#finn defense squad
lunabug2004 · 1 month
The fact that Dustin saying "and yet you still have a C in Spanish" is followed pretty closely by the counselor saying "[you have] a C in English and a C- in Spanish" to Max, referring to her depression causing her grades to slip...
I feel like more people should have picked up on Mike's mental health issues (as in, y'know, his depression).
Just saying.
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sapphic-agent · 4 months
It is SO interesting how Glee fans (the Glee Subreddit) label Mercedes with an attitude problem. Let's rehash 3x03 for a minute.
Mercedes Quitting
Mercedes, clearly struggling: My ankle hurts.
Schue: Push through it.
Mercedes, bent over in obvious pain: I don't feel good.
Schue: You're fine.
Mercedes: No I'm not.
What absolutely irks me about what people choose to focus on in this scene is that Mercedes didn't start off yelling. She was communicating very quietly and respectfully that she was in pain and couldn't continue. It wasn't until Schue dismissed her twice that she began to raise her voice.
(There's also a stigma around Black women, especially bigger Black women, and pain. Schue not taking her seriously in this scene is actually a bigger problem than most people realize)
She then points out that Schue is always picking on her, which is very much backed up by him being supportive of and easy on Finn but then pushing her ten times harder. And don't say it's because Finn put more effort because Schue prior to this would have had no way of knowing how much he practiced at home.
Mercedes: Where's Rachel, huh? I don't see her here! Being "apart of the team!"
Finn, under his breath: Rachel practices-
Mercedes: Nobody asked you, Finn!
What's crazy to me is that people harp on Mercedes for this in particular. Finn had zero right to insert himself into the conversation. And he knew that too, that's why he said it so quietly. No one else said anything because it wasn't their business. And of course it pissed Mercedes off more. Everyone's showing grace to Rachel, but no one bothered to do the same with her.
(Also, we never saw Rachel practice this specific choreo. So what Finn said might not have even been true because let's be honest, Schue wouldn't have made her anyway)
Mercedes: You give that skinny Garanimal-wearing ass-kisser everything! And for two years, I took it. But not anymore, I'm done.
You can certainly make the argument that this was disrespectful... But then you also have to admit that Rachel was the same, if not worse. You cannot say that Mercedes had an attitude problem, but Rachel is just so silly and "peak Glee." That isn't fair, especially because Rachel has done it multiple times, for way less justified reasons. And was never threatened with being kicked out permanently like Mercedes was.
Judging Mercedes harder than Rachel here is a double standard.
Mercedes Giving up Maria
Mercedes: Are you double-casting any other roles?
Bieste, Artie, Emma: No.
Mercedes, getting up: Thank you for your time
Very respectful here. Not one ounce of attitude.
Mercedes was better than Rachel. Rachel knew it (even admitted it) and so did everyone else. So the fact that they still chose to double cast it was such a slap in the face. They were pandering to Rachel, and screwed Mercedes over in the process. Of course she was insulted.
Bieste: Where are you going?
Mercedes, to Rachel: Tell me you are better than me.
Again, not even the slightest hint of malice towards Rachel. Mercedes respects Rachel to a degree, and doesn't feel the need to insult her to get her point across. Mercedes handles this whole interaction very maturely.
Artie: Mercedes, don't make this a stupid pride thing.
Mercedes: Oh, it's a pride thing, but it's not stupid. Congratulations, you've got the part.
Artie's intervention in this scene is very telling. Mercedes was calm, collected, and respectful here but he (and everyone else, just look at their faces. They're acting like she's yelling and swearing) still acts like she's being combative. If a Black woman stands up for herself, she's being aggressive or rude or problematic. She's blowing it out of proportion so it's easy for everyone to brush it aside.
If you think Mercedes has an attitude problem because she stands up for herself and doesn't roll over for Rachel or Schue or Finn, check yourself. Just because a Black woman isn't afraid to speak up doesn't mean she has an attitude
Argue with the wall
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nicxxx5 · 2 years
finn wolfhard is fucking beautiful and if you disagree i hope you step on multiple legos
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How I want to write (and read) the judgment day in fics where it is kayfabe compliant, Rhea/Dom is not and has never been toxic, and Rey Mysterio is a deadbeat (who wants to be better eventually). This is mostly gonna focus on Dom since he’s my favorite.
Also please note, I’m new to the fandom and most of what I know is based off what I’ve found in tiktok, YouTube, and here. But I think I’ve got the general gist of the bigger things about this group whom I’m growing to adore as my comfort group.
Early Life:
One major change for Kayfabe is that in my mind we never know who Dom’s bio dad is. Rey and Angie were having trouble consummating, and one night while they were drinking with Eddie and his wife they all had a foursome. This is around the time the doctors projected Angie got pregnant and since they knew that they had been having trouble it was likely Eddie was the father. They told him and he said they would be great parents, he just wants to be in the boys life. He was given the position of godfather. Eddie straddled the line between uncle and father a lot but Rey didn’t mind that. The custody battle still happens almost exactly how it occurred including the announcement but after the battle it was discovered that the test results were mixed up at the lab and that the results for theirs was inconclusive/lost. Eddie and Rey decided that Dom should decide if they do the test again and Dom says no, that he’s okay with two dads instead. When Eddie dies not long later Dom vows to never find out unless it’s a medical necessity because he doesn’t want to potentially lose that connection. He has a very close relationship to Eddie’s family because they know about the arrangement too.
One of Dom’s major issues with his dad is this battle, he would have told them he would love them both equally if they had just asked instead of fighting over him like a prize on live television. He feels as though they did not consider his feeling at all during this event, especially since their fighting led to him being out in foster care for months until it was resolved and he did not like his foster family (they weren’t nice).
He calls Rey dad/jefe, he considers Eddie papa/padre
He was an autistic/adhd child who has issues such as hypersensitive hearing, moments of being nonverbal, anxiety/depression, texture issues, and more. He went nonverbal during the custody battle for a week, he went nonverbal after Eddie’s death for almost a month.
