#fighting advice is her dad and other wolf uncles
headcanonthings · 1 year
Jaskier: He is not the love of your life.
Aiden: He is literally just a guy!
Jaskier & Aiden: Hit him with your car!
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Heya 👋
I discovered your account a few weeks ago and I fell in love with your twisted wonderland x house of mouse AU and I also started posting about this AU merged with my Twisted Wonderland AU 😊
Alas here is my question
I'm a huge jungle book fan, so I'm curious how they see Yuu in your AU
Hope you have a wonderful day/night 😊
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I LOVE JUNGLE BOOK SO MUCH - it's actually one of the only instances where I like the movie more than the book (mainly because the books are super depressing - though it is lowkey funny how book!Shere Khan has the exact same death as Mufasa)
So I'm setting the HoM!AU as post-Shere Khan's defeat and pre-Mowgli going to the man village.
Literally all of them ship Yuu with any Savanaclaw Student
So I've said it before but Mowgli's family - Raksha, Rama and his brothers - absolutely adore Jack. They all like to roughhouse with him it's adorable. I personally headcanon that he's twisted from Mowgli's wolf father which is why he's not as villainous as his peers and also why he has a strong sense of justice - plus why he's close to his younger siblings.
Mowgli and Yuu are best friends. He and his brothers welcome her to the pack the same way they welcomed Mowgli and Jack. Raksha's mother instincts are blaring when she sees her so she joins the other animal Disney mums like Sarabi, Duchess and Mama Jumbo in doting on her with maternal affection.
Bagheera (Disney's OG good kitty before Simba - I literally love him so much he has my heart) is like Yuu's cool uncle. He is such a dad (even though his first instinct was to eat baby!Mowgli when he first saw him), the moment he sees Yuu he's like 'must protect'. Seing a mancub that he wouldn't get grey fur babysitting is such a relief and he spends most of his time just chatting with her and preventing Baloo and the rest of his cast from corrupting her. I have a twst!Bagheera OC that Yuu befriends and he's like this cool senior that warns her of dangers of possible predators.
Baloo is ecstatic to have another mancub to impart his wisdom onto :D (lowkey think that he would be friends with Timon and Pumbaa since they have similar life philosophies of taking it easy and stuff). Yuu thinks of him similarly to how she thinks of Coach Vargas - fun uncle who means well and she probably shouldn't get any advice from.
Kaa tried to eat her when he first met her but was then stopped by Minnie and Bagheera. Yuu's learned her lesson with Jamil when it comes to staring into the eyes of a snake. He and Sir Hiss are snarky snake besties and get snek cuddles around her neck privileges.
Shere Khan with Yuu is: No mancub allowed *sees Yuu* one mancub allowed. He's like a platonic tsundere where he pretends he doesn't like her but still loves it when she gives him head scritches.
I feel like Shere Khan has a love hate relationship with Scar. Tigers are actually stronger than lions are and have been known to beat them in fights even though Scar is, by twst lore and probably also Disney lore, a more important figure and much above SK in the villain pecking order so there would also be that whole fighting instinct over the hierarchy between them. This fighting instinct is also included in the whole Custody Battle™ because they both keep on making jabs at the other's expense (Shere Khan likes to say that Yuu deserves better than some lion whenever Scar is near him). The two of them are also best friends - it's hilarious. It's also funny to watch them gripe about Tigger and Prince John who they both consider the embarrassments of their species.
The elephants are cool. They hang out with the other Disney elephants (like the ones in Dumbo and Lion King). I forgot his name but that baby elephant that Mowgli befriends is totally bffs with Dumbo and the two of them like to play with Yuu and Mowgli together.
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pillage-and-lute · 4 years
The Courting Ways of Wolves (Part 2)
It’s back! Dumb boys in love! Also Grandpa Vesemir gets some feels and Geralt does some math. Part 1, (here) Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Epilogue
Watching Winter at Kaer Morhen melt into early spring was always a beautiful process, but this year brought Geralt trepidation as well. Watching Ciri train had been wonderful, helping her learn the basics kept all the wolves on their toes, for the first time in many years actually thinking about motions that normally came from muscle memory. 
Yennefer had flourished into her role as “Aunty Yen,” not sweetly nurturing, the way one often thought about with children, but a clever tongue and tough love that Ciri, granddaughter of the Lioness, seemed completely at home with. 
Geralt was doing his best too. Ciri had started calling him dad about halfway through the winter, the first time happening at dinner and he’d very nearly choked on his ale. It sent something warm running through his veins every time, like good brandy that burned all the way down. 
He was trying, words still didn’t come naturally, but somehow Ciri always seemed to be able to see exactly what he meant. Maybe it was Destiny, maybe just a hurt, lost child clinging to whoever was consistent in her life, but Geralt hoped it was more. More than anything, he hoped Ciri truly understood how cared for she was, not just by himself, but all the wolves, Jaskier, and Yennefer.
Ciri had whispered to him one day, still panting after training, asking if he thought Yen would mind if she called her mom.
Geralt had replied that he didn’t think Yennefer would mind at all.
Yennefer came to him later, a tender look in her eyes. There was something, not fragile in her eyes, but Jaskier had pointed out in a marketplace once, a beautiful porcelain vase that had been broken and artfully repaired with gold. Yen’s expression reminded him of that. 
They sat for a while, then Yennefer said, “Will you be able to let go of her in the spring?” 
“Yes,” Geralt said, although he was less than sure that parting from Ciri would be so easy. “She needs you, and time away from me. And to be around women.”
Yennefer nodded, gave Geralt a pat on the shoulder, and left. Geralt stayed, cloak wrapped around him as he sat looking out over the walls. 
There was much that would happen in the spring, and his life, which had been pretty stagnant before, was changing more in these past few years than it ever had. He felt like Kaer Morhen itself, built to last and yet crumbling still, the weight of change and time and destiny tearing down walls. 
He watched the sun go down. 
Vesemir joined him, carrying two bowls of stew. Geralt took a bite of his and winced. It had been Eskel’s turn to cook. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Vesemir’s mustache twitch with a hint of a smile. They ate the oversalted meal in silence.
“You know,” Vesemir said, and in the starlight the crags on his face looked carved in. “I come up here to think too.” 
Geralt knew, but Vesemir wasn’t interested in talking about the battlements, he could tell. 
“I think, most nights, about the ghosts within these walls. All of the little boys who died so that the School of the Wolf could be.” The wind picked up, howling like, with an excellent sense of the dramatic, a wolf. 
“The Trials haunt me, Geralt. More than anything in my life, and it has been a long life indeed.” 
“You saved me,” Geralt said. “Saved Eskel.” But he too remembered the still bodies carried out and buried in the night. How few boys remained. Remembered the screaming in the night, unsure how much of the sound was torn from his own throat, and what came from his brothers dying around him.
“I let them put you through it twice. That wasn’t salvation, lad.” Vesemir sighed. “I couldn’t have put a stop to the Trials, don’t know if I would have if it were possible, there have to be Trials to be witchers, and the world needs us, whatever it may believe. But maybe there was a better way. A kinder way. You were boys, little lads who went through so much pain.”
Geralt was startled to see a tear fall down the craggy face, burying in the moustache. Witchers could cry, but it happened rarely, tears could blur vision in a fight, and only very strong emotion, the sort they had been taught to suppress,  could override the mutations. 
And then Vesemir put an arm around Geralt’s shoulder and gave him an oddly nice hug. It could have cracked a boulder.
“Someone should have held you boys more,” Vesemir said, a touch abashedly. They looked out over the walls some more and Geralt wondered if the conversation was over, but Vesemir didn’t take the arm away.
“Ciri called me Grandpa today.”
Ah. That would explain a lot. Watching Vesemir interact with Ciri over the winter had been a delight and a surprise to the wolves. He’d even sat her on his knee and told her stories of when Lambert, Eskel, and Geralt were young like a, well, like a doting grandfather. Jaskier had been enthralled as well, naturally, but seeing Vesemir so soft, and sometimes looking a little sad, around Ciri, had been an education for the men who would always think of themselves as ‘Vesemir’s Little Lads’.
“She won’t be a witcher,” Vesemir said. “Couldn’t be even if we would want it, and I never would.”
“No,” Geralt said.
No,” agreed Vesemir. They looked out over the darkened landscape.
“I never wanted a family,” Vesemir said after a while where their breaths hung in the air before them. “‘O course, witchers aren’t supposed to, but you’ve built a nice little family for yourself, laddie. It’s not as may be, not like you’d find in villages or in your pet bard’s fancy songs. But you’ve a brave and rather headstrong daughter, and she has a mum, and a dad, and two already very protective uncles.”
“And a grandpa,” Geralt cut in.
“And a grandpa,” Vesemir agreed. “But a family needs a little more than that. There’s gotta be someone to teach the lass how to love.”
Geralt was about to protest that he’d seen plenty of loveless marriages, but then considered the results in the children. Jaskier was one, he knew. The sort of lost way Jaskier sucked up approval, when they’d first met, the way he’d drank up compliments like a man with water in the desert, whenever Geralt thought on it there was a sort of humming ache. He’d consulted with Eskel on the feeling, concerned it was illness. Apparently, it was just what happened when someone you loved was hurting and it wasn’t something you could kill or fix.
“It doesn’t need to be romantic love,” Vesemir said, obviously seeing Geralt’s face. “And she’ll know how to love family fine, and how to love friends, as you and Yennefer figure that out between the two of you. But your bard loves you, and the way you love him can teach her how to love others and herself. And if Ciri has another dad maybe you can worry less.”
Geralt chuckled. Ciri could have fifty parents, and Geralt would still lose sleep worrying. Vesemir smiled back at him, eyes crinkling and moustache lifting like a bristle brush that had learned to fly. Then he slapped Geralt on the back, and Geralt, the White Wolf of Rivia, Butcher of Blaviken, the witcher who had twice survived the Trials, felt his spine compress like a spring and he was sure he felt a rib creak.
“Love Jaskier, lad. Hold tight to him. We rarely get good things.”
Then Vesemir walked back inside and Geralt stared after him. There weren’t many old witchers, dangers of the job and all that, but Vesemir was proof that witchers, like oak wood, only solidified with age. 
Geralt followed him inside. 
The next days passed in a flurry of activity. Ciri had been let off of training with the wolves to pack for her journey with Yennefer, and to be quickly given the rundown of the basics of magic. The wolves were packing as well, preparing to leave Kaer Morhen. In between final preparations and weapon repair, Geralt checked over The List.
