#finally done uploading… most of em
grayscale-maladies · 1 year
Ok last artfight post I prommy
Has anyone cared about this? Probably no. Will I post all of em till I’m done? Yes.
Anyways yea yea long post y’all know
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Starting off with @/frogic ‘s OC! Imitated the ref background a little cuz it fits her :3
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This Christmas vampire belongs to @/Ghostly_bird !! The concept caught my eye it’s so neat!!
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Probably one of my best pieces this year! This OC belongs to @/Mud_ , hope you enjoyed it as much as I did drawing it
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This one is for @/BelzeRock !! He likes cats and books, so I had to deliver
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This goes to @/clothbroth !! I did it pretty quick and it came out good :D
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The one for @bobyea-doodles ! She likes art so she’s making something jej
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This lovely Sonic oc belong to @simpalert ! This revenge gave me a chance to draw Sonic characters again, missed that lol
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This one if for @/lindoolez !! Included her husbands color palette on the background a little. Loved the revenge they did for me aaa
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This revenge is for @kelpiehunterkai , hopefully I was able to make the pattern properly!!
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And this last minute one was for my dear friend @/selachiibii !! He witnessed me drawing it and rushing lmao
And that’s it!!! Almost all of the attacks I did during ArtFight this year!! I’m missing 3, but those deserve a post of their own >;)
Big HUGE thanks to all who attacked me, I deeply treasure all of the drawings that I received this year.
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farleighlover · 3 months
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— “i always want you when i’m coming down.”
| farleigh start x fem!reader
w.c.: 2.1k
a/n: hello loves !!! i am SOOSOOSOSOSO sorry for not uploading in so long, i have been very busy this past month ! so sorry once more. i hope this makes up for it, i wrote the ending literally tonight, so i’m so sorry if it’s sloppy :(. i also did not know if phones in 2006 had voicemails so let’s roll with it and not question anything! anyway idk who ordered a yappuccino
— / part two. (part one here.)
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you’re in your english period, sitting where you usually sit. next to farleigh.
when farleigh finally enters at the last second and takes his seat next to you, you move. you can feel the confusion and his gaze on you as you find a seat next to a girl. she immediately lets you sit and holds out her hand for you to shake it. “hi! my name is ava. you’re the girl who farleigh cheated on, right?”
of course people mostly know you for your messed up relationship.
you sigh and smile a little before shaking her hand. “yeah, that’s me.” she nods while smiling. “moving away from farleigh when he just enters is definitely mean. good for you!” she’s energetic, shaking your hand with a firm grip and quick shakes. at least you know she’s confident. you chuckle dryly, “haha, i guess so.” she gives one quick smile before looking away when the professor starts class.
all throughout the class, you can feel farleigh’s stare burning into you. you take a quick glance at him. his expression is unreadable like always, although there’s hints of anger and frustration. you smile at yourself because you got a rise out of him, which you have never done before, shockingly. when class finishes, farleigh moves towards your seat but before he reaches it, you move and leave, leaving him there.
its been almost 2 weeks, another party arrives. farleigh has made no attempt on trying to get you back after that “inconvenience” and you haven’t either.
most times you just stay in and don’t go to the parties, but this time, you finally went. it felt a little freeing, going out yourself, not caring if you get drunk and high, all that sort.
you wore a black mini dress, showing your curves yet not too revealing. you haven’t wore this dress in forever. it felt… somewhat refreshing and relaxing.
you went with ruby, a small duo but you were going to get noticed throughout the party from how popular you were from your relationship. and all this attention led to farleigh staring at you.
he was in a table with felix and his group. you could hear their loud chatter and laughs all during the party, but not a familiar laugh, not farleigh’s laugh. you glanced over and saw farleigh staring directly at you before he quickly looked away. but all throughout the party, you could feel his piercing gaze on you.
ruby spied at farleigh for you. “oh yeah. it’s working.” you set your drink down. “what? it is-?” you almost turn around to look at him before ruby snapped her fingers in your face. “don’t look at him! you’re going to communicate to him with your eyes.” you rolled your eyes. “you can’t get enough of this “eye-talking” thing.” she scoffed. “oh whatever. you know i’m right.”
ruby kept her eyes peeled on farleigh, trying to act like a spy or like those cowboys in those bars who always have a shotgun on them. she picks out every “weird” detail about him, like how he spaces out a little or how it looks like he plays with his hair more than usual, although you know that that’s just how farleigh is.
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“and with these problems comes solutions, and i use ‘em, when i’m faded i forget, forget what you mean to me. hope you know what you mean to me.”
“he’s so high. jesuus…” she let out a giggle before trying to bite back a smile. ruby has always had a little crush on farleigh. even though it somewhat weirded you out, you knew multiple people had a crush on farleigh because he was popular. it was just something that happens. “it’s like… his eyes. they’re getting redder and redder. somebody get him a mirror.” as she continued laughing and picking insults at him, not as the “what the fuck is wrong with him”, but as “he’s so cute” kind. you couldn’t help but just blur out everything. partying isn’t fun anymore if it just meant spying on your ex and being around sweaty guys, trying to find an one night stand and failing. it was actually quite pitiful.
“oh my gosh.” ruby gasps, widening her eyes. you try to read her expression and sigh, rubbing your temples when you give up. “what now?”
“he’s flirting with another girl. and it’s serious.”
you clock your head to look at what’s happening, before ruby snaps her fingers in your face. you roll your eyes and groan. “who is it?”
“it’s that… ava girl.”
“ava? no fucking way it could be ava.” you thought. ava was… totally farleigh’s type in pure reality. a short, pretty blonde who’s hyper and flirty, and also known as a whore. she’s the type girl to list men as “hoe 1, hoe 2, and hoe 3” on her phone.
you didn’t expect farleigh to move on that fast, but at the same time, you somewhat did. farleigh has a dull type, letting anybody who caught his eye do whatever.
ruby studied, making disgusted faces and commenting also criticizing every move, before you had enough. “jesus christ, ruby. forget this, i’m going home.” ruby almost spits out her drink, sputtering as she tried to keep you sat down in your chair.
“okay, no. let’s think about this, how can we make farleigh jealous?” ruby thought, actually squinting her eyes and stroking her chin. you sigh and before you’re able to call off this an entire thing, she blurts out her idea. “what about to flirt with another guy? i know, i know. i’m so smart.” she flips her hair as you cringe a little.
the idea finally settles in your brain. “what? flirt with another guy?” ruby nods, slightly amused. you were thinking about how badly this could go. farleigh was always a little “protective” if you will, over things. but at the same time, farleigh was all bark and no bite. and you were drunk.
as you thought, ruby dragged you out of your chair. “c’mon! you can flirt with uhh…” her eyes roam around before it landed on felix. “felix! go flirt with him!” she pushed you a little closer to their booth. “what?!” you were a little startled at the thought. actually, horrified at the thought. what if felix totally rejected you in front of everybody, including farleigh? if that happened, you wouldn’t even know what to do! you would just crumple as you get laughed at and dissolve away. you shook your head. “you’re insane, ruby. i’m not doing that.”
she swatted her hand, trying to swatting your concerns away although it didn’t help. “nonsense, you only live once.” before you can do anything, she give you one final shove and now you’re right in front of everyone. felix, farleigh, god when did it get so hot in here?
you immediately glanced at her, seeing ruby cheer you on, giving you a smile and thumbs up. you scoff and roll your eyes before facing back to felix.
“fi,” you call, having a small grin on your face. it was a name you called felix sometimes which also, made farleigh extremely jealous because he wanted to be the only guy you gave a nickname to.
you gave out your hand to felix. “wanna dance?”
felix peers up and glances at farleigh and ava. as he looks, you also look. you see farleigh rolling his eyes and trying to play it off, but you know deep down he’s jealous.
felix decides farleigh has his girl, so he stands up and gives you a soft smile before taking your hand. “of course,” he brings your hand to his lips and gently kisses your chuckles. you smirk before walking and leading him away, giving farleigh one last glimpse. he looks angry and disrespected, but also hurt and powerless. you look at ruby as she gave you a smile and a cheer.
you led felix to the dance floor. not too far from farleigh so that he could watch every single move. you two did what regular college kids did. dance, flirt, make out a little, just whatever felt right in the moment. it made you feel a little bad for farleigh, but every time you thought of him, it immediately made you think about how he could just cheat on you with not a single regret. so you continued with your plan.
eventually the party died down, and felix said his goodbyes and how he had a fun time with a kiss on the forehead before leaving. after a little, you went to ruby.
“ohhhmagosh, you did amazing! i was so stressed out, but you did sososoososo well! did you see his reaction? he was totally…” ruby spoke a mile a minute. you tried to register her words, but only a few sentences stood out. “—he was looking at you so much, ava stood up and left! it was so funny, you should’ve saw the look on his face. and then he went somewhere… i don’t know, went and sat on a couch, just smoking and… he looked like he was waiting for someone? i don’t know, but he was thinking a lot.”
he was waiting for someone? you knew instantly what farleigh was doing. you and farleigh had this tradition that after everybody left, you two sat on this couch and just… talked. you two always did it after a party. no making out, no sex, no nothing. just talking. nobody ever knew you two did this, not even felix or ruby. it was a secret between you two and you two only.
you felt a pang of guilt. this was farleigh’s way of getting you back. he would never go up to you in front of everybody and ask you back, especially after you danced with felix. his pride would never allow that.
you swatted your hand in the air, sweeping it under the rug even though you still felt bad. “ruby, it’s getting late. we should go to sleep.” ruby nodded before yawning. “yeah okay… good job girl! you stood your ground!” she smiled and gave you a high five. you chuckled, the corners of your lips tugging to a smile.
“thank you, ruby. now let’s go back to the dorms, okay?” she nodded yes. she looked like she was going to pass out. as you two took your leave, you glanced at farleigh, both of you meeting eyes. his expression was unreadable like always, but also somewhat pleading. you felt yourself get a little remorseful, but you played it off by scoffing and looking away.
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“(pick up your phone), the party’s finished and i want you to know, (i’m all alone), i’m feeling everything before i got up.”
you don’t know how long farleigh sat on that couch. it was on your mind throughout the night. you ignored text messages of him asking and actually begging you to talk to him, until you heard your phone ringing. you flipped it open, seeing a call from farleigh. ruby told you to just let it ring and go to voicemail, which you did. it wasn’t soon before a voicemail from farleigh appeared on your phone. you took in a breath before listening to it.
“jesus christ… hey. you could at least answer my calls or something.” farleigh sighed and groaned quietly. “listen, i’m sorry okay? is that what you wanted to hear? making me watch you get with felix and everything…” he scoffed and paused for a little before continuing, sighing once more. “baby, i’m sorry.” his voice a little more apologetic and genuine. “you know i love you, i just— forget things when i get high. can we— can we just talk? please? like before? i just… i miss you. please call me back when you get this, i love you.”
you felt yourself feel a little sad at farleigh’s words, but at the same time you knew if you went back to him now, he’ll do the same thing all over. you’ve been trying to get farleigh to quit and every time he fails, no matter what. you have had enough of his bullshit.
throughout the night, you kept receiving more calls from farleigh and in each one was him getting more desperate. he sounded like he was on the brink of tears at some point. you lost count how many he sent awhile ago. eventually, he stopped calling when he realized you weren’t going to accept his apology. on his last voicemail, he muttered,
“i always want you when i’m coming down.”
.. taglist: @fuckshitslover @themoonchildwhofell @khxna @flipsconhelado @nataliesfirefly
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berryhobii · 11 months
Down Bad(pjm x reader)
Pairing: fuckboy!Park Jimin x fuckgirl!black!female!reader
Word Count: 8.6K+
Warnings: Smut(18+ but I don’t control what you consume), drinking, assault(throwing things at someone), mentions of objectifying women, mentions of STD tests(everyone’s clean), drinking alcohol(nothing explicit), kind of homie hopping but not really, mentions of previous partners, mentions of dom/sub relationships, reader’s low key a dom🫣, reader’s also bisexual😝, reader’s got that WAP and NyQuil 😺, talks of safe words(comfort and consent are sexy!), oral(m and f receiving), face sitting, unprotected sex(wrap it please), multiple orgasms(m receiving, mentions of f receiving), reverse cowgirl
A/N: Hi babies! I’m back! I recently started a new job so I’ve been kind of focused on that but I’m pretty much finished with a lot of my works. All I have to do his proofread some things and I’ll upload a few things at once. In this work, I described reader as dark skinned. Reader also has a 36 inch buss down middle part😝😝i always see so many stories of the men being hit ‘em and quit them types so I thought it’d be refreshing to make the reader like that instead. This is my first time writing a character like this so I hope you enjoy. Please tell me what you think. This will have a Part 2 as well! I hope you like this. Criticism is greatly appreciated! Stay safe🩵🩵🩵
Yawns and whines sounded from his bed, the body that’s been warming it for the past few hours finally rising from the post coital sleep caused by multiple rounds of intense and rough sex.
The sun wasn’t even up yet, the moon still shining overhead.
“Oh you’re awake?” A voice asked.
The woman’s sleep fuzzed eyes blinked a few times to clear her blurry vision, sights settling on the lean back of the man who just rocked her world hours before.
She sleepily smiled, lifting her tired body from the mattress. The blankets fell, revealing her naked body which had been littered with marks and bruises from his mouth and hands.
Draping her arms over his shoulders, she pressed a few kisses to his shoulder. “It’s still dark out. Why are you awake?”
His head turned slightly to look at her. She was pretty, not really his type but easy on the eyes. Now with messy hair and her makeup smudged, he was starting to think she was only really pretty when done up.
“I never went to sleep.”
Her warm cheek rubbed against his skin before she lulled in low and suggestive tone, “Ready for another round?”
He scoffed a laugh, shaking himself from her hold and standing to his feet. “Nah but your Uber is less than 5 minutes away. You better get dressed.”
Her mouth dropped in shock, sputtering out a, “w-what? What are you talking about?”
He picked her dress and underwear up off the ground before tossing them on the bed.
“I meant what I said. Beat it. I have to go to sleep before work later.” He quipped dismissively with a yawn.
Her hands gathered up the blankets, holding them to her chest, hot shame and embarrassment burning at her cheeks. Whereas his gaze initially made her feel sexy and wanted, now his sharp eyes just made her feel dirty and used. Like some $2 whore.
He rolled his eyes, already growing irritated. His phone chimed and he held it up, seeing the Uber was just a minute away.
“Come on. Your Uber is about to pull up. I didn’t know where your house was so I just put in the bar where we met. Is that cool?”
Suddenly, a pillow whacked him in the face with enough force that it actually made him stumble back. Wait a second……what did she say her dad did? Huh, he could barely remember her name, much less what she was talking about in the bar. Truthfully, he didn’t talk her up much before getting her to come home with him. She was easier than most.
He didn’t have too much time to dwell on it before multiple projectiles were firing at him.
“Hey! Hey! Stop!”
He held up his arms to protect his head, sucking and dodging all of the things she flung at him. It didn’t do much, however, since almost every item was hitting him. Damn she had good aim.
“You asshole! You fuck me and then put me out?! Did your mother not teach you any fucking manners?!” Gratefully, she ran out of things to throw.
He huffed, rubbing his side where his fake potted plant had hit him. “You’re insane. Look at how you trashed my room.”
She growled as she pulled her clothes on, grabbing her phone and purse before stomping out in a huff.
“Screw you, Park Jimin! I hope your dick falls off!” She spat in disgust, slamming his door hard enough to shake the walls.
Pfft, whatever.
Park Jimin was a certified womanizer and connoisseur of the primal pleasures. His body count was probably higher than college kids on 4/20. To some, that might seem gross and irresponsible. Who can have that much sex with that many people? And to that, Jimin said ‘be jealous’. Jimin prided himself on safe and consensual sex at all times. Well, there were a few women who he’s braved unprotected for but he always made sure they were clean and got them Plan B’s afterwards!
To ensure no strings attached sex, Jimin had 3 main rules he followed.
1. Never go over the woman’s house.
2. Never sleep over
3. Never sleep with someone twice
These 3 rules are what kept Jimin a well oiled machine. It’s also what kept girls from getting too attached and sending mixed messages. He wasn’t looking for any kind of relationship or anything long term; just sex and that’s it.
And he planned on keeping it that way.
Jimin flopped down on his friend’s couch, groaning from his still aching side. A light bruise had already purpled there but thankfully nothing was broken.
He sluggishly pushed himself through work, those pain patches doing nothing to alleviate his pain.
“Fuck, my side is killing me.”
“I will never understand why you treat women like that. Didn’t another girl post your STD results on Instagram a few years ago?” His best friend since childhood, Taehyung remembered.
Ah yes, that incident.
To sum it up, a girl he slept with some years back had requested his STD results. Normal enough, right? Safety first and whatnot. After hitting it and quitting it, he thought he’d never see the girl again. Everything was quiet until he was tagged in a post showing his results along with a lengthy caption calling him a pig and multiple variations of the word ‘slut’ that he’s never even heard of.
And if that wasn’t bad, almost every woman he’s slept with spawned under that post like white girls to pumpkin spice. Fortunately, it didn’t go viral(673 comments doesn’t count, right?) and Jimin sort of forgot about it.
From that moment on, he never gave out any of his contact information and he kept his STD results in his wallet. So far, everything’s been going well.
Well, until last night.
“It’s fine. She got in the Uber and hopefully she got home okay.”
Taehyung’s eyes widened and his mouth dropped open in shock. “You didn’t get her an Uber home? At 3AM? Do you know how dangerous that is?” He gasped, following in the woman’s footsteps and throwing a pillow at Jimin but with not nearly as much force.
Jimin blocked the pillow before continuing, “I’d rather not know where she stays so I can avoid ever walking by. She had the arm of a baseball player.” Suddenly it clicked! Jimin snapped his fingers in jubilation, memory coming back. “That’s it! Her father’s a baseball player. That’s what she said.”
Taehyung slapped his forehead dramatically. “You’re ridiculous. You know, one day you’re gonna meet someone who will give you your just desserts.”
The middle finger was thrown up in Taehyung’s direction.
As if that would ever happen.
Jimin’s pain had faded by the weekend which meant it was time to party!
If only he had a party to attend. He was avoiding his favorite bar—not out of fear of seeing that strong armed girl again! Of course not!
So he decided to tag along with Jungkook and Jungkook’s college friends to another bar. He also convinced Taehyung to take a break from being a moody misunderstood artist.
Drinks were flowing and the sweet tail in this bar was catching Jimin’s eye. He could already spot at least 4 women that fit his standards. If everything went well, he’d be out of the bar and on his way home with someone on his arm within an hour.
