#files under: shit to do
kia8088 · 1 month
Title: In Passing
Author Note: I’m just a girl, missing writing RomComs. Enjoy, maybe!
She scanned over her list for the 37th time.
It was 4 things, so surely, her grocery trip should be no less than 20 minutes. It was supposed to be a quick trip in and out.
Hinata went to grab a shopping cart, searching for the smaller ones. It was her method to not over-shopping.
“Maybe I should pick up a few cucumbers,” mumbled the young woman, as her cart rolled into the store. Her senses were flooded with colors and smells of fruits and veggies. “No,” she coached herself.
She approached the array of fruits. Opal eyes scanned prices and any sign of a sale. Something about being poor really does put things in perspective. She scoffed at the organic sign and reached for two okay-looking mangoes.
“If the pesticide kill me before the climate, oh well,” she muttered, stuffing them in the available plastic bags. The tired woman rolled her shoulders and glanced up at the cucumbers—just for a second. There was a man standing there, placing 7 cucumbers in a bag.
Mentally, she was preparing to judge him until she saw his cart—which had multiple smaller carts in them.
He was one of the Delivery Shoppers. She just knew he was NOT giving the customer what they wanted.
Her giggle must have triggered him, he whipped his head over his shoulder. She was taken aback by how attractive his face was, despite the actual look of disgust.
Her lips parted and cheeks warmed in embarrassment. Suddenly her oversized shirt and no bra situation felt very silly. She quickly turned her cart and bumped directly into the banana section. She shrunk more into herself and to avoid turning around, she grabbed a bunch of bananas and sped her little cart away.
In reality, he may have not even noticed her. He may have been looking past her. In reality, no one probably even noticed her knocking into the Banana Bin and therefore, there was no need to panic buy.
“Okay, okay,” she grumbled. “I could use 5 bananas. I like them. They’ll be great breakfast.”
Even though she never eats breakfast.
Sasuke was just trying to make a bit of extra money. Naruto talked him into being a “InstaShopper.”
There he was standing there trying to figure out what a half of pound of cucumber weighed when he heard the girliest, pitchiest giggle.
He peered over his shoulder to see a girl. While it looked like she just slumped out of bed, she was…
…bumping into the Banana Bin.
He smirked as she drove her little cart around the corner. She was attractive but if he wasn’t technically “working” then he…
…would still not approach her because he wasn’t a creep and didn’t feel like going viral for attempting to bother a woman alone. He had class. He had manners. He…
“…five should be enough,” he assumed. Next on his list was hotdog buns. He popped one earphone in and continued his shopping.
Hinata stood, arms folded. Must there be so many opinions of bread? Wheat. Honey Wheat. White. Whole Grain. Potato.
“Potato?” She squinted, leaning towards the words. “Since when…”
“Excuse me, ma’am,” said an employee.
“Oh, I’m sorry!” She moved her cart backwards and crashed into the one behind her. Hinata turned to apologize and saw it was Cucumber Guy again. “I…”
His face remained stoic. And beautiful. She touched her own cheeks in a sort of jealousy. She panicked once again: “Sorry, I didn’t mean to—“
“I…,” he started. “Need those buns.”
As the words left his lips, she witnessed his dark eyes widened. There was so much regret on his face, then in a split second, his face relaxed. He turned around without a word, without the buns and left the aisle.
Oh, that was…not suave.
She placed a loaf of the cheapest honey wheat bread in her cart and moved along. She needed to get out of this store before something silly and chaotic happens.
Luckily she ventured into the aisle with the rice without a hiccup. No signs of that cute cucumber-buns guy. She was almost done.
She swerved into the Care Aisle, and wished she had horse blinders because in truth—why not buy the toothpaste since she was already here. Oh, and soap. There would be no second trip if she also went ahead and got more shampoo. She’d be saving a trip, thus saving money. That’s girl math.
She finally got to the feminine care, grimaced at the prices before picking up her old faithful, no need to ponder, but she did dream of ruling the world and destroying The Pink Tax.
“I need a treat for sticking to my list,” decided Hinata.
…and bananas.
Yup, the list. She deserved a sweet treat. She smiled moving through the store, with an overwhelming sense of confidence. Opal eyes lifted to the signs above and noticed “Water, Wine and Beer.”
She needed a glass of wine with her future sweet treat, but more importantly she needed a cases of water for work. She turned down the aisle and saw him.
