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doctorsiren · 1 month
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Designed a couple of Mob’s coworkers for the fire station 😁
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desire444lust · 11 months
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smokbeast · 9 months
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Spitballs another ref complete, soma!! She is the one I ship mainly with fang in Regular undertale setting and in her Canon og setting with Makoto. Shes just a lovely lil siren out to have a good time :D and she love her hubband and wife allot.
About soma below!
- she's a fire demon/siren hybrid. She's not meant to look like that for a siren. So she's considered "ugly" to siren standards and thata why her had is broken, sirens tried to bash her head when she was a baby to kill her, thinking she was a bad omen.
- she can turn ablaze like fire, and spit oil like ink that increases the intensity of it to a point that she can make fire happen underwater and it is difficult to put out. If she inks, and sets it ablaze. Consider that an explosion waiting to happen.
- Soma doesn't like using her fire powers as they hurt her allot due to her sensitive skin, her hybrid powers sadly are not stable.
- she used to have horns! But those opened cracks on her cranium are the result of them being gone :,)
- her father is the king of firedemons, and she has no idea what that even means LMAO
-Soma was raised by Orca sirens, hence her mimicing their colors. She can click and whistle like an Orca and dolphin and does this frequently to lure dolphins to kill and eat them.
- she is extremely aggressive to male sirens and prefers they stay away due to past experiences, unless they show an ounce of kindness to her. She will take that as mate worthy and try to court with them (the mistake fang did.). However she has a immense curiosity of the land beasts and humans, finding them very interesting.
-Soma is really clingy and sweet once she's out of her shell. She does like making friends and will do her best to learn their mannerisms to not make them uncomfortable! She knows her customs are different to those on land.
-her tentacles can shift to legs when she's on land, she's a little wobbly but it works PFNG
-Soma has a beak like teeth and three tongues. Her venom is similar to that of a blue ringed octopus but multiplied to her size, she can take down even the largest sirens with it and tear their throats or stomachs open with her mouth. She's genuinly horrifying and WILL make example of someone that tries to hurt her partners or babies
-Soma has two babies with makoto and fang! But in undertale au, it's only one baby with fang.
-in undertale au, soma is simply a siren monster that lives in the surface, most stories where she meets folks is because they either went to the surface or she accidentally fell to the underground through a stream that led her there.
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disastrousfeline · 5 months
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ship nhp girls save me. save me ship nhp girls
(as usual, more doodles and edits under the cut)
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she's like a #girlfail. to me
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cropped and colored for discord emoji purposes! you can nab this if you want
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cg edits are pretty fun
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1uc0z4dee · 11 months
the blue lady 🧿𓂃 ࣪❄️
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powderrr · 6 months
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I do not know what is this. I was just inspired by one au (Monster 141 @bluegiragi ) and I thought it would be a good idea to have fun with different mythical creatures. Gaz siren and Alex phoenix. It's probably a one-shot, so... Sorry if this alarms you in any way.
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Я не знаю, что это. Меня просто вдохновила одна ау'шка ( Monster 141 @bluegiragi ) и я подумала, что похимичить с разными мифическими существами хорошая идея. Газ сирена и Алекс феникс. Это вероятно один выстрел, так что... Извините, если это каким-то образом может вас встревожить.
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clock-onyx · 4 months
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Name: Coral
Age: ~ 28
Pronouns: She/Her
Gender: Female
Orientation: Bisexual Ambiamorous
Height: 6'0" / 182 cm
Species: Siren (Resembles an axolotl)
Title: Natrual Inhabitant (Born in Taxlis, travelled across the planet before coming back)
Occupation: Singer (Rock, Pop etc)
Status: Alive
I wanted to go a little away from my god, demigods and such and showcase some redesigns of super old ocs!!!
This is YET another difficult redesign I kind of nailed for once, been tryna diversify my characters from the same repetitve traits and shes one of the recent ones!!! This one took a few good attempts (I still might change some stuff)
Shes got a banging girlfriend that I WILL post soon since her design is done aswell!
