hauntedxd0ll · 9 days
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my sweet innocent angel who cannot do anything wrong <3
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spuddragon · 3 months
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Master of the sploot
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sitting-on-me-bum · 1 year
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A captive-bred Mexican fireleg tarantula
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numberoneavalonfan · 1 year
isn't she just beautiful
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bonus pic of her just right after molting :)
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tchotchkez · 11 months
yus yus yus
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Mexican Fire-leg Tarantula
They need more floor space than height since they are terrestrial
8 x 8 x 14 inches or 20 gallon works great for one adult and if the tarantula is smaller, upgrade them with time
Only house one per tank
70-78 degrees F is needed for temperature
50-60% humidity is needed
Substrate can be coconut fiber, vermiculite, peat moss, and soil mixes work great
Not not use rocks, sand, pebbles, etc. as substrate as it may hurt the tarantula
They need places to hide like logs, caves, possibly even animal skulls, flower pots, plants (live or fake), or cork barks half buried for them to feel secure
Substrate needs to be 3x as big as the creature, so they can burrow
They might dig their own burrows or tunnels
A shallow and small water dish should be present for adults. It should be cleaned every other day. 
Hatchlings just need to be misted (try not directly on them)
Spot clean daily, completely disinfect 
Diet/Feeding Habits:
Adults typically eat every 6-14 days
Slings eat every 5-10 days
They eat insects like dubia roaches, crickets, mealworms, etc.
Only feed the creature the size of food that is their head size (slings eat fruit fly sized insects for example)
They need live food and the insects must be gut loaded beforehand
Don’t feed them for 5 days after they molt and they may not eat when they molt
Age identification:
Females live about 25 years on average, but some live to 40 years
Males live to about 8 years on average, some live to 10 years 
Physical traits:
Body length is typically 2-3 inches while legs go to about 6 inches each
They have urticating hairs
Mostly black and dark brown in abdomen coloration, but they have orange/red/bright brown legs and head
Hatchlings will typically start off very dull in color, then grow into being bright around 3-4 inches in leg length
They are good diggers
They will go through molts to get a new exoskeleton and during this time they will become less active or not eat
If threatened, they will flick their urticating hairs and it might sting a bit
Slings (babies) will burrow and adults hide
Burrowing is a normal trait and let them do so
Docile and almost never want to bite
Health concerns:
Very hardy, but a fall can kill them so limit the height they can crawl
Dehydration is marked by lethargy, shrunken abdomen, and sometimes curled up legs
Never handle them as they molt or for a week after as their new skin is sensitive and it stresses them out greatly.
They are usually docile, but if they feel threatened they will use their leg hairs which might sting and cause irritation for a few hours
Always handle while sitting down and make sure the tarantula cannot hurt themselves if they fall
Rest your hand in front of them and let them crawl on
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ala-baguette · 9 months
Could you tell us more about Kingsleys fondness and protectiveness of Harry. Love u to bits xxxx
What’s that?  A Kingsley Shacklebolt meta, you say?  Don’t mind if I do!
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A relatively common and much-loved comment I get from some of my readers is that they never gave Kingsley much of a second thought before reading Knowing Where to Look.  Let’s change that, because I need company in over-thinking about random side characters.  Plus, I find Kingsley Shacklebolt so damn cool and other people should too!  For such a small character who is mostly just in the background throughout canon, I am always so impressed by the volumes of information one can glean from his tiny one sentence lines.  So, let’s start by looking at a few of these moments.
I’ll begin with the first time we meet him in Order of the Phoenix where he is part of the Advance Guard.  I remember just falling in love with Kingsley right from the first time I read this chapter at roughly 2am the night the book was released.  A few notable lines I present for consideration:
“‘Yeah, I see what you mean, Remus […]  He looks exactly like, James.’”
“‘A surprising number of people volunteered to come and get you,’ said Lupin as though he had read Harry’s mind; the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.”
