#fifht day
meglyfer · 2 years
It’s my birthday today, so I drew my cats (comfort characters) :D Also, TELL ME HAPPY BIRTHDAY
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Lil me :]
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Close ups
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(Macaque looks so fucking ugly, I hate it 😭😭😭)
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(Yes, I drew Red Son with boobs, deal with it /hj)
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fecto-forgo · 7 months
sorry vent in the tags bc i think im going insane over this one?
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uozlulu · 1 year
Found out Onimusha is part 3D CGI and part painted background so that probably will mean it'll make me too dizzy like RWBY does so I'm going to have to miss out. Bumsticks.
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sorrowfulrosebud · 5 months
Oh boy jokes on you, saying "give me Shoji asks" summons me from the void! How about werewolf or puppy boy head canons? Like he's had a hard life, and reader is just good and gentle to him? Calls him a handsome boy?
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🜸 First and foremost, Shoji is definitely a big dog breed. I’m thinking like Tibetan Mastiff. Big, beefy boy with the fluffiest ears and MASSIVE tail.
🜸 I think reader would most likely have adopted Shoji in a hybrid adoption shelter. He had a very neglectful past; his mother passing not long after birthing him, being thrown from house to house. Some people were really mean and beat him, giving the poor puppyboynasty scars on his mouth 🥺🥺
🜸 He handed himself in to the shelter. He couldn’t afford to live on the streets since he needed a bed and food. Poor puppy just wanted a proper chance at a family 🥺
🜸 Many families pulled faces at the thought of keeping Shoji. He was so so big, and given his background they all thought he’d be too rough with the kids.
🜸 You end up wandering into the adoption agency, looking for a more mature hybrid to take home. You were brought in front of the MASSIVE hybrid who looked far too cramped for his pen :(
🜸 His eyes shone a little at the idea of being seen. You knelt in front of him, offering him a smile before seeing the muzzle.
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The attendant at the agency led you through the heavy metal door amidst all of the noisy yapping of other hybrids. He knocked on Shoji’s door to get his attention.
Shoji’s fluffy ears pricked up. A meeting? Someone wanted to see him?! Quiet hope flooded his system. He hoped that this person would be lovely, and love him like he deserved.
You step back a little to give Shoji his space as he opens the door. The hybrid’s head bumped noisily against the door as you winced in sympathy. A small whine left his lips as he rubbed his sore ears, before shutting up and looking at you.
Your eyes widened a little bit at the sight of the bulky muzzle. You couldn’t recall a history of biting or aggression. Putting that aside, you smiled softly at the tall puppyboy. Shoji’s tail wagged slowly, bending down so he was sat on his knees in front of you. Again, your eyes widened at his practised submission.
You got to your knees too, leaving a respectful amount of space between the two of you.
“Hello, sweet boy. My, aren’t you so pretty,” you cooed softly, offering a hand for Shoji to sniff if he should so want. Onyx eyes widened.
He was…pretty?!
His head found itself slowly dropping, until it made contact with your hand. Your fingers worked a gentle rhythm near the base of his ears, hearing the womp of his tail behind him. You giggle softly, much to Shoji’s delight. Your head turns to the attendant.
“Can we get the paperwork started, please? I’d love to take Shoji home today if possible.”
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🜸 You’d asked about the muzzle, your heart melting when the attendant said that he only took it off to eat. He said that Mezo was frightened of people seeing his face and being scared of him.
🜸 He also gave you his history. Mezo did NOT do well with abandonment. He was a very anxious hybrid, often bending over backwards for other hybrids so they would like him, much to no avail.
🜸 You took Mezo home that day.
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The thick door of your home opened slowly, allowing Mezo to sniff around. His tail hadn’t stopped wagging since you clipped the generic brand collar around his neck. The leash hung loosely in your hand, making Mezo a little anxious but didn’t dampen his new mood.
You undid your shoes, placing them neatly on the rack. A hearty sigh left your lips as you faced your new puppyboy.
“Well my sweet boy, I’m super hungry. Would you like some lunch?” You offered him gently.
Mezo’s mind blanked out at the nickname.
He was…sweet?
“Mezo?” You asked him softly. Black eyes snapped back to you as he stood awkwardly in the hall. Is it too soon to ask for cuddles? You smiled at him softly.
“Here, come in the living room. You’re free to explore anywhere you like,” you explained happily, leaving to go to the kitchen. A quiet whine makes you turn your head around to the shaky puppyboy. Your heart melted at the sight of his teary eyes.
“Oh no, sweet pup don’t cry! I know new places can be scary,” you walk to him, slowly placing your hands in his snow white locks.
His tail wagged as his hands struggled to stay by his sides. You caught on immediately.
“Would you like to cuddle, my good boy?” You ask him softly. Mezo nodded wildly, following you to the couch. He kneels in front of you, wrapping his arms around you as he rests his face against your tummy. The muzzle rides uncomfortably into your tummy as you wince.
“Mezo? You know you can take the muzzle off. I know you don’t have a problem with biting or aggression.”
Mezo physically tenses beneath you.
“I know of your background. I know your poor face has been scarred. But please know,” you lift his teary face with your hands.
“I’m never going to give you up. You don’t need to keep the muzzle on whenever we’re in the same room. I understand if you want to keep your face covered until you feel comfortable, but I have some bandanas and masks. They’d be so much better for your poor skin,” you offered, kissing Mezo’s forehead gently.
Poor Mezo’s brain was melting. So much praise and choice was too much.
“M-mask please,” he mumbled shyly. You smiled at the sound of his gruff voice.
“Of course, sweet boy.”
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simmisstrait · 1 year
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#89 We are Half ways✾ Posepack ✾
Also time for new things in this year is that I do some small parts.
These Posepacks consist of 6 parts and today the fifht one has been released:
                            -- I am 28 weeks Pregnant!   --
| Part : 5/6 |
● 10 Poses
Reminder: Every Sims is different, so the curve of the belly may be different than in my photo.
