#Dominik Mysterio WWE
imaginexwwe · 1 year
NOT GOING ANYWHERE - Dominik Mysterio
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BY - @micheleamidalajedi
Dominik starts to worry that his work is starting to take a toll on his relationship with girlfriend Y|N
Dominik sighed looking down at the text he had typed up to his girl, Y|N contemplating if he should send finally send it.
Or spend another thirty minutes trying to think of another way to re-word it.
But he knew it didn't matter how many times he deleted and retyped the text he had to send.
Canceling is still canceling.
And unfortunately for the woman he had to send the text to, Dominik had to cancel plans they had.
"You're ready?" Dominik heard his tag partner for his upcoming match, Damien Priest, ask quickly getting a nod from Dominik.
"Yeah." He replied, tapping send.
I just hope she understands, Dominik thought to himself.
A few days later Dominik paced around around the bedroom of his and Y|N's shared apartment.
He had been home for a few hours while his girl had been out.
And had decided to spend his time decorating their bedroom with rose petals and candles.
Upon hearing noise from the locks on the front door, soon followed by the sound of the door opening and closing.
Dominik stopped his nervous pacing, to bend down picking up the massive bouquet of red roses he'd had made for Y|N.
I hope she's not too pissed, he couldn't help but think still worried from the fact that he had to cancel important plans he had made with her.
"Dominik." He heard Y|N call out. "Babe."
"In the bedroom." Dominik responded.
Y|N's footsteps were heard as she quickly made her way up the stairs and to their bedroom.
A surprised look on her face as she took in the way Dominik had set their room up.
"Babe..." She said, a smile forming on her lips. "What's all this? And how are you here?" Y|N asked, coming closer to him. "I thought I was picking you up later tonight from the airport."
"I was able to get a earlier flight."
Y|N nodded, coming even closer to give Dominik a quick, yet tender kiss on his lips, a smile still visible on her face. "You should've said something, Dom. I would've been there to meet you when you landed."
"I know." Dominik nodded, a smile now on his face also. "But it gave me time to set this up."
Dominik had known with Y|N's classes at the college near by she would be away.
And so when he found out he could get an earlier flight than the one he originally had, he quickly made a few changes.
It all played out perfectly, as Dominik was able to have a few hours at home alone to set up the rose petals and candles before his fiance got back home.
"Are those for me?" Y|N asked, with a giggle as she pointed to the bouquet Dominik had forgotten he was holding.
"Oh, yeah." Dominik chuckled, extending his arms to give Y|N the roses.
"Mmm..." Y|N moaned, as she brought the roses to her nose, taking in the sweet aroma they gave off. "What did I do to deserve this?" She asked, looking back up at Dominik.
Dominik shook his head smiling. "You didn't do anything babe." He replied, his smile slowly dissapearing from his face. "It's more of what I did that I felt I needed to make up for."
"What did you do?"
"A few days ago."Dominik replied, giving Y|N a confused look. "I had to miss our first anniversary."
Again, Y|N giggled, leaning up to give Dominik another kiss. "Dom, you had to work. I understood that." She replied, looking up at him. "I'm sure there's going to be another anniversary you might have to miss and it upsets me, yeah. But I understand babe. You don't have a regular career. You have a career that requires a lot of traveling and you can't just always be off on days you want." She finished, placing the bouquet on the bed, and reaching out to take Dominik's hands into her smaller ones. "I get it."
Dominik pulled Y|N into a tight embrace, giving her a kiss on her head.
How did he become so lucky?
"I was worried all week that I was going to come home and you'd be pissed and ready to leave me." He admitted with a chuckle.
"I can't be pisssd at something that's out of your control." Y|N replied, as she shook her head. "I'm not leaving you, babe." She spoke again, looking up at him. "Leaving would be giving up and I'm not giving up on you. On us." Y|N said with a smile.
Dominik nodded, still smiling down at her. "I love you, baby."
"I love you more, Dom."
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livsjaded · 2 months
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oh my goddddd
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lunarmimikyu · 1 month
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charlieg1rl · 1 year
dom is being a w manz tonight
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How I want to write (and read) the judgment day in fics where it is kayfabe compliant, Rhea/Dom is not and has never been toxic, and Rey Mysterio is a deadbeat (who wants to be better eventually). This is mostly gonna focus on Dom since he’s my favorite.