“‘Remus says you’re a good flier,’ said Kingsley Shacklebolt in his deep voice.  ‘He’s excellent,’ said Lupin […]”
“Kingsley Shacklebolt and Sturgis Podmore were examining the microwave and Hestia Jones was laughing at a potato peeler […]”
“‘I’m just telling the boy the plan,’ growled Moody. ‘Our job’s to deliver him safely to headquarters, and if we die in the attempt—’   ‘No one’s going to die,’ said Kingsley Shacklebolt in his deep, calming voice.”
Information I infer from this first encounter:
Kingsley is highly trusted by Dumbledore and the rest of the Order despite having only been a member for a month or so.  (I’m fairly certain he was not in the Order during the first war.)
Kingsley knew James on a personal level.  He’s on a first-name basis, he remembers his appearance well, and Remus would have had no other reason to comment that Harry looked like him if he did not.
Kingsley is curious about Harry—likely in part secondary to Harry’s fame, but also, I suspect, on a more personal level (whether his apparent past relationship with James or his current one with Remus and Sirius).
Remus talks about Harry when Harry’s not around (I could probably write a whole meta on this sad and sweet observation, but I shall resist and stick to the topic at hand).  We’ll come back to this.
He’s pure-blood or at least was raised with minimal exposure to Muggle technology.
He’s calm and level-headed and not afraid to call out melodrama, though he’ll do so patiently, respectfully, and gently. 
We have several smaller encounters going forward in OotP that I also find telling:
“[Kingsley and Mr. Weasley] were talking to each other as though they hardly knew each other. […] ‘Here,’ said Kingsley brusquely to Mr. Weasley, shoving a sheaf of parchment into his hand, ‘I need as much information as possible on flying Muggle vehicles sighted in the last twelve months.  We’ve received information that Black might still be using his old motorcycle.’  Kinglsey tipped Harry an enormous wink and added, in a whisper, ‘Give him the magazine, he might find it interesting.’  Then he said in normal tones, ‘And don’t take too long, Weasley, the delay on that firelegs report held up our investigation for a month.’”
“‘Molly, I’ll be late, I’m covering for Tonks, but Kingsley might be dropping in for dinner—'”
Harry caught the sound of his own name.  Kingsley Shacklebolt’s deep voice was audible even over the surrounding chatter.  ‘—why Dumbledore didn’t make Potter a prefect?” said Kingsley.  ‘He’ll have had his reasons,’ replied Lupin.  ‘But it would’ve shown confidence in him.  It’s what I’d’ve done,’ persisted Kingsley.  ‘’specially with the Daily Prophet having a go at him every few days…’
“Kingsley had run forward to continue Sirius’s duel with Bellatrix.”
“‘Alastor Moody, Nymphadora Tonks, Kingsley Shacklebolt, and Remus Lupin were all at headquarters [with Sirius] when [Snape] made contact.’”
My take-aways:
Kingsley has a good poker-face and can act a part that is required of him.
Kingsley is kind and considerate.  He goes out of his way to send Sirius a copy of the Quibbler with an article featuring Sirius/Stubby Boardman, for no other reason than to make Sirius smile in a time when Sirius had precious little to smile about.  Kingsley, in other words, is a big ol’ sweetie.
Kingsley drops in for dinner and any little festivities that happen at headquarters or with the Weasleys a few times throughout the series and is clearly welcomed any time, even when not truly on Order business.  Along with this, I speculate he doesn’t have much by way of family or close personal connections outside of his friends at the Order.
Even when he has only just met Harry, Kingsley is already concerned for his feelings (not just his physical safety) when Dumbledore doesn’t make Harry a prefect.  He is observant enough to notice that Harry is out of sorts and disappointed, which no other character particularly seems to notice.  He’s already attuned to Harry’s moods even then.
Also from this same moment, we see that Kingsley is one of the few characters who doesn’t seem to entirely blindly assume everything Dumbledore does is best.  He doubts Dumbledore’s judgment when he doesn’t make Harry a prefect. What else might he doubt?
