#final yahoo aes
dopingconsomme · 1 year
2023年05月04日の記事一覧 http://dailyfeed.jp/feed/23663/2023-05-04 (全 8 件) 1. JAM Project - PLATONIC 2. JAM Project - In the Chaos 3. 奥井雅美 - Kiss in the Dark 4. New Tumblr post: "ロシア大統領府に無人機攻撃か 誰が実行 自作自演 小泉悠さんかなり大きな展開が起きそうな局面を我々は見ている日テレNEWS - Yahoo!ニュース" - https://dopingconsomme.tumblr.com/post/716352469512355840/%E3%83%AD%E3%82%B7%E3%82%A2%E5%A4%A7%E7%B5%B1%E9%A0%98%E5%BA%9C%E3%81%AB%E7%84%A1%E4%BA%BA%E6%A9%9F%E6%94%BB%E6%92%83%E3%81%8B-%E8%AA%B0%E3%81%8C%E5%AE%9F%E8%A1%8C-%E8%87%AA%E4%BD%9C%E8%87%AA%E6%BC%94 zapier,ロシア,ウクライナ,事件,2023-05-04T01:51:00Z,May 4,2023 at 11:01AM,http://news.yahoo.co.jp 5. 奥井雅美 - 朱-AKA- 6. 奥井雅美 - CUTIE 7. 奥井雅美 - WOLF〜FINAL, THE LAST GOLD〜 8. ロシア大統領府に無人機攻撃か 誰が実行? 自作自演? 小泉悠さん「かなり大きな展開が起きそうな局面を我々は見ている」(日テレNEWS) - Yahoo!ニュース via 複数のRSSをまとめるのデイリーフィード - DailyFeed http://dailyfeed.jp/feed/23663 May 05, 2023 at 05:00AM
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finalyahooaesthetic · 4 years
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“If you ride a horse to school does the pincipal have to take care of it?”
MBMBAM Episode 186: Nipple Aesthetics
Sent in by Andy Davenport
Asked by Yahoo Answers User Shane Stevens
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radwolf76 · 4 years
FLASHBack: Week 92 - www.Kubrick2001.com
So far on FLASHBack, we've covered over ninety Flash animations that were intended to amuse and entertain in some fashion or another, either with humor, stunning visuals, catchy music, or over the top action movie style violence. This time around, we're going to do things a bit differently, and look at a Flash that was made to educate the viewer on a particular point of view. In 1968 Stanley Kubrick released the landmark science fiction film 2001: A Space Odyssey, loosely based off of the short story "The Sentinel" by Arthur C. Clarke (Published in 1951 under the title "Sentinel of Eternity"). As a cinematographic work, Kubrick's intent was to leave its meaning up for interpretation, but this left many a moviegoer wondering just what it was they had watched. In honor of the fact that by one reconstruction of the story's timeline, this week in 2002 (September 21th to be exact), the spaceship at the core of the film, Discovery-1, launched from lunar orbit to set out for Jupiter, we're going to look at an early Flash animation that offers up one possible interpretation of 2001's themes and meaning.   The site www.kubrick2001.com went online, aptly enough, in the year 2001, on 20 January. In its original form, it was available in eight different languages, selectable in an interface patterned after the scene in the film where National Council of Astronautics Chairman Haywood Floyd checks in with voice print at Space Station V's Customs Desk. Over the years, another four languages have been added. They've also upgraded from Flash to mp4 video, at a 20x increase in file size. Their videos are also now upscaled from the original 550x290px Flash Animations to 720x1008px (vertical), targeting consumption on mobile devices. It has garnered many accolades, including a Golden Web Award for 2001-2002, USA Today's Hot Site of the Day, El Mejor Sitio de 2001 from Yahoo! en Español and mentions in major international newspapers such as O Dia, Le Monde, and la Repubblica.  
Now, normally on FLASHBack, there's an explanation of the content of the Flash. However this Flash is already an explanation, and we don't need to go deeper into the layers; this is supposed to be about Stanley Kubrick's 2001, not Christopher Nolan's Inception. (Though I can understand the confusion, the sets were pretty similar at a quick glance.) So, I'm going to follow the strategy of the very first FLASHBack post and just say go watch the thing, especially if you're familiar with 2001 itself. What I can do, however, is note some minor changes from the original Flash and its current video form.   At the end of the Dawn of Man section, where the commentary notes that when facing the Monolith on the Moon, man "shows none of the ape's fear and wonder", the Flash would go on to note "Instead, he makes a video ...". It's not clear why this line was cut from the script; It coincided with audio of Neil Armstrong's "One small step for (a) man", so it's possible it could have been cut to distance this commentary from the Moon Landing Deniers who claim Kubrick was in on the conspiracy, but the fact that the second half of the quote, "One giant leap for Mankind", remains in the current version makes that reasoning unlikely.   In the Jupiter Mission section, the scene where Bowman first goes outside the ship to retrieve the AE-35 unit is uncharitably described as "the scene where a lot of people get up and leave", this was later revised to a more neutral statement on the length of the scene. The offer to skip it is present in both, but in the original flash, there was a working skip button. The scene where HAL takes over the EVA Pod by remote control to attack Poole during his spacewalk has been re-edited: The original is a straight zoom in whereas the current version makes it clear that the target is Poole's air hose. Another edit occurs at the scene where HAL refuses to open the Pod Bay doors for Dave: where the mp4 version asks "Game over?", the original Flash reads "The computer has won" followed by several cuts back and forth from the EVA Pod's view of Discovery and Discovery's view of the Pod, echoing the back and forth of the dialogue during the standoff in the scene from the film. One final difference in this section is that the original flash labeled the screwdriver.   Unfortunately as this Flash was structured as a main Flash that loaded other Flash files in the background, I haven't been able to find an archived version of the final section to compare to the modern video version. It is worth noting however, that the current version pays homage to the notion that Pink Floyd's song Echoes synchs up nicely with the opening to the Jupiter and Beyond the Infinite portion of the film.   And on that musical note, we'll close for this week. Next week, more music.
