#finales felices
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sentidoysensibilidad · 5 months ago
𝑀𝑖 𝑐𝑢𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑜 𝑑𝑒 ℎ𝑎𝑑𝑎𝑠 🪄
Mi sueño nunca fue algo extraordinario; alguna vez creí en príncipes y finales felices. Yo soñaba con mi propio cuento de hadas, que incluía un reino, pequeños príncipes, un dragón domado y el príncipe que me convertiría en su reina. Imaginaba días llenos de aventuras, risas y amor incondicional, donde cada desafío se superaba con valentía y cada lágrima se transformaba en una lección.
Con el tiempo, esos sueños fueron evolucionando. Aprendí que la vida no siempre sigue el guion de un cuento de hadas. Los dragones no siempre son fáciles de domar, y los príncipes pueden tener sus propias batallas internas. Sin embargo, descubrí que la verdadera magia reside en encontrar la fuerza dentro de mí misma para enfrentar las adversidades.
Hoy, aunque mi historia no sea perfecta ni siga un camino predecible, he aprendido a escribir mis propios capítulos. Encontré belleza en lo cotidiano y valor en mis propias decisiones. Mi cuento de hadas puede no ser como lo imaginado, pero es auténtico y lleno de momentos significativos que me han hecho quien soy. Y así, sigo soñando, no con un final feliz predeterminado, sino con la posibilidad de crear mi propia felicidad día a día.
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fluctuando-ando · 26 days ago
tantas puertas se abrieron cuando nos dejamos, las nubes negras se fueron, la lluvia cesó y el sol iluminó el cielo
tanta felicidad llegó cuando partimos, que olvidé porqué quisimos quedarnos aquí en primer lugar
y en ese cuestionamiento recordé que alguna vez también eso fuimos: un cielo iluminado, un pedacito de calma
y seguro que vendrán otros cielos, otras nubes, otros soles y lluvias, pero tú y yo ya no existiremos más
la vida es un clima impredecible y el amor la certeza de que todo pasará
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andorerso · 1 month ago
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FELICITY JONES | PEOPLE Magazine [February 2025]
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bberry005 · 1 year ago
there's something so poetic about young royals ending with the four characters who's journeys of finding themselves were so influenced and ruined by hillerska and the system all driving away from it laughing and heading towards something new together. they are literally leaving hillerska and the story they lived there behind
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rockhousejai · 4 months ago
Finally, all three of them them (in color)
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The girlies 🐈‍⬛🐀🐇
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jessequinnfirstofhername · 1 year ago
The Only Important Rule To Remember:
When there are only two characters remaining, they will face off against one another in a week-long poll to determine the victor.
AHSOKA! NO! Oh, it's a sad, sad day to be a xenophile. A moment of silence for everyone's favorite former feral padawan, and the sexiest tiger in the galaxy! If anyone needs me, I'll be spending the week crying into an 'I Am No Jedi' mug.
As always, this is your unbiased poll-master speaking.
...now, onto more pressing business...
Two women enter, only one can leave. They both stole the plans to The Death Star, and they both have enough attitude to fuel a Star Destroyer.
Will the winner be Leia Organa?
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Or will it be Jyn Erso?
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Cast your votes for the last time to decide, once and for all... who is the hottest Star Wars woman of all time?
...oh, but remember, this is all just for fun! So don't take it too seriously ;)
Happy voting, and may the hottest woman win!
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curemoonlightsworld · 6 months ago
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yuritsukikage · 1 month ago
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Getting tired of Precure acrylic stands since the 20th anniversary merch line. Precure Otedamas are truly the best Precure collectible plush right now!
Still missing a few Precure on the collection. Hopefully I will get them soon!
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jackie-kawaii · 2 years ago
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Commission for @runefactorynonsense!~💖🌹💖🌹💖
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crownedwille · 10 days ago
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-August is inside if you're looking for him. -No, I'm looking for you. -You don't have to lie about what you're doing here. -But I'm not lying.
