiny and pining for Shinichi
But that drive to keep her a strong female character who needs no man lead to her being increasingly physically abusive. She cries and pines, fine.
But then Shinichi does show up and what does Ran do? Either first thing, she hits him for being away for so long. Or she slaps/ hits him when he tells her he has to go back to his case and can’t stay. I understand her upset, I understand her pining.
Nobody has a right to vent their upset through physical abuse, though.
But a girl who can knock down a lamp-post, who can kick a man trough a window, ESPECIALLY has no right to raise her hand against her love-interest!
That’s one of the first things every martial art ever teaches you, do not resort to violence if there is even a sliver of another safe option.
I get that Kogoro knocking Conan about was played for shits and giggles, it’s a thing of that time when the manga/ anime started out. And accordingly Ran venting her upset through physical violence also was a product of that time and result of portraying her as the strong/ physically tough lead girl.
But she is his love interest for crying out loud and among many other scenes the after-credit of movie 3 emphasises that Shinichi is scared of her hitting him as soon as he gets back.
That’s not funny!
Physical abuse is not funny. And a strong female character directing physical abuse at her no-show love interest doesn’t make it funny.
My main ship always has been and always will be KaiShin. But I also know that would never become canon because DCMK doesn’t do queer. It’s “kid-friendly”, it can’t do queer.
But for goodness’ sake do I wish – desperately wish – the Main Couple became MasuShin instead. Masumi is on-par with him, she’s quick-witted, she’s silly, I love her queer vibes, and she understands/ encourages Shinichi every step of the way.
That’s another thing! Ran despises Shinichi’s work. It’s a common motive in fanfic (hence played up) that she forbids him from taking cases. But her dislike for his work – his passion his calling – is there.
I just can’t see ShinRan be healthy. And that opinion hasn’t changed in the 14 years I have been watching Detective Conan.
Edited to add:
I also want to clarify that I am not basing my opinion off the movies (alone), in fact, any DCMK movie outside the KID movies, movie 3 specifically, and movie 18 onwards, I haven’t watched in years. I am referencing movie 3 specifically because I recently watched it but this behaviour certainly is in the anime/ manga/ canon as well. The London Arc, that restaurant date in a skyscraper where he stood her up and Conan had to apologise (which also got used for an opening/ ending), the early episodes where Shinichi makes a comeback, the “Murder Suspect: Kudo Shinichi” Arc where he hides from Ran, and that’s just off the top of my head because I was on a fandom-hiatus for around 2 years and don’t care enough for ShinRan to rewatch these things.
I’m so sorry (sarcasm) that I didn’t provide receipts for my critique of Ran. But I’m also not about to go through the series for the entire purpose of making an itemised list of Ran abusing/ hitting Shinichi. If I do a rewatch from the early episodes on, I might keep a notepad handy and jot down the instances of Ran smacking Shinichi but don’t hold your breath because I tend to avoid the romance-heavy episodes in general, no matter the pair.
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cyndraws · 1 year ago
Kaishin secret santa 2023 extras:
Basically wips - I'm still proud of them hahahh
Main ksss23 post: https://www.tumblr.com/cyndraws/737208464263266304/kaishin-secret-santa-2023?source=share
This one is for prompt 2+3 that I toyed around with before putting down. Kaito's civilian persona saves Shinichi using KID skills + a cute identity reveal. These were such good prompts but I couldn't muster up much content...
(very) rough sketch:
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I was thinking maybe a comic even but well, it turned out I didn't have enough time for that unfortunately
The story is that Shinichi gets kidnapped by some remaining Black Org members. This is set post-Conan and BO takedown.
Kaito is alerted by a random BO member walking by, muttering about a hostage. He manages to sneak in their hideout (abandoned warehouse) and sits in the rafters, observing. He then takes them down with his trusty cardgun + extra bombs he had on himself.
Shinichi has been beat up and was being interrogated by the members. They didn't really have any plans though, and were mostly there on the basis of revenge than getting much info out of him. They were low ranking members who managed to escape by sheer coincidence.
As Shinichi is starting to pass out, he recognises the distinctive sound of a card being fired and smoke bombs going off. As the smoke starts to clear and a set of sneakers start running towards him, he hears a worried voice shouting "Meitantei! Meitantei!"
Then there's a cute hospital scene afterwards where Kaito introduces himself as Kuroba Kaito, and starts to scold Shinichi for recklessness after hearing the entire story (Shinichi once again, ran off after seeing suspicious men in black HAHAHA). Then he produces a bouquet of flowers and stays by Shinichi's side until his friends appear. Then they live happily ever after~
Ok back to the Kaishin roleswap!
I'm still sad that I didn't get to finish all the arts I planned, but I hope you enjoy my vision nevertheless. One was Shinichi and Kaito at the crime scene (in the main post), but it doesn't really show the main aspects of this au, so it's low priority.
This was supposed to be the 'main' piece of art but I had a lot of trouble with it aha...
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Kaito and Shinichi facing off on Haido City hotel. It features Shinichi and his mask + Kaito spinning his card gun. They both give challenging looks to each other. Chronologically in the timeline, it's set before the art I ended up posting. I was thinking maybe this was their first meeting.
It's based off the classic Gosho spread of Conan vs Kaitou KID. It's absolutely gorgeous, and I'm lucky enough to have the physical art book >v<
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extraordinarilyextreme · 2 years ago
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hayaku14 · 2 years ago
a little ‘kaishin just started dating’ thing where...
kaito and shinichi are both attempting and failing to hold each other’s hands the whole day. they’re walking on the way to kaito’s house and kaito is about to reach out again to try finally holding shinichi’s hand but then out of nowhere, aoko calls after them, walks up in between, and grabs kaito’s outstretched hand and tells him something.
shinichi eyezooms to their hands, a little jealous and a little defeated cos he’s been trying to do that all day, and couldn’t stop himself when he says, “you guys are really close huh,” under his breath. kaito realizes he’s holding aoko’s hand and slightly panics but aoko doesn't let go and is like oh! lightbulb moment, and teasingly says, “kudou-kun, are you jealous?”
“w-what? no i’m not...” and aoko is like, “here, you can hold my hand too so it’s fair!” and she offers her other hand as shinichi stares at it for a second then decides to take her hand while kaito beside them is like wait what? WAIT is this really happening??! and he’s slightly jealous and he wants to say something but shinichi is like, ”oh you have calluses in your hand, do you do martial arts or-”
“mop, actually,” aoko says with a mischievous grin which gets shinichi all curious, “mop?” meanwhile kaito in his mind is like WAIT WAIT WHAT WAIT BUT I WANTED TO HOLD HIS HAND FIRST
aoko notices this and goes, “awww kaito, are you jealous too?” as she pulls shinichi closer by his hand with the smuggest face ever. kaito glares and pouts and huffs a defeated little, “shut up bakaoko.” shinichi lets out a soft chuckle and offers his hand with a fond smile because he’s been wanting to do this all day. kaito smiles at him, a little shy and red, and reaches out to hold his hand.
now the three of them are all holding hands in circle and kaito’s feigning annoyance to mask his embarrassment and to stop himself from making a stupid dopey smile that he knows aoko will tease him for later.
