#firefighter chic
dearlystars · 1 year
all the people saying limbus canto iv got delayed bc shranne had to be there for pride month is funny bc like. happy pride month gays! we made one sapphic explode and then cut the other one in half!
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stabbyfoxandrew · 6 months
OH it's so late I thought I missed it! happy wipwednesday <3
I hope you're well I am humbly requesting my gay disaster of a firefighter and his arsonist
WIP Wednesday (3/20) | Arsonist Neil / Firefighter Andrew AU (Part 117)
Neil spends the better part of his evening looking through his meager wardrobe. He assumes it’s commonplace to not look like a hobo when you meet up with a friend. But unfortunately, homeless-chic is his style. He pushes a hand through his hair. Well, at least his clothes are clean. That’s the main thing.
He’s got access to a laundry room and a hot shower, thankfully. He can remember several instances when he would’ve killed for one or the other. Montreal, for one. And that summer they spent squatting in Texas. Neil wouldn’t recommend living in a rundown house with no plumbing or air conditioning, in the middle of July in Austin. He can feel a sweat-soaked shirt sticking to his back and tugs at his clothes before he realizes it’s just a shitty memory.
Still though, he can’t shake the feeling of being grimy. So Neil goes to take a shower before bed, then climbs into bed with the air conditioning on just in case. Even though it’s November in Columbia, SC. He pulls the blanket up to his chin, because with the A/C blasting, it’s almost freezing. But it’s quite nice here in his little cocoon.
Neil goes through his clothes mentally and decides his nicest outfit is jeans and a t-shirt that isn’t faded. So he’ll wear that tomorrow. And he can’t forget his wallet, because the whole premise of this bet was that Neil would buy Andrew coffee. Besides that, it would be rude to have a new friend pay his way. Especially when Neil has bookoos of blood money to spend.
The next morning, Neil wakes up at a decent time and grabs some complimentary breakfast from the hotel’s buffet. It’s so convenient. A nice, hot meal waiting for him as soon as he wakes up. Perhaps he should stay in hotels like this more often.
A tiny voice in his head tells him to take more than he needs and stash it in the room, but once again, he doesn’t need to do that. Neil eats his fill and grabs a couple of individually wrapped muffins to stuff into his pocket before going back to his room.
There aren’t any games today, which is a bummer. Neil supposes he could try and watch something besides exy, but it would most likely be a waste of time. He’s never cared for any other sport. He flips channels and watches the clock until one o’clock starts creeping up on him. Then he changes clothes and gets in his car and goes.
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rogerzsteven · 7 months
writing patterns
Tagged by @the-likesofus @spotsandsocks @wikiangela @malewifediaz
rules: list the first line(s) of your last 10 posted fics and see if there's a pattern
1- two birds
The roads are a mess .
The scene? A fucking shitshow.
2- (low)
Buck isn’t answering his phone.
It’s around 7 am in the morning— 7.45 am to be exact, and Eddie is outside of Buck’s loft sitting in his car as he stares at the phone screen while patiently waiting for the other man to show up, but Buck isn’t answering his phone.
3- Overdue
To say that Eddie isn't really fond of what is happening would be an understatement.
No, he isn't just not liking it— he is downright hating the situation, and his only solace is that finally it's nearing its end after 72 hours.
4- Touch Me and I'll Scream
By the time Eddie makes it home with Buck who is slumped on the passenger seat next to him staring through the window with baby blues that's not even here, Eddie feels like a train ran him over to put it lightly.
5- apple of my eye
It's safe to say that this— the place they've been dispatched at, it's easily one of Eddie's favorite emergency calls so far.
6- scatters (we'll meet in dreams)
The warmth oozing from the sun penetrates into his skin, down to his bones as he stands under the leaves of a big, stupendous tree in their front yard, and he quickly twists his head when a young, lively voice of a teenage boy calls out for his name.
7- Drop
"You like the place?" Bobby asks with a smile.
It's the evening after their shift and he is out drinking with Buck at that new pub near the station. It's a nice place, a mixture of cozy and chic and Bobby has been meaning to visit ever since the place got opened so here he is with Buck, drinking his second sparkling water of the night while Buck waits for his second order.
8- Lights Off
They're going on a vacation.
Well, not really a vacation per se, it has vacation in it, but it's actually a two day long conference about firefighting and key points of first aid that happens to take place in New York that Bobby's sending Buck and Eddie to.
9- i don't want to be myself (it's making me so unwell)
Today is…
Today is bad. He feels bad.
10- Just the Two of Us
The road back home is silent.
They are finally in the car, going back home after a shift from basically the last level of hell, and he is sitting on the passenger seat, staring through the window with dull, blank eyes while Eddie drives.
And Eddie…
He looks pissed .
I think it's blatantly obvious that I love opening up with either a line said by a character or a short sentence, followed by an explanation of it. Heh.
@prettyboybuckley @buddierights @monsterrae1 @heartshapedvows @spagheddiediaz @shyaudacity @spaceprincessem @eddiebabygirldiaz @kananjarus @elvensorceress
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fruitcoops · 1 year
Kindling & Embers
O'Knutzy Week Day 5 (HA!!): Camping (B4) and Borrowed (D4)! Characters belong to @lumosinlove, and one last massive thank-you to @oknutzyweek2023 for the most fabulous of fests <3
For more of this AU, check out First Burn and Spark ;)
TW for mentioned alcohol
Deft hands plucked two bottles from the picnic table; they hung loose for a moment’s hesitation, then vanished in the shadows as a figure turned away from the bonfire and began heading Leo’s way with startling purpose.
Sweet mother of fuck, Leo thought, dragging his eyes along lambswool lapels and porcelain wrists. He even looks delicious in denim.
Footsteps came to a soft halt in the blanket of pine needles. “Hi.”
“Hi.” Leo winced at his own breathlessness. His small t-shirt—perhaps too small, but he could take a bit of ribbing from Remus if it meant he got to pick up tonight—suddenly felt too warm. “Uh, hi.”
“Leo, right?”
“Knut.” He caught himself, and shook his head. “I mean—yes, I’m Leo. Leo Knut. Station Twelve.”
“Right.” A smile cracked over rose-petal lips like a firework. The bottles clinked lightly as they were transferred to one hand, the other held out in offer. “Finn O’Hara. Seventeen.”
“I know who you are,” Leo said through a smile, though he shook Finn’s hand. It was cool and long-fingered; the touch lingered at his wrist for a split second. His stomach plummeted. His heart soared.
Finn’s eyebrow arched in curious mischief. “Oh, do you?”
“We’ve met.”
Finn’s smile dropped. “Fuck, have we?”
“Yeah,” Leo laughed. Christ, who was he, a middle schooler with a crush? “The Christmas party?”
He was gifted reprieve from earnest, sparkling eyes when Finn glanced to the side, one canine tooth poking out as he bit his lip. His thumbpad traced a dewy bottlecap. Leo kind of wanted to stick it in his mouth. “The Christmas—” Finn’s gaze snapped to him. “Oh my god.”
“It’s fine—”
“Oh my god,” Finn repeated, raking a hand through his hair. “Yes, no, I remember you. God. Fuck. Sorry. About this and—yeah. Christmas.”
“I told you, it’s fine!”
Merry Christmas!
Hi! Can I sit on your lap?
Leo had been so distracted by the teasing press of tongue to a pointy tooth that he had utterly forgotten about his dumb, ‘I-lost-a-bet’ costume.
Santa, right? I’m Finn. Can I sit on your lap?
Finn’s blush looked just as magical in firelight as it had under twinkling false snowflakes. This time, though, it was more mortified than bold. “I…am so sorry,” he said with a shake of his head.
“Hey, no apologies.” Leo pushed him gently on the shoulder and immediately regretted it. Under the soft denim, Finn was fucking firm. Sneaky little firefighter. He half-wondered what else was hidden under adorable layers. “You were not the only person to ask me that.”
“That, I can believe,” Finn huffed. The tips of his ears went red. “Oh—sorry, that was out loud.”
Another laugh bubbled out of Leo. He should just start kicking his feet and twirling his hair at this rate. He took a shaky breath and nodded to the beers. “Got something for me?”
“What?” Finn glanced down, then gave a bit of a start. “Yeah, I—yeah. You didn’t have anything, so I figured you might…you know. Want something.”
A door, opening just a crack. Leo dove for it. “I do,” he said carefully, ducking his head with a small smile. Finn’s pretty eyes flickered over his face. He cracked the caps off the bottles in two quick motions and held one out—Leo let his pinky brush the curve of Finn’s fingers when he took it. “Thanks, Finn.”
Finn’s throat bobbed. “You can call me Harzy, if you want to.”
“That what your friends call you?”
Leo hummed. Condensation cooled his burning palms. His pulse hammered with concerning speed. “I like your jacket. Very REI-chic. Ready to go camping in the Adirondacks.”
“My brother gave it to me.” Finn held his arm out. “I used to borrow it, like, every day in high school. The elbows and the cuffs are kind of fucked, see?”
Leo reached out—past the threadbare cuffs, past the patched sleeves, until he could take the woolly lapel in his hand. It was unbearably soft under his thumb, creamier than Finn’s freckled skin. He was close enough to risk a touch like this. An inch up and he’d know what that razor-sharp collarbone felt like. “Nah,” he said instead, forcing back the tremor in his voice. “Suits you.”
Maybe it was his imagination, but he thought he felt Finn sway toward him. “Hey,” Finn began. “Do you wanna take a walk?”
A smile fought its way onto Leo’s face. “Sure.”
“Sick.” Finn stuffed his hand in his pocket, grinning into the rim of his beer. “I really love these get-togethers, but the smoke gets to be a little much, y’know?”
“It is kind of ironic. Guess that’s the point.” Something clicked in Leo’s memory as they headed for the perimeter. “Y’all do wildfires, right?”
Finn, halfway through a swig, shook his head and swallowed. “Yeah, but just the regular for me. Seventeen’s a combo unit, since we’re way the fuck out there.”
“I was chatting with one of your guys at New Year’s.” Among other things. That night had been interesting, and Logan, even moreso. His glossy lashes still haunted Leo’s best dreams. “Guess there aren’t a lot of houses to burn in the yeehaw sector.”
“Right,” Finn snorted. “We’ve got a tight squad, though. You should visit sometime. We could use another set of hands.”