Felice Ehrencrona and Sara Eriksson in Young Royals 3.06
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emma-ofnormandy · 1 month ago
Ooof- I haven’t written anything of significance in at least six months, probably more. So a big shout out to @mercurygray for hosting the 2025 @blind-dates-fest. It got me writing a bit and hopefully I can keep it going. Without further a do, an introduction to Felicity Collins- an OC for the SAS: Rogue Heroes fandom.
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She hated the damp, she hated the cold, and it seemed like that was all London offered once the sun went down. At least in Cairo, even in the darkest depths of the night, the air was warm, and the breeze carried a hint of something wonderful rather than the lingering chill and the overwhelming scent of depression.
At least it was what she imagined depression would smell like if it had a scent.
Felicity didn’t remember this place being so miserable as a young girl. Then again, London hadn’t been thrust into a world war back then, and she hadn’t yet experienced the feel of regular sunshine. God she missed Cairo. She missed the sun, she missed the food. She missed the simplicity of it, of her existence before she’d thought she needed to do more. 
Why had she thought she needed to do more?
It was a question that grated every time she sat through another meeting, more often than not a useless one, filled with people who carried too many secrets and couldn’t tell full truths. 
The most recent one she had been forced to endure, the one that had her dragging her feet through the dark and damp hours long past her planned outbound train departure, had been another one of those… the useless kind. 
British SOE had spoken ad nauseam about things she had already been briefed about and drove home the fact, in no uncertain terms, that her bosses answered to them, damn what the Prime Minister believed. Anyone under the guise of the twenty committee, or any other SS moniker for that matter, were allowed to operate as they did simply at the benevolence of the Army.
As if the fact that they were a security office, outside the confines of military protocol and therefore free to pick and plant and decipher as they saw fit, was irrelevant. 
The disastrous meeting still grated. They had spoken to her as if she was a trained carrier pigeon sent only to deliver mail between the infighters, a person of little consequence with not a brain in her head, rather than someone sent with important operational information that she had translated and would be pertinent in the coming months of invasion.
“Ridiculous men,” she grumbled. Of the two sexes, they were far more enamored with their own importance and Felicity had very little patience for it.
On the days they left her feeling more like a punching bag than an intelligence asset, she had to remind herself that she was doing good work, important work. Work that she needed to do because others were not capable of doing it. Work that they had sought her out to complete.
I am important. 
The blinking lights of the Ritz shimmered as she turned the corner, and Felicity could feel the irritation and frustration begin to subside. Sight of the opulent hotel meant she wasn’t far from the rooms the agency kept down a shadowed side street and for a few blissful hours she’d be able to forget about the insanity and egos that came with war. And, if she couldn’t forget it, she’d at least be able to drown it in whatever cheap liquor the last inhabitants of the rooms had left.
A cacophony of shouting carried above the London street and her attention was drawn to the hotel’s main doors as a collection of soldiers tumbled through them.
While not the first men in uniform she’d seen tossed from the Ritz, it certainly was the most at any one time. In the dim light, it was hard to make out their insignia, but they were British by the sounds of it.
Speaking of ridiculous men…
Not wanting to get caught up in the chaos of what she could only assume was a drunk regiment on leave, Felicity made a move to cross to the other side of the street, her attention distracted as she searched for her keys. Unaware of the movement ahead of her, she ran headlong into someone, scattering the contents of her purse along the pavement.
She cursed under her breath, irritated with the bodies that continued to congregate, unaware or uncaring of the coming and goings of those around them. She didn’t bother to look up at the man she’d run into as she bent down to collect her things. 
“I am so sorry, I was just getting ready to cross and wasn’t watching-.”
Whatever excuse she had been ready with promptly left her as shock and unease coiled in her stomach at the sound of her name on the soldier’s lips.
There was only one she knew with that accent. Of all the regiments stationed in London, of all the men of her acquaintance that could have come out of the Ritz, it was the one from Cairo.
Felicity peered up at him as she finished collecting the last of her belongings, his eyes unreadable against the bright backdrop. Silence settled, both determining the next best move to make, months of things unsaid hanging in the air between them. 