● Pregnancy (Semester 2/3)
You'll need:
∙ Andrew’s Pose Player
∙ Teleport Any Sim
∙ (Symphony) CUP CIRCLE ACC
∙ [simsxen] a day in bed - blanket
∙ [Simtographies] Child book acc V2 - NEW MESH
∙ Fitness ball bigger
∙ [mikrosimsmos] - pregnancy milestone card acc
∙ [lilalmondsim] Maternity-parenthood books
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● Do not reupload
● Do not claim as your own
● Don't re-upload.
● Don't Copy
@ts4-poses  @sssvitlanz @love4sims4 @emilyccfinds @maxismatchccworld @mandy-ccfinds @itsjessicaccfinds @nolan-sims-ccfinds
I really would like to see if you use my poses ! 
So tag me at tumblr and instagram (@simmisstrait)
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galacticcfangirl · 2 years
El Chico del Apartamento 512
Pairing: Frankie "Catfish" Morales x Reader
Part 1 of the Amor Prohibido Series
Words: 955
Warning: stalking, sexual harrasment.
A/N: okayyyyy, after a 2 years hiatus, I guess I'm back! And I've been thinking a lot about this fic and this guy for a while and this is it! Hope you like it and wait for more...
btw, it turned out to be GN!
"Good morning sweet cheeks, wanna come inside?"
Just on time, like every damn morning, the asshole from 506 said that to you while you walked through the hall. And just like every damn morning you successfully tried to ignore him while waiting for the elevator.
The fifht floor of "The Sunny Square Building Apartments" is full of interesting character. You have 506-stalker, Dylan; 508-Mrs. Smith, a sweet old lady who's always feeding you because she cooks extra; 510-Jane, a single mother of two twins, Daniel and Jake, who sometimes you babysit and-
"512"- you said surprised when the elevator doors opened wide.
Frankie, AKA 512. AKA, the hottest single daddy you've ever seen. AKA the reason why you consider being a stepmother is such a great idea and you are willing to consider because a) Maria is the cutest 4 year old with her big brown eyes and her chubby cheeks and b) Frankie. Just Frankie.
"504? Could you let me pass?"
"Wh...what? Sorry, what?- you said, stuttering.
"You are kinda blocking the entrance"- he said, laughing at the end.
What a cute laugh.
"Oh gosh!"- you take a step to the left, looking to the floor.
He walked passing you, laughing.
His laugh.
You get inside the elevator, watching the door get close and seeing him walking away. Definitely not one of your best moment.
-"So, you are telling, you had your crush in front of you this morning, and instead of a making a move, you decided to hinder?" -asked Melissa, your best friend at work
-"Yeah, more or less, it kinda sounds accurate"
-"Okay, I get it. He is your crush, and he's hot but at the end of the day he is just a guy... and your neighbor. You can just knock on his door and say "Hey, I made so coffee, would you like some?"
-"Of course not, we are not that close to do that. He is very kind and he has, you know, fixed some stuff around my apartment once or twice but, that's it"
-" That's more that enough to go ahead and ask him out" - she said, looking into your eyes.
And you know she is right. How hard it could be to ask someone out when you are already acquaintances? And it's not even out out; just a coffee. You could feel deep inside that sometimes, you gotta have initiative and just do it, what could get wrong?
It takes you 20 minutes walking from work to the building; some days you want to fly or teletransport to your bed but some other like today, being able to breathe fresh air, observing people walking around and living their own lives is comforting.
You are just arriving to the apartment building and looking for your key in your purse when you hear it.
-"Hello, sweet cheeks, getting home for work? Don't you wanna take a sit and rest? Cause I've got something where you can do it"
You froze when you listened what 506 said to you. He was leaning agaisnt the building's wall and you turned around to look at him.
-"What did you just said to her?"
-"Say it again"- 512 said. Angry. Furious. Enraged. And any other synonym you can imagine.
Frankie closed the principal door of the building, walking straight to 506 and stand right in front of him.
-"504"- he said, still looking at him "You can get inside, don't worry, I can handle this"
You decided to stay out of it. Tired from work, tired of that guy's attitude, and astonished by the way Frankie reacted. When you got inside your apartment, you sat on the couch for a while, when you hear a knock on your door. Frankie.
You went to open the door and there he was.
"Are you feeling all right, 504?"- he asked, with a frown in his face.
"I...I'm okay, it's not the first time something like that happens"- you confesed
"Shit. You should've said something to me, I could've helped, you know?
"I know, thank you so much, but I thought it was under control"
"You don't have to thank me, he won't bother you anymore"
"Should I ask what did you do?"
"Neh" he put his hands in his jean's pockets "It's better if you don't know" he said and you laughed.
You looked at each other without saying anything and at some point you didn't know if it was nice or just awkard.
"I guess I should just leave" he said pointing at this apartment door "I'll be there if you need anything" and saying that he left and you closed the door.
Definitely awkard.
Two bottles of wine later you make your choice.
You are going through that door to ask him if he wants to grab some coffee any of these days.
He saved you, it is totally normal to thank him through some food, right?
Who cares? You were going to do it.
And just like that, you left your apartment and went straight to his. With the numer 512 on his door, you decided to knock until someone opened.
A she someone. A she with pretty brown hair, tanned skin and brown eyes.
'Of course', you thought, 'a girlfriend"
-"Hello", you said, standing there like a serial killer.
-"Hello, are you looking for my brother?"- she asked
Her brother. She is a sister.
-"Yeah, I came to ask him if i could buy him a coffee, he literally saved me from this freak a while ago" you explained, blushing.
-"Oh!, you must be 504"
-"He told you about me?"
-"Oh darling, come in"- she said letting me in "he told me everything about you"
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thehellsystem · 10 months
nyxxxxxxx could you please fifht some fatuis with me 🤗🤗🤗
SORRY I'm drawing and studying today and tomorrow and the day after tomorrow I have exams and Friday I have sitting around and doing nothing planned because I need to destress after my exams and Saturday is boyfriend day but I'm free Sunday
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Losing Game [Antoine Griezmann x fem!OC] (Chap. V)
Requested: No​
Pairing: Antoine Griezmann x OC!Gabrielle Darian; more to be added.