The List was supposed to help him court Jaskier. It was the combined brainchild of everyone (except Jaskier, of course) at Kaer Morhen. More importantly, his intention to court Jaskier met with Ciri’s approval. 
When the day arrived, Geralt felt a curious lump in his throat. He watched Ciri say goodbye to Eskel and Lambert, the latter picking her up and swinging her in an arc, letting her joyful whoop echo about the courtyard. Then she hugged Vesemir, and he crushed her very gently to him. And then she turned to him and Jaskier. 
He was thankful that Ciri bade Jaskier goodbye first, watching the bard wipe a surupticious tear away as he held the blonde girl. It was Geralt’s turn and he didn’t know what to do. He cleared his throat.
“Follow Yennefer’s instructions,” he said. That didn’t seem like enough. “And don’t talk to strangers,” he said. It still seemed insufficient but he was out of advice so he stuck out his hand to shake. Ciri laughed and leapt at him, throwing her arms around his neck.
He held her there, reveling in hugging his daughter, his child surprise, who was so full of surprises and he felt, for the first time in many years, the feeling of rather full tear ducts. He blinked them away. 
“Good luck,” Ciri whispered in his ear. Jaskier wouldn’t have heard, but the witchers with their enhanced hearing surely had. Geralt nodded and set her down.
He coughed awkwardly and pulled out a little packet wrapped in burlap and some rough twine. Ciri beamed and pulled at the string so that the packaging fell away. A long piece of metal, bent into a thin U shape lay in his palm, the ends were surprisingly sharp. Ciri picked it up and examined it, then looked up at him questioningly. 
“Hair pin,” Geralt said gruffly. “For your hair. And stabbing.” He mimed a clumsy, underhanded stab. “Eskel helped me silver plate it. For monsters. But also men, if they’re close enough.” He trailed off, knowing he sounded awkward. Who gave a self defense implement as a gift?
Ciri beamed at him again. “I love it,” she said, also miming a few stabs. He supposed that as a parent he shouldn’t be so proud of the light in his daughter’s eyes when she talked about stabbing, but he was almost certain that she got that trait from Jaskier, who tended to get...pointed about disagreements in pubs.
Yennefer stepped forward and carefully took the hair pin from their daughter, swooping her silver blonde hair back into a twist and sliding it in place. She placed a hand on Ciri’s shoulder and smiled at Geralt, and he was reminded again of that vase, stronger and more beautiful for the cracks in the facade. She then gave him a quick side hug and and even one for Jaskier, and opened a portal.
Geralt stared after his friend and his daughter long after the portal closed, until Jaskier, hand wrapped in a heavy mitten, gently took his wrist. They waved to the other wolves, and left, Roach walking obediently alongside. 
And then it was just the two of them. Again. Just like the last twenty years. That thought occupied him as they made it down the Killer. The path down from Kaer Morhen was deadly, but that year Geralt made it down without thinking, keeping half a thought to Jaskier’s ambling form as he went.
How old was Jaskier? 
He’d been eighteen or so when they met. Eighteen plus twenty-two was forty. Forty wasn’t that old for a human but Jaskier didn’t look too much different than he had at...Geralt did the math. Twenty-five? But there were signs. A few lines here and there, although Jaskier was insistent about his skincare. A line of silver, just a few hairs, probably unnoticable except to Geralt’s enhanced eyes. He was aging better than a human should.
Or perhaps not. Time was tricky for witchers, never staying in one place, never knowing people long enough to watch them age, he didn’t really know what to compare Jaskier to. 
He did know how long humans lived though. And at the base of the mountain he came to a resolution, felt it settle in to his bones as deep as his mutations, deeper, even. 
Twenty years, or nearly, where he hadn’t known Jaskier. Twenty more where he hadn’t admitted they were friends, or that he loved him. Eighty years in a human life span. And Geralt would love Jaskier, and make sure he knew he was loved, for the next four decades, give or take. He looked at his companion, paused as they were to give their feet and Roach a rest. The weak, watery sun of the early spring day fell on Jaskier’s face, dappled through the branches, which as of yet held no buds.
He pictured lines appearing, laugh lines, smile lines, crinkles carving themselves into the landscape of the familiar features. He pictured silver through the hair, more, in thicker streaks at the temples. Geralt saw a lifetime, Jaskier’s lifetime, in an instant. Silver covered warm brown, strong legs grew shakey, lines crowned a forehead and swept about clear eyes. 
What would happen, Geralt thought, when Jaskier could no longer keep up? But Geralt knew what would happen. He’d take Jaskier to Kaer Morhen, or go with him to Oxenfurt, and spend his days with him. It had been a few short months since he’d realized he was in love with Jaskier, but that was only because Geralt’s skill with emotions was roughly similar to Jaskier’s apparent self preservation. Why had he let the lad talk to him in a pub? Had he loved him then? He remembered the shock of not being feared, of looking into clear, bright eyes and seeing admiration, the fierce protectiveness that had flared when he woke and saw the fool tied to him in an elven lair. Had it been love? 
Watching Jaskier whisper softly to Roach as snow melted around him, Geralt was sure it had been. Destiny, Fate, the two bit tart who kept fucking him over, had given him his greatest blessing in a form that Geralt, up until that very second had considered a myth. Love at first sight. Love had brought him Jaskier, and Ciri, and a fast friendship with the most powerful mage on the Continent. Love had brought him a family in the form of a wayward bard with bread in his pants. And Geralt had forty more years to cherish him. 
Step One the list had said in Eskel’s clear writing. Kiss his hand. Being mindful of Step Two, to mind his manners, Geralt crossed the clearing to Jaskier and took the thick woolen mitten in his gloved hand. 
“May I?” he said. Jaskier gave him a baffled look, but nodded.
Geralt pressed chapped lips to a palm wrapped in knitted wool, and Jaskier smiled, albeit a little confusedly. It didn’t matter. Geralt wanted to spend the next forty years wrapped in that smile. 
Then Jaskier asked him if he was feeling well.
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fly-pow-bye · 5 years
What’s Airing On Cartoon Network? (June 2019)
The Futon Critic updated with the schedule for June, with new episodes of The Amazing World of Gumball, Ben 10 2016, Craig of the Creek, DC Super Hero Girls, OK K.O.! Let’s Be Heroes, PPG 2016, Summer Camp Island, Teen Titans Go!, and Victor and Valentino. Also...Ninjago? Listed after the break.
The Amazing World of Gumball:
We know that Gumball is ending, and there’s no real confirmation as of yet if The Inquisition is the grand finale. There are signs pointing to yes, but I don’t want to make any assumptions. In any case, new episodes of Gumball will air every Monday starting at 7 PM.
June 3rd:
The Web - Gumball and Darwin give Nicole a crash course in computers.
June 10th:
The Mess - Gumball and Darwin baby-sit, then baby-lose, Penny's little sister.
The Heart - Mr. Robinson tries and repeatedly fails to win back Gumball and Darwin's friendship.
June 17th:
The Revolt - Darwin feels bad for the household objects in Elmore and encourages them to rise up.
The Decisions - Darwin has finally had enough of Gumball's advice and seeks a new mentor.
June 24th:
The BFFS - When Gumball's old BFF turns up, Darwin gets jealous.
The Inquisition - School Superintendent Evil is coming to Elmore Junior High to stamp out all cartoonish conduct!
Ben 10 2016:
Already did an article on these, but I might as well put them here for good measure. Saturdays at 12 PM, starting on the 22nd, Ben 10 goes on a World Tour.
June 22nd:
Moor Fogg - Team Tennyson goes international in the Omni-Copter and the first stop is for a hike in the Scottish Highlands, but the weather isn't just bad, it's foggy, and that means one thing and one thing only: the return of The Fogg!
King of the Castle - Ben, Gwen, and Grandpa Max next travel to Castle Bishopbrook to visit a distant relative, but when Ben encounters a "ghost" at the haunted home, it turns out to actually be his new rival, Kevin 11, throwing even more aliens his way.
June 29th:
Speechless on the Seine - While in Paris, France, Ben catches Zombozo robbing the Louvre, but when Zombozo hypnotizes Ben to remain speechless, Ben must navigate a foreign land like a mime in order to stop the criminal clown and his traveling circus.
Don't Touch - Team Tennyson checks out a Samurai Museum in Tokyo, where a dangerous Samurai sword is stolen from the exhibit, Ben must take on its thief, the new Big Bad in town, the Forever Knight.
Craig of the Creek:
9 AM on Saturdays, starting on the 22nd.
June 22nd:
The Other Side - Craig, Kelsey and JP must journey past the Overpass into uncharted territory, the Other Side of the Creek.
June 29th:
Summer Wish - When Craig decides to keep a lightning bug in a jar, he disrupts the delicate balance of Summer.
DC Super Hero Girls:
4 PM on Sundays, just for the first two weeks.
June 2nd:
#SheMightBeGiant - Karen Beecher is always getting picked on at school, but when the local mall is attacked by a monstrous supervillain called Giganta, she discovers that tiny Bumblebee might be the only one small enough to save the day.
June 9th:
#FightAtTheMuseum - Supergirl always relies on her strength, but she'll need more than brawn to stop brainy Catwoman from stealing valuable gems from the local science museum.
NINJAGO: Masters of Spinjitzu:
A LEGO-related series is getting new episodes in June, but it’s not that one. Ninjago is still going. Two episodes will air every Saturday at 12:30 PM.
June 22nd:
Wasted True Potential - In the wake of the previous season's victory, the ninja have gone soft and Master Wu must remind them of who they truly are.
Questing For Quests - Realizing they have gone soft, the ninja search for a quest to reignite their Spinjitzu training. Unfortunately, NINJAGO City is enjoying a period of rare tranquility.
June 29th:
A Rocky Start - The ninja have found their quest! Now they just have to get there, which involves a road trip through the Desert of Doom, a region supposedly inhabited by a giant scarab beetle.
The Belly of the Beast - To repair the Land-Bounty, the ninja must retrieve a critical engine component that has been swallowed by a giant scarab beetle.
OK K.O.! Let’s Be Heroes:
Two episodes right next to each other, every Sunday starting at 4:30 PM, with the exception of the 30th, which will have three episodes!
June 2nd:
Sidekick Scouts - KO gets more than he bargained for when he gets a sidekick.