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ronaldleesg · 2 years
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[7 Aug 2022 🚀] 型男教練 Calvin - one week till his marriage 💛
[2 Aug 2022] 型男教練 Calvin - 英俊瀟灑
[18 July 2022 🏋🏻🚴🏻] 型男教練 Calvin - weekend冇放過假⋯攰攰
[14 July 2022 🏋🏻🚴🏻] 型男教練 Calvin - 陸羽茶室 🍵
[8 July 2022 🏋🏻🚴🏻] 型男教練 Calvin - lunch buddy (https://instagram.com/stories/cccalvinlam/2877691046493378202?utm_source=ig_story_item_share&igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=) 🌳
[11 June 2022 🏋🏻🚴🏻] 型男教練 Calvin - studying (https://www.instagram.com/p/CbAHW0jvvLJ/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=) 🎷🎻💛
[28 April 2022 🏋🏻🚴🏻] 型男教練 Calvin - dead lifting (https://instagram.com/stories/cccalvinlam/2825736468453800737?utm_source=ig_story_item_share&igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=)
[14 March 2022 🌟⛩️💛] 型男教練 Calvin: staycation in St Regis, Wanchai (https://www.instagram.com/p/CbDgVWeBjxs/?utm_medium=copy_link)
[13 March 2022] 淸零下的型男教練 Calvin
[27 Feb 2022] 型男教練 Calvin - iMac
[12 Feb 2022] 型男教練 Calvin - 五年前的自己(https://instagram.com/cccalvinlam?utm_medium=copy_link)
[17 Jan 2022] 型男教練 Calvin - selfie in a mirror
[5 Jan 2022] 型男教練 Calvin - lunch in Aussie Grill 🇦🇺 Entertainment Building in Central District
[10 Aug 2021 🏊🏻‍♀️] 型男教練 Calvin x beer+beach
[29 July 2021 🏊🏻‍♀️] 型男教練 Calvin x #何思蓓
[26 July 2021 🌟🤺] 型男教練 Calvin x 張家朗
[#Tokyo2020 #オリンピック #東京オリンピック 🤺] Hong Kong’s top male #fencer #CheungKalong 🏅has claimed gold at the #TokyoOlympicGames – after defeating the reigning Olympic champion, #DanieleGarozzo of Italy, 15-11 in a nail-biting final of the men’s individual foil. His #goldmetal 🏅 is Hong Kong’s first medal in the sport, second-ever gold, and fourth Olympics medal in history.
#張家朗 勇挫上屆冠軍意大利劍手Daniele Garozzo,歷史性奪金!這是香港史上第2面奧運金牌、第4面奧運獎牌。🤺 #香港加油 #香港人加油 #香港運動員唔係垃圾
UK YAHOO 🇬🇧: https://uk.sports.yahoo.com/news/olympics-fencing-hong-kongs-cheung-123930618.html
RTHK: https://news.rthk.hk/rthk/en/component/k2/1602670-20210726.htm
[19 July 2021 🎍🏋🏻] Calvin x deadlift 🏙
[6 May 2021 🌟🍈] 型男教練 Calvin x Harbour
[25 April 2021 🌟] 型男教練 Calvin x Bossini
初夏氣息🌻,童心煥發!一齊以Toy Story 4 mix and match造型搭配,相約與好友四處打卡📸,IT'S PLAY TIME!