“Let’s get some shots.” Jungkook offered to which the others nodded in agreement. While he turned to do that, Jimin started surveying the bar again. Taehyung must have noticed because he nudged him.
“You’re not thinking of which girl to take home, are you? Did you not learn from that baseball player’s daughter?” Taehyung sighed exasperated. He loved Jimin but goodness he could be an idiot. The shots arrived at that time and Jimin downed his. He didn’t really need liquid courage to loosen him up but it still helped.
Jimin shrugged his shoulder. “Stop worrying so much. Bathroom quickies are my specialty.”
Taehyung rolled his eyes, muttering, “but somehow learning from your mistakes isn’t.”
Ignoring the jab, Jimin resumed his scan of the bar, making eye contact with a pretty girl across the way. Her eyes widened at being caught, quickly averting her gaze and looking at her drink as if it was the most interesting thing ever.
He smirked. Perfect. Shy ones are always the best.
Just as he was about to move to approach her, she was tapped on the shoulder by another girl by her side. They moved away from their spot on the bar and Jimin was met with a sight so mouth watering that he had to pinch himself to make sure he wasn’t dreaming.
A woman was leaned over the bar counter, thick glossed lips sucking at a straw in a fruity colored drink. His eyes followed the curve of your back, over the swell of your ass in that dress—thick luscious legs that looked miles long in your strappy platforms and white toenail polish! Your hair was long and dark, falling over your back like an onyx curtain.
Damn. You were sexy as hell.
“Hey look, it’s Yoongi hyung.” Jungkook noticed, pointing in the direction of their friend.
Jimin and the others watched as Yoongi crossed the bar……straight to you.
Yoongi leaned against the bar next to you, your eyes sparkling at the sight of a familiar face.
It’s moments like these Jimin wishes he could read lips. What were you two talking about? Did Yoongi know you personally or was this your first time meeting him? If Yoongi did know you, were you two just friends or currently on the pathway to dating? Contrary to his demeanor and face, Yoongi was actually very social and made friends easily. He was also just as smooth as Jimin when it came to bringing people home. Would Yoongi get you first?
After stalking watching you for a while longer, you two seemed to bid each other farewell before Yoongi walked away.
Jungkook held up his hand to catch his attention. “Yoongi hyung! Over here!”
The cat like man’s gaze flickered over to the small group, a little smile on his face as he approached.
Once he got close enough, he greeted everyone with waves and bro hugs. “What’s up? I didn’t know you guys would be here tonight.”
Jungkook nodded. “There’s a deal on Long Islands. What are you doing here? Normally college kids come to this bar.”
Yoongi’s eyes scanned the crowd. “I’m Hoseok and Seokjin’s designated driver. Some girl Hoseok’s dating goes here.” He informed with a shrug.
Ah. That made sense. Hoseok was kind of a stuck drunk and while Seokjin was a good drinker, he still didn’t like driving under the influence. And Uber’s were off the table as well.
“Me? Get in a stranger’s car? Preposterous.”
So that left Yoongi as designated driver.
But enough about their wacky friends. Jimin had bigger things to worry about, like your ass.
“Hyung, who is that girl you were just talking to?”
Yoongi raised an eyebrow, turning for a moment to look at you before facing Jimin again.
“Oh, y/n? She’s a student here. She’s getting her Master’s.” Yoongi answered.
Jimin hummed. “And are you two…..?” He trailed off, gesticulating his hands in a weird way.
Yoongi frowned. “Are we what?”
“He wants to know if you two are together before he goes and tries to fuck her.” Taehyung finished for them since he couldn’t bear this dumb game. “Please tell me she does professional kickboxing.”
Jimin pushed his catty friend. “Stop it.”
Yoongi’s mouth opened in a little ‘ah’. “No, nothing like that. y/n doesn’t date. Trust me, I tried.” He sighed, a little dreamily and defeated.
That was interesting. Not really that you rejected Yoongi but the fact that you didn’t date. It honestly shocked Jimin a little. You were smoking hot. How could someone like you not have a partner? Did you have a bad personality? Were you clingy? Were you just hot but also dumb? Hmm.
Eh. He didn’t care too much about that. You were single and attractive. That was good enough for him.
Fixing his hair and straightening his leather jacket, he was about to take a step but Yoongi’s hand on his chest stopped him.
“Hold up, man. I wouldn’t go after her.”
Jimin scoffed. “And why not? Just because you can’t get her doesn’t mean I can’t.”
The incredibly petty part of Yoongi wanted to just let Jimin go but he couldn’t, in good conscience, just let Jimin approach you unprepared.
“That’s not what I meant. I’ve never dated y/n but I have slept with her before.”
Wow, that was information he wasn’t ready for. Even Taehyung and Jungkook made noises of surprise.
“And what? Is she not good? Does she smell?” Jimin questioned, concern actually starting to eat at his tummy. Call him shallow and uneducated but Jimin didn’t venture near any pussy that didn’t appeal to his sensitive nose and delicate pallet. Perhaps you were just eye candy. Well, a blowjob would still count as a successful endeavor.
Yoongi shook his head. “No, of course not. The thing is, she’s the best I’ve ever had and I’m not joking. Like she’s so good that I still think about it and it happened over a year ago.”
“Pfft. That’s it? Whatever, hyung.” Jimin shook Yoongi’s hand off before strutting his way over to you.
Yoongi sighed dejectedly. “He has no idea what he’s walking into.”
You were about ready to wrap up your night. You really just came out for a drink and to spend time with your friends but they had left a little while ago to definitely have a foursome with these 2 guys. They asked if you wanted to join but you didn’t think you were that comfortable seeing your best friend’s vaginas. Well, willingly. You were a girl’s girl through and through but not like that.
Just as you sucked down the last of your drink, a presence settled on your side. At first you thought it was just another patron trying to get a drink but then a sugar sweet voice floated over into your ears.
“Can I buy you another drink?”
You looked to your right, finding a very handsome man leaning against the counter. He was very handsome but also pretty in a kind of graceful way. He wasn’t the type you often went after but you didn’t discriminate.
You leaned your cheek against the back of your hand. “I don’t accept drinks from strangers.” You disclosed.
Jimin felt his eyebrow twitch slightly but he couldn’t deny the slight rush your nonchalant tone gave him. You wouldn’t be easy and he liked it.
He sniffed. “You accepted one from the bartender. He’s a stranger.” He fired back matter of factly.
Ah, you could see now. He wasn’t the type to back down. Interesting. Maybe you would play along.
Your smirk sent a shiver down his spine. “He’s not a stranger. I know him inside and out.”
At that moment, the bartender came over to retrieve your empty glass. When you met his eyes, a red blush painted his skin from his cheeks to his neck.
Reaching into your purse, you pulled out a bill to tip him. “Thanks, baby. It was delicious.” You complimented, a sultry tone in your voice that spread that blush even further.
He shyly smiled, eyes flickering around. “Y-you’re welcome….” He grabbed your glass and you took the opportunity to run the tips of your stiletto nails up the back of his hand. He shivered at the touch, almost dropping the glass but managing to keep it from falling. He bowed at you, thanking you for the tip before scurrying over to the other side of the bar to tend to other customers.
Jimin’s jaw had yet to return to its original state. There was no way he just witnessed that. It’s obvious that you and that bartender had something going on; something crazy judging by how almost submissive the man acted just by being in your presence.
Was Yoongi right about you?
You flickered your eyes over to the new stranger, reaching out to tap at his chin.
“Your jaw will ache if you do that. Or do you like that sort of thing?”
Jimin snapped his mouth shut, your chuckle bringing heat to the tips of his ears but he forced it down.
“Oh so is the bartender your boyfriend or something?” He tried to passively ask but you could see right through him.
“Nope. I don’t have a boyfriend. Or a girlfriend. I used to though.”
He raised an eyebrow. “You used to have a boyfriend?”
You shook your head. “Nope, a girlfriend but we had to go our separate ways. She had a great rack too.” You reminisced with a sigh.
Were you fucking for real? Jimin didn’t give a damn about your ex girlfriend but he’d be lying if he said you hinting at being bisexual wasn’t sexy as hell.
He cleared his throat. “Well uh, I’m Jimin.”
You hummed but didn’t make a move to introduce yourself and that kind of pissed him off.
“Aren’t you gonna tell me your name?”
You swept your hair over your back, the scent of your perfume and whatever else you used in your hair invading his senses.
“Do I need to?” You drawled sassily.
He swallowed. Fuck you were pissing him off.
Luckily for him, Yoongi already told him your name so ha!
“I guess not, y/n.” He smirked.
You tilted your head. Ha! Gotcha! You weren’t so clever!
Then you smiled and it sent Jimin’s stomach in a whirl.
Your eyes sparkled with mischief. Jimin was very amusing to you. You couldn’t wait to break him.
You leaned closer to him, so close that your lips were almost touching. His breath got caught in his throat, eyes flickering back and forth between your irises.
What was this feeling? Jimin hasn’t felt like this sense his last big audition. His stomach was turning, nausea bringing that last drink he had right to the base of his throat, and his palms felt like all the water in his body had populated to his hands.
“That was cute.” Your eyes flickered from his eyes to his lips. “But it doesn’t matter if you know my name or not….”
Don’t ask why. Don’t ask why.
You smirked, hand lifting to ghost over the side of his throat, your nails scratched lightly over his pulse point. He thickly swallowed, throat feeling tight and dry all of a sudden.
“Because your mouth will be too preoccupied.”
Damn. You were good. Too good.
While he was mimicking a fish out of water, you dug around your purse for your keys before saying, “let’s get out of here. Do you need to tell your friends where you’re going?”
It took him a second to process what you had said but when he did, he shook his head.
“No. Why would I need to tell them?”
You shrugged. “Just to be safe. If something happens or they need you, they should know.”
He raised an eyebrow in a suspicious look. “Are you gonna rob me or something?”
You chuckled but he didn’t find anything amusing. “Of course not. Let’s just go then.”
Rule Number 1 was broken the moment he step foot in your apartment.
Similar to your outward appearance, your apartment was very cool and modern; cool tones of gray and blues complimented one another across all of your furniture and decorations.
You noticed how he was looking around at everything. “Did you want a tour?”
He flinched a little at you speaking. “No. We can just go to the bedroom.”
You eyed him for a brief moment but shrugged your shoulder and led him down the hall to your bedroom.
You didn’t turn on the lights when you entered your bedroom, instead traversing through the dark to find the remote to your LED lights. The room lit up in a bright purple, enough so that he could see clearly but it wasn’t overwhelming to ruin the mood.
He didn’t take time to look around this time, moving to remove his jacket and lay it across your vanity stool. You had taken a seat on the bed, hands working to untie the strings of your platforms.
“So, should we talk about boundaries and safe words?”
You were really making his brain buffer, like bad wifi connection.
“Safe words? Isn’t that only for like extreme stuff? Like BDSM?”
You were also constantly pissing him off with those little mocking chuckles.
“Normally yes but safe words are really just to gauge comfort and discomfort so if either of us don’t like something, we can have an easy way of communicating.” You explained simply, tossing your shoes to the side and working on the strings that held your dress together on either side.
The way you spoke so simply and confidently caused yet another weird feeling to flutter in Jimin’s chest. That was happening often with you.
“Uh….I don’t think that’s necessary.”
You paused in your disrobing(damn it) to look up at him. “Are you sure? The color system is pretty simple. This is our first sleeping together so we should both be comfortable.”
He’s never had to think about stuff like that before. This was just a one night stand. Why were you so worried about comfort and safe words? He just wanted to get his nut and go.
Holding in an aggravated sigh, he nodded. “Sure. Color system. Red, yellow, green. Perfect.”
If you noticed his tone, you didn’t say anything. Instead finally finally removing your dress and Jimin got to witness the glory that was your body and hot damn.
From your mocha dusted nipples to the intricate tattoo that rested just between your breasts, all the way down your meaty thighs and your clothed pussy that was barely covered by the thong you wore.
“Come here.” You beckoned with a finger. “Lie down.”
Your voice seemed to control his body, his feet moving forward to sit on the bed next to you. Immediately, you were in his space, climbing on top of him to push him down on the mattress.
Your hair fell forward over your shoulder, falling into his face, tickling his nose and getting in his mouth.
You giggled at his sputtering. “Sorry. Hold on.” You reached over to your nightstand to grab a large claw clip to get your hair out of your face.
With that done, you leaned down to capture his pillowy lips in a kiss. Honestly, you’ve been waiting to kiss him since he approached you at the bar. Something about those Bratz doll lips were so appetizing.
And they didn’t disappoint.
Jimin’s hands gravitated to your ass, gripping two handfuls and god bless, it was just as amazing as he imagined.
Your lips worked in tandem against one another. Jimin was caught up in the wonderful globes of fat blessing his palms, hands pushing you to start humping against his straining erection. You sighed as your clit bumped against the zipper cover of his jeans.
You tilted your head more to deepen the kiss, his mouth opening to let your tongues meet. He hummed at the taste of the fruity alcohol and the minty gum you chewed in the car.
Licking at his tongue, you sucked it between your lips, surprisingly pulling a moan from Jimin. Noted.
It honestly shocked him as well. He’s never felt this turned on just from a little kissing and dry humping. Hell, he hardly kissed any of his sexual partners. Maybe a little here and there but never full on making out like he was doing now.
And he hated to say it but he wanted more.
You must have noticed how he relaxed into the kiss because you pulled away to get a good look at his face—ears tipped red and puffs of breath coming from his plump lips that were shiny with your gloss.
“Do you want to tell me a color?”
Ah that. He almost forgot but he guessed he’d entertain it. “Green I guess.”
You hummed a “good”, pecking his lips once more before moving to his throat. Your hands went to start on the buttons of his shirt as you nipped and sucked at his pulse point. He stifled another moan when you bit the skin at his collarbone, trailing down to kiss over his chest.
He thought you were about to go straight for his cock, only to be shocked when he felt your tongue run over his nipple.
He jumped at the sensation, head craning to look down at you. “W-what are you doing?”
Your eyes glanced up at him. “Oh sorry. Do you not like your nipples touched?” You sounded honestly apologetic.
He felt weird. That felt weird but not necessarily bad. Fuck, what was happening to him?
“It’s just weird.” He simply said.
“Okay. I won’t do it again. Thanks for being honest.” There’s that feeling again.
Moving past his chest, you worked on his belt and the button of his jeans. He helped you get them down his legs, also removing his shirt in the process.
Once he was lying back down, you got comfortable between his legs. You kissed around his belly button, his abs contracting from the ticklish feeling. Gripping the band of his briefs, you pulled them down and off his legs, his cock jumping out and slapping against his tummy.
He sighed when your warm palm encased his throbbing erection, shivering as your breath puffed over his slick cockhead.
“Ready?” You asked.
He scoffed. Why did you ask him like that? Like a warning almost.
There was that smirk again. You were gonna enjoy this.
Kissing his tip, you licked a wide stripes up his shaft, going all around the circumference of his cock with your sinful tongue. His leg twitched a little at your calculated ministrations, suddenly feeling hot all over despite you just starting.
Once you deemed him licked enough, you took his tip into your mouth, gathering saliva in your mouth to drip down his cock. With that extra lubrication, you began pumping his shaft, tandem sucking at his tip. His hips buck up involuntarily, wanting to feel more of your warm mouth around him.
Your eyes were focused on his face, always watching to make sure he was comfortable but also, you loved seeing his reaction. His own eyes were squeezed shut, hands balled up at his side and lip pulled between his teeth hard enough to bleed.
Mmm. Easy work. Time to up the ante.
Jimin felt your mouth come off of him, the cold air brushing over his spit slicked cock. He let out a breath but that was short lived because all of a sudden, both of your hands were gripping his cock.
He barely had time to lift his head before it was crashing back against your pillows because you started going absolutely ballistic.
Both hands began twisting and squeezing at his shaft, your mouth back on his tip creating an air tight vacuum seal. As your hands moved, your head bobbed up and down on what your hands couldn’t reach.
Jimin’s back arched hard enough to hurt, mouth dropping open in a silent scream. You were like a woman possessed, not even the Warren’s would be able to cleanse you. Loud slurping and sucking noises bounced off the walls, filling his ears and spurring him towards an orgasm faster than it takes Azaelia Banks to embarrass herself.
If your mouth wasn’t full of cock, you would have smirked from his reaction. He couldn’t stop moving, knees lifting and falling back against the bed and bumping into you a few times, head restlessly tossing side to side against the pillows. His face and chest were flushed red, chest rising and falling as he struggled to breathe.
“Oh my god….” He breathed out, feeling closer to orgasm than ever.
Your hands moved from around his shaft and suddenly, you were taking him all the way down your throat, deep throating him like a god damn python. His hips bucked up again but your wet hands rested on either side of his pelvis to hold him down. You bobbed your head faster, sucking on every upstroke and laving your tongue against the vein that pulsed on the underside of his cock.
Jimin doesn’t think he’s ever felt so good in his life, especially not off head alone. It was like every nerve ending in his body was focused in his cock, your hot mouth pulling noises from him that he didn’t even know he could make.
Who the fuck were you? Who was he?
He was about to cum. He could feel it stirring and building in his lower belly, hotter than fire and ready to burst like a volcano.
Then you gripped his balls in one of your hands and gave them a light squeeze and the pearly gates were right there.
He let out a gasp, hands moving to try and stop you. He didn’t want to cum that fast and definitely not first. He always got the woman off first, at least twice before he finally came. And even that could take a while but you were about to wrench an orgasm from him in minutes. There was no way.
“W-w-wait….ah….I’m….” He stuttered, vocabulary suddenly becoming limited as his orgasm rose.
You could feel his cock throb in your mouth, balls drawing up in your palm. Taking him down your throat once again, his trimmed pubic hairs tickling your nose, you massaged his balls as if trying to force them to give you his cum.
Jimin’s brain struggled to remember that stupid safe word. He needed you to stop before the worst happened.
Alas, two harsh sucks and one more squeeze of his balls and he was ascending.
A moan so loud and drawn out that he didn’t even believe it was him came from his throat. Hot splashes of cum hit the back of your throat and you swallowed it down greedily.
Sensitivity began to prickle at Jimin’s spine and cock as you continued to fondle and suck at him.
“Yellow yellow yellow.” He gasped out and you immediately backed away.
He slumped against the mattress, inhaling deep breaths and trying to calm his racing heart. Tiredness began pulling at his eyelids and he felt like he could fall asleep at any moment but then a weight settled on his chest.
He cracked open his bleary eyes, not expecting to find your glistening folds just inches from his face. When did you remove your panties? Despite just emptying his balls, he could feel his cock twitch. Damn, could you not?
