#finley talks
finley-theal1en · 1 year
I should post more here
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xoxofinley · 2 years
when your car gets stuck for 3 months at you summer holiday destination and then you get the car back and you find your fan fiction notes. And two books you were reading. And then...
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cocoapowderpictures · 12 days
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Randy Indigo
Age: 24
Randy Indigo, son of Isaac Indigo, began helping out part-time at his father's amusement park in his mid-teens. Enchanted by the vibrant atmosphere and the joy it brought to visitors, he quickly fell in love with the amusement park. By adulthood, Randy had fully immersed himself in the entertainment department, where he thrived.
Randy created his own persona within the park, embodying the mischievous and endearing character of Rambly the Raccoon. Known for his infectious energy and charismatic presence, this character became a favorite among guests, who were captivated by his antics and warmth. Despite his cheerful demeanour, Randy feared loneliness. He made sure to cherish every moment spent with his friends from the park, even if he playfully claimed rivalry with one of them.
He had hoped for these happy moments to last forever…
Randy was the first to disappear.
Hey everyone!
I'm incredibly excited to finally share my latest project with you all: my Indigo Park AU! While I might be a bit late to the Indigo Park bandwagon, I've been working hard on this concept, and I'm really excited to finally be posting about it.
Introducing the Cast Chronicles AU! In this AU, set in the 1960s, the main cast mascots are human employees who worked together at Indigo Park. Throughout the story, we explore their roles within the park and the deep friendships they develop. However, their lives take a dark turn as they mysteriously begin to disappear, one by one.
In an effort to honor their memories, the park introduces new interactive mascots, each bearing a striking resemblance to the missing cast members and serving as memorials to keep their spirits alive within the park. Yet, guests can't help but feel like there is something… unsettling about these new mascots. 
Quick disclaimer: This Indigo Park AU will most likely diverge quite a bit from the cannon lore since the game hasn't revealed much information about its overarching story. However, I will do my best to adapt the AU as new chapters come out! 
Feel free to ask any questions you may have about this AU! I would be super excited to answer!!
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bezierballad · 1 month
Do you guys think that when Rambley talks to the cardboard cutouts, he's pretending that they're his real friends? 🥲
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twilightprince101 · 1 month
So! The ost for Indigo Park chapter 1 released on youtube. and they come with official titles for all the songs
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Do with this what you will Rambley Fans
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finleyforevermore · 3 months
Hey guys! How've we been since I've been away? Hm? Not good? Yeah, I thought so.
I was AFK (which means Away From Keyboard for those who weren't aware, or didn't think to Google it /nm) because my mom had taken away my phone for a bit but I could still use it to help with my math homework.
I did lurk around Tumblr a bit, and I did "officially" come back online for a bit, but I mostly lurked.
And how delightful it was to see (can not clarify enough how sarcastic this is) that someone I follow but am not moots with decided that March 20th was the day they were doing to commit suicide. They did not succeed. But they sure as hell scared the fuck out of me. Same story I've seen before with my other friends, abusive parental figure, and possibly SA'd like some of my other friends. Lovely.
And then ANOTHER friend as it turns out has an extremely abusive mother and got fucking strangled by aforementioned mother, then said in the posts of a vent post, "something something maybe she should've killed me".
Being technically AFK I had to go on anon for a bit and try my damndest to prove to my friend that their mother is beyond saving, and there's no use seeing her in a positive light, and they by no means deserve what happened to them. I don't know if it worked. If you see this, I'm sorry if I came off as rude. But that really was the straw that broke the camel's back.
I'd been trying to keep together fairly well but I had been thinking of Liam, Nex's death was ruled a suicide (and now his murderers will not be charged), all of my other friends are traumatized and now I've discovered another friend has an abusive parent, and someone tried to fucking kill themselves.
And so, we have this. This song has been my coping mechanism for the past several weeks and what I can best describe as my theme song. Whenever I see something tragic with either my friends or someone else my first thought is the words of this song. Largely because of the themes of getting salvation for the unjust wrongs done upon Sweeney or in this case my friends.
I really don't know why I was blessed to know such wonderful incredible beautiful people only for them to suffer relentlessly and have gallons upon gallons of trauma.
Do bad things happen? Sure. But with my friends it's non-stop. One traumatic event after another after another after another and I'm. Just so done. I'm so sick. And I'm so tired. Of everything. Of all the pain and suffering. Of the fact I can't do anything. Of the fact I feel too much. This probably shouldn't be impacting me so much but for some reason it is.