🎪 bossini Toy Story 4 Collection 現已於 bossini分店及網上商店反斗開售
[7 April 2021 🌟] 型男教練 Calvin x TIL.Todayislong
[9 Nov 2020 🏃🏻‍♂️🏋🏻‍♂️] 型男教練 Calvin
after marriage, he seems happier
[9 Oct 2020 🏃🏻‍♂️🏋🏻‍♂️] 型男教練 Calvin
The Active Factory: https://www.facebook.com/TheActiveFactory/photos/a.214494039151824/216665355601359/?type=3
[6 Sep 2020 😊] 滑浪美男子 Calvin
profile: https://instagram.com/cccalvinlam?igshid=7qe8unez3q0k
photo: https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz2CLZXhFTT/?igshid=1c0x2p03jh71e
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learnkoreans-blog · 3 years
Unit 0 lesson 2
Learning Hangeul ( the Korean alphabet ) is really easy! It is also really important as to be able to read and write you need to know it, if you get the chance to go to Korea everything will be written in Hangeul without romanisation. So if you want to learn Korean a good starting place is the alphabet!
Vowels - vowels can be split into two categories, basic and double. Let’s start with the basic vowels:
ㅏ (a) - similar to the a in “want
ㅓ (eo) - similar to the o in “done”
ㅣ (i) - similar to the ee in “keep"
ㅗ (o) - similar to the o in “tow” (to help you remember this, I think of the vertical line being Over the horizontal line)
ㅜ (u) - similar to the u in “rude” (to help you remember this, I think of the vertical line being Under the horizontal line)
ㅡ (eu) - similar to the u in “push”
And that was all the basic vowels, if you learn those learning the double vowels will be super easy!!
ㅑ (ya) - similar to the ya in “yahoo”
ㅐ (ae) - similar to the e in “pet”
ㅒ (yae) - similar to the ye in “yes”
ㅕ (yeo) - similar to the yo in “young”
ㅔ (e) - similar to the e in “pet”
ㅖ (ye) - similar to the ye in “yes”
ㅛ (yo) - similar to the yo in “yodel”
ㅠ (yu) - similar to the yu in “yule”
ㅘ (wa) - similar to the wa in “want”
ㅙ (wae) - similar to the we in “wet”
ㅚ (oe) - similar to the we in “wet”
ㅝ (weo) - similar to the wo in “worry”
ㅞ (we) - similar to the we in “wet”
ㅟ (wi) - similar to the wee in “week”
ㅢ (ui) - similar to the u in “push” plus the ee in “keep”
And thats all the vowels!! So lets move onto consonants, these can also be split into categories - basic, double and strong. We’ll start with the basic:
ㄱ (g,k) pronounced similar to k at the beginning of a word and end of a syllable, in other positions, it is closer to g
ㄴ (n)
ㄷ (d,t) pronounced similar to t at the beginning of a word and end of a syllable, in other positions, it is closer to d
ㄹ (r,l) pronounced similar to l at the end of a syllable, in other positions, it is closer to r
ㅁ (m)
ㅂ (b,p) pronounced similar to p at the beginning of a word and end of a syllable, in other positions, it is closer to b
ㅅ (s,sh) pronounced similar to sh before the vowels ㅣ , ㅕ , ㅑ , ㅠ , ㅛ in other positions it is closer to s
ㅇ (no sound, ng) has no sound when it comes at the beginning of a syllable, but is close to ng when it is at the end of a syllable
ㅈ (j,ch) pronounced similar to ch at the beginning of a word, in other positions, it is closer to j
Let’s move onto double consonants, these consonants pronunciation is harder than their singular, basic version:
ㄲ - kk
ㄸ - tt
ㅉ - jj
ㅃ - pp
ㅆ - ss
And finally strong consonants! When you speak these they should make a forceful sound:
ㅋ - K
ㅌ - T
ㅊ - Ch
ㅍ - P
ㅎ - H
Thats the Korean alphabet!! It’s pretty simple and despite the fact it looked a bit daunting, I hope this helps in your studies and good luck!!
The word hangeul 한글 is made up of 2 syllables and 6 characters, a syllable will never start with a vowel which is why ㅇ makes no sound when its in the first position as it acts a place holder so that the first sound made in the syllable can be a vowel sound.
That's all today
사랑해요 💜
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An Overview of New-age Location-based Apps and their Development Procedure!
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Location-Based Services (LBS) are one of the most trending services nowadays. These services are utilized in countless applications like on-demand apps, travel and transportation-related apps, banking apps, social media apps, event planning apps, etc. to name a few. From Instagram to Uber, from Runtastic to Tinder, these apps have impacted millions of peoples’ lives positively. They have eased out several tasks of day-to-day life and made the customer experiences more comfortable.
Here are some top predictions about the location-based services and their applications.
·         The LBS market is expected to cross $39.2 Billion by the year 2025, as projected by MarketsandMarkets!  
·         Another report by Fortune Business Insights forecasts that by 2026, the LBS market size will cross $66.61 Billion.
It is evident from these stunning reports that the LBS and the location-based apps are high in demand. These are being leveraged by several entrepreneurs, start-ups, and business enterprises across the globe at a fast pace.
Top Functions of the Location-Based Tracking Apps
·         Communication: Businesses can register their address or any related places on maps. People can add reviews, leave feedback, and also refer to these reviews. Businesses can even link certain content on the map.
·         Marketing: Geo-location technologies are used in incentive marketing campaigns for creating interaction mechanics with end-users.
