#finally found a home for copperdale!!
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puretopia · 2 years ago
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Copperdale Lighthouse
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rebouks · 4 months ago
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Alex: EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! [wheeeeeeze] Byrd: Woah, lady-.. I know karate! Wren: No, you don’t. Byrd: [whispers] She doesn’t need to know that. Wren: It’s Alex, dipshit. Byrd: Ohhh-.. wait, really? Wren: Sure looks like her.
Alex: Oh my god, I found you-.. and I followed your CAT! I missed you so much!! I hope you’re not mad at me-.. I’m so SO sorry for not writing! I thought I was being organised by printing some labels out to save time, y’know? But then I forgot them at home when we went to my uncles and dad said we’d only be gone for a month, so I figured it wasn’t a huge deal, but then we stayed for what felt like it’d be FOREVER and I couldn’t for the life of me remember your address which is ridiculous ‘cause I SHOULD’VE had it memorised by now and I felt so awful as the months passed. I tried to remember it a couple times but you never wrote back so I figured I obviously got it wrong-.. then I tried finding your house on a stupid online map but the internet was crappy at best and the Bay is WAY bigger than I thought it’d be and I’ve never really seen your house in full view from the street either so, like.. I barely knew what I was looking for, and what if that camera car didn’t even map your house, y’know?!
Ava: That was.. a lot. Alex: Sorry-.. you’re not mad, are you? [Robin shook his head and took a breath, but nothing came out] Wren: Oop. Byrd: Yeah, I think he broke. Ava: Ooh, do you know sign language? Alex: No-.. I totally should’ve learnt! I guess I didn’t know I’d be coming here though… Byrd: I can teach you! Well, some, I’m still learning, but Robin knows a bunch. Ava: He’s not mad, by the way. He was just worried. [Robin shot his younger siblings a look, fruitlessly warning them not to embarrass him] Byrd: I’m sure he’d say hi, if he could. Wren: I bet he’d say you look pretty too. Byrd: He’s been extra mopey without your letters-.. or maybe that’s just what puberty does. Ava: He has to wear deodorant now, otherwise he STINKS! Wren: You should stay for supper, dad’s baking something.. again. Alex: Ough.. I was supposed to be home ages ago, dad’ll kill me.. wait, what school do you go to?! Byrd: Bay C-… Wren: Not us-.. he goes to Copperdale. Alex: Ohh, yay! I promised dad I’d finally unpack tomorrow but the day after that is Monday, right? Wren: Well done. Alex: Okay-.. ahhhh! SEE YOU AT SCHOOL!!
[Robin deflated as soon as Alex liberated him from another bear hug and sped off, releasing a breath he’d kept tucked beneath his ribs for an uncomfortably lengthy amount of time] Robin: Ouuuuuuuuuuuuugh. Robin: Why-.. why am I like this? Wren: You’ll spew something out eventually. Oscar: Alright losers, pie’s-.. what’s up with him? Robin: I’m fucking BROKEN. Wren: I mean.. you’re a little fucked, but still good! Oscar: Quit it with the swearing-.. what happened? Wren: Alex showed up n’ he broke. Robin: I didn’t even get to say hi or ask why she’s here, or for how long-.. and you just had to be embarrassing! Oscar: What’d she say? Robin: She said Alex was pretty on my behalf and I’ve never said that and she’s a DICK! Oscar: That’s tame-.. for Wren. Robin: I hate you all right now. Wren: Not as much as you hate yourself. Oscar: Hey, too much! Robin, c’mon-… Robin: SHUT UP! Oscar: Right, you’re on dish duty. Wren: Seriously?! Oscar: You reap what you sow, honey.
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pixelnrd · 3 months ago
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Mackenzie Lane Prescott was a keen student. Ever since they were young, they had loved to learn. School had been a breeze, for a natural overachiever with a plucky attitude. Sure it had been a challenge socially, with a few bumps along the way, but Mac always knew that they were a unique individual with a raging sense of self-assuredness.
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And so they found themself, in their post-high school years, a student at Foxbury Institute studing Psychology. But in their final year, with one elective left to fill, Mac decided to go out on a limb and take a sociology class for fun. The subject was called 'Families and Relationships', and it was all about understanding how a persons family shaped their life and opportunities. After their first class, the professor tasked each of them with going home and finding out about where they came from and how their history had shaped their opportunities.
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Mac had some idea of where they came from. They knew their father was some aristocrat from England, but they had no interest in knowing anymore about him. That decision they had made long ago. Besides, having a bourgeoise paternal background hadn't done anything to shape the life they were living now, considering they never knew them.
But their mothers side was what fascinated Mac. They were close with all of the family, and saw them regularly. But what was it about the Prescott-Jones family that had made Mac who they were? At dinner that night, Mac decided to explore the topic.
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'Mom, where do we come from', they asked. 'And I don't like mean just Copperdale. Where did our whole family come from?'
'Well,' said Jasmine. 'I'm not really sure how to start because I only know as much as you.'
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She handed Mac a picture - a family photograph that had hung around their home for years. 'This is you and me,' said Jasmine. 'You're about 4 years old. We've lived in San Myshuno since you were born. Before then, I lived in Britechester - you know, where I met your father - for many years, before I left and came back home to raise you. We've always had a nice life, just you and I.'
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They sat down on the couch and Jasmine passed Mac the childhood photo of them with their grandmothers. 'That's my Moms, your grandmothers. Your grandma Heather was a chef who wrote books and tv shows, and she made a fair bit of money - I won't lie, it helped pay for me and you to go to college, to afford a good life for us both. Does that answer your question?'
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Mac thought deeply. Of course, they already knew a lot of this. It wasn't new information. But they wanted to go deeper - what came before?
'I think I'd like to go back to Copperdale, and learn more.'
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satureja13 · 3 months ago
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The old Twi'lek, Kesuke, lead them over to one of the buildings. Kesuke: "Let's warm up in the cantina while the droids are loading your supplies and components into the shuttle."
Jack is so confused - and worried: "How is it possible I was here when I was lying in that pod in Copperdale in a coma? Is all this here even real then? I'm really afraid my mind is spiraling downwards into utter madness again, you know?"
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Kesuke laughed: "What is real anyway? Don't worry, Jack. You're just as sane as I am. Even a tiny little quantum can exist in two states at the same time, right?"