Warnings: English is not my first language!
Wordcount: 3.5K+
A/N: LMAO I got confused with latin numbers while editing the last chapter and I put 9 instead of 4, SORRY!! Therefore this is the fifht chapter. Thank you for still reading! GIF IS NOT MINE. Enjoy!
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Previous chapter
When I wake up, Louisa is already up, sitting in the kitchen with her eyes focused on a lesson. We both have finals today, and to say we’re stressed wouldn’t do it justice. She raises her head towards me and smiles to me, and then puts her attention back on her paper. I’m not really hungry but I force myself to eat something with my coffee, so I don’t pass out during the final. Louisa goes to the bathroom to get dressed up, and she comes back when I’m done eating and reading today’s news. She walks to the entrance to leave but I call her back.
“Lou’, wait!”
I gesture her to come back in the living room.
“You’re gonna nail it, okay? You’re the smartest girl I know, and you will succeed. I have the utmost faith in you. Okay?”
She hugs me tight and I think for a second that she’s gonna start crying.
“Thanks, honey. You’re gonna nail it too, I’m sure.”
We separate, and she leaves. I quickly get ready, and then leave too. The finals take place in a college for obvious reasons, but since I never went to it – and knowing me – it’s very possible for me to get lost. I leave early to arrive early. We never know.  After thirty-five minutes, I get in a parking lot and I see a building with a lot of windows. I check the time, and see that I’m thirty minutes early, and also see that I’ve got a message from my maternal grandmother, Marguerite.
“Hello sweetie, I hope you’re well. I wish you good luck for your finals, I’m sure you will do well. Love you.”
Her message really touches me. My grandma and I have always been close, and I would always go on vacation to her place in Nice, in the South, during summer break when my mother wanted to basically get rid of me. Not a word from my parents nor my brother, but I expected it. My mother must think I’ll fail – that’s if she even knows my finals are today – and my father would be able to tell which course I took. As for Noah, I can’t recall the last time he said a nice thing to me. My level of stress raises up, if it’s possible, and I take the time I have left to study one last time. I send a last message of encouragement to Louisa, answers my grandma, and then it’s time to go. I enter the college’s courtyard and follow the signs that indicate where I’m supposed to go. People around me seem rather calm – how? – even though I see some worried faces. The subjects are given I pray the God of Studies that it doesn’t go too bad for me. After making a draft, I write my essay, and I’m surprised to see that I have finished fifteen minutes early. I put my work on the wooden desk like the others and leave the room, which leads outside. It feels good to have some fresh air. I search for my phone in my bag when I feel a small paper touch my fingers. I take it out and observe the number and the letter – a simple “A.” – written on it for a while, and then I do something I never thought I’d do.
“Hi, it’s Gabrielle, I hope you’re good – and that you still remember me. We could decide on a day to see each other if you’d like?”
I send the message, praying not to look like an idiot. I stay here thinking about a potential answer when I notice some students walking to another room. I check the time and see that it’s already time to go. I’ve never been good in Linguistic class – heaven knows I tried to study it hard to get better – and I have to stop myself from laughing when I see the questions of the finals. I do my best to focus but having the face of a certain football player on my mind instead of my classes doesn’t not freaking help. I let out a sigh, and when I raise my head up to drink some water, seeing the other student write long answers makes me want to scream. After an hour, I finally give up and give back my final. I quickly walk to the door, and I barely have a foot out of the room that my phone is already in my hand. I hesitate to look at it to see if he has answered and look at the black screen for a moment. Oh, screw it. I turn it on and see I’ve got two messages. The first one is from my mother, who orders me to come work this week-end. The second is from the contact I saved right before the final.
“It would be my pleasure, just tell me which me days suits you :) ."
“IP.S: I don’t know how I could forget about you.”
I jump around and let out a small scream of joy without realizing it and I look around to make sure nobody saw me. That’s the kind of behavior my mother hates. I get a message from Louisa telling me she’s waiting for me in front the college’s main entrance, and I walk to her. I see her from afar.
“Oh my God, Gaby, it was hell!” she exclaims. “I don’t even know how that teacher could think of that kind of questions, he really is a- What is that smile for? No, wait, don’t tell me,” she says before I can answer, “We’ll find a place to eat, you’ll tell me there.
We easily find a little place to eat, we order and Louisa leans towards me with a curious look in her eyes.
“So, what caused that idiotic smile on your face?” she asks.
Without a word, I take out my phone and put it in front of her. She looks at it, frowning, and then looks back at me, shocked.
“No way!”
“I know.”
“You finally decided to move that ass,” she says with a satisfied smile. “How come?”
“I don’t know,” I answer honestly. “I found his number in my bag, and send him a message without thinking.”
“You were right to do so. What are you waiting for? Answer him!”
I answer Antoine that I’m free on Thursday night – since I don’t have any final on Friday, a true miracle – if it works for him too. The waiter gives us our orders when I get a message from Antoine. Hell, do this boy ever work? He says that Thursday is “perfect” and that he can’t wait. I show it to Louisa, who does a little dance of joy and excitement.
“He’s so into you,” she says. “And if you tell me he’s just being polite, I swear I’ll stab you right here right now.”
We laugh and then Louisa suddenly gives me a serious look.
“You’ve got a date.
“I’ve got a date.” I repeat, looking at nothing in particular.
I’ve got a date.
“How did it go?” Louisa asks the moment I get home from work.
I take off my shoes and my jacket.
“Not too bad,” I say, joining her in the living-room.
It’s a lie. My last final of the year did not exactly go as planned, mostly because my brain was actually thinking about a certain tricker with blue eyes – and the date night ahead of us – instead of thinking about the paper in front of me. As for Louisa, she has had her last final the day before, and was now spending her free time making me try different outfits for my future date, but I didn’t like any of them so far – and neither did Louisa. I should feel relieved that my finals are over, but the stress of the exams switched into stress about my date. One could wonder if I’ll be one day in peace.