·         Information: Customers can get real-time information about the location of a person, place or a bus/train, etc.
Major Types of Location-Based Apps using Geolocation Technologies
On-demand Apps like Uber, Zomato, etc.
Social Networking Apps Facebook, WhatsApp, etc.
Location Tracking Apps like Google Maps, Waze, etc.
Dating Apps like OkCupid, Tinder, etc.
eCommerce Apps like Amazon, eBay, etc.
Travel and Tourism Apps like TripAdvisor, Expedia, Booking, etc.
Health and Fitness Apps like MyFitnessPal, Nike Running Club, etc.
Photo Location Finder Apps like Explorest, Google Photos, etc.
Weather Apps like Weather by Apple, Yahoo Weather, etc.
Some of the examples of the location-based apps developed by us are as below:
1.      MastR: This is an eCommerce app that enables customers to do virtual shopping. The product categories displayed are based on the location of the product. It also enables scheduled pickups and deliveries.
2.      BeachCaddy: This app enables end users to request assistance from beach caddies to help them carry beach items. Travel of caddies is tracked through the application.
3.      Otego: It is restaurant management and a food delivery app. Orders placed by the customers can be tracked on the map.
After looking at these live examples of location-based applications, we are now going to discuss the mobile app development process used for creating apps using geo-location technologies. So let’s commence.
How to Create a New-age Location-based App?
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Step 1: Thorough Market Research and Finding a Reliable Tech Partner
You should first decide which type of location-based app you want to build by studying its scope in the market. Market research is mandatory to get the answers to questions like-
 What is my target audience?
  How my app idea will benefit them?
  Who are my competitors?
  What innovation can I offer to my target audience?
  Should I develop an MVP or a full-fledged mobile app?
  How to go about the location-based app development process?
  Which are the top mobile app development companies and whom can I partner with?  
 Step 2: Deciding the Apt Geolocation Features
It is essential to integrate some core geolocation features and functionalities in your app to make it highly beneficial to the users. These functionalities include Map view, GPS coordinates, user location detection, location history, route mapping, location-based notifications, etc.
Step 3: Selecting the Right Technology Stack
Selecting the right tech stack for geolocation app development is a necessity. Find below the list of a few set of tools required for location-based apps to choose from:
HTML5 geolocation API
Google Places API
  Google Maps API
  Google Maps SDK
  Core Location API
  Apple MapKit
  android.location package
  Google Maps API
  Google Location Services API
  Google Maps Directions API
  Google Distance Matrix API
  Yandex Maps
  MapView class
  Open Street Map
Step 4: Wire-framing, Designing the UI, and Developing the App
The next step is creating several visual prototypes of the app that match your app idea/concept. After wire-framing, design a user-friendly and responsive app UI. Now begin with the development of a feature-rich location-based application. Pay attention to detail, and get your app developed by an experienced team.
Step 5: Applying Safety and Security Measures
Ensuring data safety is of paramount importance, especially because location-based apps carry sensitive data. So, consider all the existing legal regulations of different countries you are going to target and strictly adhere to their safety regulations.  
Follow the below-given practices too for making your app secure:
  Using multi-factor authentication
  Using an SSL certificate
  Encrypting communications
   Using App Transport Security for iOS or Network Security Configuration for Android
  Not storing high-importance data on user devices
  Encrypting sensitive information with algorithms like RSA or AES-256
Step 6: Final Testing of Complete App
The last step is to carry out rigorous testing of the app. Make sure that the app meets all the code requirements. Test-driven development (TDD) is another effective approach. These will help you reduce the potential bugs, and enhance the app quality.
Final Thoughts
Needless to say, location-based apps are enjoying extreme popularity across diverse industries. Owing to their vast benefits, almost every mobile app development company in the market is utilizing this functionality in some of their apps.
So, do you have a great idea for developing a location-based application? Or do you want to enhance your existing app with this amazing functionality? Reach out to the world-class location-based app development company in Texas, USA, for further assistance.
To know more about our core technologies, refer to links below:
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vice-s-assistant · 7 years
Voices of the FGC: Andre/Dream Boy Purple of Skullgirls Latin American (SG LATAM)
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Over the last five years, Skullgirls has been the “Lil’ Darling” of the Indie movement in Fighting Games. It the game that’s thrived when people said it was “dead”, multiple setbacks, from its former publisher, and various other hay-makers that come with its game development. Through all of that though, it has not only survived, but grown. Now as the actual final patch for the game comes out, the current call for the game, it’s a good time to look back and see it lasting effect on the fighting game landscape. I sat down with a friend of mine, Andre/Dream Boy Purple, who was the lead organizer for SG LATAM, a Skullgirls Latin American group, for his thoughts on Skullgirls, its effect on him, and his organization.
Vice’s Assistant: Alright let's start off with your name for the folks who don't know and what you do with Skullgirls?
