deoreoo · 16 days
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Child of Stars
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deoreoo · 16 days
hi i really like your writing!! i was wondering if you could do like subspace x reader snd the reader is a rivaling scientist or engineer from a different faction like playground or something, i think that would be cool have a nice day!! :3
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Subspace × Engineer Reader!
Okay so uhm... im not really busy now ish??? BUT YEAH IM BACK!!
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Under the dim light of a solitary desk lamp, You were furiously scribbling notes onto a stack of paper the room around you filled with a haphazard array of discarded prototypes and crumpled drafts.
The clock on the wall ticked past midnight, its rhythmic cadence almost mocking the sense of urgency in your movements. Each stroke of the pen brought forth ideas that, while promising in the moment seemed to fall short of the breakthrough they desperately sought
With a frustrated groan You tossed the latest draft into the trashcan, but it missed its mark, fluttering down to join the scattered debris on the floor
The pile of crumpled papers, filled with half-formed theories and abandoned dreams, continued to grow a silent testament to the countless hours spent chasing the elusive spark of innovation.
A few seconds pass before you slammed your own forehead onto the desk with a dull thud, the impact barely registering over the throbbing frustration that seemed to pulse in temples. The room was eerily quiet, save for the soft rustle of papers and the low anguished murmurs that escaped from your lips.
"Maybe this is like karma for choosing engineering..."
As the minutes dragged on you felt your eyelids grow heavier with each passing second. The relentless strain of the long hours began to weigh on them, pulling your own thoughts into a foggy haze
Your poor attempts to stay awake became more desperate punctuated by occasional, futile slaps to their cheeks and half-hearted sips of cold coffee- jumping up in down inside your apartment, and even walking around playground's park
Despite the best efforts, you return back to your apartment the room's dim light seemed to blur and waver as your eyes struggled to stay open.
Soon enough your head drooped slightly, chin resting on the crumpled notes spread out on the desk. Breathing slowed, becoming more rhythmic and even, as the exhaustion began to overtake their frustration The ideas that had once seemed so vital now floated in the periphery of their mind, merging with the dreams of sleep that beckoned irresistibly.
"Maybe just a little bit..."
Amid the scattered papers and discarded blueprints, Your own body finally surrendered to fatigue. Their breathing became a soft, steady rhythm, the room’s quiet now embracing the stillness of their unintended rest
Your deep sleep was abruptly shattered by a series of sharp taps against the window most likely pebbles, thrown with a persistent urgency.
groggily and sitting up properly, the remnants of frustration quickly giving way to confusion. The pebbles continued their insistent patter, echoing through the quiet room.
Groaning, You pushed aside the scattered papers and shuffled to the window. pulling the curtain just enough to peer outside. Only to get flashbanged by the sun making you quickly close the curtain back
"Dear illumina..."
You whisper under your breath before looking back outside again, your eyes adjusting to the now bright sky only to see people... 2 people... people frlm blackrock to be exact- but it did make you think where the other one is-
The unexpected intrusion yanked you fully awake as your mind races with questions and disruption.
Was what Subspace yelled at you, you could tell he was grinning behind that mask as he was playing with pebbles on his right hand.... you assume he was the one who threw it on your window...
"What is wrong with you?? Cant you give me some sleep??"
Glaring at him he just let out a snicker before pulling a Biograft infront of him as he booted the robot alive again, that made you a tiny bit curious
"So what-"
Your eyes widen as your breath hitches when you heard what Biograft had said as you make a mad run away- hearing Subspaces manic laugh and the sound of an engine and metal clanking right behind you as you jumped down on a window on the other side of your apartment
with Biograft's glowing orange sensors and a deadly retractable blade pursued relentlessly. As it swung its arm, the blade sliced the air dangerously close. You yelped and ducked, narrowly missing the strike. weaving through crossroads your mind racing for a way to out wit a strong tincan-
As You rounded another corner you were abruptly yanked to the side by a familiar figure. Hyperlaser- as he presses a finger to your lips to silence you. They remained still as biograft trundled by, its heavy footsteps reverberating through the alley
Hyperlaser leaned in, whispering harshly, "This is just out of pity. Don’t think too much about it nor expect me to help you ever again."