Whacky Jaxxyz - When the hot new toy trend of Whacky Jaxxyz comes to Lakewood, KO says goodbye to his POW Cards.
June 9th:
Project Ray Way - When Raymond starts his own fashion line, Rad and Drupe decide to make something even better.
I Am Jethro - When a different kind of Jethro rolls off the assembly line, the plaza is in for some surprises.
June 16th:
GarQuest - Gar and KO team up for a secret mission.
Gar Trains Punching Judy - With a big fight coming up, Punching Judy turns to KO and Gar to help her prepare.
June 23rd:
Beach Episode - Surf's up on a wacky beach adventure when our heroes are challenged to the ultimate beach battle.
OK A.U.! - An evil warlock takes our heroes to a strange alternate universe.
June 30th:
KO's Health Week - KO spends a week dispensing healthy tips to everyone in the plaza.
Rad's Alien Sickness - When our heroes are infected with a virus, Rad stubbornly refuses to back down.
Dark Plaza - KO and the heroes of the Plaza fight to save Lakewood Plaza Turbo with everything on the line.
PPG 2016:
In celebration of Father’s Day (the US one, not the international one), they finally decided to air these two episodes, which both happened to have titles with “father” or “dad” in them. These will air at an unusual time: 12:30 PM and 12:45 PM, respectively.
June 16th:
The Oct-Father - When Princess Morbucks steals Octi, Bubbles' reaction surprises everyone, even her sisters.
Sideline Dad - When the Girls start playing soccer, the Professor goes overboard.
Summer Camp Island:
A full hour of new episodes every Sunday, starting at 12 PM.
June 23rd:
Cosmic Bupkiss - A storm blocks Oscar and Hedgehog's one chance to see a comet.
Radio Silence - Oscar must get Hedgehog a special sandwich in order to save their friendship.
Director's Cut - Oscar receives a camcorder from his parents and sets out to prove to them the magic on the island is real.
The Haunted Campfire - The campers must battle ghosts of their own creation after their scary stories mysteriously come true.
June 30th:
I Heart Heartforde - Oscar, hedgehog and the other campers are excited to take a trip to the non-magical town of Heartforde.
Space Invasion - A visit from Puddle the alien tests the limit of Oscar's hosting skills.
Mom Soon - Hedgehog gets a call during her radio show from someone who needs her help.
Sneeze Guard - Oscar and Hedgehog must work with the witches to cure Alice's camp-threatening illness.
Teen Titans Go!:
Summer Camp Island isn’t the only summer camp-related phenomenon on Cartoon Network, as the Teen Titans are going to summer camp, too. Every Monday at 6 PM.
June 3rd:
The Bergerac - The Titans give Robin advice to guide him through his camp romance with Wonder Girl.
June 10th:
Snot and Tears - Robin tells the Titans to stop being reckless teens or the Creepy Catcher will get them.
June 17th:
Campfire! - The Titans put on a show but Robin warns that the performance must be boring or else they'll wake up the wolves.
June 24th:
What We Learned at Camp - After not receiving participation medals, the Titans must demonstrate what they learned at camp.
Victor and Valentino:
Every Saturday, except for the 15th, at 9:30 AM.
June 1st:
Los Cadejos - Val holds a grudge against Vic, unwittingly attracting an evil cadejo, a mythological wolf-like beast.
June 8th:
It Grows - As everyone celebrates Valentino for growing his first facial hair, a jealous Vic resorts to magical methods to grow a mustache and compete for attention.
June 22nd:
Welcome to the Underworld - After Vic loses a wrestling match, Vic and Val journey to the underworld to seek advice from their uncle, a famous wrestler named El Toro.
June 29th:
A New Don - When Vic and Val discover that Don isn't really himself - it's up to them to use his kooky codex of conspiracies to save him.
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[05 - The Birth of the Space-Time Traveler]
“I won’t tell you anything!” Strikedramon shouted “My brother and I won’t talk to any of you humans!”
“Don’t test me, or else…”
“Or else what, punk?”
Stingmon cracked his knuckles, giving a death glare at the Strikedramon duo who gulped quietly.
“Sir, we will t-talk!” the second Strikedramon babbled “We’re part of a gang called Roar of Freedom, and they’re planning to separate humankind from the digimon.”
“Y-Yea, and our leader is a big bad wolf named Lupin--”
“Don’t say that name idiot! Don’t you know he can hear you!?”
“... R-right, the troop might be around.”
“Don’t worry” Ken said with a serious tone “We will do our best to keep you two safe. But please cooperate with us” they he smiled.
“Wow, Ken’s really good at dealing with criminals” Agumon whispered to Taichi.
“Indeed” and he answered with a quiet voice.
“Okay, we will talk about it” the first Strikedramon nodded, “His name is Lupinmon and he has ordered us to invade the human world and get rid of the DigiWorld’s ambassadors.”
“He also has loyalty of two dangerous digimon” the second Strikedramon added “One is his most powerful soldier, and the other is his assassin.”
Ken recorded those on his phone and mind, while Taichi was learning against the wall and watching the interrogation.
“Thank you for cooperating with us” Ken said with a soft tone “As my promise, we will keep you two safe from them. I will call the assistance for you now.”
The gate opened next to the Motomiya-Inoue’s residence, where Kiyoko, Taisuke and Eiji were taking a break and eating some snacks. 
“You brought us to my house…?” Daichi blinked “Wait, we need to help mr. Yagami--”
“Taichi’s old but not weak” Natsu said “Don’t forget, he was the leader of his group, the same group your parents were part of. And Daisuke also was like, the third in command, Yamato was the second.”
“Uh, guys” Ulforce interrupted them “I think there’s someone at home. It’s not a good idea go there”
“It must be Kiyoko” Daichi mused “I hope she’s okay… Wait I will call her.”
Natsu and Ulforce looked at each other while the kid took his phone from his pocket and dialed up his house’s phone. As he assumed, his little sister answered the call.
“Hello, Kiyoko? Are you and the guys ok? I was going to the theater when heard the news. Wait, you three left before it happened!? Ok, ok… Glad you’re fine. Anyway, I’ve met my friends and I will be a bit late today. Tell mom to not let her worried with me again. Thank you, sis” he hung up the phone and put it back on his pocket.
“So… you lied to her.”
“Not totally” he smirked “After all you two are my friends. Anyway, let’s go. I’m partnered with Ulforce now.”
“Wait, you want to go after your father right now!?” she gasped “No, no. Daichi, listen. Your father does not remember of you or him being human! He was brainwashed to think he’s a digimon!”
“He… he remembered of my name. I’m sure he’s still there. But i meant… Travel back to the time he was captured, before that and warn him!”
“Um… you want to do a minor change on the past?”
“That doesn’t seem a bad idea” Ulforce shrugged “It wouldn’t erase this world right?”
“Hm… I think not” she answered “How about we ask Skuld’s opinion? She seems to know more about space-time.”
“You trust on that woman-like Digital World’s agent, digi-girl!?”
“She seems nice” Natsu shrugged.
“... Let’s ask her, please” Daichi nodded “Take us there again Natsu.”
“OK! I think I figured it out, it’s connected to…” from behind her scarf, she took a pendant on her necklace. It seemed an octagon-shaped crystal, with some pink sand inside “... this little thingy I have here!”
Natsu took the pendant and pointed it from an empty place. In the next seconds, a flash came from the crystal, opening a gate in front of them.
  “Daichi called and said he was inside when the theater got attacked” Kiyoko told Taisuke and Eiji, and they could notice her panic “But he said he’s fine. Do you think… No, the adults are adults and know how to handle things.”
“So you were concerned about my father huh” Taisuke didn’t know how to avoid bitterness but it was too late. Kiyoko frowned at him, and Eiji put a hand on Taisuke’s shoulder.
“I’m sure my dad will be called and he will protect uncle Taichi.”
“Huh, you really think that ol’ man is unable to protect himself!? Nothing to worry about!”
“You admit it. You’re worried about him,” she said with a deadpan face.
“What!? I don’t!?”
“It’s okay” Eiji laughed nervously “I think Kiyoko just misinterpreted your commentaries.”
“... I just want him to go home” Taisuke whispered “and safe.”
The gate opened in front a mysterious armored angel digimon, it seemed like part of the Angemon species branch, but nothing like anything Daichi had seen before. Its armor was white, and the chest plate had a keyhole on it. The angel was also holding a big key… That made the young kid think of an old game he had seen his best friend talking about once.
“Who’s there?”
“Uh, it’s me. I’m back” Daichi announced, and once everyone was on the mysterious dimension palace, the gate behind them closed.
“You…” the digimon approached from the boy “Ah yes, you. The child from the other day.”
“Excuse me, but I don’t remember of knowing you before…”
“Pardon, I’m Clavis Angemon and I protect this place.”
“Oh…! I’m Daichi, these are Natsu and Ulforce. Do you know where Skuld is, mr. Clavis Angemon?”
“She was waiting for your return, space-time traveler. Please come with me you three” and the angel digimon gracefully led the trio to a part of that emptiness place where was filled with doors, all of them of the same size and design. They had rustic wood, but the doorknob was completely made of gold.
“Mrs. Skuld” Daichi called her once they found the mysterious woman reading a holo-screen “I’m came back. I’ve decided what I want to do.”
“You did?” She moved her hands, and the screen disappeared “Say my child, what’s your decision.”
“I want to use the space-time power to prevent Motomiya Daisuke to be captured.”
There was a serious tone on Daichi’s voice. Very determined, somehow reminding of his father. Skuld smiled, then she responded to his bravery with a nod.
“Very well. You found an objective to be achieved. However, rules are important my young traveler.”
“Rules…? Like, not let anyone know I’m from the future?”
“Yes. And you cannot let any of your parents and their acquaintances to know about your true identity.”
“Fair. I won’t mess with more than warning the Chosen Children about the enemy.”
“But Daichi” Natsu interrupted him “You don’t know what kind of enemy is!”
“Heh, we will see” Ulforce nodded “It can’t be THAT bad!!”
“... Considering Daisuke got BEATEN and CAPTURED” she replied with a very angry tone “Oh yes, it might not be a real deal huh?”
“M-maybe he miscalculated!?”
“You’re saying that Daisuke messed things up and that’s the result of his own mistake!?”
“Stop fighting, please” Daichi interrupted them “My dad isn’t that smart nor that dumb, but he can commit a lot of mistakes in a row.”
