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primepaginequotidiani · 25 days ago
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PRIMA PAGINA Giornale Di Brescia di Oggi venerdì, 07 febbraio 2025
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arogedd · 26 days ago
Sony Interactive Entertainment absorbe sa filiale technique SN Systems
Supplier of solutions aimed at facilitating and optimizing the work of developers, SN Systems was indeed founded in 1990 and experienced Atari ST, Amiga, Mega Drive, Super Nintendo, Saturn, Nintendo 64, Gamecube, the Game Boy Advance and the Nintendo DS before devoting itself exclusively to PlayStation machines from 2005. The archives of the venerable site on which you are currently sailing…
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gutachter · 7 months ago
Im alten Edeka in Wittislingen entstehen 14 neue Wohnungen
Wittislingen: „…Der ehemalige Supermarkt in der Ortsmitte wird umgebaut. Der Bauherr hat auch schon einen Plan, wann die ersten Mieter einziehen sollen. Vier Jahre ist es her, dass die alte Edeka-Filiale in der Ortsmitte von Wittislingen geschlossen hat. Jetzt soll in das Gebäude wieder Leben einkehren. Ein großer Umbau ist geplant, 14 Wohnungen werden in dem Haus eingerichtet….“ Quelle und…
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der-saisonkoch · 8 months ago
Gerda und die Filiale
Gerda und die Filiale
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cebozcom · 11 months ago
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Gravis-Schließung: Braunschweiger Schloss Arkaden vor ungewisser Zukunft | www.ceboz.com
Der nächste Laden in den Braunschweiger Schloss Arkaden steht vor dem Aus. Mitarbeiter bangen um ihre Jobs.
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betamax65 · 2 years ago
Heute Termin in einer #Filiale der #TechnikerKrankenkasse #TK. Es geht um die Freischaltung für das #eRezept. Ich bin gespannt und werde berichten.
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calitsnow · 4 months ago
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{La princesse de La Manchaland}
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thatswhatsushesaid · 1 year ago
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cql out here redefining daddy issues one agonizing microaggression at a time
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mohntilyet · 2 months ago
discovered the first other asian dragon age fans i’ve ever seen through ur asian dellamortes art (which i owe u my life for)!! ur doing the makers work. one silver lining to the Thing About Asians in thedas is that if they ‘don’t exist’ we can put them anywhere. i’ll start: every nevarran. no death rituals go harder than asian death rituals. plus emmrich was born to be chinese there is nothing we love more than longevity, gold, and academic prowess. 新年快乐!!sry for the ramble im just hype to see someone who has Same Thoughts 🤩🤩
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AUGH OK. SORRY TO THROW ALL THESE ASKS TOGETHER BUT HIIII.!!!!! it's been so sweet to see so many asian fans in the tags and the reblogs, LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH. gaider may never ever take away the ability to project from us
FULL DISCLOSURE i am south asian but grew up in east asia (yes. i did bomb every chinese dictation i ever participated in while at school) but yes omg!!!! happy new year!!!! i miss celebrating lunar new year so bad and the celebrations around it like if i don't get lai see i'll die (<- guy who is far too old to be receiving lai see anymore)
AND THE EMMRICH THING. ACTUALLY SCREAMED OUTLOUD LOL YOU ARE SO FUCKING REALLLLL. it does make me think of grave sweeping (qingming iirc) and i know bioware is obviously trying to invoke a somewhat egyptian thing (mummification, tombs, etc) but not if it's me. not if it's my asian dragon age
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primepaginequotidiani · 28 days ago
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PRIMA PAGINA Alto Adige di Oggi martedì, 04 febbraio 2025
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feminist-space · 1 year ago
"Filial responsibility turns on the notion that an adult child should be obligated to pay for a parent’s housing, care and necessities. Only eight of the 30 states provide that the child’s liability will be waived if the parent did not provide support for the child while a minor. For the other 22 states, a child’s liability is absolute.
These laws really hit home when a parent incurs an extraordinary expense like a nursing home. In one Penn-sylvania case, a nursing home successfully sued a son for his mother’s $95,000 nursing home bill. Pennsylvania has a filial responsibility law.
Texas is one of the 20 states that does not have a filial responsibility law. That does not, however, mean that adult children who live in Texas may not be held liable for a parent’s expenses.
Consider what happened in another case involving a Pennsylvania nursing home. In that case, the nursing home threatened to sue two daughters who lived in Florida. Florida, like Texas, does not have a filial responsibility law. However, the suit was under Pennsylvania law. The case eventually settled when the mother qualified for Pennsylvania Medicaid and the nursing home was paid through Medicaid.
Most of the 30 states with filial responsibility laws do not enforce them. That may change when more people enter nursing homes, and the Medicaid money dries up. Someone must pay the nursing homes, and the government simply will not be able to borrow, print or tax enough money to carry the burden.
Aside from a blanket law, there are other ways that nursing homes rope children into paying for their parent’s care. One common ruse is the “responsible party” designation on a nursing home contract. Some admission agreements define a responsible party as being financially responsible for the patient’s care. It is not merely a designation of a primary contact or medical agent for the patient."
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gutachter · 1 year ago
McDonald's eröffnet eine neue Filiale im Industriegebiet Gersthofen
Gersthofen: „…Gersthofen bekommt ein neues Fast-Food-Restaurant mit Drive-In und Spielplatz. Mc Donald’s hat sich für den Neubau ein Grundstück im Industriegebiet ausgeguckt. Auswahl für einen schnellen Imbiss gibt es in dem Gersthofer Industriegebiet rund um die Dieselstraße bereits recht international: Beschäftigte oder andere Hungrige können zwischen asiatischer oder türkischer Küche wählen.…
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der-saisonkoch · 8 months ago
Gerda und die Filiale
„Patrick möchte dir hier eine Gärtnerei bauen.“ „Wie lange dauert das? Ich habe hier zugesagt, bei der Eröffnung von Filialen bei uns zu helfen. Er will das gut bezahlen.“ „Ich frage Patrick. Bis morgen.“ Noch am gleichen Abend kommt Bernhard bei Gerda klopfen. „Wir müssen noch Einiges besprechen.“ „Ist Simone dabei?“ „Soll ich sie holen?“ „Das wäre mir schon recht.“ Gerda verfolgt…
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cebozcom · 11 months ago
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Woolworth: Verkaufsspekulationen und Sorgen um Filialen | www.ceboz.com
Woolworth steht zum Verkauf! Kunden fürchten Filial-Schließungen. Der Discounter Woolworth gehört zu den beliebtesten seiner Art, lockt in etlichen Filialen Kunden mit günstigen Alltags- und Dekorationsgegenständen. Doch jetzt schwant Kunden Böses, denn angeblich steht Woolworth zum Verkauf!
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undercover-stories · 5 months ago
If my sibling was being insulted and despised by everyone simply for choosing an unorthodox path, I would have defended her till my dying breath. Rip Jiang Cheng but I'm built different
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allyriadayne · 1 year ago
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Gladiator (2000) // House of the Dragon Season 1
"What is in me you hate so much?"
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