Also please note, I’m new to the fandom and most of what I know is based off what I’ve found in tiktok, YouTube, and here. But I think I’ve got the general gist of the bigger things about this group whom I’m growing to adore as my comfort group.
Early Life:
One major change for Kayfabe is that in my mind we never know who Dom’s bio dad is. Rey and Angie were having trouble consummating, and one night while they were drinking with Eddie and his wife they all had a foursome. This is around the time the doctors projected Angie got pregnant and since they knew that they had been having trouble it was likely Eddie was the father. They told him and he said they would be great parents, he just wants to be in the boys life. He was given the position of godfather. Eddie straddled the line between uncle and father a lot but Rey didn’t mind that. The custody battle still happens almost exactly how it occurred including the announcement but after the battle it was discovered that the test results were mixed up at the lab and that the results for theirs was inconclusive/lost. Eddie and Rey decided that Dom should decide if they do the test again and Dom says no, that he’s okay with two dads instead. When Eddie dies not long later Dom vows to never find out unless it’s a medical necessity because he doesn’t want to potentially lose that connection. He has a very close relationship to Eddie’s family because they know about the arrangement too.
One of Dom’s major issues with his dad is this battle, he would have told them he would love them both equally if they had just asked instead of fighting over him like a prize on live television. He feels as though they did not consider his feeling at all during this event, especially since their fighting led to him being out in foster care for months until it was resolved and he did not like his foster family (they weren’t nice).
He calls Rey dad/jefe, he considers Eddie papa/padre
He was an autistic/adhd child who has issues such as hypersensitive hearing, moments of being nonverbal, anxiety/depression, texture issues, and more. He went nonverbal during the custody battle for a week, he went nonverbal after Eddie’s death for almost a month.
Other wrestlers who are close to Rey became uncles and aunts of Dom. Edge is Dom’s honorary godfather (note apparently he has 7 does anyone know who they are), Batista and Randy Orton (who is close to Rey in real life) are others uncles who really adore him. All of them help train him to wrestle when he decides to pursue that.
Like Dom has stated Rey had a bad habit of putting work first. He missed many of his children’s birthdays, christmases, graduations, and other school events (such as soccer games) and made up for it with gifts. Rey didn’t realize how much he missed and how much that hurt them until after Dom joined judgment day when Aaliyah got in his face about it.
Speaking of he adores his little sister and his mother, but he’s annoyed that they would always tell him to not bring up his complaints and ruin the few moments they had as a family. He felt as though it wouldn’t be so few if he had the chance to speak but whenever he tried to do it, he always backed down seeing them get upset. He’s an older sibling by nature and he wants to protect them, even from his displeasure.
He had some temper issues in school which caused him to get into fights. He was also relatively smart, but he prefers doing research on things that interest him. He’s the type of guy to go down a Wikipedia rabbit hole.
When he came to WWE events and Rey wasn’t around, people who had an issue with Rey (other wrestlers/crew/etc) made their problems known to him. He was getting yelled at and threatened at a very young age. He has made his peace about most of it (or at least he thinks he has) but still holds a very big grudge against CM Punk and Brock Lesnar.
He has two guardian angels, his mothers brother (from the ghost story segment) and Eddie, who are literally always watching him and so proud
Pre-Judgment Day:
He was so incredibly grateful to be able to fight Seth Rollins in response to what he did to his dad, but he feels like everyone around him thinks he got the shot because of his dad
In hind sight he should’ve just escaped the cage and won against Rollins but he wanted to prove he could pin such a legend.
He’s protective over his sister, so he knows he really didn’t react well over the Buddie situation but can you blame him
He loved fighting on a team with his dad, those moments will be some of his most treasured moments after he turns on him
His dad has a bad habitat of deciding on their matches, strategies, and even outfits without giving Dom a say. Rey is doing it because he wants to put Dom in the best position he can for when he eventually goes solo but even when several others (Randy, Edge, Aaliyah/Angie) point out he’s stifling his son and making him seem weak/reliant Rey doesn’t listen.
Fighting Judgment Day
Dom feels bad, but secretly he completely understands why TJD betrays his uncle. His uncle is great a lot of the time but has a crazed/sadistic side that he doesn’t trust or like being around.
TJD had no problems with Rey until they realized he was working with Edge. Because Dom is a team with Rey they figured he also knew and was working with Edge. Meanwhile Dom had no idea anytime Edge was coming to help them, and when he started see the pattern tried to convince his dad to stop. It wasn’t any of their business and it was quite literally painting a target on their backs. Rey not listening about this was the start of the end.
