#firebrand x reader phighting
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milkcookiekin · 1 year ago
so many tags ;( (dw i made it work, and also i will be reusing a few nicknames from the first two parts. i will not be including ghostwalker because ghostwalker can’t feel emotions)
nicknames the phighting deities give their s/os
darkheart - my beauty, pumpkin, lovebug
“what brought you to my realm, my beauty?”
firebrand - amore, sweetness, my little flame
“um, sweetness? i created some gloves so i can touch you now!”
icedagger - my jewel, my marshmallow, sugarplum
“are you cold? i-i can hold you if you want, sugarplum!”
illumina - my lotus (that’s it, he’s not all that creative)
“let me admire you, my gorgeous lotus..”
venomshank - (unironically) snookums, cutie pie, and my daffodil
“don’t worry, my daffodil, my army and i will protect you..”
windforce - hottie, precious, peach
“let me at ‘em, peach!”
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bloodyinkandquill · 4 months ago
Firebrand x 1920s jazz singer Reader
scraping together all of my knowledge of the roaring twenties to make this accurate, baking chocolate cupcakes to use the last of my peanut butter frosting on them
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- The first time you met was at one of your shows, cigarette smoke filled the air but you couldn’t help but pick up a different scent of smoke, little did you know watching you invisible to mortal eyes was a deity of the flames
- After you finished up your songs and returned to the communal dressing room, what was just a broken closet, smudged mirror, and cushioned bench while looking in the mirror suddenly you saw a figure behind you, one moment later he has a bloody nose, a broken chair is on the floor, and you have a burn mark on your wrist, honestly not the worst interaction you’ve had in a dressing room
- Once you both calm down and you apologize profusely Firebrand laughs and says you’re alright, and that he heard your singing while walking through the streets and had to come listen closer, he didn’t intend to scare you but thought you were rather interesting for a mortal
- Eventually you end up back at your semi run down but nice apartment having tea, you’ve also had weirder guests at your home so shrug, you two chat and he leaves with a promise to hang out again soon
- One thing leads to another and you begin dating, you did not expect that one but you aren’t complaining, he goes to almost all of your shows, adoring your voice, if you start to sing more love songs then usual, well people don’t notice, at parties you go to people flirt with you and you politely inform them your taken, they don’t believe you especially when you say that they can’t actually meet your partner but you don’t care, your there to have fun, get black out drunk, and then pass out at home and recount the day to your lover next time you see him
- Even if you go to fancy parties and act more energetic and peppy on stage you prefer to just chill at home and drink tea with Firebrand, he doesn’t care and finds rare and fancy teas for you two to try, he also gives his opinions on what songs you should sing that night or what you should wear to a certain bar, you thank him and give him a kiss on the cheek pulling him down by his collar, it flusters him and you have to let him go because if he gets too flushed he burns hotter so you can’t touch him anywhere not just his hands
- Speaking of he still feels bad for the burn he inflicted on your wrist, and is very careful not to touch you with his hands, even if he so desperately wants to grab you by your waist and hold you close, he refrains as one time he did also accidentally ruin one of your preforming outfits by touching it when trying to say which one you should wear that night, he gave you like 3 times as much bux as the outfit was worth but you were not complaining that covered your rent
- Due to where you perform you almost always have the lingering scent of cigarette smoke on your self, but in recent times you also have the distinct smell of proper fire smoke, like a campfire, almost warm and inviting
- Onetime after he yapped to his sister too much about you for the umpteenth time she showed up at one of your shows and scared the living daylights out of you, she laughed at your reaction and said you weren’t half bad, for a mortal that is, you internally rolled your eyes but you stayed polite like you would with very wealthy patrons or partygoers, since she could kill you with one hand, probably
- Your outfits were commonly sparkly or glittery meaning it started rubbing off on Firebrand, literally, his nice suits had glitter that would probably never come off, but he loved it since it reminded him of you, though it did make one of his brothers snicker at the glitter on his suit
- While you usually drank tea together you’d occasionally get a drink at a bar together, with one specific bartender friend you had in a private area so you had no worries of anyone seeing you two or the friend telling people about you two, you’d slip them an extra dollar but they’d always turn it down saying it was just common courtesy, so instead you hid it in their bag when they weren’t looking, then you’d find it in your bag next time you went, it would go back and forth like that for a while
- You began to teach Firebrand to sing, he wasn’t great but it made you two feel closer him doing the thing you loved doing, especially since he was such a busy and important guy, you honestly were commonly finding yourself so thankful that the literal king thought you good or interesting enough to be your partner, you loved him dearly and he did too
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someone on twitter posted about how their a swocket yume shipper so i was like “oh on tumblr i wrote swocket x reader want the link?” they were like YES, i sent it and they were like “it’s you!! i love your stuff!!” i was so happy dude this was just a little project i decided to do and people are really enjoying it it makes me very happy, anyways ill open requests in ~7 hours, 7:30 am mst because i don’t wanna wake up to a hundred requests lol, hope you enjoyed and goodnight everyone!
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katz-ke · 5 months ago
Ur art is so awesome dude 🦎
can ya doodle Firebrand and reader?
