#fireheart x tigerstar
Okay, so I've been thinking about how Tiger and Fire adopting Breezepelt would go.
I feel like how he would end up in Thunderclan would depend on whether he goes there as a kit, or an apprentice. In the kit scenario, Nightcloud could take him over the border because she thinks he'll have a better time growing up in Thunderclan and just wants him away from Crowfeather. In the apprentice scenario, Breezepaw just runs away and ends up in the custody of Tigerstar and Fireheart.
As for his relationship with his new parents, I like to imagine this taking place in the same timeline as a Tigerclaw/star redemption, so both of them would be doing whatever they can to care for their new son. I like to think that Tigerstar, based on his own experiences, would be able to recognize a growing darkness in Breezepaw, and would do everything in his power to help him avoid becoming a monster like he himself once was, and to protect him from the Dark Forest's manipulation.
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GASP!!! Hypokitsssss!
You know what imma ask
Tigerfire! Please spotty!
Two of the Clans’ largest legends would undoubtedly make the most loyal, fierce warrior possible… Right?
MEET: Gingersnap, previously Leopardglow
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Born just after Firestar’s rise to leadership and named after Tigerstar’s late mother, Leopardglow was loud, energetic, and friendly from the very moment she opened her eyes — much to the disdain of her ThunderClan Clanmates. Despite Firestar’s blood running through her veins, ThunderClan would have much rather had nothing to do with Tigerstar’s spawn, and while her half-siblings Brambleclaw and Tawnypelt were content to settle into the shadows while they grew, and linger there even after Tigerstar’s death, Leopardglow simply could not.
Too extroverted for her own good, Leopardglow did everything she possibly could to bolster her reputation within the Clan — within all the Clans — in a desperate bid to make friends and feel seen and supported. She trained herself relentlessly into a decent hunter and better fighter, and, for a while, seemed to have finally wiggled her way into ThunderClan’s good graces and affections… Until she unsheathed her claws one day, and found herself unable to withdraw them. Tigerstar’s claws, whispered the Clans. A bad omen.
For a time, Leopardglow still relentlessly tried to make herself into a friend to anyone, but not even her slightly older half siblings through Tigerstar, nor her little half siblings through Firestar, seemed to want much to do with her. So, she turned to what felt like a last resort, driven by desperation and loneliness: her father’s birthplace, the Twoleg Houses.
She was quickly scooped up by a loving pair of housefolk due to her unusual coat, who named her “Gingersnap”: a name she adopted with great joy and pride. While she wasn’t very welcomed on the streets — her reputation as the daughter of both Scourge’s assailant and murderer preceded her —, her fellow kittypets were warm and friendly, and found themselves often drawn to her for her grand stories of being born wild, as well as her overall joyous nature. While some cats do find her a bit overbearing, the two cats she shares her home with — another ex-Clan cat who took the name Whiskers, and a pampered purebred named Hera — love listening to Gingersnap’s stories, adore her bold nature, and are deeply fond of her overall.
In her new home, Gingersnap finally found the acceptance and love she so dearly craved.
Please read the rules when requesting future hypokits!
This character may be up for grabs, for their design, storytelling, or any other personal use! Keep an eye on the status below if you're interested! :)
Status: CLAIMED! By @abbys-hideyway
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greekstar · 2 years
Ok hear me out.
TigerFire Tigerclan Rulers.
But, imagine, Socks; Ruby; Tiny; Princess; and Rusty were all from the same litter. Their mother is Quin and she is a Black and brown Tortoiseshell with blue/amber eyes. (Which takes care of Everyone.) While Jake is still their father.
(I might change some of the styles)
So since Tiny is not even a year younger then Tigerclaw, ima make the litter be born around to time Tiny was so Rusty is near Tigerpaw’s/claw’s age.
Also, I’m making Rusty a girl, because I can. It’s a Au; so my rules.
Anyways, Tiny and Rusty go exploring together. Being the runts of the litter. Socks and Ruby still make fun of tiny, but also Rusty who is now Amber. Princess though is the biggest out of the litter and is a queen boss. Making sure Ruby and Socks aren’t getting away with bullying.
Tiny and Rusty bump into a apprentice and two warriors (Thistleclaw, Tigerpaw and Blueflower(fur))
Thistleclaw sends Tigerpaw to attack Tiny and he does, though Amber quickly jumps on Tigerpaw and fights to protect her older brother.
Showing this bravery, and seeing their 2-3 moons old, and now injured, Blueflower takes them back where Sunstar excepts them and takes them in.
Seeing that they don’t need milk and this is around the time where Snowpoppy(fur) is ¿expecting? So Snowfur take them in.
Amber becomes Amberkit and Tiny becomes Poolkit (he begs Sunstar to let him be named after anything but his size so he honors his request by making him Pool after his white paw. He becomes Poolfoot)
Amberkit spends every awakening Following Tigerpaw around like a little princess following her prince.