I sit on the sofa besides Louisa and we talk while watching something a bit idiotic on TV. She tells me she already has started to search for a job this summer – maybe even longer than that, because even if her parents pay most of her expenses, she’d like to be independent – just like I do. I promise her to talk about it to my mother tomorrow, maybe the company is looking for interns. She thanks me, and then proposes we go on vacation, either in the South of France – where my grandmother lives – or even in another country.
“It seems like a good idea to me,” she says. “But we’ll have to look the date of the Word Cup Final, if the Bleus go so far into the competition,” she ads in a teasing tone.
“You mean if-”
“If you and Griezmann start a great love story, yes,” she laughs.
I roll my eyes and decide to back to the vacation topic. Louisa doesn’t know that Antoine and I have been talking via messages basically every day since I send him that message and have been calling each other several times. And what she also doesn’t know is that after only a few days, I feel like I’ve known Antoine since, like, years.
“I’m gonna have to ask my mother,” I say. “But we know how she is.”
My mother rules almost everything that happen inside the company, including the employees’ vacation – and even the things that she doesn’t decide must be approved by her before putting in place. When we see the list of the things that depends on her, you could wonder how could my father and my brother be possibly useful.
“Since you work there, you’ve taken vacation once. You deserve to get some rest.”
“Well, let’s hope my mother agrees with you. I already ask her for some days off for the exams, I doubt she’ll accept to give me a vacation.”
The moment where I think it’s a lost cause, I get a message from Antoine asking me how did my final go.
When I leave to work the day after, Louisa is still sleeping. I’m afraid I’ll arrive late because of traffic – which would take away the already slim chances I have for my mother to give me some vacation – but it would seem that miracles happen, because I manage to arrive in time. I pass the front door and walk to the reception secretary.
“Good morning, Miss Gabrielle, she says. “It’s good to see you here.”
“Happy to be here,” I answer. “Is my mother here?”
“Do you mind calling her to ask her if I can meet her in her office?” I ask. “I need to talk to her.”
It’s better to use the “official way” and arrive with a head down than to just go for it.
“Of course. Is it urgent?”
“No,” I say, “but I’d like for this to be settled quickly.”
“Your mother has an appointment right now but as soon as it’s over I’ll call her and I’ll let you know what she said.”
“Thanks a lot.”
I’m heading for the fourth floor, thinking that my mother will probably refuse to see me and tell me to ask for what I want via her assistant. I say “hi” to my coworkers, who ask how the finals went, and when I come near my desk I see a little note telling me I’m in charge of organizing the next gala, and that I got an email will the information I might need. Oh, kill me. But weirdly, the note is not from my mother or even my father, but from my brother. I let out a sigh and decide to start working on it immediately. The sooner it’s done the better. I quickly answer a text from Antoine and sit behind my desk. Like last time, I decide from an appropriate – and cheap, obviously – place for the gala – and then pick a caterer. I start to write the invites for guests I haven’t picked yet – and by “I” I mean “my mother” – when I receive a call from the reception secretary, who tells me I can go see my mother anytime I like. Well, that’s a first. I thank her and use the elevator to go on the last floor of the building. Walking near my brother’s office, I hear giggles behind the door, which opens at the moment I walk pass it. My brother appears, a blonde girl – another one – following him closely. They are both wearing a jacket and she has her purse. Apparently they’re planning on going for a walk.
“Oh, hey there,” my brother says, giving me a big smile.
Is he high or something?
He walks in my direction and his new girlfriend smiles at me too.
“What’s up?” my brother asks. “That’s my little sister,” he adds to the blonde.
“Oh, nice to meet you.”
“You too,” I say politely.
“What brings you on this floor?” he asks me. “It’s rare to see here.”
“I have to ask our mother for something,” I say, a bit in a defensive spirit.
“I’ll wait for you outside, Noah,” the young woman tells him. “It was nice to meet you.”
Another girl who won’t know that my brother will have a new girl in his bed in three days.
“Do our parents know you’re brining girls here?” I ask once the girl got in the elevator.
I include our father in my question, as he already scolded Noah for having one of his dates come here when he was supposed to be working. It was one of the rare times where I saw my father disagree with my mother with it came to Noah. My brother put his hand on his neck, feeling a bit awkward.
“Hum, nah, not really. But since you’re in charge of the next gala, I don’t think my presence here is necessary. You did a good job last time, there’s no reason why it should be different this time.”
I think that’s the first compliment I’ve heard from him in at least five years. I’m so taken back that I don’t know what to say.
“Well, I shouldn’t make Lea wait. See ya, sis.”
He gives me a shy smile and heads for the elevator. What do I do now? Watching him leave, I wonder if he expects me not to tell our parents about his little evasion – if we consider they would scold him if they knew. A bit confused, I walk to my mother’s office, where her assistant let my mother know I’m here.
“You can come in.”
I push the door and I’m surprised to see that my mother isn’t alone. Sat behind her desk, she’s turned towards my father, standing on her left, his hands on the desk.
“Hello, Gabrielle,” my father tells me with a small smile. “You look great.”
I nod, and my mother barely looks at me.
“What is it now?” she asks, finally looking at me.
“I’d like to talk about my vacation,” I say, trying to ignore the self-confidence leaving my body.
My mother remains silent and raise an eyebrow to tell me to continue.
“Well, I’d like for us to determine when I can have them.”
“No problem,” my father says. “How many weeks?”
I’ll admit I didn’t think of that one. Louisa and I talked about destinations, not how much time we would spend away.
“I don’t know,” I admit, a bit embarrassed. “A week or two, I guess.”
My father turns to my mother.
“After the next gala, we won’t held one until the end of July or even the beginning of August. You can have three weeks, or a month if you want.” he adds for me.