TJD realized quickly that Dom was not getting a say in anything and that’s why they decided to try recruiting him. He kept choosing his father, so they treated him like the enemy even though they had no hard feelings against him (this was actually something Dom liked, it made him feel like people were actually listening to him when he made a choice). They’ll also admit not all of their attempts to get him to see their way was conducive or healthy, but they did apologize afterwards and vowed to protect him and never let him get majorly hurt ever again.
He is on the edge over his loyalty for weeks but ultimately decides to join them after Rey sides with Edge after the spear incident and when he finds out Rey is going to replace him as a partner for CATC. He isn’t planning to do more than declare it until his sees Edge wearing a lucha mask during their entrance, that plus not getting to celebrate their victory sets him over and in the heat of the moment he acts. TJD finds it hilarious and back him 100% because they want to prove they trust him and his ideas from the start.
Judgment Day
First thing the group does is sit down and discuss everything that happened so far. Apologies and amends are made. Plans are put into place. They decide that they’re gonna make it seem like they manipulated Dom into everything as a way for him to have an out of the stress of betraying his father gets to him. Dom is only okay with this because he sees the potential of seeming like he’s easily manipulated in future altercations.
He and Rhea are not together right away, it’s several matches later that they discuss it and it takes all of them sitting down again and making sure Dom doesn’t feel pressured/coerced before she even entertains the idea of getting together.
Dom wants to be taken seriously by his dad for all of the past wrongs. He wants his dad to truly reflect on his controlling/deadbeat ways. But things just keep adding up: his dad is unrepentant, doesn’t take his son seriously (he wants to have a fight with his dad and he doesn’t think that’s a bad ask), and especially the spanking on live television has pushed Dom farther away. TJD were pissed seeing that move. When he’s making that speech about his dad being a deadbeat, he starts feeling too vulnerable and decides to talk about the car thing to not bring up how truly hurt he was his dad gave Edge a Lucha mask.
He decided when he joined TJD he wants to change his style up a bit, do less of his dads moves (one because it feels weird/almost dishonorable and two to differentiate himself more) which is why he ends up looking weaker/needing more help.
TJD truly does feel like a real family (he doesn’t know it but Damien/Rhea/Finn only started feeling like a family when they finally had him with them). The other three are super protective over him and want nothing but the best for their boy. They have timers set on their phone to make sure he’s drinking enough water, eating (he forgets to when he’s doing interesting things), and taking any medication he needs.
Dom starts to feel comfortable to explore his identity with them, something that he always thought would disappoint his dad. He loves feeling pretty (dresses or other cool clothes, makeup, etc). Rhea loves helping him shop and do makeup. Currently I have no plans on making him trans just a boy who likes presents more feminine. At most I would make him non binary or gender fluid.
Edge was definitely in his bad mode during their match, which is why Dom was so nervous. But after a few months Edge reaches out over text, and all it says is: “Sorry Dom. Proud of you kiddo. Give your dad hell until he figures his shit out” but that doesn’t mean he’ll go easy on Dom if they ever face off again.
Randy and Dom don’t talk until after the war games match. He comes up to TJD while they’re licking their wounds and when they looking like they’re about to fight him off he turns to Dom, “Hated to do that to you kid, but no nephew of mine is getting special treatment. By the way, give your dad more grief, all of us told him he was going to drive you away and he didn’t listen. He deserves it”
Dom did not like Rhea bringing up Becky Lynch’s daughter during her smack talk. When they left the stage he stayed silent for over two hours. When TJD finally got the courage to ask about it, he explained that it reminded him too much of being his dads collateral damage growing up, but he didn’t want to be unreasonable, ungrateful or unsupportive of his family. The rest of them made sure to explain to him that they would never do anything to make him uncomfortable, that they would always listen to his boundaries, and that they love him. Rhea even apologized to Becky away from the cameras.
That moment when Rhea told Dom that he couldn’t come back if he didn’t win back his title was bluster because she felt like she couldn’t show favoritism/weakness while Damien and Finn were fighting but almost as soon as the group got off the stage Damien and Rhea were apologizing to Dom and telling him how much they loved him/how proud they are of him. Damien felt really bad about throwing him under the bus, and promised to make it up to him. They all are human beings, tempers rise and amends are made.