Kingsley is brave and loyal.  He jumps in to duel with the most ruthless Death Eater present who just killed his friend.  Later, he does it again with Voldemort who he believes has just killed Harry.
Moody, Tonks, Remus, Sirius, and Kingsley are often described together.  From their interactions, I see these five having a particular bond, beyond that of simply colleagues.  They’re friends. What do all of Kingsley’s friends have in common?  (1) They all have affection for Harry they show in one form or another throughout the series.  (2) They all die.  I’ll let that sit for a moment—we’ll come back to it.
Now we come to The Half Blood Prince and Deathly Hallows:
“‘I’m not getting rid of Kingsley Shacklebolt, if that’s what you’re suggesting!’ said the Prime Minister hotly.  ‘He’s highly efficient, gets through twice the work as the rest of them—’”
“‘All right,’ [Uncle Vernon] said, stopping in front of Harry yet again. ‘All right, let’s say, for the sake of argument, we accept this protection.  I still don’t see why we can’t have that Kingsley bloke.’  Harry managed not to roll his eyes, but with difficulty.  This question had also been addressed half a dozen times.  ‘As I’ve told you,’ he said through gritted teeth, ‘Kingsley is protecting the Mug—I mean, your Prime Minister.’  ‘Exactly— he’s the best!’ said Uncle Vernon, pointing at the blank television screen.  The Dursleys had spotted Kingsley on the news, walking along discreetly behind the Muggle Prime Minister as he visited a hospital.  This, and the fact that Kingsley had mastered the knack of dressing like a Muggle, not to mention a certain reassuring something in his slow, deep voice, had caused the Dursleys to take to Kingsley in a way that they had certainly not done with any other wizard, although it was true that they had never seen him with his earring in.”
“‘Miss Granger with Kingsley, again by thestral—’ Hermione looked reassured as she answered Kingsley’s smile.
“Kingsley showed no pleasure at the sight of any of them.  Over Hermione’s shoulder, Harry saw him raise his wand and point it at Lupin’s chest.  ‘The last words Albus Dumbledore spoke to the pair of us?’  ‘Harry is the best hope we have.  Trust him,’ said Lupin calmly.  […] ‘All right, all right!’ said Kingsley, stowing his wand back beneath his cloak.  ‘But someone betrayed us!  They knew, they knew it was tonight!’   ‘So it seems,’ replied Lupin, ‘but apparently they did not realize that there would be seven Harrys.’  ‘Small comfort!’ snarled Kingsley.
“‘Now they’ve put a Taboo on [Voldemort’s name], anyone who says it is trackable—quick-and-easy way to find Order members!  They nearly got Kingsley—'  ‘You’re kidding?’  ‘Yeah, a bunch of Death Eaters cornered him, Bill said, but he fought his way out.  He’s on the run now, just like us.’
“‘I’d like to appeal to all our listeners to emulate their example, perhaps casting a protective charm over any Muggle dwellings in your street.  Many lives could be saved if such simple measures are taken.’  ‘And what would you say, Royal, to those listeners who reply that in these dangerous times, it should be Wizards first?’ asked Lee.  ‘I’d say that it’s one short step from Wizards first to Purebloods first, and then to Death Eaters,’ replied Kingsley.  ‘We’re all human, aren’t we?  Every human life is worth the same, and worth saving.’
“[…] Kingsley had stepped forward on the raised platform to address those who had remained behind [to take part in the Battle of Hogwarts].  ‘We’ve only got half an hour until midnight, so we need to act fast!  A battle plan has been agreed between the teachers of Hogwarts and the Order of the Phoenix.’
“Voldemort was now dueling McGonagall, Slughorn, and Kingsley all at once.”