“okay now what? we can’t even walk like this!” and aoko’s like “it’s fine, bakaito! stop ruining the moment!” as shinichi laughs beside them.
meanwhile, hakuba, who was on his way to aoko’s house to see her, caught up with them and is seeing this happen from a few meters away. he squints in disbelief and is like what the hell is happening there with a caption that says he is aoko’s boyfriend LOL
hakuba walks up to the three and he’s like, “do i even want to know what’s going on?” aoko beams and raises her and kaito’s joined hands to wave at him excitedly.
“saguru-kun! come here and hold my hand too!” hakuba looks at kaito and shinichi with a brow raised and he immediately goes in between aoko and shinichi and kaito’s like, “hey! no holding my shinichi!!!”
“I much prefer holding kudou’s hand than yours, thank you very much,” hakuba says as shinichi chuckles. aoko playfully sulks and goes, “you prefer kudou-kun?” and kaito jumps in and goes, “OH MY GOD HAKUBA I CANNOT BELIEVE YOU WOULD BETRAY AOKO LIKE THIS YOU MONSTER!!”
shinichi is still snickering when hakuba decides to play their game and takes shinichi’s hand from aoko. “well, he does have nice hands.”
shinichi bursts into laughter when both kaito and aoko go bug-eyed.
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reileinaxiu · 2 years ago
Tag 9 people to get to know better
Thanks @the-last-d-boy ☺️💕 for tagging me
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1. Three Ships: If you know me WangXian is god-tier so let's add an extra ship to count three that I still stand by when I was a kid.
From the original Teen Titans animation Robin/Raven. God forbid Teen Titans Go!
From the Detective Conan anime series Kuroba Kaito/Kudou Shinichi or KaiShin before MXTX this was my bl food at first I lived off of fanfic and fandoms of this ship I honestly didn't know how I managed to survive off of this for as long as I did 😅
From the Naruto series to anyone reading this please don't hate me it's a controversial ship but I red tons of fanfic about it. Uchiha Sasuke/Hyūga Hinata. I'm kinda mad about how the original series ended the war arc and I don't like the main character in personality and what he represents. Sorry Naruto Uzumaki fans 😖. I not only liked the ship but a part of me probably supported this to spite canon.
2. First ever ship: 🤔 That's difficult. I grew up with the Pokemon anime so I probably have a lot of passing ships there but if I had to pick one that stuck with me til now it would be Drew/May Contest Shipping all the way.
3. Last song: For listening I guess my Christmas playlist which consisted mostly of Pentatonix covers of Christmas songs. But my most recent is Enemy as the song for an MDZS amv starring Wei Wuxian 🥰🥰🥰
4. Last Movie: In theaters it would be Thor: Love and Thunder. It felt so long ago. Recently I binged online the My Little Pony Equestria Movies.
5. Currently reading: MDZS fanfic whatever updates I can find. Also standard martial arts cultivation manhuas.
6. Currently consuming: As in eating? Well I'm currently taking vitamin supplements. And I ate a boba flavored mochi for dessert and a turtle shaped lemon gummy earlier this evening. 🍡
7. Currently craving: Korean steamed eggs and spicy miso ramen 🍜
Sorry if I repeat some who got tagged already.
Tagging: @kizukatana , @sad-weiying, @hellinglaozu , @bitchnbichen , @jiaoji , @lotus-pier-updates , @cloud-recesses-updates , @incorrectmdzsuntamed , @fannish-karmiya
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arsquare · 3 years ago
helloooooo!!! i love your art and wanted to ask for the ask meme: 6. Which artists inspire you right now? 11. Favorite comment you've ever recieved on your work? 21. Weirdest thing you've ever drawn? youre awesome thank you :D
Ohhh hello!! Thank you for the ask!
6. Which artists inspire you right now?
I'm sure this comes as a surprise to exactly zero of you considering the stuff I've been posting lately, but... Yellow Tanabe is my biggest inspiration right now!
I really like her character designs and I absolutely love the pacing of her manga and all the panel compositions are just *chef's kiss!!
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I also really like how she visualizes abstract powers and concepts.
This sequence of four middle-schoolers forcing a guy to order three milkshakes is INCREDIBLE
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anyways I'm currently obsessing over Kekkaishi and Birdmen and I heavily encourage everyone following my blog to read them because I suspect that's going to be a lot of what I'm going to be posting about in the coming months!! Genuinely her stuff is incredibly well-constructed!! I could talk for hours about her stuff!
11. Favorite comment you've ever received on your work?
There are nice comments, and comments that are so far off the wall (not even necessarily in a good way) that it starts living rent-free in my head.
I can't choose, so here are the top two contenders for the latter category!
This comment on my DCMK You Can't Stay Here comic:
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I've seen fandoms kind of hijack regular posts but I've rarely seen... I can't even tell if this is a regular post or a fandom post to be honest. I thought it was a normal comment (still weird considering the person knew nothing about DCMK) all the way up until the point it said "narratively obligated to marry your rival" and I was like what?? Do you guys live your lives based on what the narrative dictates??? what is going on. who is bolli. who is kjartan
This set of two comments on the same DCMK comic:
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When I got that first reply on the tumblr post, I genuinely couldn't tell if this person liked the comic. it hurts a lot... but it's objectively well done? Are you saying this begrudgingly? What does this mean???
Then, the next day, I got a comment on the same post, but on Pixiv this time, from the same person, and I was like "Ah!! So you do like it!!! It hurt but you enjoyed what I did!! Wow!!!" This interaction still lives in my mind rent free.
As for genuinely good comments that made me shake in my boots, here's my absolute favorite comment, on my 98-page Kaishin doujin, Breaking Stasis!
Oh wow. I feel like I have no words to express how good this is. This is just so pretty? It feels like reading an actual manga, with the style and the really nice way the panels are laid out and everything really. This must have taken so much time and I am in awe of this dedication. There are so many moments that I just paused to admire the art or composition (Kudo's face as he first wonders what is going on, the way Kudo thinks about his memories like with Ran, the reflection when talking about how the night can't fall, the reflection as the glider moves up, so many just so nice)
I admit I was confused the first time, but wow on my first reread it was so nice. The emotional beats just feel like they are hit masterfully. Kudo's confusion as the loops occur. (Ran changing into Aoko and back and forth was so interesting.) Kuroba being desperate. The action scene as they fell? So intense. And then the ending felt really meaningful. I really like how positive Kudo is, which can make sense with how much support he has compared to Kuroba. His line when he tells Kuroba to keep going (and eventually maybe forgive himself) was just so nice and heroic almost, something I can see him saying. It's a really nice message, to keep on moving forward and having an actual effect on people even if it's hard. (And it was also fun to see their interactions, with Kuroba being bothersome haha during the card trick earlier, with Kudo being exasperated and then pleasantly surprised, and then Kudo hiding the earlier shouting when Kuroba asked about what happened in the illusion. I really like the way you wrote their dynamic! And I thought the jokes were amusing!) And then I reread this again just to look it at all once more.