He looked up to see your sultry eyes staring down at him. He gulped down a block in his throat. He was not expecting this.
“I’ll acknowledge your refractory period but just because your cock is down for the count right now doesn’t mean your mouth is.”
He was speechless. He’s never had a woman so shamelessly put her pussy right in his face and practically demand he eat her out.
You must have taken his dropped open mouth as an invite to scoot forward to place your pussy right in his face.
The initial shock had worn off the moment your wet pussy touched his lips. Like muscle memory, he latched onto your clit, hollowing his cheeks to suck on the nub. You hummed at finally getting some relief. Seeing Jimin’s pleasured face had gotten you excited quicker than usual.
You were itching to finally break him down, to stake your claim and inject yourself into his bloodstream until he couldn’t think about anyone else but you.
Shouldn’t be too hard judging by how frantically he was slurping and licking at your clit like it was his first meal in ages.
You rocked your hips against his face, melting into the feeling. His tongue flicked expertly over your clit, plush lips sucking in intervals in a slightly amateur and sloppy way but thankfully, you liked it. You thought it was cute. And you weren’t really picky when it came to oral, clit stimulation was more than enough.
“Hold your tongue out.” You ordered and of course, he followed. You rocked your clit against the rough texture of his tongue, hums and sighs of pleasure passing your lips.
Jimin lifted his hands to grab at your ass, pushing you against his tongue a little faster. This wasn’t a competition(as far as you were concerned) and no, Jimin wasn’t trying his hardest right now to prove a point! He was just being an equal partner in this. He got off so you should too! Yeah, that made sense.
You threaded your fingers through his soft hair, holding him still as you used his tongue to get off. Using your other hand to tweak at your own nipples, you fluttered your eyes shut as you relaxed and let yourself be taken away by his tongue.
Jimin let you take control(as if you ever gave it up) but after a little bit, he took it upon himself to worm one of his hands under you to start prodding at your leaking hole. You could feel his fingers, a smirk that he couldn’t see twitching at your lips.
One finger sunk past your opening, your walls clenching around the digit. His cock twitched again, imagining how tight you’d be around it. Fuck that refractory period. He was ready to go now.
He felt around your walls until he pressed against that rough patch inside of you. He noticed you didn’t really react so he pressed a little bit harder, feeling a little rush when your hips jumped. Ah, you like it rough, huh?
Slipping another finger inside, he hooked them right into that spot again. Your mouth dropped and a light moan escaped your lips. He also wrapped his lips around your clit again and harshly sucked at it, pulling a slightly louder noise from you.
You were kind of expecting this but you also weren’t. With other partners you had, it normally took some coaching and adjusting for them to know how you liked it but he seemed to be knowledgeable.
How cute.
Gripping his hair tighter, you bounced up and down on his fingers, his lips slurping at your clit in tandem.
“Mhm….yes. Just like that. I’m almost there.” You moaned. That pressure was building higher and higher until you were right on the edge.
Jimin closed his eyes, curling his fingers everytime you bounced, sucking your clit like a man starved. He wanted to see you cum, see you fall apart for him.
He needed to see it.
Jimin moaned against your clit, the vibrations sending sparks up your back, your own moan rivaling his.
“‘M gonna cum. Harder.” You said breathless.
Jimin hated how much you bossed him around but he couldn’t care much about that. Instead, he thrusted his fingers in and out of your wet cunt faster, your arousal dripping down his palm and wrist. He was spurred on by the wet and sloppy noises that your cunt made, his cock hardening incredibly fast.
With a final suck and one more curl of his fingers, you were releasing all over his face. Your walls clenched around his fingers, your thighs smothering his head as your body locked up.
Jimin licked at your clit until you were shivering in sensitivity, your hips moving back until you were sitting back on his chest. Jimin stretched out his arm that was aching from your previous position, flexing his hand a few times.
You leaned back to rest your palms on his thighs, tilting your head back as you tried to catch your breath.
Jimin’s dark and sharp eyes trailed down your body—glistening dark skin covered in sweat, your gorgeous breasts and nipples heaving with every breath, dark stretch marks painting the insides of your thighs.
Damn, you were a picture of sin and he wanted to sink his teeth into you.
“Tapping out? I’ll acknowledge your refractory period.” He teased.
You dropped your chin forward to stare at him, a cute smile on your face. Scooting back so that you were straddling him again, you leaned down to kiss his lips. With this position, you could rub your slick folds up and down his cock. He groaned at the feeling. He could only imagine how you’d feel wrapped around him.
Pulling away from his lips, you asked, “did you bring condoms? I have some if you didn’t. What size are you?”
Yes he brought condoms but why the hell did you have them?
“Uh….yeah. I’m normally a medium.”
That made you snort. “Normally? That’s a weird way to phrase it.” Reaching over to your nightstand, you pulled open a drawer to dig around for the right size.
Now that you mentioned condoms, he started thinking.
Did you really need one? You both disclosed your health in the car already.
(“You carry your STD results in your wallet? Do you have a lot of sex or something?”
“I like being prepared.”
“What a coincidence. Check the glove compartment.”)
His pull out game was definitely top tier and he didn’t want any kids anytime soon so that wasn’t really an issue. Obviously he wouldn’t say no if you really wanted to use one but your pussy felt so wet and warm around his fingers….
He wanted to feel it with no restrictions.
“Do we….”
You pulled the condom out, sitting back up on his lap. Your eyebrows raised, acknowledging that he wanted to speak.
He pulled his lip between his teeth. Why was he hesitating? He’s never felt nervous about asking for what he wanted during sex so why was his tongue getting tied now?
You could almost see the gears turning in his head. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out what he wanted but you wanted to hear him say it.
“Yes?” You pushed.
He lifted his eyes to meet yours, your irises swirling with amusement. You were really…..
Sighing, he forced out, “do we have to use one?”
There we go. You smiled, shrugging one shoulder. “Not if you don’t want to.” You tossed the foil wrapper to the side like a discarded piece of gum.
How many times had you completely baffled him? Like 7? 8? 54? You were just continuing to defy every expectation and standard he’s had in previous sexual escapades. First you give him body ascending head, then you sit on his face, and now you were agreeing to raw sex? Was he dreaming? No, right?
He was broken from his thousandth moment of self contemplation by you moving. You turned around in his lap, your juicy ass on display to him. At that moment, he took notice of the two shiny piercings nestling just at the base of your spine.
You were gonna kill him.
He hissed when your warm palm wrapped around his hard cock, pumping it a few times, aided by the arousal you rubbed over him a bit ago.
“Ready?” You asked him for the second time and a small part of him wanted to say no. Your head game was already crazy. What the hell was your riding game like?
Too late to go back now because you were lining up the head of his cock with your hole and sitting down on it. He held his breath once your hot and tight walls began sucking him in, each inch feeling like a mile as you lowered yourself down.
He released the breath once you were seated all the way on his lap. He already felt ready to cum again and you haven’t even done anything yet. Your pussy was wetter than before and your squishy walls were holding his cock hostage like a bank robber.
You sighed at the stretch. He definitely had girth, which you preferred over length but he was still long enough to reach your spots. Perfect.
Adjusting yourself on your knees, you have a few test movements. Not really bounces but just moving back and forth to get both of you adjusted.
Jimin already couldn’t handle it, his head falling back against the pillows. He reached out his hands to rest on your ass and you took that as a sign of him being ready for the real action.
Perching both hands on his knees, you got on your feet and started bouncing on his cock. He choked out a surprisingly loud moan, fingers digging into your ass and head lifting again to watch you go crazy. Your ass rippled and jiggled every time you met his pelvis, your slick soaking his cock and walls hugging him on every upward stroke.
The clapping of your ass sounded like damn gunshots as it ricocheted off his pelvis, the force of your bounces shaking your bed and scrambling his brain.
He couldn’t think. He couldn’t talk. All he could manage was groans and uncharacteristic squeaks whenever your walls squeezed around him. You were pulling noises out of him he didn’t even know he was capable of making.
“Ah fuck!” He strained, sweat causing his bangs and hair at the back of his neck to stick uncomfortably to his skin.
You hummed, your claw clip starting to slip a little. “Your cock feels so good. It’s gonna make me cum.” You were starting to get a little winded from bouncing on your feet so you moved to your knees, still bouncing your ass up and down at the same pace.
His ears sounded like they were underwater so he didn’t hear a damn thing you said, too focused on watching how your hole stretched around his cock.
“Shit, s-slow down.” He begged but since you didn’t hear any of the traffic light colors, you kept going.
He was about to cum! Hard! Very hard!
You could feel his cock throbbing inside of you, saw how his toes curled and felt how hard he was gripping your ass cheeks.
Licking your lips, you urged him, “Give it to me, baby. Cum in my tight pussy.” Balancing back on your feet, your hands going to your knees, you rode his cock harder than before. He thought you were about to break his pelvis but he’d sit in the hospital in a full body cast any day of the week.
“Fuck fuck fuck! Oh shit!” He cursed. A few more bounces and he was releasing inside your warm cunt. His ears rang and his vision blurred as the second hardest orgasm of his life rammed into him. You continued to ride him, milking him of every drop that he had.
His whole body was on fire, his throat tight and dry, heart hammering in his chest.
Sensitivity didn’t have time to settle in because he felt ready to cum again but it felt painful almost. Not necessarily in a bad way though. A part of him didn’t want you to stop.
And you didn’t.
Turning in his lap with his cock still inside(what the hell), you pushed his sweaty bangs back from his forehead—taking in his red cheeks and kiss swollen lips.
He was so cute. Cute enough to bite and you did. He flinched a little at the feeling of your teeth on his cheek.
“You’re not tapping out, are you?” You kissed across his jawline and chin. “You’re still so hard and I haven’t cum yet.”
He wasn’t going to make it out alive.
Jimin rose to the smell of a sweet perfume and clean laundry detergent. He groaned as he stretched his body, the soft sheets feeling amazing against his skin. His muscles and bones popped as he tried to alleviate some of the tension from sleeping.
He blinked away the haze of sleep, lifting his head to get a gauge of his surroundings then it all started rushing back to him.
The bar. Coming back to your place. The mind blowing sex.
He slowly sat up, running his hand through his hair. He looked around the room, finding nothing out of the ordinary. He noticed his clothes from yesterday folded and placed near the foot of the bed.
Did you do that? Where were you?
He found his phone on your nightstand, plugged into a charger. He removed it and turned it on, finding a few messages from his friends asking if he was safe and one of his coworkers asking to switch a shift.
He texted Taehyung back, letting him know he was okay and to his coworker to agree to the shift change.
As he was in his phone, he heard the sound of footsteps entering the room. He looked up, finding you walking into the bedroom, a robe wrapped around you and your hair hidden under a bonnet.
“Oh. You’re awake. Good morning.”
Morning? It was morning? He didn’t even notice the time.
What the hell? He’s never slept in that late after a one night stand. He’s never slept over at all.
Rule Number 2. Broken.
He cleared his throat. “Yeah. Morning.”
You walked over to your dresser to shuffle through some undergarments to wear. “I made some coffee if you want some.”
He hated coffee.
“No thanks.”
He tossed the blankets off his naked body, standing on wobbly legs. He glanced back over at you to see if you noticed but you were busy pulling panties up your legs. At the motion, he caught a glimpse of your perfect ass. He swallowed down a block in his throat.
No Jimin! You’ve already broken two rules! Don’t lose resolve, he thought.
As he slipped his clothes on, he couldn’t help but feel a little strange. Why did this feel so familiar?
You turned to him once you were done, sending him a sweet smile that made his heart stutter. “You can use the bathroom to brush your teeth and everything. I have some extra toothbrushes.“
He sniffed and ran a hand through his hair again. “Um….are you….did you….sleep well?” That was a dumb question to ask.
If you thought so, you didn’t mention it, instead smiling again. “I did. Did you? You practically passed out. I cleaned you up a bit. Hope you don’t mind.”
Heat rose to the tips of his ears. You cleaned him up? That’s why he didn’t feel sweaty or sticky. Wasn’t he supposed to do that for you? Then again, he wasn’t much of an aftercare type person with his previous partners. He’d let them use his bathroom or whatever but he never took initiative to clean his partners up.
You were so much different than him. He felt a little…..inadequate compared to you.
“Oh. Thanks.”
You hummed, turning around fully to face him. Why did he look so…..small? Not necessarily in size but in his posture and energy. He seemed a little nervous and out of place.
“Is something bothering you?” You inquired. You were hoping he wasn’t feeling uncomfortable about last night. He only used the color system once and he never said red so you assumed he was fine.
He cleared his throat again. “I just….can’t remember much from last night.”
You sighed in relief. “Oh, I thought something else was bothering you. That’s it?”
That’s it? You said it so dismissively, like his question was nothing to be concerned about.
“We went a few rounds but after the last one, you just passed out. I guess I wore you out, huh?” You giggled at that last part but he only felt hot embarrassment swell in him.
Ha! Fuck him to sleep? Hogwash.
Then again…..
“You’re also kind of a cuddle bug. I was surprised but it was nice. You’re very warm.”
He didn’t want to hear anymore of this.
“Where’s the bathroom?” He gruffly asked, turning his head away. It kind of reminded you of a small child refusing to eat their food. Cute.
You smirked but told him, “across the hall. I put a toothbrush on the counter along with a face towel.”
God he was sick of that cheeky little smirk. Stomping off to the bathroom, he grumbled about “not a cuddle bug” on his way.
After freshening up and screwing his head on straight, he ventured out of the bathroom back to the bedroom but you weren’t there. So he went to the living room instead, finding you sitting on your couch watching television.
You turned your head when you heard him enter.
“All done?”
“Yeah.” He nodded.
“Cool. Did you need an Uber or anything?”
Ah, that’s what felt familiar.
Oh. Right. He had to leave. This was only a one time thing.
So why did he feel so……unwanted?
“No. I can….I can call one.”
You just nodded. “Cool.”
He just stared at the side of your head. That was it? Cool? You weren’t going to ask him stay? Or to have breakfast? He was used to women doing that but you…..you just sort of ignored him.
He didn’t like it. Why didn’t he like it?
Pulling out his phone, he requested himself an Uber, the app chiming and telling him his driver was 4 minutes away. He’s never gotten an Uber that quick. Where was this that night he was trying to get away from that girl who used too much teeth? She was crazy, chased him out the door and insulting him loud enough for the whole neighborhood to hear. The driver had to meet him a block down.
“It’ll be here soon.” He announced for some reason. He didn’t know why he felt the need to tell you that. It’s not like you cared.
You stood to your feet. “Alright.” Walking over to the front door, you opened it. Jimin didn’t let his slight disappointment show on his face, heavy feet carrying him to your front door.
He stepped past the threshold, turning to face you. You were ready to close the door but paused when you noticed him still standing there.
“Something wrong? Did you leave something?”
Yes. Yes he did. He was leaving so much right now. He couldn’t leave knowing someone as perfect as you existed. He couldn’t just let you go.
Running a hand through his hair, he propositioned, “are you free sometime?”
You raised an eyebrow. “Free? For what?”
“You know….to do this again.” He motioned with a hand.
“Oh, um. I don’t think so.”
Rejection. That was new.
“What? Why?”
You gave him a pitied smile and he’s never felt so small before.
“This was just a one time thing. It was nice, don’t get me wrong but I don’t think it’s a good idea for us to keep seeing one another. You understand, right?”
No. No he didn’t. Why didn’t you want to see him again? The sex was just nice to you? So was he the only one who actually felt something?
“I’ll definitely add you to the roster. Get home safe, okay?”
The door closed in his face and he was left there, speechless and feeling used.
Days passed after meeting you and Jimin couldn’t get you off his mind. All he could think about was your perfect ass and the way you rode his cock, how you prioritized his comfort and cleaned him up and even let him sleep over.
You weren’t everything he wasn’t and he wanted more of you.
He couldn’t focus at work. He spent his nights staring at his ceiling, lost in his thoughts. He didn’t even go out to parties or bars anymore.
He needed to see you again.
He needed to talk to Yoongi.
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eijirousbestie · 2 years
I love love love your bakugou x artist reader trope please we need more of it it’s so wholesome i have read it on repeat since you upload it 💗💗💗
Aahh thank you so much!! Kinda grew attached to it myself so I’m glad to hear y’all love it sm<33 This is definitely a series I plan on continuing🤟🏽 this part is kinda more goofy than anything else but I promise there’s fluff near the end<33
“Fuck around and find out”
Tumblr media
he loses his drumsticks
missing rug
using an art supply as a weapon?
nonverbal apology
can’t admit he’s wrong for SHIT
Clay is never easy to work with and you’d be foolish to think it is. It’s messy, dries relatively quickly and dirties up every surface it graces. You swear your sculpting professor is out to get you with these ridiculous projects. From cardboard cutouts to detailed portraits to clay. It’s a madhouse in the art department.
Using your modeling tool, you try to carve into the block of raku clay that cost an arm and a leg to buy from the university’s private art supply store. It was a blessing and a curse to have it so conveniently placed right across the hall from your sculpting class. The clay and tool alone cost you $27 that you’ll never see again. This degree better be worth it. You look at your desk partner and see that she’s going to town on her clay block. She cuts, carves and scoops at it like she’s done it a thousand times over. Clay sculpting is a completely different wheelhouse you’re not used to but you’re always willing to learn. Hopefully fast.
You quickly check your phone, residual dried clay sprinkling onto the screen as you click on it. 7:50 PM. It’s time to wrap it up for the day. Almost in sync, your professor calls time and you all begin to clean up. You clean off your work station diligently and swing your bag over your shoulder, wishing everyone a good night as you leave. The walk to your car is peaceful. The night is quiet and the air is cool and clear. Truth be told, you were opposed to taking a night class at the start, probably afraid you’d get jumped at night or something irrational like that. But now it’s what you look forward to during the week. Being left alone with your own thoughts and decompressing from the day in the evening is just so therapeutic. Finally making it to your car, you get in, closing and locking the door after. Now that your hands are free from dried clay, you go through your missed messages for the evening. As soon as you turn off do not disturb your screen is flooded with missed calls and text notifications. Your eyes widen and confusion floods your mind as you scroll to the very first message.
#1 Hater🏆: yo, lost my drumsticks. you seen em?
delivered 6:15 PM
#1 Hater🏆 missed call
#1 Hater🏆: yeah you totally took em u little shit
delivered 6:30 PM
#1 Hater🏆 missed call (2)
#1 Hater🏆 missed call (4)
#1 Hater🏆: ik damn well you’re not ignoring me rn
#1 Hater🏆: i’ll go in your room rn and throw out that shitty rug. keep playin
delivered 7:05 PM
You laugh at his empty threat of a message and roll your eyes. What he had against your rug, you didn’t know. Buying a rep was cheaper than the real thing. KAWS is not a brand that’s in your tax bracket. And of course you didn’t know where his drumsticks were. He usually keeps all his music equipment locked away somewhere so it’s most likely his fault for losing them. You’re about to turn off your phone when a ping sounds from your device, a new message shining brightly on your screen.
