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tamaradoubraomonibeke · 8 months ago
To manage everybody's time, I decided the best way to display my idea is by creating a video (I know I will talk and try to over-explain)
These are some notes I took during the presentation.
Question mark should be smaller.
It should change from question mark to words.
Music - Look at UI
Name of tracks.
Preview mode of music tracks.
Go button in a different color to the others
Title case home
Annotations for food.
Where the users are going to instead of go,
Next stage.
Quick show of map.
Below are the changes I made after the presentation.
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I contemplated again how the food will look with images but after conversations and considering feasibility, the smartest thing I can do is use real images (this gives users a real view of how the food looks).
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I also reduced elements within the navbar and the buttons as advised. For the buttons, I am still contemplating the colors because the orange may blend in but unsure green is the appropriate choice. The white in this scenario is really bright so that is up for consideration.
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These are some iterations of the clothes before I decided on the final choice. The first design shows closeups of the model and captions the element. However, this would be excessive to create.
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This second idea is to show the outfits like a mystery jukebox and users can horizontally scroll to the next outfit. It's simple but would mean I would need to create a second pop-up explaining what the outfits are.
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These round of iterations allows the least amount of trouble for me and the user. It also gives clear instructions about how to learn more about the outfit. The green cards seemed a better choice than the white as it captures attention to the outfits
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After speaking to Rich, I created a simple music UI that doesn't require all images to show as I struggled to visually represent them in the first place.
It's still a work in progress but now, I need to consider how the map would look.
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Now, for this section, I changed it a tad and made sure the pictures are bigger to display it's importance over the text.
I still need to work out how the map will look, appropriate colors for the buttons, the images for the music and how to tell the narrative before inviting users to explore the house.
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hollyoxleylevel5 · 2 years ago
Look at Google material design for a good base layer. But make sure to include other elements to make sure the tool is fun and engaging.
Look at Monyay to see how to make a website fun.
Its similar to generative design.
Look at Tina Touli, could you use some of the ways she experiments for the colour part of the tool.
Screen record experimenting with colour on tablet.
Focus on telling the narrative, not making a functioning tool.
Make a scamp of what you need to create to show your idea.
Focus on pitching your concept.
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gunopark · 6 years ago
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A couple of doodle spreads from this year’s final critiques at the @nyacademyofart #nyaa #finalcrits #newyork (at New York Academy of Art) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxQVbImFDUK/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=uoc1m5b85j9i
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beulah520 · 8 years ago
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When the cafeteria stars align for you to have ice cream and garlic bread for lunch. #artschool #artstudentlife #artstudentproblems #finals #finalsweeks #finalcrits #finalcritiques #icecream #carboloading #sugarfix #allnighters #slighltydelerious #whatarewedoing #whenisthisdue #whatisthissleepyouspeakof #runningoncoffee #runningonfumes
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luaadblog · 3 years ago
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Final crits in Architectural Design, Product design, Painting, Drawing, Two-Dimensional design, Graphic Design and more. #lehighuniversity #lehighaad #art #architecture #design #architecturaldesign #studio #finalcrit #critique #graphicdesign #productdesign #2Ddesign #painting #drawing (at Lehigh University Art, Architecture and Design) https://www.instagram.com/p/CXJ3r67FPi1/?utm_medium=tumblr
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eavtl1 · 5 years ago
Critique finale - 12 mai 2020
I. Modalités
Dépôt des documents avant lundi 11 19:00. Début des corrections mardi 12, heure à définir.
les documents sont à déposer au bout des liens suivants : (Les documents remis après 19:00 seront identifiés par Dropbox et signalés comme “en retard”)
GR Iris Lacoudre
GR Laurie Gangarossa
GR Olivier Malclès
GR Viêt le Trong
GR Victor Miot
Vous serez auditionnés par 2 enseignants (un enseignant de l'équipe + un invité) ; le temps total de passage pour chaque étudiant sera de 10’.
L'ordre de passage vous sera communiqué ultérieurement.
II. Liste des livrables pour la critique finale :
a. texte de présentation du projet 800 à 1500 signes
b. figure du territoire avec localisation du projet
c. plan masse
Au rOtring, 1/1000, format A3 (A4 à défaut), format paysage ou portrait, au choix. Bâtiment coupé sur le niveau principal (comme vous l’avez fait pour la figure du programme) et simplifié (il s'agit presque d'un logo), courbes de niveau tous les mètres (0,20mm continu). La végétation peut être, au choix et selon l’effet recherché, coupée à 1m (on voit les troncs pochés et le houppier en pointillés) ou vue du dessus. Elle pourra dans ce cas être texturée. Vous représentez la bâti, les cours d’eau, les routes, etc.