'Don't worry'... That was the second thing Kesuke had said to him when he was here for the first time...
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Jack has no clue of quantum mechanics, but of course he'd heard of Schroedinger's Cat... Saiwa: "Kesuke has a point, though. All the crazy stuff we experienced. The meteorites, the Bond, being Fated Mates, Vlad going to hell, Luci, horses from and a home in the Otherworld... Jeb and I even knocked on DEATH's door! More then one time we thought all that was too weird to be real. You shouldn't worry too much, hm? On the other hand - The Therapy Game, for example, it felt real for us too. And even though it was just a game - we even knew it and it didn't really change anything - we had to go with the rules of that game. So even if this were not real, we still have to rescue B.D and find Tiny Can to go on, right? Maybe this is just a different save file of the same game?" Kiyoshi got lost in his own thoughts. Same was when he'd spent all those decades in the tree. Had that been real? It had felt real for him. And he had to endure it - and he was glad he did. Because it brought him back together with Jack. And he would endure it all over again - for him. He'd never had left the tree if it hadn't been for Jack. Jack had been the beacon that had lead him back to humanity when his demon had taken over and the tree was about to consume him.
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Vlad: "Or maybe it's like a dream? While dreaming, you don't know it's a dream and you play along, no matter how weird it is, because your brain tells you it's supposed to be like that. You'll only ever know after you wake up."
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Jack was even more confused than before. Was that supposed to be reassuring? He shouldn't even have asked! ö.Ö' Kesuke has a weird way of giving advice anyway. Jack already learned that when he was here before - in his coma... Jack's head is about to combust: "I think I'm going to take a walk to cool down my poor brain ^^' " ... before Jeb and Ji Ho added their two credits...
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Lenny left the cantina too. Seems he wants to show something to Jack. He ran over to what looked like a ship graveyard...
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This shuttle looked oddly familiar...
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And as Jack followed Lenny inside, he knew it. Kesuke and him had spent a lot of time flying this shuttle!
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Kesuke: "Albaleyh left this shuttle here after B.D got arrested. She's a diplomat and couldn't get involved with it." Jack: "You mean this is the shuttle? The shuttle B.D had stolen borrowed? The reason why he got arrested?" Kesuke: "The main reason, yes. I would be in great trouble if the First Order found it here, you know? This is the nearest outpost to Batuu - and I have to stay neutral." Jack: "..."
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Jack: "But we don't, right? We could bring it back and try to restore B.D's reputation!" Kesuke: "That's my Boy! Gladly the other shuttle he stole is already back in the possession of the First Order."
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Kesuke and Jack went back to the others. It's so cosy in the outpost's cantina <3 Now they finally had a plan to rescue B.D. Well, a part of a plan at least. But who says they wouldn't get arrested for owning a stolen shuttle? ö.ö'
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'The word is out About the town To lift a glass Oh, and don't look down
The party's on The feeling's here That only comes This time of year Simply having a wonderful Christmastime Simply having a wonderful Christmastime'
by Paul McCartney
From the Beginning 🔱 Underwater Love 🔱 Latest
Current Chapter: starts ▶️ here Last Chapter: 'Here comes the Sun' from the beginning ▶️ here
📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 23-29
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pleasantviewrainfall111 · 3 months ago
Copperdale Academy ♥️
It's me, hi, indecision it's me!
When I woke up this morning and saw that the lovely @neishroom was looking for teens, I was beyond hyped and knew that I'd spent the day crafting and choosing little fella's for her to play with.
I obviously can't JUST make or pick one Sim. No, that would be normal. I have to make fucking six, because I'm me.
And since I couldn't decide for myself, I figured I'd share them all and let Nei pick whichever one she likes best!
Be it all, one or even none - all up to you, babes. 😊
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Akira Ikeda - He/Him; Pan; Mt. Komorebi
Akira is your not-so-average lad from Mount Komorebi.
He was raised by not one but two mums - Ayame and Samsara - who more than dote on their baby. (Yes, he's very spoiled. Yes, he can be a bit of a twat. But he means well....?)
Thanks to his mum, Akira is interested in all things surrounding engineering and science. He may not look the part, but he can be rather geeky and he'll gladly hold a lecture about the proper way to assemble a servo. (No, he'll not stup until he's done, no matter what you say.)
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Devante Zanders - He/Him; Bi; San Myshuno
Devante - Dev to his friends - was raised in San Myshuno and is exactly what you'd call a city boy. He loves the streets of his home town almost as much as he does dogs.
Dev likes sports - any sport, he'll play pickle ball, he'll play football, he'll surf, jog or run the treadmill. It doesn't matter to him as long as the company is good.
And, keyword company: Dev is quite the charmer. Ever since his toddler days, he's had an easy time making friends and gathering hearts wherever he steps with his laid back vibe and disarming smiles. But only those he truly trusts get to see how much of a goofball my guy really is.
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Kareena Advani - She/Her; Demi; Tomarang
Born in Tomarang and raised by one dragon of a mother, Kareena doesn't remember the last time she just got to let go and chill. Every single day is spent bowing to her mothers whims and demands - good grades, good performances, good behaviour, good everything. Maybe then she'll finally be worthy of her mothers love.
Deep down, she doesn't want or care about any of these things. Kareena seeks to enjoy her life and go with the flow, until she's old enough to start a family herself. And once she does, she swears she'll do everything to be a much better mother than her own.
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Jiajia Ouyang - She/Her; Lesbian; Ravenwood
Let me tell you - this girl may look all sweet and demure, but don't forget that she's made in Ravenwood ™️. So while she does love little, fluffy creatures and all things soft and cozy, she's also absolutely obsessed with ghosts and any other spooky shit. Thanks to that, Jiajia doesn't scare easily and is likely to react with fascination to any urban myth or ghost story.
Be aware: It's not super easy to become her friend. The best approach would probably be to treat her like on would a crow. Yell "Hey, look at the cool rock I found!" and she'll be by your side, longinly staring at whatever trinket you show her now.
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Gracie Lou Freebush - She/Her, ???, Del Sol Valley
Grace - try and call her Gracie, and she'll knock out your teeth - grew up in the lower parts of Del Sol Valley to a deadbeat single dad. Thanks to that, she's always been selfsufficient and never relies on anyone else. Her motto? If you want it done, do it yourself and if it's too hard, get tf over it.