#1 Hater🏆: forgot you were at your night class. probably got me on dnd anyways
#1 Hater🏆: still gonna give you hell for stealing my shit tho
delivered 8:03 PM
You type back a quick reply.
You: don’t have ur sticks. touch my rug and u die. I’ll be back in 5 to kick ur ass for blaming me
You shut your phone off and start your car, pulling out of the parking lot and driving back to the dorms.
Once you’re back you walk through the living room and make a beeline to your room. You open your door and what you see inside is enough to fuel nightmares. A rather deranged looking Bakugou has his hip leaned up against your windowsill, arms crossed over his chest as a single lamppost from outside your window illuminates one side of his face. He looks at you. Stares even and doesn’t say a single word.
“Is there a reason you’re just sitting in the dark like a weird-ass Disney villain or?” You flick on the light switch next to the door, drenching your room with light. It’s only then that you notice your floor is rather bare. This motherfucker.
He must have seen your reaction judging by the way his eyes follow your gaze to your now exposed wood flooring. A shit eating grin spreads across his face, damn near splitting it in two. You close your eyes and take a deep breath. You’d hate to beat his ass over something so trivial but it’s getting harder to restrain yourself. You force yourself to look him in the eyes as you speak very very carefully.
“Kats… you wouldn’t happen to know where my rug is would you?”
He straightens up and walks towards you, hands shoved deep in the pockets of his sweats, a cocky bounce in his stride.
“Dunno. My shit’s missing too. Must be a ghost or somethin’.” Not a lick of remorse escapes his mouth. He’s smug. He’s proud of himself and he even came back to the scene of the crime just to taunt you. Your left eye twitches, patience wearing thin.
“I’ll ask you one more time for the sake of being generous. Where. Is my. Rug.” He shrugs and feigns innocence.
“Fuck around and find out.”
The hell did he just say? Is he really trying to pick a fight right now? Usually you’re the one keeping the peace but this man has now dragged your innocent rug into his thick headed nonsense. You chuckle in disbelief and look at the ground, shaking your head slightly.
“‘Fuck around and find out?’ Huh… aight then.” Bag still slung over your shoulder, you unzip the smallest pocket and pull out the modeling tool you used earlier for your sculpting class. You grip it tightly in your palm, the pointed edge facing outwards. Bakugou’s cocky façade waivers a bit but he doesn’t show it. His left eyebrow quirks up in interest.
“Tryna stab me with an art supply?” You’re not really gonna stab him. Just scare him into giving you your stuff back. Maybe…
“You said fuck around and find out right? So imma fuck you up til I find out where my shit is.” You drop your bag on the ground and rush at him all at once. His once calm demeanor switches to sudden shock and he moves to dodge your swing.
“Dude what the fuck!? Will you chill?” He doesn’t know whether he’s shouting in annoyance or fear, though he’ll never admit the latter. You turn around to where he’s standing behind you, modeling tool still tightly clutched in hand.
“Give me my shit back then!”
“Cmon it’s a shitty knock off. You really gonna stab me over a $30 rug?”
“And you really stole a $30 rug over a $15 pair of drumsticks?”
“Cuz you stole em!”
“I didn’t steal anything. I don’t even know where you keep them Kats! Plus I haven’t been in the dorms since 8 this morning.” His face stills and his brain sorts through what you’d just said. It made sense really. Today was your long day this week. You’d been gone from 8 AM to 8 PM.
He straightens up from his defensive stance and looks away, rubbing the back of his nape. “Okay well even if you didn’t take em, still don’t know where they are. Everyone’s a suspect right now.”
“Then why aren’t everyone else’s things missing?”
He shakes his head and corrects you. “Nah, I took a piece of everyone’s shit too not just you. It’s all stashed til someone fesses up.” You stare at him like he’s grown two heads, face turned up in disapproval and disbelief.
“Aight Kats whatever. You know it’s not me, so can I please have my rug back?” At this point you where drained from classes and just wanted to rest. Not to mention using the last of your energy to attack this idiot.
He walks to your door and opens it, the creak of the door signaling his great escape. “Ask me nicely.” He’s closing the door behind himself now, but you’re quick to yell out.
“Dude are you seriou-”
“Under the bed.” With that, he closes the door and you’re left in silence. You kneel on the ground and look under your bed and just as he said, your rug is there safe and sound. You pull it out from its hiding spot and place it back in its respective spot on the floor. You let out a deep sigh of relief which can be heard by the eavesdropping figure just outside your door. He chuckles to himself and walks to his room. Truth be told he found his drumsticks minutes before you came back to the dorms. He was just too embarrassed to tell you he found them after misplacing them himself and blaming you for it. Plus, it was more fun this way. Minus the potential stabbing part.
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trashyswitch · 1 year
Day 2: Accidental
Chase is playing Beatsaber, when Shawn tries to get his attention. But this simple little poke ends up revealing a ticklish spot not a lot of people know about.
Ugh...Gotta get uploading earlier. XD I keep forgetting. Hope you enjoy!
Chase had been playing Beat Saber on the VR headset, playing different songs on it. He had played Counting Stars by OneRepublic, then moved to Another One Bites The Dust by Queen, before playing We Are The Champions, also by Queen, and even We Will Rock You by Queen. The Queen songs were brand new to the game, having been released in May of 2023. So he wanted to get a chance to try them out. When he was done getting his Queen fix, he switched to My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark (Light ‘em up) by Fall Out Boy. 
He was currently getting ready to finish the song, and end it off with a very stylish finish. He hit the blue block, hit the red block, hit the 2nd red block and hit the blue block. He hit the 2 blue blocks, before hitting the red block…
And then ended it off with slashing both red and blue blocks at the same time…before throwing his fists in the air. “YES!” 
“Hey Chase, have you-” 
Chase gasped as he felt a poke on his back. Chase squeaked and arched his back as he flopped to the ground on his back, giggling helplessly. 
….Dude.” The person said, before poking the VR headset. “Hello?” They said. 
Chase took off his headset and looked at the person. “Oh…Sorry Shawn.” He got up onto his feet. “You scared me!” He admitted. 
Shawn raised an eyebrow. “I touched you. That’s all I did.” Shawn told him. “I know…” Chase admitted. “But why my back?” Chase asked. 
“Because where else was I gonna tap you?! Your side? That would tickle you. Your shoulder? That might scare you too much. The back seemed like the most viable option.” Shawn explained. “Though clearly, it doesn’t seem to make much of a difference.” Shawn added. 
“Well-” Chase chuckled awkwardly and scratched the back of his head. “Ihi can’t help it!” Chase tried to tell him. “Can’t help what? Can’t help that you’re dramatic?” Shawn asked, slightly annoyed. 
“Well that…but…” Chase bit his lip and looked down, unsure how to explain the feeling without creating curiosity or suspicion. Shawn raised an eyebrow. “But…what?” He asked. 
Chase sighed and looked down. “B-Because…” Chase sighed, deciding to tell the truth. “My back is a little…sensitive too.” Chase finally admitted. 
Shawn slowly blinked with a dumbfounded, surprised look on his face. “...You mean ticklish?” Shawn clarified. 
Chase bit his lip. “Uhhh…Yeeeeaaah…” Chase mumbled awkwardly. 
Shawn rolled his eyes and chuckled a bit. “God dammit.” He mumbled with a laugh. “So let me get this straight:” He walked closer. “You’re telling me that a simple poke right here-” Shawn poked Chase’s upper back, specifically between the shoulder blades like he did earlier. “eEEHEEK!” Chase screeched almost feminine-like, unintentionally interrupting Shawn’s words. He speed-walked a few steps forward and scratched his upper back to get the feeling to go away, all the while giggling with embarrassment. Stupid ticklish shoulder blades- 
Shawn stared at him with even more shock. He-...He wasn’t lying! This was real! He is actually really ticklish on his upper back! Well, more between his shoulder blades than anything. But still! That counts! “I…” Shawn grabbed Chase’s right shoulder to hold him steady, and started drawing his finger on the area between his shoulder blades. “Is it really that-” 
Chase threw his head back with a bright smile. “eeEEheeeheeheee! Duhude! Hehehe- YES! Ihit is!” Chase replied. 
Shawn quickly widened his smile as he adjusted himself to look at Chase from the right side. By standing at this specific angle, Shawn was able to look at where he was placing his fingers, AND get a good look at Chase’s funny reaction at the same time. “Oh my god…” Was all he muttered as he started dancing 4 of his fingers up and down the spine between the shoulder blades. “What a strange area to be ticklish...” Shawn reacted with slight excitement mixed into the calmness. 
“Ihiheeehehee- Ahahare you dohone yet?” Chase asked him. 
Shawn clicked his tongue. “Well you see…I technically am done because I got the confirmation I was looking for.” Shawn admitted. 
“Thehehen-” Chase yelped and visibly jumped, before freezing with his eyes wide in horror. Shawn quickly noticed this change. “...So I probably should stop tickling you. But…” He quickly decided to keep his fingers inches from the spot he was just on. “I think I found a brand new tickle spot to test on you.” Shawn reacted. “And now I’m curious.” 
“Shawn, Shawn please-” Chase gasped and leaned his head back with a squeak. 
Shawn had placed one finger on either side of Chase’s spine. “Oho, this is gonna be fun.” Shawn said eagerly as his last warning before skittering all 5 of his fingers like a spider all over the middle spot on his back. 
“NahahahAHAHAHA!” Chase closed his eyes and shook his head. “GAHAHA- SHAAAAHAWN!” Chase attempted to push against Shawn with his hands before trying to cover up his back with his hands. But when that didn’t work, Chase would go back to pushing Shawn away. Though this would prove to be difficult, considering how weak he was at the moment. 
Shawn started making rapid ‘ticky-ticky-ticky’ sounds with his teeth in an attempt to further tease his friend…all the while scratching on his poor friend’s back. “What’s wrong, Chase? Don’t like spiders tickling your back?” Shawn teased, switching to scritching 2 fingers in the middle of his back right as he said the word ‘tickling’ in his evil sentence. “NOHOHOHOHO! FUCK YOHOHOHOU!” Chase shot back. 
Shawn raised his eyebrows in shock. “Damn…Someone’s in a mood.” He reacted. “All I wanted to do was tickle my best friend! And you just start spitting curses at me!” Shawn reacted. “What did I do to deserve this?!” He asked. 
“Is that so?” Shawn asked with a smirk. “It’s only been a few minutes, Chase. You really can’t handle a few minutes of tickles?” Shawn teased. 
“IHIT’S BEEN LONGER THAHAN A FEHEHEW MIHINUTES!” Chase yelled back at him. “TEHEHEN MIHINUTES AHAHAT MOHOHOHOST!” Chase argued. “Has it really?” Shawn asked before stopping and checking his watch. Sure enough, he was right. “Huh…I guess it has.” Shawn reacted. But Shawn shrugged his shoulders as he lowered his wrist down. “Alright, fine.” Shawn replied, letting Chase go. “You win.” 
Chase sped away from Shawn the moment he was let go, and placed his back against the wall. He was nervous of what other spots Shawn was capable of finding if he even gave him the smallest of chances. 
“So…” Shawn pointed to him. “Telling by your reaction, I’m guessing other people have found that spot before?” Shawn asked. 
Chase looked down with a little bit of embarrassment. “Y-Yeah…” He admitted. “I used to get massages to help my shoulders, and I had to stop paying for them because even stronger pushes would tickle too much.” Chase admitted. 
“That’s a shame. Massages can be very helpful.” Shawn replied. “But that just means more chances to tickle your back~!” Shawn teased as he walked up and turned Chase over, spidering up and down his back again.  
Chase arched his back and giggled all over the place as he tried to inch himself away. “SHAHAHAWN NOHOHOHOHOHO!” He reacted. But doing so only made Shawn’s fingers tickle near the lower back ribs! And when his fingers even touched the back of his ribcage…Chase squealed and fell backwards into Shawn’s arms! “NAHAHAHOHOHOHO!” Chase cackled, losing his balance. 
“Ooooh!” Shawn caught Chase and brought the man to the floor before flipping him onto his side. “I think I found another ticklish spot~!” Shawn started off by spidering up and down the right side of his back rib cage. 
Chase kicked his feet like a little desperate swimmer as he laughed heartily in his arms. “NOHOHO FAHAHAHAIR!” Chase argued. 
Shawn chuckled at his reaction. “Small question: Were you really this ticklish this whole time?” Shawn asked. “Or do you just suck at hiding tickle spots from me?” Shawn asked next, half-joking and half-serious. 
“True…” Shawn admitted. But he turned Chase around so he could look at him face-to-face. “But what fun would it be if I stopped tickling you?!” Shawn asked next, dancing his fingers on his friends’ sides.  
“Ohokahahayokahay!” Chase attempted to remove Shawn’s hands from his sides. “Whahat dihihid yohohohou wahahahant?” Chase asked him. “What do you mean?” Shawn asked back, pausing his hands for a moment. 
Chase held his wrists away from his sides so Shawn couldn’t tickle anymore. Though this didn’t change the giggles that left his mouth as he talked. “Yohohou pohoked me to ahahask mehe sohohomething ehehearlier.” Chase explained. “Whahahat wahahas ihit yohou wantehed?” Chase asked. 
“Oh that!” Shawn shrugged his shoulders. “Right.” Shawn thought for a moment and widened his eyes when he realized his mind was coming up blank. “Uhhhh…” He mumbled, hoping a mumble would be enough to help him remember. But…it wasn’t. So…He told the truth. “I don’t know, actually. I barely remember now.” Shawn admitted. “I was honestly too busy questioning why you fell to the ground after a simple poke to the back.” Shawn admitted. 
“Soho…” Chase let go of Shawn’s hands and looked up at him. “You seriously don’t remember what you were gonna ask me?” Chase asked. 
“Nope.” Shawn replied awkwardly. 
Chase rolled his eyes and got up. “Alright. Then I’m going back to Beatsaber.” he said as he put the headset back on and picked up his controllers. 
“Fine. If I remember, then I’ll bug you again.” Shawn decided. 
“Okay. Just NO back pokes this time.” Chase added. “Poke my shoulder if you want to get my attention.” Chase instructed. 
Shawn saluted him and walked away. “Okay.” He replied. 
Chase went back to the song list, and started to look at the different song options again. What’s a song that he hasn’t played in ages? It didn’t take long for Chase’s controller to hover over a specific song. 
Huh…This is a good one. 
He hovered the controller over the play button and clicked it. 
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styrmwb · 11 months
Favorite Final Fantasy Music (FFXI - Add-ons and Bonus)
FFXI week finally comes to a close, and this is the part where I pick songs that just didn't really quite fit in any single expansion, or cases like the extra add-on content which were really their own thing and even are listed separately on the title screen. Absolutely could not have done this game justice doing just one list, and this was a great time for me to relive some nice memories from me playing this game I definitely did not want to reup the sub nope.
There's also technically probably another section I could make on this, but I actually haven't played the new Voracious Resurgence content, so I don't wanna do that part dirty and just pick shit without literally any context. Anyways, let's finish this up so that I can actually increase the number after FF.
5. Dolphin Any XI fan will tell you: the hardest part of the game isn't losing levels. It isn't the gameplay, it isn't the bosses that take hours and hours and actual cheating to beat, it's fucking installing the game. This is because FFXI has its own special launcher that Square Enix was gonna use but then proceeded to only do with XI called PlayOnline. It is absolutely a product of its time. But you know what it does? It gives you BANGER TUNES TO LISTEN TO. FOR NO REASON! You're sitting there installing the game? Here's a bop. You're just trying to log in and you're frustrated that your password doesn't allow capitals? Here you go. This song will make you feel better. Dolphin is the song that always plays whenever I open my PlayOnline launcher to play FFXI. And you might say: "Styrm, this isn't a game song, why is this in the list?" and to that I say: It's in the official soundtrack. And PlayOnline is such an integral part of the FFXI experience that I would argue that it IS part of the game. That's why it's here. Love this shit. Please do yourself a favor and listen to all of the PlayOnline songs, cause I'm not gonna fill this list up with 'em.
4. Iroha First funny thing; I cannot find an official upload of this song, so I'm using the version they put in the FFXIV soundtrack cause it's also there identically. This is the theme of Iroha, the main heroine of Rhapsodies of Vana'diel, the essential finale/wrap-up storyline of the entire game. The reason I like this song, is I think less for the song and more what it reminds me of. I do love the soft piano and the empty backing, the very tense and sad sounding BIM bum that keeps playing; but most of all, this makes me think of that character, and how much the storyline really just was a letter to fans from the devs saying thank you. It's somber, yet beautiful. There might be songs that fit this feeling better, like the ending theme, but this is the song that does it for me.
3. Distant Worlds Something that stinks, is that I can't find a good honest upload of this song. Everything official is either the Distant Worlds orchestra version, or the Black Mages version, which, to be fair! are both good. So let's hope this unofficial version doesn't get taken down lmao. Another technicality with this, is that this is technically the ending theme of Chains of Promathia; but, it was introduced later, and it really feels separate? It's kinda its own entity, also only being in bonus soundtracks. It's really beautiful though. Taking that main Memoro de la Ŝtono motif, but turning it into an ending theme that almost befits the entire game. Not only do I love the main melody, I am a big fan of the warbly sort of sound that plays a lot, cause that really gives this song that XI feel rather than just being a nice vocal track. You ever wanna assassinate me just start playing this and I'll be paralyzed
2. Provenance Watcher Another very strange case of "I didn't know where to put this song". This is the final boss theme of the Voidwatch story, which was more like in modern senses a patch story to Wings of the Goddess? But it again very much feels like its own entity. Add on the fact that the song itself is in the Seekers of Adoulin soundtrack and I was just like "Ok you're going with the rest of the weird off cases". Either way, love this song. The beginning strings rhythm is such a cool sound, and then add on the really low horn for that sense of foreboding, befitting the Giant Fucking Dragon Creature you are fighting. The build up for this song is amazing, and uses all of the classic FFXI instruments you know and love by this point. My absolute favorite part of the song is midway through after a lot of the instruments have kinda stepped away for a slight flute bit, and then it blows up with this amazing sounding bit with the entire orchestra. I can't quite do it justice with my words, but hopefully you'll know when you hear it. Also can I just say shoutouts to the Naoshi Mizuta tambourine????? It has no right to go as hard as it does in this entire soundtrack.