With that, he stepped back and left you, allowing You to regain footing and organize your thoughts.
"Maybe i do need to move to another city...or maybe just anti-blackrock my house..."
You mumble since you did not want to get your head chopped off... and also did they just walk all the way here to playground-
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deoreoo · 29 days
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The scariest thing you could ever see in a phight
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deoreoo · 1 month
Can I have something fluff with Rocket pretty please?
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Rocket x Reader fluff!
Mhmhmhm i went crazy on this one can you tell?
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Under the vast canopy of night you and Rocket found yourselves on a gentle hill away from the city’s bustling place, The grass beneath was soft and the sky above was a tapestry of shimmering stars. Rocket was always eager for exploration laid back with a sigh of contentment eyes fixed on the celestial display
"Look at that constellation," You pointed out, tracing the outline of Orion with a finger Rocket’s eyes sparkled with interest as he tried to connect the dots.
"I’ve read about that one" Rocket said, his voice filled with excitement "It’s amazing how ancient stories link to these stars"
Rocket propped himself up on one elbow, his face illuminated by the soft glow of starlight.
“Do you think there’s more out there, beyond what we can see?”
You smiled, imagining the endless possibilities
“Absolutely. The universe is so vast, and we’ve only just begun to explore it each star and planet has its own story, waiting to be discovered.”
Rocket's eyes widened with wonder the bright lights from the sky illuminating on his eyes “It’s incredible to think that somewhere out there, someone might be looking up at the same stars and wondering about us”
The thought lingered in the air as we both gazed up in contemplative silence a gentle breeze rustled the grass around us, adding to the serenity of the moment
Rocket suddenly sat up, a playful grin spreading across his face.
“Hey, let’s make a wish on a shooting star! Maybe it’ll come true.”
We watched eagerly as a streak of light crossed the sky. Rocket closed his eyes and whispered his wish while you made your own silent hopes. As the shooting star faded we both felt a warm sense of connection to the cosmos.
As the last traces of the shooting star vanished, Rocket settled back down beside you, his gaze returning to the stars. “So, what’s your favorite constellation?”
thinking for a moment before answering.
“I’ve always been fascinated by the Big Dipper. It’s not just a constellation but part of a larger group called Ursa Major. It’s been used for navigation for centuries.”
Rocket’s eyes lit up with curiosity. “That’s so cool! I’ve heard about how it’s used to find the North Star. What about other constellations?”
“Well,” you start off thinking-
“there’s Cassiopeia, which looks like a ‘W’ in the sky. It’s named after a queen in Greek mythology who was known for her beauty.”
Rocket tilted his head, considering this. “Mythology is so interesting. I’ve read that the stars in Cassiopeia are actually different distances from us, but they just look like they’re in a line because of our perspective.”
“Exactly,” you say with a grin your eyes seemingly twinkling with excitement as you continue speaking
“The stars in any constellation aren’t necessarily related to each other They’re just grouped together from our viewpoint.”
Rocket pointed to a cluster of stars. “What about that one? It looks like a triangle or maybe a dorito..."
“That’s the Summer Triangle, It’s made up of three bright stars from three different constellations- Vega in Lyra, Deneb in Cygnus, and Altair in Aquila. Together, they make a distinctive shape that’s easy to spot.”
Rocket traced the triangle with his finger, visibly impressed.
“I love how each constellation has its own story and significance. It’s like the night sky is a huge, cosmic tapestry, and every star is a thread in it.”
Then he turned to you with a huge goofy grin
"But you seem to be a nerd when it comes to the stars"
"I'll take it as a compliment thank you!" You snort as you playfully smack his arm making him retaliate and slap you back earning fits of laughter under the starry sky
As we both continued to converse about the constellations, Rocket's gaze became wistful. He looked up at the stars with a thoughtful expression, lost in his own imagination.
“You know” Rocket began slowly “sometimes I wish I could be a star in another timeline. Imagine being part of that endless dance of light shining brightly for centuries, and seeing the universe change over time.”