Cucumber-Bun guy holding her favorite wine. As she got closer, she noticed there weren’t many of bottles left. He glanced her way and moved to the other side, allowing her to cruise up to the aisle.
He had the last one.
Her hand touched the spot where the wine should be. She slowly turned to the wine in his hand. He looked from the wine to the piercing ghostly stare of the women in front of him.
She watched in horror as he scanned the bottle with his work scanner thingy, and placed it in his cart.
“That’s unfortunate,” mumbled the man.
No, what’s unfortunate is that she didn’t have one of those remotes to pause time. She’d use it to pause time and kick him in the shin. Maybe also a little kiss on the cheek because, hot damn, extra attractive people aren’t supposed to be in public doing mundane things.
What’s also unfortunate, had she not stopped for shampoo and soap, she would have beat him here.
But what’s most unfortunate is she said: “Don’t forget the buns.” Without thinking ahead, which would have been fine had she sped out the aisle but she needed water.
Mouth agape, his eyes followed her to the water section.
He wanted to laugh because how dare she? He watch her then proceed to struggle with a case of water. Served her right! Wasn’t like the wine was for him! Wasn’t like he purposely withheld the cheapest, sweetest Moscato.
Karma was quick and just.
However, unfortunately for him, he could be a gentleman when the time calls for it. He left his cart, walking towards her. “I’ll help,” said the young man.
“No, i got it.”
“Do you?”
She did not. He picked the case up with ease. She noticed he had really nice arms as well. He sat it in the bottom of her tiny cart, it hung off the sides but it was the effort. He did notice her flushed face and smirked, “You’re welcome.” He returned to his cart.
She coughed: “T-Th-thank you!”
Hinata placed a hand on her chest. Ovulation week was beating her up so bad. Openly staring at that man like that should have warranted an arrest, at the very least.
He left the aisle and she went back to grab an extra large bottle of a random moscato. She just needed a sweet treat so she could leave!
She quickly tossed some jumbo cinnamon rolls into her stuffed cart and went to check out: she tried her best to go as fast as possible. The anxiety of people waiting on her had started to creep. She glanced at the line and there he was Cucumber-Buns one person behind her.
The employee helped her with her large bottle of wine and the wobbly case of water. She quickly finished and headed out the store. Though, part of her was kind of sad…
Some sort of strange thing happened between CBG (Cucumber Bun Guy) and herself. Maybe it was in her head. She purposely moved slowly out the store. Extra slow wheeling out her cart.
CBG could be a psychopath, possibility is high because most men are, and here she was hoping for one last interaction. So she stopped, literally to smell the flowers they keep outdoors.
“You…uh, need help?”
She turned to see him, a bit breathless. He motioned to the case of water.
Truth be told, he scanned the hell out of those groceries…because truth be told, to Hell with seeming odd… he wanted her name, at least, it was the 21st century. Exchanging numbers was so 90s. However, he had to catch her before she entered the parking lot.
Creep scale goes through the roof when men approach women in the parking lot.
She smiled but shook her head. “I got it…but, um,” she stammered, pulling at her t-shirt. “Can I have your, mm, n—?”
“Young man,” an elderly woman tugged on his arm. “Won’t you help me with these groceries. My wrist hurt an awful lot. It won’t take long!”
Her cart was filled and overflowing.
Hinata giggled as the older woman didn’t give him a chance to decline before pulling him away. “Uh, Sasuke is my name,” he told her.
“Hinata…” she waved.
He nodded. She nodded. Maybe next time, she decided. Maybe they’ll meet again in passing.
Cinnamon Rolls
…and Sasuke? Mm.
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camellcat · 4 months
hii idk why but the thought of fresh-faced professional scully being so scared she burst into her new extremely flirty but otherwise dismissive partner's motel room in nothing but a bathrobe and undergarments asking him to check her for strange markings before collapsing into him when he laughed at her and said they're just mosquito bites. do you think it killed her? just a bit? just enough that he was It that she realized she could never ever do this again with anyone else and now that she'd done this with him that was it? and lord help her if she ever did it again with him, nevermind anyone else. mortifying introduction. what a way to start out her new career with the fbi
anyways. just thinking about how scully wishes to be perceived and who she really is
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ruelpsen · 8 months
new fantasy driving me crazy is sitting behind someone with my arms around their middle while they eat/drink a ton. just the thought of being able to feel their belly fill up under my hands and then be able to rub the belches out after god….