Other wrestlers who are close to Rey became uncles and aunts of Dom. Edge is Dom’s honorary godfather (note apparently he has 7 does anyone know who they are), Batista and Randy Orton (who is close to Rey in real life) are others uncles who really adore him. All of them help train him to wrestle when he decides to pursue that.
Like Dom has stated Rey had a bad habit of putting work first. He missed many of his children’s birthdays, christmases, graduations, and other school events (such as soccer games) and made up for it with gifts. Rey didn’t realize how much he missed and how much that hurt them until after Dom joined judgment day when Aaliyah got in his face about it.
Speaking of he adores his little sister and his mother, but he’s annoyed that they would always tell him to not bring up his complaints and ruin the few moments they had as a family. He felt as though it wouldn’t be so few if he had the chance to speak but whenever he tried to do it, he always backed down seeing them get upset. He’s an older sibling by nature and he wants to protect them, even from his displeasure.
He had some temper issues in school which caused him to get into fights. He was also relatively smart, but he prefers doing research on things that interest him. He’s the type of guy to go down a Wikipedia rabbit hole.
When he came to WWE events and Rey wasn’t around, people who had an issue with Rey (other wrestlers/crew/etc) made their problems known to him. He was getting yelled at and threatened at a very young age. He has made his peace about most of it (or at least he thinks he has) but still holds a very big grudge against CM Punk and Brock Lesnar.
He has two guardian angels, his mothers brother (from the ghost story segment) and Eddie, who are literally always watching him and so proud
Pre-Judgment Day:
He was so incredibly grateful to be able to fight Seth Rollins in response to what he did to his dad, but he feels like everyone around him thinks he got the shot because of his dad
In hind sight he should’ve just escaped the cage and won against Rollins but he wanted to prove he could pin such a legend.
He’s protective over his sister, so he knows he really didn’t react well over the Buddie situation but can you blame him
He loved fighting on a team with his dad, those moments will be some of his most treasured moments after he turns on him
His dad has a bad habitat of deciding on their matches, strategies, and even outfits without giving Dom a say. Rey is doing it because he wants to put Dom in the best position he can for when he eventually goes solo but even when several others (Randy, Edge, Aaliyah/Angie) point out he’s stifling his son and making him seem weak/reliant Rey doesn’t listen.
Fighting Judgment Day
Dom feels bad, but secretly he completely understands why TJD betrays his uncle. His uncle is great a lot of the time but has a crazed/sadistic side that he doesn’t trust or like being around.
TJD had no problems with Rey until they realized he was working with Edge. Because Dom is a team with Rey they figured he also knew and was working with Edge. Meanwhile Dom had no idea anytime Edge was coming to help them, and when he started see the pattern tried to convince his dad to stop. It wasn’t any of their business and it was quite literally painting a target on their backs. Rey not listening about this was the start of the end.
TJD realized quickly that Dom was not getting a say in anything and that’s why they decided to try recruiting him. He kept choosing his father, so they treated him like the enemy even though they had no hard feelings against him (this was actually something Dom liked, it made him feel like people were actually listening to him when he made a choice). They’ll also admit not all of their attempts to get him to see their way was conducive or healthy, but they did apologize afterwards and vowed to protect him and never let him get majorly hurt ever again.
He is on the edge over his loyalty for weeks but ultimately decides to join them after Rey sides with Edge after the spear incident and when he finds out Rey is going to replace him as a partner for CATC. He isn’t planning to do more than declare it until his sees Edge wearing a lucha mask during their entrance, that plus not getting to celebrate their victory sets him over and in the heat of the moment he acts. TJD finds it hilarious and back him 100% because they want to prove they trust him and his ideas from the start.
Judgment Day
First thing the group does is sit down and discuss everything that happened so far. Apologies and amends are made. Plans are put into place. They decide that they’re gonna make it seem like they manipulated Dom into everything as a way for him to have an out of the stress of betraying his father gets to him. Dom is only okay with this because he sees the potential of seeming like he’s easily manipulated in future altercations.
He and Rhea are not together right away, it’s several matches later that they discuss it and it takes all of them sitting down again and making sure Dom doesn’t feel pressured/coerced before she even entertains the idea of getting together.
Dom wants to be taken seriously by his dad for all of the past wrongs. He wants his dad to truly reflect on his controlling/deadbeat ways. But things just keep adding up: his dad is unrepentant, doesn’t take his son seriously (he wants to have a fight with his dad and he doesn’t think that’s a bad ask), and especially the spanking on live television has pushed Dom farther away. TJD were pissed seeing that move. When he’s making that speech about his dad being a deadbeat, he starts feeling too vulnerable and decides to talk about the car thing to not bring up how truly hurt he was his dad gave Edge a Lucha mask.
He decided when he joined TJD he wants to change his style up a bit, do less of his dads moves (one because it feels weird/almost dishonorable and two to differentiate himself more) which is why he ends up looking weaker/needing more help.
TJD truly does feel like a real family (he doesn’t know it but Damien/Rhea/Finn only started feeling like a family when they finally had him with them). The other three are super protective over him and want nothing but the best for their boy. They have timers set on their phone to make sure he’s drinking enough water, eating (he forgets to when he’s doing interesting things), and taking any medication he needs.
Dom starts to feel comfortable to explore his identity with them, something that he always thought would disappoint his dad. He loves feeling pretty (dresses or other cool clothes, makeup, etc). Rhea loves helping him shop and do makeup. Currently I have no plans on making him trans just a boy who likes presents more feminine. At most I would make him non binary or gender fluid.
Edge was definitely in his bad mode during their match, which is why Dom was so nervous. But after a few months Edge reaches out over text, and all it says is: “Sorry Dom. Proud of you kiddo. Give your dad hell until he figures his shit out” but that doesn’t mean he’ll go easy on Dom if they ever face off again.