“I don’t pull people out of buildings, Harzy. I just stick ‘em back together.”
“And I bet you do a mighty fine job of it.”
“Are you making fun of me?”
“Maybe.” Finn’s face seemed to dance in the distant light of the fire. Sir, please put your freckles away.
Leo brought his beer to his lips to cover his smile. His trachea and esophagus were wound around each other, screaming without end. “Hm.”
“Come on,” Finn teased, nudging their shoulders together. “I gotta get a couple in to make up for Christmas.”
“I told you, I’m really not bothered, or offended, or anything.��
“Makes one of us.” Finn paused, then tilted his face toward the sky. It was dark enough to pick out a few stars if Leo squinted, but…he didn’t really want to look away from Finn. “Seriously, that was dumb and rude of me.” Finn’s voice was quieter than before, more serious. “I shouldn’t have flirted with you, and especially not like that.”
Leo’s trachea-esophagus pretzel constricted and sent words popping from his mouth like a bottle rocket. “You can flirt with me if you want.”
Finn’s brows had disappeared under his thick, floppy hair. Leo could see his wide eyes even in the near-total darkness of the woods. “Do you want me to?”
Jesus, please strike me with a convenient case of lockjaw.
Leo tested his jaw. No such luck.
“I—” He wondered if Finn knew Logan. A tight squad, and all that. He wondered if Logan had told anyone about New Year’s. About rough red brick leaving stains on the back of Leo’s coat for days. About so many almosts and panting pleases and hands desperate for something before the clock ran out. About pressing hot and close in the frigid bite of December-January until they heard the party start up again inside. Logan had fit against Leo’s body like a puzzle piece finding home, and took something with him when he left.
The wildfires were bad this year, burning out of control. Finn was here, under the silent stars. Finn was here, and Logan was not. Flushed pink against his borrowed jean jacket and watching Leo with concern and—and a little bit of hope.
“Yes, please,” Leo said quietly.
This smile was newer. Softer. Finn’s chin dipped; his blush was strawberry-pink and warm when Leo reached out to run his knuckles over it. He felt and heard Finn’s breath stutter.
Finn was nodding before he could even ask, sliding an electric hand along Leo’s hip.
“Harzy,” Leo sighed into the first press of lips to his own. Finn made a questioning noise; Leo bit his smile into Finn’s lower lip. “Can I sit in your lap?”
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kemetic-dreams · 2 years
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Brown Girl 'Herstory:' Iconic comic and actress Jackie "Moms" Mabley was born on this date in 1894.
The woman who would become known as famed comedian Moms Mabley was born Loretta Mary Aiken in Brevard, North Carolina, on March 19, 1894 (some sources say 1897), to a large family. She experienced a horrifying, traumatic childhood. Her firefighter father was killed in an explosion when she was 11 and her mother was later hit and killed by a truck on Christmas Day. And by the beginning of her teens, Aiken had been raped twice and become pregnant from both encounters, with both children being given away.
Aiken left home at the age of 14 and pursued a show business career, joining the African-American vaudeville circuit as a comedian under the Theatre Owners Booking Association. Fellow performer Jack Mabley became her boyfriend for a short time, and she took on his name, becoming Jackie Mabley, with "Moms" coming from her eventual reputation as a mentoring, mothering spirit.
By the early 1920s she had begun to work with the duo Butterbeans & Susie, and eventually became an attraction at the Cotton Club. Mabley entered the world of film and stage as well, working with writer Zora Neale Hurston on the 1931 Broadway show "Fast and Furious: A Colored Revue in 37 Scenes" and taking on a featured role in Paul Robeson's "Emperor Jones" (1933).
Starting in the late 1930s, Mabley became the first woman comedian to be featured at the Apollo, going on to appear on the theater's stage more times than any other performer. She returned to the big screen as well with "The Big Timers" (1945), "Boarding House Blues" (1948), and the musical revue "Killer Diller" (1948), which featured Nat King Cole and Butterfly McQueen.
Mabley's standup routines were riotous affairs augmented by the aesthetic she presented as being an older, housedress-clad figure who provided sly commentary on racial bigotry to African-American audiences. Her jokes also pointed towards a lusty zest for younger men. Yet, belying that persona, offstage she had a glamorous, chic look and was known to have relationships with women.
Mabley began a recording career with her Chess Records debut album "The Funniest Woman Alive," which became gold-certified. Subsequent albums like "Moms Mabley at the Playboy Club," "Moms Mabley at the UN" and "Young Men, Si - Old Men, No" continued to broaden Mabley's reach (she ultimately recorded many albums). She landed spots on some of the top variety shows of the day, including "The Ed Sullivan Show," and graced the stage of Carnegie Hall.
Mobley had a starring role in the 1974 picture "Amazing Grace," which she was able to complete despite having a heart attack during filming. She died on May 23, 1975, in White Plains, New York.
Actress Clarice Taylor, who portrayed Bill Cosby's mother on "The Cosby Show" and was a major fan of Mabley's work, staged the 1987 play "Moms" at the Astor Place Theater, in which she portrayed the trailblazing icon. Fellow comedian Whoopi Goldberg made her directorial debut with the documentary "Moms Mabley: I Got Somethin' to Tell You," which was presented at the Tribeca Film Festival and aired on HBO in 2013.
See the comments for a performance from "Amazing Grace" and "Moms" singing her hit song, "Abraham, Martin and John," recorded in 1969.
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saintmeghanmarkle · 11 months
Guest Speaker's Mask Slips on Pg 6 by u/Critical-Artist2441
Guest Speaker's Mask Slips on Pg 6 https://ift.tt/b8miGD5 link: https://ift.tt/QuobKZz the article dated November 21, 2023 in PageSix.com, titled "Meghan Markle Pairs Simple Chic Black Outfit with 64K Worth of Jewelry at Ice Hockey Game."I was a little slow getting to this article's comments, and I was sorry to miss the firefights in real time. Guest Speaker seems a bit tired in their clapbacks to commenters. Many times the clapbacks included the notion that if the reader didn't like her, why bother reading about her? Well, some people forget that they are actually a public figure, with all the publicity they put out there about their titled and entitled selves.As I made my way through the comments, dropping a few along the way, I noticed Guest Speaker seemed to forget their Guest Speaker persona as separate from the Meghan Markle identity. It seemed to be a moment of exhaustion:Look at the end of the third line in the comment, or the fourth sentence, where \"me\" shows up. Seems Table 12 reveals herself. Earlier today or yesterday a sinner had wondered where such a moment shows up in the comments, and here is one example.Some of the commenters have discussed the Guest Speaker identity briefly in another article's comment section. It may have been Guest Crusher who affirmed that Guest Speaker is Table 12. But be aware that "Guest Speaker" sometimes is a newbie who has not changed the username to something else, and ends up using the Guest Speaker handle. It is rare but it happens, sometimes with hilarious results. post link: https://ift.tt/Pya7dDW author: Critical-Artist2441 submitted: November 22, 2023 at 10:42PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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Opening in theaters this weekend:
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PAW Patrol: The Mighty Movie--"They're cute little pups that drive around in cars. I know it sounds weird, but just go with it." So says a character near the beginning of this second PAW Patrol feature, by way of describing the premise.
More specifically: The little pups live in palatial digs in "Adventure City," where each of them specializes in some form or other, vaguely breed-appropriate, of public safety. Chase the German Shepherd is a police dog; Marshall the Dalmatian is a firefighter; Skye the Cockapoo pilots a rescue helicopter; Bulldog Rubble does construction and demo; Zuma the Lab does water rescues, mutt Rocky handles recycling, and Liberty the Dachshund, introduced in 2021's PAW Patrol: The Movie, has a gift for training the members of the Junior Patrollers, a trio of Pomeranians. Ryder is the human boy who leads the gang.
I'll confess that moment-to-moment, I have some trouble keeping them all straight in my mind; the characters don't, for me, have terribly distinct personalities. But to their intended audience, the pups have been beloved figures since the Canadian TV cartoon, developed by Keith Chapman of Bob the Builder fame, was launched on Nickelodeon in 2013.
If you thought it was weird before, wait until you get a load of Mighty Movie. The story takes a sci-fi/fantasy twist this time that puts it more in the realm of a Marvel or Power Rangers flick than a Boy-and-his-Anthropomorphic-Dogs story. Drawn in from space by a mad scientist villain with a magnet, a meteor crash lands in Adventure City, and fragments from it give the pups superpowers. Some of these seemed counterintuitive to me. Marshall, for instance, gains the power to conjure fire from his paws; shouldn't he command water or flame-retardant foam or something?
Anyway, as with the first feature, The Mighty Movie is not an experience to seek out if you don't have a five-year-old who requires it, but it's not disagreeable to sit through if you do get stuck at it. The dialogue has funny, self-aware touches, including another fourth wall gag about the film's transparent merchandising strategy. The voice cast includes some name players, including Serena Williams, Kristen Bell, James Marsden, Chris Rock and most notably Taraji P. Henson as the rather chic, green-haired mad scientist.
Ron Pardo is also back, as Humdinger, Adventure City's narcissistic former mayor. I thought perhaps the first film was using the character to reference a certain real world public figure; my suspicion was strengthened in Mighty Movie when Humdinger, sensing public hostility toward him, remarks "This is why I hate free and fair elections."
Humdinger's entourage of cats seems intended as further evidence of his villainy. A suggestion: In the spirit of inter-species equity and amity, perhaps in the next PAW Patrol movie a heroic kitty should be introduced to the team. Cats have paws too, after all.