Tigerpaw even trains her secretly. Tigerpaw eventually becomes Tigerclaw and keeps training secretly in the Dark Forest with his former mentor Thistleclaw. He later becomes the mentor of Amberpaw though swears that he won’t let her train in the dark forest and says ‘If any of the dark forest cats even are seen in her dreams, I will personally kill them’
Tigerclaw gives Amberpaw all the training she needs. Even asking Sunstar to give him more time with training her so that she can be the best warrior. Now, Amberpaw didn’t like becoming a warrior later then Poolfoot, but excepts that Tigerclaw is only doing what’s best for her.
(Poolfoot was mentored by Redtail)
Amberpaw later becomes Amberheart. Being a really softy for kits and elders. This also makes Tigerclaw look at things from a different point of view.
When Bluestar becomes leader, she makes Tigerclaw actually become her deputy first. Trusting him as she saw him be transformed into a actually decent warrior after he mentored Amberheart.
After Bluestar died (she actually died earlier, around the time Rusty would have first joined as the fire broke out sooner and Bluestar got very badly burned which caused her to lose her last ¿3? Lives)
Tigerstar becomes leader and quickly changes things. Making Tigerclan with all clans. Quickly gaining the trust of Shadowclan and Riverclan, though Windclan took a little longer.
Amberheart became his deputy and they had their first litter. Bramblekit, Squirrelkit, Twanykit and Leafkit.
Brambleflower - dark ginger tabby tom with long fur and amber eyes (has white tints of fur and also has a star on his forehead like his father)
Squirrelleaf - Black and bright ginger Tortoiseshell she-cat with very fluffy long fur and bright green eyes
Twanyfeather- Mostly dark brown and pale ginger Tortoiseshell she-cat with long fur and has dark green eyes
Leafclaw- Ginger and dark brown Tortoiseshell she-cat with short-ish fur and amber eyes (has white tufts of fur here and there)
Tigerstar leads his clan better then expected as he turns out to be a better leader then most people thought.
In the territory’s, Tigerstar has the former other leaders look after their former territory’s though all cats most learn to hunt and patrol in each one perfectly, so cats now train got 12 moons instead of 6 like a medicine cat apprentice.
Tigerstar also has it where his most loyal warriors are spread across. Brokenstar, Leopardstar, Blackclaw, Blackfoot, Darkstripe, Longtail, Swiftfoot, Badgerfang, Mudclaw, Ect…
Emberheart is in charge of making cats stay loyal. There isn’t many cruel punishments, unless a cat puts all the clan in danger and their sentenced to death.
I might continue this but idk.
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wc-confessions · 3 months
My rarepairs
Brindleface X Fireheart
Nightcloud x Mothwing
Ashfur x Mudclaw
Briarlight x Brightheart
Millie x Daisy
Tigerstar x Brokenstar
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troutfur · 8 months
What's your favorite take on FireTiger, Trout?
Ah, I love when they're being a silly hero x villain ship.
But I think my favorite like serious take really leans into the aspect of how moldable Fireheart was and how eagerly he drank the Koolaid in canon. I feel like there's a lot of potential in Tigerstar taming this Fire and turning his energy and sense of justice for his own ends. Corruption arc my beloved. <3
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bramblewhisker · 8 months
Any headcannons for darkstripe x firestar
DarkFire is a great ship for funnies and for playing around with power dynamic. Darkstripe is older and more established of a warrior than Firestar, but in all but the silliest timelines ("Tigerstar wins and Darkstripe is rewarded for his loyalty with a kittypet to play with") Firestar is the one basically in control.
My personal favorite idea for DarkFire is within the context of FireTiger, since Darkstripe has it down so bad for Tigerclaw already. FireTiger + their little pet Darkstripe is both cute and steamy, and it lets Fire + Tiger both play to their "dominant" strengths in some scenarios. And I mean it feels like a perfect role for Darkstripe.
To take a more romantic/just-the-two-of-them tack, I think you could tie a relationship into some alternate timeline where Darkstripe is rehabilitated instead of exiled. You might have to mess with order of events/have him not get as far along with his murdering-a-kit plan, but there's some genuinely sweet story you could tell of a disillusioned Darkstripe finding his faith in clan and kin again. A big part of this could be Firestar showing him the true care and compassion that Tigerclaw never did, setting up a romance arc.
Also funny if Darkstripe just catches feelings when Fireheart out-domineers Tigerclaw during the big climactic moment where he fails to kill Bluestar. Like "oh gosh, you beat up my crush so the crush has tranferred to you." Then you get shy little Darkstripe following Fireheart around like a kit. Everyone's suspicious that he's up to something, but it's just that he's smitten.