She tends to be a loner, despite her loud and confident demeanour, and getting to know her may be quite difficult. You're just as likely to run into walls as you are to find a way around them, so best stand back and listen to her play the guitar until she decides it's time to like you!
And a little bonus duo that likely won't be picked since they're kind of a package deal, but I wanted to share nonetheless:
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Floortje van der Bijl - She/Her; Straight, Brindleton Bay
Mats van der Bijl - He/Him; Bi; Brindleton Bay
These blonde cuties are Floortje and Mats, your average twins from Brindleton Bay. The two of them couldn't be more different - at least in character - but they're as close as they come. Having never met their parents, they're the only blood-family they know. I specifically say blood family, because the two of them grew up in a very loving foster home, meaning they've always had good people surrounding them.
Floortje is ambitious and goal oriented. She doesn't quite know where she is headed, but she'll do everything to make sure she has all her options open. In her free time, she loves hanging out with friends or playing the violin - something she's loved ever since she was a child - and, if the mood strikes her, she may even throw down a mat and do some yoga.
Mats, however, is less motivated. All he really wants to do is dance and he knows he doesn't need to get good grades to do that - much to his sisters chargrine. So he usually just practises or chills, whatever he wants more at the time. He's barely hanging on, all things considered, but it could be much much worse. And, luckily, he can always rely on his sister to kick his butt whenever necessary.
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luvsmisoo · 4 months ago
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The breeze of the autumn air is crisp as the first day of senior year for Copperdale's students approaches. Many scramble to prepare for the upcoming entrance exams, fulfill the university application process, send out recommendation letter requests, submit last-minute credits, and figure out what they want to do with the rest of their lives. However, Wren has always been preparing for this very moment.
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Wren was raised by her grandfather after he was awarded guardianship following a tragic accident involving her parents when she was just a toddler. She naturally gravitated towards his daily activities growing up thus making her the hands-on, self-sufficient, creative girl she is today. Her grandfather has always made it his life mission to make her the happiest kid in Willow Creek. Sadly, the summer before her 18th birthday, he passed away leaving her to inherit 10,000 simoleons and the decently sized home he had been building for her a few years before his demise. She spent the summer grieving and reflecting on her most significant life events, causing her to develop a gloomy nature. Luckily she's had Leo's shoulder to cry on.
Leo Barrio is Wren's first love. Meeting in Language Arts, Leo was the class clown. He'd always find the right time to crack a joke or make a jab at the instructor. For a while, all Leo did was grind her gears, causing her to avoid any unnecessary interaction. She just wanted to participate in class discussions and learn (it was her favorite class) but would be subjected to Leo's antics for half of the period. One day before the end of the first term, their instructor assigned groups for peer reviews and their paths finally met. Wren found herself admiring Leo and eventually, they began dating at the end of their first year and have been inseparable ever since. When Leo had heard about her grandfather's passing, he immediately moved in with her to support her and then and there decided he wouldn't mind spending the rest of his life with her.
Three years later, they stand outside their shared home taking their "First Last Day" photo on Wren's tripod the evening before the big day.
challenge & rules !!
credits: header by @fruitysimsy @hellohopesims | wren's base (@cial-sims) leo's base (origin ID: raeleib)
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simslegacy5083 · 3 months ago
Today's (11/27/2024) Episode: First Day Jitters
“Morning!” Luigi called out cheerfully as his sensitive son made his way to the kitchen for breakfast. “I mixed up a little something special to put some pep in your step for your first day!” He handed over a colorful plate of fruit and received a brief, fake looking, smile in return from his nervous boy.
“Thanks dad” Skye said, settling down next to his mother to pick at the food and worry about his first day of high school.
“So” Noemi asked, scooting closer and lowering her voice. “Today’s a big day. Are you nervous?”
 “Honestly, yeah.” Skye replied, “there’s so much that could go wrong and it feels like I have no control over any of it!”
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Noemi gave Skye’s shoulder a gentle squeeze and tried to encourage him: “High school is just a place to learn with lots of other sims. Don’t sweat it.”
Luigi joined them at the table and added: “My papa gave me similar advice. You’ve got a good head on your shoulders if you can avoid getting in your own way. Trust your gut and get out of iffy situations quickly. Focus on sims who share your passions and interests, like Elyse and that school paper you kids were talking about. I’m sure they’d love a great photographer like you.”
“No matter what happens, we’ll be eager to hear all about your day when you get back.” He sighed and got a faraway look in his eye. “My first day of high school was my papa’s final day in this world. He had homeschooled me up until then, and I was terrified at the thought of attending public school, not to mention the thought of losing him. I would have loved the chance to come home everyday and talk to him, instead of just his urn.”
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The look on his father’s face told Skye how much the memory of his loss still stung. “Dad, I’m sorry you lost Grandpa Jack like that” he finally managed.
 “Its OK, it was a long time ago. I just hope you’ll take Papa's advice to heart.” Skye nodded “I will, I promise.”
Rising Skye threw his bowl in the dishwasher and rushed out the door, while behind him Noemi gently wiped away the tears that had gathered in the corner of her husbands' eyes as a result of the memories swirling through his head.
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Skye  felt better after talking to his dad, until he arrived on campus to find Elyse staring unhappily down at her phone. “What’s wrong?” he asked.
 “Everything!” she replied glumly “First of all I was really hoping we’d be in the same class, but you got assigned to Mr. Haas and I got Mr. Rinde! Plus, I found out Demetrius got the student editor position on the paper. He’s awful. He kept complaining about my poetry column last year, saying it was “too dark”, and now I’m afraid he’s going to try to get it cut out entirely!”
Skye hated to see his friend sad but hearing her complaints was surprisingly validating. He wasn’t alone in struggling and he liked being a trusted part of her life. Even if he couldn’t do anything about her problems, maybe just reminding her that he was on her side would help her feel better.
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“Hey, we can still hang out during free periods” he told her “I was also going to ask you about joining the newspaper as a photographer, but do you think I should if this Demetrius guy is so bad? Maybe we can do something else together.”
“Oh, you should totally still join!” Elyse said, brightening “We can’t let “the man” win without a fight!”