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brookston · 1 day
Holidays 10.5
Armed Forces Day (Egypt, Indonesia)
Bells Across America for Fallen Firefighters
Be Nice to a Lawyer Day
Bonn Phchum Ben (Ancestors’ Day; Cambodia)
Catherine Park Day
Checkers Appreciation Day
Chic Spy Day
Commemorating the Victims of Prohibition Day (Cannabis)
Death of Prophet Mohammad (Iran)
Dirij Tereur (Elder Scrolls)
Do Something Nice Day
Education Day (Kiribati)
Engineer’s Day (Bolivia)
Feast of the Empire of Lies
Ganga River Dolphin Day (India)
Global James Bond Day
Goddard Day
International Charge Your Car Day
International Day of No Prostitution
International Day of Road Safety Education
Long Walk Day
Medicine Day (Peru)
Mignonette Day (French Republic)
Missing Ten Days Day
Monty Python Day
Most Common Birthday Day
National Above the Bus Day
National Be Nice Day
National Caribbean Civility Day
National Dildo Trick Shot Day
National Depression Screening Day
National Do Something Nice Day
National Family Fire Drill Day
National Get Funky Day
National Hackney Day
National Hypertrophic Olivary Degeneration Awareness Day
National Innovation Day (Thailand)
National Kiss a Wrestler Day
National Military Podcast Day
National Rhode Island Day
National Scissoring Day
National Storytelling Day
National Throat Goat Day
Pedal Boat Day
Peruvian Medicine Day (Peru)
Republic Day (Portugal)
Right to Food Day (Ottawa, Canada)
Sea Serpent Day
Semana Morazánica (Honduras)
Stara Zagora Day (Bulgaria)
Teacher’s Day (Pakistan, Russia)
Territory Day (Christmas Island)
Unicorn Questing Season begins
Victims of Marijuana Prohibition Day
World Dyslexia Awareness Day
World Meningitis Day
World Teachers' Day (UN)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Brewing Industry Day
McIntosh Apple Day (Montana)
National Apple Betty Day
Noisy Munching Day
Pilsner Day
Rocky Mountain Oyster Day
Vranec World Day
Ziua Vinului (Wine Day 1 of 2; Moldova)
Independence & Related Days
Constitution Day (Vanuatu)
Outer Space Nation of Celestia (Declared; 1949) [unrecognized]
Portugal (from Kingdom of Leon, 1143)
1st Saturday in October
Bed & Breakfast Inn Mascot Day [1st Saturday]
Cadet Day (Nova Scotia) [1st Saturday]
Cephalopod Awareness Day [1st Saturday]
Dachshund Day [1st Saturday]
Datil Pepper Day (Florida) [1st Saturday]
Digital Scrapbooking Day [1st Saturday]
Inter-American Water Day [1st Saturday]
International Frugal Fun Day [1st Saturday]
Lumberjack Day (Calaveras County, California) [1st Saturday]
Madonna del Lume Celebration (a.k.a. Blessing of the Fleet; San Francisco, California) [1st Saturday]
National Blind Sports Day [1st Saturday]
National Bookshop Day [1st Saturday]
National Bowhunting Day [1st Saturday]
National Family Fire Drill Day [1st Saturday]
National Healthcare Entrepreneurs Day [1st Saturday]
National Ostomy Awareness Day [1st Saturday]
National Play Outside Day [1st Saturday of Every Month]
Sandwich Saturday [Every Saturday]
Satyr's Day (Silenus, Greek God of Beer Buddies and Drinking Companions) [1st Saturday of Each Month]
Six For Saturday [Every Saturday]
Sleep Over Saturday [1st Saturday of Each Month]
Social Saturday [1st Saturday of Each Month]
Sourdough Saturday [1st Saturday of Each Month]
Spaghetti Saturday [Every Saturday]
Surly Darkness Day 2024 [Saturday in Oct]
Take a Kid Mountain Biking Day [1st Saturday]
Tarantula Festival and Barbecue (Morgan Hill, California) [1st Saturday]
World Card Making Day [1st Saturday]
World Hoop Day [1st Saturday]
Yakima Fresh Hop Ale Festival (Washington) [1st Saturday]
Weekly Holidays beginning October 5 (1st Week of October)
Mental Health Week (Australia) [thru 10.13] (From Friday in Week including 10.10)
Steamboat Springs Restaurant Week (Steamboat Springs, Colorado) [thru 10.12]
Festivals Beginning October 5, 2024
Afton Apple Orchard Apple Festival (Hastings Area, Minnesota) [thru 10.6 & 10.12-13]
Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta (Albuquerque, New Mexico) [thru 10.13]
Apple Affair (Galesville, Wisconsin)
Applefest (Orleans, Nebraska)
Apple Fest (Lincoln Square, Ravenswood, Illinois) [thru 10.6]
Apple Festival of Kendallville (Kendallville, Indiana) [thru 10.6]
Apple Harvest Day (Dover, New Hampshire)
Atwater Oktoberfest (Atwater, Minnesota)
BBQ On The Square (Union City, Tennessee)
Beach Haven Chowder Cook-Off (Beach Haven, New Jersey)
Big Bass Bash Tournament Fall Classic (Lake of the Ozarks, Missouri) [thru 10.6]
Big Crush Harvest Wine Festival (Amador County, California)
Black-Eyed Pea Festival (Mantee, Mississippi)
Blacksburg Brew Do (Blacksburg, Virginia)
The Bloody Mary Festival (Twin Cities, Minnesota)
Brushy Mountain Apple Festival (North Wilkesboro, North Carolina)
Calaveras Grape Stomp (Murphys, California)
Carolina Renaissance Festival (Huntersville, North Carolina) [thru 11.24]
Central Florida Peanut Festival (Williston, Florida)
Chili, Chowder, & Brew Fest (Bath, Maine)
Cider Days (Lakewood, Colorado) [thru 10.6]
CiderFeast East Coast Tour (Brooklyn, New York)
Corn Maze Beer Fest (Columbus, Indiana)
Cranberry Festival (Eagle River, Wisconsin) [thru 10.6]
Das Best Oktoberfest (Timonium, Maryland)
EGGtoberfest (Stone Mountain, Georgia)
Farm Festival (Owensboro, Kentucky) [thru 10.6]
Feast of the Hunters' Moon (West Lafayette, Indiana) [thru 10.6]
Fresh Hop Ale Festival (Yakima, Washington)
Fruit Shed Fest (Loomis, California)
Gaston Collard & BBQ Festival (Gaston, South Carolina)
Giant Pumpkin Festival (Elk Grove, California) [thru 10.6]
Grand Harvest Wine Festival (Morristown, New Jersey) [thru 10.6]
Great Cortland Pumpkinfest (Cortland, New York) [thru 10.6]
Greater Taylorville Chamber of Commerce Chillifest (Taylorville, Illinois) [thru 10.6]
Great Pumpkin Festival and Weigh-Off (Allardt, Tennessee)
Harvest Daze (Watseka, Illinois) [thru 10.6]
Harvest Festival (Santa Fe, New Mexico) [thru 10.6]
Hilton Apple Fest (Hilton, New York) [thru 10.6]
Hood River Hops Fest (Hood River, Oregon)
Huntsburg Pumpkin Festival (Huntsburg, Ohio) [thru 10.6]
Huron Township Applefest (New Boston, Michigan) [thru 10.6]
Idaho Cider Fest (Boise, Idaho)
International Antalya Film Festival (Antalya, Turkey) [thru 10.12]
Kaw Valley Farm Tour (Douglas County, Kansas) [thru 10.6]
Kennett Brewfest (Kennett Square, Pennsylvania)
L.A. Loves Alex's Lemonade (Los Angeles, California)
Lambtown Festival (Dixon, California) [thru 10.6]
Liquid Apple Night (Hamilton, Montana)
Little Falls Cheese Festival (Little Falls, New York)
Lviv International Literature Festival (Lviv, Ukraine) [thru 10.8]
McIntosh Apple Day (Hamilton, Montana)
Manchester Alive Harvest Fest (North Manchester, Indiana)
Manteca Pumpkin Fair (Manteca, California) [thru 10.6]
Metcalfe County Pumpkin Festival (Edmonton, Kentucky)
Miami Carnival (Miami, Florida) [thru 10.13]
Mission San Jose Olive Festival (Fremont, California) [thru 10.6]
Mississippi Peanut Festival (Collins, Mississippi) [thru 10.6]
Monterey Beer Festival (Monterey, California)
MSU Tollgate Pumpkinfest (Novi, Michigan) [thru 10.6]
National Apple Harvest Festival (Biglerville, Pennsylvania) [thru 10.6 & 10.12-13]
National Banana Pudding Festival & Cook-Off (Centerville, Tennessee) [thru 10.6]
National Fried Chicken Festival (New Orleans, Louisiana) [thru 10.6]
NB Oktoberfest (New Bedford, Massachusetts)
Nekoosa Giant Pumpkin Fest (Nekoosa, Wisconsin) [thru 10.6]
New Bedord Food Truck & Craft Beer Festival (New Bedford, Massachusetts)
Northwest Chocolate Festival (Bellevue, Washington) [thru 10.6]
Obion County Fall Fest (Union City, Tennessee) [thru 10.6]
Oktoberfest (Savannah, Georgia) [also 10.12 & 10.19]
Oktoberfest (Highlands, New Jersey)
OysterFest (Shelton, Washington) [thru 10.6]
Penrose Apple Day (Penrose, Colorado)
Powder Keg Beer & Chili Fest (Exeter, New Hampshire)
Powhatan's Festival of the Grape (Powhatan, Virginia)
Rhodes Medieval Rose Festival (Rhodes, Greece) [thru 10.6]
Salmon Days Festival (Issaquah, Washington) [thru 10.6]
San Diego Sake Festival (San Diego, California)
SandwichFest Street Fair (Sandwich, Massachusetts)
Sonker Festival (Mt. Airy, North Carolina)
Spartanburg International Festival (Spartanburg, South Carolina)
St. Marys Seafood Festival (St. Mary's, Georgia)
Stone Lake Cranberry Festival (Stone Lake, Wisconsin)
Tiburon Wine Festival (Tiburon, California)
Treasure Coast Ribs Wings & Rock Festival (Vero Beach, Florida) [thru 10.6]
Turkish Food Festival (Little Rock, Arkansas)
Vermont Sheep and Wool Festival (Turnbridge, Vermont) [thru 10.6]
Wine on the River (Memphis, Tennessee)
World Championship Outhouse Races (Virginia City, Nevada) [thru 10.6]
World Cheese Dip Championship (Little Rock, Arkansas)
Yorktown Wine Festival (Yorktown, Virginia)
Feast Days
Anna Schäffer (Christian; Saint)
A. R. Penck (Artology)
Baptism of the Prophet (Mali)
Bartolo Longo (Christian; Blessed)
Bigmouth Fraggle (Muppetism)
Bob Thaves (Artology)
Carson Ellis (Artology)
Denis Diderot (Writerism)
Dionysiad (Wine Festival; Rumania)
Faustina Kowalska (Christian; Saint)
Festival of the Five Toes (Shamanism)
Festival of the Old Woman (Lithuania; Everyday Wicca)
Flann O’Brien (Writerism)
Francesco Guardi (Artology)
Francis Xavier Seelos (Roman Catholic Church; Blessed)
