#finn shelby preference
mindful-of-ideas · 10 months
Preference: Peaky Blinders
- Being the youngest Shelby sibling
Characters : Arthur, Thomas, John, Ada and Finn
A/N: Based on this request here, by anon. I'm sorry it took so long!!
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When you were a baby, your mom always made a point that all the boys were to help take care of you. She understood that the age gap between you and them was big, but she wanted to make sure that you had a relationship with your brothers
So, every now and then, Arthur would help by babysitting you. He would tell everyone he hated doing it, but the truth was that he loved it. There was something about you that calmed him. Maybe it was how tiny you were, how fragile you looked, but every time he held you, he felt much more calmer. Even as you got older, that feeling stayed. Every time you would be alone together, he would be more calm and gentle. When he stayed overnight to look after you, you didn’t have to be scared of the monsters under your bed, because you would fall asleep in his arms before even getting to bed.
As you grew up, however, you started to notice how violent Arthur could be towards others, and that scared you. So you drifted away from him slowly. You knew he would never hurt you, but his strength was still enough to scare little ten-year-old you.
However, one day, you came back from school with a black eye. Some guy had been teasing you and you finally had enough. The thing was, when you punch people, they tend to punch you back, hence the black eye. Upon seeing your face, Arthur went completely mad, but you tried to calm him down.
“You should see his face, this is nothing,” you said pointing to your eye.
“Still…” he grumbled, “let me take care of him.”
And after that day, Arthur decided he was going to teach you how to fight. This was something you have secretly always wished for since on one hand you wanted to be like your brothers and train, and on the other, you wanted Arthur to teach you again. Again, yes, because when you were younger and he was still babysitting you, he had taken the time to teach you how to draw. Everyone kind of knew he used to draw when your mother was still alive, but we were almost certain you were the only one who knew he still did it. Now, you were no master painter, so you would usually take out a book or study while he would draw, trying to furtively glance at what he was doing.
Even if he wasn’t babysitting you per se, you kept this up until you were finished with your secretarial studies. He would sometimes stay overnight on Tommy’s request, to keep an eye over you. For a period of time, it was the only way you could see him. You had decided to keep up with your studies, as your mother (and Tommy) would’ve wanted. Secretary sounded like an easy way out of Birmingham and a life away from crime. But as you got more and more educated, Arthur became more and more distant. You never truly understood it. How did learning about shorthand and typing meant that you didn't need your older brother anymore? When you moved out to work in London, you almost lost all contact with him.
After a few months of being a secretary, you got bored, bored and exasperated. You couldn’t stand the weird creepy men that were constantly flirting with you and the endless paper job that always had to be done for the next day but was almost never even used or looked at then. If it was only up to you, you would revisit the way the whole company worked, but it wasn’t. So, one day, you made a show of yourself and finally snapped. You screamed at everyone and left, going back home, going back to Birmingham. News travelled fast, and since Tommy had been the one to recommend you to that company, everyone knew what had happened before you even set foot in town. Arthur, he was overjoyed. Why? Because you just proved that you COULD be a little like him. But his joy just made you feel worse. You wanted to cry. You had lost your only way out of crime. You locked yourself in your rooms for days before someone could finally reach out to you, and it was Arthur. He didn’t say much, mumbled some kind of apology. But he sat by your side and waited. He waited until you rested your head on his chest and wrapped your arms around him. Then, he hugged you, held you close, just like when you were younger.
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Tommy never really showed interest in you when you were younger. The age gap was big enough that you understood why he didn’t really care. And, truth be told, you didn’t mind that much either. Just because he didn’t show any particular interest, it didn’t mean that he didn’t care. Because he did. He cared deeply. After your mom died, he made sure you were never missing anything. He’s the one who decided that you and Finn should be raised by Polly. And he meant it when he said raised. He trusted her to make you into the best version of yourself and to make sure you could, if you wanted, live a life away from crime. He loved you enough to know that he wasn’t the best person to raise you.
When you were younger, he never babysat you. However, Polly always made sure to ask your brothers first when she needed help with you and Finn. She would also ask them when she didn’t need help. If it was only up to her, you would’ve grown up in the same house as your brothers, or in a house where they would always be in and out of, the way it would’ve been if your mother was still alive. But she knew this was impossible. Still, Tommy would sometimes come over to dinner or watch over you for the evening. Sometimes Polly proved to be convincing and Tommy would babysit you all day or all night. These were your favourite times. Maybe it was because you didn’t see him much or maybe it was because he was the only one to never baby you. He talked to you almost as if you were an adult and was always real with you. He would also answer all of your questions, even the craziest ones.
“But how come the trains can manage the curves, the wheels look too straight to handle that?”
“How about I take you to see them someday?”
“You would?”
“Of course.”
When he stayed the night, you would do everything to stay up as late as possible. But as it got darker and darker, you would get more and more scared. You could hear weird noises coming from outside, or was it from under your bed? Tommy, however, knew you could be reasoned with. You didn’t have to be afraid of the monsters under the bed because he could convince you, even for just one night, that they weren’t real.
Growing up, you stayed close to him. As unpredictable as he could be you knew you could always rely on him. He would help you no matter what. When you landed your first job, he sent you flowers but never came to congratulate you face to face. He knew how hard you were trying to appear as strong, tough and independent and he didn’t want to mess that up for you. Whenever he was in London, he would make sure to have dinner with you, paying for everything, of course. And you never asked where the money came from. As much as he tried to keep those dinners casual, he would always end up asking you too many questions about your work, your ambitions, your future.
He wasn’t disappointed when you lost your job, saying however how amazed he was that you lasted so long. He took you out to dinner that night, to celebrate “standing up to assholes and staying true to yourself”. He didn’t ask if you needed help to find a new job but left a flyer for a job in a science lab at your flat that night. It also mentioned that there were opportunities to go up the ladder by taking classes that they would pay for. You had always been a quick learner and weren’t too bad at science and math at school.
You got the job and invited him to dinner straight away.
“Of course you did!”
“You know what’s funny?”
“At my old job, they were always saying how I need to have more chemistry with my boss, guess that won’t be an issue now.”
He snorted and started laughing.
It was one of the few times you had managed to make him laugh.
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John was already a teenager when you were born and he just had no time to give to a baby. That’s when he told his friends anyway. And to the girls, once he figured out they found it cute, he would say he was taking care of you. In reality, he did take care of you. Unlike Arthur and Tommy, he was home most of the time and had to help around a bit so that your mother wasn’t overwhelmed. He would mostly run errands but much preferred to stay home and take care of you. Once your mother died, he stayed around. In his mind, there was no reason for him to stop being there for you. Even if Polly thought he was more foolish than his brothers, more prone to make mistakes, she knew she could trust him when it came to taking care of you. She had no problem leaving Finn and you with him for days if she needed some time to herself.
Being around John always made you feel happier. There was something to him that just lifted your spirit, and made you want to laugh even when you were sad. He couldn’t quite bear seeing you unhappy or scared either. If you were afraid of the monsters under your bed, he would hunt them down for you, creating magical weapons with anything he could find just to see you smile before you fell asleep.
If you ever had problems, or just needed someone to listen to you really, you would go to him first. He would never judge you, of course, but as you got older he would sometimes scold you. Maybe it came with having kids of his own, you weren’t quite sure.
“Polly told me about the boy.”
“What, how did she know. That’s what I came here to talk about!”
“Y/N, you can’t just go around punching people.”
“He tried to… do… stuff to me.”
“Alright, where’s the bastard then!”
“Arthur is already on the case.”
“You told him all that?”
“No, he just saw the bruises and asked for a name, I gave it to him.”
“You okay though?”
“Yeah… I’m okay…”
He knew that if you wanted to talk more about what happened you would be back. And you were. It took you some time but you eventually told him everything. There wasn’t much he could actually do, but he listened and that was enough.
To everyone's surprise, he was the one who helped you the most when you moved to London. You wanted so badly to prove to everyone that you could make it on your own, but the truth was that you knew nothing, nothing at all. It took weeks before your apartment started to resemble somewhat like home. You were surviving of canned food and still hadn’t figured out how to do your laundry.
“Y/N, you know you can buy something else than canned food, right?”
“I know…”
“You know but…”
“But how do I cook it… what do I do with it?”
He laughed.
“Come on, we’ll buy some stuff and I show you.”
“While you’re here, how do I know when my laundry is clean? How long do I have to let it soak? Do I really need to split the white and the colours?”
And he had the answer to all your questions. With his own experience as a father and all the times he helped your mother as a teenager, it felt like he knew everything.
To him, you were always going to be the best aunt to his children. It was maybe the one thing that stressed you out, him having such high expectations about something you couldn’t really control. One day, Katie told you she hated you out of pure 5-year-old rage. You left the house that day crying, thinking you had failed as the coolest aunt. When he learned about what happened, John laughed before comforting you. He explained to you how Katie didn’t really mean that and that she actually probably already forgot about the whole thing. As he said that, the little girl came waltzing into the room and, as she saw you, her face lit up and she rushed over to hug you.
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When you were younger, she was all over you. She would dress you up, put makeup on you, take you out to do all the girly things. She was maybe the only one of your siblings to not shy away from showing you love. She would hug you and cover you with kisses whenever she could. She also made sure that you felt empowered, which was really important for her. Never did you feel like you were less just because you were a girl. You never had to be afraid of the monsters under the bed because they were too scared to go after a strong little girl like you.
Things took a turn once you got accepted into the typing program. You couldn’t tell if it was jealousy or not but she abruptly stopped making time for you. She wasn’t particularly rude or anything, just less present. One day, she came by to talk to Polly but found you, sobbing, instead. To your surprise, she didn’t hesitate and rushed to your side, trying to comfort you as best as she could. It was like the last few months of coldness never happened.
“What happened? Talk to me Y/N, I’m listening”
“It’s that stupid Beatrice and her stupid mom!”
“Who?” she asked, knowing you wouldn’t answer.
“She keeps making trouble in class, messing with everyone,” you said between sobs, “and she blames everything on me!”
Ada brushed your hair away from your face.
“And her fucking mom is the teacher, so of course she never believes me! And they talked of kicking me out… and… and… oh Ada, I’ve missed you!” you said hugging her tightly
Once you stopped crying and explained everything properly, she told you how to deal with Beatrice, in true Shelby fashion.
“And if that bitch messes with you again, I’ll handle it myself,” she added smiling.
After that, you had a lot of catching up to do. She explained how at first she had been jealous of you for finding an easy way out of Birmingham, but in the end, realized that it wasn’t such an easy way out in reality and that she could never do what you were doing. She respected your choice and told you how she admired your strength. It made you feel weird yet weirdly happy to know that the person you had looked up to all your childhood as a strong empowered role model was now looking up to you.
Once you moved to London, things got better. Even if you were younger, she was your best friend. And her little boy loved you! You were still not the best with children but you would do anything for that boy, just like you would do anything for John’s kids. When you got your first job, she took you shopping just like when you were younger. She was so happy for you.
And once you lost your first job, she didn’t say anything or taunt you. She took you out shopping again, to keep your mind off of things and let you hang out at her apartment as much as you needed. She was the first person you told about your new job at the science lab and she was even more happy for you than before. Once the classes started, she even helped you study and she was quite good at it. She could remember more of the stuff than you could, often finding weird but effective mnemotechnic tricks. You told her that she should apply herself, pushed her to do so, but she kept refusing. You were scared that by pushing her you might anger her again. This time, however, you took the time to talk to her before things got worse. She told you how, even though she was good at remembering the stuff, she didn’t have any interest in it. Not like you did. She didn’t take offence at you trying to help her find a job outside of the family business but it just wasn’t for her. You respected her choice and since then have been the best of friends.
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He has always been your best friend. Yes, you were younger than him but it wasn’t by much and it never really mattered. Unlike your older siblings, you barely had any memories of your mother and, when you were young, you couldn’t really see why they hated your father so much since you almost never heard of him. This shared lack of memories made you bond with Finn. Maybe you couldn’t remember your mom teaching you the alphabet, but you could remember the tone of her voice when she sang to you at night. You remembered her sweet and flowery smell when you would hug her and the coldness of her hands every time she went to pick you up from the couch to put you in bed. These things seemed too abstract to share with anyone else but Finn. He was the only one who could understand. He had this sensitive side to him that he would only reveal to you. The way you could both just lay on the floor and reminisce at such futile things war always a comfort to you.
When Polly took you in, there was no going back. You became inseparable. You shared a bedroom, tucked away at the end of a dark hallway. You weren’t afraid of the dark or monsters under the bed, you were too old for that now, but the eeriness of that hallway always made you both jumpy and left you on edge. Finn and you would then come up with the funniest stories to try and calm yourselves before going to bed. It almost always involved killing the obviously not-real monsters, just in case. You didn’t have to be afraid of the monsters under the bed because you would team up and invent the most successful monster repellent.
School was always a bit hard for you. A girl, a Shelby girl, trying to stay quiet and just do what they were told looked weird, out of place. You would literally be quiet and stay out of everyone’s way but still get picked on. It was like people wanted to get a reaction out of you, just to then shove in your face the fact that you were indeed just another Shelby. You were grateful for Finn and his friends. As soon as he took notice that you were being picked on, he made sure that his friends and he would hang out close to you. You had a few friends yourself, but they tended to scatter when bullies approached while Finn and his friends would always step in. He was also close to a few girls from his class and if they found you just reading alone outside, they would sit around you, playing with your hair, not letting anyone get too close. You weren’t scared of the bullies, you truly believed you could punch them in the face and win, but you hated the attention. You just wanted to go to school, learn, have fun and be left alone.
As Finn got older, he started ditching school more and more often. That was why he wasn’t there when you had to defend yourself.
“You managed?” he asked.
“I did.”
“I knew you would.”
“I’ll be there next time, I promise. But come here. I bet everyone told you they would beat up the guy but no one took the time to look at your eye?”
He was one of the only one of your siblings to actually know how to handle cuts, and bruises, and burns. Even the flu stood no chance in front of Finn. You were glad he was skipping less and less classes just to make sure you were okay. Maybe he couldn’t do math to save himself but he had a natural talent in understanding the human body. And its mind. You truly believed that if he stopped sleeping in English classes, he would get something better than average. He had such a wild imagination and such a great empathy, an understanding of human nature.
“That’s actually decent,” he once said picking up one of your essays.
“Thanks, I learned from the best,” you said pointing at your copy of Hamlet.
“Ahh Shakespeare…”
“No, you! Idiot. It’s your copy, and there are notes all over it!”
He was a bit bumped when you moved to London, mostly because he felt like he was trapped in Birmingham. He thought it was too late for him to deviate from the Peaky way. He had doomed himself and had to live with the consequences of his own decisions. You didn’t believe that, obviously, and made sure to let him know that, whenever he would realize it too, your door was open.
And he came. He was knocking at your door before you even learned that Tommy had kicked him out. You helped him as best as you could, but money was tight and, if you wanted Tommy to keep giving you your allowance, you had to hide the fact that Finn was staying with you. You didn’t agree with Tommy’s decision. Family was family. Kicking him out of the business was one thing, leaving him to fend for himself after promising him everything was another. Tommy knew that Finn had nothing apart from the Peaky Blinders. What he did was unfair. You hoped that with time, Tommy would come around and change his mind. Meanwhile, you had to get this boy a job and he was in luck. Your friend at The Daily Herald had just told you they had been looking for young boys to help around with the printing presses.