Andre/Dream Boy Purple: Name is André, well basically I created and have been running SG LATAM a Latin American focused community for Skullgirls, as well as trying to use the group itself as a medium to spread the word of SG on other LATAM communities.
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Banner from SG LATAM Facebook page
VA: How did you find out about Skullgirls?
Andre: Well, back in the day of 2011, I happened to stumble upon a trailer for Double, a character in the game before the game came out. It honestly left me pretty surprised: just the sight of the animation was pretty cool on itself, but it also looked like a really fun fighting game, especially considering I was into Marvel at the time. It was a no brainer (sic) that I soon got it for the 360 when it released.
VA: And when you first got the game, did it just "click" with you, or did that just come on later down the line?
Andre: Ha ha, that's actually a curious question. When I first got the game, I had my fun with it, but I guess there were a bunch of things that I didn't really enjoy with it. Things like the speed, the constant touch of death combos, the animation having to display the hitboxes for it to run smoothly, and even the netcode even though it was still rollback. It was in a rougher state than the one we have now, I endend (sic) up playing it casually during that time and no thinking much about it.
VA: After you spent time with it though, when did things start to feel like "I really dig this game"?
Andre: That was way down the line, after the whole fiasco with Reverge Labs having to dismantle and reform into Lab Zero, and the launching of their crowdfunding campaign. I started to take interest in the game again after all there were a lot of things that were issues of mine adressed (sic) on the game since then like the speed or balance patches (we didn't get those on the 360 at the time sadly), plus new characters and a PC port after hearing that I made up my mind of giving the game a second chance and ended up falling in love with it then.
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VA: Nice. I kind of started to dig the game after I've spent time with a few months later. Skullgirls was my "burnout" game after I would do long sets in SSF IV AE. After a while started fooling around with Fortune and started to realized I like her rush down stuff...even though I was probably abusing some of her nasty damage stuff she had in Vanilla Skullgirls.
Andre: Yeah, damage was kinda ridiculous in vainilla (sic) I remember seeing some videos of Severin back in the day of him killing characters anywhere on the screen with just one bar.
Couldn’t find a combo of Severine killing with one bar but here’s a 100% combo. These were common (and annoying) in Vanilla Skullgirls.
VA: I couldn't do that kind of stuff, and still can't, but I remember basically using the head to trip someone, going to rekkas, blockbuster. It was super easy to do and boy howdy you could get some nice chunks of damage off.
Moving forward, what in you decided that you wanted to foster your local community to get more people into the game?
Andre: Well when I really started to get into the game once again I started wanting to play more against people and Quick Match did only so much. So I searched around forums and Facebook groups for a LATAM community only to find out there were really none. I found a couple that talked about the game, it's (sic) lore, and played casually but not really one focused to compete with each other. So I quickly took action into it. After all if you want something done you should do it yourself. I created a very basic logo in PS and started a FB group which I tried to promote constantly to friends and in FGC groups. Thinking back to it, it was probably annoying for them to see me do that but I was determined. Ha ha.
VA: Since starting it, how has thing’s gone?
Andre: Well it has been growing pretty nicely and steadily. We're around 600-700 unique members between the FB, Discord, and Steam groups. The Discord is pretty active every day and people are constantly talking and playing on it. We got an actual logo for our group and not just a photoshopped SG logo. We have done plenty of tournaments now under the name "Trifulca en el Ring" with custom flyers for each edition. We've also since have partnered up with Arcade Rumble (a FGC Latin American group) and they have helped us do things like have better production streams, bigger audience to announce our stuff, and in ocassions (sic) even give out money prizes for our tournaments.
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Poster done by Abraham Rodriguez
VA: Beyond just the SG LA community, how do you think Skullgirls has grown within the last 5 years? The prevailing joke is "Skullgirls is dead," but the truth is the opposite: Skullgirls is one of Steam's best selling fighting games (CORRECTION: Skullgirl is not one Steam’s best selling fighting games, far from it, but there are a lot more people who have then you think) , showings a plenty tournies, and even a "mini" convention at AX in Phoenix, AZ  (Correction AX is in Los Angeles, California, not Phoenix, AZ).
Andre: The SGC (Skullgirls Community) has grown a lot, right now we have things like the Skullgirls Tour which is basically or own version of CPT or KI's world cup with 12 tournaments both offline and online. A lot of people have also joined through the PC community, thanks to it being a complete steal at just 15 bucks for the game, having one of the if not the smoothest online in a fighting game beautiful animation, great gameplay, and the low specs it has. You see new people trying out the game constantly, be it the Skullheart* or Steam forums, as well as in the SG LATAM community. We get people who are new all the time and it also helps the abundance of helpful people and events that are run online by the community. Things like Skullbats, Monday Night Blockbusters, SG Brazil weeklies, and even our own "Trifulca en el Ring" series just goes to show that SG was never or ever will be dead. You'll always have people to play with, you just gotta look for them.
VA: With the last patch finally out, do you feel the game has finally reached its ideal state? Or are there things to feel still need worked on?