1. Shinryu And here we are. The final XI song in my lists. This is the final boss theme of the Abyssea storyline, which is split up into 3 separate parts. Shinryu in this game is essentially the bad timeline version of Promathia (Abyssea as a whole is a sort of bad timeline in a way). The song starts with this incredibly menacing brass orchestra, one part giving you this heavy almost percussion like vibe, and the other part giving you the main sort of melody in the start, absolutely perfect for this literal end of the world dragon. Then it gets fun. The actual percussion comes in with a really fun beat, the orchestra starts the meat of the song, feeling like a really fun and triumphant final battle. And my favorite part? The out of nowhere hopeful sounding bells and strings that sound almost heavenly, they sound heroic, like you're going to save this doomed world. The song goes back into more menacing, like Shinryu is beating back, giving me more of that Dragon Quest IX sound I love. After a really cool loud hit rhythm, the drums do this amazing offbeat section that gives the song a really fun vibe, then going with a sort of royal sounding section featuring a flute/horn duet, and finally, into the grand finale where everything comes together to play off the song, having the heroic vibe from earlier; you are winning. You are going to save the day.
Honorable mentions this time are: Filter branch (this is also PlayOnline music lmao), Wail of the Void, Rhapsodies of Vana'diel, Luck of the Mog, Feast of the Ladies, and even though I've pretty much already mentioned it in this series, gotta give it up for my boy Main Theme - FINAL FANTASY XI Version.
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goombasa · 5 months
Youtube Recommendations: Wha Happun?
If you've been around gaming youtube for any length of time, you've probably come across a few videos by one Matt McMuscles, a Canadian youtuber who is mostly known for covering and showing off a lot of more obscure games, primarily fighting games, beat-em-ups, and occasionally RPGs. He was also a part of the (now discontinued) Super Best Friends Play channel, and collaborates with Maximillian Dood and Justin Wong on the fighting game focused Triple K.O. Podcast. The guy does a lot in the video game space on youtube, and is genuinely entertaining with a level of passion and giddyness that I think is kind of missing in a lot of other gaming-centric youtube channels. He's not over the top or anything, but his more down to earth demeanor, combined with actual experience in the industry (he worked as a QA tester for many years) gives him a fun perspective on what he covers.
And among many of his other projects, he's done some informative and investigative work into the industry, talking about the history of certain series, doing deep dives into a single game where he simultaneously walks you through the experience of playing it, start to finish, while also telling you a bit about its development history, and my recommendation today, his investigative show ‘Wha Happun?’
Anything on his channel is worth watching, in my opinion, but Wha Happun is my favorite. It's a series of investigative videos, focusing on a single subject, and taking you through the development process that led to it being, well, either cancelled or not very good. He's covered a lot of heavy hitters like the exhaustive, constantly changing development of ‘Duke Nukem Forever’ and the lie-filled terror of ‘Aliens: Colonial Marines’ (the reveal that the broken AI of that game was basically due to a single missing letter in the game's code in particular made my eyes pop), but he also has covered more obscure or cult games as well, such as “Four Horsemen," “Vex,” and the original version of “Prey 2”, recent high profile disasters like the remake of ‘Saints’ Row' or the GTA collection or ‘Gollum’.
From games to movies to consoles, whether it turned out good or not, Wha Happun goes through the history and minutae that led to it being the way that it was, and what it took to get there, paying specially attention to how the various high profile names on the projects behaved, and how the staff was treated during its development. A lot of his ire in the ‘L.A. Noir’ is directed at Brendan McNarmara for his constant and consistent abuse of his staff while shifting blame away from himself at every turn, for example. And he goes out of his way to get information and quotations from people who worked on the game at the time, which helps to lend the videos more authenticity rather than just grabbing quotes from, say, Wikipedia.
What I think I love the most about this series is that it really hammers home just how freaking hard it is to get these things made. Whether it's making a game, a movie, or a console, and then doing it all over again and again, there is always something that could potentially hold it up or ruin it, whether it's working with unfamiliar technology, unpleasant people, small budgets, or just unchecked ambition, it's a miracle that this stuff ever sees the light of day, even if the final product isn't what anyone wanted. And sometimes, it doesn't even get that far.
Wha Happun has been running for a long while now (over 200 episodes uploaded over the course of 6 years) and I guarantee that there's at least one episode in that spread that is going to cover something you either care about or have always been really curious about. You can find a full playlist of all the episodes here if you're at all interested, and I'd very much recommend that you peruse it when you have the time. You can also find the link to Matt McMuscles' main channel up at the top of the post, and I'm also going to link to his let's play channel Flophouse Plays because his off-the-cuff  stuff is just as fun as his scripted content.
Recommending Videos
Predator: Concret Jungle: At the time I write this post, this is the most recent video and a good starting point for the typical format that most of the videos follow, walking you through the history of the development of the game, the history of the developers, and the major names that were involved in the development. This one in particular is interesting because of its timing and the license chosen.
Sega Saturn: This isn't the first video done on the troubled history of a particular console, with both the Atari Jaguar and the 3DO being covered before, and the Gamecube being covered just a few episodes later, but I have a bit of a bias for classic Sega, and the Saturn itself is just such an interesting topic, and I think McMuscles explains its history wonderfully.
Daikatana: A lot of the earlier episodes in the series are a lot lighter on details, and also quite a bit shorter. Daikatana however, I feel, is an early episode that is worth going back to because the story of this game is so weird and wild, and its creator, John Romero, is just as interesting to observe as the game he was trying to make.
The Super Mario Brothers Movie:Ho boy, if you ever wanted to know why the 90's Mario movie turned into a bizarre science fiction story, this video lays it all out and discusses at length the various cancelled versions of the movie that we could have had before really get into just what a horror show the filming of the movie was.
Metroid Prime: This is a great example of how even games that are fantastic and beloved can still have had a rough time getting made, and watching this, it really makes you appreciate all the more how good a game like Metroid Prime managed to come out.
TimeSplitters: This is one of the longer episodes, at just under a half hour, but is a great example of how Matt can get really passionate when talking about something that really means a lot to him, or when he's covering something he's particularly disappointed by.
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aajjks · 10 months
a tattoo of his initials and a crown sounds cute. you already have a crescent moon tattoo behind your left ear by your H.A. but it’s pretty small. you’re excited to get your second tattoo especially when it’s dedicated to your fiancé and once he finishes describing the details of your tattoo and finally get an idea on what you want his tattoo to be and where. “i finally got an idea!” you cheer “but i want to share it with the artist. i don’t want him to find out” and now jungkook is definitely curious as to what you’re gonna have tatted on his body.
“just sit right here and i’ll get an artist for you, okay?” says the receptionist and the two of you do as she says but luckily the wait isn’t too long. within the next 5-8 minutes you both are in a room and you are the first who gets their tattoo.
“i’m nervous” you whine but both your fiancé and the tattoo artist reassures you that you’ll be alright. the artist cleans his needle and once jungkook shares the idea of your tattoo, he makes it come to life.
the crown is detailed beautifully, small yet visible and the pain is definitely a 8 out of ten so throughout the process, you’re squeezing tightly on jungkook’s hand and wincing. “don’t worry, i’m almost done” he says and for the next four hours, he finishes the tattoo on your neck.
you immediately run to the mirror to take a look and you’re immediately in love with how it turned out and so is jungkook. you’re sure he’s gonna be kissing all over you when it heals. you can’t believe you really got his initials on your neck in permanent ink but you kind of like it.
(here’s her tattoo: https://bodyartguru.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Tiny-Crown-Tattoo-Design-on-Rear-Temporal-Bone.jpg)
it’s jungkook’s turn now and you whisper in the man’s ear on what and how you want the tattoo to look like. “can you put it in this blank space right here on his forearm?” you say and the artists takes a moment to think before he nods his head and says he can make it work.
“i can put it here on his wrist. he’s got enough space right here to fit it”
“ouu! yes! yes! do that. jungkook, you’re gonna love it!”
the artist cleans his needle and gets to work on the idea you gave him. jungkook is clueless on what you’re gonna have tatted on him but he trusts you. the process is pretty long, the sketching, tracing, shading. it takes awhile for him to finish it up but after 6 to 7 long hours, the tattoo is finished and jungkook is in complete awe of how well it turned out.
it’s your favorite movie but instead of it being rapunzel and eugene in the boat, rapunzel is shaped to be you and eugene is shaped to be him. the words in cursive read: all at once, everything is different. now that i see you.
(here’s his tattoo: https://www.instagram.com/p/CVZ3GAKKYry/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)
“what do you think? do you like it?”
(so y/n’s tattoo is the crown, heart, and his initials on the bottom. it’s still a little small. JK’s looks exactly like that on his right arm with his sleeve but like…around his wrist area? there is a blank space on his right arm so i thought the tattoo would fit there. instead of the lyrics in the photo is says the ones stated above. hopefully you like em!! 😁)
To be really honest? He is in awe. He loves the tattoo so much because it is so painfully you. Whenever he will look at it, he will just remember you.
It’s perfect, and worth every bit of the pain he had to endure in the seven hours, “yn this tattoo is my most favorite tattoo on my body I think.” And that is the truth because he has a lot of tattoos on his body with this one is the most special one for him.
Jungkook looks at you as the tattoo artist excuses himself so you could have a little privacy, he pulls you in for a deep kiss. And then he Gives you a huge smile. “ I never thought that I would have a scene from Rapunzel tattooed on my body… it’s absolutely perfect.” And the favorite thing about his tattoo is the quote and the way Eugene and Rapunzel are representing him and you.
It just makes him really happy to see you, squealing and jumping up and down from happiness like this and it makes him think that he could get a 1000 tattoos like this just to see you react this way.
Both of you have done a fantastic job with your tattoos, even though his was a little simpler, but he always wanted his initials on your body.
“Should we leave? And have dinner somewhere? Or Would you like some takeout so we can just go home straight away after picking up jaemin?” Jungkook says after your you’re both at the checkout doing the payment.
It’s almost midnight. It’s gotten a little chilly. But the weather just feels so romantic tonight. “This is the best experience of my life..” he whispers to himself as you both get in the car after exiting the tattoo parlor.
And you offered to this time because he just got a tattoo on his arm, so he lets you. “So… when should we hold the engagement announcement party?!” He asks you and it almost distracts him because you look so hot all focused on the road ahead of you.
“we can invite everyone I mean everyone, and then you can start shopping for the wedding.” He hopes that you know what or who he means by everyone.
He’s talking about namjoon.
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What's Coming Up?
Hi guys! I dunno how many people actually read this blog HOWEVER here's a bit of an update.
It's been a few weeks since the last Reins update. If you follow me on Twitter, you'd know that I had to take a break from like... EVERYTHING because college was kicking my ass, and then I had family over during the break and I've just been trying to feel like a person again.
College starts back up for me again on Tuesday (I don't have classes on Monday) and strangely my motivation to write came back with it. I've just hit 100k words on the Reins document which is crazy, and I'm trying to finish up this chapter so I have two ready to post. I'm excited that we're finally moving forward in the story after sixty thousand words (yes, sixty thousand) of Applejack being either in a hospital or in a rehab centre.
What have I been writing? Lots of dialogue, lots of Applejack being angry, lots of Applejack being kind of sad and pensive, and... Some arguing. Typical Reins stuff.
There are horse things, there are family things, there are Strawberry things, there are Thistle things...
Sometimes, I feel like this story kind of has a mind of its own. Despite me having most things at least roughly planned out, there's a lot of blank space that I kind of just fill in as I'm writing it and sometimes the story surprises even me.
This day in the Reins universe has kind of been dragging on for multiple chapters, but it's kind of a big thing. I actually really like how this part of the story has been working out. I don't think it's my strongest writing, not at all, but I think it's something that's been getting put down in a way I'm happy with.
Sometimes I find it hard to feel confident in my writing, but sometimes I have people tell me they like the story and that really helps. So to those of you leaving me nice comments or even messaging me and saying you like the story, I want to give you thanks. I don't think I would have ever gotten this far in the story without you. To those of you who sent in questions to this blog, thanks as well. Hopefully, when I get back to more regular uploads I'll have more to put on this blog.
In terms of art, I have been extremely burnt out. I haven't been drawing almost anything. I did start drawing a bunch of busts of Reins characters for fun and just for me to have someplace to look at 'em for reference. Maybe I'll post that. Is that something that might interest anybody? Or maybe just even tell me what character you wanna see and I'll draw them. I know I've drawn some, but there is definitely a lot I've neglected.
There are some things in my personal life I'm trying to deal with. Falling back into bad habits isn't great, but it's something that I've been going through. It makes it hard to want to do anything but luckily Reins is something I love and that I actually enjoy doing. That's why I'm so thankful that people are enjoying it. It's not a huge smash hit on FimFiction, but that's okay. It's like our little corner of the site. A little secret place.
I'll hopefully have something to post on the site soon in terms of the next chapter. Like I said before, I have the next one done, I just want to have two done. So I guess I do have something to post, but you know what I mean.
For those of you who like to make roll credits jokes, I did accidentally write the words "letting go of the reins" in the narration. I thought it was funny. I kept it. You'll see. Maybe even chuckle. Point a finger and go "haha title drop".
Anyway, I'm sorry for my absence. For those of you that I was having a conversation with that I suddenly disappeared from, I'm sorry. If you still want to talk feel free to hit me up again I just forgot how to talk to people, to be honest.
More content soon. I promise. If there's anything you'd like to see or hear about, you know the drill.
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weightoftomorrow · 19 days
Prompt #9: Lend an Ear
dt spoilers. this is FULL of guessing at worldbuilding and rephrasing revelations but with more propaganda added. i don't know if this one will actually be IN the compiled fic since i want to make it entirely qahs'a's pov but this definitely happened even if it doesn't show up.
"I suppose this is as good a place as any to start," G'raha musedd. "Excuse me," he said to a hyuran man who had obviously had a few drinks. "Could you tell me about that building?
The young man squinted up at him. "You mus' be new here. Turali?"
"Er, close enough.
"It's very impressive," Alisaie butted in, as the man's eyes narrowed. "All the black is imposing. Most of the electrope in the rest of the city doesn't look like that, has it been turned off for some reason?"
The man blinked at her, then slumped back in his seat. "Th' Arcadion used to be the jewel of Everkeep," he said wistfully. "Half the city would cram into True Vue on match nights, fightin' to get a seat…"
A cough came from the side, and a grizzled older elezen man leaned in. "This one's too young to have seen the Arcadion in use, but he's heard the stories. We keep the memory of the good ol' days alive here, no matter what that king tries."
"I woulda been amazing in there," the younger man grumbled sulkily.
The old man rolled his eyes.
"I'm sorry, but you still haven't explained what the Arcadion was for," G'raha interjects.
Both men blinked up at him, then looked at each other.
"The Arcadion was the arena," the younger said.
"Alexandria's always had arenas," the older added.
"Gladitorial?" Alisaie asked.
"I guess?" the younger man said.
The older one harrumphed. "The Arcadion was about showing off the skill of the finest fighters in Alexandria. Not to watch fool idiots kill each other for sport. That's what the regulators were for."
"If the king hadn't banned regulators, then Talc would still be alive," the younger man moaned.
"Your friend crashed his foolish ass on that bike of his, he would've done it with a regulator as well, you just wouldn't remember it."
"What is a regulator?" G'raha finally interrupted.
Both men paused again.
"The king didn't actually ban the Arcadion," the older man said carefully. "He banned the regulators, and no one's idiotic enough to try to revive the Arcadion without the supply of spare souls."
"Spare… souls?" Alisaie asked, eyes wide.
"Hundreds of years ago," the old man started, sounding like he was reciting something he'd heard many times. "Alexandrian engineers were trying to save our queen's life, and ended up inventing the regulator. Using it, they saved her life, and ensured all Alexandrians would live long lives, free of the risk of dying to mishap or monster. We lived long happy lives under Queen Sphene, until those Turali kings came in."
The younger man emptied his drink. "The firs' one was okay," he said, starting to slur a bit. "I heard he was…. 'xperimentin' with regulators. Makin' 'em better."
"Doesn't matter," the old man grumbled. "Our wonderful king came in and ousted him. And then the Queen vanished."
"She might come back, she can't be dead," the younger one mumbled. "Or we wouldn' remember her…"
"I'm sorry?" Alisaie said faintly.
"Ah, well, regulators did two things; they held your soul cells that got used up to revive you if you died, and when you came to the end of your life, they'd take all your memories, and all the memories of you, and upload them to the cloud." The older man looked sad. "My parents have to be up there, but since the regulators are banned now I'll never get to join them, or learn what they were like."
"I… see. Thank you for sharing this," G'raha said, as neutrally as he could."
The old man waved him off, but the younger snorted into his empty cup. "Y' can't be Turali," he managed. "Yer not angry 'bout the souls."
G'raha and Alisaie exchanged a look, and left rather than respond to that particular statement.
this contains a cameo of a real genuine canon person! that would be the younger hyune (not that graha and alisaie know the alexandrian terms hyune and eldite and milalla :V and presumably they have a miqo'te name as well since there seems an awful lot of miqo'te around for them to all be hhetsarro descended). he's the "frantic man" credited as such even in the voice acting credits, who is a bit of a drunkard, frantic about running out of soul cells, claims to be an arcadion fighter, and yells at sphene for not overriding zoraal ja shuttering the arcadion. we'll see if he shows up in future content
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When was the last time you wore a Band-Aid and why?
on my hip over a skin tumor cause my pants kept rubbing on it and making it bleed, scab, rinse repeat
Do you like ketchup or mustard better with your corn dogs?
I personally hate corn dogs, but definitely ketchup
A trip to California, the Bahamas, New York, Wisconsin, Utah, or Canada?
What was the last act of creativity you displayed?
umm journaling I guess?
Do you like the way your hair looks right now?
Do you ever find yourself just writing/typing out your feelings?
If so, does that make you feel better?
Whose house were you at last, besides your own?
my friend Bobbie’s house with her fiance Erik
Any big plans for this summer?
not sure yet...too focused on if my fiance will even be fucking here at all for it...
Are you missing school yet?
at this point I kinda do cause it’d be something to do and somewhere to go...then again I’m turning 31 so it’d be awkward as fuck haha
Do you like your teeth?
.....don’t go fucking go there with me.
Are you in a hurry to grow up?
I’m about to be 31...wish I never did.
Who was the last person you were in a vehicle with other than family?
my fiance
Does piano music tend to calm you down?
it’s relaxing but it’s hard to calm me down given several anxiety disorders so...