“One shivering second of silence, the shock of the moment suspended: and then the tumult broke around Harry as the screams and the cheers and the roars of the watchers rent the air.  The fierce new sun dazzled the windows as they thundered toward him, and the first to reach him were Ron and Hermione, and it was their arms that were wrapped around him, their incomprehensible shouts that deafened him.  Then Ginny, Neville, and Luna were there, and then all the Weasleys and Hagrid, and Kingsley and McGonagall and Flitwick and Sprout, and Harry could not hear a word that anyone was shouting, nor tell whose hands were seizing him, pulling him, trying to hug some part of him […]”
Kingsley is likeable and has a skill for garnering trust.  Both the Prime Minister and Uncle Vernon trust him despite having a general dislike for wizard-kind.
Kingsley is clever and adaptable and a good actor.  We see fascination with a microwave in OotP suggesting he had minimal exposure to the Muggle world, but by DH, he is already able to play the part of a Muggle, dress like them, and conform to their society, something that the likes of Arthur Weasley, who has obsessively studied Muggles for years, never manages.  He even knows enough to take out his earing (which he otherwise always seems to wear) to better appeal to the Dursleys conservative views.
A small speculation to which we can never know an answer but… Given that he knew Harry was listening, is it possible Kingsley’s choice of security question for Remus was intentionally chosen to offer Harry a little assurance that they had faith in him?
Kingsley is constantly described as calm and cool throughout all sorts of strife in the series, be he is not entirely unflappable.  After the Battle of the Seven Potters, the man is visibly livid, and I love it!  At no other time do we see so many exclamation marks in his speech.  He has suddenly been forced to face the possibility that one of his friends betrayed them, and he is not okay!  Even after this speech, he is totally flustered: he laughs derisively at Hermione’s naivety in an uncharacteristically impatient way; he seems panicked when he hears Voldemort had gone after Harry directly; he’s pacing the yard in a way that reminds Harry of Uncle Vernon as they’re waiting for the others to come back; he nearly comes to blows when Arthur arrives and is trying to get past him to see George… Can someone just please give the man a hug?  (Obviously, this is a trait I’ve exploited in KwtL.  Betrayal by a friend is definitely a sore spot for him.) 
The Trio sees Kingsley as untouchable.  Hermione’s relieved to be paired with him when they leave the Dursley’s house (and to not have to ride a broom).  Harry’s shocked to hear of him in hiding in much the same way they are.  They’re thrilled when they hear him speaking on the radio.  They have unwavering awe and respect for Kingsley.
Again, I speculate that Kingsley doesn’t have a romantic partner or children.  When Kingsley goes on the run, there is no mention of family which would have been a big concern if he had one. 
Kingsley has a strong sense of morality and a drive to stand up for those weak and defenseless. Despite the fact that his blood status and that his family was one of the Sacred Twenty-Eight would likely allow him to simply sit out the war safely, he’s still in the midst of it, constantly fighting for the little guy.
Kingsley is a natural leader, but he really only takes up the mantel when he has to (ie, Dumbledore and Moody are dead and the Order is leaderless)
Just another reminder that Kingsley dueled Voldemort and he’s a badass.
Kingsley is one of the first to rush to Harry after he’s defeated Voldemort.  He’s listed among all the people who love Harry most.  (Shut up, I’m not crying, you’re crying.)
So we come to what is perhaps more your question, kind Anon. What is Harry and Kingsley’s relationship like post-war.  As you point out, I write him as having fondness and protectiveness for Harry right from the beginning of Knowing Where to Look, and I have had readers challenge me (kindly) that Harry and Kingsley really weren’t that close in canon. 
I’ll agree that Harry was not close with Kingsley, but I’m here to argue that that’s not entirely true the other way around.  I think there’s subtle hints that Kingsley was fond and protective of Harry in canon.  Whenever Kingsley knew Harry was in danger, he came running.  I don’t think that was just duty to the Order.  There’s a personal component there as well.