Randy and Dom don’t talk until after the war games match. He comes up to TJD while they’re licking their wounds and when they looking like they’re about to fight him off he turns to Dom, “Hated to do that to you kid, but no nephew of mine is getting special treatment. By the way, give your dad more grief, all of us told him he was going to drive you away and he didn’t listen. He deserves it”
Dom did not like Rhea bringing up Becky Lynch’s daughter during her smack talk. When they left the stage he stayed silent for over two hours. When TJD finally got the courage to ask about it, he explained that it reminded him too much of being his dads collateral damage growing up, but he didn’t want to be unreasonable, ungrateful or unsupportive of his family. The rest of them made sure to explain to him that they would never do anything to make him uncomfortable, that they would always listen to his boundaries, and that they love him. Rhea even apologized to Becky away from the cameras.
That moment when Rhea told Dom that he couldn’t come back if he didn’t win back his title was bluster because she felt like she couldn’t show favoritism/weakness while Damien and Finn were fighting but almost as soon as the group got off the stage Damien and Rhea were apologizing to Dom and telling him how much they loved him/how proud they are of him. Damien felt really bad about throwing him under the bus, and promised to make it up to him. They all are human beings, tempers rise and amends are made.
Dom always felt like he had to be the good kid when he was with his dad, so when he came to TJD and got free range to be a menace to any of their opponents it was like he got back a part of life he missed out on. And TJD will defend him and his menace behavior until death, they see how he lights up when he pisses people off.
He does the ex-con Dom shit as mental warfare to his dad. His dad called the cops on him so he gets to suffer the embarrassment and shame that comes with seeing that.
Of all the people who his dad hangs around with now, he hates Dragon Lee. It just feels like Dragon Lee is a replacement (a respectable lucha son for his dad to finally have)
Dom and Rey (how I would resolve their issues)
Eventually Rey is put up against an enemy like Brock Lesnar who goes too far in a match. Dominik (and TJD) was out there watching under the guise of fucking with his dad but he was really just worried. When the guy goes too far he and the others help Rey avoid serious injury.
The two of them form a temporary truce to work together preferably as a tag team (maybe the enemy is currently one part of the tag team title holders). The two of them win the titles and defend them for a couple of months. During this time Rey learns to listen to his son and let him become a partner instead of his baby. He also starts showing up for him when he’s doing Judgment Day business.
Eventually they lose the title in a way where Rey realizes he’s not getting any younger.
The next week he brings Dom out and announces that he wants to retire. Dom is shocked, but he’s even more so when Rey says that he wants his last match to be against Dom at whatever next big event is coming up. And that he wants to put his mask on the line. Dom is forced to accept by the crowd.
During the build up to the match Rey continues to show up for his son showing that he’s learned from their last team up and he’s not going away anytime soon
During their match the two give it their all, but eventually Dom pins Rey. 1,2, Dom let’s go before 3 shaking his head because he does WANT this to end. Rey and Judgment Day (they still don’t like Rey but respect him and came to be ringside support but not cheating this time) tell him he has to, that they have to finish this. Dom and Rey continue. Dom eventually pins his dad while crying. 1,2,3 Dom wins.
Rey is so proud of his son hugging his son but there’s something else he needs to do. And takes off his mask in the ring, giving it to Dom. He’s not gonna force Dom to become the next Rey Mysterio, but he wants Dom to know that he has earned his mask and that he can carry it with him always (physically or metaphorically)
Dom and Damien
Damien is the most protective of Dom, loves when Dom hides behind him or relies on him
Dom loves having someone taller than him around
Damien loves to read, Dom loves listening to Damien read
Their love languages are acts of service and touch.
Dom and Finn
Finn is like “is anyone gonna adopt this child” and doesn’t wait for a response.
Love languages are words of affirmation and touch (and fighting Rey Mysterio)
Dom and Rhea (slight maturity)
Rhea is a domme and Dom is her sub, but they do occasionally switch if one of them need it.
Dom was not happy about how she reacted to Jey and Drew but she apologized as soon as she figured out he was upset.
Love languages are words of affirmation, touch, and acts of service.
In the cases of Poly Judgment Day
Finn is queerplatonic with Rhea and Dom but romantic with Damien
Damien is romantic with Finn and Dom but queerplatonic with Rhea. He is also Dom’s dom.
Dom and Rhea are obviously still romantic
If they do a Finn betrayal
Finn planned to destroy TJD from the inside, that’s why he joined. He always planned to go back to Liv and AJ
He started getting second thoughts when TJD became a family following Dom’s joining
He was okay when he and Damien got the tag team titles, but when they lost them and Damien took the WHC title/didn’t want to get their titles back he started growing resentful of their family. He feels like he is taken for granted and overlooked.
That’s when he got back into contact with Liv
He takes JD McDonagh with him because he never felt as much like family (because of Damien)
His only regret is that he betraying Dom, and he truly loves Dom
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donatellovstheworld · 2 years
i’m unapologetically a mike defender
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truessences · 2 years
So I'm watching this video and literally the second tweet that comes up is "I wonder if Finn Wolfhard hates Mike Wheeler as much as the rest of us for hurting Will" and I immediately rolled my eyes. I'm sorry (not really) but once again is Mike just supposed to shoulder all of their contentious moments on his shoulders without anyone giving Will any of the same pressure? The two major times they've argued, they both were at fault. Finn says that he doesn't use the word hate but "that he thinks Mike is an idiot and very clueless, and how do you not understand your friend is struggling through something?"
Respect Finn for sure, but I'm sorry, we expect 13 year olds and 14 year olds to see past their own problems on a consistent basis? I think Mike generally does a pretty good job at handling issues that come his way, but not everyone notices things that are actively being hidden from them.
I don't know, I just feel like that's... that's not... I don't like it lol. But outside of that, I really like Finn, he seems sweet lol. I love the length of his hair in this movie he's in with Julianne Moore called When You Finish Saving the World.
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fakeoldmanfucker · 2 years
Sam calling Eadwulf "a big brute" in episode 126...this is my villain origin story pt 2.
