#final fantays vii rebirth
tifaa · 2 months
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" I T ' S    B E E N    F U N "
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asetoblog · 5 months
It occurs to me that Tokyo Mew Mew and Final Fantasy 7 are so similar. Experiments on people, aliens that want to destroy life on earth, ecological themes, humans with super powers, scientists... BRUH😭
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gigakoops · 5 months
Immediate Thoughts On Final Fantasy VII Rebirth (as someone who's never played the original FFVII)
I've never played the original Final Fantasy VII, and only have a vague idea of certain story beats (in fact most of what I knew prior to Remake was about a certain pivotal scene I'm sure everyone knows about by now). When I played through Remake, though I was surprised how goofy a lot of the side stuff was, and honestly I was all for it. And the actual story and characters were highly engrossing, and I ended up truly invested by the time the end credits came around. So obviously, I had to play Part 2 when it came out!
And wowie, was it worth it! Honestly it's been a long time since I've enjoyed a game this much (in fact, I think this is up there with Silent Hills 1-3 and Undertale in terms of favorite games, at least at the moment of writing). I've been doing my best to avoid spoilers of the original game, so a lot of the story beats probably hit a lot harder for me as someone witnessing them for the first time, in the format of a middle entry in a trilogy that takes its time to truly establish its central characters, and probably adds a bit to their backstories.
What really did it for me, though, was the side content. When I first started the game I honestly didn't feel it at first, but then I tried some Queens Blood, and was like "Alright, I at least like this minigame!" I was a little less enthralled with the towers you need to climb, but the fact that they then lead to more interesting points of interest around the world makes them worth it. (Also honestly even the towers grew on me once they started adding more to getting to them, despite some frustrations in certain parts of the game surrounding them).
But the protorelic side-quests, side-missions and minigames are where it truly shines. I've seen some mixed reception of certain minigames (especially Fort Condor and the psuedo-Rocket League one), but I ended up enjoying those as well. And to be honest, the cutscenes that go along with these minigames are totally worth it. I got really invested in the aforementioned Queens Blood, as well as Chocobo Racing, ending up 100% both of these.
In fact, the overall very silly tone for a lot of this game was a breath of fresh air, and exactly what I needed during times of high anxiety in my personal life. And to be honest, after the grimdark tone of FFXVI I'm glad to see this entry was willing to just be as zany as possible. And it also helped me care more about the characters and world more. I want to protect this goofy little world, and I want this loveable cast to succeed.
It also made the more serious moments hit harder. I won't go into specifics here, but there are definitely heavier parts, as well as parts that moved me to tears. When this game hits hard, it hits hard. Especially most of the endgame had me highly emotional. And while I won't go into detail, I personally think the way they went about things works really well. Again, never played the original.
Overall, I'm very glad I've played through this, and I look forward to Part 3, in a few years from now likely after Kingdom Hearts 4.
P.S.: The moogles are good actually, and Cait Sith is the best character.
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tictacpbandai · 6 months
Finished FFVII Rebirth and while I have a lot of thoughts about it, I REALLY want to talk about its world design and how they built off of the existing world of VII.
Break cause this is long and kinda rambly
Okay, so I love the aesthetic of the world, both purely for the aesthetics (I love overgrown, weathered, and decaying machinery) but also for what it says.
The abandoned industrial machinery, collapsing buildings, and decaying highways almost feels post apocalyptic, with the ways the wreckage is inhabited and being used for scrap, giving more of a post-post-apocalypse.
But the apocalypse in question is just Shinra.
There weren't any massive mega weapons unleashed (yeah theres stuff like the canon in Junon but thats not really what I mean here), no plagues, sure there was war but they're farily distant in time or location.
No it's purely the dominance of The Shinra Electric Power Company and its negligence in maintenance and lack of public investment outside of that which'll direclty impact the managerial class and the troops.
They stop maintaining highways cause if their managers are traveling they can afford to fly, construction and excavation equipment gets abandoned in the desert cause it's not producing anymore and doing anything to move or disassemble any of it is more expense than it's worth, failed remote Mako reactors sit abandoned and full of hazardous material cause why should Shinra give a shit? it's not like they have any reason to care about the people who relied on them, what're they gonna do?
And because it's happened on such a long timescale nobody in the world really seems to conceptualize it as an apocalypse, just a sad state of affairs, maybe one with a clear cause, but nobody views the world as *being* post-apocalyptic despite it being so.
Famously apolitical video game Final Fantay 7
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