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naipan · 1 year ago
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darkwhimsycreations · 2 years ago
Tenn. State Rep Asks Protesters What Gun They'd Prefer To Be Shot With | HuffPost
There is a video in this article of him saying that. I have no words for how absolutely heartless and evil that is. I am so proud of these kids standing up for their self-worth and right to safety.
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pribula-blog · 5 days ago
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bean-calls-out-congress · 14 days ago
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Since we know all they care about is money, let’s show them that when it comes down to it, money is just a piece of paper and we hold the power. Unless it’s absolutely necessary, buy NOTHING today. We need to take our government back into our own hands, not Elon’s. The government is for US, NOT billionaires. Supporting genocide is not ok. Colonizing is not ok. Cancelling government assistance programs is not ok. A cultural (for lack of a better term) genocide of transgender people is not ok.
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what-the-hell-do-i-do · 18 days ago
The Mission of No Small Act
Our mission is to create systemic change through coordinated local action, building a powerful network of engaged citizens working county by county. We are committed to taking our country back from fascism and oppression through strategic, organized efforts that protect and uplift all people, especially those most vulnerable. By serving as community connectors, we bridge individuals and organizations, breaking down silos to amplify our collective impact and drive meaningful, lasting change
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byakuganandgirl · 2 months ago
A few days ago reddit user, JoinHomeFront aka Josh Smith, finished the first version of an app they've been working on since November 5th. It's called Homefront and you can join it at https://joinhomefront.org.
Several people here asked for updates on its launch, and while they tried replying to those comments, they encountered a shadowban which prevented them from posting updates as usual; wild, since they were simply replying specifically to people who asked for the link when it launched. they planned to share from their main account once it launched, but that wasn’t possible.
What Homefront offers now: Right now, the app features a to-do list with ideas on how to prepare yourself, your family, and your community in the face of authoritarianism. I’m actively working on new features like:
Sharing resources: books, links, videos, and more
Mapping threats in real-time
Connecting with people nearby
Organizing securely into groups
Pre-built templates for organizing
Your support:
You’ll notice a donation option within the app. Although Homefront is fully open source and contributions are welcome, the development has so far been self-funded. If you’re able and willing to spare a few dollars, your support would be invaluable in keeping this project alive and evolving.
Technical contributions:
If you're a developer and would be interested in volunteering your time, the app is on GitHub at https://github.com/joinhomefront/homefront. The app is React Native with TypeScript, tRPC, PostgreSQL with Kysely, using NativeWind for styling. The README is not up-to-date but I will be trying to update it post-haste.
Feedback Welcome:
I’d love to hear your feedback, ideas, or report any issues. Please feel free to comment below or send me a message.
Thank you for your support, and I hope Homefront can become a valuable resource for all of us.
for more information, please see the original reddit post
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beatjackkerouac · 1 year ago
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naipan · 1 year ago
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nudeartpluspoetry · 1 year ago
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darkwhimsycreations · 2 years ago
It's happening everywhere. If you feel lost on what to do there is a post pinned on my page with links to resources, research opportunities, great creators, and actions.
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liberalsarecool · 9 months ago
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We left feudalism and monarchies of Europe. We battled fascism in WWII.
It's time now to fight global oligarchs and domestic christofascists.
#EndCitizensUnited #FightFascism
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bean-calls-out-congress · 18 days ago
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The person deserving of celebration this President’s Day. Unfortunately, they don’t make U.S Presidents like they used to. Thank you for the good things you, First Lady Michelle Obama, and your administration did for your country. Those of us who are not closed minded appreciate it!
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zakreaper · 1 month ago
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A pretty good thread on our situation around the world. More of a reminder of what we should be doing.