*rubs my hands* AMAZING GRANDPA ALERTTT , Firebrand is so cool and tbh so sweet he makes me ‘melt’ like butter (Im not good with puns dont ‘flame’ me dawg 😭)
Herez sum firebrand doodle HUZZAH !!! (The swords are so live laugh love)
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phighterss · 5 months ago
how good do you think each of the deities hygiene habits are. surely they have some kind of self respect right
from best to worst..
illumina is probably a clean FREAK bro out here with a thirty step hygiene procedure it crazy.. bathes everyday cleans his hands after the lightest work ever and brushes his feathers like crazy he loves feeling majestic n shi.. he’s soft all over and smells like lavender and laundry
venomshank… I feel like he genuinely loves to be clean like he wants to smell like vanilla and flowers me thinks.. I think he regularly used lotions and sweet smelling soaps and products… one whiff of him and you’re rolling cuz of how good he smells… think of that one girl in the hallways u walk by and she like SMACKS YOU IN THE FACE WITH THIS HEAVEN SENT PREFUME ITS CRAZY BRO
icedagger my baby boy… I feel he’s kind of a mix of venomshank and ghostwalker like he smells like sugar spice all things nice when he is hygienic but sometimes forgets to be clean for like two or three days. his skin is probably super soft and cuddly like I just want to hug and squeeze my boy
ghostwalker. okay so.. I feel hes SUPER CLEAN when he does take time to be hygienic but sometimes forgets and like doesn’t shower for like a week. so he’s like 50/50.. probably smells like cedar wood me thinks. he probably uses lotion everyday tho so he doesn’t smell bad.
firebrand…. tries. And by tries I mean FRIES. As in he FRIES every product that touches his skin. he smells like smoke and burning wood. Listen he has TRIED before with all his might most he can do is spray perfume on himself. poor baby TRIES. give him some credit bruh….
windforce barely practices hygiene she thinks it’s a waste of time for a deity like herself.. she doesn’t really smell like anything tbh… she does the bare minimum and showers every time she gets blood on her or something. that’s like… it.
darkheart. LISTEN IM HIS BIGGEST GLAZER EVER. but I can’t lie to you… does he look like he fucking practices HYGIENE??!?!!??!? bro only time he does is when venomshank is like “BRUH CLEAN YOSELF HO 😭🙏” and he’s like “alr gang” I don’t necessarily think he smells like anything sort of similar to windforce but COME ON AT LEAST SHOWER MAN….
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acupofinkedblood · 2 months ago
Firebrand x siren sovereign reader
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• Inpherno has been quite an enigma for naked eyes of those who walks around this world as mortals despite how much they claim to be set with a certain collection of knowledge that seems to be somewhat enough to satisfy their own curiosity. Yet said demons can’t just know everything about this world with how their eyes have been set to the wrong direction from the start. Myths and legends come from if not the same source of their fragments of imagination, for those who are interested in such aspect, maybe they shall seek their answers soon if they didn’t just deem it as unreasonable fairytale weaved by bored geezers
• Sure, Inpherno has now changed rapidly with innovation which has set this territory into the future ahead. Technology has invaded almost everywhere in all regions, modernization has done their kins a great favor of exploring the possibilities of what originally appeared to be rather impossible. Good for them, at least for now. But then with how much demon has been so independent on their own, they don’t even need the deities like how they used to anymore. If that’s the case for the all mighty SFOTH deities, then what are the odds to such mythological creatures such as siren or centaur, correct?
• Sometimes you do find yourself in such absurd positions among your peers. You, the noble one of the aquatic world, hidden away from the light of unnecessary civilization to remain still underwater as its ruler. Who could have predicted that demons would no longer be interested in your kins — not as much as before at least, those time when they just went out all of their ways to capture your sirens was definitely unpleasant, to say at least — and leave your people alone like that? It’s definitely a pleasant surprise, though it can be a tad bit boring. But it’s for the best after all
• You, the siren sovereign who has the ultimate duty of ensuring the safety of your kingdom from decades ago. Your mission of becoming the righteous ruler has been decided since birth. Just that typical royal trivia. You’re the heir after all, so chin up. It’s not like you just got crowned yesterday, you have been doing this for who knows how long! So pray tell, what’s that grimace on your face when you’re alone, looking into nowhere with the memories replaying in your mind like a camera film of the mortal’s world? Does the distinguished highness have something in mind?