Friedrich Bernhard Westphal (Artology)
Galla (Christian; Saint)
Hor and Susia (Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria)
Hugleikur Dagsson (Artology)
James Rizzi (Artology)
Let Go Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Mania Mundus (Festival to remember departed ancestors)
Mundus Patet (Ancient Rome)
Nachum Gutman (Artology)
Nubaigai (Harvest Festival; Pagan Lithuanian)
Opening of the Mundus Cereris (Pagan)
Placid and Maurus (Christian; Saint)
Placidus (Christian; Martyr)
Pope Benedict IX (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Rossini (Positivist; Saint)
Slightly Naughty Day (Pastafarian)
Thesmorphoria begins (3-Day Women’s Festival to Demeter; Ancient Greece)
Thraseas (Christian; Saint)
Three Coffers Day (Celtic Book of Days)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Abbott and Costello in Hollywood (Film; 1945)
The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad (Disney Animated Film; 1949)
Age of Empires (Computer Game; 1997)
Alpalooza, by Weird Al Yankovic (Album; 1993)
Antipositive, Pt. 2, by Little Big (Album; 2018)
Automatic for the People, by R.E.M. (Album; 1992)
Beach Combers (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1936)
The Black Sheep (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1934)
Breakfast at Tiffany’s (Film; 1961)
Buster’s Last Stand (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1970)
Cats (Film; 1998)
Cleopatra (Film; 1934)
Crash, by J.G. Ballard (Novel; 1973)
Crazy Little Thing Called Love, by Queen (Song; 1979)
The Curse of the Were-Rabbit (Animated Aardman Film; 2005)
Dr. No (UK Film; 1962) [James Bond #1]
The Fire Chaser or Bullwinkle Goes to Blazes (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S6, Ep. 307; 1964)
Flaming Arrows or Bullwinkle Meets His Match (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S6, Ep. 308; 1964)
Frankenweenie (Animated Film; 2012)
Gilmore Girls (TV Series; 2000)
Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, by Elton John (Album; 1973)
Harriet the Spy, by Louise Fitzhugh (Novel; 1963)
Harrison Bergeron, by Kurt Vonnegut Jr. (Short Story; 1961)
The Hector Heathcote Show (Animated TV Series; 1963)
Henry & June (Film; 1990)
I’m the Man, by Joe Jackson (Album; 1979)
Irish Stew (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1930)
Jack and the Beanstalk (Disney Cartoon; 1922)
Laugh-O-Gram Studio’s Goldie Locks and the Three Bears (Disney Cartoon; 1922)
Led Zeppelin III, by Led Zeppelin (Album; 1970)
Little Miss Can’t Be Wrong, by the Spin Doctors (Song; 1992)
Love Me Do, by The Beatles (UK Song; 1962)
Michael Clayton (Film; 2007)
Millions of Cats, by Wanda Gág (Children’s Book; 1928)
Monty Python’s Flying Circus (UK TV Series; 1969)
¡Mucha Lucha!: The Return of El Maléfico (WB Animated Film; 2004)
Music Land (Disney Cartoon; 1935)
Music Land (Disney Silly Symphony Animated Film; 1955)
Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats, by T.S. Eliot (Poems; 1939)
One-Punch Man (Anime; 2015)
Right Ho, Jeeves, by P.G. Wodehouse (Novel; 1934) [Jeeves #6]
Romp in a Swamp (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1959)
The Saint Around the World, by Leslie Charteris (Short Stories 1956) [Saint #32]
Scooby-Doo! And the Witch’s Ghost (Hanna-Barbera Animated TV Movie; 1999)
Serendipity (Film; 2001)
Skibidi, by Little Big (Music Video; 2018)
Skyfall, by Adele (Song; 2012)
10 (Film; 1979)
The Ten Commandments (Film; 1956)
Tunnel of Love, by Bruce Springsteen (Album; 1987)
Venom (Film; 2018)
Today’s Name Days
Attila, Gallina, Herwig, Meinolf, Placidus (Austria)
Faustina, Mauro, Miodrag (Croatia)
Eliška (Czech Republic)
Placidus (Denmark)
Inga, Inge, Ingeborg, Inger, Ingi, Ingrid (Estonia)
Inka, Inkeri (Finland)
Camélia, Capucine, Daphné, Eglantin, Faustine, Fleur, Placide (France)
Gallina, Herwig, Meinolf (Germany)
Charitine, Charitini, Haritini (Greece)
Aurél (Hungary)
Placido (Italy)
Amālija, Male (Latvia)
Donata, Edvinas, Gilda, Palemonas, Placidas (Lithuania)
Bo, Boye, Brynjar (Norway)
Apolinary, Częstogniew, Donat, Donata, Faust, Fides, Flawia, Igor, Justyn, Konstancjusz, Konstans, Placyd (Poland)
Daniil, Haritina, Misail (România)
Viera (Slovakia)
Faustina, Froilán, María, Plácido (Spain)
Bror (Sweden)
Charita (Ukraine)
Chester, Cheston, Chet, Nia, Nyah (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 279 of 2024; 87 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 6 of Week 40 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Gort (Ivy) [Day 7 of 28]
Chinese: Month 9 (Jia-Xu), Day 3 (Ren-Yin)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 3 Tishri 5785
Islamic: 1 Rabi II 1446
J Cal: 9 Orange; Twosday [9 of 30]
Julian: 22 September 2024
Moon: 7%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 27 Shakespeare (10th Month) [Donizetti / Bellini]
Runic Half Month: Gyfu (Gift) [Day 14 of 15]
Season: Autumn or Fall (Day 14 of 90)
Week: Last Week of September/1st Week of October
Zodiac: Libra (Day 13 of 30)
0 notes
brookstonalmanac · 1 day
Holidays 10.5
Armed Forces Day (Egypt, Indonesia)
Bells Across America for Fallen Firefighters
Be Nice to a Lawyer Day
Bonn Phchum Ben (Ancestors’ Day; Cambodia)
Catherine Park Day
Checkers Appreciation Day
Chic Spy Day
Commemorating the Victims of Prohibition Day (Cannabis)
Death of Prophet Mohammad (Iran)
Dirij Tereur (Elder Scrolls)
Do Something Nice Day
Education Day (Kiribati)
Engineer’s Day (Bolivia)
Feast of the Empire of Lies
Ganga River Dolphin Day (India)
Global James Bond Day
Goddard Day
International Charge Your Car Day
International Day of No Prostitution
International Day of Road Safety Education
Long Walk Day
Medicine Day (Peru)
Mignonette Day (French Republic)
Missing Ten Days Day
Monty Python Day
Most Common Birthday Day
National Above the Bus Day
National Be Nice Day
National Caribbean Civility Day
National Dildo Trick Shot Day
National Depression Screening Day
National Do Something Nice Day
National Family Fire Drill Day
National Get Funky Day
National Hackney Day
National Hypertrophic Olivary Degeneration Awareness Day
National Innovation Day (Thailand)
National Kiss a Wrestler Day
National Military Podcast Day
National Rhode Island Day
National Scissoring Day
National Storytelling Day
National Throat Goat Day
Pedal Boat Day
Peruvian Medicine Day (Peru)
Republic Day (Portugal)
Right to Food Day (Ottawa, Canada)
Sea Serpent Day
Semana Morazánica (Honduras)
Stara Zagora Day (Bulgaria)
Teacher’s Day (Pakistan, Russia)
Territory Day (Christmas Island)
Unicorn Questing Season begins
Victims of Marijuana Prohibition Day
World Dyslexia Awareness Day
World Meningitis Day
World Teachers' Day (UN)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Brewing Industry Day
McIntosh Apple Day (Montana)
National Apple Betty Day
Noisy Munching Day
Pilsner Day
Rocky Mountain Oyster Day
Vranec World Day
Ziua Vinului (Wine Day 1 of 2; Moldova)
Independence & Related Days
Constitution Day (Vanuatu)
Outer Space Nation of Celestia (Declared; 1949) [unrecognized]
Portugal (from Kingdom of Leon, 1143)
1st Saturday in October
Bed & Breakfast Inn Mascot Day [1st Saturday]
Cadet Day (Nova Scotia) [1st Saturday]
Cephalopod Awareness Day [1st Saturday]
Dachshund Day [1st Saturday]
Datil Pepper Day (Florida) [1st Saturday]
Digital Scrapbooking Day [1st Saturday]
Inter-American Water Day [1st Saturday]
International Frugal Fun Day [1st Saturday]
Lumberjack Day (Calaveras County, California) [1st Saturday]
Madonna del Lume Celebration (a.k.a. Blessing of the Fleet; San Francisco, California) [1st Saturday]
National Blind Sports Day [1st Saturday]
National Bookshop Day [1st Saturday]
National Bowhunting Day [1st Saturday]
National Family Fire Drill Day [1st Saturday]
National Healthcare Entrepreneurs Day [1st Saturday]
National Ostomy Awareness Day [1st Saturday]
National Play Outside Day [1st Saturday of Every Month]
Sandwich Saturday [Every Saturday]
Satyr's Day (Silenus, Greek God of Beer Buddies and Drinking Companions) [1st Saturday of Each Month]
Six For Saturday [Every Saturday]
Sleep Over Saturday [1st Saturday of Each Month]
Social Saturday [1st Saturday of Each Month]
Sourdough Saturday [1st Saturday of Each Month]
Spaghetti Saturday [Every Saturday]
Surly Darkness Day 2024 [Saturday in Oct]
Take a Kid Mountain Biking Day [1st Saturday]
Tarantula Festival and Barbecue (Morgan Hill, California) [1st Saturday]
World Card Making Day [1st Saturday]
World Hoop Day [1st Saturday]
Yakima Fresh Hop Ale Festival (Washington) [1st Saturday]
Weekly Holidays beginning October 5 (1st Week of October)
Mental Health Week (Australia) [thru 10.13] (From Friday in Week including 10.10)
Steamboat Springs Restaurant Week (Steamboat Springs, Colorado) [thru 10.12]
Festivals Beginning October 5, 2024
Afton Apple Orchard Apple Festival (Hastings Area, Minnesota) [thru 10.6 & 10.12-13]
Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta (Albuquerque, New Mexico) [thru 10.13]
Apple Affair (Galesville, Wisconsin)
Applefest (Orleans, Nebraska)
Apple Fest (Lincoln Square, Ravenswood, Illinois) [thru 10.6]
Apple Festival of Kendallville (Kendallville, Indiana) [thru 10.6]
Apple Harvest Day (Dover, New Hampshire)
Atwater Oktoberfest (Atwater, Minnesota)