You glance at Rocket intrigued and amused by his thought. “That sounds interesting i wonder what would it be like?”
Rocket’s eyes sparkled as he spoke. “I’d love to be a star, witnessing the birth of new celestial bodies, watching planets form and maybe even seeing distant civilizations look up and wonder about me. It would be like being part of something so grand and timeless”
You smiled, touched by Rocket’s poetic vision. “It’s amazing to think about how every star has its own journey. Even though we’re just observers, we’re connected to that grand narrative in our own way.”
Rocket nodded, his gaze fixed on the distant stars. “Yeah.... It makes me feel like even if I’m not a star, I’m still part of the same vast universe It’s comforting to think that our dreams and wishes are intertwined with the cosmos.”
As the chill of the night settled around us, Rocket shifted closer, wrapping hiself with his arms we sat side by side, the gentle rustle of the grass the only sound besides our quiet breathing.
Rocket’s voice softened to a contented murmur. “Even if we’re not stars, moments like these make me feel like we’re part of something just as magical.”
Iooking over and saw Rocket’s eyes reflecting the starry sky.
“Absolutely. It’s moments like these that make the universe feel a little smaller and a lot more beautiful.”
We both sighed in unison, feeling a deep sense of peace the stars above seemed to twinkle a bit more brightly as if sharing in our quiet joy as the night wore on we drifted into a comfortable silence wrapped in the softness of the moment and the shared warmth of friendship.
With the cosmos as our backdrop and the promise of more adventures to come feeling myself close my eyes feeling truly content and connected under the infinite sky
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deoreoo · 1 month
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I wasn't even originally going to have a continuation but I am kinda dry on art ideas KFJDSLKF
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deoreoo · 1 month
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Banhammer x Cousin Reader Hcs!
Definitely did not have to research about him to know more
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Being related to Banhammer sure is a blessing to have him spare you with his usual cocky demeanor so Yay!!!
Since your one of Firebrands grandkids, this makes you older than Dom and Valk who are your younger siblings
So just imagine the chaos when Dom and Valk hosts a phight with Banhammer and unfortunately you- complete opposite teams
What makes it worse is that it was a 66.6x round which means you guys had to meet your Grandfather during the phight
Special rounds with the deities involved is just a little family reunion to you guys tbh
Phighting aside- He most definitely invites you to play golf with him! Weither you suck or not he always never fails to encourage you to try one more
Since Banhammer is a well known Warden to certain phighters... he keeps tabs on you just incase anything happens but he knows you can defend yourself!
He absolutely despises Broker, but since your friends with them he does'nt try anything (broker definitely uses this to their advantage)
I personally think Banhammer would be the type to show you off to other people considering your his favorite family member aside from his mom-
There was one time he switched both of your gears and you couldn't even lift his weapon up
He laughed at you first, but then you laughed at him because he didn't know how to use your gear and he kept dying
Banhammer may be your cousin but he doesn't go easy on you during phights
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deoreoo · 1 month
Mhmgngg Biograft x reader?..... where biograft accidentally kills you on a phight and basically explodes when they realized what they did... PLEASE IM SO HUNGRY I NEED MORE PLATONIC STORIES OF THEM
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Biograft x gn Reader! Platonic
No way i forgot to post this....
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"SHUTDOWN (Phighter name) × Biograft!"
The poor robot stood there their bright lenses blinking trying to register what happened-
Surely that wasn't you right?....
In an instant, Biograft's systems went into overdrive The once-smooth hum of its propulsion system became a frantic cacophony of whirring gears and clanking servos. When they realized it was YOU who they killed
As the core's meltdown began, the room filled with a piercing alarm, and the walls vibrated with the impending disaster
The phighters, momentarily frozen in shock, stared at Biograft with wide eyes. They watched as the sleek high-tech exterior of the machine began to fracture under the strain, bolts popping and panels warping. The cacophony grew louder, a sound that seemed to echo the chaotic scramble of the internal systems
The tension in the room was palpable as Biograft’s lights flickered erratically, before Boombox quickly spoke up their face pale, pointed at the machine, their voice barely audible over the arena
“It’s going to blow!”