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kaivenom · 4 months
How the Peaky Blinders' boys dance with you
(All of the dances mentioned are real popular dances from the 20's, there are videos from youtube with original records if you want to check how they are)
Tommy Shelby
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He doesn't ussually dance, he prefers to see you dancing and be on the corner of the room, just observing totally stunned.
The only time when he dances with you is when he needs to move around the place without raising suspicions or when you insist on it and later make him feel bad about leaving you on the dance floor.
His favourite thing to dance with you and probably the only thing is Fox-trot.
He always demands the band to change to jazz so you both could dance to the smooth and graceful rythm.
He dances slow and always looking everyone, checking that nobody does anything stupid while he is enjoying time with his partner, so everytime you need to remind him to look at you.
You can almost confirm he likes the music by the way his body swings next to yours, his fingers conecting with yours while his other hand travel firmly to your back.
John Shelby
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He is a natural party person, he likes to be around and drink with everyone, but mostly he likes to dance.
And what better partner to dance that his partner itself, he always drags you to the dance floor for hours.
With all that energy and craziness his perfect dance for you both is Charleston, obviously.
The movements he does are the perfect definition of the dance, exuberant and wild.
You sometimes have trouble keeping his pace but it's always fun... and exhausting.
When he sense you are starting to feel tired, he goes to get a drink or accompanies you to take some air.
But don't be fooled, he probably drags you to the dance floor again later, at least he tries to dance things more slow.
You probably need another day without the kids to recover from the dance night.
Arthur Shelby
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He is not good at dancing, he doesn't have sense of rythm so you both can't dance anything classified.
So, you go to simple dances like the Shimmy, with that you reassure him that he won't fool himself in front of other, which means a lot to him.
So, the Shimmy became your safe choice and make him want to go with you to dance.
When he tries new dance moves, everyone thinks that he is making new charleston move or that he is is drunk, usually the second one.
But at the end maybe it's not all dancing but it's surely very funny.
Michael Gray
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He likes to make a show, he likes to show you off to everyone who has eyes.
Making it sensual and provocative is his passion so Tango is a must everytime you go out.
His body pressing against yours, his hands traveling to places very innapropiate to the society.
He always tells you to show your attributes to the him, which means the room, and that means to do move your legs and entangle it around him.
He also uses the dancing to assert dominance towards you and some times make you desire him.
Finn Shelby
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He isn't very good at dancing but obviously not as bad as his older brother.
When the charleston stopped being trendy, he discovered the Black Bottom, just a little before everyone does.
So, when he starts dancing it in the pubs you were amazed, it was the perfect dance to hide his disorganized moves, but you were incredible stunned by it and rapidly asked him to show you.
In a couple of night out you both were the star couple of dancing but the dance was still new and nobody else did it.
A couple of months later and the Black Bottom was a trend, not thanks to both of you but now you don't need to ask for the music ... cause it's already playing whan you enter the pub.
It's funny and stimulating, probably because of both of you being really clumsy while moving.
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ugh-cam · 10 months
Go give this some love while I’m in class? (:
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copinghex · 2 months
The noose | T.S
Summary: Tommy's wife returned home after the failure of his plan got the whole family arrested. The way they deal with her trauma ends up sending her to a worse place.
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The feeling of the noose around her neck still haunted her. At that moment, all she thought about was her family, Rose was a daddy's girl, she would be fine eventually, but what about Violet? What about Tommy? What about her brother and mother? What about Finn?
What about Polly? The woman was side by side with her, tears ran down her face as she muttered a prayer and there was nothing Y/N could do, except hoping that her in-laws on the cells aside met a better ending.
With a deep breath, she revisited the past, the smell of Grace's hair as she held the spy from behind, the sound of the train coming and the bitter taste on her tongue, reminding her Tommy that could be dead by then, that if she let Grace go, she’d certainly reach for the gun a few steps away. Her only choices were to kill or die.
Then, the saving yell came, a desperate guard who didn't truly care for the Shelbys' life and was only complying with the king's order of setting the family free.
As they met again in the hallway of jail, no words were said. Polly cried in Michael's arms while Arthur and John hugged each other. Y/N stood there, speechless, waiting for someone to cross the door and hold her too, but no one did.
Somehow, she knew they also blamed her, because she should've talked Tommy out of the russians' business, because she should've given a warning before their arrest. She wished she had then, if she only hadn't choked on her own fear, perhaps their forgiveness would come easily. 
On the way out, a driver waited for her, Y/N scoffed at the realization Tommy was too ashamed to face her. She wondered if he still blamed the stupid cursed sapphire for all their misery.
Finally, she was home again, Rose and Violet ran to their mother's arms, crying about how much they missed her. Tommy watched the scene from afar with too many words stuck in his throat, if he was able to kneel and apologize, it still wouldn't erase the guilt he felt.
After Y/N promised she'd never leave again, the children left her alone and she had to encounter her husband. However, while he had too much to say, she had nothing.
The truth was that Tommy always had too much to say, he was a clever, eloquent man, no one ever struggled in maintaining a conversation with him because his views of life were beyond intriguing. The war had taken away his will to speak, but his mind was still a powerforce capable of generating the most fascinating speeches.
On the other hand, Y/N carried herself silently, preferring to show than tell. Every time Tommy spoke about politics, science, religion or even boring mundane tasks, she paid close attention, not bothering to hide the adoration in her eyes. She believed displaying genuine interest was more flattering than attempting to engage in the conversation.
Standing at the entry of the house, they remained silent and silently the days went by. No talks about what happened, no apologies, no touches or significant looks. Everything went back to normal as they ignored the elephant in the room.
That lasted until a particularly warm night, the children were in bed, all the windows were open and many watch dogs guarded the garden. The summer was coming and Y/N decided to welcome it by getting a new style, joining the new fashion of haircuts above the shoulders, as if a new external could cease the mess in her head.
That night no comments were made about her sudden change, everyone sensed the tense atmosphere including herself, who was in desperate need of relaxing, then the idea popped in her head, she needed a long, warm bath.
Heading to the bathroom, she denied the maids' offers of help, aware that she regenerated better alone. She filled the bathtub with cold water and enough soap to make bubbles.
The sudden temperature change sent a shiver down her spine, the blood running on her veins matched summer and took a while to cool up. Resting her head on the tub's edge, Y/N closed her eyes trying to focus on the delicious smell of lavender soap.
However, her heart beated fast and her chest held a tight feeling, as if someone was stepping on her, crashing her ribs and making it hard to breathe. 
Her jaw clenched as she ran hands through her recently cut hair, the strange feeling persisted and her blood traveled to her face, heating up her cheeks. 
Ignoring the situation, she took deep, slow breaths and rationalized the symptoms. She had an awful couple of months, her body must've been too warm when she got into the cold water. That was all, it would pass.
In the frustrated attempt to calm down, Y/N conjured happy memories. The night her and Tommy celebrated the first legal betting license. Their first honeymoon night and how delighted she was to be officially his wife. When they moved in and inaugurated the house by spending the night together in the bathtub. 
Everything with the same Tommy she hadn't spoken to in weeks, the same Tommy she had killed for, the same one to send her to the noose. 
The rope squeezed her braid and neck together, Polly's silent prayer was all to be heard, but God wouldn't save them, what would happen next? Was it all done? Would she wake up somewhere else? Was the sapphire really cursed? What now? She wasn't dead but she couldn't breathe,
She couldn't breathe…
She couldn't breathe…!
Y/N opened her eyes, noticing her cheeks wet with tears, gasping for air, her shaky hands grabbed the bathtub's edge in a quick impulse to stand up. Water drops trickled from her naked body making a mess on the bathroom's door, the dogs were barking outside and her sight was getting dark.
Clumsily, she managed to reach for her robe, covering herself with the soft piece of clothing. The tears still came out as her legs got weak, holding onto the walls, she supposed she bumped on something because maids were knocking on the door, "Is everything alright, Mrs. Shelby?" 
Y/N recognized Frances' voice, unable to answer, she shrunk her legs and pressed her lips together.
"I think we should call Mr. Shelby," another maid suggested.
Despite feeling weak, her feet moved rhythmically, quick with the energy the rest of her body was lacking. In a matter of seconds, Tommy called for her.
"Y/N, are you alright in there?" the worry in his tone was clear, "Y/N, I need an answer even if you don't want to talk to me!" 
Gulping, she brushed off her wet cheeks and sobbed, "Tommy?" 
"Y/N, are you alright?" 
Everything got silent, the fear was slipping away as she heard the door unlocking. The extra keys, every single door in the house had extra keys. Tired and confused, she remained still.
Tommy rushed to her, it was his turn to panic, he kneeled to her level looking for injuries. Not finding any, he worried even more.
"What the fuck happened?" he sat her up, "What happened, love?" 
Ashamed, she stared at the floor, a knot formed on her throat with the urge of crying again, "I don't know- I-" 
She sobbed, shrugging off. He immediately pulled her to his chest, not caring if her wet hair would ruin his shirt, "No, no, it's alright, eh? You're alright, I got you now," 
Words were unnecessary for Tommy to acknowledge he was the root of her suffering. He knew how badly he fucked up and seeing his wife like that was the worst punishment ever. Worse than his family's hatred, worse than the possibility of her leaving him, worse than himself being hanged.
Together at bathroom's floor, they grieved her near death. Not all the money, cars or jewels they had could fix the damage, perhaps not even time could, a scar would remain forever regardless of her forgiving him or not.
Feeling her snuggled into him, Tommy muttered, "We need to talk," 
Fidgeting with the buttons of his shirt, she quietly answered, "I think we do."
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skyeeuphixia · 6 months
𝚏𝚒𝚗𝚗 𝚜𝚑𝚎𝚕𝚋𝚢 // 𝚑𝚘𝚠 𝚍𝚘 𝚒 𝚜𝚊𝚢 𝚐𝚘𝚘𝚍𝚋𝚢𝚎?
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finn shelby x sister oc (florence)
summary: in which finn is left forever broken
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warning/s: blood, violence, death, grief, emotional distress
words: 1010
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When Finn and Florence Shelby were born, they instantly became the pride and joy of their families lives. They were loved by and doted on by their older siblings, the two of them could get away with close to anything, even Tommy would crack when he watched as his baby sister looked up at him with her big blue eyes that matched his so perfectly.
Despite each of them having particularly close relationships to different older siblings, Florence being especially close to Tommy, and Finn close to Ada, no one could deny the bond the two held with one another, they all saw it from the day that they were born and the two of them grabbed each other’s hands as they slept in their cot. Being twins they were connected on a deeper level than normal siblings. Aunt Polly pointed it out days after their birth. If Florence cried, Finn would cry. If Finn was happy, Florence was happy.
“They can feel each other’s feelings” she claimed.
For a while, the other Shelby’s brushed off their eccentric Aunt, they were babies reacting to the world around them, of course one would start crying if a baby started screaming in their ear. But as they grew older, their Aunts words became truer and truer. The twins would occasionally finish each other’s sentences, or say things at the same time, they could predict the others feelings even when they weren’t around each other. They couldn’t feel the others pain, but if Finn was in pain, physical or emotional, Florence knew, and vice versa.
They never provided much explanation as to what it was they felt, they simply placed their hands on their hearts stating that ‘they could feel each other’.
“Gypsy twin magic” is what they called it.
As the twins grew older, their differences emerged. Finn was street smart, Florence was book smart. Finn wanted a dog, Florence preferred a cat. Finn was eager to be more involved in the business, Florence wanted to be involved with business as little as possible. But despite their differences, they were just as close as when they were children. At 16 years old, they had never spent more than 24 hours away from each other. You would never see one twin without the other and if you did, something was likely very wrong, especially with recent events. Ever since Tommy’s wife, Grace, had died and things had been getting more tense against the Changretta’s, the twins had been ordered to never leave each other’s side and to protect one another, which they didn’t need to be told twice.
However it made moments like this more frustrating. Family meetings had to take place somewhere different every time they were held, it lowered the risk of the Changretta’s targeting them all at once, as they wouldn’t know where they are, Florence, ever the good girl of the family was often first to the meetings, and could almost always guess when Finn would come crashing through the door, panting dramatically as if he had sprinted a 5k. But now, the family had to wait for the two of them to arrive at the Garrison together. And Tommy was getting impatient.
“They should have been here by now,” Tommy says as he paces the room, more on edge than ever.
“’ave a bit of patience Tommy.” Arthur calls out, already half way finished a glass of whisky, “They’ll be in ‘ere any moment, Flo dragging Finn by the ear, scolding ‘im for making her later,”
Their aunt however was less convinced. She was good at sensing when things were wrong, and the pit in her stomach was growing more and more as the twins refused to appear, “Somethings not right,” she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper.
Then, as if summoned by the collective fears of his family, Finn stumbled through the door. His face was deathly pale, eyes void of any emotion other than pure shock, but most significantly, in his arms, he was carrying Florence’s lifeless form. Her skin was as pale as ever, and she was drenched in blood from a bullet wound in her forehead, that was staining Finn’s white shirt.
Finn had barely processed what happened, he remembered hearing a gunshot, running to where he knew his sister was, and shooting his own gun in anger, that was all he could remember, but hearing the horrified gasps from his family, everything in his brain clicked. He didn’t hear himself scream, or the pain in his knees as he dropped to the floor, all he could do was sob as he desperately clutched his sister and held her close to him, desperately willing for her to wake up and end this nightmare.
The rest of the Shelby’s watched the scene in horror. Ada was sobbing into Johns side, as he held onto her burying his face into her hair to hide his own tears. Arthurs fists were clenched in fury, hardly being able to keep himself from smashing everything in the garrison.
Tommy’s ever cold and distant look had contorted into anguish at the loss of the sister he held so dear, “Not Flo…” he whispers, a quiet plea to whatever higher power there was to give her back to him.
Aunt Polly was the only one who could will herself to move over to the twins, kneeling down next to Finn, holding as much as he’d let her and placing a gentle kiss on the crown of his head, trying to hold herself together for him.
“I only left her cause I forgot my cap,” he whispered, his voice shaky and laced with guilt and self-hatred, “I knew Poll…I knew something was wrong, I could feel it…here,” he said, as he pressed a trembling hand to his heart, his sisters blood staining a red handprint, “It felt like I was dying, and then it vanished…”
“She’s gone…I can’t feel her anymore,”
And the family knew, then and there, the twin flame had burnt out,
and Finn would never be the same.
⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺
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heavencanbeaprisontoo · 8 months
“Not quite my type”
Shelby Brothers x reader
Summary: Everybody says they have “a type,” but we don’t always fall for that type now do we?
Note: Physical descriptions are used. This is a sequel to this post that goes over my hcs for the Shelby brothers’ (excluding Finn) types!
