xoxofinley · 2 years
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xoxofinley · 2 years
How to have a good internet experience in 8 easy steps
#1 - Stop having a bad faith interpretation of every thing you read
If you think something someone said might have been something you disagree with, instead of starting an argument, ask them to clarify or ask them specific questions about what they said
You will be so surprised to find that half the people you assume are being shitty or negative just didn't phrase what they meant very well
#2 - Learn to block people
It's free, it's easy, and it will save your life. Tired of someone tagging your stuff with characters from a fandom you don't like? Don't try to control them by telling them not to, just fucking block them. Less upsetting to them, less work for you, less inflammatory, more effective.
#3 - Don't share your entire backstory with strangers on the internet
No one is entitled to your information - not your pronouns, your age, your sexuality, your location, nothing.
Share the things that you're comfortable with, but remember that the more you share, the more vulnerable you make yourself to attacks. Like, do not share your triggers in your bio. You are giving abusers and harassers a to do list. Keep that shit private for your own safety.
You can get harassed, you can get stalked, you can get doxxed. Internet safety is real and necessary and the less we care about it, the more we set up future generations to get hurt through the internet
#4 - Learn to say, "It's none of my business."
Don't understand someone's desire to use neo pronouns? None of your business. Can't understand why someone is a furry? None of your business. Curious about how someone who talks about being poor can have a Starbucks in that last selfie they posted? None of your damn business.
If you don't like certain things on your dash, unfollow or block people. If you don't understand how someone can identify a certain way or do a certain thing or like a certain thing or feel a certain way or literally anything, just remember, it's none of your business.
If you have genuine questions from a place of good faith (i.e. what inspired you to use neopronouns?/what do you pronouns mean to you?) Go for it. But if you're only asking questions to draw negative attention to someone or make them feel bad or to other them, you're just being a nosy asshole.
Minding your own business is also good for you because - and I mean this genuinely - feeling entitled and superior is fucking exhausting. I know, because I've been 20 before. You will have a way better time online if you just stop caring about shit that doesn't concern you
#5 - Learn to lurk
Lurking is frequently seen as a bad thing, like someone who's lurking is somehow being creepy. The truth is, lurking is a great way to learn. More people should do it.
For example, if you're new to a community, spend some time consuming content and information from that community without saying anything. This goes for fandoms, queer spaces, disabled spaces, cultural spaces, etc.
Nothing is worse than being in a community for years and someone popping in for the first time in their life and airing their opinions loudly and with zero respect for the space. A great example of this is that post someone made about the leather pride flag. You know the one.
(If you don't, basically, someone said that the leather pride flag is embarrassing and insulting to the queer community and has no place at pride and then got schooled by hundreds of people about how the leather pride flag is one of the oldest flags in the queer community and leather daddies and leather dykes were the people on the front lines protecting other queer people from cops back in the 80s and 90s)
So basically, learn the history of a community, research your opinions before you decide they're your opinions, and keep your ignorance to yourself until you're not ignorant anymore. Not only is this better for community spaces, you won't have 9000 notifications of people telling you to shut the fuck up
Learning to lurk to educate yourself about a space also makes actually speaking in that space a lot easier
#6 - Stop believing everything you read
I'm not talking about stupid funny stories. Believe them - it's not hurting anything to get a laugh out of something that may or may not have happened.
I'm talking about news and current events. If you hear that some celebrity did something and there are no receipts, go and find the receipts or discard it. People spread misinformation on here all the damn time. It's like a game of telephone and, unfortunately, a lot of small creators end up getting slandered and canceled because of it.
#7 - Quit wasting energy on hating random shit
Being annoyed by a certain fandom is one thing, but actively hating things that other people do just because you're not into it is such a waste of your energy. Not only are you actively putting more negativity into the world, you're wasting your own time on things that upset you.
Focus your time and energy on the things you do like and quit scrolling through Tumblr user AnimeIReallyHate7648's discourse blog. You might think it's fun, but there comes a point where hating something goes from kind of fun to actually obsessive and unhealthy for you as a person.
#8 - Unlearn purity culture
This is a big one guys. What is purity culture? It's referenced a lot, but I think a lot of you don't know what it is.
In short, purity culture is when people take many nuanced situations and try to divide them into black and white categories. There's the Good category and the Bad category. The problem is, life is not in black and white. You can't put a neat line down the middle between good and bad. This kind of thinking is extremely regressive. Ask any therapist alive and they will tell you that black and white thinking is unhealthy and often a Symptom of Something.
So, what happens is, someone sees something on the good side and spots something they think is morally objectionable in it and says, "this can't be here, it needs to go to the Bad side." (Cancel culture). The problem is, people are always on the lookout for anything wrong in the Good - constantly looking for impurities so that they can completely sanitize things and therefore be free of sin. So they will look harder and harder and harder and keep moving things to the Bad side of the line until there's basically nothing left on the Good side.