Coral's one of my oldest ocs, the FIRST one for my world, actually, I didnt have the heart to change much of her apperance so I didnt
Shes a singer that made a small group with two of her friends aswell as her girlfriend to entertain Taxlis with their music, all having diffrent tastes in it. However, theres a much more sinister motive to why they came to Taxlis out of all the cities to stay in and entertain the crowds
In the group, she's... quite the loud one, very extroverted and open about herself, has zero care of what others think about her (unless if its about the ones shes close to), making her the most popular out of all of them. Although, that can make her stubborn with stuff
Shes also the one who constantly attempts to have a goth or scene look but fails since there arent many options in Taxlis, BUT shes trying!!!!!!!!
FUN FACT!!!!!!! Sirens in Taxlis use large pieces of algae as a wig, since they cant grow hair, its a very common thing amongts then
I know for SOME the redesign might be weird or off, but I like it, I think it fits her a lot <|:333
AND ALSO!!! She has 4 external gills, I just kept two for a more experimental style
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Im actually so shocked that I dont have more pictures of her wtf 😭😭���
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fetalabduction · 3 months
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Melody Modesty May gets a job ?
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fic-art-blurbs · 4 months
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Got something for mermay! Uh. Sorry Matthias
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pnkhalo · 17 hours
Absentmindedly told this masc girl, “very good” after she complied with a request, and when I say my loins were set ablazeeee.
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luminafights · 14 days
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░ 𝐃𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐎𝐫𝐛𝐢𝐭: 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝟓𝟎 ⠀   𝐆𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝟏.𝟎 ⠀   ① ᴄᴏᴍᴘᴀɴɪᴏɴ: Fresh Paint Rafayel ⠀   ① ᴡᴇᴀᴘᴏɴ: Hunter Firearm ⠀   ② ᴄᴏᴍᴘᴀɴɪᴏɴ: Phantom of the Siren Rafayel ⠀   ② ᴡᴇᴀᴘᴏɴ: Hunter Claymore
⠀⠀⠀☑ Stella Match⠀⠀⠀⠀☐ 3 Star Pass⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀☐ Video
I had to wait for a good card for my Team 2 before I could progress. Oh god I missed combat content so much. But anyway, these were my stats for Fire Orbit 50!
𝐕𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲── .✦
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𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐬── .✦
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𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬── .✦
2024-03-23 1:39 PM
I'm writing this down while the memory is still fresh. My main struggle was with the ice dragon (Hoarfrost Wyrmlord) in the second fight because my stats were really pushing it there. I had to rely on luck for a very specific part which I'll elaborate on later. Some context: I got the boss to weakened state 3 times, and used oath 1 time. Timed resonance skill to interrupt some annoying attacks and/or to close the distance, like when dragon does the roar that pushes you back. Did the usual claymore clobbering. With these stats, I could get the ice dragon down to 80-90% 1x HP by the end of the 2nd weakened state at around the 40-45 second mark? At which point it goes invincible and flies to the center of the area and does the tornado attack. Here's where I had to gamble. There will be a very small window where you may be able to squeeze in 1 resonance skill before he goes invincible, so you have to have 2 charges ready for it for this part (which means not using a Frangere Slash during the 2nd weakened state window). You might have to retry a few times to get it. If you do it right, by the time ice dragon is out of invincible state, you'll have some 30 seconds left, which should be enough time for you to hit it with another resonance skill and finish it off. Dragon can still dodge your resonance skill by flying or backstepping tho, so watch out for that.
2024-09-06 10:51 AM
Some good news in game version 2.0: dragons are no longer invincible when they do that annoying backstep!
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trix-or-treatz · 14 days
Come on then op tell us about the one piece au
bshdkfjnsksjd well I have shared the basics here and gone into some detail on a few relationship changes here and here !!
But!! Since you asked (ty for asking) I will share some of what I've been thinking about recently!
First thing: Rouge doesn't die from childbirth in this au, since it was far more normal and far less physically impossible. So for six years, Ace gets to actually have both parents around (and Rayleigh, so THREE whole parents, even. he's thriving (until he's not))
Second: I am personally of the opinion that if they'd had the opportunity, Rouge and Roger would've had a second child. They just seem like people who would've really liked being parents ;-; canon robbed them. So because of point one, and because there's six years between Ace being born and Roger's execution, there may be a second kiddo 👀 I'm not ready to drop all of that yet, but 👀
Third, and jumping forward in time: Ace already has his devil fruit by the time he decides to hang around on Dawn. This, plus him being 18 rather than 10, is going to change how a lot of events there go down, and I'm really excited to write about that.
