#final moodboard of this fic đŸ„°đŸ„°
alexturne · 7 months
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moodboard for my fic "you've got control of everyone's eyes (including mine)"
pt. 5/5
54 notes · View notes
hopelessromantic-ghost · 2 years
it only took FIVE YEARS but i finally made a decision that i AM going to get married to jamie at a train station like đŸ„ș look at these omg
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3 notes · View notes
jobean12-blog · 1 year
After the Fall
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Word Count: 6,399
Summary: Bucky is your first love...your first everything so when things fall apart in college over a stupid misunderstanding you’re completely heartbroken but manage to move on...that is until your past comes back in a way you least expect it. 
Author’s Note: When Bucky and reader are dating they are at least 18 and when they reconnect their age is up to you- but they are obviously adults. The type of jobs mentioned are also up to interpretation- it’s a business thing for sure but as far as details it’s up to you! I had this whole moodboard planned to show the progression from young Bucky to now but I suck at them so instead I stuck some pictures in the middle of the fic to give you an idea :) And the first pic is what he looks like now hehe đŸ„”Thank you all so much for reading! Much love always! ❀❀❀Dividers by the sweet @firefly-graphics thank you Daisy! đŸ„°
Warnings: some angsty parts over past events, both Bucky and reader have lots of feels, there’s soft fluff and sweetness, i-m-pl-ie-d s-e-x-y times, f-in-g-er-in-g, some light d-i-rt-y ta-lk, Bucky is delicious of course lol 
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You pace your apartment and try not to fiddle with your outfit any more than you already have. It’s only seven thirty am and you’ve been up since six. You still have an hour and a half before you have to meet with Steve for your first official day of work.
Maybe you should leave now
New York City public transportation can never be trusted. The office building is only a fifteen-minute train ride but just to be sure

Twenty-five minutes later you find yourself sitting in the lobby of the large building, your face to your phone and your foot bouncing rapidly. Several people walk by and you barely notice them, keeping an eye on the time and carefully sipping your drink.
But then you hear heavy footsteps and a hushed voice, one that sounds almost familiar and just as you look up you catch the retreating back of a tall man, broad shouldered and with long dark hair neatly tied into a bun at the base of his neck.
You stare until he disappears inside the elevator, your whole-body tingling with awareness. Could it be your past has finally caught up with you after all this time? Or is it just the constant lingering feeling of what you never truly got over?
Just a coincidence. It has to be.
After several blinks you check your phone again and decide it’s time to head up to Steve’s office.
The receptionist outside his office greets you warmly before picking up the phone and letting Steve know you’re here.
You knock, even though you don’t have to, and wait until you hear Steve call you inside. When you open the door you notice he’s quietly speaking to someone and due to your sudden onset of nerves it doesn’t register that it’s the same man from earlier until he turns around and his ocean blue eyes meet yours.
Eyes you know. Eyes you had fell in love with a long time ago.
Your stomach plummets to your toes and you must look like a deer caught in headlights because Steve stands suddenly and rounds his desk.
“Are you ok?” Steve asks but your eyes are still glued to Bucky.
Steve calls your name and you finally look at him and swallow hard with a nod but your eyes flicker back to Bucky when he starts to move toward the door.
Bucky says something to Steve that you don’t register and already has one foot out the door before Steve stops him.
“Hey Buck, wait a second. I want to introduce you to our new executive assistant.”
Bucky stops short, still facing the hallway and slowly turns, plastering a fake smile on his face.
Steve gives him your name and you hold out a shaky hand.
The moment his skin touches yours you feel him over every inch of your body and a flood of memories assaults you, leaving you almost speechless.
“Bucky is my partner,” Steve says proudly.
You manage a small hello and quickly pull your hand back. Bucky looks away, nodding to Steve before leaving the office.
Steve’s eyebrows are drawn in with concern as he moves his gaze back to you.
“That was weird,” he mutters, studying you and you think he’s waiting for an explanation.
“I’m sorry if I interrupted anything,” you say softly.
“Not at all,” Steve answers with a warm smile. “Now come and sit. Let’s get you set up for your first day.”
You visibly relax and take a deep breath, reminding yourself that you’ve worked hard to get this position and you won’t let anything, not even your first boyfriend, your first love
your first everything, get in your way.
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Thankfully the rest of your first day goes smoothly with no sign of Bucky and you have enough work to keep your brain busy and focused.
It’s when you get home, toe your heels off and fall onto the couch that the day catches up with you, breaking like a wave against the rocks and you sink deeper into the cushions with a groan.
Your cell rings, pulling your from your thoughts.
“Hey Nat,” you say tiredly as you greet your best friend.
“HOW WAS THE FIRST DAY?” she says, far too loudly.
You wince but a small smile pulls at your lips.
“It was great. Steve is so sweet and I was busy all day but kicked ass.”
“I knew it,” she says. “But I get the sense there’s more
She waits, always patient and far too perceptive.
“What do you mean more?” you ask, trying to sound easy and breezy.
“Babe,” she admonishes. “I can hear it in your voice.”
When you don’t elaborate she says, “I’m here and ready to listen when you want to talk.”
Her kind words are all you need to hear before you sigh heavily and blurt out, “Bucky works at the firm. He’s Steve’s partner.”
Silence on the other end of the line.
“Wow,” is all she says.
“I know.”
“Are you ok?” she asks, her voice tentative.
“I will be,” you answer, closing your eyes and pinching the bridge of your nose.
“Dare I ask
how did he look? It’s been so long!”
The image of him flashes in your mind but it’s blurry and mixed with the younger version of him you know from your past.
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“Honestly, I don’t even know. I barely registered more than his eyes. I was in shock.”
“Understandable,” she says. “Want me to come over?”
“No but thank you. I’m just going to take a bath and go to bed. I have the rest of the week to get through.”
“Ok babe. Call me if you need me.”
“I will, thank you again.”
Once you have a warm bath running, bubbles dancing along the surface and the calming scent of lavender filling the space, you sink under the water, hoping to wash away the day and maybe even some of the past.
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The phone at your desk rings and you answer with your well-practiced greeting, smiling when you hear Steve’s voice. He lets you know he’ll be out of the building most of the day, handling some meetings downtown and that Bucky will be here should you need anything.
You hang up and square your shoulders, refocusing on your computer screen and doing your best to push Bucky to the back of your mind.
It works until an hour before lunch when you get a notification for a meeting. The e-mail doesn’t give you many details, just a time and place to be. Silently praying it has nothing to do with Bucky you gather your lap top and bag and make your way to the top floor.
The office door is closed but you can hear voices and when you knock and hear Bucky say, “come in,” you instantly tense up.
He repeats the words and you finally find the strength to push open the door.  
Three sets of eyes turn your way, only one of them familiar. The other two men openly admire you and you have to force yourself not to sneer at them.
Bucky must notice because he says, “gentleman if you don’t mind we have business to conduct.” His words are firm but harsh and the two other men clear their throats and look away to absentmindedly fix their ties.
You step inside, shutting the door behind you and sitting at the small conference table.
A shadow appears over you and you look up to meet Bucky’s eyes.
“I need you to take minutes for the meeting and
The rest of his words fade away as you finally take a moment to get a good look at him. His voice is deeper now, his suit filled out with muscles he didn’t have when you were younger and his hair
his hair is long enough to brush his shoulders.
His presence is overwhelming, sending shockwaves through every nerve in your body and making them buzz with memories.
“You still with me?” Bucky asks, a cocky smirk pulling at the corners of his mouth.
You nod and look down at your computer.
The meeting lasts about an hour and you do your job perfectly regardless of the fact that your heart is in your throat and your stomach is in knots.
“Thanks gentleman,” Bucky says as the two men get up to leave.
They both glance your way again with matching smiles and one of them opens his mouth to speak but Bucky quickly interjects.
“Meetings over.”
They leave without another word and you and Bucky are alone in his office.
You can feel his eyes on you and when you look up at him his jaw is clenching and his eyes are hard.
“Small world, huh?.”
He grunts, which you take as an agreement.
“I didn’t know you were Steve’s partner,” you start, inwardly berating yourself for the quiver in your voice. “This was an opportunity I couldn’t pass up.”
“I can tell you know what you’re doing,” he says, leaning over the table. “This is all strictly professional.”  
“Right,” you agree.
He stares for a moment longer then dips his chin before saying, “I’m going to lunch. You can see yourself out.”
You’re left staring blankly at the empty space he just occupied, the silence he left behind deafening and filled with so many unspoken words.
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“Better day today?” Nat asks, this time from the couch beside you.
“I sat in on a meeting Bucky was conducting.”
“Oo,” she says, pouring you more wine.
“He looks so good Nat. Even better than before and I didn’t think that was possible
his hair is long now.”
She lifts her eyebrow and smirks. “Better huh? Well, he must be losing his mind over you.”
You smile at her in thanks but shrug. “He couldn’t have left his office quicker if I had set him on fire,” you joke.
“Are you ever going to talk about what happened?” she asks, eyeing you from over the rim of her glass.
“What’s there to talk about? We were young. When we talked about going to different schools he made it sound so easy. We’d visit every weekend. Be together every break and talk every day on the phone. But then
things just happened.”
“What things?” she asks gently.
“I kept hearing from other friends that he was studying,” and you make air quotes with the word, “with some girl named Sharon from this classes. I never asked about it because I trusted him but then we both got busier and we had less time
he seemed distant, or maybe it was just me. Things started to fall apart. Then I met Matt
She smiles wryly at the mention of your ex.
“More wine please,” you say with huff.
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The next two days go by without a hitch. Steve seems very pleased with your work so far and you start to settle into your role well.
However, things fall apart again when Friday rolls around and you’re standing in the hallway speaking to one of the gentleman, Brad, from the meeting earlier in the week. He found you on your way to the staff room and practically cornered you to introduce himself.
“So, you should come out with us tonight. It’s a good way to end the week,” Brad says.
He leans closer to you, into your personal space, and you take a step back just as Bucky rounds the corner.
Your back meets his chest and you lunge forward but you never get far because Bucky’s hands wrap around your waist and he hauls you back to him.
“Woah,” you say, freezing at the feel of his hands on you.
Brad laughs but it quickly fades when he sees the murderous look on Bucky’s face.
“What’s going on here?” Bucky asks. “Don’t you two have work to get done.”
Your mouth drops open with a sassy retort but Brad beats you to it.
“We just met in the hallway and I was inviting her to drinks tonight,” Brad says lightly.
Bucky turns his eyes to you. “I was just going to grab my lunch. It’s my break.”
Your tone is defensive and you lift your chin defiantly.
“That might not be the best idea,” Bucky starts, turning back to Brad with a smirk. “She’s a lightweight
.one too many drinks and she might be
“Don’t finish that sentence Barnes,” you spit out.
Both Bucky and Brad look taken aback then Brad breaks the awkward stare down between you and Bucky with a question.
“Do you two know each other?”
