#fire-eating fusion
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Jack O'Goomblin
A Fusion of: Jack O' Lantern (Plants Vs Zombies), Jack O'Goomba (Mario), Dipplin (Pokemon), and Bomb (Final Fantasy)
Gender: Both
Element: Normal, Grass, Dragon, Water, Ghost, Bug, Fire (Mostly), Psychic, Steel, Rock, and Dark
Capabilities: Supersweet Syrup, Gluttony, Sticky Hold, Increased and Enhanced Fire Volume, Combat Training, Cell Activation, Ability Awaken, Fighting Power, Pumpkin Ghost, Summons 5 to 9 Wisps, Strikethrough, Produce Small Blue Flames, Ravager, Auto-Enfire, Flamestrike, Critical: Faith, Overwhelm, Felflame, Blaze, Bomb-Butt, Grow 1/2, Suicide, Charge, Blowup, Rush, Fire Ward, Self-Destruct, Body Slam, Piercing, Firestrike, Distill Power, Double Attack, Fira, Firaga, Meltdown, Kaboom!, Berserk, Heat Wave, Hellstorm, Vulcanian Impact, Bodyblow, Inflame, Swell, Fireball, Apoptosis, Bomb Blast, Protect, Oil, Focus, Flash, Thunderbolt, Cornered Beast, Enhanced Fire, Last Stand, Sizzle, Flame Attack, Spark, Airborne, Counter, Weapon Def+, Coin Count Echo, & Mass Destruct
Immune to: Death, Doom, Float, Earth, Virus, Confuse, Berserk, Auto-Life, Vanish, Eat, Scan, Gravity, Petrify, Venom, Silence, Darkness, Trouble, Zombie, Stop, Poison, Sleep, Regen, Haste, Slow, Shell, Protect, Heat, Freeze, Mini, Reflect, Gradual Petrify, Threaten, Eject, Capture, Curse, Blind, Lure, Launch, Daze, Pain, Imp, Meteor Strike, Pig, Toad, and Calm
Resident to: Ground, Water, Grass, Electric, Silence, Darkness, Haste, Berserk, Chain, Guns, Measures, Body, and Mind
Ingredient Drops: Juicy Bomb Fragments, Bacchus's Wine, and Magma Apples
Other Item Drops: Ore, Magic Stones, Potion, Ether, Average Bomb Fragments, Hi-Potion, Bomb Cards, Power Spheres, Bomb Cores, Fire Gems, Red Rings, Bomb Ashes, Fire Stones, Echo Herbs, Leather Gorget, Fire Magicite, Handkerchiefs, Bomb Shells, Mage Bomb Fragments, Arcana, Mage Pebbles, Redstone, Blackstone, Phoenix Downs, Magma Rocks, Fire Amulets, Right Arms, Shrapnel, Molotov Cocktail, Flame Shields, Bomb Arms, Tranquilizers, Silence Seal, Lilith's Kiss, Bomb Spirits, Krysta Cards, Mana Silver, Fire Aegis, and Fire Spellstones
Natural Diet: Fire and Healing Mana
Abandoned Natural Habitat: Halloween-Themed Galaxies, Ruins, Caverns, Towers, Fortresses, Scattered in Tornados, Dungeons, Huge Warships, Nearby Towns, Nearing at Lakes, Mountains, Kingdoms, Castles, Underground Passages, Volcanic Areas, Ghost Trains, Forests, Nearing at Bridges, Colosseums, Battle Arenas, Gardens, Nations, Islands, Art Galleries, Airships, Continents, on Paths and Pathways, Settlements, Deserts, Labyrinths, Wastelands, and Mines
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zxal · 4 months
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AU that's been eating away at my brain for the past several weeks that spawned from @cyberdragoninfinity and I being like "what if the yuboys swapped dimensions" -> "do the bracelet girls swap too" -> "they swap but also to different dimensions"
standard yuto & rin are childhood friends and go to you show together; the other characters don't swap dimensions so rin is skip's kid and yuto is yusho and yoko's kid. yuto runs a "performedieval" deck themed around renaissance fair-type actors. rin runs a fire-attribute spellcaster "bellodious" deck themed around hot peppers 🌶️
xyz yuya & celina know each other through school (and yuya knows shay through her by extension) but they frankly Aren't Very Close. yuya runs a "phantom bards" deck with little ghostly animal musicians and celina runs a "lyriline" deck with catgirl rockstars.
synchro yuri & lulu grew up and lived together until yuri decided to steal the duel runner they built together and enter the friendship cup on his own (making him the current champion). yuri runs a plant-type "speedling" deck themed around rapid-growth plants, lulu runs a winged beast-type "windwing" deck with arctic birds.
fusion yugo & zuzu are unlikely friends (in the sense that zuzu isn't "allowed" to hang out with yugo but does anyway). neither of them are supposed to leave DA which zuzu thinks is super unfair, so she sneaks yugo out with her to go check out the standard dimension. yugo runs a "predapuzzler" deck with monsters based on puzzles, toys, & predatory animals, and zuzu runs a "lunalull" deck with flowergirl monsters that bloom at night
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tinydefector · 5 months
Hello! How are you? This is my first time requesting so I hope this is okay, but can I request a shorter scenario g1 Optimus, Ratchet, Jazz and Ironhide with a human s/o lives for chaos? They would point at Megatron and say ‘bitch’ just for the reaction. 🩵
Cursing Megatron out
Ps I'm sleep deprived af it's 12am right now and just finished this so enjoy.
Word count: 2.3k
Warning: description of fighting, swearing
Ratchet masterlist
Ironhide masterlist
Jazz masterlist
Optimus prime Masterlist
Optimus Prime
They yell loudly as Megatron goes to grab them, they smash him in the face with a tire iron as he is then tackled by Optimus. The Decepticon leader had ruined their date night. They flip him off as Optimus throws Megatron across the ground, his servo wraps around them quickly pulling them closer as they scramble up onto his shoulder. "Eat shit and die Fuck face!" They yell at Megatron. 
Optimus clutched their small form protectively against his plating, battling protocols roaring. Had circumstances been different, the Prime would have roared in fury at your fierce defence against the tyrant but he was dealing with trying to keep them safe. 
Megatron howled, clutching a fist to his dented face as energon streamed between digits. His optics blazed murder, craving nothing more than to snuff the fluttering spark of Optimus' and the human he held so closely. 
"You've made a grave error this day, little beast. No corpse shall hide you from my wrath!" Megatron bellowed, brandishing his fusion cannon as if to raze the very earth. His field screamed promised agony that sent lesser mechs scampering for shelter.
Optimus vented his battle mask into place, tucking them securely against the safety of his backstrut. weapons primed and wrathful fields promising eons of hurt against any who dared to touch his Human.    
"You shall not harm them, Megatron. Leave. now. while your spark yet functions," Optimus warned in a voice low and in a heavy growl that sounded feral and unlike the Prime.
"Maybe you should get Shockwave to give you a facial reconciliation!, oh wait I did it already!" They sneer back from Optimus' shoulder at Megatron. Their teeth are bared at him as they snarl. If anyone else had seen the human they would have thought they were an animal.
Optimus suppressed an amused sigh at their show of fangs, so small yet fearless against the monster terrorising his people for millennia.  Megatron bellowed in foaming rage, lunging toward where they perched upon Optimus's armoured pauldron. "Insolent pest! I shall grind your bones to powder and force-feed them to - aggh!"