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(Short and curvy—> Tall and lean)
Arthur always liked a softer lady, someone on the shorter side too. However, Arthur’s type is truly any woman that shows him kindness and patience. Out of all the Shelby brothers, Arthur would be the first to change his preferences for his partner. He doesn’t treat you as competition or as being masculine, no. Arthur treats you like a princess… think of Gimli speaking to Galadriel. If you were not only tall, but muscular, Arthur would only find you that much sexier. A noble, strong, otherworldly woman chose him as a partner, he’s a lucky man. Once he’s in love, he romanticizes every part of you. From your long legs to your elegant back.
(Tall and lean —-> Short and curvy)
Tommy tended to go for lean, sophisticated ladies. When he was young they called his type “Gibson Girls.” That is not to say that he would turn down a woman based only on her height or waistline. It would take some getting used to, sure… but he does get used to it. Tommy likes the subtle curves of a woman. Her spine, her neck, her thighs. There is something gentle and romantic about a softer bodied woman. He likes to buy you fine dresses to accentuate your figure and jewelry to compliment your eyes. Tommy likes to show you off, until men start to get too close. His favorite place to put you is right on his lap, his hand gripping your thigh.
(Plump backside—> Not so much)
So, you’ve got a small or flat backside. Not everyone gets to just have one. No shame in it! Now, if you’re worried John would love you less for it… It wouldn’t matter. He will spank it anyway. And John is an easygoing guy when it comes to sex appeal. Some pricks only want girls with big bosoms or dainty hands. John likes all sizes. Tits are tits, an ass is an ass. He isn’t exactly a poet about it though, so you might not always feel as sexy as he sees you. Until he gets his hands on you, anyway. John doesn’t even care about lingerie! If you’re his girl, all you need to do is give him a wink and he’s yours.
@graveyard-stray @roeun
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acewritesfics · 9 months
Mama Bear | Tommy Shelby
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Pairing: Tommy Shelby x Nora + Bess
Request: No but @runnning-outof-time's interest kept me encouraged and motivated to write it.
Fic Type: Imagine
Warnings: Swearing. Smoking. Threats being made. Inspector Campbell being a prick. Slight Grace bashing. Nora protecting her family and being a mama bear. Someone gets called a whore [hint: it's not Lizzie]. A six-year-old in the pub. Tommy and Nora's daughter's name in this is Elizabeth but she gets called Bess or Bessie. Also crayola crayons came out in 1903 but were invented in 1902, useless fact, I know... 
Word Count: 1,971
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"Give Tommy and Elizabeth my love," Nora’s mother, Marion, tells her as she stands up to leave. "Hopefully I'll see you all at church on Sunday." 
"You know I can't make any promises, mother," She says also standing up. "I'll make sure to give Tommy and Bessie your love," She adds as her mum pulls her in for a hug.  
"I really wish you would stop calling your daughter Bessie," Marion sighs as she pulls away from her daughter. 
"Don't start, we had such a lovely lunch together," She frowns at her, already felling annoyed at her mothers insistence to see them on Sunday.. "And you know she prefers Bessie over Elizabeth." 
"I'll see you Sunday," Marion says ignoring what she said as she leaves the restaurant. 
"I doubt it," Nora mumbles to herself as she picks up her purse. Sunday is hers and Tommy’s day where they solely focus on there daughter. No outside family or work. It’s just the three of them and it’s been that way since Bess was born. 
As Nora goes to leave she sees someone who makes her blood boil in the worst kind of way. Walking over to him, her mind goes back to the events of the day before. Ada and Polly had taken Bessie and Finn to the park for a few hours and had been spotted by Inspector Campbell who grabbed Bessie's arm and threatened to have her removed from her's and Tommy's custody.  
When Tommy and Nora arrived home from the races, a frightened Bessie ran up to them crying about a man telling Auntie Polly and Auntie Ada that he was going to take her away from them. When Polly explained to them what happened, Nora and Tommy were about to go murder the Irish inspector. But reassuring their daughter that mummy and daddy would never let that happen was more important.  
Polly told them that she made sure he knew he was crossing a line and that she has their backs if something were to happen to him as well as threatening to cut his hands off if he touched her again. 
"Well isn't this a pleasant surprise, Inspector," she plasters a fake smile on her face as she sits across from him, sipping his tea. 
He looks at her a little surprised. "Mrs Shelby, I wasn't expecting to see you here." 
"That's odd, since you've been following my family around since you've been here," she says trying to keep the venom from her voice. "I was just having lunch with my mother. I saw you on my way out and thought we could have a little chat." 
"Don't you have to get back to that criminal husband of yours?" He says seeming anxious to get rid of her.  
"Do you see a leash around my neck?" She asks him, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it.  
"Why are you with a man like him?" he asks her. "He'll only get you and your daughter hurt, maybe even killed. He's bad news and you and Bessie," he ignores the glare she sends him when he mentions her daughters nickname. "Deserve better than that." 
"You see, Tommy is a lot of things, Inspector," she begins. "But he's my husband and my daughter's father, first and foremost, and if you think for a second that you can turn me against him by saying all that, you should think again," she continues, leaning in closer and pointing the fingers that are holding her cigarette at him. "And if you continue to use my daughter as leverage in whatever game you're playing with him, you won't only have Thomas Shelby to worry about." 
"Is that a threat, Mrs. Shelby?" he asks, visibly gulping. The bite in her words and fire in her eyes told the inspector she's a woman of her word and that if he didn't fear Tommy, he should certainly fear her. She was not only a woman protecting her husband but a mother protecting her cub. 
"Oh no, darling," she leans back in the chair, crossing her legs, with one arm across her stomach while the other brings her cigarette back to her lips. She takes one last drag on her cigarette before crushing it into the ashtray on the table. Uncrossing her legs, she stands up from her seat. "Think of it as a friendly promise." 
"We're not friends," he frowns up at her. 
"And we never will be with that attitude," she scoffs. "But if you would rather I threaten you," she starts, as she moves closer and leans over him. "You touch my daughter again and it'll be the last thing you ever do." 
She stands up straight and goes to step away from him when she turned back around. "And if I were you, I'd send Grace back to Ireland or to where the hell she wants to go. Would hate for something to happen to her when the other's finally see the truth about her."  
"You know about Grace?" He looks at her surprised and a little worried for the blonde 'barmaid'. "Are you worried she'll steal your husband?" 
"I know more than you think," she smiles. "If you think your blonde whore can steal my husband, you're a bigger fool than I thought. In fact you two are perfect for each other. Idiots, the both of you," she adds and pats his cheek. "Enjoy the rest of your day, Inspector."  
Leaving the restaurant, she makes her way to the Garrison. 
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Nora enters the Garrison, finding only Grace behind the bar. She's leaning in close to the wall of the snug as if she's trying to listen in on whoever is in there. Nora knew it would be Tommy, Arthur and John since they were the only ones who used it. Rolling her eyes, she makes her way over to the bar.  
"You might as well have your ear against the wall," she says startling the barmaid spy. "I'll bet I can guess what you're listening in on." 
"I don't know what you're talking about," Grace tries to deny having being caught eavesdropping.  
"Gosh, I really hope Bess isn't giving her dad and uncles too much trouble. That girl can be a handful when she wants to be. She gets that from her Uncle John," Nora smiles, this was her way of reminding Grace of where she stood. Not only was Grace unknowingly revealing her intentions for working there, she'd taken a liking to Tommy that was a little more than him being her and Campbell's target. "She has her Uncle Arthur's temper though. But then again all the Shelby's have that temper and they can hold a grudge well too. You really wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of them."  
"Why do I get the feeling that you're trying to warn about something?" 
"I would hate for something to happen to the pretty face of yours," she says not bothering to hide her intentions in her words. 
"Look, I don't know-" she begins only to be cut off but the snug door opening and Tommy walking out.  
"Hello, Love," he greets his wife, pressing a kiss to her cheek. "How was lunch with Marion?"  
"It went well," she smiles. "She's invited us to church on Sunday. And just so you know, you missed." 
"Did I?" he asks, a small smirk making it's way on to his lips. Taking her face in his hands, he plants his lips on hers, making sure to make a show of it. "Better?" he asks when he pulls away. 
"Much better," Patting his chest, she moves past him into the snug. She's surprised to see Bessie's box of crayons and her sketchbook sitting neatly to the side. The little girl loves to draw and takes her drawing book and crayons every where she goes.  
Looking at Bessie, she notices the little girl has playing cards in her hand and a stoic look on her face as she glances at her uncles sitting across from her. 
"Please tell me you're not teaching our daughter to play cards," she says to Tommy as he stands next to her. 
"Our dad started teaching us at her age," Arthur pipes up, his eyes furrowed in concentration as he looks between his cards and Bessie.  
"Next we'll be off to the races, teaching her how to place a bet," John joins in.  
"Remind me why I married into this family again?" she says turning towards Tommy who had moved to sit back down next to Bessie. 
"Because you couldn't resist my charm," Tommy teases smiling up at her and pulling her onto his lap. "And aside from Bessie, you're the best thing that's ever happened to me." 
"And he knocked you up." John adds, snickering behind his cards.  
"What does knocked you up mean, mummy?" the soft spoken voice of her daughter asks.  
Nora sends a deadly glare towards John. "I'll explain it when you're older." She turns back to Tommy. "We should head home. I need to talk to you." 
"Can't we talk here?" he asks.  
"I caught her trying to listen in again," she says leaning in to whisper in his ear just incase Grace was standing there with her ear pressed to the wall again. 
"I think it's time we take Bess home," Tommy announces to the room as Nora stands from his lip, picking up Bessie's crayons and book. 
"But Uncle Arthur owes me £1," Bessie whines as she drops her cards on the table. 
"I'll give it to your dad later," Arthur assures her as she shuffles off her chair.  
"She'll hold you too it," Nora warns her brother-in-law from thinking that he can get away from paying his debt to his youngest niece. She helps the six year old into her coat. 
The small family of three say their goodbyes and leave the Garrison, making their way home. 
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"Is she alright?" Tommy asks as Nora's arms wrapped around him from behind. She lets out a sigh as she nuzzles her face into his back. Bessie wanted to do some drawing in her bedroom when they got home so Nora had got it all set up for her while Tommy made her some tea. 
"She's perfect," She answers not just talking about their little girls mood.  
Bessie had been born just before the war was declared and Tommy and Nora were married not long before her birth. She was two months old when Tommy and her Uncles were shipped off to France. Every time when Tommy came back on leave she'd grown so much. He'd missed all her milestones but read about it in his wife, his sister and his aunt's letters. Bessie was four when he came home after the war ended and she attached herself to him as if he'd never been gone. She's a daddy's girl and has Tommy wrapped tightly around her finger.  
After he came home, most nights he would spend in her bedroom, sitting on the floor, his back to the wall watching her sleep to remind himself he was safe and at home, that he still has something to live for when it gets too much to bare. His little girl is his guiding light. She's the one who pulls him out of the french tunnels when he finds himself back in them. When he's with her and Nora, the noises stop and visions of the dirty walls fade away. 
So yeah, she's perfect. 
"Are you alright?" He asks turning around in her arms, forgoing the tea he was making.  
"I'll be better once Campbell and Grace are gone," she says looking up into his eyes.  
"Not much longer now, my love," he tells her, leaning his head forward to press a kiss to hers. "You have my word." 
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themultifandomgal · 1 year
Shelby Sister- Troublesome Twins Pt2
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I was asked to do a part 2. So here it is!
Since Finn getting shot, YNs brothers have been even more protective than normal. She's finding it harder to see her boyfriend since Tommy has basically put her on house arrest. YN had been sneaking out during the night to meet Isaiah under the bridge by the cut. Then one day Isaiah asked YN to marry him, she of course said yes, but there's no way her brothers would allow that. So they made the decision to run off, with the help of Finn since he's the only one not to try and control YN's life. Now they're returning home, YN hoping her brothers don't go mad and Isaiah hoping her brothers don't kill him.
"There they are" Finn smiles walking over to them as the get off the train "the happy couple. Welcome back" Finn envelopes his twin before shaking Isaiah's hand
"So how bad will it be?"
"Well Arthur probably will shout, Tommy might have both your heads and Ada well she'll find all of this hilarious" Finn says pulling away
"Looking forward to it" Isaiah sighs
"Just don't tell 'em that your havin a kid because I think that will give 'em a heart attack"
"Well I'm not not for a while"
"Good. You hear that Isaiah. I may approve of you and my sister but no babies us till your like 30" this makes Isaiah and I laugh.
We arrive at the Garrison where I know Finn has gathered everyone
"You ok?" Isaiah asks before we step foot into the pub
"Should be asking you that" I chuckle taking Isaiah's hand in mine "but yes. May as well get this over and done with" I take a deep breath and open the doors immediately seeing it empty apart from my family sat at a large table. Everyone looks at us walking in
"Where the fuck have you been YN?" Arthur yells slamming his drink down
"Let the girl sit down first" Ada says, I give her a little smile in reply. I drag Isaiah over to the table and take a seat next to Polly. Tommy just stares at me while Arthur drinks. Michael sits smoking a cigarette looking between Tommy and I
“So” tommy finally speaks “want to tell us where you were?”
“Errm ok so” I play with my ring nervously under the table “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, but I knew you would go mad”
“Spit it out” Arthur grunts
“Isaiah and I got married” I quickly say
“You bloody what?!” Arthur yells
“Finn did you know?”
“Yes, but Tom….”
“You went behind my back”
“I warned you Tommy. I told you Isaiah and I would get married one day with or without your permission���
“Are your pregnant?” Micheal asks
“No I’m not bloody pregnant”
“Then why marry so young”
“Maybe because they love each other” Ada says in my defence, but Tommy scoffs
“They’re kids”
“I’m 21 Tommy. I’m an adult I know what I’m doing” I yell at my brother
“No you don’t YN! What if he fucks another woman? What if he hurts you? He’s going to break your heart. Fuck YN I know what men his age do, hell men my age fuck around while married”
“Just ‘cause you all cheated on your wife’s doesn’t mean Isaiah will”
“Ok I think we need to calm down” aunt Polly tries
“No you know what this was a mistake. Maybe we should have stayed in London maybe I should have made you think I was dead because clearly you’d prefer that than me being married and happy!” I yell one last time “come on Is we’re going” I stand up pulling Isaiah with me. We begin walking out when Isaiah stops, turning around to face my brothers
“You know, I actually really love YN. I respect her as a person, she’s my equal and I will do everything in my power to keep her safe and provide for her and hopefully our kids in the future. I know YN will want you all apart of that, but I guess it’s your choice” Isaiah places his arm around my waist as we walk out of the garrison
“Thank you Is”
I groan getting out of bed after hearing multiple knocks on the door and Polly shouting for me. Isaiah and I have been staying with Polly before we try and find our own home. I wrap my dressing gown around my body and make my way downstairs when I see Tommy and Arthur stood at the door
“What do you want?” I ask folding my arms
“You were right” I raise my eyebrows at Tommy. He never apologises
“You told me you would marry him”
“We’re just worried about you” Arthur finally says “we don’t want you hurt. Your our little sister. The baby of the family”
“I’m not a baby anymore. Neither is Finn. I appreciate that you want to keep me safe but I can handle myself and now I have Isaiah, well I guess I’ve always had him. I’m happy and I promise if Isaiah ever does anything to hurt me I will tell you”
“Can we come in?” Tommy asks
“Best ask Poll. I’ll go and get dressed and get Isaiah up”
“Just promise me 1 thing… no babies yet. I don’t think I can handle that as well”
“Ok” I chuckle responding to Tommy.