Dom always felt like he had to be the good kid when he was with his dad, so when he came to TJD and got free range to be a menace to any of their opponents it was like he got back a part of life he missed out on. And TJD will defend him and his menace behavior until death, they see how he lights up when he pisses people off.
He does the ex-con Dom shit as mental warfare to his dad. His dad called the cops on him so he gets to suffer the embarrassment and shame that comes with seeing that.
Of all the people who his dad hangs around with now, he hates Dragon Lee. It just feels like Dragon Lee is a replacement (a respectable lucha son for his dad to finally have)
Dom and Rey (how I would resolve their issues)
Eventually Rey is put up against an enemy like Brock Lesnar who goes too far in a match. Dominik (and TJD) was out there watching under the guise of fucking with his dad but he was really just worried. When the guy goes too far he and the others help Rey avoid serious injury.
The two of them form a temporary truce to work together preferably as a tag team (maybe the enemy is currently one part of the tag team title holders). The two of them win the titles and defend them for a couple of months. During this time Rey learns to listen to his son and let him become a partner instead of his baby. He also starts showing up for him when he’s doing Judgment Day business.
Eventually they lose the title in a way where Rey realizes he’s not getting any younger.
The next week he brings Dom out and announces that he wants to retire. Dom is shocked, but he’s even more so when Rey says that he wants his last match to be against Dom at whatever next big event is coming up. And that he wants to put his mask on the line. Dom is forced to accept by the crowd.
During the build up to the match Rey continues to show up for his son showing that he’s learned from their last team up and he’s not going away anytime soon
During their match the two give it their all, but eventually Dom pins Rey. 1,2, Dom let’s go before 3 shaking his head because he does WANT this to end. Rey and Judgment Day (they still don’t like Rey but respect him and came to be ringside support but not cheating this time) tell him he has to, that they have to finish this. Dom and Rey continue. Dom eventually pins his dad while crying. 1,2,3 Dom wins.
Rey is so proud of his son hugging his son but there’s something else he needs to do. And takes off his mask in the ring, giving it to Dom. He’s not gonna force Dom to become the next Rey Mysterio, but he wants Dom to know that he has earned his mask and that he can carry it with him always (physically or metaphorically)
Dom and Damien
Damien is the most protective of Dom, loves when Dom hides behind him or relies on him
Dom loves having someone taller than him around
Damien loves to read, Dom loves listening to Damien read
Their love languages are acts of service and touch.
Dom and Finn
Finn is like “is anyone gonna adopt this child” and doesn’t wait for a response.
Love languages are words of affirmation and touch (and fighting Rey Mysterio)
Dom and Rhea (slight maturity)
Rhea is a domme and Dom is her sub, but they do occasionally switch if one of them need it.
Dom was not happy about how she reacted to Jey and Drew but she apologized as soon as she figured out he was upset.
Love languages are words of affirmation, touch, and acts of service.
In the cases of Poly Judgment Day
Finn is queerplatonic with Rhea and Dom but romantic with Damien
Damien is romantic with Finn and Dom but queerplatonic with Rhea. He is also Dom’s dom.
Dom and Rhea are obviously still romantic
If they do a Finn betrayal
Finn planned to destroy TJD from the inside, that’s why he joined. He always planned to go back to Liv and AJ
He started getting second thoughts when TJD became a family following Dom’s joining
He was okay when he and Damien got the tag team titles, but when they lost them and Damien took the WHC title/didn’t want to get their titles back he started growing resentful of their family. He feels like he is taken for granted and overlooked.
That’s when he got back into contact with Liv
He takes JD McDonagh with him because he never felt as much like family (because of Damien)
His only regret is that he betraying Dom, and he truly loves Dom
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sportsarenanews · 2 months
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thedman0310 · 2 months
I want this twink annihilated
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rheasbrvtality · 6 months
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1-800-sinister · 7 months
Damian stealing a cookie Dominik catching him and Rhea's laugh
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a-random-pillow · 1 month
The Father
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The Son
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And The Holy Spirt
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onewingedsuperkick · 20 days
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The moment Rhea realised she's lost Dominik for good: when he tried to play mind games with the very person who taught him.
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mrawkweird · 2 months
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Nobody puts Rhea in the cuck chair.
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livsjaded · 5 months
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silverkilnor · 2 months
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rhea-ripley · 2 months
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Raw || July 22 - 2024
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