A well-placed shot from Optimus's ion blaster struck the warlord, toppling the tyrant shrieking to the dirt. "Last warning, Megatron. Leave. or face me," Optimus rumbled, field pulsing protectiveness intertwined with fierce Protection.  
With a snarl Megatron takes off. Once both Optimus and his human lover settle from the adrenaline and battle protocols. Optimus cradled their small form within his battle-worn servo, venting slow ex-vapor to purge lingering fumes. His optics dimly regarded their fragile body. 
"That was a foolish act of bravery, little one," Optimus rumbled gently, digit carefully brushing across their  forehead and down their cheek admiring their eyes alight with fire. His spark swelled at the determination.  
"Sorry, I..  I got caught up in the moment, he missed me off ruining date night" they huff out while pressing their face into his neck cabling. Their body shakes from the adrenaline. "I hit Megatron with a tire iron" they whisper as it slowly registers in their own brain.
Optimus vented a soft huff of static, equal parts worry and weary amusement filling his field at their admission. "A valiant act indeed, though foolhardy against one as powerful as he," rumbled Optimus, vocals warm with approval despite the danger of the situation. His optics flicker in fondness. “Please do not do that again” 
 Megatron let's out a horrific scream as he gets electrocuted. He hadn't noticed the humans who had shoved the taser between the plates of his armour. "Get Tazered Bitch, not so fucking tough now huh?" They shout at the downed Decepticon only to be scooped up by Ratchet. Ratchet swept them into his servo with a staticky huff, deftly dodging the warlord's flailing blows as voltage shocks wracked Megatron's colossal frame. His field buzzed approval at their fearless defence of him. 
"Reckless sparkling! You'll deactivate my rusting struts with stunts like that," Ratchet grumbled, though optics shone bright relief beneath grizzled plating. Megatron howled upon the earth, shaking off aftershocks that would crush the stoutest Autobot, madness glinting a terrifying helm snapped halfway 'twixt beast and machine.
Ratchet backed swiftly from flailing reach, hoisting their small form beyond harm's sight. Ratchet takes off transforming around them before he begins scolding the for how stupid they were, how dangerous it was. And the fact Megatron would personally hunt them now.
"Have you any idea how foolish that stunt was?!" Ratchet's engine revved indignantly even as he sped across the scarred earth, his cabin vibrating with barely-suppressed wrath and equal measure relief. 
His sensors remained fixed upon the precious organic cargo nestled within his altforms cab, monitoring vital readings  "Do you want a personal vendetta from Megatron? Because that's how you get a personal vendetta, you glitched little slagger!" Medical scans analysed each minute shift of breath. 
"Reckless, Just...do not scare me so, small one," Ratchet rumbled quietly, worried and care etched in every bolt and wire. 
"He had it coming Ratchet, plus that Amazon taser is getting a 10/10. 'WORKS GREAT, I Tazed a large alien warlord and he screamed like a bitch, will in fact work on creeps on the street' " they laugh while they look in the revision mirror to make sure they aren't being followed by said Decepticon.
Despite himself, Ratchet's engine sputtered an amused huff at their tone - so fearless in the face of giants who had destroyed armies. "Oh I've no doubt - the reviews certainly won't lack colour!" Ratchet agreed wryly, subtly activating scanners to sweep their escape route while watchful optics remained pinned to their reflection. 
His vents sighed relief upon confirming no stalking signatures upon their trail, enemy or otherwise. Swinging wide the Ark's bunker doors, Ratchet transformed with care not to jostle his delicate cargo. Blue optics peered down aglow with a glare "Come now, troublemaker. No more outings for the next month for you while the oaf licks his wounds." His states while guiding them to the medbay. 
“no fair Ratchet!” 
They cling onto Jazz as the bot hides behind a boulder, multiple autobots had been out when the Decepticons had attacked. They are held tightly by Jazz as he debates the best possible to get them out of there unscaved.
Jazz vented softly, hugging their form protectively against his plating as pedefalls rumbled outside their scant cover. 
"Ain't nothin' t'fear, li'l light. Ol' Jazz'll getcha outta here one piece, ya feel me?" he murmured soothing static against their ear, subtly scanning surroundings through plating. An opening presented itself, if he could provide distraction just long enough...
Pressing a swift kiss to their forehead, Jazz.” Go, sweetspark! Ain't got but a klik - I'm right behind ya!" Jazz called desperately over the roar of weapons, swerving and banking with abandon to keep pursuers engaged but alive. 
 "Hey ol' buckets 'a bolts! Over here!" With that, he peeled from cover in a burst of speed, transforming mid-leap to present the biggest possible target, tailfins flared wide. Weapon systems engaged, greeting the three pursuing seekers with enthusiastically snarky exclamations as he led them on a merry chase. His sole purpose in those seconds - buy precious time, before sharply veering back toward cover with afterburners blazing. 
They do take off running but stop as they see Megatron advancing towards Jazz. They aren't far from either bot and in a split moment of bravery or stupidity their shoe is off and being flung right at Megatron's helm. "Your shit ass piece of Junk you lay a fucking hand on my boyfriend and I'll rip you apart with a fucking Magnet and plyers, don't you fucking test me you dipper wearing, goofy as looking supervillan wannabe!" They shout. It make the whole battlefield go almost dead silent. " Yea you fucking hear my bucket head, ill make you wish you were rusting!" They shout again. 
Jazz's optics widened in horror behind his visor, witnessing your defiant act through static-laced vision. Fear gripped his struts like freezing polyhexian tundra. 
Megatron's helm barely shifted from the impact, regarding their small form with optics glinting cruel amusement. His cannon charged with purpose to squash resistance as pointless and fleeting as an organic.
"Foolish creature. Your lives mean less than insects" Megatron sneered, taking ponderous steps their way that may as well have been a funeral march. The field around him broadcast murderous intentions that sent even the seasoned warriors around bolting for cover. 
Jazz would not be denied. With a grief-stricken keen that curdled energon in lines, he flung himself between you and that doom-wielding arm aiming to end what meaning he had left. His field pulsed frenzied protectiveness tangled with pleas no words could voice. 
"Ya want 'em, Megs, you'll hafta go through me first! An' I been dancin' this dance a long time..." Jazz spat static. Jazz was quick to get them out of there grabbing them and taking off. It isn't until they were back at the Ark did he finally transform, arms wrapped around them as he gives the a peace of his mind.
Jazz clutched their body against his chest plates long after abandoning the battle site, fleeing farther than ever felt safe from those sworn to end all he had left. His engine roared wildly, fuel pump pounding faster than any sabotage mission's duration against the relief of delivering them from harm. 
Only within the Ark's fortified bunker did his struts unlock enough to collapse wearily to the floor, holding them close as grateful cries and static escaped in equal measure. "Don't you ever fraggin' do that ta me again, ya hear?" Jazz gasped brokenly at last, cupping their face desperately within his quaking palm. His visor glimmered tears unshed, relief and terror warning in equal measure. 
"Can't lose ya...yer all Ah got left in this mess. Please, li'l light...don' scare me like that." Raw emotion clogged his vocalizer to near uselessness, pressing reverent kisses between choked intakes. 