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cosmic-crybaby · 10 months
Break My Heart Again- Tommy Shelby x Reader
Part 2
Summary: After being childhood friends, you and Thomas made a promise one day to get married, but when he returns from France, he comes back a completely different man.
Warnings: ANGST, Tommy being a jerk, talk of trauma/death/etc. Platonic(?) betrayal.
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It had been what seemed like weeks after the men were shipped off to France to fight in the war. When in reality, it had been only a week. [Name] had went back to work rather quickly, her mother preferring not to have her daughter mope around the house like a widow. So, she wrote her first letter to him.
You've just left us and it's already quiet here. Too quiet. The betting shop, the street, and the pub are all silent compared to the liveliness we were used to when you were home. When we came back from the platform, Polly, Ada, Martha, and I had walked in silence. Even Finn wasn't being his usual disorderly self. It's almost as if no one knew how to fill the silence. No one can fill the void that you three left.
In all honesty, I am scared. Terrified something will happen, and you won't return home to us. I want you to know how much I think about you, how much I need you to come home to me. I want you to be my first everything, I want you to keep that promise you made me before you left. Even now, as I write this letter, I stare at the ring on my finger, imagining how our future would be. We will pray for you every morning for a safe return.
Stay safe and please watch over each other. We are sending our love and prayers.
Sincerely, Your love [Name].
The whole of Small Heath seemed to be silent the first few days, but the women quickly took over while most of the men were gone. She had worked and worked everyday with the other women in the shop. Polly and Ada were strong women, and they were cracking down on the books like no other. They had involved themselves with their work that [Name] didn't expect her letter to come a few weeks later. Ada came running in with the post, handing her Aunt Polly the letters, and dropping Thomas' letter on the desk in front of her new close friend.
[Name] had never pulled out her letter opener so quickly. She nearly missed the blade as her hands shook to open it. The pages of parchment fell on the desk, unfolding it to read the letter he sent. Her colorful eyes went wide as she read the first page, heart fluttering and beating fast as she imagined his voice saying these words.
When the train had left the station, I had already found myself missing home. We Small Heath boys sat together and no one knew what to say. We try to stay optimistic but news is that the odds are not in our favor. It hits harder the further we are from home. I am currently at a training camp, and even when my face is in the mud I still think of you. Your eyes, your smile, your voice. You visit me in my dreams, even when I'm in this hell you still feel like home.
No matter how long this will last, it will be difficult for you as it is for us. But Polly with take good care of you, you are no doubt a part of this family already. You will soon be a Shelby. I had never forgotten my promise to you. You are my dearest friend, and the most beautiful girl I had ever met. I knew from the day we met, you were special.
I will be safe [Name] I promise you that. We are going to make this out alive and you and I will get married and have our future together, building our legacy. Keep your thoughts clear and your mind positive until our return.
Until I write again my Love, Tommy.
The single tear ran down her cheek. Smiling a bit as she folded the paper again, placing it back in the envelope and into the drawer. Hearing Polly and Ada read the letters out loud from Arthur and John as they laughed through the sniffles. It made her lean back into her chair, looking up from the ring to the ceiling.
"[Name]! What did Tommy say?" Ada ran into her office, leaning on the door frame. [Name] turns to the younger Shelby sibling.
"Wouldn't you like to know," She teased with a light-hearted smirk.
"Come off it, lemme see!" Ada skipped to the desk, sitting down on top as [Name] gave in and took out the letter again, handing it to Ada. She smiles brightly as she read over the letter.
"Oh, [Name], that's so nice...I've never heard him be so...well, that before," She laughed. The girl tsked and grabbed the letters back from the Shelby.
"You'd be surprised, he's quite the romantic," She arched a brow at Ada.
"Yeah sure..." She shook her head.
"How are John and Arthur doing?" She had asked, putting the letters back.
"As good as they can be, [Name]...as good as they can be..." She paused. "Have you talked to Martha?" Ada asked. [Name] shook her head.
"Is she still sick?" She asked, her voice laced with worry.
"We think so, Polly's gonna visit her after work today, give her some medicine make sure she's okay, but just don't say anything to Tommy about it...She doesn't want John to worry," Ada explained.
"Of course, your secret is safe with me," Her lips formed into a tight lipped smile.
"I'll leave ya to write your letters," Ada hopped off of the desk and left her office. [Name] lets out a heavy sigh, moving the record books out of the way to pull the typewriter forward, placing the paper in before thinking of what exactly to write. How she could pour her feelings into one letter. Taking her fingers away from the keys to take a quick prayer, the same prayer that Polly taught all of the girls at the shop.
It had been years since the men from Small Heath had left. During those years, the two of them wrote letters back and forth as often as they could. At some point the letters began to slow. Anyone could imagine the reason why. In the last letter Tommy sent, he gave [Name] an idea of what he had to endure. The carnage and violence was only the beginning. The deaths he encountered, the injury and damage that had happened to him physically and mentally was enough to hurt her. Just from reading it. It was the middle of July of 1918. She was writing another letter to Thomas.
I received your letter last night. I miss you more than words can describe. Everything is starting to feel like normal again, as normal as is can be. I suppose the women taking over the jobs while most of the male population being away was the norm for the time being. It was still strange though. However, business has been slow recently. Ever since Martha had passed Polly and I had been taking turns to take care of the kids. Cooking for them and cleaning up after them nearly every day was just as hard as I imagined, Martha made it look so easy. Please give John my condolences once again and that we are thinking of him. And let me know how he is holding up.
The horses are looking healthy, Curly has been taking good care of them. My mother and I take walks in your uncles yard after dinner nearly every night just to see how the horses are doing, and so far he has been doing a wonderful job.
As much as I want to keep this letter forward-looking and cheerful, I do hope you are doing alright Tommy. The last letter you sent me had me worried for you. You told me you were going to be in charge of digging tunnels to bury explosives, I just hope you make it out alive. You had been there for me when my father had passed, and I hope you will let me be there for you after this is all over. Of course I have no real insight of what you are going through, but I hope you are safe. You were always so determined and strong. Make us proud, you always do.
Please give my love and support to your brothers.
Your Love, [Name].
It took months to receive a letter back. Longer than usual, but you didn't question it as you knew his job was hard, but you'd be lying if part of you didn't think the worst. But those clouds that plagued your mind were clear upon seeing his letter. It was a short one this time, but you imagined that he barely had any time to write these days.
I am writing this by candlelight, Danny and Freddie doing the same. Writing wills and writing home. I have left everything I had to the family, you included. I'm sorry it's not much or what we had planned, but this is inevitable.
Knowing what's waiting at home encourages me and I will do my best to come out alive.
I will make sure to relay your kind words to John next time I see him.
Until I write again, SMG, Tommy.
Her hands shook as she read over the short letter. Again and Again she couldn't believe what he was saying. She set the letter in the desk drawer, along with the other piles of letters, before shutting it. She didn't want to believe it, not one bit. She was still hopeful that he would live. He even said 'Until I write again,'...but she didn't expect the letters to completely stop coming after that. No matter how many letters she had sent his way, she still didn't receive one back.
Weeks had passed, as Ada and Polly were receiving letters back to back every week, while [Name] came to an empty desk, but she never told them, afraid to hear if they received his letters as well or not. It made her heart hurt to think of the possibilities.
On November eleventh, a boy ran through the streets blaring the news. The war had ended. There was a shift in the air after the news broke of the war ending and the men finally returning home. The entirety of Small Heath seemed to be rushing to prepare for the return of the soldiers. Even Polly seemed increasingly distracted as she prepared for the return of her nephews, leaning on [Name] to review additional books and records. But tensions arise further as the official date was announced of the soldiers arrival.
Ada and the other girls grew giddier with each passing day, making [Name] just want to smack them. She was happy for them of course but, how could she witness their excitement for their men if she hadn't heard from hers in months. When the day finally arrived, it felt like the entire town was rushing to the station. Polly and Ada were waiting in anticipation for the train to arrive, while [Name] kept her brows stern in worry as she kept her gaze to the cement floor. She honestly had no idea what to expect. If he wasn't to return she would be heartbroken, if he was she would be confused by the cold shoulder he gave her. The sound of people cheering and screaming caught her attention as the train approached. Polly and Ada pushed their way forward as the train came to a stop. [Name] made sure to hold onto Finn as tight as she could so he wouldn't get lost in the crowd.
"Where are they?" Polly asked, excitement seeping in her voice.
"I dunno, [Name], do you see 'em?" Ada asked as she pulled her quiet friend along. Her eyes barely scanned the area as families reunited in tears, the boys finding their family members and just melting into their embrace.
"Um..." [Name] tried to get a better look, but the hordes of people blocked her vision.
"[Name]!" Ada called next to her...and she felt your heart drop. "I see them! Aunt Pol, look! There they are!"
[Name] couldn't catch her breath as Ada pointed somewhere in the distance. She squealed as she pulled [Name] with her. The closer they got, the more her heart began to beat. It felt like it was going to beat right out of her chest. She almost didn't want to lay her eyes upon them. In fear she would end up like the women receiving bad news that their own soldier had died in the battlefield.
But, she finally looked up. Ada, Finn, and Polly running to hug Arthur and John. [Name] stood in her place as she met this eyes. Those icy blue eyes and suddenly the air flew back into her lungs.
He was alive.
"Thomas?" She called, he stared at her. "Thomas!" She took off from her planted state and ran towards him. Throwing herself in his arms as she held him tightly, his arms wrapped around her tightly as he burred his face into her neck, inhaling deeply. She smelled like florals, an exotic blend of jasmine and violet. She smelled like home.
"You're okay...you're alive," She whispered to remind herself that he was in the flesh. She lifted her head to look at him, tears flooding her eyes as she rekindled with him. His hair was cut, short on the sides and back, nearly to the root with longer hair on the top that draped just across his forehead. The square of his jaw was clenched and sunk at the cheeks, sharp cheek bones...sharp enough to cut glass. Dark circles under his eyes and pale skin, but the same freckles littered his nose and cheeks. He looked so different. But nothing could beat the look in his eyes. He looked like a man that had gone through hell.
She supposed he actually did.
"My love? Are you really here with me?" She asked him, bringing her hands up to his face.
"I am...[Name], I'm here," He slightly smiled at her as he kissed her forehead. She knew he was physically here, but part of her knew mentally...he was distancing himself.
As the days passed, his once beautiful, vibrant blue eyes turned dull and emotionless. Just like before, he was sweet with her at first, but he started to grow cold. On some nights, she would sleep in his small bed, just waiting for him to come home in the late hours. When he did come home late, he would be drunk and simply stumble into bed, the faint smell of roses on his neck. He was a shell of the man she used to love.
One morning, she walked into his office.
"We need to talk," She told him, standing in the doorway sheepishly. He barely looked up at her before lighting a cigarette.
"What is it [Name], I am extremely busy," He huffed. The woman rolled her eyes, clenching her jaw as she closed the door behind her and walked to his desk until she were standing in front of him.
"You have been acting strange with me all these weeks, Tommy...What's happened?" She finally asked.
"Nothing happened, [Name]…Is that all this is about?" He asked, standing to grab some books from his shelf to look over, still avoiding her eyes. She almost felt delirious as she just wanted him to look at her. Her eyes followed him.
"You barely talk to me-"
"We're talking now," He quipped. She refrained from tearing her own hair out at how dismissive he was being.
"What is the point of this conversation [Name]?" He asked, arching a brow as he went back to his desk, again her body followed him, facing him again.
"The point is you don't treat me like I matter to you anymore, you hardly treat me as your bride-to-be let alone a friend! Does our friendship even matter to you anymore?"
He stayed silent as he just kept his head down.
"For Christ sake Thomas, look at me!" She shouted in frustration. His head snapped up to look at her. Surprised she had raised her voice as she had been so quiet since his return.
"You want to know what really happened, [Name]? Eh?" He quickly stood up and stalked towards her, her breath shuttered a bit as she was backed away into the wall, he stood tall over her.
"I saw people die, for four fucken' years! I nearly died in those tunnels, drowning in the mud and still, you assume I'll forget that ever happened?!" He shouted, getting closer.
"I don't blame you for what happened while you were gone...I understand-"
"No you don't [Name], stop fucken' saying you understand me when you don't! You weren't there, you will never understand what happened to me out there!"
"So what changed Thomas?" She asked, her lip trembling a bit. "What did I do to make you treat me this way?"
He scoffed, shaking his head as he pushed himself off of the wall and distanced himself from her.
"I thought you died out there Thomas, you didn't respond to my letters for weeks, I...I was so scared, and to find out you were alive and now? You treat me like a stranger... What did I do wrong?" Her voice was stern, but even Thomas heard the unstable wavering of some of the words. Thomas eyed her, looking at her like she was some common woman, not his closest friend and love of his life.
"You drain me...just being with you is exhausting, I mean for fucks sake [Name], you cling to me more that a fuckin' leach from the cut,"
"A leach?...That's what you think of me now?" She shook her head.
He hesitated.
"So that promise you made me was all fake?"
'What can I say? France gave me clarity..." He shrugged. [Name] was fuming. This wasn't the man she loved. Not anymore.
"I don't know who you think you are, but I loved you Thomas...But you're not the man I fell in love with,"
Thomas bit his lip before reaching into his pocket to grab another cigarette. There was still light in his eyes but he was too deep in his memories of France that he couldn't get out. He hardly slept as he heard the digging in the walls every night. She would have made those noises from his head and those terrors in his dreams if he had just given her the chance. He'd rather spend his nights elsewhere getting drunk and sleeping with the prostitute he met shortly after returning home.
"The old me died in the tunnels..." He spoke softly. She wanted nothing but to just kiss him and tell him everything would be okay. But the memories haunted him. And therefor turned her love away.
"I suppose the new you doesn't have love for anyone?"
"No," He replied quickly.
She nodded slowly. Reaching into her left hand and debating if she wanted to return the ring he gave her before he left. Tears brimmed her eyes as she slipped the gold band off of her finger. Thomas' eyes widened ever so slightly as he watched her walk over to him, grabbing his hand and placing the ring in his palm before folding his fingers over it, moving past him as she left his office without any last words.
she had stormed to her own office, slamming the door and quickly gathering her thoughts before gathering her things. She had left the shop in silence, Polly had called her name as she watched [Name] leave without a trace.
"Where has she gone, why is she leaving?" She asked her nephews and niece before going to investigate the now empty office. Thomas watched in shameful silence as Polly confirmed that her things were gone. Though the reason was unknown, Polly accused of Thomas being the reason for the young woman's departure. After she had voiced her (harsh) words, she left him in silence again.
"Trouble in paradise?" His brother asked, smirking a bit after watched their aunt butchering him with her words.
"Shut up John," He rolled his eyes before returning to work.