I would've been apprehensive posting this because I'm kind of self-conscious about my voice but some of my friends are suffering 24/7 so I think my voice is the last thing I should be worrying about.
Enjoy if you want. Or don't. That's ok too. Love you guys.
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schmweed · 5 months
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cheffe-cool · 7 months
Such a strange rant I’m about to go on, but-
I don’t think aouv is as modern as some people think it is? I’ve been reading fanfics about the series and people keep mentioning the internet or using smartphones, but the only kind of phones we see in the books are landlines.
Like when Reid’s on call with another spell maker (Isobels first chap of aoud) he twirls the wire around his finger.
Or at the end when Reid is upset Isobels been ignoring his calls she says “I’ve been at my moms (or with my mom idr)” If she had a smartphone that definitely wouldn’t be a problem.
None of the characters have phones they can carry around, and while we see a lot of news coverage on the tournament, it’s all in newspapers, magazines, TV and call ins. You’d think in a world like ours there would be some blogs- or Twitter fights about it or SOMETHING.
This literally doesn’t matter at all really- but I think the series might take place somewhere closer to the 80’s than 2000’s.
Idk just been thinking about this a lot for some reason.
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braving-the-storm · 15 days
File: Finley Zavala.exe
File ready
Name: Finley Rose Zavala
Godly Parent: Zeus
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 17
Birthdate: 3rd of August, 2007
Height: 5'11
Weight: N/A
Powers: Atmokinesis (weather control), Electrokinesis, Aerokinesis (air manipulation) and weather prediction.
Weapons: None/A sharpened stick?
Fatal Flaw: Impulsive
Disabilities: ADHD, Dyslexia and Autism
Mortal Parent: Michelle Zavala
Time at camp: 2 weeks
Run by @witchwritingfanfics
Also run: @rayof-damnsunshine
Faceclaim: Siena Agudong
#Finley needs your attention now for regular post
#wow people are talking to me for asks
#lovely takes over for ooc posts
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naradoxy · 1 month
salem the skunk is my favorite, salem the skunk is my favorite, salem the skunk is my favorite
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istjury · 8 months
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my csp just killed itself and now i dont have any of the downloaded stuff there and cant open any of my files thus i can't finish any of my works
im goig. isnane i dort even care if anyone can comprehend what im saying i just need to put it annywhere cause im a crybaby ew /lh
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stretch-time · 12 days
finley indigo park im holding you like hamburger
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finleycannotdraw · 7 months
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today on things that would not leave my head until I drew them: OC comic with the one single lyric of this song that applies to him!
aka I’m eternally emotional about immortals making the world a better place
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starryartist512 · 14 days
Indigo Park Headcanons and Rides Based Off Of Defunctland Vids.
Very similar to the “Indian” village, the company would pay certain people of other cultures to progressively display a show from their culture. This was called “World Theater”. It was outdoors. They payed Chinese dancers to Native American tribes to Dutch people in clogs.
Very similar to Lego Land’s deep sea adventure, Oceanic Odyssey was a dark ride that introduced park goers to real creatures of the sea. And just like those liminal pictures that trigger blatant submechanophobia, a Finley animatronic would greet you and give you a tour.
The Lloyd’s Limo ride was actual similar to the Superstar Limo. Animatronics. Cutouts. Pop culture references. And not good reception.
When the park was in its very first stages, there was a lagoon with motor boats with likeness to the Phantom Boats.
There was a Mollie themed ride based off of the If You Had Wings/Delta attraction. It would simulate like you were flying with her.
And to top it all off, there was an attraction based off of a hat Rambley wore in a much older short. Very similar to the Sorcerer’s Hat. There were kiosks talking all about Indigo’s life. Like the scrapped version, there was an art studio and the building was much bigger than the Sorcerer’s Hat.
There was also a water tower with Rambley ears.
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mazojo · 1 year
I am so normal about all of us villains and all of our demise I am so normal about it ask me how normal I am about it I am so cool and causal about Alistair and Briony and Hendry and Reid and Gavin and Isobel and Finley and guys I am so normal can you tell I am so normal because I am. Normal I mean.
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finleyforevermore · 3 months
I swear Liam must be a cursed fucking name-
One Liam's passed away and now another one has gone inactive and may have potentially killed themselves
I'm so sick of this
Back to listening to Epiphany on loop until I feel better ig
Listening to that song isn't gonna bring either of them back
I guess there's no point in even listening
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