“I’m so offended right now!” Natsu crossed her arms.
“Anyway, we can do that right Skuld?” Daichi glanced at the mysterious woman “Warn the Chosen Children that someone is after one of them.”
“I don’t see any problem” she answered “As long you don’t get your true identity be revealed, you’re free to do anything harmless.”
“Ok,” he looked back at the other two digimon “Natsu, Ulforce let’s roll.”
“You’re channeling into your mother right now” Natsu sighed, but nodded.
“Wait, his mother had some kind of catchphrase??” Ulforce blinked.
“She was the cheer of the group” the digi-girl explained “Used to say ‘Digital Gate open! Chosen Children let’s roll!' every single time they went to the Digital World.”
Daichi blushed, “L-let’s stop talking about my mom and let's go save my dad please.”
“Mom, I’m home”
Taisuke closed the door after arriving at home, but the lights were off in the living room. He walked in, then something caught his attention: He heard his mother’s voice talking on the phone and hid in the corridor to hear a bit of the conversation.
“I see, you’re investigating those incidents…Should I tell Yamato and Koushiro?”
Seemed it was his father the one on the other side of the line.
“Are you OK though? I heard the premiere event had been attacked. Oh thank goodness you’re fine…! Are you… Coming home? Huh? You will be late again?”
“Tsk, just like the usual” Taisuke muttered.
“I… I understand. Do you need my help? No? Oh okay I will keep an eye on Taisuke then, don’t worry. The mom Sora is still in shape to protect those she loves!”
“Me? Protect me ?!” he thought and clenched his fist “I do not need to be protected! I can do anything by myself! I… I’m strong, stronger than you and mom!”
The rage Taisuke felt had been there for a long time ago. Mostly after Taichi had become an ambassador for the Digital World, working day and night to keep both parties safe. Sora is a Japanese fashion designer, but tries to find time for her only son, Taisuke.
It does not help that the young child despises how busy Taichi had became. Especially now with this new enemy reveal. However, Taisuke does not know about that. He does not know that both parents are linked to the old stories he heard from his aunt Hikari.
And deep down, he wanted to do something big enough to make his father look at him. Something…
“Oh, Taisuke you’re home??” once Sora had hung up the phone, she noticed him there eavesdropping, but pretended he wasn’t listening to her and Taichi at all “Did you eat something?”
“Uh I… I had. I was with Kiyoko and Eiji” he replied “I’m going to sleep. Good night, mom. Night, Piyo” and he went to his room.
“Is he okay?” Piyomon tilted her head.
“... I think he heard me” Sora frowned “He’s missing Taichi because lately...”
Piyomon got a bit concerned about that scene, but wasn’t able to cheer Sora up or give any kind of advice like she had used to in the past.
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Magic and Moonlight: Chapter 14
Chapter 14 is here darlings! Tagging @queenofthearchitect @wwepoppunkprincess @balorrollinsambrose @bethany99stuff-blog @mrsambroserollinsacklesmgk @sassyspacedust and @afauss2009 If you want to be tagged, hit my inbox. Enjoy!
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Tonight I was dreamwalking. I was hoping to dreamwalk into Colby’s dream, and I really thought I did.
I was in a meadow, tall grass all around as I sat up on a boulder. I noticed that I wasn’t pregnant in the dream, making it seem pretty promising. But it was the man that approached me, that made me realize that I wasn’t in Colby’s dream.
The man wasn’t really a man, but a teenage boy, maybe nineteen-years-old at most. But this boy had Colby’s long hair, the wind blowing it out of his face. He had a very thin beard, like he was just starting to grow it. He had the same jawline as Colby too. But as he got closer, I saw he did not have the same nose or eyes as Colby. Instead I saw that he had my nose and my eyes. And seeing him up close I knew who was here with me.
It was my son. It was Tyler.
“Tyler,” I furrowed my brow at the boy, “This can’t be really happening right now.”
“Hi mom,” he smiled, just like his dad, and came to sit beside me on the boulder, “This is very real. But you’re not dreamwalking, I am.”
“But why,” I asked him.
“To tell you to not give up on Dad,” he replied, “Dad is so close to being back. It’s up to you to get him back the rest of the way. You already know the spell.”
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I shot up awake from my dream only to find Colby on the edge of my bed. I stared at him, scared the hell out of my mind. Colby grabbed hold of my shoulders.
“Easy, Thea,” Colby stroked my hair calmingly, “It was just a dream, okay. You have to calm down for Tyler’s sake, okay.”
“I saw him, Colby,” I breathed, trying to catch my breath, “He was in my dream just now. I talked to him.”
“Well he is your son,” he chuckled a little, “He’s already using his magic. But did he have a lot to say?”
“Yeah,” I took a deep breath, “Just advice for me involving you.”
“Well it’s still early,” Colby got closer to me, “How about you try to get some more sleep and I’ll get my things settled for the weekend. I’ll bring you some breakfast later.”
When I woke up again, Colby was coming in with a tray of scrambled eggs, bacon, a mug of coffee, 2 forks, and a mug of tea. I smiled as I sat up, getting comfortable as Colby set the table over my lap.
“I brought us breakfast,” he greeted me, “I even fixed you some tea, just the way you like it.”
“Thank you,” I replied before I took a sip of my tea, humming at the fact he did it exactly how I like it, “You really remembered how to make it the way I like it.”
“How can I forget,” he smiled, trying to make the smile reach his eyes.
“Alright,” I moved the tray off my lap and placed my hands on his cheeks, holding him close to me, “I’m done letting this go on anymore.”
I stretched out my magic, going deep into Colby’s mind, trying to find the spell Morrigan placed on him to turn him against me. I found it and I began to untangle its barbs out of his mind. I was struggling so hard, I hadn’t noticed my nose was bleeding from the excessive energy I was expending to do this. But once the last piece of it was out, I released him from my hold and slumped back against my pillows, exhausted.
“Thea,” Colby got closer to me, “Thea, are you alright? Babe, come on answer me. Fuck.”
“Colby,” I looked at him through half-opened eyes, “Did it work?”
“Yeah it worked,” he was smiling down at me, happiness reflected back at me, “I’m back. I’m here, okay. I’m not going anywhere, okay.”
I just smiled and let my head fall back, trying to regain my energy as best as I could. My spell took a lot out of me. Morrigan’s original spell was very strong, making it that much harder to break, but I broke it. I got Colby back.
“You’re bleeding babe, hang tight okay,” Colby ran off to my bathroom and I could hear him getting a wash cloth wet to clean me up. Once he came back, he began to clean me up, “You can’t do that kind of magic again, you hear me. I don’t want you to hurt yourself or Tyler just for my sake. But thank you for bringing the real me back.”
“I needed you,” I told him, “I can’t raise this baby on my own. And he encouraged me to try this spell anyway.”
“Hey Tyler,” Colby had his face down at my belly, talking to Tyler, “Don’t tell your mom to be risky again, alright. She has to stay safe for you and me, okay.”
I just laughed before I started to feel hungry, damn it Tyler. I grabbed the tray and put it back on my lap and started to dig into the breakfast Colby made for me. Colby sat there and laughed as he watched me shovel the scrambled eggs into my mouth.
“Slow down or you’ll choke,” Colby berated me while he kept laughing.
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“Why do they make it so hard to build a damn crib,” Colby grumbled as he sat on the floor of my bedroom, trying to build Tyler’s crib, “Like damn it the instructions make no sense.”
“I could have had this built two hours ago,” I bragged as I leaned against my door frame, “But no, someone insisted on building it by hand.”
“I don’t want you using magic and risk draining yourself out. So I’m building the crib,” he protested, “After this morning, I’m taking zero chances, missy.”
“Oh relax,” I handed him the cup of coffee I brought up for him, “Putting together a crib is child’s play compared to getting Morrigan’s spell out of your head.”
“Nope,” Colby grabbed his coffee and took a sip, “I’m not chancing it.”
“You know what,” I put my hands on my hips before I stretched out my magic and built the crib anyway, “I’m doing it anyway. So ha!”
“You little,” Colby put his cup down and got up, picking up quickly and gently dropped me on the bed, “You are such a stinker.”
“I try,” I giggled.
Colby hovered above me, his eyes staring deeply into mine. I hadn’t been this close to him in such a long time, and I missed being like this. Colby leaned down, closing the distance between us, and pressed his lips against mine, sharing our first kiss in six and a half months. I was in heaven. I had missed feeling his lips against mine, kissing me so tenderly.
“I’ve missed this,” Colby sighed as he pressed forehead against mine, “I’ve missed being like this with you.”
“Me too,” I replied. I suddenly gasped and Colby leapt up off of me.
“Hey are you okay,” he asked, worried he might have hurt me.
“No I’m fine,” I started to laugh, “Tyler just kicked. I think he likes mommy and daddy getting along at last.”
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“Thea,” I smiled as I saw Dean and Roman came into view as Colby and I left the airport.
Colby had asked me to come to see Wrestlemania. I’m at eight months now and I look ready to pop, but I had another month left before then. But I knew if I’m not careful, Tyler could come early, so I was always on guard, and so was Colby.
But now that we were back around the Authority, we had to be careful to not let it slip that I got Colby back and he was madly in love with me again. So I had to make sure I was at the top of my game while Colby acted like a dick to hide that I fixed his mind.
“Hey Rome! Hi Dean,” I greeted my two other favorite wolf-boys, “Thanks for picking us up.”
“Damn dollface,” Dean took in my appearance, “Are you smuggling a watermelon under your dress?”
“Seriously, Ambrose,” Colby groaned, “She’s still having mood swings.”
“It’s okay,” I rubbed Colby’s shoulder, “I think it’s funny. But you need to come up with better jokes if you plan on being the fun uncle, Dean-o.”
“I’m for sure going to be the fun uncle,” Dean replied, looking offended I’d suggest otherwise, “Because I can’t be the push-over uncle because Roman has that on lock.”
“Sorry you can’t be as easy-going as me, Uce,” Roman smirked, “Besides, I have to be the push-over since I already have to be the tough parent with Jojo.”
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I was hanging out in my hotel room, just watching a movie and eating my dinner in bed when the lights in the room went out. I looked around, but I had a feeling I knew why the lights went out. Because once the lights came back up, I saw my old nemesis standing at the foot of my bed.
“I see you couldn’t stay away for the sake of your baby, Thea,” she sneered at me.