[Tag List]
@mysticalbouquetwolf-posts @milljane @cyphah @diosa-ahre-blog @badlandsbrunette
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kitixie · 1 year
Little Girl Gone (pt 6)
word count: 2k
information: y'all, i am so sorry this took so long, i've been in a slump and clinicals just started so i've also been super busy. but i promise i am going to finish this!
warnings: smut. dirty, filthy, nasty smut. seriously, its like 3 pages of smut with some dialogue, but i won't apologize for it 🙃
taglist: @budugu, @ajmiila02, @filmtv2022, @cyphah, @ce1iat, @thenattitude, @globetrotter28, @tn22220-blog, @fudgethisyo, @geeky-politics-46, @chaengist, @lostgirl219, @amberpanda99, @sharrren, @bookishbabyyyy
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Tommy’s POV 
It had been a week. It had been a fucking week since I had last seen Y/N, since I had tasted her lips on her kitchen counter and gathered the strength to pull away. Dealing with business and family had made this week drag on like months, leaving a hole in my chest that grew everyday I wasn’t around her. I had been so close to having her, her body and mind were almost mine, and then I remembered that stupid, pointless meeting in Camden, and I pulled away like an idiot. I was needed at the meeting, but still; I needed her more. 
Everytime that my mind has dared to go back to that night, it always ends the same. Me in a bathroom or closet or any other private place, jerking my cock like a madman. I couldn’t stand it any longer, I needed to have her. I knew I wouldn’t be able to see her for a while, and that only made it worse. It only made me treasure the memories more. 
“Thomas,” Polly croaked, I could still see the tear stains on her face from earlier. 
Business had not gone well, ending with Arthur and John being arrested, and Michael getting his ass handed to him in the process. Polly had been crying and screaming the entire time, along with Ada, who is ever the dramatic. Ada has now resumed her vow of silence against me, at least until I get our brothers free, and Polly won’t stop fucking crying, tears coming out between her hands as she covers her face. I understand her upset, I really do, but it isn’t my fault that her son manages to get beat to a pulp everytime we go out, and she knows it. 
“Yes, Pol?” I finally answer, the solemn look not leaving my face. 
“What are you going to do? Ya have to get your brothers, the longer their in there the more pissed they’ll be,” she breathes, “I can take care of Michael, but you’ve got to handle things with the prison.”
Finally recognizing some of the life that comes back to her eyes, I sit for a moment. It’s not a problem to get Arthur and John out, I pull people from the jail all the time. I’m just not sure what to do with them once they’re out. They’ll be angry, looking for revenge, and I’ve got a sweet girl waiting on me that overpowers all thoughts of payback. Everyone will get what's coming for them, we are the Shelbys after all, but I want to come first. Preferably all over Y/N. 
Another week gone by, and still I haven’t gotten to see her. The hole is now a gaping wound, and my cock is sore from how much my hand has been on it. 
I was right, Arthur and John drug me straight back to Camden Town after they got out, and it’s taken all week to stalk and plan out our retribution. We got it, but at what cost? I still haven’t been around to see Y/N. I know she's been at the house, Pol called and told me that she asked her over and watch Finn while she tended to Michael. Hearing that made my heart swell the most it has in a long time, just knowing she cared enough to do something as simple as watch my kid brother. I am so far gone for her, and I don’t even think she realizes that she holds the most powerful man in Birmingham at her fingertips. 
The three of us eventually arrive back to Watery Lane, and I immediately notice that Y/N’s umbrella is propped by the door. The adrenaline begins to rush through my veins, waking up all of the feelings that I just got to lie down this past week. All that lust and longing comes flooding back into me, all from an umbrella by the door. I enter the house first, and hear the sounds of laughter coming from the seating room. I peek around the door frame to see Finn and Y/N, locked in some sword battle, using sticks as their weapons. They slash at each other, Y/N obviously holding back given that she has almost two feet in height on the kid, but still it’s one of the most adorable things I’ve ever seen. 
I, Tommy Shelby, just found something adorable. Something is truly wrong with me. 
I ultimately decide not to disturb them and continue walking to my room. It’s only when I get to my room however, that I notice the tent that has formed in my pants. Fuck, I can’t even see her without getting aroused. I hear John and Arthur speaking to them downstairs, and figure that they’ll keep them busy long enough for me to handle my issue. I carefully shut my door, and lie down on my bed. Loosening my pants, I free my cock from its confines. The skin is red from straining against my clothes, but it only adds to the tenderness as I stroke myself. I imagine it being her hands, dragging up and down my length, toying with the sensitive head. I run my thumb over it, letting the pain from being so hard morph into the pleasure I’m imagining in my head. I picture her mouth, those soft, pink lips wrapping around me, licking and kissing all over my skin until she finally makes her way down. She’d start slow, testing the waters to see how she could handle me, until finally sinking all the way down, my cock touching the back of her throat. The same throat that makes all those mouthy remarks, and keeps all those secrets of what she wishes I’d do to her. I even go so far as to imagine her own fantasies, picturing her getting off to the thought of my hands on her, just like I’m doing now. The soft moans that would spill out of her mouth, falling hard in the silence of her apartment. The way her fingers dive and retreat in and out of that pussy; I know it’s tight, it has to be. That leads me to my next train of thought. The warm center between her legs, that would be dripping in arousal by the time I got around to it. She’d be so wet that it would go down her thighs, it’d be enough for me to drink. I let out a small moan, the feeling of my hand and the delusions in my head becoming too powerful. I can almost feel the softness of her lower lips, as they part to let me in. The filthy sounds she would make as I drove into her, first from on top of her, then once she got adjusted to my size, the way I would take her from the back. 
The motion of my hand stops as soon as I hear a glass shatter, and I peel open my closed eyes to find Y/N, standing at my door, face flush, with a shattered glass and pool of water around her feet. Her eyes do not meet mine, and I realize that they’re dialed in on my cock, with my hand still wrapped around it. 
“Tommy, I-I am so sorry, I had no idea-” 
I don’t let her finish before I’m on my feet. I step over the glass, scooping her up in my arms before placing her inside my room so that she doesn’t step on the glass. I close the door behind her, somewhat aware that my hard on is still out on full display. 
“How long have you been watching me, bad girl?” I say, bringing the same hand that was on my cock seconds ago up to her cheek. Her skin feels better than mine ever could. 
“Not long, I swear it Tommy,” she rasps, trying to keep her eyes on my face. 
“Did you hear me moan? That was for you, Love. You were what I was imaging,” I breathe, tipping my head towards hers. 
“Don’t lie to me, Y/N.” 
“Yes, I heard you Tommy. It was a beautiful sound.” She finally admits, leaning into my touch and resting her forehead against mine. 
I smile at her, and go back to sit on my bed. When she doesn’t follow, I make the decision then and there. She can watch. 
I begin stroking my cock again, this time keeping my eyes on her. I can see that she’s a little confused, but more aroused than anything. I spot that blush spreading from her cheeks down her neck, and onto her chest. I can see how heavily she’s breathing, her eyes darting between my face and my hand. I let out another moan as I see her hand go up to her breast, palming herself through the fabric of her shirt. She’s as needy as I am, she just won’t admit it. 
I keep my pace, speeding up my hand to keep time with her breathing. The rise and fall of her breast picks up enough that I can feel my end coming near. She’s still watching, waiting to see me finish. I’ve never had an audience before, but I like that she’s the one seeing me. I give my length one last pull, and cum erupts, landing all over my stomach. I keep my hand moving until the last drop comes out, dribbling down my thumb. 
“Come here, Y/N.” I say, motioning her with my finger. 
She approaches me, staring at the mess I’ve made at myself, all at the sight of her. 
“Yes, Tommy?” She questions, that sweet voice dripping in feigned innocence. 
“Open your mouth.” I demand. 
She does as she is told, and I stick my thumb into her waiting mouth. 
“Clean it.” I poke her tongue with my digit, and she closes her mouth around it. 
She swirls her tongue around my thumb, lightly sucking at the calloused skin of my hand. She is very thorough, but if she doesn’t stop, I’m going to take her right here, with every member of my family in this house. She pulls away, letting my thumb go from her mouth with a pop. I move to sit up, heading to the bathroom to clean myself off. Before I have the chance to reach my feet, she pushes me back down, her hand gripping my shoulders. 
“What are ya doing, Love?” 
“I’m cleaning you up, Thomas.” Fuck, even just my name coming from her mouth is almost enough to have me hard again. 
She straddles my knees, bracing her hands on either side of my hips. I just allow her, wanting whatever physical contact she’ll give to me. She lowers her head, bringing it to the bottom of my stomach. She darts her tongue out, licking up the cum that pooled at my waistline. She swallows it, and I am in awe as I watch her. She traces the erratic trail up my body, her mouth leaving warmth in its wake. My skin flushes at her touch, and I jump when she lands her mouth on the ticklish part of my side, where the liquid has started to drip down. She lets out a small laugh and keeps going. Finally, when she has licked every last bit of evidence from my torso, she moves up, the crotch of her pants sitting right on top of my once again hard cock. I don’t move, in fear of not being able to stop, but she leans down, and whispers in my ear. 
“You taste delicious, Tommy.” She darts her tongue out again, letting the warm thing touch my ear before she nips at it with her teeth. 
I go to grab her hips, having had enough of her teasing, but she jumps off of me, landing her feet on the floor. 
“I think I heard Finn calling for me,” She says, turning towards the door where the broken glass still lies. 
She steps to the mess of glass and water and looks down. 
“It’s a shame about your water, Love, I’m sure you’re parched.” She smirks, stepping over the shards and sending me a wink before she closes the door. 
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hb-writes · 2 years
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Summary: It’s 1922 in the Little Lady Blinderverse. John was used to Clara preferring Tommy, but there was a space between Clara and their brother now that Grace had returned. John wondered if it was the big, drafty halls out in Warwickshire setting a coldness into their interactions. He didn’t know for sure, but he did know that there was more space between Clara and Tommy now than there had ever been on Watery Lane. There seemed to be very little space between his sister and his wife though, something that bothered John more than he cared to admit, the conspiratorial dynamic mirroring what had once existed between Tommy and Clara.
Request (from @cas-kingdom): “What do you need?” “You.” would be totally adorable for John & Clara. Congrats on 4 years of LLB!!
(Note: this is the second story based on the same prompt because both ideas bit me and I couldn’t let go.)
Characters: John Shelby, Esme Shelby, Elias Shelby, and Clara Shelby
Content Warnings: nothing much, I think.
Tell me what y'all think! Reviews and comments are always appreciated. 😌❤️
Peaky Blinders (Little Lady Blinder) Masterlist
Peaky Blinders (Non-Shelby!Sister) Masterlist
John allowed a good natured roll of his eyes as the front door eased open. The damn thing had creaked from the very day he and Martha moved in. John could’ve fixed it easily, but after all this time, he decided he liked the familiarity of it. He didn’t mind his brothers joking that John did not lock his doors because the creaking was so loud it would alert him of any intruders. It reminded him of Martha and it did serve as a sort of warning, especially in the quiet of an emptied out house. 
As he heard the sound now, John wondered which of the kids would be coming back through to intrude on his peace. One of them must’ve forgotten something—that wasn’t a surprise. A favorite toy, a hat, a shoe…John wouldn’t be surprised whatever it was. Especially if it was Katie. John was quite certain that little girl would lose her head if it wasn’t properly attached. 
She mirrored her Uncle Finn in that way—a little scattered, always on the bloody move. John thought he could see a bit of his brothers and sisters and himself reflected in each of the kids and some days, on coming home to the raucous bunch, he was reminded of his childhood in the best and the worst of ways. And even though John was their father, he felt almost as if he simply melted into their dynamic. Some days, it was a relief to lose himself in his children—to pass a few hours being silly and carefree. But other evenings, it was too much to come home to the familiar attitudes and behaviors, little copies of the trying family members he’d spent all day dealing with. 
Days like that—days like today—Esme took them all out of the house to give John time to decompress after arriving home for the shop. Like a premonition, Esme always seemed to know, even without John realizing he needed it.  
But he did need it. 
Some days depending on what he was tasked with, John just needed a moment to come back to himself before being with the kids, to let all the other stuff fall away, to be reminded that the family dynamics he’d grown up with didn’t have to be the same ones he raised his kids with. That the traits his kids had gotten from the rest of the Shelbys were just that—traits. His frustrations with his brothers and his aunts had no need of being taken out on his kids...on his wife. 
John knew it, but he wasn’t always aware of it creeping in. Esme always seemed to sense it better than he did. She knew when her husband needed to get himself straight. She never called attention to it though, always able to make up some perfectly reasonable excuse for why all of the children needed to come with her and leave the house empty for a bit even if it was just before dinner time. Even if it was not remotely convenient for her or the kids.  
And there was something about Esme’s way that those kids, the ones who always had a million protests and questions…they never questioned it when she announced they were going out. They didn’t back talk to her the way they might to John. It was like she held some sort of magic over them all. John thought sometimes maybe she did. 
Esme Shelby Lee certainly had him in a thrall, anyway. 
They’d only be gone for half an hour, but that would be time enough. John took a sip of his drink, still sitting in his chair at the kitchen table as he waited for whoever it was to come back through. Sarah, he hoped. John figured he could handle his oldest daughter for just a few minutes.
Yes, he decided. He far preferred it to be Sarah coming through the door. He couldn’t handle any of the other children just now—not Katie, who was a bit like Finn, or Joey, who was somehow both a bit of Tommy and a bit of Arthur at the same time, and certainly not Robbie, who was too much like John. Thankfully, the baby wasn’t like much of anyone yet, not discernibly anyway, but he knew his infant wouldn’t be crawling through the door. 
John took another sip of his drink as careful footsteps sounded in the front room. He knew it wasn’t just the time alone but also the glass of whiskey that eased the day’s tensions. Somewhere along the line, he’d convinced himself it helped. He’d convinced himself he needed it. 
John called out before the kitchen door swung open. “What do you need—” 
He started as his sister came through the door, still in her school uniform, looking like she’d run the whole way there from the other side of Birmingham. “Oh—Clara. Uh…Esme’s out with the—”
Clara shook her head. “No,” she choked out, her arms wrapped tightly around herself as the bag of school books fell to the floor. Her eyes were rimmed red with tears and John realized she wasn’t just out of breath from running here. 
“Alright,” John shifted in his chair. “What do you—?”
“You. John, I—” The words came out hard, like whatever she intended to say really was a need and not a want. As Clara’s voice devolved into a sob, she became incoherent to her brother, whatever else she had been about to tell him lost in the tears and uncontrollable breathing. John had not a single clue as to what it might have been his sister needed, what she was trying to tell him. It usually frustrated him a bit, having to guess at whatever Clara wasn’t saying and lately, Esme had been taking over where Clara was concerned. Esme understood her better. He figured it was a female thing. 
He’d grown used to his sister showing up unannounced or inviting herself over for dinner or for a long weekend. Most of the time, she was looking for Esme, but she’d been spending more time with them in general—with him, and Esme, and the kids. Clara and Esme had formed a certain bond though, a bit of a conspiratorial relationship that John didn’t wholly understand or particularly enjoy. There were secrets between his wife and his sister that he wasn’t comfortable with them having though he wasn’t entirely sure he wanted to know the details. Esme often informed him that what she and Clara talked about wasn’t any of his business, anyway. 