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sematarygirls · 13 days
godddd please write more about jealous amanda i need her to know she can’t get our man bc he’s pussy whipped and in lurv ❤️😋☺️😭
your wish is my command 😏🤭 (small continuation of this ask)
"i'll see you later," you said, giving sonny a quick peck on the cheek before turning to the rest of the squad. "it was lovely to meet you all. i hope to see you again soon," you smiled warmly.
you had hung around for a couple hours but ultimately, needed to get home. you had a few things to straighten out for work and around the house, and you'd also really wanted some wind down time to yourself to destress for a bit before bed.
"see you around," finn smiled, giving you a nod, like you had passed some test of sorts. it made you feel sort of accomplished. finn was an interesting guy, and you were flattered to be someone he considered alright in his book.
"drive safe," olivia told you, giving you a warm smile.
"yeah, have a nice night," amanda mumbled reluctantly, her tone insincere.
"i love you," he called, watching as you left. you shook your head, grinning and blowing him a kiss. he pretended to catch it and press it to his heart. if you weren't already halfway out the door, you would have rolled your eyes and lovingly called him a dork. "she's great, isn't she, guys?" he turned back, a proud smile on his face.
"i don't know how on earth you bagged her, carisi, but you better not mess up," finn laughed, shaking his head in disbelief.
"oh, don't listen to him," olivia laughed. "you two are adorable together"
"aw, come on," he grinned, waving them off, but he couldn't help the blush that crept up onto his cheeks.
"what do you think, rollins?" he asked. she had been abnormally quiet all night, and he was dying to know what she was thinking.
"she's alright," amanda shrugged. she had that tense posture and tone of voice she always had when she was holding something back.
"well, i think it's time to get home to noah," olivia said, standing from the barstool and placing some money on the bar.
"yeah, i'm gonna call it a night too," finn follow suit, both of them clearly sensing the tension.
"goodnight," amanda called, glancing over, waving goodbye at them. they both waved back, heading for the door quickly, wanting to put as much distance between them and the impending argument as possible.
olivia had her fair share of arguments with stabler in her time. she knew exactly how heated and personal they could become, and finn, he just didn't want to have to sit there awkwardly. the fighting would make his beer taste bad— or so he would say.
"yeah, goodnight," sonny said, but his voice was quiet as he continued to stare at amanda with furrowed brows. "cmon, rollins," he pried, sitting down next to her. "i know when you're not tellin' me the truth"
"listen, carisi," she sighed, her finger tracing the rim of her glass. "i don't want to hurt your feelings, alright?"
"hurt my feelings?" he asked, feeling extremely confused. he felt like the introduction went well. was there something that he had missed?
"i just don't think she's good enough for you," she finally said, looking over to meet his eyes.
"not good enough for me?" he almost couldn't believe what he was hearing. "if anything, i'm the one that's not good enough for her!" his tone wasn't angry or defensive, just confused, as if he had never even considered the thought that he was too good for you.
"i'm just saying-" she paused, trying to find the words without coming across as jealous as she felt. "she doesn't understand the job and its demands. she won't understand you."
"amanda," sonny said, his voice low and serious. "you're my partner, and i respect your opinion more than anyone else's, but you're wrong."
"no," he stopped her, his tone firm but not unkind. "if it's her understanding me that's your concern, i can assure you, she gets me like no one else. no one else has ever made me feel so seen and loved before. she may not always understand my job or my stressful law classes, but she listens, and she tries to understand, and that's what's important to me. i wanted you all to meet her because i love her, and you guys have grown to mean a lot to me. i would love for you to like her and be something friend adjacent, but i'm not going to lose sleep over it if you don't approve," he said, leaving no room for discussion.
amanda stared at him, opening her mouth to say something back, but she couldn't think of anything. she thought she could express her disapproval, and he would accept it. what she didn't expect was for him to come to your defense like that.
he really loved you, and there was nothing she could do about it.
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kaminocasey · 1 year
Omega Squad Headcanons
A/N: I'm still not convinced I'm great at HCs lol. But here are my inner thoughts for the Omega boys. I miss them always. And love them with my entire heart and soul!
Warnings: 18+ Always. Minors DNI; Some Fluff, some smut. A little mixture.
Niner bought a ring right after your first date. He was in love and prepared to settle down right then and there. 
Atin and Fi gave him so much shit for months. 
When Niner proposed, you obviously said yes. But you also knew because Fi is TERRIBLE at keeping secrets. 
Niner is a “my wife” kind of guy. Talks about you ALL the time. Never shuts up about you. 
(@rebelsriley says: Knows nothing about sex. Doesn’t care. Eager to learn.) 
You take the lead a lot. The first time he saw you fully naked, he nearly cried because he thought you were a literal angel.
Fi, though… He didn’t think he’d ever get to settle down. Honestly, he wasn’t even sure he wanted to settle down until he met you. 
Your ability to crack jokes and keep up with his humor nearly brought him to his knees.
Darman still teases Fi that you’re funnier. 
The first time you ever made him laugh, all three of his brothers kept giving him knowing smirks but he tried his best to ignore them. 
One night, the two of you were sitting on the edge of a building, overlooking Coruscant, one of Fi’s favorite views, only second to you, you were teasing each other and the way you looked at him, gave him courage to finally kiss you. 
“Atin and Darman have a running bet that you wouldn’t ever get the courage to do that.” You look up at him, amused.
“I hope you bet on my side.” He acts scandalized. 
You chuckle and hop up. “I always bet on the winning side.” 
He smirks to himself for a minute and then glances after you. “That means you bet on me, right?” 
You bite your lip with a chuckle as Fi gets up to follow you.
“...Right?” He asks again and you burst into a fit of giggles.  
You and Atin argue a lot. Not in a toxic way. But in a both stubborn kind of way. Atin does mean stubborn in Mando’a, afterall. 
The first time you fuck, it’s in a back alley because he dragged you back there to argue away from the group. 