“I have a truce with your lackeys,” I warned her as I conjured a shield around me, prepared for her to try to cast any magic on me, “You hurt me, and I’m sure you’ll be in trouble.”
“I’m here because I know you broke my spell on Colby,” she smirked, “But don’t worry, I won’t put it back on him. I left it there to have fun with you. And I wanted to test your power.”
“So what do you want,” I asked her.
“I came to warn you,” she got closer to me, “If you even think of trying to end me, I will make sure to take out someone you love when I go. Maybe I’ll take your son. Or maybe your mom. Oh or better yet, I’ll take Colby.”
“You harm any of them I’ll bring you back just to kill you again,” I sneered at her.
“Don’t worry,” she smiled at me, “For now they’re safe. I’ll see you around, Thea.”
And like that she was gone.
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I was out in the crowd, enjoying Wrestlemania. Colby had me sit with his mom and step-dad. He knew his mom and step-dad could keep you safe and look after you while he was working the show.
Right now, Roman was in his match, the main event for the WWE championship was well underway. Brock Lesnar, who is a were-bear, yes a were-bear is a thing and much more menacing than a werewolf, was giving Roman the fight of his life. I was so worried for Roman, when I saw a shock of blond running down the ramp, I gave out a shriek. Colby was coming in with his briefcase. He was cashing in on Roman and Brock tonight.
“Seth Rollins is cashing in his money in the bank contract,” Jillian Garcia called out to the audience, “This will now be a triple threat match.”
With that, Colby went ham and kicked Roman out of the ring before going for a stomp on Lesnar. Roman came back into the ring a moment later, just as Brock rolled out of the ring. Colby went for another stomp, this time on Roman. This time he went for the pin and got the win. He was losing his damn mind as he celebrated his huge win. I was screaming and crying, so proud of him. I hugged his mom, overjoyed that our Colby got to have the biggest Wrestlemania moment of his career so far.
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Thea and I were in her hotel room. Just like when we were back in NXT, Thea was holding my new title, the big WWE championship title, in her lap. She was just tracing the jewels on the belt, completely in awe of the fact I won this tonight.
“I’m extremely proud of you,” she sighed happily, “I think Tyler is too. He’s been moving around like crazy since you won.”
“Well I’m glad I made our little man proud,” I beamed like a little kid, “Have you been okay, though. Nothing’s sore right?”
“I’m okay,” she smiled, “How are you though? You got caught mid-air by Orton into a RKO.”
“I’m good though,” I replied, “Now are you hungry, babe?”
“I am,” she replied.
I got out of our bed and went to go find the room service menu over by the couch. As I grabbed the menu, I heard Thea let out a whimper before she started to groan in pain. I immediately ran back to her side.
“What’s going on,” I asked her, “What’s wrong? Talk to me.”
“Colby,” she sucked in a painful breath, “I think Tyler’s coming early.”
“What,” I was dumbfounded, “He’s not due for another month. How is this possible?”
“I don’t know,” she was sobbing in agony, “Just get me to the hospital before I deliver him in this hotel room.”
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myfandomrambles · 6 years
Septimus Heap Modern Au Ideas
Ra school for the gifted, Magnate school. Nicknamed the castle. 
Projects Nicknamed the ramblings. 
Alther Mella: School guidance counsellor & art club teacher. Top notch hippie, everyone's uncle, has sage advice. Has seen some shit. Is the youngest old dude. His "back when I was a boy" stories are actually good. has the most chill office. "yeah stick it to the man young people".  Best dad friends with secret past. Gets sep into therapy. He almost died but like its chill. Distinguished Gay.
Beetle-Beetle: the biggest nerd but also parkour. Volunteers in the library. Class treasurer. Knows all the gossip. Can get you anything you want. Has stuff snacks on snacks. Makes memes about dead people. Could get straight As but always thinking about other things. The best source for essay help if you have time for dumb facts. Kinda has a crush but won't say it. Neutral Good. Meme King. Functional bi.  RIDE OR DIE.
Bill Fox: The class clutz, the nurse knows him by name, she keeps bandaids just for him. Dad is a bastard. Somehow always there. Wants no drama. Like snacks. Stereotypical nerd. Just wants to live but life is a bitch. Best nickname Foxy.
Ed Heap: Here's to never growing up. Always called his brothers’ name. Twin = BFF. competent but wants to chill. seriously liked dubstep. Can every day be senior ditch day? chaotic neutral. Good Bro.
Erik Heap: Loves his brother. Prankster. Loves being mistaken for his brothers to cause mischief. Wants to chill. Never does his homework. Wants to settle down eventually but right now it’s all about stargazing and camping. A good bro.
Jenna Heap: The heap’s adopted daughter. Bomb at PE. Loves her pets. Rocks at anatomy, social studies and English. Debate club master. Gets into trouble all lot, but it never sticks. Just wants to be one of the boys. Loves horses. Actually, like school but also an adventure. Starts to wonder about her mother who went to the same school. Class prez & top shitposter. Unironically has a pet rock, loves pop ballads and angry girls. Meme queen. Simultaneously best and worst dressed. Unintentionally kinda frightening but also everyone loves her. looks like a cinnamon roll but could actually kill you.  Might have some dad issues but won’t talk about. The most stubborn likes some good drama. Wants to be liked but also doesn’t like crowds. Lover her brothers more than anything. Will wear her hightops to the prom. Functional Bi.
Jillie Djinn: Librarian and English teacher. The strictest teacher in school. Knows everything but not the best at teaching it. Easily annoyed. The only one who will say fight me to Marcia’s face. No one's favourite, but pretty good at being a librarian.
Jo-Jo Heap: Loves with his girlfriend. Is a hippie and honest about it. Defends witches. Likes the woods. Would die for you. Has a scary mother in law. Braids his hair but sucks at it. Loves inside jokes. Has a nickname but only some people are allowed to use it. Functional Bi. Star-cross loverhood by being the most in love he'd do anything.
Lucy Gringe: “My dad sucks”. Got that whole Romeo Juliet thing. Best Hair Ever, at least if you ask her. Will fight you to the death. Will pull hair! Dropped out of school at 17. Loves her dumbass boyfriend but will kick him into gear. Learns to love animals. Favourite food is pie. Has a DIY channel. Is a dumbass but never loses for long. Has the weirdest bad things happen. Style Icon.
Mandy Marwick: A childhood runaway. Doesn't go to this school but was adopted by Heaps aunt Zelda so he's cool. But even more, fam when he and sep learn they're best friends. Trains to do old medicine. Kinda Spooky. The silent type. Goes to therapy with sep. The most chill and unchill at the same time. Chaotic Neutral. everyone knows who he is but do they know him? Doesn't get memes. hates the city. will throw hands but doesn't want to. Functional gay with disaster undertones. Multiple nickname kid, Wolf Boy to some friends, and 409 only by Sep.
Marcia Overstrand: Headmaster of the school. Considered scary AF. But she is actually really caring. Run her school well if people would just leave them the fuck alone. These kids will be the death of her. Basically Sep's mom. Is an alumnus and wants you to know that. Yells at her appliances when they don't work. An independent woman and everyone better know it. Looks like couture but it's all small business or homemade. Competent with Tech but would rather have someone else do it. Aesthetic to the makes. Only friends are the school counsellor and her students. Distinguished lesbian. Loves the rules, but still breaks them. Even the parents of the kids know she's boss.
Merrin Meredith: No one likes him. Literally has a burn book. Crepy to the extreme. Rants about how the world is unfair. Uses his shit childhood to say its not his fault. into the weird parts of the occult. Literally as a trench coat. candy is just as good as therapy, right? Has the worst friends. Get's shit grades but won’t study. Has a Reddit and a Four Chan.
Nicko Heap: Sailing club prez. Barely passes, just wants to see the world. Everyone's best friend. Can get you weed (his brother is his contact). Kind of feels bored a lot. Loves his girlfriend and wants to build a boat. Kinda over it but loves you. Occasionally shit posts. Neutral Good.  Unironically cried at the notebook. Won't watch a movie with a dead dog. Hipster/preppy clothes. over high school. Ride or die. Falls in love in a hot minute. Loves Hozier.
Romilly Badger: Class clown. Always in trouble. Loves her best friends. Takes the fall when others fuck up. Queen of the Nerds.
Sam Heap: The weed connection. Just wants to be in the mountains in peace. Has an actual log cabin. Loves country music ironically. Can play the guitar. would rather not be in a crowded place. Good at fishing. Brokeback mountain if it was happy. Doesn't own an AM radio anymore because he can only get trash talk shows. Functional Gay.
Septimus Heap: Grew up in an abusive boys school. Goes here after school was shut down. The Heaps are his foster parents (idk how to do the whole stolen babe modern time.) Starts off really behind but Marcia takes and Jenna help. Great at art and chemistry. Wants to teach. Terrible in writing/English. Wears his prefect badge everywhere after getting it. But hates enforcing the rules. Rocks at PE but it gives him flashbacks so he gets special lessons. Hates swimming. Considered a teacher's pet with Marcia. Wants to be your friend. Has the most organized room, locker, backpack, lunch box and pencil case. understand meme's but can't make them. Watches vine instead of talking about his feelings. Loves sad pop-rock indie, and emo music, cuz they "get me". But will jam to some top 40, because "Top 40 are to 40 for a reason." Cried at toy story three. Goes to therapy. Marcia is basically his Mom. chaotic good. Looks like a Cinnamon roll, could kill you, but won't. Loves dangerous animals. Magician! Disaster gay. What and is fashion??? Mostly called Sep, and Mandy can call him 412 but just him.
Simon Heap: Graduated top of his class but goes to community college and he hates this. dropped out. Hung out with some abusive creeps. Romeo and Juliet complex. Loves his girlfriend. Loves his parents but also hates them. Slightly permanently off eyes. Wants to turn his life around. Looks like they could kill you and probably wood. angry vague posts. Too tired for this shit. Still rocks to MCR. Was a goth for a point, still kinda is. Lost his eye in a fight. His best friends are his stress ball and horse. 
Snorri Snorrelssen: just moved from Greenland. Speaks little English but probably has better grades than you. Has a service dog named Uluru (food allergies)? Always makes her own lunch. Is kinda spooky. Believes in ghosts and will fight you on it. Unintentionally reads every one. Don't need no man but still loves her dumb boyfriend, wants her own houseboat. True Neutral.