“I was planning on holding one in the middle of July, actually”, my mother retorts.
“You can still do it,” my father answers softly, not at all impressed. “But the little one deserves a vacation.”
That what my father always called me, for as long as I can remember. The little one.
“And you owe a vacation to me,” I add to my mother. “It’s the law.”
My mother gives me a cold look before sighing.
“Fine. The gala is next week, you can go on vacation after.”
It gives Louisa and I some time to decide where we’re gonna go, even though I know she’ll hold a little campaign for us to go to Russia if – if – it somehow works between me and Antoine.
“Anything else?” my mother asks, already eager for me to leave.
“Are we looking for interns or something like that? Louisa would like to have a job this summer. After our vacation, I guess.”
This time, my mom doesn’t seem to protest.
“I’ll contact her.”
“Thanks. Well, hum, bye.”
“I’m gonna go too, I have work to do.” my father says. “See you tonight, Anita.”
He opens the door for me and we both leave my mother’s office.
“So, how is college going?” my father asks, almost as awkward as usual.
“My finals are done.”
“There is no reason why you shouldn’t succeed.”
Then why did you ignore me my whole life? He heads for his office, on the other side of the corridor, and I go for the elevator. He waves at me and the elevator’s door close.
Once my day is done, I come home to announce to Louisa that not only my mother will hire her but that we’re going on vacation. These good news make her smile after the apparently chaotic moment she spent with her parents. We sit on the sofa and she tells me what happened.
“I thought my parents were gonna make an effort,” she says, and I can tell she’s very sad and disappointed. “That’s why I accepted to have lunch at their house when they said Tatiana would be there too.”
Louisa’s family – her parents in particular – are very conservative and very religious. It had never been a problem – they’ve been nice to me and they are generally generous – until the day Tatiana came out as gay. She was nineteen, Louisa was seventeen. They threw Tatiana out and Louisa never forgave them. And their parents, who had never showed any favoritism toward any of their daughter immediately started to spoil Louisa and started to want to be much closer to her. They even were way warmer than usual towards me, as if they wanted me – and Louisa agrees on this – to take Tatiana’s place. I’ve always felt sad for her, no one deserves to be treated this way by their family. We took her in until she was ready to live alone, but I know it was hard for her too. Thankfully she’s better now.
“At the beginning it was rather good,” Louisa says. “Even though my parents would always give her mean remarks and I was given a hundred compliments per minute. But at one point Tatiana said she hadn’t come alone, and I saw in my parents’ eyes that they hoped it was a man. But when Lyse arrived, my parents got angry as usual and almost insulted Tatiana.”
My heart breaks for Tatiana. She probably had hope that her parents were finally accepting her as they should, only to get rejected again.
“I got mad and the three of us left. I even think I broke a glass when leaving, whatever. Lyse is so cool, and my sister deserves to be happy.”
“Of course,” I say in a voice I hope is comforting. “She must know that she’s not the one that needs to change. And if your parents don’t want to change, well, too bad for them. Sometimes you have to detach yourself from family. Neither you nor her need them. If your parents can realize they have badass daughters, screw them.”
She smiles at me, and I propose to have Tatiana and her girlfriend come diner soon.
We invite Tatiana and Lyse on Wednesday night, and it goes so well that I almost forget about the stress of my date the day after. I don’t sleep well that night – like every time I stress – and have such awful nightmares that I screamed in my sleep and Louisa had to wake me up. I only work the morning and I thank heaven for that, as it will allow me to take a nap and get some sleep back in order not to look like a zombie for my date with Antoine. Heck, it’s the first time I care that much about my looks. The morning goes fast, too fast, and I think several times that I’m more stressful about that date that I’m excited. And even though I love Louisa, her teasing does not help. Antoine sends me a message so we can decide on the place and the time, and he immediately accept the hour I propose – homeboy isn’t difficult – adding he can’t wait to see me. To say I’m not looking forward to it as well would be a lie, but to say I’m more stressful about this date with Antoine Griezmann than I’ve ever been in my entire life, that’s the real truth.
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jarflies · 7 months
hm i understand how my folks go thru liquor so fast now. im almost half 2ay thru a fifht of crown in two days of drinking. i need a job man.
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if someone dumped me in the middle of like, Yellowstone or some wild national park, and asked me to survive a day I probably would just sit in a tree the whole time and do nothing. not cuz I don't wanna fuck around cus HELL YEAH I DO I WANNA FIFHT A BEAR but also I am literally 4'10, built like a twig, and I slam my face into desks if I'm sitting down for long enough
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karenkm-art · 5 years
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Day 5: Sharpshooter
Bang to Your Heart *wink*
@julance2019 💙
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anonymous-artifex · 7 years
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Inktober - Fifth day - Long.
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nnatasha · 3 years
when it gets to the end of dai and ur in combat that last .3 seconds because the combat is dumb
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kxokiemonster · 2 years
As Head Boy, James is given a room. He doesn't really uses it since he would changed nothing for being roommates with his three bests friends. But the room is used.
- In third year, Mary asks for the key so she can have a private conversation with Lily after a fight they had. After the fourth or fifht "private conversation", James just tell them they can snog in public and there won't be any problems. The stop using the room and start snogging in public.
("Why did you tell them this was aceptable, Prongs?" Peter complained.
"I'm smelling homophobia" singsonged Sirius from his own bed without looking up from the book he was reading.
"Stop it, Padfoot. I'm surrounded by you, queers, I'm just lonely and don't need to be reminded by the perfect couple that I don't have anyone to snog with"
"Bold of you to assume Moony and I are not the perfect couple"
James looks at them amused. Peter stops for a second, really thinking who is the best couple.
"Know what, Pads? You guys are really the best couple because I never see you snogging"
"Imma change that" Sirius said as he was jumping from his bed when the door of the dorm opened, showing a very tired Remus Lupin.
"Godric, Pads, stop it!" complained James to the very improper show of affection.