But you ended up kissing him and he pushed you up against the wall and then deepened the kiss and made you get yourself worked up, grinding on his thigh. 
When he kissed you back, you laughed and said “I knew it.” to which he responded “Shut up. No you did not.” And then fucked you. 
Darman was intimidated by you when he first met you. 
You argued with Atin on his behalf one time and he saw stars in his eyes.
While he can definitely hold his own, he was touched that you came to his defense.
When you finally told him how you felt, he felt like his brain was short circuiting.
“Are… are you sure?” He tilts his head.
“Yes, I’m sure.” You smile at him and his entire body goes warm and fuzzy. “Do… you like me?” 
“I do. Very much.”
TAGS: @twistedstitcher27 @misogirl828 @rebel-finn @rexandechosandwich @madameminor @dumfanting @rain-on-kamino @corona-one @tecker @ladykatakuri @brynhildrmimi @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @zoeykallus @maulslittlemeowmeow @littlemousedroid @arctrooper69 @rexxdjarin @padawancat97 @hated-by-me @sleepingsun501 @idledreams @redheadgirl @themcuwriter @ashotofspotchka @sunshinesdaydream @crosshairsimp73 @ariadnes-red-thread @rosmariner @heyitsaloy @starstofillmydream @high-ct5555 @echos-girlfriend @sleepywych @nekotaetae @justanothersadperson93 @aconstructofamind @book-of-baba-fett @chopper-base @palliateclaw @501st-rexster @dead-poolz @nahoney22 @where-is-my-mind-tho @jediknightjana @erishimoon @witching3 @queen-of-many-fandoms @wizardofrozz  @burningfieldof-clover
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carigm · 1 year
Today Millie had a fan panel in which she answered that her ideal ending would be Mike and El getting married and Will being happy and confessing to Mike (lol) and ofc the Stranger Things fandom kicked up the old Byler vs Mlvn war once again, regardless of the fact she doesn’t write the show. But I want to break down some points here about things I’ve been noticing today, but also for a while and that I think need to be discussed. Keep reading if you want.
I’ve seen a lot of hostility towards Byler and Bylers on Twitter lately, saying we’re delusional and don’t know what we’re talking about. This always seems to be the go to argument even tho it’s all in the narrative. Today it got really bad after Millie’s comments and even people that were merely disagreeing with her opinions got called everything from delusional to misogynistic.
IF the Duffers suddenly decided to ignore everything they’ve carefully crafted and put into their narrative that doesn’t make anyone delusional, it just makes them terrible writers. Who would be doing a great disservice to all three characters involved in the love triangle.
There’s been an insurgence (on Twitter) of so called “Will stans” who seem to be completely fine with the idea of mlvn being endgame because “Will can just get another boyfriend” Not only is this insulting to what the writers have already established for Will’s character but it’s also a defense and endorsement of the worst kind of lazy/bad writing that could graze our screens.
The Duffers CHOSE to tie Will’s character arc to Mike’s and El’s.
How do you expect them to undo that and create a well fleshed out character that’s deserving of Will, in 8 episodes that we know are not just gonna be dedicated to Will’s supposed love interest, because there’s a shit ton of stuff to resolve?
If this was the route the Duffers were going for, they could’ve clearly given Will a love interest last season (like with Robin) or two seasons ago (like with Dustin) And yet somehow, people think it would be totally okay for Will to get the most meaningless romance of all time as the writers ignore the same story they’ve created.
Another point I’ve been seeing a lot from these people is “Mike won’t come out. Let it go. He’s just a very unlikable character” What does that say about the quality of the writing and content you’re willing to consume then? You’re okay with characters being poorly written? And please someone explain to me how Mike’s actions, especially in S4, make any sense unless he likes Will.
The more people try to simplify this story the more plot holes and inconsistencies it creates.
The funny thing is that a lot of these “Will stans” used to be Bylers themselves but are so deathly afraid it won’t be endgame that they’ve started to use the same rhetoric mlvns use every day to justify what would be atrocious writing.
And this next thing might be controversial but I think it needs to be said.
So many people on Twitter have hit those who disagree with Millie’s opinion today with “y’all are misinterpreting Millie’s words” and let me tell you, no one has. She’s been saying the same stuff for forever and quite frankly she’s never had a coherent thought about Will. Which is fine, at the end of the day that’s not the character she plays. However, I haven’t forgotten how last year (at another panel) she was asked about Byler and said it was just a reflection of Finn and Noah’s friendship and that was what people were seeing…
Whatever the fuck that means, I guess.
Again, I’m not taking her answer today too seriously cause truth be told she’s been saying some version of this since she was around twelve, and has even at times said she was joking about it. If a wedding were actually happening she wouldn’t be able to say it cause I’d literally be a spoiler, even if she doesn’t have the scripts yet or doesn’t know I’m sure there’s things that would be off limits for any actor to say at this point.
But this defense squad that formed today begging for us to not misconstrue her words because “she really cares about Will’s character” is laughable.
Her answers regarding the topic of the love triangle have been anything but nuanced. If she doesn’t want to get into it or address it, that’s fine. It’s her choice.
But of course, mlvn stans are gonna take her answers seriously, as well as those who are now “Will stans” who basically ship mlvn too.
And to me there’s a fundamental flaw regarding the ship wars in this fandom, which these people don’t seem to grasp. At this point, it isn’t so much about “which ship is better” but “which outcome isn’t violently homophobic”
That’s it.
I don’t care how much you ship mlvn, this is the undisputed truth here.
But when your lead actors act like it’s not a big deal, it’s no surprise the fandom doesn’t give a shit.
I can only hope the Duffers were smart enough to see reason and were able to write the only outcome that won’t set television back around 10 years or so.
And hopefully one day, when S5 is out, we can get a more in depth and honest conversation with the actors about all of this.
As for me, I’m gonna lay low and not give much of a fuck until we start getting those Reddit leaks, which were very much accurate for last season. I’ll take a peak at those, and depending on what they look like, I’ll stay around or dip completely.