"He was going right for you baby!, I'm not letting the 3 tonne prick hurt you, so what I lost a shoe next time it will be a hydro flask of salt water and I hope it dents his helm" they state as they grab his face plate returning his kisses with fevor.
Jazz huffed a static-tinged laugh at their fierce declaration, so brave yet trembling in his gentle grasp. His cooling fans cycled accelerated drafts, systems still buzzing from terrors faced alone to shield them from doom's sightless gaze. 
"Frag if ya ain't the bravest thing this side'a Cybertron," Jazz rumbled. He pressed his faceplate into their shoulder holding them tightly, not willing to let go yet. Curling them protectively against the humming mass of his spark, Jazz vented shaky ex-vents. "Mah brave, beautiful li'l light...keep shinin' that fire, sweetspark." Jazz whispered raggedly into their shoulder. 
 Ironhide shoots at Megatron. His human companion latched to his back as he uses his body as a shield so the war lord couldn't get them. But they were making it rather hard as they tried antagonising Megatron. 
"Damn did they build you like a shit box on Cybertron or did you pick this form yourself!" They shout out. 
Ironhide careened across the scarred terrain, engine roaring as his heavy cannons unloaded volley after volley into the Con warlord's encroaching chassis. Megatron's howls shook the earth, armour blistering under Ironhide's righteous fury for daring to threaten his human lashed securely to broad backstruts.
"That's it, slaggertits, dance for me!" Ironhide bellowed back at Megatron. 
Megatron lunged forward through a hailstorm of plasma, cannons charging in a frenzy to end lives denying his rule. But Ironhide spun on a dime, releasing another blast to cave in an optical relay before transforming ram-tight around you both. 
His engine pounded like the Pit below, field alive with devotion harsh as his bearing yet gentle as newborn sparks flickering against red-and-blue armorweave. When Megatron gets too close they lob a can of WD-40 At him which Ironhide shoots cause it to explode in his face. "Get sunbeam shitlips!" They yell in delight as Ironhide takes off with them trying to get to safety.
"That's enough outta you, squishy," Ironhide rumbled, yet his cannons sang in harmony with your unbound spirit. His mission remained unchanged - shield the light of life, defying all forces that sought to smother its radiance. Ironhide's cannon fire consumed the volatile projectile in a brilliant fireball, engulfing Megatron in inferno. As they take off leaving Megatron in a fireball of energon and wounds. 
"Right in the visual output, squishy!. Primus, I think I'm in love," Ironhide roared instatically, tires biting earth as he tore across the ravaged wastes well beyond enemy sensors. His spark soared like the smelting winds of Vos. Ironhide's engine purred a low rumble as his struts unwound, tension leaching from armour plating now safe. His field pulsed weariness, yet underlying it swirled pride and fierce gratitude for your indomitable spirit so small, yet burned brighter than any star.
"Can't say I approve of y'all's antics out there, squishy. But Primus if you didn't frag up that rustbucket good," Ironhide chuckled, copper-sheened plating creaking in amusement. Never had he witnessed such fearless bravery, nor met a soul so worthy of the praise.
"He had it coming, Ironhide!You're not going to tell prime are you?" They had just faced down Megatron and cursed him out yet they were worried over being ratted out. Ironhide's engine grumbled a tired huff, his massive frame unwinding into a sprawl across the barren earth. He transforms lifting them up into his arms
"I'd be a fool to deny you put the fear of Primus in that rustbucket," Ironhide chuckled. "But Prime's got enough weighin' his wires. Don't need him fryin' more circuits over our antics." A digit gently booped their nose, gaze softening. "Your spark burns brighter than all the Well's glory. Ain't no mech takin' that from you - least of all one as glitching as Megs."
"Our secret?" They asked looking up at him.
"Our secret, squishy.” Ironhide replied, massive frame creaking gently as massive fingers curled to cradle them against his chassis.
Taglist: @angelxcvxc
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lunar-wandering · 10 months
things about the Boboiboy series that drive me NUTS (this list is written solely from memory)
the fact that the first three elements, Wind, Earth, and Lightning, didn't really start out as having different personality's from Boboiboy himself (at least, not by much/it wasn't extremely noticable) but then, Lightning, after being split for too long, losing his memories completely, and achieving tier 2, becoming Thunderstorm, suddenly goes all Edgy(TM). and then Wind eats a mood-changing potion and goes manic, and not only does that unlock his tier 2, making him Cyclone but that becomes his personality. like. hello??? the implications.... and then later on, Fire, Water, Leaf, and Light manifest WITH their personalities pre-set. what??? the vague implication that the elements are sentient and the personalities started becoming more obvious when Boboiboy's mind started slipping/letting them have freer reign haunts me every day.
speaking of Fire's manifestation. he initially manifested from the stress of exams and walked around accidentally burning shit down in the middle of the night. what a mood tbh.
if the elements are sentient, the implications of Retak'ka stealing them from Boboiboy and using them- without having his personality change, is INSANE. like bro. he used them as a weapon instead of letting them be actual people..... and then later on in the comics Thunderstorm gets taken away AGAIN and is trapped in a sword, a literal weapon, and is used. again. HELLO????
both of the first times Thunderstorm gets summoned (both the obvious first time and the first time after they all got reset to tier 1 due to Complications) involving his phobia kills me every time why the FUCK did they do that. they didn't even address it the second time around but they animated Lightning looking like he was in distress anyways. WHY DID THEY DO THAT TO HIM. i know he's the fave but like. was this necessary.
i could list so much Thunderstorm stuff tbh he's definitely the fave they give him so many cool bits of animation. he does the "teleports behind you" move SO OFTEN and it's SO GOOD
Leaf's deadpan "Fashion Tragedy" line
that one time Boboiboy split into Fire, Wind, and Leaf, and EVERYONE agreed he shouldn't have done that and should never do it again cause those three have negative braincells when in a group together
the songs??? like. the opening songs. the insert songs used in the movies. the OST. why the hell are they so good. i mean i know i personally like em cause they tend to use rock. but like. its SO GOOD.
Yaya and Ying being arguably the two most powerful/capable members of the friend group as they should
that one time Thunderstorm and Fang fought and they paused right before hitting each other and the objects behind both of them exploded from the force of the other's attack
in the first movie when it hinted that we'd see Boboiboy without his hat for the first time ever throughout the entire movie and then it FINALLY HAPPENED when he caught a giant hammer right before it could hit him and punched the dude away with a blast of energy. he has a white streak in his hair and it's visible in the series from this point onwards.
i could list so many of the really cool shots from this series tbh. that one time Light slow-mo backflipped over a bunch of debris and then activated laser eyes to shoot at the villain is a highlight.
literally everything about the fact the plot of this show went from "aliens come to earth to steal chocolate" to "boboiboy nearly fucking dies on an almost daily basis"
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natalievoncatte · 1 year
It was just a night, much like any other, when everything changed. Kara was tired- between the apartment fire and her work that day at CatCo and mopping up another alien crime ring, she’s barely slept in four days and had been skipping meals. It was a rare thing indeed when Lena was pestering Kara to eat lunch.