Bucky keeps his eyes on you when he answers with, “will you excuse us Brad. We need a minute alone.”
Brad looks between the two of you. “Ok, no problem.” But before he walks away he says to you, “hope to see you tonight.”
Bucky glares at Brad’s back then gently takes your arm and hauls you down to the nearest office. He opens the door and ushers you inside.
“What is your problem?” you ask before he even shuts the door.
“Why were you talking to Brad?” he asks.
You groan and fist your hands at your sides.
“It’s just like he said. We met in the hallway and he asked me to come out for drinks tonight!”
Bucky grunts.
“What is it with all the grunting? And I can’t believe you were about to make some shitty comment about my drinking!”
His shoulders sag and his eyes soften slightly.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that but
He growls and turns away from you.
“But you broke my heart doll!”
When he finally turns back your way there are tears shining in your eyes. At his words, at the use of the endearment he saved only for you and at the way he looks once again, like the boy you fell in love with all those years ago.
“Yeah, well
you broke mine too,” you whisper as you look down at your feet.
You stand there in silence for what feels like forever before quietly saying. “We have to work together now. We can’t let our history be a problem. I want this job. I’ve worked hard for it.”
He scoffs and meets your gaze.
“Friends?” you ask, holding out your hand.
He stares at your outstretched hand but doesn’t’ take it as he steps incrementally closer.
“History?” Is that what you’re calling it?”
His voice is a growl, low and powerful.
“Bucky,” you try again.
“No doll. I can’t do friends with you. I know what you taste like when you come screaming my name.”
The memories wash over you, making your skin heat and your head dizzy. You’re reeling between feeling aroused and ashamed and angry.
“I’m not friends with people who give up on everything and bail for something new and shiny.”
His words hurt, hitting right where he wants them but you gather your strength and remind yourself that you’re here because you should be and what happened between you and Bucky has nothing to do with it.
“Seriously? It was so long ago, Bucky. Something tells me you haven’t been locked away and pining for me all this time.”
Your eyes slowly devour every inch of him. “No, I think you’ve been just fine without me.”
“See something you like doll face?” he murmurs.
He stands up straight and tall, crossing his arms over his chest and causing the fabric of his suit jacket to pull tightly at his bulging biceps and his long legs are spread wide as he smiles sardonically.
You can’t stop your gasp before it passes your lips. “Don’t do that.”
“Do what?” he mocks.
You don’t want to answer his question because it’s true. You do like it. More than you want to admit.
His long hair curls at his shoulders, neatly styled and framing a sharp jawline that’s lined with dark scruff, some spots even peppered with gray. His full lips are soft and kissable and his hands
you know what those hands are capable of.  Long fingers that are now adorned with rings, the shining gold glinting under the bright lights of the office and drawing your attention, spread wide over his arms.
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It’s suffocating but you can’t stop your blatant perusal.
Your eyes drop to his long legs and what’s between them, his suit pants straining against what’s behind his zipper, the thick cock that stretched you for the first time.  
His smile is filled with arrogance as it widens into a grin and his gaze sears you, rooting you in place as he leisurely looks his fill.
“I certainly like what I see,” he says, licking his lips. “But none of that matters any more, right? Old news.”
“I won’t let you ruin this opportunity for me,” you tell him, willing your voice to stay even. “And I know Steve suspected something was up when I walked in the first day so don’t
“I already told Steve we have a past but don’t worry I didn’t tell him all the shitty details,” Bucky retorts. “Your secret is safe with me.”
He stands there with an expectant look on his face.
“Are you waiting for a thank you!” you almost shout. “I can’t believe it.”
You see his mouth opening to interrupt you, but you hold up a staying hand.
“Let’s just agree to be professional so we can do our jobs.”
You take a step around him but he blocks your way, his body large and imposing in the small space and when he leans down, his breath tickling your ear, and whispers, “I’ll see you on Monday then,” an involuntary shiver shoots down your spine.
He meets your eyes, his own sparkling with the same desire you know is in yours then reaches around you to open the door.
With a rush you shoot down the hallway and back to your office, silently praying no one caught you coming out of the room.
Once you’re safely inside with the door shut, you lean against it and finally let out a shuddering breath, swiping at your eyes.  
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“I’m exhausted,” you explain to Nat after telling her about the events of the day.  “Even if I had wanted to go I would be asleep on the bar in minutes.”
“Well, just don’t let him dictate your social life. You have every right to go out and relax with coworkers. Especially cute ones. And you know I’ll come with you if you want.”
Nat’s words bring a smile to your face. “Thank you. Let’s just hope I can make it through next week.”
Later that night, after trying and failing to find something to watch that will keep your attention you crawl into bed and dream.
Your laid back on his bed as his stubble scratches along the sensitive skin of your neck and his whispered words reach your ears.
“You want my cock doll?”
You moan out his name, arching beneath him.
“Tell me.”
“Yes, yes I want your cock Bucky,” you purr.
His chuckle vibrates along your stomach as he moves lower. “Just need a taste first.”
“Please,” you beg just before his tongue flicks over your clit.
You push your hips into his face and he growls in approval.
“More,” you demand, and he obliges as one thick finger teases your opening.
You wake up just before he fills you, panting and disoriented. Looking around your dark room you can barely remember where you are. Or when. The past mixing with the present and creating something dangerous.
Your arousal is evident in the stickiness of your panties and you squeeze your thighs together in search of some relief. You sit up and take a sip of water from the glass on your nightstand, wishing it would quench more than your thirst. You consider finishing yourself off, it won’t take much, and he’ll never know, but you will.
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Monday morning arrives faster than you’d like and you find yourself dragging your heels, literally, into the office.
You see Bucky in a meeting later that day and you notice him glancing your way several times, words and thoughts and emotions crossing over his face but you can’t decipher them.
The problem is you feel the same way. Confused and unsure
well maybe not unsure about everything. You definitely want him but that’s a line you know you shouldn’t cross, especially after the harsh words you exchanged last week.
The meeting ends and so does the day. And the next and the next until it’s Friday. It’s past five pm and you’re still in your office working on something for Steve. He pops his head in and tells you to leave but you wave him off and explain you’d rather get it done now and relax this weekend. He bids you goodbye once you promise not to stay too late.
You’re in the middle of a thought when the door opens again and without looking up you say, “don’t worry Steve, I should only be another hour then I promise I’ll go home.”
“Another hour and it will be dinner time.”
You look up at the sound of Bucky’s voice, your eyes wide and your lips lightly spread with surprise.
“Sorry,” you say sheepishly. “Thought you were Steve.”
He smiles and for the first time you can tell it reaches his eyes.
“I’m going to be done at about the same time
You stare at him, not sure if you heard him right.
“Unless you had other plans toni
“No,” you interrupt. “I don’t and uh dinner sounds good. I’m starving actually.”
“Great, then I’ll see you in an hour. There’s this little noodle place we can walk to from here.”
You smile gratefully, waiting until the door shuts behind him to let out a whoosh of air.
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“I don’t see a table,” you say as you look around Bucky into the restaurant.
He grabs your hand and you ignore the tingles that shoot up your arm as he drags you through the place. In the back corner, there’s a lone table, small but empty.
He holds his arm out, gesturing for you to sit. “I usually come hide in the back here if I have work to do but need food,” he explains.
You sit and he follows, plopping down across from you. The table’s so small that his knees bump yours underneath.
“Ow,” you hiss.
“Shit, sorry doll,” he mumbles as he moves his chair, bringing him closer to your side.
“I forgot how big your are.”
Your eyes go wide as you hear your own words come out of your mouth.
“Man doll face, you sure know how to hurt a guy’s feelings.”
His tone is light and teasing but you look down, your bottom lip caught between your teeth as you fidget with your hands and try not to remember exactly how big he really is.
Thankfully the waitress stops by to ask for your drink order. Once you tell her what you want you sit quietly and peek over at Bucky.
He looks nervous and for some reason it makes you feel better.
You both start to speak at the same time then laugh over your jumbled words.
“Go ahead doll,” he says.
“I was going to remind you of how much we used to talk. Remember all those nights we stayed up late either on the phone or hanging out in our favorite spot on the roof.”
His eyes sparkle at the thought. “Of course I remember. There never seemed to be enough time.”
The waitress reappears with your drinks and sets them down.
“Still like that whiskey huh?” Bucky teases. “I remember the first time you tried whiskey.”
“Oh gosh, I try not to,” you groan.
He suddenly looks sad. “I’m sorry about that comment last week
about the drinking. And about most of what I said. It was harsh. It’s just. This is hard,” and he gestures between the two of you.
“I get it. Believe me.”
“What happened to us?” you say after taking a sip of your drink.
“So much,” he responds. “But I feel
His words are interrupted when the waitress appears with your food. You take a few bites, focusing on chewing and swallowing as you muster up the courage to say the next words.
“I never gave up on us,” you start, your voice pained. “I never bailed
I heard so many things
people were talking.”
“What did you hear?” he asks, his fork held tightly between his fingers. “What are you talking about?”
“People were telling me you were with Sharon all the time
and I wasn’t sure what else. You pulled back, we talked less
I don’t know it just didn’t feel the same. I was losing you.”
“Losing me?!” he says, far too loudly for the space. He squeezes his eyes shut then continues, his voiced hushed but still angry. “I was just trying to keep my grades up. I was struggling. I missed you so much and I couldn’t handle it. My grades slipped and the idea of you thinking I was a failure was too much on top of everything else. Sharon was just helping me. Nothing ever happened between us.”
You stare at him, your eyes glassy as they fill with unshed tears. “I don’t understand. When I asked you to come visit so we could talk
you were so hesitant, I thought it was because you were going to break up with me and then
you never showed.”
“I did. I did show,” he says quietly. “But you were with Matt.”
“What?” you gasp. “When? How come you didn’t tell me?”
“I was too ashamed. I figured you had moved on to someone better, someone who was able to keep their shit together and I didn’t want to mess that up for you.”
“Bucky,” you whisper. “I wasn’t with Matt. We were just friends.”
“But it didn’t stay that way,” he says, his tone accusatory.
“No. But that wasn’t until I knew it was over for us. I was completely heartbroken and it never worked out with Matt. He couldn’t get over the fact that I was still in love with you.”
That knocks the wind out of him and the two of you sit there, staring and uncertain.
He abruptly stands, knocking into the table. “Come on, let’s dance.”
“What?” you screech as he grabs your hand. “There isn’t even any music. This is a restaurant!?”
You don’t fight him as he tugs you away from the table and to the other side of the small room and when you spot the jukebox you can’t help the smile forming on your lips.
“I should have known you’d take me to a place with one of these,” you laugh.
He looks over his shoulder and winks before he starts scrolling through the songs. He stops on one but you can’t see the name then presses a few more buttons before he takes your hand again and pulls you to him.
The music starts and you almost stumble into him, recognizing the melody immediately.
“Your favorite,” he says quietly, drinking you in with his eyes.