Syrah Syara: Missed a year of school in the psych hospital. Part of the therapy group club. Can’t talk like a normal person. Even weirder than Snorri. Maybe crushing on Septimus. Her father died. Member of the choir. Just wants to sleep, bro. Hates vacation with a passion. Most people avoid her.
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darkling-er · 6 years
Dorcas Seed | Through the Gates
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Full name: Dorcas Joy Seed
Nicknames: Cas ( Nichole ) , sunshine ( John ) , my joy ( John ) , Junior Seed ( Sharky ) , little she devil ( Earl ) , woof ( Boomer )
Birthday: August 9, 2019 (Age 7)
Sexuality: ‘my what?’
Family: Cicero Johnson ( grandfather ✝ ) , Dorcas Whitehorse-Johnson ( grandmother ✝ ) , Earl Whitehorse ( great uncle ) , Trinity-Hope Seed ( mother ) , John Seed ( father ) , Jacob Seed ( uncle ) , Joseph Seed ( uncle ) , Joffrey Orwell ( step-brother ) , Liza Evans ( godmother ) , Sharky Boshaw ( godfather ) , ??? , Nichole Rye ( best friends forever )
Height: 4′4 inch | 132 cm ( still growing )
Side: neutral / John’s Gate
Location: John’s Gate
Occupation: doing mischief / being curious all the time
Hobbies:  reading ( ‘not studying’ ) , going on adventures with Boomer and Cole , pranking others with Uncle Sharky , learning how to be a ninja with Aunt Liza , learn how to make wooden statues from Joffrey , annoying Grandpa Earl with questions , annoying the bunker residance with question , learning to draw from Dad , learning to make music with Mom
Bio: Dorcas has been raised by all the people in the bunkers, both from radio and from John’s Gate itself. She’s a clever and cunning person, just like her dad. She can talk herself out of every situation, until her mom or her Grandpa Earl catches her. She’s kind and outgoing. She loves adventures and wants to know everything about the past and the outside world. The only thing she likes to study is History. She wants to be a pirate and an adventurer.
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Thoughts about people in Hope County :
Earl Whitehorse: She loves Grandpa Earl. She finds him funny and grumpy but doesn’t like how strict he is with her studies. But other than that she loves how he takes her side against her moms with the excuse: ‘The girl is exactly like you when you were a kid, Trinity.’
Dutch: She loves Grandpa Dutch and find his grumpy side cute, but thinks he’s too strict and boring with his lessons. She’s amazed how he knows when she’s not paying attention, even though he can’t see her.
Jerome Jeffries: She loves Jerome and loves to hear his stories about God. Though Jerome often tells her those aren’t just stories but reality she keeps calling the Bible a story. He’s kind and patient with her questions though and he’s the only one that doesn’t get annoyed by her questions, even after hours.
Mary May: She doesn’t like Mary that much due to her relationship with her dad. She doesn’t understand why can’t she like her dad, so she thinks it may be because the woman is lame. But she’s kind with her, though she doesn’t hang around with her that much.
Sharky Boshaw: She adores her Uncle Sharky and wants him to get together with Aunt Jess. She loves how funny Sharky is but sometimes she doesn’t understand what he’s talking about. ‘Adult stuff.’ She loves doing pranks with the man and loves to learn how to craft things with him.
Grace Armstrong: She loves Grace’s voice through the radio and wants to meet her once. She enjoys her stories about her parents and the outside world.
Adelaide Drubman: She finds Grandma Addie funny but doesn’t like how much adult stuff she’s talking about and how she encourages other for kissing stuff. She finds that gross.
Jess Black: She loves grumpy Aunt Jess and wants her and Uncle Sharky to be a pair. She keeps saying it to both of them and Jess finds it annoying. But Dorcas keeps trying with the help of her mom.
Nick Rye: She finds Nick cool and loves his friendship with her mom. She thinks Nick is amazing that he could fly in the past. Even as his Dad keeps reminding her: ‘okay sunshine, but I was the best pilot, don’t forget that’.
Kim Rye: She finds Cole’s mom a badass. Though she and Cole fears her and Hope the most when they get into trouble.
Nichole Rye: She loves her best friend. Cole is a year older than her. Dorcas loves going on adventures with her. They find it funny how their parents forgive them after a while. They both love to know about the outside world and both hate to study. They have similar personalities. Nichole is taller than her so she can reach things, while Dorcas is smaller and so she can crawl through vents and hide under things. They’re partners in crime. Dorcas doesn’t understand that she has a slight crush on her best friend, she just knows she loves her.
John Seed: She loves her Dad. She knows he would give her anything, but she loves his personality as well, not just that he’s her dad. She finds him cute when he’s around her mom. She loves his drawing skills and loves learning drawing from him. She finds her dad funny and clever.
Jacob Seed: soon
Joseph Seed: soon
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Special thoughts of my ocs:
Trinity-Hope Seed: She loves her mom, even though she’s a bit strict sometimes. She would never want another mother. She thinks Hope is the most beautiful person in the whole world. Dorcas knows that her mom is very emotional and she gives her dad advices on how to say sorry to her if he does something wrong. She thinks her parents are disgusting with the kissing stuff, but cute in a way. Dorcas also loves her mothers voice and loves her night singing.
Adam Roberts: She loves how grumpy Uncle Adam is. She loves annoying him with her questions when can she finally have cousins.
Rhea Jessop: She likes her freckles and her red hair. She thinks Rhea looks like a princess and likes to play with her.
Tee Enderby: She finds her brother’s boyfriend cute and she loves their relationship. But she still thinks kissing stuff is disgusting. She loves to hear Tee’s poems and when he speaks french. She learns french from him.
Special thoughts of peoples’ ocs
.. @onl-you ‘s universe
Liza Evans: She loves Aunt Liza. She thinks she’s like her mom, but she doesn’t scold her that much. She loves Aunt Liza’s ninja skills and wants to learn with her how to sneak around without people noticing. She sees how her Dad and Aunt Liza keep fighting then being friends again. She thinks it’s funny. She also likes to ask about Liza’s boyfriend and she wants to know when will she finally have cousins.
Emmanuel McAdams: She loves Emmanuel and loves to ask questions about her parents before she was born from him. She also likes to her stories about the outside world a lot from him. She finds him a funny guy.
Dylan Highmoore: She loves Dylan’s voice and loves to imagine how he must look like. She can’t wait to meet with him once they get out of the bunker. She calls Dylan her ‘Radio Buddy’ and has a slight crush on the man. It’s a kid crush, really.
Joffrey Orwell: She loves her brother and likes to hang around him. She loves how creative he is and wants to learn from him a lot. She doesn’t care others say that they’re not really siblings, she still thinks of him as her big brother and no one can tell her otherwise.
Iah Tamman: She loves his photos from the outside world and loves the photos he takes of everyone. Dorcas would like to braid his hair and ask him to braid her hair as well.
Na'eemah Tamman: She thinks Na’eemah is beatiful and clever and funny. She can’t pronounce her name and feels bad about it, but keeps trying. She just calls her Emma when others ask about the woman.
Bill Taylor: She likes following Bill around the bunker and ask him question. She thinks of him as his other big brother.
Misha Annora: She heard the adults talk to her through the radio. She likes the woman’s voice and thinks she’s a bit too serious, but loves asking questions about the Wolf’s Den when she gets a chance to talk to Misha.
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She got the Joy middle name from John when she was a baby and had her baptism. John kept calling her “my joy” so her parents thought it would be a perfect middle name for her.
Other than Nichole, Boomer is Dorcas’s best friend. She never goes on journeys without the dog. The dog is always following her, being her companion 24/7.
She hates studying and thinks Grandpa Earl and Grandpa Dutch is too boring sometimes.
She’s homeschooled by all the adults in the bunker and from other bunkers as well.
She loves adventure books and is great at creating plans and other mischievous pranks.
Her obsession is the outside world and the mysterious tunnel that leads to somewhere.
She finds movies boring sometimes and thinks it’s a waste of time.
She calls a lot of people Grandpa, Aunt, Uncle, Grandma or brother/sister, even though they’re just the survivors of the Collapse.
Adults keep secrets from her about the previous world and she doesn’t know what the ‘Collapse’ was, what was the ‘Holy War’ and sometimes when people are angry at her dad why they call him ‘baptist’.
She knows that her Dad will let her do anything, but if her Mom catches them both, they’re both in trouble.
When she was younger she asked: ‘When will my marks start to appear?’ And her parents looked at her, confused. ‘What do you mean, honey?’ Her mother asked her and she pointed at her dad’s arm. ‘Dad’s marks... Will I get them too when I grow up?’ And she didn’t understand why they started to laugh.
She learns french from Tee and latin from her dad.
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alexarap · 6 years
“I like to picture Jesus in a tuxedo T-shirt because it says I want to be formal, but I'm here to party.” - Carl Naughton (Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby)
First name? Alexandra.
Surname? Hyland-Rapine
Middle names? Christina.  
Nicknames? Alex, Alexa, Lex. 
Date of birth? 4/2
Age? 23
Height? 5′4
Weight? 130
Build? Athletic?
Hair colour? Natural, light brown. Dyed blonde. 
Hair style? Long and straight usually. 
Eye colour? Hazel.
Eye Shape? Big and round.
Glasses or contact lenses? Neither. 
Distinguishing facial features? Upturned nose. 
Which facial feature is most prominent? Nose.
Which bodily feature is most prominent? Butt. 
Other distinguishing features? None. 
Skin? Pale. 
Hands? Stubby. 
Makeup? Special occasions. 
Scars? Insignificant. 
Birthmarks? It faded away. 
Tattoos? Small tiny ones.
Physical handicaps? None.
Type of clothes? Tank tops, t-shirts, leggings, sweatpants, sweaters, skirts. 
How do they wear their clothes? Depends on the day. 
What are their feet like? Small.
Race / Ethnicity? White.
Mannerisms? Expressive. 
Are they in good health? Yes.
Do they have any disabilities? No.
What words or phrases do they overuse? Well and like. 
Do they have a catchphrase? Well, yeah, but like. 
Are they more optimistic or pessimistic? Optimistic.
Are they introverted or extroverted? Extroverted.
What bad habits do they have? Smoking + drinking. 
What makes them laugh out loud? Good jokes. 
How do they display affection? She loves affection. 
Mental handicaps? None.
How do they want to be seen by others? Smart. 