As soon as she reached the house, she glanced up and tilted her glasses down. Lena was in the kitchen, hard at work. A quick scan of the countertop revealed the mess she’d made putting together her homemade gyoza. As with everything in her life, when Lena decided to learn to cook, that she might pamper her girlfriend and her superhuman appetite, Lena went into it fully, taking culinary classes and equipping the remodeled kitchen of their suburban homestead with every conceivable gadget. Lena’s first change to the house was a bump-out that turned the already expansive “chef’s kitchen” into a near-commercial level culinary laboratory, and she threw herself into making dumplings with the same gusto with which she had set about solving the energy crisis, as if the freshly made potstickers awaiting the oil heating in the gas-powered commercial wok were as vital to humanity’s future as the fusion plant she was building in the desert.
Kara stopped in the entryway to the kitchen and drank Lena in, enjoying the fleeting moment before she was noticed. Hands covered in flour the elbow, Lena hunched over her cookbook, expression furrowed in deep concentration. She’s dressed down in a baggy flannel and patterned leggings that hugged the inviting curve of her hips that cried out for Kara’s hands, and wore her hair in a simple, loose ponytail. Everything about her was soft and cozy and home, and Kara would trade a king’s feast for one taste of those soft lips.
The whole scene played out in her mind. She’s sidle up behind Lena, who’d crack a joke about Kara being dressed as the CEO, and pretend she hadn’t noticed Kara’s return. Kara would let down her hair and bury her fingers in it, then her nose to devour Lena’s scent. As soon as Kara’s lips found the curve of Lena’s jaw, dinner would be indefinitely postponed and Kara would sate her hunger in other and better ways.
Then, she heard it. Beneath Lena’s heartbeat, strong and steady and safe, was another. A tiny, racing thing, like a baby bird. Kara stood there dumbfounded for too long a beat before she understood and let out a soft cry.
Lena looked up.
“Darling? What’s wrong?”
Kara fought to keep her voice from choking but failed. “I love you.”
“Did something happen?” Lena said, turning from the counter. “Kara, what is it?”
“I love you. I’m not angry and we’re okay. I just need Alex. I’ll be right back, I promise.”
Lena nodded. “Okay.”
Kara was out the door and in her suit and flying just fast enough not to endanger Lena. They’d been trying for months for this; dozens of visits to the Fortress, tests, experiments. She knew that, eventually, it would work.
It was hitting her now. Kara landed a little too hard on Alex’s back porch and knocked on the glass.
Alex was there in an instant. “Kara? What’s wrong? Is everything…”
“Lena’s pregnant.”
Alex’s face went briefly blank. “Oh.”
“Can I come in?”
Kara stepped into the house, sat down. As she took a seat, sweeping her cape to the side, Alex poured them both glasses of seltzer water and joined her. They sat quietly for a long time.
They were both quiet for a few minutes before Alex said, “How did you find out?”
“I heard it. I don’t know if she knows.”
“Kara,” said Alex, “did you run?”
Kara looked up sharply, eyes stinging with tears. “What have I done?”
“I don’t understand.”
“We made a baby, Alex. A little person, a living being we’re bringing into the world. What have I done?”
“Kara?” Said Alex, resting her hand on Kara’s. “Slow down, okay? Breathe. Tell me what you’re thinking.”
“Lena and I talked about this,” said Kara. “This life we have, being together, all the risks. We agreed to it. This little baby didn’t. She’s going to see her mom getting her head punched in on TV. What if I get sent to the Phantom Zone again? What if I die?”
“You won’t-“
“I already have,” Kara snapped, surging to her feet. “How many times, Alex? How many? What if there’s no magic grass to bring me back next time? What if I leave them alone?”
Alex stared at her, face an unreadable mask, heart racing.
Kara turned, frantic, and paced Alex’s kitchen, her eyes drawn inexorably to Esme’s drawings on the fridge, to the pictures of Alex and Kelly on the living room wall.
“So don’t,” said Alex.
“Maybe it’s time for Supergirl to hang it up.”
Kara froze, and this time it was her own heart she heard hammering in her chest, batting against its cage of ribs as if it might break free. Her eyes found the mirror above the living room sofa and she saw herself now in the colors and crest of her house.
Her house.
“What do you mean?”
Alex stood up. “You have died three times,” she said. Clinically dead. I was there. Maybe it is time for it to stop.”
“I can’t do that to them again,” Kara agreed.
“No, but I’m not saying this for them, Kara. I’m saying it for you. You paid. Whatever debt you think you owe, you’ve paid it.”
Kara covered her mouth in her hand, biting back a sob as the tears came.
“Why should I have this, huh? Tell me why I should have it? Just because they all died and I didn’t?”
Alex stood there, stuck silent. Kara knew the hug was coming before it arrived, and melted into it. Alex gripped her firm and strong.
“I have so much to lose now,” Kara sobbed.
“No, Kara. You have so much to live for now.”
Kara’s eyes flicked open. She stared last Alex, ignoring the sting of free flowing tears. The thought of all that had come before. The sight of Krypton, crumbling in a green flash as if devoured by some great primordial dragon. Reign and Red Daughter, the darkness that has gripped her between death and Sol’s loving warmth, gifted by the soul of this Earth herself.
They were not grave markers but way stones, not portents of doom but a map. A map that led only one place.
“I have to go. Lena.”
“It’s okay,” said Alex. “Go home to your girl, Kara. Call me when you’re up for it, and maybe you can talk to Kelly, too.”
“I’d like that.”
A few minutes later, Kara came to a gentle landing on the upstairs balcony and entered through their bedroom. She could smell dinner, and a quick glance told her that Lena had finished cooking and was waiting for her downstairs with a glass of juice- not wine. Lena turned it in her fingers, her face a mask of worry. Beside her sat the potstickers in a big bowl, kept warm by a damp towel. Another look revealed a pregnancy test hidden in Lena’s shirt pocket.
Kara reached up to slip on her glasses and dissolve the suit, the stopped.
Instead, she took it off, slipping out of the suit before changing into a threadbare sweater and some joggers. Later, she would fold it, put it in a box, put it away.
Right now she slipped into the kitchen, padding silently behind Lena on bare feet, savoring the quick flutter of Lena’s heart when Kara embraced her from behind. Kara made sure to press a kiss to her cheek before deftly sliding the test from Lena’s pocket.
“You used your super senses, didn’t you?” said Lena. “That’s not fair.”
“You know what’s not fair?” said Kara. “Being the most beautiful woman in the world, and in my house no less. The audacity.”
Lena gave her a crooked smile. “Technically, this is my house.”
Kara placed a hand on Lena’s belly and spread her fingers in an wide, protective grip.
“Our house,” she whispered.
The potstickers, unfortunately, went cold.
Seeing their partner make them a meal.
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v-ternus · 6 months
Started thinking of the ghouls a little too much while I was hungry, so Im now here to present this dumpster fire.
Aether: frozen yogurt
He loves when it’s warmer out, it means the cold treat is even better than usual (yes he's the type to eat cold stuff when its cold out). He loves the tart, plain flavor and puts cookie dough bites and butterfinger pieces on it.
Dew: ravioli
Any filling, any sauce. Lil guy will put these away like they’re air. The store bought, premade ones are good, but he loves the ones Mountain makes— mushroom and cheese filled in a brown butter sauce.
Aeon: rice crackers
He likes to think that this is what it must feel like to chew on styrofoam. Sure they taste good, but he mostly eats them for the crunches. He lowkey hates the ones wrapped in seaweed.