You sway together and he spins you slowly, his hand teasing along your lower back. He takes your hand and lays your palm against his chest as you move back and forth. It’s not really dancing, more like you’re pressed together, shifting on your feet.
When you move your fingers across his chest you feel his sharp intake of breath. Your eyes trace the movements as your hand spans his broad chest then grazes over the gold chain peeking out from the open buttons of his shirt.  
“I like all this,” you say quietly, pressing the chain into his skin before you glance at the rings on his fingers.
“Glad to hear it doll,” he rumbles, looking far too pleased.
Your hand slides to his bicep and he flexes, smirking when you look up at him through your lashes.
“When do you have time to work out?” you whisper into the small space between you as your gaze wanders over his arms.
“Early in the morning,” he answers. “And you should see the rest of me.”
Need rumbles through his voice and you look up to meet his eyes.
He kisses you before you can finish the thought, stealing your breath. You freeze for a single heartbeat and then kiss him back with everything you have.
“Fuck doll.”
He wraps his arms around you tighter, pulling you against him and you lean into him willingly, a moan vibrating through you. His hand slips around to cup your throat, his thumb brushing over your jaw as he tilts your head back, deepening the kiss.
The music stops and you hear a few catcalls from some random guys at another table. It breaks the spell and you take a step back.
You start to panic and he can tell, his hands tightening at your waist.
“No, we can’t.”
“Yes we fucking can,” he answers back. “We’re adults and we can do whatever the fuck we want. And make no mistake,” he continues, grasping your chin between his thick fingers to force your eyes to his, “I want you.”
You audibly swallow and sway into him. He holds you close, his eyes wandering over your face expectantly.
“I just
I panicked. I need a minute,” you admit.
He visibly relaxes and slides his knuckles along your curves to find your hand before taking it in his and pulling you toward the door.
“Where are we going?” you ask once you’re outside.
“I’m walking you home,” he says quietly, not letting go of your hand. “Just like when we were kids.”
You smile and press closer to him, loving the feel of his thumb brushing over your knuckles. The walk is mostly silent as your mind races to find the right words. You want this. Want him. But is it too much too quickly? It’s been so long but even so your body remembers him, has his touch memorized and seared into your skin and your heart
your heart has been full of him since the day you met.
When you reach your apartment building you stop. “This is me.”
He waits patiently for you to speak but when you don’t he asks, “so now what?”
“I want this. You. Us. I never stopped wanting it,” you confess. “But we’ve both hurt each other and I think we need to take it slow.”
“I’ll do whatever you want if it means you’re willing to give this a chance,” he answers. “But I can’t promise I’ll behave
I’ve been dreaming about being inside you for far too long and my hand just ain’t cutting it doll.”
You bite your lip, desire written all over your face even as you try to shoot him an admonishing glare.  
“But we’ll start with a date,” he says softly. “And I know just where I’m gonna take you.”
With a small nod you lean forward and kiss the corner of his mouth, your lips lingering on the taste of his skin before you pull away and move from his embrace.
“Tomorrow?” he asks. “Or too soon?”
“Tomorrow,” you repeat.
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“HE KISSED YOU?” Nat screeches and you have to move the phone away.
You’re nodding before you realize she can’t see you.
“Yes, right there in the middle of the noodle place.”
“Well what?” you ask.
“How was it?”
You sigh almost dreamily. “Better than I remember which I didn’t think was possible.”
“And you’re sure you’re ok with this?”
“I’m feeling so much but the thing I’m feeling most is the fact that I want him. I’m hoping it’s more than a physical thing. It feels more than that because to be completely honest I never stopped loving him.”
“I’m glad you’re giving this a chance,” Nat says. “Just go at a pace that makes you comfortable.”
“So I should have sex with him tomorrow
? Because I’m perfectly comfortable.”
You can hear Nat’s snicker. “Girl, if you do I better get every dirty detail.”
You giggle and cover your mouth, feeling lighter than you have in weeks.
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“Just keep them closed ok?”
You squeeze your eyes shut and hold tightly to his hand, stepping on the backs of his feet several times as he leads you to your date spot.
“Sorry Buck,” you laugh.
“It’s ok doll, just another few steps.”
You hear something metal creak open and then a blast of cool air hits your face.  He throws his arm around your shoulder and tucks you into his side.
“Ok, open your eyes.”
You’re met with a scene that takes your breath away. It’s both familiar and new, the old roof top a space you frequented when you were younger but now it’s been brought to life in a whole new way.
Soft string lights hang from a make shift canopy where underneath you see a small chaise lounge that’s covered in a plush blanket and cocooned by fluffy pillows.
“Oh Bucky,” you gush. “You did all this?”
He smiles and kisses your forehead. “I remember how much you loved it up here.”
“It’s beautiful. All of it.”
“I have one last thing to show you. C’mere.”
He pulls you along with him and pauses near the old fire escape.
“Close your eyes,” he orders again, slipping his hands over them from behind.
You laugh and reach up to hold his wrists, fiddling with the gold bracelet that dangles loosely there. “What are you doing?”
“This,” he whispers along the shell of your ear.
He moves his hands from your eyes and you gasp and cover your mouth, but then reach out, tracing one finger over the etched lines in the metal.
Your initials are carved neatly into the rusted metal, still standing out against the weathered material after all this time.
You spin in his arms, your eyes falling to his lips just as you lick your own, his eyes tracking the movement.
“Thank you Bucky.”
And then you kiss him. He grabs your face gently between his large hands, nipping at your lower lip and you open for him without hesitation. You press into him and he slides his hands down your back, brushing his thumbs over the sides of your breasts.
You whimper his name, moving your lips to his neck to trace down the muscular column.
“Fuck,” he groans as he walks you back toward the chaise lounge. With a spin he sits down and pulls you into his lap, your thighs on either side of his.
You pull back, your eyes bright and your lips swollen.
“You’re still the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”  
Your whispered thanks gets lost in the moment as he dips his head and drags his nose along your skin, inhaling softly.
“Whatever you want doll. Anything, nothing. Say the word and it’s yours.”
His words are rough even as his hands move delicately to caress your body.
You lean forward, softly kissing along his jawline toward his ear, your breath fanning his skin when he squeezes your ass.
“Touch me.”
“Touch you where doll? You want me to fill you with my fingers?” You want my mouth. I’ll lick up every last drop of whatever you wanna give me.”
You tremble in his arms, tugging at the button down that hangs loosely over his shoulders, your fingers splaying over his exposed skin as he shrugs it off. You rake your nails over his tight white tank, desperate for more of him but instead he tucks his fingers under your shirt and pulls it up and off.
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His large hand covers your breast, his thumb brushing your nipple through your bra and you arch your back, pushing your chest into his face.
Your hips rock, rubbing up and down over the hard ridge of his cock.
“I’m gonna come in my pants if you don’t stop that baby doll.”
You don’t stop. Can’t. And when his fingers pop open the button of your pants you grind down even harder, needing more.
His fingers move lower and he hisses at the softness of your skin before he finds you soaked and ready for him.
“Yes,” you breathe out. “More.”
“Right here?” he teases, lightly brushing his finger over your clit.
He spreads your juices all over you, coating his fingers and your skin until you’re completely wild for him, writhing as you try to fuck his hand.
Two thick fingers sink inside you, his rings hitting your skin as he meets every one of your thrusts, going faster and harder when you mewl for more with every stroke.
“Bucky. I’m gonna come,” you warn.
“Come for me doll. Come all over my fingers. Squeeze me tight.”
His words send you careening over the edge and you cry out his name but he doesn’t stop the slow pumping of his fingers, drawing out every last bit of your pleasure.
You collapse against him, your head laying along his shoulder. His skin is warm and soft beneath your cheek and you can’t help but press your lips there. You spasm on his fingers once more before he slowly pulls them free and brings them between you, staring at the glistening proof of what he does to you.
With a predatory gleam in his eyes he holds you gaze and pushes his fingers into his mouth, licking them clean one by one.
“Fuck doll, you’re so sweet. I almost forgot how good you taste.”
You turn your face to his as your fingers tip toe down his chest, catching on the gold chain that rests against his warm skin, before moving lower.
“What about you?”
He rests his hands over yours, stopping you from undoing the button of his jeans.
“Not yet baby doll. I want to at least give you a real date first.”
“Are you being all gentlemanly now?” you pout. “We’ve had sex up here before.”
“I’ll fuck this pussy anywhere and anytime you’ll let me, but you want to go slow and this is more than just fucking. It always has been. When I get back inside you, it’ll be because we’ve worked through all this shit for good, all the shit that never should have gotten in our way. And there won’t be any going back. You’ll be mine again.”
Even though you always have been.
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@sstan-hoe @lookiamtrying @hallecarey1 @kmc1989 @blackwidownat2814 @buckysdollforlife @late-to-the-party-81 @randomfandompenguin @hiddles-rose @sebstanwhore @book-dragon-13 @littleseasiren @justkinsey​ @beccablogsthings​ @laineyreads​
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thevillainswhore · 1 year
A Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing
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Pairing: Dark!Steve Kemp x F!Reader
Word Count: 2.6k
Summary: It was an art - one that took many years and many sacrifices to perfect, and Steve had managed to become a master at it. There was just one thing he would not fully commit to sacrificing, at least not the important parts that kept life essence flowing: you.
Warnings: THIS IS A DARK FIC - PLEASE READ THE WARNINGS - dead dove, kidnapping, mentions of smut (p in v), fingering and oral (fem receiving), implied non-con, degradation, restraints, physical abuse (face slapping), cannibalism (it’s Steve kemp what did you expect?), force feeding, hints of Stockholm syndrome?
A/N: Unbeta’d | dividers created by @rookthorne thank you for also helping me with the summary my love đŸ„° | this oneshot was inspired by the lovely @smutconnoisseur who made me this absolutely stunning moodboard 😭 I just knew I had to write something as soon as I saw it. Thank you so much sweetie, loves you the most đŸ„č
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“Let me go, you fucking psycho!”
Steve merely kept on humming to himself, happily slicing the meat in front of him into finely cut pieces. It took severe attention to detail to finesse the glide of the knife just right, cutting through as smooth as butter.
It had taken quite a long time to get his craft on the line of perfection - years in the making - and now that he’d finally mastered the art, it was as easy as riding a bike. The rush of adrenaline spiking his nerves gave him a hit unlike anything else in his life. This was what he was meant for. He’d wasted so much time not giving in before.
Wooden screeching against the floor snapped him out of his inner musings, eyes lifting up to see you fidgeting in your chair - presumably trying to escape, but the chains attached to your feet would keep you rooted.
Steve couldn’t help but notice how the glow of the candlelight surrounding you on the dinner table highlighted the beauty in the features of your face. Sunset orange dancing among the shadows, defining your cheekbones and your shoulders decorated in the straps of a pretty dress.
You were so beautiful. Perfect for him.