“Now, I volunteered to be your “student buddy” for the day, and I have to take you to meet Principal Early first, but then I’ll introduce you to the student advisor for the Womp-Womp Weekly, HE’s awesome. First though, come here” she opened her arms wide “Welcome to Copperdale!”
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View The Full Story of My Not So Berry Challenge Here
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ophernelia · 11 months ago
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'Cause maybe you wanna just jump in at Season 3 and that's okay too. So, here's a quick synopsis of seasons one and two for each major character. Spoilers below!
Lykaia is a dark fantasy series that stems from one of my gameplay saves. Content warnings can be found here. Season 1 was just meant as a means for me to practice filmmaking. It wasn't too lore heavy or thought out. Somehow it's developed into this. I've made everything up as I've gone. Only taking a real shot at writing a script during season 2.
IMOGEN SUMNER: Quiet and somewhat psychic Imogen moves to Copperdale after her eccentric grandmother dies. She finds out her childhood best friend, Lou, is a lycan. The girl Lou was pursuing prior to Imogen moving to Copperdale, Eloise Tinsley, comes from a family of hunters who take over the town with the help of the mayor. Imogen and Lou develop romantic feelings for one another. The two begin dating the following summer. Lou marks Imogen claiming her as his mate. Imogen helps Lou and his friends (who are also his pack mates) move out of Copperdale to San Francisco once the former becomes too unsafe for them to live in. Season 2 Imogen struggles with fully integrating into the friend group, but ultimately does so successfully. Lou and Imogen quietly get engaged. She aids Lou in helping him find his dad. Upon helping Lou meet his father, Imogen meets her great aunt, the oracle Dodona. Imogen finds out Hattie died after passing her abilities onto Imogen.
LOU HOWELL: Lou is the only child of a physically abusive and neglectful single mother. He was often left to roam outside on his on. This habit is what led to him meeting Imogen. Lou had no knowledge of him being a lycan prior to the first time he shifted as his mother hid it from him. The summer he turned was the same summer that Imogen's grandmother Hattie died. After his first shift his mother kicked him out. With no guidance and no where to go his friends brought him to Rory. Rory took him in and trained him to control his shift. Lou had feelings for Imogen prior to her moving to Copperdale and quickly became enamored with her after her move. In season 2, Lou becomes extremely attached to Imogen and begins to neglect his other friendships. This causes a rift between him and Owen specifically. Lou also decides to search for his father during this time. At the end of season 2, Lou's relationships are mended and he finally meets his father and older sister.
RORY OAKLOW: Rory runs and lives on a campsite in Copperdale that's home to several in-need lycans. She reluctantly decides to take Lou in after he's brought to her by Savannah, William, and Owen. Eventually she comes to think of him as her younger brother. Ultimately, she's pushed out by Eloise Tinsley's family business, Aconitum, as they bulldoze the campsite in order to erect a warehouse for their company. Imogen's family provides Rory with a place to stay. She refuses to be pushed out of Copperdale and bolsters her strength by having her mate, Ceres, join her pack. Pissed off by the events that transpired, Rory digs into Aconitum's dealings by breaking into the mayor's office and stealing sensitive documents. This event ultimately leads to this sector of Aconitum's downfall in season 2. After Ceres' pack is killed, Rory and Ceres get injured during a night out, Rory decides it's too unsafe to stay in Copperdale and moves to SF. The two decide to marry upon moving to SF. In season 2, Rory and Ceres' relationship is turbulent due to his meddlesome sister, Celeste. Rory moves in with Imogen's cousin and Savannah's current girlfriend, Kaila. Ceres and Rory break up briefly but ultimately get back together. Rory steals Kaila from Savannah and enters into a polyamorous relationship with the two. Rory's family comes to visit for the holidays and her mom decides to move to California to be closer to her and her father, whom she has a horrible relationship, does as well. By S2's end, Ceres and Rory marry. The pair are still with Kaila.
OWEN ELLISON: Owen is a background character for the better part of season 1. He plays the role of Lou's loud best friend who will sleep with anything in a mini skirt. He's also the reason Lou shifted early after playfully knocking him off the pier during a full moon. In S1 Owen joins Rory's pack and she takes him through ritual so he is fully able to shift. In season 2, Owen and Lou's friendships becomes strained after Owen develops on a crush on Imogen. He also becomes angry with Lou for the amount of time he spends with Imogen. Mistaking his jealousy as a genuine dislike for the new Lou. Ultimately, Owen comes to terms his feelings and recognizes he in fact is attracted to Lou and not Imogen. He's able to mend his friendship with Lou and Imogen after the realization and begins exploring his sexuality. At the end of S2, Imogen introduces Owen to her new friend, Grey.
SAVANNAH ROBINSON: Savannah also plays a background character for the better part of season 1. She becomes significant when she starts dating Eloise Tinsley as a means to get information out of her. However, Savannah does have genuine feelings for Eloise as they briefly dated prior to Eloise pursuing Lou. Savannah is the catalyst in Eloise's decision to disrupt Aconitum. In S2, Savannah discovers that Eloise tried to rekindle a relationship with Lou while they were together and the pair break up for good. In an attempt to cheer her up, Imogen hooks Savannah up with her cousin, Kaila. Still hurt by the events that transpired, she briefly has a squabble with Imogen after becoming annoyed with her relationship with Lou. The two make up quickly. After Rory moves in with Kaila, Rory tells Savannah of her interest in Kaila. The two briefly compete for Kaila's affection, leading to Kaila cheating on Savannah, but the two split amicably as Savannah decides Kaila isn't worth the effort. By S2's end, Savannah and Eloise mend their friendship and she tricks her friend group into going to visit her. Upon her arrival in Redwater, Savannah meets Eloise's current fling Savannah. Sensing chemistry between each other they decide to remain in contact without Eloise's knowledge.
WILLIAM ROBINSON: William also plays a background character in season 1 and most of season 2. He is the most unproblematic of the group, only getting involved to mediate Owen and Lou's squabble and to support his twin sister, Savannah. In season 1, Will joins Rory's pack and she also takes him through ritual so he is able to shift. (Though Savannah is his twin, female lycans mature faster than males. They're usually able to shift by age 13 while males cannot shift until 20 or so.) In season 2, William is busy happily living in SF. He begins seriously dating another lycan, Indiyah Atwood, while his sister and friends are busy with their drama. By S2's end, William decides to take his relationship a step further with Indiyah and take her as a mate.