John let it be. He tried for acceptance, but he would’ve been lying if he said it didn’t bother him just a bit—the conspiratorial dynamic mirroring what had once existed between Tommy and Clara and making him a little jealous that his sister seemed to be closer with his wife than him these days.
John was used to Clara preferring Tommy, but there was a space between Clara and their brother now that Grace had returned. John wondered if it was the big, drafty halls out in Warwickshire setting a coldness into their interactions. He didn’t know for sure, but there was more space between Clara and Tommy now than there had ever been on Watery Lane. 
And it still hadn’t seemed enough for Clara. She filled her time with finding excuses to be away from Arrow House, passing her weekends with John and Esme when she could manage it, but John wasn’t expecting her at his place now—not for a few hours, at least. 
She should’ve been across the city in a classroom still. Or maybe, she should’ve been just about to head over to the office down on Jamaica Row. Someone was probably waiting on her at the school. 
A Blinder.
The high and mighty King Thomas, himself, maybe. 
It didn’t quite matter who was waiting on Clara though because she was here, in John’s kitchen, sputtering on the other side of the room. Whatever tension that had been clinging to John, the tension that had had Esme taking the kids out within a minute of him passing over the threshold eased. John’s mind stopped working to figure his sister out, to make sense of her sudden presence, deciding it didn’t quite matter. He stood up and crossed the kitchen to pull Clara against his chest. 
Clara held her brother tight, immediately shifting so her arms were clinging onto him. 
“Alright. It’s alright,” John soothed. Part of him wished she’d loosen her hold on him just a bit, but he didn’t moan or try to shift her any, letting her take what she needed for as long as she wanted. 
John eased his hold when Clara started to pull away, lifting her arm to wipe at her face while she leaned her head against his chest. 
“Does Tommy know—?”
“I don’t care,” she mumbled. “Tommy can fuck off.”
John snorted. “Don’t want to get on your bad side, eh?” 
Clara pushed away from John and shoved her elbow into his side.
“Oi! Knock it off!” he huffed, pulling Clara back to his chest and settling her in a gentle headlock. “Thought you wanted me.”
Clara sighed. She tugged his arm down and settled against him once again. “I do.”
“Be nice then,” John mumbled. He placed a kiss on Clara’s head.
Clara took a deep breath, her eyes trained on the floor as she scuffed her feet against the well-worn hardwood. “I want to come home.”
John settled his hand on his sister's head. “You are home, Clara.”
His house was as good as hers, the way he saw it. She certainly spent enough time there.
“No, John.” Clara shook her head against him. “I want to be back for good. Back on Watery Lane.”
John hummed, but the sound was neutral—more of an acknowledgement than anything else. They both knew it wasn’t up to them, either one of them. Tommy said where Clara went. He said where she rested her head and where she learned her sums and where she was employed. The arrangement wasn’t documented or official, but it was good as law as far as they were all concerned. For years and years, it had been that way. 
“What’s brought this on?” He asked. 
“I just want to be here,” Clara answered. “I can help with the kids and—”
“There’ll be a kid at Arrow House you can help with soon enough,” John said. 
Clara shook her head. She’d already decided that Tommy and Grace would have no need of her help. They had already hired a full staff for the house, nanny and all. They’d have Mary look after Charles. And Clara was quite certain that Mary didn’t like her. 
“Tommy doesn’t need me,” she said, swallowing down the lump in her throat. “He doesn’t want me…said he doesn’t need me at the office anymore. Doesn’t want me in the business anymore.”
“He said all that?”
Clara pretended to sift through her mind for Tommy’s exact words, though she remembered them very clearly. He’d been so short in his explanations, his decree that she was done working for now, but it hadn’t felt to Clara like Tommy’s heart was in it.
“It doesn’t matter,” Clara said. “She’s put him up to it…she thinks I need to be focused on my schooling….but I can do both. If he doesn’t need me downtown, I can work in the shop instead, can’t I? You could use me and I can stay here and help with the kids and—“
“Of course I could use you,” John said, knowing his sister was better with math than most of the other buffoons in the shop and that Esme would probably relish in having his sister to lend a hand with the kids, “but if Tommy says—“
“I don’t care what Tommy says. He’s not—“
“In charge of us?” John suggested, cutting her off. “I’m surprised he’s not here already to collect you and give us both a telling off.”
Clara deflated a bit. “Can’t you just tell him I’m staying with you? Just tell him you and Esme need me to sit with the kids tonight?”
“Yeah, and are you actually going to sit with them?” he asked.
“I can…if you want,” she said, the volume of her voice lowering as she continued. “But maybe you and Esme want to stay in? I’m sure the kids would like it.” 
John hummed. “Yeah, the kids would like it, sure.” 
It wasn’t as if Clara’s words were untrue. John knew his kids would love a night in with their parents and aunt as Clara suggested, but there was more to it than that. It was Clara who wanted her brother close. It was Clara who wanted a night on Watery Lane, insulated from the rest of her world by her brother and sister-in-law and nieces and nephews. 
“Can you talk to him?” 
John sighed, nodding despite himself. “But if he wants you home, I’m not fighting him. It’s not worth it, alright? If he puts up a fight, you go on for the weekend and you can come to us next week as planned.” 
Clara nodded, “And working in the shop?” 
Clara let the question linger, cutting
“If you sort things with Tommy…” Clara cut into her brother’s thoughts as she heard the front door creak open, hoping it wasn’t Tommy coming to find her. “I’ll sort our dinner tonight…” 
Esme came into the kitchen with all five children in tow. She plopped the baby in John’s arms and handed the bag of groceries to Clara before lowering herself into the chair and running her hands over her swollen belly. 
“If your sister’s offering to cook me dinner, you do whatever she wants, John.”
John had no desire to get between his brother and his sister. He had enough disagreements racked up with Tommy without counting Clara’s concerns, but John could tell she needed it. She needed to feel someone was on her side, hearing her, listening to her. He knew what it was to feel like no one was listening. And he wasn’t sure Tommy would listen to him, but Polly might. He figured she might be willing to talk to Tommy. And Tommy might be willing to listen if it was Polly’s voice he was hearing.
And now that Esme was involved, it didn’t seem he had much of a choice in the matter anyway. 
“Your mother’s said her piece. I guess we’d best go make a few phone calls for your auntie, eh, Eli?” The baby in his lap lifted a chubby hand and smacked it against John’s cheek. He went back for a second and third hit, laughter spilling from his little mouth, seemingly trying to move his father along.
“Alright, mate. Hold on,” John said, standing himself and the baby up and heading toward the telephone. 
John paused just over the threshold. He could hear his wife and sister talking, Esme’s voice followed by Clara’s laughter.
Elias patted John’s face again, pulling his attention back to the task at hand.
“I’m going, I’m going,” John said as he continued away from the kitchen.
 It would usually have set John a bit on edge, hearing his sister and wife start talking and laughing as soon as he was out of the room, but just now it eased something in John knowing he wasn’t alone in all of this. It was a comfort knowing that his wife knew not just what he needed, but what his kids needed, and his sister, too. 
As John lifted the handset, waiting for the operator to connect, Elias cuddled into his father’s chest. John knew the boy had inherited his looks from the Shelby side, but as another bit of tension inside of him melted away at the baby's touch, John thought maybe the boy's intuitive, kind heart might mirror that of his mother. 
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mischiefmanaged71 · 2 years
In This Moment (5)
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Summary: A single moment can spark a magnificent change in a person’s life.
A/N: Peaky Blinders AU! Ewan Mitchell OC x fem! Reader
The bar bustled with excited shouts and the piano that evening. The lads were celebrating another profitable deal with drinks and games. Everyone was there in attendance that night, including all of the Shelby family. Of course, Y/N made sure that Will was there. He’d become quite close with Arthur and Finn over time.
Y/N grabbed her glass from the bar, watching the joyous shouts from Arthur and Finn. The groups laughter reached from her all the way across the room. A humoured grin grew on her lips as she sipped her water. While she didn’t drink herself, she found humour in watching the rest of them get absolutely wasted...although the fall out wasn’t entirely great when she had to deal with them on occasion. 
Y/N glanced up at the person standing over her shoulder, flushing at Will’s expectant smile. She mustered a sheepish smile, “Hi.”
“Hi.” he leaned against the bar, facing the room.
“Why aren’t you with them?” she gestured at the group.
“You looked lonely. Thought I'd keep you company.
She raised her eyebrows, staring into her drink. “I’m perfectly fine. You can go on, I know you want."
He stared at her with a look of disbelief.
“Why are you giving me that look?”
“Forgive me if I don’t believe you.”
She let out an exasperated sound, unsure of the answer to give him. “I’m used to being alone. I’m content with it.”
“Why?” he met her gaze. "Is there a reason?"
“Do you ever feel like-” she paused, trying to trade the words from her mouth. “Like people are judging you? Whether consciously or subconsciously-you can just tell. It’s something I’ve noticed since I was a girl. I prefer my own company most of the time. There's nothing wrong with that."
“Why’d you ever agree to let me live with you then?”
There was a hesitation there along with his curiosities growing. Y/N flickered to study his face, feeling calm in his presence. “I don’t feel that way when you’re around.” she traced the edge of the cup, “I’m not too sure why it’s different, but it just is.”
“You could’ve said no, but you didn’t.” he pointed out.
“You’ve met Tommy. Don’t act like I had much choice in the matter.” she teased.
“I think with the right motivations, you could make anything happen.”
She flushed under his gaze, as he appreciated her flustered state for the moment. Her mouth gaped, a huffed laugh escaped her lips.
“Right.” she traced her eyes to his lips, “And if I asked you something, then. Would you do it?”
“Technically, yes.” remembering Tommy’s order to meet each and every one of her requests. “I do what you ask."
"Why is that?" She asked, wanting to hear him say it.
"It's my job."
"So in practice, I could ask you...anything." Her voice trailed off at the end.
“Yes.” his low voice tickled her ears, curious as to where she was going with it. The new found confidence in her demeanour was surprising. “What’s on your mind?”
“Exactly." He blinked, looking down at her with a smirk. 
He was, but that seemed a bit too on the nose.
“A few things.”
His words sent shivers along her skin as her jaw fell open, a shaky breath escaping. Meeting his blue eyes sent her off kilter as she almost fell apart. The emotion in his voice wasn’t what she was expecting, her heart shuddering in her chest. Many things rushed through her mind, the first foremost being that she had hopelessly fallen for him. 
Will was now leaning closer to her, his face inches from her’s. Their breaths mixed together, the rest of the part melding into the background so it was just the two of them. “Ask me, then."
"I'm yours."
“What do you mean?" she pondered in astonishment, her voice below a whisper.
"I can't be any clearer."
The loud laughter from the boys shook her from the daze, Will pausing right above her lips. She could feel the brush of his warm breath as she turned to the side, blinking at disturbance. 
She didn’t know if it was on her interpretation of his words, or something more hopeful on her part. Y/N stared at him, still unassured. Will pressed forward, his face growing closer. She watched, eyes half-lidded as his lips grew closer and she thought her heart would implode--
It wouldn’t last. It couldn't.
For a moment, it felt right. That was before she realised the absurdity of it all as life kept finding ways to tease her. Things like this weren’t meant for her. She knew that from the beginning. Lost in her feelings, she had acted foolishly for weeks. She had been afraid that falling too hard, once again, would leave her heartbroken. The domesticity was nice while it lasted, but having fallen in love with someone who couldn’t possibly reciprocate was the far cry she refused to accept. She had men flirt with before, and sure she had feelings for others. This, however, was the first time she truly felt for someone this deeply. She was not foolish enough to believe it would work out as she dreamt. Y/N had some dignity left to pull away from the fantasy. From the decision that could potentially ruin it all.
Y/N swallowed the tightening in her throat, dissuading the fluttering in her stomach as she straightened her posture. 
“Excuse me.” she said, heading to escape from the moment before she could falter in his presence.
“Wait-”, Will reached out, but she had already departed. Despite her name being called out after her, she kept walking.
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divinekangaroo · 1 year
Peaky blinders modern high school sports AU:
Arthur - everything track and field. Throws a mean javelin. Could be good at more but is too competitive for team sports, fights his own teammates for the ball
Tommy - nothing. Absolutely nothing. Smoking under the stacks or behind the toilet block. Teachers sometimes talk him into umpiring the football so he won’t fail a unit, then he’s absolutely fucking brutal like it’s a game of Tommy Shelby vs both football teams
John - generically good at all team sports, nearly always first pick. Always takes on too many sports commitments and juggling clashes. Prefers football
Finn - squash and badminton. Stays indoors.
Ada - tennis. Likes the way it’s like a verbal tactical battle with a single opponent. Not good at doubles because can’t teamwork with her partner. (Ada in a white short tennis dress. At least one brother makes an effort to go every time she plays and glares at the crowd)
Lizzie - cross country running. Practices in the streets. Wears earbuds and ignores catcalls. If the uniform requires short shorts and sleeves, always wears full length Lycra leggings and long sleeves under
Alfie - lurking under the bleachers with Tommy. Will also umpire if pressed but takes sides and has no shame in it. Used to do rugby and wrestle until he was banned and expelled due to an Incident in the Locker Room
Esme - lurking with Tommy and Alfie behind the toilet block because she’s nearly always pregnant.
May - chief competitive cheerleader, organiser, fundraiser, etc
Grace - excellent at anything involving a bat and a ball, amazing pitcher, has knocked people out with a softball and no one sure if she meant it (her aim’s too good to miss?) or an accident (she’s too perfect to be malicious). Tommy watches the dynamic with interest
Michael - touch rugby. *only* touch. Mum worries too much otherwise. Uniform always immaculate
Jessie - netball, goal defence or centre
Linda - netball, goal attack or wing attack
Freddie - look, teachers keep trying and he keeps trying but the lanky dude’s so uncoordinated he’s dangerous and they let him sit out. He refuses to join the gang behind the toilet block so sits somewhere and sulks and sometimes Tommy comes over and passes him over a durry. Always at Ada’s matches and gives her detailed commentary on what she could’ve done better afterwards.
Gina - competitive ballroom. She’s teaching Michael
Sabini - 100% crazy arsehole PE Teacher vibes. No one understands him. Is he Australian? Is he Italian? Is he English? Is he Czechoslovakian? No one knows. Nearly gets into a fistfight with Tommy trying to force him to participate until administration intervenes
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irenethewoman · 11 months
Mrs. Shelby - Chapter 13 - Proposal
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In January 1922, Birmingham, the Garrison Pub was bombed. The surroundings plunged into darkness, and the heat from the explosion was extinguished by the drizzling rain. The wind stirred the black veil in front of me, carrying the scent of the bar.
Tommy managed to dismiss the police with the excuse of a gas explosion and some pounds. Polly found some scraps of paper at the entrance.
Green… Ireland…
I frowned, thinking that Finn had become a thing of the past.
"You're going back to London today. I'll have John escort you."
"I'm not leaving. As you said, it's dangerous in London for the Shelby family."
I couldn't leave. I couldn't turn a blind eye to the unknown dangers my little prince would face. And if they dared to bomb the Garrison Pub, why wouldn't they dare for the Shelby mansion?