I'm glad I also saw on Tumblr that you might print this? You should put the interest check link in the notes here as well! I'm going to need to figure out how to keep my eye on any possible updates haha. I think this was a really amazing comic and will probably be thinking about this! Thanks for writing, drawing, and sharing!
Honestly, part of me still suspects that it's one of my irl friends anonymously leaving me comments or something. There's no way someone who doesn't even know me would leave such a detailed comment, right? (I'm working on accepting the fact that yes, people do like my things, completely independent of my charming personality and visage. It's tough going.)
21. Weirdest thing you've ever drawn?
I'm not done with this, and I don't know if I'll ever pick this up again, but here's a sequence of fake recipe infographics by a vampire teaching you how to make vampire-safe popping boba
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I thought it would be super funny and then I realized I hated graphic design </3 Drawing cute things is also really difficult for me LMAO
Objectively I could finish this and post this but I don't even know who would like this sort of post. I'd just have to finish this part about blood jelly (which is a real thing; I based it off of pig's blood and duck's blood, which is used fairly frequently in Chinese cuisine) and have a cute wrap-up picture and then that's it. But I think I'm too obsessed with Kekkaishi right now to do this. Oops! ! !
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jvriet · 8 years ago
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DCMK | kaishin a.k.a. ‘i still can’t believe i drew that and it’s been ag e s –’
Tbh, that has been kept in my folder for almost a year now, and I didn’t upload it in here all this time until now.
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mintchocolateleaves · 7 years ago
Notes: In celebration of the lovely @bakathief ‘s birthday! @cherelleholmes and I worked together to make her a birthday ficlet, with a mixture of a story (by me!) and art (Cherelle!). This here, is the writing side!!
This is a KaiShin fic! The title ‘希’ translates into ‘hope’ and I sincerely hope you enjoy it! And of course again to @bakathief, happy birthday!!
The first time invisible hands scrawl ink into Kaito’s hand, it’s not meant as a message.
It’s the name of a book, a memo that Kaito glances down at. He’s heard of the book and even though he’s only thirteen, and the book is typically aimed at adults, it’s a trend that’s spreading through the school like wildfire.
Kaito looks down at the name of the mystery novel, rolls his eyes, and grabs his pen from where it’s been left at the edge of his desk. He’s never been the biggest fan of detective books, and so he crosses out the detective Samonji with a single line.
Then, he focuses back on his class, trying not to think any more about what the writing means. Soulmates, Kaito’s been told ever since he could listen to the words, have been capable of sending messages to one another with ink pressed against skin.
Kaito, who’s never looked too intricately into the scientific research available on soulmates, decides that he’s not going to make a big deal out of things. Or rather, he isn’t going to now, not when he’s in the middle of a math lesson, trying to focus on what his teacher is saying.
He feels more tingling on his hands. Glancing down shows that the message has been erased and rewritten. Kaito smiles, crosses it out again. This time, he adds a recommendation of his own, a more adventurous book with magic and fantasy intricated into the plot.
The recommendation – one of his favourite books of the year – is crossed out with the word ‘no’ written beside it. Then, the detective Samonji book is written out, the words – Stop crossing it out – written beside it.
His soulmate, Kaito presumes, is going to be fun to mess around with.
He crosses the title out again.
It’s not until a few days later however, that it really sinks in what this means.
Kaito is on his way to school, having walked half the route, Aoko swinging her bag as she walks beside him, when the realisation sinks in. He stops walking, almost abruptly, and tilts his head.
He has a soulmate.
Somehow, he’d thought he’d fall into the larger demographic of people without them. Kaito doesn’t know, but he’d always just assumed that the closeness he’s got with Aoko, their playfulness was something akin to romance, and yet – the universe has come to change things up for him.
He doesn’t even know his soulmate’s name.
All he knows is they’re Japanese – wait… not even that. He knows that they speak Japanese, and that they want to read a mystery novel. Kaito wonders whether he should read it, just to see if his soulmate has good taste.
“What’s up, Kaito?” Aoko asks, turning back to look at him.
Kaito offers her a smile, falls back into step beside her, and says, “oh it’s nothing. I’m just thinking about my soulmate.”
Aoko takes it in about the way Kaito is expecting her to. She snorts, turns away from him and says, “Aoko pities whoever ends up being Kaito’s soulmate. The amount of stress they’ll have to go through while enduring all of the pranks.”
Laughter echoes the street, Kaito’s own, as he realises it’s true, and that if he’s going to impress (see: torture) his soulmate with various pranks, he’s going to have plan better things. Bigger ones – he’s working with someone who likes mysteries, he’s going to have to fool him.
Later, in class, he scrawls words onto his hand.
Did you read the mystery book?
He only has to wait a few seconds before the word ‘yes’ is scratched into his skin, something he removes with spit as he readies himself for a response. He doesn’t ask if he’d enjoyed it, because the Samonji books are on their forty-first edition and his soulmate wouldn’t be at this point if he didn’t like the series.
Who reads a series with more than ten volumes though – it’s unreal. That much content for a single series, Kaito wonders whether his soulmate has ever gotten bored of reading the same characters over and over.
Good, now you have time to read my rec!
The response is immediate. No.
Kaito pouts, and sticks his tongue out. Which, is hardly any use, seeing as Kaito is sat in the middle of class, reacting to someone who can’t see him, only the words written on his body.
Mean. Kaito writes in response, adding a small doodle of a sad face, and a thumb’s down. It’s a good book.
Maybe, but it’s not the genre I typically read.
Kaito decides that somehow or the other, he will force his soulmate to read the goddamned book. Even if he has to write the entire thing on his hand, sentence after sentence – he will succeed and force his soulmate to broaden his horizons.
I’m Kaito, he writes after a while. He’ll go through with the book idea on the weekend, he thinks. For now, an introduction will suffice. The response is longer this time, and Kaito isn’t sure why, but there is a hesitation, as if giving away names is something to be wary of.
It’s got to be all those mystery novels, making the other boy paranoid. They’re only teenagers after all.
I’m Shinichi.
They decide on rules as they continue to age.
Most of them, of course, are stupid rules that they’d follow without the need to make rules at all, but they’re there just for the comfort value. No messages to one another during exams. No writing on… intimate areas, or the face.
Obvious things that Kaito wouldn’t do, but wants to now that they’re rules. He’s always had an inclination towards breaking rules, something that he’s not really been disciplined against, and some days he finds himself wanting to break every rule they’ve place on themselves.
He doesn’t – although he often imagines scenarios where he does. Kaito thinks that he’ll spare Shinichi any trouble until they actually meet, and find their own boundaries as a pair.
A pair, because even by the time they turn sixteen Shinichi hasn’t been able to decide whether their soulmate bond is platonic or romantic. Kaito’s pretty sure with the faint amusement he feels every time he sees words pop up on his hands that it’s romance.
Oh well, Kaito will just have to let him remain oblivious. If only for now.
He almost puts all thoughts of romance on hold however, when he takes up the mantel of KID. Kaito dons the signature white suit, monocle and top hat, makes sure to wear gloves to avoid any police officers catching on to the fact that he’s got a soulmate.
And it works, for the two of them at least.