If you read all of this, thank you.
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I’m here for you
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Joe Velasco X Reader 
A/N: I hope everyone enjoys this !! If you like my work please comment like and reblog it means a lot to see interactions on my work. 
Me and Joe had this will they wont they thing going on for a while now. You felt like the vibes were there but it was hard because he was a quiet guy. 
You also were a little reserved so no one had the guts to talk to each other. But slowly by surely the two of you opened up to each other. Talking and texting every chance you got.
It had only been a couple of months and you were head over heels in love.  
Lately thought he had gone through a rough patch and you were trying to be there for him without stepping on toes.
 Olivia our captain was against me even talking to him. Which i personally didn’t understand. 
I Mean I know what he was accused of but i think we all deserve the benefit of the doubt.
 I mean just become someone decided to secretly record an interview we should all turn on him. I feel like he deserved to tell his side of the story. 
I let everyone in the unit how I was feeling about the situation which was causing a lot of heat in the unit. 
“Y/N what did I tell you about staying away” Captain Benson asked. 
“All i did was text him to make sure he was doing that’s all” I said 
“You disobeyed my orders i told you flat out no communication” She said 
“I didn’t ask about the case or anything he’s my friend I ‘m not going to turn my back on him especially when he needs people now” I said in a defensive manner. 
Cap just looked at me and I could tell she was trying to find the right next words to say to me. 
“Listen to me I am saying this because you are a great detective and you have a great career ahead of you and you need to stay focused okay” She told me 
The words she said to me kind of irritated me a little bit but i kept my composer and bit my tongue. I didn’t want to start a fight and cause more tension. 
“I understand cap” was all you could muster out at the moment. 
“Your dismissed the days over just go home and get some rest and think about what I said.” She said. 
“Yes Ma’am thank you” I said 
She put her glasses on and started pulling some papers out of her giant stack she had and started focusing on them. 
Finn and Amanda both looked at me with worried look on their faces. I think when I walked out I looked a little mad and upset. 
“You know she’s right you just gotta focus on you at the moment” Amanda said 
Something in you broke a little and what ever you had been pushing down had worked it way up.
Because you looked over at them sitting in their desk and then spoke out 
“I find that a bit ironic considering your history of dating you and Nick Aamaro and then getting pregnant by Lt Murphy who you were under by the way. Me and Velscao are friends and im finding it pretty messed up that were just supposed to turn our back on a friend” You snapped. 
Finn looked surprised as hell and Amanda was taken back and not sure on what to say next. Which you didn’t even bother giving her the chance.
You quickly gathered your stuff and then headed out. In the background you heard Finn say 
“Just let go and let’s go home” He said 
You walked out the squad room and headed downstairs. You were to worked up to even wait for the elevator. 
You ran down the stairs and then headed out the front door. The fresh air hitting you in the face made you instantly feel a little better. You just headed to the car and threw your stuff in. 
You didn’t even think about going home you just began driving. You tried to clear your head to make you feel a little better. ]
Your stomach started growling and you decided to stop for some dinner. There was a local diner that Joe introduced you to. 
You pulled up and got out and walked in . It was pretty quiet and you were thankful for not having to deal with people. 
You sat in the booth you and Joe always sat in. You were looking at the menu but not really even paying attention. 
You tried to push back frustration tears from everything going on. Suddenly a man wearing a hoodie sat across from you which scared the crap out of you
“Omg what the hell” You asked 
You heard a familiar laugh and then calmed down immediately when you realized who it was. 
“Joe what the hell are you doing here” You asked 
You looked up at him he gave you a sad look. 
“I guess i just wanted to see you”  He said 
“Yeah me to but how did you know I was here” You asked 
“Because I know you I figured you were just getting off of work and was probably hungry so you came here and sat in our booth” Joe said 
You blushed and smiled at him knowing you so well. Or were you that predictable you thought 
“How are you with everything” You asked 
“It’s been hard you know having to turn on Chilli and not also you know” Joe said
“ you know what” You asked 
“Not being able to talk to you. You have no idea how long I have been wanting to talk to you and see you it killed me” Joe said
“It’s not fair that Cap thinks she can just dictate our personal lives you know I missed you to a lot I have been wanting to see you It killed me too not beng able to see you” You told him. 
“I don’t want to bring you down with me” Joe said 
“You wouldn’t do that I’m here for everything the good and the bad” You said grabbing his hand. 
He took your hand and looked up at you and smiled and gave your hand a squeeze. 
“I’m here for you always” you said to him 
“I know and that’s the problem he said
Your face kind of dropped and it was hard not to feel hurt. 
Joe noticed your face and took his other hand and grabbed your free one and squeezed both of them together. 
“It’s not like that i don’t wanna drag you down with me I love you to much” He said 
You gave him a surprised look followed by a smile 
“You love me” You questioned 
He laughed a little bit.
“I’m being serious” you said pouting 
“I know me to I’m trying to tell you I love you. Like more than friends you know and I don’t wanna be the reason your career goes up in flames” He said 
“Listen here Joe Velscao” you said 
“Oh my whole government name it’s serious” Joe said smiling 
“Shut the hell up and listen I love you so much and you are the best part of me and I am a better person and detective because of you know and I know it’s only been a couple of month but when you know you know and I just know” You said rambling towards the end. 
Joe leaped towards you and kissed you hard. You kissed him back and you were both smiling in each other’s faces. 
The kiss broke and he sat down. 