How do they see themselves? Pretentious. 
How are they seen by others? Studious stoner. 
Strongest character trait? Insightful. 
Weakest character trait? Impulsive. 
How competitive are they? Not at all. 
Do they make snap judgement or take time to consider? Time. 
How do they react to praise? She appreciates it. 
How do they react to criticism? Who cares. 
What is their greatest fear? Not being good at anything. 
What are their biggest secrets? She doesn’t want to tell her dad she doesn’t believe in marriage. 
What is their philosophy of life? Que Sera, Sera. 
When was the last time they cried? Her eyes are dry. 
What haunts them? The ghost of her parents relationship. 
What are their political views? Whatevs. 
What will they stand up for? Herself. 
Are they indoorsy or outdoorsy? Both.
What is their sinful little habit? Smoky smoky smoky. 
What sense do they most rely on? Sight. 
How do they treat people better than them? Hey, how’s it going? 
How do they treat people worse than them? Hey, how’s it going? 
What quality do they most value in a friend? Interesting. 
What do they consider an overrated virtue? Modesty. 
If they could change one thing about themselves, what would it be? Maybe her nose.
What is their obsession? Books. 
What are their pet peeves? Mooches. 
Is their family big or small? Who does it consist of? Small. She lives with her dad, but she sees her mom every once in awhile. 
What is their perception of family? Um. 
Do they have siblings? Older or younger? Only child. 
Describe their best friend. Easy-going, open-minded, funny. 
Ideal best friend? ^^
Describe their other friends. Cool people. 
Describe their acquaintances. Nice people, she’s sure. 
Do they have any pets? No, Ash doesn’t like pets. 
Who are their natural allies? Friends and Ash. 
Who are their surprising allies? Probably Aunt Kory. 
What was your character like as a baby? As a child? A monster.
Did they grow up rich or poor? Daddy’s rich.
Did they grow up nurtured or neglected? Nutured by daddy. 
What is the most offensive thing they ever said? She’s not offensive. 
What is their greatest achievement? Graduating high school.
What was their first kiss like? Peck peck.
What is the worst thing they did to someone they loved? That she’s moving in with dad. 
What are their ambitions? To do something. 
What advice would they give their younger self? You can be nice. 
What smells remind them of their childhood? Leather and books. 
What was their childhood ambition? To be a dog. 
What is their best childhood memory? Vacations to New Orleans. 
What is their worst childhood memory? All her parents fighting. 
Did they have an imaginary childhood friend? No.
When was the last time they were crushed with disappointment? God, who knows. 
What past act are they most ashamed of? Being rude to everyone in high school.
What past act are they most proud of? Realizing she was a brat and changing. 
Has anyone ever saved their life? No
Strongest childhood memory? Growing up with her uncle, who’s younger than her. 
Do they believe in love at first sight? Lust. 
Are they in a relationship? No.
How do they behave in a relationship? She’s cutesy. 
When did you character last have sex? Weeks ago. 
What sort of sex do they have? Depends on who she’s with.
Has your character ever been in love? Yes. 
Have they ever had their heart broken? No.
How do they respond to a threat? Ok, bud. 
Are they most likely to fight with their fists or their tongue? Both.
What is your character’s kryptonite? Her dad.
If your character could only save one thing from their burning house, what would it be? Daddy. 
How do they perceive strangers? As new friends. 
What do they love to hate? Comic book movies. 
What are their phobias? Bananas. 
What is their choice of weapon? Peace.
What living person do they most despise? Ash’s mom. 
Have they ever been bullied or teased? Yes.
Where do they go when they’re angry? To the roof. 
Who are their enemies and why? Hopefully no one now.
What is their current job? Sex shop clerk. 
What do they think about their current job? Eh. 
What are some of their past jobs? Book store clerk.  
What are their hobbies? Reading, walking around, writing, light exercise. 
Educational background? High school. 
Intelligence level? Like normal. 
Do they have any specialist training? No.
Do they have a natural talent for something? Fast reading. 
Do they play a sport? Are they any good? She’s uncoordinated. 
What is their socioeconomic status? Trust fund baby. 
What is their favourite animal? Probs, like, monkeys. 
Which animal to they dislike the most? Butterflies. 
What place would they most like to visit? Tropical places. 
What is the most beautiful thing they’ve ever seen? Sunrises on the roof. 
What is their favourite song? Hope Is A Dangerous Thing For A Woman Like Me To Have - But I Have It
Music, art, reading preferred? Slow moody songs, writing, all books. 
What is their favourite colour? Blue. 
What is their password? cowsgomoo111
Favourite food? Vegan cheese. 
What is their favourite work of art? Her bookshelf. 
Who is their favourite artist?  Jordan Peel - those movies though.
What is their favourite day of the week? HUMP DAY
What is in their fridge: So much fruit and vegetables. 
What is on their bedside table? A notebook and an ashtray. 
What is in their car? No car. 
What is in their bin? Papers. 
What is in their purse or wallet? Just cards and cash. 
What is in their pockets? Nothing. 
What is their most treasured possession? Her dad’s notebook. 
Who or what is your character’s guardian angel? Who knows. 
Do they believe in the afterlife? She guesses. 
What are their religious views? Spiritual. 
What do they think heaven is? A world that walks among humans, but invisible. 
What do they think hell is? Torture. 
Are they superstitious? No.
What would they like to be reincarnated as? A tree. 
How would they like to die? However. 
What is your character’s spirit animal? Maybe a wolf. 
What is their zodiac sign? Aries. 
What do they think is the worst thing that can be done to a person? Killing their spirit.
What is their view of ‘freedom’? No rules. 
When did they last lie? Probably recently. 
What’s their view of lying? It’s bad, but she does it. 
When did they last make a promise? Probably that she’d be home at a reasonable hour. 
Did they keep or break their last promise? Probably broke it. 
What are their eating habits? Vegan. 
Do they have any allergies? Bullshit. HA
Describe their home. A nice flat. Ash isn’t excessive. 
Are they minimalist or a clutter hoarder? Wow she’s a mess. 
What do they do first thing on a weekday morning? Roll back over and go to sleep.
What do they do on a Sunday afternoon? Whatever. 
What do they do on a Friday night? Friend time. 
What is the soft drink of choice? No soda. 
What is their alcoholic drink of choice? Vodka.
What is their character archetype? Free spirit. 
Who is their hero? Ash.
What or who would your character dress up as for Halloween? Gumby. 
Are they comfortable with technology? No.
If they could save one person, who would it be? Ash. 
If they could call one person for help, who would it be? Ash. 
Where do they see themselves in ten years? Hanging in there. 
What is their greatest extravagance? Probably the food she eats.��
What is their greatest regret? Trying to be too much like her parents. 
What is their perception of redemption? Say sorry. 
What would they do if they won the lottery? Donate most. 
What is their favourite fairytale? Alice in Wonderland. 
What fairytale do they hate? Cinderella. 
Do they believe in happy endings? Yes.
What is their idea of perfect happiness? Being at peace. 
What would they ask a fortune teller? What’s the world like in the future.
If your character could travel through time, where would they go? 90s. 
What sport do they excel at? People watching. 
What sport do they suck at? Most. 
If they could have a superpower, what would they choose? Teleportation. 
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auroral-melody · 5 years
hey skfk so i just finished the 2000s lucifer comics and it was so good!! im gonna start the 2016 soon! but first i wanted to say that i love mona so much skfk shes so cute gkkf and also that i feel kinda bad for elaine, i mean she had a nice family and a normal life (apart from seeing dead people,,) but then she found out she was adopted and her dad became abusive (and im pretty sure he wasnt before she found out right?) and then he got replaced with the thing that was trying to kill her (1/4)
(tbh i dont know what actually happened to him but he’s gone right? did he die or something? or did his body just get taken over so is he still in there? sorry i dont really remember and im getting off track anyway fdkd) and then she found someone who thought he was her dad who died, and then she found her actually dad who ended up dying, and then she died to save lucifer and then when she came back she became the god of his world and then she went blind trying to help lucifer (2/4)
and then she had to make her own creation while she was blind with lucifer there not really doing anything to help, while people in her creation were dying and killing each other in her name and then she had to become the god of all the worlds which she had to do alone which is so much responsibility for someone who’s pretty young (3/4)
anyway sorry there’s probably more that i missed but i feel like it got kinda long so i’ll stop now tkdkd and sorry that was just me talking abohr what happened to her fkskf its just a lot of bad things happened to her and shes got so much pressure on her and she has to be the god of the world alone which sounds hard, but yeah i hope you didnt mind me rambling about it like that fkgkdk sorry it was so long hhhh and i hope youre having a good day/night!!! (4/4)
and yeah poor elaine ykno?? she just. never got a real chance at human family. and the jin en mok and stuff and. ye a h. honestly i can’t remember what happens to her dad either. cestis the jin en mok sort of??? kills elaine in paradiso part 2 (when gaudium drives a truck into the house to save elaine) ??? but i can’t really figure anything out past that other than her mom ending up w her son being cal
the whole yggdrasil thing is so DDD: to me like!!!! michael quotes hamlet to lucifer!1!!!!!! god i’m so emo about it. but YEAH poor elaine she just. tries so hard to be good and everyone keeps trying to kill her
the yahweh dance thing where elaine makes her universe is a super interesting issue to me bc like. lucifer is actually shown to be super weak??? he basically collapses on a rock. his wings are torn to shreds and it takes him half the issue before he finally fixes them. someone points out when he reunites w maze that w/o yahweh his power is draining, which is a part of that too. and a part of why i think lucifer would feel guilty for not being able to fight fenris’s possession, because it was really michael who threw off the wolf. so that’s my excuse for him being grumpy lol and in fairness he actually got the point across. he’s an asshole as always
she’s just this??? child??? and it’s true that lucifer pushes this huge responsibility on her bc he’s like Morally Opposed to doing it himself.
i think it’s really interesting how sandman universes call on kids quite a few times to save everything. i mean, hope in overture inspires morpheus to do whatever he does i don’t even remember. elaine is ultimately god. noema and medjine. it’s interesting that sometimes the younger characters can see things more clearly.
elaine is such a fascinating character. she’s brave as hell, kinda naively cocky. it’s also really interesting to me how she honestly latches on more to lucifer as kinda a father figure than michael. fair, lucifer met her first + saved her life first, and stopped her father from abusing her (although lucifer in that scene...Does let it happen once.) but it is interesting ykno? how at yggdrasil she calls out to lucifer, says he has to help her, when michael was there too. she calls him uncle and like. actually cares about him. asks for his advice. i think lucifer was genuinely startled by how fast she trusted him, and he def used that to manipulate her. but it’s also interesting how he literally does tell her his plan is going to get her hurt. she agrees anyway.
idk. it’s Complicated and really interesting how much good she sees in him, even when he directly contradicts it. she’s a very forgiving person. i’d say...that’s how i would want a god to be.