Kaito feels an all too familiar ache every time he reads about Shinichi’s day, about what he’s done with his friend Ran, the girl he seems to be completely in love with. And it churns his stomach because they’re soulmates and they shouldn’t… they should love each other, not other people.
Shinichi is throwing away the entire premise of soulmates.
It’s frustrating, unwritten words wrapped around Kaito’s throat, because he can’t write them, they need to be said, but he can’t just… Kaito can’t say them either, seeing as they’ve never even met.
They both live in Tokyo, and yet – Kaito feels a sigh rise, lets it slip from his tongue – they’ve never come across one another.
I want to meet you, Kaito writes one day, during the middle of science, when he should be listening to the teacher drone on and on about titration curves. He’s slightly sleep deprived, lacking sleep from his heist the day before, and he writes the words before he really thinks about it.
He’s not sure why he’s writing it, what exactly will change? They’ll meet, and then what? Shinichi will still love Ran, and Kaito will have to hide his feelings in person rather than in writing.
And yet, there’s also a part of him that hopes Shinichi will see him and realise. Everything muddles in his head, the thoughts malformed, interweaved from tired thoughts and painful optimism.
Okay, Shinichi writes back.
It takes a little longer for the words to come out, but they still appear. Shinichi’s hesitant… Kaito isn’t sure why he would be. He waits a little longer, thinks to himself a good enough date, or a place for them to meet.
Is Sunday okay? Shinichi writes. I’m at Tropical Land with Ran on Saturday. But the day after-
Kaito bites his lip. Their trip to tropical land together isn’t a… date, is it? He doesn’t feel brave enough to ask, so he doesn’t. Instead, he says Sunday sounds good, and they decide to meet in Café Poirot, in the Beika district.
The fact that they’ll meet soon, fills Kaito with a giddy sort of glee.
And he only has to wait a few more days.
Hey, I’m excited for tomorrow!
Kaito knows he probably shouldn’t write that, but he grabs a pen from his pocket in the evening, grins as he spreads ink across his hand. It smudges slightly, but he knows Shinichi will understand what he means, having been reading his handwriting for years now.
The ink sinks into his skin. It fades away.
And Kaito glances down at his hand, wondering where exactly the ink has gone because within all reason it shouldn’t be possible for ink to just disappear, not all at once within seconds – Shinichi isn’t that fast at washing things off.
His eyes widen.
He adds, horror spreading through him when he realises that the words are disappearing before his very eyes. Kaito glances towards his laptop, practically dives towards it attempting to find a search engine that can explain this phenomena to him.
After fifteen minutes of searching, his heart thumping against his ribcage with a ferocity that makes him feel like he might pass out, Kaito clicks onto an old research project. He scours the page, breath stuttering in his chest as he realises that this… this can’t be possible.
Soulmates, the article reads, will only transfer words unto one another when they are both living.
Kaito blinks away something that might be tears, sees white and bites into his lip. They’re cracked, bleeding where his incisors have pierced skin and he almost feels as if this is some sort of bad dream, but when he pinches himself, Kaito does not wake up.
His heart aches.
His hand sends a jolt of pain down the bone as he flings it towards the wall, mutters ‘dammit’ as he slumps against his bed, knuckles split and bleeding, sore but not the type of pain he spends much time thinking over.
“I’ll go to the café tomorrow anyway,” Kaito mutters, because this must be a joke, he’d been talking to other boy earlier this morning, feeling angry about the boy’s connection with Ran, “he can’t be… he can’t be dead?”
Shinichi just… can’t be gone.
There is no one to greet him other than the waitress at the café.
Kaito sits in a booth by himself, waiting, fingers itching for the pen he carries for every message he sends to Shinichi, and shivers. He does a quick search in Shinichi’s name and tries to figure out the surname of the boy he’s fallen in love with.
They’ve never given them. In all the years, Kaito had always thought they’d exchange names upon meeting one another, it had been another silly rule they’d imposed, so the other couldn’t get any preconceived ideas about the other through the internet or the news or…
Now, he searches until his eyes grow wet, tears forming and dripping down into hot chocolate. He’s not cried in years, and yet now it feels too painful to keep up a poker face, especially when he feels he needs it the most.
It’s as if… some part of him has been severed and he doesn’t know how to cope without it. Red string cut, leaving him aching, lost without an idea of what he should do next.
He grabs his pen from his pocket, pulls off the lid and pushes a single line into his hand. The words fade, lost, just like his connection with Shinichi.
If anyone notices a change in Kaito’s actions following his planned meeting with Shinichi, they don’t bring it up. Maybe they realise something has happened because he’s not scribbling on his arm, or maybe they don’t pay enough attention in the first place, but there is no talk of Shinichi at all.
Kaito goes through his average day to day life, attempts not to think about the fact that Shinichi is obviously dead, and plans his heists instead. He searches newspaper articles for any mention of his soulmate’s death – finds nothing regarding a young teenager in the obituaries.
It does not fill him with hope, but rather, dread.
Something has happened to Shinichi and he will never know for certain what exactly that means. He throws himself into his work as KID, plans more and more heists, each one more outrageous that the others.
Kaito pushes himself every time he receives a challenge, becomes a better phantom thief than he’d ever imagined he could be, and slowly… he crumbles apart. He fades like the words against his skin until at last he finds himself a ghost, the perfect thief who wears nothing but a poker face and a faked, widened smile.
Time drags outward until finally he decides to steal the black star from the Suzuki family, people he vaguely recalls from conversations with Shinichi. Or rather, he assumes the youngest daughter is the Sonoko that Shinichi complains about.
Maybe a part of him is wishing to get some understanding about what has happened to his soulmate, to know whether he is dead or not, but Kaito isn’t sure. He’ll steal the jewel for the father he’s lost, and he’ll find out the truth about the soulmate who’s gone.
He’ll disguise as Ran. She’s easy enough to impersonate from the gushing rambles Kaito’s read over the years, and it’s not even like dressing up as her requires much work – she’s a good target. Plus… Even without him present, Kaito wants to be the object of Shinichi’s affections, even if he needs to be someone else to receive it.
Not that Kaito thinks the dead care for identity theft anyway.
Mouri Ran – a karate champion, it’s obviously the same Ran he’s heard about for years – will probably care for it. But he’ll give her a dose of sleeping gas, bring her to the brink of sleep before leaving her for the heist.
First, he’s got to send his heist notice. He wants to do it in two parts, one for April fools, to see who exactly he’s going up against, and the second part to ready himself for the actual event.
The fireworks catch him off guard when he climbs to the roof of a hotel. There’s a small child, arrogance rolling off of him in a way that catches him off guard, but he quickly catches himself, readies himself for the mass of police officers that he knows will arrive soon.
“I know you did that on purpose,” he tells the child, and then, “who are you?”
There hadn’t been any indication that a small child would show up at his pre-heist. It’s beyond late, and Kaito’s lacking any information on a child like this – probably just a straggler who’s somehow come across his heist notice, Kaito will have to research him a little more at some point, see what the internet brings up.
“Edogawa Conan,” the child says, “a detective. What will you do next?”
Kaito grits his teeth.