Aurora: indian food
She is an absolute fiend for samosas. She could make a meal out of it if only she didnt want to eat everything else on the menu. She loves literally everything, but her favorite is chicken madras. She’s busy eating her way through the menu at the restaurant in town. She goes with Copia every Friday for lunch, its their “thing”.
Mountain: barbecue
He’s in heaven whenever they tour through some of the southern states. Loves brisket. Loves cornbread even more.
(he also just loves meat in his mouth)
Rain: cheap pizza
He loves all chain pizzas, but his favorite is Little Caesars. A crappy and slightly-overcooked-from-sitting-under-the-warmer pizza will cheer him up on even the worst days. Also hates olives. Like he really, really hates them. Dew messed up the first time he ordered and got a supreme pizza with olives and Rain straight up cried.
Sunshine: pierogies
She'll eat any pierogi, as long as you give her sour cream on the side. Sometimes she likes them crisped up in butter, but that's a big sometimes. Sunshine has still not found a filling she dislikes.
Swiss: fancy(ish) pizzas
I cant really blame the guy for liking the woodfired stuff. Favorite toppings include but are not limited to: roasted garlic, roasted peppers, prosciutto, and arugula. Him and Rain are opposites when it comes down to this.
Cumulus: pad thai
Americanized or traditional, she will devour it. Though she regularly eats meat, she only gets tofu as the protein option for her pad thai. Unlike the others who seem to have had the best luck, she has found one that she absolutely hated. It was from an Asian fusion chain restaurant. She would've sent it back if she wasn't so scared of being perceived as rude.
Cirrus: crab rangoon
She hates when there's actual crab in her crab rangoons. She just wants that sweet cream cheese. It is the only thing she asks for when they pick cheap Chinese food for dinner.
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sunkissedchldrecon · 1 year
𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒆𝒂𝒕
the piles go from left to right. therefore, pile one is the sandwich, pile two is the strawberries and whip cream, and so on and so forth.
this PAC is intended for when you want to eat but don't know what you should make or order. you probably shouldn't use this daily, but if you want to: be my guest!
take your time to use your intuition to choose the pile that will best resonate with you. lastly, please don’t be afraid to say if the message resonated or not. it helps me in determining if my interpretations are correct or not, and i appreciate any sort of feedback - even if it’s “bad”.
good luck to you, reader 🍓
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"Chocolate Legs" by Eric Benet
"One Last Time" from Hamilton the Musical
"Victory Song" by Stray Kids
Ace of Minuta, Judgement (Rx), The High Priestess, Queen of Lunga (Rx)
For those who chose this pile, there's an emphasis on cooking at home and being spontaneous! Something organic, grown in your backyard, or very heavily focused on home cooking would be good to eat right now. Try not being so focused on following a recipe perfectly; don't be afraid to make mistakes or to do things out of order - that's the joy of cooking. Trust your intuition to guide you while cooking! 
stelline pasta
mexican food
tteokbokki with rose water
salt & pepper
"sweet indulgence"
sweets in general, or as a base flavor
spicy as a secondary flavor
family recipe
hot, fire
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"god is a woman (live)" by Ariana Grande
"U Remind Me" by Usher
"Run" by Otis Kane
The Emperor (Rx), King of Minuta, Seven of Minuta, Three of Ripiena, Page of Lunga
Pile two, you may want to eat something that's a little messy and "heavy". There's an emphasis on indulgence and eating a little more than you might usually. You should eat something that's quick to make or to pick up yet that leaves you full and satisfied. You might even make it an event and invite family or friends over to eat with you! Overall there's an emphasis on speed and/or actually feeling full. 
(red) wine
orzo pasta
seafood boil
loaded nachos
heavy sauce (ie. pasta, alfredo, dressing, etc.)
soul/southern food
heavy and indulgent
"something that fills you up" - not a snack
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"Speed of Love" by Kelly Rowland
"Little People" by Todrick Hall
"Finesse (Remix)" by Bruno Mars (feat. Cardi B)
Nine of Minuta, Two of Lunga, Four of Ripiena, Four of Lunga
If you chose this pile, there's an emphasis on food that takes time to cook, receive, or eat. If you feel like eating out, you should eat something that's rich and savory - you might even order the most expensive thing on the menu. You might even eat two entrees or dishes! A new take on a comfort food might also be a good option. 
barbecue (specifically smoked or heavily marinated)
chicken adobo
fusion cuisine 
savory as a primary flavor
comfort food
soul/southern food
double entrée
expensive - in amount of food or in actual price
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"Dangerous" by YG & Mozzy (feat. G Herbo)
"God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen" by Pentatonix
"Bang Bang" by Jessie J, Ariana Grande and Nicki Minaj
Eight of Minuta (Rx), Nine of Corta (Rx), Ace of Minuta, Three of Corta
This is my fast food pile! If you're craving something from a drive-thru or something that's typically labeled as "bad" for you, go ahead and get it! I also intuitively heard the "girl dinner" song, so I'm also getting you might eat food that's considered more of a snack or a bunch of snacks if you want. Either way, something you can make quickly or take on-the-go would be good. 
fast food/drive-thru food
microwavable food 
chicken nuggets
panda express
snack food
trail mix
charcuterie board
food tray
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sunkissedchld · 11 months
𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒆𝒂𝒕
the piles go from left to right. therefore, pile one is the sandwich, pile two is the strawberries and whip cream, and so on and so forth.
this PAC is intended for when you want to eat but don't know what you should make or order. you probably shouldn't use this daily, but if you want to: be my guest!
take your time to use your intuition to choose the pile that will best resonate with you. lastly, please don’t be afraid to say if the message resonated or not. it helps me in determining if my interpretations are correct or not, and i appreciate any sort of feedback - even if it’s “bad”.
good luck to you, reader 🍓
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"Chocolate Legs" by Eric Benet
"One Last Time" from Hamilton the Musical
"Victory Song" by Stray Kids
Ace of Minuta, Judgement (Rx), The High Priestess, Queen of Lunga (Rx)
For those who chose this pile, there's an emphasis on cooking at home and being spontaneous! Something organic, grown in your backyard, or very heavily focused on home cooking would be good to eat right now. Try not being so focused on following a recipe perfectly; don't be afraid to make mistakes or to do things out of order - that's the joy of cooking. Trust your intuition to guide you while cooking! 
stelline pasta
mexican food
tteokbokki with rose water
salt & pepper
"sweet indulgence"
sweets in general, or as a base flavor
spicy as a secondary flavor
family recipe
hot, fire
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"god is a woman (live)" by Ariana Grande
"U Remind Me" by Usher
"Run" by Otis Kane
The Emperor (Rx), King of Minuta, Seven of Minuta, Three of Ripiena, Page of Lunga
Pile two, you may want to eat something that's a little messy and "heavy". There's an emphasis on indulgence and eating a little more than you might usually. You should eat something that's quick to make or to pick up yet that leaves you full and satisfied. You might even make it an event and invite family or friends over to eat with you! Overall there's an emphasis on speed and/or actually feeling full. 