ELOISE TINSLEY: In season 1, Eloise attempts to date Lou and is ultimately turned down and dropped when Imogen comes to town. Out of disdain for her and Lou, she doesn't tell him about her father's plans to take over the campsite. Shunned by the friend group for this, Eloise decides she wants to ruin her father's business. By S1's end, Eloise becomes a full fledged hunter and joins her father on his endeavor to alleviate Copperdale of it's lycan problem. Though Eloise has ulterior motives the entire time and only wishes to see how the company works in order to sabotage it later. In season 2, with most of the lycans gone from Copperdale, Aconitum begins to fail. This causes a severe rift between her father and Mayor Tarentino. Eloise influences her father to question her grandfather's capabilities in deciding how profitable a sector is going to be. After going away to college and dating a new guy, Eloise decides it's time to report her father and Tarentino to the feds. Eventually an investigation transpires which forces Copperdale's mayor to step down and Eloise's father to shut down his sector. Eloise's grandfather, Arenthal, joins them in Copperdale to help fix the situation. After pissing off the mayor, Eloise's family is forced into hiding and they move to Redwater, Texas. By S2's end, Eloise has to rescue her father and her mother from Mayor Tarentino and his partner, Vasily. Eloise is only able to save her father in time and her mother is killed. She develops a close friendship with AJ, Lou's sister, and the two move in together. Though their friendship is disrupted when Lou and Imogen come to town.
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elderwisp · 5 months ago
🍓 (strawberry) - Does your oc believe in anything? Are they superstitious? Religious? Atheistic? Has anything in their past made them this way?
ooo! very good question, i feel like this question would very much suit kai and taryn!
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taryn and kai castillo
🍓 - Does your oc believe in anything? Are they superstitious? Religious? Atheistic? Has anything in their past made them this way?
⋆✴︎˚。⋆ Both were raised apart of the Catholic church. Both stayed within that faith due to a sense of familiarity. Taryn feels obligated to stay apart of it due to her parents, not that they seem to be the sort of folks to pressure her into that but out of respect. However, there is a lack of connection to the faith itself especially with her parents being away. After graduating her Catholic school and transitioning over to Foxbury, there was definitely a culture shock and clashing of who she was raised as versus being able to finally explore. It was such a weird time because while her friends were experiencing all the joys of college, Taryn really struggled with that guilt of being watched over by some higher presence so the college experience™ for her was uncomfortable. She found it hard to drink, party, date, etc so in this current state that we are introduced to her, she's beginning to open up to these things and it's a bit awkward at first! Meanwhile, Kai contradicts a lot of the morals upheld by the church. There's a lot of guilt pent up in Kai because part of him enjoys the sense of routine and community that comes with attending church, but there isn't a true sense of belonging simply because he can't be himself. He struggles between the concept of atonement versus his authentic self. He really bounces back and forth between morals because it's incredibly difficult for him to make up his mind. When he's out with his best friends, in the beginning, he was quite skittish, but with plenty of reassurance and trust, he's gotten much more comfortable. Whereas at home, he doesn't leave his room much or at church, he's much more composed, only speaking pleasantries when needed. Unlike Atlas, when Kai switches up, it is not something that feels entirely natural. Kai was very lucky to not attend Catholic school but rather Copperdale High and that is thanks to his friends. I think if he ended up in a different scenario, the outcome would be somber such as going into an awful marriage to some girl that doesn't need to be caught in that crossfire. I would say neither are truly superstitious!
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filmorgue · 10 months ago
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Story Time: Meet Danica and Dale
Dale, a young orphan surviving on the streets of Copperdale, found himself in a tough situation. Moving from family to family due to his aggressive nature, he eventually ended up on the streets, making a living by scavenging abandoned homes and other places. One fateful evening, he stumbled upon an ill Danica. Despite her sharp fangs, he couldn't bring himself to leave her side. Their eyes met, and he was instantly smitten, feeling like he was "lost for words."
After a few minutes of attempting to communicate with her, all Dale received in response were soft murmurs and her shaking head, accompanied by gestures towards her mouth. It became clear to Dale that she was unable to speak. Faced with this new challenge, he felt unsure of what to do next. However, just as he was contemplating his options, she mustered enough strength to type a message on her phone: "Need animal blood." Dale couldn't help but find the request slightly amusing, considering they were standing in the middle of a sidewalk where no animals could be found. With a stroke of brilliance, he suggested that she could feed off him instead. Instantly, she rejected the idea, even after he reassured her that it would be alright. However, after a couple of minutes, she realized she had no other choice. Summoning all her strength, she positioned herself as he presented his neck. The moment she caught a whiff of his intoxicating scent, she didn't hesitate to sink her fangs into his flesh. He let out a groan, a mixture of pain and pleasure, until everything faded to black.
Suddenly, he found himself waking up in a luxurious, well-decorated room with a tearful Danica sitting beside him. The opulence of the room was a bit too much for his liking. Strangely, he felt a strong urge for blood. Danica finally noticed he was awake and flashed him a wide smile, wiping away her tears. He couldn't help but wonder if she was crying because of him. His cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "He's alive…I see," a voice echoed from across the room. A woman with medium-length white hair and piercing white eyes sat there, looking quite intimidating. "I would be relieved, but I don't appreciate my granddaughter bringing strays into my mansion…especially mortals," she growled, extinguishing her cigarette before approaching them. "However, since she mentioned that you played a part in saving her life…I suppose I owe you my gratitude." He nodded silently, unsure of what to say.
Edith Lnyx introduced herself with a sense of detachment, but she still engaged in a conversation with him. When Dale confessed that he had nowhere to go, Danica looked at Edith with a sorrowful expression. Edith could have easily dismissed the idea of living with a mortal or feeling indebted to anyone. However, she couldn't bring herself to refuse her beloved girl. As fate would have it, Dale and Danica grew even closer while living under the same roof, eventually becoming lovers. To their surprise, Danica accidentally turned Dale into a vampire by consuming enough of his blood. She felt guilty, but he reassured her that everything was alright. Despite his new vampire lifestyle, he was content as long as he could stay by her side, embracing her vampnemia. He proudly wore her bite mark and demonstrated his devotion every single day.