We know that at least Remus and likely Sirius spoke of Harry amongst other Order members.  Before he even met Harry, Kingsley would have heard about Harry in ways that most strangers would not have heard of him.  It’s almost certain he knew many of the details of Harry’s experience in the graveyard when Voldemort returned (most all Order members would have been briefed on this when the Order was reestablished). He had likely heard tales from Sirius and Remus of how Harry braved Dementors and werewolves and time travel to rescue Sirius.  Maybe even rumors of his exploits with the Chamber of Secrets and the Philosopher’s Stone which Remus may have picked up from other professors when he taught at Hogwarts.  Remus even spoke of Harry enough to have mentioned that he looked like James— something that would have had no bearing on the mission.  The point is, the people surrounding Kingsley loved Harry, and I think that affection would naturally have bled into him just from the types of stories they were likely to tell about him. 
Then, all those people who surrounded Kingsley and who loved Harry die.  I think it’s very natural that as his friends— who were all so committed to protecting Harry— all died one-by-one, Kingsley would have taken up that mantel and felt the need to protect him in their place.  Even if it wasn’t one hundred percent from his own personal affection at first, he would have felt this a duty he owed his departed friends who all died in the name of keeping Harry safe.  After Harry emerges from hiding, older and more independent than ever, I think it would have been challenging for Kingsley to accept that Harry is not that kid he needs to protect (hence his sometimes-unwelcome paternal instincts in KwtL).  Furthermore, given my theory that he is without family and especially after the loss of so many Order friends and colleagues, post-war Kingsley may have been a little starved for affection himself which may have encouraged him to reach out more to Harry as he struggled with the isolation of his position of power. 
In conclusion, Kingsley loves Harry, and no one can convince me otherwise.  He’s prepared to give up his career for him, and though Harry would be completely devastated to know it, he’s prepared to give up his life for him. 
(A few random and less-related but perhaps still interesting headcanons:  As I mentioned above, I doubt he is married or has children.  I headcanon him married to his job and decidedly single and generally fine with that (who knows, maybe even aroace?).  I know his age is never really stated or implied, but I headcanon him to be a few years older than the Mauraders.  His vibe in the books just says forty-something for some reason.  My completely unfounded headcanon is that the Shacklebolt and Potter Families were friends—Kingsley’s and James’s parents moved in the same social circles, throwing Kingsley and James together enough growing up to be friendly but not besties.  Friendly enough that he may have attended Lily and James’s wedding, for example, but not so friendly as to have followed him into the Order the first time around.  Again, these bits are purely my imagination and yes have no real importance to the story.)
Thanks for the Ask, Anon!  I clearly have thought way too much about this. I hope you enjoy the insights into how my brain builds on characterization as I’m writing some of these smaller side-characters. Love ya back!
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tarancho · 4 months
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my spidersona "Fireleg" - i finally figured out her suit design/colors + portrait for funzies
(based on brachypelma boehmei aka the mexican fireleg tarantula)
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artemisia-black · 2 years
Character analysis of Kingsley Shacklebolt 
Because I've been chatting so much about him on the @harrypocter's Discord server, here is my character analysis of Kingsley
1.0 Ambition and cunning, with a moral compass
He is obviously a very skilled wizard and must be ambitious to reach the point in his career where he can lead the hunt for Sirius. His skill is confirmed by Voldemort himself during the battle of the seven potters (where his talent is deemed to be second to Moody’s) : 
“You-Know-Who acted exactly as Mad-Eye expected him to,” sniffed Tonks. “Mad-Eye said he’d expect the real Harry to be with the toughest, most skilled Aurors. He chased Mad-Eye first, and when Mundungus gave them away he switched to Kingsley.” DH
Furthermore, Kingsley deliberately feeding the ministry misinformation about Sirius, shows two key things about his character: 
-First, unlike other ambitious law-enforcement agents such as Barty Crouch Snr, he is willing to risk his career to do the right thing. 
- Second, he demonstrates a high level of cunning as no one in the ministry ever suspects him (granted, they are all fairly incompetent, but nobody ever questions him). His ability to play his role well is best demonstrated during his dialogue with Arthur: 
“Morning, Weasley,” said Kingsley carelessly, as they drew nearer. “I’ve been wanting a word with you, have you got a second?”