• The answer is obvious, isn’t it? No one can really hide that much of a thought under your clearly disturbed eyes, your majesty. Pray tell, is it all about that beautiful little love story you had millennia ago? Well, millennia might be an exaggeration at some point, but with your kins, time is barely a swift of wind passing through. You might not inherit the divine immortality of a deity since you aren’t technically too invincible, but at some point you do stand among the demi-deity, no? That’s enough to ensure your eternal existence on the long run. Well, at least it was more than plenty of time for that little relationship with you and lord Firebrand
• Alright, that’s enough for storytelling, wouldn’t want the customers to grow bored of all this nonsense now, wouldn’t you? Let’s just cut to the chase at this point. The love story between one of the SFOTH deities and a royal siren of the depth, how amusing
• Here lays the ultimate question: How did you and him even meet? You belong in the water, while he literally has the ‘fire’ right there in his name. To be graced with the presence of a deity back then is rather a nuisance for even their followers, let alone someone like you. Yet by some magical miracle of which one fail to grasp — whether it’s just fate’s doing or a pure coincidence — you manage to see Firebrand in flesh with your own eyes. Back when technology hasn’t become that big of the deal, Inphernals still rely on traditional methods of communication instead of just sending a text right away, you probably met him while he was personally involved in an expedition or just royalty’s matter in general on the sea
• Firebrand sees those below him with a fascinating awe. Especially towards the Inphernals under his rule, which is similar to how mortals treat their own pets. He has only come into contact with either mortals or his fellow siblings, maybe a few encounters with extraordinary creatures of the unknown but most of them aren’t too fond about the heat of lava anyway. Plus, they barely want to hold a conversation with him more than a few minutes. That’s just how quirky those little beasts are, he doesn’t really blame them. But you on the other hand, you managed to capture his attention almost instantly in a heartbeat
• It’s not everyday that you see a blue blooded siren in the flesh. And once you do, you can only pray that you won’t die too soon after having the blessing to witness the miracle that occurs once in a blue moon. That’s what the majority tales of mortal’s words, and about Firebrand? He is pretty certain that his heart has leapt out from his chest to run toward you in that time. The deity himself was too stunned because of your appearance before he could even comprehend the fact that you already dived into the depth of the water. That’s just how siren does. They act in the fog to lure sailors in, but then escape when one has stared at them for too long. How quirky, maybe it’s the same thing for you
• As for you, what did you originally first think of him? That is a question that only you should be able to answer. But knowing how you usually peek up from the water to see if he was there or not might be enough of an answer already. You observe the deity from afar with mixed feelings, and maybe you do notice just how he looks at you in pure interest steaming from curiosity. Keeping an eye on him despite not understanding how is he like, maybe you do have the same problem with prying around like him. After who knows how long of keeping things in a certain distance through expeditions or any trips that require a ship, it’s Firebrand who has the idea of encountering you properly first
• Let’s just say that it doesn’t go too smoothly at first, because it’s either him accidentally scare you or you accidentally shoo him away due to the mutual bewilderment between you two when the other makes the first step of contact out of nowhere. Despite the similar royalty status, there are certain differences between those on land and those in the deep water, so confusion is pretty much understandable for the both of you. Heck, the first actual contact you made with him was just standing in a certain distance on the rock while he floated on the air looking down on you. It was pretty comical, but not too unexpected
• Firebrand is pretty insistent on getting to know you better without pushing you off your comfort zone. In which before he finally has the chance to interact with you, he relies on old research of siren from ages ago as a slight chance to understand you and your behavior. You will be stunned when knowing just how much he had done his research on the siren kin — the blue blooded one like you, to be specific — to the point that Umbrella was this close to throw Firebrand into the water to get over with this entire thing about you if they were at his equal. Most of the knowledge he has about you is pretty accurate, aside from a certain things which you already clear up for him. Maybe it’s how you manage to bound with him after the slightly embarrassing first meet between you and him
• Gradually, you and Firebrand develop quite the bound together. You start to become more open about this new idea of being friends with someone like him, which Firebrand is rather pleased with the current situation. At some point, you aren’t too different from the Inphernals he has been looking out for aside from the obvious siren’s features of your appearance. But even with that, you aren’t that much of an oddity in Firebrand’s eyes. And he meant that in a most positive sense as he could even word it. Unlike others who might treat you like an exotic creature on display, Firebrand sees you in the adoration similar to how one first saw a rainbow after a storm
• That oh so sweet bound starts to become something more intimate. It’s just the amount of time before Firebrand admits that he is in love with you from the start. It starts at curiosity, then admiration, and then adoration in a romantic sense. Perhaps you do feel the same. If not, why would you even bother to swim near the shore whenever you have the chance to wait for him there? It’s quite the risky move, and you know what the elders will say — probably stuff like a crowned heir shouldn’t do something so outrageous, especially with a ‘dangerous’ kin like those deities — but then you just follow your heart to come back to him. And as if Firebrand is any different. He is the type to both fell first and fell harder the more he learned about you. This man is a lover at heart after all
• Firebrand is reluctant about touching you considering the circumstances of his hands. Lava runs deep in his blood, heating his skin to the point that burning something down if he holds it in his hands. The last thing Firebrand wants is to hurt those he holds dear in his heart — his family, his grandchildren, and you. He wishes to hold you, to caress your cheek gently while cooing sweet nothings in your ears and to keep you safe in his embrace all secured so that no harm shall come to you. But he also wishes for your safety. Despite yearning for physical affection, Firebrand puts your wellbeing at top priority. You are aware of this, but then an idea pops up into your mind. When you tell him to get in the water, Firebrand is a bit uncertain at first because he does remember accidentally burning the water in the surface which causes it to evaporate into nowhere, but that’s just a small amount of water! Surely the sea will do its trick on him, no?
• And you have never been more than correct. When Firebrand finally listens to you — since it does worth a try anyway, he isn’t made of entirely fire, it’s not like he will just evaporate into thin air when he gets down — he reluctantly gets into the water. As his hands make contact with the water, it immediately begins to steam like crazy. The both of you wait for a while to see how things will turn out, and to your surprise, his once burning hand has turned into obsidian after who knows how long of staying underwater. He does a bit of experimenting with it, and knows that when he gets out of the cold water, the obsidian covered with hand will just crack then burn away, leaving his hand completely normal as ever. That’s more than enough for him to realize that he can be physically close to you without hurting you, as long as he keeps his hands in the water! And you already knows the drill, he will keep you near him as close as possible at this point
• On the note of physical intimacy underwater, sometimes you will wrap your tail around Firebrand as a sign of affection. Sure, your upper body is more than capable of doing anything you wish to him when it comes to affection. But there’s this particular thing about merfolk is that their tails are more than just important to them. A gentle nudge from your tail to his side will be the start of it which indicates just how much you trust him. Even when swimming together — whether he can swim or not is debatable, but one thing for sure is that he can’t drown — you often entwine your body around him, letting your tail slightly swirl around his body before guiding him back to the shore. When you finally decide to get closer, Firebrand literally has to hold his breath during the first few time to make sure that he doesn’t screw it up. His reaction is rather cute though
• Firebrand can spend eternity listening to your alluring voice if his duties don’t drag him back to Crossroads. You’re such a miracle, so breathtaking and full of surprises. Tales from the sailors who have encountered your kins are definitely realistic at how they swear those sirens can guide them to the fantasy full of sweet dreams, only to be drown and devoured in the midst of daydreaming. And you are even more powerful than the said sirens in the tales. But does that make Firebrand see you differently? Of course not! He loves your voice, he loves your beauty, he loves your personality, and to top it all - he loves you. Hell, he will gladly be an audience for your songs as long as you wish. Sometimes you even sing about him, how can he stay calm in such moments?