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uloelu · 11 months ago
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Location: Lakeside Lagoon, Newcrest
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(transcript under the cut)
Episode 3 | Previous | Next
Here it is! As stated before, episodes 3-5 are a bit shorter than usual, but only because I'm in the process of planning a huge slate of parties, plot-changing events, etc. for summer break. No additional parts to this episode, so I'll be back with episode 5 as soon as I can.
If you haven't seen it, I made a post yesterday about my future plans for this series. Link is here!
Copperdale Records lot created by @softerhaze: link here
Episode 4: Mark Collins
Scene 1 - Newcrest
(starts with a boy walking a dog)
Meet Mark. (And Archimedes.)
Mark’s a first-semester senior at Copperdale High, scheduled to graduate early in the winter.
These are his parents, Drs. Whitney and Landon Collins. They’re both esteemed mathematics professors at the Foxbury Institute.
And Marissa, his nearsighted little sister, who’s a sophomore and currently freaking out.
Marissa (examining an acne breakout in the mirror): How am I supposed to show my face at school today? (phone rings) Ooh, Rani’s calling!
Like her parents, Marissa is a math (and science) genius. She’s also a cello prodigy and an outstanding painter. Mark never stops hearing people praise her many talents.
Scene 2 - Copperdale High
Compared to them, Mark’s more like your typical teenage boy. He’s a science whiz, sure. But he’s not Marissa trying to collect skills like infinity stones, or his parents earning PhDs by 25.
He likes to chill with his friends after school, suck face with his sweetheart before it, and just in general enjoy life as a 17-year-old boy.
Don’t believe me? Here he is at lunchtime, grabbing a bite to eat in the cafeteria.
Let’s pretend he hasn’t decided to dine with the principal today.
Ah, he’s moved to sit with Sofia Bjergsen. Finally.
[How cute! Some freshmen are getting lunch with their teacher. They look like babies!]
(cut to Copperdale students eating lunch together)
Social cliques are loosening up as we creep towards summer break. There’s camaraderie to be found in being tired of school, it seems.
Scene 3 - Dog Park, Brindleton Bay
After classes and extracurriculars, Mark and his sister like to take Archimedes to the dog park.
Here’s Marissa feeding a stray. She’d love to have another dog in their home, but her father’s sensitive constitution can barely handle the one they already have.
Let’s listen in on their conversation.
Marissa: You okay? You’ve been quiet all afternoon.
Mark (frowning): Yeah...actually, no. I’m so tired of going to that physics prep class. I think it’s time I put my foot down and tell Mom and Dad that I want to study music in college.
Marissa: You know what they’ll say about that—
Mark (rolls eyes): I know—
Marissa: “The hard sciences are the future. No one with any real life goals wastes their precious education on the humanities.”
Mark: What about you? Don’t you want to become an artist?
Marissa: Sure, maybe as a side job. But I like math, and I like what Mom and Dad do for work. I’m okay with art being just a hobby for now.
Mark (sighs): I wish I could be like you.
Scene 4 - Copperdale Records
(cut to a record store)
Music? Where did that come from?
Oh, right.
Copperdale Records, the hottest place for music lovers and alternative teens to hang out after school.
(Mark is mixing beats in a studio)
Our boy Mark sneaks here on his way home from the dog park (under the guise of studying with a friend, of course).
Fancies himself a producer, a musical jack-of-all-trades.
To be fair, he did teach himself how to mix beats, edit tracks, and play the guitar, piano, and bass. What can I say? The kid knows what he wants.
(cut to Mark strumming an electric guitar)
And as he tests out the newest six-string in the shop, I wish him the best of luck. He’s sorely going to need it.
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kusin-tisdag · 3 months ago
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King Coombes-Moon (3) - Octavia Moon (58) - Donna Coombes (35) - Orange Bailey-Moon (38)
After the divorce to Thorne Bailey, Octavia had to focus on her teenage son and her career. She has to say, both turned out well!
Donna had gotten a bit of a shock when she realized that Judith Ward was her maternal grandmother. Eventually, she had decided to visit the older woman. And in doing so she ran into her neighbor, Orange.
Now, eight years later they are married and with the help of Octavia raising their son King.
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Octavia Moon
That divorce from Thorne all those years ago had been hard. Of course personally, but her main focus had been on Orange - and on her career.
It had gotten obvious that without Octavia, Thorne just didn't have what it took. And it was getting apparent to the public at the same time as rumors about their marriage started to spread and when that image of him and Venessa got out... oh lord.
Of course Octavia was angry, upset and mourned her marriage - but she pretty quickly realized not to waste much energy on her quickly-made-ex-husband.
Instead, she focused on her son. And to find someone who could write music to her lyrics. She found that in Sofia Bjergsen, who had initally been brought on to help create an album for Thorne (but he never recorded it). Together they have made many young artists happy and successful.
And then, Orange met Donna and started a family! Her son has never aspired for fame and Octavia is very happy he let her stay with him and be close to her grandson.
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Orange Bailey-Moon
His parents' divorce hit Orange hard. He has never aspired to the famous lifestyle, the parties or meeting all those people - and he couldn't understand why his father didn't want to stay. They had a happy home, hadn't they?
One thing that was good with Dad leaving was that mum finally allowed Orange to stay home when there was yet another red carpet to go to, or a celebrity party.
Orange was in his late teens when it all happened. By then he was old enough to find his own thing and eventually start working. But what to do in Del Sol Valley? Well, Orange learned how to create music. He loved being in the studio with mum, Sofia Bjergsen and their latest artist.
He met Donna by chance. She was visiting her grandmother and was out walking. They started talking and she was just so nice. So normal. Her life in Copperdale seemed like a dream. did people really live like that?
Now, Orange and Donna has a family of their own and Orange hopes to be a better father to King than his own dad ever was.
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Donna Coombes
Learning that your biological grandmother is the Judith Ward? A bit of a shock, honestly.
Donna's mum didn't want any contact with her biological mum and Donna can respect that. But Donna? Initially she respected her mother's wish, but then decided that it was ok for her to want a relationship with Judith. Eight years ago, Donna went to visit Judith.
Oh, it was very awkward initially. And it still is, partly. It has gotten easier over the years, especially now that Donna live close but have her own life her in Del Sol Valley.