“Yes, if it really is a second,” said Mr. Weasley, “I’m in rather a hurry.”
“Here,” said Kingsley brusquely to Mr. Weasley, shoving a sheaf of parchment into his hand, “I need as much information as possible on flying Muggle vehicles sighted in the last twelve months. We’ve received information that Black might still be using his old motorcycle.”
Kingsley tipped Harry an enormous wink and added, in a whisper, “Give him the magazine, he might find it interesting.” 
Then he said in normal tones, “And don’t take too long, Weasley, the delay on that firelegs report held our investigation up for a month.” OoTP
Notice the use of words like ‘carelessly’ and ‘brusquely’ to describe his tone, both of which imply that he’s used to commanding authority. 
And this brings me to my next point. 
2.0 A sacred 28 Pureblood 
The Shaklebolts are a member of the sacred 28 (a list which excluded the monied Potters and the pureblood Weasleys); therefore, Kingsley is part of the wizarding upper-crust. 
It is interesting to note that he is the only member of the Order, other than Sirius, who openly questions Dumbledore’s judgment. 
“... why Dumbledore didn’t make Potter a prefect?” said Kingsley.
“He’ll have had his reasons,” replied Lupin.
“But it would’ve shown confidence in him. It’s what I’d’ve done,” persisted Kingsley, “’ specially with the Daily Prophet having a go at him every few days...” OoTP
This could hint at the idea that Dumbledore is able to exercise more power over those on the lower rungs of wizarding society. In contrast, Kingsley and Sirius have more ingrained confidence (from the privilege they grew up with) to question him.  
Furthermore, he carries himself so well that even the wizard-hating (and class-obsessed) Dursleys take to him. 
“This, and the fact that Kingsley had mastered the knack of dressing like a Muggle, not to mention a certain reassuring something in his slow, deep voice, had caused the Dursleys to take to Kingsley in a way that they had certainly not done with any other wizard.” DH
Kingsley also demonstrates a very astute knowledge of how pureblood supremacy leads to radicalisation: 
“I’d say that it’s one short step from Wizards first’ to ‘Purebloods first,’ and then to ‘Death Eaters,’” replied Kingsley. 
And this understanding echoes what Sirius says about his parent’s beliefs. Kingsley then goes on to give more strategic insight into Voldemort’s plans: 
“Which suits him, of course,” said Kingsley. “The air of mystery is creating more terror than actually showing himself.” DH
3.0 The fire beneath the Ice
In almost all of his appearances Kingsley is described as having a stoic, calming presence. But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have a dark side. 
While not actively fighting to kill, he reports it in a matter of fact manner. 
“Followed by five, injured two, might’ve killed one,” Kingsley reeled off. DH
He then shows a tendency towards a dark sense of humor: 
“Stan?” repeated Hermione. “But I thought he was in Azkaban?”
Kingsley let out a mirthless laugh.
“Hermione, there’s obviously been a mass breakout which the Ministry has hushed up. Travers’s hood fell off when I cursed him, he’s supposed to be inside too.
In conclusion, Kingsley  is a  sharp, intelligent, cunning, ambitious, privileged, commanding character, who has a wry sense of humor. He also has a dark edge to him, and is willing to take great risks to do what is right. And this is now a Kingsley stan account.
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skin-slave · 1 year
I got a tarantula!!!!! He's about 2-2.5" diagonally. He's a b. boehmei (Mexican Fireleg). And his name is Sprinkles. 🥰🕷️ I couldn't get any good pics in his little expo cup, but there are some shitty ones. lol (Plus a couple pics from the expo)
He lost a leg and just molted and got it kinda back, but since he's a little gimpy, I got a discount. The guy messed up the payment thing, so he gave me a T. albo too, but I honestly don't know if it's even alive.
Shout out to @skold bc I would literally still be terrified of spiders if it hadn't been for them!!! 😭
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I did not expect to see dead specimens, but I'm glad I did. Made me feel more like I belonged.