Goddddddd yes this is always so hot!!! Gotta say, it makes things easier for the person eating to have an extra set of hands to help rub the burps out so they can keep eating with minimal interruption... not to mention that depending on what bits the person sitting behind has, their arousal might become quite obvious too. ;)
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corrodedcoughin · 2 years
Modern au where Steve notices eddie goes to sleep with earbuds even when Steve is staying over. He’s never been able to see what it is Eddie is listening to and Eddie’s never told him either. One night steve just gives up to his inner nosey bitch and leans over a sleeping eddie to unlock his phone and finds YouTube video playing called ‘SUBLIMINAL SLEEP TRACK “I AM A DRAGON” GUARANTEED RESULTS’
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cant-icle · 22 days
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heckin BONKIN!!!
here is a preview for my second ryujibonk piece (codename: 🌧️) inspired by @purrpurrazzi00's incredible art!!!
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frostbeees · 1 year
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pro blue · cbj
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merevide · 3 months
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chipped-chimera · 10 months
Seeing crochet clothing being 'in' now is always kind of frustrating as someone who can actually crochet for shit (evidence attached) because as much as I'd love to be able to maybe sell some of that work, ultimately you can't compete with that store (machine?)grade shit. A crochet maxi-skirt made from granny squares is selling for AUD $60. AUD $60 wouldn't even cover the cost of the materials (in a nice, wearable quality yarn). :/
Well at least when I make something I know it's not gonna be basic bitch shit -
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nuclearanomaly · 1 year
18 – Fish out of Water
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wc. 568 | Bookshop AU
Sorry it's self (Nini) deprecating angst.
Ninira didn’t much like navigating the crowds of venues. She usually arrived early, sat in a seat and stayed there until the flow of people towards the door was manageable enough for her to handle. Any time she did dare to brave the crowd she tried to make sure she did so with a friend close by. 
Estinien had joined her this time, for which she was grateful, she had needed the washroom, while he had stopped by the bar to grab a drink. He was now leading the way back to the table, Ninira following close as he parted the crowds enough for her to slip after him. They were nearly back to the group when a gaggle of girls intercepted them, or more specifically Estinien. 
Two Au Ra, and a Miqo'te. Ninira couldn’t hear well over the din of the venue but it was evident what they wanted. A picture, something signed. Nastrond might not be famous by any means but they still gathered crowds, and fans. They clustered around, eager to speak with him and Ninira couldn’t help but notice how much more they seemed to fit in, especially when she compared them to herself. 
They were tall, pretty, slender legs in torn jeans and fishnet tights. Thick platform boots and dark smokey makeup. One wore a Nastrond shirt that she had clearly modified herself, transforming it into a grungy sleeveless crop top. It suited her, she looked like she was made to wear it.
Ninira’s own band shirt felt baggy and awkward in comparison. 
One was eagerly taking Estinien’s drink, offering to hold it for him, while the one in the Nastrond shirt pressed up close beside him, cheeks flushed. Their remaining friend, holding up a phone to get the perfect shot. She stepped back, forcing Ninira back into the crowd as she almost trod on Ninira’s toes, unaware she was even there. 
They had no reason to notice her, she was just Estinien’s scruffy knee high shadow, following after him in hopes no one looked too closely and realized she didn’t belong.
She swallowed, a sudden lump in her throat. 
The entire venue seemed to bore down on her, the crowd around her a sea of looming people who were all effortlessly coordinated. She was like a puzzle piece noticeably forced into the wrong hole, trying to act like she fit, like she matched. Her band shirt felt like a lie. Like at a glance anyone could deduce she was some fake of a fan. 
The lump in her throat seemed to swell, it was hard to breathe. The venue was already so crammed, so stuffy. She needed to leave, to get outside. 
Her jacket and bag are back at the table, it seems stupid to go back for them, she knows this but logic is hardly fulling her actions. She is panicking, pushing through the crowd until it suddenly breaks and she’s back at the table, snatching her things.
She’s half aware of her quick reply. “Need to go.” To the confused questions from her friends, if they even think of her as such, as she grabs her belongings and pushes back into the crowd. She can’t dawdle, can’t allow for the possibility for anyone to see the way the lump in her throat has now become a burning behind her eyes. 
Crying here will just make her stand out even more.