The moment they said that Hyperlaser quickly ran off- quickly dragging Skateboard mid air to go somewhere safer the latter complaining- while the others scrambled away
The realization of the imminent danger fueled their urgency as the phighters now caught in the desperate scramble to prevent a catastrophic explosion
Soon enough Biograft’s unstable core reached its critical threshold, causing a sudden cataclysmic explosion. The blast wave surged across the battlefield, engulfing everything in a fierce, disorienting torrent of fire and debris the ground trembled violently, and a scorching wave of heat seared through the combatants, throwing them into disarray as the robot exploded
Soon enough The others came back- seeing the parts of Biograft's scattered as a hole was on the ground, before Vinestaff spoke up
"Maybe its for the best they should be on the same team from now on"
As the others nodded and agreed with her.... Who knew this robot would destroy theirself when it comes to killing you...
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deoreoo · 1 month
Can I get a ermmmmmmmm- Subspace x reader :3 BUT-
Sub: “Prepare for trouble! >:D”
Y/n: “And make it double~ >:3”
Inserts weird evil laughing here
Other phighters: “wtf-“
Oh yeah- they’re dating btw-
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Subspace x Scientist Reader!
I think i accidentally made this into a crack fic instead...
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As the chaotic scene unfolded, the enemy team’s spirits seemed to sink further the scientist, known for his relentless pursuit, roared in frustration.
he bellowed throwing crystals, as he chased Rocket, who was desperately trying to escape with barely any health left
Rocket his voice trembling shouted back as he tripped a couple of times trying to get away from Subspace
“Help! Someone, get this guy off me!”
But it was too late. You swiftly intervened, using your gear to cut off Rocket’s path. With a decisive move, you finished him off, ensuring he wouldn’t be a problem any longer. As Rocket’s defeat was confirmed, you turned and headed back to the point
“Well that was a clean shot darling"
Subspace said, giving you a nod of approval and placing a quick kiss on your hand as you rejoined him inside the point.
“I know im basically the best ranger out there"
You say with a smug expression on your face before moving to another place quickly making Subspace let out a loud amused laugh
When the final buzzer sounded, signaling your team’s victory, the enemy team was left in disarray
Sword could only mutter “Well, that didn’t go as planned"
Subspace, with a satisfied grin, said "Better luck next time. Maybe next time, try not to run into a wall of coordinated firepower.”
You and Subspace shared a look of triumph, knowing that today’s battle had been a decisive demonstration of your combined prowess as you both laughed maniacally enjoying the defeat of the other team
"Dear Illumina please give me enough strength to hold myself together"
Medkit mutters, his eye twitching in distraught as he looked at the both of us
"For the first time im actually glad i was on their team..."
Skateboard says as Rocket huffs and makes a side comment "wow guess it was fun not getting blown up from Subspace"
And for the rest of the phights you both would dominate everybody together as you guys would rub it in to their faces your loud laughter booming-
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deoreoo · 1 month
Angst with subspace... Like hurt no comfort...🙏
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Subspace x fem reader Angst
Geniunely who hurt you this was painful to make 😭 but i do hope you guys enjoy this 🤍🤍
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Tired magenta eyes stared through the frosted window as snowflakes drifted softly, each one a silent whisper of a bygone warmth. The world outside was a canvas of cold solitude, mirroring the quiet disolation within
Subspace sighed heavily, the weight of his thoughts pressing down on him as he pushed himself away from his cluttered desk tired from countless hours of research, he flickered his eyes around the room before grabbing his coat from the nearby rack, the fabric feeling heavier than usual against his shoulders. With a reluctant glance around his dimly lit lab he stepped into the frigid air outside.
Subspace moved slowly through the hollow halls of the building, his footsteps echoing softly against the cold, sterile walls. The corridors, lit only by the faint glow of overhead lights, seemed endless and unwelcoming. Each step felt heavier than the last, the rhythmic crunch of his shoes against the tile floor amplifying the profound silence that enveloped him.