“Listen Y/N i love you so much and like you said when you know you know and I do feel that way about you which is why I wanna protect you” Joe said 
“I’m here i’m a big girl we are going to figure this out together but you gotta tell me the truth that stuff you said in the tapes was it true” You asked 
“Yeah it is but to a point i’m clean I never touched drugs ever but with the dad and son Chilli covered my ass and I owe that to him to help and try and cover his” Joe said 
“I know you feel like that but you also know what ever is going on in the past you gotta close the wound and it should be on your time not anyones else’s okay but you know what the right thing to do is” You said 
“I know I know your right and i know what i gotta do i just don’t the accusations and the rush to judgement” Joe said 
“I get that and I agree that’s not fair to you and you shouldn’t have to prove who you are after all the hard work you been doing. But this is where we are so you need to go and sit down and talk to Oliva and be honest with everything and let the cards fall where they do” You said 
“Yeah you're probably right and I know it’s just hard actually doing it” Joe said 
“I will go in with you tomorrow okay i got you. You won’t go in there alone.” You said 
“Thank you” Joe said squeezing my hand
“Now let’s eat I’m hungry that’s the whole reason why i’m here” You said laughing 
“Yes Ma’am” Joe said 
The waitress came back over and the two of you ordered. Of course she knew what you were getting because it was the same old thing. 
“So uh after this little confession is this considered a date” You asked 
Joe’s face lit up red and he looked up at you and smiled. 
“Nah trust me you deserve a much better place than this for our first official date” He said 
“Oh you don’t know what you just walked yourself into. Because i am going to take you to the most expensive restaurant i can in New York” You said laughing 
“Oh you the person who orders the most basic food ever you wouldn’t even eat the nice food so good luck with that” Joe said laughing 
“Don’t worry about me” You said smirking. 
You both couldn’t contain your laughter of that. Joe really loosened up and relaxed and you both dropped the work conversation after that. T
alking about everything from your favorite shows you would watch together. 
The food came out just a little bit later and you both shoved your faces with food. It was either really good or you were really hungry.
The rest of the night you both laughed and talked. You also couldn’t help but wonder how Liv was going to take you defying her orders but that didn’t matter right now. 
Because there is no one else you would rather be with than Joe. Nothing could keep the two of you apart from each other. 
No matter what happed the two of you would always be there for each other 
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lunabug2004 · 8 months
RANT INCOMING: So these last few months I've watched tons of reactions to ST, or at least the first two seasons cuz those are my favs (and s3 is when most start to dislike Mike so I get scared and stop watching before that point 🫣) and I just wanted to rant about something I've noticed.
Almost every single time, for season 1, it's the same story: this person claims Dustin is their favorite almost immediately, and then raves about MBB's acting as the season goes on. Which, yeah, I love Dusty too, and MBB is so amazing omg it's crazy... but they don't even mention the others and I have never understand why.
Then again in s2: it's always Dusty or Steve character-wise and MBB or Noah acting-wise that they won't stop going on about.
Maybe I'm just extremely biased, but I've always thought MBB, Noah, and Finn (El, Will, and Mike) were the best of the child actors, esp in seasons 1 & 2, so it's just really annoying to me how these reactors will start to cry during El's or Will's scenes and just go on and on about how good Millie/Noah is, then cry at a Mike scene and not say anything about Finn.
Maybe it's a difference in the scenes themselves? Like when El or Will have emotional scenes in s1&2 it's usually because of a very obvious trauma, while when Mike has emotional scenes it's more about him comforting them during their trauma so people just overlook the fact that he's gathering trauma from all these events as well?
Then again, there's also the case of them never talking about Mike w/o talking about Mileven. Like he's his own person, his own character, the smartest one who makes all the plans and yet I've only ever watched one or two reactors who mention him outside of El (or in s2 them complaining about how he treats Max).
None of this is to say these specific characters (Dustin, Steve, El, Will) or actors (Gaten, Joe, MBB, Noah) don't deserve all the love in the world (well, Noah's questionable to some ig), cuz they do. This show's whole cast is so effing talented it's insane!!! This is just a pattern I've noticed where people don't really talk about Mike or Finn and I wonder why that is.
Ya'll idek if any of this makes sense, it's just something I had to get off my chest. 😭 Also, if anyone knows of a ST reactor who likes Mike, and makes it clear that they like Mike, pls let me know! I've been scarred too many times.
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sapphic-agent · 4 months
The Glee Subreddit will:
Defend Finn outing Quinn's pregnancy to her religious parents
Defend Finn using the f-slur towards Kurt
Defend Rachel sending a foreign exchange student to a crackhouse
Defend Finn calling Brittany an idiot unprovoked
Defend Finn pushing Quinn to cheat on Sam
Defend Finn outing Santana
Defend Finn blackmailing Santana further out of the closet after outing her
Defend Finn trying to yank Quinn out of her wheelchair
Defend Finn calling a baby the r-slur
Defend (praise, in most cases) Finn assaulting Brody
Defend Rachel throwing Carmen's goodwill in her face
Defend Rachel slapping Santana
Defend Rachel abandoning her costars
And then swear to you that Santana is the devil for a few mean comments.
Is it crazy for me to say that Santana is nowhere near as bad as Finn and Rachel at their worst? Because the two of them do some fucked up shit the minute they don't get what they want. They're not the poor victims people make them out to be
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nicxxx5 · 2 years
i regret introducing my mother to stranger things now because if i have to hear her call finn wolfhard ugly one more time i'm going to commit a crime
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tea-moon-ster · 1 year
okay I just read your fic where Alex gets traded to the Lions and I’m obsessssed, I need a dozen more parts of that!!! jk jk, but if you do feel so inspired I would love to see Alex’s first practice with the Lions, or his first few days in Gryffindor 😄💕
Hi anon! Thank you so much. That fic so far is the one with the best feedback, so I'll just have to write more hehehe.