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I still can't believe YouTube took away community captions just to try and force creators to pay for it instead.
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kia8088 · 1 month
In the mood to get high and write the corniest RomCom ever. Maybe i can never finish a fic bc im so busy tryna do Angst. I am a RomCom Girlie Pop!
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graciehart · 22 days
nothing makes me more mad than a parent in a custody battle who refuses to see that their actions are harming their child, despite their claims that “all I care about is my child’s well-being.”
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There's a line in Fire & Blood that has always intrigued me – on Corlys' second voyage to Asshai, he "lost his love and half his crew." This 'love' is never named and never mentioned again (WHY INCLUDE IT IN THE FIRST PLACE, GEORGE?!). It's implied that Corlys hadn't yet made his first voyage in 77 AC, and we know he completed them by 90 AC, so I'm guessing this voyage was made around 80 AC, when Corlys was ~27.
Marilda of Hull also has a vague history. We know her father was a shipwright; her mother is never mentioned. She was born around 97 AC. Her father died sometime around ~125 AC (and assuming he had Marilda when he was at least 17, his DOB would be 80 AC or earlier).
I definitely take F&B as an unreliable history full of biases, and the whole paternity of the Hull boys is just WEIRD when you start dissecting the text (but that's another post I've already written).
Anyways... Marilda's youth and proximity to ships does make me wonder if she is actually related to Corlys' past voyages and his 'lost love.'
Maybe Alyn and Addam are actually his (great)grandchildren, just not through Laenor?
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themagical1sa · 2 months
Me: I am exhausted beyond my soul, yet more work must be done for the good of all... God, through a priest in the mass homily: ...resting is important. You *must,* or you really will burn out. Me: Me, suddenly realizing things: I. I forgot and don't know *how* to rest, actually-
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jewishbuckley · 3 months
"was there a reason you didn't cancel this" honestly I thought I had so no there wasn't a reason but also if clients are going to have Your personal number and reach out to You about canceling (when they Should be reaching out via email per our cancelation policy) then You should be canceling the appt anyway imo. all the other trainers cancel their appointments AND add their appointments to the system 🤪
#noah.txt#also I do realize my annoyance is unwarranted but also I'm sosososo tired of this job#she's thinking about closing down for a month for renos and she's not going to pay anyone for that month#and she's not sure if she's going to set it up where we can file unemployment or if she's going to#make us be freelancers under the company name#also she booked an appt but didn't put it in the system and didnt Tell Me and someone put in a booking request for that day/time#and it's frustrating b/c the whole reason she wanted clients to be able to book via the online portal is to#make my job easier/more automated but it's not easier when I'm having to email 5 clients because she cant be fucked to learn the system#then I'm talking to a coworker about how my doctor said I need to get my stress down#and she has the AUDACITY to ask me if she's contributing to the stress#like... yeah you're like the primary stressor in my life because I got hired for an hourly position 2 years ago#yet you treat me like I'm a salary employee who is supposed to be on call#and yeah it's frustrating and stressful to feel like I can never fully relax b/c you might need something#and it's even more frustrating when the things she needs she'll call me about. I won't answer b/c I'm busy#then I'll call her back and she'll be like ''oh I looked for it after I got voicemail''#okay so you don't THINK to do a little investigating before calling me during my time off?#very funny to me that I've been in a therapy session talking about her and she will call me (I do not answer)#my job was not and is not to be a personal assistant yet that is the position I've been forced into#and quite frankly I do not get paid enough to deal with being a personal assistant to#an immature people pleasing 34 year old woman who lacks basic empathy and doesn't give a shit about her employees#like I wanted to like her! I want to like her! she's gay and Jewish! but she also stinks of white rich kid privilege#also she's having a baby with her wife and this is a baby she actively does not want and a baby they're having to fix their marriage#which is a very tough thing for me to watch from the sidelines#she also is always picking apart peoples appearances and shes also told me she would probably leave her wife if she grew her hair out#anyway there's a lot more on a personal and professional level but my break is over
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glorixusbeast · 3 months
its definitely a good thing my partner/Daddy is actually a very good person at heart with my best interests in mind, wanting to keep me healthy and (relatively) sane
(listen, you wind up with a cluster B PD there's only so much you can do re: sanity)
but at least he can prevent me from destroying myself too much, or at least pursue self-destruction in ways that are beneficial for him and our relationship
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