Placing the meat onto a skillet to cook, Steve wiped his hands and rounded the corner of the kitchen island to join you, the sudden bravado you had earlier evaporating while terror took over your body. His cock shouldn’t have gotten hard seeing the tears gathering on your lash line, but those glassy eyes reminded him of a deer in fright, ready to run. And fuck, would he love the chase.
 join me.”
It was haunting, the kind smile Steve let loose as he held out his hand to you after arriving by your side. No wasn’t an answer, and you did well to stand up on your shaky legs - from still recovering or fear, he wasn’t sure - quietly proud of you either way.
Flashbacks of you clumsily tripping over the bed to go relieve yourself on the toilet crossed his mind as he brought you to the middle of the living room. After fucking you three times in one night, leaving you screaming his name and begging for more each time, he couldn’t help be prideful watching you stumble your way out of the room. Just like a doe learning to walk for the first time.
Of course, the chains rattling with each step you took while limping weren’t part of the memory. The heavy breaths were familiar though, smirk crawling onto his face as he imagined your adorable squeaks while he ate your cunt like he was man starved.
Once Steve had directed you into the middle of the living room rug, he brought you closer to him, slipping his arm over your waist as you flinched, and grabbing your other hand to hold as he began to slowly dance. He was thoughtful enough to keep his steps light and be extra careful with you.
Deciding it was too much of a distraction for you a long time ago, Steve had decided to forego music in the house - it let your mind switch off and he wanted your brain alert
 in the present. Solely on him and every move he made. So, he graced you with his singing voice instead, whispering the lyrics to ‘Restless Heart’ in your ear.
Steve felt the shaking of your chest before your uncontrollable sobs cut through his singing. He’d be offended had he no clue how scared his Bambi was.
“What’s wrong, Bambi? Huh? Don’t you like it here with me?”
“I w-want to go h-home.” You stuttered.
Steve sighed and lifted your head up with his palms, kissing your forehead and leaning down to your watery eyeline to speak to you directly.
“Oh, baby
” his condescending tone gave away his faux concern for you, “you know I can’t let you do that.”
You began to heave, breaths coming in fast and heavy with panic - Steve almost felt a crack in his heart. Almost.
Truth be told, Steve knew you were it for him. Ever since he first saw you from the corner of his eye walking down the fruit and vegetable aisle, he’d been bewitched.
Youthful, tight skin, good looking.
You ticked all the boxes for him
 and the rest of his client base.
He’d caught other women before - gorgeous, just the right amount of meat on their thighs to keep the buyers happy.
They were good. However, they didn’t compare to you.
Normally, Steve would be excited to find new prey. The cat and mouse play of picking out women to cut up and sell. But, you were different. Steve wanted you all for himself.
See, you weren’t just a pretty face, you were witty, funny, intelligent - maybe not smart enough to see what was coming, but he didn’t hold that against you, he was just too conniving after all.
And those goddamn dates he took you on, paving the path for his plan to come to fruition, when he found himself enjoying your company. Steve wanted to spend all of his time with you, willingly.
That was when he decided he didn’t want to go along with his usual plans. Instead, he wanted to date you. See where this relationship could go.
So, he took you to his house tucked away in a secluded area - the excuse of wanting a weekend without the modern world bothering you in disguise of your questioning to the lack of signal or Wi-Fi.
Honestly, he didn’t initially plan to drug you. The opportunity just
 sprung onto him. Too tempting to not listen to his base instincts and ignore the spiked wine hidden in the alcohol cabinet.
A voice in the back of his head told him he shouldn’t be doing that, he vividly remembered it. The urge to get a kick out of his charades with someone as good as you overpowered it, though.
Steve wasn’t proud of himself afterwards, but how could he be blamed? He’d worked out a successful routine before he stumbled on you. Wooing girls fitting his mental meat quality checklist and eventually luring them into his second home. It was only natural to follow his instincts, what he’d made of himself.
You especially weren’t happy when you found yourself on his home operating table, opening your eyes to realise your boyfriend was taking your ass.
Weirdly, he didn’t find guilt in the thrill he took from that - that seemed to sicken you the most. He remembered how you lunged for him, screaming about the insanity of his pleasures when you woke up after the surgery to find him sitting in your caged prison. Cutting into your delicate skin to watch the stream of blood flow down your rump to then hearing him laughing to himself as he showed you the flesh stolen away from your body had your head spinning - dangling it from his fingers in front of your face.
It wasn’t too long after that you passed out from overexertion. If only you knew the way he used you to take care of himself after that.
It may have been confusing to understand, but Steve genuinely thought the world of you. Those few months of dating spent together changed his mind on whether he’d find a companion ever again.
Finding love alongside Steve’s hobby had been difficult to put it lightly. His first wife knew of his side activities coinciding with his doctoral career. That was why he settled being with her, someone who was accepting of who he was. But, although she may have put up with what he was doing, she didn’t initiate that spark within Steve - that buried, deep seated fire that begged to be set free. Steve wanted to be seen, to be loved in his entirety.
There was no shame in that.
That was what led to the downfall of his marriage, Steve was no longer interested in the farce of keeping up appearances with a woman who didn’t truly understand him. Which is why she had to go. Just divorcing wasn’t an option, she knew too much.
Then came along you. His pretty doe, who captured his heart from a glance.
As your hysteria whittled on, Steve hugged you tight to his chest.
He’d kept you here for a month in total now. Four glorious weeks of spending time with you alone, bonding together. Your feistiness only made his cock grow in his slacks whenever you put up a fight.
His little doe didn’t put out easy - just how he liked it.
As your tears continued to soak his dress shirt further, he shushed your cries, keeping you close and he swayed side to side in comfort.
The beeping of the oven hob, interrupted Steve’s attempt at soothing you. The meat was cooked and it was time to plate up the dinner he’d made for the two of you.
Bringing you away from his chest, Steve smoothed your hair behind your ears, wiping his thumbs under your swollen eyes to get rid of your tears. Holding your arm, he again directed you back towards the table to sit down, clamped your hands back into the cuffs attached before walking towards the kitchen.
Peaking over, Steve noticed you had calmed down and collected yourself by the time he was adding the peppermint sauce over the mashed potatoes and meat.
He had high hopes on your opinion of his cooking, what you thought mattered to him, believe it or not. It was his real passion beside becoming a plastic surgeon, and he wanted you of all people to like it.
Gracefully, Steve walked on over with his finished plates and set one on each placemat. Your head was bowed, eyes set on the meal set in front of you.
“What is it?”
Your mousy voice spoke up and had Steve looking down at you, lifting your chin up with two fingers so he could see your face.
“Your favourite, sweetheart. Steak and mashed potato.”
A shudder racked through your body as Steve smirked, dropping your face and grabbing the large napkin to fan out over your thighs. He smoothed the material over your legs and traced the tips of his fingers along your bare skin. The sight of you inching away didn’t sit well with Steve, pinching you to hear that familiar yelp he loved so much.
He began to get settled in his seat, combing his styled hair back with his fingers before beginning to cut up the meat on his plate.
“You remember our dinner date don't you, baby? You ordered the exact same thing when the waiter asked. Poor boy couldn’t keep his eyes to himself when I made you speak as I fucked you with my fingers.”
Steve knows you didn’t want him to hear the gasp that couldn’t be kept in. Adorable. You were still so shy around him.
But he didn’t appreciate how long your silence lingered, looking up to see you still staring down at your food, untouched.
The knife clashing down on the plate made you jump in your seat. You didn’t want to eat, no bother. Steve would help you.
Stabbing a cut of meat with his fork, Steve carefully leaned over the table to hold the steak up to your mouth for you to take a bite.
“Open up, my little doe.”
Steve saw your mouth opening up, happy to see you were cooperating with his request. You were finally making progress. Only for you to suddenly move your head to the side as he got close and bite down onto his hand, hard.
The fury built up in Steve as he snatched his hand away, fork scattering onto the table as he released it. In instant retaliation, Steve backhanded you across the face, sending your head whipping over to the side as blood spurted out your mouth.
“Bad girl.”
Blood from the force of his hit trickled down the corner of your mouth. You hadn’t moved from your spot for a second before Steve grabbed the front of your neck, bringing you closer over the table and ignoring your squeak of pain.
“Now, eat what I so graciously cooked you before I fucking force it down your throat.” His spit from the anger of his voice shot out onto your face. Steve shoved you back before slumping into his own seat once again.
His hot and cold nature always had you on edge, but you were used to it by now. Is that what he really deserved after being so thoughtful to you?
Steve observed you closely. Watching your every move should you try something like that again. Only would you get away with something like that once.
You picked up the fork dropped, meat still intact on the silverware and inspected it thoroughly. He knew you were looking for hints of poison or something that indicated he’d drugged you. He threatened it enough times for you to be wary.
He wasn’t sure what you would have preferred once you found out.
Opening your mouth, you placed the meat tenderly onto your tongue and closed to begin eating.
Steve waited until you had swallowed. Intently watching you chew before you were finished with your bite. He gave it a second before sitting back up, taking the fork from you and stabbing another piece, ready to start his meal.
Not before letting you in on his secret ingredient. “I always said you tasted good, didn’t I, Bambi?”
Cold dread visibly washed over your face as you went deadly quiet. Your hands began to abnormally shake. Steve just sat there and watched as your body went into emotional turmoil.
There wasn’t much you could have done, chained to the table, hyperventilating. It wasn’t even as if you could have stuck your fingers down your throat to throw it back up, fingers too far out of reach to even try. It didn’t stop you from dry heaving over the side of the table, retching loudly.
Eventually, the panic your body sent you in, along with your howling cries from despair allowed you to get worked up enough to throw up. Regurgitated meat mixed with bile landing on the carpet as Steve carried on eating - unfazed.
It took you a while for your body to finally relax, for your mind to comprehend what Steve just made you do. Sweat dripped down your face as you forced your body back upright, too weak to fully keep your eyes open as you hoarsely spoke.
“Why are you doing this?”
You looked defeated, body slumped with dark circles under your eyes, shivering like Steve hadn’t cranked the heating up.
Steve wiped his mouth. He understood you were an acquired taste, not for the lightheaded - you’d get used to it eventually though. He thought you were delicious, cleaning up his plate entirely.
He looked directly into your eyes after he finished eating, voice devoid of emotion. “Isn’t it obvious? I love you.”
Your reply is instant “No, you don’t.”
Darkness blackered his pupils. Body still and uptight as he went still. Steve pushed his plate away and leaned his forearms onto the table, never stopping staring as you squirmed in your seat.
“Don’t you ever question my love for you again. Do you hear me?”
You swallowed the presumed lump in your throat.
Steve couldn’t understand how you didn’t know how much he cared for you. You were here, eating in his dining room. He’d sacrificed customer sales by keeping you to himself. He loved you. You’d understand one day though. He’d make sure of it.
“Give it time, Bambi. I know you’ll learn to love me back.”
“And if I don’t?” There was one last inch of life in your eyes, a thin thread of hope holding on for dear life. Steve could see it clear as day, the embers in your irises dying out with each moment he took to answer.