BBQ On The Square (Union City, Tennessee)
Beach Haven Chowder Cook-Off (Beach Haven, New Jersey)
Big Bass Bash Tournament Fall Classic (Lake of the Ozarks, Missouri) [thru 10.6]
Big Crush Harvest Wine Festival (Amador County, California)
Black-Eyed Pea Festival (Mantee, Mississippi)
Blacksburg Brew Do (Blacksburg, Virginia)
The Bloody Mary Festival (Twin Cities, Minnesota)
Brushy Mountain Apple Festival (North Wilkesboro, North Carolina)
Calaveras Grape Stomp (Murphys, California)
Carolina Renaissance Festival (Huntersville, North Carolina) [thru 11.24]
Central Florida Peanut Festival (Williston, Florida)
Chili, Chowder, & Brew Fest (Bath, Maine)
Cider Days (Lakewood, Colorado) [thru 10.6]
CiderFeast East Coast Tour (Brooklyn, New York)
Corn Maze Beer Fest (Columbus, Indiana)
Cranberry Festival (Eagle River, Wisconsin) [thru 10.6]
Das Best Oktoberfest (Timonium, Maryland)
EGGtoberfest (Stone Mountain, Georgia)
Farm Festival (Owensboro, Kentucky) [thru 10.6]
Feast of the Hunters' Moon (West Lafayette, Indiana) [thru 10.6]
Fresh Hop Ale Festival (Yakima, Washington)
Fruit Shed Fest (Loomis, California)
Gaston Collard & BBQ Festival (Gaston, South Carolina)
Giant Pumpkin Festival (Elk Grove, California) [thru 10.6]
Grand Harvest Wine Festival (Morristown, New Jersey) [thru 10.6]
Great Cortland Pumpkinfest (Cortland, New York) [thru 10.6]
Greater Taylorville Chamber of Commerce Chillifest (Taylorville, Illinois) [thru 10.6]
Great Pumpkin Festival and Weigh-Off (Allardt, Tennessee)
Harvest Daze (Watseka, Illinois) [thru 10.6]
Harvest Festival (Santa Fe, New Mexico) [thru 10.6]
Hilton Apple Fest (Hilton, New York) [thru 10.6]
Hood River Hops Fest (Hood River, Oregon)
Huntsburg Pumpkin Festival (Huntsburg, Ohio) [thru 10.6]
Huron Township Applefest (New Boston, Michigan) [thru 10.6]
Idaho Cider Fest (Boise, Idaho)
International Antalya Film Festival (Antalya, Turkey) [thru 10.12]
Kaw Valley Farm Tour (Douglas County, Kansas) [thru 10.6]
Kennett Brewfest (Kennett Square, Pennsylvania)
L.A. Loves Alex's Lemonade (Los Angeles, California)
Lambtown Festival (Dixon, California) [thru 10.6]
Liquid Apple Night (Hamilton, Montana)
Little Falls Cheese Festival (Little Falls, New York)
Lviv International Literature Festival (Lviv, Ukraine) [thru 10.8]
McIntosh Apple Day (Hamilton, Montana)
Manchester Alive Harvest Fest (North Manchester, Indiana)
Manteca Pumpkin Fair (Manteca, California) [thru 10.6]
Metcalfe County Pumpkin Festival (Edmonton, Kentucky)
Miami Carnival (Miami, Florida) [thru 10.13]
Mission San Jose Olive Festival (Fremont, California) [thru 10.6]
Mississippi Peanut Festival (Collins, Mississippi) [thru 10.6]
Monterey Beer Festival (Monterey, California)
MSU Tollgate Pumpkinfest (Novi, Michigan) [thru 10.6]
National Apple Harvest Festival (Biglerville, Pennsylvania) [thru 10.6 & 10.12-13]
National Banana Pudding Festival & Cook-Off (Centerville, Tennessee) [thru 10.6]
National Fried Chicken Festival (New Orleans, Louisiana) [thru 10.6]
NB Oktoberfest (New Bedford, Massachusetts)
Nekoosa Giant Pumpkin Fest (Nekoosa, Wisconsin) [thru 10.6]
New Bedord Food Truck & Craft Beer Festival (New Bedford, Massachusetts)
Northwest Chocolate Festival (Bellevue, Washington) [thru 10.6]
Obion County Fall Fest (Union City, Tennessee) [thru 10.6]
Oktoberfest (Savannah, Georgia) [also 10.12 & 10.19]
Oktoberfest (Highlands, New Jersey)
OysterFest (Shelton, Washington) [thru 10.6]
Penrose Apple Day (Penrose, Colorado)
Powder Keg Beer & Chili Fest (Exeter, New Hampshire)
Powhatan's Festival of the Grape (Powhatan, Virginia)
Rhodes Medieval Rose Festival (Rhodes, Greece) [thru 10.6]
Salmon Days Festival (Issaquah, Washington) [thru 10.6]
San Diego Sake Festival (San Diego, California)
SandwichFest Street Fair (Sandwich, Massachusetts)
Sonker Festival (Mt. Airy, North Carolina)
Spartanburg International Festival (Spartanburg, South Carolina)
St. Marys Seafood Festival (St. Mary's, Georgia)
Stone Lake Cranberry Festival (Stone Lake, Wisconsin)
Tiburon Wine Festival (Tiburon, California)
Treasure Coast Ribs Wings & Rock Festival (Vero Beach, Florida) [thru 10.6]
Turkish Food Festival (Little Rock, Arkansas)
Vermont Sheep and Wool Festival (Turnbridge, Vermont) [thru 10.6]
Wine on the River (Memphis, Tennessee)
World Championship Outhouse Races (Virginia City, Nevada) [thru 10.6]
World Cheese Dip Championship (Little Rock, Arkansas)
Yorktown Wine Festival (Yorktown, Virginia)
Feast Days
Anna Schäffer (Christian; Saint)
A. R. Penck (Artology)
Baptism of the Prophet (Mali)
Bartolo Longo (Christian; Blessed)
Bigmouth Fraggle (Muppetism)
Bob Thaves (Artology)
Carson Ellis (Artology)
Denis Diderot (Writerism)
Dionysiad (Wine Festival; Rumania)
Faustina Kowalska (Christian; Saint)
Festival of the Five Toes (Shamanism)
Festival of the Old Woman (Lithuania; Everyday Wicca)
Flann O’Brien (Writerism)
Francesco Guardi (Artology)
Francis Xavier Seelos (Roman Catholic Church; Blessed)
Friedrich Bernhard Westphal (Artology)
Galla (Christian; Saint)
Hor and Susia (Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria)
Hugleikur Dagsson (Artology)
James Rizzi (Artology)
Let Go Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Mania Mundus (Festival to remember departed ancestors)
Mundus Patet (Ancient Rome)
Nachum Gutman (Artology)
Nubaigai (Harvest Festival; Pagan Lithuanian)
Opening of the Mundus Cereris (Pagan)
Placid and Maurus (Christian; Saint)
Placidus (Christian; Martyr)
Pope Benedict IX (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Rossini (Positivist; Saint)
Slightly Naughty Day (Pastafarian)
Thesmorphoria begins (3-Day Women’s Festival to Demeter; Ancient Greece)
Thraseas (Christian; Saint)
Three Coffers Day (Celtic Book of Days)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Abbott and Costello in Hollywood (Film; 1945)
The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad (Disney Animated Film; 1949)
Age of Empires (Computer Game; 1997)
Alpalooza, by Weird Al Yankovic (Album; 1993)
Antipositive, Pt. 2, by Little Big (Album; 2018)
Automatic for the People, by R.E.M. (Album; 1992)
Beach Combers (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1936)
The Black Sheep (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1934)
Breakfast at Tiffany’s (Film; 1961)
Buster’s Last Stand (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1970)
Cats (Film; 1998)
Cleopatra (Film; 1934)
Crash, by J.G. Ballard (Novel; 1973)
Crazy Little Thing Called Love, by Queen (Song; 1979)
The Curse of the Were-Rabbit (Animated Aardman Film; 2005)
Dr. No (UK Film; 1962) [James Bond #1]
The Fire Chaser or Bullwinkle Goes to Blazes (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S6, Ep. 307; 1964)
Flaming Arrows or Bullwinkle Meets His Match (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S6, Ep. 308; 1964)
Frankenweenie (Animated Film; 2012)
Gilmore Girls (TV Series; 2000)
Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, by Elton John (Album; 1973)
Harriet the Spy, by Louise Fitzhugh (Novel; 1963)
Harrison Bergeron, by Kurt Vonnegut Jr. (Short Story; 1961)
The Hector Heathcote Show (Animated TV Series; 1963)
Henry & June (Film; 1990)
I’m the Man, by Joe Jackson (Album; 1979)
Irish Stew (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1930)
Jack and the Beanstalk (Disney Cartoon; 1922)
Laugh-O-Gram Studio’s Goldie Locks and the Three Bears (Disney Cartoon; 1922)
Led Zeppelin III, by Led Zeppelin (Album; 1970)
Little Miss Can’t Be Wrong, by the Spin Doctors (Song; 1992)
Love Me Do, by The Beatles (UK Song; 1962)
Michael Clayton (Film; 2007)
Millions of Cats, by Wanda Gág (Children’s Book; 1928)
Monty Python’s Flying Circus (UK TV Series; 1969)
¡Mucha Lucha!: The Return of El Maléfico (WB Animated Film; 2004)
Music Land (Disney Cartoon; 1935)
Music Land (Disney Silly Symphony Animated Film; 1955)
Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats, by T.S. Eliot (Poems; 1939)
One-Punch Man (Anime; 2015)
Right Ho, Jeeves, by P.G. Wodehouse (Novel; 1934) [Jeeves #6]
Romp in a Swamp (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1959)
The Saint Around the World, by Leslie Charteris (Short Stories 1956) [Saint #32]
Scooby-Doo! And the Witch’s Ghost (Hanna-Barbera Animated TV Movie; 1999)
Serendipity (Film; 2001)
Skibidi, by Little Big (Music Video; 2018)
Skyfall, by Adele (Song; 2012)
10 (Film; 1979)
The Ten Commandments (Film; 1956)
Tunnel of Love, by Bruce Springsteen (Album; 1987)
Venom (Film; 2018)
Today’s Name Days
Attila, Gallina, Herwig, Meinolf, Placidus (Austria)
Faustina, Mauro, Miodrag (Croatia)
Eliška (Czech Republic)
Placidus (Denmark)
Inga, Inge, Ingeborg, Inger, Ingi, Ingrid (Estonia)
Inka, Inkeri (Finland)
Camélia, Capucine, Daphné, Eglantin, Faustine, Fleur, Placide (France)
Gallina, Herwig, Meinolf (Germany)
Charitine, Charitini, Haritini (Greece)
Aurél (Hungary)
Placido (Italy)
Amālija, Male (Latvia)
Donata, Edvinas, Gilda, Palemonas, Placidas (Lithuania)
Bo, Boye, Brynjar (Norway)
Apolinary, Częstogniew, Donat, Donata, Faust, Fides, Flawia, Igor, Justyn, Konstancjusz, Konstans, Placyd (Poland)
Daniil, Haritina, Misail (România)
Viera (Slovakia)
Faustina, Froilán, María, Plácido (Spain)
Bror (Sweden)
Charita (Ukraine)