(red) wine
orzo pasta
seafood boil
loaded nachos
heavy sauce (ie. pasta, alfredo, dressing, etc.)
soul/southern food
heavy and indulgent
"something that fills you up" - not a snack
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"Speed of Love" by Kelly Rowland
"Little People" by Todrick Hall
"Finesse (Remix)" by Bruno Mars (feat. Cardi B)
Nine of Minuta, Two of Lunga, Four of Ripiena, Four of Lunga
If you chose this pile, there's an emphasis on food that takes time to cook, receive, or eat. If you feel like eating out, you should eat something that's rich and savory - you might even order the most expensive thing on the menu. You might even eat two entrees or dishes! A new take on a comfort food might also be a good option. 
barbecue (specifically smoked or heavily marinated)
chicken adobo
fusion cuisine 
savory as a primary flavor
comfort food
soul/southern food
double entrée
expensive - in amount of food or in actual price
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"Dangerous" by YG & Mozzy (feat. G Herbo)
"God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen" by Pentatonix
"Bang Bang" by Jessie J, Ariana Grande and Nicki Minaj
Eight of Minuta (Rx), Nine of Corta (Rx), Ace of Minuta, Three of Corta
This is my fast food pile! If you're craving something from a drive-thru or something that's typically labeled as "bad" for you, go ahead and get it! I also intuitively heard the "girl dinner" song, so I'm also getting you might eat food that's considered more of a snack or a bunch of snacks if you want. Either way, something you can make quickly or take on-the-go would be good. 
fast food/drive-thru food
microwavable food 
chicken nuggets
panda express
snack food
trail mix
charcuterie board
food tray
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108 notes · View notes
imaplatypus-art · 9 months
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This is Lit Party 🔥🎈🫧.
I started trying to make kinsona but I couldn't figure out my fave mlp character lol. So I took my fave parts or Pinkie and Spike to make a fusion oc(no more "sona" stuff cause there's no me in it lol).
He walks on all fours and flies upright. Breathes bubbles instead of fire. They are great at DJing, lighting effect, and most decorating for parties. Horrible at food. They love sweets but can not tell what's actually good and eats everything. Sleeps a solid 12 hours. Party ends at 4am? He will sleep till 4pm. Always happy and positive unless they don't get the 12h of sleep ☠️.
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wayfaringellie · 9 months
a little songv drabble in case y'all were getting hungry again... (i'd love comments in exchange for the goods and services :3)
From time to time I like to imagine a little convo between V and Song Mi during a quiet moment that goes something like this. When it's most peaceful. They could be eating dinner, sitting around a fire. Watching a movie together at night. It begins with So Mi fixing her gaze on V and of course V senses it, feels it along with the rapid beating of her heart.
"What are you looking at me like that for?" "Like what?" "Like... like, I dunno. Somethin' cheesy like I put the stars in the sky or somethin'."
So Mi laughed a bit then murmured, "I don't know how else to look at you." V exhaled through her nose and stared at her but didn't reply. "Whether you want to accept it or not, you've got a big heart, V. Don't let anything or anyone take that from you."
"Think you've got me mixed up with someone else."
"No, seriously. You do. Who else would have done what you did for me?"
So Mi couldn't be sure but V's eyes appeared to glisten during their conversation and it seemed to take more effort for the merc's composure to remained rooted in place. The cool mask of stoicism would slip, revealing the softest of smiles left to replace it along with blue-gray eyes that watered slightly but tears refused to breach. The netrunner couldn't help but feel a sense of giddiness, of pride, when she saw it—that softer side of V, the one that could bleed and be vulnerable. The one who sent her to the stars so she could be free.
Poke long enough, you could drill a hole... So Mi thought.
A blanket of calm had fallen over them. A delicate, near-inaudible whisper of, "... I missed you, y'know," then V's throat bobbed as she swallowed the thick lump there that never quite went away. The one made of grief and apprehension.
With anyone else V would have stumbled over those words or just avoided saying them altogether. She was never any good with that sorta thing: being open and emotional. Actions always spoke louder, after all; and sometimes they screamed or they pleaded. What came next was an affirming combination of both words and action but from So Mi this time. As the older woman shifted closer, V turned her body towards So Mi almost out of instinct (physicality was something that did come easy for her) and welcomed the arms that wrapped securely around her shoulders.
Hands came up to gently hold onto one of those arms and it was when their cheeks pressed together that V heaved a soft sigh. When it became apparent that So Mi intended to hold her for a while, the merc was as good as mush in her embrace and she cutely rubbed her cheek against her companion's. "Missed ya too, V. I really did." From their contact, V could feel the smile that tugged at the corners of So Mi's mouth and she decided 'ah, fuck it. what do I have to lose?' before pressing her lips against the periphery of that lovely smile.
There was a pause and then the smile was gone. V had a sheepish apology primed and ready but she was gifted a fuller, more direct kiss instead as So Mi turned her head. The hand on V's cheek guided her into it, her upper lip being held captive between the soft set of another's and a feeling of warmth and tenderness immediately bloomed in her chest. Her senses were flooded with everything So Mi: from how she smelled (hmm... a fusion of floral and what V could only deduce as a scent wonderfully unique to So Mi) to the sweet sapidity of her lips.
V cupped her face to deepen the kiss, their mouths now slanting in a more leisurely manner, the pads of her thumbs brushing along the EMP threading on So Mi's cheeks. The arms around V pulled them closer together and when they broke apart for air, their noses brushed and breaths mingled but only briefly before the two of them were going back in for more. It was like they were making up for every kiss they held back before. For every missed opportunity of one. So Mi had wanted to kiss V after their daring escape from the stadium but didn't, V had wanted to kiss So Mi on that shuttle but hadn't... But it was the fine and intricate workings of fate (or even a stroke of luck) that always brought people together sometimes. Maybe, just maybe, the beast of Night City could chew you up and spit you out but this could make you stronger in the process, make you better than you used to be.
There was hope yet.
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roguejukebox · 10 months
okay but like
who wants to hear my zosan/lusopp inuyasha au?
read more undercut
Sanji and Usopp are from the modern age, in university instead of high school. Friends since middle school (dead mom club and all that), and so Sanji sometimes hangs out with Usopp at the temple shrine Usopp was raised in after Banchina's death, when Sanji's family becomes too much to deal with.
Usopp wandered a little farther ahead of Sanji, to aim his slingslot randomly at some plants, when he suddenly falls through the ground. Sanji waits around for Usopp to pop back up and complain like usual, only this time he doesn't. Panicked, Sanji rushes forwards to the covered well Usopp was standing on previously, only the wooden cover had rotted out and broke when Usopp stood on it. The well is very dark and very deep.
Sanji is debating heading down for his friend verses running back to the temple for more help when something tugs him into the well also.
On the otherside, Sanji doesn't find Usopp. He does find a demon in the form of Wanze and his ramen kenpo abilities. After getting stuck to the noodles and tossed around, he decided to make a run for it, eventually making his way to the tree that Zoro is stuck in, held in place by Wado Ichimonji.
He doesnt stop to think, just yanking the sword out (if it food, I can deal with it, Sanji thinks, he just needs the right tools).
He elects to ignore the flash of light behind him, instead focusing on chopping up the incoming ramen (and for once glad that he was made to spar against his brothers using swords instead of his preferred capoeira kick boxing fusion). Zoro rushes in, two sword style, and finishes the demon, before relieving Sanji of his precious sword.