Andre: Well considering how Mike Z is, he will always find something to work on, but as it stands, the game is really balanced to the point where tier list are pretty universaly (sic) thought as a matter of opinion, and even then there isn't that much of a diff (sic) from the bottom to the top. Considering SG is pretty unique with it's (sic) focus on resets, I think in it's (sic) current state it will pass the test of time just fine.
VA: What do you think Skullgirls' lasting legacy will be?
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Andre: That a community and it's game can last and grow as long as they keep pouring love into it. There's only so many big tournaments for SG (biggest being Combo Breaker) since the whole EVO ordeal of 2013, and barely losing to Smash SG hasn't really been a mainstream fighting game at all. Which to my eyes only makes more impressive what it has been able to acomplish (sic) thanks to the developer support and the constant effort by the community to run events; making tech, helping the devs find bugs, the community being so inclusive. I think SG will still be played many years from now, and until the eventual SG 2, I doubt the constant income of players will slow down anytime soon.
VA: Finally, do you have any advice for people still timid about getting into Skullgirls?
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Andre: Well SG is a fighting game, and like any of them, it's not easy to get to certain competitive level. That's the first fact that you have to accept but there's so many resources and people willing to help: on Discord and the Skullheart forums as well as groups targeted towards new players that you'll have people around your level to play against. A lot of people get discouraged because they jump online first thing, and they get massacred since SG is a fast game, and also focused heavily on resets. Even people with past fighting game experience have a hard time when they first play against experienced people, but it really doesn't take that long to get the hang of it, and SG having such an amazing training mode also helps. To sum it up, I know it may seem overwhelming now, but there's so many people willing to help you, and it really is worth it to form (sic) part of such an amazing community.
VA: One last thing: Where can people reach you and be a part of SG LATAM?
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Andre: People can reach me personally through my Tumblr or Twitter
For SG LATAM they can reach either through our (sic) FB group or Discord, Discord being the more active one of the 2
To both Andre for the interview and Yahoo’s E-sports’ Michael Martin (https://twitter.com/Bizarro_Mike) for advice with interviews
You can also watch Andre attempt to go against the world in a 100-man quick match kumite in Skullgirls today at 6 CDT on his Twitch channel:
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jacobhinkley · 6 years
Chinese Exchange Launching Southeast Asian Crypto Trading Hub
Chinese exchange Zb.com has set up a branch in Thailand with a plan to turn it into the regional crypto trading hub in Southeast Asia. The move came as the Thai government finalizes the country’s regulatory framework for cryptocurrencies and initial coin offerings.
Also read: Yahoo! Japan Confirms Entrance Into the Crypto Space
Creating Regional Hub
Dawei Li. (Photo credit/Matichon)
Chinese cryptocurrency exchange and wallet provider Zb.com recently announced that it has set up a full-fledged branch in Thailand, called Zbthailand (Zbth), with the aim for it to become the regional crypto trading hub in Southeast Asia, according to local media.
Zb.com already has a presence in China, the US, Canada, Switzerland, Australia, and South Korea, Matichon publication detailed, adding that Zb.com currently has over 3 million customers. According to Coinmarketcap, Zb.com lists 59 coins with a 24-hour trading volume of $160 million.
Dawei Li, the exchange’s co-founder, told the publication:
The company plans to expand its digital currency trading platform in Thailand…in addition to providing knowledge and understanding of blockchain technology and investment in digital assets to Thai investors, including recruiting strategic partners to attract more foreign investors to invest in Thailand.
The new exchange offers the trading of 16 cryptocurrencies against the Thai baht, BTC, and ETH. The supported cryptocurrencies at the time of this writing are BTC, LTC, BCH, ETH, ETC, EOS, QTUM, NEO, SNT, AE, ICX, ZRX, EDO, FUN, MANA, and TZB. “All transactions fees are 0.1%,” according to the new exchange’s website.
In November last year, Zb.com partnered with licensed Japanese exchange Quoine and Chinese bitcoin mining solution provider BW.com “to support and facilitate liquidity across isolated cryptocurrency & fiat markets,” the companies jointly announced.
Thailand’s Crypto Regulatory Framework
The decree to regulate cryptocurrencies and initial coin offerings (ICOs) went into effect in Thailand on May 14, putting the Thai Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in charge of the regulation and “requires sellers and operators of such assets to register with the SEC within 90 days,” Reuters details. The last day for registration is August 14, according to Matichon publication.
The Commission is expected to issue the regulations by the end of June after holding a public hearing. SEC secretary-general Rapee Sucharitakul was quoted by Reuters:
Offerings of digital tokens will not be allowed until the regulations are announced.
According to Rapee, the public hearing will take approximately 2-3 weeks “because investments in digital tokens are complicated and carry high risks.”
What do you think of Zb.com setting up a hub in Thailand? Let us know in the comments section below.
Images courtesy of Shutterstock, Matichon, and Zb.com.
Need to calculate your bitcoin holdings? Check our tools section.