Chester, Cheston, Chet, Nia, Nyah (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 279 of 2024; 87 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 6 of Week 40 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Gort (Ivy) [Day 7 of 28]
Chinese: Month 9 (Jia-Xu), Day 3 (Ren-Yin)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 3 Tishri 5785
Islamic: 1 Rabi II 1446
J Cal: 9 Orange; Twosday [9 of 30]
Julian: 22 September 2024
Moon: 7%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 27 Shakespeare (10th Month) [Donizetti / Bellini]
Runic Half Month: Gyfu (Gift) [Day 14 of 15]
Season: Autumn or Fall (Day 14 of 90)
Week: Last Week of September/1st Week of October
Zodiac: Libra (Day 13 of 30)
1 note · View note
shabbychicboho · 2 months
When a tough job comes to mind, we are accustomed to thinking of first responders and firefighters. These professionals often must witness gruesome scenarios that most of us would shudder at the thought of.  Speaking specifically of firefighting, waging a war against acres of blazing nature is a whole different ballgame. The stress can be…
0 notes
splendidtext24 · 6 months
Entry six
Next level tbh everyday carry, blog copper mug forage kitsch roof party pickled hammock kale chips tofu. Etsy shoreditch 8-bit microdosing, XOXO viral butcher banh mi humblebrag listicle woke bicycle rights brunch before they sold out ramps. Twee shabby chic taiyaki flannel, enamel pin venmo vape four loko. Hexagon kale chips typewriter kitsch 8-bit organic plaid small batch keffiyeh ethical banh mi narwhal echo park cronut.
Zombie ipsum reversus ab viral inferno, nam rick grimes malum cerebro. De carne lumbering animata corpora quaeritis. Summus brains sit​​, morbo vel maleficia? De apocalypsi gorger omero undead survivor dictum mauris. Hi mindless mortuis soulless creaturas, imo evil stalking monstra adventus resi dentevil vultus comedat cerebella viventium. Qui animated corpse, cricket bat max brucks terribilem incessu zomby. The voodoo sacerdos flesh eater, suscitat mortuos comedere carnem virus. Zonbi tattered for solum oculi eorum defunctis go lum cerebro. Nescio brains an Undead zombies. Sicut malus putrid voodoo horror. Nigh tofth eliv ingdead.
Cat gets stuck in tree firefighters try to get cat down firefighters get stuck in tree cat eats firefighters' slippers kitty power ignore the squirrels, you'll never catch them anyway for what a cat-ass-trophy! or purr as loud as possible, be the most annoying cat that you can, and, knock everything off the table. Pretend you want to go out but then don't bite off human's toes, yet disappear for four days and return home with an expensive injury; bite the vet so catch eat throw up catch eat throw up bad birds.
This opera's as lousy as it is brilliant! Your lyrics lack subtlety. You can't just have your characters announce how they feel. That makes me feel angry! Anyhoo, your net-suits will allow you to experience Fry's worm infested bowels as if you were actually wriggling through them. I just told you! You've killed me! Fry! Quit doing the right thing, you jerk! Michelle, I don't regret this, but I both rue and lament it. Morbo can't understand his teleprompter because he forgot how you say that letter that's shaped like a man wearing a hat.
Airedale hard cheese mozzarella. Pecorino melted cheese port-salut emmental babybel cheese and wine melted cheese manchego. Everyone loves blue castello everyone loves fromage cheese slices airedale cheddar cream cheese. Bavarian bergkase who moved my cheese halloumi port-salut gouda jarlsberg ricotta rubber cheese. Stinking bishop smelly cheese brie.
Salvia glossier subway tile, leggings mustache YOLO semiotics chia. Pitchfork tbh af blog church-key meggings vaporware PBR&B master cleanse post-ironic man bun pabst mustache letterpress synth. Snackwave raw denim godard, 3 wolf moon shaman offal kitsch unicorn live-edge selvage schlitz fashion axe vaporware drinking vinegar prism. Shabby chic tacos artisan, chambray chicharrones cardigan leggings typewriter af pop-up williamsburg meditation PBR&B viral. You probably haven't heard of them DIY jean shorts subway tile fashion axe bushwick kitsch tumeric cloud bread vaporware freegan franzen pork belly chicharrones banh mi.
Man braid celiac synth freegan readymade, pitchfork fam salvia waistcoat lomo bitters gentrify four loko. Pitchfork semiotics post-ironic vegan. Tofu meditation microdosing hashtag semiotics venmo. Flexitarian vape tilde taiyaki. Prism poutine farm-to-table, messenger bag vegan taxidermy tattooed sartorial squid jean shorts fixie selvage trust fund vape.
Rutters Plate Fleet boom chandler Brethren of the Coast handsomely lookout marooned brigantine knave. Buccaneer gangway jack rum loot spyglass line Jack Tar fore gaff. Gaff topmast scuttle ballast swab draught measured fer yer chains dance the hempen jig Chain Shot yardarm.
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giftsforus · 8 months
Vero Beach, Indian River County, Florida, Indian River County Fire Rescue Button Up Hawaiian Shirt
Vero Beach, located in Indian River County, Florida, is a charming coastal town known for its pristine beaches, rich history, and vibrant community. One popular local item that captures the essence of this beautiful town is the Indian River County Fire Rescue Button Up Hawaiian Shirt. This unique shirt has become a beloved gift item for both men and women, making it a perfect souvenir for anyone looking to take a piece of Vero Beach home with them. The Indian River County Fire Rescue Button Up Hawaiian Shirt is not your typical Hawaiian shirt. It is specially designed to pay tribute to the hardworking firefighters of Indian River County. The shirt features a stylish Hawaiian print with vibrant colors and intricate patterns, reminiscent of the tropical beauty of Vero Beach. However, what truly sets it apart is the embroidered Indian River County Fire Rescue emblem on the front, showcasing the commitment and bravery of the local firefighters. For men, this shirt offers a bold and fashionable statement piece. Its button-up design allows for a casual yet put-together look, perfect for a day at the beach or a night out. The vibrant Hawaiian print adds a touch of fun and personality to any outfit. Whether strolling along the Vero Beach boardwalk or enjoying a sunset dinner at one of the many waterfront restaurants, men can proudly don this shirt and display their support for the local fire department. Women, too, can enjoy the Indian River County Fire Rescue Button Up Hawaiian Shirt as a versatile and stylish piece. Whether worn as a shirt or a trendy lightweight jacket, it adds a unique and eye-catching element to any outfit. Women can pair it with jeans, shorts, or even a skirt, creating a casual yet chic ensemble that showcases their love for Vero Beach and appreciation for the local firefighters. Apart from its fashionable appeal, the Indian River County Fire Rescue Button Up Hawaiian Shirt serves as a meaningful gift for everyone. For locals, it represents their pride in their community and their gratitude for the firefighters who work tirelessly to keep them safe. For visitors, it acts as a souvenir, reminding them of the good times spent in Vero Beach and the welcoming spirit of the town. Additionally, purchasing the Indian River County Fire Rescue Button Up Hawaiian Shirt also supports the local fire department. A portion of the proceeds from each sale goes directly to the Indian River County Fire Rescue, providing crucial funding for equipment, training, and resources needed to continue their life-saving work. In conclusion, the Indian River County Fire Rescue Button Up Hawaiian Shirt is more than just a piece of clothing. It represents the beauty, community spirit, and appreciation for the local fire department that make Vero Beach such a special place. Whether you're a resident or a visitor, this unique shirt is the perfect gift for anyone looking to celebrate Vero Beach and support the dedicated firefighters of Indian River County.
Get it here : Vero Beach, Indian River County, Florida, Indian River County Fire Rescue Button Up Hawaiian Shirt
Home Page : tshirtslowprice.com
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allthingsdarkanddirty · 11 months
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TMI by Leslie McAdam, Rachel Ember and JE Birk releases on December 7th!
FREE with Kindle Unlimited
Doug, Zeke, and Max's story! What do a clueless mayor, his grouchy best friend, and an investigative journalist have in common? Includes firefighters, grandma chic, and holiday fun.
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1310ranchhouse · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: RARE FIREFIGHTER LADDER TRUCK BASEBALL CAP THE LADDER FEW SNAPBACK.
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fmphomes · 1 year
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Collective 2 is located at Dubai Hills Estate. It has the perfect location for a chic urban lifestyle. Enjoy
trendy shopping venues at Dubai Hills Boulevard, meet friends at the vibrant Dubai Hills Park, or explore
the Dubai Hills Mall. With access to Al Khail Road and the nearby metro station.