What’s something you need to get done soon?
paying off DUI fines and get suspension off my license
Is your best friend awake right now?
doubt it
Are any of your friends or family members out of town right now?
ha yep...the fuck else is new...
If I came to your house, could I find any kind of chocolate?
unfortunately no, I’m dying for some so bad right now so bring it!
What size bed do you have?
What is the last thing you charged?
Who was the last person to upload a picture with you in it?
umm..probably my stepmom from my 30th bday last year
Have you ever held a snake?
yeah even owned a few
Do you like peas?
What is the last cd that you listened to in a vehicle?
CD? oh christ I have no clue it’s been years! it’s usually radio of my playlist
Do you ever wear sleep masks when you sleep or shower caps when you shower?
What would you like to drink right now?
When is the last time you ate pudding or yogurt?
it’s been awhile
Would you rather go to a beach, an amusement park, or a water park?
right now water park for pool, rather swim in a pool than beach right now
Don’t tell me lies, so where’s your man?
......New Zealand on a job since February and still there...only been home twice for a week each, and was supposed to this weekend for a week but nope just found out he’s stuck there till the end of the month no visit...
Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex?
many times, I’m a tomboy I’ve always gotten along better with the guys
Has anyone said they love you in the last week?
yeah, fiance and mom
Have you faced any of your fears lately?
Have you ever kissed under water?
no unless you count shower ;)
Which friend are you most similar to?
Ally for many reasons...
Your ex calls wanting to hang out. What do you say?
I think we’re finally in a spot, mostly me, where we’d be okay to hang out (cause of me, been there done that before and yeah I fucked up...I wasn’t ready..) but probably wouldn’t be a good idea and wouldn’t happen anyway we’re on opposite sides of the country so
Would you get back with your last ex if they asked you?
Have you kissed anyone whose name starts with a M?
Would you kiss the last person who texted you, on the lips?
umm it’s my mom so I mean the way you do as a parent/child yeah
Camping with a ton of friends or hotel with a few friends?
Do you want someone dead?
Do you ever wonder what your ex is up to?
sometimes...can’t help it, try not to though
Could you go the rest of your life without a cigarette?
Do you have alcohol in your house?
a few of his beers calling my name but I can’t touch em...he’ll lose his shit given I’m supposed to be sober...
Have you ever wanted something you couldn’t have?
Are any of your friends virgins?
not that I’m aware of?
What’s annoying you?
a lot
How is your boyfriend/girlfriend doing and where are they now?
fiance and not good, in New Zealand on a job...
Do you have anything to pay off?
fines from DUI and suspension fee on license as well as renewal for license since it expires on my bday in a few days anyway so...
What are you wearing right now?
black shirt, black hoodie, jeans, white slip on sneaks
What are you listening to?
All Falls Down by Adelita’s Way
Where did you first hear this song?
years ago
Are you the one that normally makes the first move?
Do you drink/smoke?
complicated and yes
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mercurial-madhouse · 2 years
As for the other titles I'm curious about are Vamp!Harry/Hunter!Louis Romeo and juliet one AND umm out of time: time traveller one! Love to know about em
I really need to give this fic a better name. Vamp!Harry/Hunter!Louis Romeo and Juliet is far too long of a title. XD Oddly enough, I have the entire plot figured out in my mind, but I haven’t done enough brainstorming to set the wheels in motion for this one. But I told a friend about it and she recreated it as a hysterical gif fic, so I’ll be uploading that spoof with the fic when I do finally get around to writing this one! Harry was turned by Zayn decades ago and after those first few years, has come to a place where he refuses to feed on humans because he’s scared of his inability to feed without killing (which he did). So he goes about his day being as normal as possible, except one day he runs into a human who completely stops his undead heart in it’s tracks. Turns out, unfortunately, that it’s Louis Tomlinson, one of the leads of the Tomlinson hunters, the most feared and infamous hunter gang around. Falling in love and keeping this quiet is nearly impossible for both of them. But with a love as powerful as theirs, the secret will always end up getting out. (As you can tell, I have absolutely no summary written for it yet either!)
As for Out of Time! I’ve had this one in the back of the queue for a long time now! I put out a post about it a long time ago, but I’m not sure if I can easily find it again, so here we go!
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“You’ll find the answers in time.”
Harry’s been driven to untangle the mystery of time ever since childhood, when an enigmatic man saved his life only to disappear with nothing more than those words. Unlocking the key to time travel was just the beginning. Now he swears to venture through the centuries until he finds the answer for why he was saved. A task that would be made much easier if the disenchanted lad with jaded blue eyes he keeps running into in every era would just tell him what he knows.
As you can tell, I go all over the place with the type of wild fic I write! And this doesn’t include Dust Settles that’s currently in progress over on AO3! Plot bunnies are very dangerous. Do you have a favorite?
Interested in any of my WIPs or fics? Feel free to send an ask!
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Beuh I just put two and two together.
I hate benadryl. I do
And for that.. I will be pouring water into the rest of the pills I have on me annd wiping my hands of that whole disaster. Jesus it's getting on my nerves. I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it.
It's gross. The taste is nasty, the side effects fucking suck, and I withdraw HORRIBLY. My eyes get red and puffy, nose gets red, I'm just constantly hot, I risk throwing up just by having an empty stomach, I get so moody, I stress so hard about it I now dissociate when I take em, my memory is worse, its harder to form a sentence
I cant take it anymore. I'd rather look like a horrible, shitty person that does literally nothing and absolutely HATE myself for it too than ever go back. Im done
It was a long and hard journey and I find it a bit ironic that it took me smoking weed to stop afterall
Ever since my attempt I just.. cant. I'm so grateful that I finally found some strong shit to replace that feeling. I'm wondering if im starting a problem with constantly needing to smoke tbh. But seriously... not having to worry about my fucking liver health and ulcers has been a forgotten blessing
I still hate the people of the r/dph subreddit. I swear it is the most useless place in the world. Not only do you rarely get anything but people talking about the hallucinative aspect of the shit but you ALSOO get shamed and sneered at when you actively have a problem. It's the stupidest shit I've ever seen. I felt so lost throughout all this. Slowly learning the dos and donts of this stupid substance was a process I wish I didn't go through
Anyway yeah. Fuck dph I'm tired of dealing with the effects. I don't even like the high anymore everytime I get on it as of lately I've just get mad and hurt myself with it. That's fucking all. And I'm tired of hurting myself. Shit is old
Annnd I'm gonna keep my head straight from here on hopefully. I don't really want to kill myself now that I see it's really the leftover benadryl talking. I uh... don't really want to go back to my old job.. so I'll be applying to some irl places instead. Hopefully that'll encourage to stop smoking so damn much as well. I'm going to call into sallie Mae snd hopefully get another deferment and my uni debt I'll be able to skate by this month but from here on I'll keep up with that better
I'll upload proof this time since I'm finally giving up my strict anonymity thing. Probably tomorrow.. I'm exhausted.
God uh for one, I already semi knew I'd be okay THE DAY I QUIT and I put in so many applications. I even got a response back.. but my dumbass was so hellbent on ending my shit I not only didn't call em back, I blocked they number so they couldn't try to do any followup. Stupid shit 😭
I think I'm glad I did it though. I wanna do something completely different this time and I applied to all office jobs. I know I'd run into the same issue if I do some more work from home officey/customer service shit rn
And hopefully... if nothing else.. I can save the money to make the appointments to get diagnosed. If I can manage just keeping a job for longer than 2 weeks, I'll make enough money to pay off my debts with no problem.
I dont want to smoke, I don't want to play anything, I don't really wanna play or watch anything anymore, I just want to be sad and get some money to get myself fixed atp
Anyways L. I feel dumb ah. I'm ready to move on
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purelyfiction · 2 years
Crossfire ---✈︎ 2
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Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw x F!Reader | 1 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Word Count: 5,618
Summary: After a rowdy night of drinks and some beachside conversation, you find yourself growing closer to your new squadron, one member and one night drive at a time.
Content Warning: This is a successor to the first part, please read that first! || This story will have TopGun: Maverick plot line elements to it and will possibly spoil the movie for you. Please be aware. This - and all of my stories - is 18+. By continuing to read you agree that you are 18 or older and that any content you come across is by your own decision. || tw: death mention, major character death, spoilers for TG: Maverick
Author Note: I am not hopelessly cruel, really, so I am going to be pretty quick with these uploads, so long as I get the last section done that - admittedly - still isn’t written. I love, love, love hearing your feedback so please do not hesitate to comment, reblog, flood my askbox, I wanna know your thoughts!!
                                                        ✈︎  ✈︎  ✈︎
By the time you’re ready to go, most of the bar’s patrons had funneled out, including most of your squadron. Payback still sat on the other end of the bar, talking to a girl you didn’t recognize. You’d spent most of your time catching up with Penny, talking and ordering drink after drink. With abundant laughter rolling through you, the woman sighs looking at her watch. “I hate to be the bearer of bad news, Shiner, but it’s past 2. Bar’s closed for the night.”
With a drunken gasp you sit up. “You didn’t do last call!” You try, but a voice from behind you speaks up. 
“Oh, she certainly did. You ordered three more Cojitos. I drank two of them.” Rooster is pulling his shirt back on over his white vest, snickering at your state. 
“That’s rude. You pay for ‘em? Otherwise, you owe me two drinks.” You frown, causing Penny to jump in. 
“He paid for them. Now, you don’t have to go home, but you can’t stay here.” She offers kindly and you sigh, pulling your wallet out and tossing a tip on the bar. Penny picks it up with a face, shaking her head. “I’m not taking this.”
“Yes you are.” You try to argue. 
“Nope. I can’t.” She puts the fifty back on the bar and you pick it back up. 
“I’ll put it in your mailbox the next time I’m out your way and then you risk Amelia getting it.” You hold it up one more time and the woman sighs, taking it with a smile. 
“G’night Lieutenant.” She hums, and you give her a mild salute before heading to the backdoor. You were more than content walking the beach for the rest of the night - you were off tomorrow, luckily. Part of you wondered if Maverick just wanted an excuse to have a three day weekend, but none of you were complaining. 
As you’re walking the shoreline, you can feel the cool chill of summer air hit you, making you wrap your arms around yourself carefully. Paired with the cool water that laps over your toes every now and then, you find peace here. Looking up the beach, you can see the stars light up the mountains that surround the area, making you smile. 
This was still one of your favorite places, even after all this time. You’re not sure what it would take to change that - if anything. Your last name breaks through the air from behind, leaving you to turn towards the sound. When you do, you spot Rooster, jogging up behind you. Finally, he catches up to you, shoes in his hand as he matches your pace. “You gonna walk all the way back to the base or…?” You can still smell the rum off his lips, and you’re sure that you are in the same predicament. 
The free feeling that consumes you is rightly from the amount of alcohol running through you. You can’t help it, Cojitos don’t taste anything like alcohol, and you knew that going into the night. “Maybe. It would just be another workout you happen to interrupt.” You taunt him, spotting the grin on his features. It doesn’t initially hit you, but you eventually realize what was happening. What had once been out-right insults had morphed into teasing. Friendly or otherwise… you’re not sure. 
“Well, I don’t want to stop you, but… “ He slows to a stop, causing you to do the same, looking at him as he extends his arm, shoes in hand with a pointed finger. “Base is that way.” Both of you begin to crack up, shaking your heads at your inability to navigate. 
“I guess you prevented me from making a very, very long trip home then.” You hum as both of you head back to the Hard Deck. 
“I guess I have. Especially if you let me give you a ride back. I’d hate to explain to Maverick where you drunkenly wobbled off to.” He digs an elbow into your arm, letting you giggle. You’re looking back at him, seeing his gaze on you, matched with a warm smile. 
“I’d be stupid not to take you up on that, wouldn’t I?” You ask, leaving him to shrug. 
“You said it, not me.” Chuckling, he’s happily leading the way back. 
When you do make it to the parking lot, you see his classic baby blue Bronco is the only vehicle in the lot. It’s a gorgeous car, which you stop to take a minute to appreciate. Fingers glide along the trim of the door, looking at it more deliberately as Rooster reaches into the trunk, grabbing a towel. “I’ve always loved classic cars. They make the day to day of life stand out.” He’s coming around the back of the trunk, opening your car door. 
“Call it a hobby.” He shrugs, handing you the towel to brush the sand off your feet. You’re using the door to keep your balance, leaning against it as you half-ass your efforts to clean off your feet. Soon after, you’re losing your balance, falling forward, Rooster quickly reaching out his arms to catch you, which he does. You’re in a fit of laughter as he tightens his grip on you in an effort to stand you back up. Once standing, he’s holding onto your shoulders, looking you in the eye. You witness the laughter coming from him as well as he looks to the ground. “You alright?” Chuckling alongside you, he looks back up at you as you let one of your hands take his that’s resting on your shoulder. 
“I’m fine,” You giggle, using his support on your shoulders to finish the task before climbing in the car. Soon enough, he’s doing the same, climbing in and starting it with ease. 
As you drive along the roads, the cold air finally starts to get to you. You’re about to roll up the window when he stops you. “Ugh, that window crank doesn’t.. Work.” He attempts to dissuade you, causing you to glance at him. 
“Some hobby you’ve got, Rooster.” You taunt, seeing his smirk. 
“Alright smartass, and here I was about to offer up the blanket in the backseat.” He waves you off when you pout. 
“No, no, I’m sorry. Please?” You’re trying to fight the smile on your face, but you’re quickly failing as you move to another fit of giggles. 
“Nope, guess you’ve gotta suffer.” He retorts, driving along with a calm ease to him. You’re looking around and finally notice you’re on a different route to base than you were anticipating. 
“Hey, where we going?” You ask, watching as he takes a turn. 
“Taking the long way. It’s a nice night out.” He shrugs. “I mean, I can head back if you need to get home-”
“I was just curious. It’s not like we’ve got work tomorrow.” You remind him, leaving him to grin. He’s fiddling with the radio soon after, hearing the intro to one of countless Elvis songs. You weren’t too familiar with his less popular tracks, which this one turned out to be. But, unsurprisingly, he knew each of the words by heart. He’s turning up the volume, singing along as he’s driving. Each time he sings a line, he’s theatrically adding facial expressions and hand gestures in tandem, cracking you up as you move around the roads of California, cool air rolling over both of you, wind in your hair. There’s still moisture thickening the air, carrying the smell of the ocean with it, bringing it with you, no matter where you were headed. Rooster turns into another parking lot, still happily singing along to a song about poor Elvis being unable to reach his sweetheart because she kept sending his letters back. ”Alright, if this is your attempt to kill me, you could’ve just poisoned me with alcohol and left me on the beach.” You comment, seeing him shake his head as he climbs out of the vehicle. 
“I’m not in the mood to be dishonorably discharged from the Navy, Moon.” He’s quick with a response, the back of the truck vibrating. Curiosity gets the best of you and you’re climbing out. By now, you’ve started to sober up, watching his actions. Rooster climbs up into the bed of the truck, turning and looking down at you. Soon after, he’s sticking out a hand, expectantly waiting for you to take it to climb up with him. So you do, climbing up and balancing yourself. He then hands you a blanket, which you happily wrap yourself up in as he settles in a comfortable spot against the back windscreen. You mimic his spot, looking around. 
“What are we doing-” Soon, your chin is being directed upward with a gentle grip between his thumb and forefinger. When you find the sightline he’s after, you hum with surprise.
“My dad brought my mom and I out here right before he died. They were having a firework show and he set up a cushy spot in the truck bed and let us sit and watch. Not a soul was in the lot with us. When the fireworks finished, he had a box of sparklers for me to play with while he and my mom caught up. We had to leave not even two days later.” The two of you sit with your heads tilted up towards the sky, looking at the stars, finding constellations. “On days like today, when I feel like it gets a bit too much… I try to get back there. Back when it was the three of us.” He shifts in his spot, leaving you to look at him. It’s very faint, but along the specks of gold in the melting pot of brown and green that were his eyes, you got the reflection of the stars. There’s immense beauty in them - the stars and his eyes. 
The quiet has tucked the two of you away by now, with you still watching his eyes, Rooster watching the sky. “Thank you.” Finally he turns back to you again when you speak. “For a piece of quiet. I think… we both needed this.” You glance back up to the sky again. 
You’re in that lot for nearly an hour before you get back into the cab of the truck and head to base. Finally, you’re past the gates again, parking and starting to climb out. You’re not wanting to leave the warmth of the blanket, but you drop it back into the truck bed anyways. You’re starting towards the sidewalk when Rooster catches up again, tossing you something. A jacket, which you’re happy to take. Pulling it on, the two of you walk, mindlessly for the most part. Soon enough, you come up on your door and you stop. “I think it might be time to call it a night.” You suggest and Rooster nods with a yawn. 
“I was thinking the same thing.” Pocketing his hands, the two of you awkwardly stand there as you begin to unlock the door. You’re about to open it when your name comes from him. 
Your first name. Which makes you look at him. He’s carefully stepping forward as you wait for him to say something. Instead, his head begins to dip towards yours. Instinctually, you’re closing your eyes, just as his lips meet yours. It’s awkward and sloppy, your noses smush against one another, but it is the best feeling. His hand comes to cup the back of your head, pulling you closer until you break the contact, needing air. When you do, you open your eyes again, meeting his shortly after. “Goodnight, Moonshine.” He pulls himself from you, a quick salute of his fingers as he turns to head to his own dorm. 
———————————————— ✈︎
When you arrive at the airfield the next day, you’re surprised to see the note on the whiteboard in the hangar. In poor penmanship, likely Maverick’s, sits a message in blue ink. 
Materials required for today’s lesson: swimming attire. 
As the team huddles around the board, you look at one another in confusion. Still, you all split to go and grab the requested article. 
When you return, Maverick stands with an old school Fighter’s shirt and swim trunks, sunglasses on his face - a football wedged between his side and his arm. “We’re going on a field trip.” The fourteen of you - including Mav and Hondo - make your way to the beach just in front of Penny’s bar, where he explains that for this mission to have a greater success rate, you would need to learn to communicate and coordinate with one another, which would be done off the airfield and in the sand in the form of ‘Dogfight Football’. 
It takes you all a minute to get the rules straight - but when you do, you’re all going at top speed. You’ve found that Rooster has taken to the game like a fish to water, which is far from where you’re at. You’d never been strong at team sports, but Rooster is happy to pull you to the side to explain what you were missing; His mini-lessons would assist you as you got further along in the game. There are plenty of times where you end up on your back, rolling in the sand with your teammates as Hondo attempts to referee the game. When the sun is setting for the day, none of you are ready to go home as Maverick himself joins in on the second round of the game. You’re grabbing a drink of water when out of the corner of your eye, you spot Rooster peeling the white vest from his chest. Half of your water ends up out of its container and onto your own chest as you register the sun’s glare on his skin. You curse, wiping at your mouth and haphazardly get the lid back on. “Moonshine! We’re waiting on you!” Fitch is shouting from his spot near the water, making you drop your bottle. 