It’s not that he doesn’t have a plan – he does. Kaito’s got plans for every element of his heists, if something goes wrong he’s got hundreds of outs, multiple possibilities for what can happen as his crimes continue.
“You’ve really got me cornered kid,” Kaito lies. He glances at the police helicopters, imagines if Shinichi would have ever come to a heist, and turns away. He escapes with ease, leaves his heist notice behind, and tries not to wonder about a child wanting to catch him.
Of course, as soon he realises that Edogawa is living with Ran, Kaito knows he needs to mess with him a little bit. He’s got the biggest crush on his neechan that Kaito has to bring it up in some format.
He messes with him the littlest amount when they’re alone on the cruise ship, the black star in his hand. Kaito has to dodge a flying soccer ball, the force enough to break wall – frankly, he doesn’t deserve this – but it’s all worth it for the way the kid goes red at the thought of his precious neechan being left naked in one of the lifeboats.
Edogawa, however, is someone Kaito decides he doesn’t want to see again. He’s freakishly smart for a child, is only six or seven, and yet he’s capable of seeing through his disguises. Not even Aoko is capable…
So, with a wave, and a crackle of a smoke bomb, he removes himself, and the black star from the cruise ship.
Of course, because the world is cruel and seems to hate him, Edogawa continues to show up at heists. He thinks it’s Suzuki Sonoko’s fault, she’s practically as big a fangirl as he would be, if he weren’t actually KID. And it’s frustrating, because as much as he hates seeing the kid, it’s almost fun having heists where he needs to think on the spot.
Although, he does start to despise footballs. He’d be a masochist if he didn’t.
All of the heists with the kid are fine, Edogawa is scarily smart – which is alright, as long as he doesn’t get Kaito caught, or meddle too much – but ultimately, Kaito enjoys them.
Until, of course, he has to prepare for a heist where they stamp ink for recognition onto the hands of people who have been proven not to be KID. Kaito, still unable to place ink on his hand, less it disappear, finds himself borderline freaking out as he wonders who he needs to disguise as.
It takes a while to think over the possibilities. Until finally he remembers the way Aoko’s father, Inspector Nakamori, had found a soulmate in his wife, and hasn’t been able to write words against his own skin since she’d passed away years before.
He’s always avoided disguising as the man for that simple reason, but now… in a situation like this, it’s the only disguise he can really have.
Not even Edogawa seems to catch on, until he’s breaking free past the bottom floor, shimmying through a vent leading to the lower floors – his motorcycle is just out back, he’ll have to take that.
The gem feels like lead in his pocket. Even now, Kaito knows it’s not Pandora. He checks anyway, lifting the jewel up to the sky, peering through it to see the moon shining above.
The sky is warm, and the light is bright, but it doesn’t leave him washed in red, he is not blinded with red. Of course, he’s failing with Pandora, but it’s his goal and Kaito knows he’ll fulfil all goals he sets for himself.
Well… All but one.
He starts up his motorcycle, turns to glance over at the sound of footsteps. It’s only Edogawa – scarily smart Edogawa Conan – so he doesn’t feel the need to speed away immediately. They always seem to have short conversations, before Kaito makes his hasty exits.
“I didn’t expect you to impersonate the inspector,” Edogawa breathes when he comes to a stop, meters away from the motorbike. Kaito turns his head to glance at him, the front of his cap pulled down to cover his face. “Why would you make things harder for yourself like that?”
Kaito bites the inside of his cheek. He lifts his chin, and offers a smile, “I’m a magician, we like doing the impossible.”
“The inspector lost a soulmate,” Edogawa says, “ink disappears from his skin, not even magicians can fake that eff-”
The child pauses, glances down at the pavement. Something swims in his eyes, an emotion that Kaito doesn’t quite care enough to decipher, and after a moment, he clenches his hands together.
“You had a soulmate,” Edogawa says, more a statement than a question, “didn’t you?”
Kaito bites his tongue – the kid detective might have his respect, but he will not go into this with a child.
“I’m sorry.” Edogawa adds, and then, as if he’s not apologetic at all – “what happened to them?”
He smothers a bitter laugh. Kaito knows that as smart as Edogawa is, he’s still young, doesn’t deserve any spite thrown in his direction. And yet, still he feels it rising up, a twisted smile tugging at his lips as he looks the boy in the eye.
“Who knows,” he says, and with a flick of his fingertips, there’s a poof of smoke as he changes from a cap to his motorcycle helmet. He turns his keys in the ignition, heaves out a sigh. “Won’t you solve that one for me, detective?”
“Kaito,” Aoko says when she finally reaches her limit of sympathy regarding what she calls Kaito’s ‘Shinichi situation. “Aoko is getting tired of this, just talk to Shinichi and fix whatever argument the two of you have had.”
Kaito flinches at the idea of being able to fix anything, and shudders when he realises he’s never actually corrected Aoko on the fact that Shinichi’s dead, and not just ignoring him.
“It’s not that easy…” Kaito tries, raising his hands in a mock surrender. He’s been trying to keep an efficient poker face, and yet, he’s obviously let Aoko know that his ‘Shinichi situation’ is weighing on his mind more than he’s letting on.
“Of course it’s not,” Aoko sighs, exasperated as she stalks forward and crosses her arms. “It’s never easy to stop an argument because Kaito is way too stubborn to apologise for things, and the same goes for what Aoko knows about Shinichi.”
Kaito glances away, unable to refute because he’s always been strong-willed, but unwilling to admit that there’s a different reason. Both he and Aoko know that he keeps too many secrets, he’s not ready to disclose any of them.
“Kaito met with Shinichi right?” Aoko says, and Kaito doesn’t miss the movement of her hand flicking into her pocket, hand clenched around what he expects to be a pen, “did you two argue when you met one another, is that why you don’t write anymore?”
An awkward laugh. Kaito readies himself to leave his chair, to escape from Aoko in the small gap between class changeover, as they wait for their next teacher to enter the room.
“He didn’t show up,” the truth, although he doesn’t mention that he’d known from the evening before that Shinichi wouldn’t… couldn’t… show. “And we’ve not talked since. It’s not stubbornness, Aoko, it just is.”
Aoko shakes her head. “No, it’s more than that, Kaito is sad, and I want to make him feel better.”
She lunges forward before he has time to react. Which is certainly, something, seeing as she’s going up against Kaitou KID. Kaito moves just in time to avoid her arm crashing into his, moves his arm from reach as she uncaps the marker pen she’s been hiding in her pocket.
“Aoko what the hell?” Kaito says, as he scrambles away from his chair, jumping across one of the desks. Without any hesitation, Aoko continues to advance, weaving between their classmates as she attempts to mark his hand.
“Shinichi will respond,” Aoko says, “if Kaito just bridges the gap.”
Kaito lets his eyes widen. There is no talking to ghosts, just becoming a phantom himself during his heists. You can’t-
“I tried,” Kaito says, and Aoko falters just for a moment, “I’ve tried, so just leave it be-”
She doesn’t, she keeps coming nearer to him until finally Kaito is cornered, ready to slip away from Aoko’s grasp. And then – He feels pressure against his hand. Just a line, something he looks down at in horror.