Pas de légende, pas d'indication du nord, pas de titre.
d. plan(s) de(s) niveau(x) au 1/250 (le contexte est facultatif sur le plan du Rez-de-chaussée)
03-NOM-Prénom-RdC.jpg 04-NOM-Prénom-1er.jpg 05-NOM-Prénom-SS.jpg
e. 2 coupes au 1/250 + 2 élévations
06-NOM-Prénom-Coupe1.jpg 07-NOM-Prénom-Elev.jpg
f. axonométrie écorchée 30x60 du projet : 1/250, parties coupées pochées
g. axonométrie 30X60 d'un fragment représentatif du projet : format 28x28cm, 1/50
h. perspective extérieure format 28x28cm
i. optionnel : document libre nécessaire à la compréhension du projet (échelle libre)
Nota : - Les dessins devront être correctement orientés (le nord en haut). - Les planches ne feront pas apparaitre le nom, le titre ou l'échelle des documents. Si des légendes sont nécessaires, faites les apparaitre sur un deuxième exemplaire du document. Les coupes seront repérées par une cornière de 1cm*1cm au 0,35 en dehors du dessin. - Des numéros sont indiqués au début de chacun des noms des documents ; vous avez toute latitude pour les changer afin qu'ils correspondent à l'ordre souhaité pour la présentation_. - Veillez à la qualité des photos ou des scans de vos dessins : bonne définition, recadrage éventuel pour masquer les éléments qui pourraient perturber la lecture du document (dessin, scotch, nappe colorée, nappe à fleurs…). Il est possible de recadrer une image sur Aperçu (Apple) et sur Acrobat ou autre (Windows) (il existe des tutoriels en ligne) - Si les documents ne sont pas nommés correctement, nous ne serons pas en mesure de les corriger ; merci d'être extrêmement rigoureux. - Conservez précieusement tous vos originaux.
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hannahharrisongraphics · 7 years ago
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Shortly after the interim crit I revisited the piece and made various suggested alterations and polished up the presentation and layout of the lefthand page to make it look simplistic yet visually appealing. Furthermore I worked into the righthand page and listened through the entire song and picked out all of the sections where there was overlaying lyrics, enlarged and placed these over the lyrics which they were almost distorting and obstructing.
I am really pleased with how the final spread turned out and the comments given during the final crit were really beneficial such as considering tracking a bit more when using white text on a black background due to it appearing to be closer together even if they are exactly the same as when inverted.
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yauhauying · 5 years ago
Tutorial (FinalCrit)
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em-twine · 7 years ago
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now that #finalcrit is #finally #over it’s time for cooking proper food again. trofie with homemade basil, spinach and walnut pesto plus local spring veg #vegan #whatveganseat #vegansofig #plantlife #plantbased #architecturestudent #postcrit #hardworkdone #5weeksleft (at Cambridge, Cambridgeshire)
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tonitakesphotos · 7 years ago
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sothisisjustxme · 7 years ago
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Final critique yesterday🙃 #photography #photographer #photomajor #liquidemulsion #alternativeprocessing #baneofmyexistence #mirrorneurons #finalcrit #columbiachi #portraits
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benjaminwellsarchitecture · 14 years ago
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beulah520 · 7 years ago
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I hear “Study Day” and think of cranking out some papers, getting cozy in the library, maybe some more quiet reading and research. Then I remember that I’m an art student and finals means getting up to your elbows in something that probably requires safety gear and a good scrub after.. . . #artschool #artstudent #artstudentlife #artstudentproblems #finals #finalcrits #safety1st #mustmake (at Moore College of Art & Design)
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makanbadawi · 7 years ago
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Martians Studio - Sites of Penumbra - SN • • The project proposes a Utopian vision; a fully automated post scarce society that calls upon the central planning idealism of the Soviet era. The project questions whether ideas of central planning and radical social transformation have been exhausted or simply regarded with suspicion given the fall of the Soviet bloc. The project strives to re-frame the negative connotations attached to ideas of control and central planning, suggesting that in an abundant society the friction that these strategies impose could be used to challenge the complacency that would arise. • #makanbadawi #cityengine #finalcrit #mada #architecture #mars #themartians #drawing #render #model #architecturestudent #archilovers #soviet #monashada @monasharchitecture @monashada (at MADA Monash University Art Design & Architecture)
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middlecoasts · 8 years ago
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Day 5 #creativeeducators @miadcollege #mke #finalcrit ❤️❤️
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hannahharrisongraphics · 7 years ago
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Self Initiated 2 | Unpopular 
In our final crit we chose to display all four leaflets on a plinth in addition to having extra which would hand out when introducing our project. In addition to this we featured the original Lorenzo's logo as seen on the website alongside an a2 printed image of handing out leaflets outside the restaurant itself. 
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