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pocoloco2018-blog · 7 days ago
#fascism #terrorism #mentalhealth #wellbeing #values #corevalues #mentalwellbeing #governmentterrorism #trumpism #MAGA #GOP #USCongress #Republicans #taxpayers #UStaxpayers #fightfascism #workingman #averagejoe
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Not an invitation to cocoon yourself in a self-care bubble for four years, but a reminder to the 24/7 worriers that you can literally write "To Do on Monday: Worry about ________" on a post-it note and stop worrying about it for one day while you recharge.
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nogenai · 17 days ago
de @jksteinberger.bsky.social‬
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porter-alternativerock · 11 months ago
"Es geht um Mut"
Danke an Nicole Mendes von THE OTHER SIDE (Germany) für die tolle Rezension von "Tout est pardonné" <3
SINGLE "Tout est pardonné" HÖREN:
Die deutsche Gruppe Porter scheut sich nicht, in ihren Melodien provokante gesellschaftspolitische Kommentare abzugeben, und setzt ein mutiges Statement gegen Faschismus, Autoritarismus und Barbarei im 21. Jahrhundert. Von der 2023 erschienenen Single "Sally", die sich mit der Unterwerfung der Frau beschäftigt, bis hin zu "Tax Free Hollows", in dem es um "eine Gesellschaft geht, die sich in scheinbar endlosen Debatten ergeht, anstatt echte Lösungen anzustreben", zerrt Porter an der rauen Schärfe der Existenz und macht sie für den Hörer erlebbar. Die sechsköpfige Band hat sich bereits etabliert und lehnt sich an die härteren Klänge von Metal, Punk und Rock an; jeder Einfluss wird jedoch in einen Schmelztiegel von Musik geschüttet, der bereit ist, mit Hingabe herumgeworfen zu werden.
Nach der gut aufgenommenen Single "Sally" ist "Tout Est Pardonné" der vierte Track von Porters kommendem Album GENOSHA. Jeder Track von GENOSHA bietet eine gewisse Dringlichkeit und lenkt die Aufmerksamkeit auf ein bestimmtes gesellschaftliches Thema; dennoch verschmelzen die Songs neben ihrer Individualität zu einem einheitlichen Bild. Die neueste Single "Tout Est Pardonné" ist ein Bekenntnis zur Bedrohung durch den Faschismus in einer angeblich demokratischen Gesellschaft.
Aufgenommen, arrangiert und produziert von Porter in ihrem Studio, ist "Tout Est Pardonné" eine kraftvolle Mischung aus Alternative Rock und Hard Rock mit einem Hauch von Metal an den Rändern. Markus G. Sängers Schlagzeug kracht gegen die röhrenden Gitarren von Lars Daum und Frank Stewen mit Volker Fabiunkes fettem Bass und Raimund Dether-Neuhaus' knallhartem Gesang. Interessanterweise gibt es einen Gegensatz zwischen der warmen Melodie und der kraftvollen, forschen Lyrik - die letzten Worte der revolutionären Aktivistin Sophie Scholl vor ihrem Tod in Nazi-Deutschland 1943 - und einem harmonischen Fluss innerhalb der reichhaltigen Melodie, der zu Kraft und Hoffnung in verheerenden Situationen führt.
Porter erklärt: "In diesem Lied geht es um Mut. Es geht darum, in Zeiten der puren Unmenschlichkeit menschlich zu bleiben. Es ist eine Warnung in der heutigen Zeit, die sich anschickt, das Geschehene, das Unvorstellbare, als vergessbar erscheinen zu lassen. Aber es geht auch um die unverzichtbare Hoffnung, die auch in den dunkelsten Zeiten der menschlichen Existenz Bestand haben kann - Musik hat Bestand, wenn wir alle eine Chance gegen die sinnlose Barbarei skrupelloser Diktatoren und ihrer Handlanger haben wollen... Sophie Scholl glaubte bis zuletzt daran, dass die Barbarei überwunden werden kann, dass das schiere Böse nicht alle Zeiten überdauert…“
#review #rezension #single #newsong #genosha #porter #alternativerock
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