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chubfeather · 5 months
Fireheart x Morningflower AU Drabble
The old "what if I ship THIS rarepair as a joke?" but as per usual I get attached to said rarepair. Anyways. Here's some very scrambled `1 am thoughts.
I'll do something more concrete after I reread tpb again cause since Morningflower isn't a major character, somethings are blurry!
This is also a "Fireheart goes to Windclan" AU but its AFTER he's become a warrior of Thunderclan. Mostly because I thought it would be fun and also because I think it would be the most likely scenario for a Fire/Morning ship to work.
-In this AU, Fireheart fails to convince Bluestar that Tigerclaw is a threat. He's exiled, but finds refuge in Windclan [I think Jake tells Tallstar something about Fireheart at the end of Tallstar's revenge so that but its taken further]. Tallstar is more then happy to take in Fireheart when he both saved his clan and was talked about by his old mate [Tallstar/Jake is canon you can't tell me otherwise]. Tallstar almost sees Fireheart as a kit he never had.
-Kind of a take on what happens if one of starclan's prophecys fail cause they never do that and its lame [I'm only caught up to dawn of the clans so if they have done that afterwards my bad]. Since Bluestar doesn't end up trusting Fireheart's instincts "Fire alone can save our clan" doesn't pan out!!!
-Obviously this has a lot of implications when it comes to the main plot of tpb but I just like changing things to see where I would make them end up. Stuff like if Tigerclaw killed Bluestar, what happens to Yellowfang, what happens to Graystripe and Riverclan and Bloodclan, how Fireheart might be considered a traitor by other clans and how much Windclan would/wouldn't accept him. etc. lol. Big AU for tiny ship.
-Probably going to either fill in some windclan warriors or take a realllll close look at the allegiances between books because so few are actually listed in the first series.
-Not sure exactly when I want Fireheart's exile to take place- I think I would place it somewhere between Graystripe leaving for Riverclan and Tigerstar's murder attempt on Bluestar, but I'll think on that.
-Anyways onto the actual Fire/morning stuff.
-Other then talking at gatherings about how Gorsepaw is doing, the two don't really get romantic until after Fireheart joins Windclan. Originally on my main art blog I thought it would be funny if Fireheart was sneaking out to see Morningflower in the same vein Graystripe does with Silverstream, but I think that's too repetitive and a bit out of character for Fireheart [he's seen sneaking out and breaking the warrior code plenty sure, but he's also seen to be a complete goofball when it comes to romance]
-Fireheart acts as a sort of surrogate father for Gorsepaw [who lives in this au]. More father figures in Warriors please. [Pretty sure Morningflower's canon mate is Cloudrunner which is WILD becuase Cloudrunner was a moorunner warrior when Tallstar was a kit and Tallstar was Morningflower's mentor?????? What I'm saying is he's old as hell. I don't thin he's in TPB so I'm just assuming he's dead or generally ignoring his existence for now] Gorsepaw would absolutely adore having Fireheart in windclan
-Onestar and Fireheart being brother in laws is cute and they won't have the same kind of falling out if Fireheart is in windclan [Idk if Fireheart would ever become leader of windclan but hey. Question for another day]. Don't ask me about Ashfoot. I forgor what she's like
-I mostly like this ship because I like the thought of Fireheart being the one who comforted Morningflower in what was probably one of the darkest moments of her life!!! and also that Morningflower is such an underutilized character, with her retiring [rather early, i think she's brother's with Onewhisker?] to the elder's den after she feels like she avenged her son, but the way she fought so fiercely to do so always makes her stand out in my mind : (
-With how protective Fireheart is over Sandstorm in the last few books of tpb I think he would absolutely do the same for Morningflower and his adopted son.
-I have many doodles planned and will expand on this as I think of stuff haha. Will have to make some stuff up for Morningflower seeing as she doesn't appear in the books often.
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foxstride · 1 year
There is so much angst and fluff potential with Brambleclaw x Firestar so perhaps some prompts for them :3?
SO much angst and fluff potential, I love this!
"You named me after my father. I thought you were past this!"
"I wish I'd been better to you. But all I can do now is treat you as you should be."
"Why do you want to be deputy?" "I want to prove myself to you."
"Tigerstar would've had a fit if he saw us now."
"I promised your mother I'd always look at you as your own cat."
"Say it: say you only see him when you look at me!"
Bonus AU: Brambleclaw never becomes deputy because Fireheart can't bear to have the cat he loves to go through the pain of losing him at the same time as stepping up to lead the Clan.
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theanoninyourinbox · 2 years
Hypokit request for Fireheart x Silverstream, or Blackstar x Russetfur
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Let’s go I gotta Hydrate but first I gotta AU!!
In the first AU, Rusty loves the water, and heads to Riverclan land. Stonefur mentors him, and he and Silverstream fall in love over flowers, tasty fish, and secretly saving Redtail after Tigerclaw tries to drown him.