• If Umbrella is so done with Firebrand’s constant ramblings about you, and you know your servants’ ears are suffering the same fate. Be it your maids or your pets, they will have to stay there and listen to you going on and on about this man that you love so much. Oh the little thing you admire of this man, you can list it out forever if you’re able to, no matter how tired your servants have been due to the constant mention of this Firebrand. And you make sure to make them swear on their soul to never tell any of the others about this, or else you will make sure that the consequences won’t be gentle
• You gifted him a piece of your scales for a keepsake. It’s somewhat normal for your scales to accidentally fall out when you’re cleaning your tails. It doesn’t hurt when falling off naturally, don’t worry too much. Normal siren’s scale is already valuable, but one coming from a royal siren? It will cost a massive fortune to even have their hand on it. The scale illuminates under the light like a magical solidified night sky, a captivating hue that one fail to look away from. You decide to let your lover keep one of it as a sign of trust. And Firebrand treasures the shiny gift as if his life depends on it. Hell, he will probably put it inside his locket necklace which he keeps a photo of his grandchildren in then brings it everywhere he goes. That’s how he quietly show how you have become someone important in his life
• Firebrand loves you with all of his burning heart and soul. Most of the gifts he gets for you is based on the myths he has heard from other folks about sirens. Don’t get me wrong, he still pays attention to what you actually like, but this was before you opened up completely to him about your interests. He will spend a great amount of time trying to find the most suitable high quality jewelry for you, all in pink diamonds and pearls because apparently he has read somewhere that those are the things your kins like. Then proceed to bring you the finest antiques he comes across with that somehow reminds him of you. He also hears it from someone that the best gift for a siren is a mirror, and so he obliges
• He will sing for you, or more like serenade you with his voice. That’s also a thing he knows about merfolks when doing his research, mind you. Although his voice isn’t a match for your powerful vocals which can lure people to their demise, but it feels so heartwarming when hearing him sings like that. Firebrand can just hum and you will be certain of the fact that your heart will be swooned all over again. His singing voice is rather low, more suitable for classic love songs from the old times if you know what I mean. A duet with your beloved under the moonlight suddenly doesn’t seem so bad now, no?
• It feels like a fairytale, how loving he has been towards you despite the bumpy start at the beginning. This was a secret between the two of you, mostly because he doesn’t want your family to be a nuisance to you about the whole trivia of how dangerous it was to be in such intimate relationship with a deity that belongs on the land. Especially with how you’re literally an upcoming. Just the typical stereotype of those elders, as you claimed. The day of your official coronation, Firebrand even secretly sets sail to congratulate you personally after you manage to sneak away. A bit of firecracker to light up the mood doesn’t seem so bad, it is rather sweet of him
• One day, Firebrand makes an appearance at the usual meeting spot of yours. When you rises up from the water, you have noticed the obvious change of your lover’s expression. He looks rather stressed, even when he tries to shrug it off and reassure you that nothing is wrong. He simply says that he might have to leave for a little while because of some important matter. He promises that once everything is dealt with, he will come back to your embrace soundly. Just so you wait, Firebrand has made himself clear that everything will be going smoothly
• But things aren’t going too well like he has promised. Firebrand has been M.I.A for quite the long time, to the point that people start to question what on Inpherno is happening within the royalty of Crossroad. And the same goes for you. To say you’re worried about Friebrand is an understatement. If only you weren’t bound to the deep sea, you would have tried to find him on land already. Yet all you can do at this moment is just waiting and waiting over decades. You miss him, miss that bright smile and gentle demeanor. All you can do at this point is just to wish that he would return safely to you again. But then how long would you have to wait? So here’s the question for you: Where is your beloved now, o siren sovereign of the depth?
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Note: Since the SFOTH QnA has failed me with my expectations for Firebrand, I shall continue to be at ease with my own creativity to serve my original purpose once again (ᓀ◡ᓂ) Even when I’d admit that this isn’t my best work so far- There’s too few information about him
Note 2: I’m so sorry that this takes hella long- My schedule will be so sporadic from now on ( T^T)
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phighter-kisser · 2 months ago
Holds my hands out for the following
Firebrand x Reader!! (Or masc!reader). [Romantic? Or whatever works best for you! :D]
Decided to make it gender-neutral, hope thats fine!
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Let's get one thing straight now - Firebrand is like a massive puppy dog, he can kill you, yes. But he follows you around constantly instead.
He craves attention and affection </3
Being King of Crossroads and a Deity can only get you so much, y'know? It's lonely sometimes.
Sure he has his grandkids and his sister and occasionally his pride, but it can only do so much until you're wishing for something else.
Que you coming into the picture.
And by Sfoth he loves you. He's absolutely smitten.
He's like a lovestruck fool whenever he sees / is around you - for a deity he acts like a puppy.
Constantly following you around, gifting you things, the only thing that would complete it would be affection - seeing as he can't exactly hold you with his hands being burning hot 24/7. Or at least without some sort of intervention to make his hands tolerable.