About The Apartment:
1 bedroom
Mid Floor
Size: 488.14 Sqft
Key Features:
● Brand New
● Chiller Free
● Spacious Layout
● Balcony
● Kitchen With built-in appliances
● Furnished
● 1 Parking Space
Facilities and Amenities:
● Swimming pool
● Gym
● Fire alarm system
● Firefighting system
● Park
● Kids areas
Further details:
Price: AED 90,000/- 1 cheque
AED 95,000/- Up to 4 cheques
AED 120,000/- All bills included (dewa etc. . )
0 notes
talesfromcordonia · 3 years
Books that full body sprites are seen in
Some sprites are used in multiple books, here’s a list of them. No LI or MC sprites are listed here as they are generally not reused.
All sprites can be found here.
Please note the names listed here are based on the PB file names.
Half body sprites are listed in this post.
If the redraw has (F) next to it, it is a full body version. If it has a (H) next to it, it is a half body version.
Half body sprites are listed in this post. Animals are listed in this post. Non Human sprites are listed in this post.
This post is not complete and will be updated as each sprite is added
Adventurous Ambiguous Female FireFighter
Hot Couture, Surrender
This is a version of Beautiful Ambiguous Dancer (F)
Aggressive Ambiguous Male Rival
Wake The Dead, Wolf Bride
Alert Asian Female EMT
Big Sky Country, Open Heart, Rising Tides, Wishful Thinking, With Every Heartbeat
This is a version of Futuristic White Female Guard & Mean Asian Female Cop
Aloof Ambiguous Female Student
High School Story: Class Act, Queen B, The Royal Romance, Save The Date, Sunkissed, Wolf Bride
This is a redraw of Trendy Ambiguous Female Teen
Ambassadors Wife Hispanic
Distant Shores, The Nanny Affair, the Unexpected Heiress 
Ambiguous Royal Baby
A Courtesan Of Rome, Desire And Decorum, The Crown And The Flame
Ambitious Indian Mother
Foreign Affairs, High School Story: Class Act, Laws Of Attraction, Mother Of The Year, Open Heart, The Elementalists, The Nanny Affair, With Every Heartbeat
Ambitious Male White Hunter
Wolf Bride
Amicable White Nurse
Baby Bump, My Two First Loves, Open Heart, The Nanny Affair, With Every Heartbeat
Arrogant Black Sister
Open Heart, Platinum, Sunkissed, The Nanny Affair, The Royal Romance, Veil Of Secrets
Attractive Asian Female Actress
Laws Of Attraction, Queen B
Aunt Hispanic
The Royal Romance (Bianca), With Every Heartbeat
Beautiful Ambiguous Dancer
BloodBound (Serafine), Foreign Affairs, Queen B
This is a version of Adventurous Ambiguous Female FireFighter (F)
Black Male Security Guard
Laws Of Attraction, Surrender, Wolf Bride
Boho Ambiguous Female Contestant
America’s Most Eligible (Teagan), Platinum, Save The Date, Untameable, Wolf Bride
Caring Ambiguous Mother
A Very Scandalous Proposal,  Laws Of Attraction, Save The Date, Sunkissed
Charming Asian Actress
Foreign Affair, Open Heart, Save The Date, The Nanny Affair
Charming Asian Judge
America’s Most Eligible (Penny), Foreign Affair, Laws Of Attraction, Open Heart, The Nanny Affair
Chic Hispanic Housewife
The Nanny Affair
Competitive Black Reporter
Platinum, Rising Tides, The Royal Romance, Wishful Thinking (Ellen Thompson), Witness: A Bodyguard Romance
Confident Arabic Priestess
A Courtesan Of Rome
Confident Black Female Chief
Open Heart (Dr Emery), With Every Heartbeat
Confident Black Female Teacher
Queen B
This is a redraw of Excited Black Female Professor (H)
Conservative White Tech Father
The Nanny Affair
Conservative White Tech Mother
The Nanny Affair
Cranky Ambiguous Father
Bachelorette Party, Laws Of Attraction, Sunkissed, Wishful Thinking
Cute White Female Child
BloodBound, My Two First Loves, Red Carpet Diaries
This is a redraw of Girl Hispanic Sweeet/Tourist (H)
Daunting Black Model
Foreign Affair, Hot Couture, The Nanny Affair
Determined Black Female Neighbour
With Every Heartbeat
Dignified Ambiguous Mother Young
Baby Bump, The Royal Romance
This is a redraw of Dignified Ambiguous Mother (H) & Sweet Ambiguous Mother (F)
Drained White Female Prisoner
Wake The Dead, Wolf Bride
Drained Native American Male Prisoner
Wake The Dead, Wolf Bride
Ms Match
Fashionable Asian Friend
The Nanny Affair (Jenny)
This is a redraw of
Flirty Ambiguous Best Friend
Baby Bump, Hot Couture, Ms Match, Night Bound, Save the Date, With Every Heartbeat
Flirty Hispanic Assistant Female
Baby Bump, Laws Of Attraction, The Nanny Affair (Robin)
Focused Camera Woman
Baby Bump, Big Sky Country, Open Heart, Platinum, Rising Tides
Friendly Ambiguous Female Dominant
Friendly Ambiguous Grandfather
America’s Most Eligible, The Freshman Series, High School Story: Class Act, Ms Match, My Two First Loves, Open Heart, Rising Tides, Slow Burn. Sunkissed, The Royal Romance, Wake The Dead
This is a redraw of Wise Ambiguous Chauffeur 
Friendly Arabic Lady
A Courtesan Of Rome
Friendly Asian Student
America’s Most Eligible, High School Story: Class Act, Night Bound, Open Heart, Passport To Romance, Platinum, Queen B, Rising Tides, Slow Burn, Sunkissed, The Freshman Series, The Heist: Monaco, The Royal Romance
Friendly Asian Wilderness Guide
Laws Of Attraction, Shipwrecked
Friendly Black Male Student
America’s Most Eligible, Big Sky Country, High School Story: Class Act, Passport To Romance, Platinum, Red Carpet Diaries, Ride Or Die, Sunkissed, The Freshman Series, The Royal Romance, Wishful Thinking
Friendly Hispanic Dad
The Freshman Series, Nightbound, Open Heart, Rising Tides, Sunkissed, Wishful Thinking, Wolf Bride
Friendly Hispanic Female Attending
Open Heart, The Royal Romance, With Every Heartbeat
Friendly Hispanic Female Dialect Coach
Bachelorette Party, Mother Of The Year, Open Heart, Red Carpet Diaries, Save The Date, With Every Heartbeat
Friendly Hispanic Female Patient
Baby Bump, Big Sky Country, BloodBound, My Two First Loves, Open Heart, Rising Tides
Friendly Polynesian Male Amor/Security/Wrestler
BloodBound, The Heist: Monaco, High School Story: Class Act, My Two First Loves, The Royal Romance, Shipwrecked, With Every Heartbeat, Witness: A Bodyguard Romance, Wolf Bride
Friendly White Dad
This is a redraw of Quiet White Dad (F)
Friendly White Female Flight Attendant
High School Story: Class Act, Passport To Romance, Open Heart, Red Carpet Diaries, The Nanny Affair
This is a redraw of Friendly White Bartender (H) & Postal Clerk White (F)
Friendly White Priest
Open Heart, The Nanny Affair
Futuristic Hispanic Male Guard
America’s Most Eligible, Perfect Match, Shipwrecked, Wake The Dead
This is a version of Worker Hispanic Construction/Tough
Futuristic White Female Guard
Bachelorette Party, BloodBound, Night Bound, Perfect Match, The Royal Romance, ShipWrecked, Wake The Dead, Witness: A Bodyguard Romance
This is a version of Alert Asian Female EMT (F) & Mean Asian Female Cop (F)
Grumpy White Male Shopkeep
Big Sky Country, Distant Shores, The Heist: Monaco, High School Story: Class Act, Hot Couture, Platinum, Rising Tides, The Royal Romance, Sunkissed, The Unexpected Heiress
This is a version of Intimidating White Male Robber (F) & Touch White Old Male (M)
Hot White Clubber
BloodBound, Most Wanted, Ms Match, Red Carpet Diaries, Save The Date, The Heist Monaco, Wishful Thinking
Insincere Husband
Insincere Wife
Intelligent Black Child
The Nanny Affair
Intimidating Arabic Female Executive
Slow Burn
This is a version of Outgoing Arabic Female Partyer (F) & Seductive Female Arabic Empress (F)
Intimidating Asian Female Smuggler
Intimidating Asian Male Smuggler
Intimidating East Asian Bully Scarred
It Lives Beneath, Ship Wrecked, Wake The Dead
Intimidating White Male Owner
The Nanny Affair, Wolf Bride
Intimidating White Male Robber
BloodBound, Desire And Decorum, The Elementalists
This is a version of Grumpy White Male Shopkeep (F) & Tough White Old Male (H)
Jealous Native American Female Leader
Wolf Bride
Kind Ambiguous Governess
A Very Scandalous Proposal, Desire And Decorum, Distant Shores
Kind Black Dad
High School Story: Class Act, Ms Match, Open Heart, Wolf Bride
Kind White Father
My Two First Loves, Open Heart, Perfect Match, Wishful Thinking
Loving White Child
The Nanny Affair
Mean Ambiguous Male Doctor
Crimes Of Passion, Laws Of Attraction, Open Heart, Queen B, The Royal Romance, Wolf Bride
Mean Asian Cop
Baby Bump, My Two First Loves, Queen B, Ride Or Die, Surrender
This is a version of Futuristic White Female Guard (F) & Alert Asian Female EMT (F)
Mean White Male Cop
America’s Most Eligible, Baby Bump, The Heist: Monaco, My Two First Loves, Open Heart, Red Carpet Diaries, Ride Or Die
Mischievous Ambiguous Female Witch
Ms Match, Night Bound, Queen B
Mother Black Conservative Tech/Generous/Trustworthy
My Two First Loves, Rising Tides, Slow Burn, The Nanny Affair, With Every Heartbeat
Mother Asian Generous/Trustworthy
Rising Tides, With Every Heartbeat
Mother Asian Powerful
Foreign Affairs
