#filler episode basically
dm3mol-1 · 11 months
Strawhats playing Catan?
Oh you mean Nami and Usopp dominating the whole game? Sanji just gives everything to Robin and Nami but somehow manages to keep his ground (ahem)? Robin being responsible for 90% of thrown 7 therefore blocking the most crucial spots for Nami and Usopp? Luffy and Chopper playing as a team and depending on Robin to help them? Zoro ignoring them, but once he joins he's the best at blocking roads so no one can branch out their towns and grow. Franky being the leading merchant for starter materials so he can dictate the tempo of the game? Brook either forfeiting (if the game gets repetitive, tossing the same numbers, being in a deadlock when no one wants to trade anything, etc.) or losing pretty fast? Yeah.
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i would like to personally thank siobhan thompson for organising the bad kids secret santa
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heyclickadee · 1 year
Not to get into the filler discourse again, but, in my opinion:
Calling episodes like "Decommisioned," "Pabu," and "The Crossing" filler implies a fundamental misunderstanding of what The Bad Batch is actually about and what the plot actually is.
Calling episodes like "The Outpost" filler implies something but I'm honestly too boggled to figure out what because I'm sorry what? What??
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hi-there-buddies · 4 months
People: Dragon Ball focuses too much on Goku. He’s so strong, so nobody else has to do anything.
Goku: Loses first 2 tournaments in og. Dies twice. Only kills one major villain in all of Dragon Ball Z, and it’s the villain that everyone wanted Gohan to kill.
Also are we just gonna ignore how the Namek/Frieza saga was mostly Krillin, Gohan, Piccolo, and Vegeta just doin shit? They did so much in that entire arc
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spooky-activity · 2 years
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It’s basic JRPG Alex come on
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bobbie-robron · 2 months
Well, I hope that’s all she was doing. I know her type.
More filler for Robert in the pub as Tamsin basically throws herself at Robert and Katie is rightly irritated by it. Robert and Katie wind up having lunch with Jack and Andy. Jack invites Andy over the next day as Diane is getting the results on her health at that time.
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tsubasaclones · 1 year
something something a character’s magic abilities being used as a metaphor for psychosis not in the godawful “everything was a hallucination the whole time uwu” way but in a “they can hear/see things other people can’t” way that is handled much more respectfully
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savleye · 1 year
I just finished watching Inuyasha and I have some thots and opinions.
I loved the twist at the end with Naraku not being the final boss, but rather the Shikon jewel itself is the final evil that Kagome needs to defeat.
I'm disappointed that Midoriko did not have any dialogue at all when the jewel was destroyed. Like you think that her creating the jewel and fighting demons inside the jewel for 500+ years would be pretty significant to the story, but I guess not 🤷‍♂️
I honestly did not expect Kohaku to be one of the characters that survives to the end since he dies multiple times in the show, but I like that he's continuing on becoming a demon slayer (also I looked at his Yashahime design they made him kindaa 🥵)
Speaking of Yashahime, I don't plan on watching it. Mostly, I'm disappointed with the direction that Sesshomaru and Rin's relationship goes in since, to me, it was very clear that the original series was establishing a sort of father/daughter bond between the two. With how Sesshomaru was protective of Rin when he originally doesn't care for humans, and how Rin sees the good and kindness hidden in him when he's initially heartless, I think their relationship would've had so much more potential if they had a familial bond rather than a romantic bond that just comes across as cheap fanservice. also i hate the design of their daughters, they look like they had to share a jar of manic panic vampire red hair dye bc rin could only afford 1 jar.
Seasons 1-3 were really good, seasons 4 and 5 took a bit of a dip in quality and the plots for those seasons weren't well written, but seasons 6,7, and final act are some of the best anime that I've watched in years. This anime is definitely one of my favorites and it's going to be a permanent part of my personality now.
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tanadrin · 1 year
I've been saying for a while that Star Trek: Discovery is a really good Battlestar Galactica show.
idk, the mirror universe is really stupid
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People whose favorite sans group is the bad guys/murder time trio: its a complex group of individuals with severe trauma and different views of how to approach the world around them. They are strengthened through found family troupes and although they have their issues they still come together for their purpose and lift each other up. Their goals make sense given their paths and seeing them grow to trust and respect each other through close calls, saves and little acts of kindness gradually moveing towards a more passifistic goal through rehabilitation/passive aus as they learn that becoming the evil that corrupted them wont satiate them is joyous. Their redemption arcs are well earned and loved and people dream of the unconditional love they have for each other. All headed by a tough and grumpy but loving and caring boss who treats them as individuals, mourns thier deaths and he himself learns he is worthy of love with the right support. Its edgy and hard but the pain is worth the softness in the end 😭
People whose favorite sans group is the star sanses: they are all just cute and loveable and always seem up for giving hugs. I feel unworthy of love, happiness and talent so being around people who show love loudly and vocally, litterally leak happiness and boost your talent because they love to see you grow makes me feel alittle less hopeless and alittle less worthless as they seem to jump at any chance to boost others :)
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mango-shpango · 10 months
i dont know like any adventure time lore (except for simon and marcelines) so half of the shit in fionna and cake is new to me 😭
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bloodsbane · 2 years
it's a really good thing i don't know how to make videos and am not a youtuber because unfortunately i know i'd be making one right now where i argue that steven universe doesn't have any filler episodes
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starlight-ascension · 2 years
being 14 is imagining up a fucked up fic where, locked in toei’s basement for years on end with no visitors until she comes to the conclusion that no one ever cared about her, Ayumi gains meta awareness, is shattered by this revelation, goes evil, and decides to destroy her creators for what they did to her and also to make her own pain stop, leading to the cures trying to stop her not realizing that this mysterious new villain trying to make a portal is in fact cure echo. 
being 17 is realizing that she was absolutely right in wanting to destroy them, just for the wrong reasons. 
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19-bellwether · 2 years
I keep wondering how Ice Queendom is being received by people without prior RWBY experience. Existing fans are generally having a great time but half of that comes from the show expanding on character arcs we've already watched and analyzed. It's bonus material.
Does that work for new fans? Ice Queendom is clearly meant to be friendly to new viewers but I can see things that would hold it back. JNPR has even less characterization than this point in the original show, and Blake and Yang aren't getting as much development as Ruby and Weiss. The show quickly delves into the nightmare arc, a sudden departure from the gang fighting and monster hunting set up in Volume 1. I'm not sure if Weiss's inner turmoil will land for people not already familiar with her full character arc.
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bobbie-robron · 11 months
I was trying to decide which is more annoying: Andy’s snoring or the noise you two make all night.
Poor Katie can’t sleep because of all the noise from their lodgers and sorry Andy, she’s not in the mood.
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likeabxrdinflight · 2 years
In other news I'm rewatching yugioh starting with season 0 as god intended
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