Gloves is currently the best option you have, but even then it's still a bit of a struggle. It gets warm incredibly quickly whenever he's holding you - hope you're ready for that.
But, he does make up for it in other ways. He does his best to be attentive despite his job being a literal deity and king of crossroads, he does try!
He tries to make up for lost time with gifts; anything that he thought you might like or enjoy, or have eyed at in a store or mentioned before, he's getting it for you.
It's sweet! really, it is. But you're starting to run out of places to put all of them.
If he wasn't a walking campfire he'd make it up with affection! But he doesn't want to accidentally burn you so-
Though he is perfect to cuddle with when it's cold.
Btw, his grandsons love you!! Absolutely thrilled that Firebrand found someone, it's nice to see him so happy all the time.
Unsure if I can say the same about the other deities? Windforce maybe, seeing as she's more family-oriented. For now, at least, I'd say they're neutral about you.
Random thing as well but; Firebrand is 100% the type to pepper kisses on your face.
Born to be a cuddlebug, forced to give gifts type of vibe.
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lynxtheserval · 1 year ago
Can I request headcanons for yandere SFOTH deities? (Firebrand, darkheart, etc…)
Tw: Yandere stuff !!
Yandere SFOTH deities !!
Y'all this took a while I'm so sorry !!
I made Icedagger's platonic because it felt better then writing romantic for me, I hope that's okay !! I think I got them all but I might have not ! Also I'm sorry if any are ooc because I'm still kinda new to the fandom I'm ngl ;-;
Some are longer than others , and I'm sorry about if there's any grammar errors !!
You were Swords friend, and he met you through Sword.
He thought you were interesting. Your face, your voice, how scared you were of him…
He loved to watch you. Seeing you feel paranoid, seeing you at your top alert.
He loved talking to you too, but getting you to stay was hard. You always had to suddenly go somewhere.
After a while he started to physically follow you around. He then realized that you were suddenly going because:
You were scared.. and.. you were seeing someone.
He was NOT pleased with this information.
He tries to get the person away from you, due to the fact he's more of a manipulator, making people stay away from you and making you stay away from people. He'll even try threatening them.
If they end up not getting away from you though, Venomshank will either kill them, or turn them into a zombie.
After that, you would obviously be worried. Venomshank would comfort you, of course not telling you what he did. He doesn't want you to hate him!
If you didn't stop being worried, or get suspicious of Venomshank, he would just take you! And no running this time!
He met you while you were exploring crossroads, and he thought you seemed… sweet. Such a kind, beautiful, individual.
He was nice to you, and offered to be friends, so you guys hung out more! He loved your company.
Overtime, he got a little obsessive. Somehow always appearing when you were around others, always taking you away from them, saying "we need to show you something" or "come with us".
He tries to keep you entertained, interested in him, but it was hard at points.
If you tried to leave him, he would just make sure you didn't! It's not that hard. 
He saw you at crossroads, and took interest in you. Such a pretty face!
At first, he was sure his feelings would pass, but they didn’t. They got stronger.
He tries to get to know you, but him being a deity, and you being a mortal, of course you were a little scared.
He didn't realize he was in love until he saw someone with you, a mortal, not even a phighter! 
Like Venomshank, he usually starts with manipulation to keep you away from people.
But if they ended up not staying away from you, he started getting upset. You were a mortal, why didn't you want to hang out with him, but instead hang out with other MORTALS?! Weak ones at that!
As soon as he saw you and your "friend" again, he would take you, and kill your friend. 
If you tried running from him, well, that wouldn't turn out well for you, would it, dearie?
Of course, he kept you well fed, taken care of, entertained. But you never seemed happy. To be honest, he didn't really care if you were happy, you were staying whether you like it or not.
You met him through working and being friends with Valk and Dom, and he thought you were so kind, so thoughtful! 
He decided to try to get to know you more. 
Over time you guys became friends, and it was going okay until he started noticing you hung out with some… not great people, in his eyes at least. They would hurt you! Kill you even!
Of course he always tried to get you away from them, but if you resisted, he would just force you to come with him. He doesn't want you to get hurt, after all!
After your relationship got a little.. bumpy, and you tried to leave he would just lock you up. You can't leave him! It's not safe! He loves you!
She met you through you being a prisoner at Banland. She noticed you didn't do much, just steal from a store. You needed food.
She didn't feel bad for you, but she did notice you were quite an interesting and a pretty little mortal.
Sometimes she would watch you, after a while of just watching you, she told Banhammer to bring you to her.
Once you get to her, she locks you in one of her many rooms.
If anyone tries to get you out or steal you from her, she WILL result to murder, almost immediately.
Also, if you try running from her, she will knock you out, it's not too hard to. You're weak, compared to her, of course!
She tries to get to know you but her aggressive and upfront nature scares you a little.
She never really admitted to loving you, but she definitely loved to be close to you.
If you EVER talk about having a partner already, they'll be dead in a matter of hours. You're hers now! 
You accidentally ran into him once, and holy cow, were you something. He wasn't sure if it was your personality, your looks, maybe it was everything.
Since he can't feel regular emotions, he feels fairly confused in his own way. What is this? Why are you doing this to him?!
He decided to start stalking you after that, watching you, seeing if you casted a spell on him or something! He asked Illumina what was happening, asking for answers.
Of course Illumina said something surprising.
"You're in love. I don't know how but.. you're in love." Illumina laughed.
After a while of him just following you, he decided to take you, at least for a little.
Of course when you woke up, you were confused and scared. He promised he wasn't going to hurt you, he just wanted to keep you.