Falling for the shy but adorable Orange wasn't something she had planned. But it turned out to be the best thing! He loves to create a family home for her and their son, and Donna gets to focus on creating music with her mother-in-law, but also to have her own side-projects. Donna loves programming and she is currently working on a few to help with the music productions.
But now she has to prepare to go over to Judith's for her party! And say goodnight to King, who is staying home with his grandmother and Orange.
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King Coombes-Moon
This one is surrounded by love and care. But he has his negative sides and can be a bit mean to other children. Definitely something his parents, and grandmother, will have to keep an eye out for!
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gnattyplayssims · 1 year ago
1955 Pt1 - Reunion
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"Bro this place is a mess! When was the last time you did the laundry?"
"Uh...I don't remember."
"Seriously how are we even friends?"
"Cause I'm clingy?"
"Something like that. Can you believe we're about to be YA's"
"Finally! Feels like we've been stuck as teens!"
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"How are you so good at this!?"
"It takes practice. My dad's a Master and he used to take me all the time when I was younger."
"I think I'll stick to cows and chickens."
"How are things out in the Bramblewood? You ask Pen out yet or are you still planning your perfect moment?"
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"Whatever man these things take time to get em right. What about your aunt and uncle how are the twins?"
"They're fine. They're not babies anymore. I think my uncle already misses the infant stage."
"Ha I can't wait to have some of my own."
"You have to ask Penelope out first"
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"Yeah yeah! We all know you don't like kids."
"It's not that I don't like them, I just...I don't know I'm different. I don't think I'll ever settle down like you and Nik will. Kids are fine but marriage? I don't think it's for me."
"If you say so. Hey I'm sick of fishing."
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"My mom called this morning...Sofia's coming home. I guess I have a niece now."
"I hope she's not as much trouble as the twins. I can't believe your aunts having another set!"
"Do you think it'll be okay for her in Copperdale...if he's still there?"
"I'm sure it'll be fine!"
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The trees were in full bloom as Sofia and Jamal arrived in Copperdale. Ava was in awe of all the green!
Anabelle ran down the stairs when they arrived, tears in her eyes "I can't believe you're home!" She went in for a hug but Sofia pulled back. "Oh right um...this must be Ava!"
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Ava glared up at the strange woman and withdrew as her grandmother came down to embrace her. "It's okay sweetie, I'm your grandma."
"NO! No hugs!"
"MOM! Don't force her! You're scaring her!"
Ava was crying and hid behind Jamal who patted her head comfortingly.
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Sofia introduced her "boyfriend" and no one noticed when Ava toddled away
"Where's Ava!? She was just here! Jamal?!"
"Hey relax, she's in a safe place, I'm sure she just went in another room."
"She's probably in the living room giving your father a hard time."
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Ava had gone through the door and got lost. "Hey there little one."
"No hugs!"
Kye laughed, "Okay no hugs. I'm grampa what's your name?"
"Ava, that's a very pretty name for a very pretty young lady"
Ava quickly warmed to her grampa's kind words and gave a little wave.
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Ava liked to talk and Hezekiah was amused by her barely understandable babble. "Why you chair wheels?"
"Because my legs don't work like yours do. I need a chair with wheels so I can move around. You walk and I roll."
"Walk and roll!"
"Yep and soon I bet you'll be running."
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A song came on and Ava brightened and clapped her hands. "You want to come up here and listen?" Ava nodded and Kye pulled her onto his lap.
"I found her. I told you she just went through the door."
"Ah there's your mommy. Why don't you go see what gramma has in the kitchen."
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As soon as Jamal and Anabelle left the room, Hezekiah's face fell. "She's beautiful, Sofie. I was so scared for you and I took that fear out on you. I knew you'd be an amazing mother and I should have said that instead."
"I'm so sorry baby girl!"
"It's okay now."’
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"Are you okay?"
"I'm fine! I just want to move on. With you."
"So this is your room?"
"What gave it away?"
He pulled a book from the shelf. "Do you have the Chronicles of Rodiek?"
"I have it somewhere."
"I'd like to read it to Ava sometime."
"Oh I'll defintely look."
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After a long night of pretending that everything in Oasis Springs was perfect, it was time for bed. "I thought I saw the light on in here."
"I had a nightmare. Thought I might look for that book."
"Any luck."
"No. Maybe in a box somewhere. I'll find it."
"I know you will."
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"But now that you're here, maybe I found another distraction."
She brushed her thumb over his lip. "Don't do that, Baby. You know I'm trying to control myself."
"I don't want you to control yourself anymore."
"I need to. That was the whole point of coming here."
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She traced his jaw and his fingers traced the pulse point in her wrist. Her lips met his and he drew her closer. "You're cruel you know that?"
"It's not cruel if you let me satisfy you this time."
He moaned against her mouth, "Don't put this on me. I'm trying to give us space."
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"I don't want space anymore. I don't want anything between us." She pulled at this belt but he pulled her hands away even as he pinned her to the wall.
"I have to go back."
"Then give me something to remember while you're gone." He groaned desperately against her mouth.
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She pulled free of him and he leaned against the wall as she draped her legs around him, climbing higher until he'd had enough. She gasped as his mouth moved down her neck hungrily, sucking just enough that she couldn't contain her pleasure but without marking her as Don had.
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"Okay that's enough." He pushed her off breathing heavily and turned back toward the door.
She wrapped her arms around him. "Don't go." She gave him a fleeting kiss on the mouth, moving to his cheek and pressing his hand against the place of her need. "Please, Jam."
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He allowed her to pull him back and slide the door closed behind him, the darkness of the closet closing in around them. She pressed him back against the wall unfastening his pants. By the time her hand closed around him he knew he was done for. Don had trained her well.
1955 Pt2 - A Lavendar Field
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pixelnrd · 9 months ago
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The premier of Heather's cooking show was a family affair. Rather than watch with her producers and team, Heather wanted to watch the first episode at home with the people who mattered the most to her.
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The kids found it incredibly exciting, seeing their Mom on tv. Heather tried to be proud of herself and not cringe at the sound of her own voice. Jenny was full of encouragement, and yet awestruck and amazed at this new reality. Heather, a celebrity chef!
'I think I'm ready,' postualted Heather, as they celebrated. 'To finally open my own restaurant. I'm not going back to anyone elses kitchen. I need to ride this wave, while we have the publicity.'
'I think that's the best idea,' smiled Jenny. A cookbook, a career, a food stall, and now owning their own restaurant!