He’d forgotten that Aoko would have asked for Hakuba’s help. Of course she would.
“What is wrong with-” Kaito pulls his hand back, away from their view, staring down at the marked skin. They’re… they’re going to know now, that Shinichi’s dead, that Kaito has been lying in order to make sure no one worries about him… “with…”
Except… the line doesn’t fade.
“What…?” Kaito breathes, glancing at the light blue that’s remaining in view. Aoko and Hakuba are quiet, watching as Kaito numbly returns to his seat, staring at the line as if it’s the most wonderous thing he’s seen in his life.
And then-
The writing is so familiar it sends a shiver down his spine, and it’s all Kaito can do not to sob in the middle of class. His poker face cracks, but holds together, somehow, as Kaito glances down at the same penmanship he’s been reading for years.
He reaches into his pocket, shiver running down his spine as he pulls out his own pen. Something easy to wash off, something that will be gone quick enough for a second message to take its’ place.
You died.
A pause – the ink doesn’t disappear, and yet the lack of an immediate response leaves acid churning in his stomach, nervousness filling him up, ready to spit him out with nothing but anxiety spurring his actions.
Almost. But I’m okay now.
Kaito lets out a staggered breath. Excuses himself from the classroom with the excuse that he needs the bathroom. As soon as he’s inside, he splashes water against his face, grabs his pen.
The ink kept disappearing. That only happens to the dead.
Another pause. It fills him with trepidation.
I’m sorry. It’ll be sorted soon, but I won’t be able to write again for a while. One day I’ll explain it to you.
This time, his breathing halts, shudders jarring through his body as bile rises to his throat. Shinichi’s going to just disappear again…? This isn’t how it’s supposed to work.
I’ll give you my phone number instead, okay? Kaito?
All Kaito can do, is nod. It’s half hearted, breathless, a response that Shinichi cannot even see, and yet, for a moment it’s all he can give. Then, he scrawls ‘yes’ against his skin.
Shinichi’s number, something Kaito types into his phone before the ink has any time to dry, stays on his hand for all of three minutes, until Shinichi rubs it off. He replaces it with, text me from now on, I don’t think we’ll be able to write messages for a while.
Kaito wants to know why, wants to find Shinichi and shake him until he figures out the reason why. Instead, he grabs his pen and writes.
If you’re alive, why’d you miss our meeting?
This time, the words fade.
Kaito doesn’t have the courage to ask through text.
Knowing that Shinichi, is, in fact alive, brings less comfort that Kaito would have expected. Mainly, because it brings more questions. Why hadn’t Shinichi arrived at the meeting they’d set up? If Shinichi’s alive, how come their bond had been broken, something that breaks only when a person dies.
And Shinichi himself – he’d known more, had stated he couldn’t explain right now, but that eventually he could… Kaito isn’t sure what that means, and the ‘almost’ dying leaves Kaito with unreasonable chills as he tries to figure out what it means.
He can’t just ask, but he can attempt to do some research. Not as himself, of course, because he doesn’t want anyone to lead it back to him and start treating both Shinichi and him as biological anomalies, but he is KID, so disguising himself will be fine.
Kaito creates a fake identity, gets the paper work together and assumes the role of medical reporter Haneda Satoshi. His fake ID and papers get him into a research lab with leading soulmate researcher Ito Megume.
“So,” Ito begins once they’ve both sat down, a coffee table between the two of them. Kaito pulls out a notepad from his bag, a voice recorder too, just so he fully fills the role of reporter. “You have some questions for me?”
Kaito nods. “Yes, we want to run a special on soulmate bonds, seeing as many people know next to nothing about them.”
He turns the recorder on, presses the record button.
“That’s because most people don’t show physical traits,” Ito begins, “so they think they don’t have a soulmate and they don’t learn about the bonds.”
“How do we know that everyone has a soulmate if we can’t see it?”
“Well…” The researcher taps a finger against her chin, takes a moment to think. “The signs are all very different. We know the obvious yet rare signs of soulmates, ink transferring across skin, birthmarks that match that of your soulmate. But there are more internal ones – sharing one’s pain across two people, being more in tune with one another’s emotions.”
Kaito nods.
“Soulmates are always present. There’s always a red string of fate that keeps us tied together, whether we wish for it to or not, whether it’s easily seen or not.”
Now, Kaito leans forward and crosses his arms. He rests his notebook on his knee, pretends that he’s looking at a question before proceeding.
“And these red strings of fate, there’s no way of breaking them?”
Ito shakes her head. “None, not if we’re excluding death. You can’t just decide, ‘this person isn’t going to be my soulmate anymore’, they’ll always be there, whether you decide to act on it or not.”
Confusion blossoms inside him like a flower. “Do you mind if I use an example, for a moment?”
The researcher nods, grey strands of hair drooping by her ears from the bun she’s pulled her hair back into. “Go ahead.”
“I’ll use a physical trait,” Kaito begins. “The soulmate bond where ink transfers across to the user, for example. When a person dies, the ink has nowhere to go, so it disappears, right?”
Ito nods.
“But suppose,” Kaito continues, “the ink disappears when they’re both still alive. Is there a way that could be possible?”
The researcher rubs at her ear as she thinks, before shaking her head. She says, “I don’t think so. As soon as both soulmates reach puberty, their bond comes into effect. It’s irreversible while alive. Only children and the dead don’t carry the bonds.”
Kaito nods, despite the fact none of this makes sense.
By the time he leaves the room, he’s determined to find an answer. He pulls out his phone, pulls up Shinichi’s number and sends out a text, demanding he explain everything.
Soon, Shinichi texts back. As soon as I can, I will.
Soon turns out to be three months later.
Shinichi sends Kaito a text message when he is scoping out his latest heist location, dressed as a maintenance worker in order to get some idea of the electronics within the area.
Kaito glances at his phone, opens the text and blinks at the fact that there’s just a location. Sakura bridge. He stares, takes a moment to think about how long it’ll take to drive there – with his motorbike, it should take no more than twenty minutes.
Come now, Shinichi adds after a moment, if you can.
Kaito responds that he’ll be right there. It takes a minute to worm his way out of the maintenance work, another minute to shed his disguise and get into the car park.
“Shinichi,” Kaito says, but the name is swallowed up by the sound of his motorbike as he revs and makes his way out of the car park.
Sakura bridge, despite its name, is not littered with cherry blossoms. The nearest plant to the bridge are hedges, perfectly cut – the trees that could leave cherry blossoms floating among those wandering across further back from the bridge.
It’s not packed, like Kaito remembers it being during festivals, which should make it easier to find Shinichi. He bites into his lip, realises that without an idea of the person he’s looking for, they won’t be able to find one another.
As soon as he comes to this realisation, Shinichi seems to as well. His phone buzzes with an incoming call, and Kaito presses answer with a quiet trepidation filling his bones.
“Kaito?” Shinichi asks, when he realises Kaito’s not spoken first. His voice is soft, slightly worried but with a kindness to it that Kaito had thought would sound sarcastic instead.