"The key! Give them the key!" shouted Peter covering his eyes)
- So, in fourth year the room is almost exclusively used by Sirius and Remus
James has to remind them to change the sheets (even if Remus swears they haven't shagged)
- Remus also uses it after a full moon so he can sleep all day without being disturbed
- James starts using it when he starts seeing Regulus but before they tell Sirius
- When James and Regulus are a few month in their relationship (in the middle of sixth year), Marlene asks for the key so she can "get to know better that beautiful Slytherin girl, Jamie"
They can't enter the room for a whole week
- Once they have to use it as a detox room for Barty, to which Regulus is incredible grateful
- The only ones who never asked for the key are Evan and Barty. They just wait for Regulus to go out so they can use Evan's bed. Regulus walks on them a few times and is fast to throws them a shoe shouting "In my bed??? Cochinos marranos! I give you five minutes to change the sheets and get dressed!"
"What does cochinos marranos mean?" asked Evan after Regulus stormed out of the room.
"He called us filthy pigs"
"He better not discover what we did with his pillow then")
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chaand-sitara · 2 years
"If you ever feel like something is taking a toll on you, then start running, you will always find a destination"
"I am not saying don't date the guy, I am only saying to take it slow, you're going way too fast" Bonnie said as Primadonna finished reading another chapter of her novel she had kept with her since that night "Plus, Evne Prim doesn't like the guy, right Prim?" Primadonna then looked at Bonnie and said "I mean, a little? Cause seriously? Who forgets someone's name?"
Then Elena gave Bonnie a pointed look and said "But Bonnie, you only had told me to go for it!" Then Bonnie scrunched her face and then said "And I now I am saying not?" Primadonna looked up from her book at Bonnie and gave her look which literally said 'seriously? That's the best reason?' Bonnie then shrugged her shoulders at Primadonna and then looked back at Elena.
"Why the pout face?" Bonnie then replied "It's not a pout face, it's just that you are single for the first time in your high school career! I believe you should enjoy it! It's the perfect time to pay the fields."
"Yeah,cause I am so that girl" Elena replied while playfully rolling her eyes and smiling, which Primadonna thought was doing alot these days for some reason. "Seriously, what are you not telling me Bonnie?"
Bonnie then looked down for awhile and then looked up and said "It's.. Stupid" and starts walking away, but then Elena and Primadonna stops her way and Elena says "Spit it out!"
"I had accidentally touched Stefan, and I got a really bad feeling from him" Bonnie blurted out, Elena and Primadonna looked at each other and then at Bonnie "Like.. Bad Bad feeling, you know?"
Then Elena asked "Is this the witch mojo thing again?"
Then Primadonna asked "How much bad?" then Bonnie said "Like..you know when you go near a dangerous animal your brain knows that it's dangerous? That bad.." 'that's weird' Primadonna thought.
Then Elena looked a little bummed so Bonnie said "Look, it's just a feeling, it's just be looking out for my best friend's new boyfriend. I swear." then Elena replied "And I love you for it, I really do but it's been a hard year and finally things are going in places and Stefan has a huge part in it."
Then on queue, Primadonna saw Stefan walking towards them so she whispered "Stefan alert, my friends, and let's talk about this topic later"
"Morning Elena, Morning Bonnie, Hey Primadonna" Primadonna rolled her eyes and said "Oh you remember my name now?" Stefan then cringed a bit inside because of his mistake and said "I already apologised to you for the fourth time, this is fifht, I am so sorry!" Then Primadonna forcefully smiled at him and said "Of course, I am gonna go. Bye" and started walking then Bonnie joined her too saying "I have to go too, Caroline had called me!"
As they both were leaving, Stefan sighed and said "I don't think they both really like me that much, I understand about Pridonna but,Bonnie?" Then Elena looked at him with a confused face and said "Stefan.. It's Primadonna, you know? The main singer of an opera show?"
Stefan's eyes went wide and then he started rambling "Oh my god I am so sorry again! I don't know why I keep messing a simple thing as a name! Please don't tell her!" Elena smiled a little and said "It is ok, it's nice that you care about my friend's opinion about you, plus, Her name was a handful to all of us when we first met her, she was the only saying it correctly for some years"
Stefan then smiled and said "When did you first meet her?" Elena smiled and said "Oh! That's when-..uh..I.. Don't remember?"
Stefan looked at her confused and said "Wait what?"
✧༝┉˚*❋ ❋*˚┉༝✧
"World War II had ended in.." Primadonna's professor's voice had drowned down in her ears as she was drawing something in her notebook, which was like a scene she had seen in her dream last night, apparently these dreams have been coming at her since few days ago which consists of people from the 19th century.
Then felt a tap on her table from right side of it and saw Bonnie "What are you drawing? Actually you never time pass between classes, specially AP history, what changed, Ms. Neris?" Bonnie said in a mocking manner of a British person, of whom Primadonna had the accent of, the reason behind, she had stayed in London with her father when she was a toddler till she was pre-teen
Primadonna smiled and said" Oh nothing, I already did my this term's syllabus for almost all subjects so these classes are very boring for me"Bonnie looked at her friend impressed and said "Now that's something none of us here would be able to do, btw what are you drawing?"
Then Primadonna looked at her notebook and saw that it was a drawing of three children, two boys and one girl between them, they were laying on a grass field and their clothes looked again like old times, One boy was looking older than the other and the little girl looked like. 'Pandora?why did I put her here? Meh maybe because I see the child so much, sadly today I can't cause she is gone for an orphanage camping trip"
Then Bonnie looked at her notebook while bending a little towards her and said "Woah, that's a nice drawing, btw, is that your cousin?"
"Miss Bennet! Miss Neris, I believe you can answer my question? Actually not you Primadonna, Bonnie please go ahead" Then Bonnie gave a confused smile and said "Pearl Harbour?" Tanner then looked at her confused, including Primadonna.
"December 7th,1941" Stefan said, Then Mr. Tanner looked at Stefan and said "Thank you, Miss Bennet." Then Stefan smiled and said "No problem sir."