"Go out without revealing your face, avoid betting stations, avoid dealing with the police, don't disclose your name, use a fake name, and don't flaunt wealth," Tommy instructed before leaving, and I responded adeptly. "Don't worry, little prince."
I adjusted his collar and kissed his lips, speaking a coded language only we understood. "Stay safe, Tommy."
Watching his back, I suddenly felt like an ordinary but loving old couple. After breakfast, a wife bidding farewell to her husband before he left for work.
Then I stayed at home, taking care of the children with Esme. Maria was still the sensible girl who made my heart ache. She got along well with Esme, but I could feel she was more attached to and dependent on me. I understood her; even if a teenager could accept it intellectually, there would still be resistance to a young stepmother—that's why I resisted my father's remarriage at the age of 13, taking on the responsibilities of a lady of the house.
I talked to Thomas about taking Maria to London for a while when things calmed down. She was too tense, much more mature and sensible than Finn, more like an adult. In the mansion, she could be carefree like her peers on King's Road.
"You like your daughter so much… why don't we have one ourselves?" After hearing this, Tommy raised an eyebrow, saying something contradictory.
"You liked John's previous wife, didn't you?" Esme interrupted my contemplation.
I looked at Esme strangely. Even though we both considered me a member of the Shelby family, whether I liked or preferred one over the other… did it matter?
"Yes, Martha was a good person. She was one of the kindest people I've ever met. But I would also like every wife of John and Arthur—as long as they don't betray Tommy or the Shelby name," I answered truthfully.
I thought she heard some gossip, felt that John loved her less than his deceased wife, and added another sentence of advice. "The deceased have passed; never compare yourself to them. You and John have a long future ahead."
She looked at me in silence for a long time. "You really seem like the mistress of a household."
Would she say I seemed more like a politician's wife? My father used to say that before he died.
"Thomas must be eager to marry you. Young, beautiful, wealthy, and many suitors. Even if you chose him, I think he would still feel…"
"What are you trying to say?"
As she spoke, I walked to the opposite side of her and faced her.
She chuckled, as if surprised by my quick reaction. "Thomas expanded to the south for you."
…Oh, I see, she didn't want to expand to the south. Or rather, she was dissatisfied with it.
"Esme, if you have something to say, say it to me, not to others—whether it's Tommy, Polly, or John."
I leaned down, looking into her eyes. I was a head taller, and she was still sitting, so if I leaned down, she would be covered in my shadow. "I don't want you to talk nonsense to anyone, anyone—whether it's Tommy, Polly, or John."
She looked at me in silence for a long time.
"You do look like a mistress of a household."
I raised an eyebrow. "Really?" I thought she might say I looked more like a politician's wife—my father used to say that before he died.
"Thomas must be eager to marry you. Young, beautiful, wealthy, and many suitors. Even if you chose him, I think he would still feel…"
"What are you trying to say?"
As she spoke, I walked to the opposite side of her and faced her.
She chuckled, as if surprised by my quick reaction. "Thomas expanded to the south for you."
…Oh, I see, she didn't want to expand to the south. Or rather, she was dissatisfied with it.
"Esme, if you have something to say, say it to me, not to others—whether it's Tommy, Polly, or John."
I leaned down, looking into her eyes. I was a head taller, and she was still sitting, so if I leaned down, she would be covered in my shadow. "I don't want you to talk nonsense to anyone, anyone—whether it's Tommy, Polly, or John."
She looked at me in silence for a long time.
"You do look like a mistress of a household."
This is John's wife; I can't be too harsh in my words. I tell myself that I'm just pulling her along, hoping she understands. The expansion of Shelby Limited to London is not just because its big boss, Thomas, wants to marry me, the Baroness from London. It's also because London is a bigger market, a fatter piece of meat. We can earn more money, make better connections, and leave this muddy place. We are no longer street thugs in the slums; we are a company!
"Do you know what this is in the army? Undermining morale—a capital offense."
Before the family meeting, Tommy and I found some time in the bedroom. Afterward, we discussed the confusing situation.
While talking to him, I nestled in bed, massaging his shoulders. I omitted the conversation with Esme; I hope she figures it out herself. Heading south to London, we are bound to succeed.
"Did those Irishmen approach you for a job? Or even kidnap you!" I frowned. We've always kept to our own, so why?
"Our old friend has risen in rank. Still in charge of Irish affairs." He held my hand and turned his head. "Inspector Campbell…"
"So, they're working together."
This is dangerous; Campbell is a ruthless politician, utterly unscrupulous. Cooperating with him requires careful consideration, or it could end in disaster.
And… Campbell is directly subordinate to Churchill, Mr. Churchill, who has been the Minister of Colonial Affairs and also the Air Minister since last year, initiating negotiations with the Irish Sinn Féin party. It's hard to say whether what we're facing is part of a higher-level arrangement.
"Mr. Churchill sent me a telegram," I leaned on his shoulder, embracing his strong waist, "inviting me to lunch at the Leeds Hotel. The day after tomorrow."
"I'm heading back tomorrow, Tommy." I lay on his lap, lazily saying.
"Who else but a Londoner?"
When I entered the meeting room with Tommy, Esme and John were very excited, somewhat angry. It seemed they easily saw through the truth, while the rest of us turned a blind eye.
"This is a company that advocates gender equality." Tommy said. —Well, Tommy and I are quite equal, except for what happened just now on the bed.
John looked at me, trying to find Tommy's true feelings from my face. I lowered my eyes, just quietly pouring myself a glass of whiskey.
John was overly worried. Even if Esme repeated the nonsense she told me that day, Tommy wouldn't fall for her.
"I have no blood ties to this family. But perhaps, precisely because I am not one of them, I can see things from a different perspective. So let me get straight to the point. As my husband said, Shelby Limited is now developing very successfully. But London… I have relatives in Shepherd's Bush and Paddington, where it's more like a war between armies, with the police involved. There are all sorts of foreigners using bombs, nothing unusual. I have a child, fortunate to inherit the beauty of the Shelby family. I hope John can see him grow up, and I hope that one day, we can live in a place with fresh air and lush trees, raising chickens or something. But London only has smog and trouble, Thomas." She glanced at me, "Oh, and your beauty."
… I knew it. In her heart, Thomas is a selfish, arrogant devil. She really can't compare to Martha.
I handed Tommy the glass in my hand. Lower the fire; I signaled with my eyes.
He tilted his head back, finishing the remaining liquid in the glass.
"First, the pub explosion has nothing to do with London. I will handle the explosion on my own. Secondly, as long as we stay united, there's no need to worry about this business expansion plan. As long as we endure the first few weeks, 90% of our business in London will become legal, and the remaining 10% will be managed by insiders, right, Arthur?"
Now, some people present expressed their reservations. That's good. If any of you do not want to be part of the company's future, please leave through that door immediately. Go feed your chickens. As for those ambitious ones, the expansion process will begin tomorrow."
"Polly's son and daughter?"
Why so sudden…
"I'll keep an eye on it." I nodded at Esme, "If possible, I hope you can inform Tommy again."
"So, goodbye." I hugged Maria's shoulder and walked out on the road back to London.
"Why don't we go with Dad and the others?" Maria, visiting London for the first time, was very excited and a bit nervous.
"Because Tommy's car is too small, and we can't fit." And I wouldn't allow my luggage and a corpse to be together.
"All right, my dear girl. This is a vacation." I embraced her.
"Let's go home first, leave the luggage, and then I'll take you to eat Italian food. After dinner, if you want, we can go to Harrods."
I watched her face light up with a dreamy smile. It's good; she finally looks like a child.
When Tommy and the others opened the back door of 10 King's Road, I heard a noise.
He came again, Tommy Shelby…
Maria, visiting London for the first time, was excited and full of energy. I accompanied her for a day, and now I'm tired and sleepy, but still very happy as we walk from the living room to the staircase. I look at John and Arthur, who are staring at the paintings on the wall and the Chinese porcelain on the cabinet. Their curious expressions make me unable to help but laugh.
"Welcome to the Turner Mansion, boys."
Tommy smoothly brushes past his brothers and walks into my bedroom.
"How did it go?" I help Tommy undress, unable to stifle a yawn. "Sorry, I'm so tired. You guys came too late."
"Maria must have worn you out." After changing into the sleepwear I prepared in advance, Tommy lies down with me on the bed.
"It was a good day," he says, veering off topic.
"It's not all good." Hearing him say this, my heart tightens, and I reach out to check if he's injured.
He grabs my hand, only slowly continuing the next sentence, "Arthur lost a tooth."
Seeing me in a dazed silence, Tommy laughs like a mischievous child who has succeeded in a prank.
"I want to hire Lizzie Stark as a secretary. Today is a good sign." Tommy kisses me. "I need someone who can turn a blind eye occasionally."
"If she can type and do math, sure." I give him a strange look. I did tell him that I want him to share everything with me, but that doesn't include the choice of his secretary.
"As long as Mrs. Shelby doesn't mind."
I immerse myself in his blue eyes. Mrs. Shelby… what a nice title.
"Mr. Shelby, if you want to win a Baroness, it's not just about the body." I lazily extend my finger, circling it on his chest. "You need a ring to prove your intentions and let all the young people in London know that they've lost, the Baroness has a fiancé."
I'm not short of jewelry.
My mother left me a lot of jewelry, and I also inherited a lot of pounds. Occasionally, I buy some new ones, and those suitors would occasionally spend a lot of money buying good jewelry to please me. But what Tommy gave is different.
"Close your eyes." He coaxes gently.
Before closing my eyes, I see him smile. Tommy's smile is really handsome. Those blue eyes are as gentle as the sky in spring, and this person has softened a lot—the most important thing is, only I have seen this kind of Thomas Shelby.
He should be going to find his clothes and then coming back.
"Open your eyes, Lady Baron."
I saw him holding a deep blue velvet jewelry box. Inside was a sapphire diamond ring. A large sapphire, as clear as Tommy's eyes.
I was stunned; this completely exceeded my imagination. It wasn't until Tommy put the ring on my hand that I realized—it's almost like it was custom-made for my hand!
"…So, you had it prepared in advance?" Clearly, a man who already has jewelry and has won the heart of a woman with jewelry, but why do I always feel like he's turning the tables on me? I still know about Shelby Company's development. This ring looks expensive at first glance. This spendthrift, he only knows how to act up when there's no secretary—but why am I so happy?
"My dear Baroness, you now also have a fiancé."
"So, is this your way of proposing?" I still lovingly gaze at the sparkling ring on my hand.
No flowers, no champagne, no luxurious ballroom, no cheering crowd—just a large diamond ring and my lover… honestly, I'm satisfied.
"Think it's too simple?" Tommy leans on the bed, lazily asking.
"No…" I turn back and kiss his cheek. "Just right."
"I'll be the happiest bride in the world."
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copinghex · 2 months
Lie | T.S
Summary: The end of vendetta brings the crisis in Tommy's marriage to light. When his attempts of conciliation fail he refuses to face the truth, finding much more comfort in a lie.
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Tommy felt his heart gripping on his chest hearing his wife's laugh from across the living room. Not exactly melodic or exemplary from a lady, but genuine and deprived of worries, something he hadn't heard in months.
The end of the vendetta didn't bring the relief he thought it would, with John's death and a crisis in his marriage, he didn't have much to celebrate.
Nevertheless, the party went on, Arthur talked to Bonnie with the same excitement a father would to a son, Ada and Finn seemed to be rebounding after so long apart, Lizzie and Polly had their own internal jokes going on, Linda seemed to have a hard time socializing and at last, Tommy's wife chatted with Aberama while he stood alone in a corner.
He bit his inner cheek, jealousy taking over his most rational side, he used to make her laugh, even after the war killed his youngful sense of humor, his ironic or critical remarks rarely failed in putting a smile on her face. However, he was well aware of the space growing between them, if he didn't do anything the chances of losing her were huge. Clearing his throat, he raised a toast, distracting her from Aberama and initiating his plan to get her back.
As the night fell on, the guests naturally collected themselves. Finally, Tommy was alone with her, the bedroom felt as tense as a battlefield, a step wrong and he's out of the game. 
Sitting on the edge of bed while she removed her jewelry on the dressing table, he tried to start a conversation.
"It's over," he referred to the vendetta.
"...it is," she sized him up through the mirror, "the children are happy to go back to school," 
"Yeah," Tommy breathed out, surely the months every Shelby had to be recluse affected their learning process, he couldn't help but to feel guilty, his babies doing well in school was one of his biggest prides since he didn't have this privilege, still, at least they were alive and everything would go back to normal, "could've been worse," 
"Yeah, I wish John's children could go back too," she pursed her lips hesitantly, "y'know, sometimes I-"
"Yeah?" Tommy encouraged, surprised by the cold way she brought John up.
"Sometimes I wonder what it would've been like if none of this happened, it started with the guns and we never had peace after," she looked down at her own hands, "sometimes I wonder if it wouldn't have been easier if Polly, Martha and I still ran the business and you- you and Arthur-" 
She gulped, getting completely silent. Tommy felt his lips dry staring at her, did she just admit she wished he was dead? Taking a drag of his cigarette, he preferred to believe his paranoia got the best of him. He had to believe it or he'd go mad, if one of the few things keeping him alive wished he was dead, there was no point in everything he'd done for him, her and their family.
"Anyways, I- hm," she continued, "I think I'll take a shower before bed," 
"C'here," Tommy reached for her arm, what should've been an affectionate gesture of pulling her to his lap felt awkward and forced.
Her body was rigid in his embrace, seeming to avoid touching him more than necessary. His arms locked around her waist and his lips rested on her shoulder, at the same time she held his forearms with certain pressure, as if she could push him away at any moment.
The sweet scent of her perfume intoxicated Tommy's senses, he barely remembered the last time they intimately touched each other and by then, feeling her soft skin and her comforting weight on his thigh, he craved her badly.
"I love you," he whispered, still focused on putting their marriage back on the tracks, uncomfortable silence started with her lack of answer, he had no other option but to continue, "I know I pushed you away in the last months, I was-"
"Scared," she cut him off, "I know," 
"...and it's over now," Tommy completed, "now we have all the time in the fucking world," 
"To do what?" 
"Well, for me personally," he changed his tone, sounding hopeful, "to take care of you," 
She sighed, pushing his arms away from her waist and cupping his cheeks, a pout showed on her lips as if she'd just been asked to do a long, boring task. 
His eyes fell to her lips darkening with lust, he was the one to initiate a kiss, slow and full of desire. An unfamiliar, complaint-like sound left her lungs as he laid her on the bed, trailing the way down to her neck and collarbones.
Usually, Tommy's passionate acts would've ignited her fire, giving her shivers and the overwhelming urge of being close to him. That night wasn't the case, she laid down in silence, watching him lift her dress and massage her thighs in a pathetic attempt to turn her on.
When he removed her underwear and put his head in between her legs, she struggled to keep quiet, regardless of everything his tongue was still skilled, licking circles on her clit as his fingers toyed with her entry.
Soon, she came undone, a tiny smile crawled into Tommy's face, that was a good sign. However, as soon as she closed her legs, pushing herself up into the mattress, far from him, he realized an orgasm wouldn't be enough to win her favor back.