The post Chinese Exchange Launching Southeast Asian Crypto Trading Hub appeared first on Bitcoin News.
Chinese Exchange Launching Southeast Asian Crypto Trading Hub published first on https://medium.com/@smartoptions
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We rounded up the best fashion and beauty sales to shop ASAP
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The best post-holiday fashion and beauty sales are happening right now. (Photo: Getty Images)
You’ve handed out the gifts and packed away the wrapping paper. Now it’s time to treat yourself.
As any smart shopper knows, the can’t-miss fashion and beauty sales kick off right after the holidays, just in time for the new year. Whether you want to revamp your wardrobe, stock up on winter essentials for the kids or overhaul your skin care routine, now’s the time to shop for it all.
From Everlane’s famous “choose what you pay” sale and Nordstrom’s Half-Yearly Sale, below are the can’t-miss fashion and beauty sales happening right now.
The editors at Yahoo Lifestyle are committed to finding you the best products at the best prices. At times, we may receive a share from purchases made via links on this page.
American Eagle: Score 50 percent off clearance items and buy one, get one 50 percent off all AE jeans and joggers.
Anthropologie: Take an extra 40 percent off sale items during the winter tag sale.
ASOS: Select women’s and men’s items are on sale, up to 70 percent off. Shipping and returns are free.
Banana Republic: Get an extra 50 percent off sale styles and up to 40 percent off “must-have styles for her.”
Becca Cosmetics: Take 50 percent off select palettes while supplies last and get free shipping.
Boohoo: Save 25 percent off everything, including sale items.
Catherines: Get 50 percent off coats, 30 percent off tops and activewear, plus up to 75 percent off original prices. Standard shipping is $7.95 and the sale runs through Jan. 6.
Dermstore: Get 30 percent off a selection of skin care, makeup, hair tools and more on top of free shipping.
ELOQUII: Use the code SALE2018 to get 40 percent off ticketed prices, and get $5 shipping when you spend $125 or more.
Everlane: Through Jan. 1, take advantage of Everlane’s epic choose what you pay winter sale. Items are going superfast because as the name indicates, you pick what you pay for jackets, pants, shoes and more. If you’re a first-time buyer or order two or more items, you get free economy shipping.
GAP: Get up to 75 percent off on markdowns and an extra 4o percent off of everything (including markdowns) using promo code FORYOU. You can also score free shipping on orders of $50 or more.
Janie and Jack: The supercute kids brand is having a major blowout sale, offering up to 60 percent off select styles, with free shipping on orders of $75 and more.
Lands’ End: Use the code SHINE and pin 6428 to get 20 percent off your order, score up to 65 percent off winter sale items and get free shipping when you spend more than $50.
Lane Bryant: Buy one clearance item, get one free, through Jan. 10. Plus, buy one full-price bra, get a second one half-off.
LOFT: The site has thousands of new markdowns and you can score 50 percent off select full-price styles using code LOVEIT.
Macy’s: Take an extra 15 to 20 percent off select sale items with code JOY through Jan. 1 and get free shipping with purchases over $49.
Matches: Get up to 60 percent off regular-price designer pieces and score free shipping.
Net-a-Porter: Save up to 70 percent on everything from clothing, shoes, bags and beauty.
Nike: Use the code SAVE25 to get an extra 25 percent off sale items through Jan. 5.
Nordstrom: The beloved Nordstrom Half-Yearly Sale is here! Thousands of items are up to 50 percent off through Jan. 2, with free shipping and returns on everything.
Old Navy: Score up to 75 percent off during the twice-yearly clearance event.
Primary.com: During the sidewalk sale event, get up to 60 percent off kids clothing and free shipping on orders over $25.
Saks Fifth Avenue: The annual designer sale is epic — save up to 60 percent off big names like Prada, Jimmy Choo and more. Use the code FREESHIP for free shipping, too.
Sephora: Beauty Insider members get an extra 20 percent off already marked-down items with code TWENTYOFF through Jan. 1.
Shopbop: Score up to 70 percent off everything from bags to jackets to sweaters. The site has free shipping and free returns, but some items are final sale.
StriVectin: Get 30 percent off sitewide plus free shipping! Use code RINGIN19.
Tarte Cosmetics: Score up to 70 percent off select products.
Ulta: Buy one get one 50 percent off during the Buy More Save More event.
Zappos: The retailer has an enormous selection of items on sale, while supplies last.
The editors at Yahoo Lifestyle are committed to finding you the best products at the best prices. At times, we may receive a share from purchases made via links on this page.
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  Follow us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter for nonstop inspiration delivered fresh to your feed, every day.
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finalyahooaesthetic · 4 years
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“Did Dinosaurs Have Scrotum's?”
MBMBAM Episode 193: Journey to the Center of the Bear
Sent in by Alan Black
Asked by Yahoo Answers User Cory James
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lbcybersecurity · 7 years
WinZip Encryption Password Security (2017)
9 years ago I wrote a post on WinZip Encryption Security, that post has received tens of thousands of visits over the years and continues to be pretty popular, but it is high time for that advice to be refreshed. The advice below also applies to 7-Zip, which also supports the same type of encryption as WinZip.