The emptiness of the hallways mirrored the isolation he felt, as he passed doorways and empty offices, their darkened interiors a stark contrast to the dim light he carried with him, his deliberate pace was a reflection of his own reluctance to leave his lab
His steps grew heavier with each movement, his thoughts turned to her- He remembered the way her presence had once brightened even the darkest moments, a stark reminder of the companionship he now missed
The weight of his memories pressed down on him as he pushed open the building's door, the frigid breeze hitting him with a jolt. Each gust of wind seemed to carry with it a whisper of what once was, amplifying his sense of loss. The cold, biting through his coat, felt like a tangible reminder of the warmth he no longer had. As he stepped into the wintry night, he felt the chill deepen, mirroring the emptiness he felt inside his heart
Trudging through the snowy streets towards home, each step seemed to sink deeper into his thoughts of her. The cold air nipped at his cheeks, but his mind was far warmer consumed by memories of her smiles and the comfort of her presence
Streetlights cast long shadows across the snow, creating a surreal backdrop for his reverie. With every crunch of snow beneath his boots, he replayed moments they had shared, from whispered loving conversations to quiet, shared glances
The familiar landmarks of his journey home seemed to blur as his thoughts wandered to her voice, her touch, and the way she had once made everything feel right. The solitude of the night only heightened his longing, making the journey home feel both interminable and achingly painful
Soon enough Subspace arrived at his house seeing no lights to make it lively like before the silence of the night punctuated only by the soft, persistent snowfall. The snowflakes gently kissed his face.
As he approached the front door, the house loomed before him in shadow, its windows dark and uninviting the absence of the familiar light only made him frown as he stared at the door towards his house
He stood there, motionless, the weight of his heart pressing down on him like the snow accumulating on the doorstep. The familiar sight of his home, now so stark and cold, seemed to amplify his loneliness.
Closing his eyes for a moment, allowing his longing to take shape. In his mind, he envisioned her there, her presence illuminating the empty rooms with a soft, inviting glow. He could almost see her standing in the doorway, her face alight with that warm, sweet smile that had once greeted him so often.
The sight of her warmth made the cold night seem less harsh, and the ache in his heart began to soften. The imagined embrace, filled with her love and kindness created a poignant contrast to the reality of his solitude. Soon enough he opened his eyes as he took a deep breath, the cold air mingling with the ache of his emotions, before finally reaching for the doorknob.
Subspace opened the door to find his house swallowed by darkness. The quiet was overwhelming, and the cold wind from outside rushed in, intensifying the chill. The warmth he had hoped for was nowhere to be found slowly he closed the door behind him
Subspace stepped into the darkened house and felt a bitter laugh escape his lips. The emptiness around him was a harsh reminder that she was no longer there, and that WE were no longer a part of this space. The sound of his own laughter felt hollow, a painful echo in the quiet of the house as he forced hiself to face reality
Subspace's bitter laughter grew louder mingling with the tears that began to trail down his cheeks. Memories of the warmth and homey feeling that you had once filled this space surged back, now painfully absent. He clutched his chest as if trying to hold onto the comfort that had vanished so abruptly, as if snatched away by some cruel twist of fate the gods has given him. The sound of his own laughter tinged with grief seemed to mock the fleeting warmth that had once been his refuge.
After all it was his fault wasn't it? Clutching his chest in pain as he laughed even more at the delusion he had imagined that you were still here inside waiting for him patiently what a fool he was, oh how he never felt the mountains of Blackrock colder than it usually was
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deoreoo · 1 month
Skitters here. Hi hello!! :D
Uhhh.. General subspace romance hc? (I like seeing people's interpretation on him)
That or a subspace X m!reader who is a healer (something like that! The rest you can do!)
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Subspace Romantic Hcs!
Ft. Subspace with a healer male s/o!
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Believe me or not but he confessed to you by sending a Biograft into your house to declare his love towards you
You were very confused since you never thought he would like you like this, but even so you were beaming from the confession
Subspace is very VERY protective towards you so his lab is off limits!