2016 luci does make a good point that like. god has to be someone trustworthy who Doesn’t want the job. *lucifer voice* [points at self] and i’m not trustworthy so BYEEEEEEE
i hope you have a lovely day/night too!!!!!!!! :D feel free to ramble any time!!!
0 notes
padfootsjournal · 6 years
Too Late
She remembered telling James repeatedly that she would never marry a pig like him.
She remembered that James still insisted on proposing to her every month, even though he knew she would never give.
She remembered when the proposals stopped, and she feared that something was wrong.
She remembered telling her friend, Mary, that maybe he didn’t like her anymore. Maybe she had done something awful. Maybe he stopped caring.
She remembered Mary laughing and saying that if she doesn’t like Potter (“I don’t!”) then she sure spends a lot of time worrying wether not he likes her. (“As a friend! Not romantically!”)
She remembered denying her feelings to her friends, to herself for a long time.
She remembered when she first admitted that she had a crush on the boy, but it was too late. He had a girlfriend. He didn’t like her anymore.
She remembered becoming friends with him, and she remembered wanting something else. Something more.
She remembered counting how many times he ran his hands through his hair.
She remembered watching his knuckles slowly push up his glasses.
She remembered imagining that he was hers.
She remembered telling herself to stop.
She remembered when James told her that he had broken up with his girlfriend, and she could tell he wasn’t sad.
She remembered telling herself to stop smiling once she heard the news.
She remembered when he kissed her for the first time. It was late one night after head boy and girl duties. She was twirling her hair. He was searching her eyes. He leaned. She didn’t back away. They kissed. It was perfect.
She remembered dating him, how it was like a firework in the dark night sky.
She remembered when she told James she loved him. It sort of slipped out, and she cursed herself for doing so. Now you’ve done it. She thought. Now he will break up with you and you’ll be a sad old cat lady.
She remembered Jame’s face breaking out into a heart warming smile, and telling her that he felt the same.
She remembered their first fight, it was in the common room. He had bloody knuckles. She asked why, trying to refrain from scolding him about getting into fights. He said it was nothing. She said she knew that it was something. She demanded for him to stop. He said it was for her own good. She started to yell that she could take care of herself, thank you very much. He yelled that she couldn’t. She asked, or rather screamed, if it was because she was a girl. He didn’t answer. She felt a million eyes on them, but nobody said a word. He yelled to everyone, “don’t you wankers have something else to do with your time?” Then ran off out the portrait whole. She could feel tears coming. She mumbled, “you heard him!” Then ran off into her dormitory.
She remembered crying herself to sleep.
She remembered the next morning, he was a wreck. He had puffy eyes, his hair was more messed up than usual. He was pale. His glasses weren’t on.
She remembered him walking over to her, bursting into tears and saying that he was sorry. That he had messed up. That he was an idiot. That he knew she could take care of herself. And that the reason he had bloody knuckles was because somebody had called her a Mudblood, so he beat them up.
She remembered bursting into tears and kissing him. He really was a great guy.
She remembered the Great Hall breaking out into cheers and claps. She looked around and everyone was looking at them, even the teachers.
She remembered vowing to never fight again. They did of course, they were only human, but never that bad again.
She remembered the next few months, and how they were bliss.
She remembered when he proposed next to the lake, and how she could tell that he was half expecting her to say no. But she didn’t. She said yes. Of course she did. She needed him. He needed her. They loved each other.
She remembered when her parents died. How, when she went to their funeral, James held her hand and never let go.
She remembered missing them. The food that her Mum made. The hugs that her Dad gave. The advice that her Mum spoke. The laughs that her Dad barked. Their acceptance. Their hard work. Their fight. Their love. Their presence.
She remembered her wedding, how James cried when she walked down the aisle. How, unlike her past dreams, it was not her Dad walking her down said aisle, but Mr. Potter. How Petunia and Severus, though invited, never showed. How James held her close during their first dance and she felt invincible. How she shared a special dance with each of the Marauders: a fun and carefree one with Sirius, a formal and rehearsed one with Remus, a good natured and brotherly one with Peter. It was the best night of her life. A fairy tale.
She remembered their first flat, however small and dingy it was, it always managed to feel like home.
She remembered being terrified when she found out she was pregnant, and not telling James until the next month.
She remembered thinking that he was going to run, never come home. Instead his face broke out into a huge smile and he pulled Lily into a tight embrace, telling her how excited he was. So excited. He’d always wanted a miny “Prongslet.”
She remembered when James’s parents died. She remembered his tears. How that scared her more than anything because if he was sad then there was no hope for anybody else. How she held his hand as tightly as he had done for her during the funereal.
She remembered making sure he was alright. Making sure he ate, slept, laughed, and had fun.
She remembered telling him a million tines a day how handsome he was, because that made him smile, and that was what he needed to do.
She remembered helping him pull a prank on Sirius. Switching his shampoo to Nair. It worked. James laughed at a bald Sirius, and from then on James was back to the way he used to be. Happy. Though he was still missing a peice of him.
She remembered moving into a bigger home, partly because their baby would need a bigger place to roam and partly because James’s inheritance allowed them to do so.
She remembered the baby’s excruciating birth. She hadn’t taken any meds to stop the pain so all she had was James, kneeling next to her bed and telling her how beautiful she was, even though she knew she looked like hell.
She remembered seeing her son’s tiny little face, so innocent, so pure. She remembered feeling frightened, how could something this small survive in this awful world?
She remembered James’s expression when he first held their boy, and how it was one with the upmost joy.
She remembered all of her fears melting away in an instant. As long as they had him, they would be okay.
She remembered deciding to call their boy Harry. It was James’s idea. (“The name just seems to go you know? Harry James Potter. All fits.”)
She remembered asking Sirius to be Godfather. It was her idea, and James had kissed her so hard that she nearly fell over. (“You’re the best wife d’you know that?”)
She remembered Sirius being overjoyed and vowing to be the best Godfather ever, and showing up the next morning with a stuffed black dog, wolf, and rat. (“That way he has his Godfather and Uncles right next to ‘em! Protecting ‘em while he sleeps!”)
She remembered her first sleepless night. James was usually the one who woke up when the baby cried, as he is a remarkably light sleeper, but this time he was away on Order business. So she woke up, held Harry close and wanted James back so bad. Not because she minded being awake, but because she wanted him here. Where she knew that he was safe, happy, and healthy.
She remembered him not coming back. It had been a week. She was scared witless. What if something had happened to him? What if he’s hurt? What if he’s imprisoned? What if he’s being tortured? What if he’s dead?
She remembered Sirius and Remus coming over only to find her cradding Harry while tears streamed down her face, because James was probably gone. Just like her parents. Just like his.
She remembered Remus taking Harry off her hands, only to find that without Harry her arms shook like mad. So he replaced the baby, and whispered soothing words such as he’ll be alright, that he always returns.
She remembered not eating, not sleeping. Not breathing. Just waiting, watching for any sign of James.
She remembered the door opening, and in stepped James, bloody and bruised. He grinned his crooked grin at them, before promptly collapsing.
She remembered taking care of him, while Remus and Sirius took care of Harry.
She remembered taking James to St. Mungos. It killed her to see him in pain. She wanted to take all of it away. If she could trade lives with him she would. In an instant.
She remembered life getting back to the way it was, and James never not coming home. But now the war felt real.
She remembered being so greatful for him. For his hugs, his smiles, his laughter, his face, his mouth, his arms, him.
She remembered being told that they would have to go into hiding.
She remembered the confusion that ensued.
She remembered moving to Godric’s Hollow.
She remembered the debate over who would be secret keeper.
She remembered agreeing for it to be Sirius.
She remembered Sirius telling them that it should be Wormtail instead because “they won’t tourture him for information, they’ll tourture me.”
She remembered telling Peter the news, and him being estatic that they chose him to trust. That he was just as much of a Marauder as they were.
She remembered feeling so safe with Wormy protecting her. She trusted him completely. She never, even for a second, believed that he could be a traitor.
She remembered their first Chirstmas together as a family. How it was small and quiet. How Remus, Sirius, and Peter all joined them. How she felt like nothing could hurt them. How happy they all were.
She remembered the shift in Wormy’s behavior. Probably nothing James said. Just tired of the cold. Just exhausted from the Order.
She remembered Harry’s first birthday, how James had baked a delicious cake. How Harry had gotten his first broom from Sirius.
She remembered Harry’s smiling face as he rode on the broom, unburdened by the war, untrobabled by the world.
She remembered hoping that he would remain that carefree forever.
She remembered that Halloween. How brisk it was. How Sirius had gotten on such a sugar high that it took several laps around the house as Padfoot to calm him down. How James fed Harry a “responsible” amount of chocolate. How Harry rode on the back of his (s)dads back. How Peter didn’t join them because he had “other plans.”
She remembered Remus and Sirius leaving.
She remembered feeling tired and ready to go to bed.
She remembered James batting his eyes, yawning, and running a hand through his hair before agreeing.
She remembered James handing the baby over to her.
She remembers all of this in an instant.
Now she started regretting that she made James wait for her love.
Regretting that he didn’t know for quite some time how she felt about him.
Regretting that she had ever called him names.
Regretting all of their fights.
Wanting to see him smile just once more.
Wanting for him to run another hand through his hair.
Wanting for him to pull another prank and laugh.
Wanting him to be safe. To be alright.
Because right now her ears were filled with his voice. His serious, protective words, “Lily, take Harry and go! It’s him! Go! Run! I’ll hold him off—“
Because she knew that Wormy had just betrayed them, that Voldemort was here and this was the end.
The end of all of this.
So she looked back at him once more.
Whispered, “I love you.”
Ran upstairs, hoping, praying that this is all a bad dream. A prank. A joke. That Harry will be alright. That James will live.
But it wasn’t.
And it was too late.
“Advada Kedavra”
He was gone.
And a few moments later, she was gone too.
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