He knew he had you then, the gut punch of his response blowing out the flame once and for all.
 you think you have a choice.”
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nerdieforpedro · 7 months
Weekend Update 02/25/2024
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Nerdie! You saw it right! He won! *hugs tightly*
Yes he did! đŸ„° We're all so happy for him! Finally!
We're also buzzing about how he looks like he's on the cover of a romance novel. Maybe on a ranch, maybe in the 1800's. It's a pretty versatile look. He likes his deep V's....
As we all should. Also, I'm taking notes on that. *scribbles*
Anything new besides, well clearly pirate adventures?
Pirates have scurvy and Pedro is well nourished so none of that. Other ideas for his characters. Ezra and Pero might have scurvy though. I did manage to write some this week. It's been busy. 👀 Ugh...real life stuff. Nothing major. Just needs to be done.
Nerdie's fics:
Guiding Light (Ezra one shot - I was chatting with @lady-bess and had the idea for this. I always have Ezra in some crime. 😎)
Lunch is happening right? (Part two of my summer romance Javi G fic. Not sure how many parts.)
He told me his name (Din Djarin x plus size female reader) I wrote it after reading a new Din fic by @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin (will be listed below. I'd still call it moody because despite writing, I still have trouble with my vocabulary. đŸ€Ł It is pretty though. I'm working on a follow-up since people asked 👀)
Can't win carino (Javi G one shot - for @i-own-loki because she gave me the idea and the moodboard so I ran with it.)
The Man Next Door (Jake Lockley one shot for @megamindsecretlair because she kinda asked, more like I asked her what she wanted in it. She asked for action and smut. I might try more action in fics later.)
Get a room you two and BONE (Part two of my Tim Rockford comedy series which now has romance? I binged too much B99, watched a bit of Castle and a few episodes of Kojak with my mom. The insanity will only increase with part three but maybe there might be some growth between Tim and Doc? Or a hippo.)
Nerdie I thought you said you were busy....that's six fics...
I was and some of them I had been working on for a while. I also had some insomnia (that lead to parts two and three of the Tim Rockford fic). Anyway, on to the main event! 😘
Nerdie's fic recommendations! or things I read this week. 😄
14 x kisses by @trulybetty (Jack Daniels x reader) Part of her 29 days of valentines for February.
Sorgan Girls Are Easy - Solo Din Djarin by @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin (the fic that inspired my Din - her Din has 100% more smut)
Half of you - chapter 3 by @foxilayde (Santiago Garcia x fem. reader) Slow burn series - love it and trying to read it slowly to savor it.
Falling for you by @toomanystoriessolittletime (Javi Pena x fem reader) A bittersweet read that had me wonder what was next but I was hopeful.
Sunday Naps by @javierpena-inatacvest (Frankie Morales x fem reader) More proof that cuddling with Frankie leads to wonderful things.
Poe Dameron falling in love with his shy best friend (GN reader) by @i-belong-to-the-stars What one hopes for if you're shy and you're in love with those curls...er Poe. đŸ«Ł
Mystery Strain by @rebel-held (Dieter Bravo x GN reader) All kinks are valid and who doesn't love Dieter with a belly? 😘
Bulletproof by @laurfilijames (Jax Teller x fem reader) She wrote poetic porn with feelings. I was overcome, titllated and confused.
A girl walks into a bookshop by @oonajaeadira (Ezra x fem reader) Soft Ezra with a bookshop, yes please! 😄
Beneath the mask by @saradika (Din Djarin x fem reader) A medieval knight Din...so where does one pick up the velvet dress?
Loneliness by @sirowsky (Pero Tovar x GN reader) Pondering Pero in your local Park? Highly recommended for Valentine's Day.
15 x cashmere by @trulybetty (Joel Miller x GN reader) What thread count was it that encouraged Joel to hop in bed in such a state? For my personal file. 👀
He sees you by @maggiemayhemnj (Joel Miller x reader) This writer will tell you she just loves words. I would argue that the words love her in a unique way that makes you see the things. 💜
16 x dance by @trulybetty (Tim Rockford x reader) I pictured him dancing with the reader in his trench coat. @secretelephanttattoo (El) is to the holsters as I am to the trench coat. đŸ€Ł In my mind.
Quiet Moments Collection by @secretelephanttattoo (various Pedro characters x reader) It’s the small instances that you think don’t matter, that are the most meaningful.
Plus One by @always-andromeda (Frankie Morales x fem reader) Always a fan of two idiots in love, even with their spat.
A Strange Fate by @youandmeand5bucks (Silva x fem reader) Two people who came together because of life circumtances. Are they really satisfied?
A Beskar Valentine by @firstofficerwiggles (Din Djarin x female reader) Awesome username, it makes me giggle. Din will be ten steps ahead and still fifteen behind when it comes to matters of the heart. My guy is an overthinking champion.
Seven by @lokischocolatefountain (Javier Pena x reader) A simple discussion about children leads Javier to a drastic solution.
To be Explored Later by @legendary-pink-dot (Frankie Morales x fem reader x Santiago Garcia) aka Ms. Curls if ya nasty! 😘 Somehow I missed the gem of a sandwich. How the reader was able to think about anything is beyond me.
Red Light Glow by @missredherring (Lucian Flores x fem reader) This man has me and @rhoorl keeping track of his silk shirt and gold chain. We would accept his call. The guilt would go away too quickly if we felt it at all. 😌
Incarnadine by @iamskyereads (Pero Tovar x fem reader) This Pero has me swoon with his care toward the reader, his love of baths (I just want him to soak and relax - he's been earning coin!), and his word choice. This is another person that words appear to favor. 💜
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Not like I fangirled over these writers this week or anything 👀
What on the docket for this week Nerdie?
Part three of the Javi G summer romance
Maybe...Roc & Doc part three I don't like sitting on finished parts but then I whine about having no motivation for the next part. 👀 I make no sense.
March is toward the end of the week so my March Spring Prompts will start! I scheduled the first six days I think. I got anxious about getting behind (which isn't the point of doing them but anxiety doesn't care) and did some in advance. I like how they're coming along and that they're short. Unlike this update. đŸ€Ł They won't have summaries, but will have warnings, tags and notes.
And because I hear series and I think "I should start another one!" I decided to write an Ezra series. How did I happen upon our favorites prospector/scoundrel/reluctant father figure? I've been reading works by @morallyinept @maggiemayhemnj and @magpiepills
Ezra intimidated me because of his language, but actually, I think I'd get along with him because he puts on a persona with a great deal of performance. It's the audience's job to figure out if you're serious or not. Or at least that's how I approached him. đŸ€š This could go badly. I stuck him on the bayou with an air boat and I want him to cook gumbo. *full delusional achievement unlocked*
Special shout-outs to @connectioneverywhere and @soft-girl-musings for sending me lovely asks this week.
Also to @inept-the-magnificent who called Tim Rockford her sidepiece and I am still very tickled. đŸ€Ł
This update was long đŸ€— Hehe
Love Nerdie ❀
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photogirl894 · 8 months
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Well...I've fallen down another rabbit hole with another show! This time, it's "Hazbin Hotel" 😁 And my gosh, if you need further proof that I have a type (which seems to be girl dads), my favorite character from the show is Lucifer đŸ„°
I'm gonna be honest, I never considered watching the show until I heard a song sung between Lucifer and his daughter and it's seriously the SWEETEST song I've ever heard!! đŸ„č💜 That got me wanting to watch the show and I watched it in a week, just in time for the season 1 finale. I freaking loved the show so much and Lucifer is such a great dad! He won me over in nothing flat! He also has an amazing singing voice (thanks to the talented Jeremy Jordan) and that definitely got me! Plus, look at him!! 😍
(Don't worry, I won't be writing any fics for him lol I don't mind listening to language, but I prefer not to write it...and Hazbin has a LOT of it 😝)
I'll be tagging this with spoilers, as well, as the finale only came out a couple days ago and this moodboard does have a couple spoilers.
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indiaalphawhiskey · 11 months
fake fic title! "crescent moons fix broken hearts"
would love it if it could be hl? 👀
Sorry this took so long! I really needed to write something today to flex the muscle, I hope you and @awesomefringey (who submitted the t-shirt pic) like it. đŸ„° (I tried to post this twice with a moodboard but Tumblr wouldn’t let me. 😒)
🌙 Crescent Moons Fix Broken Hearts
Sitting in the en suite of the lavish hotel room, the soft lighting of the vanity illuminating the planes of his face, Harry let the radical irony of what he was about to do wash over him.
It was a weird thing, he realized, this feeling of waiting for a moment your entire life – preserving it, building it up – only to have it finally, finally come in a form so different it was almost laughable.
Not almost. Harry did laugh.
Half because he caught sight of his ridiculously nervous expression in the mirror, and half because apparently, one minute someone could be the perfect pure, virginal (if a little sexually frustrated) Omega groom-to-be fitting their bespoke wedding suit in at a highly exclusive designer shop, and three days later, be that very same Omega, revenge and wildly expensive tequila shooting through their veins as they booked their would-have-been honeymoon suite to have raunchy sex with an Alpha they’d hired specifically to finally deflower them, once and for all.
Turns out getting dumped in a Saville Row dressing room because one’s ex-fiancĂ© thought they were quote, “an uppity, frigidly cold fish who he probably had no sexual chemistry with anyway”, unquote, really lit a fire under one’s arse.
Harry flared his nose in anger, his thoughts murderous as images of his beautiful, wasted wedding invitations danced back into his mind, haunting him. His cheeks began their now familiar pinkening with his remembered humiliation, and then

A soft knock unfortunately interrupted Harry’s montage of fantastic daydreams of running over every single one of his ex-fiancé’s prized watches to the intro of Led Zeppelin’s Immigrant Song.
“Come in,” he called out gently – or as gently as one could through gritted teeth.
As the door slid away, the unfamiliar, unassuming coolness of rosemary and sage rolled in slowly. Harry wasn’t used to it; accustomed to sharing spaces with the scent of warm whiskey and leather layered with that wretchedly expensive cologne Harry had always hated.
But back to the sage.
Sage, and rosemary, and cedar, and
 he let the last note tickle his nose as he tried to name it.
“Are you okay?” Louis Tomlinson asked.

 and soap, Harry realized, oddly comforted even as he wondered whether the name was a pseudonym; wondered if it was standard procedure to print such a convincing alias on a discreet calling card that would eventually be passed across an elegant brunch table at the Dorchester.
(‘Niall, don’t be absurd,’ Harry had sniffed, trying his best to push the card back towards him without making a scene. ‘Jesus, just be normal and introduce me to one of your investment bankers, or something.’
Niall had given him a long, silent, and completely unimpressed look in response, glancing down at the engagement ring Harry was still wearing, if only to make a point. Ouch.
‘Harry, trust me. After this shitshow, you of all people deserve an orgasm on the first go. Treat yourself.’)