Her gaze swooped over him as she rose. He appeared the same for the most part, though there was the unmistakable look of a man that has been to war about him. The hollows of his cheeks were a little deeper, the purpling around his eyes perhaps more pronounced than she remembered. He looked tired, physically and mentally, and something inside her ached.
He wasn’t the same man she’d left in Cairo.
“Pat,” she said, hitting him with the warmest smile she could muster, but before she could get a word out, he took hold of her upper arm and moved them away from the collecting group of men.
“What are you doing here?”
She arched a brow, put off by the tone in his voice. Not even a half hearted ‘nice to see you’ or a ‘surprise seeing you here’, just straight to the heart of it.
She resisted the urge to yank her arm from his grip.
He must have been able to sense her irritation because he released her arm and shoved it into the pocket of his jacket but made no attempt to reword his question. He simply stared at her, expecting her to explain.
Uncomfortable with his scrutiny, Felicity brushed a speck of invisible dirt from her coat. “I am working in Woodstock. I had to come into London for a meeting.”
“Woodstock?” Pat’s eyes narrowed as he seemed to flip through a reel of information, connecting the dots on some imaginary board in his mind.
Upon his realization, his lips formed a thin line as he bit out, “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”
“Calm down,” she snapped, gaze searching over his shoulder to the soldiers who didn’t seem to notice his outburst. “It is not as dramatic as you are assuming.” She took a breath, once again glancing about to ensure they had not attracted unwanted attention. “I am doing translation work.”
Mostly, but it did not seem wise to borrow more trouble so she left it at that. 
The idea that she wasn’t in the field, nor involved in something more clandestine, seemed to settle him a little. She knew where Pat’s mind had gone when he’d made the connection and knew what the imagined implications of it meant in regards to their relations in Cairo.  
His immediate concerns no longer a worry, the tension that had taken him receded by a fraction. “When?” he asked.
“When, what?”
“When did you,” he hesitated for a moment, “move back to England.”
Rather than look right at him, Felicity watched the passing traffic. She’d known her flight date that last night they’d seen each other, and, if he had looked around her room with any scrutiny, he would have seen the bag. She hadn’t said a word, though, had acted as if it was just another night, and she knew if she looked at him, she would see the realization in his eyes, and possibly the hurt.
She didn’t think she could handle the hurt.
“A gentleman my father knew stopped by the museum when he was in Cairo from time to time,” she said, trying to justify… well, everything. “And I assisted in some translation work for him, off record of course.”
Their gazes finally did meet, and Pat looked at her skeptically. Nothing with MI-5 or any other intelligence agency was off record.
“When it looked like Africa was going to be secured,” she continued, refusing to give him the acknowledgment of what she also knew to be true, “he asked if I wanted to help in a more official capacity. It seems my father’s instance for certain academic skills has proven useful.”
“Last I knew, you said you had no interest in joining.”
Felicity didn’t miss the skepticism that laced his words.
“I never said I wasn’t interested in joining the cause,” she said defensively, “just that I wasn’t interested in saluting to a man who knew less than I did.” His lips quirked as she continued. “Luckily for me, no one in Blenheim requires salutes, at least from me, so it seems to be a good fit for the moment.”
Distantly, a car honked and a ways down another group of men loudly stumbled in their direction. More soldiers on leave she assumed. Their last hurrah before the inevitable.
“I looked for you,” he admitted, the words almost inaudible over the ruckus around them. “The next time I went into Cairo, I stopped by. Your roommate said you’d left the city, but didn’t know where you’d gone.”
She knew; Winnie had written to her almost immediately. God bless that woman for keeping secrets. Her roommate may have brought home every stray from the streets of Cairo, but she was as loyal as the day was long and would have never given up what Felicity told her, no matter what charms the American had tried.
Felicity had thought it best to make a clean break from him, given the situation he’d be going into and her unknown future with her move. It had seemed to be the simplest option, and the decision had paid off until this very moment.