He may be an unlikable phighter but you cant help but get attracted to him somehow! (Hyperlaser was literally questioning your taste or if you had been brainwashed
Sometimes he refuses to let you heal him- because his pride is higher than his height/j
Speaking of height it's canon that your more taller than him which kind of makes him pissy about it AHAHAHA
Whenever Subspace comes back from phights bruised you would heal his wounds to ease the pain
This also goes the same way on his rotten mouth, It's basically a routine now that you would heal his mouth slowly but surely
Since Subspace cant physically kiss you- he would just use his mask to kiss your head, cheeks and lips
Subspace is a very wealthy person- and would give you random presents once or twice a week or maybe thrice! Afterall he is the greatest scientist of Blackrock!
He once coded one Biograft to act as your child
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deoreoo · 1 month
How are you doing Hoji? I hope you have a good day
Anyway, I’d love to request some arts of Boombox in your style:3
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I geniunely love boombox so much you dont know how i screamed so hard when i read your request WHSAEHSHS
I made this while i was on class since i got bored while listening
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deoreoo · 1 month
Hello Hoji! Can I have some Rocket hcs from you? Either just general or x reader is good! (Or both if you feel like it-)
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Rocket Hcs!
Ft. Rocket who you met in the most absurd way
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First of all i think you both met oddly to say the least-
Imagine being an innocent civilian and BOOM a 'rocket' flies past your face! And then you die-
Jokes aside- you would be mortified and Rocket would have to apologise so so sooo many times that other civilians would look at you both. Mind you this happened on the street....
Though this interaction was usual you managed to befriend rocket In a way-
And yes this means you have to babysit a overly excited teenager and get dragged out in his shenanigans with sword
But you arent complaining since its just an explosion here and there- anndddd thennn zuka scolds the three of you for doing something reckless....again
But you and rocket would laugh it off and sword just sighs at the trouble you guys have cost
Rocket would definitely invite you on phights to watch him on a safe distance
And because he cares about his friends so much he does'nt want you to get hurt from his- 'rocket" again... or from any other phighters
So he's very extra careful which is a shocker considering his clumsiness
He also appreciates you since you dont question his overly energetic self and clumsy self!
Overall i think rocket is a very fun friend to hang out with! Unless he nukes your house :]
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deoreoo · 1 month
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ଘ(੭ ᐛ )━☆゚.*・。゚๋ Hi pals, gals and nonbinary pals!
Call me Hoji/Deo my pronouns are she/her
Please please please!! Dont be shy to request! Although this is my first time writing i'll do my very best to give the content you guys deserve!!
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I do:
❂ Fluff
❂ Romance/slight nsfw
❂ Angst
❂ Hurt/comfort
❂ Headcanons
❂ x reader
❂ Art requests!! (I love art so please do request these!!)
❂ OC x Character (please tell me more about your oc so i can get ideas on how to write them^^)
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Requests are CLOSED!
Fandoms im currently writing for:
Lifestealsmp (mostly platonic!)
Gravity Falls (i can write the reverse one aswell)
Project Sekai (romance is okay but not too much since their minors!)
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deoreoo · 1 month
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guys look at awsum thingaling phighting guys i just realized i forgot graffiti pls dont attack me
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deoreoo · 1 month
Hello!!!! Since I'm pretty sure Requests are open at the time I'm writing this, Could I request Subspace with An Idol Reader??
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subspace x idol! reader
content: slight stalking themes; obsessiveness; general fluff?; confessions; a bit wattpad-like y/n; y/n is song-inspired; dont know what else to really say, it's subspace!!!
authors note: subspace i love you uuhmmm who said thatttt???? uuummmmmmmmmmm
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[Y/N] sat in the cozy corner of the studio, tuning their hair and their outfit for the stage, humming a new melody they had been working on. They were going to be playing with Boombox, a well-known individual within Playground. [Y/N] smiled, staring at themselves in the reflection, as their guitarist tuned their guitar. They strummed absentmindedly on their instrument, looking up to [Y/N].
“Hey [Y/N], did you hear about that weird guy who’s been hanging around the playground lately? Stated that they were going insane, they nearly stole some random guy's ticket to this concert,” they spoke in a shattered voice, as if they were afraid of the person. [Y/N] glanced up, intrigued. 