“I’m alright.” The polite platitude was out of his mouth accompanied by a reserved smile through the mirror before he could stop it.
It wasn’t like he could tell the truth anyway; not like he could say, ‘No, actually. I’m fucking livid, because a week ago I was about to be married, and today my financial manager called to ask if my credit card had been stolen because there was a suspicious charge from RoyaLT Enterprises for a ‘Platinum Package – All Inclusive’ on it when I was assured this service would be discreet, goddamnit!’
He bit his tongue, mostly because Harry didn’t tell Louis about the jilting; had decided against it the moment he had clicked ‘Platinum’, the description reading ‘two-week session with certified heat coach (Alpha) focused on scent familiarity, building sexual rapport, and discussing intimacy needs in addition to agreed heat cycle partnership.’
A virgin who had saved himself for marriage only to be jilted a week before his wedding because he was, in fact, a virgin, paying for sex and intimacy, trapped in a room with someone who really shouldn’t be as attractive as he had turned out to be
 It had all just felt a little too humiliating.
Which, speaking of

“Sorry,” Harry blurted out softly now, slowly coming to his senses. He turned to face Louis, his eyes widening. “We’re
 we’re on the clock, aren’t we? Am I
 I’m wasting your time?”
Louis chuckled softly – kindly, really – and casually leaned against the door frame, crossing his ankles. He was shirtless, Harry only now realized, as he watched him slip both hands into the pockets of his silk pajama bottoms, making them ride dangerously low against his happy trail.
Louis shook his head. “You’re supposed to take your time, get comfortable with me.” He raised his hand to gesture to himself – what he was wearing, and then the space between them. “This is all part of it.” He grinned wide, and Harry had noticed he was handsome when they’d met, but the genuine warmth of his smile is what made it. (Well, his smile, and his abs, and the still respectable but no less impressive hint of a bulge in his pajama bottoms
) “It’s called the boyfriend package for a reason.”
Funny, Harry thought then, feeling just a little bit
 well, a little bit wet. He’d never had a boyfriend who looked quite like this.
Niall’s wise words began to reverberate in his mind: ‘Treat yourself.’
Harry bit back a cheeky smile. He intended to.
— Or, When Harry Styles did things, he did them right. Why should losing his virginity be any different?
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yxngbxkkie · 2 years
karaoke night (k.s)
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finally a seungmin fic!! this is short but sweet, and i wanna thank my lovely @thewxntersoldier for making this moodboard for me đŸ„°đŸ’– i hope you guys enjoy reading this đŸ«¶đŸ»
You walk into one of the karaoke rooms, seeing your best friend sitting on the couch. Seungmin picks his head up at the sound of your footsteps and smiles at you.
"Hey, you made it," he mentions after locking his phone.
You shrug your jacket off with a confused look on your face. "Where's the rest of the members?" You ask him, remembering him telling you that the whole crew was going to be here.
"They can't make it, apparently," he sighs, tossing his phone on the couch cushion beside him. "I was praying that you didn't end up canceling as well."
"I would never," you breathe out, clutching your jacket. "I could never miss the chance to see you, Minnie."
You tear your gaze away from him to hang up your jacket, missing the way Seungmin's cheeks blush. He also misses the way your cheeks blush as well.
"Do you want to go first?" He asks you after clearing his throat, moving to sit in front of the controls.
"You can go first," you smile at him and sit down next to him.
Seungmin hums and continues to look through the song choices. You lean your chin on his shoulder so you can also see what they have. "Do you see anything you like?" He whispers, taking a quick glance at you.
"Mm, nothing yet. What about you?"
He shrugs his shoulders slowly, careful not to hurt you. "Not really, no. I figured the company would update the list every few years," he mumbles before clicking the duo's tab. "Wanna sing one together?"
"Sure, that sounds fun," you grin.
It takes almost five minutes for the two of you to decide which song to sing. You grab one of the microphones while standing up. You and Seungmin move to stand in front of the coffee table as the music starts.
Seungmin's verse is first, and you watch him sing beautifully into the mic. Your heart flutters in your chest, his eyes closing shut as he passionately performs his part.
I love you so much.
You join in, keeping your eyes on him. You already know the lyrics to this song, so you don't need to look at the television.
His part ends while yours continue on, and his eyes meet yours. You feel your body warm up under his gaze. Seungmin's fingers brush against yours, and he looks down at your hands.
He starts singing again as his pinky interlocks with yours. Your heartbeat quickens, and you lace your fingers with his, taking a step closer to him.
Both of you sing at the end of the song and you lower your microphone. Silence fills the room again as the two of you continue to stare at one another.
"Is it bad that I'm glad they didn't come?" You whisper to him, referring to the other members canceling.
Your best friend grins and brings one of his hands to your face. Seungmin leans in and captures your lips with his. Your eyes shut instantly and kiss him back. You lean on your toes, wrapping one of your arms around his neck.
He pulls away seconds later and rests his forehead on yours. "Not at all. I'm also glad they ditched," Seungmin mentions, his thumb stroking your cheek.
Giggles leave your lips, and you move to lay your head on his chest. Your arms wrap around his waist, hugging him tightly.
Seungmin glides his free hand up and down your back. "Can I be your boyfriend?" He whispers into your hair, and both of your hearts pound against your chests.
"Yeah," you breathe. "You can be my boyfriend."
tagging: @thewxntersoldier @reddesert-healourblues @spacegirlstuff
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multiimoments · 8 months
Fanfic AU Wishlist Tag
What are 3 AUs you'd love to write/draw/etc & 3 you'd love to read? And with which ships?
[Optional: Tag 6 or more friends whose AU dreams you want to learn about!]
✏ The Holiday (2006) x Marylily and Wolfstar [Outlining!]
✏ Kate and Leopold (2001) x Panville
✏ Our Flag Means Death (2022–23) x Wolfstar (and others)
📖 The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern x Dramione
📖 Anastasia (1997) x Jily
📖 Six of Crows duology by Leigh Bardugo x Marauders (all of them, pls! especially Dorlene and Jegulus!) [note: I did learn today that one such fic exists!]
I was super excited, so I made some moodboards for IG! (I have learned how to use Pinterest, finally đŸ€ŒđŸœ)
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Tagging everyone I can think of (and anyone else who wants to do it! đŸ„°): @emjayeingray @badhairred @dahlliiances @just--vi @toofadedtofight @wolfpadx @brigid-faye @heartsoncover @kat-m-toast @tigrrliily @spookeart @spookymoonie @cloaksnidget-3745 @imsiriuslyreading @howmanyfrecklesdoyousee @yourfriendlygryffindor @lavenderhaze @siriusly-sapphic @sleepstxtic @lucigoo @eurhythmix @summax2o @cancerravenclaw @the-noblehouseofblack @mochafrappiccinolatte @thisliminalspacedaydreams @kaaaaaaarf @thebibutterflyao3 @fiestylilmetalbendingqueen
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hippolotamus · 1 year
FanFic Friday
Rules: share a fic you wrote (or fan art or gif) that you are proud of! Moodboard optional!
Thanks for the tag @apothecarose đŸ„°
NGL it’s probably gonna be a bit before I answer with anything other than Whatever may come (your heart I will choose). It is my baby and I love it to death.
As a young man, Eddie Diaz meets, and falls in love with, Shannon. She’s new in town and every available guy wants to date her. Eddie is no exception. Determined to prove that he’s not soft, like his father accuses him of, Eddie pulls out all the stops to win her over. He walks with her in the evenings after he gets off work, takes her stargazing, offers to help her mother with a few odd jobs around their house. He even leaves single yellow roses on the windshield of her car when she tells him they’re her favorite. They officially become a couple after Shannon decides she’s done being wooed and finally asks Eddie on a date. She’s a free spirit and honestly? He kinda likes that, not having to work so hard to impress her because she seems to like him for who he is. Not for who he could be.
She’s gorgeous and she loves him and they’re great together. She is it for him. Eddie knows there is nothing he wouldn’t do for her.
Then, in the blink of an eye, everything changes.
Or The Story of Eddie and Christopher Diaz
No pressure tagging @shortsighted-owl @eddiebabygirldiaz @giddyupbuck @stereopticons @blackandwhiteandrose @vanillahigh00 @disasterbuckdiaz @elvensorceress @monsterrae1 @spotsandsocks @honestlydarkprincess @eddiediaztho @thewolvesof1998 @forthewolves @chaosandwolves @wildlife4life @spaceprincessem @mysteriouslyyounggalaxy @heartshapedvows @loserdiaz @wikiangela @watchyourbuck @your-catfish-friend @lizzie-bennetdarcy @rmd-writes @ladydorian05 @statueinthestone @buddierights @911onabc @jesuisici33 @pirrusstuff @eowon @cowboy-buddie
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thesandsofelsweyr · 2 years
Hi there! đŸ‘‹đŸ» Thanks for the warm welcome to Tumblr. You can call me Sands. I am back writing again after a 5+ year hiatus and wanted a place to share my fics with the Tumblr community. My mailbox is always open so please don't hesitate to drop me a message!
About Me
AO3: SandsOfElsweyr (currently only used for publishing. I kudos & comment from another account.)
About My Writing âœđŸ»
I write slower than GRRM 😅 None of my stuff is ever abandoned but the updates will be sporadic.
Arkhamverse Jason Todd is my muse! I delight in hurting (and comforting) the poor kid 😈
My stuff tends to be on the darker side. Angsty, whumpy manpain is my specialty but you may see some smut here and there. I'm also a sucker for Hurt/Comfort (Arkhamverse Jason needs all the love he can get 💗)
Since my first reader insert fic was well-received (đŸ„°) I plan to write more of those as well.