Do not use WinZip ‘Standard Zip 2.0 Encryption’
WinZip pre-version 9 only offered WinZip's own proprietary encryption algorithm called Zip 2.0 encryption, which is broken, so never use WinZip pre-version 9 or the “WinZip's Zip 2.0 Encryption” as an option, as passwords of any strength can very easily be recovered with third party cracking tools. WinZip versions 9 to 21 defaults to use the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) scrutinised and US government agency approved encryption algorithm called the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) - http://csrc.nist.gov/groups/STM/cavp/documents/aes/aesval.html . This is great, however, WinZip still includes the option to change the encryption to use the flawed Zip 2.0 encryption.
Use AES-256, but there’s nothing wrong with AES-128
The latest version of WinZip (Version 21) defaults to use the AES-256 encryption and also supports AES-128. There is hardly any noticeable speed advantage in encrypting and decrypting with AES-256 over AES-128 given the brilliant efficiency in the way AES cryptographic algorithm works, so given the lack of overhead, it makes sense to stick with the default and much stronger flavour of AES-256. 
However, both AES-128 and AES 256 are considered strong enough for commercial industry best practice and both are NIST approved to use until at least the year 2031. To put the strength of AES-128 into perspective, the '128' bit number equates to 3,400,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 possible keys, so guessing or cracking a key of that length is far from feasible at the moment. We also know the AES algorithm doesn’t have any sufficiently serious flaws to get around the encryption process, the Achilles Heel is the password you choose to generate that encryption key.
Use a Complex Password (Super Important)
I recommend the following password rules if you are serious about protecting your data with WinZip AES encryption, or any other AES encryption which uses a password for that matter, use a password that is:
at least 12 characters in length
is random i.e. does not contain any dictionary, common words or names
is not commonly known or guessable password i.e. P@$$w0rD1
has at least one Upper Case Character e.g. A to Z
has at least one Lower Case Character e.g. a to z
has at least one number e.g. 0 to 9
has at least one Special Character e.g. !,",£,$,%,@,#
Recommended Vs WinZip Default Password Policy
Why you need a Complex Password
WinZip’s AES encryption uses “Symmetric” encryption, as such the password is used to generate an AES private encryption key, if you know or can guess the password, you beat the encryption. So the complexity and strength of the password is by far the weakness point. An attacker in possession of a WinZip encrypted file has unlimited attempts at guessing that password to decrypt the WinZip archive, the defence is time, by using a password complex and long enough the thwart the unlimited amount of attempts at being successful. Hackers mainly use two attack types to crack WinZip encrypted file passwords, Dictionary Attacks and Brute Force Attacks. We'll save Rainbow table encryption cracking for another post.
A Dictionary Attack is as it sounds, the attacker tries commonly known to be used passwords and words found in a dictionary. Hackers build their own password dictionary databases by harvesting password uncovered in past data breaches which are freely available online and on the dark web, such as the recent account passwords dump following the Yahoo Data Breach. The attacker then uses a tool to script attempts, allowing thousands of password attempts from their dictionary databases to be tried in minutes.
Dictionary Attack Tool
Top Ten Account Password in Breached Yahoo Accounts
The other common password cracking technique is a Brute Force Attack, in which every single combination of characters possible e.g. aaaa to zzzz is attempted, which is why I recommend using different character cases and specialist characters within lengthy passwords, as it serious extends the timeline for this type of attack to be successful.
Brute Force Attack 
Document names can be read within Encrypted Archives
There is one final issue to be aware of with WinZip encryption, an issue you don't have with other file encryption applications. Without knowing the password it is still possible for anybody to browse and read the filenames within encrypted archive, which obviously can give an attacker vital clues about the content and whether the encrypted zip file password is worth the effort to crack. One way around this is to double zip the archive, giving initial zip archive a random name, or use an alternative encryption tool following the creation of the zip file.
Anyone can read the Encrypted Zip Archived file names without the password
File Encryption Applications to Consider
There are plenty of other encryption tools you can use for file encryption as an alternative to using WinZip. 
TrueCrypt is free, multi-platform and has been my personal recommendation for many years. However after its development was discontinued in May 2014 following an audit, it caused controversy in the cyber security industry. Despite that, I think the latest version of TrueCrypt is still safe to use.
Verhttps://veracrypt.codeplex.com/aCrypt spawned out of TrueCrypt, an excellent and supported encryption tool which also works with Windows, Mac and Linux
AxCrypt is another free Windows-based encryption tool I recommend.
GNU Privacy Guard is an open-source version of the legendary Pretty Good Privacy (PGP)
from WinZip Encryption Password Security (2017)
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finalyahooaesthetic · 4 years
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MBMBAM Episode 176: Wizard Beard Decade
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finalyahooaesthetic · 4 years
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