“Weird guy? You’ll have to be more specific. This place attracts all sorts of interesting characters, whether you like it or not,” they replied. [Y/N]’s friend shook their heads, a serious expression on their face. “No, I mean really weird. He’s been making quite a scene. Loud, obnoxious, strange type of person gave me the creeps just hearin’ ‘bout it.”
[Y/N] chuckled, brushing off the concern their friend had expressed. They turned, hands on their hips, comically. “You know, being in a band brings out the strangest of people. It’s all part of the experience, right?” Their friend looked at them with a slight discomfort. They sighed.
“Maybe, but this guy is different. There was something off about him. Like, he was looking for something or someone, and he’s got this intense energy,” they continued. [Y/N] turned around and focused back on their small accessories and additions to their outfit.
“I felt like he was only thriving off of chaos and pure... something.” [Y/N] zipped their jacket up, letting the sound resonate for a moment. “That sounds like half of the fans we meet. People are drawn to the music for different reasons," [Y/N] turned, “and sometimes those reasons are a little unconventional, but it’s what makes this experience so interesting!”
[Y/N]’s friend placed their guitar on their lap. They shook their heads, not fully assured. “I get that... But what if this guy is even worse than usual? I don’t know; I just... am scared; I have a bad feeling about him.”
[Y/N] smiled warmly, appreciating the concern but not feeling particularly worried. “Thanks for looking out for me, but I can assure you, I’ll be okay! Sometimes the most intense fans are the ones who connect with the music on a deeper level,” [Y/N] walked over, placing a hand on their friend's shoulder, “and it’s kind of flattering in a way.”
They gave a reluctant nod, still uneasy. “Yeah, maybe you’re right; just promise me you’ll be careful, okay?” 
“Promise,” [Y/N] said with a reassuring smile. “Now, let’s get back to checking off the list; we’ve got to go up soon.”
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[Y/N] raised their microphone in the air, the sound of the crowd going insane as the song entered the final strum of the guitar. Panting, their chests rising as they smiled, only to soon skip off the stage and grab a quick drink. Rushing away, [Y/N] took a cup and poured themselves a drink. 
[Y/N] took a deep breath, feeling the familiar thrum of excitement as they prepared to meet one of their biggest fans. They had heard rumors about strangers' fascination with their music, and it was surreal to think that someone they admired was also a fan.
The back of the stage was a small area. It was a space where musicians and others could speak freely, away from prying eyes and ears. But it seemed somebody was already there, pacing back and forth with a restless energy that seemed to crackle in the air around him. His usual maniacal grin was firmly in place, and his eyes lit up as soon as he spotted [Y/N].
“Ah, there you are!!” Subspace exclaimed, his voice dripping with excitement. “The idols of the playground themselves, gracing me with their presence??”
[Y/N] nearly spat out their drink, soon panicking as they dropped their cup and hid it with their foot. It was subspace! The Subspace! [Y/N] had been a long-lived fan of his works, especially the release of Biografts. [Y/N] felt sweat pour down their forehead. “Oh! Hello! I’ve been such a big fan of your work!”
Subspace’s eyes widened slightly, a look of genuine surprise crossing his face before he quickly masked it with his usual bravado. “You? A fan of mine?? Well, that’s a twist I didn’t see coming!!” He let out a loud, almost manic laugh, the sound echoing around them.
[Y/N] nodded, their hearts pounding. “Yes, I love the intensity and raw emotion in your performances. They’re...inspirational.” Subspace’s grin widened, and he stepped closer, his gaze intense. “Inspirational, huh?? Funny, I was going to say the same about you. Your music... it’s like nothing I’ve ever heard before. It’s... intoxicating.” 
You could feel yourself falling for this man faster than ever.
[Y/N] felt their cheeks heat up, their heads spinning with the unexpected praise. “I don’t know what to say. Hearing that from you means a lot.”
Subspace’s expression softened for a brief moment, a flicker of something almost genuine crossing his face. “I guess we both have our obsessions then. But tell me, What is it about my work that you admire so much??”