He kept you well fed and tried to keep you happy, but you never seemed to be happy. 
Sometimes he took you out with him, making sure you wouldn't run away though. Always holding your hand and making sure you were close.
After a while, he decided you weren't going anywhere, you're his now, permanently.
ICEDAGGER (platonic):
After watching a few Phighting matches from a distance, he couldn't help but notice you each time. You looked so nice, so friendly!
He overcame his anxiety when he saw you in crossroads once, and introduced himself. 
After becoming friends he started getting a little.. jealous.. when he saw you with other people.
Why wouldn't you hang out with him instead! He was more powerful than everyone else! 
He continued to get more jealous but, he never kidnapped you, or killed anyone, just got incredibly clingy.
Please stay friends with him! That's all he wants! All he NEEDS!
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piplup335 · 9 months ago
Darkheart x reader!
H E L L O, F E L L A S ! ! ! ! ! ! !
I'm back to write! My exam just ended 2h ago, and I'm doing alright! To whoever requested this, I'm so sorry you had to wait so long ;-; I had stuff to do and I had to rush this because I may not be posting for another month or so otherwise ;-;
but yea, enjoy the story! :D
Crossroads. Known for being the lively town which joined all four factions together...and the only thing stopping them from engaging in war.
Blackrock, Playground, Lost Temple and Thieves' Den.
For generations, Blackrock had considered themselves sworn enemies with Playground, and the phighters of Playground thought likewise, so the sight of demons from each faction leaving the other alone instead of going at each other's throats in Crossroads was a treat for everyone. 
It also just so happened to be the only place where people of different factions could meet up and relax after a long day of phights. 
Someone from Lost Temple could chat with someone from Playgrounds without any conflicts happening on either side. 
Someone from Thieves' Den could walk into a bar with someone from Blackrock, and that would be perfectly fine on all sides. 
However, Crossroads wasn’t just the number one hangout place for phighters- it was one for the SFOTH deities, too. Especially during their days off. 
And sometimes, they just so happened to be in the places no one would expect them to be. 
Of course, Firebrand was standing in the centre of it all, boasting to demons about his great power and how he ruled over the entirety of Crossroads. 
Other deities hid elsewhere. They watched over Crossroads from the shadows, save for Windforce who went to Banlands to find her son. 
They all had a favourite place to watch Crossroads from. Illumina enjoyed standing at the edge of the Crossroads tower, watching demons move around like ants on a grid. 
Some of the deities’ favourite spots were slightly unusual, however…
…such as underneath a bridge. 
“Freaking finally…”
The weekend was here. You, a phighter, made a living by duelling other demons in “phights”. They were regularly hosted by Dom and Valk, the two famous idols known as Flipside. 
They were born with a silver spoon in their mouth, and you were participating in these phights to maybe, just maybe, make enough from them to ensure you get to live well for the rest of your life. 
You knew you already could, however- because of your lover. 
He had everything. Strength, affluence, hell, he was also well-known around the Inpherno.
He had offered you everything you could ever wish for. He just wanted you to be there with him until the end of time. 
You refused, however- how could you let your loving boyfriend do all the work?
So, you still worked by phighting- you enjoyed the job, anyway. Your boyfriend would even visit sometimes. Just, well- to annoy the hell out of others.
"A little bit of chaos is fun...don't you think?"
You internally cheered at the sight, but everyone else groaned. Even Biograft, despite it being a robot, seemed to tense up, gripping its energy blades harder...
To you, it was a blessing.
To other players, it was a curse...literally.
“Feeling vulnerable…?”
Just then, the enemy Biograft seemed to falter, its lights dimming. Seemed like he got the curse…
Those were his last words before getting obliterated by your ally, Hyperlaser…
Your ally, Shuriken, was chasing down Sword, who was on 15 HP. 
“We’re feeling a gust of wind come along…!”
The next thing he knew, Shuriken got blasted upwards…and out of the map. 
Of course, Darkheart would make sure that you were out of harm's way before casting another one of his curses. Though, he wasn’t as merciful with your teammates…
So here you sat, after a long day and a hard battle, snuggled up in your boyfriend’s arms. 
"Darkheart...I'm exhausted..."
"No need to worry, dear...we'll be here..."
You never really understood why your boyfriend always referred to himself plurally, but it was just another one of his quirks that you adored about him. You loved him, and he loved you back.
His one withered wing wrapped itself around your frame- his own special way of hugging you. Another one of his little habits. 
"We just don't want Illumina to get to you, you know...? We're trying not to be too overprotective...who knows what he'd do to you?"
You giggled. Typical Darkheart- always protective of you, fearing for your wellbeing...sparing you from the usual curses he'd inflict on the others- hell, Darkheart would even curse other people if they got too close to his beloved. 
As you fell asleep in your boyfriend's arms, you couldn't help but let out a small smile. Seeing your happy expression, Darkheart let out a small chuckle.
"Sleep well, my dearest..."
This was your life. Yourself, with Darkheart by your side. Sure, there were little disputes or disagreements in your relationship, and sometimes people would laugh at you because Darkheart was so much taller than you. But despite all this...
...you couldn't ask for more.
- thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed! this is my second (I think lmao) romance fic, so if you have any feedback do leave it in the comments so I can improve my writing for you guys! :D
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deoreoo · 7 months ago
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Banhammer x Cousin Reader Hcs!
Definitely did not have to research about him to know more
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Being related to Banhammer sure is a blessing to have him spare you with his usual cocky demeanor so Yay!!!