He kissed the exposed part of her thigh and smacked her arse before heading to the bathroom. Tomorrow would be a new day and with some luck, she'd recognise his efforts.
The morning arrived suspiciously quiet in the Shelby household, Tommy sat alone in the large dining room, the table was already set for breakfast but his family was nowhere to be seen.
The scene looked like a joke of poor taste for those close to the family, Thomas Shelby, known for skipping meals, was the first to get on the table. 
He peeked at the clock, frowning as he realized everyone was terribly late, the children would miss some classes and his wife usually didn't stay in bed until late hours.
After two or three cigarettes, the food went cold and he was ready to go search for them. It wasn't necessary when his babies ran through the door and grabbed bread from the table.
"I'm gonna miss three more classes today, daddy," Florence, the youngest, started.
"Mama said she'll call the principal to explain what happened later," Anthony, his firstborn, completed.
"Oh, yeah?" Tommy asked, "And what happened, my boy?" 
"I don't know," he shrugged off.
"She forgot to wake me up," the daughter explained, "the driver will go real fast so I'll get the french class!" 
"That's a rhyme!" Anthony pointed out.
As they giggled to themselves, the worried mother showed up wearing pajamas covered by an expensive robe.
"I told you to go straight to the car!" she scolded.
"We wanted to talk to daddy!" Florence argued.
"Well, I suppose you just did," 
With the mother's final words, the children lowered their heads and walked out, leaving her and Tommy alone.
"Flora said you forgot to wake her up," he commented.
"Tommy, I-" she whined, annoyed by his tone, "I got an important call, alright?" 
"Whose call?" 
"From the institute!" she took the seat beside him, "What the hell was I supposed to say? Call later, I have to get my children ready for school? The maids are here to help with this too!" 
Something was deeply wrong, from her defensive tone to the said institute call at early hours in the morning. As much as it hurted to realize, Tommy knew she was lying to him, he only had to find out why.
"At least we'll have fucking breakfast together," he ironically spat.
"Oh, isn't that great?" she retaliated, filling her mouth with a piece of cake and avoiding looking at him.
The minimum appetite he had earlier was completely gone with the conflict. All he wanted was to have breakfast with his family, mainly with her, so she'd warm up to him again.
Everything went absolutely wrong and as a matter of fact, felt worse than yesterday.
"Look, I just-" Tommy started, "I just wanted to have breakfast with my family after a fucking vendetta ended, can I do that?" 
"I don't know, can you?" pouring herself a cup of tea, she stood up from the table and headed out, "I'll change off these pajamas," 
Watching her leave, Tommy squinted, thinking of what else he could do for her to go back to herself, because that wasn't her, that cold, dismissive woman surely wasn't the one he married. As a last shot, he decided to offer what his kin seemed to like the most about him - his money.
Another day went by and they didn't have much contact. Still, when nighttime came, they were unavoidably reunited in their shared bedroom. With the children in bed, the house was quiet, if it weren't for the lights on, anyone watching from outside would think it was empty.
"Did you speak to the principal?" he asked.
"Did," she sat on the end of bed, putting moisturizer on her arms.
"They'll have some extra homework, he said they're smart children, they'll recover soon," she explained, "and about those months they missed, they'll stay until later hours twice a week," 
"And the institute?" 
"What about it?" she gulped.
"Someone called at fucking sunrise," Tommy questioned, "I imagine it must've be something important," 
"Yeah, hm-" she stuttered, "someone wanted to make an anonymous donation," 
"Oh, there's no registers in the book," 
"Because I haven't made any yet," she argued, "what is it, Tommy?"
"Just curious," 
She scoffed, turning her focus to herself.
"I've got something for you," he continued.
Her eyes slightly widened, it had been a long time since he surprised her, "For me?" 
Opening the wardrobe's drawer, Tommy took a black velvet box, he stood in front of her and revealed a diamond necklace sparkling in its expensive glory.
"What did I do to deserve this?" she quietly asked, "It's not even my birthday," 
"Does a man need a reason to gift his wife?" 
"I suppose," she allowed him to clasp the jewel around her neck.
"Well, what do you think?" 
"It's beautiful," she pouted, "thank you, Tom," 
His shoulders dropped with her carelessness, she not only didn't seem excited, she seemed sad, tense about something he couldn't guess. Caressing her shoulder, he tried to get something out of her, "Are you alright?" 
"So what's with that face?" his hands traveled from her shoulder to her cheek.
"Nothing, I just had a long day," she removed his hand from her. 
Tommy watched her take the necklace off, get a blanket and make herself comfortable in bed, as if he wasn't even there, as if both he and the diamond were irrelevant. Then she peeked at him, silently asking if he wouldn't lay down.
Turning off the lights, he went back to his office, it wasn't an invitation to lay down with her, she only wanted him to stop demanding her attention. Tommy felt like he ran out of options, there was nothing to do but wait until the situation reached its peak.
Two months went by, time in which they practically lived alone, the others presence didn't add anything, few words were spoken and physical touch seemed forbidden. 
No words could express how much Tommy missed his wife, to have her greeting him when he got home, to hear her excitedly dumping news from the institute on him, to feel her neediness in kisses that were meant to be a simple goodnight peck.
Frustrated and irritable, he decided to go home earlier on a cold Friday evening, he'd never expected the scene that welcomed him home. She happily talked to someone on the phone, laughing like she hadn't for long, realizing he was home, she put the phone down.
"You're early," she greeted.
"Who was that?" Tommy was quick in asking.
"Oh, just a friend of mine," 
"Friend," he nodded, "he must be really fucking funny, right?" 
"Her," she corrected, "and yes, she's really funny," 
"You should invite her over, maybe she can bring some fucking happiness to this house!" 
"What the hell are you talking about, Tommy?" she shrunk her shoulders, intimidated by his loud tone.
"I'm talking about you talking on the fucking phone like everything is alright," he pointed out, "as if you hadn't fucking ignored me for two fucking months!' 
Sucking the air between her teeth, she whimpered, "I'm sorry," 
"What?" he froze, he expected anything from her except tears and an apology.
"I'm so sorry, Tom," she cried out, "I just- I didn't know what to do with everything we went through, I didn't know how to deal with it, I didn't know what to tell the children- I-
"Hey, hey-" he interrupted, guiding her into his embrace, "you could've said something," 
"Say what, Tommy? It 's pathetic!" she hid her teary face on his neck.
"I know, love," he soothed, "should've told me earlier" 
"I'm sorry,"
"I know," 
Holding her tightly against him, his most selfish side feasted on their closeness, she went back to him even if she had to fall apart for it.
"Let me make it up to you," she whispered, hands moving to his waist.
"I've been such a terrible wife," she lifted her head and looked into his eyes, "and you kept up with me, let me thank you," 
"Thank me, eh?" he teased, "and how would you do that?" 
"However you want me to, sir," 
Tommy gently held her neck, bringing her face closer to his. In this circumstance, he could have her in any way he wanted, she wouldn't argue. Nevertheless, he didn't want roughness, he wasn't even mad at her anymore, all he wanted was to be desired by her.
"Take me upstairs, hm?" she continued, brushing the tip of their noses together.
Three hours later, they laid together in bed, while Tommy stared at the ceiling trying to find out what exactly went wrong, she was in deep slumber. Considering her tone and apologies, he expected some passionate love making or at least something that wasn't her just laying there, uninterested.
Peeking at her, he didn't know what else to do, perhaps he was the one getting mad after all, missing a sort of relationship that only happened in his head. Officially, there was nothing else to do.
The only thing to change in her behavior was from then on, she had her eyes on Tommy all the time, observing, seeming to wait for the perfect moment to something.
After another four long weeks, he learned what she was waiting for. On a warm evening, Tommy took some time away from the business and sat under a tree, enjoying the sun rays on his skin.
"Can we talk?" she asked, sitting beside him.
Arching his eyebrows in surprise, he positively nodded.
"Tommy, I don't know how to tell you this," she hesitantly started, "I don't even know if I'm doing the right thing by telling you this," 
He felt his body tense with her tone, as if it was a bomb about to shell.
"I've been avoiding it for the last months because I thought it'd be temporary, I thought it'd be something that'd end soon and I'd go back to you but- ugh-" she sighed, "There's someone else," 
Tommy's throat burnt, he couldn't even believe his first reaction was the urge to cry. Still, his face remained blank, he looked away from her and frowned, as secondary emotion, rage came in a wave.
"Who is he?" was all he managed to ask.
"It doesn't matter," 
"Yes, it does," he threateningly drawled, "I wanna know who you consider a better fuck than me," 
"It's not about the sex, Tommy," 
"What is it about then? The dresses and jewels I filled your wardrobe with? Or perhaps the driver I picked wasn't of your liking-"
"I'm not going to fight you," she cut him off, "I've said what I had to say and now there's this, he wants me to move with him," 
Tommy gulped, some fucker had been planning to take away his wife right under his nose and he hadn't done anything about it.
"And I think I will but only if I take the children with me," 
"Oh," he scoffed, "and what makes you think I'll allow that?" he challenged, in any other circumstance he would, knowing how much children usually were attached to their mothers but his ego was hurt.
"The judge will decide that," she calmly answered, "he might not let a cheater have them but he certainly wouldn't let a gangster either," 
"...you wouldn't," Tommy argued, perplexed by her coldness. His beloved wife just threatened to snitch on him.
"I don't want to, so don't force me," 
Tense, dangerous silence fell between them, both looked away from each other, without any words left to speak, they could hear the laughs of their children playing in the garden.
Few minutes passed, the longest in Tommy's life, he often had moments like this, in which his life course could be permanently altered in a matter of seconds.
"Don't do it," he started, still not looking at her.
"I'll not if you-" 
"None of it, don't take the children, don't leave me," the second their eyes met, he sensed hesitation on her, so he continued, "don't you love me?" 
"Tom, I-" she softened up.
"Did you ever?"  
"Of course I did, a lot!" she quickly answered, "But if I say I do now I think it'd be a lie," 
"...so lie." 
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ryuzakemo128 · 1 year
Hey, can you do a peaky blinder headcannon where the reader is the second youngest shelby but is really close with John shelby so she is basically John and esmes daughter. She's always around them and won't leave their side. They are both so protective of her as she's always happy and kind. She's really close with esme and she looks up to her like a mother figure and esme looks at her like a daughter.
Second Youngest Shelby Headcanons
I hope you like these and I am really sorry these took really long to make.
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Before Season 1
Your birth month flower are Hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna) and Lily of the Valley (Convallaria majalis) flowers.
You prefer to spend time with John out of all of your older brothers. There wasn't many moments in your life that you spent without him.
Your nickname means little mouse as you are that much smaller in terms of height.
Despite your small stature you have a fiery spirit and a rather strong personality. Refusing to let anyone push you around.
You have a special bond with John Shelby, he was there for you for everything and when he went to war in World War I, you were devastated. You wrote him letters every week, and his replies were your lifeline.
You often found comfort in the company of Esme, who became like a mother figure to you. She saw you as a daughter and cherished the bond you shared.
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Season 1
You noticed the way your older brother John is now acting differently. The first world war affected him in ways you could not fathom or begin to imagine. The way you heard about his trouble sleeping made you more alert and aware of it.
You made it your personal mission and priority to remain at his side, offering him comfort and support whenever he asked or needed it. Often staying up late into the night with him and falling asleep on the couch making sure he had company.
John appreciated your presence more than anything during those difficult times. He found solace in your unwavering support and kindness. You were like a ray of sunshine in his life, always bringing a smile to his face.
John appreciated your presence more than anything during those difficult times. He found solace in your unwavering support and kindness. You were like a ray of sunshine in his life, always smiling. Your personality remains bright as he remembered it.
You two would go on long walks to help clear his mind, you two rarely spoke during these walks because you felt like words were not needed as the silence between the two of you spoke louder than words ever could.
The chaos, danger surrounding the Shelby name and family, John wanted to make sure you and Finn were safe no matter what happened. Always keeping a watchful eye on the both of you. Even after he got married to Esme.
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Season 2
As the family's troubles intensified, you became protective of both John and Esme as their troubles worsened. In spite of the fact that you are younger than Ada, you are also older than Finn Shelby. In addition to that, you are also the second youngest Shelby. Since you could not bear the thought of losing anyone else in your family, you made it your mission to ensure their safety as well. There was always someone at their side, accompanying them wherever they went and keeping an eye out for any potential threats along the way.
You found solace and a sense of purpose in the study of philosophy. It became an outlet for your introspection and a way to make sense of the chaotic world around you. You delved deep into philosophical concepts and theories, often engaging in intellectual discussions with John and Esme, who admired your thirst for knowledge.
You developed a close bond with Esme, viewing her as not only a mother figure but also a mentor. She recognized your intellectual curiosity and encouraged your pursuit of knowledge. Together, you would spend hours discussing philosophy, literature, and various other subjects that intrigued you. Esme's guidance and wisdom shaped your perspective on life and helped you navigate the complexities of the world.
Despite not wanting part of the family's business, you were often dragged into it just because of the last name Shelby.
You made it clear that you didn't want to be directly involved in the illegal activities of the Shelby family. Instead, you focused on using your intellect and strategic thinking to assist John and Esme from behind the scenes. Your ability to analyze situations and provide insightful perspectives became invaluable to them in their dealings. "I don't want someone else's blood on my hands Tommy," You told him. You already couldn't stand the sight of someone else's blood and her own, so you made it a personal boundary to avoid direct involvement in violence.
You learned hand-to-hand combat even though you couldn't stand the sight of someone else's blood or your own. It triggered more of a gag reflex, you know the importance of self-defence she just didn't think she would need to learn it until things got a lot more riskier.
You saw Esme as a mother figure, as you grew older and she saw you as the daughter she never had.
Esme taught you invaluable life skills like cooking, sewing, managing household affairs and handling finances. She wanted to make sure you were armed with the necessary skills to navigate the world as you grew up.
Despite your aversion to violence, you developed a sharp intuition when it came to reading people and assessing dangerous situations. Your keen observational skills and ability to gauge people's intentions proved valuable sometimes. Much like Polly's ability to read the future or at least predict it. She had a rather strong Intuition.
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Season 3
Your Intuition became more refined as you grew up, the constant danger, shifting alliances forced you to develop a heightened sense of awareness and knack for predicting potential threats.
The studies kept her from nearly most of the family meetings as you delved deeper into them. "You for a fact know that I can't go those meetings, I have to study as much as I can." You said to Thomas, John, Arthur and Polly.
While you were busy with your studies, you also helped out when it comes to John and Esme's children. Always making time to help them out.
Despite the busy schedule, you made it a point to spend more time with them and helping them out. From cooking to cleaning and babysitting the children.
5. The major family meetings were now the only ones you would attend, the only ones you be found attending and it was usually Thomas breaking the news to you on the day, John would tell you the day before.
Season 4
John's death was traumatizing, it deeply affected you, losing your closest brother was devastating blow, it shattered the sense of security you always had beside you.
One of the Changretta mafia blinded her with the use of a acidic liquid, causing her to lose her sight permanently, your wails were from the women's bathroom one night after John's death.
Tommy was furious when this happened, "I can't see Tommy. How can I continue my studies if I can't see?"
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