This ends up meaning that perfectly good media is canceled because every character in it didn't make the perfect, right choice every time. It damages media in that it demands characters be completely flawless - something no human is. When a character does something that's actually problematic, even if the media doesn't condone the behavior, instead of engaging with it and using it as an opportunity to learn and teach other people why that wasn't okay, people who subscribe to purity culture throw the baby out with the bathwater, saying the entire piece of media should be canceled because its creators support the problematic action of that character (even if they don't).
This entire line of thinking is extremely unhealthy, heavily informed by Christianity, infantilizes adults, assumes no one can distinguish fiction from reality, and promotes censorship, which has a long and sordid history.
I could go on about this at length, so if anyone wants a full post, just let me know. But the point is, purity culture is bad for community, it's bad for media, it's bad for healthy emotional and intellectual development, it's bad for interpersonal understanding and empathy, and it's bad for you.
Unlearn purity culture and you will be a happier person. If all else fails, remember step #4.
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xoxofinley · 2 years
Making a friend on tumblr is like where have you been all my life ? You’re my best friend you’re my sibling, you’re my soulmate. let’s not talk for weeks at a time. Why do you live on the other side of the world? Here’s a funny story of what happened to me today and let’s cry over our favorite’s actor’s dick. let’s talk about our trauma, let’s talk about our worst fears. Did you see that new pic from that show we both like? I’ve read this quote and I thought of you. Let’s have a movie marathon when we meet irl. Let’s run away together and hoard dogs in the south of france
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xoxofinley · 2 years
truthfully I only truly support celebrities making tumblrs IF they’re incognito about it. i want to make a niche internet friendship exchanging leverage throuple porn and then we slowly graduate to becoming discord friends and eventually I carefully dox myself like “yeah haha I sort of work in [redacted] industry and visiting your city (I think?) if you want to grab coffee” and then my good mutual eliotslesbiancock or whatever is like “haha no doubt. Also btw im keanu reeves”
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xoxofinley · 2 years
guys we’re not being cringe to keep out the twitter users. we’re being cringe to keep out the ALGORITHMS, the CAPITALISTS, the INFLUENCERS. twitter users are welcome as long as they agree this site is UNMARKETABLE
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xoxofinley · 2 years
people moving to tumblr from twitter please fucking reblog art likes literally dont do anything except make the artist upset bc they have 2 reblogs and 55 likes
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xoxofinley · 2 years
Is it weird that I like Odo and Nerys together???
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xoxofinley · 2 years
when your car gets stuck for 3 months at you summer holiday destination and then you get the car back and you find your fan fiction notes. And two books you were reading. And then...
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xoxofinley · 2 years
yeah i’m very upset about henry leaving the witcher, but if we’re being honest, the show was set up for failure from the start. this has nothing to do with superman, because henry could easily do both. this is 100% on netflix and the writers of the show.
henry has been very vocal about the writing of the show and how he would fight for it to be as loyal to the books as possible, and was constantly ignored. this only proves he agreed with the criticism of the viewers who have read the books. a good example of this was roach’s death scene. lauren hissrich (the showrunner) said she wanted the scene to be funny and said henry was “very unhappy” and pushed for a hesrtfelt moment by giving her the speech from the book. this is the interview she explains how that happened.
anya chalotra is a great actress (i actually love her as yennefer), but i cannot see the chemistry between her and henry at all. they have absolutely no chemistry whatsoever. anya had more chemistry with royce (istredd) and joey (jaskier).
freya allan seemed very inexperienced for a main role. also, in season one she looked like a child, in season two she looked like a whole adult and the continuity errors were too much even for me. anya and freya are the same age and anya didn’t look any different from one season to another, and it’s not like freya went through puberty.
henry and maybe kim bodnia were the only ones who seemed genuinely happy to be doing the show, to talk about it, to explain it. the rest of the cast didn’t show the same enthusiasm, and in many interviews they seemed bored and not interested in it at all, which is quite disappointing imo.
a former writer of the show said the other writers actively hated the books and even mocked it. of course henry is pissed. i know he is, because in every single interview he brought up the books and the author and how he wanted to honor him and his work as much as he could, but henry isn’t a producer (i don’t know why, he clearly should’ve been), he did what he could and being the leading man doesn’t give you that much power. i totally get why he left (i personally would’ve done it after season two tbh) and honestly no one can blame him.
if you think this is about superman, you haven’t been paying attention.
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xoxofinley · 2 years
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HENRY CAVILL as SHERLOCK HOLMES Enola Holmes 2 (2022) dir. Harry Bradbeer
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xoxofinley · 2 years
finishing it. writing it isn't necessarily the issue with me, finishing it however, is.