Since your one of Firebrands grandkids, this makes you older than Dom and Valk who are your younger siblings
So just imagine the chaos when Dom and Valk hosts a phight with Banhammer and unfortunately you- complete opposite teams
What makes it worse is that it was a 66.6x round which means you guys had to meet your Grandfather during the phight
Special rounds with the deities involved is just a little family reunion to you guys tbh
Phighting aside- He most definitely invites you to play golf with him! Weither you suck or not he always never fails to encourage you to try one more
Since Banhammer is a well known Warden to certain phighters... he keeps tabs on you just incase anything happens but he knows you can defend yourself!
He absolutely despises Broker, but since your friends with them he does'nt try anything (broker definitely uses this to their advantage)
I personally think Banhammer would be the type to show you off to other people considering your his favorite family member aside from his mom-
There was one time he switched both of your gears and you couldn't even lift his weapon up
He laughed at you first, but then you laughed at him because he didn't know how to use your gear and he kept dying
Banhammer may be your cousin but he doesn't go easy on you during phights
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miko0528 · 4 months ago
hi i got some ideas for phighting x reader that i must rip out of my head sword x princess! reader subspace x gyaru! reader scythe x reader that works at a bank medkit x nurse! reader firebrand x reader (they are trying to roast marshmallows) vinestaff x gardener! reader coil x reader (coil teaching reader how to fight) traffic x traveler! reader (they go traveling with eachother) rocket x reader (reader tries to fix rocket's rocket launcher) slingshot x worker! reader (they bake together) hyperlaser x reader (they paint stuff together) andddd thats all, bye!
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robloxmythoids · 1 year ago
info page!
ATM: REQUESTS ARE CLOSED !!!! inbox will only stay open for any talking or questions :33
hello :3 my name is bloxy! i write roblox x reader stuff cause roblox is my special interest and im crazy ^_^ my main is @robloxyaoilover3000. i use he/gore and am a minor
this blog is for ANYTHING RELATED TO ROBLOX!!! that includes games, mythoids, etc! i can do platonic hcs but i like to do romantic stuff
all requests are done on a first come first serve basis ^_^
check underneath the cut for request info!
request info
can : angst, fluff, hurt/comfort (my speciality!!!!), gore, only very vaguely smut related things (such as kiss hcs), etc etc. if you ask you'll probably receive an answer from me!
can't : hateful media (racism/queerphobia/etc), pedophilia, nsfw!!! at most will be just vague suggestive stuff but nothing full on
things i can write for : roblox myths (ask and hopefully I'll know them, and if u think i may not, tell me so i can research them!!), PHIGHTING!, get a snack series, regretevator, other iconic roblox characters (the roblox guest, noob, bacon hair/girl, etc)
1. hyperlaser PHIGHTING! rom. hcs (in progress)
2. slingshot PHIGHTING! rom. hcs (in progress)
3. medkit rom. hcs PHIGHTING! [blackrockian reader]
4. blackrockians + medkit PHIGHTING!
5. emerson REGRETEVATOR rom. oneshot
6. illumina PHIGHTING! rom. hcs
7. boombox PHIGHTING! rom. hcs [cyborg boombox]
8. yuck0 THE CIRCUS IN THE SKY rom. hcs [new reader]
9. boombox PHIGHTING! rom. hcs [kiss hcs]
10. firebrand PHIGHTING! rom. hcs [cafe worker reader]
11. infected REGRETEVATOR rom. hcs
close off
that's all! :3 the inbox is open and i await ur requests!!! thank u to @phighting-x-you for being the inspiration to this place
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milkcookiekin · 1 year ago
firebrand x reader hcs!
- firebrand is very sweet and kind to you, he’s like an eager little puppy just waiting for you to praise him and hold him.
- he had someone make him flame resistant gloves, so now, he’s always clinging to you. whether it be by holding your hand, or letting you sit on his lap as you snuggle into him.
- do you need some comfy blankets? he’s got them in his hands. do you need some warm cuddles? he’s up and ready. do you need a big plushie as tall as him? he’s already creating it! but give it some time to cool, it’s pretty hot..
- he’ll do whatever, just please tell him he’s doing a good job and that he’s making you happy..
- he’s absolutely smitten with you, and it shows from the way he looks at you. his eye always has this happy, lovestruck look, with a soft little shine in it..
- he also loves praising you and letting you know you’re doing a great job. his soft voice and gentle touch always have this way of soothing you..
- he created a little dragon pet for you the one time. his name’s poppy and he’s a little goober! his scales are mostly a crimson color with sharp golden horns, tail, and teeth, and a soft, peachish-colored chest and stomach. he almost looks like a little lizard instead of a dragon, but he can change size whenever he feels like it. anyway, firebrand specifically made poppy to protect you and stay with you at all times!
- overall, 10/10 husband, very gentle, very affectionate, but also very worried for you.
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bloodyinkandquill · 6 months ago
Firebrand x pheonix/immortal Reader
this one really cool phighting x reader ARTIST i like liked some of my posts i genuinely screamed, like i fucking shouted i was so happy that they thought my writings were good enough to like THREE of them dvsishksgdishsja
immediately after writing that i went to check twitter and saw aidn’s tweet, no spoilers but i have never an to my laptop faster and stimmed so hard.
anyways onto the actual thing you guys are here for, the x reader hcs!