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The guy said that, for legal purposes, the little dicks are "pink frogs" 😂🤣
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jewishdragon · 1 year
My pet tarantula finally molted and ate some worms so i moved it into a new enclosure.
(pictured is the new enclosure with no spider in it yet!)
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I gently transferred my spider from the old enclosure to this new one.
MORE PICTURES UNDER THE CUT! warning: these photos have the spider in them!
the spider is a Mexican Fireleg Tarantula (Brachypelma boehmei), a dark black body with bright orange legs making it look like a firework its so stunningly beautiful.
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sweaterdestroyer · 6 months
FREINDS,,, I'm getting a pet fireleg tarantula vv soon I'm supa dupa excited>_< I'm thinkin bout namin it after a tf2 Merc or after my pal.. Idk!
It's native to Mexico... We don't have any taco Bell in Indonesia so it mite feel homesick<\3 /jkjkjk
Erhm gimme some name recommendations!
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ryuatewater · 4 months
dude wish me luck if i get good grades on my exams ill get a tarantula!!!! im gonna get a brachypelma boehmei sling (or a Mexican fireleg sling) :33 also do u think baxter would. b a good name for it because like its kinda orangeish red... like baxter...
sorry for ranting in the ryubox im really happy ^_^
Good luck on the examz!!!!! also baxter would be a good name i think heheehehhehhehe
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archive-of-artprompts · 11 months
🕷Send in a number + Character, and I'll draw them in an outfit or as a creature based on that arachnid 🕷
Antilles Pinktoe Tarantula
Babycurus Jacksoni
Bark Scorpion
Black House Spider
Black Window
Bluefang Tarantula
Brazilian Blue Dwarf Beauty Tarantula
Brazilian Whiteknee Tarantula
Brown Recluse
Crab Spider
Daddy Long Legs
Diving Bell Spider
Dust Mite
Emperor Scorpion
Fattail Scorpion
Gasteracantha Cancriformis
Goliath Birdeater
Grammostola Pulchra
Hobo Spider
House Pseudoscorpion
Indian Ornamental Tarantula
Jumping Spider
Mexican Fireleg Tarantula
Orange Baboon Tarantula
Spotted Orbweaver Spider
Peacock Tarantula
Pirate Spider
Raft Spider
Red Spider Mite
Rose Hair Tarantula
Spiny Orbweavers
Sun Spider
Sydney Funnel-Web Spider
Tailles Whip Scorpion
Velvet Spider
Wasp Spider
Wolf Spider
Yellow Garden Spider
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strocalvenom · 1 year
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|||Brachypelma boehmei|||
Common name : Mexican fireleg
Origin : 🇲🇽
Habitat : Scrubland
Type : New World terrestrial
Legspan : 5-6in
Lifespan : 7-8yrs(M), 20-25yrs (F)
Urticating hairs : Yes
Venom : Low
Temperament : Typically calm & docile, can be skittish if startled
Experience : Beginner
Setup: Terrestrial enclosure with dry substrate, hide, decorative vegetation, water dish.
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deluxebug · 4 months
🕷 I found my Mexican fireleg on her back this morning, and by the time I came home, she had completed her molt 🥰 She's looking very fuzzy and leggy, and beautiful!! Then I looked to the other shelf and saw that my Costa Rican Zebra is on her back now too! Fingers crossed it goes well and I wake up to another good molt in the morning. That will make 4 of my spiders molting in the past month. We're finally hitting that warm summer streak and everyone is growing 😁 I assumed they would molt next week, while I'm out of town. I don't usually get to see something so cool and know the exact day a molt occurred. I love when I can mark the date exactly rather than guess and make backdated estimates.
And I am getting 2 new babies in a couple of weeks 🤗 Early birthday present to myself! A Brazilian blonde and a purple pinktoe. I've been very good all year and dealing with lots of shit very gracefully and I'm doing such a good job and I even have a good attitude basically the whole time. So I get to have two more spiders, and everyone else can go fuck themselves!!!! Yeah!!!!!!!!
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