@ fic authors what do you personally consider a successful fic? What’s the bar?
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xoxofinley · 2 years
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xoxofinley · 2 years
Does anyone know some dark Henry Cavill fan fictions? I want to read some darker stories to get inspired and explore the genre.
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xoxofinley · 2 years
Cavillanche’s Masterlist
Click on the story title for rating, word count, or warnings.
Please note that I do not have a tag list.
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Dean Winchester
Puppy Love - Imagine a witch turning Dean into a dog, and him being really affectionate towards you and sleeping in your bed, but the spell wears off in the middle of the night and you wake up cuddling with Dean.
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Billy Russo
Dangerous Desire - Desiree Langston is Billy Russo’s loyal assistant. What happens when she finds out he’s a vampire?
Feels Like Yesterday - Canon-divergent. Instead of going to the therapist when he breaks out of the hospital, Billy goes to his ex-girlfriend, Madison. Only, he thinks they’re still together.  
Jealous - Billy is jealous when someone flirts with you.
Compassion - Aleksander is drawn to an injured healer.
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August Walker
Easy - August Walker wants to break his partner. Will it be easy?
Clark Kent
The Offer - Gwendolyn Barker is on the verge of being homeless when Clark Kent, shipping magnate and rumored mob boss, makes her an offer that would take care of everything. All he asks is for a year of her life. (Mob Boss AU - very loosely inspired by the movie 365 Days)
Coming Home - Syverson is home from the war. When his housing plans fall through, he moves in with Kara. She’s a friend of friend, and a war widow.
He’ll Have to Go - Syverson calls home to try to reconnect with the woman he left behind. All the fluff. Inspired by Elvis’s song He’ll Have to Go.
Walter Marshall
Face Down - When an abused woman comes under his protection, Walter finds the case getting more and more personal as he grows to like her.
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Javier Peña
Come Undone - After a bad day for the team, Cheryl runs into Javier at a bar.
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Clint Barton
Take Me Out (Kiss Cam Clint) - Your best friend, Clint Barton, takes you to a ballgame. What happens when the kiss cam won’t leave the two of you in peace?  
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Rescued By the Rohirrim - Imagine losing control of your horse while riding, and Eomer comes to your rescue.   
Leonard McCoy
Chained & Bound - Based on a prompt. Leonard and an OFC get tied together in an awkward position.  
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xoxofinley · 2 years
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007. first draft | (download now)
First Draft is a story outlining template meant to help with planning your next big writing project or your next NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month). I know, as of posting this, there's less than a week to spare before NaNoWriMo '22, but I hope this finds the right people in time, and that it can be helpful! I LOVED making this template and adore the imagery/colours, but I would love to see how people customize this to fit their own projects! This template is FREE, so PLEASE consider reblogging so that fellow NaNo'ers can find it!!
INCLUDED This is a semi-in-depth template with 6 unique Landscape-Format pages. • Synopsis/Intro. • NaNoWriMo Word Count Calendar. (The calendar is set for November 2022, but with some table know-how you could edit it for whatever month you need!) • Character/Worldbuilding Descriptions. • Notes. • Chapter Outlines. • A Timeline of Events. There are detailed instructions on how to edit the timeline yourself, but you can also delete the page if you want.
HOW TO USE/EDIT • When you gain access to the doc, use “File > Make a Copy” • Do NOT remove the credit/links on the pages. • To replace images, click on each image separately and select "Replace Image." • The colour palette can be entirely customized, as it's all just highlights. • There are instructions on how to duplicate pages and how to use the Timeline page.
ETC . . . • Feel free to contact me if you have questions or need help! • I sometimes stream the creation process of these templates on Twitch and would love if you dropped by! • Likes are lovely, but reblogs go far here, so please consider sharing! • Find more info in my pinned post or about page!
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xoxofinley · 2 years
You don't need others' permission to write what you love. If you want to write it, write it. <3 You can write whatever you want to.
🤍 H
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xoxofinley · 2 years
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Helloo !! Welcome to my blog. I'm Finley (not my real name, but one I wish to go by). I'm mainly a Henry Cavill fan fiction writer. But I also will write for other characters and actors. I usually write series or miniseries fics and will often also dabble in AUs.
I'm new, this blog is new, but not to Tumblr. I value my privacy and am a firm believer of the fact that you, the reader, decide what you read and what you see on your blog. I'm not responsible for fics or stories with a darker tone that you don't like. I'm also not responsible with how those darker toned stories affect you. Since you decided to read it.
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Some stories will have mature, dark themes. Please do NOT interact when you're a minor. If you do, you're responsible for the fact you chose to read that story.
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nov 3, 2022 (drabble) || Journalism?
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