#slowly incorporating all the strawhats into the gang to get Luffy the title of King of the Demons
roguejukebox · 10 months
okay but like
who wants to hear my zosan/lusopp inuyasha au?
read more undercut
Sanji and Usopp are from the modern age, in university instead of high school. Friends since middle school (dead mom club and all that), and so Sanji sometimes hangs out with Usopp at the temple shrine Usopp was raised in after Banchina's death, when Sanji's family becomes too much to deal with.
Usopp wandered a little farther ahead of Sanji, to aim his slingslot randomly at some plants, when he suddenly falls through the ground. Sanji waits around for Usopp to pop back up and complain like usual, only this time he doesn't. Panicked, Sanji rushes forwards to the covered well Usopp was standing on previously, only the wooden cover had rotted out and broke when Usopp stood on it. The well is very dark and very deep.
Sanji is debating heading down for his friend verses running back to the temple for more help when something tugs him into the well also.
On the otherside, Sanji doesn't find Usopp. He does find a demon in the form of Wanze and his ramen kenpo abilities. After getting stuck to the noodles and tossed around, he decided to make a run for it, eventually making his way to the tree that Zoro is stuck in, held in place by Wado Ichimonji.
He doesnt stop to think, just yanking the sword out (if it food, I can deal with it, Sanji thinks, he just needs the right tools).
He elects to ignore the flash of light behind him, instead focusing on chopping up the incoming ramen (and for once glad that he was made to spar against his brothers using swords instead of his preferred capoeira kick boxing fusion). Zoro rushes in, two sword style, and finishes the demon, before relieving Sanji of his precious sword.
They argue a bit, Zoro says he needs to head into town and begins to walk off. Sanji notices the smoke from some fires and yanks Zoro in the opposite direction. Zoro killed the monster, Sanji will show him to town to settle any debt owed due to that.
Meanwhile, Usopp had not run into any demons upon first entering, though he did wander away from the well, seeing something in the trees. After walking a bit, he starts to hear not so great singing. He follows it to a tree and freaks out when he sees a man tied to it using his own arms and legs. Luffy hears Usopp freak out, and begs him to release him from the tree. He's so hungry, please?
And Sanji had instilled in Usopp his No Man Goes Hungry morals. Usopp makes Luffy vow to not eat him if his does help untangle the limbs. Luffy, of couse, agrees with a serious face. Usopp is still convinced he will get bitten once the other is free, but helps anyway. As Usopp unwinds the other, Luffy explains why he got tied to a tree, how he needs to find his friend Zoro, and that he will be King of the Demons one day. Usopp freezes at that, but it too late, Luffy is free enough to finish unwinding himself.
Luffy drags Usopp against his will to the nearest place that smells like it has food, conveniently meeting up with their companions along the way before they enter the village. Usopp and Sanji dispair to each other when it seems that the village does not contain any modern amenities. The villagers agree to host them in a barn overnight if they agree to some manual labour in the morning.
Except, in the middle of the night, some more demons attack. These are more zombie like in appearance, and all three of our protagonists plus an an Usopp that doesnt want to fight but doesnt want to be left behind either, go to help the village. All the zombies are congregating towards the shrine, where a priestess Nami is stationed. She is whacking the demons off as best she can, and Sanji rushes off to help her once he sees that. They thin the hoard, but at the end, Nami gets nabbed by a bat like zombie. None of them can help except–Sanji calls out to Usopp, kicking to him a red marble that must have been dropped in the scuffle.
Usopp aims and fires it at the bat creature, only it turned to try and deflect the object with its claws. It smashed the supposed marble, causing a bigger explosion as the shards flung itself to the far corners of the world. Nami screamed as she was dropped, only to be caught by Zoro, as the bat creature flew away.
Nami proceeded to beat the shit out of Sanji and Usopp, a few smacks aimed at Luffy and Zorro for good measure, as she explained that what was destroyed was a map that would lead to the previous Demon King's treasure, one of a kind type maps.
Usopp frees himself from her wrath, as he picks s piece of shard up from the pebbles in the road and says it should be too hard to piece them together again cause they shine so bright.
Apparently, no one else can see the shine and Usopp feels like its going to be a long day.
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