[Y/N] took a deep breath, trying to gather their thoughts. “It’s the way you throw yourself into your performances—the sheer passion and intensity. It’s like you’re not afraid to be completely yourself, no matter what anyone thinks. That’s something I really admire.”
Subspace’s grin returned, but there was a hint of something more behind it now. “Well, well, it seems we have more in common than I thought. You’re not so bad yourself, you know??”
Before [Y/N] could respond, Subspace took another step closer, his voice dropping to a softer tone. “You know, I’ve always wanted to meet you, to see if you were as captivating in person as you are on stage. And I have to say, you haven’t disappointed.”
[Y/N] felt their knees go weak, the overwhelming mix of excitement and nerves threatening to overtake them. “I’ve always wanted to meet you too, Subspace. Your work has been such a huge inspiration for me.”
As they stood there, face to face with their idol, [Y/N] could only nod, their hearts racing and their minds a whirlwind of emotions. Meeting Subspace had been everything they had hoped for and more. The reality of the moment was sinking in, and they felt a rush of pure exhilaration.
Subspace's grin widened as he watched [Y/N] struggle to contain their excitement. “You know, you’re even more charming in person than I imagined. It’s no wonder you have such a following.”
[Y/N] laughed nervously, feeling a warmth spread through them at his words. “Thank you, Subspace. That means a lot coming from you. I’ve always admired your fearlessness and the way you put everything into your work without holding back. It’s something I aspire to do.”
Subspace’s gaze softened slightly, a rare moment of sincerity breaking through his usual manic demeanor. “It’s not always easy, but I find that the only way to truly live is to embrace every moment, no matter how chaotic. And you, [Y/N], you have that spark. That same fire.”
[Y/N] felt a surge of pride and joy at his words. “That’s one of the things I love about your work. It’s raw and unfiltered. It’s...real.” Subspace’s grin returned, wider and more genuine than before. “I knew there was a reason I felt drawn to your music. We’re kindred spirits, you and I. Both are chasing that same high, that same passion.”
[Y/N] could feel their hearts beating faster, their excitement growing with every word. “I never thought I’d meet someone who understands that so well. It’s...it’s incredible.”
Subspace took a step closer, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. “Tell me, [Y/N], what drives you? What keeps that fire burning inside you?”
[Y/N] took a moment to think, their minds racing. “It’s the connection with my fans, the feeling of creating something that resonates with others. And the thrill of pushing boundaries and exploring new territories. It’s addictive.”
Subspace nodded, his eyes gleaming with understanding. “I get that. It’s the same for me. The rush of a performance, the thrill of the unknown. It’s what keeps me going.”
They stood there, sharing a moment of silent understanding, a bond forming between them. [Y/N] felt a sense of exhilaration, knowing that they had found someone who truly understood their passion.
Subspace broke the silence, and his voice filled with excitement. “You know, we should collaborate sometime. Imagine what we could create together. The world wouldn’t know what hit them!!”
[Y/N] felt a thrill of excitement at the idea. “I’d love that. I think we could create something truly amazing.”
Subspace’s grin widened, his eyes sparkling with anticipation. “Then it’s a plan. We’ll make something that will blow everyone away. Just wait.”
[Y/N] felt a surge of joy, their hearts soaring with the possibilities. Meeting Subspace had been everything they had hoped for and more. As they stood there, face to face with their idol, they knew that this was the beginning of something incredible.
Subspace’s gaze softened once more, a rare moment of vulnerability breaking through his usual bravado. “You know, I never expected to find someone who understands me like you do. It’s...refreshing.”
[Y/N] smiled, feeling a warmth spread through them. “I feel the same way. It’s amazing to meet someone who shares the same passion and drive.”
Subspace nodded, his eyes filled with a mixture of excitement and gratitude. “Here’s to new beginnings, then. And to create something that will leave a mark on the world.”
[Y/N] raised an imaginary glass, their hearts swelling with joy. “To new beginnings.”
As Subspace walked away from the meeting spot, [Y/N] felt a sense of exhilaration and excitement. They had met their idol, someone who understood their passion and drive, and they knew that this was just the beginning of an incredible journey.
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