“I’m coming! I’m coming!” Hours pass before your energy is fully exhausted, wherein Maverick ‘dismisses’ the class, the boys all heading to Penny’s back porch for a beer, leaving you and Phoenix to head back to base for a shower. The two of you climb into your car, starting the engine and blasting the AC. You’re like a bat out of hell as you pull away from the building, desperate to wash off the sand, salt and sweat off. 
“Well that was an unexpected way to get a point across.” Phoenix starts, already pointing the vent toward her to try to beat the stuffy heat of the car, having been baking in the waning sunlight of the afternoon.
“I think it worked really well, honestly. There was one point where I even saw Hangman and Rooster high five.” It’s spoken with a sarcastic tone, but you’re certain that the two were finally getting along - somewhat. At least you hoped, especially after the stunt Hangman had pulled in the lecture hall the other day, that nearly ended in a physical altercation between the two men. 
“Let’s pray it did. Something tells me this is going to be the beginning of the end.” Phoenix sighs and you understand what she means. There were no shortcuts and no fooling around from here. Shit was about to hit the fan when it came to training. Both of you grow quiet. Soon after, the sun is nearly blinding you with how low it’s gotten and you’re cursing. 
“Hey, can you grab my sunglasses from the back?” You ask her for a favor as you drive, knowing you’d changed your shirt and forgotten them somewhere in the backseat. The brunette shifts herself to look for them, rummaging around for a while before she pulls a faded blue jacket from the backseat, handing over your sunglasses while focused on the item. “Thanks.” You take them easily, sliding them over your nose and glancing at her. 
“This is yours?” She asks, holding the fabric up by the shoulders. “Looks a little big for you.” When you glance over, you’re finally registering what she’d pulled out. 
“Oh, no, that’s a friend’s.” You try to leave it at that as she inspects the patches sewn onto the denim, fingers tracing over the red thread that secures it to the jacket. 
“A Navy friend?” She gives an unamused squint of her eyes towards you before further inspecting the jacket, it seems as though she’s been clued off with the vintage Naval badges that litter it. When she finds the label, she finds an embroidered ‘G’ on the tag, a near gasp leaving her as she connects the dots. “Shiner, does this belong to who I think it does?” Her voice is filled with disapproval, clutching the fabric tightly into a fist. 
In an attempt to tranquilize the argument that’s inbound, you begin your line of defense. “Now hold on, you abandoned me at the bar the other night and Rooster drove me home. His window was broken and I was cold, so he let me borrow his jacket. I just haven’t gotten around to returning it, which is why it’s still in my car.” With a rational explanation, she tosses the jacket back to its place on the back seat with a thunk. 
“Okay, good. So long as it doesn’t go past that.” You give her a weird look, causing her to continue. “I mean, I’m glad that you guys are starting to get along but I’ve heard things. He’s got a reputation you know. Not to mention, he’s screwed you over before to get what he wants. I just… don’t want you to feel cheated out of a spot again.” As she says it, it burrows itself into your brain. You’d not thought of that. What if it had been a ploy to distract you? To get you to fall behind so he could come out on top again? You sweep it under the rug, after all there’s nothing that pointed to any malicious intent right now, at least not from what you can tell.
“I see what you mean. I appreciate the lookout, Phee, but I think we’re gonna go the route of ‘guilty until proven otherwise’. It was just a ride home after all, no different than this.” You wag a finger between the two of you, referring to the current ride you’re on, as you pull onto the road to the base she nods. 
“You’re right, you’re right. Just trying to get ya to tread with caution.”
So you do. The next few days you take a small step back from Rooster, strictly professional - pilot to pilot. That is until the shock of Admiral Kazansky’s death comes to all of your doorsteps. 
The service left all of you quiet. No one spoke a word, especially not Maverick. Not on the way there, or the way back. You truly felt as though you’d never stood more still for a salute than you had that day. With a blue sky and a gentle breeze sending the flag unfurling, you stood like steel, all while pushing emotion back as best as you can, but it’s difficult when you can see your own captain starting to crumble. You never thought you’d find yourself vulnerable enough to waiver from the enduring practices the Navy had put you through. Yet, you flinch when Maverick pins his Naval Badge into the coffin.
You tried to find peace after the service had completed, which meant you were at the beach again, thinking over it all. 
From what you’d heard, he’d been ill for some time, yet no one really knew. Perhaps that made sense. The Admiral did not want anyone to see him for anything other than what he was: A lion–hearted man who saw opportunity in everyone, no matter their rank or place in life. After all, it was because of him that Maverick was placed in his position as your instructor and for that you owed him plenty. 
As you’re about to head home, you spot the familiar pilot at the stoop of the Hard Deck. Taking counted steps, you’re joining him at his spot, making it comfy as you look at him. “Hey. How are you holding up?” You’re careful with your question, primarily as you can’t imagine being in his shoes. 
You watch Maverick’s shoulders shrug, before you let a hand rest on one. “Yeah, me too.” Instead of prodding the conversation further, you look at the water lapping on the shore, listening to the crashing sound. 
“No one tells you how many friends you lose when you join the Navy.” Mav speaks with such bitterness, leaving you to look at him. 
“Is this you telling me?” You try, an effort to lighten the mood, ever so slightly. He glances at you with a small smile before sighing. 
“Just might be. We weren’t exactly at war or anything but I can still tell you I’ve been to more funerals than I’ve ever expected to be at.”  He’s fiddingling with his hands, making you watch as he’s picking at a hangnail. 
“I hope that won’t be the case with us.” You offer, which makes him look at you. Of course you had your concerns with the rest of the group, they’d started to grow on you - like algae or a bad pop song that’s been overplayed. 
“Us, huh?” He points it out and you smile, shaking your head as you lean into him. 
“Yeah. Us. They may be assholes but they’re admittedly my assholes.” You retort with a happy grin. “I hate to think that one day they won’t be with us, if that’s by choice or happenstance… I think part of me came to realize that today.”
Maverick rolls his head towards the parking lot as he hums in agreement. “I just hope for all of you it’s at the hands of something potentially expected. I would hate for it to just.. Come up and grab you all by surprise.”
You can’t even imagine. You’ve thought about - especially when it comes up in conversation with Rooster. Losing his parents both so unexpectedly… you hated to think about how that impacted him. First his dad, he couldn’t have been more than 6. Then his mom in the middle of what are supposed to be some of the best years… 
“What was Rooster’s dad like?”
For the next forty minutes, Maverick happily goes on about their days in TOPGUN and prior. What Rooster had been like as a kid… how they had quickly fallen out over something neither of them enjoyed. You had half the mind to ask what it would take for the two of them to get back onto the same terms but you’re not sure it’s entirely possible at this point. 
“It’d take a miracle, kid.” He sighs, standing up to head out - presumptuously to Penny’s to seek some well needed guidance that you weren’t able to provide. 
“Well as it stands we’re working on being miracle-workers. I’ll give you a call if the first two work out.” You tease, referring to the very mission you all had to tackle. The amused yet disapproving grin on his features is enough reassurance to be comfortable leaving him again, seeing he’s in much higher spirits than when you found him. 
You stand with caution, hands in the pockets of the jacket on your shoulders - yes, that jacket, and it seems that Phoenix isn’t the only one to notice it. 
When his head raises, Maverick smiles at the sight. “Man, I haven’t seen this in years.” He reaches up, pulling the fabric from your torso to get a better look at it, only for you to let your arms come out in a T shape, displaying the coat for him to see, the worn patches proudly stitched into the material. You take your time and slowly spin for him before sitting down. 
“Rooster let me borrow it on the way home the other night. Keep forgetting to give it back to him.” There’s guilt in the confession. You’re keeping a part of his dad from him, but at the same time… it smelled like Rooster. And maybe you selfishly wanted to keep it a little longer for that reason. 
“He must trust you a great deal then.” Maverick makes the comment which leads you to look at him with confusion. 
“You think?” This causes him to laugh. 
“Oh, I know. He barely talks to me about his folks, let alone lend me their cherished belongings.” The captain has a point there, it’s a sharp comparison to what Phoenix had suggested, which is far more reassuring than you expected it to be. You’re now realizing you haven’t said anything for a while. Before you can form a sentence, your instructor stands, looking down at you. “Be careful.” He speaks before heading out to the direction of the parking lot. 
Suddenly you’re not sure if he’s talking about the jacket or the man who owns it. 
The following morning, you find your team at the lecture hall, expecting another day of Maverick chasing you down in the air or making you want to hurl with half radius turns but instead, you’re met with Admiral Bates and Simmons. You’d not seen them since the first day of your assignment when they’d introduced Maverick. Who is nowhere to be seen. 
It’s then that Admiral Bates explains that Maverick is gone and Admiral Simmons is taking over and to top it all off, you now have only a week to do the impossible. 
As if you weren’t already shitting bricks at the start of all of this. Now you were being tested to do something that hadn’t even been done before. One of you was about to speak up when the nearest radio starts up about an unauthorized F-18 in the air. When the pilot identifies themselves. Maverick was in air and about to attempt the run - in 2.15. 
You all had your ears honed, eyes fixated on the screen in front of you, watching his position, speed, time.
He’s. Doing it. 
The group surrounding you is jumping into comments, encouragements, mumblings. Sat with your arms crossed against your chest, you watch like a hawk as the captain approaches the target…
For the rest of the morning, the group is electrified and frankly - won’t shut up about it. Hungry, you suggest lunch at a nearby sub shop along the beach. About five people take you up on it, including Rooster. You all navigate there before sitting down to eat. Unsurprisingly, you’re the first to finish your meal, seeing as everyone else is too hyper-fixated on the run that Maverick had shoved in Simmons’ face. 
Eventually, the energy dies down as people leave, which leaves you and Rooster as he starts to finish his meal. You’ve cleaned up, and didn’t want to abandon him, so you sit as he munches on what’s left of his sandwich. Your gaze has shifted to the window, only before you hear the other attempt to speak, but with his mouth full, you can’t make out very much. “Wanna try that again?” You tease, looking back toward him, seeing him wipe at his mouth in an attempt to clean up. 
“I was saying that Coyote suggested we have a weekend for Dogfighting Football again.” He brings up a conversation that you’re actually willing to engage in. 
“Really? Even though he got his ass absolutely pummeled?” You lean back in your seat, boots pushing off the side of his chair to let you rock on the back two legs. 
“Oh yeah, he’s looking for redemption, obviously.” The male crumbles up his parchment paper and remaining crumbs from his sandwich, tossing it in the little plastic red basket they served their sandwiches in. “You ready to head out?” A nod, you let all four legs sit on the floor again, heading to the door way before Rooster was ready. You’re stepping out into the sun again, smiling as the golden rays warm your skin. You keep the door open for your company who is trailing behind you. You’re about to head to the car when Rooster turns down the road even further. 
“Car’s the other way, Bradley.” You comment, catching up with him. The name is so easy off your tongue, you nearly don’t catch the discrepancy. Suddenly, you’re all too aware of your mistake. “Did I just call you, Bradley? Shit, Rooster. Rooster.”
You’re scared to look at his expression, wondering how badly you’d screwed up. But instead of the menacing glare you’re expecting, you get… nothing. He’s fiddling with a green packet of gum he’s retrieved from his pocket. Finally he speaks as he shoves a stick of gum into his mouth. “Eh, don’t freak about it. As for the car, I know it is. I’m not entirely eager to get back to Maverick’s fanbase just yet and something tells me neither are you.” He gives a knowing smirk while offering gum from the pack as he strolls along the boardwalk. You politely decline, leaving him to pocket it again. 
“I mean, don’t get me wrong, it was incredibly impressive.” You offer, pushing your sunglasses down from your head and back onto the bridge of your nose. 
“Incredibly. Really.” 
“Absolutely.” Both of you are snickering when you come upon an ice cream stand. Seeing the cartoon popsicles makes you smile, Rooster catching it and slowing down. He’s staring at the menu pensively, making you also look over the options. There’s dozens of options, but you have one picked out, pulling your wallet out. Rooster speaks up. 
“Can I get the Spiderman popsicle, and whatever the lady wants?” While fiddling with your wallet, you hadn’t realized that he had a ten bill in his pocket and had already handed it over to the vendor. 
“The Spongebob popsicle please.” You smile kindly at the woman under the umbrella watching as she pulls them both out for you, handing over the change, which Rooster drops in her tip jar. She gives a nod, thanking him before the two of you continue on whatever path you were on. Unwrapping your treats, you stick out your hand for his wrapper, which he happily deposits in your hand, leaving you to drop them in a nearby barrel with a black garbage bag. A faux garbage can if you will. He holds his popsicle out towards you, leaving you to bump yours with his as though they were champagne glasses. 
Both of you enjoy your walk in the California sun, no words exchanged, just enjoying a nostalgic treat and the view around you. It seems as though the sun is melting your treat faster than you can consume it though, as Spongebob’s eyes begin to droop with the melting confection. It leaves you with little choice, grabbing the gumball with your teeth before chewing it. Rooster shakes his head. “You’re ruthless. Stealing eyeballs left and right.” He says it with such a straight face, making you laugh, nearly dropping your popsicle. 
With sticky hands and stale gum, the two of you start back to your car to head back to base. “I’m pretty sure we’re going to have to do push-ups when we get back for being late.” You point out, seeing the leisurely pace your teammate is walking at. 
“Eh, I don’t know, maybe if we kiss enough ass Maverick will let us off with a warning.”
“That is if he was reinstated to his post.” You remind him, knowing that he had technically stolen the jet he’d performed his record run at. 
“Valid points were made.” He offers as you start toward your car when you reach the gravel parking lot. It reminds you of the conversation you’d had the other night about the origin of the three scars on his chin. You unlock the sedan, climbing in with ease. Though, as you’re starting the car, you hear a thump come from Rooster’s side. You turn to see him cursing and rubbing the side of his head. Laughing, you reach over with concern. 
“Oh my god, are you okay?” You find the spot he’d collided with the car frame with, carefully running fingers over it. 
“Yeah, I’m fine.” He huffs, reaching up to grab your wrist, pulling your hand down slowly. When it's back in his lap, you smile, waiting for him to let it go only to ruffle his hair before you back out of your spot. 
“Klutz.” You start on the coastline road that leads back to base, hearing him mess with the AUX cord in your car. When he’s plugged in his phone, you half expect some old school music like the other night, but instead, the familiar comedic chanting from Blue Swede’s Hooked On A Feeling comes through instead. Rooster has the window down, starting to sing along, theatrics and all. Amplified even, since he’s not in the driver seat this time. He’s practically rocking the car as you pick up speed down the highway. You’re still giggling as he does so, catching a glance of him mock singing into a microphone. As you approach a stop sign, he looks at you with a knowing smile, having put a pause to his nonsense. The chorus kicks into high gear again, leaving him to start the high note, letting you laugh again. You cover your mouth with one hand, the other still on the wheel. As he carries on, you see him share your brief eye contact. Hazel eyes you’ve come to know like the back of your hand. 
Hazel eyes you’d begun to fall for.
———————————————— ✈︎
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the-weirdos-mind · 3 years
League of Villains X Teen! Reader: You’re Gonna Go Far, Kid
Songfic of the song with the same name by The Offspring. Here’s the reader’s quirk: 
 Quirk- Manipulation
Type- Emitter
How it works- Similar to Aizawa’s and Nighteye’s quirks you have to look someone in the eye to get them under control. They’re unaware that you’re controlling them but still aware of their senses. When you have someone under control you can do whatever you want with them until you either look away from that person (it doesn’t always have to be eye contact), blink, or release them. Whenever someone is under your spell, it’s like being trapped in a room with one-way glass. They are aware of what’s going on but, can’t get help. 
Drawbacks- If you use the power for more than an hour you’ll get a headache. If you push yourself you’ll get a migraine. You can choose when to activate it and for how long but the time still adds to an hour no matter how many times you activate it in the day.
Trigger warnings: Blood and use of violence, if I’m missing anything then let me know so I can correct it 
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Show me how to lie You're getting better all the time And turning all against the one Is an art that's hard to teach
    You followed Giran down the hallway to an unknown place. You had the hood of you (F/C) on to hide your (H/L) (H/C) hair with your eyes on the ground. You watched as foot after foot in (F/C) shoes put pressure on the dirty ground. You mentally sighed as you reflect your life choices. You didn’t want to live this life but everyone around you saw your quirk as one thing; villainous. You got tired of the words and became what they wanted you be. You realized that heroes are worthless and they didn’t care that a young (boy/girl/person) was heading down a dark path. You glanced up to see the man opening the door. You immediately looked down and followed him in the room.
     Side glancing at the room you noticed it was a bar. There was a purple cloud like man with yellow eyes in a suit and a metal brace around his neck. He was polishing a glass behind the bar. On a red stool was another man holding a glass of alcohol. He had his pinky raised away from the glass though and you silently raised an eyebrow. Is this because of his quirk or is he British? His shaggy blue hair was covering most of his face but when he turned to face the two, you saw a pale hand covering his face and his red eyes glaring at you. You glanced down at the floor. Not yet.
    “You seriously brought a child?” He asked setting the glass cup down. “You do know that this is for mature adults? And (she/he/they) can’t stare at me in the eyes? How rude.” His voice was raspy and you concluded he was holding the glass like that was because of his quirk.
  “Shigaraki, this is (Y/N), I brought (him/her/them) cause (he/she/they) need some training with (his/her/their) quirk.” Giran said and took a drag from his cigarette. He exhaled and a smoke cloud came in the room. “(He/She/They) is getting better at it but, (he/she/they) still needs some help.”
    You rolled your eyes at him. “At least I don’t treat kids like they’re nothing.” You mumbled still bitter about Shigaraki’s comment.
     “What was that?” The blue haired man asked, dangerously.
     “So, you’re deaf huh? I thought an excellent leader would treat a new recruit with respect no matter the age they are.”
Another clever word Sets off an unsuspecting herd And as you get back into line A mob jumps to their feet
    “Shut up.” Shigaraki muttered and scratched his neck. He was stressed about the trouble this kid was causing. Sure he and Dabi didn’t get along but he liked being in control. “(He/She/They) is mature for (his/her/their) age.” Giran said. “Maybe with (him/her/them) as leader it won’t be bad.” He added. He knew what you were doing. If you get him mad enough to get him to look at you in the eye then you can show off your quirk. You did keep your mouth shut as the man stood up and walked over to you. You looked at him in the eye and a (F/C) hue came to your (E/C) eyes. His eyes begin to fog up a little, not enough to appear blind but enough to look suspicious.