They argue a bit, Zoro says he needs to head into town and begins to walk off. Sanji notices the smoke from some fires and yanks Zoro in the opposite direction. Zoro killed the monster, Sanji will show him to town to settle any debt owed due to that.
Meanwhile, Usopp had not run into any demons upon first entering, though he did wander away from the well, seeing something in the trees. After walking a bit, he starts to hear not so great singing. He follows it to a tree and freaks out when he sees a man tied to it using his own arms and legs. Luffy hears Usopp freak out, and begs him to release him from the tree. He's so hungry, please?
And Sanji had instilled in Usopp his No Man Goes Hungry morals. Usopp makes Luffy vow to not eat him if his does help untangle the limbs. Luffy, of couse, agrees with a serious face. Usopp is still convinced he will get bitten once the other is free, but helps anyway. As Usopp unwinds the other, Luffy explains why he got tied to a tree, how he needs to find his friend Zoro, and that he will be King of the Demons one day. Usopp freezes at that, but it too late, Luffy is free enough to finish unwinding himself.
Luffy drags Usopp against his will to the nearest place that smells like it has food, conveniently meeting up with their companions along the way before they enter the village. Usopp and Sanji dispair to each other when it seems that the village does not contain any modern amenities. The villagers agree to host them in a barn overnight if they agree to some manual labour in the morning.
Except, in the middle of the night, some more demons attack. These are more zombie like in appearance, and all three of our protagonists plus an an Usopp that doesnt want to fight but doesnt want to be left behind either, go to help the village. All the zombies are congregating towards the shrine, where a priestess Nami is stationed. She is whacking the demons off as best she can, and Sanji rushes off to help her once he sees that. They thin the hoard, but at the end, Nami gets nabbed by a bat like zombie. None of them can help except–Sanji calls out to Usopp, kicking to him a red marble that must have been dropped in the scuffle.
Usopp aims and fires it at the bat creature, only it turned to try and deflect the object with its claws. It smashed the supposed marble, causing a bigger explosion as the shards flung itself to the far corners of the world. Nami screamed as she was dropped, only to be caught by Zoro, as the bat creature flew away.
Nami proceeded to beat the shit out of Sanji and Usopp, a few smacks aimed at Luffy and Zorro for good measure, as she explained that what was destroyed was a map that would lead to the previous Demon King's treasure, one of a kind type maps.
Usopp frees himself from her wrath, as he picks s piece of shard up from the pebbles in the road and says it should be too hard to piece them together again cause they shine so bright.
Apparently, no one else can see the shine and Usopp feels like its going to be a long day.
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killacissa · 5 months
Enid Sinclair Certified Paw-Er Ranger
Character Art Credit: GhxstyBoo
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It was a cold night at Nevermore, Like any other Enid would be laying on her bed legs in the air waving back and forth as she wrote the latest gossip likely about her Bestie Forestie Wednesday Addams who for some reason was rather absent as of late, She assumed it was for some investigation she was up to, Which is why it fueled her fire for her recent story, Wednesday was on the hunt for something big like aliens! Or something of that nature, she wasn't exactly sure. Eventually though the boredom overtook the young pup once again and she decided to head out venturing into the night mostly to sneak out and grab some food because well, Werewolves tend to eat an all meat diet and while she had lunch werewolves have twice the appetite a normal human does thanks to there gift of, well... growing twice the size of a normal human. While on her expedition to find some nutrition she happened the hear a voice calling out for help, It wasn't normally her first instinct to help but for some reason this time she was compelled to. She sprinted outside with a leap found the person who looked to be wearing some sort of armor they were surrounded on all sides by what looked to be.. grey men? either that or some weird gang in grey spandex. "Another Brat? Sent by that moron no doubt" A deep gravelly voice said. "Ew Gross!" Enid said noticing the voice came from a creature covered in slime with spikes protruding from it's back. "What are you? Night Security?" Asked the creature. "W-Well actually I'm uh- Nevermore Student-" The grey men seemed to not be amused and charged at her and almost as if on instinct she was able to claw at one with her nails and sent the to the floor before throwing another at a tree. "Did I mention I was a werewolf?" Suddenly the creature and more grey men stepped forward. "Take this!" The being on the floor said tossing her a blue glowing object. "What is it?" She asked. "Your destiny!" Suddenly it glowed brighter then the sun in the palm of her hands as she was engulfed and wrapped in a suit of armor. "Not another one!" The creature shouted before rushing at her and within a second with a claw to its chest it was down and out. "Woah! This is like! The coolest thing to happen to me! Wait till Wednesday hears about this!" She began fighting the rest of the grey men who mindlessly still followed the fallen creature's order. It was light work not even the numbers advantage meant a thing to this fusion of Tech and Supernatural ability, Once they were defeated she turned to the person she saved. "Okay dish! What are you? And what am I?" She asked now giddily bouncing up and down her suit's cosmetic wolf tail swaying as she did. "You are... a Power Ranger... Last of our kind... Take the honor with pride... You can't tell anyone or they'll be hurt... You must stop the evil one..." The person said before they faded away leaving Enid confused as to what that meant. "A.. Power Ranger?... Power.. Paw... Paw-er Ranger! That's me!" She said now before the suit disappeared back into the blue object giving to her, now revealed to be a wolf's head being made of some sort of crystal. She got on her phone to call Yoko but remembered what they told her... what a rip! She couldn't even tell anyone. Enid just looked at the crystal and placed it into her pocket before leaving back to her room.. however she did wonder.. who did they mean by the evil one?
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siremasterlawrence · 9 months
Surf’s up Dude
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The legacy of a truly majestic and magical Royal Family of Hemsworth from a secret isle not to far from Australia are on vacation from their Royal duties on surfing away in to utter excitement.
Unfortunately for them a camera man is on the beach storm front chasing after them in a matter of seconds one by one they will fall under my spell for a lifetime waiting and see it will be fun.
My first victim Chris the crown prince official heir to the thrown with droids flying through the air the camera clicks on them I want from my cellphone using the keys to pilot it to the areas I have spotted him.
The android locks on to him with precision of laser focus a triggered is pulled shooting in to the sky the darts descending on to him hitting him hard as he breaks part losing it he spazzes.
His body falling completely straight ahead all the way face forward on to the ground of the beach awaiting for me to collect him and I glide to the end of the beach picking up his feet.
I begin dragging him in to the bushes the farthest reaches of one laying him in to the gravel I tap my high tech cell phone spinning the dials on my screen and I can see the dart going down .
The bloodstream is roaring red steaming up in to the nerves burning up like crack I can see the firing of multiple colors appear on my screens showcasing I am the one who is ruled by me.
Slapping the bitch hard the scan of his brain burns red, orange, yellow and green hinting at the fact that I have literally lit him up once more like a Christmas tree and tap behind his ear.
The dart exploding upon impact fusion to his bones, setting up every nerve, fiber and neuron to charging him up changing every which way to create a brand new slave in my image.
“Prince Chris!”
“Yes Master!”
“I need you to help me”
“As you please”
“Whatever you need “
“I submit to you and I will bring in both of my bros “
“Master Lawrence!”
“Here he comes in fact”
“Go get him Tiger “
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“Hey Liam! “ Chris waves him down with a hot hand movement.
“I have someone I want you to meet.”
“Do you consider no one else is supposed to be here?”