“I don’t know what you look like,” Kaito finally says, and he turns, glancing around the entirety of Sakura bridge for a teenage boy and coming up short. There are many, but he doesn’t really think they give off a Shinichi vibe. “I’m going in blind here.”
“Yeah,” Shinichi says, “we’ll meet in the middle, and then… well, I’m wearing a red scarf, if that helps?”
There are hundreds upon thousands of red scarfs in the world, and yet, somehow it does. Kaito hums approval, walking further down the bridge until he’s at the centre, his eyes searching around for red fabric.
“Okay,” Kaito says after a moment, running a hand through his hair and messing it up further, “I’m here. Are you?”
Kaito’s pretty sure that he sees him then, red fabric across a teenager who he knows as Kudo Shinichi from newspapers. A face missing from the news as long as their bond has been broken.
For a moment, Kaito can only stare, ignoring the voice from the phone. This is – He’s –
Clicking the call off, Kaito pockets his phone, walks up behind Shinichi, and taps on his shoulder. Shinichi turns, offers a smile and says, “you must be Kaito.”
“Shinichi,” Kaito says, “you’re late.”
The detective frowns, confusion across the lines of his forehead. After a second, they fade into a grimace, “the café meeting… I’m sorry about that – I can exp- Kaito… are you crying..?”
Shinichi takes a step towards him, looking uncertain about whether he should just stand there, or attempt to comfort him. His awkwardness only grows as Kaito lifts his fingers to his cheeks, surprised at the absence of any mask.
“Yeah,” Kaito says, wiping away his own tears. “I am.”
He offers a smile, the brightest he can in an attempt to override the idea that his tears are caused by sadness, and adds, “I guess I just thought I’d never get the chance to meet you.”
Because Kaito had thought–
Shinichi glances away, almost guiltily.
“I’m happy,” Kaito says, urges himself to release the small laugh that’s been bubbling up his throat, “even if it’s a little late.”
Shinichi turns back now, eyes steeled as if he’s ready to tell a painful story. Kaito wonders whether he’ll be dragged into sharing his own, he rather hopes he won’t be.
“I’m am sorry,” Shinichi says, “I wanted to tell you I wouldn’t–”
���It’s okay,” Kaito says, and he points towards the end of the bridge, in the direction of a small café that they could make their way towards. He thinks he’s told Shinichi about it before. “Just explain it now.”
Shinichi nods. Together, they start walking towards the edge of the bridge.
“Explain everything.”
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solarianvoidthearoace · 2 years ago
Since everyone kept bugging I sat down and rewatched movie 3 last night.
It’s not bad, I don’t dislike it. But I’m neither a fan of Ran’s pining nor of the Shounen Tantei-dan meddling too much.
Also, the after-credit of Ran straight-up threatening to physically abuse Shinichi. Like, folks, that’s my main reason I dislike her.
Ran started out as a strong female character, which is awesome, but over the years she descended to 1) “Save us, Shinichi!~” and 2) physically abusive
I get that she’s whiny at times and while I generally dislike whiny characters (see Martin from TMA), I can handle that
I can handle the Main Girl(tm) being whiny and pining for Shinichi
But that drive to keep her a strong female character who needs no man lead to her being increasingly physically abusive. She cries and pines, fine.
But then Shinichi does show up and what does Ran do? Either first thing, she hits him for being away for so long. Or she slaps/ hits him when he tells her he has to go back to his case and can’t stay. I understand her upset, I understand her pining.
Nobody has a right to vent their upset through physical abuse, though.
But a girl who can knock down a lamp-post, who can kick a man trough a window, ESPECIALLY has no right to raise her hand against her love-interest!
That’s one of the first things every martial art ever teaches you, do not resort to violence if there is even a sliver of another safe option.
I get that Kogoro knocking Conan about was played for shits and giggles, it’s a thing of that time when the manga/ anime started out.
But she is his love interest for crying out loud and the after-credit of movie 3 emphasises that Shinichi is scared of her hitting him as soon as he gets back.
That’s not funny!
Physical abuse is not funny. And a strong female character directing physical abuse at her no-show love interest doesn’t make it funny.
My main ship always has been and always will be KaiShin. But I also know that would never become canon because DCMK doesn’t do queer. It’s “kid-friendly”, it can’t do queer.
But for goodness’ sake do I wish – desperately wish – the Main Couple became MasuShin instead. Masumi is on-par with him, she’s quick-witted, she’s silly, I love her queer vibes, and she understands/ encourages Shinichi every step of the way.
That’s another thing! Ran despises Shinichi’s work. It’s a common motive in fanfic (hence played up) that she forbids him from taking cases. But her dislike for his work – his passion his calling – is there.
I just can’t see ShinRan be healthy. And that opinion hasn’t changed in the 14 years I have been watching Detective Conan.
So I dragged a friend of mine into the DCMK fandom it seems, at least he sounded a whole lot like he wouldn’t be able to resist at least the movies
His introduction to DCMK as a whole was my special interest info-dumping (aka me being unable to shut up since I slipped back into DCMK)
Today he watched Movie 20 (The Darkest Nightmare) with me and he said he’s already simping for Bourbon, Gin, and Akai
I genuinely had forgotten that Darkest Nightmare is about the best introduction to DCMK because it covers so many characters all at once and gives an overview about what the fuck is happening all around
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rachello344 · 8 years ago
This little KaiShin fic is gonna be based loosely on @melon-bunbuns adorable V-Day art (found [here])!  It was just too cute to pass by!  ;D
Kaito pulled Shinichi along, their hands held between them.  Shinichi laughed a little as his tugging grew more insistent.
“What’s the rush?” he asked.
“I don’t want to be late for our reservation,” Kaito said.  “I had to call in a favor to get the table in the first place.”
Shinichi sped his pace, obliging.  “You know you didn’t need to do that,” he said.  His face felt a little warm, and his heart felt fluttery.  “I’m just as happy getting lunch with you at our usual place.”
Kaito turned over his shoulder to shoot him a look.  “I know you made fancy dinner reservations, so let me treat you to lunch.”  He smiled, even as he sighed.  “I wish Valentine’s Day was on a weekend.”
“If it was on a weekend, you wouldn’t have been able to sweep me away from work like my own personal knight.”  Shinichi laughed, remembering the looks on his coworker’s faces.  He’d forgotten that there were people who still hadn’t met Kaito.
Kaito made a considering noise before nodding.  “Can’t argue there.  I do like making a spectacle.”
They walked in the doors to a cute little cafe.  The hostess beamed when she saw Kaito, gathering up two menus and waving them over.  “Kuroba, you’re right on time!  I have a table for you outside.”  She led the way with a skip to her step.
Shinichi thought she probably had a date lined up for the evening.  Either that or she was the kind of romantic who liked seeing happy couples on a lovers’ holiday.
She and Kaito chattered back and forth as they took their seats.  They were cute and comfortable, looking out on the sidewalk beside the restaurant.
When the hostess left them, Kaito leaned over to him.  “This way you can people watch.”
Shinichi leaned his cheek on his hand and gave Kaito his dopiest smile, batting his eyelashes.  “Oh, you know me so well, sweetheart.”  Kaito snickered into his hand.  “Oh, by the way, I didn’t get a chance to tell you before, but I was especially fond of your pick up line this time.”