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- Cursed, you were cursed. That was the only way to see it, whatever curse your gear had given you made you miserable, it was cool the first few times, after dying you came back in a flame, rose from the ashes, but after centuries you were so tired and lonely, you got attached to mortals too much, attachment was futile, you’ll watch them pass on while you remain on the Inphinity
- You gave up on civilization, living in a remote cabin far away from any other demons, but every once in a while, wether that was months or years, you’d take a day trip out to the Inpherno, it could change so much between your visits or barely at all
- It was on one such trip where you were just walking around looking at what vendors had to offer, couples passing by, kids on their way to cause trouble that you heard something odd, a male voice saying your motto, attachment was futile, overcome with curiosity you followed the loud voice till you saw the source, you weren’t an idiot, if you lived in the Inpherno and didn’t know what the deities looked like that was idiotic, in front of you was not one but two of them, Firebrand and Icedagger
- The taller of the two was knelt down to be on the shorter’s level and was clearly comforting him, he was telling him that he needs to learn, mortals die and that he mustn’t get too attached, he would loose them eventually, but the snow god cried anyways
- You understood his pain, loosing so many people you had foolishly come to love, you were the likely only one besides for the swords that understood that pain, as far as you knew you were the only one with that curse, the curse of being the pheonix
- As you observed you accidentally stepped on something, a paper bag that crumbled and made noise alerting the two gods in their private interaction, they both instantly turned towards you as you raised your hands in show of not meaning any harm, you apologized for interrupting their conversation, but Firebrand had a strange look on his face, he said something to the affect of you felt different than other mortals, you had a deep sadness in your eyes, which like ouch, fair, but ouch
- You tentatively asked if he had heard the urban legends of a demon from centuries past given the name pheonix, he nodded and you revealed that that was you, an immortal mortal, he looked a bit skeptical but could also see the years and pain behind your eyes, similar to that of him and his siblings, Icedagger spoke up saying he didn’t know of the legends, you explained the stories people told of you, a demon cursed by their gear to forever walk the Inphinity, anytime you shall die you’re swallowed by the flames and emerge again anew, never allowed to pass on
- Icedagger asked if that meant you knew how he felt, the pain of becoming too attached to people you were destined to loose, watch grow old and fade away as you had so many times before, you said you did, you believed only you, him, and his siblings knew the feeling
- Firebrand spoke up asking if you’d want to accompany him for tea, he had heard the legends form mortals of you but never believed them, thought they were just stories the mortals told, you agreed and things spiraled from there
- Now you have someone you can love without fear of loosing them, and likewise, you knew the pain of loving someone who you would be helpless to save, and now that you had each other you and him wouldn’t have to experience it as bad as you had before, he thought it might have been fate, you’re reborn form the fire, his fire, it could not have been coincidence
- You loved each other wholeheartedly, knowing that you could till the end of time, even as others died and turned to dust, cities fell and crumbled, you would have each other, it was the most amazing thing you could have ever asked for, someone who understood your sadness but would never cause you that same sadness again, maybe, just maybe, your gear was a blessing, and not a curse
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HOLY SHIT THAT WAS FAR MORE POETIC AND JUNK THAN I INTENDED, like holy shit i had a basic idea for what to do, then i’d do regular writings of like dates or whatever, instead i wrote that fucking masterpiece, it’s 1 am and i just channeled fucking william shakespeare i swear bros, anyways uh, thanks for reading ill either go to bed now or get one more request done, we shall see i have class tomorrow but i really like doing these requests so…
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phighter-kisser · 4 months ago
Blog Intro!
hello hello I'm Seth (He/Him please!) and I'm currently writing for Phighting and Forsaken! I may do art in future, though I'm not completely sure about it
This is a side blog! I interact/follow from @/sethasaurus !
Current Dividers are by @/cafekitsune !!
【 Requests are Open! 】
【 Phighting! Masterlist! 】
No problematic pairings (Adult x Minor, Incest, etc.)
No Oc x Character / Character x Character
I accept both Romantic and Plationic requests!
Headcanons are currently preferred but both One-shots and Headcanons are allowed!
Reader is strictly gender neutral as I don't wish to exclude anyone from my writing
Who I'm writing for:
Phighters: Sword, Banhammer, Katana, Rocket, Scythe, Medkit, Subspace
Npcs: Valk, Dom
Deities: Firebrand
Survivors: Chance, Two Time, Elliot, Guest 1337
Killers: John Doe, 1x1x1x1
*Will expand as I learn more about the characters!
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acupofinkedblood · 2 months ago
HEYY this is actually candy anon,but I decided to change the sign off..I wanna remind you that we all appreciate your works..especially in the phighting x reader community..your works makes me genuinely happy,and others too!! I hope you get plentiful of rest and time you need the most to focus on yourself okay? I don't know why but this is such a sudden mood for me to be actually this positive to anyone,keep up the work!! And I hope your doing good tea maker ^_^/⁠♡..its quite strange to talk in here since I dont use this app anymore(inactive alot until now)I'm not really using this account at all..i love to see you serve another tea that you brew with delight and caring love attitude <//333-🦞
Awwww, that’s really sweet of you, Lobster Anon! I was fighting internally with this specific request for Firebrand because not only did I get writerblock, I also have to speedrun a spawnday art for Rocket — And yes, I’m both a writer and an artist, if someone isn’t aware. Though I don’t feel the need to show it here — still, I’m grateful for your support (⌒▽⌒)
Please don’t worry too much about me! This little teamaker is as healthy as ever! Once again, thank you for your kind words ♪(๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)♪
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phighter-kisser · 4 months ago
【 Phighting Masterlist! 】
General Romantic Headcanons
General Romantic Headcanons
Medkit & Reader who were friends at Blackrock
Subspace and Assistant! Reader
Valt x Alt! Reader
General Romantic Headcanons
General Romantic Headcanons
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