Tanner now looked irritated and said "Very well, Fall of Berlin Wall" Then Stefan quickly said "1989"
Everyone looked at him with shock including Primadonna cause it had also taken her sometime to remember the answer of this question,Then Stefan looked at everyone's faces and said "uh, I am actually really good with dates, sir."
Then Tanner gave him a look and said "Are you? How good?" Then Primadonna thought 'Oh god, now he is going to take it as a challenge..' then Tanner said "Keep it to the year. Civil rights act?"
"John F. Kennedy assassination"
Martin Luther King"
" '68"
"Rode vs Wade?"
"Brown vs Board"
"The Battle of Gettysberg"
"Korean War"
Then Tanner exclaimed "Ha! It ended in' 52!" Then Stefan looked confused and said "No, actually sir it ended in '53"
Tanner's all confidence broke and said to the whole class in a rush" Look it up somebody! "
Primadonna had phone in her pocket for some research so she took it out and searched and it read '25 June 1950 – 27 July 1953'
Then Primadonna guiltily said" Uh sir it ended in.. '53 so Mr. Salvatore here was right."
Primadonna stretched her arms while she was coming near at the practise location she then saw her two friends and ran towards them and said" Hey guys! Elena! You're here! That's great"
Elena and Bonnie looked at Primadonna and Elena said "Thanks Prim, btw you also cheer? I didn't know that! Did you learn in London?" Then Primadonna smiled and said "No silly, I just have a very flexible body, so I thought 'why not give it a try, I am trying to be more social this year' and it's kinda nice to be a little sporty"
As she finished, one girl came upto them whose name Primadonna remember was Tikki and said "Oh really Neris? Show how much flexibility you have" Primadonna shrugged her shoulder and sat down... While doing a split.
All of the three other girl's eyes went wide and Tikki then huffed and left, Bonnie and Elena then started clapping and when they stopped Bonnie said "That's so great Prim! You're perfect for a cheerleader."
Primadonna smiled and then Elena said "Oh yes, I almost forgot, Primadonna you're also coming for dinner" Then Primadonna looked confused and said "What dinner?"
Then Bonnie rolled her eyes and said "apparently, Elena here thinks that having one dinner with Stefan would make us change our opinion about him" Then Primadonna scrunched her face and said "I am sorry Elena, I have to babysit Pandora"
Which made Elena smirk and said "Ms. Neris, you were the one who had told us that she is on a one week camping trip with her school, remember? So that's final, you're coming"
Primadonna then groaned and said "Why me?" Then Bonnie patted her shoulder and said "Me too girl.. Me too.."
Then Primadonna lifted her head and said "btw, are you going to cook food?" Then Elena shrugged and said "No, I am gonna order it from outside" Then Primadonna placed her hand on her heart and said "That actually hurtled me Lena!"
Then Elena said "wait, why?" then Primadonna said "You know what? I will give you the list of ingredients for the dishes after practice, get them for me at your home and I will come early to cook them all, got it?"
The Bonnie looked at Primadonna and said "You know how to cook? How?" Then Primadonna sheepishly smiled and said "Uh.. Remember? I live alone?" then everything went in an awkward silence then Bonnie said "uh.. Ok! Change of topic.. Uh where is Caroline? Did any of you see her?" they both nodded their head sideways.
Just then a blue mustang arrived at the practice location and then Primadonna saw in the car was.. 'Caroline.. And Demon?'
Then Bonnie said" who is that? " Then Primadonna said" Uh. Demon Salvatore? " Then Damon's face scrunched and Elena laughed a little and said" Uh it's actually Damon Salvatore, now it's equal his brother forgot your name and you forgot his. Nice"
Then Caroline got out from the car after kissing Damon and walked past them saying "I got the other brother, hope you don't mind" While wearing a scarf in the heat of Mystic Falls.
Then Primadonna said "Why would she go out with him? Seriously that guys face says he is a maniac!" Then Damon rolled his eyes and smiled and waved at the three shocked girls and left.
Primadonna was now at Elena's house hours before the dinner time preparing things in their kitchen while Jenna, Elena and Bonnie who had arrived early too, to see Primadonna cook, was looking at her in a state of mesmerised shock.
Then Bonnie said "it feels like a chef is cooking at your house" then Elena and Jenna slowly nodded their heads too while Jenna said "I know right?"
Then Primadonna left the white sauce to cook and looked at the window of the oven to check the blueberry cheesecake. Then she she drained out the fettuccine pasta and then placed it in a serving bowl and poured the alfredo sauce over it and mixed and added oregano, some chilli flakes, roasted small mushrooms and for the finale, a Bay leaf of top of it.
Then she also took out the Cheesecake from the oven and placed it in the fridge and removed a huge box from her bag and opened it, it was Lasagna, she placed the Lasagna too in the oven.
Then she came out of the kitchen, all sweaty and saw everyone, then after a second they started clapping and then stopped and Bonnie said "Woah.. How did you do that? It looks so professional!"
Then Primadonna smiled and said "I will tell you that later." then Elena smiled and said "and the Pasta and Lasagna is Italian, how did you know Stefan is Italian?"
Then Primadonna looked confused and said "He is Italian? I didn't know that! It's just Italian food are my speciality, including Indian."
Then Bonnie said "You can cook indian food too! Why didn't you tell us gosh!" then everyone laughed and then Primadonna said "Uh OK, so I am all sweaty so I gonna have to change, my home is too far so I have to go the nearest dress shop here and Aunt Jenna, please remove the Lasagna after the oven tings. Bye!"
Then Primadonna left in her car in search of a shop. After few minutes she found one and looked at the dresses in it and quickly picked a pink crop top with a cream coloured shrug and high waisted shorts and left to go back at Elena house and shower.
As she came back, Bonnie and Elena were arranging the table so she ran upstairs and took the shower and changed her clothes.
Then when she came down she her the doorbell ring and Elena happily skipped towards the door while Bonnie and Primadonna rolled their eyes.