In the meantime, have some hc's about Alex joining the Lions!
o O’Hara brothers grinning maniacally for the whole first week of practice. They’re just so happy.
o Finn is the cutest, most excited little brother ever. Every single Lion internally screams. “First practice! Let’s go to Sid’s to celebrate.” “Gotta show you my fav places! And the libraries!” “First week on the team! Let’s party!”
o So of course they do
o Finn and Alex on the same line are unstoppable. Utter speed, communication, coordination. No-look passes. If you add Logan to the mix, you have the perfect attack line.
o Also, Alex and Kasey looking at each other across the ice and smiling. Alex doesn’t go to chat with Kasey like he does with Finn (you don’t distract the goalie). At least not as much. They just look and smile.
o He fits right into the team. He already knew most of the guys, so it’s easy. He immediately catches on the team dynamics that one wouldn’t understand unless part of it.
o Competition between Logan and Alex: who can score more goals on the respective hot boyfriend?
o Kasey is the happiest the team has ever seen him
o His thigh is still bothering him but he’s got his boy to take care of him on and off the ice, together with Nat.
o The Kasey Winter Defense Squad is now complete
o You wanna start beef with his little brother now that he can do something about it? You wanna touch his goalie when he can finally run you over without it being controversial? I don’t think so.
o The best weekends. Morning runs with Finn, lazy days in bed snuggling Natalie and Kasey, team dinners, basketball in the park.
o Alex finally having the possibility to live with his two for more than a few months and discovering all the little details he didn’t notice before.
o He kind of tears up when he realizes that he doesn’t have to eat alone half the week and he has all his favorite people all in one place. If he wants to take his boyfriend and girlfriend to dinner, he can do it whenever he wants. If he wants to buy them flowers, he doesn’t need to have them delivered with a note written by the florist.
o Just those big O’Feelings all in one place.
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We’re all pretty aware of your feelings towards gill. But how do you feel about Finn? Do you like him? How do you feel about him seemingly replacing Gill in G3?
My feelings about Gil can be summed up as him at the gallows about to be hung and me standing up in the audience going "What crime has he committed!?" and everyone, including the executioner all looking at each other and shrugging.
Apparently I'm just not hip to what the cool kids are doing because allegedly it's a meme to pick on Gil. I found this TikTok on Twitter of Gil being taken out of context and all the comments are shitting on Gil. I've asked several people why they hate Gil and they all kinda seem to pussyfoot around the answer, say something I can't argue with ("hes ugly") or say he's racist. Now, if you follow me on here you know Gil isn't racist, I'm on part 3 of my "In Defense of Gillington "Gil" Webber" series and there is no racism to be found and I am looking extra hard for it.
Someone told me it's just a meme to shit on Gil now here's the thing: Memes are supposed to be funny. This whole "Gil is racist and a shitty boyfriend" thing, isn't funny, it just makes the poster look like they know nothing about Monster High. Because if you know the lore then you know it's not true. Why outing yourself as a fake fan has become a meme? I have no idea. Back in my day Memes had to be funny, you couldn't just spout wrong information and call it a meme, That was just plain ole being wrong.
Sorry I kinda went off topic, but you knew what you were in for when you sent me an ask, brevity is not something I'm good at.
anyways FINN! let's chat.
Finn's intro Episode "Ready. Wheeling and Able" is a great Episode and I'm honestly kinda shocked Monster High touched this topic, but I'm glad they did because it's lesson of not babying the disabled is an excellent message that we could all stand to learn from.
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This kid is great, daredevil, thrill seeker, adrenaline junkie. I've watched my fair share of paralympics and a lot of the athletes are just like this kid. They don't let the hand they were dealt slow them down, another excellent message for all ages! I like him a lot and I think he woulda been an excellent addition to the Manster squad but he unfortunately didn't get that much screen time, we don't see him say much until "Decomposition Class" but then he got a doll so...yay?
I also liked his nickname of "Rider" better than Finn. Rider says something about him! he's a daredevil going for a wild ride! or he's riding the edge! but then Mattel backpedaled and called him Finn which is yet another generic merman name, Not to mention we already had a character named Finn, Lorna's (ex?) Boyfriend was named Finn.
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So not only did they give him a generic merman name, they gave him a recycled generic merman name.
but Finnegan Wake is what they went with so that's what we gotta call him. But I loved him! I thought he was great! I thought it was super cute he has a crush on Gigi and it's heavily implied he's bisexual.
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If you're in a music video with Lady Gaga and they cover you in glitter, you're not straight, I'm sorry I don't make the rules.
As an aside, my dear friend @peppapigvevo turned me on to their fan ship of Jinafire and Finnegan aka wakefire and I just love everything about it, they compliment each other so well.
But I'm sure you're not asking me about G1 Finn. I'm assuming you want to know my thoughts on G3 Finn since hes going to be in the show and it looks like he's gonna have a decent sized role. And well... I don't know, they took away a lot of the things I liked about G1 Finn.
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His design is cool! a marked improvement! I love his stripes, his colors, his black claws and his more proportionate body, his bean shaped head bothered the heck out of me... But it rubs me the wrong way that he's a musician now... it's fine if he plays guitar and sings because he's related to sirens but both of these are stationary activities when G1 Finn was anything but stationary. His exact words were "I'm not a sit around type of dude!" so to me this goes against the very core of what made his character unique. Love the deign, hate the direction his hobbies are going in. I hope music is just something he does for fun and he's still passionate about being a daredevil but somehow I doubt it, the entire point of this episode "Portrait of a Monster" was to show the school your true self via a picture and Finns plan here was to pose with his guitar "Sally", meaning that he views his true self as a musician and not a daredevil.
I don't like that they took thrill seeking away from the only guy in a wheelchair to give him a safer hobby like playing the guitar... Not cool Mattel.
As for Finn replacing Gil?... I doubt it. if G1 can have 3 mermen, 2 of them named Finn... then we can have 2 mermen in the same show. Plus Gil was in G2 so we know his doll sold well and they are hinting at him coming back in this picture inside of Lagoona's locker.
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We know that hand doesn't belong to Finn, Finn does not have webbed fingers and he has black claws. I suppose it could be Lagoona's dad, congratulating her after a swim meet but Wade is green... or at least Wade was green, G3 loves to remind us it can play color roulette at any time.
This picture is all I have to hang on to that Gil is coming back, don't take this from me.
TL;DR: I like Finn, I don't like what they did to his character, I don't think he's going to be replacing Gil as our resident merman. But I do hope we get to see more of him and I REALLY hope his daredevil ways aren't just a thing of the past.
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