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Heather kept her new venture local, and opened a cheerful family-friendly restaurant in central Copperdale. 'Plates' was a cosy joint, with delicious yet familiar food that everyone could enjoy - yet with Heather's personal spin on the dishes.
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The opening night for the restaurant generated huge publicity, and the biggest names in town came to enjoy the fruits of Heather's labour. Jenny was there by her side, and Heather publicly credited Jenny to all the paparazzi as the woman by her side who had helped get her to this point in her life. After all, without Jenny - Heather would never have come out of her shell.
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satureja13 · 2 years ago
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Disclaimer: This is the whole (kind of short) story of Vlad, Ji Ho and Luci until now. ~ 7-8 scrolls with 12 pictures. (It's not as long as Jack and Kiyoshi's ^^') I felt the need to put everything in one place before we continue.
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Ji Ho and Vlad met on Ji Ho's first day at Choongang Highschool. Ji Ho was deeply traumatized from his past at the brothel on Sulani and Vlad was shocked because he fell in love with Ji Ho at first sight. He still was in grief over his first love Wesley, who got killed by their mentor Leander two years ago. And a curse lies on him: If Vlad ever loves again and is loved the same way back, they both will die. So Vlad hissed at Ji Ho and kept his distance to keep Ji Ho from falling in love with him. (Which was unneccesary. Due to his past, Ji Ho has no interest in 'such things' anyway). For Vlad it already was too late.
They could have been going on like this forever if Ji Ho hadn't been bitten by Genji.
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With this Genji claimed Ji Ho and Ji Ho left to live with Genji. Vlad and Saiwa tried to find a way to bring Ji Ho back home. They did, but the only possiblity is to claim Ji Ho back. Which could be deadly for Vlad. Mermaids blood is poisonous for vampires. But Vlad is determined to do anything for his beloved Ji Ho and so he risked it, challenged Genji for duel, drank from Ji Ho - and died. (That was also the first time Vlad drank real blood and so he developed a devouring bloodlust for Ji Ho's blood. Which lead to their separation until Vlad's death.)
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Vlad went to hell and back for Ji Ho. With his last life force, Vlad deleted the bond between Ji Ho and Genji and healed Ji Ho from his childhood trauma as good as he could.
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Ji Ho met Luci at the Diner de los Muertos, where they worked. Due to Ji Ho's terrible past, Ji Ho never was able to love someone and feels uncomfortable when someone touches him. This all changed with Luci. And after their time at the diner was over, Ji Ho took Luci with him to Copperdale.
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And after they removed their magical makeup, Ji Ho learned that Luci had been in Vlad's body! da da daaaaaa! This was a shock for Ji Ho and since Luci doesn't talk, they never found out what really happened. But Ji Ho loves Luci so much that he doesn't care that he looks like Vlad who was always so cold and distanced to him.
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And even though Ji Ho was aware that he would loose Luci, he agreed to do everything to bring Vlad back. So they went to the ocean to pull Vlad's soul out of hell, just like Ji Ho had seen in a strange prophetic dream... At first it seemed it hadn't worked and Ji Ho almost drowned, but a few days later... Vlad was back - and blind. And Luci was gone...
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They went with Vlad to the 'hospital' and 'the doctor' told them, Vlad would soon be able to see again when he spends time with his 'bonded' (Vlad claiming Ji Ho engaged a bond between them which became stronger after Vlad sacrificed his life to rescue Ji Ho and went to hell and back for him. The bond developed a life of it's own. All about the bond -> here) The doctor's concern was the bloodlust. He suggested Vlad and Ji Ho should 'tighten' the bond to stop it. Giving in to the bloodlust and drinking again from Ji Ho would surely kill Vlad - terminally.
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There was no way to avoid it. The bond already started to drain the life power from them and so they set up the 'Event on Winter Solstice' where Vlad and Ji Ho 'tightened' the bond. This made the Bond even more powerful. And the bloodlust was finally overcome and Vlad got his eyelight back.
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The bond was in awe - and demanded more. Vlad and Ji Ho felt drawn towards each other. They avoided it but it made them weak. So they started to 'charge' the bond. It wasn't easy to find a way for them to have the necessary physical contact since Ji Ho can't stand to be touched. So Ji Ho had the idea to give Vlad massages... (Since their first massage turned out a bit too 'hot' they decided to have Jack with them to keep an eye on them.) Vlad even let Luci take over his body a few times to make it easier for Ji Ho, but it was too dangerous. They feared Luci would keep Vlad from coming back to be with Ji Ho.
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When the Boys went back to the Lab to investigate and they got cought - the bond showed it's full potential: Ji Ho and Vlad were able to cast a teleportation spell! It has it's advantages to keep the bond happy. Vlad and Ji Ho are like Ying and Yang and so they have a different approach to the bond. Even though the bond earned the most power through Vlad's sacrifices (him dying and going through hell for Ji Ho - Vlad even healed Ji Ho from his trauma with his last life force), Ji Ho has the deeper connection to the bond and its needs. And both were able to sense the others feelings (which is helpful since they don't talk to each other) and Vlad even started to be able to locate Ji Ho. Which saved Ji Ho and Jack's life at Yamachan's Party'. There are a few ocassions where Ji Ho hugged Vlad (at Yamachan's Party and twice on New Years Eve) and where the danced together (70s Party and Beltane). All thanks to Luci.
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It's not easy for Vlad to endure that Ji Ho only loves Luci. But he loves him so much that he just wants to see him happy. After Vlad returned from hell, he dedicated his second life to Ji Ho. And for Ji Ho it's hard because he never can be with Luci. Luci 'told' Ji Ho twice (in their first dream at Belgraves and in the Mirror Hall) that he wants Ji Ho to be with Vlad. Which is breaking Ji Ho's heart because he thinks Luci is about to leave him. There is no way for Ji Ho to love anyone else than Luci.
To be continued...
From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest
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simgrump · 2 years ago
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❦ Szalinski Household, Day Sixty-Six ❦
Having spent the night out with friends the previous night, and hearing about it from her Mom when she finally did get home, Parker woke up early in the morning to do her homework before school. She couldn’t help but be a little distracted, enamored by the fact that she’d found a group of friends so quickly in Copperdale. 
Gen One || Legacy Page  
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