Last thing, relating to that last comment there, I have been (slowly) working out the details of a fic for this au! I haven't written actual fic in years, and it's currently a pretty slow process, but I'm figuring out how I want it to work and chipping away at parts of it and I'm very excited to start posting that someday. I don't know when, but someday !
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dent-de-leon · 1 month
So I've been listening to Suffering from the Epic the Musical Soundtrack, and man, the widomauk vibes I get from it, especially if the Nein encounter Sirens during their pirate arc
ohh I'm not familiar with this but I listened to it and that's neat! The thought of Caleb still being haunted by his grief and feelings for Mollymauk. Sirens (or that succubus they fought--) taking Molly's form to try and charm him, appeal to his desperate desire for a chance at "reunion."
Also, sirens appearing as Molly would be so interesting because we know Molly likes to sing, used to run off all the time for "choir practice," sang songs he learned from both the carnival and the Moonweaver herself. Caleb hearing someone else singing, and it sounds so much like that voice he's missed all this time, so terribly familiar--but just...something about it still feels off--
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hella1975 · 2 years
my favourite ways of handling rude customers that wont actually get me fired but are still satisfying:
if they complain i love just really enthusiastically agreeing with them. like i pretend we're having a bitching session they're like 'the food was cold we waited for ages i HATED the meal' yadda yadda and i just nod along like 'omg that's awful no fr exactly im saying like' and more often than not they tire themselves out bc they're waiting on me to be like 'this is what im going to do to fix that/compensate you' and i just dont LMAO
just good old-fashioned harrassment. if you're on my shit list as a customer then that's it you're gonna get used to me. im checking your table every fifteen minutes. im forcing you into conversation. im waiting for you to bite into your food before i come over. im going to be so fucking annoying and you wont really be able to do anything bc technically im doing my job and who would use THIS of all things as psychological warfare... right?
for the super rude and demanding customers that are REALLY on a roll, i let them get a couple sentences out and then i just. cut them off. and really sweetly go 'oh im so sorry could you repeat that i didn't catch it'. it's insane how much something so simple can throw off their whole rhythm like it forces them to stop and think about what they're saying. doesn't always work but it at least slows them down
this one took me a while to start doing bc i dont actually have the authority for this BUT THE CUSTOMER DOESNT KNOW THAT. so if they complain about a specific past incident (e.g 'a girl served me last time and she was SO rude') i'll get very serious like 'what was her name?' and they're like 'what' bc NINE TIMES OUT OF TEN these people are just miserable and want to complain purely for the sake of complaining and kicking down, they dont actually want the confrontation. so i just stay very stoic like 'we pride ourselves on our service here and matters like this are handled very seriously. i could get a manager for you to talk to...?' they almost always want to drop it and i'll usually keep pushing it anyway just bc it's so funny watching them squirm when only 2 mins ago they were acting all high and mighty trying to make me uncomfortable over something ENTIRELY OUT OF MY CONTROL. ive only used this trick a couple times with customers i can tell OFF THE BAT are going to be wankers but not a single one of them have taken it further and it tends to placate them for the rest of the meal too bc idk they realise you're an actual human being with autonomy and not just a punching bag for light entertainment i guess
just a general statement here: if you're rude then im going to assume you'll find something to complain about either way. like the logic that 'the more i chuck myself around the better the service will be' is soooo flawed imo bc all it makes me do is figure i might as well make your experience bad on MY grounds instead of yours. im going to hold your food back. im not going to care about keeping your drinks topped up. is it good standard for a waitress? no it is not. but my other alternative is going down for battery and id rather keep the job on thin ice than lose it entirely
this isnt something ive done but my mum once had a really rude customer and she worked at a proper fancy place where the customers all wore suits and ball dresses, and she decided she was sick of this woman so when she was pouring her BOILING HOT gravy for her - mad that there are places where the staff pour your fucking gravy? - my mum 'accidentally' spilled it on her lap LMFAO
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