.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.
They all now were on the dinner table and eating the food when Elena said "So, did Tanner gave you a hard time today?" then Stefan shrugged and said "Well, he let me on the team, so I've must have done something right" Then Elena smiles while she looks over at her two very uninterested friends and says "You both should've seen Stefan today, Tyler threw a ball at him-"
Then Bonnie and Primadonna interupted and said "Yeah, we heard" Elena, being a very persistent person said "Bonnie, why don't you tell Stefan about your family?"
Then Bonnie sighed and said "um, divorced mom.Live with my dad" then Elena shook her head and said "No, I meant the witches" Which Made Stefan look up from his food, which for some reason made him feel like he had it somewhere before, and then at Bonnie.
Then Elena saw that Stefan also looked interested so she said "Bonnie has a lineage of witches, it's really cool" Then Bonnie boringly said "Cool isn't the word I'd use."
Then Stefan said "Well it's certainly very interesting, there are records of celtic druids migrating here in the 1800s."
Then Bonnie looked at Stefan and said "My family is from the Salem Witches" which Made Stefan smile and say "Well Salem Witches reserve heroic example of individualism and nonconforming"
Then Bonnie smiled and said "Yeah they are" Elena was happy that her one friend was now liking Stefan but now she had to find a way which would make Primadonna like Stefan too.
Just then they heard the doorbell ring "I am gonna go get it" Then She opened the door which revealed Caroline with a cake in her hand "Hey! We brought dessert!"
Then she moved in and then Elena saw Damon too, then Stefan got up from his seat and went towards the door which made Bonnie and Primadonna look at each other like 'you see what I am seeing?'
Then Stefan glared at Damon and said" What are you doing here? " Then Damon smiled and said" waiting for miss Gilbert to invite me in!"
Then Elena nods and says" Oh yeah you-" then Stefan interrupts her and says" No uh, no he can't!" then Caroline literally just demands" Just come in" while Stefan says "That we've just finished"
Then Elena sighs and says "Just come in Damon." Then Damon smiles and says "You have a beautiful Home Elena" while Elena smiles at him for the complement.
Then Damon and Caroline goes in the dinning room and see Bonnie and Primadonna "Caroline smiles at them both and takes two plate from shelf and gives one to Damon and sits next the Bonnie while Damon has to sit next to Primadonna now.
Stefan and Elena join them too and continue their food,Then Damon takes a bite of the pasta and the bite suddenly reminds him of something he can't really put his finger on it.
"Woah, the food is great, Elena, did you make it, it tastes really good." Damon exaggerates to annoy his brother then Elena smiles and says "No actually the person who made this food is right next to you Damon."
Then Caroline, Damon and Stefan look at Primadonna with a shock "You can cook? And this good?" Caroline asks. Then Primadonna shrugs and says "I like cooking" then Bonnie smiles and says "Well Primadonna has a reason behind it, and she is gonna tell us that now! Please!"
Then Primadonna's eyes go wide then she looks at Elena and sees she also wants her to tell it.
"Uh.. Ok.. So. My dad used to teach me ato cook when I was young because my dad is a professional Chef. He also owns a restaurant"
Then Elena says "Oh that's why! I guess the apple didn't fall far away from the tree! So, what is the name of the restaurant?" then Primadonna says "Well it's a restaurant" then Damon rolls his eyes and says "We get it, your father works in the commercialised food industry, now tell the name!"
Then Primadonna quickly says "Uh the Serene's" Everything stops and Caroline accidentally drops her fork on the ground.
Then Bonnie slowly says "Do you mean the literal multi-million dollar food chain, The Serene's? Whose secret recipe pasta we all are eating now?"
Then Primadonna sheepishly smiles and says "Uh.. Yeah you can say that." Then Caroline says "Woah, now I ge it, why your almost everything is of a famous brand. Your dad is literally a millionaire"
Then Damon says "So your dad is Achilleus Tsimehcla?" then Primadonna says "Uh yea, my Full name is Primadonna Neris Tsimehcla."
Then they all slowly finish their food after a shocking reveal then Primadonna tells Elena and Bonnie "Uh I have to go, my house is far away so it would take me time plus we have school."
She waves them all goodbye and gets inside her car and starts to drive away from her home, when is almost at her house she gets a headache and stops her car and sits down.
Then she hears footsteps of someone running towards her then she tries to run but the person grabs her from her waist, then turns her around, but before she could even see the person's face, they grab her face and smashes their lips with her.
She tries to remove herself from the person's grips and after sometime manages to do so, she then slaps the person and when the person looks up she shouts
A/n:- Oooo.. Things just got interesting and I am gonna leave it at a cliffhanger.. Don't worry, I might post the next chapter today itself cause I am free today and also I am really excited how Primadonna would react for Tanner's death as almost for all the tvd fic, for some reason everyone loathed tanner, I do too but Primadonna's favourite subject is history so I have to give her a different reaction from rest of the fics. Plus I think this is the longest chapter I wrote in this fic
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spicylove4ever · 5 years
One was missing
Spoilers ahead!
I’m sure you remember this at least from the promos. 
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This sign shined on the sky the day King Runeard or whatever his name was did his evil thing. This sign on the sky shows a deed made by the spirits together at the same time. The same sign shined over Arendelle when they kicked the people out of there. 
Now take a look at the sign when the curse was broken. 
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If you look for diferences, you’ll see with no doubt the white-blue light on the center which belongs to Elsa, but what was on the other two times? Nothing. A void. 
The fifht spirit was missing. 
And don’t tell me there was an empty space all the time until Elsa and Anna appeared. There has to be a bridge, but something happened that day when Agnar’s father killed the Northuldra chief. 
And then the sign with the missing piece showed into the sky....
More things happened that day than two countries fighting, it was that day when the fifht spirit got missing. 
If you ask me, I bet for the killed chief, since he was the one more concerned about the forest and more observant about the damage the dam was making, but more people got killed that day, so, who knows. 
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