Now dance, ****er, dance Man, he never had a chance And no one even knew It was really only you
     Shigaraki barely saw the change of your eye color. He was so surprised to started dancing. His feet moved in a fast pace in place. “What the ****!?!” He yelled, only in his mind. Dabi started laughing again. The scarred man leaned over clutching his stomach. He’s laughing so hard he might start crying, or blood will fall from his destroyed tear ducts, if he’s not careful. After a few minutes of dancing you blinked to end the curse on him. They didn’t know that you caused it to happen. Giran smirked and patted you on the head. “What the h***?” The man asked looking around, wondering what just happened.
    “That is (his/her/their) quirk at work.” He man said before the other could get angry. “With a power like (hers/his/theirs) would be useful for heist situations and causing diversions wouldn’t it?”
    “What is (his/her/theirs) quirk?” The wisp man asked.
    “Manipulation.” You said. “Whenever I look at someone in the eyes it activates my power. I can hold control of them for at least an hour before I get a headache. Best part is no one knows that they’re under my grasp.” You said.
    “I’ll admit that I’m impressed.” Shigaraki said. “Welcome I guess.”
    Giran smiled. “You won’t be disappointed.”
And now you steal away Take him out today
   After a few weeks of joining the League you’re on your first solo mission. Before this one you were mainly paired with a blonde haired girl named Toga. She was pretty nice when she wasn’t obsessing over blood or trying to stab you. Other times you were paired with a man named Twice. He would say two different things and it would give you mixed feelings about a job well done.
    You walked through the area of the city to a hero agency. Your job is to find maps of the inside and steal them. Shigaraki didn’t care if they were on paper or not all he cared about was getting them, It’s pretty simple to do but considering this is you, you had a knife and a handheld gun just in case if things went south. So far it was going well. You got a security guard under control and using him you were able to get a computer with the building’s layout on it. Pulling out a flash drive that Compress had given you, you stuck it in the computer and start downloading. Unfortunately, you looked away from the guard and he glared at you.
    “I don’t know your plan here kid, but it’s best if you leave now.” He said. He did try to alert someone but it was useless, he was trapped in his mind until you looked away. You looked at him and put your hand in your pocket with the knife.
    “I don’t think so.” You said. Before he could call for backup you pulled the knife out and threw it at his chest. He gasped at the impact of the knife and slumped to the floor. Blood was falling from the wound fast, staining his shirt and forming a puddle. Thankfully there was a ding as the data had finished uploading to the flash drive. You walked over to the computer and pulled it out. You smirked as you pocketed it and pulled the knife out from the guard. You left the building leaving behind a guard slowly bleeding to death.
Nice work you did You're gonna go far, kid
    You walked back into the hideout and put the flash drive on the bar next to Shigaraki. He nodded at you when he saw it. “Good job. A win for us.” He said and carefully pocketed the piece of tech.
    “And in an hour too.” Spinner said.
    “That’s really impressive!” Twice said. “It’s not that impressive.”
    You feel a hand clamp on your head and ruffle your hair. “Not bad, kid.” Dabi said. He could tell you’re gonna go far in the villain industry.
With a thousand lies And a good disguise Hit 'em right between the eyes Hit 'em right between the eyes
   You had gotten in the school with one of the best lies you have, your parents went there. It wasn’t U.A. but it’s also training people for the hero industry. The plan was to get the best marks in the school and transfer to U.A. as the highest in your class. Giran came into play for making fake documents that pass off as real.
    The one on one fight that took place with some kid you didn’t even bother to know was annoying. His quirk was something water related and you almost drowned a couple of times. You finally looked at him in the eye and ordered him to stop. You ran up to him and punched his face, in the between the eyes a couple of times. The first one stun him while the other knocked him out.
When you walk away Nothing more to say See the lightning in your eyes See 'em running for their lives
   You panted and wiped the sweat away from your forehead. You walked away from the ring where the training took place and looked at everyone else. They looked away from you in fear and parted like a body of water. You swore you saw someone running for their life. You smirked to yourself and took your seat on the bleachers. Pride danced in your eyes like lightning.
Slowly out of line And drifting closer in your sights So play it out I'm wide awake It's a scene about me
  The first thing the infamous Class 1-A noticed about you is how secretive you were. You shared nothing about yourself other than your name and quirk. They noticed that you did some… shady things to put it mildly. Some noticed you snuck out of the dorms at night. Idia, Miydoriya, Bakugo and Todoroki had followed you to an alleyway and heard you talking to some shadowy figure there. Both spoke in soft whispers that they couldn’t tell who you were talking to and whether or not they were male or female. Other than that occurrence, they didn’t get anything else.
   About a week later, the League attacked UA. You had managed to get them in through your student ID and gave them full access to the school, by a really good copy of the little plastic card. Five minutes prior to the attack, you had excused yourself from math, who needs it anyways, and went to the bathroom. While the lockdown was going on, you met with Toga in the halls. The plan was to get to All Might and kill him, the typical plan made by the man child of a leader you have. You both heard footsteps running towards you and saw it was the class president, Iida. “(L/N), get away from her!” He yelled, doing his hand chop thing. You smirked and took out the dagger the blonde handed you. “No, I don’t think I will.” You responded. Time to shine.
There's something in your way                                                                       And now someone is gonna pay And if you can't get what you want,                                                              Well, it's all because of me
    He stood there, shell shocked at the sight before him. His classmate was a villain? You couldn’t use your quirk yet, anyways. You decided to let the scene play out. You let a dark chuckle seeing his face. “All my life I’ve been told that I was best suited for a villain. You know, you could’ve used the time you knew me to get to know me but, everyone treated me the same as before! It’s too bad that things had to end like this. Wait, no it’s not that bad. You and your class are gonna pay!” You yelled. You lunged at him and he dodged as he snapped out of his shocked state.
    “(Y/N), it doesn’t have to be this way!” He said and continued to dodge the blade. He was still surprised and didn’t attempt to fight back because he couldn’t believe the suspicions about you were true. You growled in frustration. “It’s too late for me anyways. You can’t turn me to the light.” You said and looked at him in the eyes and yours started glowing (F/C). He almost let out a gasp but it didn’t leave his body as his eyes fogged up a little.
Now dance, ****er, dance, man, I never had a chance And no one even knew, it was really only you And now you'll lead the way
   You smiled as the class representative had fallen for your trick. “Now, we’re going back to the class, and you’re going to act like everything is alright.” You ordered.
   He nodded. “Yes, (Sir/Ma’am/Other).” He said, voice coming out robotically. He set off to find his class and you followed him, due to your power. The irony of the situation was almost amusing to you. Almost. The head of the class, now a puppet. A puppet that can dance to whatever twisted moves that you have set for it.
Show the light of day Nice work you did You're gonna go far, kid Trust deceived
    You followed him down the twisting paths of the hallways to the rest of the class. Your gaze fixed on the back of his head. You knew Toga was going to inform everyone else that everything was according to plan. Finally, the two of you reached the hiding area where everyone else was. “Thank goodness you found, (him/her/them!)” You heard Izuku said. Then he noticed that something was off about his classmates. You were refusing to look at anybody else than the boy in front of you and Iida’s looked dazed. Like he was… under someone’s control.
    The greenette’s eyes widened. His classmate was… no. He had his suspicions but the truth is hard to handle. Before he could say anything, Iida gave him a swift kick in the face.
With a thousand lies and a good disguise Hit 'em right between the eyes Hit 'em right between the eyes
    They stood there in surprise and shock. A blanket of fear had covered them, making them stand there like statues. The only sounds were the groans of Miydoriya and the thud of his body hitting the ground. “I-Iida.” Ochaco stuttered in fear. No one had expected the class president to attack their classmate outside of training. The blue haired boy then hit the nearest person, Mineta, giving him a punch to the cheek. No one really reacted to that. In all honesty, the grape had it coming.
When you walk away, nothing more to say See the lightning in your eyes See 'em running for their lives
     While they were distracted, you used the opportunity to leave. It didn’t matter if Iida was going to spill the secret you kept from them. That s*** was already out. You smirked to yourself knowing which side of the street you belong in.
Now dance, ****er, dance, he never had a chance And no one even knew, it was really only you So dance, ****er, dance, I never had a chance It was really only you
    The mission went out as planned. It was only a ploy to strike fear in the hearts of citizens. After all, an attack with no causalities is far worse with ones that do. You now sat at the bar, a bottle of water in your hand. You may be a criminal but the age of drinking consent is something that you can’t argue with.  No matter how hard you tried. The news was on talking about the event. Everyone was able to get away without anyone being caught. Call it luck or whatever but, you’re thankful that they did. The anchorwoman was talking about how a student was involved with the League and helped out. A picture of your face appeared on the screen and you smirked. It wasn’t a school photo but a mugshot from a previous capture. One you managed to get away from. No one even suspected you, or so you think, but regardless it’s wonderful to see.
With a thousand lies and a good disguise Hit 'em right between the eyes Hit 'em right between the eyes
    You couldn’t help but chuckled remembering the looks on each of their faces. What they thought was a classmate was really playing a part. A perfect disguise if you asked yourself. You have the innocent looking (boy/girl/person) appearance and if anyone who didn’t know you found out about your job. It would’ve made you laugh as not everything is as it seems.
    Your fists tingled as they remembered the feeling of their face contacting your skin. You placed the hand that held the plastic bottle on top of the other’s knuckles. The feeling is something you’re going to remember for a long time.
When you walk away, nothing more to say See the lightning in your eyes See 'em running for their lives
  A pair of footsteps came walking in and you dropped your hands to your lap. You see Shigaraki walking into the bar holding a folder, with a finger away from it as always. You know it could only mean one thing. “Another mission?” You asked, voicing your thoughts. The boss nodded and handed it to you.
     “Go over it and be ready for when the time comes. You did good on your last mission, keep up the good work. You’re a valuable character.” He said before walking away. You weren’t sure if the last sentence was a praise or another video game term but regardless you nodded.
     “Will do.” You said and opened it up, wondering what will be to cause more fear in the people. And more pride in yourself. Each success makes you happy.
Clever alibis, Lord of the Flies Hit 'em right between the eyes Hit 'em right between the eyes
   You almost busted out laughing seeing  which role you were supposed to play. An innocent citizen who loves all the hero crap. You won’t be alone this time, having Toga to accompany you on this one. You felt excited for the mission. It would mean more people will realize what idiots heroes truly are. The truth will knock them down from the clouds.
When you walk away, nothing more to say See the lightning in your eyes See 'em running for their lives
   But right now, it’s time for a nap. The last mission tired you out. You took the folder with you and walked to your room. All that matters right now is a bed, a blanket, and wonderful dreams of a world where people run in fear from you.
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cellard0ors · 3 years
To @lallyloo as a belated birthday gift! Don't know if you've seen the film I'm referencing here, but it's a fave of mine. Features character!death, but not really...you'll see...
Rhett is sitting in their office early on Monday morning when Link charges in, slamming the door behind him, only to charge over, urge Rhett to stand up and - before Rhett can even get one word out - kisses him full on the mouth.
The moment is so bizarre, so unexpected, that Rhett can do nothing more than simply experience it. He can't react - not with awe or with disgust or with-? Well, it's impossible to even know how he's going to react because he can't even absorb what's happening.
Link's lips press to his - hot and full and desperate and one quick swipe of his tongue (as if just for the fun of it) and Rhett's own lips might part, he's not sure, but it doesn't matter anyway, for even as quick as it happens, it's over and Link just pulls away with a frustrated, "There! Finally did that!"
Rhett stands there, shell shocked and lost, and Link just flops down into his own office chair, sighing gravely, "Figured why not? You know? I mean, even if you hate me now or want to end our friendship or whatever, it won't matter! Hell, even if its awkward as fuck now, it's no big, cause come tonight I'm just going to die again and this day's just gonna repeat and you won't even remember this!"
... Link's just...laid out a lot.
With both his words and actions.
Rhett blinks and tries to compute...all of this.
Link, however, has no trouble whatsoever continuing, "Besides, I've always wanted to know. You know? I've thought about it. Shit, know you probably have too - everybody gets those crazy thoughts now and then, but thanks to impluse control most of us never act on 'em."
He smacks the arms of his office chair in a musical way, twisting it this way and that as he rattles on, "But why shouldn't I? I mean, I've already done a whole slew of wacky shit in this unending time loop - jumped off a bridge, drank bleach, burned down the Mythical building, told everyone on a live Instagram to quit the Society, killed Chase with a dart, asked Christy for a divorce - did all of that, but not the kiss thing! No, not that! Never that! So, I figured this go around was as good a time as any!"
Rhett can't follow along. He doesn't even know where to start. Not that that bothers Link.
"Keep in mind too, lot of this is your fault, because you've told me a couple of times that maybe if I do something completely outrageous that'll snap me out of it. Or that if I find out who's killing me that might work and let me tell you, buddy, I've looked into just about everybody we know and none of them are the culprit!"
And it's with this that Rhett finally manages to say something, "Someone's killing you?"
Link rolls his eyes, "Yeah, Rhett, come on - keep up! So sick of explaining this to you every dang gum time!"
Rhett balks at that only for Link to jump up and open the door. Stevie stands there with wide eyes, clearly not expecting Link to be waiting for her, much less for Link to speak for her, "You we're just going to knock. Yes, it's my birthday, thanks. You've got the reports from the last upload, filming starts soon - yada, yada."
He shuts the door neatly in her face, which Rhett would normally object to if it wasn't for the fact that he's still bowled over by every single thing that's happened so far.
More so as Link moves swiftly over towards his cell phone which barely starts to ring before picking it up, "Hey, Josh - yeah, I'm the birthday boy, I knew you were going to call. No, I don't have time to do that and put gas in your car, you'll thank me later."
He hangs up, resumes his seat, and then looks expectantly at Rhett - as if Rhett can sort out this insanity. The last few minutes it's as if Link knew exactly what was going to happen before it even happened. He runs through Link's earlier comments and rubs at his temples, "Okay, okay...let me get this straight. You're stuck in a time loop."
Link holds up a finger, "That's number one "
"It's your birthday."
A second finger joins the first, "That's number two "
"And every night...someone kills you?"
"And that's number three, my friend," Link raises a third finger and waggles it along with the others he has pointed upwards, "Although I've also done the job myself now and then - y'know, just to spice things up."
"...and how many times has this happened?"
Link actually looks thoughtful here, his chair twisting picking back up again, "Think this is-? The thirteenth time?"
Rhett's jaw drops, but Link is just as cool as can be, "Yeah, thirteen - maybe fourteen, but pretty sure thirteen. Definitely more than ten."
"...you've repeated this day thirteen times?"
"Yup," Link pops the 'p' and picks up a nearby rubix cube, toying with it, "Everything is exactly the same every single time. 'Less, of course, I change it - but the changes don't matter, 'cause once the night comes, someone in a beast mask kacks me and I'm back at the beginning again."
"A beast mask?!" Rhett asks, still thunderstruck by all of this, but as of now, Link seems almost bored, resolved to his fate, " Yeaaaaah, think it's a beast. Some sort of reference to the Mythical Beasts, I'm sure, but it's not some kind of beast I recognize. Pretty scary to be honest. Or, well, it was the first couple of times. Now it's just annoying."
He tosses the cube to one side and Rhett just eyeballs him. Link sighs, "At this point, you usually start to believe me a bit, because you're a good friend like that, but I've also never opened with kissing you, so..."
"Do I?" Rhett questions and Link actually looks confused for once, which is something of a relief, "Believe you?"
"Like I said," Link shrugs, "Usually."
"Take it I don't always."
"Normally I prove it," he points to the door, "Stevie," he points to his phone, "Josh."
He leans back, his bones audibly cracking, "Occasionally I take you out to the studio, say word for word what Emily has to tell us before she does it, point out that Matt's about to trip over his untied shoelace, let you know Jessie's going to text you about having Chinese takeout for dinner..."
Rhett nods along with all of this as if it makes sense only for Link to look at him with earnest blue eyes, "But, again, never kissed you first."
Rhett swallows and Link looks wildly uneasy, "You haven't said by the way...what you think about that."
"I...?" Rhett tousles his hair, "It happened so fast. Didn't have enough time to think about it."
Link licks his lips and his voice is damn near a whisper, "Wanna do it again?"
...does he sound-? Hopeful?
"Link, we're married."
"I know."
"To other people."
"I know," Link stresses, like Rhett's stupid for even pointing it out. Rhett scowls, "It's cheating."
"Is it?" Link asks so innocently and before Rhett can blow up at him, he rushes on, "No, seriously - it's a serious question. Since my birthday is an endless loop and 'tomorrow' (he air quotes) you won't remember this, does it count?"
Rhett opens his mouth, closes it, then finally, "Alright, but you remember, right? So it counts."
Link looks unhappy, eyes casting down, "I guess..."
An uncomfortable silence settles between them. Rhett continues to try and unravel everything Link's confided in him, is trying to come with the terms that he actually does believe him, no matter how crazy it sounds only for Link to say quietly, "I guess I just wanted to."
Rhett looks at him, heart thumping hard in his chest at Link's tone, at his words. More so as his lifelong friend admits, "I wanted...to kiss you "
His prominent Adam's apple moves as he looks at Rhett, eyes misted behind his glasses, "Before I die again."
A bitter laugh escapes, "After all...no real guarantee I'll come back again. Even if this is the thirteenth time..."
And that's all it takes.
Rhett walks over to Link, he carefully kneels down near him, and then he cups his face in his hands and kisses him.
It's soft, gentle - lips caressing lips. He can feel the slight scratch of Link's stubble, he can feel the rush of gasped air against his mouth, he can feel hot heat and a delicious thrill of slick wet closeness.
Rhett's eyes are heavy lidded, but open, as he regards Link up close and they've been this close before but this is... different. More so at the swish and click of their lips and that hint of tongue again and Rhett pulls back, groaning.
Arousal, guilt, confusion, desire - it's all a massive ball of conflicting emotions within his gut but, more than anything, there's a blind love. Platonic, romantic - it doesn't matter. It needs no true definition. No outline. No explanation.
It's love.
And that love only needs one thing, Rhett's voice is rough with determination, "Let's find out who's killing you. And put a stop to this "
For the curious, this is an AU of Happy Death Day! One can also see Groundhog's Day - which, naturally, inspired Happy Death Day and is referenced in the film. Both movies are good, but I lean more towards Death Day in this!
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