“Whatever bro! Come here “
“Hey! Chris stop”
“This is Master”
“Lawrence “
“What did you do to him?”
“The same thing I will do to you “
“Hey now! Wait a second”
“Nice ass by the way”
“Dart activate”
“Code talent”
“I can see how hard you are “
“You are struggling “
“Fighting me so hard “
“Fool! Those days are over “
“The resistant”
“Never want to Prince”
“Fuck up!”
“Get harder “
“Give me a smile”
“Rise up “
“Do a little dance “
“Party away “
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“Luke over here “
“Luke help”
“What’s up?”
“Are you ok?”
“It’s time to join us”
“Bois gather around”
“Teach him a lesson”
“Grab him”
“Pull him to the side”
“Strip him off”
“Give me the scissors”
“Prince Luke”
“I am your God now”
“Kneel before me”
“Yes Master”
“Grab my waist”
“Unzip me”
“Pull down my pants”
“Grab my cock and suck it off “
“Master Lawrence”
“Drink it all up”
“Eat my cum”
“Consume every part of it “
“Free yourself! Forever! Be my slave and puppet.”
The end
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girls-band-headcanons · 2 months
I can't stop thinking of Afterglow being into baseball. Ran and Tsugumi being competitive, Moca with all the food, Himari fawning over the players (she wears Jerseys casually too) and Tomoe being rowdy (plus points she flirts with uriko vendors)
Mod Fusion: I'm just picturing Moca holding and eating a giant hot dog with the works, while the rest of Afterglow are screaming their lungs out, looking more fired up than ever before.
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theink-stainedfolk · 16 days
Thank you for the tag @the-golden-comet
I know his is a WIP Questionnaire but I'm really really obsessed with my new WIP, Ink Of Fate so i decided to just ask them these questions. Please follow this link for accurate details.
Huang Rui:
1. What is one comfort meal that'll change your whole mood for the day?
"Congee with century eggs and a touch of soy sauce. It’s simple, but it reminds me of home and my childhood. The warmth of it can soothe any stress or worry."
2. What is an experience (good or bad) that has turned you off or on to a food completely?
"When I first arrived in England, I had a dish called 'haggis.' The taste was so strong and unfamiliar that it completely turned me off from trying any other traditional English foods for a while. It took me months to try anything new."
3. If you could eliminate one piece of produce, meat, dairy, or sweets off the earth, what would it be?
"Liver. The texture and taste just don’t sit well with me."
4. Dessert is normally saved for last, but if you could, what would you order for your entrée at a restaurant?
"I’d order a delicate dish like Peking duck. It’s rich, flavorful, and feels like a true indulgence."
5. What are some food fusions that should never be mixed?
"I once tried a dessert with chocolate and fermented tofu. That combination should never have existed—it was dreadful."
6. What food spot are you gatekeeping and why?
"There’s a small tea house near the West Gate of the city that serves the most exquisite dim sum. It’s a quiet place where I can think and write, and I’d rather it stay that way."
7. Cooking is a life skill, why haven't you started learning yet!?
"I’m embarrassed to say that I’ve always been too preoccupied with my studies. I’ve been spoiled by the excellent cooks at home, but I realize I should learn someday."
8. Is there a smell that reminds you of something you never want to remember?
"The smell of burning wood reminds me of the fire that destroyed part of my childhood home. It was terrifying and left a scar on my memory."
Shen Yi:
1. What is one comfort meal that'll change your whole mood for the day?
"A bowl of beef noodle soup. The rich broth, tender meat, and spices are a taste of familiarity in an otherwise chaotic life."
2. What is an experience (good or bad) that has turned you off or on to a food completely?
"There was a time when I was forced to eat spoiled rice during a particularly rough period in my life. Since then, I’ve never been able to stomach the sight or smell of it."
3. If you could eliminate one piece of produce, meat, dairy, or sweets off the earth, what would it be?
"I’d remove durian. The smell alone is enough to make me avoid it entirely."
4. Dessert is normally saved for last, but if you could, what would you order for your entrée at a restaurant?*
"I’d go for something hearty, like roasted lamb with garlic and rosemary. It’s rich and satisfying, much like the things I enjoy in life."
5. What are some food fusions that should never be mixed?
"Sweet and sour pork with chocolate sauce. I tried it once on a dare; it’s a mistake that should never be repeated."
6. What food spot are you gatekeeping and why?
"There’s a small, hidden restaurant in the Shadow District that serves the best braised pork belly. It’s one of the few places where I can dine in peace without attracting unwanted attention."
7. Cooking is a life skill, why haven't you started learning yet!?
"I’ve always had others to cook for me, and frankly, I don’t have the patience to learn. I’m more interested in enjoying the results."
8. Is there a smell that reminds you of something you never want to remember?
"The scent of opium smoke brings back memories of dark alleys and deals gone wrong. It’s a smell I’d rather forget."
I'll tag @finickyfelix @willtheweaver @leahnardo-da-veggie @illarian-rambling @winglesswriter @paeliae-occasionally @thecomfywriter @roarintheheavens @drchenquill @wyked-ao3
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strangermask · 18 days
Okay so, as you know (or now know) the first master of plasma was a serpentine hybrid who sought help from the spirits of fire and lightning. That connects both fire and lightning associations
But with ice and earth it might seem a little hard. Because ice is associated with demons and earth is associated with death. HOWEVER I REMEMBERED SOMETHING
Momo, the emperor of the underworld, is a ruler of the dead. And while yes, he is canonically aroace, he does end up marrying someone to give her benefits as his wife (like a gay marries lesbian situation)
See there’s this spider demon lady whose father is trying to marry off to high power. Why? Because he wants to continue the family name and power. However, spider demon has fallen in love with her friend. A woman who dances for a living. The father disapproves because the woman has no status and wouldn’t be able to bore children with the spider demon.
So the father says “if you cannot find a man who is of high status and can give you children within three days, then I will choose your husband.” And this causes spider demon to run away. She ends up in underworld, trying to figure out what she will do. That is when she is found by skulkins and taken to Momo.
Momo asks what spider demon is doing here, and she explains her situation. He asks about what kind of high status she needs, and she says she needs someone who is an elemental master or above. And Momo thinks for a moment. He offers that he could be the husband since he is both a former elemental master and ruler of the underworld.
She questions if he could even have children, and he decides to rip out a piece of his rib cage. He tells her if she eats it, then she shall bear his child. She questions the logic, but he explains he was born from his father’s tooth that landed in a magic cauldron. If he can be born from a tooth, a kid can definitely be made from his ribcage. All he asks in return is to help raise their child. She can do whatever she wants after that. (Also marry the dancer woman the spider demon loves)
Spider demon then agrees, and she eats the rib bone. A skulkin is then sent to inform spider demon’s father of the news. He excitedly hurries to the underworld (cuz Momo can’t really leave) and the wedding is prepared. Even the dancer woman comes, which Momo explains to the spider demon’s father:
“As Emperor of the Underworld, there are chances of me having to deal with royal duties more than focus on my new family. So I thought it would be best for my future child to be raised by two mothers in cases of my absence.”
That was a big fuckin lie. But the spider demon’s father doesn’t know that.
So Momo marries spider demon, spider demon and dancer woman marry in secret, and a few months later pops out the future first master of avalanche. The elemental fusion of earth and ice
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