Kaito’s cheeks went scarlet at the reminder.
“You know, Cupid can’t have your heart back.”  Shinichi took Kaito’s hand in his.
Still blushing, Kaito laughed.  “I know.  I heard someone use the line earlier, and I just had to use it on you.  Even though I definitely embarrassed myself in front of your coworkers.”  He twined their fingers together, rubbing his thumb along the back of Shinichi’s hand.
“Well, I thought it was sweet.  And the only sweet thing I want today is you,” Shinichi said, matter of fact.
The blush on Kaito’s cheeks renewed in full force.  “And Aoko thinks I’m bad,” he muttered.  “That was super lame, Shinichi.”
“You love it.”
“I love you,” Kaito corrected.  “Also, you better not have been serious about the sweets.  This place has the best sundae I’ve ever had, and we’re splitting a couple’s order after lunch.”
Shinichi laughed.  “I’m looking forward to it.”
He was also looking forward to taking Kaito out to his favorite restaurant tonight.  The ring was already in his pocket.
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ueyyuey · 4 years ago
Tagged by @dee--eer
1. Why did you choose your URL?
I'm a weird person who likes to text with weird words. Uey and Yuey are two of them that I like to use. Plus, I'm awfully dumb in picking username so I remember the two words and BOOOMMM! So, as you can see, I mixed it.
2. Any side blogs?
Nope, this is my main and only account here.
3. How long have you been on tumblr?
One year because I started using this app in last year May
4. Do you have a queue tag?
Well let's me be honest here.... What is a queue tag?! I'm sorry but really what's that?
5. What did you originally start this blog for?
At first I didn't thought to post anything here because I made this blog to feed my hunger of Kaishin... As you know, there are some Kaishin translators... And also my fav villain deku au here... Plus, all those dcmk au... Yup I made this blog just to read all those things... Then, I thought 'maybe I should share something here' and BOOM I shared my bkdk comic because I wanted to try living here... Idk but that times Insta just made me feeling worse..Then, I got some bnha idea and dcmk idea. So, here I'm sharing my stupid art, comic, fanfic, incorrect and thoughts...
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
Isn't obvious? We rarely see him blush purely like tomato and he was so cuteeeee... Remember that scene just make my day better...
7. Why did you choose your header?
Because he's currently my first interest right now. Yup thanks to his smirk, I keep smirking like him now. Creepily if I should describe it...
8. What’s your post with the most notes?
Well it's the Lupin vs Conan... I don't know what happen but mannnnnn.. It was so random and yet... it reached 100 too... I CANT ITS SO FUNNY TO THINK ABOUT IT and all of those reblogs... PERFECT
9. How many followers do you have?
30... well tbh I didn't expect that...
10. How many blogs do you follow?
51... of course most of it is DCMK contain
11. Have you ever made a shit post?
My shit post is all those stupid thoughts.. that's it
12. How often do you use tumblr every day?
Not sure... Because I never pay attention to time but maybe 2-3 hours...
13. Have you ever had a fight with another blog?
14. How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
Depends.. If it's important, I'll do it or else I won't
15. Opinion on tag games?
It's great! I got to see some people here on tumblr
16. Opinion on ask games?
The same as tag games but maybe can know better the person?
17. Which of your mutuals is more tumblr famous?
Look.... I don't have that many mutuals here... Heck, I only have one so I don't know... But you can called that person quite famous..I think.. Kekeke
18. Do you have a crush on any of your mutuals?
So thank you! Well I'm not sure who to tag, so how about anyone and @legit-a-queen... Well if you want to:3
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ahigherdestiny · 7 years ago
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Info Bonto:
Additional information can be found in Headcanons.
Name: Bonto
Place of Birth: Kaishin
Gender: male
Race: Shinjin
Special talents: Bonto is a talented creator and likes to make toys appear out of nowhere even at a very young age.
Issues: Deaf since birth; Anger issues (as teen and young adult)
 Personality: - Bonto is open and very friendly - with his smiles he warms every heart - with strangers he is very shy at first, but warms up after a while. Though, as soon as he sees someone speaking in his language he can become open and excited immediately -Bonto is very attentive about his sorroundings and people nearby. His visual sense is hightened and he recognizes the change of someone´s behaviour or emotional state very easily -He is right-handed -born from a regular Shinjin fruit -Bonto is completely Deaf since birth, but he isn´t mute. His vocal cords are fine, so he can produce sound to express himself. This is rare and mostly happens with instinctive behaviour like heavy emotions (crying, shocked screams, pain, anger) -His teachers tried to teach him to use his voice for talking and mimicing hearing people, but he hates this method and refuses to use that. -He prefers sign language for communication (an interpreter is often needed fort hat), but can also talk via texts or telepathy -His signs are a mix of different languages from all around the universes, but mostly Universe 7
 Friends: - Supreme Kai Shin, Elder Kai, Kibito, Mina -Fang, the stuffed lynx
Fighting style: Common DB/Z Martial Arts. More a close combat fighter, who barely flies or uses Ki-blasts. Also he reacts very fast to his opponent´s actions, since he notices even the slightest moves and intentions.
Bonto has three versions to interact with! Please note, if you want to interact with a specific version!
 kid Bonto (main muse)
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-His appearance is this of a 6-7 year old boy, even if he is already several hundred years old -He just came into School and he is still very slow with reading and writing -His favorite toy is a stuffed lynx named Fang that is always with him. -Bonto plays alone very often and is mostly found isolated and away from the others -the other kids on Kaishin mock him for being born ‚broken‘ and are emotional and physical violent towards him. Bonto´s body is covered in bruises and cuts regurlarly -The older Shinjin´s avoid him and like to judge him from afar. -Bonto fears other kids -Bonto gets lost rather frequently, because he cant control his Ki during Kai-Kai practice
One day, he gets lost again and shows up on the Sacred Planet of Universe 7`s Supreme Kai Shin. That´s how he met Shin, Mina, Kibito and the Elder Kai. Ever since he likes to visit them from time to time.
 ((The kid-version only appears in combination with apprenticeMina!))
  teen Bonto
[Picture will be added later]
-Bonto is now in his puberty. His appearance is that of a 12-13 years old boy. -He is still very isolated, but now its his choice to be left alone -Fang, the lynx isn´t with him anymore, but instead a little tablet pc, he uses to write down messages -He signs only with a few people, he´s very close with. Telepathy is still very exhausting for him and he hates to use it -Now he gets angry pretty easily and shows aggressive behaviour towards the other students -He holds a open grudge to everything imperfect and what´s not „right“ according the guidelines of perfect beings or gods -Bonto is highly motivated to prove himself and is one of the best students in school. Thats why he learns and trains a lot
((This version is always found alone and interacts with none of Mina´s versions!))
  adult Bonto
[Picture will be added soon!]
-fully grown up and about in his tween-years -Bonto is now the South Kai of Universe 2 -strong, smart and a handsome cinnamon roll -takes his job very seriously, but is now more balanced and relaxed than his teen self
((This version is the only Bonto-version interacting with kaioshinMina!))
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