She shuffled her feet, uncomfortable with the words left unsaid. She hadn’t expected him to care. A part of her didn’t want him to.
“I thought it was best that… well you know how…” she gestured vaguely, at a loss of any sort of acceptable excuse.
There wasn’t one, she knew. It’d been a shit thing to do, but there was no taking it back now.
Pat shifted away from her as a loud, mustached soldier hollered incoherently at the passing group of men, and for a moment Felicity thought that was the end of their conversation. It would have probably been for the best, given that she had just admitted running out on him purposely, but he didn’t make a move to leave, simply watched the commotion for a moment.
“I should thank you for those Italian lessons you insisted on,” he finally said, turning back to watch her. “They ended up coming in handy.”
Felicity blushed. While the Italian lessons had started for practical reasons, the longer they had carried them on, the more they had felt like a farce. He’d certainly been an eager student, but at their last lesson he’d only uttered a few phrases, and they weren’t ones a person used in securing important military assets and locations.
A jealous twinge churned in her stomach at the thought and she tried to tamp it down. She had no right to that emotion.
“I’m glad they came in handy,” she said flippantly, “had I known you were headed for Italy, I guess I would have insisted on less distractions.”
There was a flicker of a sly, almost mischievous smile on his lips before it disappeared into the darkness once more, and Felicity imagined his mind went to the same place hers had and her blush only deepened.
She cleared her throat, eyes jumping to the hotel, too embarrassed to look at him. “I guess I’ll have to admit, then, that I ended up keeping tabs on your advance through Italy.”
“Worried I’d go and get myself killed?” He drawled.
It had crossed her mind only dozens of times since she’d met him and only once she had left Cairo had she been able to set it to the back of her thoughts.
Until they’d been dumped into Italy, at least.
“I had tried not to keep tabs on SAS. Didn’t want to know that very thing, but after you took Bagnara, the Axis communications blew up and I was assigned.” Truthfully, she had felt a moment of pride for the men then, for him especially, as she translated the intercepted hysterics of their eminimes. She had been glad to see success in spite of the absolute insanity she knew they reveled in. “I’m glad you made it through.”
Her words softened the harsh lines in his face and for a moment she saw a glimpse of the man from the earlier days, from the before times when SAS was just finding its wings and the weight of what was to come wasn’t such a burden on his shoulders.
“Riley!” A large man called from the truck that idled just beyond.
Pat waved, but his gaze didn’t leave hers. Finally, he mumbled, “I’ve got to-”
“Of course,” she interrupted. “I should get going as well. Train out is bright and early.”
He looked as if he wanted to say something else but when he just stood there, seemingly lost in his own thoughts, Felicity stepped in and kissed his cheek. “It was good to see you Pat.” 
She moved just far enough away to study his face as she gave his hand a squeeze before dropping it back to her side. SAS was not going to have an easy time moving forward, not that the past had been a walk in the park, but she knew that what was coming from France would be the worst yet. 
She hoped this wouldn’t be the last time she saw him, but she was not foolish enough to believe it. 
“If you find yourself in a writing mood, Ludlow Street. Apartment 5B. My aunt will make sure I get it.”
He nodded and the corners of his mouth lifted in a half there smile. “I imagine you’ll know where I am headed before I even know where I am so…” the words hung there in invitation, and she returned the gesture.
“Take care of yourself,” Felicity reached up and fixed a lock of dark hair that fell across his forehead. “And if you make it to Paris, snag me a good bottle of wine. Maybe we can share it someday.”
Without another word she stepped away and continued towards the far end of the block, not daring to look back and watch him load up and drive away.
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echo-and-dust · 1 year ago
Young Royals (2021-∞)
song: first steps - flora cash
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runefactorynonsense · 6 months ago
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Melotober - Day 7 - Clouds
Talk with me?
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andorerso · 1 year ago
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Felicity Jones as Jill Barker True Story (2015)
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hothotmiso · 11 months ago
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juantinarchive · 9 months ago
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🏳️‍🌈🤍✨ G O K ✨🤍🏳️‍🌈
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