This is a redraw of Strict Asian Secretary (F), Trainer Scientist Female Asian (F) & Serious Asian Executive (H)
Mother Hispanic Conservative Tech
The Nanny Affair
Mother Hispanic Generous/Trustworthy
High School Story: Class Act, Rising Tides, With Every Heartbeat
Mysterious Black Broker
The Heist: Monaco, The Nanny Affair
This is a redraw of Stern Black Judge (F)
Mysterious White Busker
Baby Bump, BloodBound, High School Story: Class Act, Hot Couture, Night Bound, Perfect Match, Platinum, Red Carpet Diaries, Ride Or Die, Save The Date, The Freshman Series, Wishful Thinking
This is a redraw of Nice White Female Hippie (F)
Nerdy White Male Intern
Bachelorette Party, BloodBound, Crimes Of Passion,The Freshman Series, The Heist: Monaco, High School Story: Class Act, Hot Couture, Laws Of Attraction, Mother Of The Year, Open Heart, Passport To Romance, Perfect Match, Platinum, Queen B (Benji), Red Carpet Diaries, The Royal Romance, Surrender, Wishful Thinking
This is a redraw of Suspicious White Noble (F)
Nervous Hispanic Male Hunter
Wolf Bride
Nice White Female Hippie
America’s Most Eligible, Big Sky Country, Hot Couture Red Carpet Diaries, Rising Tides, The Elementalists, The Unexpected Heiress, Wolf Bride
This is a redraw of Mysterious White Busker (F)
Nurse Black Amicable/Attentive
Baby Bump, Big Sky Country, High School Story: Class Act, My Two First Loves, Open Heart, Red Carpet Diaries, The Heist Monaco, With Every Heartbeat
Outgoing Arabic Female Partyer
America’s Most Eligible (Lina), BloodBound, Crimes Of Passion, Hot Couture, Platinum, Queen B, Save The Date, Witness: A Bodyguard Romance
This is a redraw of Seductive Female Arabic Empress (F) & Intimidating Arabic Female Executive (F)
Pompous White Father
The Nanny Affair
Pompous White Male Critic
BloodBound, Crimes Of Passion, The Heist: Monaco, High School Story: Class Act, Hot Couture, Mother Of Year, Ms Match, Night Bound, Open Heart, Perfect Match, Platinum, Queen B, Red Carpet Diaries, Rising Tides, Sunkissed
Postal Clerk White
Big Sky Country, Mother Of The Year, Open Heart, Passport To Romance, Queen B, Rising Tides, Save The Date, The Elementalist, The Heist: Monaco
This is a version of Friendly White Bartender (H) & Friendly White Flight Attendant (F)
Pregnant Black Female Friend
Wolf Bride
Public Relations Black Female
The Nanny Affair
Quiet White Dad
The Freshman Series, Laws Of Attraction, Open Heart, Red Carpet Diaries, Save The Date, Wolf Bride
This is a redraw of Friendly White Dad (F)
Quiet White Female Servant
A Courtesan Of Rome, BloodBound, Desire And Decorum, Night Bound, Save The Date, The Royal Masquerade, The Unexpected Heiress
Quirky Asian Female Nerd
Open Heart, Queen B, Sunkissed, With Every Heartbeat
Radio Stern Female Cop
Witness: A Bodyguard Romance
Rich White Fiancee
Ms Match, The Nanny Affair (Sofia)
Robed Ambiguous Child
BloodBound, Blades Of Light And Shadow
Scheming White Noble
BloodBound, Desire And Decorum, The Elementalists
This is a redraw of Serious White Male Executive (H)
Seductive Female Arabic Empress
Bachelorette Party 
This is a redraw of Outgoing Arabic Female Partyer (F) & Intimidating Arabic Female Executive
Serious Ambiguous Female Restauranteur
Slow Burn
This is a redraw of
Serious Asian Male Agent
Big Sky Country, Laws Of Attraction, My Two First Loves, NightBound, Open Heart, Ride Or Die, Rising Tides, The Freshman Series, The Heist: Monaco, Veil of Secrets, Wishful Thinking
Serious Hispanic Queen
A Very Scandalous Proposal, Baby Bump, Hot Couture, Ms Match, Open Heart, Platinum, Queen B, Slow Burn, The Nanny Affair, The Royal Romance
Serious Hispanic Goth
BloodBound, Platinum, Queen B, Rising Tides
Serious White Executive
Baby Bump, BloodBound, Laws Of Attraction, Night Bound, Open Heart, Perfect Match, Platinum, Rising Tides, Slow Burn
This is a redraw of Upbeat Indian Woman (H)
Serious White Female Resident
Big Sky Country, Mother Of The Year, Open Heart, The Royal Romance, Wake The Dead, Wolf Bride
Service Agent Asian Male
Crimes Of Passion, Foreign Affairs, Night Bound, Open Heart, Perfect Match, The Royal Romance
Service Agent White Female
Foreign Affairs, Hot Couture, Passport To Romance, Perfect Match, The Royal Romance, Wishful Thinking
Scientist Female Asian
 Open Heart, Perfect Match, Wishful Thinking
Shirtless Black Male
BloodBound, Night Bound, Perfect Match, Sunkissed
Shirtless Vest Hispanic Male
America’s Most Eligible, Bachelorette Party, BloodBound, Night Bound, Platinum, Surrender, Wishful Thinking
Sick Hispanic Female Patient
Foreign Affairs, With Every Heartbeat
Sneaky Paparazzi Black Female
Foreign Affairs, Slow Burn, The Nanny Affair
Snobby White Matriarch
A Very Scandalous Proposal, Big Sky Country, Mother Of The Year, Open Heart, Passport To Romance, The Elementalists, The Nanny Affair, The Royal Romance (Lucretia Nevrakis)
Snooty White Housewife
The Nanny Affair
Stern Ambiguous Female EMT Supervisor
Open Heart, With Every Heartbeat, Witness: A Bodyguard Romance
Stern Black Judge
Laws Of Attraction, Mother Of the Year, The Freshman Series, Veil of Secrets, Witness: A Bodyguard Romance
The same face is used for the sprite Mysterious Black Broker (f)
Stern Ambiguous Female Priest
Blades Of Light And Shadow
Strange Ambiguous Uncle
Wolf Bride
Strict Asian Dean
Foreign Affairs, The Nanny Affair
Strict Asian Secretary
America’s Most Eligible, Big Sky Country, Hot Couture, Passport To Romance, Perfect Match, Platinum, Red Carpet Diaries, Ride Or Die, Rising Tides, The Freshman Series, The Heist: Monaco, The Royal Romance
This is a redraw of Mother Asian Powerful (F), Trainer Scientist Asian Female (F) & Serious Asian Executive (H)
Strong Ambiguous Female Troop
Stubborn Ambiguous Sister
Laws Of Attraction Open Heart (Keiki Lahela), Queen B
Stubborn Asian Female Activist
Stubborn Black Female Activist
Stubborn White Female Activist
This is a redraw of 
Student Hispanic Excited
Desire And Decorum, Distant Shores, High School Story: Class Act, Save The Date, The Elementalists, The Royal Romance
Student Hispanic Shy
With Every Heartbeat
This is a redraw of Student Hispanic Excited
Suspicious White Noble
Blades Of Light And Shadow, Desire And Decorum, Distant Shores, The Elementalists, High School Story: Class Act
This is a redraw of Nerdy White Male Intern (F)
Sweet Ambiguous Female Doctor
Baby Bump, Hot Couture, Open Heart
This is a version of
Sweet Ambiguous Mother
America’s Most Eligible, Baby Bump, My Two First Loves, Open Heart
This is a redraw of Dignified Ambiguous Mother (H) & Dignified Ambiguous Mother Young (F)
Tough Asian Pilot
Big Sky Country, Ride Or Die, The Royal Romance
This is a redraw of Grump Asian Driver (H)
Tough Black Cop
My Two First Loves, Queen B, Ride Or Die, Wishful Thinking
Tough Hispanic Female Driver
Bachelorette Party, Save The Date, Witness: A Bodyguard Romance
Tough Old White Man
Bachelorette Party, BloodBound, It Lives Beneath, My Two First Loves, Ride Or Die, Save The Date, The Freshman, The Heist: Monaco, Wishful Thinking
Traditional Male Hispanic Friend
Wolf Bride
This is a redraw of
Trainer Scientist Asian Female
Open Heart, Perfect Match, Shipwrecked, Wishful Thinking
This is a redraw of Strict Asian Secretary (F), Mother Asian Powerful (F) & Serious Asian Executive (H)
Trendy Ambiguous Female Teen
Big Sky Country, Save The Date
This is a redraw of Aloof Ambiguous Female Student
Trendy Black Girlfriend v1 & v2
Baby Bump (v2), Mother Of The Year (v1 & v2), Sunkissed (v1), Wolf Bride (v1)
Unkind Ambiguous Ex
Crimes Of Passion, Foreign Affairs, Open Heart, Save The Date
Upbeat Indian Resident
Open Heart, With Every Heartbeat
Vain Ambiguous Mother
America’s Most Eligible, Baby Bump, Open Heart
Waiter Ambiguous 
Baby Bump, Bachelorette Party, The Heist: Monaco, Laws Of Attraction, Mother Of The Year, Ms Match, Open Heart, Passport To Romance, Perfect Match, Queen B, Red Carpet Diaries, Rising Tides, Slow Burn, Sunkissed, The Royal Romance, Wishful Thinking, Wolf Bride
Wealthy Ambiguous Female Daughter
A Very Scandalous Proposal, The Heist: Monaco, Hot Couture, Queen B, Save The Date, Slow Burn, The Royal Romance
White Male Security Guard
Laws Of Attraction, Wolf Bride
Wise Ambiguous Chauffeur
The Nanny Affair (Carter), The Unexpected Heiress  
This is a redraw of Friendly Ambiguous Grandfather (F)
Wise White Female Elder
Wolf Bride
Wise White Teen
The Elementalists, The Nanny Affair
Worker Hispanic Construction/Tough
Big Sky Country, BloodBound, High School Story: Class Act, Hot Couture, It Live Beneath, Open Heart, Red Carpet Diaries, Ride Or Die, Save The Date, Slow Burn, The Royal Romance, Wishful Thinking
This is a version of Futuristic Hispanic Male Guard (F)
Young Asian Female Patient
Foreign Affairs, With Every Heartbeat
Youthful Black Female Friend
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