Fanart, fanfic, podfic, remixes, translations, moodboards, etc. are welcome as long as you credit me with a link back to my work that inspired you! And please don't forget to share with me what you created 😍
If you’d like to be tagged when I share my writing you can submit a request here! (You can also request to be removed đŸ‘‹đŸ»đŸ˜Š)
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My Fics
Hollowed Out (ao3)
Good Boys Should Know Better (ao3)
Remember Jason Todd? (ao3)
Misery and Ecstasy (ao3)
The Climb (ao3)
His (ao3)
The Sus Boy Next Door (ao3)
Arkham's Final Victim (ao3)
Touch (ao3)
Cocoon (ao3)
An Apple A Day (ao3)
The Final Testament of Jason Peter Todd (ao3)
Boy Toy (ao3)
Recent Scribbles
Cuddlefuck (⚀ Female Reader x AK Jay)
Intimacy Issues (GN Reader x AK Jay)
A Smile in the Dark (AK Jay angst/fluff)
Tea Time (AK Jay fluff)
Self-Care (GN Reader x AK Jay)
Knightmare (AK Jay whump)
Well-Trained (AK Jay whump)
The Arkham Knight's Plaything (GN Reader x AK Jay)
Giving Up Control (⚀ Female Reader x AK Jay)
Stolen Future (AK Jay whump)
...or else it gets the hose again (AK Jay whump)
🎀 (⚀ Female Reader x Jay)
Home (AK Jay whump)
Night Terror (AK Jay angst)
A Friend in Arkham (AK Jay whump)
Pyramid Song (AK Jay angst)
Rescued AU (AK Jay and Bruce)
Torture Poll đŸ˜± (AK Jay meta)
Favorite Scars (⚀ Female Reader x AK Jay)
Cockwarming (⚀ Female Reader x AK Jay)
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My Tags
Please let me know if you want something tagged. I'll update this post as tags are added—still organizing things around here đŸ§č
sands writes - my fic
sands speaks - personal posts like this one
sands replies - you ask, I answer
my arkhamverse - tag for My Arkhamverse series of fics (I'll come up with a clever title eventually 😅)
series: ruined - tag for my Ruined series of fics
dead dove: do not eat - dead dove: do not eat (my darker things will get this tag)
smutty sands - nsfw writings for 18+ readers
songs for ak jay - music that reminds me of my #1 boy
my headcanons / my meta / my imagines / my wips / my panels / my screenshots
Longfics: fic: his / fic: hollowed out / fic: the climb / fic: the sus boy next door / fic: misery and ecstasy
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@cafekitsune for the warning tape banners, dark content banners, hearts dividers, pink-red hearts dividers, hearts + stars dividers, sea dividers, & animated lines dividers 💕
@sideblogformindtrash for the blood dripping dividers (as seen here)
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spookyserenades · 2 months
hii Dana !! I hope you're doing great, lovely! Any sanctity crumbs?? LOVE the mood boards!! You have me HOOKED on a fic I haven't even read đŸ˜Ș What are you planning with the reader's characterisation and/or the boys in general?? Super excited for this new fic can't wait for it to be released. Any release date in mind? Will be ferally, yet patiently, waiting đŸ§â€â™‚ïž
HIIII babe! I hope you're amazing, too! I am finally starting to feel normal after my cold đŸ„° I'm excited for Sanctity I'm vibrating, I'm glad you like the moodboards I want to add more to them soon, maybe make some playlists! For the reader, I want her to be different from Trovaille's Y/N; but their similarities lie in their naivety. Sanctity Y/N's rough around the edges vibe is a main difference, but also the way that she is far removed from society makes her street smarts a little... dull. Y/N in Trouvaille has more of a trusting personality, Sanctity's does not (for good reason LOL.) A few asks back I added rough ideas for the boy's characters and backstories so far if you wanna check that out. (or search #sanctity on my blog :)) As for release date for the first chapter, I'm hoping for fall, perhaps September/October? The posting dates for Sanctity will be more lax, I'm not sure I want such strict deadlines for it. BUT because I love you I'll give you another little snippet of what I've written so far ❀
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God must have felt particularly cruel the day he decided to bestow Y/N with one of the world’s rarest blood types: the coveted AB-, a sought-after type for many vampires. Apparently, all of the blood types had different tastes, but Y/N hardly believed that. Blood was blood; tinny, salty, and a nauseating reminder of fragile mortality. There was a reason she had hidden from the world for many years, drifting from place to place. Those with AB- blood were hardly at Sanctuaries for long before a coven would promptly request them as their live-in donor. Y/N was basically living on borrowed time– she often wondered if her bitterness leached into her bloodstream and spoiled the ‘product’.
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ladylamrian · 3 months
Hii đŸ„°
I saw these picture prompts and I thought I’d send them your way. You can create anything you’d like. Moodboards, edits or even write a story, whatever makes you happy.
The most important thing is that you have fun (and don’t worry you can answer the ask whenever you have time or feel inspired) đŸ„°
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Prompt Picture: Spring table
đŸŒ· Spring Clean-up đŸŒ·
Female Main Character: Catherine Hill
Pairing: F!MC×BrianBaker
Book: Romance Club - On Thin Ice
Summary: Instead of working, Brian finds himself in front of the art canvas again.
Word Count: 1.0K words (short)
Rating: General
-> My complete On Thin Ice Masterlist <-
My Romance Club Fanfiction Taglist: @infactnoimmasitinthemiddle ; @dutifullynuttywitch ; @bri1234 ; @zoeywades-spouse ; @romanceclub-archive ; @rc-catalog and whoever wants to join...
Comments via Reblog wholeheartedly welcome
Author's note: Have mercy. My first RC fic. I'll do better next...
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On a wonderful, warm spring morning, Brian Baker and his girlfriend, Catherine Hill who apparently just moved in a few months ago were cleaning the house. A spring clean-up.
After a while, Brian ended up painting instead of helping her. They have been cleaning for a while now but it seemed that Brian had lost himself in the act of painting. He was enjoying having an excuse to paint. It seemed that he really got lost in this activity and he had not bothered to check on Catherine in a little while.
She realized that he got himself lost in his art and she found that somehow cute. So she decided to let him enjoy himself and she wanted to see what he had painted so far. She quietly sneaked over to his canvas to see what he created. The girl noticed how much the painting had changed since the last time she saw it. The colors he had used are much deeper now and there was a great amount of detail. He seemed to have really lost himself in this work.
Brian started to finish the painting and he put in the tiniest of details on the canvas. His strokes and hand motions were calculated with each brush stroke and every mark he made was important and it had to be completely perfect. He added a few finishing touches on the painting and then he finally pulled back and took a step back to appreciate the piece.
"Wow, Brian!! It's beautiful.", Catherine gasped at the finishing masterpiece.
The young artist smiled and turned around to meet her ice-blue eyes.
"Oh! I didn't hear you come. The painting is almost done, but I hope you like it so far."
She analyzed the canvas and it was absolutely stunning. The painting is of a beautiful woman with light golden hair and eyes like crystal.
"Is that me?"
"Yes, my sweet kitten. I really put my heart and soul into this piece because I knew that I wanted to get every single detail perfect.", he smiled while admiring the portrait he just finished.
"Brian, you're amazing!!! I love you. You always give the best gifts ever. Thanks!", she was grateful. He smiled at her, his face flushed from a slight blush.
"You know me, I cannot help but treat you with care. Even though this painting is just an inanimate object, the way I captured your essence is authentic. I know you are an authentic woman and I wanted this painting to represent your beauty and authenticity."
"Thanks!! What will you draw next? It seems like the one over there just got started to be painted by you. Are you going to draw the spring season?", Catherine analyzed an unfinished painting which caught her eyes and moved closer to take a better look.
Brian didn't expect her to notice the other painting. That is in fact what he is working on currently. A painting of the spring season. Like his dog, Sam, Brian loved everything about spring so much that he wanted to capture it on a canvas. The painting is still in the process of being completed, but he wanted to finish it soon.
The young man nodded his head and turned back to the canvas. He was eager to finish this painting soon but also found himself being distracted by her presence, as she was sitting behind him. Catherine Hill seemed so interested in his talent and admired his work. She was so beautiful to him that it was hard not to stare at her. Brian wanted nothing more than to just take a few seconds to turn around and take her into his arms and kiss her passionately, but he remained focused on his unfinished painting. He slowly sat down on a chair and began to fill in more color and detail in the painting
Brian paused for a few seconds and then he smiled at her. "My sweet kitten, you are absolutely correct. I love spring so much, I want to paint the season as it emerges from the harsh winter. The blossoming flower, the singing birds, the green grass and the warmth of the sun. I want everything that I love about springtime to be on that canvas and I want to paint this scene so vividly that when people see it, they feel like they have been transported right into the heart of the season itself."
"I personally love the winter because it's the best season for ice-skating!!! Well, have fun painting then."
"Thank you. I think I will do just that. Would you mind if I continue? I'll clean-up with you later.", he asked her for permission.
He meant to finish the spring painting, but not want to make her feel unwelcome. She was understanding and nodded. Brian sat down in the kitchen and painted the flowery kitchen table he just set. He was adding detail and color until the table looked extremely realistic and almost looked exactly like the flowery kitchen table was being transported onto the canvas. He was adding different shades of yellow and brighter colors to the flowers to make them stand out, while still maintaining a natural and realistic look. Still lost in the act of painting while wanting to make sure that every last detail on the table is accurate.
Then the young artist paused for a while as he started to wonder if he should add other flowers to the table too. The idea of having spring flowers on the table seemed like a wonderful idea but he started to question if he might be going a bit overkill on the flower theme.
He tried to think about what would be the right balance for this painting. Would another flower be too much? Would it ruin the painting or would it make it better?
Still wondering until a mysterious sound from behind appeared.
He turned around to see what caused the noise until he saw his beloved, Catherine standing.
"Sorry for disturbing you, please paint.", she requested and sat on a nearby chair with a cup of coffee to watch him paint."
"Weren't you cleaning up?"
"Why should I clean everything alone? Either we do it together or we don't.", she giggled.
"Guess, we'll get never finished with cleaning then.", he answered and turned his focus back to his favorite hobby, painting.
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jobean12-blog · 2 years
Rock Love
Pairing: Steddie (Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson)
Word Count: 712
Summary: Steve is Eddie’s biggest fan. 
Author’s Note: So this is my first Steddie fic. I love them both so much and when Navy and Roo gave us the bouquet of flowers prompt for this week’s sleepover event @the-slumberparty this idea popped into my head. I definitely made the usual cocky and confident Steve shy and sweet here because I love the idea of him being completely ruined for Eddie- who just eats it up of course haha Thank you Navy and Roo for hosting and thank you all so much for reading! Much love always! ❀❀❀Divider by the loveliest @firefly-graphics thank you sweets đŸ„°
Warnings: soft sweetness and fluff and flowers and cute boys 
Moodboard made by me but the Eddie picture in the top center is an edit done by @fefemunson thank you love! đŸ„°
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Eddie Munson Masterlist 
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Steve’s ears are still buzzing as he slips behind the curtain and shuffles through the growing crowd, the bouquet of flowers held protectively to his chest.
He finds a small spot to stand and leans against the wall, his eyes searching for Eddie. The longer he waits the more nervous he becomes. He unwraps one sweaty hand from the stem of flowers and rubs it along his jeans before fussing with his hair for the thousandth time.
It’s hard to see through the constant movement of people; groupies, equipment and lighting technicians, and backstage staff but he finally spots the top of Eddie’s head, his distinctive bandana making him easy to find.
He strains on his toes, hoping to get his attention but suddenly Eddie is swarmed by fans. Steve falls flat on his feet with a sigh.
“Come on Harrington!” Robin shouts, taking Steve by surprise. “Is that the best you can do?”
Steve turns to her and his mouth falls open, eyebrows drawn in defensively.
look at all his adoring fans,” Steve mumbles.
Robin looks past Steve and her face breaks out into a huge smile.
“He uh, doesn’t seem to care about them at all,” she says. “Take a look dingus.”
Steve slowly turns back in Eddie’s direction and realizes he now has a clear view of him, the sea of fans having parted because Eddie’s full attention is on Steve.