In the second AU, when Tigerstar goes to kill Gorsepaw, Russetfur sees her brother Brokenstar over the kits - sees an injustice she cannot allow. And she leaps upon Tigerstar’s back, biting at his neck. Blackfoot, who has loved Russetfur for a season, who suddenly has to choose, yowls for Shadowclan to let Windclan go, and charges in after Russetfur. The pair save Gorsepaw, and kill the corrupt leader, but at the cost of Russetfur being shredded. Tallstar offers medical aid, and Blackfoot denies his deputyship - he supported a monster, and instead says that Russetfur should lead. She is hauled to the Moonstone, and Russetstar is carried back to Shadowclan. The timing is different, so Brindleface lives, Swiftpaw and Brightpaw become warriors, and Bloodclan takes much longer to find The Clans…
In the last AU, Ravenpaw (who has vitiligo) meets Rusty at the Hot Topic and they fall in love solving a murder mystery and listening to grunge and rock music.
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nonbinary-weirdo · 8 months
Songs for Warriors ships
Heavens Light - Crowfeather x Squirrelflight
Hellfire - Tigerstar x Sasha
Poison - Mapleshade x Appledusk
Every Step You Take (creepy cover by Chase Holfelder) - Yandere!Graystripe x Oblivious!Fireheart/star
Every Time We Touch - Leafpool x Mothwing
When I'm Gone - Tallstar x Jake
Be My Bad Boy - Scourge x Bone
I Won't Say I'm In Love - Sandstorm x Silverstream
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it is FINALLY done!!!!
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I want my fellow shippers of Tiger X Fire to consider these two ideas:
1. An AU where Tigerstar and Fireheart take Breezepelt in as their son.
2. Tiger X Fire AU and Scourge and/or Bone redemption AU crossover.
I don't know how exactly either of these things would go down, but I think they're nice ideas at least!
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TIGERSTAR (the first)
“Keep your eyes open, Fireheart. Keep your ears pricked. Keep looking behind you. Because one day I'll find you, and then you'll be crowfood.”
[Black with spotted (oceloid) tabby markings, low white spotting, and amber eyes.]
Whoa! A war criminal!
Some design notes!
Oceloid spots occur in wild x domestic cat hybrids… Tigerstar absolutely has some “big cat” ancestry (probably through Pinestar), though nothing as big as his namesake haha.
Not very fluffy. He’s all muscle and thick, meticulously-groomed fur. He’s consistently described as “handsome”, after all!
His front claws are always unsheathed.
Lots of “v” shapes throughout his design, alongside spots and sharp edges.
Scarring includes: “Star-shaped” scar across his right eye and nose bridge (I like to think that this scar came from Redtail in his last moments, trying to rip out Tigerclaw’s eye in a move that would have at least told others who his attacker was… unfortunately the move failed). Left ear split with a deep “v”, and right ear is nicked twice.
Bonus Dark Forest version:
[Gore(?) Tw]
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artishardwhydoidoit · 4 years
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Murder husbands! I really didn’t have a solid idea for this, I’ve just seen Firehear x Tigerstar going around and I’m an absolute sucker for protag x antag ships, so I just wanted to draw it!
Character design credit to berrym00n (I srsly love their designs so much
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yes, of course!
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troutfur · 4 months
Mr Troutfur got cancelled?????? What????
Extremely brief recap for the unaware:
About two years ago there was a moral panic that broke out on the Warrior Cats tag, triggered by the discovery that a minor that posted the kind of content often targeted by "anti-shippers" was being groomed.
The wellbeing of the minor in question (which I know was being followed up on by a friend of mine also caught up in the moral panic, up until it got to be too much for them, but I have it in good word that it improved at least somewhat) quickly fell by the wayside as the fandom began to get up in arms about rooting out "pro-shippers". This ended up amounting mostly to a relentless gossip campaign and the compilation of a blocklist that included me and many of my friends, part of a group that goes by the name of "objectively correct" (hence why my blog title is "objectively correct about cat religion").
My personal list of crimes amounts to: being friends with an author that writes dark fanfiction, reblogging Tigerstar x Fireheart fanart, thinking that it's okay to make and post dark fiction if appropiately tagged, and a prompt submitted to an Ao3 collection.
The prompt is perhaps the most credible accusation, but I mean... it's the lovers finding out they've been secretly half-siblings all along trope. That's like soap opera clichés 101. And the whole setup only works to generate drama/shock value if you come in with the assumption it's wrong to shack up with a sibling so like?
It's also interesting there was not a peep about Augur AU, the story in which it is a pretty explicit plot element that the patrician caste is inbred. And I have a sneaking suspicion that it was because in the story in which it's most prominent Lionpaw's painful disability of hip dysplasia is front and center. So I suspect that to them it doesn't count because there was appropiate "punishment" for the incest and inbreeding that is a plot element.
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