” Steve breathes out, swallowing hard as Eddie makes his way over.
“Hey baby boy,” Eddie croons.
A shiver runs down Steve’s spine as he drags his gaze over Eddie’s body, his eyes wide and appreciative.
“These for me?” Eddie asks as he dips his head to smell the bouquet of flowers.
When Steve can finally tear his eyes away he thrusts the flowers at Eddie with a nod and starts to fidget with his hands.
“Yea, I thought you would like the colors, they’re pretty.”
“Not as pretty as you baby,” Eddie purrs as he sticks his nose into the flowers for a smell, “and I love ‘em.”
Pink creeps up Steve’s neck and paints his cheeks in a soft blush before he drops his head to his chest.
Eddie shifts his gaze to Robin and hands her the bouquet with a wink. She takes them with a knowing smile and skips off toward the green room.
Eddie tucks his fingers under Steve’s chin and he gently lifts his face, bringing his eyes back up. The front of Steve’s hair flops down over his forehead and Eddie brushes it away with a soft caress.
“Where did the flowers go?” Steve asks even as his eyes drop to Eddie’s lips.
“Robin took ‘em for me. She’s going to put them in water. They’ll be safe in the green room.”
“Ok, yeah,” Steve says quietly.
“Did you enjoy the show sweetheart?” Eddie asks.
Steve preens under Eddie’s endearment, letting out a breathy “yes.”
“Mm good,” Eddie murmurs, leaning down to kiss the corner of Steve’s mouth before taking his hand and pulling him down the hall.
Eddie pushes the door to the green room open and slams it shut with his boot, rattling the beer bottle on the small table that holds the bouquet of flowers.  
Steve’s back hits the wall and a gasp leaves his parted lips.
Eddie rests a hand above Steve’s head, strumming his fingers along the wall as the other slides up his chest until his fingers close around the guitar pick on Steve’s necklace.
“I can’t believe you saved this,” Eddie smirks, toying with the pick.
“It was your first show,” Steve says adamantly. “I’ll keep it forever.”
“Course you will,” Eddie whispers, dipping his head.
He runs his nose along Steve’s cheek before pressing a kiss below his ear and pressing him into the wall.
Steve trembles against him, his long lashes fluttering along his cheeks as his eyes begin to close.
“You’re such a sweet thing Stevie,” Eddie murmurs, lightly brushing his lips across Steve’s in a whispered tease.
Steve whines Eddie’s name and Eddie tugs on the chain, closing the distance between them and grabbing Steve around the waist.
Steve melts against him, fisting the sides of his leather jacket before his hands slide higher and dive into his curls.
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@buckysdollforlife @ysmmsy​ @blackwidownat2814​ @hiddles-rose​ @goldylions​
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runnning-outof-time · 2 years
Hi K! I was inspired by the ask you sent me and the game I saw @zablife create a few weeks ago (I can’t find the link for it, sorry!) where you send people a GIF for them to use as creative inspiration for either a blurb, headcannon, moodboard or one shot or fic whenever they choose!
This can sit in your inbox for months and months if you wish, the idea of this is just to be there for when you feel as though you need some inspiration for something creative and just want to have a bit of fun or get the brain into a creative place! Please don’t feel any pressure to use this I just thought it might be quite a nice thing to use when you’re in the mood to write but aren’t sure what!
I hope you enjoy this and have fun with it! X
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Thanks so much for sending this in, Aimee!! đŸ„° I’m sorry it took a little bit for me to answer it, but I wanted to make sure that it was good. So with that being said
I hope that it’s good. It’s not quite based on the scene that we see him in here (because that scene breaks my heart) but it’s certainly not a fluffly piece.
I Have to Go
Tommy Shelby
Warnings: language
Tommy goes to (Y/N)’s house with hopes to stop her, but he finds that it’s too late to get her to change her mind.
“I have to go, Tommy,” (Y/N) said, her one hand gripping onto the wooden door while the other was clenched into a tight fist behind her back.
“You’re still going forward with it?” he asked her, swallowing harshly then.
“Yeah,” she nodded, keeping her response short at first. She looked into his blue eyes for a moment before she realized that he deserved a better explanation. “I need to do this for myself. We’ve talked about it many times
I’m never going to be the person I want to be if I don’t leave this city.”
“So you’re leaving now?” he asked, sounding like he was still trying to wrap his head around it.
“Yes,” she nodded, “I have to.”
“You’re gonna leave now
after I’ve come back; after I’ve told you what’s going on with my family, at the time that I need you most,” he tried to get his thoughts out, his sentences pieced together with pauses.
“Please don’t make this about yourself, Tommy,” (Y/N) asked him, her tone teetering on the fence of sounding like begging.
“I fucking need you here, (Y/N),” he reiterated the final part of his previous statement.
“I can’t be here anymore. This city’s going to eat me alive if I stay in it a moment longer,” she stressed, her desperation shining through in her words. This wasn’t an easy choice for her, but it was one that she needed to make.
Tommy dropped his eyes to the ground, breathing in slowly before he exhaled the air in a deep sigh. “Fine,” he said then, the word sounding like it was forced out.
” she sighed, already knowing what was coming next.
“No. Just go, yeah? Go like you’ve said you’re going to. Your mind’s made up
follow through with your choice,” he said, his eyes locked onto hers as he spoke, the blueness of them that once resembled a warm, summer day now looking like fractured ice.
(Y/N) opened her mouth to speak, but Tommy didn’t allow her to. Instead he held her gaze as he stepped away from her door, keeping his eyes locked onto hers until his body was completely perpendicular to her home. She watched in disbelief as he began walking away from her without speaking another word.
“This just goes to show that you’re absolute shit at saying goodbye, Tommy Shelby!” she called out to him as she watched him walk away, the tears now stinging her eyes. He didn’t stop his stride, so she continued, “all of those years
all of those moments we spent together
all of the secrets I vowed to keep!” her vocal level rose with each step he took away from her, “you should’ve just fucking stayed home; should’ve let me leave with the memory I had of you!” she was crying now, which surely made her words sound incoherent and jumbled together.
What she didn’t know was that Tommy had heard them loud and clear
and that it was taking everything in his power not to turn around and try again. But he kept on walking, because he knew that she was doing herself the biggest favor by getting as far away from this city, and him, as she possibly could.
Tagged: @mgcllovdrms @the-anxious-youth @cloudofdisney @look-at-the-soul @elenavampire21 @peaky-cillian @mrsalwayswrite @julkaamazing @evita-shelby @lilyrachelcassidy @notyour-valentine @shelbydelrey @december16-1991 @onlydeadcells @peakyswritings @just-a-blackhole @watercolorskyy @strayrockette @peakyduchesss @alexxavicry @captivatedbycillianmurphy @yummycastiel @dark-academia-slut @tommystargirl @stevie75 @lyarr24 @signorellisantichrist @zablife @anotherblinder @midnightmagpiemama @cillmequick @rangerelik @lovemissyhoneybee @dandelionprints @letal-y-poetica @raincoffeeandfandoms @itscheybaby @gypsy-girl-08
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nerdieforpedro · 5 months
Weekend Update 04/14/2024
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Nerdie, you’re kinda late tonight.
Yeah, it was all taxes this weekend. 😭 Ugh. But it’s done. Let’s not talk about it anymore.
So what’s new?
Back to work after time off. Adjusting and writing. I did watch the Ryan Gosling SNL episode. I laughed so hard.
I did get a manicure and pedicure - 💜 purple hehe!
I did read some fics this week:
1. Something Old by @fhatbhabie (Javi G x plus size female)
2. Sexting by @reallyrallyauthor (Steven Grant x Marc Spector x Jake Lockley x You)
3. Enchanted to Meet You by @beskarandblasters (Din Djarin x f reader)
4. Fires at Midnight by @inept-the-magnificent (Lucian Flores x f reader)
5. A Midnight Plea by @soft-persephone (Marc Spector x fem reader)
6. A Galaxy Far Far Away part 6: Halloween at Juniper Cottage - Pick your own pumpkin by @grogusmum (Din Djarin x earthling f reader)
7. I’ll Give You The Moon by @soft-persephone (Marc Spector x fem reader)
8. Mi Santa by @fhatbhabie (Frankie Morales x reader)
I did write some this week 👀 I’m sorry I’m advance. Things ended up dark. 😭 Those are marked with the red.
Back & Nose, Hair and Hat - (Only Parts of you Mr. Morales Series)
Her smile was worth it - for the iamasaddie writing challenge 2.0 (Pero Tovar modern AU DARK FIC)
Interlude Two - Tell me about her and Part Seven Merging the Star Clusters - (The Lake between us Series)
Scarlet Stains and their Echoes (DARK FIC) - Post Apocalyptic Fluff and Stuff
Chapter 3: Can we talk for a minute? - This is the Neighborhood Din Series.
This week there were a few things, like the writing challenge 2.0 @iamasaddie put together. We sent in asks, pick a color (I did it to myself, I asked for mob enforcer- where else was the fic to go but dark?) Despite being kinda freaked out at what I wrote (I’ll need to process that later) I like it. I usually don’t do dark fics but given recent themes in my writing it’s there. 👀 So I’ll write it if it pops up in the brain.
And this past weekend (I totally missed but sweethearts @perotovar and @honeyedmiller tagged me in) was the @swiftiscruff friendship exchange. From what I saw, people are writing fics for each other, making gif and moodboards and proving much needed friendship and fun. 😎
I’m sure there are other things. But I dunno what they are. đŸ€Ł I hope everyone enjoys what they’re working on. And if you need to rest, drink some water, dance around, nap, all the things.
This week there will another chapter of Din’s neighborhood, I FINALLY have more Din fluff. Well in the neighborhood and Star Ocean Series. I should have another chapter of Benny and actual fluff post apocalypse. It escaped last week. So we’re bringing it back.
No more Ezra and his gumbo or tanktop đŸ„ș Part 8 will be up next Sunday. His prose will be no more for now. 🙃
My Frankie miniseries will be almost done. This Friday and the next Friday of my math is right. lol
Special thanks:
@mysterious-moonstruck-musings for finding an excellent pic of Frankie’s back and giving me notes on smut that I chose not to use for now
@connectioneverywhere for letting me talk their thumbs off and putting them to sleep. đŸ€Ł
@soft-persephone I see you 👀 Two words: Dem noses. 👃 You know. 😄
@megamindsecretlair You need to write about some curls! Telling me and Softie to write about them. You know which curls. đŸ€­
@soft-girl-musings Songbird, Cabbie and loud ass Marcello on drums. Why did I half expect him to be playing drums on SNL? 😂 He was wearing a very loud shirt so half credit.
@tinytinymenace it’s always fun seeing your namesake laying and just relaxing. 😎 With a dope poof.
@604to647 I really appreciated your ask and messages this week. 💜
Have a great week everyone! đŸ„°
Love Nerdie ❀❀❀
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